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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19159 | Go Back 2018-2019 StudyChaCha > >
Old January 21st, 2014, 11:29 AM
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Please give me ONGC Mechanical Engineering exam question paper soon ?
here I am giving you ONGC Mechanical Engineering examination paper in word file attached with it ….
ONGC exam pattern:
it contains 200 objective questions.
duration of exam will be 3 hours.
The exam paper would consist of three sections: --
General Awareness
Specialization Subject
Aptitude test
Aptitude test containing question from following areas:
Reasoning (Verbal/Non-verbal).
Numerical Ability/Quantitative
Data Interpretation.
Questions :
1 During the execution of a CNC part program block NO20 GO2 X45.0 Y25.0 R5.0 the type of tool motion will be
A) circular Interpolation — clockwise
B) circular Interpolation — counterclockwise
C) linear Interpolation
D) rapid feed
Answer : (A)
2 A component can be produced by any of the four processes I, II, III and IV. Process I has a fixed cost ofRs. 20 and variable cost of Rs. 3 per piece. Process II has a fixed cost Rs. 50 and variable cost of Re. 1 per piece. Process III has a fixed cost of Rs. 40 and variable cost of Rs. 2 per piece. Process IV has a fixed cost of Rs. 10 and variable cost of Rs. 4 per piece. If the company wishes to produce 100 pieces of the component, from economic point of view it should choose
A) Process I
B) Process II
C) Process III
D) Process IV
Answer : (B)
3 In an interchangeable assembly, shafts of size 25.000+0.040mm mate with holes of size 25.000+0.020 mm. The maximum possible clearance in the assembly will be
A) 10 microns
B) 20 microns
C) 30 microns
D) 60 microns
Answer : (D)
4 A company has two factories S1, S2 and two warehouses D1, D2. The supplies from S1 and S2 are 50 and 40 units respectively. Warehouse D1 requires a minimum of 20 units and a maximum of 40 units. Warehouse D2 requires a minimum of 20 units and, over and above, it can take as much as can be supplied. A balanced transportation problem is to be formulated for the above situation. The number of supply points, the number of demand points, and the total supply (or total demand) in the balanced transportation problem respectively are
A) 2, 4, 90
B) 2, 4, 110
C) 3, 4, 90
D) 3, 4, 110
Answer : (C)
5 An incompressible fluid (kinematic viscosity, 7.4 x 10-7 m2/s, specific gravity, 0.88) is held between two parallel plates. If the top plate is moved with a velocity of 0.5 m/s while the bottom one is held stationary, the fluid attains a linear velocity profile in the gap of 0.5 mm between these plates; the shear stress in Pascals on the surface of top plate is
A) 0.651 x 10-3
B) 0.651
C) 6.51
D) 0.651 x 103
Answer : (B)
6 The tool of an NC machine has to move along a circular arc from (5,5) to (10,10) while performing an operation. The centre of the arc is at (10,5). Which one of the following NC tool path commands performs the above mentioned operation?
A) N010 G02 X10 Y10 X5 Y5 R5
B) N010 G03 X10 Y10 X5 Y5 R5
C) N010 G01 X5 Y5 X10 Y10 R5
D) N010 G02 X5 Y5 X10 Y10 R5
Answer : (D)
7 During a Morse test on a 4 cylinder engine, the following measurements of brake power were taken at constant speed.
All cylinders firing 3037 kW
Number 1 cylinder not firing 2102 kW
Number 2 cylinder not firing 2102 kW
Number 3 cylinder not firing 2100 kW
Number 4 cylinder not firing 2098 kW
The mechanical efficiency of the engine is
A) 91.53%
B) 85.07%
C) 81.07%
D) 61.22%
Answer : (C)
8 In terms of theoretical stress concentration factor (Kt) and fatigue stress concentration factor (Kf ), the notch sensitivity ‘q’ is expressed as
A) (Kf -1) (Kt -1)
B) (Kf -1) (Kt +1)
C) (Kt -1) (Kf -1)
D) (Kf +1) (Kt +1)
Answer : (A)
9 Starting from x0 = 1, one step of Newton-Raphson method in solving the equation x3 + 3x -7 = 0 gives the next value (x1) as
A) x1 = 0.5
B) x1= 1.406
C) x1= 1.5
D) x1 = 2
Answer : (C)
10 The S-N curve for steel becomes asymptotic nearly at
A) 103 cycles
B) 104 cycles
C) 10 6 cycles
D) 10 9 cycles
Answer : (C)
For more paper here is attechment given below:
Attached Files
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Last edited by Aakashd; June 5th, 2019 at 01:33 PM.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19176 | Reinstall MasterCook 15
How do I reinstall MasterCook 15?
Install the program using your previously purchased disk or download. Normally when you purchase downloads, your web browser saves the file to the Downloads folder on your computer. You should back them up to another disk or drive on a regular basis, so you have them for future use.
If you purchased MasterCook 15 from another vendor, you must contact them. There are several online places that sell the MasterCook download. If you purchased it somewhere else, such as at Amazon, you need to use the download link you purchased from them since you are their customer. We do not have access to their customers or orders. For example, you will find your Amazon download link in your Games & Software Library.
Otherwise, you are welcome to provide proof of purchase by providing a copy of your receipt, and you can purchase a replacement of the MasterCook 15 product at a discount at Send your request and proof of purchase to to inquire.
FIRST STEP (Uninstall)
A. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE BACKUP COPIES FIRST on another disk or drive! See These Instructions.
B. Use Windows to uninstall the program. Go to the Windows Start menu or use the Windows Logo key on your keyboard and type Uninstall MasterCook 15. Then uninstall it. Restart your computer if prompted.
SECOND STEP (Delete Files Folders Left Behind)
Make sure there are no remains of the previous install before you install once again. Otherwise, those corrupt files will remain and so will your problems. If you are unable to find any of the 3 folders below, STOP. Contact us and let us know.
MasterCook 15 installed 3 folders on your computer, so make sure they are gone before you reinstall.
1. Open the C drive on your computer. Then open the Program Files (x86) folder. If there is a MasterCook 15 folder in here, delete it.
2. Open the C drive on your computer. Then open the ProgramData folder. If Windows is hiding that folder from you see Show Hidden Files in Windows 8 or Show Hidden Files in Windows 7. Make sure the MasterCook 15 folder is deleted from within the ProgramData folder. (If you still don't find the ProgramData folder on your computer, please ask us to help you.)
3. Open the C drive on your computer. Open the Users folder. Open the Public folder. Open the Public Documents folder. If there is a MasterCook 15 folder inside the Public Documents folder, delete it.
THIRD STEP (Fresh Installation)
Ready for Installation
Then close all programs and disable your antivirus program so nothing corrupts your installation. Reinstall MasterCook 15. Make sure it works correctly with its own files before you attempt to add your own. Start the program up. Do you see the cookbooks that install with the program? If not, contact us. Do not add your files yet. You don't have a complete install.
FOURTH STEP (Update MasterCook 15 if Necessary)
Check to see if you have the most current version. See this article.
FIFTH STEP (Merge Your Files)
Do not add your files if you haven't run the program as explained in the previous step. You can easily add your own files by using Merge to merge from your Backup location from the FIRST STEP above.
It is important that you do these three things:
1. After uninstalling you will get prompted to restart the computer. Do that.
2. After restarting the computer, you must delete the folders that remain behind after uninstalling. If you don't they will continue to cause problems.
3. If you do not close all other programs and disable your antivirus program when you install, they often cause a corrupt install for others.
After you get the program reinstalled, do NOT add back your files until you verify the program is working as expected with its own fresh files. If you have problems after adding your files, then you will know one of them is causing the problem.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19198 | STEM Friday: Stacking Cups
This Week’s Challenge
Create a tool, using only the materials provided, that will allow your team to stack six cups in the shape of a pyramid and then un-stack the pyramid back to a pile.
Materials (per team)
1. Six (6) plastics cup
2. Five (5) pieces of string
3. One (1) rubber band
1. Design your tool using only the materials provided.
2. Only the tool can touch the cups.
3. Hands can only touch the string.
The main purpose of this activity was to learn how to cooperate within a group and use ALL members to complete the task. It’s almost impossible to complete this task by touching only the string without everyone participating. Many students struggled working together and sharing their ideas with members of their group. This challenge was difficult, indeed! That being said, I would like to give a special shoutout to Table 5 for being the first to get close to solving the challenge by tying a string to the rubber band. In addition, I’d like to thank Table 2 for persevering and not giving up.
Great work, friends!
STEM Friday: Saving Sam!
This Week’s Challenge
Materials (per partner/group)
1. One gummy worm
2. One gummy lifesaver
3. One clear, plastic cup
4. Large paper clips (2-3)
1. Students will be in pairs.
For our very first cooperative learning activity, teams worked really well together sharing ideas and not giving up. Dylan and Maddie were the first to figure out how to get the life jacket on Sam, but struggled with actually getting him in. After many unsuccessful trials, I decided to make it a little easier by letting the pairs work in table groups and giving the groups 2 more paperclips. This was the result:
Great job, friends! |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19204 | Killer App was a Doctor Who Adventures comic story featuring the Twelfth Doctor and Jata.
Jata's departure from travelling the Doctor is neither depicted in this story nor mentioned in the next story, A Cold Snap.
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• The student has a Sherlock poster in her bedroom.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19240 | Mediterranean Buddha Bowl
Here is another of my favourite buddha bowls. One thing that really inspires my Buddha bowls are thinking about different regional cuisines. This bowl draws inspiration from the classic flavours of the Mediterranean where as my Ghanaian inspired buddha bowl pairs classic Ghanaian ingredients into a tasty buddha bowl. This bowl pairs roasted vegetables perfectly... Continue Reading →
Mango Quinoa Burrito Bowl
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19250 | A global cyber espionage campaign affecting over 350 high profile victims in 40 countries, appears to be the work of Chinese hackers using a Surveillance malware called "NetTraveler".
Kaspersky Lab’s team of experts published a new research report about NetTraveler, which is a family of malicious programs used by APT cyber crooks. The main targets of the campaign, which has been running since 2004, are Tibetan/Uyghur activists, government institutions, contractors and embassies, as well as the oil and gas industry.
Spear phishing emails were used to trick targets into opening malicious documents. The attackers are using two vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office including Exploit.MSWord.CVE-2010-333, Exploit.Win32.CVE-2012-0158, which have been patched but remain highly-popular on the hacking scene, and have run NetTraveler alongside other malware.
C&C servers are used to install additional malware on infected machines and exfiltrate stolen data and more than 22 gigabytes amount of stolen data stored on NetTraveler’s C&C servers.
According to researchers, the largest number of samples we observed were created between 2010 and 2013. The largest number of infections has been spotted in Mongolia, India and Russia, also in China, South Korea, Germany, the US, Canada, the UK, Austria, Japan, Iran, Pakistan, Spain and Australia.
Researchers believe that hackers team behind this attack are 50 individuals, most of whom speak Chinese natively but also have a decent level of English.
Six victims were also hit by the Red October attackers, whom Kaspersky had profiled last year. Those victims included a military contractor in Russia and an embassy in Iran.
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19259 | Liber Aleph
De Stultitia Humana[1]
Know that a Mind can only apprehend those Things with which it is already familiar, at least in Part. Moreover, it will ever interpret according to the Distortion of its own Lenses. Thus, in a great War, all Speech soever may be understood as if it were of Reference thereunto; also, a Guilty Person, or a Melancholic may see in every Stranger an Officer of Justice, or one of them that are banded together to persecute him, as the Case may be. But consider moreover that the Mysterious is always the Terrible, for Vulgar Minds. How then when a New Word is spoken? Either it is not heard, or it is misunderstood; and it evoketh Fear and Hate as a Reaction against Fear. Then Men take him and set him at naught, and spit upon him and scourge him, and lead him away to crucify him; and the third Day he riseth from among the Dead, and ascendeth into Heaven, and sitteth at the right Hand of God, and cometh to judge the Quick and the Dead. This, o my Son, is the History of Every Man unto whom is given a Word.
[1] On Human Stupidity
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19268 | Greg Daniels is the developer and executive producer for The Office. He is also a writer and director for the show. He also portrays Fern Widgale,[1] the yarn salesman who lives next door to Michael Scott. In a deleted story line from the episode Dinner Party, Jan reveals that it was she who spray-painted a rude word on the neighbor's dog. Fern's boyfriend is portrayed by writer Lester Lewis. His son Owen (Teddy Wallace) appeared in Cocktails and Sabre, and daughter Haley (Abby) appeared in Take Your Daughter to Work Day.
Episodes DirectedEdit
Episodes WrittenEdit
1. Paley: 28 Hours of Glorious Sleep Deprivation, Fancy New Whatever blog, October 18, 2008. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19274 | Perfection isn’t sustainable
Perfect vs. interesting:
When an interesting person is momentarily not-interesting, I wait patiently. When a perfect organization, the boring one that’s constantly using its policies to dumb things down, is imperfect, I get annoyed. Because perfect has to be perfect all the time.
More and more, I think perfection is the biggest enemy of those who want to ship awesome things. Iteration can lead to moments of perfection, but perfection is not sustainable over time. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19290 | Up in the air – off to China
Off to China
Off to China
This is a somewhat goodbye for now. Well, not for long! But for the next two weeks, I'll be exploring China! And with China, comes Internet censorship!
During my time away, I've organised a few guest posts from some good friends of mine. They will be taking you away to Bali and Hawaii! I hope you enjoy their stories, tips and day trips, plus a different voice on The Workshop Co. for the first time ever!
Let's go back three months. I had itchy feet and I knew there was something I was missing in my life. I needed a taste of adventure, the inspiration that comes from exploring another culture, and world intrigue. So, without much thought I booked a return ticket to China. It didn't worry me I was going to embark on this adventure alone. I had successfully traveled around Europe solo, why would China be any different?
The very moment I booked my flight, I sat back, in a state of 'did I just do that'?! At that moment of staring at the computer screen in some sort of daze, a good friend and old housemate contacted me with an urge to travel in January/February 2015. Strange timing right? It didn't take long for her to book a ticket on my flight to join me on my Chinese adventure!
When telling friends and family I'm going to China, I get two responses – 1. what for? and 2. why china? No 'wow's, no 'ohh I'd love to visit China one day's, only negative responses. I've been blown away these reactions! In my books, every country is worth an adventure! And really, why the hell not – China's absolutely full to the brim with history, culture, art, and breathtakingly beautiful landscapes, there's so much to do, two weeks hardly even scrapes the surface!
This has opened my eyes to how little we, as Australian's (and possibly the rest of the world) know about China! Which is why I can't wait to come back and share all my experiences with you! I want to inspire others to explore a country so rich with history, culture and some very bizarre traits. I want this trip to be the first of many, where I can make something of my first three loves – travel, photography and writing.
Now, I really must run. Remember to follow my adventures on Instagram (pretty sure it's not banned from China yet). I look forward to sharing my experiences with you!
See you on the flip side dear readers! x |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19291 | Wednesday, March 16, 2016
8 Tips to Make Scripture Come Alive in Your Writing
by Katy Kauffman @KatyKauffman28
Un-boring. It may not be a word, but it is for this post. You know what I mean.
When we explain Scripture in the Bible studies we’re writing, we want to be as un-boring as possible. After all, Scripture is alive with truths and promises, hope and healing power. It is light to a dark world, healing to the wounded soul, and the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes in Christ (Romans 1:16).
As Bible study writers, we are stewards of sacred words. So let’s make our Bible studies as un-boring as possible and showcase the wonders, glories, truths, and love of God.
When you explain Scripture in your Bible studies, consider following these principles to infuse your explanations with richness, vitality, and everyday relevance:
1. Work with God to understand Biblical passages.
Take the time to study the Word with its Author. Even if you’re under a deadline, it’s critical to study the Word enough to be able to explain it clearly, accurately, and with pizzazz. Understand passages from the inside out. Get alone with God and work through your own questions about the passage. Ask Him to help you see the milk and the meat and to know how to present them.
Let your personality shine.
2. Let your personality shine.
God picked you on purpose to write your book. He wants to use your personality, background, and knowledge to bless the reader. Avoid sounding like the textbooks we had in school. Be yourself, talk to your reader as a friend, and let your quirks and charms come through in how you explain Scripture. But don’t let your personality traits obscure the richness of God’s Word. Be the pen (or the keyboard) that God wants to use to encourage hearts and strengthen souls. Allow God’s love and truth to shine through you, and write your book as you would want to read it. Stay personable.
3. Include memorable stories.
Just as I can easily remember stories from a sermon, I can recall stories from a book better than I can recall a principle buried in a paragraph. Use memorable stories to illustrate your explanations. The reader will better understand how Scripture relates to everyday life, and they’ll come to see you as a reliable teacher who can effectively connect Scripture to life today.
Avoid rabbit trails.
4. Avoid rabbit trials.
I love bunnies, but rabbit trails in a Bible study wear me out. If an author follows every little bunny that pops into her head and records its trail in her book, I lose sight of her original flow of thought, and I begin to lose interest. Be kind to the reader, and limit discussing side issues about your Bible passages. If you must use extra information, put it in a side bar or in an appendix that has interesting facts about Scripture. Limiting what you include in your main paragraphs will keep the reading pace lively and allow the reader to absorb your main points of application. “Outlines” to some writers is a bad word, but see How to Write from an Outline and NOT Hate It to make outlines your friend and your reader’s friend.
5. Refrain from answering a question you just asked.
Word your questions so that the answers involve the reader’s perspective and experience. Write them so that you engage the reader in personal reflection and application. Leading your reader to participate in the learning process is a great way to make your Bible study un-boring. Consider starting a Facebook group for your Bible study so you can read their answers to your questions!
6. Synthesize what you’ve learned.
You may have found a lot of “juicy” information, but sharing too many definitions and notes slows down the reader and causes them to lose interest. Give the best, most direct explanation of a passage, especially the ones that are the toughest to understand. Your reader will thank you for it.
7. Paraphrase commentary notes when possible.
Keep a conversational tone alive in your book by explaining a passage as if you were talking to a friend. It may be tempting to quote a chunk of a commentary, but doing this may tempt the reader to skip quotations that are a paragraph long. Whenever you can, reword and shorten excellent notes, and provide an endnote to give credit to the commentator’s ideas. This will cut down on wordiness and keep the reader with you.
8. Application, application, application!
This goes without saying, but it’s easy to get so caught up in researching a passage and explaining it that we neglect applying it to daily life. Application, along with the Holy Spirit, is the agent of change in the reader’s life. Make your application strong, heartfelt, down to earth, encouraging, and inspiring.
In what ways has someone explained Scripture that kept your interest and impacted you? Tell us in the comments below, and don’t forget to join the conversation!
Use these 8 tips to make Scripture come alive in your #writing - @KatyKauffman28 (Click to Tweet)
How to Explain Scripture so It's NOT Boring - @KatyKauffman28 on @EdieMelson (Click to Tweet)
1. Great post, Katy. It gave me tools to use as I complete my book. Thank you for taking the time to share.
1. Thank you, Cherrilynn! I pray God's blessing on your project. Can't wait to see the finished result.
2. Such great tips, Katy! These were very helpful for a project I'm currently working on. Thanks!
1. That's great to hear, Cathy! Thank you. May God richly bless your project!
3. Great tips, Katy! Thanks for sharing. Very helpful!
1. Thank you, Crickett! I look forward to reading more books you write/have written.
4. Love it! Thanks for the reminder to let the personality God gave me shine through. I can be silly and a jokester and will find myself trying to be only serious when writing about scripture. Yet, looking back, it's when I was "me" in posts that I had more comments or interaction with my readers!
1. I completely agree, Tammy. It's when I am authentic that readers "get" me and comment more, compared to when I try to be more like someone else I admire.
2. Thank you for sharing that, Tammy. If God gifted you with humor, why not use it? Your readers may remember your writing better if your personality comes through. Thanks for commenting!
3. And I like your point, Ellen, about being authentic. I could easily chameleon to be like someone else, but God made each of us unique. The world would be missing something if there weren't a you.
5. Thanks for sharing these great tips, Katy!
1. You're welcome! Thanks for stopping by and reading today.
6. Thank you! This was spot on and very encouraging, yet practical advice. Keeping this post for reference. :) |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19320 | skip to Main Content
Innovation – What else?
Ironically, there is no hurdle in organizations to innovate, except the one created in leadership’s mind. Just as leadership sets the tone for the organizational environment, it must create the open mindset and an error-accepting environment required for innovation, it…
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19324 | The wage gap, give me a break
Posted: Jun 22, 2005 12:00 AM
Feminists keep demanding new laws to protect women from the so-called wage gap. Many studies have found that women make about 75 cents for every dollar a man earns. Activists say the pay difference is all about sexism.
"No matter how hard women work, or whatever they achieve in terms of advancement in their own professions and degrees, they will not be compensated equitably!" shouted Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., at a "wage equity" rally in Washington, D.C.
But how could this be possible? Suppose you're an employer doing the hiring. If a woman does equal work for 25 percent less money, businesses would get rich just by hiring women. Why would any employer ever hire a man?
Martha Burk, chair of the National Council of Women's Organizations, gave me this simple answer: "Because they like to hire men, John. They like to hire people like themselves and they darn sure like to promote people like themselves." In other words, men so love their fellow men that they are willing to pay a premium of, say, $10,000 on what would otherwise be a $30,000-a-year job, just for the sheer pleasure of employing a man. Nonsense. It's market competition that sets wages.
Men do care about money -- and that, not wage discrimination, is why men tend to make more of it.
"Women themselves say they're far more likely to care about flexibility," says author Warren Farrell. "Men say, I'm far more likely to care about money."
Farrell spent about 15 years going over U.S. Census statistics and research studies. His research found that the wage gap exists not because of sexism, but because more men are willing to do certain kinds of jobs. "The average full-time working male works more than a full-time working female," Farrell said.
Farrell illustrates his findings at lectures by asking men and women to stand in answer to a series of questions about job choices, such as whether they work more than 40 hours a week, outdoors or in a dangerous job. Again and again, more men stand.
Job choices explain the pay difference, Farrell argues in his recent book, "Why Men Earn More: The Startling Truth Behind the Pay Gap."
They also explain, Farrell said, why more top corporate executives are men.
"We have been suckered into believing that because there are more men at the top than women at the top, that this is a result of discrimination against women. That's been the misconception. It's all about trade-offs. You earn more money, you usually sacrifice something at home," Farrell said.
Suppose two people have equal potential, but one takes on more demanding, consuming, lucrative jobs while the other places a higher priority on family. The one who makes work the focus will be more productive for an employer than the one who puts his or her home life first. The latter will get more of the pleasures of family. So he (and it tends to be "he") will make more money, even though she would be equally productive and equally rewarded if she made the same choices.
"Women and men look at their life," said Farrell, "and women say, 'What do I need? Do I need more money, or do I need more time?' And women are intelligent enough to say, I need more time. And so women lead balanced lives. Men should be learning from women."
