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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17117 | Monday, February 15, 2016
Plant Monsters: The Stories [Guest Post]
By GW Thomas
Friday, February 12, 2016
Introducing: Hellbent for Letterbox!
And here's the other one! In addition to Mystery Movie Night, I'm also joining Nerd Lunch's Paxton Holley to start Hell Bent for Letterbox, a podcast devoted to Westerns. As the title suggests, we'll mostly focus on movies, but we're certainly leaving ourselves open to TV shows and even books and comics.
The first episode is about the origins of the show, from our formative years with Westerns to why we both needed to talk about them on a podcast that neither of us actually has time for. I hope that excitement and passion comes through in the discussion. This is something we kind of have to do. We've even recorded Episode 2 already, in which we dig into our first movie, and that will be up in the next week or so. After that though we'll move to a monthly schedule.
We've started the process to get it searchable in iTunes, but in the meantime you can listen below or by subscribing directly through iTunes using the feed If you like Westerns even a little bit, I hope you'll give it a listen. This is gonna be fun.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Introducing: The Mystery Movie Night podcast!
So the podcasting bug. I've caught it bad.
Monday, February 08, 2016
Dreamer's World: A Tribute to Normal Bean [Guest Post]
By GW Thomas
Edmond Hamilton wrote seventy-nine stories for Weird Tales and amongst them are several classics including "Thundering Worlds," "Day of Judgment," and "He That Hath Wings" (all included in The Best of Edmond Hamilton). Farnsworth Wright and Dorothy McIlwraith, the editors of Weird Tales, never rejected a Hamilton story, nor did they push or prod him in any particular direction. Hamilton had free rein to work within the science fiction to fantasy to horror range. This freedom resulted in some of 1940s fantasy's best experiments.
Ed worked in what is now known as "portal fantasy" a decade before CS Lewis took us to Narnia. A portal fantasy is one in which a person from our world goes to another realm of the fantastic. Perhaps the most famous in Weird Tales were Nictzin Dyalhis's "The Sapphire Siren" and CL Moore's "Joirel Meets Magic" and "The Dark Land." Hamilton's portal fantasies included Brian Cullen going to the land of Celtic myth in "The Shining Land" (May 1945) and "Lost Elysium" (November 1945), also "The Shadow Folk" (September 1944), "The Inn Outside the World" (July 1945), and "Twilight of the Gods" (July 1948). Like the Harold Shea series by L Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt (1940-1954), Hamilton liked placing everyday people into mythic situations. Unlike those Shea stories that appeared in Unknown, Hamilton's agenda is not ridicule-oriented humor, but adventure.
Amongst his Portal tales, there was one that stands alone. This was "Dreamer's World" (Weird Tales, November 1941). This story uses a similar device, a man of our world perceiving another realm, but in this case Hamilton changes the game by having the main character, Henry Stevens, a dull and ordinary man living his office-working life, only seeing this world. Henry has a plump wife named Emma and a boss named Carson who abuses him. He does nothing unusual except that when he sleeps every night he lives another life: that of Khal Kan, prince of Jotan, a sword-swinging adventurer who is everything Stevens is not.
Khal Kan, with his buddies Brusul and Zoor, go on mad adventures, like sneaking into the camp of nomads to see if their princess, Golden Wings, is truly the most beautiful of all women. Of course, she is. And when she captures Khal Kan, she has him flogged to see if he is truly husband material. So different from Henry, who thinks he must be mad, watching this exciting life take place every night. He seeks out Doctor Thorn, a psychiatrist, to figure out if he is real or Khal Kan. As the story progresses, even Khal Kan, who dreams Henry's boring life every night, wonders the same. Which of them is real?
Henry explores this at great length, but ultimately is too powerless to find out. It is up to Khal Kan to put it to the test when the Bunts, the savage villains of the piece, attack Jotan. Khal Kan and his friends (now with his new wife, Golden Wings) face the green hordes and win. Only Kan dies from a poisoned blade and we find out at last. Which was real? Khal Kan dies on the plains of Thar... and back in our mundane world, Henry Stevens dies at the same time.
Dr. Thorn tries to explain it:
"Suppose," Thorn went on, "that Henry Stevens was a unique case of that. Suppose that his mind happened to be in rapport, from the time of his birth, with the mind of another man—another man, who was not of Earth but of some world far across the universe from ours? Suppose that each man's subconscious was able to experience the other man's thoughts and feelings, when his own consciousness was relaxed and sleeping? So that each man, all his life, seemed each night to dream the other man's life?"
What Hamilton has done is use portal fantasy to pay homage to an author he admired and read as a young man: Edgar Rice Burroughs. Not to imitate him, as he does in "Kaldar-World of Antares" (Magic Carpet, April 1933), "The Snake-Men of Kaldar" (Magic Carpet, October 1933), and "The Great-Brain of Kaldar" (Weird Tales, December 1935); this series of scientific romances is clearly a pastiche of Burroughs. "Dreamer's World" is something more. It is not an homage to ERB so much as it is one to Normal Bean, the guy who wrote that first story "Under the Moons of Mars" in 1912. Burroughs had chosen the pseudonym to imply he wasn't crazy, that he had a "normal head." An editor corrected the "error" and "Norman Bean" became the author. Burroughs, disgusted at the change, used his own name after the original publication. Hamilton latches onto this early rendition of Edgar Rice Burroughs: the quiet, normal-seeming fellow, who failed job after job, dreaming away about Barsoom, and sword fights, and green, six-limbed monsters called tharks. Hamilton takes that man and calls him Henry Stevens and tells us of an alternative Burroughs who may have lived his own stories.
If you doubt me, Hamilton leaves us bread crumbs to follow. The names in the story are particularly interesting. Stevens' wife's name is Emma. Burroughs' first wife's name was also Emma (and yes, she was plump). His boss is Carson, possibly a reference to Carson of Venus. Khal Khan's name is like most of those found on Barsoom amongst the human characters: Ban-Tor, Kantos Khan, Ghan Had, Pho Lar, etc. The city to which Khal is prince is Jotan, the name of the Martian chess that Burroughs created, rules and all, for The Chessmen of Mars (1921). And if you need even more proof, the baddies, the Bunts, are referred to as green-skinned: "The Bunts are in Galoon! Hell take the green devils..." repeatedly though there seems no reason for them to be any color at all. Like Burroughs' tharks, they are the wild tribesmen of the dreamer's world. (The name Galoon is most likely a friendly joke for Hamilton's friend, Raymond Z. Gallun (pronounced Galoon), who wrote part of the story jam "The Great Illusion" in 1936 with Hamilton and others.)
Hamilton's desire to commemorate Edgar Rice Burroughs and his Barsoom series is easily understood these days. In 1941, ERB was still alive, writing short stories for Ray Palmer at Fantastic Adventures and Amazing Stories. The man who had created Tarzan had fallen from the earlier days of the weeklies, but he was still "a name" in science fiction circles. He had been active in pulp publishing since Hugo Gernsback hired him to write The Mastermind of Mars especially for Amazing Stories Annual 1927. The attack on Pearl Harbor was only weeks away from the release of "Dreamer's World." Burroughs would give up writing to become a war correspondent, effectively ending the active part of his SF career. He would die in 1950. Not until the Burroughs boom of the 1960s would his name be big news again. Hamilton's homage would be forgotten even quicker, but we can enjoy it again today. For all the young men and women who thrilled to thark armies clashing over waterless plains, the sound of the radium rifles firing. and the growls of white apes in the ruins of Mars, the reason for this story is obvious.
Friday, February 05, 2016
My 20 Most Anticipated Movies of 2016
Just for fun, we'll do this backwards and count down towards Number 1. Only four of my 10 Most Anticipated 2015 Movies made it onto my Top 10 for the year, so let's see if I can predict greatness any better. This year, I'm including 20 films, just because there are a couple in the bottom 10 that I really wanted to mention.
20. X-Men: Apocalypse
Except for a brief thrill at seeing Bald James McAvoy, the trailer doesn't do it for me. Some of it is the smug way that Rose Byrne suggests that Apocalypse is the inspiration for world religions, but mostly it's the feeling that I've seen all this before. Still, I tend to enjoy these movies and I'm hoping that Oscar Isaac's immense charm shows through the layers of effects used on his character. I'm also excited to see how some of the new cast do, especially Tye Sheridan and Sophie Turner, but also Kodi Smit-McPhee.
19. Warcraft
Never played the game and I don't love the character designs, but I likes me a big fantasy movie and appreciate that the orcs have real personalities. My expectation are low, but I'm hoping to be surprised.
18. The Nice Guys
The red-band trailer promises more of the old ultra-violence than I'm ready for, but I love both these guys and it looks like an entertaining relationship.
17. The Jungle Book
I'm cynical about all of Disney's live-action remakes of old hits, but then I remember the late-90s/early-00s and all of those sad animated sequels from The Return of Jafar to Cinderella III. It could be worse. Besides, Disney's at least picking some excellent directors to head these up and I'm encouraged by Jon Favreau's involvement.
On the other hand, I can't help feeling like we've already been down this trail.
16. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
I totally skipped the first Michael Bay TMNT movie and had no interest in the sequel until I saw the trailer. This thing is going all-in on stupid references to toys and the first cartoon series. I mean, Rocksteady, Bebop, and the van that shoots manhole covers? Hoping for a Krang reference, at least as set up for the third one. Might be a lot of fun.
15. Knights of the Round Table: King Arthur
I mentioned that I still love Guy Ritchie, right? As dumb an idea as a Round Table Cinematic Universe sounds, I'm ready for Ritchie's take on Camelot.
14. Kubo and the Two Strings
I always like Laika movies. I never go completely ga-ga for them, but they're consistently entertaining and this looks like a good one.
13. Ghostbusters
I really enjoyed the first Ghostbusters movie, but the sequel and cartoon killed any idea of it as a sacred object. I'm for a film-maker like Paul Feig - who has a spotless record as far as I'm concerned - taking this and doing whatever the heck he wants with it.
12. Jack Reacher: Never Go Back
Jack Reacher was a pleasant return to old school action movies with a likable, lone, mysterious hero solving a mystery and saving some people without the entire world having to be at stake. I like my epic superhero movies as much as the next person, but I'm also very into more of this.
11. Bourne 5
We're finding out the title this weekend during some sporting event, but they can call it Bourne Again for all I care. Damon's back and I'm excited.
10. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
This is one where "anticipated" doesn't exactly equal "excited about." I'm skeptical about this endeavor, but also extremely curious and nervously hopeful.
9. Underworld 5
I love these movies. Huge fan of Beckinsale and the White Wolf role-playing games these are not based on, no sir, we promise you they are not.
8. The Legend of Tarzan
I'm still waiting for a movie that's at all faithful to the first novel, but this'll do in the meantime. Not a great fan of those pants, but everything else looks pretty good. And I need some live-action Tarzan in my life right now.
7. Captain America: Civil War
The Civil War comics made me hate Tony Stark. Robert Downey Jr made me love him. Matter and anti-matter are about to collide. Maybe that's why I'm not more excited about this than I am. Still, it's the next, big, epic Marvel movie and I'm a fan of the series.
6. Doctor Strange
I mentioned in my movie rankings for 2015 that I like the epic Marvel movies better than the "smaller" ones that explore other genres. But then I go and decide that I'm more interested in Doctor Strange than Cap 3. That's a lot because of Cumberbatch, but I think it's also because I've always wanted to like Doctor Strange comics more than I have. There's a lot of potential for some cool, spooky, magic realism in that concept, but most of the comics I've read have tended toward trippy fantasy. I was probably reading the wrong ones, but I'm hoping that - like with Iron Man - the Marvel movies are able to give me the version of the character that I've been craving.
5. Jane Got a Gun
As I'm writing this, I'm planning to see Jane Got a Gun tonight. I'm a fan of Natalie Portman and an even bigger fan of Westerns. This is part of some other plans to watch more Westerns in general. More on that later.
4. Moana
A young woman and a demi-god played by the Rock search for a fabled South Seas island. Hollywood is getting my letters!
3. Hail, Caesar!
I'm always interested in the Coen Brothers, but the films that I most adore from them are the ones like Raising Arizona and O Brother, Where Art Thou? where humor is a major focus. It's been a while since we had one of those and I can't wait for this one.
2. Star Trek Beyond
Justin Lin rescued the Fast and the Furious series and I have complete faith that he can do the same for Star Trek. Not that Star Trek really needs rescuing. It just needs to recover from Into Darkness which was a horrible misstep, but not a complete disaster. Even that had its moments and the new series has some great DNA that worked super well in 2009. It just needs someone like Lin (a confessed Trek fan who just so happens knows how to make exciting movies) to help it take its next step.
1. Rogue One
I'm not as pumped about this as I was about Force Awakens, but I'm still pretty excited. I don't care as much about the filling in of continuity holes as I do about a diverse cast of rogues trying to avoid Imperials while pulling off a heist. Sounds totally fun and a I'm hoping it proves that there are many kinds of great stories that can be told in the Star Wars universe.
Tuesday, February 02, 2016
Manly Wade Wellman's "Lee Granger, Jungle King" [Guest Post]
By GW Thomas
Manly Wade Wellman has many feathers in his cap: famous Weird Tales writer, a World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement Award, an Edgar Award for True Crime, a Pulitzer prize nomination for non-fiction, and the notoriety of appearing in court during the famous Fawcett vs. DC trial of 1948 (which Harvey Kurtzman and Wally Wood parodied in "Superduperman" in the fourth issue of Mad Magazine, April-May 1953.) Manly spoke from the stand of how his editors had encouraged him to steal freely from Superman for their comic, Captain Marvel Adventures. It was a strange place to end up. But where did it all begin?
Manly Wade Wellman decided to try writing comics after his friend and fellow Weird Tales author, Frank Belknap Long, had ventured into the world of "squinkies" as Manly called them. By March 1941, Manly would be writing the very first Captain Marvel tale "Captain Marvel vs. Z" in Captain Marvel Adventures #1. But before that he sharpened his pen on a few other comics including "Lee Granger, Jungle King" for Slam-Bang Comics (March-September 1940).
Slam-Bang was a Fawcett title that ran for only seven issues, but Manly and Granger appeared in them all. Beginning with issue #1, Lee Granger got the last nine to ten pages of each issue. The scientist-explorer sets out on a mission to fly over a part of unknown Africa. His plane is sabotaged by Arabs who are conducting illegal slaving in the unmapped territory. Granger saves himself when his plane explodes by using his loose clothing like a parachute. He is discovered by pygmies and accidentally wounds their chief with a poisoned spear. Granger saves the man's life and becomes friend to the entire tribe. As the pygmies' leading light, he teaches them science, helps them build a brick town, and even captures a lion and alters its brain. This is Eric, the talking lion, who is Granger's best sidekick.
In later episodes Granger defeats the invading Arabs, a race of flying demons called the Djinns, helps scientists who struggle to find the lost ruins of the Gelka (guarded by savages and gorillas), and fights the usual greedy white hunters bound to steal Eric away. He also encounters the queen of the giant ants, a woman raised by insects. The longer, ten-page format allowed Wellman to expand his story where many jungle characters had to make due with only five pages. The art was most likely drawn by Jack Binder in his usual serviceable but crude style.
Granger meets many beautiful woman, from rich debutantes to scientist's daughters, but they always leave, asking if they might meet again. The best of these was Kate Bond, who enters the hive of the ants, carrying a gun, which she is not reluctant to use on the queen herself. You have to remember these are pre-Code comics! Beautiful and deadly, she might have made a queen to Lee's king if the comic had continued.
What strikes me most about this strip is first off that Lee Granger is not a Tarzan wannabe. Only once does he use vines to swing down on foes. Usually he uses his superior understanding of science, making him more of a jungle Doc Savage than a Lord Greystoke. Secondly, Wellman's scenarios are usually not too typical of jungle stories, having a more fantastic element to them. I especially liked Issue #3 that has the feel of Robert E Howard's "Almuric" to it, with winged foes and sword fights (both that story and issue #3 appeared in May 1939 so it might have been Edgar Rice Burroughs' Pirates of Venus (Argosy, October 2, 1931) or Howard's "Wings in the Night" (Weird Tales, July 1932) that inspired him just as easily.
The source for the giant ants could have come from any number of pulps (which Manly knew, for he was in them) such as "The Master Ants" by Francis Flagg (Amazing Stories, May 1928), "The World of the Giant Ants" (Amazing Stories Quarterly, Fall 1928) by A Hyatt Verrill, or "The War of the Great Ants" by Jim Vanny (Wonder Stories, July 1930). And of course, the jungle ant classic, "Leiningen Versus the Ants" by Carl Stephenson (Esquire, December 1938).
Wherever Manly got his ideas, they were better than most of the jungle crowd. Only once does he stoop to overt racism in the strip, when he claims he must save the scientists because they are white. Such narrow-mindedness seems odd from the man who flew in the face of convention with his debut "When Planets Clashed" and wrote of space war from both sides of the conflict. His work as a whole speaks of a love for all humankind. It was this deep compassion that made stories like "Song of the Slaves" (Weird Tales, March/April 1940) memorable, or his work on the Civil War worthy of Pulitzer consideration. And it was this sense of honor that directed Manly to tell the truth on the stand in 1948. Manly was always, first and foremost, a gentleman.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17126 | Satureja montana
Common Name: winter savory
Type: Herbaceous perennial
Family: Lamiaceae
Native Range: Southwestern Asia, southern Europe
Zone: 6 to 8
Height: 0.50 to 1.00 feet
Spread: 1.00 to 1.50 feet
Bloom Time: June to August
Bloom Description: White to lilac
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Water: Dry to medium
Maintenance: Medium
Suggested Use: Herb
Flower: Showy
Leaf: Fragrant
Grow in average, dry to medium moisture, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Best in full sun. Trim back plants in early spring. Needs a protected location in St. Louis area gardens because plants are not reliably winter hardy when temperatures dip below 10 degrees F.
Noteworthy Characteristics
Satureja montana, called winter savory, is a low-growing, woody-stemmed, somewhat-shrubby, spreading perennial which is frequently grown in herb gardens for its stiff, linear to lance-shaped, pungent, glossy, dark green leaves (to 1" long) which can be used fresh or dried as a seasoning in food. Tiny white-to-lilac flowers (typical mint family) appear in terminal spikes in mid to late summer. Plants typically grow 6-15" tall.
Genus name comes from the Latin name for this herb which was well known to the ancients.
Specific epithet means pertaining to mountains.
No serious insect or disease problems.
Garden Uses
Best in herb garden. Has ornamental value that can be useful in rock gardens or border fronts. Surprisingly good edging plant which may be clipped for a formal effect. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17133 | About Carbon Monoxide Detectors
A Few Words About Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detectors
Carbon Monoxide Detectors are widely available in stores and you may want to consider buying one as a back-up - BUT not AS A REPLACEMENT for proper use and maintenance of your fuel-burning appliances. However, it is important for you to know that the technology of CO detectors is still developing, that there are several types on the market, and that they are not generally considered to be as reliable as the smoke detectors found in homes today. Some CO detectors have been laboratory-tested, and their performance varied. Some performed well, others failed to alarm even at very high CO levels, and still others alarmed even at very low levels that don't pose any immediate health risk. And unlike a smoke detector, where you can easily confirm the cause of the alarm, CO is invisible and odorless, so it's harder to tell if an alarm is false or a real emergency.
What's a Consumer to Do
First, don't let buying a CO detector lull you into a false sense of security. Preventing CO from becoming a problem in your home is better than relying on an alarm. Follow the checklist of Dos and Don'ts.
Carefully follow manufacturers' instructions for its placement, use, and maintenance.
If the CO Detector Alarm Goes off
1. Make sure it is your CO detector and not your smoke detector.
2. Call 911
3. Check to see if any member of the household is experiencing symptoms of poisoning. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17158 | Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Northern California Judges Rule in Labor Cases
Here are some recent labor cases in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.
Corns v. Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA) is a labor case where the plaintiff claims that the union raised his fees and dues without a secret ballet in violation of the § 101(a)(3) of the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA). At a national convenction LIUNA approved a fee of $0.25 per hour worked. Mr. Corns paid $1.70 in fees and organizing expenses for each hour worked. However, his problem on his motion for summary judgment is that the law does not requires a secret ballet for international unions (like LIUNA). Further, the fees were approved by the local union under a predecessor agreement. Judge Marilyn Hall Patel granted summary judgment for LIUNA.
Martinez v. Antique & Salvage Liquidators, Inc. is a wage and hour dispute that previously had faced a motion for summary judgment which Magistrate Harold R. Lloyd is now reconsidering.
