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Work sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either"
] |
this has to be satire | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink."
] |
americans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add.
its universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire"
] |
It’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest? | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving."
] |
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?"
] |
wtf is beverage culture | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU."
] |
I know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍
I hear ya dude. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture"
] |
The 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say "ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude."
] |
Thank you. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking."
] |
so many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu
unpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you."
] |
I don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy"
] |
The adderall gives me cotton mouth | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something."
] |
How do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth"
] |
I'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out."
] |
All fad cultures are annoying. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest"
] |
People would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying."
] |
I experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap."
] |
I can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape."
] |
I am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird"
] |
I mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day."
] |
I’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations"
] |
I mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business"
] |
Yo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way? | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience"
] |
Someone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?"
] |
Someone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™ | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm."
] |
Damn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™"
] |
My other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different).
Also my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad"
] |
Yes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol"
] |
Drinks are great because they're something to do to look busy | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping"
] |
hey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy"
] |
Not everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL"
] |
Me too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once."
] |
Not sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt."
] |
Lmao damn bro, let people drink coffee! | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go."
] |
Well I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!"
] |
A lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water."
] |
It’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch.
And yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅 | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money."
] |
As someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅"
] |
I bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night."
] |
What about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol"
] |
Depends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste"
] |
Haha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have."
] |
I carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life"
] |
I just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor"
] |
I’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water."
] |
Now I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now"
] |
You should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup"
] |
Yes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy."
] |
Correct. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭 | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION."
] |
I agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it.
But I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.
This holding drinks thing is weeird | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭"
] |
I just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird"
] |
Cosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!! | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too."
] |
Nah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!"
] |
I have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird."
] |
OP is a tea drinker. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out."
] |
It's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker."
] |
Try Tea. It’s better then coffee.
Now watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards."
] |
Maybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana? | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd."
] |
I don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?"
] |
Yeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion."
] |
Oh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey."
] |
Got to stay hydrated | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all."
] |
Bro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated"
] |
I have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs.
Why drink out of such a huge bottle?
I always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why? | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here"
] |
A lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?"
] |
Thanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.
The only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty?
The jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around.
I like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.
But definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol."
] |
I currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.
It is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages."
] |
You sound like a lot of fun at parties. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day."
] |
Maybe some people just enjoy things? | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties."
] |
"Beverage Culture"... Jesus fucking christ | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?"
] |
You sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down.. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ"
] |
“Sips tea” | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down.."
] |
Beverage culture bruh 😭 | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”"
] |
OK. try insulated bottles. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭"
] |
I'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :). | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles."
] |
"beverage culture" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :)."
] |
Just let people drink their coffee damn | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :).",
">\n\n\"beverage culture\" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude."
] |
I so badly want to meet one of these people who makes their beverage habits a sizable part of their personality. Where do you live?! What do you do?! Who ARE your co-workers?! | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :).",
">\n\n\"beverage culture\" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude.",
">\n\nJust let people drink their coffee damn"
] |
Right??? My sister literally worked for STARBUCKS and NEVER encountered ANYONE like that. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :).",
">\n\n\"beverage culture\" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude.",
">\n\nJust let people drink their coffee damn",
">\n\nI so badly want to meet one of these people who makes their beverage habits a sizable part of their personality. Where do you live?! What do you do?! Who ARE your co-workers?!"
] |
I love this post. It's absolutely true but seemingly unpopular. Perfect for the sub. I've been in a lot of meetings where every single person places their hydroflask, complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality, delicately in front of them as they sit down. It's also obnoxious how every other year a new "it" beverage container comes out and every consumerist mom has to have it to fit in at the school drop off. Their personality expressing hydroflask still holds beverages perfectly well but if their husband doesn't spend $30 on THE new container for mother's day, he's a bum. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :).",
">\n\n\"beverage culture\" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude.",
">\n\nJust let people drink their coffee damn",
">\n\nI so badly want to meet one of these people who makes their beverage habits a sizable part of their personality. Where do you live?! What do you do?! Who ARE your co-workers?!",
">\n\nRight??? My sister literally worked for STARBUCKS and NEVER encountered ANYONE like that."
] |
I get the annoyance over the “hot new thing” part but why do you seem to have beef with people personalizing their stuff? You made a point of saying “complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality” like they’re doing something so awful and wrong by making their personal property look the way they want to. Why the beef when it doesn’t affect you in the slightest? | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :).",
">\n\n\"beverage culture\" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude.",
">\n\nJust let people drink their coffee damn",
">\n\nI so badly want to meet one of these people who makes their beverage habits a sizable part of their personality. Where do you live?! What do you do?! Who ARE your co-workers?!",
">\n\nRight??? My sister literally worked for STARBUCKS and NEVER encountered ANYONE like that.",
">\n\nI love this post. It's absolutely true but seemingly unpopular. Perfect for the sub. I've been in a lot of meetings where every single person places their hydroflask, complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality, delicately in front of them as they sit down. It's also obnoxious how every other year a new \"it\" beverage container comes out and every consumerist mom has to have it to fit in at the school drop off. Their personality expressing hydroflask still holds beverages perfectly well but if their husband doesn't spend $30 on THE new container for mother's day, he's a bum."
] |
I just find it to be extra, try-hard, cringy, whatever. Pick your adjective. If a water bottle has to scream "ME!" and it has to be carried absolutely everywhere, to me it says that the person puts too much stock in the importance of their things. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :).",
">\n\n\"beverage culture\" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude.",
">\n\nJust let people drink their coffee damn",
">\n\nI so badly want to meet one of these people who makes their beverage habits a sizable part of their personality. Where do you live?! What do you do?! Who ARE your co-workers?!",
">\n\nRight??? My sister literally worked for STARBUCKS and NEVER encountered ANYONE like that.",
">\n\nI love this post. It's absolutely true but seemingly unpopular. Perfect for the sub. I've been in a lot of meetings where every single person places their hydroflask, complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality, delicately in front of them as they sit down. It's also obnoxious how every other year a new \"it\" beverage container comes out and every consumerist mom has to have it to fit in at the school drop off. Their personality expressing hydroflask still holds beverages perfectly well but if their husband doesn't spend $30 on THE new container for mother's day, he's a bum.",
">\n\nI get the annoyance over the “hot new thing” part but why do you seem to have beef with people personalizing their stuff? You made a point of saying “complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality” like they’re doing something so awful and wrong by making their personal property look the way they want to. Why the beef when it doesn’t affect you in the slightest?"
] |
😬😬😬 ….. I’m a crafter and an artist. I customize everything. Has zero to do with importance. I see it as another surface to design. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :).",
">\n\n\"beverage culture\" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude.",
">\n\nJust let people drink their coffee damn",
">\n\nI so badly want to meet one of these people who makes their beverage habits a sizable part of their personality. Where do you live?! What do you do?! Who ARE your co-workers?!",
">\n\nRight??? My sister literally worked for STARBUCKS and NEVER encountered ANYONE like that.",
">\n\nI love this post. It's absolutely true but seemingly unpopular. Perfect for the sub. I've been in a lot of meetings where every single person places their hydroflask, complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality, delicately in front of them as they sit down. It's also obnoxious how every other year a new \"it\" beverage container comes out and every consumerist mom has to have it to fit in at the school drop off. Their personality expressing hydroflask still holds beverages perfectly well but if their husband doesn't spend $30 on THE new container for mother's day, he's a bum.",
">\n\nI get the annoyance over the “hot new thing” part but why do you seem to have beef with people personalizing their stuff? You made a point of saying “complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality” like they’re doing something so awful and wrong by making their personal property look the way they want to. Why the beef when it doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nI just find it to be extra, try-hard, cringy, whatever. Pick your adjective. If a water bottle has to scream \"ME!\" and it has to be carried absolutely everywhere, to me it says that the person puts too much stock in the importance of their things."
] |
I've never seen a self-decorated hydroflask these were all off the shelf. I do like when people paint their shoes I think that's cool. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :).",
">\n\n\"beverage culture\" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude.",
">\n\nJust let people drink their coffee damn",
">\n\nI so badly want to meet one of these people who makes their beverage habits a sizable part of their personality. Where do you live?! What do you do?! Who ARE your co-workers?!",
">\n\nRight??? My sister literally worked for STARBUCKS and NEVER encountered ANYONE like that.",
">\n\nI love this post. It's absolutely true but seemingly unpopular. Perfect for the sub. I've been in a lot of meetings where every single person places their hydroflask, complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality, delicately in front of them as they sit down. It's also obnoxious how every other year a new \"it\" beverage container comes out and every consumerist mom has to have it to fit in at the school drop off. Their personality expressing hydroflask still holds beverages perfectly well but if their husband doesn't spend $30 on THE new container for mother's day, he's a bum.",
">\n\nI get the annoyance over the “hot new thing” part but why do you seem to have beef with people personalizing their stuff? You made a point of saying “complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality” like they’re doing something so awful and wrong by making their personal property look the way they want to. Why the beef when it doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nI just find it to be extra, try-hard, cringy, whatever. Pick your adjective. If a water bottle has to scream \"ME!\" and it has to be carried absolutely everywhere, to me it says that the person puts too much stock in the importance of their things.",
">\n\n😬😬😬 ….. I’m a crafter and an artist. I customize everything. Has zero to do with importance. I see it as another surface to design."
] |
I personally don’t own a hydroflask bc I think they’re overpriced and I suck at drinking water lol. However I do design my phone cases, shoes, hair accessories. Anything I can get my hands on including trying in vain to convince my friends to let me decorate their hydroflasks 😅 | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :).",
">\n\n\"beverage culture\" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude.",
">\n\nJust let people drink their coffee damn",
">\n\nI so badly want to meet one of these people who makes their beverage habits a sizable part of their personality. Where do you live?! What do you do?! Who ARE your co-workers?!",
">\n\nRight??? My sister literally worked for STARBUCKS and NEVER encountered ANYONE like that.",
">\n\nI love this post. It's absolutely true but seemingly unpopular. Perfect for the sub. I've been in a lot of meetings where every single person places their hydroflask, complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality, delicately in front of them as they sit down. It's also obnoxious how every other year a new \"it\" beverage container comes out and every consumerist mom has to have it to fit in at the school drop off. Their personality expressing hydroflask still holds beverages perfectly well but if their husband doesn't spend $30 on THE new container for mother's day, he's a bum.",
">\n\nI get the annoyance over the “hot new thing” part but why do you seem to have beef with people personalizing their stuff? You made a point of saying “complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality” like they’re doing something so awful and wrong by making their personal property look the way they want to. Why the beef when it doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nI just find it to be extra, try-hard, cringy, whatever. Pick your adjective. If a water bottle has to scream \"ME!\" and it has to be carried absolutely everywhere, to me it says that the person puts too much stock in the importance of their things.",
">\n\n😬😬😬 ….. I’m a crafter and an artist. I customize everything. Has zero to do with importance. I see it as another surface to design.",
">\n\nI've never seen a self-decorated hydroflask these were all off the shelf. I do like when people paint their shoes I think that's cool."