One irony is that some people, especially young women, may make the choices that lead to the pay gap precisely because they have been taught the job market shortchanges women. Women who see the market as hostile may put their hearts into their homes instead of their careers -- thus making less money.
But the market isn't hostile. The market is just. It rewards you for the work you do, not for the work you choose not to do. If men want the family time many women have, we must accept lower financial rewards -- and if women want the money, they have to work like money-grubbing men.
It's our choice. |
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19347 | There is a distinguished place in the Seahorse valley.
Why do so many zooms of the Mandelbrot set M focus on just one portion of the seahorse valley? What is more demanding of human attention in that region than others?
John Derbyshire talks about it on this page. And Niall Ryan has a zoom about it on this page
Something very funky is going on here. Human aesthetic senses are good at distinguishing things that are especially pleasing to the eye. Why are bulbs around here more pleasing than others? What is special about this one?
(from wikipedia):
And here’s a zoom I found on youtube.
And from the revered Heinz-Otto Peitgen:
Something is tickling our aesthetic senses. We need to figure out what.
2 responses to “There is a distinguished place in the Seahorse valley.
1. The ideal diet for a human being has a fair amount of variety. Crunchy, smooth, sweet sour, the fact that we get bored with food that is always the same is a matter of survival. Our preference for variety ensures that we have all of the nutrients we need, variety also makes us more robust. (So what if there are no fish this year, we’ll eat clover and berries, or hunt rabbits etc. ) In the same way to support these needs we are attracted to environments with variety. A river, a lake, a water fall, some rolling hills and some mountains, but also some planes, a little stand of forest trees, such places are considered beautiful and painted as landscapes since, I think, at some deeper level we know we can find the variety in food and resources required for survival.
The beautiful fractal may have the same kind of variety, several different kinds of self similarity, operating on different scales, sweeping diagonals and curves.
Of course rigid order can also be attractive. I view this as the order we hope to impose on the world around us.
But in nature, and I would include these mathematical sets in nature, the beauty comes from the borders between environments where the diversity the support human life is most often found.
2. The only caution I was make here to any visiting mathematicians is that we must not be too captivated by the beauty: the desire for rapidity of mathematical analysis demands that we not let ourselves be too carried away by detail: for the discovery of generalities requires a willingness to be flexible with what one means by “rigid order”: we quest for the abstractions which are most provident in terms of understanding: it is good to be captivated, but only for a little while.
For instance, somewhere very far elsewhy: imagine Gerestheo: he is obsessed by angles. He has printed a two hundred page tome that has angles sorted by spikiness. He gives them descriptive names. He catalogues where they occur in the natural world. Gerestheo is sold on acute angles, but he doesn’t call them that. He is deeply suspicious of obtuse angles, and plain doesn’t believe in right angles. Sparanonquil comes by and shows him the sine and the cosine, and how angles and \pi and trigonometry. That doesn’t make Gerestheo’s descriptive classification any less valid, but it does point out the dangers of Pokemon mathematics: “you’ve got to catch them all”. We need to be concerned that the systems of names for things we impose on the objects of ours study do not inhibit our ability to abstract: mathematics is not about the arbitrary names that we choose for those objects of our study. In the microscopic, what name to we give a particular variable (so that it does not conflict with other variables), in the macroscopic, making sure our system for classifying and determining the properties of new, bizarre objects is good enough not to let us be bewildered by them. Let us not fear the forest.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19353 | Flash Remoting
Macromedia Flash is a multimedia graphics program specially for use on the Web Flash enables you to create interactive “movies” on the Web Flash uses vector graphics, which means that the graphics can be scaled to any size without losing clarity/quality Flash does not require programming skills and is easy to learn The advantages of […] |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19357 | You tv series Poster
Download Full Episodes of You TV Show in HD. Season 1.
Download and watch all seasons and episodes of You TV series. Choose the optimal quality. All the latest episodes of You TV show are available on our site for free and without signing up. Forget about torrents and annoying ads! Just download your favorite episodes and enjoy watching them with
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19394 | § 63.2-1918
Administrative establishment of obligations
The Department shall set child support at the amount resulting from computations pursuant to the guideline set out in § 20-108.2 in determining the required monthly support obligation, the amount of support obligation arrearage, if any, and the amount to be paid periodically against such arrearage. There shall be a rebuttable presumption that the amount of the award which would result from the application of the guidelines is the correct amount of child support to be awarded. In order to rebut the presumption the Department shall make written findings in its order that the application of the guidelines would be unjust or inappropriate in a particular case as determined by relevant evidence pertaining to support for other children in the household or other children for whom any administrative or court order exists, or relevant evidence pertaining to imputed income to a person who is voluntarily unemployed or who fails to provide verification of income upon request of the Department; provided that income may not be imputed to the custodial parent because (i) a child is not regularly attending school, (ii) child care services are not available, or (iii) the cost of such child care services are not added to the basic child support obligation. Additional factors that may lead to rebuttal of the presumption shall be determined by Department regulation.
1988, c. 907, § 63.1-264.2; 1989, c. 599; 1992, c. 79; 1996, cc. 947, 1029; 2002, c. 747.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19402 | About a month ago, a French colleague of mine drew my attention to a french website, the title of which translates to "Private Cossor must be saved". A Cossor DIDS-400 terminal of the mid-1960's was going to end up in the trash unless someone stepped up to rescue it.
As fortune would have it, I had planned a weeks vacation with my family at my parents in France, and it turned out to be only a short detour to pick up the terminal. I asked Jeff to keep the terminal of another month, to which he happily agreed, and last Friday I picked it up.
• pickup1
A.C. Cossor was a British electronics company, which was acquired by Raytheon in 1961. Around 1965, they produced a terminal called the DIDS-400 which confomed to the - then still under development - ASCII standard.
For its time, the DIDS-400 had a very high refresh rate - 67.5 times per second - and an exceptionally high resolution - over 1,000 display lines. This was achieved by using an analog character generator rather than a digital ROM-based one. Characters are generated through the use of a Brimar XR-1000 monoscope tube (a British equivalent to the Raytheon CK1414 Symbolray tube). A 7373 microsecond pianowire delay line is used as a character buffer.
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The immediately apparent problem with the terminal is the opaque, cracked appearance of the screen. Fortunately, this is just an effect of the degradation of the glue layer between the CRT tube and the front glass (anti glare and implosion protection). Fortunately, the two glass layers separated easily by inserting a flexible plastic spatula, and the glue came right off after that. I'll re-glue the two pieces again later.
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Opening the terminal, there are two separated compartments; the top compartment contains the CRT tube and some associated circuitry, as well as the two-piece Best Products (a subsidiary of Cossor) power supply (split into a low voltage and a high voltage part). The bottom compartment contains the monoscope character tube across the front. Behind it, on the left is a card cage with logic boards, and the monoscope control board on the right. The keyboard attaches to this bottom compartment, but can optionally be placed up to 50 feet away from the terminal.
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For ease of maintenance, the card cage slides out of the chassis completely (with its wiring harness in place). Clever ejector levers (an excentric metal disc with lever) are placed at the back, and I love those wooden tuned pegs used as card guides. The delay line is mounted to the underside of the card cage, and can be accessed by flipping the card cage over.
• mono1
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• mono3
The magnetic shield around the monoscope tube is the one part of the terminal that is quite rusty and has suffered some damage as a result.
Fortunately, the monoscope tube itself is unscathed. In the closeup, part of the character matrix etched onto the screen is clearly visible.
The monoscope tube is constructed like a small CRT tube with deflector plates, as commonly found in oscilloscopes, but rather than a phosphor coated screen, there is a metal plate (anode) at the end of the tube that the electron beam hits. In front of this plate is the character screen, another plate, which has the character set etched into it (a matrix of 8 by 8 characters). This screen has a voltage on it that's close to the voltage on the anode plate. Where the characters are etched into the screen, the beam is able to penetrate it, and reach the anode. That means that by measuring the current flowing through the anode, one can determine whether the beam hits the etched part of the character or not.
Unlike most other screens or terminals, the screen is not drawn line-by-line, but character by character. Each character is scanned, in 50 lines per character for a 20 character display, on both the display tube (at the coordinates where the selected character needs to appear) and on the monoscreen tube (at the coordinates where the selected character is etched into the character screen); in essence, the character is copied from the monoscope tube to the display tube. This way, the etched screen inside the monoscope tube acts as a very high resolution character ROM.
Before I can go much further, I am in desperate need of some documentation for this terminal. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19415 | DePuy Hip Replacement Defects
Full Video Transcript
DePuy is a manufacturer and distributor of orthopedic devices, trauma products, implants and technologies for hips, knees, ankles, and more. Recently, DePuy was forced to recall its ASR CL Acetabular Hip System as well as its ASR Hip Resurfacing System, citing defects that lead to patient pain and a need for additional surgeries. Although DePuy may have placed each of these systems through rigorous testing, a defect remained in the products at the time they were implanted in patients. Under a theory of product liability, a manufacturer is liable for any injuries resulting from their defective products. In this case, anyone affected by the DePuy hip replacement recall may be entitled to compensation. If you were affected by this recall and would like to better understand your legal options, contact an experienced attorney in your area today.
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Search LawInfo's DePuy Hip Replacement Resources
Dallas DePuy Hip Replacement Lawyers |
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19461 | FMD – Happy Birthday Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan turns 78 today. Fun fact: Bobby Z is 2 years older than my mother and they were practically neighbors during his time in Duluth, living only 4 blocks apart. She doesn’t think she ever met him at the playground or on the street.
Whatever appreciative or benign feelings you have for Dylan you have to give him his due on how he changed popular music. There’s literally a library of books written about him, so I’m not going to add any more words to his legacy. Just maybe today pause and throw a Dylan song or two on whatever music listening device you have and raise a glass to a true musical genius. May his never ending tour be truly never ending.
9 thoughts on “FMD – Happy Birthday Bob Dylan”
1. 1. Current 93 “All the Pretty Little Horsies” All the Pretty Little Horses (The Inmost Light)
2. The Knife “You Make Me Like Charity” Deep Cuts
3. Sia “Move Your Body” This Is Acting (Deluxe Edition)
4. Fiona Apple “Tymps (The Sick in the Head Song)” Extraordinary Machine
5. Ha Ha Tonka “Going That Way” Heart-Shaped Mountain
6. Nine Inch Nails “Help Me I Am in Hell” Broken
7. Spiked Punch “Guinea Pig”* Guinea Pig
8. Ha Ha Tonka “Pendergast Machine” Novel Sounds of the Nouveau South
9. Coil “Out in the Cold” The Snow EP
T. Jan St. Werner “Kroque AF” Felder
7. A good track from this Black Dice (one off?) side project, but not as good as the fantastic B-side "Vanilla Meatball"
1. This is really random, but last season I played a few Sufjan Xmas songs for the boy via YT on the TV, then the algorithm shifted to Sia Xmas songs... and I kind of liked them? That's the most exposure to her that I've had.
1. I like them but I can't listen to her music continuously (like a whole album at once).
They barely count as "Christmas" music though... one's a pirate drinking song merged with Santa's laugh.
Some are from a wonderfully naïve point of view... "Puppies are Forever" being my personal fave, but maybe because of resonance with my youngest.
2. 1. Close to You--The Carpenters
2. Don't Look Back--Boston
3. I'll Get Over You--Crystal Gayle
4. Let It Be--The Beatles
5. I Write the Songs--Barry Manilow
6. Aubrey--Bread
7. Lonely People--America
8. Goodbye Stranger--Supertramp
9. New York's Not My Home--Jim Croce
10. You Take My Breath Away--Rex Smith
3. Question, as I head into my summer mix efforts this weekend... are all agreed that "This Life" from Vampire Weekend is the likely "song of the summer" (and particularly so for non-top 40 listeners?). Or is there something else I should be paying attention to in that area?
1. I feel like it is, so far.
It is for me, at least. The real answer is probably "Old Town Road". While I dislike that particular song, the fact that it's making a lot of crusty good old boys really salty is enough for me to hope that it's the megahit of the year and that Lil Nas X has a long, prosperous career.
4. 1. David Bowie "Golden Years" - Station to Station
2. Henry Mancini "The Brothers Go to Mothers" - The Music from Peter Gunn
3. Elmer Bernstein "Jem's Discovery" - To Kill a Mockingbird soundtrack
4. Eric Woolfson "The Nirvana Principle (Instrumental)" - Freudiana
5. James Taylor "Native Son" - New Moon Shine
6. Richard Tognetti "The Battle" - Master and Commander soundtrack
7. Pink Floyd "Eclipse" - The Dark Side of the Moon
8. Brian Eno "Lost in the Humming Air" - The Pearl
9. Eno, Mobius, and Rodelius "The Shade" - After the Heat
10. Michael Brook "Ultramarine" - Heat (Music from the Motion Picture)
5. 1. The Boy Wonders - Aztec Camera
2. I Can't Stand It - Eric Clapton
3. She Bangs the Drums - The Stone Roses
4. Real Situation - Bob Marley & the Wailers
5. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight) - Bruce Springsteen
6. Sneaky Feelings - Elvis Costello
7. Lookin' After No. 1 - The Boomtown Rats
8. Do Anything You Wanna Do - Eddie & the Hot Rods
9. Papa Gene's Blues - The Monkees
10. You Can't Judge A Book By It's Cover - Bo Diddley
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19475 | JGridstart/Help/Renew certificate
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When you have an existing grid certificate that is about to expire, you probably want to renew it. Please do so well before the expiry date, to allow some time for processing your request. If your certificate is expired and you want to renew it, you'll have to go through the procedure for requesting a new certificate.
Launch jGridstart
Launch jGridstart from the webpage of your certificate authority (CA). The link may be called manage certificates, launch jGridstart, or the like.
You might need to install something called Java first; if that's the case, a button will pop up that directs you to the Java installation site. Please follow the instructions, and go back to the CA page to launch jGridstart.
You will be asked for permission to run the program, because it requires access to your system. Press Run to continue.
Start the wizard
If you have more than one certificate, please make sure you have selected the one you want to renew (when your existing certificate is not shown at all, you will have to import a certificate from your browser first). Open the menu Actions and select Renew.... The renewal wizard will appear.
Note that if your certificate is expired, it is not possible to renew it.
Enter a new password
Your details are copied from the existing certificate. Please make sure your email address is (still) valid.
For a certificate renewal, it is necessary to enter the password of your existing certificate key, please enter that first. Then choose a password for the new certificate key that will be generated; most users would want to use the same password as the existing certificate key.
Press Next.
Wait for submission
Your certificate renewal request will be generated and submitted to your certificate authority. Please wait until submission is done, and press Next.
When the certificate authority cannot be contacted, for example when your internet connection is down, you will have to resubmit your request at another time.
Wait for certification
You'll now have to wait until your request is processed. Please close the window after reading its contents.
Retrieve your certificate
When your request has been approved, you will receive an email. You can then start jGridstart again (see step one), which will show a screen similar to the one displayed here. Select the renewed certificate entry in the list left (it will show an exclamation mark in front).
Click retrieve your certificate, or press the Request button. Your certificate will be retrieved from the online certificate authority. Then press Next.
Install certificate
The procedure continues with installing your certificate.
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You are here: Home / Wiki / Install / Ops-Freebsd.Html
Installing the Emulab Operations Server
Installing FreeBSD on ops
If you are planning to run your ops server node as a virtual machine (Jail) running on boss, then skip to Installing FreeBSD on Boss.
Before proceeding, ensure that the machine you will use as your ops server is properly connected to your network and that all of the required software is available either through the network or some other media.
Boot the FreeBSD installation CD on the machine you will use as your ops server. When it asks for the desired installation mode, select Standard. Use the standard bootloader unless you have special requirements.
Before partitioning, note that the following directories will need to exist on partitions that have enough space to hold them:
Needs space for the ports tree and a system object tree. At least 10GB. Be sure to build with plenty of inodes (the ports tree itself uses about 200000, so be safe and build with at least a million).
Needs space for testbed software and logs. Several (3-4) GB should be enough.
If you are combining your ops and fs node, then you also need the following directories:
Needs space for user home directories. The amount of space required depends on how many users you expect to have. Generally, though, we suggest that users store large files related to their projects in the /proj directory.
Needs space for project files. We recommend that this be larger than /users, to encourage people to store files here, which aids per-project accountability.
Needs enough space for files shared by the sub-groups of projects. These are primarily used by classes, if any.
Optional, large filesystem of "scratch" space. The intent is that this filesystem provides per-project space that is not "guaranteed" (for the Utah Emulab this means we do not back it up to tape). If used, you would either set no quotas, or higher quotas than for /proj. Most sites probably won't want this.
Exported read-only to all nodes. We use it for providing experimenters with the source for the FreeBSD and Linux versions we run as well as common packages and RPMs. This could require anything from 1GB to 20GB+ depending on what you want to make available.
You may want to enforce quotas on the user-writable filesystems. This is the main reason you'd want to keep them in separate filesystems (i.e., so people can have different /users and /proj quotas). If you do not think you will ever use quotas, then you could make /users and /proj part of the same filesystem.
As mentioned, /scratch is optional. If you are not providing "guarantees" such as filesaved or RAIDed disk space and you are not using quotas, you might as well just put all of your space in /proj and not define FSDIR_SCRATCH in the definitions file.
Also note that since /share is exported read-only, FreeBSD requires that it be on a separate filesystem from anything that is exported read-write. So while /users, /proj and /groups can be on the same filesystem, /share cannot.
Make sure that no matter how you decide to partition things up, you make symbolic links to the appropriate places. For example, if you make one big filesystem called /z that has /users, /proj, and /groups in it, make sure you:
ln -s /z/users /users
ln -s /z/proj /proj
ln -s /z/groups /groups
In other words, we assume the existence of /users, proj, and /share (but not /scratch).
When prompted, continue by selecting the 'Developer' distribution set - this will install full sources. When it asks if you want to install the ports collection, answer no. Do not install any packages at this time. You will get a chance to do so later.
Near the end of the installation, you will be asked if you wish to install or configure several optional items. Apart from setting the hostname, configuring your network devices, enabling SSH logins (if desired), and setting your time zone and root password, you should skip additional configuration.
Do not create any user accounts yet, and just log in as root for the time being. Our software will create user accounts later, once you get boss set up correctly. If you already created any users, delete them with the "pw" command and make sure their home directories are removed as well!
After exiting the sysinstall tool and rebooting, you should login as root and run freebsd-update to pick up security patches:
freebsd-update fetch
freebsd-update install |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19494 | The Call: The Way of a Woman and the Will of God
Discovering God’s call on your life can sometimes seem complicated and confusing. While every servant of God certainly wants to do God’s Will, too often we find ourselves making the mistake of trying to do it OUR OWN WAY. In the dance of faith, just what does it take to let Him take the lead? |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19508 |
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For the artifact, see [G'Hanir, the Mother Tree].
G'Hanir, also called the Mother Tree and the Great Bough,[1] was the domain of the Wild God Aviana located in the Emerald Dream atop a high peak.[2] It was described as the tallest tree atop the tallest peak, with its fruit containing the seeds of all Azerothian trees. It served as an afterlife for all winged creatures of Azeroth including even dragons, all of which could be seen flying amongst its many branches.[3]
Ancient times
G'Hanir was created at the dawn of the ordering of Azeroth as the first thing Freya shaped within the Emerald Dream. It was a source of healing and balance, a place where all life could rest and survive. From it bloomed many fruits and flowers, and new life flowed outwards in waves, sweeping across the land. Freya sculpted many pools of life in other locations within the Dream, but G'Hanir was the first, the tallest, and the most radiant. For millennia, it served as a source of healing and balance that extended beyond the Dream and into the physical world.[2]
As life flourished on Azeroth, generations of animals came and went. Soon the Emerald Dream was filled with the spirits of countless beasts, and G'Hanir became a haven for winged creatures. Its many boughs and branches had room for all, and its healing, peaceful energy calmed even the most distressed minds. One powerful spirit that was drawn to G'Hanir never left: the Wild God, Aviana.
Aviana grew enchanted with G'Hanir, as it was more than a tree; it was a source of life, healing, and peace. Aviana spent years melding her power into the tree, and soon all winged creatures of Azeroth dreamed of spending the afterlife flying through its branches. Aviana's spirit became tied with G'Hanir, and in time this would have lasting consequences.[2]
War of the Ancients
G'Hanir died during the War of the Ancients when Aviana was killed by demons of the Burning Legion.[4] The shock of Aviana's death reverberated through the Dream, and all the leaves of G'Hanir fell from their branches. Many mourned it, and some succumbed to the temptation of serving dark forces in Aviana's absence. But although she had died, her spirit lingered. As the night elves struggled to rebuild their society in the wake of the Great Sundering, the green dragonflight discovered a gift: A single branch from the Mother Tree, with a single acorn hanging from its leaves, had been left in their care. Alexstrasza of the red dragonflight used the acorn to grow Nordrassil, the World Tree.[2]
Malfurion Stormrage sensed that it had been Aviana's spirit that had given the branch to them, and he believed it was best to keep it hidden. Many of Aviana's children had been lost to chaos, and they might be driven to claim the remnant of Aviana's legacy for their new masters. Quietly, Malfurion moved the branch to a safe location within the Emerald Dream. Few knew of its location, but its influence was felt far and wide. For many millennia, the branch served as a stabilizing force for the Dream, and the land near it was said to be a place of great healing and peace.[2]
Recent times
Ten thousand years later, Aviana was one of several Wild Gods brought back from death to defend Mount Hyjal from the forces of the fire Elemental Lord Ragnaros. After the mountain was saved, Aviana turned her attention to G'Hanir once again. Times had changed, but her dream of providing a spiritual haven for her kind had not. She set out to restore the Mother Tree to its full glory.[2]
During the war in Draenor, Aviana had an interest in giving the arakkoa a place on the Great Bough, and sought a way into offering the species an invitation.[1]
See also
1. ^ a b N [100] Aviana's Request
2. ^ a b c d e f Tome of the Ancients
3. ^ The Demon Soul, chapter 15
4. ^ The Sundering, pg. 358 |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19516 | Posts tagged A Little Rock 'N Roll
114 | A Little Bit Country, A Little Bit Rock 'N Roll: The Psychology of Music Preference | Why We Do What We Do
Why do people like the types of music that they like? Is it a reflect of your inner personality? Is it just what your friends or parents listened to? Is it hardwired in your brain? Is it some combination of all of those things? If you’ve ever wondered why people like music that seems baffling to you, or wondered why you like the music that you prefer, then this is the episode for you! If not, then we still have a really fun discussion with the classic duo Abraham and RyanO.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19533 | Poker Strategy
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Posted in Poker
Online Poker Strategy – The Secret To Success
Poker is a game of chance. It combines strategy with luck. Knowing how to play basic poker is not enough when it comes to winning. Online poker has a unique setup. If you read on, you can find out here about strategic tips and helpful tips, which are researched on… Read the rest |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19570 | Skip to main content
Crusoe - Caleb Deschanel
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Master cinematographer Caleb Deschanel is, not unexpectedly, stronger on visuals than substance in his direction of Crusoe (though the camerawork is officially credited to Tom Pinter). The protagonist, played by Aidan Quinn, is a shipwreck victim, just as novelist Daniel Defoe proscribed over two hundred years ago. But this Robinson Crusoe is a child of the late 19th century; moreover, he is no ordinary sailor but an insensitive slave trader. The "Friday" character is divided up amongst several black natives of the island ...