This is a typical wage and hour dispute: the plaintiffs claim that their employer denied them breaks which means a denial of overtime pay which leads to false pay statements and amounts to seven causes of action under California and Federal labor laws. One of the defendants claims that none of this matters because it is not the plaintiffs' employer. Magistrate Harold R. Lloyd denied this originally stating that the bosses' single inquiry one day into the employees' status was enough to create a triable issue of fact. Choosing a catwalk over dental floss, the plaintiffs reminded the court that under the Private Attorney General Act (PAGA) anyone may sue to enforce the labor code by anyone who has violated it even if the violator is not the employer. Judge Lloyd agreed.
First, they argue that Misle may be liable under PAGA for violation of California Labor Code § 558 even if heis not an “employer” under California law, and they are correct. Motion at 2-3. PAGA, whichpermits an aggrieved employee to enforce any provision of the California Labor Code that providesfor a civil penalty, makes no reference to an “employer” and contains no limitation on who can beliable for Labor Code violations. Cal. Lab. Code § 2699(a).
Judge Lloyd accordingly modified his order.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17166 | XML Sitemap
URLPriorityChange frequencyLast modified (GMT) 15:08 14:59 |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17169 | 1999/11/19 Munich, Germany
From NinWiki
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Ticket scan taken from The NIN Hotline.
The live performance on November 19th, 1999 took place at the Colosseum in Munich, Germany. Atari Teenage Riot opened for Nine Inch Nails. This was the third show on the Fragility v1.0 tour.
After "March of the Pigs," Reznor had this to say:
"I've missed you, pigs. You fucking pigs."
Before the last song, he said:
"I want to thank you for being a great fucking audience, thank you very, very fucking much.
[This is] our last song and this is our favorite song we've ever written."
1. "The New Flesh" / "Pinion"
2. "Somewhat Damaged"
3. "Terrible Lie"
4. "Sin"
5. "March Of The Pigs"
6. "Piggy"
7. "The Frail"
8. "The Wretched"
9. "No, You Don't"
10. "Gave Up"
11. "La Mer"
12. "The Great Below"
13. "The Way Out Is Through"
14. "Wish"
15. "Into The Void"
16. "Down In It"
17. "Head Like A Hole"
18. "The Day The World Went Away"
19. "Starfuckers, Inc."
20. "Closer"
21. "Hurt"
This page was last modified on 20 February 2014, at 16:33. This page has been accessed 12,311 times. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17175 | Novell is now a part of Micro Focus
Setting Up Dynamic Storage Technology with Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES2)
Novell Cool Solutions: AppNote
By Joe Harmon
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Posted: 31 Aug 2007
Setting Up Dynamic Storage Technology
To understand Dynamic Storage Technology, we recommend starting with the following white paper:
Dynamic Storage Technology (DST) requires a primary and secondary volume. Typically, these volumes are set up as NSS volumes, but they can also be set up on another volume type (like Reiser) depending on your needs.The example below demonstrates creating both primary and secondary volumes as NSS volumes; however, it is more likely that you already have an NSS volume that can be used for either the primary or secondary volume. If this is newer storage that you are using to create the new volume, then you probably want to use it as your primary volume. If it is older storage then you may want to set it up as the secondary. It is really up to you.
The volumes will be created with iManager 2.7 which is installed with the OES 2 server. If iManager 2.7 was installed into an existing tree, then you may need a replica as well as a LUM-enabled admin (or admin equivalent) user in order to log in.
1. To configure the volumes, log in to iManager (https://IPorDNS/nps).
2. Once logged in to iManager, go to the Storage plugin.
If your device is not yet available for creating a pool, you may first need to initialize the device by selecting the server using the browse button (looks like a magnifying glass), selecting the appropriate device and pressing Initialize Disk.
3. You should receive a message warning that performing this action will destroy any data, partitions, and pools on this device.
4. Go back to step 2 and perform the same operation on any other disk that needs to be initialized.
5. After the disk has been initialized, you should be able to create a pool on the device.
Under Storage section, click on Pools. The server should already be selected from when it was configured in the device section.
6. Click on New pool and enter the name of the new pool.
In this example, we will use one pool per volume and just give the pool the same name as the volume.
7. Choose the disk(s) you want to add to the pool.
If you have only one disk, you can use a portion of the disk for one pool and a portion of the disk for another pool.
8. You should now see a DATA pool on the configuration screen.
9. Click on New pool again.
In this case we will be creating a pool called ARCHIVE.
10. Again, choose the appropriate device and click Finish.
11. Both pools should now appear in the list.
12. Now select Volumes under the Storage plugin and click New.
13. Create a volume called DATA and click Next.
14. Choose the desired Pool (DATA pool in this example).
15. Next, choose the appropriate volume attributes and click Finish.
16. Repeat the same steps for the ARCHIVE volume, choosing the ARCHIVE pool.
When complete, both volumes should be listed.
17. Now that the volumes have been created, we need to set up the ARCHIVE volume as a shadow of the DATA volume.
Since the ARCHIVE and DATA volumes are both NSS volumes, they are already set up as NCP volumes; as a result, the Novell Client can see both volumes, but we want the Novell Client to see both volumes as one.
To accomplish this, we first need to keep the ARCHIVE volume from loading as an NCP volume by creating an ncp2nss.conf file in /etc/opt/novell and adding the following information to the file:
EXCLUDE_VOLUME <nss volume name>
18. Once the configuration file is complete, reboot the server.
19. Now access the Novell Remote Manager by going to https://IPorDNS:8009 and expanding the View File System section.
20. Click on Dynamic Storage Technology Options and you should see the DATA volume but not the ARCHIVE volume. If you do see the ARCHIVE volume, recheck the steps above.
21. Click on the Add Shadow link next to the DATA volume, and then click Add Shadow Volume.
22. Add the path to the ARCHIVE directory and click Create.
In this case it is /media/nss/ARCHIVE.
23. You should now see that the ARCHIVE path has been added as a shadow to the DATA path.
Retaining Trustees with Linux Backups
If you will be using a backup utility with DST, you may need to add an NSS attribute that allows eDirectory trustee assignments to be backed up and restored. OES 2 has a switch that enables this capability. If the application in question does a listxattr to get all the extended attributes, then they will get the NSS netware.metadata attribute when you have the /ListXattrNWMetadata flag set. The linux cp command implements this as well as other tools. Test any third-party applications to be sure.
In this example, the Tivoli 5.4 Linux client is used in conjunction with the /ListXattrNWMetadata attribute to backup and restore trustee assignments. Without this attribute being set, the trustee assignments are not backed up by Tivoli and, therefore, are not restored.
To set the attribute, complete the following:
1. Edit the /opt/novell/nss/conf/nssstart.cfg file:
1. Add the following parameter to the bottom of the file:
2. Save the file.
2. You can either reboot for this attribute to take affect, or you can set the attribute using nsscon (requires a user with root access).
nss /ListXattrNWMetadata
DST Policies
The only default policy with DST is to move files from the secondary file system to the primary file system when files are modified. This assumes an existing data store with both active and inactive data. The goal is to make the existing data store the shadow of the newly created data store. This way, the data is migrated as users access their files. Active files are moved instantly to the new data store (primary) and inactive files are left on the old data store (secondary). This also allows data migration to take place without taking a large initial hit on bandwidth. However, this method also takes more time because the data is only migrated as the user modifies files.
If you want to schedule a time for moving the data all at once, you can set up a policy or use the scan feature on the inventory page. The policy feature schedules the move for a given time; the scan feature moves data immediately.Both are explained briefly below.
Using the Inventory Scan Feature
Since the example we gave was to create two new volumes, we used the Novell Client to copy over the initial data. The Novell Client uses the virtual view so it sees files from both the DATA (primary) and ARCHIVE (secondary) volumes at the same time. Whenever anything is copied or saved using the Novell Client, it is always saved to the Primary volume. This gives us the opportunity to show how the Inventory Scan Feature can move files from one location to another.
1. Login to NRM on the server running DST by going to https://IPorDNS:8009.
2. Expand View File System, select Dynamic Storage Technology, and click on the Inventory link next to the DATA (Primary) volume.
3. This displays useful information including graphs and charts on the file types, size, and owner, as well as modification and access information. A couple of examples are provided here to show how the information might be helpful in making decisions about data migration and policy creation.
For example, we can see that if we had a policy to move every file accessed in the last six months, we could reduce the backup interval tremendously because we would be backing up much less data. This means we could migrate everything less than six months old to the Primary partition and then create a policy to run this same migration at a given interval. Since our test data is on the primary, we want to migrate anything that is older than six months to the secondary volume (ARCHIVE). You can do this by migrating individual data sets by clicking on the file links in the chart, or by using the Inventory Scan Feature at the bottom of the Inventory page.
4. Start by selecting the option to Move selected files from primary area to shadow area.
• To move all file extensions, leave the search pattern set to *.*.
• Set the time stamp to Last Modified Time.
• Set the range to everything over six months old and press Start Scan.
5. A live report of the migration will be displayed.
6. Once the migration has finished, a report indicating the Entries Moved along with the number of files is also displayed.
7. If we again look at the inventory chart again after the move, we can see that the Primary volume has no files that are older than six months and the shadow volume has no files newer than six months. The default policy will move any files that are modified from the secondary to the primary and we can now create a policy to handle any files that are older than six months.
Using Policies
The previous section demonstrates the ability to move data using the Inventory Scan feature. In order to maintain that data migration, we need to create a policy. Or, if we couldn't use the Inventory Scan Feature due to the need to schedule down time, we could just set up the policy and let it take care of the migration.
You can create multiple policies and have them apply to a specific volume or all shadow volumes.
1. If you have not already done so, login to NRM on the server running DST by going to https://IPorDNS:8009.
2. Expand View File System, select Dynamic Storage Technology, and click Create a new policy.
3. Add a description.
• Choose the start and stop time..
• Choose the start date. Note, you may want this to occur right before the backup happens.
• Choose the Frequency..
• Select the volume.
• Set any desired exclude restrictions.
• Choose the time stamp, interval, and file restriction if desired.
• Click submit.
Below is an example of how we set up maintenance for the files we moved.
4. Your policy should now be listed on the DST page in NRM.
Backup and Restore with DST
Introducing DST helps simplify the backup process. Rather than backing up all of the data all of the time, you can concentrate on backing up important data frequently and other data less often. But how do you restore that data when it is being backed up from multiple locations? Below are some possible suggestions for working with primary/secondary copies of with a virtual view, but you must first ask yourself some questions:
• Do I restore the information to the primary and/or secondary volume directly?
• Should I restore the data using the virtual view?
• Was data lost because the user deleted the file or by some other means (i.e. hardware failure, software issues, etc.)?
• How much data needs to be restored?
• Copies are stored directly on the volume in question so there is no need for the information to be transferred again through policies.
• You don't have the performance hit that you would with the shadow view.
• Restoration size isn't going to be an issue since you are restoring to the proper volume rather than though the virtual view.
Virtual View
• The backup software sees both volumes through one view; as a result, you could do a restore of the primary, secondary, or both through this view and let any duplicates be handled by the backup software.
• It doesn't matter whether the data is on the primary or secondary volume; if both are restored, the user will have his data.
© Copyright Micro Focus or one of its affiliates |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17186 | The Most Interesting Woman in the World
A few months ago, I happened upon an obituary in the Sunday New York Times for Peter O'Donnell, 90, creator of the comic strip action hero Modesty Blaise. His comics were published in the The London Evening Standard for almost 40 years and syndicated in other newspapers worldwide. I've never read any of O'Donnell's comics or subsequent novels featuring Modesty, but was so taken by the Times' graceful tribute to him and his fictional heroine that I saved it and read it to my family. I just found it on my desk again today and re-read it.
Long before "La Femme Nikita" (which I love, by the way), Trinity from "The Matrix," and Angelina Jolie in any of her roles, there was Modesty Blaise. As imagined by O'Donnell, she was what the Times' writer Bruce Weber calls "a distaff answer to James Bond"--a voluptuous, stylish brunette with a mysterious past; a war orphan who had profited from a life of crime before retiring very young and very rich, and subsequently deciding to use her powers for good.
O'Donnell, who served in the British army and lived a pretty interesting life himself, said that his wartime experience was the inspiration for the Modesty Blaise character. In 1942 he was stationed in Northern Iran where he encountered a young girl, barefoot, in a tattered dress, a refugee probably from somewhere in the Balkans. He gathered that she had been on her own for some time; she appeared to be resourceful and self-possessed--"her own person," as O'Donnell put it. He and his men put out some tins of food for the little girl, so she could get them without coming too close. Then, Weber writes, quoting O'Donnell in a 1996 interview,
"...She washed the utensils in the stream, and brought them back to where we had put the tins of food, and indicated 'Were these for her?' We said yes, and she opened her bundle and put them in. She stood there for a few seconds, and then she gave us a smile, and you could have lit up a small village with that smile, and then she said something and walked off into the desert going south, and she was on her own. She walked like a little princess. I never forgot that child.... when I wanted a background for Modesty Blaise, I knew that child was the story."
I don't want to make more out of this than O'Donnell intended; Modesty Blaise is, after all, a fun, sexy superhero--she's entertaining. But I find it touching that this young girl in the desert made such an impression on him. O'Donnell couldn't right the wrongs that had been done to her, but he acknowledged her dignity and beauty and wrote for her a future as an empowered, heroic character. I don't really know how to make a poem out of this, but since I must try:
a girl dressed in rags--
orphaned, hungry, cold--becomes
a desert princess
of all the stories
ever told
there is only one story
and this is it: redemption |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17187 | Interlude…Who Are You?
“Who are you?” he had screamed, eyes bulging and face filled with rage.
Onye ka I bu? How dare you look at me like that?” The questions came fast and furious, each one designed to rip away her self-assurance layer by layer. What little she had left. The questions always came first. Then the taunting would start.
“You are even lucky I came to your father’s house and took you off his hands!”
“Who do you think would have married akpa awo like you if not for me?” Insults about her gently rounded figure were a regular whip. Cruel words designed to wound. And wound they did.
He liked to wound her. He liked to hurt her. The words were for the invisible places where no one could see. No one but her. The words were to make her believe that she was whoever and whatever he called her. The invisible wounds they created dragged down her spirit and made her shoulders droop a little more each day.
The cuts and bruises were for him. Inflicting them gave him pleasure. Seeing them gave him power. She was his wife. He could do whatever he wanted with her. No one would question him. Who would dare?
The bruise over her left eye stung as she cleaned it with Dettol. Another cut, another accident with the door, or falling down the stairs. She tried to remember which story she had told the last time. She didn’t want to repeat the same one twice. Then, everyone would know she was lying and start asking more searching questions…and that wouldn’t do. That wouldn’t do at all.
She peered at her face in the mirror and could hardly recognize the person staring back at her. The heart-shaped face was familiar. So were the full, curvy lips and narrow pointed nose…which, now pointed askew as if someone had moved it and forgot to put it back in exactly the same position. The features in the mirror were familiar, but a stranger stood opposite her. The woman in the mirror looked defeated, cowed. Who are you? Who are you?
It hadn’t always been like that. Not in the beginning. He had been so different then. Charming, kind, attentive – he had been her knight in shining armor and had treated her like a queen. The courtship had been a whirlwind and she had barely been able to catch her breath. Her parents had been excited – and so had she. A big, successful businessman had come all the way from Lagos to marry her? Excitement was called for. No other girl in the village could boast of a beau like him. He was tall, handsome, and rich…very rich. He had promised to build her parents a house as soon as they gave their consent and the house stood in the village now, majestically dwarfing all the other houses in the area. She had been excited, but sometimes in the middle of the night when silence reigned, she had wondered. Why me? Why did this man choose me out of every other girl in this village? Why had he sought her out? She had asked her mother, only to be shushed. “Why question your good fortune? God has smiled on you, my daughter and you need to be grateful”. Only later, on her wedding day had whispers come to her ears.
“Eh heh! Na now Oga don marry who go born pikin for am.”
The story had come out in bits and pieces. He had been married before. For ten years, they said. His first wife had died childless and he needed an heir. He decided to seek out a wife untouched by city life and attitudes. A village pastor’s daughter was his choice. She was a virgin, untouched by any man. Innocent, she would bear him children.
The insults had started after the first year. The beatings had started in the second year. He had married her for only one reason and she had failed in that. She was of no use to him anymore except as a punching bag.
Ashamed, she bore her pain in silence. Only once had she dared to open up. She still remembered her last trip home to visit her parents. Her mother had listened in silence as she spilled her story. Listened in silence and advised her not to provoke her husband. The gleam in the mother’s eyes as she spoke of all he had done for them told the daughter all she needed to know. Her mother would not help her. And if her own mother would not help her, then what hope had she? As she fingered the cut over her eye, she remembered her mother’s words to her in those early days. “God has smiled on you”. She wondered if He was still smiling.
Onyih Odunze
This piece is an interlude between series and may appear as a scene in my still-untitled WIP (Work in Progress).
Please come back next Sunday, July 22nd for our new series! Thanks for reading!!
Like this article and want to share it? You know what to do :) |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17189 |
Re: (ITS#8625) Separate tavl and avl types
After a brief review by Howard, there's a new patch available at
The attached patch file is derived from OpenLDAP Software. All of the
modifications to OpenLDAP Software represented in the following
patch(es) were developed by Ond=C5=99ej Kuzn=C3=ADk <[email protected]>. =
I have
The attached modifications to OpenLDAP Software are subject to the
following notice:
Copyright 2017, Ond=C5=99ej Kuzn=C3=ADk <[email protected]>, Symas Corpor=
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP Public |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17190 |
RE: I want to turn off support for debug output
Howard Chu writes:
> IIRC, LDAP_SYSLOG cannot be defined without LDAP_DEBUG; the variables and
> functions it depends on are only present when LDAP_DEBUG is defined.
So is that a bug, to be fixed?
If not, `./configure --disable-debug --enable-syslog' should complain
and maybe fail. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17191 |
Re: TLS/SSL issues
Paul Stephens wrote:
Having problems getting my TLS setup working.
Current setup:
Ubuntu 11.10 (3.0.0-16 server)
OpenLDAP 2.4.25
I have been using the instructions at: though to be
honest I am relatively new to TLS and using certtool, etc. I have now been
copy and pasting the commands given in case my typing is as good as it usually is.
Unencrypted LDAP works fine including syncing with a slave and samba
authentication (non-TLS that is!)
It appears to be something to do with the self-signed certificate not being
trusted and seems to be a common problem people run into. I have been
researching it for a while but at this stage Iâm kind of just trying randomly
browsed suggestions, with most admittedly geared towards pervious OpenLDAP
versions and not really assisting with my understanding of the problem in the
first place.
You should read the OpenLDAP Admin Guide.
The Ubuntu doc you read is not wrong, but it only told you how to configure the server. (Obviously, since it's labelled a "serverguide"). You also need to do some client side configuration. The OpenLDAP Admin Guide chapter on TLS tells you how to do both.
TLS: peer cert untrusted or revoked (0x42)
TLS: can't connect: (unknown error code).
ldap_start_tls: Connect error (-11)
additional info: (unknown error code)
-- Howard Chu
CTO, Symas Corp.
Director, Highland Sun
Chief Architect, OpenLDAP |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17218 | Thursday, May 3, 2012
Filthy Limericks
I wasn't sure what to post tonight, so I made up some filthy limericks. These are originals, but certainly nothing to be proud of. Enjoy!
Her husband had passed out between us
And her nude form affected my penis
So I gave her my inches
And a few playful pinches
But he awoke with a stroke 'cause he'd seen us
My drinking was making me floppy
So the whore had to balance atop me
Some juices exuded
So I quickly concluded
Her seconds were decidedly sloppy
She explained when I inserted my thumb
That a beating would help her to cum
So I bit off her clit
And made her admit
That her vagina was actually numb
My girl lost a toy in my anus
And I insisted removal be painless
So she reached deep inside
But it continued to hide
Now my doctor is sure of my gayness |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17232 | If Oscar nominated film posters told the truth…
The Help
Nominated for: Best Picture, Best Actress (Viola Davis), Best Supporting Actress (Octavia Spencer and Jessica Chastain)
The Descendants
Nominated for: Best Picture, Best Director (Alexander Payne), Best Actor (George Clooney), Adapted Screenplay
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
Nominated for: Best Actress (Rooney Mara)
The Artist
Nominated for: Best Picture, Best Director (Michel Hazanavicius), Best Actor (Jean Dujardin), Best Supporting Actress (Berenice Bejo), Original Screenplay
The Iron Lady
Nominated for: Best Actress (Meryl Streep)
War Horse
Nominated for: Best Picture
Nominated for: Best Supporting Actor (Christopher Plummer)
The Tree Of Life
Nominated for: Best Picture, Best Director (Terrence Malick)
Nominated for: Best Picture, Best Actor (Brad Pitt), Best Supporting Actor (Jonah Hill), Adapted Screenplay
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
Nominated for: Best Actor (Gary Oldman), Adapted Screenplay
The Ides Of March
Nominated for: Adapted Screenplay
And although these following aren’t Oscar nominated, they can be called ‘honourable mentions’….