] |
I have one coffee a day. After that I always have my water bottle on me | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :).",
">\n\n\"beverage culture\" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude.",
">\n\nJust let people drink their coffee damn",
">\n\nI so badly want to meet one of these people who makes their beverage habits a sizable part of their personality. Where do you live?! What do you do?! Who ARE your co-workers?!",
">\n\nRight??? My sister literally worked for STARBUCKS and NEVER encountered ANYONE like that.",
">\n\nI love this post. It's absolutely true but seemingly unpopular. Perfect for the sub. I've been in a lot of meetings where every single person places their hydroflask, complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality, delicately in front of them as they sit down. It's also obnoxious how every other year a new \"it\" beverage container comes out and every consumerist mom has to have it to fit in at the school drop off. Their personality expressing hydroflask still holds beverages perfectly well but if their husband doesn't spend $30 on THE new container for mother's day, he's a bum.",
">\n\nI get the annoyance over the “hot new thing” part but why do you seem to have beef with people personalizing their stuff? You made a point of saying “complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality” like they’re doing something so awful and wrong by making their personal property look the way they want to. Why the beef when it doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nI just find it to be extra, try-hard, cringy, whatever. Pick your adjective. If a water bottle has to scream \"ME!\" and it has to be carried absolutely everywhere, to me it says that the person puts too much stock in the importance of their things.",
">\n\n😬😬😬 ….. I’m a crafter and an artist. I customize everything. Has zero to do with importance. I see it as another surface to design.",
">\n\nI've never seen a self-decorated hydroflask these were all off the shelf. I do like when people paint their shoes I think that's cool.",
">\n\nI personally don’t own a hydroflask bc I think they’re overpriced and I suck at drinking water lol. However I do design my phone cases, shoes, hair accessories. Anything I can get my hands on including trying in vain to convince my friends to let me decorate their hydroflasks 😅"
] |
I don't drink coffee all day long either but it's for... digestive reasons :)) | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :).",
">\n\n\"beverage culture\" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude.",
">\n\nJust let people drink their coffee damn",
">\n\nI so badly want to meet one of these people who makes their beverage habits a sizable part of their personality. Where do you live?! What do you do?! Who ARE your co-workers?!",
">\n\nRight??? My sister literally worked for STARBUCKS and NEVER encountered ANYONE like that.",
">\n\nI love this post. It's absolutely true but seemingly unpopular. Perfect for the sub. I've been in a lot of meetings where every single person places their hydroflask, complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality, delicately in front of them as they sit down. It's also obnoxious how every other year a new \"it\" beverage container comes out and every consumerist mom has to have it to fit in at the school drop off. Their personality expressing hydroflask still holds beverages perfectly well but if their husband doesn't spend $30 on THE new container for mother's day, he's a bum.",
">\n\nI get the annoyance over the “hot new thing” part but why do you seem to have beef with people personalizing their stuff? You made a point of saying “complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality” like they’re doing something so awful and wrong by making their personal property look the way they want to. Why the beef when it doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nI just find it to be extra, try-hard, cringy, whatever. Pick your adjective. If a water bottle has to scream \"ME!\" and it has to be carried absolutely everywhere, to me it says that the person puts too much stock in the importance of their things.",
">\n\n😬😬😬 ….. I’m a crafter and an artist. I customize everything. Has zero to do with importance. I see it as another surface to design.",
">\n\nI've never seen a self-decorated hydroflask these were all off the shelf. I do like when people paint their shoes I think that's cool.",
">\n\nI personally don’t own a hydroflask bc I think they’re overpriced and I suck at drinking water lol. However I do design my phone cases, shoes, hair accessories. Anything I can get my hands on including trying in vain to convince my friends to let me decorate their hydroflasks 😅",
">\n\nI have one coffee a day. After that I always have my water bottle on me"
] |
So you’re mad people want to stay hydrated? | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :).",
">\n\n\"beverage culture\" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude.",
">\n\nJust let people drink their coffee damn",
">\n\nI so badly want to meet one of these people who makes their beverage habits a sizable part of their personality. Where do you live?! What do you do?! Who ARE your co-workers?!",
">\n\nRight??? My sister literally worked for STARBUCKS and NEVER encountered ANYONE like that.",
">\n\nI love this post. It's absolutely true but seemingly unpopular. Perfect for the sub. I've been in a lot of meetings where every single person places their hydroflask, complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality, delicately in front of them as they sit down. It's also obnoxious how every other year a new \"it\" beverage container comes out and every consumerist mom has to have it to fit in at the school drop off. Their personality expressing hydroflask still holds beverages perfectly well but if their husband doesn't spend $30 on THE new container for mother's day, he's a bum.",
">\n\nI get the annoyance over the “hot new thing” part but why do you seem to have beef with people personalizing their stuff? You made a point of saying “complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality” like they’re doing something so awful and wrong by making their personal property look the way they want to. Why the beef when it doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nI just find it to be extra, try-hard, cringy, whatever. Pick your adjective. If a water bottle has to scream \"ME!\" and it has to be carried absolutely everywhere, to me it says that the person puts too much stock in the importance of their things.",
">\n\n😬😬😬 ….. I’m a crafter and an artist. I customize everything. Has zero to do with importance. I see it as another surface to design.",
">\n\nI've never seen a self-decorated hydroflask these were all off the shelf. I do like when people paint their shoes I think that's cool.",
">\n\nI personally don’t own a hydroflask bc I think they’re overpriced and I suck at drinking water lol. However I do design my phone cases, shoes, hair accessories. Anything I can get my hands on including trying in vain to convince my friends to let me decorate their hydroflasks 😅",
">\n\nI have one coffee a day. After that I always have my water bottle on me",
">\n\nI don't drink coffee all day long either but it's for... digestive reasons :))"
] |
Beverage culture? This shit has gone too far. People drink beverages it’s not a culture | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :).",
">\n\n\"beverage culture\" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude.",
">\n\nJust let people drink their coffee damn",
">\n\nI so badly want to meet one of these people who makes their beverage habits a sizable part of their personality. Where do you live?! What do you do?! Who ARE your co-workers?!",
">\n\nRight??? My sister literally worked for STARBUCKS and NEVER encountered ANYONE like that.",
">\n\nI love this post. It's absolutely true but seemingly unpopular. Perfect for the sub. I've been in a lot of meetings where every single person places their hydroflask, complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality, delicately in front of them as they sit down. It's also obnoxious how every other year a new \"it\" beverage container comes out and every consumerist mom has to have it to fit in at the school drop off. Their personality expressing hydroflask still holds beverages perfectly well but if their husband doesn't spend $30 on THE new container for mother's day, he's a bum.",
">\n\nI get the annoyance over the “hot new thing” part but why do you seem to have beef with people personalizing their stuff? You made a point of saying “complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality” like they’re doing something so awful and wrong by making their personal property look the way they want to. Why the beef when it doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nI just find it to be extra, try-hard, cringy, whatever. Pick your adjective. If a water bottle has to scream \"ME!\" and it has to be carried absolutely everywhere, to me it says that the person puts too much stock in the importance of their things.",
">\n\n😬😬😬 ….. I’m a crafter and an artist. I customize everything. Has zero to do with importance. I see it as another surface to design.",
">\n\nI've never seen a self-decorated hydroflask these were all off the shelf. I do like when people paint their shoes I think that's cool.",
">\n\nI personally don’t own a hydroflask bc I think they’re overpriced and I suck at drinking water lol. However I do design my phone cases, shoes, hair accessories. Anything I can get my hands on including trying in vain to convince my friends to let me decorate their hydroflasks 😅",
">\n\nI have one coffee a day. After that I always have my water bottle on me",
">\n\nI don't drink coffee all day long either but it's for... digestive reasons :))",
">\n\nSo you’re mad people want to stay hydrated?"
] |
Op is dehydrated af | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :).",
">\n\n\"beverage culture\" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude.",
">\n\nJust let people drink their coffee damn",
">\n\nI so badly want to meet one of these people who makes their beverage habits a sizable part of their personality. Where do you live?! What do you do?! Who ARE your co-workers?!",
">\n\nRight??? My sister literally worked for STARBUCKS and NEVER encountered ANYONE like that.",
">\n\nI love this post. It's absolutely true but seemingly unpopular. Perfect for the sub. I've been in a lot of meetings where every single person places their hydroflask, complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality, delicately in front of them as they sit down. It's also obnoxious how every other year a new \"it\" beverage container comes out and every consumerist mom has to have it to fit in at the school drop off. Their personality expressing hydroflask still holds beverages perfectly well but if their husband doesn't spend $30 on THE new container for mother's day, he's a bum.",
">\n\nI get the annoyance over the “hot new thing” part but why do you seem to have beef with people personalizing their stuff? You made a point of saying “complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality” like they’re doing something so awful and wrong by making their personal property look the way they want to. Why the beef when it doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nI just find it to be extra, try-hard, cringy, whatever. Pick your adjective. If a water bottle has to scream \"ME!\" and it has to be carried absolutely everywhere, to me it says that the person puts too much stock in the importance of their things.",
">\n\n😬😬😬 ….. I’m a crafter and an artist. I customize everything. Has zero to do with importance. I see it as another surface to design.",
">\n\nI've never seen a self-decorated hydroflask these were all off the shelf. I do like when people paint their shoes I think that's cool.",
">\n\nI personally don’t own a hydroflask bc I think they’re overpriced and I suck at drinking water lol. However I do design my phone cases, shoes, hair accessories. Anything I can get my hands on including trying in vain to convince my friends to let me decorate their hydroflasks 😅",
">\n\nI have one coffee a day. After that I always have my water bottle on me",
">\n\nI don't drink coffee all day long either but it's for... digestive reasons :))",
">\n\nSo you’re mad people want to stay hydrated?",
">\n\nBeverage culture? This shit has gone too far. People drink beverages it’s not a culture"
] |
3 things here:
I am a vet tech. My job is difficult and physically demanding. It is also mentally and emotionally taxing. So you bet your sweet little ass I’m going to have my latte.
My shifts start before my brain is awake. If I don’t have caffeine it can be several hours before I am operating at full capacity which can be dangerous for a job like this. Not to mention I’m in a much better mood when I am wide awake as I think we all are.
I’m disabled. I am on a crap ton of prescription medications and many of them make me drowsy. Unfortunately the drowsiness does NOT help me sleep because some of my medications are to be taken in the morning, and I’m in so much pain at night due to working that I can’t fall asleep or stay asleep. So I just squirm in bed until I fall into a very broken sleep, wake up, and do it all over again.
I’m not saying these things to guilt you or make you pity me or feel bad. But I’m actually kind of hurt that you think this poorly about people who bring coffee with them to work. You are entitled to your opinion but some of the responses you’ve posted here actually hurt my feelings.
Maybe if this is bothering you so much you should consider finding a new job or trying to go remote instead of shitting on your coworkers for a behavior you don’t know (and are in turn assuming) the reason behind.
I personally couldn’t give less of a fuck if you drink coffee or tea or water or Red Bull or nothing. I really don’t care. What I care about is people like you judging me for simply trying to get by.
Have a good day and enjoy your PTO water. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :).",
">\n\n\"beverage culture\" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude.",
">\n\nJust let people drink their coffee damn",
">\n\nI so badly want to meet one of these people who makes their beverage habits a sizable part of their personality. Where do you live?! What do you do?! Who ARE your co-workers?!",
">\n\nRight??? My sister literally worked for STARBUCKS and NEVER encountered ANYONE like that.",
">\n\nI love this post. It's absolutely true but seemingly unpopular. Perfect for the sub. I've been in a lot of meetings where every single person places their hydroflask, complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality, delicately in front of them as they sit down. It's also obnoxious how every other year a new \"it\" beverage container comes out and every consumerist mom has to have it to fit in at the school drop off. Their personality expressing hydroflask still holds beverages perfectly well but if their husband doesn't spend $30 on THE new container for mother's day, he's a bum.",
">\n\nI get the annoyance over the “hot new thing” part but why do you seem to have beef with people personalizing their stuff? You made a point of saying “complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality” like they’re doing something so awful and wrong by making their personal property look the way they want to. Why the beef when it doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nI just find it to be extra, try-hard, cringy, whatever. Pick your adjective. If a water bottle has to scream \"ME!\" and it has to be carried absolutely everywhere, to me it says that the person puts too much stock in the importance of their things.",
">\n\n😬😬😬 ….. I’m a crafter and an artist. I customize everything. Has zero to do with importance. I see it as another surface to design.",
">\n\nI've never seen a self-decorated hydroflask these were all off the shelf. I do like when people paint their shoes I think that's cool.",
">\n\nI personally don’t own a hydroflask bc I think they’re overpriced and I suck at drinking water lol. However I do design my phone cases, shoes, hair accessories. Anything I can get my hands on including trying in vain to convince my friends to let me decorate their hydroflasks 😅",
">\n\nI have one coffee a day. After that I always have my water bottle on me",
">\n\nI don't drink coffee all day long either but it's for... digestive reasons :))",
">\n\nSo you’re mad people want to stay hydrated?",
">\n\nBeverage culture? This shit has gone too far. People drink beverages it’s not a culture",
">\n\nOp is dehydrated af"
] |
Definitely an unpopular opinion that people shouldn’t enjoy/need a coffee to get through their day so congrats. I’ll grant that people who make coffee or wine their whole personality are pretty annoying but not sure I see the issue with someone wanting a coffee or whatever drink they want throughout the day. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :).",
">\n\n\"beverage culture\" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude.",
">\n\nJust let people drink their coffee damn",
">\n\nI so badly want to meet one of these people who makes their beverage habits a sizable part of their personality. Where do you live?! What do you do?! Who ARE your co-workers?!",
">\n\nRight??? My sister literally worked for STARBUCKS and NEVER encountered ANYONE like that.",
">\n\nI love this post. It's absolutely true but seemingly unpopular. Perfect for the sub. I've been in a lot of meetings where every single person places their hydroflask, complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality, delicately in front of them as they sit down. It's also obnoxious how every other year a new \"it\" beverage container comes out and every consumerist mom has to have it to fit in at the school drop off. Their personality expressing hydroflask still holds beverages perfectly well but if their husband doesn't spend $30 on THE new container for mother's day, he's a bum.",
">\n\nI get the annoyance over the “hot new thing” part but why do you seem to have beef with people personalizing their stuff? You made a point of saying “complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality” like they’re doing something so awful and wrong by making their personal property look the way they want to. Why the beef when it doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nI just find it to be extra, try-hard, cringy, whatever. Pick your adjective. If a water bottle has to scream \"ME!\" and it has to be carried absolutely everywhere, to me it says that the person puts too much stock in the importance of their things.",
">\n\n😬😬😬 ….. I’m a crafter and an artist. I customize everything. Has zero to do with importance. I see it as another surface to design.",
">\n\nI've never seen a self-decorated hydroflask these were all off the shelf. I do like when people paint their shoes I think that's cool.",
">\n\nI personally don’t own a hydroflask bc I think they’re overpriced and I suck at drinking water lol. However I do design my phone cases, shoes, hair accessories. Anything I can get my hands on including trying in vain to convince my friends to let me decorate their hydroflasks 😅",
">\n\nI have one coffee a day. After that I always have my water bottle on me",
">\n\nI don't drink coffee all day long either but it's for... digestive reasons :))",
">\n\nSo you’re mad people want to stay hydrated?",
">\n\nBeverage culture? This shit has gone too far. People drink beverages it’s not a culture",
">\n\nOp is dehydrated af",
">\n\n3 things here:\n\n\nI am a vet tech. My job is difficult and physically demanding. It is also mentally and emotionally taxing. So you bet your sweet little ass I’m going to have my latte. \n\n\nMy shifts start before my brain is awake. If I don’t have caffeine it can be several hours before I am operating at full capacity which can be dangerous for a job like this. Not to mention I’m in a much better mood when I am wide awake as I think we all are. \n\n\nI’m disabled. I am on a crap ton of prescription medications and many of them make me drowsy. Unfortunately the drowsiness does NOT help me sleep because some of my medications are to be taken in the morning, and I’m in so much pain at night due to working that I can’t fall asleep or stay asleep. So I just squirm in bed until I fall into a very broken sleep, wake up, and do it all over again. \n\n\nI’m not saying these things to guilt you or make you pity me or feel bad. But I’m actually kind of hurt that you think this poorly about people who bring coffee with them to work. You are entitled to your opinion but some of the responses you’ve posted here actually hurt my feelings. \nMaybe if this is bothering you so much you should consider finding a new job or trying to go remote instead of shitting on your coworkers for a behavior you don’t know (and are in turn assuming) the reason behind. \nI personally couldn’t give less of a fuck if you drink coffee or tea or water or Red Bull or nothing. I really don’t care. What I care about is people like you judging me for simply trying to get by. \nHave a good day and enjoy your PTO water."