Crusoe 2011, Virgin Vision
UPC: 883904237730
Crusoe Virgin Vision
UPC: 020897006435 |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19571 | As Martha as I get
Every once in a Blue Moon, my inner Martha appears. Yesterday, I needed to put together something for Avery's closest buddies for Valentine's, so she and I decided to go slightly above and beyond on the cupcakes. Don't worry, I'm not giving myself airs, the mix and icing were straight out of a box, but it did the job!
Super easy - just make your cupcakes
Ice them if you like. Then, make a cut-out of a shape - adding a toothpick as a "handle" helps.
Dust with powdered sugar, then remove the cut-out.
It seemed the powdered sugar began to melt into the icing, so I tried a few without (plus, I kinda like icing-free cupcakes - Oh, the horror!) Still, made for a pretty picture...
And, of course - the aftermath.
I think we're still on a sugar high! |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19583 | Love Tests / relationship quizzes -» More than friends?
Site 91 - 100 of 102 matches
Does my friend have a crush on me?
Best Friends Or Lovers?
Should you two be more than friends?
Friends or a little more.
Does your best friend like you?
Does your best guy friend like you?
Is your best friend really something more?
189 • 10 • 11 |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19590 | Monday, October 3, 2011
Book of Mormon Month - Day 3: What the Book of Mormon Teaches about the Love of God #bookofmormon
Day 3 is upon us! Time to get reading. If you're behind because you got sorta lazy, make sure to catch up. If you're behind because you mean to feast upon the words of Christ, then carry on at your own pace.
What the Book of Mormon Teaches about the Love of God
Most Christians are familiar with the attributes of Jesus Christ as reported in the Bible. They marvel at the love He demonstrated for the poor, the sick, and the downtrodden. Those who consider themselves His disciples also strive to emulate His example and follow His beloved Apostle’s exhortation: “Let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. … For God is love” (1 John 4:7–8). Read More or Listen
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19606 | It is hard to graduated from college?
For some people it takes longer, and it might be a little harder, but everyone struggles with some subjects harder than others. Some classes will be harder than others, but to answer your question in my opinion for me it wasn't hard, but for some it is a little hard. It definitely takes patience and that's usually hard for everyone. It's fun though! |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19609 | What is the antonym for portrayal?
ugly sight
an easy way 2 find antonyms is open up Microsoft word and type in the worn u need an antonym of. then right click on it and and look at the synonyms, find a word that u know and try thinking of the opposite of that word!!!!!!!!!
- catlover123(and i approve of this message:)) |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19655 | For new networkers, Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) can be an intimidating topic. Many old-timers speak of spanning tree in ominous tones, recounting the time when a “spanning tree loop” brought down the network. Some managers strictly forbid anyone from changing anything related to spanning tree, fearing a resulting service interruption. Some of the fear surrounding spanning tree is likely based on bad experiences, but some is based on ignorance — at least partly. We tend to fear what we don’t understand.
It’s impossible for one blog post to entirely dispel the fear you might have surrounding spanning tree. That said, the key to putting your trepidation behind you begins with understanding spanning tree’s purpose. First and foremost, spanning tree is a loop prevention protocol. Spanning tree does not, in and of itself, cause loops. While it can be argued in extreme cases that spanning tree fails to prevent a loop from occurring, it certainly doesn’t cause loops.
Why all this focus on loops? In a network, a loop provides a never-ending path for network traffic to follow. In Ethernet, frames never die; there’s no time to live function attached to a traditional Ethernet frame. Therefore, if a loop exists, frames with no explicit destination (like broadcast frames) circle around the network forever.
As broadcast frames accumulate, the negative impact on the network increases. Broadcast frames are meant for everyone on the segment; every attached host must process the broadcast. Over and over again. In increasing volume over time. For this reason, bridging loops are sometimes called broadcast storms.
These storms impact network utilization and take up CPU resources. Network switches and routers are heavily impacted by these storms; their CPUs spike up to 100% utilization in seconds due to all the broadcast processing they must handle. This often prevents them from doing other things they should be doing, like maintaining the spanning tree topology or keeping up with their routing neighbors. The end result is a network outage.
An introduction to spanning tree
Spanning tree’s job is to prevent the bridging loops that cause network chaos. The simplest way to explain how spanning tree does this is by way of an example. Consider the following simple diagram, showing three switches configured in a triangle.
Spanning Tree
In this diagram, we’ve created a loop. Okay. So, how does spanning tree prevent this loop from causing network problems? Spanning tree will block a link in the topology so that it can no longer be used to forward traffic. While the physical cable is still plugged in, spanning tree tells the switch not to use the link anymore. Thus, the loop is mitigated.
Spanning Tree
No doubt you’re wondering how spanning tree decides which link is the right one to block. To answer that, you need to understand a few spanning tree basics.
1. Switches share spanning tree information with each other using bridge protocol data units (BPDUs). The terms “switch” and “bridge” are, for our purposes, synonymous.
2. Spanning tree switches elect one of the bridges in the domain to be the root bridge. In our diagram above, switches 1, 2, and 3 have had an election to determine which of them should be the root.
3. When a root is decided, all switches calculate the lowest cost path back to the root bridge. More costly paths are blocked.
Let’s look at this in more detail. In the diagram below, we assume switch 1 has become the root bridge. Switch 2 can get to switch 1 in two ways: directly or via switch 3. The direct path has a cost of 10. The path via switch 3 has a cost of 20. The more costly link is blocked.
Spanning Tree
Now, you might be wondering how spanning tree bridges elect a root bridge. All spanning tree switches are assigned a bridge ID containing a numerical bridge priority and a MAC address uniquely identifying the switch. The switch with the lowest bridge ID wins the election. This usually translates to the lowest bridge priority winning, but if multiple switches have the same bridge priority, the lowest MAC address embedded in the bridge ID serves as the tiebreaker.
Maintaining control of your spanning tree
Using the previous information as background, here are some recommendations for establishing and maintaining control of a spanning tree design.
1. Choose the root bridge yourself by setting bridge priorities.
If you know your network topology well, the choice of root bridge should be intuitive. In most network designs, a switch or pair of switches serves as the network’s topological center. They are often called “core” switches.
Generally speaking, cores are good choices as root bridges. In a dual-core design on networks containing many VLANs, a common strategy is to make one core the root bridge for odd numbered VLANs, and the other core the root bridge for even numbered VLANs. This assumes you’re running “per VLAN spanning tree,” the default in Cisco environments. This even-odd scheme allows for some load-balancing of traffic between the dual cores.
If you don’t set bridge priorities yourself, you’ll find that all switches have the same root bridge priority by default: 32768. Since the lowest MAC address is the only needed tiebreaker, any switch in the topology could become the root bridge — even a lowly, ancient closet switch quietly running in a dusty corner of your network. Therefore, setting the root bridge yourself is wise, as you should end up with a traffic forwarding path that makes sense for your network.
In Cisco networks, a switch’s bridge priority is set in increments of 4096 using the “spanning-tree vlan X priority” command, where X is the VLAN number or range of VLANs for which you wish to set priority.
2. Guard the root bridge. Be sure no other switches take over the root role.
• Keep rogue switches off the network. A simple way to do this is with BPDU guard, which we discussed in a previous blog post. BPDU guard is a first line of defence against a switch being unexpectedly introduced into the spanning tree domain.
• Keep would-be usurpers of the root bridge throne outside the gates. Cisco switches offer a feature called root guard, which places a port into a blocking “root-inconsistent” state if a superior BPDU (a BPDU announcing a bridge with a lower ID) arrives.
Root guard is configured on interfaces where a root bridge is never expected to appear. While you might think root guard can go just about anywhere, think it through first. Many networks are configured not only with an explicit root bridge (the one with the lowest bridge ID), but also an explicit backup bridge to take over duties of root if the main root bridge goes down.
Root guard should never be installed on an interface where the root bridge might legitimately appear at some point. This will vary widely depending on your network topology, but a general guideline is to think of root guard as a perimeter defence mechanism. Placing root guard at the network edge is usually safe. Placing root guard on certain interfaces that interconnect switches can and should be done, but determining which ones requires more careful planning. To apply root guard to a Cisco switch interface, use the command “spanning-tree guard root.”
3. Avoid unexpected loops due to failed cabling.
The last spanning tree guard we’ll discuss here is loop guard. Loop guard has a very specific purpose: to prevent a bridging loop that could be caused by one-way traffic, preventing spanning tree from hearing all the BPDUs it should.
One-way traffic is admittedly rare in networking, but happens most commonly on fiber optic links where one fiber in a send/receive pair fails. When loop guard is enabled on an interface, it works by listening for BPDUs coming from the neighboring switch. If no BPDUs are received, loop guard assumes something has gone wrong and blocks the port by placing it into a “loop-inconsistent” state. When BPDUs are received again, the port is allowed to forward traffic.
On Cisco switches, loop guard is enabled with the “spanning-tree guard loop” interface command. As with root guard, correct placement of loop guard will vary by network topology, and should be applied only after careful consideration.
For more information
This blog post has only just introduced spanning tree. The careful networker who’s new to Ethernet switching and spanning tree configuration should see the topics addressed here as a jumping off point for more learning. A good place to start is by exploring your own network spanning tree topology. Figure out which switch is the root bridge, which interfaces are blocked, what flavor of spanning tree is running, and if the spanning tree topology changes per VLAN. Create a diagram. Does the spanning tree design appear optimal? If not, what changes would improve it and why?
Cisco provides a number of outstanding documents that can help you answer these questions, learn more about spanning tree, and apply an appropriate design for your environment. Here are some of my favorites, including some interesting topics we didn’t have time to discuss here.
Understanding and Configuring Spanning-Tree Protocol (STP) on Catalyst Switches
Understanding Rapid Spanning-Tree Protocol (802.1w)
Understanding Multiple Spanning-Tree Protocol (802.1s)
Spanning-Tree Protocol Root Guard Enhancement |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19664 | Android Question FloatLabeledEditText and ScrollView
Discussion in 'Android Questions' started by fbritop, Apr 26, 2019.
1. fbritop
fbritop Active Member Licensed User
How can a FloatLabeledEditText be added to a ScrollView?.
I cannot add manualy the FloatLabeledEditText at runtime as the scrollview panel does not accepts this kind of view.
2. Erel
Erel Administrator Staff Member Licensed User
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Japanese, African
Kaya is used in many languages to explain many different things. In native African languages it refers to "home" or a "special place". In Indonesia it means "prosperous", whilst in Japan it means "summer night". In native American it means "wise child" or "my elder sister".
Kaya was the title of an album by Bob Marley and the Wailers which was released in 1978.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19666 | Your 33-Week-Old Baby - Parenting Week by Week
Your 33-Week-Old Baby
November 26, 2018
Your 33-Week-Old Baby
Your 33-Week-Old Baby
Your 33-Week-Old Baby
Milestone: First Words
Babbling is probably your baby’s main way of communicating these days, which means you need to do a lot of decoding (Does “ba-ba-bubbbbbb” mean they like the neighbor’s dog or needs a diaper change?!). But soon enough there will be actual words spoken. And yes, it’s totally normal to cry when you hear them for the first time!
Many babies say their first words between 12-18 months. But over the next couple months, listen for sounds that resemble “ma-ma,” “da-da” and “ba-ba.” Your kiddo may not actually know what they mean (they’re consonant-vowel sounds they can do with ease!), but you know what they mean…and it’s magical.
Tip: Talk, talk, talk to your baby…You probably do this a lot already without realizing it, but make a point to narrate the day and tell your tot what objects are as they see or experience them. Say, “This is a ball,” as you hand them a ball. Say, “This is a tree,” as you point to a tree. “Do you see the bird?” “This is mommy’s shirt. Think anyone will notice I wore it yesterday?” You get the idea… The key point is that babies understand a lot more than they can say. So the more you talk, the more they will learn.
Keep in mind: Repetition will help your little one recognize and understand words, prepping them to start saying them one day soon. And even though it feels like you’re having a lot of a one-sided conversations, your baby is learning so much about social interaction (eye contact, verbal cues, and more). Sing rhymes and songs and change your tone to reinforce certain words and show excitement. Remember, every child develops on their own timeline. So don’t stress if those precious first words aren’t on the horizon for awhile.
What to Know About Babies and Ear Infections
It’s always tough when your baby is sick and can’t communicate what’s wrong. You need to piece together lots of clues to figure out what’s going on and how to make it better, STAT (bee-lining it to the pediatrician is a-ok too!). The peak time for ear infections is usually between 6 to 18 months, so here’s what you need to know.
Signs of an ear infection
Ear infections can’t be diagnosed at home, but there are lots of telltale signs that one is brewing:
• Crankiness (and then some): If your baby is experiencing pain from an ear infection, they’re not a happy camper and you’ll know it. They’ll be extra fussy, irritable and may have trouble sleeping (laying down may hurt that ear!). Even drinking a bottle or breastfeeding pay be painful because sucking and swallowing can cause pressure changes in the ear.
• Loss of appetite
• Pulling, tugging or grabbing their ear
• Fever (low or high)
• Yellow or white fluid draining out of the ears
• Your baby has a cold
Keep in mind: your baby may only experience a few of these, not all of them.
What causes an ear infection?
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, a typical middle ear infection is usually caused by a viral infection (like a cold) or bacterial growth. The middle ear becomes inflamed and causes fluid buildup behind the eardrum. Or sometimes, the narrow passageways (or tubes) connecting the middle ear to the back of the nose become swollen. Since babies have narrower, shorter and more horizontal passages compared to adults, it’s easier for icky germs to make their way to the middle ear and for fluid to become trapped. Plus, children’s immune systems are still developing, so their bodies have to fight harder to ward off an ear infection.
How are ear infections treated?
An ear infection can’t be diagnosed over the phone, so you’ll have to take your kiddo to the pediatrician so they can examine the eardrum, confirm fluid buildup and signs of an infection.
If the infection is severe, your pediatrician may write a prescription for an antibiotic. However, many docs now suggest waiting a couple days to see if the infection improves on its own before beginning antibiotics. Over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can provide pain relief and minimize the symptoms.
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19709 | Friday, October 27, 2017
3.8. Ezekiel & The Valley of Bones
There are several different applications for Ezekiel. Because this was for preschool level, I decided to discuss God making their body and how great their bodies are. It was easier for me since the teacher I am with is a nurse. So, she brought in her stethoscope and some other nurse tools and made it fun to learn.
Ezekiel was a prophet of God in the Old Testament. One day, God talked to him in a vision (like a dream).
God showed Ezekiel a valley that was full of dry bones (skeletons).
Suddenly, there was a great noise! There was a rattling sound and all at once the bones started to come together! First bone to bone, and the bones knew which bones to attach themselves to!
Once the skeleton was together, then the sinews formed, then muscle, and finally skin to cover all the bones. These looked like living bodies!
What was the one thing that was missing? They were not breathing.
God told Ezekiel to tell them to breathe. Ezekiel did as God commanded and the bones became alive and stood up on their feet! A very large army! An army to serve!
The people of Israel felt like they were as 'The army of bones, all dried up and unable to fight', but God said He would bring His people back together as a nation. God told Ezekiel that the people would know it was because of Him. God was watching over His people.
Lesson found in Ezekiel 37:1-14
I laid felt (green or brown) on the floor and put these skeletons on it random. They love coming into class and seeing what is set up!
The kids love these and they can be found in October at Kroger, Wal Mart, etc. You have to purchase them when you see them, because they sell out fast. I pre-bagged the bones into sets. We talked about the body parts while they matched them on the paper. They were allowed to eat those and I gave them another bag to take home. You can use the color layout of the skeleton on the front of the bag also. Click here for the worksheet.
The above idea came from Sharing Kindergarten. The free download did not have what I needed to use for this Bible class, so I created the worksheet you see above. So, for more printables using the Cheetos, click here.
I also printed these free body books to use, although we only used a couple of pages. With the hands on medical equipment and the Cheetos, they had fun and learned that God made them.
Oh Be Careful Little Eyes is a good song for this lesson. You can find it here.
Click here to print the Pictures to Color.
Click here to see the lesson and more for early elementary ages.
Click here to see some of the original Ezekiel ideas and printables for Ezekiel for preschool.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19728 | It's OK: We all make mistakes. But you know what's less OK? Not learning from them. Welcome to Effed It Up, a semi-regular column where we do just that. Up this week: Is parchment paper the same as wax paper? Let's get to it.
My job in the Bon Appétit test kitchen has a lot of perks, but my favorite just might be the near-unlimited access I have to that most indispensable of kitchen items: the incomparable parchment paper. I love parchment paper. (Don't judge! I don't make fun of you for things that you love, do I?) As a baker, I reach for it maybe a half dozen times a day. I know unquestionably that nothing sticks to it and it guarantees that my cakes, cookies, quick breads, and candies release cleanly and all in one piece—every single time. I also know that parchment paper ABSOLUTELY CANNOT be functionally substituted for its kitchen doppelganger, wax paper. Allow me to explain.
Parchment paper is the same as wax paper in some ways, but not all. Rolling out pie dough? Either one will work.
Christopher Testani
Because parchment paper is heat-safe and nonstick, it’s used constantly in baking to line sheet trays and cake pans. It eliminates the need in many situations to grease the cooking vessel or surface with oil, butter, or another fat. And if you're feeling really fancy and French, you can also use it for the cooking technique called “en papillote,” in which food is sealed in parchment paper with aromatics and a bit of liquid and steamed all together. Sounds tasty, non?
And then there's wax paper. (Some people call it "waxed paper" not "wax paper," but we are not those people.) Wax paper also comes in a roll and has a similar look and feel to parchment paper, but does not perform the same way. Wax paper, alternately, is a paper that has been coated in a thin layer of paraffin wax, making it nonstick and water-resistant but NOT heat resistant. It will melt when it comes in contact with even relatively low heat, and at a higher heat will catch on fire just like any other piece of paper would. You definitely know what I'm talking about if you've ever tried to bake cookies on a wax paper-lined baking sheet and opened the oven to find billowing smoke and acrid-smelling cookies. (No shame—we've all been there.)
Which isn't to say that wax paper is no good—it's extremely useful, just in completely different ways. Even though it is not heat-safe, wax paper is still useful in tons of countertop and fridge applications. It’s more malleable than parchment paper and holds its shape better, which makes it ideal for wrapping and storing foods like cheeses and sandwiches. I especially like the unbleached kind, which has a natural brown color that can make for a nice presentation lining a platter or tray. Because it’s less expensive than parchment paper, wax paper can often be more useful for lining surfaces and keeping them clean (like, say in the case of rolling out pie dough on a countertop).
I may be partial to parchment because of its usefulness in baking, but I always keep wax paper around because it has an entirely separate list of convenient applications. Just don’t confuse the two. Remember: only parchment paper can withstand heat. In cooking as in life, forewarned is forearmed.
Basically readers! Write us with stories of your...less-than-proud kitchen moments, and we'll try to figure out how to, you know, not do that again. Got a burning question or a shameful story to share? Hit us up at
Now, let's roll out some of that flaky pie dough, shall we? |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19734 | This historic book may have numerous typos, missing text or index. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. 1862. Not illustrated. Excerpt: ... BOOK VIII--THE NOXIOUS POOR MARIUS, LOOKING FOR A GIRL WITH A HAT, MEETS A MAN WITH A CAP Summer passed, then autumn; winter came. Neither M. Leblanc nor the young girl had set foot in the Luxembourg. Marius had now but one thought, to see that sweet, that adorable face again. He searched continually; he searched everywhere: he found nothing. He was no longer Marius the enthusiastic dreamer, the resolute man, ardent yet firm, the bold challenger of destiny, the brain which projected and built future upon future, the young heart full of plans, projects, prides, ideas, and desires; he was a lost dog. He fell into a melancholy. It was all over with him. Work disgusted him, walking fatigued him, solitude wearied him, vast nature, once so full of forms, of illuminations, of voices, of counsels, of perspectives, of horizons, of teachings, was now a void before him. It seemed to him that everything had disappeared. He was still full of thought, for he could not be otherwise; but he no longer found pleasure in his thoughts. To all which they were silently but incessantly proposing to him, he answered in the gloom: What is the use? He reproached himself a hundred times. Why did I follow her? I was so happy in seeing her only! She looked upon me; was not that infinite? She had the appearance of loving me. Was not that everything? I desired to have what? There is nothing more after that. At another time, an accidental meeting produced a singular effect upon him. In one of the little streets in the neighbourhood of the Boulevard des Invalides, he saw a man dressed like a labourer, wearing a cap with a long visor, from beneath which escaped a few locks of very white hair. Marius was struck by the beauty of this white hair, and noticed the man who was walking with slow steps ...
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19742 | XML Sitemap
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19747 | Dec 8, 2013
Around the World: Lotteria - Cheeseburger with Large Cubes of Bacon
Japanese burger chain Lotteria takes an excellent approach to the traditional bacon cheeseburger by adding large cubes of bacon rather than strips. The rest is kept simple, but decidedly highbrow, with a black truffle cream sauce to accompany the otherwise standard cheeseburger.
They're calling it the "Cubed Bacon Cheeseburger Deluxe."
Given the size of the cubes, which are thicker than the burger patty, bacon lovers have to wonder, "why even bother with the beef?" Or, "why not make the patty out of bacon?"
The burger is offered through the end of December for 490 yen (~$4.76 US) a piece.
Having tried Lotteria in Japan, I must mention that their burgers are a bit higher quality than McDonald's Japan but I remember it being smaller width-wise than a McDonald's Hamburger and not much taller.
is Caring
1 comment :
1. These are amazing...probably the best M&M "special" edition I've ever had.
And yes, they are exclusive to Target.
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19748 | Guacamole Deviled Eggs
• 6 large Braum’s Eggs, hard-boiled and cooled*
• 1 avocado, halved*
• 1 Tbsp. Braum’s Sour Cream*
• 1 tsp. lime juice*
• ¼ tsp. minced garlic*
• ¼ tsp. cayenne pepper
• ¼ tsp. Salt
1. Peel the cooled hard-boiled eggs.
2. Cut in half lengthways and remove the yellow yolks from the egg white.
3. Put the yolks into a bowl and mash with a fork.
4. Cut avocado in half and remove seed.
5. With a spoon, scoop the avocado out of its skin and place into the bowl of mashed egg yolks.
6. Combine egg yolks, avocado, lime juice, sour cream, garlic, cayenne pepper, and salt until well mixed.
7. Spoon or pipe mixture into the egg whites.
8. Chill before serving.
9. Garnish with finely chopped red bell pepper, bacon crumbles, or cilantro. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19755 | { "482170": { "url": "/biography/Ptolemy-IV-Philopator", "shareUrl": "", "title": "Ptolemy IV Philopator", "documentGroup": "TOPIC PAGINATED BIO MEDIUM" ,"gaExtraDimensions": {"3":"false"} } }
Ptolemy IV Philopator
Macedonian king of Egypt
Ptolemy IV Philopator
Macedonian king of Egypt
Ptolemy IV Philopator, (Greek: “Loving His Father”) (born c. 238 bce—died 205 bce), Macedonian king of Egypt (reigned 221–205 bc), under whose feeble rule, heavily influenced by favourites, much of Ptolemaic Syria was lost and native uprisings began to disturb the internal stability of Egypt.