We Need To Talk About Kevin
A Dangerous Method
J. Edgar
Thanks to for mocking these up!
Leave a Reply
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17236 | Sunday, July 8
The Ville Cheats // Home Value Hack
1. Enter The Ville [click to play]
2. Open Charles
3. Do anything to collect some coins
4. Go to Market
5. Look in Charles and find this line
6. Expand > Expand /flashservices
7. Right click any Gateway.php(.....) and select Breakpoints
8. Now back to the game, just buy any item
9. A breakpoint tab will appear in charles
10. Go to Edit Request > Expand params > Expand Changes > Expand [3] ? (Just check and make sure it's the "add_house_value" line) Watch the video to make sure. You can BUG your game if you choose the wrong line.
11. Change the amount.
12. Integer change to String
13. Change to any value you want.
14. Remove breakpoints
15. Click EXECUTE
16. Refresh game.
17. Now you have very high House Value.
18. Watch the video if you are unsure.
All Rights Reserved PWNTHIS | Facebook Hacks |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17250 | More Flavorful and Less Chewy
photo by sfunk
My brother, Mark, had a couple of paper routes when we were kids. He got paid very little to lugs bags of papers around the neighborhood. What a racket.
Mainly, he, a bunch of his posse, and I would take turns delivering the papers while we practiced swear words and looked at Garbage Pail Kid cards (peep the link to find your card). They never made a card for me, but it's cool.
As we grew older, I didn't join him as much because I played Barbies or roller skated with my best friend, Jenny, instead...which was fine with him, I'm sure, since we were reaching adolesence by that point.
On Saturdays, he'd take his paper route money down to the Candyman store, right next to the movie theatre, pictured above.
There, he would usually buy Now and Laters and Fairy Food (the chocolate coated hard stuff that melted in your mouth). Since I was his little sister, and sometimes helped him with his paper route, he'd buy me something when I tagged along to the Candyman.
Mambas were usually my first choice.
So gerg and I rented a movie not too long ago, and I picked out Mambas for some movie candy, remembering how much I loved them as a kid.
The sad news is: Mambas are not as tasty as I remembered. I remember them being more flavorful and less chewy.
Then I thought to myself that if what I really want is more flavor and less chew, I should just drink whiskey.
Anywho, it reminded me of how my brother and I used to kick it when we were kids, and that was worth WAY MORE than the $.85 gerg spent.
Even though he stopped buying me candy, Mark eventually introduced me to gerg, and I think they're both pretty happy about that.
Ranty said...
Garbage Pail Kids!!!!!!!!! Holy crap I had totally forgotten about those cards!
Ah, sweet memories.
Professor Batty said...
...what I really want is more flavor and less chew, I should just drink whiskey...
Sandra said...
Small world Reetsy, I was over at Andrew Zimmern's blog and I see he mentions you in his latest post!
FYI I got the skinny from Marjorie who runs the Mill City Farmer's market: all of the meat and produce is guaranteed to be local but they are making exception on some specialty items, such as the olive oil. No worries on the meat/produce front though.
reetsyburger said...
ranty - I added a link so you could look up your own card.
Batty - cheers!
Sandra - THANK YOU!! I'm gonna share that bit in the related post.
Mark said...
thanks for conjuring some delightful childhood memories in this cauldron of words that you call your BLOG, Reetz ... 't seems you have stirred my heart into your witches' brew
and I always thought of myself as a partner in crime as opposed to a big brother as we do share a blinding lust for sweetness
and speaking of which brings me to gerg. what is the going rate for MATCHMAKERS over there at I will use the money to purchase Mars bars and Topps Baseball Cards ;)
P.S. - remember the candy man's fudge cauldron? and the barrels of Jolly Ranchers? and Toffifay? and Zots in the metallic bag? and those retro-future edible dots on wax paper? and ...
reetsyburger said...
Mark - The barrels of jolly ranchers were CRUCIAL. I remember they'd been sitting there so long, that as soon as you put a Jolly Rancher between your back teeth, your jaw would be fused together with sour grape fantasia.
I read somewhere that President Bush stopped at the CandyMan on his way through the WB (West Bend).
FUKK. The next time we're in the WB we gots to stop there. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17291 | TaskExplorer- Explore Tasks on Mac OS
2. VirusTotal Integration detection ratios can reveal known malware, while unknown files can be submitted for analysis
3. Loaded Dynamic Libraries for each task, view it’s loaded dylibs
4. Open Files view all files that a particular task has opened
5. Network Connections see the network connection (and its details) created by a task
You can read more and download the tool over this link: |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17296 |
The Lure of Dangerous Women
Stories of dark fantasy, sci-fi and horror.
Published by Wayzgoose Press, 2012
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble in both paperback and ebook
What Readers Say:
“If David Lynch had directed Firefly, you might end up with something like this.”
“Maybe I wasn’t ready for all those unsettling, desperate, dark, and dangerous feelings The Lure… brings out. Honestly, one of the greatest things I’ve ever read.”
“Critics more jaded than I might complain that there’s nothing particularly revolutionary about this bending of myth and folklore through the well-worn prism of Jungian analysis. “Hasn’t this sort of thing been done to death?” they may sniff. To which I would reply most emphatically, “not quite like this; seldom with this level of originality, and certainly never so beautifully or with such purely entertaining results.” |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17318 | Redesigning a Swedish for specific purposes course
In this particular context, the course in question is a six-week course in Swedish. The course is organized by the University of Jyväskylä Language Centre and is mandatory for all university students. One of the course tasks is to, in small groups, prepare an oral presentation of 15 minutes for other students. The presentations are expected to be related to themes either covered in this course or themes related to students’ own fields of study.
The problematic issue here is that students often prepare presentations by themselves and the teacher only sees the final product. It is somewhat contradictory that so much emphasis is put on the process of preparing the presentation, but the actual process becomes “black boxed” (cf. Säljö, 2012) for the teacher, despite the fact that it is the process that is much more interesting in terms of learning than the actual presentation.
To “white box”, i.e. to make the process more transparent, one of the Language Centre’s Swedish courses was put on the design table and redesigned in a way that emphasizes aspects such as creativity, problem solving, decision making, communication, and collaboration – in other words, skills and competences that are needed in working life.
In the new course design, the task is for a small group of participants to brainstorm, process and produce a group presentation. Students come up with possible ideas for the theme of the group presentation in the very beginning of the course. Then these themes are brainstormed in their small groups to clarify meaningful and relevant content for the presentation. During the brainstorming, students can access various resources using iPads. The key objectives here are that students learn to form a group, share roles and negotiate a joint idea for their presentation.
The brainstorming phase is started in the classroom, but even throughout the course students are expected to continue working in their small group settings. For meetings outside the classroom, groups can access the videoconference tool (Videochat) in the SpeakApps environment, as well as a collaborative working space for sharing files and conducting asynchronous discussions in the very same environment. When an idea for an aspect of a group’s presentation is clarified, the group will record an oral proposal using the video blog tool (Langblog). Additionally, groups are encouraged to use peers outside of their own groups as additional resources, i.e. to ask questions and provide comments to enhance each group’s generated ideas.
Another problem often raised by course teachers is that instructor feedback provided for students after presentations are delivered comes, in a sense, too late as presentations are already over at that point. In the new design, for the group presentations, students first receive feedback from their peers in the brainstorming phase. Following that, the next “check point” for feedback is a week before the actual presentation when the group records its rehearsal presentation using the videoconference tool. The course instructor views the presentation and provides comments that aim at helping the group to improve its presentation before the final occasion.
Literacy, Digital Literacy and Epistemic Practices: The Co-Evolution of Hybrid Minds and External Memory Systems. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy 7 (1). 5-19. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17325 | Monday, 13 April 2015
Hooray It's Your Day - Birthday Girl!
I love the simplicity of this card! It would have looked good without the bow too ..... but .... I wanted a little more black, so on it went :o)
Hooray It's Your Day is really a sentiment set. There are only two images in it - the balloon and a tiny star. I wanted to stick with this set alone for this card, so came up with this :o)
The simplicity of it is deceptive ..... it took me a few attempts to get this one right - even though the set is Photopolymer and you can see through it. In the end, I drew light pencil lines to help me line the images up .... I am much happier with this version now :o)
Glue Dots
No comments: |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17336 | Comparing Public and Private Colleges
When you first start thinking about colleges or universities you may want to attend, it’s important to really consider all your options. Don’t dismiss a private college immediately because of the cost of tuition, and don’t rule out public universities because of the number of students. Consider the pros and cons of each and let those points help guide your decision.Comparing-Public-and-Private-Colleges
Download a PDF of this infographic.
• Size: In general, enrollment at private colleges is much smaller than at public universities. At a private university, total enrollment may be a few thousand students, while at a large state university, there may be 10,000, 20,000 or even more than 30,000 students. The physical size of the campus usually follows the same logic.
• Programs: Public colleges and universities typically offer a wide range of undergraduate programs. They may be known for research or specialty programs, but those specific programs may be geared more toward graduate students. At a private college and university, fewer degree programs may be offered, especially at liberal arts colleges or schools of engineering or hard sciences.
• Tuition: Public colleges and universities receive some level of financial support from the government, so tuition costs are typically much lower than at private colleges, which must rely on students, alumni and other individuals to pay salaries and maintain the college. To counter that, private colleges often have endowments that can help lower tuition costs for students through scholarships and grants.
• Class size: Private colleges often report smaller class sizes or student-to-professor ratios while public universities typically have larger class sizes or more lecture-style classes. At both types of colleges, larger classes are more typical with general education classes and reduced class sizes are more common with classes required for majors and minors.
• Graduation rate: Students at private colleges and universities are more likely to graduate in four years, on average, than public universities. This may be caused by students at public universities having more difficulty getting into required classes and/or changing majors more frequently.
Remember that this information is general, and some private and public colleges are extremely different than the majority of schools in their category. When you make your choice, think about your goals for college and the future, costs, class size, culture and environment as well as the pros and cons of different colleges.
By: Iowa Student Loan |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17341 | XML Sitemap
URLPriorityChange frequencyLast modified (GMT) 19:42 |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17349 | Saturday, April 17, 2010
16964 Reade-Hamby
16964. Richard Reade & 16965. Agnes Hamby
~1485, Richard born in England, s/o 33928. John Reade & 33929. Margaret ?.
1512, Agnes born in Alford, England; d/o 16960. George Hamby & 33931. Margaret Greene.
1513, Richard mentioned in connection with the Corpus Christi Guild. [Established at York in 1408, the principal object appears to have been to promote the decorous observance of the religious festival of Corpus Christi.]
Richard “of Wrangle”, merchant of the Staple of Calais. [Apparently a wealthy merchant – most men associated with this title were successful enough to be involved in international trade. Wrangle is a parish in Lincolnshire, near Boston on the east coast.]
1514 & 1515, Richard, chamberlain of the Corpus Christi Guild.
1523, Richard “assessed to the subsidy” of Wrangle.
1528, Richard erected a monument to the memory of his parents in Wrangle church.
1529-32, “John Tyrrell, esquire, … : Petition for the examination of John Marshall, Richard Reade and other witnesses …” (S) UKNA.
1531, Agnes admitted into the Corpus Christi Guild.
1535, Richard rented the land belonging to the Abbey of Waltham and to the Rectory of Wrangle.
4/10/1537, Richard wrote his will; “to be buried in the Quire of Wrangle”, and named his son John heir.
4/19/1537, Agnes wrote her will.
Bef. 5/5/1537, Richard died.
Bef. 5/8/1537, Agnes died in England.
(S) Lincolnshire Pedigrees, Maddison & Larken, 1903, P815.
Children of Richard and Agnes:
i. John Reade, born ? in England.
John, heir, married Katherine Copledyke, d/o Sir John.
ii. Thomas Reade, born ? in England.
1538-44, “Thomas Reade of Bellington, gentleman, v. John Davye and Geoffrey Reade, clerk, executors of Richard Reade of Wrangle, gentleman.: Tenement in Leake late of the said Richard, father of the said Thomas and Geoffrey.” (S) UKNA.
iv. Frances Reade (8482), born ~1530 in England.
[4th son]
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17357 | Skip to main content
Flint Crisis
At first glance, the Flint Water Crisis would appear to have little to do with the financial crisis. However, additional reflection shows both crises share many common features. The most immediately obvious common feature is the Federal Reserve. The Fed played a major role in the financial crisis by slashing interest rates after the tech bubble burst. This policy of ultra-low rates- which lasted for years – help to fuel the terminal phase of the housing bubble. More generally, the Federal Reserve has played a leading role in the financialization of the US economy and the attendant deindustrialization of the US economy. Nowhere is the deindustrialization of the US economy more visible than in scores of formerly prosperous cities throughout the Midwest that were built up around the auto industry. Flint, Michigan is perhaps the archetypal example of these cities. Even a Fed chairman must realize that if Flint was still home to thousands upon thousands of well-paid autoworkers, then the Flint water crisis never would have occurred.
However, the most striking similarity between the Financial Crisis and the Flint Water Crisis is the reaction of the media and political elites. In both crises, long-running causes were conveniently ignored. Instead, the media and political elites seized on causes that advanced the narratives they were most interested in advancing. This, of course, was no coincidence. For example, the financial crisis has been dismissed as merely another example – in a long line of them – of capitalism’s inherent propensity to self-destruct, particularly in an atmosphere of deregulation. In the Flint Water Crisis, it was just a single politician, Hillary Clinton, who seized the initiative to cast the crisis in just such a way to maximize the benefit to her floundering campaign for president. As will be described here, Hillary Clinton attributed the Flint Water Crisis almost exclusively to racism, and the media subsequently endorsed, (and advanced), this view.
Hillary Clinton’s analysis of the Flint Water Crisis is just as transparently fraudulent, fallacious and self-serving as the analysis of the financial crisis proffered by other media and political elites. The “Clinton thesis” on the Flint Water Crisis ignores several key aspects in the development of the crisis, including;
• The complete corruption of the Detroit and Wayne County democratic political machines
• The self-defeating antagonistic relationship between a former core Democrat constituency - organized labor – and the industrial companies that employed them
• The technical, engineering and regulatory aspects of providing fresh water to a city from a completely different water source
These aspects and others will be discussed here. Click to read the full document. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17358 | Pass Labs X350.5 Stereo Amplifier
Equipment report
Solid-state power amplifiers
Pass Laboratories X350.5
Pass Labs X350.5 Stereo Amplifier
The following quote has been incorrectly attributed to Nelson Pass, founder of Pass Laboratories: “Listening to my amplifiers is like listening to tubes, but without the hassle.” Someone else may have said it, but Pass never did and has, in turn, commented about the quote, “While I strive to capture some of the qualities that the best tube gear has, I don’t feel that my sonic goal is really the same, nor would I want it to be.” For my own part, as an erstwhile tube amp enthusiast for the past 20 years and having had the pleasure of recently spending a few months with a Pass Labs amp, I can verify that much of what Mr. Pass said about capturing some of the qualities of the best tube gear rings true. The solid-state X350.5 does, indeed, sound similar to a fine tube amp, both in its general tonal character and in the way it “tracks” musical phrases (more on this later). However, the X350.5 offers much more than tube-like affectations.
First of all, the amp has massive power reserves and can drive just about any speaker with ease. It is rated at 350W per channel into 8 ohms and 700W into 4 ohms—indicative of a very stout power supply and robust output stage. The X350.5 also operates in Class A for its first 40 watts, and Class A amps tend to sound much more powerful than typical Class A/B or Class B amps of the same power rating. As a result, the X350.5 drove the somewhat power-hungry YG Kipod II Signature Passive speaker with absolute authority, imparting a general feeling of ease in demanding music passages, which never became harsh or otherwise exhibited strain—often a sign of a stable and robust amplifier. Tube power amplifiers with this sort of power output and speaker control are usually quite expensive. At $11,550, the X350.5 is certainly price-competitive.
OK, so I estimate the Pass Labs X350.5 represents a very good value both in its tube-like qualities and its very robust power output, but what about its other sonic characteristics? The amp is “liquid” in its ability to sound grain-free and non-electronic, and is “compelling” in its ability to reveal musically interesting nuances in the source material. Since much of the music I listened to with the X350.5 was likely being handled via its first 40 watts, I believe this smoothness and nuance can be attributed to the Class A effect. (The pure Class A Esoteric A-03 power amp also has this smooth, continuous quality— supposedly the result of Class A’s elimination of crossover-notch distortion.) Whatever the reason, music tends to take on a silkier, more relaxed quality through the X350.5 than what I usually hear from solid-state amps at this price level.
Unlike some solid-state Class A amplifiers, though, the X350.5 does not have a hint of that “buttery” sound that can make music sound a bit too smooth due to a slight blunting of transient leading edges. It also never veers toward the syrupy or the euphonic, like certain tube amplifiers do. The X350.5 simply presents music in a non-fatiguing, low-noise way, leaving the listener with a highly musical and engaging experience.
It is this particular aspect of the X350.5’s performance—its uncanny way of drawing the listener into the recorded musical performances—that I find so compelling. It does this so well that it almost made it difficult for me to take my usual analytical approach to this review. For instance, during one late night session in which I had intended to spot-check a few familiar cuts for various tell-tale sonic characteristics, I ended up instead listening to several tracks all the way through just for the sheer pleasure of it. I finished the session with the Poulenc Concerto in G minor for Organ, Strings and Tympani [Erato] on LP and was struck by the solid foundation of the organ notes and by the wide sweep of the mood changes as tempo and dynamic intensities shifted over the arc of the concerto. Mind you, the X350.5 does not favor a particular kind of music over others: large and small classical works, driving rock, intimate jazz, and that audiophile favorite, female vocals, are all served well.
The tonal balance of the X350.5 is basically neutral, with a subtle and pleasant richness in the midbass and just a hair more softness in the upper frequencies than I am used to from solid-state. In this way, the comparison to some push-pull tube amps is not too far off the mark. Where the comparison fails is in the definition and control the X350.5 brings to the bass, qualities that can sometimes be a bit lacking in tube amps. That bass performance—that fantastic clarity, heft, and grip—just makes for a more “real”-sounding and satisfying experience. For me, the X350.5’s neutral tonal balance, solid bass foundation, and liquidity, taken together, tended to shift my focus to the musical “mood” of the performances rather than to various audiophile criteria like imaging, hall sound, air, and so forth. The particular way the X350.5 seemed to emphasize the musical “ebb and flow” actually reminded me of how I respond to live music and, to some extent, to certain fine tube amps.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17364 | London Film Festival for Verité Film Mag: Jean-Luc Godard's Goodbye to Language 3D
I reviewed Jean-Luc Godard's incredible Goodbye to Language 3D, which screened at the BFI London Film Festival. The review was over at Verité Film Magazine, but now you can find it right here:
To see late period work from Jean-Luc Godard is to prepare to surrender to impenetrability. And at eighty-two years old, he is as radical and confounding as he’s ever been. The 121st project from the chieftain of the French New Wave is as charmingly incorrigible and intellectually obtuse as Godard himself. Goodbye to Language is a freewheeling 3D exercise in vacillating montage and mutating images, continually defying any application of logic or structure.
In a rare recent interview, Godard stated that the ‘idea’ of Goodbye to Language is, in fact, to "escape from ideas". If it could be said to resemble anything at all, Godard’s film mostly emerges as some kind of exploration of the primordial, pre-linguistic muddle; the Lacanian mirror stage collapsing in on itself. If the premise is that language organises and structures our world by compartmentalising objects, ideas, and individuals in an ultimately limiting way, Godard repeatedly strikes out at the comprehensible features of that edifice.
Generally speaking, the film is split into two sections, titled ‘Nature’ and ‘Metaphor’. Mostly, it concerns two lovers (Héloise Godet and Kamel Abdeli) with a seemingly great distance between them, expounding on death, political engagement, metaphor and nudity in oblique snippets of conversation. As they fall apart through charged but scattershot diatribes, their canine companion Roxy looks on, filmed with a mixture of improbably regal close-ups and lighthearted humour.