] |
I do need water with me at all times because I’m always thirsty and I’m thirstier if I don’t have water near me. And I bring coffee to work because my work coffee is atrocious. I don’t see why these things are a big deal. Like what is the great offense? | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :).",
">\n\n\"beverage culture\" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude.",
">\n\nJust let people drink their coffee damn",
">\n\nI so badly want to meet one of these people who makes their beverage habits a sizable part of their personality. Where do you live?! What do you do?! Who ARE your co-workers?!",
">\n\nRight??? My sister literally worked for STARBUCKS and NEVER encountered ANYONE like that.",
">\n\nI love this post. It's absolutely true but seemingly unpopular. Perfect for the sub. I've been in a lot of meetings where every single person places their hydroflask, complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality, delicately in front of them as they sit down. It's also obnoxious how every other year a new \"it\" beverage container comes out and every consumerist mom has to have it to fit in at the school drop off. Their personality expressing hydroflask still holds beverages perfectly well but if their husband doesn't spend $30 on THE new container for mother's day, he's a bum.",
">\n\nI get the annoyance over the “hot new thing” part but why do you seem to have beef with people personalizing their stuff? You made a point of saying “complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality” like they’re doing something so awful and wrong by making their personal property look the way they want to. Why the beef when it doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nI just find it to be extra, try-hard, cringy, whatever. Pick your adjective. If a water bottle has to scream \"ME!\" and it has to be carried absolutely everywhere, to me it says that the person puts too much stock in the importance of their things.",
">\n\n😬😬😬 ….. I’m a crafter and an artist. I customize everything. Has zero to do with importance. I see it as another surface to design.",
">\n\nI've never seen a self-decorated hydroflask these were all off the shelf. I do like when people paint their shoes I think that's cool.",
">\n\nI personally don’t own a hydroflask bc I think they’re overpriced and I suck at drinking water lol. However I do design my phone cases, shoes, hair accessories. Anything I can get my hands on including trying in vain to convince my friends to let me decorate their hydroflasks 😅",
">\n\nI have one coffee a day. After that I always have my water bottle on me",
">\n\nI don't drink coffee all day long either but it's for... digestive reasons :))",
">\n\nSo you’re mad people want to stay hydrated?",
">\n\nBeverage culture? This shit has gone too far. People drink beverages it’s not a culture",
">\n\nOp is dehydrated af",
">\n\n3 things here:\n\n\nI am a vet tech. My job is difficult and physically demanding. It is also mentally and emotionally taxing. So you bet your sweet little ass I’m going to have my latte. \n\n\nMy shifts start before my brain is awake. If I don’t have caffeine it can be several hours before I am operating at full capacity which can be dangerous for a job like this. Not to mention I’m in a much better mood when I am wide awake as I think we all are. \n\n\nI’m disabled. I am on a crap ton of prescription medications and many of them make me drowsy. Unfortunately the drowsiness does NOT help me sleep because some of my medications are to be taken in the morning, and I’m in so much pain at night due to working that I can’t fall asleep or stay asleep. So I just squirm in bed until I fall into a very broken sleep, wake up, and do it all over again. \n\n\nI’m not saying these things to guilt you or make you pity me or feel bad. But I’m actually kind of hurt that you think this poorly about people who bring coffee with them to work. You are entitled to your opinion but some of the responses you’ve posted here actually hurt my feelings. \nMaybe if this is bothering you so much you should consider finding a new job or trying to go remote instead of shitting on your coworkers for a behavior you don’t know (and are in turn assuming) the reason behind. \nI personally couldn’t give less of a fuck if you drink coffee or tea or water or Red Bull or nothing. I really don’t care. What I care about is people like you judging me for simply trying to get by. \nHave a good day and enjoy your PTO water.",
">\n\nDefinitely an unpopular opinion that people shouldn’t enjoy/need a coffee to get through their day so congrats. I’ll grant that people who make coffee or wine their whole personality are pretty annoying but not sure I see the issue with someone wanting a coffee or whatever drink they want throughout the day."
] |
The ADHD in me prefers to have a coffee for the caffeine and a water for the hydration. Without it, I tend to feel a little worse, and I won’t drink water otherwise.
Plus, if I want a treat to motivate me and my treat isn’t impacting anyone, who cares? | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :).",
">\n\n\"beverage culture\" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude.",
">\n\nJust let people drink their coffee damn",
">\n\nI so badly want to meet one of these people who makes their beverage habits a sizable part of their personality. Where do you live?! What do you do?! Who ARE your co-workers?!",
">\n\nRight??? My sister literally worked for STARBUCKS and NEVER encountered ANYONE like that.",
">\n\nI love this post. It's absolutely true but seemingly unpopular. Perfect for the sub. I've been in a lot of meetings where every single person places their hydroflask, complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality, delicately in front of them as they sit down. It's also obnoxious how every other year a new \"it\" beverage container comes out and every consumerist mom has to have it to fit in at the school drop off. Their personality expressing hydroflask still holds beverages perfectly well but if their husband doesn't spend $30 on THE new container for mother's day, he's a bum.",
">\n\nI get the annoyance over the “hot new thing” part but why do you seem to have beef with people personalizing their stuff? You made a point of saying “complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality” like they’re doing something so awful and wrong by making their personal property look the way they want to. Why the beef when it doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nI just find it to be extra, try-hard, cringy, whatever. Pick your adjective. If a water bottle has to scream \"ME!\" and it has to be carried absolutely everywhere, to me it says that the person puts too much stock in the importance of their things.",
">\n\n😬😬😬 ….. I’m a crafter and an artist. I customize everything. Has zero to do with importance. I see it as another surface to design.",
">\n\nI've never seen a self-decorated hydroflask these were all off the shelf. I do like when people paint their shoes I think that's cool.",
">\n\nI personally don’t own a hydroflask bc I think they’re overpriced and I suck at drinking water lol. However I do design my phone cases, shoes, hair accessories. Anything I can get my hands on including trying in vain to convince my friends to let me decorate their hydroflasks 😅",
">\n\nI have one coffee a day. After that I always have my water bottle on me",
">\n\nI don't drink coffee all day long either but it's for... digestive reasons :))",
">\n\nSo you’re mad people want to stay hydrated?",
">\n\nBeverage culture? This shit has gone too far. People drink beverages it’s not a culture",
">\n\nOp is dehydrated af",
">\n\n3 things here:\n\n\nI am a vet tech. My job is difficult and physically demanding. It is also mentally and emotionally taxing. So you bet your sweet little ass I’m going to have my latte. \n\n\nMy shifts start before my brain is awake. If I don’t have caffeine it can be several hours before I am operating at full capacity which can be dangerous for a job like this. Not to mention I’m in a much better mood when I am wide awake as I think we all are. \n\n\nI’m disabled. I am on a crap ton of prescription medications and many of them make me drowsy. Unfortunately the drowsiness does NOT help me sleep because some of my medications are to be taken in the morning, and I’m in so much pain at night due to working that I can’t fall asleep or stay asleep. So I just squirm in bed until I fall into a very broken sleep, wake up, and do it all over again. \n\n\nI’m not saying these things to guilt you or make you pity me or feel bad. But I’m actually kind of hurt that you think this poorly about people who bring coffee with them to work. You are entitled to your opinion but some of the responses you’ve posted here actually hurt my feelings. \nMaybe if this is bothering you so much you should consider finding a new job or trying to go remote instead of shitting on your coworkers for a behavior you don’t know (and are in turn assuming) the reason behind. \nI personally couldn’t give less of a fuck if you drink coffee or tea or water or Red Bull or nothing. I really don’t care. What I care about is people like you judging me for simply trying to get by. \nHave a good day and enjoy your PTO water.",
">\n\nDefinitely an unpopular opinion that people shouldn’t enjoy/need a coffee to get through their day so congrats. I’ll grant that people who make coffee or wine their whole personality are pretty annoying but not sure I see the issue with someone wanting a coffee or whatever drink they want throughout the day.",
">\n\nI do need water with me at all times because I’m always thirsty and I’m thirstier if I don’t have water near me. And I bring coffee to work because my work coffee is atrocious. I don’t see why these things are a big deal. Like what is the great offense?"
] |
I get annoyed by people who basically say you can’t interact with them in the morning until they had their coffee. Grow the fuck up. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :).",
">\n\n\"beverage culture\" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude.",
">\n\nJust let people drink their coffee damn",
">\n\nI so badly want to meet one of these people who makes their beverage habits a sizable part of their personality. Where do you live?! What do you do?! Who ARE your co-workers?!",
">\n\nRight??? My sister literally worked for STARBUCKS and NEVER encountered ANYONE like that.",
">\n\nI love this post. It's absolutely true but seemingly unpopular. Perfect for the sub. I've been in a lot of meetings where every single person places their hydroflask, complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality, delicately in front of them as they sit down. It's also obnoxious how every other year a new \"it\" beverage container comes out and every consumerist mom has to have it to fit in at the school drop off. Their personality expressing hydroflask still holds beverages perfectly well but if their husband doesn't spend $30 on THE new container for mother's day, he's a bum.",
">\n\nI get the annoyance over the “hot new thing” part but why do you seem to have beef with people personalizing their stuff? You made a point of saying “complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality” like they’re doing something so awful and wrong by making their personal property look the way they want to. Why the beef when it doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nI just find it to be extra, try-hard, cringy, whatever. Pick your adjective. If a water bottle has to scream \"ME!\" and it has to be carried absolutely everywhere, to me it says that the person puts too much stock in the importance of their things.",
">\n\n😬😬😬 ….. I’m a crafter and an artist. I customize everything. Has zero to do with importance. I see it as another surface to design.",
">\n\nI've never seen a self-decorated hydroflask these were all off the shelf. I do like when people paint their shoes I think that's cool.",
">\n\nI personally don’t own a hydroflask bc I think they’re overpriced and I suck at drinking water lol. However I do design my phone cases, shoes, hair accessories. Anything I can get my hands on including trying in vain to convince my friends to let me decorate their hydroflasks 😅",
">\n\nI have one coffee a day. After that I always have my water bottle on me",
">\n\nI don't drink coffee all day long either but it's for... digestive reasons :))",
">\n\nSo you’re mad people want to stay hydrated?",
">\n\nBeverage culture? This shit has gone too far. People drink beverages it’s not a culture",
">\n\nOp is dehydrated af",
">\n\n3 things here:\n\n\nI am a vet tech. My job is difficult and physically demanding. It is also mentally and emotionally taxing. So you bet your sweet little ass I’m going to have my latte. \n\n\nMy shifts start before my brain is awake. If I don’t have caffeine it can be several hours before I am operating at full capacity which can be dangerous for a job like this. Not to mention I’m in a much better mood when I am wide awake as I think we all are. \n\n\nI’m disabled. I am on a crap ton of prescription medications and many of them make me drowsy. Unfortunately the drowsiness does NOT help me sleep because some of my medications are to be taken in the morning, and I’m in so much pain at night due to working that I can’t fall asleep or stay asleep. So I just squirm in bed until I fall into a very broken sleep, wake up, and do it all over again. \n\n\nI’m not saying these things to guilt you or make you pity me or feel bad. But I’m actually kind of hurt that you think this poorly about people who bring coffee with them to work. You are entitled to your opinion but some of the responses you’ve posted here actually hurt my feelings. \nMaybe if this is bothering you so much you should consider finding a new job or trying to go remote instead of shitting on your coworkers for a behavior you don’t know (and are in turn assuming) the reason behind. \nI personally couldn’t give less of a fuck if you drink coffee or tea or water or Red Bull or nothing. I really don’t care. What I care about is people like you judging me for simply trying to get by. \nHave a good day and enjoy your PTO water.",
">\n\nDefinitely an unpopular opinion that people shouldn’t enjoy/need a coffee to get through their day so congrats. I’ll grant that people who make coffee or wine their whole personality are pretty annoying but not sure I see the issue with someone wanting a coffee or whatever drink they want throughout the day.",
">\n\nI do need water with me at all times because I’m always thirsty and I’m thirstier if I don’t have water near me. And I bring coffee to work because my work coffee is atrocious. I don’t see why these things are a big deal. Like what is the great offense?",
">\n\nThe ADHD in me prefers to have a coffee for the caffeine and a water for the hydration. Without it, I tend to feel a little worse, and I won’t drink water otherwise. \nPlus, if I want a treat to motivate me and my treat isn’t impacting anyone, who cares?"