Classical writers depict Ptolemy as a drunken, debauched reveller, completely under the influence of his disreputable associates, among whom Sosibius was the most prominent. At their instigation, Ptolemy arranged the murder of his mother, uncle, and brother.
Following the defection of one of Ptolemy’s best commanders, Egypt’s Syro-Palestinian territory, Coele Syria, was seriously threatened by Antiochus III, the Syrian Seleucid ruler. In 219, when the Seleucid ruler captured some of the coastal cities, Sosibius and the Ptolemaic court entered into delaying negotiations with the enemy, while the Ptolemaic army was reorganized and intensively drilled. So grave was the threat that for the first time under the Ptolemaic regime native Egyptians were enrolled into the infantry and cavalry and trained in phalanx tactics. In 218 the negotiations collapsed, and Antiochus renewed his advance, overrunning Ptolemy’s forward defenses. In the spring of 217, however, Ptolemy’s new army met the Seleucid forces near Raphia in southern Palestine, and with the help of the Egyptian phalanx Ptolemy was victorious. Although holding the initiative, the Egyptian king, on Sosibius’s advice, negotiated a peace, and the Seleucid army withdrew from Coele Syria.
After Raphia, Ptolemy married his sister, Arsinoe, who bore him a successor in 210. The Egyptians, however, sensing their power, rose in a rebellion that Polybius, the Greek historian, describes as guerrilla warfare. By 205 the revolt had spread to Upper Egypt.
To the south, Ptolemy maintained peaceful relations with the neighbouring kingdom. In the Aegean, he retained a number of islands, but, in spite of honours granted him, he refused to become embroiled in the wars of the Greek states. In Syria, also, Ptolemy avoided involvement in local struggles, though Sosibius attempted to embroil Egypt there. According to Polybius, Ptolemy’s debauched and corrupt character, rather than his diplomatic acumen, kept him clear of foreign involvements. As his reign progressed, he fell increasingly under the influence of his favourites, and around November 205 he died. His clique of favourites kept Ptolemy’s death a secret and about a year later murdered Queen Arsinoe, leaving the young successor at their mercy.
Ptolemy IV Philopator
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19756 | { "88276": { "url": "/place/Cafe-Anglais", "shareUrl": "", "title": "Café Anglais", "documentGroup": "TOPIC PAGINATED INDEX" ,"gaExtraDimensions": {"3":"false"} } }
Café Anglais
restaurant, Paris, France
Café Anglais
restaurant, Paris, France
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19766 |
Travel to Bath, England
Widely considered one of Britain's most attractive smaller cities, the City of Bath is most famous for the archeological wonder from which it takes its name - the 2,000 year-old Roman baths. Nestled in the Avon Valley between the Cotswolds and the Mendip Hills in the beautiful county of Somerset, Bath is also well known for its perfectly preserved honey-colored Georgian houses. Today, some 500 of the city's buildings are considered of historical or architectural importance. The local architecture is so important, in fact, that Bath was granted World Heritage Site status in 1987, one of only a handful of such locations in the UK.
Roman Baths
While the Romans are credited for having established Bath's ancient hot springs as a place of relaxation and rejuvenation, legend has it their healing powers were discovered some 500 years earlier by a British king. But it was the Romans who left their mark, building the city's famous Roman Baths and Temple of Sulis Minerva in 75 BC around the largest of the city's three hot springs. It's not difficult to see the attraction: the water contains 43 different minerals, gushes from a depth of nearly 10,000ft at a rate of 275,000 gallons a day, and is a constant 46.5°C.
Voted Britain's most romantic buildings, the award-winning Roman Baths and Temple are among the finest examples of Roman architecture remaining in England. Many of the artifacts found during various archeological digs, including altar stones and exquisite mosaics, are on display in the museum or around the Great Bath itself. And if all that wonderful water tempts you to take a dip in these ancient waters yourself, check out the Thermae Bath Spa packages available through the Roman Baths website.
Bath's Georgian Roots and Royal Crescent
Exploring Bath's perfectly preserved Georgian architecture is probably the second best excuse to visit. A great place to start your architecture adventure is the Building of Bath Collection. This unique museum not only demonstrates how classical design influenced the city's buildings, it's also home to the incredibly detailed Bath Model, a magnificent architectural model of the historic city center.
Then, when you're ready walk Bath's splendid streetscapes and head for the northwest section of the city where most of the best examples are found. Check out Queen Square and Gay Street with their beautifully symmetrical facades dating from the early 18th Century, then head to the Royal Circus, a perfect circle of three stories with different classical orders (column types) on each story. Finally, there's Royal Crescent, a monumental 200-yard semicircular sweep of residential townhouses with a breathtakingly uniform, palace-like façade. No.1 Royal Crescent is in fact open to the public (most homes on the crescent remain privately owned), and provides a rare glimpse into what life was like for the wealthy - along with their not-so-wealthy servants - in Georgian times.
Bath Abbey
The Gothic cathedral of the Bishop of Bath and Wells (aka "the Bath Abbey") was founded in 1499 after Bishop Oliver King experienced a vivid dream of angels climbing up and down ladders to and from heaven. He also heard a voice declaring: "The crown should plant an olive tree and the king restore the church." Interpreted as a sign to rebuild the church (the site had been used by Christians as a place of worship since 757 AD), the dream was intricately immortalized in stone on the building's west side.
Pulteney Bridge
Pulteney Bridge is one of only a handful of bridges with buildings that are still standing. Constructed in 1770 to connect central Bath to undeveloped land on the opposite side of the River Avon, it's considered one of the most romantic such bridges in the world. Three arches support a variety of quaint little shops, and the bridge opens onto Great Pulteney Street with its beautiful Georgian-era homes.
Holburne Museum
The Holburne Museum's excellent collection of art includes paintings by Gainsborough, Reynolds and Stubbs, along with 18th century silver, Wedgwood porcelain, Renaissance bronzes, and early period furniture. Housed in the former home of Sir Thomas Holburne, extensions include a garden café overlooking nearby parkland.
Success stories
Susanna Ranta
Mar 27 at 14:14 pm
kielikurssi 2012 |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19773 | 14 cognitive biases that screw up your success in life
plate cake crumbs saucer fork
Don't let your biases prevent you from achieving your goals.
Wikimedia Commons
When it comes to your personal and professional achievement, you can be your own worst enemy.
You perform poorly on tests because you think you will; you put off work assignments until the night before they're due; you're overconfident in the accuracy of your predictions about the economy.
These are but a few examples of the cognitive biases that affect the way you behave and see the world. We've rounded up 14 of them, to help you figure out how you could be sabotaging your own success.
Call it a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, in schools it describes how students who are expected to succeed tend to excel and students who are expected to fail tend to do poorly.
In one study, people who knew the names of basketball teams as well as their performance records made less accurate predictions about the outcome of NBA games than people who only knew the teams' performance records. However, most people believed that knowing the team names was helpful in making their predictions.
flickr: Lance Neilson
<a href="">Speaker Pelosi</a> via Flickr
Psychologist Art Markman gave a great example in 2010:
Chris Hondros/Getty Images
Perhaps surprisingly, experts are more prone to this bias than laypeople. An expert might make the same inaccurate prediction as someone unfamiliar with the topic — but the expert will probably be convinced that he's right.
On the flip side, overoptimism may have some benefits — hopefulness tends to improve physical health and reduce stress. In fact, researchers say we're basically hardwired to underestimate the probability of negative events — meaning this bias is especially hard to overcome.
Flickr / soylentgreen23
According to psychologist Daniel Kahneman, people generally think they're more capable than they actually are and have greater power to influence the future than they really do. For example, even if you know that writing a project report typically takes your coworkers several hours, you might believe that you can finish it in under an hour because you're especially skilled.
Flickr / Katherine
For example, even if your goal is to lose weight, you might still go for a thick slice of cake today and say you'll start your diet tomorrow.
That happens largely because, when you set the weight-loss goal, you don't take into account that there will be many instances when you're confronted with cake and you don't have a plan for managing your future impulses.
Daniel Goodman / Business Insider
Flickr /
The belief that fairness should trump other values, even when it's not in our interests.
We learn the reciprocity norm from a young age, and it affects all kinds of interactions. One study found that, when restaurant waiters gave customers extra mints, the customers upped their tips. That's likely because the customers felt obligated to return the favor. via flickr
Allowing our expectations to influence how we perceive the world.
In a classic experiment on selective perception, researchers showed a video clip of a football game between Princeton and Dartmouth Universities to students from both schools. Results showed that Princeton students saw Dartmouth players commit more infractions than Dartmouth students saw. The researchers wrote: "The 'game' exists for a person and is experienced by him only in so far as certain happenings have significances in terms of his purpose."
Library of Congress
In one study, people chose to stick with the same health and retirement plans, even though newer plans might better fit their preferences.
Sociologists have found that we love certainty — even if its counterproductive.
Thus the zero-risk bias.
"Zero-risk bias occurs because individuals worry about risk, and eliminating it entirely means that there is no chance of harm being caused," says decision science blogger Steve Spaulding. "What is economically efficient and possibly more relevant, however, is not bringing risk from 1% to 0%, but from 50% to 5%."
SEE ALSO: 20 cognitive biases that screw up your decisions
More: Psychology Brain Strategy Features |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19781 | Back to search results
Ask an Expert
Something is stuck in my child’s ear or nose. What should I do?
Answered by Dawn Kelly
8th September 2015
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Children can be very inquisitive and it’s not uncommon for them to put small items, like peas or beads, in their ear or nose. If your little one has managed to get something stuck in their ear/nose, leave it and take your child to your nearest A&E or minor injuries unit.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19796 | By Denise Wills, CPC-A
When documenting depression, accuracy is important in determining the most specific code. If incomplete documentation is received, it will result in an unspecified code selection, which does not map to an HCC. For example, ICD-10 code F32.9 (MDD, single episode, unspecified) does not map to an HCC, whereas F32.0 (MDD, single episode, mild) does.
The ICD-10 classification of Mental and Behavioral Disorders, developed in part by the American Psychiatric Association, classifies depression by code. Documentation of Major…
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19846 | Showing posts from May, 2015
When you need two VLOOKUPS together
=INDEX(E2:E1000,MATCH(1,(C:C=A2)*(D:D=B2),0),0) When entering this formula, because it's an array formula, you must enter it by using CTRL-SHFT-Enter, instead of just Enter.
Here's how this works:
The MATCH syntax is MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type]) where match type is 0 = exact, 1 is less than, and -1 is greater than. When the match occurs, it will return the relative position of the match within the range.In our MATCH formula, it's looking for an exact match to 1 (lookup_value = 1).If the value of A2 is found in column C, a value of 1 is returned, otherwise, a 0 is returned.Likewise for the value of B2 in column D.When multiplied together, if a matching va… |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19853 | Subscribe To Stranger Things Creators Heading To Trial Ahead Of Season 3 Premiere Updates
Stranger Things Maya Hawke Robin Joe Keery Steve Harrington Gaten Matarazzo Dustin Henderson Netflix
A judge has ruled that a pending lawsuit against Stranger Things creators Matt and Ross Duffer will indeed go to trial in the near future, ahead of the Netflix series' Season 3 debut. The ruling came after The Duffer Brothers attempted to have the plagiarism lawsuit against them dismissed, and they now have less than a month before the case is set to go to trial.
L.A. Superior Court Judge Michael Stern's ruling comes roughly a year after Charlie Kessler first filed a plagiarism lawsuit against The Duffer Brothers. In his decision, Stern stated that there is little official evidence that proves The Duffer Brothers created the idea for Stranger Things, per Deadline. The case will proceed to trial on May 6.
Without concrete proof that Matt and Ross Duffer, and not the plaintiff, conceived enough of the show's central concept, the case will proceed through the L.A. court system. This news follows an earlier report that the Duffers believed they had enough proof to disprove the lawsuit in the form of a set of emails exchanged between the brothers in November 2010.
It was also reported that a Google document that seemed to set Stranger Thingspremise in place was dated in October 2013. As well, a pair of emails dated from February and April 2014 showed the brothers talking about details of the would-be Stranger Things series.
Those alleged exchanges pre-dated when the plaintiff says he originated the idea and pitched the story to them. According to Charlie Kessler, that conversation happened during a party at the Tribeca Film Festival in April 2014. While there, he says that he pitched “the script, ideas, story and film” to the Duffers.
The plaintiff, Charlie Kessler, also has a 2012 short film titled Montauk, and that project is also at the base of his claims. The plot for that film contains similarities to the now well-known premise for Stranger Things, which premiered on Netflix in July 2016. Fast forward to April 17, 2019, when a judge ruled there was "little independent verifying evidence of the originality of their idea.”
Charlie Kessler’s movie tells the story of a missing young boy, a nearby military base experimenting on kids, and a creature from an alternate dimension. As viewers know, all of those plot points exist and are crucial to the premise of the Netflix series.
The key difference between the two is that Montauk is set in Long Island, while Stranger Things is set in Indiana. However, Stranger Things was also initially set in Long Island. That is not where the similarities end. Before it became Stranger Things, the Netflix series was originally titled Montauk, obviously the same title as Charlie Kessler’s short film.
Shortly after Charlie Kessler filed his lawsuit, the Duffer Brothers fired back, releasing a statement through their lawyer that denied Kessler having any connection to Stranger Things' “creation or development.” They further called Kessler’s claim “completely meritless.”
The trial is set to start two months before Stranger Things’ third season is released on Netflix, but it likely won't get figured out before then. Watch Season 3 when it premieres July 4 on Netflix.
Is Stranger Things Planning a Netflix Christmas Special?
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19889 | Pagan coin of The Great Persecution
Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by Roman Collector, Jun 24, 2019.
1. Roman Collector
Roman Collector Supporter! Supporter
This anonymous small quarter follis was formerly attributed to the period of Julian II, but subsequent scholarship by Johan van Heesch has demonstrated it was issued c. 311-312 as part of The Great Persecution of Christians in the east by Diocletian, Galerius, and Maximinus II Daia.
A series of anonymous coins featuring pagan subjects was struck at the cities of Antioch, Nicomedia, and Alexandria. This one was struck at Antioch, which issued five types, four featuring the Tyche of Antioch and Apollo (see this amazingly educational thread by David@PCC), and this one, featuring Jupiter and Victoria. They are found with a variety of officinae and control marks, which suggest the output was large and complex.
The image of Jupiter on this issue may be modeled after the statue of Zeus Nikephoros of the Temple of Apollo at Daphne which Antiochus IV commissioned for his great festival of 167 B.C.
The series is not listed in RIC.
Post any coins you have of this series or anything you feel is relevant!
Anonymous quarter follis under Maximian Antioch.jpg
Anonymous issue under Maximinus II.
Roman billon quarter follis, 1.23 g, 14.3 mm, 11 h.
Antioch, AD 311-312.
Obv: IOVI CONS-ERVATORI, Jupiter seated left, holding globe and scepter.
Rev: VICTOR-IA AVGG, Victory advancing left, holding wreath and palm; ANT in exergue, Γ in right field.
Refs: RCV 14932; Van Heesch 2; Cohen (Julian II) 53; Vagi 2955.
Notes: Ex @dougsmit collection.
Last edited: Jun 24, 2019
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3. chrsmat71
chrsmat71 I LIKE TURTLES! Supporter
I didn't know about the Jupiter obverse type until fairly recently, I have added it to "the list"!
Here is the my Tyche/Apollo combo.
Time of Maximinus II, Antioch Civic Issue
O: GENIO ANTIOCHENI. Tyche seated facing, river-god Orontes swimming below.
R: APOLLONI SANCTO. Apollo standing left, holding patera and lyre; Z in right field, SMA in exergue.
15 mm, 1.4g
4. ancient coin hunter
ancient coin hunter Tribunicia Potestas
Fascinating thread already @Roman Collector - here's one of Anubis struck in Alexandria, probably one of the latest depictions of Isis and Anubis because shortly thereafter the old gods were submerged by a tide of Christianity.
5. zumbly
zumbly Ha'ina 'ia mai ana ka puana Supporter
Mine, from the Workshop of Death!
Maximinus II - Persecution Issue Jupiter 677.jpg
AE Quarter-Follis. 1.09g, 16.1mm. Antioch mint, circa AD 312. RIC -; Vagi 2955. O: IOVI CONS-ERVATORI, Jupiter seated left, holding globe and sceptre. R: VICTOR-IA AVGG, Victory standing left, holding wreath; Δ in left field, Є in right field; ANT in exergue.
The 'Festival of Isis' issues were actually struck at Rome, from the time of Diocletian through every Christian emperor up to at least Valentinian II, which makes the use of Egyptian themes and deities even more intriguing.
6. David@PCC
David@PCC Well-Known Member
I believe all of these issues 'persecution' as well as FOI were made for use in festivals. I don't see another reason for making these small denominations that were only intended to be circulated locally.
As far as mintage numbers, I believe they are very small compared to other types from the period.
Cucumbor likes this.
7. Valentinian
Valentinian Supporter! Supporter
I have a web site on these anonymous coins:
Here is one from my page:
17 mm.
No legend, either side.
Veiled and turreted head of Tyche right
Apollo standing left holding patera and lyre.
The reverse is similar to the reverse of the previous type, suggesting it is from Antioch.
Vagi 2957. van Heesch type 5, plate 11.8 (2 examples)
[This type without legend was first published, as unique, in August 1986 in the sale catalog Elsen 91, lot 366]
Vagi 2956, van Heesch type 4, plate 11.4 has the same designs on both sides, however with legends on both sides:
GENIO CIVITATVS/APOLLOINI SANCTO, confirming the similarity with the previous reverse.
Sulla80, Johndakerftw, NLL and 15 others like this.
8. Cucumbor
Cucumbor Dombes collector Supporter
Fascinating, indeed !
I have nothing to show here
ominus1 likes this.
9. David@PCC
David@PCC Well-Known Member
Actually the coin below is a die match for your 2957 and DOES link it to the other APOLLOINI SANCTO's. If you haven't already I suggest you read my page on these.
Civic coinage of Antioch
Summer 312 AD
Antioch mint
Obvs: GENIO ANTIOCHENI, Draped veiled and turreted bust right of Tyche of Antioch.
Revs: APOLLONI SANCTO, Apollo standing left holding lyre and patera. ε in right field, SMA in ex.
AE 15x17mm, 1.50g
Ref: Vagi -; Van Heesch -; McAlee 172a
Note: Porus surface with deposits and crystallization. Possibly second known. This type was first recorded in 2010 with a new obverse legend.
10. Bing
Bing Illegitimi non carborundum Supporter
11. ominus1
ominus1 Well-Known Member
..fascinating coins & story..i'm with Q on this rabbit hole tho..:)
12. 7Calbrey
7Calbrey Well-Known Member
Here are a couple of mine. Also struck at Antioch during Maximinus II reign. Civic and anonymous. The first has Tyche seated with Apollo standing(reverse). The second has Jupiter seated with Victory standing(reverse).
Maxtych.JPG MaApol.JPG MaxiVic.JPG MaxJupi.JPG
13. dougsmit
dougsmit Member Supporter
Some of ou know I have been working on a set by officina of the two common ones. I still lack The Jupiter type for officina E.
Like this but without the delta which makes it shop nine:
14. Valentinian
Valentinian Supporter! Supporter
That is an interesting and useful page. I added a link and recommendation to it on my page.
David@PCC and Roman Collector like this.
15. Ryro
Very cool coins. I've just the one:
Sulla80, Johndakerftw, TIF and 6 others like this.
16. lrbguy
lrbguy Supporter! Supporter
I haven't done much with these but I do have the two common types, and this one to show which van Heesch groups as a type 6a at 16mm, 1.54g from Alexandria.
DEO SANCTO SARAPIDI, head of Sarapis wearing modius to right
DEO SANCTO NILO, Nilus reclining facing left, holds reed in r hand, and cornucopia in l.
ALE in exerga but without specified officina.
Sulla80, Johndakerftw, Ryro and 8 others like this.
17. dougsmit
dougsmit Member Supporter
as above but with B in reverse field
Sulla80, Johndakerftw, TIF and 6 others like this.
18. 7Calbrey
7Calbrey Well-Known Member
@Ryro .. Is your officina "Digamma" ?
Ryro likes this.
19. Ryro
Here is the description that I believe it came with:
Maximinus Daia
305 / 310-313 Follis 312, Antioch 1.75 g. Pseudoautonomous coinage of Antiochia ad Orontem. Statue of the city deity Antioch on river god Orontes, GENIO ANTIOCHENI / Apollo stands with Lyra to the left, APPOLONI SANCTO, SMA. RIC - Kampmann -
Belageste, almost very beautiful
20. jb_depew
jb_depew Well-Known Member
These are interesting little coins. I have just one example to share:
21. dougsmit
dougsmit Member Supporter
I have never seen one with that much robe detail on Apollo. It seems odd that the design is nothing like mine with robe detail.
My S officina is too worn to help.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19900 | Commands by DNSpyder (1)
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Use the builtin ':' bash command to increment variables
Changes standard mysql client output to 'less'.
Changes standard mysql client output to 'less'. In another words makes query results of mysql command line client to look much better.
Get decimal ascii code from character
printf treats first char after single ' as numeric equivalent
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Copy a folder tree through ssh using compression (no temporary files)
This command will copy a folder tree (keeping the parent folders) through ssh. It will: - compress the data - stream the compressed data through ssh - decompress the data on the local folder This command will take no additional space on the host machine (no need to create compressed tar files, transfer it and then delete it on the host). There is some situations (like mirroring a remote machine) where you simply cant wait for a huge time taking scp command or cant compress the data to a tarball on the host because of file system space limitation, so this command can do the job quite well. This command performs very well mainly when a lot of data is involved in the process. If you copying a low amount of data, use scp instead (easier to type)
Server load and process monitoring
Show all available colors on your terminal.
Using perl and tput, show all the colors with numbers that your actual $TERM can handle. If want to remove the numbers at beginning of new line, it should be something like this: $perl -E 'say `tput setb $_`," "x `tput cols`, `tput sgr0` for 0 .. (`tput colors` - 1)'
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19918 | Counterweight Productions aims to be a leading source of strategy and creative ideas to organizations and corporations whose mission and behavior is driven by long-term shareholder value. Counterweight wishes to help these organizations be stronger and more competitive to thus create a safer, more equitable planet in which everyone has, at minimum, access to the basics of food, shelter, water free from exploitation.