“The absurd and the scatological frequently come into play, and the result of all this discord, bar considerable eye-rubbing, is not easily discerned”
The absurd and the scatological frequently come into play, with jokes about forests and pubic hair, and 3D that frequently folds in on itself completely or rends itself in two, leaving the audience struggling to make sense of the image. The camera is flipped upside down, schizophrenically shifting focus and jaggedly cutting between sounds. Images reoccur frequently or appear apropos of nothing, as in a recreation of Mary Shelley’s writing of 'Frankenstein'.
The result of all this discord, bar considerable eye-rubbing, is not easily discerned, but it certainly shifts our perceptions of the commonplace. In a characteristically unclassifiable way, Godard seems to address semiotics. Repeatedly, we see trees, washing machines, beds, hands, cities, rivers. What impressions are left on objects and spaces by history, emotion, or death? What margin is there between the supposed precision of words and the actual existence of a thought or even a physical object?
It seems to Godard that this is the perplexing margin we all live in - the margin between language and thought, or language and existence. As such, we are all incapable of truly communicating with one another, or of truly conveying one’s ideas. When a dog is put onscreen, the audience recognises that the invention of language is the very cornerstone of being human. With that recognition comes malaise and confusion. In that vacuum of understanding, there is Roxy the dog, and there is Jean-Luc Godard. I think they both know something we don’t.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17373 | 14 April 2009
Sing-A-Long Post
Because The Sound of Music is a classic, everyone should be able to sing along! Here we go. One, two, three...
Raisins in noses
A daughter that cringes
Saline filled hoses
And blue bulb syringes
One screaming toddler
That's tied down with strings
These are a few of my least favorite things
I didn't really tie Lola down with strings, I pinned her down with my legs but that doesn't rhyme. Nor was it a hose filled with saline. Just a little tube. In the end there was no raisin to be found in her nose. She probably just pushed up a booger while she was picking her nose and eating raisins at the same time.
That'll teach her!
1. Emma, Maggie and Elisabeth LOVED this. They won't stop singing it!
2. They'll probably find a raison in her lungs when she has her first chest exray! From a concerned grandparent in sunny AZ.
3. Added bonus: Maggie can now play this melody on the violin.
4. We should all make a musical together!
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17374 | Saturday, May 9, 2015
Ugh, Pickled Radish; or, Why You Should Be Watching Korean Dramas
My babysis (I call her 'babysis' but in reality she's almost nineteen. Still, she's my babysis) and I just started re-watching our favorite KDrama, 'Faith.' (It can also be found under the title 'The Great Doctor.'). We watched it three years ago while it was airing, and re-watching it we were shocked to find that it's better the second time around. Why is this shocking? Because the first time around, it was still our favorite. It was still spectacular. It still beat out pretty much every other KDrama we've ever watched. Our typical experience with a good KDrama is: crying as soon as the 'previously' clips start playing, laughing in the middle, and crying again by the time the episode is over. (Plus, as I realized yesterday with slack-jawed shock, Choi Young is the one character whom I love more than Bellamy Blake. If that doesn't pique your interest, I don't know what will.)
Last night, in fact, we were so into the show that when a certain epic thing happened, we both screamed. When I say 'screamed' I don't mean 'squealed.' I mean we full-out, top-of-our-lungs shrieked. Now you have to understand that a) we've seen this drama before and b) we aren't really the screaming sort when it comes to television. We laugh and we cry but screaming bloody murder is a very rare happening. (In fact, it's so rare that we startled ourselves and spent the next five minutes in hysterics.)
By this point, you're probably wondering why on earth you should put yourself through such emotional and psychological torture, but I'm going to give you some very good reasons - and a few warnings, because Asian television is not like Western television, and is a little bit of an adjustment.
• It helps you learn another language. I kid you not - thanks to subtitles, my sister and I can speak a decent handful of Korean. We can communicate with the simple phrases, and there are times when we can understand whole phrases or conversations or songs without having them translated. I have learned more of another language (and culture, to boot) watching KDramas than I ever did with a program. Rosetta Stone's got nothing on KDramas.
• Asian television has a much stronger moral compass. I'm not saying it doesn't have a dark side - every country is going to have the inappropriate, porny side of entertainment - but it's much, much harder to find in Asian television. In fact, it's so clean, generally speaking, that you can begin a drama or a movie without worrying or wondering, because you are 95% certain it's going to be appropriate. The themes of honor, loyalty, nobility, selflessness, and determination are extremely high and can be found almost everywhere, which is a breath of fresh air after having to tunnel underground for it on American television.
• Sex really isn't something that happens on-screen. In Korean Dramas, you're way more likely to find a) a passionate hug or b) a very stoic kiss, in which two characters kind of bump mouths and stay there for ten seconds. In fact, whenever there's an actual, good kiss, my sister and I have a small celebration.
• There's another upside to the last point - because there's a lack of actual physical intimacy, the storylines focus much more on the actual relationship between characters. It delves, it searches, it breaks your heart, it mends it again. Crazy things happen and you feel every second of it, because they actually take the time to make you care, and make you believe that yes, these two people are in love and it can't possibly last because the world is against them, right? They make you hope against hope and they let you see every aspect of said relationship. They focus on the true, deep aspect rather than just the physical.
• Exaggeration. When you start watching Korean Dramas, be prepared for a bit of a mental switch - most things are a tad overdone. When people are surprised, they aren't mildly surprised - they're SHOCKED. When people are confused, they aren't just mildly bewildered - they're so freaking lost they don't know up from down. Believe it or not, it isn't annoying or even ridiculous (most of the time - there have been moments or specific dramas which are just /too/ exaggerated) - but it's different than American television. That's why there are a handful of Korean actors I really, truly love - because in spite of the dramatic storylines and impossible circumstances, they're believable. I'll list a few of my favorites down below.
• Subbing. Sometimes you have to put up with bad subs. Fortunately, this isn't the norm - subbing teams (especially at Viki) put in a lot of time to give you the best subs, but there are moments when you'll find yourself wondering if that translation really is correct, or if you're seeing things.
You're probably reading it right. And hey, on the upside, it gives you really great fodder for everyday conversation! But which drama should you start with? Let me share some of my favorites with you.
Faith a.k.a. The Great Doctor
This show is amazing. It's a sageuk - a historical/fantasy fusion drama about a plastic surgeon dragged back into the Joseon era by Woodalchi General Choi Young. It also stars my favorite Korean actor, Lee Min Ho. It's very clean, full of political intrigue and frustrating romance and action, and it has a colorful host of characters PLUS fantasy powers! How can you not want to watch it?
Gu Family Book
This is another sageuk, about a Gumiho-turned-Thousand-Year-Demon and his son, a half-Gumiho, struggling with his own nature. It's also full of politics, humor, and strong morals - honestly, Faith and Gu Family Book are very deep and very strong, morality-wise. Also, if you're concerned about the 'demon' bit, you needn't be - don't think 'hell demons,' think 'translation meaning something dark and terrible.'
Boys Over Flowers
This is the one that really got me hooked, to be honest, and it's completely ridiculous. This show stretches reality so much, and does so many insane things, and yet somehow every time it rips the heart out and smashes it under its boot-heel. This story is about an extremely poor girl, Geum Jan-Di, who, through an act of bravery, gets a scholarship to a school for the Rich & Snobby. Enter the F4 (featuring Lee Min Ho and Kim Hyun Joong) - the four guys who run the school and a good chunk of the world, to boot. Also enter a ridiculously painful love triangle and the realization that they're all actually huge and tragic marshmallows as well as idiots. Honestly, there are two songs I still can't listen to all the way through because they're from this drama and this drama brings back too many feelings. Watch it. (If you adore it too much to live, you should watch the Japanese Drama, Hana Kimi - which is the same story, just the Japanese version.)
City Hunter
Ah, another Lee Min Ho drama, and one of my favorites. (Basically, if it has LMH in it, it's automatically good. That's saying something.) It's a story of a young man raised in Guam, who leaves to go to Seoul when he discovers that he was part of a huge political plot. There's humor, romance, intrigue, politics, and awesome action sequences, as well as characters you absolutely love /and/ ones you detest. I highly, highly recommend this show.
Rooftop Prince
When a prince and his friends are flung into the modern-day world and land metaphorically in a hapless girl's lap, hijinks ensue. Really. This show is worth every second of watching it. The elevator scene - honestly. Watch it. Laugh until you cry and gnash your teeth at the cliffhangers.
You're Beautiful
Think 'Boys Over Flowers,' but with the added twist of the main character pretending to be her twin brother for the sake of keeping his job.
That's a decent list to get you started, but what if you want something simpler? What if you don't have time for a 22-episode drama? Well, I can still help - here are some of my favorite Korean movies. Oh, but before I list the movies, I'm going to list my favorite actors - because otherwise you're going to notice a significant pattern here, if you haven't already.
Lee Min-Ho. He's my top favorite Korean actor and on top of that, he's drop-dead gorgeous. It's hard to go wrong.
Gang Dong-Won. This guy is amazing at making me cry - so imagine my shock when he executed a comedy movie flawlessly. He can do anything.
There you have them. My two favorite actors. Onward to the movies.
Secret Reunion
This is what I'd call a 'fluffy thriller.' Why fluffy? Because it focuses on the adorable relationship between a hardened, older secret agent and a soft-spoken man on the run. It's full of surprises and adorable moments and action sequences and intrigue, and it stars Gang Dong-Won.
Maundy Thursday
No Korean movie has ever made me cry as hard as this one did. This may be the only thing I've listed that I might give an R-rating to because of adult elements and some language (rape and murder are large elements, although they're dealt with tastefully). It's about a convicted murderer and the damaged woman who - grudgingly at first - begins to visit him on death row. It's their journey toward forgiveness and healing and it did things to me. Things like my sister and I literally couldn't talk about it for weeks after because we started crying if we did so. It also stars Gang Dong-Won.
Werewolf Boy
This movie is - like so many Korean movies - both painfully heartbreaking and perfectly adorable. It's the story of a young woman who discovers a strangely feral young man living in a former-scientist's barn, and the danger (and fun) that comes with their blossoming friendship.
This movie is hilarious. This is the comedy I mentioned - the one where Gang Dong-Won shocked me by proving that not only can he make me sob, he can make me laugh until my ribs hurt. This is about a wizard from history getting thrown into the modern age and fighting the bad guys while being completely nonplussed about everything he sees. It's a thing of beauty.
Your Pet
This is one of those movies that plays out exactly like a manga. The main character's brother's homeless friend ends up staying at the house under the condition that he acts like her pet. Does it sound weird? Yeah. Is it weird? Yeah, but not in a creepy way. More like, 'Wow. This whole idea is so ridiculous that it's like a hysterically weird trainwreck and I can't look away and I'm feeling strangely emotional about this entire thing.' (Bonus: It features a scene where the 'house pet' barks at the girl's boyfriend to scare him away. It's funny, I promise.)
Psychic a.k.a. Haunters
This is probably the darkest movie on this list. It's the story of an ordinary guy who seems to survive every life-threatening thing that happens to him, and a guy with psychic powers. Now, this movie is very special to me - even my sister loved it. In fact, we loved it so much that we watched it three times. This, I think, was Gang Dong-Won's best role (and he's been in some really good ones). The storyline, the characters, the cinematography, the emotions...this movie is a masterpiece, it really is. It takes a classic 'good guy vs. bad guy' and makes you feel very deeply for both the characters, but without making you question who is good and who is bad. Like I said before, the moral compass is strong with Asian movies, and I love it.
This may seem like a lot to take in, but it's only a brief guide and the best I could do to introduce you. I have to warn you, though - once you get into KDramas, there's no going back and you're hooked for life. The choice is up to you. Viki and Dramafever are good places to start.
this is a beautiful post
2. Why have I never watched Korean Drama before? I am going to do that soon, because it sounds absolutely fantastic! XD and the pickled radish line...
1. I just finished Boys Over Flowers in a week, and I watched the first episode of Faith. Omg! I love them both sooooo much! And Lee Min Ho... You were right, he IS drop dead gorgeous and incredibly talented! Thank you for suggesting these shows. I might never have gotten into them if you guys hadn't.
2. I didn't see this - YOU'RE WELCOME. <3 XD
3. Another Korean Drama that I've really enjoyed is My Girlfriend is a Nine Tailed Fox. I thought it would be stupid (the beginning was very stupid and unbelievable), but it ended up being a really cute show!
1. My Girlfriend is a Gumiho is awesome - plus, it has No Min Woo. XDD |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17413 | Homebrew CPU House Web page
cpu computerAt first look, the Wespro 786 tablet will definitely impress you. AMD released the first desktop processors of their A10 line, the A10-5700 and the A10-5800K on October 1, 2012. Intel launched the primary Xeon processor, the Pentium II Xeon 400 (512 Okay or 1 M cache, four hundred MHz, one hundred MHz FSB) in June 1998. Intel launched the Core 2 Quad processor Q6600 (8 M cache, 2.forty GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) in January 2007.
The digital chips on a motherboard are preserve in sync with each other by the clock sign (a stream of pulses) of the motherboard. The CPU attaches directly to a CPU “socket” (or typically a “slot”) on the motherboard The CPU is inserted into the socket pin-aspect-down, and a small lever helps to secure the processor.
AMD released the primary Athlon II X2 (twin-core) processors (1024KB L2 cache, 1.6 to 3.5 GHz, 1066 MHz or 1333 MHz FSB) in June 2009. Usually speaking, you probably have two Plex apps requiring transcoded content material on the similar time, that will require about twice the CPU processing power compared to if there was only one app taking part in content material.
Additionally, some CPUs are CISC (Complicated Instruction Set Computing), whereas others are RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing). The Intel Pentium III 533B and 600B MHz was launched on September 27, 1999. A single physical CPU core with hyper-threading appears as two logical CPUs to an working system.
A pipelined processor can become very practically scalar, inhibited only by pipeline stalls (an instruction spending more than one clock cycle in a stage). The pace of the processor is measured in GHZ or MHZ (Gigahertz & Megahertz ) for now anyway. Intel has struggled to move to the newest manufacturing know-how, which has given makers of smartphone chips an edge in relation to battery life and even velocity in some circumstances. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17461 | Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Dark and moody. That's the direction of a lot of electronic music now. Granted, it's still kind of sitting in the corner like a withering wallflower, but it's gaining popularity. What better way to get you dancing than out of some sense of vague fear. Do not run from your demons, dance with them. Is that a saying? No, it isn't.
But in any case, here's Frost with something new. Got you there didn't I? Because the song's called 'Something New'. And I said "something new". They're, like, the same. It's the latest single from their album Radiomagnetic (released September 2012), and it's a good one indeed. Gnawing at you with ice cold trance synths yet keep keeping it all cushioned with some sub-zero bass, and getting you all anxiously excited with frenetic hi hats on speed, the vocals speaking like a ghost through a radio, the song is an unexpected foot-tapper with some lovely screeching build-ups and fading come-downs that keep this 8-minute doozie flowing and interesting. Layering helps, too, like the snare sound later on in the song that sounds like some phantom of the past dragging its feet along concrete corridors. Spooky and chilly but cool. I'd check their album out on Spotify, too, if I were you, plenty more beats and clever electro trickery await you.
The bizarre video fits the song perfectly. But what's it all about? Well...
The footage is part of an obscure documentary project entitled ‘Ghost Radio Hunter’ – a collaboration between Carl Critical, Russian underground filmmaker Kostya Shamshin and Frost, covering an expedition into the Arctic looking for the source of mysterious radio signals that were the inspiration for the making of the album ‘Radiomagnetic’.
There you go. Frost are Norwegian, by the way, and have actually been around for 1997 - of course, they're pretty well known in their motherland, but for us their sounds are as new as a polished baby.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17478 | On cleaning lighters
It often happens that the old lighters into the hands of a completely unsanitary, with a thick layer of soot and dirt. In this case it is very helps ultrasonic jewelry cleaner. His work is based on the fact that the special motor attached to the tray with water, creates a vibration with a frequency of tens of thousands per second (nominal frequency of most conventional cleaners - 42.000 Hz). Due to these fluctuations in the water formed millions of tiny bubbles are not visible to the eye, they carry away dirt from any hard to reach places. In this cleaner can clean all you want (and tochnoo, everything that is not afraid of the water.) In combination with a few drops of detergent results will be more than great.
Important: Do not confuse the real ultrasonic jewelry cleaner (ultrasonic cleaner) with cheap imitations that are not ultrasound (they are usually fairly marked on the package as a Sonic cleaner). "Sonic cleaner" is on Ebay 5-7 dollars (and in Russia 600-1000 rubles), but in fact it is a cheap toy and wait for the results of it not worth it. Vibrations generated by its engine is too small, and the water formed just big bubbles. Of course, a little something to clean it, but ... only slightly. Real jewelry cleaner is in foreign stores and Ebay from $ 40-50 and up. On the box it must be written "Ultrasonic cleaner".
My device looks like this:
That's what state fell into my hands recently one Zippo:
Of course, you can just wash the brush, but I assure you: this will have long-term snuff scrape a long time. Therefore, we put all this dirt in cleaner, pour warm water and add a few drops of mild cleansers, such as, Fairy. Instead of chemistry can also add a few spoonfuls of vinegar.
Here we go! Water almost every minute becoming dirtier and see how shit streams flow from all the cracks:
I've done a few three-minute cycles cleaner, then rinsed with warm water for a lighter and slightly paced brush - to remove the most stubborn pieces violently deposits that have not gone after the ultrasonic water treatment.
Next - drying and assembly. Voila! Everything sparkles, almost like new!
See also:
1. yours_truly (01.02.2010 01:44) ( Reply )
Thank you very much for the wonderful instructions on cleaning the old Zippo! I think many, this procedure will definitely help!
2. Yuri (01.02.2010 11:26) ( Reply )
impression that her shit throughout her life ... so they were able to ...
3. Qik (02.01.2010 3:14 p.m.) ( Reply )
I act in the old, cotton buds / swabs, ammonia / gasoline / alcohol, a rag. Generally favor Dremel with a steel brush or plaskovoy. All the shit flies at times.
4. XxX25PainKiller (02.02.2010 06:28) ( Reply )
From the results, I just shocked. Thanks for the instructions, an interesting thing.
5. slay (13.02.2010 20:09) ( Reply )
purposely do not slap, I'm shocked ... I guess o_O last owner did not know that it can be cleaned ...
6. slay (13.02.2010 20:11) ( Reply )
a cool thing, but it was too expensive =) For the sake of one or more of the lighter I did not have to take, but for collectors who deal with pollution that's the most it =)
7. PUM (02.12.2012 06:48) ( Reply )
Is zippo brass rivets used flint wheel seems to me it is a fake!
1. kypexin (02.12.2012 12:29) ( Reply )
this is not fake
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17479 | Zombie Drive-by Liberty is earned through eternal vigilance
El gusano
That the mass media is employed by the sad people of this world is nothing new to the content of this site. How this system of lies and false promises used to work, and still does for some, was by ensuring that the wrong path of least resistance was in full supply. It would draw too much attention to censor everything, and so things slip through that would take root and eventually crack the turd we're meant to worship wide open.
Anyone who's ever drilled a hole knows that if it happens to go off mark for whatever reason, drilling essentially the same hole a few millimetres to one side or at a slightly different angle is not easy since the drill bit will tend to fall into the already defined error. Not impossible is it though, with patience and the correct application of slight force. Clearly, if you've been paying someone else to drill your holes for you, you've missed out on a good opportunity for enlightenment.
And so was our civilisation once impaled by the worm, that bored through our conciousness and pushed its shit out right to where we lived, slept and ate, that there was no place left to run but the inner realms where the answers were waiting all along. The intent was to fill our heads with useless trivia, lies and solutions to problems we didn't have until someone convinced us we did. For those of us who've had its colourful pictures in our faces and in our minds for as long as we can remember, letting go of it is a process. It takes work to prime the old brain again to chew solid foods, so that you can get back your own creative abilities and imagination.
You might as well get mad at the sky for raining than to get angry at the worm for being a worm, or at the creatures that secreted it. In fact, it might be beneficial to thank the worm for fattening itself off of what we apparently didn't need, and for helping us build an immunity to its like. Right before we cast it to the side, and watch what manner of creature comes to eat it.
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1. I think this is the one you were looking for.
Sometime around 23 hundred years ago we see in the Mahabharata Yudhishthira has a vision of the age to come: “I see the coming of another age, where barbaric kings rule over a vicious, broken world; where puny, fearful, hard men live tiny lives, white hair at sixteen, copulating with animals, their women perfect whores, making love with greedy mouths. The cows dry, trees stunted, no more flowers, no more purity; ambition, corruption, the age of Kali, the black time”
2. Sorry mate, a bit late to the party but that was marvellous. That last sentence makes me come over all Salieri. Did you ever see Amadeus? I can’t remember if it was good or not but it certainly had Salieri in it.