] |
Maybe you don't need a beverage. But goddam OP get you a Snicker bar ASAFP. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :).",
">\n\n\"beverage culture\" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude.",
">\n\nJust let people drink their coffee damn",
">\n\nI so badly want to meet one of these people who makes their beverage habits a sizable part of their personality. Where do you live?! What do you do?! Who ARE your co-workers?!",
">\n\nRight??? My sister literally worked for STARBUCKS and NEVER encountered ANYONE like that.",
">\n\nI love this post. It's absolutely true but seemingly unpopular. Perfect for the sub. I've been in a lot of meetings where every single person places their hydroflask, complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality, delicately in front of them as they sit down. It's also obnoxious how every other year a new \"it\" beverage container comes out and every consumerist mom has to have it to fit in at the school drop off. Their personality expressing hydroflask still holds beverages perfectly well but if their husband doesn't spend $30 on THE new container for mother's day, he's a bum.",
">\n\nI get the annoyance over the “hot new thing” part but why do you seem to have beef with people personalizing their stuff? You made a point of saying “complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality” like they’re doing something so awful and wrong by making their personal property look the way they want to. Why the beef when it doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nI just find it to be extra, try-hard, cringy, whatever. Pick your adjective. If a water bottle has to scream \"ME!\" and it has to be carried absolutely everywhere, to me it says that the person puts too much stock in the importance of their things.",
">\n\n😬😬😬 ….. I’m a crafter and an artist. I customize everything. Has zero to do with importance. I see it as another surface to design.",
">\n\nI've never seen a self-decorated hydroflask these were all off the shelf. I do like when people paint their shoes I think that's cool.",
">\n\nI personally don’t own a hydroflask bc I think they’re overpriced and I suck at drinking water lol. However I do design my phone cases, shoes, hair accessories. Anything I can get my hands on including trying in vain to convince my friends to let me decorate their hydroflasks 😅",
">\n\nI have one coffee a day. After that I always have my water bottle on me",
">\n\nI don't drink coffee all day long either but it's for... digestive reasons :))",
">\n\nSo you’re mad people want to stay hydrated?",
">\n\nBeverage culture? This shit has gone too far. People drink beverages it’s not a culture",
">\n\nOp is dehydrated af",
">\n\n3 things here:\n\n\nI am a vet tech. My job is difficult and physically demanding. It is also mentally and emotionally taxing. So you bet your sweet little ass I’m going to have my latte. \n\n\nMy shifts start before my brain is awake. If I don’t have caffeine it can be several hours before I am operating at full capacity which can be dangerous for a job like this. Not to mention I’m in a much better mood when I am wide awake as I think we all are. \n\n\nI’m disabled. I am on a crap ton of prescription medications and many of them make me drowsy. Unfortunately the drowsiness does NOT help me sleep because some of my medications are to be taken in the morning, and I’m in so much pain at night due to working that I can’t fall asleep or stay asleep. So I just squirm in bed until I fall into a very broken sleep, wake up, and do it all over again. \n\n\nI’m not saying these things to guilt you or make you pity me or feel bad. But I’m actually kind of hurt that you think this poorly about people who bring coffee with them to work. You are entitled to your opinion but some of the responses you’ve posted here actually hurt my feelings. \nMaybe if this is bothering you so much you should consider finding a new job or trying to go remote instead of shitting on your coworkers for a behavior you don’t know (and are in turn assuming) the reason behind. \nI personally couldn’t give less of a fuck if you drink coffee or tea or water or Red Bull or nothing. I really don’t care. What I care about is people like you judging me for simply trying to get by. \nHave a good day and enjoy your PTO water.",
">\n\nDefinitely an unpopular opinion that people shouldn’t enjoy/need a coffee to get through their day so congrats. I’ll grant that people who make coffee or wine their whole personality are pretty annoying but not sure I see the issue with someone wanting a coffee or whatever drink they want throughout the day.",
">\n\nI do need water with me at all times because I’m always thirsty and I’m thirstier if I don’t have water near me. And I bring coffee to work because my work coffee is atrocious. I don’t see why these things are a big deal. Like what is the great offense?",
">\n\nThe ADHD in me prefers to have a coffee for the caffeine and a water for the hydration. Without it, I tend to feel a little worse, and I won’t drink water otherwise. \nPlus, if I want a treat to motivate me and my treat isn’t impacting anyone, who cares?",
">\n\nI get annoyed by people who basically say you can’t interact with them in the morning until they had their coffee. Grow the fuck up."
] |
I'm gonna reply to this, but first let mepour a fresh pot of coffee. I just can't drink the stale burn stuff | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :).",
">\n\n\"beverage culture\" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude.",
">\n\nJust let people drink their coffee damn",
">\n\nI so badly want to meet one of these people who makes their beverage habits a sizable part of their personality. Where do you live?! What do you do?! Who ARE your co-workers?!",
">\n\nRight??? My sister literally worked for STARBUCKS and NEVER encountered ANYONE like that.",
">\n\nI love this post. It's absolutely true but seemingly unpopular. Perfect for the sub. I've been in a lot of meetings where every single person places their hydroflask, complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality, delicately in front of them as they sit down. It's also obnoxious how every other year a new \"it\" beverage container comes out and every consumerist mom has to have it to fit in at the school drop off. Their personality expressing hydroflask still holds beverages perfectly well but if their husband doesn't spend $30 on THE new container for mother's day, he's a bum.",
">\n\nI get the annoyance over the “hot new thing” part but why do you seem to have beef with people personalizing their stuff? You made a point of saying “complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality” like they’re doing something so awful and wrong by making their personal property look the way they want to. Why the beef when it doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nI just find it to be extra, try-hard, cringy, whatever. Pick your adjective. If a water bottle has to scream \"ME!\" and it has to be carried absolutely everywhere, to me it says that the person puts too much stock in the importance of their things.",
">\n\n😬😬😬 ….. I’m a crafter and an artist. I customize everything. Has zero to do with importance. I see it as another surface to design.",
">\n\nI've never seen a self-decorated hydroflask these were all off the shelf. I do like when people paint their shoes I think that's cool.",
">\n\nI personally don’t own a hydroflask bc I think they’re overpriced and I suck at drinking water lol. However I do design my phone cases, shoes, hair accessories. Anything I can get my hands on including trying in vain to convince my friends to let me decorate their hydroflasks 😅",
">\n\nI have one coffee a day. After that I always have my water bottle on me",
">\n\nI don't drink coffee all day long either but it's for... digestive reasons :))",
">\n\nSo you’re mad people want to stay hydrated?",
">\n\nBeverage culture? This shit has gone too far. People drink beverages it’s not a culture",
">\n\nOp is dehydrated af",
">\n\n3 things here:\n\n\nI am a vet tech. My job is difficult and physically demanding. It is also mentally and emotionally taxing. So you bet your sweet little ass I’m going to have my latte. \n\n\nMy shifts start before my brain is awake. If I don’t have caffeine it can be several hours before I am operating at full capacity which can be dangerous for a job like this. Not to mention I’m in a much better mood when I am wide awake as I think we all are. \n\n\nI’m disabled. I am on a crap ton of prescription medications and many of them make me drowsy. Unfortunately the drowsiness does NOT help me sleep because some of my medications are to be taken in the morning, and I’m in so much pain at night due to working that I can’t fall asleep or stay asleep. So I just squirm in bed until I fall into a very broken sleep, wake up, and do it all over again. \n\n\nI’m not saying these things to guilt you or make you pity me or feel bad. But I’m actually kind of hurt that you think this poorly about people who bring coffee with them to work. You are entitled to your opinion but some of the responses you’ve posted here actually hurt my feelings. \nMaybe if this is bothering you so much you should consider finding a new job or trying to go remote instead of shitting on your coworkers for a behavior you don’t know (and are in turn assuming) the reason behind. \nI personally couldn’t give less of a fuck if you drink coffee or tea or water or Red Bull or nothing. I really don’t care. What I care about is people like you judging me for simply trying to get by. \nHave a good day and enjoy your PTO water.",
">\n\nDefinitely an unpopular opinion that people shouldn’t enjoy/need a coffee to get through their day so congrats. I’ll grant that people who make coffee or wine their whole personality are pretty annoying but not sure I see the issue with someone wanting a coffee or whatever drink they want throughout the day.",
">\n\nI do need water with me at all times because I’m always thirsty and I’m thirstier if I don’t have water near me. And I bring coffee to work because my work coffee is atrocious. I don’t see why these things are a big deal. Like what is the great offense?",
">\n\nThe ADHD in me prefers to have a coffee for the caffeine and a water for the hydration. Without it, I tend to feel a little worse, and I won’t drink water otherwise. \nPlus, if I want a treat to motivate me and my treat isn’t impacting anyone, who cares?",
">\n\nI get annoyed by people who basically say you can’t interact with them in the morning until they had their coffee. Grow the fuck up.",
">\n\nMaybe you don't need a beverage. But goddam OP get you a Snicker bar ASAFP."