Counterweight Productions aims to become a leading creator of long-term stakeholder value via artful, values-based, ethical communication.
Counterweight is attuned to the challenges, solutions and competitive advantages that can be gained from focused, informed, and creative strategy.
Counterweight pledges a minimum of 10% of annual profit towards ending scarcity.
We believe that there are sufficient resources for the well-being of all and that the application of science, technology, and ethical rules can negate scarcity.
We believe that our values have shifted away from a broad concern for the general well-being. Instead, focus has turned to increasing the personal wealth of a relatively limited number of individuals and an emphasis on short-term profit. This narrow focus pays lip service to promoting the health, safety, and security of communities. In substance, many organizations implement policies that undermine concern for others and actively foster the opposite results.
We believe in educating and motivating those who use the argument of scarcity to hoard and to inspiring and motivating the exercise of natural compassion. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19920 | Remember Patsy Cline? Well, if not, let me tell you about her instead. Cline is one of the greatest icons of country music back in the 1940s- 1960s. She is known for having a great voice that helped her become one of the country female stars to cross over into pop stardom. Thus, in the early 1960s, the song “Crazy” was introduced to her by Willie Nelson. Check out this article on how the song became her first biggest hit single of all time.
Patsy Cline’s Biggest Hit Song “Crazy”
Patsy Cline, Crazy
Via by Screengrab
In 1961, the song “Crazy” was presented to Cline by Willie Nelson. When Cline first heard the song, her first reaction was the song is not for her. But later, she realized that after reworking it, her vocal style would perfectly suit the song. Thus, this song became Cline’s signature song.
Nelson said on one of his interviews that, Cline’s version of the song was his most favorite cover of the song.
Talking about the song’s popularity, it has been covered by many artists with several genres over the years but Cline’s version remains undefeated.
In 1962, the song was recorded by Willie Nelson and was released from his album ..And Then I Wrote.
The Origin of the Song
Patsy Cline, Willie Nelson, Crazy
Via Willie Nelson’s Official Facebook Page
Back in the ’60s, the song was written by Nelson. Back then he was only a typical singer and songwriter who had written several songs for other artists. He originally wrote this song for Billy Walker who turned it down. Eventually, when Cline released her own version of the song and became known, it helped Nelson be known as a performer and songwriter to country fans.
According to Nelson, he first put the song “Crazy” in the jukebox while he was in a bar. Cline’s husband heard the song and wanted her to record it. So, when both were in the car and Willie was there, her husband played it for her. Later, he recorded the song and was released to country fans in October 1961.
In another interview, Nelson shared that the song was originally called “Stupid.” This was performed live by Nelson and Johnny Cash where Nelson broke his guitar string and ended up playing “Crazy” using Johnny Cash’s guitar.
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19945 | Hunger Overhaul
3,543,599 Downloads Last Updated: May 23, 2018 Game Version: 1.12.2
*** Supports HarvestCraft, WeeeFlowers and Natura ***
Mod by Iguanaman
maintained by ProgWML6, Alexbegt, Squeek502, and Parker8283
*** HarvestCraft is highly recommended to get the full experience ***
Minecraft Forum thread
The purpose of this mod is to tweak the hunger mechanics to my liking. My aim here is to make hunger more of a challenge, rather than just a mild annoyance. To compensate I have added a few features that make certain aspects easier (tooltips on food, harvest without having to replant via right click).
This mod is designed for me and represents my personal preferences. That said, I am happy to hear your ideas and comments (especially regarding balance). If I use an idea you suggest, I will credit you.
*** Hunger Overhaul is modular, you can disable/modify most features in the config ***
Customizing Hunger Overhaul using JSON configs
A guide to using Hunger Overhaul's JSON config files can be found on the project's Github wiki:
Rebalanced food replenishment values
Unprepared food, such as raw crops or meat replenish half a hunger shank
Cooked crops and meat replenish one full hunger shank
Light meals such (soups, toast, etc) replenish around 2 hunger shanks
Average meals such (baked potato, hamburger, etc) replenish 3-4 hunger shanks
Large meals replenish around 5 hunger shanks
And so on...
Foods from other mods nerfed (1/4 of food value & saturation)
Requires 'modifyFoodStats' and 'modifyFoodValues' to be true
Can be configured with the 'modFoodValueDivider' config setting
Tooltips on food
The tooltip will give you a rough indication of the food value and
saturation value of the food. For example; snack, nourishing meal, etc
New GUI text shown when low on health/hunger
Displays in the top left (health) and top right (hunger) corners
Color coded warning system (White
Can be disabled in the config
Eating food gives a 'Well Fed' effect that boosts health regen
The larger the meal, the longer the effect will last
Light meal (food value 4) = 40 seconds
Meal (food value 7) = 2 minutes
Large meal (food value 10) = 4 minutes
Feast (food value 14) = 8 minutes
The duration stacks, so if you eat 2 meals it will last 4 minutes
The boost increases the speed health replenishes by about 33%
For example, instead of taking 8 seconds to heal a heart it will take 6 seconds
Only affects base health regen (the one based on hunger level)
so if your hunger is low you will still not heal
Only takes effect if 'modifyFoodStats' is enabled in the config
Maximum stack size depends on hunger value of food
The larger the meal, the less you can carry
Eating speed depends on food value
The larger the meal, the longer it takes to eat it
Morsels and snacks can be eaten quicker than in vanilla
Light meals are about the same as vanilla
A few modifications to animals to reduce output
Delay between chickens laying eggs 4x longer (configure with 'eggTimeoutMultiplier')
Breeding timeout delay 4x longer (configure with 'breedingTimeoutMultiplier')
Time a child takes to mature 4x longer (configure with 'childDurationMultiplier')
Crops can be right clicked when fully grown to harvest and replant
Self explantory really. You right click, harvest the produce and the crops remain
Crops only grow during daytime (not in torchlight)
Make sense, right?
Crops take much longer to grow
This, combined with the above make resources more scarce
Crops only give back the planted seeds, no extras
You can still get seeds by punching grass if you need more
HarvestCraft village integration: HarvestCraft food can now be traded
Farmer villagers buy crop produce
Butcher villagers sell high tier foods
HarvestCraft chest loot integration: HarvestCraft food can now be found as chest loot
Includes chests found in dungeons, mineshafts, desert/jungle temples
High tier foods only (large meal and above)
The chance for the items to show may need balancing
Changed the way hoes work
If used on dirt and water is nearby, the dirt will be tilled as normal
If used on grass and no water nearby turns grass to dirt and creates a random seed
Chance of seed depends on difficulty (10-40% per try, configurable)
Can be disabled in the config with 'modifyHoeUse'
Breaking tall grass no longer gives seeds
Can be disabled in the config with 'removeTallGrassSeeds'
Removed recipies for wood & stone hoes
You now need iron before you can get seeds / start that initial farm
Unless you find a village, of course
Can be disabled in the config with 'removeHoeRecipies'
Hoe durability is now 1/5th of vanilla
Iron = 52 uses
Diamond = 314 uses
Configure with 'hoeToolDamageMultiplier'
Effects of bone meal on crops depends on difficulty setting
Peaceful/easy = Similar to vanilla
Normal = Reduced growth effect
Hard = No effect
Can be disabled in the config with 'difficultyScalingBoneMeal'
Constant hunger loss (even when not doing anything)
As time passes, hunger drops (very slowly)
Can be disabled in the config
Hunger value set on respawn (including initial spawn) dependant on difficulty
Peaceful/Easy = Same as vanilla (10 shanks)
Normal = 8 shanks
Hard = 6 shanks
Requires 'modifyFoodStats' to be true
Can be configured in the config with the following settings;
respawnHungerValue (20): The value hunger is set to on peaceful/easy difficulty
respawnHungerDifficultyModifier (4): Amount difficulty will modify the above value
difficultyScalingRespawnHunger(true): Whether difficulty modifies respawn hunger
Health heals while your hunger is above 3 shanks (albeit slower)
So you don't need to eat as soon as you have lost a couple of shanks
It seemed pointless to have a food that restored a large amount of hunger when
you had to stay at max hunger just to heal
Now you can let your hunger drop to around halfway before eating
Healing gets progressively slower as your health gets lower
Low health gives negative effects
Slowness, mining speed slowdown and weakness
The potency of the effect and starts is determined by difficulty setting
Each effect can be individually disabled in the config
Hunger loss and healing rate affected by difficulty
Easy/Peaceful is 75% speed, Normal is 100%, Hard is 150%
Hunger loss speed increased when HarvestCraft installed (33% quicker)
Just because it's much easier to find food
Low hunger gives negative effects
Slowness starts when 3 shanks left and the effect increases as you starve
Mining speed slowdown and weakness also kick in when under 2 shanks
You die instantly when hunger reaches zero
Don't worry, this is compensated by the lower hunger levels taking longer to deplete
Modpack Policy
Feel free to use this mod in your modpack.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19948 | Skip to body
World Languages and Cultures
College of Arts and Humanities
Information for incoming transfer students
1. 1st and 2nd year courses in the Foreign Languages department are offered sequentially. This means that 151 and 251 are offered in Fall, 152 and 252 are offered in Winter and 153 and 253 are offered in Spring.
151 – First Year152 – First Year153 – First Year
251 – Second Year252 – Second Year253 – Second Year
2. Because the classes are sequential, they build on each other and cannot be taken out of order unless you test into a higher level within the sequence.
3. Some languages are offered as an intensive, 15-credit sequence in the summer.
4. The CLEP exam can be taken in French or German to obtain credit for either first or second year (depending on proficiency).
5. In Spanish, if you place into 300 level classes, you need to take 341 (for non-heritage speakers) and 345 (for heritage speakers) in FALL because they are the pre-requisites for most all other upper division courses. The only way to get into courses in the Winter or Spring is to take 341/345 in Fall.
6. If you have any questions, please speak with an advisor as soon as possible.
NameLanguageOffice #Phone NumberEmail
Taralynn PetritesASLLANG 102C(509) 676-6090 (Relay Service)
Yuanxia LiuChinese LANG 102J
Michael JohnsonFrench LANG 102O(509)
Laurie MoshierGerman LANG 102G
Josh NelsonJapaneseLANG 102K(509)
Volha IsakavaRussian LANG 102F
Rodney Bransdorfer SpanishLANG 102M
7. For placement testing please click here.
Take the Next Step to Becoming a Wildcat. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/19999 | Semi-Markov Models for Insurance and Option Rewards
University dissertation from Institutionen för matematik och fysik
Abstract: This thesis presents studies of semi-Markov models for insurance and option rewards. The thesis consists of the introduction and six papers. The introduction presents the results of the thesis in an informal way.In paper A, a general semi-Markov reward model is presented. Recurrence relations for evaluation of higher moments of the reward process are given, as well as a backward semi-Markov reward processes are applied to insurance problems for the first time.In paper B, models for disability insurance given in paper A are further extended. Statistical evidences of relevance of semi-Markov setting are given. Applications to profit-risk analysis for contracts are considered.In paper C, a more detailed explanation of the algorithmic for the non-homogenous backward semi-Markov reward process is given. Two algorithmic approaches to solve the problem in an iterative manner are given. One of the algorithms is presented in a pseudo-code.In paper D, the geometrical Brownian motion with drift and volatility controlled by a semi-Markov processes is considered as a price process in option valuation. The discrete version is examined and limit theorems describing the transition from discrete to continuous time are given. Monte-Carlo algorithms are described.In paper E, a general price process represented by a two-component Markov process is considered. American options with pay-off functions, which admit power type upper bounds are studied. Both the transition characteristics of the price processes and the pay-off functions are assumed to depend on a perturbation parameter and to converge to the corresponding limits. Results about the convergence of reward functionals for American options are presented.In paper F, convergence for option rewards when the price processes are perturbed exponential Lévy type process controlled by semi-Markov indices is studied. Both European and American type options with pay-off functions which admit power type upper bounds are considered. The paper continues research started in paper D and gives a key example for paper E.
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20002 | вход по аккаунту
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ultrasonic transducer, FIGS. 2 to 4 show an embodiment of an ultrasonic transducer according to
the present invention, and FIG. 3 is an exploded perspective view, FIG. 4 is an explanatory view
showing the dimension symbols of the main members, FIG. 5 is a sensitivity characteristic
diagram of the conventional example, and FIGS. 6.7 and 8.9 are both sensitivity characteristics in
additional resonators, 13 и и и и и и и и и и и и и и Recessed part.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The present invention is an ultrasonic transducer
ho for transmitting or receiving ultrasonic signals suitable for use in a remote control device of a
television receiver, an alarm or the like. In particular, the present invention relates to a
transmitter / receiver for obtaining a large transmission / reception MIl & degree over a wide
frequency band. As this bridge ultrasonic transducer, a longitudinal cross-sectional trapezoidal
shaped additional resonator (hereinafter referred to as a "bed-carving co-imager") or an
aluminum-foil-shaped additional resonator (hereinafter referred to as a "rib-cone") is made There
is known a book provided with a canon resonator). And the one using the latter aluminum canon
resonator is (t) 5. , / F 3 / gi sensitivity c main sensitivity) and the frequency between the
frequency point with small sensitivity but the frequency point with the second sensitivity (sub M
degree) is very wide, the middle frequency region It is extremely difficult to obtain a large
sensitivity over a wide frequency band, since most practical and usable sensitivities can not be
obtained. On the other hand, in the former case where nine resin trapezoidal resonators are used,
the frequency gap between the frequency point at which the sensitivity of all is obtained and the
frequency Ik at which the sensitivity of @ 2 is considered is relatively narrow. Wide frequency
bandwidth is satisfactory). By devising the shape of the trapezoidal resonator, a sensitivity
(delivery) of a degree of @ 5 FIG. 17 can be obtained. As indicated by a single point of this
sensitivity, the characteristics over a wide frequency band show the results of measurement
conducted on the transducer having the structure shown in FIG. In FIG. 2K, a composite vibrator
1 is formed by fixing a resin-made trapezoidal resonator 6 near the center of one side of the
ceramic bimorph vibrator 2. The composite vibrator l is fixed by interposing the support member
5 in the dark of the substrate 4 h K, the substrate 4 and the bimorph vibrator 2 (2). 6 is a shield
plate and 7 is an outer case. Then, by further increasing the sensitivity of the intermediate region
between the frequency points where two large confusions can be obtained, a hole is provided
near the center of the 1: part of the trapezoidal resonator 3 to obtain a large sensitivity on the
high frequency side. It is sufficient to stop lowering the frequency band. The sensitivity curve of
this message is shown in FIG. This property is practically satisfactory. However, when an external
cait-off is attached as shown in the first place, the sensitivity characteristic is greatly attenuated
in the intermediate frequency range as indicated by the solid line in FIG. ! It is obvious that it can
not be put to practical use as a container. Therefore, this idea is to attach large size g, ii over a
wide frequency band by attaching a composite vibrator provided with a trapezoidal co-imager
made of a ceramic bimorph vibrator to a recess formed on a substrate. It is an object of the
present invention to provide an ultrasonic transducer.
Hereinafter, embodiments of the present invention will be described in detail with reference to
the drawings. In FIG. IIE 21 and 5, 10 is a composite vibrator, which is formed by bonding a resin
additional condenser 12 with an adhesive to the central part of one side of a square (3) plate-like
pressure tk ramic bimorph oscillator 1. The bimorph oscillator 11 is formed by bonding two
piezoelectric upper-lamic plates 4 together, and the additional co-observer 12 has a trapezoidal
cross-section with a vertical cross-section of 1111 in a circular cross-section. The short side
surface of the trapezoid is in contact with the bimorph oscillator 111C, and the long side surface
functions as an ultrasonic wave transmission (or reception) surface. Reference numeral 13
denotes a substrate, and a circular recess 14 is provided on one side. The bottom surface -K in
the recess 14 and the composite vibrator 10 are attached via a cylindrical rubber support
member 15 between the bimorph vibrator 1m and the bottom surface. Also, even if the
composite m motor 10 is attached to the rubber support member 15 with an elastic adhesive, the
vibration of the bimorph oscillator ll is relatively free. Also, these rubber support members 15 or
elastic adhesive may be located on the two-drum of the bimorph vibrator 11. An external lead
16.17 is inserted and fixed to the substrate 16. Each lead 16 and 17 is connected to the counter
electrode of the bimorph oscillator +1. (4) 18 is a ground plate which is in contact with the back
surface of the substrate ISO. One of the resistors 16 is isolated and the other resistor 17 is
connected by soldering. A case 19 is press-fitted and fixed to the outer periphery of the substrate
13 to cover the members. In the case 19, a hole 20 is provided at a position facing the ultrasonic
wave transmission / reception of the composite vibrator 10, and a rope-like member 21 is
attached to the hole 20. Reference numeral 22 denotes a hole provided in the ultrasonic wave
transmitting / receiving surface of the additional resonator 12, which can reduce the Jf4 wave
number position of the Il & degree generated on the high frequency side. The person 22 may be
appropriately provided according to the desired characteristics. Next, specific examples will be
described. If the dimensions of the main members are set as follows by heating 1 in FIG. 4, the
wave receiving sensitivity characteristic shown in FIG. 6 is obtained. ??????????? =
Q, 6 stores D = 11, ah = 1.2, u6 =! 7 '? ? d = 15. 1 ? 111 t, = 2.04 m Distance between the
bottom of the concave portion and the bimorph 20, 7 и 1 ? 6 As is apparent from Fig. 1,
according to (5) of the specific embodiment, the conventional one (Fig. 5) The sensitivity of the
intermediate frequency region is more pronounced compared to. This can be guessed as follows.
That is, the vibration seen from the ultrasonic wave transmission / reception wavefront is in the
mode (upper and lower vibration) near 20 KHz at which the sensitivity on the low band side is
generated, and in the near proximity to 25 KH2 at which the MW in the high band is generated.
Since it is a bending mode, it is presumed that a vibration combining both 7-do will occur in the
intermediate frequency region, and the vibration of this combining mode will cause a lateral-fl
motion, and this bond direction taking al I component The ultrasonic wave ?s is also reflected
on the side wall of the recess 14 and it is considered that the predetermined ultrasonic wave
traveling direction (?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? f ? ? 1 и ** osf # il [tr + or 6 ? ? 18 ?
? acoustic wave is necessary to Be
Furthermore, if the shape of the recess 14 is changed while the first-party vibrator 10 has the
same shape, the sensitivity characteristic changes as shown in FIGS. That is, FIG. 7 shows the
depth t, t = In the case of changing j, a (m), FIG. 8 shows the case of changing the
diameter d to d = (fl), and FIG. In the figure, as shown in FIG. 4 (d), the
ridge 1 of the recess 14 is inclined. (6) A case where the angle a is changed to% tx =
As apparent from FIGS. 7-9, the shape of the recess 14 changes the lI & MlllP property, so the
optimum shape of the recess 14 for the composite vibrator used needs to be determined
experimentally. In fact, as a result of conducting experiments on various plating transducers, it is
possible to find the optimum shape of the concave portion for obtaining sensitivity that can be
practically used in response to KI. E In the embodiment described above, the bimorph oscillator ll
may have a disk shape, the cross section of the additional resonator 12 may have a polygonal
shape, and the recess 14 may have a circular shape. It is As described above, according to the
present invention, since the composite vibrator provided with the resin additional resonator at
the center of the bimorph vibrator is attached to the recess of the substrate, the effect of
obtaining high sensitivity over a wide frequency band is obtained. It is useful and practical.
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MPI_Win_sync(3) MPI MPI_Win_sync(3)
MPI_Win_sync - Synchronize public and private copies of the given window.
int MPI_Win_sync(MPI_Win win) The call MPI_Win_sync synchronizes the private and public window copies of win. For the purposes of synchronizing the private and public window, MPI_Win_sync has the effect of ending and reopening an access and exposure epoch on the window (note that it does not actually end an epoch or complete any pending MPI RMA operations).
win - window object (handle)
MPI_Win_flush MPI_Win_flush_all MPI_Win_flush_local MPI_Win_flush_local_all 11/9/2015 MPI_Win_sync(3)
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20022 | Iran crisis: Europe on the sidelines? | Quadriga - International Debate from Berlin | DW | 08.08.2019
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Iran crisis: Europe on the sidelines?
The tense standoff between Iran and the US in the Persian Gulf continues. Will Europe be the big loser in the power struggle in the Strait of Hormuz? Guests: Ali Fathollah-Nejad (Brookings Institution), Alan Posener (Die Welt), Ulrike Herrmann (taz)
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Ali Fathollah-Nejad works as an Analyst for thinktanks like “Brookings”. He says: "The key challenge remains unsolved: How to design an Iran policy that transcends Europe's tendency of glorification and Washington's penchant for demonization?"
Alan Posener writes for the daily “Die Welt”. He says: “Europe is on the front line of Iran's aggression. If we choose appeasement, we will pay dearly for our cowardice.”
Ulrike Herrmann, who’s a business journalist with another Berlin daily, die Tageszeitung, or TAZ. And Ulrike argues that: “The oil price is not rising. The economic indicators suggest that there is no real Middle East crisis on the horizon. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20036 | XML Sitemap
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20050 | Want to directly email someone at A Bell but don't know their address?
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20051 | Pictures & Images
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mndieringer New Email
Oct 25, 2017
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20059 | andy and shaun - future of SE in canada
Andy’s Take on the Future of Social Enterprise”. In the text put “When doing our podcast with social entrepreneur and author Shaun Loney, he turned the tables on our team member Andy Hornsell and asked him what he thought the future of social enterprise in Canada looks like. Andy totally nails it in under 7 minutes!
Lucas Stewart |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20086 | Term Paper: John F. Kennedy and Nikita
Pages: 4 (1346 words) · Bibliography Sources: 1+ · Level: College Senior · Topic: Drama - World · Buy This Paper
[. . .] Kennedy," 2005).
Overview of Nikita Khrushchev:
Nikita Khrushchev was born in the village of Kalinovja, in what is now known as Kursk Oblast of the Russian Federation. He was originally trained and worked as a pipe fitter for a variety of mines, but it was during World War I, that Khrushchev's leadership would begin to emerge, as he began to be involved in trade union activities, following the Bolshevik revolution, in 1917. A year later, Krushchev became a Party member and held various management and Party positions in both Donbass and Kiev. In 1931, he transferred to Moscow, and four years later, he became 1st Secretary of the Moscow City Committee. In 1938, he was given the position of 1st Secretary of the Central Committee of the Ukranian Communist Party. Krushchev continued to work his way up the Party ladder and was a member of the Politburo from 1939 ("Nikita Khrushchev," 2005).
During the Second World War, Khruschev served as a political officer, holding a rank similar to Lieutenant General, in the United States.