• Thanks, had to get up at 2 in the morning to write it after it popped in pretty much fully formed, unlike the other stuff on here which is a lot more assembled. Haven’t seen that film, though it’s been on my list for a while now.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17490 | About the Experiment
Newton’s First Law of Motion states that an object will remain at rest or in motion until an outside force acts upon it. This 4‑H STEM Lab activity uses Hot Wheels cars to explore the concepts of force and friction described by Newton. Youth will manipulate how hard a car is pushed and explore how to maximize the pull of gravity.
Topic: Physics
Grades: 3 – 5
Estimated Time: 20 minutes
Messy Meter
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What You'll Need
Many of the items in this activity can be swapped out for other similarly shaped household items.
Pantry Staples
• 1 tape measure
• 1 stop watch
• 1 roll of masking tape
• 4 books, movie cases, or boxes the same size
Specialty Supplies
• 1 Hot Wheels car
• 1 Hot Wheels launcher
What To Do
The below instructions include the steps for exploring force and friction. Use the included charts in the Lab Notebook to record your data.
Tip: Assist younger youth with measuring and timing. Have older kids complete the data charts three times and find the averages to ensure reliability, just like real scientists.
Part I: Force
1. Connect the launcher to four pieces of straight tracks.
2. Place a piece of masking tape labeled A next to the first piece of track and a piece labeled B next to the last track. (See Figure 1 below. )
3. Put the car in the launcher and pull it back to the first setting.
4. Have one person launch the car and another person use the stopwatch to record how long it takes for the car to get from point A to point B. (Use the chart on the Lab Notes page.)
5. Repeat this for each of the different settings on the launcher.
Part II: Friction
1. Remove the launcher from the track. Build a ramp with the first piece of track resting on top of one item (book, movie case, or box).
2. Place the Hot Wheels car at the top of the ramp and release it (do not push).
3. Wait until the car stops. Use the tape measure to measure the distance the car traveled from the bottom of the ramp to the back of the stopped car.
4. Record the distance in the data table included on the Lab Notes page.
5. Repeat steps for a ramp that is two, three and four items tall.
Newton's Speedway Launcher Figure
Questions to Engage Youth
Part I
• Was there a pattern between how fast the car traveled and what launch setting it started at?
Part II
• What pulled the car down the ramp?
• What made the car slow down to a stop?
• If you ran another test, how could you increase the car’s distance without raising the height of the ramp?
Physics is the science that deals with matter, energy, motion and force. The study of sound, electricity, motion and heat all involve physics. One of the most famous physicists was Sir Isaac Newton, who is best known for discovering gravity when watching an apple fall from a tree, but he also created the three laws of motion.
Newton’s First Law states that an object at rest will remain at rest, and that an object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. Force can be defined as a push or pull that gives energy to an object and causes a change in the motion of that object.
In the first activity, the launcher was the force that pushed the car forward down the track. In the second activity, gravity was the force that pulled the car down the ramp.
Friction is also considered a force, however it acts in the opposite direction of the motion of an object and causes it to slow down and eventually stop. In both activities, the friction from the carpet, tile, wood floor, or track is what stopped the car.
4‑H STEM Lab on the Go!
Download and print the Newton's Speedway: Force and Friction PDF to easily complete the activity in groups.
Download the Newton's Speedway: Force and Friction Activity and Notebook
More STEM Curriculum
4‑H curriculum promotes positive youth development through experiential learning. We believe that kids retain more information — and have more fun! — when they are part of the learning process. All of our curriculum products contain this element of experiential learning. All of the curriculum goes through a rigorous peer review process, ensuring the highest quality of all of our materials.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17491 | Another rainy day led us to indoor pursuits. No, not that kind.
The Crossville Model Railroad Club maintains a great (FREE!) exhibit covering several gauges of model railroad.
From the web site: “The display contains over 4,000 Sq. Ft. of fully sceniced model railroad operations in 5 operating scales (‘G’, ‘O’, HO’, ‘N’, and ‘Z’).”
G is teeny tiny, and Z is the largest, which allows for the most detail but also requires much more room to lay the track. More than half the space was given over to a massive display using HO, which is the most common-sized hobby train and was popularized by Lionel.
There are at least a dozen model trains running at any one time. 90% of the exhibits represent the Crossville area. There are lots of amazing, almost hidden dioramas of daily life from the last 5 decades. We spent over an hour walking through and examining every last detail and taking dozens of snapshots.
See how much detail you can pick out from these images. And if you are ever in the area, stop in! and leave a donation in the bucket.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17500 | Now Using SSL and DNSSEC
Today, I enabled Secure Socket Layer (SSL, also known as, HTTPS) and Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) on this website; my first time working with these technologies. This is a major milestone for me. Self-taught since 2008, my journey has led me to this day.
For those who know what these technologies are and already use them, try not to laugh. This was a real journey for me. For everyone else, I’ll do my best to explain.
Transport Layer Security (TLS) and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), both of which are frequently referred to as ‘SSL’, are cryptographic protocols designed to provide communications security over a computer network.
Basically, I added a green lock to my website ( By doing so, I have joined the ranks of Facebook, your bank and every payment network that you’ve ever interacted with (assuming they were all legit). Granted there are different levels to these certificates; you’ll notice that Twitter has a really fancy green box next to their lock that says, “Twitter, LLC [US]” while Facebook doesn’t. And I certainly don’t. But, the green lock is good enough for me and obviously good enough for Facebook.
agarciatv green lock
Twitter green lock
facebook green lock
In addition to getting my very own green lock, I enabled DNSSEC. I had been curious about it ever since I had seen it in my registrar’s control panel. It’s my personality to want to fill every box and flip every switch. Some have told me that DNSSEC was unnecessary, but it sounds like a security measure I didn’t want to pass up. Wikipedia explains DNSSEC as:
I thought Google explained DNSSEC more clearly:
Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) protect your domain from attacks such as DNS cache poison attacks and DNS spoofing. Your DNS provider can provide you with the values you need to activate DNSSEC.
Google Domains
To further simplify, now you will not have to worry about visiting a fake version of my website or hackers snooping on you. At least that’s the idea. I’ve stepped up my game and I hope to continue, as I learn more about security. If you have a website and would like to add an SSL too, ask specific questions in the comment section below and I’ll be happy to answer them!
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"Caliban upon Setebos" by Robert Browning
The following is the complete text of Robert Browning's "Caliban upon Setebos." Our presentation of this poem comes from the book, The Best Known Poems of Elizabeth and Robert Browning. The various books, short stories and poems we offer are presented free of charge with absolutely no advertising as a public service from Internet Accuracy Project.
Visit these other works by Robert Browning
"Andrea del Sarto"
"Any Wife to Any Husband"
"The Boy and the Angel"
A collection of his short poems
"Fra Lippo Lippi"
"The Glove"
"How it Strikes a Contemporary"
"The Italian in England"
"A Lovers' Quarrel"
"Master Hugues of Saxe-Gotha"
"My Last Duchess"
"The Pied Piper of Hamelin"
"Rabbi Ben Ezra"
"The Statue and the Bust"
"Time's Revenges"
Potential uses for the free books, stories and prose we offer
* Rediscovering an old favorite book, poem or story.
"Caliban upon Setebos" by Robert Browning
['Will sprawl, now that the heat of day is best,
Flat on his belly in the pit's much mire,
With elbows wide, fists clenched to prop his chin,
And, while he kicks both feet in the cool slush,
And feels about his spine small eft-things course,
Run in and out each arm, and make him laugh:
And while above his head a pompion-plant,
Coating the cave-top as a brow its eye,
Creeps down to touch and tickle hair and beard,
And now a flower drops with a bee inside,
And now a fruit to snap at, catch and crunch,--
He looks out o'er yon sea which sunbeams cross
And recross till they weave a spider-web,
(Meshes of fire, some great fish breaks at times,)
And talks, to his own self, howe'er he please,
Touching that other, whom his dam called God.
Because to talk about Him, vexes--ha,
Could He but know! and time to vex is now,
When talk is safer than in winter-time.
Moreover Prosper and Miranda sleep
In confidence, he drudges at their task,
And it is good to cheat the pair, and gibe,
Letting the rank tongue blossom into speech.]
Setebos, Setebos, and Setebos!
'Thinketh, He dwelleth i' the cold o' the moon.
'Thinketh He made it, with the sun to match,
But not the stars; the stars came otherwise;
Only made clouds, winds, meteors, such as that:
Also this isle, what lives and grows thereon,
And snaky sea which rounds and ends the same.
'Thinketh, it came of being ill at ease:
He hated that He cannot change His cold,
Nor cure its ache. 'Hath spied an icy fish
That longed to 'scape the rock-stream where she lived,
And thaw herself within the lukewarm brine
O' the lazy sea her stream thrusts far amid,
A crystal spike 'twixt two warm walls of wave;
Only, she ever sickened, found repulse
At the other kind of water, not her life,
(Green-dense and dim-delicious, bred o' the sun,)
Flounced back from bliss she was not born to breathe,
And in her old bounds buried her despair,
Hating and loving warmth alike: so He.
'Thinketh, He made thereat the sun, this isle,
Trees and the fowls here, beast and creeping thing.
Yon otter, sleek-wet, black, lithe as a leech;
Yon auk, one fire-eye in a ball of foam,
That floats and feeds; a certain badger brown,
He hath watched hunt with that slant white-wedge eye
By moonlight; and the pie with the long tongue
That pricks deep into oakwarts for a worm,
And says a plain word when she finds her prize,
But will not eat the ants; the ants themselves
That build a wall of seeds and settled stalks
About their hole--He made all these and more,
Made all we see, and us, in spite: how else?
He could not, Himself, make a second self
To be His mate: as well have made Himself:
He would not make what He mislikes or slights,
An eyesore to Him, or not worth His pains;
But did, in envy, listlessness, or sport,
Make what Himself would fain, in a manner, be--
Weaker in most points, stronger in a few,
Worthy, and yet mere playthings all the while,
Things He admires and mocks too,--that is it.
Because, so brave, so better though they be,
It nothing skills if He begin to plague.
Look now, I melt a gourd-fruit into mash,
Add honeycomb and pods, I have perceived,
Which bite like finches when they bill and kiss,--
Then, when froth rises bladdery, drink up all,
Quick, quick, till maggots scamper through my brain;
Last, throw me on my back i' the seeded thyme,
And wanton, wishing I were born a bird.
Put case, unable to be what I wish,
I yet could make a live bird out of clay:
Would not I take clay, pinch my Caliban
Able to fly?--for there, see, he hath wings,
And great comb like the hoopoe's to admire,
And there, a sting to do his foes offence,
There, and I will that he begin to live,
Fly to yon rock-top, nip me off the horns
Of grigs high up that make the merry din,
Saucy through their veined wings, and mind me not.
In which feat, if his leg snapped, brittle clay,
And he lay stupid-like,--why, I should laugh;
And if he, spying me, should fall to weep,
Beseech me to be good, repair his wrong,
Bid his poor leg smart less or grow again,--
Well, as the chance were, this might take or else
Not take my fancy: I might hear his cry,
And give the mankin three sound legs for one,
Or pluck the other off, leave him like an egg,
And lessoned he was mine and merely clay.
Were this no pleasure, lying in the thyme,
Drinking the mash, with brain become alive,
Making and marring clay at will? So He.
'Thinketh, such shows nor right nor wrong in Him,
Nor kind, nor cruel: He is strong and Lord.
'Am strong myself compared to yonder crabs
That march now from the mountain to the sea;
'Let twenty pass, and stone the twenty-first,
Loving not, hating not, just choosing so.
'Say, the first straggler that boasts purple spots
Shall join the file, one pincer twisted off;
'Say, this bruised fellow shall receive a worm,
And two worms he whose nippers end in red;
As it likes me each time, I do: so He.
Well then, 'supposeth He is good i' the main,
Placable if His mind and ways were guessed,
But rougher than His handiwork, be sure!
Oh, He hath made things worthier than Himself,
And envieth that, so helped, such things do more
Than He who made them! What consoles but this?
That they, unless through Him, do naught at all,
And must submit: what other use in things?
'Hath cut a pipe of pithless elder-joint
That, blown through, gives exact the scream o' the jay
When from her wing you twitch the feathers blue:
Sound this, and little birds that hate the jay
Flock within stone's throw, glad their foe is hurt:
Put case such pipe could prattle and boast forsooth,
"I catch the birds, I am the crafty thing,
I make the cry my maker cannot make
With his great round mouth; he must blow through mine!"
Would not I smash it with my foot? So He.
But wherefore rough, why cold and ill at ease?
Aha, that is a question! Ask, for that,
What knows,--the something over Setebos
That made Him, or He, may be, found and fought,
Worsted, drove off and did to nothing, perchance.
There may be something quiet o'er His head,
Out of His reach, that feels nor joy nor grief,
Since both derive from weakness in some way.
I joy because the quails come; would not joy
Could I bring quails here when I have a mind:
This Quiet, all it hath a mind to, doth.
'Esteemeth stars the outposts of its couch,
But never spends much thought nor care that way.
It may look up, work up,--the worse for those
It works on! 'Careth but for Setebos
The many-handed as a cuttle-fish,
Who, making Himself feared through what He does,
Looks up, first, and perceives he cannot soar
To what is quiet and hath happy life;
Next looks down here, and out of very spite
Makes this a bauble-world to ape yon real,
These good things to match those as hips do grapes.
'Tis solace making baubles, ay, and sport.
Himself peeped late, eyed Prosper at his books
Careless and lofty, lord now of the isle:
Vexed, 'stitched a book of broad leaves, arrow-shaped,
Wrote thereon, he knows what, prodigious words;
Has peeled a wand and called it by a name;
Weareth at whiles for an enchanter's robe
The eyed skin of a supple oncelot;
And hath an ounce sleeker than youngling mole,
A four-legged serpent he makes cower and couch,
Now snarl, now hold its breath and mind his eye,
And saith she is Miranda and my wife:
'Keeps for his Ariel a tall pouch-bill crane
He bids go wade for fish and straight disgorge;
Also a sea-beast, lumpish, which he snared,
Blinded the eyes of, and brought somewhat tame,
And split its toe-webs, and now pens the drudge
In a hole o' the rock, and calls him Caliban;
A bitter heart that bides its time and bites.
'Plays thus at being Prosper in a way,
Taketh his mirth with make-believes: so He.
His dam held that the Quiet made all things
Which Setebos vexed only: 'holds not so.
Who made them weak, meant weakness He might vex.
Had He meant other, while His hand was in,
Why not make horny eyes no thorn could prick,
Or plate my scalp with bone against the snow,
Or overscale my flesh 'neath joint and joint,
Like an orc's armor? Ay,--so spoil His sport!
He is the One now: only He doth all.
'Saith, He may like, perchance, what profits Him.
Ay, himself loves what does him good; but why?
'Gets good no otherwise. This blinded beast
Loves whoso places flesh-meat on his nose.
But, had he eyes, would want no help, but hate
Or love, just as it liked him: He hath eyes.
Also it pleaseth Setebos to work,
Use all His hands, and exercise much craft,
By no means for the love of what is worked.
'Tasteth, himself, no finer good i' the world
When all goes right, in this safe summer-time,
And he wants little, hungers, aches not much,
Than trying what to do with wit and strength.
'Falls to make something: 'piled yon pile of turfs,
And squared and stuck there squares of soft white chalk,
And, with a fish-tooth, scratched a moon on each,
And set up endwise certain spikes of tree,
And crowned the whole with a sloth's skull a-top,
Found dead i' the woods, too hard for one to kill.
No use at all i' the work, for work's sole sake;
'Shall some day knock it down again: so He.
'Saith He is terrible: watch His feats in proof!
One hurricane will spoil six good months' hope.
He hath a spite against me, that I know,
Just as He favors Prosper, who knows why?
So it is, all the same, as well I find.
'Wove wattles half the winter, fenced them firm
With stone and stake to stop she-tortoises
Crawling to lay their eggs here: well, one wave,
Feeling the foot of Him upon its neck,
Gaped as a snake does, lolled out its large tongue,
And licked the whole labor flat: so much for spite!
'Saw a ball flame down late (yonder it lies)
Where, half an hour before, I slept i' the shade:
Often they scatter sparkles: there is force!
'Dug up a newt He may have envied once
And turned to stone, shut up inside a stone.
Please Him and hinder this?--What Prosper does?
Aha, if He would tell me how! Not He!
There is the sport: discover how or die!
All need not die, for of the things o' the isle
Some flee afar, some dive, some run up trees;
Those at His mercy,--why, they please Him most
When . . . when . . . well, never try the same way twice!
Repeat what act has pleased, He may grow wroth.
You must not know His ways, and play Him off,
Sure of the issue. 'Doth the like himself:
'Spareth a squirrel that it nothing fears
But steals the nut from underneath my thumb,
And when I threat, bites stoutly in defence:
'Spareth an urchin that contrariwise,
Curls up into a ball, pretending death
For fright at my approach: the two ways please.
But what would move my choler more than this,
That either creature counted on its life
To-morrow and next day and all days to come,
Saying forsooth in the inmost of its heart,
"Because he did so yesterday with me,
And otherwise with such another brute,
So must he do henceforth and always."--Ay?
'Would teach the reasoning couple what "must" means!
'Doth as he likes, or wherefore Lord? So He.
Conceiveth all things will continue thus,
And we shall have to live in fear of Him
So long as He lives, keeps His strength: no change,
If He have done His best, make no new world
To please Him more, so leave off watching this,--
If He surprise not even the Quiet's self
Some strange day,--or, suppose, grow into it
As grubs grow butterflies: else, here are we,
And there is He, and nowhere help at all.
'Believeth with the life the pain shall stop.
His dam held different, that after death
He both plagued enemies and feasted friends:
Idly! He doth His worst in this our life,
Giving just respite lest we die through pain,
Saving last pain for worst,--with which, an end.
Meanwhile, the best way to escape His ire
Is, not to seem too happy. 'Sees, himself,
Yonder two flies, with purple films and pink,
Bask on the pompion-bell above: kills both.
'Sees two black painful beetles roll their ball
On head and tail as if to save their lives:
Moves them the stick away they strive to clear.
Even so, 'would have Him misconceive, suppose
This Caliban strives hard and ails no less,
And always, above all else, envies Him;
Wherefore he mainly dances on dark nights,
Moans in the sun, gets under holes to laugh,
And never speaks his mind save housed as now:
Outside, 'groans, curses. If He caught me here,
O'erheard this speech, and asked "What chucklest at?"
'Would, to appease Him, cut a finger off,
Or of my three kid yearlings burn the best,
Or let the toothsome apples rot on tree,
Or push my tame beast for the orc to taste:
While myself lit a fire, and made a song
And sung it, "What I hate, be consecrate
To celebrate Thee and Thy state, no mate
For Thee; what see for envy in poor me?"
Hoping the while, since evils sometimes mend,
Warts rub away and sores are cured with slime,
That some strange day, will either the Quiet catch
And conquer Setebos, or likelier He
Decrepit may doze, doze, as good as die.
[What, what? A curtain o'er the world at once!
Crickets stop hissing; not a bird--or, yes,
There scuds His raven, that hath told Him all!
It was fool's play, this prattling! Ha! The wind
Shoulders the pillared dust, death's house o' the move,
And fast invading fires begin! White blaze--
A tree's head snaps--and there, there, there, there, there,
His thunder follows! Fool to gibe at Him!
Lo! 'Lieth flat and loveth Setebos!
'Maketh his teeth meet through his upper lip,
Will let those quails fly, will not eat this month
One little mess of whelks, so he may 'scape!]
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17513 | (redirected from Northern States Financial Corporation)
NSFCNational Natural Science Foundation of China
NSFCNational Society of Film Critics
NSFCNational Small Flows Clearinghouse
NSFCNorthern States Financial Corporation (Waukegan, IL)
NSFCNational Science Foundation of China
NSFCNot Safe for Christians
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NSFCNorth Shore Fencers Club (Long Island, New York)
NSFCNaval Shore Fire Control
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17554 | Lessons in Kindness – Little Things You Can Do That Will Make an Impression on Your Children
Children learn so much by simply observing the world around them. When you display positive behavior, it rubs off on impressionable youngsters. What better way to instill kindness and a caring spirit in your child’s mind than to “walk the walk?” Teach your child valuable and long-lasting lessons in kindness. What you say and do matters. Your child looks to you for guidance, so lead them in a positive direction. Here are some little things you can do regularly to make a lasting impression on your child.