] |
Are you dehydrated? | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :).",
">\n\n\"beverage culture\" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude.",
">\n\nJust let people drink their coffee damn",
">\n\nI so badly want to meet one of these people who makes their beverage habits a sizable part of their personality. Where do you live?! What do you do?! Who ARE your co-workers?!",
">\n\nRight??? My sister literally worked for STARBUCKS and NEVER encountered ANYONE like that.",
">\n\nI love this post. It's absolutely true but seemingly unpopular. Perfect for the sub. I've been in a lot of meetings where every single person places their hydroflask, complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality, delicately in front of them as they sit down. It's also obnoxious how every other year a new \"it\" beverage container comes out and every consumerist mom has to have it to fit in at the school drop off. Their personality expressing hydroflask still holds beverages perfectly well but if their husband doesn't spend $30 on THE new container for mother's day, he's a bum.",
">\n\nI get the annoyance over the “hot new thing” part but why do you seem to have beef with people personalizing their stuff? You made a point of saying “complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality” like they’re doing something so awful and wrong by making their personal property look the way they want to. Why the beef when it doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nI just find it to be extra, try-hard, cringy, whatever. Pick your adjective. If a water bottle has to scream \"ME!\" and it has to be carried absolutely everywhere, to me it says that the person puts too much stock in the importance of their things.",
">\n\n😬😬😬 ….. I’m a crafter and an artist. I customize everything. Has zero to do with importance. I see it as another surface to design.",
">\n\nI've never seen a self-decorated hydroflask these were all off the shelf. I do like when people paint their shoes I think that's cool.",
">\n\nI personally don’t own a hydroflask bc I think they’re overpriced and I suck at drinking water lol. However I do design my phone cases, shoes, hair accessories. Anything I can get my hands on including trying in vain to convince my friends to let me decorate their hydroflasks 😅",
">\n\nI have one coffee a day. After that I always have my water bottle on me",
">\n\nI don't drink coffee all day long either but it's for... digestive reasons :))",
">\n\nSo you’re mad people want to stay hydrated?",
">\n\nBeverage culture? This shit has gone too far. People drink beverages it’s not a culture",
">\n\nOp is dehydrated af",
">\n\n3 things here:\n\n\nI am a vet tech. My job is difficult and physically demanding. It is also mentally and emotionally taxing. So you bet your sweet little ass I’m going to have my latte. \n\n\nMy shifts start before my brain is awake. If I don’t have caffeine it can be several hours before I am operating at full capacity which can be dangerous for a job like this. Not to mention I’m in a much better mood when I am wide awake as I think we all are. \n\n\nI’m disabled. I am on a crap ton of prescription medications and many of them make me drowsy. Unfortunately the drowsiness does NOT help me sleep because some of my medications are to be taken in the morning, and I’m in so much pain at night due to working that I can’t fall asleep or stay asleep. So I just squirm in bed until I fall into a very broken sleep, wake up, and do it all over again. \n\n\nI’m not saying these things to guilt you or make you pity me or feel bad. But I’m actually kind of hurt that you think this poorly about people who bring coffee with them to work. You are entitled to your opinion but some of the responses you’ve posted here actually hurt my feelings. \nMaybe if this is bothering you so much you should consider finding a new job or trying to go remote instead of shitting on your coworkers for a behavior you don’t know (and are in turn assuming) the reason behind. \nI personally couldn’t give less of a fuck if you drink coffee or tea or water or Red Bull or nothing. I really don’t care. What I care about is people like you judging me for simply trying to get by. \nHave a good day and enjoy your PTO water.",
">\n\nDefinitely an unpopular opinion that people shouldn’t enjoy/need a coffee to get through their day so congrats. I’ll grant that people who make coffee or wine their whole personality are pretty annoying but not sure I see the issue with someone wanting a coffee or whatever drink they want throughout the day.",
">\n\nI do need water with me at all times because I’m always thirsty and I’m thirstier if I don’t have water near me. And I bring coffee to work because my work coffee is atrocious. I don’t see why these things are a big deal. Like what is the great offense?",
">\n\nThe ADHD in me prefers to have a coffee for the caffeine and a water for the hydration. Without it, I tend to feel a little worse, and I won’t drink water otherwise. \nPlus, if I want a treat to motivate me and my treat isn’t impacting anyone, who cares?",
">\n\nI get annoyed by people who basically say you can’t interact with them in the morning until they had their coffee. Grow the fuck up.",
">\n\nMaybe you don't need a beverage. But goddam OP get you a Snicker bar ASAFP.",
">\n\nI'm gonna reply to this, but first let mepour a fresh pot of coffee. I just can't drink the stale burn stuff"
] |
You can have your upvote, hopefully it helps distract from your crippling levels of dehydration. | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :).",
">\n\n\"beverage culture\" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude.",
">\n\nJust let people drink their coffee damn",
">\n\nI so badly want to meet one of these people who makes their beverage habits a sizable part of their personality. Where do you live?! What do you do?! Who ARE your co-workers?!",
">\n\nRight??? My sister literally worked for STARBUCKS and NEVER encountered ANYONE like that.",
">\n\nI love this post. It's absolutely true but seemingly unpopular. Perfect for the sub. I've been in a lot of meetings where every single person places their hydroflask, complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality, delicately in front of them as they sit down. It's also obnoxious how every other year a new \"it\" beverage container comes out and every consumerist mom has to have it to fit in at the school drop off. Their personality expressing hydroflask still holds beverages perfectly well but if their husband doesn't spend $30 on THE new container for mother's day, he's a bum.",
">\n\nI get the annoyance over the “hot new thing” part but why do you seem to have beef with people personalizing their stuff? You made a point of saying “complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality” like they’re doing something so awful and wrong by making their personal property look the way they want to. Why the beef when it doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nI just find it to be extra, try-hard, cringy, whatever. Pick your adjective. If a water bottle has to scream \"ME!\" and it has to be carried absolutely everywhere, to me it says that the person puts too much stock in the importance of their things.",
">\n\n😬😬😬 ….. I’m a crafter and an artist. I customize everything. Has zero to do with importance. I see it as another surface to design.",
">\n\nI've never seen a self-decorated hydroflask these were all off the shelf. I do like when people paint their shoes I think that's cool.",
">\n\nI personally don’t own a hydroflask bc I think they’re overpriced and I suck at drinking water lol. However I do design my phone cases, shoes, hair accessories. Anything I can get my hands on including trying in vain to convince my friends to let me decorate their hydroflasks 😅",
">\n\nI have one coffee a day. After that I always have my water bottle on me",
">\n\nI don't drink coffee all day long either but it's for... digestive reasons :))",
">\n\nSo you’re mad people want to stay hydrated?",
">\n\nBeverage culture? This shit has gone too far. People drink beverages it’s not a culture",
">\n\nOp is dehydrated af",
">\n\n3 things here:\n\n\nI am a vet tech. My job is difficult and physically demanding. It is also mentally and emotionally taxing. So you bet your sweet little ass I’m going to have my latte. \n\n\nMy shifts start before my brain is awake. If I don’t have caffeine it can be several hours before I am operating at full capacity which can be dangerous for a job like this. Not to mention I’m in a much better mood when I am wide awake as I think we all are. \n\n\nI’m disabled. I am on a crap ton of prescription medications and many of them make me drowsy. Unfortunately the drowsiness does NOT help me sleep because some of my medications are to be taken in the morning, and I’m in so much pain at night due to working that I can’t fall asleep or stay asleep. So I just squirm in bed until I fall into a very broken sleep, wake up, and do it all over again. \n\n\nI’m not saying these things to guilt you or make you pity me or feel bad. But I’m actually kind of hurt that you think this poorly about people who bring coffee with them to work. You are entitled to your opinion but some of the responses you’ve posted here actually hurt my feelings. \nMaybe if this is bothering you so much you should consider finding a new job or trying to go remote instead of shitting on your coworkers for a behavior you don’t know (and are in turn assuming) the reason behind. \nI personally couldn’t give less of a fuck if you drink coffee or tea or water or Red Bull or nothing. I really don’t care. What I care about is people like you judging me for simply trying to get by. \nHave a good day and enjoy your PTO water.",
">\n\nDefinitely an unpopular opinion that people shouldn’t enjoy/need a coffee to get through their day so congrats. I’ll grant that people who make coffee or wine their whole personality are pretty annoying but not sure I see the issue with someone wanting a coffee or whatever drink they want throughout the day.",
">\n\nI do need water with me at all times because I’m always thirsty and I’m thirstier if I don’t have water near me. And I bring coffee to work because my work coffee is atrocious. I don’t see why these things are a big deal. Like what is the great offense?",
">\n\nThe ADHD in me prefers to have a coffee for the caffeine and a water for the hydration. Without it, I tend to feel a little worse, and I won’t drink water otherwise. \nPlus, if I want a treat to motivate me and my treat isn’t impacting anyone, who cares?",
">\n\nI get annoyed by people who basically say you can’t interact with them in the morning until they had their coffee. Grow the fuck up.",
">\n\nMaybe you don't need a beverage. But goddam OP get you a Snicker bar ASAFP.",
">\n\nI'm gonna reply to this, but first let mepour a fresh pot of coffee. I just can't drink the stale burn stuff",
">\n\nAre you dehydrated?"
] |
Are people literally just picking random words out of a hat and adding "culture" to the end? | [
"What no beverages does to a mf",
">\n\nMy cubicle neighbor and I got a mutual little fridge for our beverages, it’s great.",
">\n\nWe hid this huge toaster oven with a grill on top and a rotisserie attachment under our main work bench for a very long time when I was nightshift maintance. No one seemed to ask why we had a chicken in the ops office freeze or fridge.",
">\n\nNever seen someone so triggered over another adult holding a cup",
">\n\nHad a moment of weakness, haha. Tired of getting called out about not having a coffee. \nWindchime, where's your coffee?\nWindchime, this meeting is 3 hours so don't forget your coffee.\nOmg, did you finish your coffee already? Do you need to go get another one? Cuz it's totally fine, windchime, we already have our coffee so we can hold the fort down while you go get yours.",
">\n\nIt reads like your coworkers are actually trying to be nice to you?\nLong meetings do wear down the soul though.",
">\n\nThey're concerned I'm changing the system. If a higher up sees I can do a good job at a moderate pace without having to spend 90 collective minutes a day making or sourcing beverages, they might hold others to that standard.",
">\n\nGuessing you haven't been in an office environment long. They're not \"concerned you're changing the system\". I guarantee that your superiors do not give half a shit that you don't drink coffee, nor do they care that your coworkers spend time making coffee. Being the guy who thinks everybody needs to be busting their ass 24/7 does not put you in a good light, as it doesn't sound like you're in management. This doesn't sound like an issue with company culture, it sounds like a superiority complex.\nWill say though, very unpopular opinion. Well done lol",
">\n\nReads like someone new in their career that idolize a workaholic culture",
">\n\nBeverage culture?",
">\n\nGod damn hipsters and their beverages",
">\n\nFuckin beatniks always drinking water",
">\n\nYou seem pretty salty about all this. \nHold on I think I got a water bottle nearby you can have.",
">\n\nIt’s a sign that they might need to up their water intake.",
">\n\nYou sound dehydrated.",
">\n\nProbably from their coffee",
">\n\nYou’d have a mental breakdown at a construction sight. What gets me is the guys drinking Mountain Dew at 6 am",
">\n\nI’ve worked quite a few outside jobs and my favorite coworkers were banging back cigarettes and RedBulls at that hour. Water was for later.",
">\n\nOh trust me I’ve done my fair share of that but something about Mountain Dew or Pepsi at 6 am was off putting",
">\n\nI don’t understand how this is off putting to people. Mountain Dew is disgusting, but Diet Coke, ginger ale, or sprite settles my stomach in the morning",
">\n\nIm bringing my water with me dammit. And there will be hell to pay if I dont have somewhere to plug in my tea kettle.\nTake my upvote.",
">\n\nFucking beverage culture?\nWhy do people think you can just insert \"culture\" after any old noun and it somehow makes them sound smart?",
">\n\nIt's like saying oxygen culture lol.",
">\n\nI'm partial to nutrition culture.",
">\n\nNot into it, personally.",
">\n\nWow, interesting. \n[sips coffee]",
">\n\nwhy do u give a shit whatsoever",
">\n\nMe too, just with a spritz of vodka.\nKidding",
">\n\nThis is more of a rant.",
">\n\nYes it is",
">\n\nThen you need to take it to r/rant where it belongs.This isn't the sub to vent your frustration over your own social ineptitude.",
">\n\nAverage beverage consumer over here",
">\n\n\nI don’t panic when I forget my coffee or run out in the middle of a two hour meeting\n\nNo one does OP. If I forget to bring my coffee, or forget coffee in the morning altogether, the most I’ll do is grumble about the inevitable headache.\nWhy does it bother you so much to see people with coffee cups in their hands?",
">\n\nNot a coffee drinker, but I think there are people who can't live without a coffee in morning for work. So yes, some will panic.",
">\n\nI have prepared drinks at all times. A cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine. It’s my little lovely habit",
">\n\nseriously. a nice bevie goes a long way for the soul.",
">\n\nExactly like let me have my Iroh moment of peace in this vast hell scape 😂",
">\n\ni wish I could raw dog life like OP 😭",
">\n\nHolding a cup stops me from from talking with my hands.",
">\n\nWho tf cares lol",
">\n\nIt’s called an emotional support beverage and it’s a way of life.",
">\n\nLOL. Beverage culture? It's not a culture. You need fluid in order to live and it's good to have regular access to it.",
">\n\n2-3 hour meetings? Jesus I would need a coffee. There is no reason for a meeting to be that long unless it's a working meeting. If it's a working meeting then maybe but people should be able to come and go if they're thirsty or tired.",
">\n\nImagine being this bothered by other people carrying a coffee around.",
">\n\nIt's mindblowing. Some people are just incredibly privileged to the point where they go looking for things to be pissed off about because their life is so boring and monotonous.",