He coordinated the defense of the Ukraine and then was the senior political officer in the South of the Soviet Union throughout the war. Stalin's death in March of 1953 instigated a power struggle between several different factions within the Party. Khrushchev prevailed and became Party leader on September 7th, 1953 ("Nikita Khrushchev," 2005).
A Comparison of Kennedy vs. Khrushchev:
Khrushchev was a powerful leader of Russia during a chaotic time. He immediately began to seek a course of reform, which was exemplified in his famous Secret Speech, that was given to the 20th Party Congress, in 1956. Khrushchev alienated himself from the more conservative members of his Party, speaking out against Stalin's actions, especially those crimes committed during the Great Purges (Khrushchev, 1956).
This is in direct comparison to Kennedy's early leadership style. Kennedy too refused to simply do as the Democratic Party demanded. He often voted against Party lines, to the chagrin of traditional Liberals. Although both men would alienate themselves from some of their Party members, both would gain increased acceptance from more moderate Party members, and respect from many because of their willingness to do what they felt was right, not what was popular.
Their dedication to their visionary leadership goals was a similarity, while their personal styles were in severe contrast. Khrushchev was often seen as uncivilized and boorish. He had a reputation for his significant temper and often resorted to interupting speakers to insult them. Khrushchev was known for pounding his fists on the table and shouting during a United Nations conference in 1960, and even taking off his shoe and pounding it violently on the table, when asked how he could oppose Western captilist imperialism given his actions to rapidly assimilate Eastern Europe (Khrushcheva, 2000). Whereas Kennedy grew up in a wealthy, refined family and would never have considered to resort to such measures to get his point across.
Yet, both men were incredibly charismatic, able to eloquently express themselves and rally their citizens behind them in a call of patriotism. Although both men had significantly different styles, they were both able to manipulate the emotions of their citizens to secure their leadership position and accomplish tasks such as the development of space programs, that others afterwards were able to complete. Even today, Kennedy receives much of the credit for great steps that he only had a small part in, such as the Civil Rights Act, which was conceived by his brother Robert Kennedy, and implemented by Lyndon Johnson. Yet, because of their ability to lead, in a difficult time, both men will be remembered as powerful opposing leaders who had much in common.
John F. Kennedy. (5 Jun 2005). Retrieved June 6, 2005, from
Khrushchev, N. (25 Feb 1956). The Secret Speech -- On the cult of personality. Retrieved June 6, 2005, from
Khrushcheva, N. (2 Oct. 2000). The case of Khrushchev's shoe: Nikita Khrushchev shoe banging incident at United Nations. New Statesman. Retrieved June 6,… [END OF PREVIEW]
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Cite This Term Paper:
APA Format
John F. Kennedy and Nikita. (2005, June 6). Retrieved August 18, 2019, from
MLA Format
"John F. Kennedy and Nikita." 6 June 2005. Web. 18 August 2019. <>.
Chicago Format
"John F. Kennedy and Nikita." June 6, 2005. Accessed August 18, 2019. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20087 | Research Paper: Nature in Robert Frost's Poetry
Pages: 4 (1109 words) · Bibliography Sources: 4 · Topic: Literature · Buy This Paper
Poetry is how some authors express their feelings about a subject or attitude that is occurring around them. The poems by Robert Frost that have been studied all discuss how man and nature are separate from one another. He uses nature as a metaphor to explain a situation with man. "Frost uses nature as metaphor. He observes something in nature and says this is like that. He leads you to make a connection, but never forces it on the reader. Read on a literal level, Frost's poems always make perfect sense. His facts are correct, especially in botanical and biological terms. But he is not trying to tell nature stories nor animal stories. He is always using these metaphorically implying an analogy to some human concern" (Frost and Nature). Along with that, Frost also saw nature being able to destroy man but at the same time, he saw man's struggle with nature. Therefore, Frost's poetry gives a different outlook about nature by using it as a metaphor for his poems
Frost believes that people should express what they feel through poetry like he used nature as metaphor. For example, in the poem, "Birches," he uses ice storms to explain how people have to face the truth before everything falls apart without being able to fix it. It clearly shows that the poet is a poet that thinks with emotions. This is due to the fact that people must face their obstacles and overcome them before they become unfixable as it is seen from the following "Birches" stanza
Ice-storms do that. Often you must have seen them
Loaded with ice a sunny winter morning
After a rain. They click upon themselves
As the breeze rises, and turn many-colored
As the stir cracks and crazes their enamel.
Soon the sun's warmth makes them shed crystal shells
Shattering and avalanching on the snow-crust
Such heaps of broken glass to sweep away
This poetry helps people to understand that they must face their problem before they are uncontrollable. Sometimes when facing problems, a person needs support to overcome them without feeling overwhelmed. If people have socially supportive arrangements as the attributes of socially legitimate roles which provide for the meeting dependency needs without loss of esteem, they are less likely to show aggression while suppressing destructive behavior. Social support can also serve as a salve to pains encountered along the way. It gives people the confidence to making a positive change and testing their limits when they know they have a community of support they can call upon. Social support refers to social interactions that are perceived by the recipient to facilitate coping and assist in responding to stress. Social support is thought to reduce the total amount of stress a person experience as well as to help one cope better when stressed (Landau, J., Garrett, J., & Webb, R p. 498-2008). From there, socially supportive environments were presented as pattern interpersonal relationships mediated through shared values and sentiments as well as facilitate the performance of social roles through which needs are met. In summation, social support has been defined as an intervening factor tied directly to the coping process (Landau, J., Garrett, J., & Webb, R p. 498-2008). Therefore, since people can relate to Frost's poetry due to his nature metaphor and imagery, it is… [END OF PREVIEW]
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APA Format
Nature in Robert Frost's Poetry. (2010, April 5). Retrieved August 18, 2019, from
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"Nature in Robert Frost's Poetry." 5 April 2010. Web. 18 August 2019. <>.
Chicago Format
"Nature in Robert Frost's Poetry." April 5, 2010. Accessed August 18, 2019. |
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We are a very small company that do leads for insurance agents. I want to build a simple database with search capabilities. Could be either Excel or Access. I use excel spreadsheets that go into our phone dialer for each campaign that we do. I would like to have a master database with all of our leads. And, when I need leads, I could search by City, or County or Zip code, also a persons age and in...
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Android and iOS app 6 päivää left
I want a app same like “dma-testhub” Daily i will be updating app with questions and few learning materials,please quote a lowest cost
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It is a simple 2 page website with additional one popup and admin page, details given in excel file '[kirjaudu nähdäksesi URL:n]' supporting images given in folder. To be completed as per requirements given in blue text in the excel workbook. To be completed within one week
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Hi, i have a BCK file of a database and we need to open this in MsSql or whatever format. If we can read the tables in the database it's ok. I can send you the BCK file
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Bluetooth based Android app development 6 päivää left
I need an Android App which receives and sends data via Bluetooth from an external hardware unit and stores the data on the phone and also the server. The data is only text. The system is like an Bluetooth based IoT enabled alarm box.
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€17 Keskimäär. tarjous
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I am looking for cordova-plugin-mqtt expert. I need to import this plugin into my ionic 4 project and connect to MQTT.
€9 - €27
€9 - €27
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ANDROID APP 6 päivää left
Need camera app like snap chat camera
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My business is still in the development stages itself. I just have a lot of questions that I need answered in order to be able to properly develop a business plan and be able to determine cost of running such a business. This not just a bird brain idea but something that will become reality and I need to hire someone to be able to do those 3 things. Of course the price is negotiable, I simply had ...
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Hello, We need to matches of new season in Saudi league using web scraping. After getting the matches list in an excel sheet, we need to add them to our database with the necessary configurations and options. Our website is built on WordPress platform and uses sportspress plugin. Regards.
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"How to " ebook 6 päivää left
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We are working on Home Assistant Hub. It is a wrap over Linux Kernel which communicates through MQTT protocol with the Android phone. We require developer for the Android side of the project. Requires to Develop App features and front end, implement the logics and setup MQTT client server interface.
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I want to create a tutorial video to explain how an app works. A voice-over in Arabic is required. Use the following link as a model for the video tutorial [kirjaudu nähdäksesi URL:n]
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need android application developer and video editor for my project
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Looking to develop an Android app
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Hello, I need a script, which is importing the stock automatically (cronjob) into the database of woocommerce. I have in Shop variable products and simple products. But in the csv with the newest quantity, I have only the main sku, not both to import it easy, means all variation products are simple products. So i need a way, to import the stock into the database to get the newest stock. Csv is co...
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Snowflake is an analytic data warehouse . I have three excel files, i want them to converted into tables in snowflake
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Database project 5 päivää left
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I have a local codeigniter 3 app and the same remote app with REST API server. I need a CI script that does : - sync data from local to remote database via API using post method - can choose which table that want to sync - can choose sync the whole table or from last update - create a record details about the sync of each table: > type of update (the whole table or partial) &g...
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snowflake database 5 päivää left
help build tables in snowflake database
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Hello,, I want create an multivendor marketplace application only like AliExpress and Amazon
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Looking for some one who can help "design" web application (not just the website). I have the concepts and know some applications doing similar things like pdfpro dot co, gocanvas dot com(form designer), pdffiller dot com. If you want to bid, please login to these accounts and see the way it creating "pdf designer" etc. I am looking only for experts, if you are not then you wi...
€128 (Avg Bid)
€128 Keskimäär. tarjous
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We want to create an app for our client service. All the features will work using an API. The app only will show data and 1 form. I need the app desing too, an one page app. Where the people be able to: - Login with user and password. - Change the password. - Show some client information. - See old support tickets. - Create support tickets. (Form with 5 inputs) - See the active invoices.
€597 (Avg Bid)
€597 Keskimäär. tarjous
87 tarjoukset
€194 Keskimäär. tarjous
3 tarjoukset |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20120 |
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The formats can be changed on a per-video basis. When creating a new video item, click the Change button underneath the file upload window on the right. This opens a popup with available file formats. Select the format to which you’d like to transcode your file.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20138 | Recent Events for MainPageDiary (Blog)
Machine Tags (aka Triple Tag) - Machine Tags I used and loved
I'm using some machine tag in my various projects. Sometimes they are used by some other people/project. In this page you can find a summary of practices and the list of namespace I'm using. Some are widely used like license: or language: but there are some experimental like linkfingerprint:.
A machine tag is composed of a namespace (MUST), a predicate (MUST) and an (OPTIONAL) value. Machine tag is sometime called triple tag due to its format.
For more information about machine tag :
Machine Tag namespace in use with their description
Visual Explanation
Machine Tag and my use in for free software
We can see in this example all the information linked to the URL to describe a free software project including its rating, computer language and free license used. Readable by human and machine in one shot.
FAQ about Machine Tags
Who is deciding about a name space?
No one, that's the magic (sometime the disillusion) of name space : Everyone can take a name space that can be shared with other people. There are nice example like the "Burning Man" machine tags where you can see there is no specific restriction. But the flexibility of allocation allows people to use their own and see if the other users will use it or not. The success of a name space is based on its use.
What's the difference between Machine Tags, RDFa and microformats
The objective of RDFa or microformats are somehow similar to Machine Tags but are mainly targeting the (X)HTML format. Machine tags are often used standalone to reflect a specific classification of a page. RDFa or microformats are inherently attached to a link or the data encapsulated in a markup language. Microformats is mostly using the class attribute to describe the data. RDFa is using the rel attribute with a properly defined XML namespace to describe the data.
Machine tags can express the same information or even sharing the same namespace of RDFa or microformats. Machine tags are just used as a readable tags format requiring a mixed approach of classification between human tagging and machine-readable tags while not really focusing of specific document format.
Is there any good parser for machine tags? |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20144 | Using AI For Sales? Forget The Hype
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My post today is a collaboration with my colleague Dave Boyce, Chief Strategy officer for, as well as a board member at Forrester Research.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the new buzzword du jour. It seems everyone has “AI” software or services that will help you accomplish your objectives. But you run a sales team. And you have to deliver results this quarter and the next quarter and the one after that -- you don’t have time for marketing hype. Here’s a way to think about how to build AI into your approach simply and easily, without risk.
You can introduce AI capabilities into your sales processes in four simple phases.
The Balance
For the sales leader, buzzwords are useless. Which means AI is useless. Unless it can help me hit my number this quarter, I can’t afford to pay attention to it. If and when AI graduates from “buzzword” to something real that can help me hit my numbers -- then and only then can I pay attention.
As it turns out, everyone -- and I mean everyone -- claims an AI angle for their sales software or service offering. But from marketing automation to CRM to sales cadence tools, these claims are thin, if not strictly aspirational. Don’t fall for the long con. You can benefit today by introducing AI capabilities in four simple phases.
This four-phase approach starts with fundamentals and adds capabilities and value along the way. Each phase is self-funding. In our view, “Four Phases to Sales AI” meets the practicality hurdle of any good CRO and the “future-proofing” hurdle of any good CEO. You can have both.
Phase I: Instrument Your Sellers
AI lives on data. If your team’s activities, successes and failures are captured, they can be fed to AI for analysis. Typically we rely on reps to enter their data into CRM. Because this is a horrible way of capturing the truth, we are all skeptical that pointing AI at the data in our CRM would produce anything of value. And we are right about that: garbage in, garbage out.
Phase I is about getting better data, and we do this by instrumenting the team. Instead of having the team use their desk phones, we have them use a connected system to make phone calls. Instead of letting emails go back and forth under the cover of night, we track them. With phone calls and emails automatically logged -- even the calls and emails that go unanswered -- the data becomes pristine and useful to AI. It can start to see the patterns: “These calls at these times to these target titles / industries / geographies lead to success. And those calls at those times to those target titles / industries / geographies don’t lead to success. Do more of the former and less of the latter.”
To get immediate benefit out of Phase I, sales reps need tools that make them better / faster / more effective. Any good sales productivity suite incorporates tricks and hacks and features that do this. For instance:
• Pre-recorded voicemails so a rep can just “click-and-go” to the next phone call while a voicemail is being left in their own voice for the previous prospect
• Templated emails to save time
• Scheduled / automatic emails to save time
• Phone calls that appear to the prospect from a local phone number to increase answer rate, etc.
Typically, Phase I revenue lift can be 10% or higher, based purely on the productivity gains seen by reps. This is the immediate ROI of Phase I. But the real benefit of Phase I is the data capture, which you only fully realize in Phase II.
Note: Phase I is applicable for inside teams (sales development, inside sales, account management). The only reason it is less applicable to field teams is the difficulty of getting field reps to use a specific application for phone calls. Tracking field rep emails from desktop or mobile clients is quite possible, whereas tracking field rep phone calls is more elusive.
Phase II: Optimize Your Buyers
Once all reps are instrumented, and their activities, successes, and failures tracked for three months, we are ready to move to Phase II.
With clean data, CRM now becomes useful to our AI efforts. AI wants basically four categories of data:
1. Descriptive data--who are the prospects, and what characteristics do they have?
2. Activity data--what actions have been taken? (calls, emails)
3. Contextual data--what are the prevailing conditions at any given time (weather, economics etc.)
4. Results data--what have been the outcomes of our activities?
• For a phone call, was it answered?
• For an email, was it opened?
• For a lead, was it advanced to an opportunity?
• For an opportunity, was it closed?
With these four categories of data, AI can do its magic. Machine Learning (a sub-category of AI) is basically a massive correlation engine. In this case it is solving for which combinations of (1), (2) and (3) that result in desirable outcomes (4).
For instance (these are just examples):
• Phone calls between 1-3pm on rainy Tuesdays to VPs of sourcing at mid-market companies in the Southeast tend to be productive, whereas ...
• Phone calls between 1-3pm on rainy Tuesdays to Directors of HR at growth-stage companies on the West Coast tend not to be productive.
As you might imagine, there are hundreds of variables and millions of combinations to consider. With all the data in place, AI can prioritize which activities should happen with which prospects at which times and under which conditions.
Revenue lift from Phase II tends to be in the +20% range, which more than pays for Phase II and Phase I combined.
Phase III: Optimize Your Sellers
Now that we are tracking and optimizing all selling activities and prioritizing the right prospects for maximum return, we can turn our sights to the selling team.
It turns out that not all sales reps are created equally. On a team of 1,000 reps, 300 might be excellent at building pipeline, 300 might be excellent at closing business, 300 might be good at both, and 100 might be good at neither.
For the sales leader who wants to build a team that can reliably hit quarterly targets, it’s important to understand who they have in which seats. AI can instantly evaluate the historical performance of thousands of reps, identifying the behaviors and attributes that separate one group of performers from the next. This immediately highlights opportunities for coaching, upleveling, or in some cases replacing reps to make sure the sales machine is primed to produce.
Phase III relies on data from Phases I and II, but it flips the unit of analysis from the buyer to the sales rep. Optimizing the selling team can produce revenue lift of 20% or more.
Phase IV: Custom AI
With good data on buyers, good data on sellers, and good data on how opportunities make their way through the sales cycle, the remaining opportunities to leverage AI for revenue lift fall into the catch-all category of “what else?” These answers can be broken up into two categories:
1. More data / data sources
2. Different questions
In category 1 (more data), think about all the data that does not live in CRM, but that could be useful in prioritizing prospects and activities. For instance, would post-sale utilization or spend data help prioritize targets? If this data lives outside of CRM, maybe it’s time to incorporate it.
Alternatively, we may want to ask different questions altogether. Rather than “who to sell to or how to engage them?” the question might be, “who is likely to attrit?” or “which current customer is likely to expand or buy a new product?” Data can answer these questions as well.
Note: From a sales perspective, it is not recommended to start with Phase IV. Phases I-III hold easier wins. AI sometimes gets a bad rap within sales because of claims it can solve any predictive problem where large data exists. There’s some truth to that claim, but it is a squishy place to start, and generally not the best place for a CRO to dig in.
If you lead a sales team, you cannot afford to be on the AI sidelines or to play the game with the wrong equipment. The hype is hard to decipher, but remember there are tactical wins available to you today:
Phase I: Instrument Sellers
Phase II: Optimize Buyers
Phase III: Optimize Sellers
Phase IV: Custom AI
Not only does each of these phases provide a positive ROI, but more strategically this path opens two doors that can be important to a career in sales:
1. It positions your organization to beat competitors who are not using AI, and it gives you the opportunity to succeed reliably.
2. It positions you, as a sales leader, at the forefront of sales.
Not many sales leaders today have practical experience making AI work for them. This framework can help put you in those elite ranks.
Follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn. Check out my website.
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20160 | Tuesday, October 27, 2015
OpenEd is a service that has offers a massive catalog of educational videos, games, and practice assessments that you can browse by topic, grade level, or Common Core standard. Today, OpenEd announced an improved integration with Google Classroom.
There are two ways that you can use OpenEd resources with Google Classroom. First, you can share resources from OpenEd to your Google Classroom classes by using the "share to Google Classroom" button within OpenEd resources. Second, you can now import your Google Classroom roster into OpenEd. Importing your roster will allow you to create collections of resources to share with your students instead of just sharing individual items.
Applications for Education
My favorite aspect of OpenEd is its search tool. Rather than searching and hoping to find a video on YouTube that matches the standard(s) you're addressing in a lesson, you can start with the standard and have OpenEd locate videos for you. Likewise, it's easy to find and share games and quizzes that match the topics you're teaching. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20163 | Rejoicing in the Lord
I’d like to share with you today about rejoicing in the Lord. It’s taken from Philippians 4:4: Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. It’s a simple verse, isn’t it? But it contains a profound truth. Let’s learn this truth together. There are three lessons in this verse. 1. You should rejoice. […] |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20169 | We offer a wide variety of savings account options including money market funds, IRAs, CDs/share certificates, and more. You can start a savings account with as little as a couple hundred dollars or a higher yield money market account with a minimum balance of $1,500.
For more information on our savings accounts, select the Savings Accounts link below. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20177 | Planetside 2's Huge World Expands With a New Continent in Today's Update
You can now visit the swamp continent of Hossin and claim ownership of bases with your clan.
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Sony Online Entertainment today released a huge update for its free-to-play MMO shooter, Planetside 2, the most significant aspect of which is a whole new continent for players to explore and fight over.
Known as Hossin, the new "swamp continent" will present new obstacles for players to deal with as they navigate the environment. SOE says Hossin is home to "unforgiving marshes, low hanging tree canopies, and slow-moving, boggy terrain," all of which sounds like it could get in the way when facing off against dozens of enemies (not an uncommon occurrence in Planetside 2).
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"With its swamp-like terrain and natural barriers, players combat skills will be challenged like never before," said creative director Matt Higby. "Facilities and bases are scattered throughout, making infantry combat the most important it's ever been. Hossin adds an insane element to PlanetSide 2's ground / air combat strategy. We are eager to hear community feedback, particularly since Hossin will be continuously updated and enhanced for a long time to come."
Access to Hossin is free to all players on PC with the release of today's update. Its release only further expands what was already a massive game world.
Also added today are several new features, including continent locking. As battles most often take place on one of the game's three existing continents, players will now be able to prevent spawning on any continent by controlling all the points on the map.
Outfits--the game's versions of clans or guilds--also have something to look forward to today. A new, improved system for recruiting has been implemented; outfits can now equip decals; and, most interestingly, an ownership system is now in place for bases. When capturing facilities and outposts, the outfit that contributed the most will gain temporary "ownership" over it, making it so that the owner's decal is displayed above it.
Planetside 2 is currently available only on PC. A PlayStation 4 version is in development that was originally expected to have been released last year. Today's announcement doesn't provide any new word on that front; SOE only says it's coming to PS4 "later this year."
Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20178 | Chili Con Carnage Review
Chili Con Carnage is light on depth and fairly brief, but it's a raucous good time all the same.
The PlayStation Portable has been suffering through a long bout of PlayStation 2 hand-me-down syndrome ever since the system's release. In that time, dozens of PS2 games (some of them years old) have been ported, remixed, or otherwise crammed onto UMDs and rereleased as PSP games, usually with some lame subtitle to try to make the game seem different. But as annoying as this syndrome has been up to this point, occasionally some games are exempt. Such is the case with Chili Con Carnage, a reworking of a little-known action game from 2005 called Total Overdose: A Gunslinger's Tale in Mexico. It was basically a Robert Rodriguez movie and Max Payne all rolled up into one, and it was a patently silly piece of work, emphasizing ridiculous shoot-dodging moves and big explosions over...well, just about everything else. In Chili Con Carnage, developer Deadline Games has made the experience much better by stripping away some of the more superfluous elements of the console game (such as the open-ended, GTA-esque city) and turning in an even more ridiculous adventure.
Hanging off of a helicopter while blasting away at scads and scads of Mexican thugs? Just another day in the life of Ramiro Cruz.
Chili Con Carnage's main story follows Ramiro (or Ram), who goes to visit his government-agent father at work one day to bring him a birthday present--a box full of kittens. The father and son commiserate for a moment as the father opens his gifts. But not two seconds after the father utters the word "kittens!" does a gigantic thrasher come crashing into his office, with a cackling villain behind the wheel, giggling with glee as Ram's father (and those poor, poor kittens) are horribly murdered. And that's not even the most ridiculous thing to happen in the game. As Ram goes on a revenge hunt to kill those responsible for his father's death, Ram finds himself mixed up with several wacky Mexican crime lords, from a bull-charging behemoth to a drug lord with his own jet fighter.