Be Patient
What’s the rush? And why the frustration? Take a few deep breaths if you feel like you’re losing your cool or you’re at your wit’s end. When you exhibit patience, you show you have respect for others and self-control. Show your child that giving others your time and understanding goes a long way. Things may take a tad longer or not go the way you’d prefer in “a perfect world.” But taking a step back and giving others a break will lead to a more harmonious environment.
Pay it Forward
Every so often, do something nice for another person for no reason at all, aside from the fact that you want to brighten their day. Maybe you can pay for the coffee for the person behind you in line at the café. Let someone go ahead of you in line at the grocery store. Offer to watch the neighbor’s kids on a weekend night so they can go out for dinner. Volunteer to bring water and snacks to the next Little League practice even if it’s not your turn. Your giving attitude will “go viral” and you’ll see others begin to follow in your footsteps. Soon, everyone will be more giving. It will create a lovely atmosphere that will start with your inner circle and expand outward.
Give Compliments
People are often quick to criticize, but what about the good stuff? Give compliments whenever you can. Whether it is something as simple as remarking on a friend’s new haircut or congratulating a colleague on their stellar presentation, a compliment goes a long way. Teach your child to say something nice to someone who may seem down or lonely. There is always something positive you can see in someone else. It will make someone’s day to feel noticed, accepted, and appreciated.
What lessons do you teach your child when it comes to kindness? For more information like this, please visit All My Children’s blogs.
By: Melissa A. Kay
1 Comment
1. I always tried to teach my children to treat others the way you would like to be treated no matter who walked through my door, be it an invited or uninvited guest. Now that they have families of their own, I see that my compassion for others rubbed off on my own children. They make me so proud! 🙂
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17570 | Why didn't Kabuto reanimate any person from Uchiha clan like Sasuke's parents and all other that Itachi killed or any Uchiha that has lived in Konoha? Did he not have any one's dna or whatever it takes to reanimate? Is there any mention about this in manga or anime? Thanks.
• 1
I think he said something about only using the ones he needed. It could have been that or Tobi didn't let him? I don't remember it being mentioned... Wait, I think he said something about him not being able to infiltrate the Leaf Village (where I suppose the Uchiha bodies would have been buried) to get some bodies, like the Hokage's. Don't take my word though. – Akira Mahisaseru Dec 31 '16 at 18:55
• @AkiraMahisaseru, indeed Tobi didn't let Kabuto use the Uchiha DNA in Tobi's possession – even though Kabuto wanted to. (Reference in my answer below.) – Aaron Thoma Dec 31 '16 at 20:43
Both of your notions are correct:
1. It is the dead person's DNA that is needed for the reanimation (alias Edo Tensei).[1]
2. There is good reason to assume Kabuto did not reincarnate most of the Uchiha clan members, because he was unable to obtain their DNAs:
"Kabuto mentions his desire to reincarnate certain shinobi [including] Shisui Uchiha";[2] and his ally in the Fourth Shinobi World War, Tobi (SPOILER:
alias Obito Uchiha,
), was in possession of their DNA,[3] but – being forced by Kabuto into this alliance in the first place[4] – did not let him use it.[3] Controlling more Uchiha shinobi could have made Kabuto too powerful with respect to the possibility of him turning against Tobi.
However, Kabuto did summon Itachi Uchiha, Madara Uchiha, as well as (only in the anime) Inabi Uchiha[5] and used them in his war efforts.[6]
As @AyaseEri points out, we can not exclude the possibility that Kabuto has managed to reincarnate the other Uchihas after all and it was just not shown.
But definitely also factor in @ElPsyKongroo's answer below on why that's very unlikely!
Before this technique can be performed, the user must first acquire some of the DNA of the person they intend to reincarnate.
Kabuto could not find [Shisui Uchiha's] body. He suggested that one of Shisui's eyes that was crushed by Danzō Shimura, whose corpse was in Tobi's possession, would be sufficient. […] Tobi threatened him not to push his luck.
Kabuto [uses] the Impure World Reincarnation to revive five deceased Akatsuki members, which he offers to use to help Tobi in the approaching war. […] When Tobi contemplates refusing, Kabuto summons the real Madara Uchiha, forcing Tobi to agree.
Search the page for the (indeed numerous) occurrences of "Uchiha".
• 1
This, or he did re-animate them. It just wasn't shown in the story. Anyway, +1. – 絢瀬絵里 Jan 1 '17 at 3:50
• @AyaseEri, you are absolutely right! I had handwavily extrapolated a bit from the reference to present a clearer answer. But that is not principled scholarship! :D I have now amended my post to diffentiate between interpretation and fact (as far as the reference goes) and I added your note to the answer. どうもすみません、ありがとうございます for your remark and your upboat!^.^ – Aaron Thoma Jan 1 '17 at 4:40
• 1
+1, it's a good answer and it looks like you actually took your time to research (and for the references). – Akira Mahisaseru Jan 2 '17 at 0:33
• @AkiraMahisaseru, doumo arigatou! :) By the way, I think your profile pic looks marvelous! I'm sure you make a great mangaka/ illustrator/ artist! :) – Aaron Thoma Jan 2 '17 at 23:41
• 1
Most Uchiha were treated as Fodder anyway. Itachi and Tobi killed all of them (except Itachis Father) with ease. Considering the number of them, there could not have been more than a couple of regular jonin, and regular jonin are overall not that strong. Shisui and Itachi were the top 2 in the clan, and probably at least 50% of the ones worth reviving. – Ryan Jan 20 '17 at 16:42
Aside from the exceptional answer given by accolade, I think there might be another reason. Note that after the Uchiha clan was slaughtered, most of the cleaning up was done by the Anbu under Danzo. And given how careful he is, I'm sure he would have made sure that the bodies are not discoverable, and so, Kabuto could not have been able to obtain any DNA.
• Thank you for your friendly compliment^.^*blushes* and your valuable complement! ;) +1 I put a pointer to your answer into mine! – Aaron Thoma Jan 1 '17 at 9:45
• 1
+1, although it doesn't seem like you researched for any of this and just assumed, it's still likely this happened. Good answer. – Akira Mahisaseru Jan 2 '17 at 0:36
Not a good strategy
Even if he could get their DNA they could probably know the edo tensei reversal jutsu or have some trick to defeat it like Itachi, and then rebel against him.
• Itachi was able to get out of Kabuto's control because of Kotoamatsukami jutsu done by Shisui's eye implanted in the crow. I think an Uchiha army, whether they have Mangekyou Sharingan or not, would be a very good strategy for Kabuto. – Bhaskar Jan 25 '17 at 5:12
• @Bhaskar I'm sure that even if only one of them got out of the control of kabuto they could just release everyone else. Ofc kabuto could always spend more time and energy on them to try and keep them under absolute control. – user30118 Jan 25 '17 at 9:42
• Only Shisui's genjutsu can release the reanimated person out of Kabuto's control. No other Uchiha has a strong enough genjutsu to do the same. Sasuke's genjutsu after getting Indra's chakra might also be able to do it. – Bhaskar Jan 26 '17 at 7:23
• Conversely, if the reincarnated soul knows the hand seals, they can sever the summoner's contract with them. All it needs is one uchiha knowing the hand seals, breaking free, and teaching others the hand seals. Although I don't think they can be released after that, so they will have to live forever. – user30118 Jan 26 '17 at 10:08
• If thats the case, it doesnt have be an Uchiha. Anyone could break free if the reanimated person knows the hand seals. However Uchihas would have an advantage in that they could use Izanami on Kabuto and learn the hand seals themselves while sacrifing an eye. But they have to find Kabuto's location first. Itachi could only do that because Nagato told him. And before finding Kabuto's location, the person should break free of his control. Itachi was lucky to have Shisui's genjutsu, so what you are saying could only happen if Madara tells them the hand seals. – Bhaskar Jan 27 '17 at 8:50
Although the uchiha were hailed for there eyes, most wouldn't hold water to a slighty above average jounen. Besides that, there was only a few uchiha who were actually powerful, remember how they said the mangekyou sharingan was only awakened by 1 or 2 people? There not wrong, less than ten actually have them.
Your Answer
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17574 | Saturday, August 20, 2016
Inscribed Column of Darius Found in Ancient Greek City Phanagoria
Part of an ancient marble column was found in the ancient Greek city of Phanagoria, in the Krasnodar region of southern Russia, in the Taman peninsula.
The column bears an inscription referring to the Persian king Darius I, according to an announcement by Volnoe Delo Foundation, which has been supporting the archaeological excavations in the area since 2004.
The column, dating back to the first half of the 5th century BC, was found during a research mission by the Archaeological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences representatives.
According to archaeologists the finding’s significance could attract global attention. The column came to light in Phanagoria, the largest ancient Greek city on Russian territory and one of the most important ancient cities along the northern coast of the Black Sea.
Established in the mid-6th century BC by Greek colonists, Phanagoria was one of the two capitals of the kingdom of Cimmerian Bosporus for a long time, which was formed in the 5th century BC in eastern Crimea and the Taman Peninsula.
The column bears an inscription in ancient Persian language, including an unregistered word, which probably refers to Miletus, one of the largest cities of Ionia in Asia Minor. Miletus led the Ionian Revolt against Persia, which was suppressed by Darius I in 494 BC. According to Russian archaeologists it is very likely that the finding belonged to a marble column which Darius I had placed in the Ionian city after his victory.
However, experts are still not sure how the column might have ended up in Phanagoria. It is possible that when part of the column broke and fell it was transferred to Phanagoria from the Ionic city by boat. The fact that there is no such natural stone in the Taman peninsula Taman further supports this theory.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17575 |
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Realms In The Firmament - Chapter 82
Chapter 82 - Small Gift to Represent My Respect
Ye Xiao was delighted and asked with a smile, ’’By the way, did the Crown Prince invite you?’’
Zuo Wu-Ji rolled his eyes at Ye Xiao, but his face showed jealousy, ’’No, he didn't.’’
Ye Xiao laughed loudly, ’’He didn't? He didn't invite Lang-Lang too. It seems that the Crown Prince only invited me. Hahahahaha. The Crown Prince sure has sincerity...’’
Zuo Wu-Ji's face turned green, ’’Yes. Yes. He values you a lot...’’
’’Ahahahahahah...’’ Ye Xiao stroked his horse and left in a flash.
So, all along his way, everyone came to know that... the son of the great General Ye, Ye Xiao, was invited to dinner by the Crown Prince to discuss some troublesome national affairs.
’’Why would the Crown Prince invite that foppish lord for dinner? He is one of the 'three lords in town'. What kind of national affair could the Crown Prince discuss with him...’’
’’Huh. You don't know shit! He is a foppish fool indeed, but his father, General Ye is not...’’
’’That's true...’’
’’The Crown Prince invited Ye Xiao for dinner. Would he be doing this for anything else? You know, although Ye Xiao is a foppish fool, he really has a pretty face...’’
’’Well that... Heh heh heh... Better not gossip...’’
’’Oh. It just came out from my heart. We shouldn't gossip indeed. Hahahaha...’’
’’Er huh. Er huh.’’
It was in the Crown Prince's Palace.
The Crown Princess was in a white mourning dress. She was sitting on the chair and her eyes were cold. It made her look pretty and delicate.
’’Is Ye Xiao coming soon?’’ In her eyes, there existed an aura of hostility.
[My brother just died.
He might have perished at the hands of Ye Xiao;maybe not...
But it was because of Ye Xiao after all.
My uncle brought people of my clan to take revenge, yet eight of the men died in the house of Ye.
And then all our men in the capital died outside the city wall. All dead...
With such intense and deep-seated hatred, how could I just let it go!]
’’Very soon.’’ The Crown Prince frowned and said, ’’The truth will be revealed tonight... Take it easy.’’
’’I don't care about the truth. He must die!’’ The Crown Princess wore an expression of madness, she was desperate for blood. Her pretty face was already a little bit twisted. Her hatred for Ye Xiao had seeped deep into her bones.
’’Is it really necessary?!’’ The Crown Prince was displeased and countered, ’’We don't know what exactly had happened. It might not be Ye Xiao's fault. Even if he wanted to do those things, he doesn't have that capability.’’
’’I don't care. Even if he didn't do it, I want him dead!’’ The Crown Princess gritted her teeth.
The Crown Prince held his forehead and frowned. He was annoyed, ’’You are unbelievable!’’
’’Would my brother die if not because of him? How would dozens of men from our clan come here if not because of him? If they didn't come, they wouldn't have been killed! If not because of him, how could the four guards of mine die?’’ The Crown Princess shouted, not at all willing to listen to reason.
The Crown Prince sighed and murmured, ’’You have gone mad...’’ He turned around and left.
When he was about to go through the door, a guard reported, ’’Your highness, Ye Xiao is heading to the Crown Prince's Palace. He is proudly telling everyone on the way that the Crown Prince has invited him for dinner to discuss national affairs... So far, people in every place he has passed has become aware of it now. They all believe that Ye Xiao is coming here to have dinner and discuss national affairs...’’
The Crown Prince heard him and staggered. His face turned green and he cursed in a low voice, ’’Bastard!’’
Behind him, the Crown Princess was opening her mouth. She was also astonished...
[This Ye Xiao is truly surprising, isn't he?
Nothing happened yet, and he had told the world everything.
Now in the whole capital, whoever has ears knows about this news!
I invited you for dinner?!
Yes, fine. Even though I have invited you for dinner, when the hell did I say anything about national affairs? You foppish prick! What national affair could I possibly discuss with you? Are you underestimating my IQ, or are you just a moron?]
The Crown Prince was upset.
’’This Ye Xiao is really detestable! Does he think that after he spreads such rumors, we will not do anything to hurt him? Who the hell does he think he is?!’’ The Crown Princess's face was full of hatred. The killing intent in her voice was undisguised.
’’We cannot do anything to him indeed. He is the only son of Ye Nan-Tian. That's enough to be a reason...’’ The Crown Prince rubbed his head because of a headache.
’’So that's the first reason we cannot do anything to him. The second one is... I am afraid there is a very wise man supporting him. We have to make another plan if we are to go against him!’’
The Crown Prince smiled bitterly, ’’The force of the foppish fool is something we cannot underestimate... He just told something to people and it is causing us trouble...’’
Speaking of that, he was suddenly enlightened. A thought entered his mind, [Maybe, Ye Xiao is not really a stupid foppish young lord;in fact he is very smart!]
’’The situation is quite clear. People who already know of our attitude towards him certainly know about the purpose of my invitation. Yet for those who barely know the truth, they would certainly hold a question in mind. 'To cozy up to the son of a great general, what does the Crown Prince intend to do?' My two younger brothers must be paying attention to us now.’’
He smiled, ’’This Lord Ye made such a move. It is awesome really. On the surface he is showing off that he is invited by me. In fact he was thinking deeper than that. He is getting us into trouble. It can keep him safe. At the same time he can rather enjoy the dinner this time... That is not some ordinary strategy.’’
The Crown Princess frowned and spoke lightly, ’’Enjoy? I will see what a smart guy this Ye Xiao is! I want to see how he can enjoy at our place!’’
She spoke with gritted teeth.
After a while, someone reported.
’’Your highness. Ye Xiao is at the gate.’’
The Crown Prince was in high spirits and said, ’’Open the gate. Show Lord Ye in. I will be greeting him in the middle hall.’’
The Crown Princess humphed, ’’I am going too.’’
Both of them prepared to greet Ye Xiao. It seemed they were showing great respect to him.
However, they were surely not intending to show respect...
They stood at the entrance to the middle hall and they saw a guy wearing in white coming over from the gate.
Following the guard, he was swinging along. He looked like he was trying to show an attitude of 'I am calm', 'I am handsome', 'I am indifferent'. Yet within, he couldn't help feeling proud.
The Crown Prince and Crown Princess heard the guy's voice coming over, ’’I really never thought that the Crown Prince would invite me for dinner. Hahahaha... That is in fact very reasonable. I am standing high in the city right now... I have read much for all my years. I know clearly about tactics and battles. I know all about all about the ancient philosophers. I have always been hiding my talent. That's all... Hahaha. I thought I lacked scope for my abilities and I should just waste my talent for this life. Yet the Crown Prince really has a pair of sharp eyes. He can see the best out of the ordinary. He can just find the best man no matter where he is. The real gold will shine anyway. Hahahahaha...’’
His voice sounded humble at the beginning. Yet he failed to keep it that way. He had sprouted a pair of wings at the end. One didn't need to look at him;only by hearing what he had said, one could easily imagine what he looked like at the moment.
If he didn't have the two balls between his legs, he would have flown up to the air already...
The Crown Prince's face immediately turned blue.
[You? Read much? Know about tactics and battles?
Hiding your talent?
You are... the best?
Real gold will shine among the shit...
I am the Crown Prince so I am not allowed to curse. But I am about to lose control now!]
The Crown Princess's face was twisting ever so slowly.
[Such a stupid man could really kill my brother?! Or... my brother could die because of him?
That really is an injustice...]
While Ye Xiao came closer, they finally saw the face of the Lord Ye.
He had a hair knot on his head. It seemed he had tried to bind it well, yet it was a bit skew somehow... A little bit skewed though;not a lot...
It looked weird anyway.
He didn't bind up all his hair. He left some threads hanging to his left shoulder. The hair came down along his left cheek, dangling, giving off an aura of wickedness.
The weird hair type had already made the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess feel odd.
The weird hair type was truly... unique in the world!
And then they looked at his face... Hmm. He was handsome, with long eyebrows, big and vigorous eyes, sharp nose, pretty face, small and pink lips on his mouth...
He was dressed in white, which made him look elegant. Hmm. If he was not walking in obvious splayfoot way and swinging his body, he could be much better looking...
’’Lord Ye.’’ The Crown Prince raised his hand to show his greeting.
’’Ahahaha... The Crown Prince. Your highness. I have heard many praises about you. It is my fortune to finally meet you today.’’ Ye Xiao greeted seriously with a face full of smiles, ’’It is said that in dangerous situation, it shows the true hearts of men, while in an unstable period, it reveals the loyalty of men. You can invite me for dinner at this troublesome period. There must be something important you want to discuss with me? Don't worry. I will tell everything I know and give you my true opinions... I will try my best to exclude the difficulty and anxiety, your highness.’’
He looked rather sincere with a humble voice. He looked like he was in a state of 'a man will die for his bosom friend and I owe you for being understanding and treating me well' kind of attitude.
He raised his hand and showed the bag of fruit to them, ’’Your highness. There is a small gift for you for this first honored meeting. It is a bag of fruits. The saying is quite good, that when dropping in, one needs a gift for the meeting... Heh heh. I have tried the fruit. They are quite fresh and delicious. Please accept my gift...’’
This chapter is sponsored by Nathanael Casas-perez.
Translated by - Rain
Edited by - Alpha
Share Novel Realms In The Firmament - Chapter 82 |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17610 | Tales from the Dark Side of Human Psychology
Psychological experiments can reveal a lot about how we, as a species, think and act. You only have to look at politics in the United States to see how the general populace (the majority of which can be considered educated) can condone violations of the Constitution, circumvention of the Bill of Rights and unprovoked wars based on manufactured evidence. Even so-called “modern” views of human psychology seem to peg it as something nebulous and inexplicable and irrationally seems to reign supreme.
I have written before about several enlightening psychological experiments that elucidate how human beings really think about situations., of all sites, provides a great summary of some of the most interesting and relevant research in 5 Psychological Experiments that Prove Humanity is Doomed. The article highlights research that shows that humans tend not to help others. It shows how people will actually torture and murder others based only on the mere suggestion of someone in a lab coat (and who has no authority over the subject whatsoever).
My only issue with the article (other than it’s shock-based writing style), is that it assumes that we won’t learn anything from these studies. Humanity is clearly doomed if that’s the case, and the recent transgressions in American foreign policy are but one small example. I’d like to think that rationality will eventually prevail, and that we’ll find ways to understand and tame the human propensity for apathy and violence. I just wonder how bad things will have to get before we start to make that move.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17613 | Time Series Regression V: Predictor Selection
This example shows how to select a parsimonious set of predictors with high statistical significance for multiple linear regression models. It is the fifth in a series of examples on time series regression, following the presentation in previous examples.
What are the "best" predictors for a multiple linear regression (MLR) model? Without a theoretical basis for answering this question, models may, at least initially, include a mix of "potential" predictors that degrade the quality of OLS estimates and confuse the identification of significant effects.
Ideally, a predictor set would have the following characteristics:
• Every predictor contributes to the variation in the response (necessity and parsimony)
• No additional predictors contribute to the variation in the response (sufficiency)
• No additional predictors significantly change the coefficient estimates (stability)
The realities of economic modeling, however, make it challenging to find such a set. First, there is the inevitability of omitted, significant predictors, which lead to models with biased and inefficient coefficient estimates. Other examples in this series discuss related challenges, such as correlation among predictors, correlation between predictors and omitted variables, limited sample variation, atypical data, and so forth, all of which pose problems for a purely statistical selection of "best" predictors.