">\n\nLol this is such a random ass opinion. Never once while drinking at work have I been like \"wow, why did that fucking weirdo over there not have a drink?\" I don't think these people exist.",
">\n\nThey do. When you're the 1 out of 30 without a Starbucks cup in your hand, they gang up on you.",
">\n\nScariest gang of all time- the macchiato mafia",
">\n\nThe milk coffee muchachos",
">\n\nI always grab coffee in the morning and even on my breaks if I feel the need to but it’s not anything I would freak over if I didn’t have.",
">\n\nbut i love my little drinks :( they make me happy. if anyone said this to me at my work i would be so sad, don’t rain on my happy little drink parade.",
">\n\nSame. If someone ragged on me for having a drink I’d feel so self conscious.",
">\n\nYikes I feel like I'm gonna be put on a list just reading this.",
">\n\nI like to have one at all times, there's no culture about it.",
">\n\nThe real question is why do you care ?",
">\n\nWhile I agree, isn't that sort of the purpose of alot of posts on this sub? Lol I find so many of them to basically be people bitching about the actions of others that have (or should have) virtually no impact on their own lives. \nTo be clear, I usually enjoy the posts because they're usually funny and trivial. This one is definitely trivial, but kinda pedantic and too whiny to be all that funny.",
">\n\nGets a lot funnier if you read OP’s many comments. Definitely seems to be very invested in this issue 😄",
">\n\nI mean, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I leave work. All day, every day. 12oz styrofoam cup, refilled over and over. Even had the nickname \"Coffee Cup\" at one time. \nAll I can say is: I do wot I want. Ur not the boss of me.",
">\n\nHow many oz you drink a day? And what type or brand of coffee is that?",
">\n\nI probably brew \\~144 oz, but some of it goes cold and I pour that out. I'm going to estimate about 40 oz waste, so 100oz sounds about right. The brand is Tully's (provided by work).",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn’t drink coffee… why? It doesn’t even taste good.",
">\n\nGotta drink something. Was all that was available when I was in the Navy. Got hooked I guess. They have bottled water now, but not back then and desalinated water tastes like poo. I drink it black. No sugar or cream.",
">\n\nAt my work the world will end if someone didn't make coffee. Drives me insane. Of I drank that much coffee I would shit my pants.",
">\n\nI think people view these drinks as some small piece of their life they get to control, even through the work week drudgery. I can understand your position from the perspective that people *should* be able to suck it up and go without it if they forget for a day, but in general, if it makes someone's life slightly more bearable...why not?",
">\n\nStay salty. I'll stay hydrated. We'll see who lasts longer.",
">\n\nI like tea tho.",
">\n\nI live at a higher altitude, I always have water with me.",
">\n\nI don’t drink coffee but feel like i should start just so I’m never considered as obnoxious as OP sounds.",
">\n\nJust let me have my morning hot coffee, emotional support water bottle, kombucha, water, greens, water, post-work cold brew, water, dinner sparkling water, water, and bedtime hot tea in peace",
">\n\nJust let me cling to the one thing that brings me an ounce of joy during the workday, man :(\nIf bringing an ice latte with me to the meeting makes my day even a little bit more enjoyable, or taking a 5 minute break to grab a cup of coffee in the break room brings me a shred of happiness, what’s it to you? Why are you so pressed about it?\nI also carry around my beloved 40oz insulated water bottle. It’s not a flex, it’s not “beverage culture” (wtf even is that). It’s just something I do that makes my day a little bit better.",
">\n\nThis reads like a manifesto",
">\n\nYour comment made me laugh a little too hard 😭😂",
">\n\nHappy to hear! Always nice to make someone laugh (:",
">\n\nLet people enjoy things.",
">\n\nSeriously! What if their Starbucks purchase is their one item they splurge on & that’s what brings them joy? Sure, people can get out of hand with the cup collecting (I’m definitely in this category!) but if someone likes it then good for them.",
">\n\nOkay? This post is so hilarious but just to play along, I have anxiety and autism so a helpful and harmless fixation for me to self regulate is to have a drink with me ready for me to use. Lots of reasons why this helps me. So it’s not just for physical maintenance, but for psychological regulation for me.",
">\n\nMe too, except for me it’s bipolar depression and anxiety among other things. Plus my depression makes it hard to sleep/stay awake sometimes. Not to mention if I have an anxiety attack at work and need my rescue meds, those also make me extremely groggy and make me need caffeine.",
">\n\nBreaking news: caffeine is a drug. What you're seeing is addicted people.",
">\n\nA cold lemon water, a hot tea and a hot herbal tea sans caffeine.",
">\n\nHahaha what the fuck are you even talking about",
">\n\nBeverage culture isn’t a thing.",
">\n\nWhatever you want to call it",
">\n\nI always have cotton mouth so I need a beverage close. But more than one cup of coffee would have me peeing every 5 minutes.",
">\n\nGatekeeping beverage drinkers 🤣 I love reddit",
">\n\nYeah well I’m team alcohol anyway so",
">\n\nI mean I love coffee sure, but at work I do always gotta carry that big tumbler of water. I do a lot of walking, lifting, bending, moving, super physical job. I always drank water anyways but after my family member got a kidney stone from not drinking as much water as needed, I became obsessed with making sure I'm drinking all my fluids. Even more so when I'm doing physical activities.",
">\n\nTwo girls one cup is the only time I've been more offended than you about someone holding a cup.",
">\n\nI’m chronically thirsty tho lol",
">\n\nThe only coffee cups and mugs I see at work are obviously those fee swag mugs you get when the company buys like 100k worth of lab equipment and you get a free metro thermo coffee mug or something.\nWe drink it straight from the pot \nWork at a lab it's awesome.",
">\n\nMy veterinary practice has an in house lab, does that count? 🥺👉👈",
">\n\nsounds cool.",
">\n\nThis is so interesting. I had a British coworker years ago who remarked on how “obsessed with hydration” Americans are.",
">\n\nNah I’m gonna continue taking my iced coffees in my Starbucks blinged out tumblers everywhere I go",
">\n\nI actually DO need a beverage at all times. When I do not have access to a beverage I get extremely distracted; it bothers me so much I cannot focus on what’s at hand. And also, for the record I drink a lot of fluids and feel thirsty if I do not.",
">\n\n“People drinking fluids is annoying to me”",
">\n\nWhile I think you’re moderately obsessing here, I do agree that the whole concept of people carrying around Starbuck’s cups like some sort of badge on a daily basis is extremely annoying. I love coffee, drink it every day in a variety of forms. But simply put, Starbuck’s is largely over-burnt dark roast and stupidly overpriced. When I see a group of 20-somethings all carrying their $6-$8 branded coffees coming in for their $35-$45k a year job I just have to take my hat off to the power of brand marketing. It’s not good coffee, plain and simple.",
">\n\nI totally agree about Starbucks. Here, their coffee is SO expensive that I can buy powdered coffee for 75 cups (!) for the same price and simply boil water and do it myself.\nOther than that, it's normal to drink coffee at workplace. Especially at office.",
">\n\nHere's your upvote.\nWho cares? It's nice to have a drink ready",
">\n\nPeople are gatekeeping drinks now. We've hit a new low. When you're griping about drinks, a basic human need, maybe you should figure out what makes you happy.",
">\n\n“Beverage culture” 😕 🤦♀️ my god some of y’all really need to find a new hobby that isn’t making up gibberish then complaining about it.",
">\n\nYou know what I'm sick of? Bathroom culture. I hate seeing my weak coworkers having g to relieve themselves when I can hold it all day long and longer cause I'm not a lazy jackass that needs to pee or poop at all hours of the day. I may have issues now because of it but God damn at least I'm not an unprofessional bathroom user",
">\n\nit’s an adult pacifier",
">\n\nI have never seen a more relatable comment lmao",
">\n\nI can completely understand where you're coming from and I can see how irritating that would be in an office environment, however, I was a chef a little while ago and the only thing that would keep me up to speed with the workflow and cool enough to work in the kitchen was constantly having a energy drink on the go, meaning that in an 8hr shift, I could easily drink a 4 pack of monster or equivalent, which I'm not proud of but caffeinated beverages were something that I would genuinely have to factor into my weekly expenses due to this. \nI was also heavily dependent on it as not having an energy drink nearly cost me my job at one point because I decided to try and work without it as it was causing health complications but I received a warning from my manager for being too slow but I needed the money so I had to be extremely cautious with my intake so that I didn't overdo it and die but not underdo it and loose my job because if I lost my job, I wouldn't have been able to pay rent and I would've lost everything, having to go homeless.\nI'm certainly past those times now but in short (TL;DR) caffeinated beverages were literally essential to me being able to work and I would've lost everything without them.",
">\n\nKitchens are no joke. You might as well be an athlete. That's literally something you need to function & I'm not dogging on that. \nWhat pisses me off are the people that think they are you. They think they'll wither away or actually murder someone if they don't have coffee before the next email gets sent at their non physically demanding, air conditioned, lumbar supporting, office chair. It's not life saving, it's not necessary. It's fucking annoying. \nGlad you're past that!",
">\n\nIt’s horrifying how empty our lives have become. We fill them up with anything, even choosing to be outraged at people holding cups.",
">\n\nCoffee keeps me from murdering my co-workers.\nYou're welcome.",
">\n\nI work in a school. 75% of the staff drinks coffee. Gives us pep for what we have to do all day, and I love coffee, so it puts me in a good mood so I’m positive and able to do my job well. I do my job VERY well, and I can do it WHILE I drink my coffee, thankyouverymuch.",
">\n\nI don’t understand how people who drink huge amounts of coffee all day don’t spend half the day in the shitter",
">\n\nCoffee actually keeps me from getting constipated. Sorry for the tmi but it doesn’t obliterate my intestines it keeps them going.",
">\n\nWhen they have a coffee you just have a beer",
">\n\nUnpopular opinion but 7-eleven coffee is MILES better than Starbucks or Dunkin coffee",
">\n\nIs it? Never tried it. Do you know if they sell it iced or can you get it iced? I don’t like hot coffee.",
">\n\nI’m about to get coffee right now",
">\n\nDo you feel the same about water?",
">\n\nI agree that coffee 24/7 is a social problem that's become weird but it's been enforced with office and work place culture and caffeine addictions cause so many more problems than people realize but the idea of being utterly inconvinced by having a water bottle or something with you is a wild take. Gen Z is considered to be the most hydrated generation of all time and had the lowest rate of recorded childhood issues due to dehydration in America and also some of the fastest physical developments in generational history. A lot of it is just attributed to Gen X and older millennials learning about the importance of hydration and passing that on simultaneously with the rise of reusable water bottles. \nDrinking enough during the day helps regulate your body, sleep, mind and so many things physical and mental health wise that it is not a matter of drinking x amount of water in a day but cram it into one or two hours but instead drink it as needed throughout the day to support homeostasis. \nYou are the odd one out because you've reinforced a habit of restricting your liquid consumption to when it is your soul focus and most people in the \"American Workforce\" and I would say even broader society in America haven't done that and you're angry at them for what? Multitasking? Being healthier? Having disposable income to use on a beverage? I'm not sure why you're upset. I can go to somewhere like a theater where beverages are prohibited and watch a three hour show without a beverage and be fine sure, but over those three hours my body is slowly losing the last water I've intaken filtering functioning etc. It's the same logic as yes you can run a car on a close to empty tank but in an ideal world your car would run a lot better if you topped it off more frequently and never let it run super low because if you hit a stretch of road without any gas stations to fill up and you're running low you're running your car down and screwing yourself over or a phone you should never charge it to 100% or let it hit 0% but the more you keep it in the 80s-90s%s the longer the batter lasts plus you know you're ready for some time if you suddenly have to be without a charger for a while. \nThis is an unpopular opinion and just a weird ass way to say you're wayyy too focused on things that do not impact you at all. I really thought with the title of this post it was gonna be commentary on alcohol or some beverage habits that actually actively harm others?",
">\n\nAlso just to add I don't consume any caffeine at all beyond occasionally chocolate and I haven't had coffee since the first time I tried it in 2002 and never have I been \"singled out\" or the \"odd one out\" or \"weird\" for not having coffee in over 20 years across work environments thought the US including my most recent office where we have a private free Starbucks that we can have delivered to our desks. So even when it's free I don't have to go out of my way to get it and I still choose not to get it, no one has felt the need to \"question me\" where my xxxl cup of coffee is?",
">\n\nIs the coffee is the room with us right now?",
">\n\nI did not know this was even a thing.",
">\n\ni can assure you its not lmao",
">\n\nPpl have a coffee addiction and refuse to admit it",
">\n\nThis made me grab my water bottle",
">\n\nThis comment made me snort and it woke my cat up. 😂😭",
">\n\nAww🤣 tell them I’m sorry and give them some pets",
">\n\nThe way you describe your work it sounds like you need another job. Literally your job sounds like you can fuck off all day and get paid the same as if you really worked hard. Maybe find something more engaging? Maybe look into manufacturing? No drinks allowed on the shop floor where ever I’ve worked.",
">\n\nIn my comment I also suggested maybe OP look into going remote? From the post description it sounds like an office environment so it’s worth looking into if OP’s coworkers are bothering them THAT much.",
">\n\nYou must be super fun at a Whiskey bar. \nside note - I can't stand the whiskey douche culture.",
">\n\nMe neither. I think rum is better anyway 😂🤷🏼♀️",
">\n\nYou want to know what is annoying? Kombucha culture.",
">\n\nAs someone who doesn't drink coffee and has had my balls busted for not drinking coffee 9n a regular basis, I kind of agree.",
">\n\nI work as a barista and yeah I think people do drink too much coffee but also.. The people who do come in for coffee are only worried about making it through their own day in whatever means works for them. They aren't thinking of you when they spend their hard earned money on things they either ultimately like or enjoy regardless of its use as a tool or not.\nGuaranteed no one else is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Got a bit of main character syndrome here..\nIt's definitely an unpopular opinion so there's that.",
">\n\nI think drinking about 80+ oz of water a day is medically recommended. So everyone has a medical reason to bring water with them",