Some of this premise might sound familiar to those who played Total Overdose, but the vast bulk of the story has been totally redone. Chili Con Carnage reuses some of the core level designs and characters from the original game, but the story takes wildly different turns. The developer essentially scraped off whatever hard-boiled or minutely serious elements the original game had in favor of making the whole thing a totally bonkers affair. And that really works to the game's benefit, too. Chili Con Carnage is legitimately funny in a number of spots, and even when it's not funny "ha-ha," it's still goofy enough to enjoy just because of how over the top everything is.
A lot of the humor is in the action. Total Overdose revolved its action almost exclusively on the act of Ram being able to leap around like a bandito inside the Matrix while shooting copious amounts of exploding barrels and boilerplate thugs. In Chili Con Carnage, the number of explodable objects has become even more copious, and the thugs have been given more personality, making them all the more fun to waste. You also get a myriad of weird power-ups that do everything from providing you a pair of machine-gunning guitar cases that instantly destroy anyone in their path to creating a giant Mexican wrestler to bully any nearby enemies. What ties all this carnage together is a Tony Hawk-esque combo system that racks up points based on how many kills you can string together, as well as how crazily your kills play out. An onscreen meter drops when you aren't in the process of wrecking shop, so the goal is to try to keep the crazy going as long as possible. In fact, you could theoretically keep the combo meter going for the entire length of a level, if you were talented enough.
The scoring system makes what is otherwise a fairly simple combat system more enjoyable. There's not much depth to what you're doing, as all the shoot-dodge moves are just one button press away and the targeting system usually does a pretty good job of picking out the more threatening enemies to blast away at. There's even a target-lock button that specifically latches onto inanimate objects that can be blown up or otherwise decimated, making more explosive kills that much easier a process. Some of the stages are a bit tough, simply because of the ridiculous number of enemies the game throws at you; but other than that, the only thing that makes Chili Con Carnage even remotely difficult is some of the camera and aiming functionality. Specifically, if there's ever an enemy you have to blast that isn't easily targeted (namely, a boss character) and you have to use the free-look function to manually move the camera up and down, because the camera doesn't stay positioned for very long, you end up having only a tiny window to take your shot. Also, the analog sensitivity during some of the on-rails missions and turret-shooting sequences is rather obnoxious, making precise aiming a severe chore. Still, control issues and lack of depth and difficulty aside, the sheer absurdity of the combat is enough to keep you entertained.
Of course, it won't keep you entertained for all that long. The story mode won't take you more than four or five hours to bust through, though if you're just playing through the game to get to the end, you're not going to get a whole lot out of the experience. Getting the most out of the game is all about high scores and completing some of the off-the-wall challenges that pop up in between story missions. The other single-player mode is just a purely score-based mode in which you try to off as many chicken-costumed enemies as you can before your combo meter drops to zero. The multiplayer modes work similarly. The one mode that requires between two and four players via ad hoc, fiesta, doesn't pit you or your opponents directly against one another, but rather transports each of you to the same environment and just has you running around, killing everything in sight to try to get the best score. The slightly confusing thing is that the character models of your opponents will randomly spawn inside the level you're playing in, but they're computer controlled. You're not totally devoid of the ability to mess with your opponents, though, as there are some cool power-ups that do everything from flipping your opponents' screens upside down to creating an earthquake that makes it impossible for them to stop moving. The other multiplayer mode, hangman, is just a pass-and-play version of the same basic mode, with slightly different rules.
Somehow, some way, Chili Con Carnage is bound to offend somebody.
Even if the action is a bit simple, it's a lot of fun to watch. Chili Con Carnage has great graphics that are both technically proficient and stylish. All the slow-motion camera angles, rampant explosions, and barrages of bullets look fantastic in motion, and the game never slows down (unless you want it to). The character models are all a little chunky and deformed, but that seems more like a stylistic choice than anything else. The audio is just as enjoyable, despite how awful some of the voice acting is. The voice acting seems like it's awful with a purpose, however, as everyone speaks with the kind of hyperexaggerated accents that bad comedians can't even get away with. The dialogue is actually pretty funny, and the actors ham it up so much that the cheesiness of the acting is legitimately enjoyable. The soundtrack is much the same as Total Overdose's, relying heavily on Mexican hip-hop that's mostly quite good. However, the best part of the music is the way it fades in and out during a level, depending on what's going on. When you're not shooting stuff, the game goes dead silent, but when you're in action, it kicks in and adds a backbeat to the chaos. It's as if the game is actively punishing you when you aren't wrecking shop.
Though Chili Con Carnage isn't likely to win any awards for originality or gameplay depth, you've got to give the developers credit for taking a console game that wasn't anything special to begin with and revamping it into something that's legitimately good. By trimming the fat and ramping up the ludicrous factor, Chili Con Carnage does what Total Overdose couldn't, and creates a wildly over-the-top action game that's not only bizarre and funny, but also fun to play all the way through. The multiplayer maybe isn't as good as you'd hope it would be, and you won't find a ton of content to play with in the single-player modes, but brief as it is, Chili Con Carnage does what it does well, and it's precisely the kind of cockamamie fun that Total Overdose ought to have been in the first place.
The Good
Preposterously enjoyable gunslinging action
Scoring system makes the relatively simple gameplay much more fun
Great graphics and audio
The Bad
Short story mode and supplementing challenges and modes aren't that great
What little challenge the game has comes mostly from control and camera frustrations
Voice acting might rub some people the wrong way
About GameSpot's Reviews
About the Author
Chili Con Carnage More Info
• First Released Feb 27, 2007
Average Rating358 Rating(s)
Please Sign In to rate Chili Con Carnage
Developed by:
Deadline Games
Published by:
Eidos Interactive
Action, Shooter, Third-Person, 3D
Drug Reference, Strong Language, Violence |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20179 | Not long ago I described my feelings about steampunk to a friend in this manner: It started as a high concept, devolved into a fashion statement, and died not long after turning into a design motif. Too much of it is about dressing things up with clockwork, buckles, hinges, and Leyden jars; not enough of it is about pondering the implications of the setting, many of which are not at all positive or flattering. The Empire of Corpses could have ended up being nothing but fashion or design, but it spends some thought on what its fantasy technology would imply or achieve, and tries not to shy away from the consequences. And as a straight-up fantasy, it's great fun.
This is the first of three animated adaptations derived from the works of novelist Project Itoh. The novel Corpses was based on has not been translated into English, but the film doesn't need the book to be comprehensible; it works entirely on its own. If the other two forthcoming adaptations of his novels, Harmony and Genocidal Organ, are as good as this, they will together constitute as valuable and entertaining an addition to recent anime as we're likely to have.
© Project Itoh & Toh Enjoe / THE EMPIRE OF CORPSES
Watson and Friday.
Now I'm feeling zombified
Empire of Corpses posits a late 19th-century world where the dead can be reanimated. They are little more than shambling zombies that can be commanded with "necroware", a kind of primitive progamming. Incapable of creative thought, they are used by the nations of the world for labor, and, predictably, warfare. Armies of the dead are far more easily mobilized, and far more expendable, than human soldiers, and so there's the uneasy sense that when this world's WWI does come around, its consequences will not be nearly as horrifying as they need to be.
An expert in the dead, Dr. Watson, has taken to working with the body of his late companion and associate Friday. Friday was terminally ill, and essentially donated his body to science. He has also, in some sense, donated his soul, as Watson's experiments revolve around whether or not it's also possible to access the spirit of the dead through the remaining body. For the time being, though, he can reanimate Friday's body and program him to be useful — by taking notes, serving as a personal bodyguard, and so on.
To us, this sort of tinkering is ethically questionable; to the government of the day, it's a crime. When Watson's work is uncovered, he's offered a way out: rather than go to prison, he can help the government track down and recover a missing artifact of immense importance. The originator of the science of the dead — who else but Dr. Frankenstein? — took copious notes about his work (the "Memorandum") that allegedly involved information about infusing a corpse with a soul, something he was purported to have done with his own monstrous creation, now a subject of rumor. The Memorandum has gone missing courtesy of a Russian scientist named Karamazov, and so now Watson, Friday, another Russian, Krasotkin, and a brash British army officer, Burnaby, are all tasked with heading to points abroad to find it.
© Project Itoh & Toh Enjoe / THE EMPIRE OF CORPSES
"M", the controller; Burnaby, the comrade.
Dead men tell plenty of tales
Most fans of this kind of material ought to be nodding along by now. Aside from the appropriately retro technology and the free-form nods back to public domain characters of the period, there's also links back to the real world of the time, as when former president Ulysses S. Grant shows up when the crew appears in India. Corpses goes a step beyond, though, by contemplating not just the technology of the 19th century, but the thinking as well. This was a time of struggle between the materialist and spiritualist points of view, when mankind was trying to reconcile the classical notion of man as a sacred thing and the modern scientific view of man as merely one lump of animal matter amongst all the rest.
For the ambitious in this story, such questions take a backseat to how power can be best obtained and leveraged with the tech. Those chasing after Watson and his crew don't think anything of sending weaponized corpses after them, some sporting body fat that's been converted into explosives (!) and others that have apparently been upgraded with necroware that make them into deadly hand-to-hand fighters, and even imbued with a germ of intelligence.
Watson believes the Memorandum is at work here, but by this point the other members of his team suspect Watson doesn't want to follow through with their mission of finding and destroying the Memorandum. Perhaps Watson instead wants to use it to bring his dead friend completely back to life. Confronted with this, Watson doesn't realize his hubris makes him have a great deal in common with those he despises; he imagines his scientific quest to be a purer one than those driven by power.
This contradiction between means and aims becomes all the more stark by the time Watson and his cronies find Karamazov. He, too, has been bitten by the human-resurrection bug, and has found a way to "write" an artificial soul into a corpse — or, horrifyingly, into a live human being, with predictable results. What's telling is how Watson seems more angry with Karamazov for not trying to advance the technology than he is for the amoral ways he has put it to use. Later, when the group catches up with the Memorandum in Japan, it interacts with Friday in ways that give Watson hope that is view is in fact justified. Is some vestige of his friend in still there somewhere?
Before Watson can find an answer, though, the Memorandum falls into the hands of none other then Frankenstein's creation, still alive after all these years, and by all accounts with a soul and a mind of his own. What, then, would he want with the Memorandum, since he already has everything it could have possibly imbued him with in the first place?
© Project Itoh & Toh Enjoe / THE EMPIRE OF CORPSES
Globe-hopping with Watson and his crew.
Mankind is something to be overcome
The dividing line between fully human, no longer human, and proto-human are blurred thoroughly as the story advances. (Warning: Spoilers follow.) One of the other major characters who embodies this is Hadaly Lilith, who shows up as ex-President Grant's strong right arm and bails the heroes out when they're caught in a tight spot. Hadaly, as it turns out, is an incarnation of that other common steampunk trope, the "clockwork human", or proto-android, although this secret is only tipped to both the audience and Watson alike more than halfway through the story. That she is a mechanical creation is not the big secret, though; it's that she harbors ambitions of humanity. Then again, for her to have such an ambition at all seems like proof of humanity all by itself.
Ultimately, the story turns into a multi-way clash of control for the worlds of both the dead and the living. First is Watson and his people versus his handler in British intelligence, "M", who has decided the best way to end the gruesome wars that are now fueled by corpse technology is to just kill everyone and rule the corpses. He sees the human race as — how might Nietzsche put it? — something to be overcome. And arrayed against all of them in turn is "The One", a/k/a Frankenstein's creation, now a wizened old figure who has plans of his own to derive a true human soul from the great mass of the dead, one with which he can himself merge.
If you read that last sentence and thought Bride of Frankenstein, you're right on target; the movie even gives Burnaby an old-school Frankenstein monster, complete with the bolts in his neck, to tangle with during the climax. The way the movie is salted with such nods is part of its genre appeal (what, "M" wasn't a tipoff, too?), but the film isn't hung up solely on making references for its motive force. The setting, its trappings, the external bits, those are all just the way it gets the audience in the door; the real story is in exploring how Watson's ambitions are, in fact, an embodiment of everything he is struggling against.
That said, I shouldn't brush off the fun stuff. Most people are going to see this because it's a period adventure with tons of spectacular imagery, and I can hardly find fault with them for that. The animation was produced by Wit Studio (Attack on Titan, Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress, Seraph of the End, HAL), a Production I.G spinoff, and it has much of the same polished, elegant look as that house's prior works. Period detail is fused with fantasy throughout; the towering giant "difference engines" (19th-century supercomputers) with their endless stacks of spiny gears look downright H.R. Giger-ish. I also liked the way subtle shifts in art direction accompany each hop around the globe: when the crew come to Japan, we're shown a cityscape with color washes that are immediately reminiscent of a Hokusai print.
© Project Itoh & Toh Enjoe / THE EMPIRE OF CORPSES
Steampunk tech and 19th-century thinking.
Are too many endings better than not enough?
It's a shame, then, that the movie muddles its message in a couple of key ways. The first, and maybe least problematic issue, is the way its technology is more magic than tech in the long run. This is mostly me griping about the way the necro-tech in the film is handled, since we eventually get to the point where the zombies can be commanded by way of what amounts to a kind of supernatural cellular signal. On the other hand, if it's intended as a viewpoint that stems from a 19th-century concept of technology, it makes that much more sense, even if at times it feels more like convenience of storytelling than exploration of a concept.
What I'm much less enamored of, though, is the final third or so — not because of what happens, exactly, but how. It's the kind of messy, overblown, three-climaxes-too-many third act that has become the stock-in-trade of action/adventure-oriented storytelling lately. It's scale-out thinking: if one climax is good, two must be great, and three must be REALLY SOMETHING! But more is not automatically better, and the movie's urge to huff and puff means we also end up with about two denouements too many as well. This includes a post-credits sequence — one that's admittedly a great mythology gag, but which also seems to contradict the troubling last scene we get before the credits roll. Pick-your-own-ending storytelling is not inherently foolish, but in a story where the specific implications of what happens are vital, it's the wrong way to fly.
I'm a critic, so I'm obliged to quibble where it's merited. What I won't say is that these things invalidate the whole, or make it not worth the effort. I found the charity to forgive AKIRA its nihilism and excess, and to see how Royal Space Force: Wings of Honneamise worked despite some ill-conceived moments. The Empire of Corpses doesn't quite land on the moon, but it sure gets aloft.
© Project Itoh & Toh Enjoe / THE EMPIRE OF CORPSES
Hadaly: breaking through her own private glass ceiling.
About the Author
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20185 | Last night I went to a new writer's group to give moral support to MJ, who harbours a desire to be the next Virginia Woolf minus the schizophrenia and suicidal tendencies. The group turned out to be located in a quite pleasant building in the West End, where rooms are hired out in the evenings. Although the ad we'd found in Hillhead Library hadn't been particularly clear on what they actually did, it soon became clear the structure was much more in the form of a class than the short story workshops I'm more familiar with. Fair enough: it's the kind of thing MJ's been looking for. So before the class started we watched other people come in, seeming like a fairly representative cross-section of West Enders. I started thinking this could turn out to be interesting. Even positive.
That feeling didn't last for long.
I didn't take part in the class myself: I'd already made it clear I was just there to give MJ moral support, since if you're not used to it, it can be a little unnerving to walk into a room filled with complete strangers and talk about your writing. I could have taken part, but I was deadbeat. I'd been out the previous night helping Al celebrate his birthday as well as attending the Glasgow SF Writer's Circle, and the only writing I could think about was the fourth draft of Against Gravity. Besides, I'd already asked MJ not to bring up the subject of my having a book deal, since I wasn't there to be a 'writer': I was there to provide her with moral support.
Now, if you're the kind of person who isn't very confident about their ability to write - if you think you need help to deal with the basics, or if you just think you need a kick up the arse to get motivated - then that's great. Some of the writers there turned out to be pretty good, and I had the impression they were getting something out of the class as a whole. The evening was structured in two halves, with the participants writing something based on the tutor's suggestions, taking a tea break, then coming back to read their stuff out. Far and away not the kind of process we're famililar with in the Glasgow SF Writer's Circle, but a valid process nonetheless. I watched the first half of the process with interest.
So picture the scene: it's the teabreak, we're all in the kitchen. The tutor comes over to say hello to MJ, and tell her a little bit more about the class. She got a little nervous and mentioned that I had a novel coming out.
So the tutor asks me what kind of book it is.
Science fiction, I said.
Can you see where this is going?
Pregnant silence. In order to fill which, I said - in an attempt to direct the conversation back towards MJ - that her tastes are different from mine: she doesn't read science fiction, but does enjoy a lot of classic 19th Century Literature as well as more contemporary work.
What I expected the tutor to do was to turn his attention back to MJ and ask her more about her interests. Before he did this, round about the point I was saying the words 'Mandy doesn't read sf herself ...' the tutor starts nodding his head emphatically and saying 'Very wise. Very Wise' (note emphasis).
Which is round about the point I started having vivid fantasies of punching the tutor. Hard. On the nose.
After the teabreak, we went back upstairs so people could read their stories out, and I could sit with my arms folded staring daggers at the tutor. What particularly pisses me off is that he wasn't even a particularly good tutor: he mumbled, his ideas were rubbish, and he didn't exactly exude authority. I could, quite literally, run that class myself blindfolded, gagged, and submerged in a tank of hungry sharks. And this ... twat ... rubbishes my chosen field of literature.
But the really interesting thing I came away with (apart from a murderous dislike for the man) is that I could run a class. Easily. What I really want to know (and would make me seethe) was if the tutor was being paid to run the class. Quite possibly, he is; the Scottish Arts Council does provide funds to community groups to run a variety of workshops, and I'm already in the process of signing up to a list of available authors that the SAC provides to such groups, although the process is slightly more complicated than I'm describing here.
Still. Twat.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20193 | Angular Sweep (Maximum points that can be enclosed in a circle of given radius)
Given ‘n’ points on 2-D plane, find the maximum number of points that can be enclosed by a fixed-radius circle of radius ‘R’.
Note: The point is considered to be inside the circle even when it lies on the circumference.
Input : R = 1
points[] = {(6.47634, 7.69628), (5.16828 4.79915),
(6.69533 6.20378)}
Output : 2
The maximum number of points are 2
Input : R = 1
points[] = {(6.65128, 5.47490), (6.42743, 6.26189)
(6.35864, 4.61611), (6.59020 4.54228), (4.43967 5.70059)
(4.38226, 5.70536), (5.50755 6.18163), (7.41971 6.13668)
(6.71936, 3.04496), (5.61832, 4.23857), (5.99424, 4.29328)
(5.60961, 4.32998), (6.82242, 5.79683), (5.44693, 3.82724)
(6.70906, 3.65736), (7.89087, 5.68000), (6.23300, 4.59530)
(5.92401, 4.92329), (6.24168, 3.81389), (6.22671, 3.62210)}
Output : 11
The maximum number of points are 11
Naive Algorithm
1. For an arbitrary pair of points in the given set (say A and B), construct the circles with radius ‘R’ that touches both the points. There are maximum 2 such possible circles. As we can see here maximum possible circles is for CASE 1 i.e. 2.
The circles with radius 'R' touching points A and B
2. For each of the constructed circle, check for each point in the set if it lies inside the circle or not.
3. The circle with maximum number of points enclosed is returned.
Time Complexity: There are nC2 pair of points corresponding to which we can have 2nC2 circles at maximum. For each circle, (n-2) points have to be checked. This makes the naive algorithm O(n3).
Angular Sweep Algorithm
By using Angular Sweep, we can solve this problem in O(n2log n). The basic logical idea of this algorithm is described below.
We pick an arbitrary point P from the given set. We then rotate a circle with fixed-radius ‘R’ about the point P. During the entire rotation P lies on the circumference of the circle and we maintain a count of the number of points in the circle at a given value of Θ where the parameter Θ determines the angle of rotation. The state of a circle can thus be determined by a single parameter Θ because the radius is fixed.
We can also see that the value of the count maintained will change only when a point from the set enters or exits the circle.
The single parameter Θ controls the orientation of circle
In the given diagram, C1 is the circle with Θ = 0 and C2 is the circle constructed when we rotate the circle at a general value of Θ.
After this, the problem reduces to, how to maintain the value of count.
For any given point except P (say Q), we can easily calculate the value of Θ for which it enters the circle (Let it be α) and the value of Θ for which it exits the circle (Let it be β).
We have angles A and B defined as under,
• A is the angle between PQ and the X-Axis.
• B is the angle between PC and PQ where C is the center of the circle.
A = tan^{-1} \frac{(P.y - Q.y)}{(P.x-Q.x)} \\\\ B = cos^{-1} \frac{d}{2R}
where, x and y represent the coordinates of a point and ‘d’ is the distance between P and Q.
Now, from the diagrams we can see that,
α = A-B
β = A+B
(Note: All angles are w.r.t. to X-Axis. Thus, it becomes ‘A-B’ and not ‘B-A’).
When Q enters the circle
When Q exits the circle
We can calculate angles A and B for all points excluding P. Once these angles are found, we sort them and then traverse them in increasing order. Now we maintain a counter which tells us how many points are inside the circle at a particular moment.
Count will change only when a point enters the circle or exits it. In case we find an entry angle we increase the counter by 1 and in case we find an exit angle we decrease the counter by 1. The check that the angle is entry or exit can be easily realised using a flag.
Proceeding like this, the counter always gives us a valid value for number of points inside the circle in a particular state.
Important Note: The points which have ‘d’>2R do not have to be considered because the will never enter or exit the circle.
The angular sweep algorithm can be described as:
1. Calculate the distance between every pair of nC2 points and store them.
2. For an arbitrary point (say P), get the maximum number of points that can lie inside the circle rotated about P using the getPointsInside() function.
3. The maximum of all values returned will be the final answer.
This algorithm has been described in the following C++ implementation.