Automated selection techniques use statistical significance, despite its shortcomings, as a substitute for theoretical significance. These techniques usually pick a "best" set of predictors by minimizing some measure of forecast error. Optimization constraints are used to indicate required or excluded predictors, or to set the size of the final model.
In the previous example on "Spurious Regression," it was suggested that certain transformations of predictors may be beneficial in producing a more accurate forecasting model. Selecting predictors before transformation has the advantage of retaining original units, which may be important in identifying a subset that is both meaningful and statistically significant. Typically, selection and transformation techniques are used together, with a modeling goal of achieving a simple, but still accurate, forecasting model of the response.
To examine selection techniques, we begin by loading relevant data from the previous example on "Spurious Regression":
load Data_TSReg4
For reference, we display models with a full set of predictors in both levels and differences:
M0 =
Linear regression model:
IGD ~ 1 + AGE + BBB + CPF + SPR
Estimated Coefficients:
Estimate SE tStat pValue
_________ _________ _______ _________
(Intercept) -0.22741 0.098565 -2.3072 0.034747
AGE 0.016781 0.0091845 1.8271 0.086402
BBB 0.0042728 0.0026757 1.5969 0.12985
CPF -0.014888 0.0038077 -3.91 0.0012473
SPR 0.045488 0.033996 1.338 0.1996
Number of observations: 21, Error degrees of freedom: 16
Root Mean Squared Error: 0.0763
R-squared: 0.621, Adjusted R-Squared: 0.526
MD1 =
Linear regression model:
D1IGD ~ 1 + AGE + D1BBB + D1CPF + D1SPR
Estimated Coefficients:
Estimate SE tStat pValue
_________ _________ ________ _________
(Intercept) -0.089492 0.10843 -0.82535 0.4221
AGE 0.015193 0.012574 1.2083 0.24564
D1BBB -0.023538 0.020066 -1.173 0.25909
D1CPF -0.015707 0.0046294 -3.393 0.0040152
D1SPR -0.03663 0.04017 -0.91187 0.37626
Number of observations: 20, Error degrees of freedom: 15
Root Mean Squared Error: 0.106
R-squared: 0.49, Adjusted R-Squared: 0.354
F-statistic vs. constant model: 3.61, p-value = 0.0298
Stepwise Regression
Many approaches to predictor selection use t-statistics of estimated coefficients, and F-statistics of groups of coefficients, to measure statistical significance. When using these statistics, it must be remembered that omitting predictors with insignificant individual contributions can hide a significant joint contribution. Also, t and F statistics can be unreliable in the presence of collinearity or trending variables. As such, data issues should be addressed prior to predictor selection.
Stepwise regression is a systematic procedure for adding and removing MLR predictors based on F statistics. The procedure begins with an initial subset of the potential predictors, including any considered to be theoretically significant. At each step, the p-value of an F-statistic (that is, the square of a t-statistic with an identical p-value) is computed to compare models with and without one of the potential predictors. If a predictor is not currently in the model, the null hypothesis is that it would have a zero coefficient if added to the model. If there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis, the predictor is added to the model. Conversely, if a predictor is currently in the model, the null hypothesis is that it has a zero coefficient. If there is insufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis, the predictor is removed from the model. At any step, the procedure may remove predictors that have been added or add predictors that have been removed.
Stepwise regression proceeds as follows:
1. Fit the initial model.
2. If any predictors not in the model have p-values less than an entrance tolerance (that is, if it is unlikely that they would have zero coefficient if added to the model), add the one with the smallest p-value and repeat this step; otherwise, go to step 3.
3. If any predictors in the model have p-values greater than an exit tolerance (that is, if it is unlikely that the hypothesis of a zero coefficient can be rejected), remove the one with the largest p-value and go to step 2; otherwise, end.
Depending on the initial model and the order in which predictors are moved in and out, the procedure may build different models from the same set of potential predictors. The procedure terminates when no single step improves the model. There is no guarantee, however, that a different initial model and a different sequence of steps will not lead to a better fit. In this sense, stepwise models are locally optimal, but may not be globally optimal. The procedure is nevertheless efficient in avoiding an assessment of every possible subset of potential predictors, and often produces useful results in practice.
The function stepwiselm (equivalent to the static method LinearModel.stepwise) carries out stepwise regression automatically. By default, it includes a constant in the model, starts from an empty set of predictors, and uses entrance/exit tolerances on the F-statistic p-values of 0.05 / 0.10. The following applies stepwiselm to the original set of potential predictors, setting an upper bound of Linear on the model, which limits the procedure by not including squared or interaction terms when searching for the model with the lowest root-mean-squared error (RMSE):
M0SW = stepwiselm(DataTable,'Upper','Linear')
1. Adding CPF, FStat = 6.22, pValue = 0.022017
2. Adding BBB, FStat = 10.4286, pValue = 0.00465235
M0SW =
Linear regression model:
IGD ~ 1 + BBB + CPF
Estimated Coefficients:
Estimate SE tStat pValue
_________ _________ _______ __________
(Intercept) -0.087741 0.071106 -1.234 0.23309
BBB 0.0074389 0.0023035 3.2293 0.0046523
CPF -0.016187 0.0039682 -4.0792 0.00070413
Number of observations: 21, Error degrees of freedom: 18
Root Mean Squared Error: 0.0808
R-squared: 0.523, Adjusted R-Squared: 0.47
F-statistic vs. constant model: 9.87, p-value = 0.00128
The display shows the active predictors at termination. The F-tests choose two predictors with optimal joint significance, BBB and CPF. These are not the predictors with the most significant individual t-statistics, AGE and CPF, in the full model M0. The RMSE of the reduced model, 0.0808, is comparable to the RMSE of M0, 0.0763. The slight increase is the price of parsimony.
For comparison, we apply the procedure to the full set of differenced predictors (with AGE undifferenced) in MD1:
MD1SW = stepwiselm(D1X0,D1y0,'Upper','Linear','VarNames',[predNamesD1,respNameD1])
1. Adding D1CPF, FStat = 9.7999, pValue = 0.0057805
Linear regression model:
D1IGD ~ 1 + D1CPF
Estimated Coefficients:
Estimate SE tStat pValue
_________ _________ _______ _________
(Intercept) 0.0097348 0.024559 0.39638 0.69649
D1CPF -0.014783 0.0047222 -3.1305 0.0057805
Number of observations: 20, Error degrees of freedom: 18
Root Mean Squared Error: 0.109
R-squared: 0.353, Adjusted R-Squared: 0.317
F-statistic vs. constant model: 9.8, p-value = 0.00578
The RMSE of the reduced model, 0.109, is again comparable to that of MD1, 0.106. The stepwise procedure pares down the model to a single predictor, D1CPF, with its significantly smaller p-value.
The RMSE, of course, is no guarantee of forecast performance, especially with small samples. Since there is a theoretical basis for including an aging effect in models of credit default [5], we might want to force AGE into the model. This is done in by fixing D1IGD ~ AGE as both the initial model and as a lower bound on all models considered:
MD1SWA = stepwiselm(D1X0,D1y0,'D1IGD~AGE',...
1. Adding D1CPF, FStat = 10.9238, pValue = 0.00418364
Linear regression model:
D1IGD ~ 1 + AGE + D1CPF
Estimated Coefficients:
Estimate SE tStat pValue
_________ _________ _______ _________
(Intercept) -0.11967 0.10834 -1.1047 0.2847
AGE 0.015463 0.012617 1.2255 0.23708
D1CPF -0.015523 0.0046967 -3.3051 0.0041836
Number of observations: 20, Error degrees of freedom: 17
Root Mean Squared Error: 0.108
R-squared: 0.405, Adjusted R-Squared: 0.335
F-statistic vs. constant model: 5.79, p-value = 0.0121
The RMSE is slightly reduced, highlighting the local nature of the search. For this reason, multiple stepwise searches are recommended, moving forward from an empty initial model and backwards from a full initial model, while fixing any theoretically important predictors. Comparison of local minima, in the context of theory, produces the most reliable results.
The stepwise regression procedure can be examined in more detail using the function stepwise, which allows interaction at each step, and the function Example_StepwiseTrace, which displays the history of coefficient estimates throughout the selection process.
Information Criteria
Stepwise regression compares nested models, using F-tests that are equivalent to likelihood ratio tests. To compare models that are not extensions or restrictions of each other, information criteria (IC) are often used. There are several common varieties, but all attempt to balance a measure of in-sample fit with a penalty for increasing the number of model coefficients. The Akaike information criterion (AIC) and the Bayes information criterion (BIC) are computed by the ModelCriterion method of the LinearModel class. We compare measures using the full set of predictors in both levels and differences:
AIC0 = M0.ModelCriterion.AIC
AIC0 = -44.1593
BIC0 = M0.ModelCriterion.BIC
BIC0 = -38.9367
AICD1 = MD1.ModelCriterion.AIC
AICD1 = -28.7196
BICD1 = MD1.ModelCriterion.BIC
BICD1 = -23.7410
Because both models estimate the same number of coefficients, AIC and BIC favor M0, with the lower RMSE.
We might also want to compare MD1 to the best reduced model found by stepwise regression, MD1SWA:
AICD1SWA = MD1SWA.ModelCriterion.AIC
AICD1SWA = -29.6239
BICD1SWA = MD1SWA.ModelCriterion.BIC
BICD1SWA = -26.6367
Both measures are reduced as a result of fewer coefficient estimates, but the model still does not make up for the increased RMSE relative to M0, which resulted from differencing to correct for spurious regression.
Cross Validation
Another common model comparison technique is cross validation. Like information criteria, cross-validation can be used to compare nonnested models, and penalize a model for overfitting. The difference is that cross validation evaluates a model in the context of out-of-sample forecast performance, rather than in-sample fit.
In standard cross-validation, data is split at random into a training set and a test set. Model coefficients are estimated with the training set, then used to predict response values in the test set. Training and test sets are shuffled at random, and the process is carried out repeatedly. Small prediction errors, on average, across all of the test sets, indicate good forecast performance for the model predictors. There is no need to adjust for the number of coefficients, as in information criteria, since different data are used for fitting and estimation. Overfitting becomes apparent in the forecast performance.
Cross-validation is a generalization of "split sample" or "hold out" techniques, where only a single subset is used to estimate prediction error. There is statistical evidence that cross-validation is a much better procedure for small data sets [2]. Asymptotically, minimizing the cross-validation error of a linear model is equivalent to minimizing AIC or BIC [6], [7].
For time series data, the procedure has some complications. Time series data are generally not independent, so random training sets taken from anywhere in the time base may be correlated with random test sets. Cross-validation can behave erratically in this situation [3]. One solution is to test for an L such that observations at time t1 are uncorrelated with observations at time t2 for |t1-t2|>L (see the example on "Residual Diagnostics"), then select training and test sets with sufficient separation. Another solution is to use sufficiently many test sets so that correlation effects are washed out by the random sampling. The procedure can be repeated using test sets of different sizes, and the sensitivity of the results can be evaluated.
Standard cross-validation is carried out by the crossval function. By default, data is randomly partitioned into 10 subsamples, each of which is used once as a test set (10-fold cross-validation). An average MSE is then computed across the tests. The following compares M0 to MD1SWA. Because the data has ~20 observations (one more for the undifferenced data), the default test sets have a size of 2:
yFit = @(XTrain,yTrain,XTest)(XTest*regress(yTrain,XTrain));
cvMSE0 = crossval('MSE',X0,y0,'predfun',yFit);
cvRMSE0 = sqrt(cvMSE0)
cvRMSE0 = 0.0954
cvMSED1SWA = crossval('MSE',D1X0(:,[1 3]),D1y0,'predfun',yFit);
cvRMSED1SWA = sqrt(cvMSED1SWA)
cvRMSED1SWA = 0.1409
The RMSEs are slightly higher than those found previously, 0.0763 and 0.108, respectively, and again favor the full, original set of predictors.
Finally, we consider the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator, or lasso [4], [8]. The lasso is a regularization technique similar to ridge regression (discussed in the example on "Collinearity & Estimator Variance"), but with an important difference that is useful for predictor selection. Consider the following, equivalent formulation of the ridge estimator:
where SSE is the error (residual) sum of squares for the regression. Essentially, the ridge estimator minimizes SSE while penalizing for large coefficients βi. As the ridge parameter k>0 increases, the penalty shrinks coefficient estimates toward 0 in an attempt to reduce the large variances produced by nearly collinear predictors.
The lasso estimator has a similar formulation:
The change in the penalty looks minor, but it affects the estimator in important ways. Like the ridge estimator, βˆlasso is biased toward zero (giving up the "U" in BLUE). Unlike the ridge estimator, however, βˆlasso is not linear in the response values yt (giving up the "L" in BLUE). This fundamentally changes the nature of the estimation procedure. The new geometry allows coefficient estimates to shrink to zero for finite values of k, effectively selecting a subset of the predictors.
Lasso is implemented by the lasso function. By default, lasso estimates the regression for a range of parameters k, computing the MSE at each value. We set 'CV' to 10 to compute the MSEs by 10-fold cross-validation. The function lassoPlot displays traces of the coefficient estimates:
[lassoBetas,lassoInfo] = lasso(X0,y0,'CV',10);
[hax,hfig] = lassoPlot(lassoBetas,lassoInfo,'PlotType','Lambda');
hax.XGrid = 'on';
hax.YGrid = 'on';
hax.GridLineStyle = '-';
hax.Title.String = '{\bf Lasso Trace}';
hax.XLabel.String = 'Lasso Parameter';
hlplot = hax.Children;
hMSEs = hlplot(5:6);
htraces = hlplot(4:-1:1);
hfig.HandleVisibility = 'on';
Larger values of k appear on the left, with the OLS estimates on the right, reversing the direction of a typical ridge trace. The degrees of freedom for the model (the number of nonzero coefficient estimates) increases from left to right, along the top of the plot. The dashed vertical lines show the k values with minimum MSE (on the right), and minimum MSE plus one standard error (on the left). In this case, the minimum occurs for the OLS estimates, k=0, exactly as for ridge regression. The one-standard-error value is often used as a guideline for choosing a smaller model with good fit [1].
The plot suggests AGE and CPF as a possible subset of the original predictors. We perform another stepwise regression with these predictors forced into the model:
M0SWAC = stepwiselm(X0,y0,'IGD~AGE+CPF',...
1. Adding BBB, FStat = 4.9583, pValue = 0.039774
Linear regression model:
IGD ~ 1 + AGE + BBB + CPF
Estimated Coefficients:
Estimate SE tStat pValue
_________ _________ _______ _________
(Intercept) -0.14474 0.078556 -1.8424 0.082921
AGE 0.013621 0.0090796 1.5001 0.15192
BBB 0.0056359 0.002531 2.2267 0.039774
CPF -0.015299 0.0038825 -3.9405 0.0010548
Number of observations: 21, Error degrees of freedom: 17
Root Mean Squared Error: 0.0781
R-squared: 0.579, Adjusted R-Squared: 0.504
F-statistic vs. constant model: 7.79, p-value = 0.00174
The regression also moves BBB into the model, with a resulting RMSE below the value of 0.0808 found earlier by stepwise regression from an empty initial model, M0SW, which selected BBB and CPF alone.
Because including BBB increases the number of estimated coefficients, we use AIC and BIC to compare the more parsimonious 2-predictor model M0AC found by the lasso to the expanded 3-predictor model M0SWAC:
M0AC = fitlm(DataTable(:,[1 3 5]))
M0AC =
Linear regression model:
IGD ~ 1 + AGE + CPF
Estimated Coefficients:
Estimate SE tStat pValue
_________ _________ ________ _________
(Intercept) -0.056025 0.074779 -0.74921 0.46341
AGE 0.023221 0.0088255 2.6311 0.016951
CPF -0.011699 0.0038988 -3.0008 0.0076727
Number of observations: 21, Error degrees of freedom: 18
Root Mean Squared Error: 0.0863
R-squared: 0.456, Adjusted R-Squared: 0.395
F-statistic vs. constant model: 7.54, p-value = 0.00418
AIC0AC = M0AC.ModelCriterion.AIC
AIC0AC = -40.5574
BIC0AC = M0AC.ModelCriterion.BIC
BIC0AC = -37.4238
AIC0SWAC = M0SWAC.ModelCriterion.AIC
AIC0SWAC = -43.9319
BIC0SWAC = M0SWAC.ModelCriterion.BIC
BIC0SWAC = -39.7538
The lower RMSE is enough to compensate for the extra predictor, and both criteria choose the 3-predictor model over the 2-predictor model.
Comparing Models
The procedures described here suggest a number of reduced models with statistical characteristics comparable to the models with the full set of original, or differenced, predictors. We summarize the results:
M0 Model with the original predictors, AGE, BBB, CPF, and SPR.
M0SW Submodel of M0 found by stepwise regression, starting from an empty model. It includes BBB and CPF.
M0SWAC Submodel of M0 found by stepwise regression, starting from a model that forces in AGE and CPF. Suggested by lasso. It includes AGE, BBB, and CPF.
MD1 Model with the original predictor AGE and the differenced predictors D1BBB, D1CPF, and D1SPR. Suggested by integration and stationarity testing in the example on "Spurious Regression."
MD1SW Submodel of MD1 found by stepwise regression, starting from an empty model. It includes D1CPF.
MD1SWA Submodel of MD1 found by stepwise regression, starting from a model that forces in AGE. Suggested by theory. It includes AGE and D1CPF.
% Compute missing information:
AIC0SW = M0SW.ModelCriterion.AIC;
BIC0SW = M0SW.ModelCriterion.BIC;
AICD1SW = MD1SW.ModelCriterion.AIC;
BICD1SW = MD1SW.ModelCriterion.BIC;
% Create model comparison table:
Models = table(RMSE,AIC,BIC,...
Models=6×3 table
________ _______ _______
M0 0.076346 -44.159 -38.937
M0SW 0.080768 -43.321 -40.188
M0SWAC 0.078101 -43.932 -39.754
MD1 0.10613 -28.72 -23.741
MD1SW 0.10921 -29.931 -27.939
MD1SWA 0.10771 -29.624 -26.637
Models involving the original, undifferenced data get generally higher marks (lower RMSEs and ICs) than models using differenced data, but the possibility of spurious regression, which led to consideration of the differenced data in the first place, must be remembered. In each model category, the results are mixed. The original models with the most predictors (M0, MD1) have the lowest RMSEs in their category, but there are reduced models with lower AICs (M0SWAC, MD1SW, MD1SWA) and lower BICs (M0SW, M0SWAC, MD1SW, MD1SWA). It is not unusual for information criteria to suggest smaller models, or for different information criteria to disagree (M0SW, M0SWAC). Also, there are many combinations of the original and differenced predictors that we have not included in our analysis. Practitioners must decide how much parsimony is enough, in the context of larger modeling goals.
This example compares a number of predictor selection techniques in the context of a practical economic forecasting model. Many such techniques have been developed for experimental situations where data collection leads to a huge number of potential predictors, and statistical techniques are the only practical sorting method. In a situation with more limited data options, purely statistical techniques can lead to an array of potential models with comparable measures of goodness of fit. Theoretical considerations, as always, must play a crucial role in economic model selection, while statistics are used to select among competing proxies for relevant economic factors.
[1] Brieman, L., J. H. Friedman, R. A. Olshen, and C. J. Stone. Classification and Regression Trees. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC, 1984.
[2] Goutte, C. "Note on Free Lunches and Cross-Validation." Neural Computation. Vol. 9, 1997, pp. 1211-1215.
[3] Hart, J. D. "Kernel Regression Estimation With Time Series Errors." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, Vol. 53, 1991, pp. 173-187.
[4] Hastie, T., R. Tibshirani, and J. Friedman. The Elements of Statistical Learning. New York: Springer, 2008.
[5] Jonsson, J. G., and M. Fridson. "Forecasting Default Rates on High Yield Bonds." Journal of Fixed Income. Vol. 6, No. 1, 1996, pp. 69-77.
[6] Shao, J. "An Asymptotic Theory for Linear Model Selection." Statistica Sinica. Vol. 7, 1997, pp. 221-264.
[7] Stone, M. "An Asymptotic Equivalence of Choice of Model by Cross-Validation and Akaike's Criterion." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, Vol. 39, 1977, pp. 44-47.
[8] Tibshirani, R. "Regression Shrinkage and Selection Via the Lasso." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B. Vol 58, No. 1, 1996, pp. 267-288. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17622 | Danger of using a compressor when changing engine oil
Danger of using a compressor when changing engine oil
Danger of using a compressor when changing engine oil – All vehicle owners already know the magic to always change engine oil according to distance or time. Considered as a matter of course, vehicle owners can do it themselves or use the services of a non-official workshop.