">\n\nThis is a weird hill to die on. \nTbh I have been carrying water with me everywhere because I used to get such bad anxiety that I felt like I was choking so I would drink water to help lessen that anxiety. Over time it just because a habit to always have a bottle of water.",
">\n\nBro I'm just trying to be hydrated and not have that deep yellow piss",
">\n\nThis is why you should have coffee with you more often.",
">\n\nThis is so funny😭 I disagree but the comments here seem to be forgetting about those obnoxiously large bottle that has \"good job!\" \"almost there!!\" on the side. like you are literally drinking water 😭",
">\n\nMy emotional support insulated tumbler of ice water and I will just be over here thriving if anyone needs us",
">\n\nFor the look of the comments it seems we have a really unpopular opinion here!",
">\n\nWho cares let people enjoy their drinks",
">\n\n“Beverage Culture” 💀",
">\n\nrofl... you are triggered over other people having coffee? why the hell do you care? Are they continually throwing it at you or something?",
">\n\nOr worry about yourself",
">\n\nI’m cryin laughin over this, while holding my beverage",
">\n\nFeels so oddly aggressive for a complaint so small xD aight",
">\n\nYou sound cranky. Do you need a cuppa?",
">\n\nI am sorry you feel this way to have a rant. I LOVE coffee but by 9am I am done but bring my water bottle everywhere. I hope this is ok but if not that is ok, I will bring anyway. Not sure that it matters that it is water, coffee, tea or otherwise",
">\n\nIt most likely has nothing to do with fluids, and more with caffeine intake just to be able to handle dealing with every other @$$hole on the planet...",
">\n\nPlot twist: OP has a small bladder and is triggered by all these beverage drinkers constantly hydrating without constant bathroom use. OP, life is too short, drink those beverages, be like my mom. She uses the bathroom like 3 times every hour and is constantly hydrating even when we tell her not too. \nI feel like OP probably has not found \"THE\" beverage for them yet. When you find something you enjoy drinking daily, you take any opportunity to re-fill your cup.",
">\n\nIn order to drink the recommended amount of water per day, some people most definitely do need to bring water with them wherever they go.",
">\n\nThere's no such thing as beverage culture. Culture isn't the correct term.",
">\n\nNo one tell OP about r/hydrohomies",
">\n\nLets play \"find the redditor who's never had a caffeine addiction\"",
">\n\nThat all sounds better then your whole vibe lol",
">\n\nman’s is mad about people drinking beverages",
">\n\nThis may be one of the dumber posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.",
">\n\nBeing dehydrated causes grumpiness.",
">\n\nDefinitely agree with you…I think mentioning and brining attention to it is just office small talk - inoffensive and relatable. It’s like the one thing you can bet most people have in common (a caffeine addiction).\nI guess you’ve never worked with smokers. Wondering why they get a 10 minute smoke break every couple hours is the same feeling - questioning why is bad behavior being rewarded.",
">\n\nTake a smoke break, take a non smoker smoke break. Go outside for 10 minutes to decompress and get some air. But do you bring it back with you? Come back into work and just do the fucking work for a little while. I've seen smokers who are way more productive than the constant coffee drinkers. But holding that cup is like a status symbol now. They must be working extra hard because they've got their coffee.",
">\n\nMy neighbors have wind chimes…..\nThey are very annoying.",
">\n\nActually, it’s better for you to sip water throughout the day\nAlso makes it much easier to hit any goal for water intake you may have. \nI steadily have been drinking nearly a gallon a day with no problems by having water near me at all times 24/7\nHowever, i agree that the coffee hipster American office worker that makes their coffee visibly a big deal is annoying as hell",
">\n\nThat's what I'm talking about!",
">\n\nYou seem to hold a lot of anger towards this specific thing. You good? Cause it’s really not that deep.",
">\n\nLike every other human, we all have our hangups. I don't think this rage post accurately captured how I feel about adults toting coffee. It's really just a minor annoyance but spending too much time over thinking it made me angrier than I generally am about it. Thanks for the grounding lol",
">\n\nI mean I’m not faulting you for your pet peeves. I certainly have them. I just have to remind myself that a pet peeve is often something that doesn’t have to be rage inducing. Before I snap and end up smacking somebody. 😂🫠",
">\n\nAh, the old \"I work harder than anybody!!!\" Can you do the one how getting eight hours of sleep is a dumb idea because you only need 5? Oh, and then the one about not using up your vacation days because you are too important at the office. Yeah yeah, do that one too. That's my favorite!",
">\n\nNot everything is a culture, just cuz people take pride in or are excited about their cup or their drink doesn’t make it a universal culture in which the masses follow. It’s a person with a drink and a cup, and at the end of the day it is you who has an issue with what people choose to do with their own free will. \nYou clearly have had a few instances with someone at work on the extreme end of what you define as “beverage culture” and then want to act like the majority of people who have a work cup are some psychopaths. \nThe forum is unpopular opinions, so when you post something here, it somewhat insinuates that the majority of us in here have an opposing opinion than yours….that being said idk anyone who condones “beverage culture” the way you define it and I’ve worked in an office over 15 years with hundreds of people. So perhaps post this in r/grindsmygears ….cuz your one interaction with a coworker doesn’t remotely come off as an unpopular opinion. Literally the opposite of your opinion would be more unpopular…you’re just circle jerking a complaint while trying to work a lame stand up routine and that is not what this forum is for….",
">\n\nI didn’t know about that sub, thanks! More content :)",
">\n\nThere’s people I know who are always late to everything but also always have a fresh cup of Starbucks in their hands when they show up late. Like if you had time to go to Starbucks, you had time to come early but you chose not too. Those are the people I can’t stand.",
">\n\nwho cares. is their payroll coming out of your pockets? if not, it’s not your place to micromanage them lol even if it did, why does the extra 10 minutes of lateness to grab coffee really bother you. we let our employees manage their time and respect they are humans not robots. if they wanna scroll facebook for 15-20 min, it doesn’t really matter. they know what needs to be done in the day and it gets done to the highest quality. i have no idea why ppl get so irked if their coworkers aren’t working to the same level of attentiveness. who fucking cares. \nsincerely, admin & operations manager",
">\n\nEveryone waiting cares because when it’s consistent it shows that they don’t respect your time. You must be one of these people who are always late and inconsiderate.",
">\n\nwaiting on what??? if it’s retail then yeah I get it. If you have customers physically in front of you yeah the above does not apply. But we’re talking about office jobs. Who the fuck cares if Brenda from accounting wanted something 10 minutes ago. She can get it when I get to it or do it herself. Perfectly capable humans. \nI’m not late because we don’t have set hours. Like I said as long as the work gets done it literally does not matter. Here you are complaining about ppl drinking beverages on a work day during work hours online. it’s ok when you lose your time away but others who do it are inconsiderate?? foh 😂\ni work 70+ hour weeks. If something is urgent it gets done. If something is a favor it gets done when I’m done with my tasks. It’s that simple. Manage your own work flow and stay in your lane.\nEdit: wait y’all actually expect people to wait on you if you’re running late?? Why on earth would you not just communicate why you’re running behind and to start without you. No one’s time is being wasted. Why is your time more important. You’re still leaving at the set end time of the meeting ??? Idk west coast moves different, it’s very chill here. Wherever y’all work sounds fucking terrible.",
">\n\nThere are definitely people who make coffee their personalities. I also think it is funny when the top comments on a sub about random opinions are always, \"why do you have an opinion on this?\"",
">\n\nPeople ask that most likely because they have never thought long about the topic let alone have as strong of an opinion on it like OP. So yeah op can have this opinion but it's perfectly reasonable to wonder why they have it especially when they feel as strongly as op does. Plus the fact that while the sub is for unpopular opinions that doesn't mean they are free from questions and/or criticism.",
">\n\nI agree. If you post an opinion, be prepared to defend it. I just don't understand asking why someone cares about an opinion. That can be said about almost anything. I imagine if you are lurking on this sub, you understand that it is mostly going to be trivial things.",
">\n\nOP is a robot who doesn't understand human interaction nothing to see here guys",
">\n\nYou opinion is indeed unpopular but I know exactly the types of people to which you prefer so I'm inclined to agree",
">\n\nYou don’t have friends huh",
">\n\nI'll satisfy myself on your fucking beverage.",
">\n\nSo those of us that have medical issues that require good hydration should just advertise on our travel cup so that way you won’t judge us. Problem solved lol 😆 ridiculous",
">\n\nI know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I've grown tired of the constant glorification of beverages. From pumpkin spice lattes to matcha green tea, it seems like every other day there's a new \"must-try\" drink being advertised on social media.\nDon't get me wrong, I enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea as much as the next person. But the constant pressure to try new and trendy drinks, as well as the expectation to be able to rattle off a list of your favorite \"artisanal\" beverages, has become overwhelming.\nIt's also frustrating how expensive these drinks can be. A simple cup of coffee can cost upwards of $5 at certain cafes, and it's not uncommon to see people dropping $10 or more on a single drink.\nFurthermore, the environmental impact of beverage culture can't be ignored. The constant waste produced by disposable cups, straws, and other packaging materials is a serious issue that is often overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect latte Instagram photo.\nIn short, I think it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate our relationship with beverages. Let's enjoy a simple cup of coffee or tea without feeling the need to constantly try new, overpriced drinks. And let's work towards reducing the environmental impact of beverage culture.",
">\n\nIts like vaping, adult pacifiers. Weak.",
">\n\nWhy do you concern yourself so much with what others are doing? Like you seem very upset about this and it’s very weird.",
">\n\noh my god dude put your energy into something else",
">\n\nWhy you mad people are hydrating lmaoooo bet you’re against chapstick",
">\n\nMaybe you wouldn't be so cranky if you weren't so dehydrated and uncaffinated",
">\n\nYou’re easily annoyed, like really easily",
">\n\nI'll take beverage culture over bitching over small things culture",
">\n\nOP seems like a walking talking advertisement for capitalism. “Why are they taking time to make coffee and socializing with coworker when they should be doing there JOB” the work at a job is only a part of what matters socializing and getting to know your coworkers is also important to creative a good dynamic a team culture in the work place but op seems like she doesn’t care about that and only thinks “DO YOUR JOB” is important.",
">\n\nActually I know exactly what you’re talking about and I completely agree.",
">\n\nYou're on to something. People think I'm some magical camel being when I go 2 or 3 hours without a beverage. People are always worrying and asking me if I'm sure I don't need a juice or water.",
">\n\nI also agree that people who coffee into their identity are annoying as fuck. “yoU DoNt DrInk CoFfeE?” Because I don’t drink it twice a day\nLike stfu, sorry I’m not proud of an addiction.",
">\n\nEuropean here. Those extra large buckets containing this gross liquid you call coffee are ridiculous. Not to mention the grande venti double shot caramel pumpkin spice bullshit. Thank y'all.",
">\n\nFrom the sounds of your comments it seems like JUST YOUR coworkers are unusually obsessed with coffee. Do you have a super boring job? I've never heard of anyone pestering you about coffee like you seem to mention over and over. In fact, in my workplace, I get gently mocked for having energy drinks and large coffees.",
">\n\nMe too lol our staff fridge is packed with my Monster cans.",
">\n\nI take a giant water bottle AND a tumbler of coffee with me to class everyday🤷🏻♀️",
">\n\nOk… but I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either",
">\n\nWork sucks. It sucks a little bit less if you have something to drink.",
">\n\nthis has to be satire",
">\n\namericans drink hot coffee flavoured beverages, not coffee. it's not coffee when it's served in a bucket and 95% of it is milk and flavoured syrups and pumpkin spice or whatever shit they add. \nits universally known that if you travel to the US expect to have to go without coffee while you're there or force down what will be the worst coffee you can imagine in order to satisfy your caffeine craving.",
">\n\nIt’s amusing that this annoys you. Why get so worked up over something so trivial and that doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nTHIS. I LOVE YOU.",
">\n\nwtf is beverage culture",
">\n\nI know what your talking about, I have an ex that was into it. Office worker too, spot on. 👍\nI hear ya dude.",
">\n\nThe 24 oz+ coffee is such an American problem. They say \"ohhhh I need my coffee otherwise I don't work well\" when in reality its just a pound of sugar with 30 oz of milk what they are drinking.",
">\n\nThank you.",
">\n\nso many ppl in the comments are mad and thing is yall just dont get it like its SILLY dont yall run to the bathroom like every 5 seconds bc you drink and drink and drnk? like why is that so necassary? it may seem silly to hate but ig us non beverage people just find it annoying to see people express such addiction for beverages. coffee culture is the worst bc people will say shit like “i cant go a second of my day without atleast 4 shots of expresso in my coffee” “OMG my morning coffee!! nooo i need it!!! nooo!!” boo you are annoying stfu coffee people stfu\nunpopular opinion pt 2 but coffee itself is overrated like its not even all that good? sure it smells nice but thats about it. i’ve had coffee before and i have never felt such a connection to it like some people do. its not even healthy",
">\n\nI don’t actually do this, but on the few times I have, I find it comforting to hold something.",
">\n\nThe adderall gives me cotton mouth",
">\n\nHow do you not know what ppl r going through i always have coffee in my hands cuz i need it to function cuz i work a lot and am a full time college student. a lot of ppl use “beverage culture” to function bc they’re so tired or worn out.",
">\n\nI'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Caffeine dependency might not be your best solution. Best of luck to you & I hope you get some rest",
">\n\nAll fad cultures are annoying.",
">\n\nPeople would laugh if they knew what was in my little tumbler every morning: Icewater, right out of the tap.",
">\n\nI experience ongoing fatigue without coffee. I was like that way growing up then when I hit my early 20s I tried some and it was like WOW where have you been all my life? I essentially need something to sip on during all hours to function optimally, but it doesn't just have to be coffee: early gray tea, iced tea, -- anything caffeinated really. However, I am intrigued with other ways of maintaining good energy, including cold showers, exercise, and dieting. But when I look back on my life before coffee, it was a momentous struggle if I'm being honest, and I was normally in pretty good shape.",