// C++ program to find the maximum number of
// points that can be enclosed by a fixed-radius
// circle
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int MAX_POINTS = 500;
// complex class which is available in STL has
// been used to implement points. This helps to
// ensure greater functionality easily
typedef complex<double> Point;
Point arr[MAX_POINTS];
// This function returns the maximum points that
// can lie inside the circle of radius 'r' being
// rotated about point 'i'
int getPointsInside(int i, double r, int n)
// This vector stores alpha and beta and flag
// is marked true for alpha and false for beta
vector<pair<double, bool> > angles;
if (i != j && dis[i][j] <= 2*r)
// acos returns the arc cosine of the complex
// used for cosine inverse
double B = acos(dis[i][j]/(2*r));
// arg returns the phase angle of the complex
double A = arg(arr[j]-arr[i]);
double alpha = A-B;
double beta = A+B;
angles.push_back(make_pair(alpha, true));
angles.push_back(make_pair(beta, false));
// angles vector is sorted and traversed
sort(angles.begin(), angles.end());
// count maintains the number of points inside
// the circle at certain value of theta
// res maintains the maximum of all count
int count = 1, res = 1;
vector<pair<double, bool> >::iterator it;
for (it=angles.begin(); it!=angles.end(); ++it)
// entry angle
if ((*it).second)
// exit angle
if (count > res)
res = count;
return res;
// Returns count of maximum points that can lie
// in a circle of radius r.
int maxPoints(Point arr[], int n, int r)
// dis array stores the distance between every
// pair of points
// abs gives the magnitude of the complex
// number and hence the distance between
// i and j
dis[i][j] = dis[j][i] = abs(arr[i]-arr[j]);
// This loop picks a point p
int ans = 0;
// maximum number of points for point arr[i]
ans = max(ans, getPointsInside(i, r, n));
return ans;
// Driver code
int main()
Point arr[] = {Point(6.47634, 7.69628),
Point(5.16828, 4.79915),
Point(6.69533, 6.20378)};
int r = 1;
cout << "The maximum number of points are: "
<< maxPoints(arr, n, r);
return 0;
Output :
The maximum number of points are: 2
Time Complexity: There are n points for which we call the function getPointsInside(). This function works on ‘n-1’ points for which we get 2*(n-1) size of the vector ‘angles’ (one entry angle and one exit angle). Now this ‘angles’ vector is sorted and traversed which gives complexity of the getPointsInside() function equal to O(nlogn). This makes the Angular Sweep Algorithm O(n2log n).
Related Resources: Using the complex class available in stl for implementing solutions to geometry problems.
This article is contributed by Aanya Jindal. If you like GeeksforGeeks and would like to contribute, you can also write an article using or mail your article to See your article appearing on the GeeksforGeeks main page and help other Geeks.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20197 | Chorology is the study of places and regions, also referred to as regional geography. Chronology stems from the Greek word khōros for “place” or “space” and the suffix -logy for study of.
Chorology looks at causal relations between geographical phenomena occurring within a particular region and the study of the spatial distribution of organisms.
Alfer Hettner (August 6, 1859 – August 31, 1941), a German geographer was the first main contemporary proponent of viewing the geography discipline as a chronological science, which studies diverse phenomena existing together in regions of the earth’s space. Hettner proposed this approach in his methodological essay published in the first issue of his journal, Geographische Zeitschrift published in 1895.
The goal of the chorological point of view is to know the character of regions and places through comprehension of the existence together and interrelations among different realms of reality and their varied manifestations, and to comprehend the earth surface as a whole in its actual arrangement in continents, larger and smaller regions, and places. (Hettner as quoted in Richard Hartshone’s The Nature of Geography, 1939).
The earliest known reference to the study of geography from a regional perspective can be found in Strabo’s Geography where he wrote, The geographer is the person who attempts to describe parts of the earth. (Geography, AD 18 – 24).
Cresswell, T. (2013). Geographic Thought: A Critical Introduction. Wiley-Blackwell.
Dixshit, R.D. (1997). Geographical Thought: A Contextual History of Ideas. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India. |
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20278 | Video overview of the Chord Hugo TT2 DAC / Chord Hugo M Scaler system by Mediahound
FPGA: Xilinx XC7A200T
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M Scaler User Manual
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At the heart of every Chord DAC is an FPGA chip (field-programmable gate array), which Chord packs with thousands upon thousands of lines of code, to optimize the conversion for timing and noise, and deliver and incredibly natural, musical sound. This sets Chord Electronics apart, as instead of turning to mass-produced, off-the shelf integrated circuits for the heart of their DAC’s, they craft their own circuit in-house for each design. This is why no other DAC on the market sounds like a Chord DAC.
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The ideal companion to the new Chord Hugo TT2, the Chord M Scaler digital front-end makes for the smoothest, most natural audio output. Take your reference system to the next level with harshness-free resolution. |
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With Jekyll you can fast and easy build static sites (as this one). It started out as the engine behing GitHub Pages and has since then grown more and more popular. If you have no past experience then I recommend that you read the following two blog posts by Development Seed, you might also want to take a look at the Jekyll documentation.
Out of the box Jekyll comes with a pretty basic functionality that can be extended by using a variety of plugins. The content that it’ll create consists of blog posts and regular pages – but what if you need more than that?
When trying to find good podcasts during the euros this summer I decided to build a simple football podcast directory. At first I though of using Drupal or Symfony but decided to see if I could do it with Jekyll.
Enough background… Here’s is how I did it:
1. Google Docs as data source
Each podcast conist of the following data:
• Title
• Feed
• iTunes feed
• Description
• Language
• Image
A simple spreadsheet would do for that. With the help of Google Docs I could easily gather that data. For this project it was only me who provided the content but as Google Docs is an excellent collaboration tool with all its functions, we could have been a group of people doing this together.
Each spreadsheet can be published to the web in various formats – CSV being one of them. Here is my spreadsheet as CSV containing all the podcasts.
I then wrote some PHP code (here and here) that reads the CSV, downloads the images (that later on are resized and optimized) and saves the data as YAML files all ready to go with Jekyll.
2. The Jekyll Models plugin
As I mentioned earlier Jekyll only supports blog posts and regular pages out of the box. But thanks to the Jekyll Models plugin you can define your own models and store the data in YAML files.
3. Et voila
Source code on GitHub.
More details
Let's work together! |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20299 | What Are The Effects Of GenF20 Plus
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20319 | • Blog >
• What is the difference between stress and anxiety?
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What is the difference between stress and anxiety?
What's the difference between stress and anxiety?
What is the difference between stress and anxiety?
Are anxiety and stress one and the same?
Stress and anxiety are often used interchangeably, so it’s not a surprise that they get confused. Similar to depression and sadness, which are also often mixed up, stress and anxiety share similar symptoms, but are markedly different at the core.
Read on for stories and information about stress vs. anxiety.
Sue is a mother of nine children, aged 7 to 27. She and her husband, John, live in a ranch on the outskirts of the city, in a home that they’ve been “adding on to since our third child,” says Sue. “In this house, the construction and the laundry never end.”
While Sue admits to loving family life, tending to every child’s every need, from knee scrapes to heartaches, daily she’s confronted with the challenges of life in an 11-person household. There are always dishes to wash, towels to launder, schoolwork to be signed, and bills to pay.
“You know those memes on the internet where the mom is on the toilet and there are all these voices outside the door and she just can’t relax?” asks Sue with a chuckle. “Yeah, those are made by people with three kids. I have nine. I can barely get to the bathroom, let alone have the luxury of voices behind a door!”
Over the years, Sue says, her mounting stress – some of it negative, some of it positive – has led to minor health issues like weight gain and sleeplessness. Some days are more stressful than others (like the year when eight of her nine children were sick for three days with the stomach flu), but for the most part, Sue says, her stress is bearable.
“Do I have bad days? Yes. Do I snap at my kids? Probably more than I should,” she admits. “But like my husband says, ‘A diamond is just a lump of coal that handles stress really well.’ I think that’s him telling me I’ve got this.”
Connie remembers the morning of September 11, 2001 as though it were yesterday. She’d just caught her ferry, and thanked her lucky stars she wouldn’t be late for work. She had recently been advised by her doctor that her breast cancer was in partial remission, so Connie had been feeling particularly hopeful, energized and full. At 50, she felt like she’d been given a new lease on life.
Connie recalls the instant the plane collided some 40 floors above her office, causing a loud, crushing noise and the building to sway back and forth. She says that amidst the fear, the screams, the confusion and the horror, what she recalls most is the “organized chaos.
“It was probably as close to hell as I’d ever pictured in my mind. There was dust everywhere. People, shoulder to shoulder, filing out and through the streets like zombies. I remember it was loud, but I also remember not making anything out. It was complete and total pandemonium. There was no color. The world was gray.”
Today, Connie still suffers from PTSD and severe anxiety. She has nightmares about “grey people,” of exploding buildings and thousands of planes in a fiery sky. She says she no longer has a sense of security, and has been taking melatonin and sleeping aids to help her fall asleep for the last 17 years. She hasn’t traveled by air since the attacks, and avoids public events as much as she can.
Connie now lives in Michigan, and she hasn’t been back to New York since 2001. But Connie still can’t shake her fears, suffering from hot flashes, headaches, muscle tension and irritability when attacked with anxiety. Her emotionally charged memories cause her to feel like she’s constantly in danger, feeling threatened by anything that triggers a memory of that horrific day.
What is stress?
Put simply, stress is your body’s physical, mental or emotional reaction to any kind of change. Stress can come from what’s going on around you (for example, a new job, a current job, or moving), your body (trying out a new diet, living with an illness), and your thoughts. Changes that cause stress aren’t limited to negative things – positive things can induce stress too, like having a baby or buying your dream home.
Even though humans are designed and built to experience and deal with stress, stress can become negative when you have no relief from it. You’ll end up feeling tired, drained, exhausted, overworked and overwhelmed, causing significant tension and wear on your mind, body, heart and spirit.
Stress has been linked to six of the leading causes of death, which include accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, lung conditions, heart disease, cancer and suicide.
Am I stressed? What are the warning signs?
Some stress symptoms are more often experienced by men; some stress symptoms are more experienced by women. But many of these symptoms overlap, and they include the following:
Stomach pain
Acid reflux symptoms (which can be mistaken for palpitations, and vice versa – see your doctor if you think you are experiencing either)
Racing, rapid heartbeats
Clenched jaw
Difficulty sleeping
Increased appetite
Decreased interest in food
Cold, sweaty palms
Rapid weight loss or gain
Sexual dysfunction
General achiness throughout the body
Increased sweatiness
Skin issues, like acne or rashes
What is anxiety?
Anxiety is your body’s response to those feelings of stress. If you’ve been experiencing extreme symptoms of stress for six months or longer, you may be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.
Anxiety disorders are common, affecting men and women at any age and stage of life. However, the American Psychiatric Association does report that women are more likely than men to suffer from anxiety disorders.
What are the symptoms of anxiety?
Symptoms of anxiety vary from person to person. They include any of symptoms of stress (listed above), but those with anxiety disorders generally report rapid heartbeat, restlessness, sleeplessness and trouble concentrating or making decisions as the most prevailing symptoms.
Anxiety attacks are also common. These attacks usually escalate and worsen slowly, although at their peak feel like a shock to the system. The symptoms of an anxiety attack include the following:
Rapid breathing
Cold sweats
Are there different types of anxiety?
Anxiety disorders are considered a group of mental illnesses. They include the following:
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Generalized anxiety disorder is described as having chronic anxiety. There doesn’t necessarily need to be a trigger, and you feel worried, tense, scared and anxious most to all of the time.
Panic Disorder. If you’re experienced repeated episodes of intense fear, coupled with sweats, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, disorientation, chest pain or stomach aches, you may have a panic disorder.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Obsessive-compulsive disorder is described as having repetitive thoughts or obsessive behavior. Some people with OCD turns light on and off to make sure they’re actually off; some wash their hands over and over again to ensure they’re clean; others ask the same question a specific number of times and don’t feel relief until they’ve done so. If a person with OCD does not complete these rituals, their anxiety builds and increases.
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). After experiencing a terrifying ordeal (for example, a shooting), or after living through repeated horrific events (for example, childhood abuse), some people develop PTSD. Specific sounds, sights or other elements can trigger PTSD – a soldier, for example, hearing fireworks may become upset, feeling as though he’s back at war.
Social Anxiety Disorder. Those with social anxiety disorder feel overwhelmed when in social situations, feeling anxious and very self-conscious. Some are scared to speak in front of people, while others don’t like eating with others. Some experience SAD with such intensity that it’s difficult to even leave the house.
Separation Anxiety Disorder. This is characterized as the feeling of fear of being away from home or those we love. Those with separation anxiety may be panicked that something bad will happen if they step outside of their own four walls, while others are worried something bad will happen to the person or persons they love if they’re not within arm’s reach.
Are there treatments for anxiety?
Anxiety disorders are generally treated with medication (including antidepressants, anticonvulsants, or anxiolytics), psychotherapy, or a combination of both. Many experts tout the benefits and success rates of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which helps you recognize your negative thought patterns and behaviors and teaches you to reframe those thoughts and behaviors into positive ones.
You can also learn to manage your stress by doing the following in conjunction with medication and professional therapy:
Practice mindfulness
Maintain a well-balanced diet
Learn to say no to things that might create excess stress
Do things you love
Get enough sleep
Spend time with people you love
Practice meditation
Ask for help
If you are experiencing stress or anxiety, and need the guidance of a mental health professional, visit or book your free phone consultation by filling out an online request.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20328 | Howell Mountain Vineyards Primitivo Clone Zinfandel
Primitivo Clone Zinfandel
Our Primitivo Clone Zinfandel bottling, is made from 100% Primitivo and is the newest addition to our Howell Mountain Vineyards portfolio. Often thought of as just another name for the Zinfandel grape (or a cousin to Zinfandel), Primitivo has actually genetically been shown to be a clone of the Zinfandel variety, and typically ripens a bit earlier than the latter. Medium in body with beautifully reddish coloring, this wine exhibits vivid aromas of wild raspberries, black cherries, baking spices, and cracked pepper. Lightweight and fresh the palate, this wine is balanced with bright acidity and spicy tannins. The wine finishes long and clean, with generous spices lingering on the tastebuds. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20336 | How to Cure Interior Latex Paint
Interior latex paint dries to the touch quickly -- usually within an hour. It can take weeks, however, to cure to its final hardness. Cleaning or washing uncured painted surfaces can mar the paint. In some cases, it never completely cures, leaving you with sticking doors, windows or shelves. This is called "blocking" and is usually caused by applying paint too thickly, or applying several layers without allowing enough drying time in between coats. Several factors affect latex paint curing, and you can speed the process.
Latex paint can take weeks to cure inside.
Step 1
Take the color and sheen of the paint into consideration. Dark colors with a lot of pigment and higher gloss paints both take longer to cure than light-colored, flat or low-luster paint.
Step 2
Apply paint in two or more thin, even coats instead of one thick coat. Follow the paint label directions for recommended drying time between coats. Typically you should allow at least two hours; longer if it is cool or humid.
Step 3
Keep windows open for cross-breeze and ventilation as much as possible for two weeks after applying the paint. If the air is very still, use a fan. Air movement helps paint dry and cure faster.
Step 4
Run the air conditioner or use a dehumidifier if humidity is high. The lower the humidity, the faster latex paint will cure.
Step 5
Use heat to keep the air temperature above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Paint cures faster when it's warm.
Stevie Donald
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20339 | Know The Answer?
What did the Ninevites do when they heard Jonah's message?
Jonah 3:5
The Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Installment 15
Plain Truth Magazine
March 1959
Volume: Vol XXIV, No.3
QR Code
The Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Installment 15
At last, in this 15th installment, we find Mr. Armstrong angered into the first real study of the Bible - and the account of his conversion! It was bewildering - utterly frustrating! It seemed as if some mysterious, invisible hand was disintegrating every business I started! That was precisely what was happening! The hand of God was taking away every activity on which my heart had been set-the business success before whose shrine I had worshipped. This zeal to become important in the business world had become an idol. God was destroying the idol. He was knocking me down - again and again! He was puncturing the ego, deflating the vanity.
Searchable HTML version coming.
Plain Truth MagazineMarch 1959Vol XXIV, No.3 |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20349 | IELTS Line Graph - Full and Part-Time Study
by Natalia Angulo
(Melbourne, Australia )
The bar chart illustrates the number of males and felmales in Britain studying part time and full time over the period 1970/71’ 1980/81 and 1990/91.
In regard to male students part time was a decrease from 1000 to about 820 in 1970/71 to 1980/81, however in the period 1990/91 was a slight increase up to approximately 850. In terms of full time male students had a gradually increased over the there periods.
In case of female students part time there was a consistent increase in the three periods from about 750 in 1970/71, 810 in 1980/81 and finally reached approximately 1100 in 1990/91. The same patron can be seen in female students full time but in a minor proportion from about 100 in 1970/71, 210 in 1980/81 and approximately 230 in 1990/91.
Overall, the number of female and male students had increased in further education with a slight decrease in case of male students part time.
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Band 7+ eBooks
Linda, from Italy, Scored Band 7.5
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20368 | Enterprise Asset Management
Enterprise asset management professionals depend on software such as Aptean's TabWare EAM, IBM's Maximo, Infor, MAPCON, SAP. But information access can quickly becomes challenging once the needs exceed built-in, mostly static reporting capability. The challenge increases when mashing up data from other enterprise sources such as ERP systems becomes necessary.
enterprise asset managemnet
Visual Dashboards for EAM Systems
InetSoft's business intelligence web app creates a common data layer where data mashup is easily accomplished. Within the same web app, data can be quickly turned into visualizatoin dashboards for online analytics and monitoring.
Maintenance and facility management KPI dashboard
Data Mashup of All Assets and Self-Service Visualization
Enterprise asset management deals with many asset classes such as IT, equipment, and facilities. These asset classes normally have their own management systems and data stores. InetSoft allows easy mashup of these data sources and turns mashedup data into visual dashboards in one single web app.
Enterprise asset management Data Mashup
Machine Learning For Asset Management
Machine learning has been applied to asset management in many different ways. For example, machine learning can inspect past maintenance data records to predict likely failure points. This can be used by asset managers to decide spare parts inventory levels. InetSoft machine learning can be easily mashed up with human designed analysis to bring together the best of both worlds.
Machine Learning Dashboard for Enteprise Asset Management |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20395 | You are here
IGF Community Public Consultation: Taking stock of the 2018 work programme and 13th IGF and suggestions for 2019 and 14th IGF
IGF Public Consultation:
Call for Inputs - Taking stock
-2018 work programme & community intersessional activities
-2018 IGF Annual Meeting
-2019 work programme & community intersessional activities
-2019 IGF Annual Meeting
All IGF stakeholders are invited to submit inputs to the IGF Secretariat related to the following questions. All inputs will be posted on the IGF website. Please be as concrete as possible. Please also state your name, stakeholder group, region, organization, and whether you are submitting in your individual capacity.
A) Taking Stock of 2018 programming, outputs, preparatory process, community intersessional activities and the 13th annual IGF: What worked well? What worked not so well?
B) What suggestions for improvements could be made for 2019? (Please focus on programming, the outputs preparatory processes, community intersessional activities and improvements for the 14th annual meeting and beyond.)
C) How could the IGF respond to the recommendations made by the UN Secretary-General during his speech at the IGF 2018 Opening Ceremony
D) How could the IGF respond to President Macron’s “call for action” made during his speech at the IGF 2018 Opening Ceremony?
E) What other organizations/disciplines should the IGF be collaborating with and how/to what purpose?
F) The Secretary-General set up a High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation (HLPDC) to “identify good examples and propose modalities for working cooperatively across sectors, disciplines and borders to address challenges in the digital age”
1. How can the IGF contribute to the work of the HLPDC to help foster these aims?
2. Do you have any specific inputs for the HLPDC in relation to the IGF?
All inputs should be sent to takingstock [at] intgovforum [dot] org by 21 January 2019. Submissions will be made public on the IGF website.
The Secretariat will produce a synthesis paper of all contributions received by the deadline, which will serve as an input to the 1st face-to-face Open Consultations and MAG Meeting of the 2019 IGF preparatory process.
معلومات الاتصال
United Nations
Secretariat of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF)
Villa Le Bocage
Palais des Nations,
CH-1211 Geneva 10
igf [at] un [dot] org
+41 (0) 229 173 678 |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20398 | XML Sitemap
URLPriorityChange frequencyLast modified (GMT) 12:11 |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20437 | Psychopharmacological treatment of cognitive deficits in Schizophrenia and mood disorders
A. Vita 1 2, C. Mussoni 1, G. Deste 1, G. Ferlenghi 1, C. Turrina 1 2, P. Valsecchi 1 2
1 Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, University of Brescia, Italy; 2 Department of Mental Health, Spedali Civili Hospital, Brescia, Italy
Cognitive dysfunction is a core feature and a transdiagnostic domain of psychiatric disorders, such as Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder and Depression. The study of these disorders may contribute to the development of novel drugs and to the repurposing of existing agents for the treatment of cognitive impairment. This manuscript will review the literature regarding the effects of pharmachological treatment of cognitive deficits in psychiatric disorders.
PubMed was used for the search including the following terms: Schizophrenia, Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, pharmacological treatment, antipsychotics, antidepressants, lithium and anticonvulsant medications.
The treatment of Schizophrenia with First Generation Antipsychotics (FGAs) has relatively little influence on cognitive symptoms. It has been indicated that Second Generation Antipsychotics (SGAs) may partially improve cognitive dysfunction, due to their relatively high affinity for serotonin 5HT2A receptors. Dysfunction of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) led to the “GABA hypofunction” theory and to the development of novel compounds to treat cognitive deficits. The effects of glutamatergic agents indicated benefits on cognition of a group of amino acids that act as glutamate agonists by binding to the glycine site on NMDA receptors. It was discovered that the administration of muscarinic antagonists potentiated the cognitive impairments, and the α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors have been shown to play an important role in cognition with potential therapeutic applications in Schizophrenia. A number of studies regarding drugs targeting neuroinflammation and oxidative stress to improve cognitive deficits emerged.
Regarding Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), conventional antidepressants are generally associated with beneficial effects on cognitive impairment in individuals with MDD, which may be mediated at least in part by the improvement obtained in affective symptoms, suggesting a partially indirect effect. Furthermore, it has been hypothesized that vortioxetine may improve the cognitive symptoms of MDD through its effects on serotoninergic receptors which may modulate glutamatergic neurotransmission, exerting its antidepressant and beneficial effect on cognitive function via a distinct mechanism.
The literature findings regarding the effects of lithium on cognition in Bipolar Disorder are inconclusive, while anticonvulsant medications, such as valproic acid, lamotrigine and carbamazepine, showed well-established mood stabilizing and cognitive enhancing properties.
Cognitive dysfunction in Schizophrenia, Major Depressive Disorder and Bipolar Disorder is a relevant determinant of patient clinical and functional outcomes. Clinical studies evaluated several compounds to estimate their positive impact and their efficacy profiles on cognitive domains.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/20445 | Agroha is a town in Haryana state of northern India. It is situated in Hisar District in between Hisar city and Fatehabad on NH 10.
Ancient structures, pot-shards, coins and seals have been found in archaeological excavations at the Agroha Mound. The Agarwal and Agrahi communities claim origin from Agroha. According to their legends, Agroha was the capital of their founder Agrasena.
The site of Agroha is traditionally believed to be the Capital of the legendry king Maharaja Agrasena of Agrawal community.
Best time to Visit
October to march.
Attraction in Agroha
Agroha Temple
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Number of People: 32
Number of Days: 32
Number of Rooms: 23
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Number of Days: 32
Per Person per day: 800
Number of People: 32
Budget per Person: 32
Total Budget 23
Total Expenses 1212
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