">\n\nI can't imagine why anyone would single you out as weird",
">\n\nI am supposed to drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day. Just water, not counting my coffee. I weight 211 lbs, so I have to drink about a gallon of water alone. I'm gonna have a cup next to me most of the day.",
">\n\nI mean, yeah it would be weird to freak out if you didnt have your drink, but I see nothing wrong with having a drink if you can. Tea is my preference. It’s just a comfort item and it keeps my hands busy so I can stay focused on the person talking and not feel anxious. It’s also helpful for oral fixations",
">\n\nI’d disagree but sips Lipton tea that’s none of my business",
">\n\nI mean sure, cool you can live without coffee, so can everyone else. But we live in 2023 and one of the benefits of that is that while we don't need a coffee all the time we have the option to do so and I don't really see what the problem with that is. If your coworkers are spending a disproportionate amount of time making coffee, the. It sounds far more like a person issue than a coffee issue because most people will last multiple hours on a single coffee in my experience",
">\n\nYo, why do you care what other people do? Does it hurt you in some way?",
">\n\nSomeone needs a chamomile tea.....ommmmmmm.",
">\n\nSomeone get Kendall Jenner, OP needs a Pepsi™",
">\n\nDamn, maybe they just like to make sure they have something to keep hydrated with and happen to have a preferred drink. Dunno why that makes you so mad",
">\n\nMy other initial thought is people who suffer from attention deficit, like myself. Sometimes it can be good to have something to focus on or hold on to. (Obvs not always coffee cause caffeine can make it worse for some people. It doesn’t for me thank god but I know everyone is different). \nAlso my anxiety makes me pick at my fingers so I would much rather pick at the sticker on the side of my coffee cup lol",
">\n\nYes I forgot to mention that, I like having my drink for a long time for the same reason, I also pick at my fingers too unfortunately of all the habits to have to help with that one I chose vaping",
">\n\nDrinks are great because they're something to do to look busy",
">\n\nhey thanks for an actual unpopular opinion ya dont see people acrually posting unpopular opinions as ‘controversial’ as this one LOL",
">\n\nNot everyone experiences and enjoys life the way you do. I am someone who enjoys sipping on my drink slowly over time instead of consuming it all at once.",
">\n\nMe too. The idea of slamming the whole thing actually makes my (already weak) stomach hurt.",
">\n\nNot sure if this counts, but most adults need at least 100oz of water a day. Being 6’3 240 I shoot for around 150oz. This takes some time and effort to get in everyday. So essentially, yes I have a beverage (water) with me everywhere I go.",
">\n\nLmao damn bro, let people drink coffee!",
">\n\nWell I always carry around my water bottle. It's a 32 oz. dark blue stainless steel bottle. I'm always thristy. But I'm also a stoner who gets the worst cotton mouth sooo... I'll continue to carry around my water lol. Granted I've never ran out of places because I forgot it. If I'm still in the driveway at home and realize I didn't grab it I'll go back in my house. But other than that I generally don't freak out about not having my water.",
">\n\nA lot of people got upset at this post so you struck a nerve for sure. I only like my water but for me the beverage culture that makes no sense is why do people put in so much time, money, and effort into coffee. The line to the Starbucks that I pass by wraps around the block every morning on my commute. Then the same people apologize for being late or complain about their money.",
">\n\nIt’s because it’s faster to have someone else make it for you instead of blowing your money on a coffee grinder and whatever else you might need. Also most people don’t feel like getting up earlier than usual to make it themselves so they’d rather just go get it. Same reason why people would rather pick up lunch while at work. It’s easier and faster than making it yourself when you’re on a time crunch. \nAnd yes I know the supplies comment is stupid but think about people logic. People ✨think✨it’s cheaper to buy a coffee every morning instead of buying coffee making supplies (which can vary depending on what kind of coffee you like — my sister used to be a barista/supervisor for Starbucks) and doing it at home. This is cause there’s a higher upfront cost and that’s all people pay attention to. It’s super dumb but unfortunately I don’t think people will ever stop because picking up coffee is so much more convenient than having to make it yourself. People are lazy. 😂😅",
">\n\nAs someone who only drinks water, I’m not sure what the problem is with always carrying your drink with you. I carry my ice water around my job all night.",
">\n\nI bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere and I will never stop. I recently went to a concert and I didnt have my water with me and ended up passing out & ive never passed out before. 😭 I think ive made my body need the water more than normal now lol",
">\n\nWhat about water? I bring a metal bottle of water with me everywhere. I hate how most people drink water from the tap or fridge. That stuff has a weird taste",
">\n\nDepends on where you live maybe? The tap water by me tastes fine in my opinion. But then again I’m not into ✨water✨like that the way other water drinkers are so maybe I’m just not knowledgeable about the different tastes water can have.",
">\n\nHaha I get it. I filter my water in a brita that sits in my fridge. I love when my water is very cold like that. My city has great water but I could never get over the metallic stale taste it has. I am into water like you said some people are. Hydrohomie for life",
">\n\nI carry a half gallon jug of water with me everywhere because I’m genuinely just always thirsty. I probably should tell my doctor",
">\n\nI just carry around a half-gallon jug of ice water.",
">\n\nI’m gonna go get an XL tea with three types of boba just to spite OP now",
">\n\nNow I NEED a coffee in my tumbler cup",
">\n\nYou should really have access to water all day if possible to stay hydrated. I’ve never worked somewhere where people didn’t have water bottles etc with water on their desks or otherwise with them. It’s very healthy.",
">\n\nYes, but change this to alcohol culture. You don't need alcohol in EVERY SOCIAL SITUATION.",
">\n\nCorrect. But most of us aren’t drinking coffee to socialize at work. We’re just trying to stay awake. ☹️😭",
">\n\nI agree that it's annoying when people get mad about not having coffee or needing it. \nBut I love having access to whatever drink I want at any time and I think other should too. Just maybe don't drink loudly at a meeting.\nThis holding drinks thing is weeird",
">\n\nI just visited Spain and I also much prefer going to a cafe for a small (~6-8oz) coffee for $1.50 vs a 24oz Starbucks drink for $5 which is often a lot of calories too.",
">\n\nCosign on those annoying ass pretentious tumblers. WE GET IT!!",
">\n\nNah sometimes I get called out for having an iced tea in the morning instead of coffee. It’s weird.",
">\n\nI have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my secretory glands, so I have to have a drink at hand at all times, and it gets worse with stress. Also, some parts of the US are drier than others, and often buildings are kept at low humidity rates, which can dry people out.",
">\n\nOP is a tea drinker.",
">\n\nIt's funny that people are ragging on you but change 'beverage' to 'smoke break' and you'd be getting awards.",
">\n\nTry Tea. It’s better then coffee. \nNow watch me get down voted by the Starbucks crowd.",
">\n\nMaybe not, didn’t starbs buy out teavana?",
">\n\nI don’t think they serve that brand anymore. But I am not a regular Starbucks goer because I don’t like coffee and they are very overpriced in my opinion.",
">\n\nYeah I’m not a starbs patron either. I find their mocha syrups too rich and their drinks are too pricey.",
">\n\nOh hell ya! it's fashion at its finest, not unpopular at all.",
">\n\nGot to stay hydrated",
">\n\nBro youre getting angry at people for satisfying their own wants in a way that does not affect you what is the problem here",
">\n\nI have to admit while watching American programs (along with social media)I was perplexed when I saw people with massive water jugs. \nWhy drink out of such a huge bottle?\nI always have a water bottle but it's like a tall glass size. I just refill it with fresh cold water. So I understand bringing a beverage bottle, cup whatever. It's easy, efficient and no waste. But sincerely curious as to the 2 Liter size and bigger. Why?",
">\n\nA lot of people purchase them either for the convenience of not having to constantly refill, or to hold themselves accountable for drinking water. Lately we’ve been into the idea of drinking more water, and so people use these jugs to keep track of how much they’ve actually had. In fact, a lot of them are labeled with the time of day and everything to try and motivate you and help keep you on track. Weird, I know. But very much a fact lol.",
">\n\nThanks for the explanation. Now I know I'm not crazy. Jugs of water are a thing in the USA.\nThe only thing really weird in my mind is people are keeping track of water intake.I mainly drink water, so I know I drink enough of it. I can't understand why this is a problem. Don't people get thirsty? \nThe jugs would be inconvenient for me, a large, bulky thing to carry around. \nI like my small water bottle however, fits on my bag, coat pocket.\nBut definitely think most people have a bottle for beverages.",
">\n\nI currently absolutely need to have water near me all the time. I am about 3 months pregnant and constantly thirsty.\nIt is about staying hydrated and it is something I always struggle with. If I didn’t have it near I would drink maybe 1-2 cups of fluids a day.",
">\n\nYou sound like a lot of fun at parties.",
">\n\nMaybe some people just enjoy things?",
">\n\n\"Beverage Culture\"... Jesus fucking christ",
">\n\nYou sure are mad about something so small and trivial... Maybe drink some coffee and calm down..",
">\n\n“Sips tea”",
">\n\nBeverage culture bruh 😭",
">\n\nOK. try insulated bottles.",
">\n\nI'm just over here quietly popping my 200mg caffeine pills once daily and going about my business :).",
">\n\n\"beverage culture\" what the fuck is this. Lmao, hell no dude.",
">\n\nJust let people drink their coffee damn",
">\n\nI so badly want to meet one of these people who makes their beverage habits a sizable part of their personality. Where do you live?! What do you do?! Who ARE your co-workers?!",
">\n\nRight??? My sister literally worked for STARBUCKS and NEVER encountered ANYONE like that.",
">\n\nI love this post. It's absolutely true but seemingly unpopular. Perfect for the sub. I've been in a lot of meetings where every single person places their hydroflask, complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality, delicately in front of them as they sit down. It's also obnoxious how every other year a new \"it\" beverage container comes out and every consumerist mom has to have it to fit in at the school drop off. Their personality expressing hydroflask still holds beverages perfectly well but if their husband doesn't spend $30 on THE new container for mother's day, he's a bum.",
">\n\nI get the annoyance over the “hot new thing” part but why do you seem to have beef with people personalizing their stuff? You made a point of saying “complete with print and lanyard that expresses their personality” like they’re doing something so awful and wrong by making their personal property look the way they want to. Why the beef when it doesn’t affect you in the slightest?",
">\n\nI just find it to be extra, try-hard, cringy, whatever. Pick your adjective. If a water bottle has to scream \"ME!\" and it has to be carried absolutely everywhere, to me it says that the person puts too much stock in the importance of their things.",
">\n\n😬😬😬 ….. I’m a crafter and an artist. I customize everything. Has zero to do with importance. I see it as another surface to design.",
">\n\nI've never seen a self-decorated hydroflask these were all off the shelf. I do like when people paint their shoes I think that's cool.",
">\n\nI personally don’t own a hydroflask bc I think they’re overpriced and I suck at drinking water lol. However I do design my phone cases, shoes, hair accessories. Anything I can get my hands on including trying in vain to convince my friends to let me decorate their hydroflasks 😅",
">\n\nI have one coffee a day. After that I always have my water bottle on me",
">\n\nI don't drink coffee all day long either but it's for... digestive reasons :))",
">\n\nSo you’re mad people want to stay hydrated?",
">\n\nBeverage culture? This shit has gone too far. People drink beverages it’s not a culture",
">\n\nOp is dehydrated af",
">\n\n3 things here:\n\n\nI am a vet tech. My job is difficult and physically demanding. It is also mentally and emotionally taxing. So you bet your sweet little ass I’m going to have my latte. \n\n\nMy shifts start before my brain is awake. If I don’t have caffeine it can be several hours before I am operating at full capacity which can be dangerous for a job like this. Not to mention I’m in a much better mood when I am wide awake as I think we all are. \n\n\nI’m disabled. I am on a crap ton of prescription medications and many of them make me drowsy. Unfortunately the drowsiness does NOT help me sleep because some of my medications are to be taken in the morning, and I’m in so much pain at night due to working that I can’t fall asleep or stay asleep. So I just squirm in bed until I fall into a very broken sleep, wake up, and do it all over again. \n\n\nI’m not saying these things to guilt you or make you pity me or feel bad. But I’m actually kind of hurt that you think this poorly about people who bring coffee with them to work. You are entitled to your opinion but some of the responses you’ve posted here actually hurt my feelings. \nMaybe if this is bothering you so much you should consider finding a new job or trying to go remote instead of shitting on your coworkers for a behavior you don’t know (and are in turn assuming) the reason behind. \nI personally couldn’t give less of a fuck if you drink coffee or tea or water or Red Bull or nothing. I really don’t care. What I care about is people like you judging me for simply trying to get by. \nHave a good day and enjoy your PTO water.",
">\n\nDefinitely an unpopular opinion that people shouldn’t enjoy/need a coffee to get through their day so congrats. I’ll grant that people who make coffee or wine their whole personality are pretty annoying but not sure I see the issue with someone wanting a coffee or whatever drink they want throughout the day.",
">\n\nI do need water with me at all times because I’m always thirsty and I’m thirstier if I don’t have water near me. And I bring coffee to work because my work coffee is atrocious. I don’t see why these things are a big deal. Like what is the great offense?",
">\n\nThe ADHD in me prefers to have a coffee for the caffeine and a water for the hydration. Without it, I tend to feel a little worse, and I won’t drink water otherwise. \nPlus, if I want a treat to motivate me and my treat isn’t impacting anyone, who cares?",
">\n\nI get annoyed by people who basically say you can’t interact with them in the morning until they had their coffee. Grow the fuck up.",
">\n\nMaybe you don't need a beverage. But goddam OP get you a Snicker bar ASAFP.",
">\n\nI'm gonna reply to this, but first let mepour a fresh pot of coffee. I just can't drink the stale burn stuff",
">\n\nAre you dehydrated?",
">\n\nYou can have your upvote, hopefully it helps distract from your crippling levels of dehydration."
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