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Seeing the explanation above, start from now, always check periodically at official workshops. Use a trusted workshop that understands the correct maintenance and repair of vehicles with the right techniques, including when changing vehicle oil.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17662 | Jump to: Webster'sConcordanceThesaurusGreekHebrewSubtopicsTerms
Bible Concordance
Abiding (40 Occurrences)
Luke 2:8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. (KJV ASV DBY WBS)
Luke 5:26 Amazement seized them all. "Glory to God!" was the abiding feeling. Yet fear flashed through their minds and they said, "We have seen strange things to-day." (WEY)
John 5:38 And ye have not his word abiding in you: for whom he hath sent, him ye believe not. (KJV ASV DBY WBS NAS RSV)
John 14:25 These things have I spoken unto you, while 'yet' abiding with you. (ASV DBY NAS)
Acts 1:13 And when they were come in, they went up into the upper chamber, where they were abiding; both Peter and John and James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James 'the son' of Alphaeus, and Simon the Zealot, and Judas 'the son' of James. (ASV YLT)
Acts 12:19 and Herod having sought for him, and not having found, having examined the guards, did command 'them' to be led away to punishment, and having gone down from Judea to Cesarea, he was abiding 'there'. (YLT)
Acts 16:12 And from thence to Philippi, which is the chief city of that part of Macedonia, and a colony: and we were in that city abiding certain days. (KJV WBS YLT)
Hebrews 10:34 For ye both had compassion on them that were in bonds, and took joyfully the spoiling of you possessions, knowing that ye have for yourselves a better possession and an abiding one. (ASV DBY RSV)
Hebrews 13:14 For we have not here an abiding city, but we seek after 'the city' which is to come. (ASV DBY YLT)
1 Peter 1:23 being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the living and abiding word of God. (DBY RSV)
1 John 3:15 Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. (KJV ASV DBY WBS NAS RSV)
Numbers 9:22 Whether it were two days, or a month, or a year, that the cloud tarried upon the tabernacle, abiding thereon, the children of Israel remained encamped, and journeyed not; but when it was taken up, they journeyed. (ASV JPS RSV)
Numbers 22:5 and he sendeth messengers unto Balaam son of Beor, to Pethor, which 'is' by the River of the land of the sons of his people, to call for him, saying, 'Lo, a people hath come out of Egypt; lo, it hath covered the eye of the land, and it is abiding over-against me; (YLT)
Numbers 24:2 And Balaam lifted up his eyes, and he saw Israel abiding in his tents according to their tribes; and the spirit of God came upon him. (KJV WBS)
Judges 16:9 Now there were men lying in wait, abiding with her in the chamber. And she said unto him, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. And he brake the withes, as a thread of tow is broken when it toucheth the fire. So his strength was not known. (KJV JPS ASV WBS YLT)
Judges 16:12 Delilah therefore took new ropes, and bound him therewith, and said unto him, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. And there were liers in wait abiding in the chamber. And he brake them from off his arms like a thread. (KJV JPS ASV WBS YLT)
1 Samuel 13:16 and Saul, and Jonathan his son, and the people who are found with them, are abiding in Gibeah of Benjamin, and the Philistines have encamped in Michmash. (YLT)
1 Samuel 14:2 And Saul is abiding at the extremity of Gibeah, under the pomegranate which 'is' in Migron, and the people who 'are' with him, about six hundred men, (YLT)
1 Samuel 22:6 And Saul heareth that David hath become known, and the men who 'are' with him, and Saul is abiding in Gibeah, under the grove in Ramah, and his spear 'is' in his hand, and all his servants standing by him. (YLT)
1 Samuel 24:3 He came to the sheep pens by the way, where there was a cave; and Saul went in to relieve himself. Now David and his men were abiding in the innermost parts of the cave. (WEB ASV DBY YLT)
1 Samuel 30:24 and who doth hearken to you in this thing? for as the portion of him who was brought down into battle, so also 'is' the portion of him who is abiding by the vessels -- alike they share.' (YLT)
2 Samuel 16:3 And the king saith, 'And where 'is' the son of thy lord?' and Ziba saith unto the king, 'Lo, he is abiding in Jerusalem, for he said, To-day do the house of Israel give back to me the kingdom of my father.' (YLT)
2 Samuel 19:32 and Barzillai 'is' very aged, a son of eighty years, and he hath sustained the king in his abiding in Mahanaim, for he 'is' a very great man; (YLT)
1 Kings 8:13 I have surely built a house of habitation for Thee; a fixed place for Thine abiding to the ages.' (YLT)
1 Kings 17:19 And he saith unto her, 'Give to me thy son;' and he taketh him out of her bosom, and taketh him up unto the upper chamber where he is abiding, and layeth him on his own bed, (YLT)
2 Kings 2:18 and they turn back unto him -- and he is abiding in Jericho -- and he saith unto them, 'Did I not say unto you, Do not go?' (YLT)
1 Chronicles 29:15 For we are strangers before you, and foreigners, as all our fathers were: our days on the earth are as a shadow, and there is no abiding. (WEB KJV JPS ASV WBS YLT RSV)
2 Chronicles 32:10 Thus said Sennacherib king of Asshur, On what are ye trusting and abiding in the bulwark, in Jerusalem? (YLT)
Daniel 6:26 From before me is made a decree, that in every dominion of my kingdom they are trembling and fearing before the God of Daniel, for He 'is' the living God, and abiding to the ages, and His kingdom that which 'is' not destroyed, and His dominion 'is' unto the end. (YLT)
Haggai 2:5 The word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt have I established, and My spirit abideth among you; fear ye not. (See NAS)
Zechariah 7:7 Are not 'these' the words that Jehovah proclaimed by the hand of the former prophets, in Jerusalem's being inhabited, and 'in' safety, and its cities round about it, and the south and the plain -- abiding?' (YLT)
Abiding (40 Occurrences)
...Abiding (40 Occurrences). Luke 2:8 And there were in the same country shepherds
abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. (KJV ASV DBY WBS) ...
/a/abiding.htm - 19k
Breaketh (49 Occurrences)
... Judges 16:9 And the ambush is abiding with her in an inner chamber, and she saith
unto him, 'Philistines 'are' upon thee, Samson;' and he breaketh the withs as ...
/b/breaketh.htm - 21k
Liers-in-wait (10 Occurrences)
... (ASV JPS). Judges 16:9 Now she had liers-in-wait abiding in the inner chamber. ...
And the liers-in-wait were abiding in the inner chamber. ...
/l/liers-in-wait.htm - 10k
Creation (35 Occurrences)
... kre-a'-shun (bara' "to create"; ktisis, "that which is created," "creature"): 1.
Creation as Abiding 2. Mistaken Ideas 3. True Conception 4. The Genesis ...
/c/creation.htm - 34k
Assurance (16 Occurrences)
... The attainment of this grace is a duty, and is to be diligently sought. "Genuine
assurance naturally leads to a legitimate and abiding peace and joy, and to ...
/a/assurance.htm - 16k
Brake (80 Occurrences)
... (KJV ASV). Judges 16:9 Now there were men lying in wait, abiding with her in the
chamber. ... And there were liers in wait abiding in the chamber. ...
/b/brake.htm - 34k
... of Doctrine (1) Source in God (2) Mediated by Christ (3) Through the Spirit (4)
The Divine "Begetting" (5) The "Children of God" (6) The Divine Abiding VII. ...
/j/johannine.htm - 38k
Grace (277 Occurrences)
... As one may think of entering Christianity, abiding in it, or falling from it, so
one may speak of entering into (Romans 5:2), abiding in (Acts 13:43), or ...
/g/grace.htm - 64k
... Johanan ben Zaqqay, about 80 AD) The contrast between these two ages is (especially
with Paul) that between the evil and transitory, and the perfect and abiding...
/e/eschatology.htm - 70k
Home (270 Occurrences)
... ancestors dwell or dwelt. 4. (n.) The abiding place of the affections,
especially of the domestic affections. 5. (n.) The locality ...
/h/ - 36k
3438. mone -- an abiding, an abode
... an abiding, an abode. Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: mone Phonetic
Spelling: (mon-ay') Short Definition: lodging, dwelling-place, room ...
/greek/3438.htm - 6k
/greek/1731.htm - 8k
3306. meno -- to stay, abide, remain
... verb Definition to stay, abide, remain NASB Word Usage abide (16), abides (22),
abiding (4), await (1), continue (4), continues (1), endures (3), enduring (1 ...
/greek/3306.htm - 8k
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
1. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Abide.
2. (a.) Continuing; lasting.
Strong's Hebrew
5116b. naveh -- dwelling, abiding
... << 5116a, 5116b. naveh. 5116c >>. dwelling, abiding. Transliteration: naveh
Short Definition: remains. Word Origin from the same as naveh ...
/hebrew/5116b.htm - 5k
8454. tushiyyah -- sound, efficient wisdom, abiding success
... << 8453, 8454. tushiyyah. 8455 >>. sound, efficient wisdom, abiding success.
/hebrew/8454.htm - 6k
4723. miqveh -- a hope
... a hope. Transliteration: miqveh Phonetic Spelling: (mik-veh') Short Definition:
abiding. abiding, gathering together, hope, linen yarn, plenty of water, pool ...
/hebrew/4723.htm - 5k
5596. saphach -- to join, attach to
... abiding, gather together, cleave, smite with the scab. Or saphach (Isaiah
3:17) {saw-fakh'}; a primitive root; properly, to scrape ...
/hebrew/5596.htm - 6k
5975. amad -- to take one's stand, stand
... root Definition to take one's stand, stand NASB Word Usage abiding (1), act (1),
appoint (2), appointed (15), arise (11), arisen (1), arose (3), attend* (1 ...
/hebrew/5975.htm - 7k
1482. gur -- a whelp
... whelp, young one. Or (shortened) gur {goor}; perhaps from guwr; a cub (as still
abiding in the lair), especially of the lion -- whelp, young one. ...
/hebrew/1482.htm - 6k
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Breaketh (49 Occurrences)
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Home (270 Occurrences)
Home (270 Occurrences)
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Jeroboam (96 Occurrences)
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Grove (23 Occurrences)
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Flashed (12 Occurrences)
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To-day (208 Occurrences)
Tenants (18 Occurrences)
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Relieve (14 Occurrences)
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Encamping (24 Occurrences)
Demon-possessed (16 Occurrences)
Destroyeth (38 Occurrences)
Minds (137 Occurrences)
Macedo'nia (20 Occurrences)
Mansion (1 Occurrence)
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Philip'pi (6 Occurrences)
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Principal (28 Occurrences)
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Bulwark (29 Occurrences)
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Comfortless (1 Occurrence)
Circumcision (98 Occurrences)
Christ's (64 Occurrences)
Clothed (153 Occurrences)
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Continual (55 Occurrences)
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Access (9 Occurrences)
Abide (162 Occurrences)
Awful (20 Occurrences)
Smelling (8 Occurrences)
Sympathised (1 Occurrence)
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Seized (118 Occurrences)
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17668 |
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CTD Bug[edit source]
Causes crashes in when spawned with a friendly ball (in Added in Afterbirth † Pokey Mans challenge) and then entering another room. Please report if you have the same issue so I can find a connection to put in a bug report. If you figure it out, submit a bug report at [email protected]
Specifics about my save and system:
• Debian GNU/Linux Sid (on 4.4.6-3)
• Intel/Mesa graphics
• GNOME (X11)
• AB 1001%, all challenges except Pokey Mans beat, full post-it for Apollyon, Isaac, Cain.
Currently trying to reproduce and grab the logs, then I'll submit the bug report. Kcfgs9ikgmhad92o (talk) 00:31, 10 January 2017 (UTC)
Update: also applies to scarred guts. I was testing using the Pokey Mans challenge and got the following error in the log:
[ASSERT] - Invalid entity position detected: -nan, -nan
Update 2: the same bug occurs outside of the challenge if you catch a guts.
I am submitting my bug report and will link to this page, Kcfgs9ikgmhad92o (talk) 01:04, 10 January 2017 (UTC). |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17673 | LAST REVIEW: 22Th July 201.9
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17691 | XML Inclusions (XInclude)
The W3C‘s XML Inclusions standard has just reached Proposed Recommendation status.
This document specifies a processing model and syntax for general purpose inclusion. Inclusion is accomplished by merging a number of XML information sets into a single composite infoset. Specification of the XML documents (infosets) to be merged and control over the merging process is expressed in XML-friendly syntax (elements, attributes, URI references).
This seems really like our overlay mechanism, but a bit more complicated. The listed authors are two guys, one at Microsoft and the other at BEA Systems. Does anyone know if any Mozilla people were involved?
One thought on “XML Inclusions (XInclude)
1. Would be an interesting idea to start using this on RSS feeds. If the main rss file was just a set of pointers to the actual data in separate files, RSS feeds could use much less bandwidth than they currently do – even for people using static files for their RSS. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17692 |
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MPLS/VPN-over-GRE-over-IPSec: Does it really work?
Short answer: yes, it does.
During the geeky chat we had just after we’d finished recording the Data Center Fabric Packet Pushers podcast, Kurt (@networkjanitor) Bales asked me whether the MPLS/VPN-over-DMVPN scenarios I’m describing in Enterprise MPLS/VPN Deployment webinar (register here) really work (they do seem a bit complex).
I always test the router configurations I use in my webinars and I usually share them with the attendees. Immediately after registering for the Enterprise MPLS/VPN Deployment webinar you get access to complete sets of router configurations covering 10 scenarios, including five different MPLS/VPN-over-DMVPN designs, so you can easily test them in your lab and verify that they do work. But what about a live deployment?
To be honest, we don’t have a large-scale MPLS/VPN-over-DMVPN live deployment yet (if you do, please share as much as you can in the comments), but Phase 1 DMVPN is not much different from MPLS/VPN-over-(P2P)GRE-over-IPSec ... and we’ve built a 1500+ site network using that solution for one of our customers.
It all started pretty innocently: the customer wanted to reduce costs by replacing their Frame Relay/ATM core with MPLS/VPN WAN services offered by the local service providers. They have to keep different departments using their network strictly separate and MPLS/VPN was the only scalable solution (you don’t want to hear about the design I did for them 15+ years ago).
None of the service providers that they could use was able to provider Carrier’s Carrier services; some of them were severely limited in their routing options (BGP? What BGP? How do you spell that?). As the customer wanted to be totally provider-independent, GRE tunnels were the only option – if you use connected interfaces as tunnel sources, you don’t have to exchange any routing information with the WAN connectivity provider. By building multiple parallel GRE infrastructures (one over each SP network), our customer got total WAN independence and is able to mix-and-match service providers on as-needed basis (they only have to make sure critical sites are connected to at least two providers for redundancy reasons). It’s amazing how that ability helps you in the negotiation process.
Transporting sensitive data across IP infrastructure operated by the service providers was never an option, so we had to add IPsec to the mix, resulting in the stack mentioned in the article title.
Was it easy? Definitely not. Most of the problems were caused by the scale of the project: if you want to run IPsec at gigabit speeds, you need hardware encryption. When we were building the network, Catalyst 6500 was the only reasonable option ... but while it can easily handle MPLS/VPN or GRE or IPsec, it hiccups when you try to do all three things on a single packet. In the end, we had to deploy dual tier architecture similar to this design.
Device configuration was also a challenge: when adding a new site, you have to add bits-and-pieces of configuration to multiple boxes (including the firewalls I haven’t even mentioned yet) and relying on manual configuration process would quickly result in a total mess. Solution: configuration builder, a custom-developed tool that accepts a few parameters describing a new site (or modified parameters of an already deployed site) and generates the configuration snippets that are then downloaded to the network devices.
Intrigued? Would this design solve some of your problems? Get in touch with our Professional Services team and they’ll help you design and deploy it in your network.
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1. NotsoAnonymous29 March, 2011 02:38
One of the "Critical Things" that people tend to forget while doing anything (Anytihng means all domains in life including Developing Apps, Configuring networks, civil engineering etc) is the simplest way to find the solution is THE best solution.
But unfortunately, the general perception is that the more complex you get, the most expert you are. :( I agree with the expert part but not an Intelligent Expert. 8-)
2. Ivan Pepelnjak30 March, 2011 08:04
Absolutely agree with all you say. Do you see a simpler solution satisfying the following business requirements:
(A) Using IP connectivity (MPLS/VPN services or otherwise) from multiple SPs and being completely independent from them and their (in)capabilities of supporting customer's routing and convergence requirements;
(B) Encrypting sensitive traffic;
(C) Maintaining strict isolation between departments.
3. NotsoAnonymous31 March, 2011 00:00
I dont mean to get in a conflict here or something and please dont take this personally as I just expressed an thought that came in my mind. O:-)
These conditions "completely independent from ISP" and "(in)capabilities ....". Its like someone thinks of them as the greatest expert and just dont believe in anyone else's capabilites. I understand that there are incapabilites dealing with ISP but as I said, we have to work with people as well (to get things resolved) rather than going around people.
For instance, If I think that my organzation's network team is not capable enough to handle STP/L3 Routing issues. Then I can just configure some workaround through Flex Links or EEM to do the job. I am sure somebody can come up with a working solution but the real solution is to get the right people or train the exisitng ones.
4. Ivan Pepelnjak31 March, 2011 07:04
Now is my time to say "I didn't want this to become confrontational". Obviously I was having a harried day yesterday O:-)
Unfortunately, the reality of MPLS/VPN services (as offered by some SPs) is that they simply cannot satisfy the customers' needs. If the only routing option a SP offers is "OSPF or static routes" and you want to use two SPs, you're (almost) stuck.
It's not that the engineers working for that particular SP would be bad. They are usually pretty good engineers and some of them are great people. However, they have to live with the business reality (read: service definition) of their organization and can't help you even when they would know how to.
Anyhow, thanks for the nudges - you gave me food for at least 3 additional blog posts on this topic.
5. There is a very large deployment at a company called first data. They use 2547overDMVPN and cisco is well aware of this deployment. ASR platforms are being used to deliver high performance routing in this environment.
6. Ivan Pepelnjak31 March, 2011 20:00
Thank you!
7. One of the biggest problems with MPLSoDMVPN is around the establishment of spoke to spoke tunnels, ie it is not really supported. So voice for example has some issues, going back via a hub is not always ideal.
Now there is this:
NHRP and and IGP is no longer needed and the NBMA address is gleaned fro BGP. This combined with GET VPN really gives me hope for MPLSomGREoIPSEC.
I have labbed it up and it seem to work fantastically. The only thing that is hard to deal with is MTU and ensuring that the encryption is always done in the fast path by not fragmenting after gre encapulation or after encryption.
8. Ivan Pepelnjak12 April, 2011 07:28
There are at least three ways (documented in my webinar, together with tested lab configs) to get spoke-to-spoke traffic flowing directly in MPLSoDMVPN environment ... but admittedly you might stumble across someone claiming it's not supported (that's always a great excuse when trying not to focus on the problem).
MPLS over mGRE is another great solution (also covered in my webinar 8-) ) which works best when you have only MPLS traffic. If you have to add a few VPNs on top of existing DMVPN network, it's hard to justify re-engineering the whole network. Also, GETVPN is not working on Cat 6500 (at least it did not when I last checked), which many people use as the hub encryption platform.
9. "not supported" was the official stance from out cisco account rep about 6 months ago.
But we did get it going in the lab.
We would be looking to deploy with asr 1000 hubs and 3900/asr 1000 series spokes.
That said I havent checked the latest XE to see if it has support.
How do you think the best way to tackle mtu? We may be fortunate where we have a core layer behind the spoke pe to reduce the mtu there as we cannot fragment at the same time as label imposition with the above feature.
10. Ivan Pepelnjak13 April, 2011 18:14
I would usually set the MTU (+ mpls mtu if needed) on the GRE tunnel interface, which would cause the ingress PE-router to fragment original packets (or send back an ICMP reply) before labeling and encryption. Combined with "ip tcp mss" it solves almost all problems (oversized UDP packets might still be a problem, but usually minor).
Are you saying this does not work for you? If so, what's the problem?
11. Duncan Mossop24 May, 2011 18:25
This is a very impressive combination of technologies used to create a cool solution, but for example would this be the way to go for a Tier 2 or 3 ISP that didn't have deep enough pockets to run it's own Layer 1 connectivity (DWDM/SDH etc...) and instead chose to get IP services from T1 providers in the form of MPLS Psuedowires?
12. Ivan Pepelnjak24 May, 2011 18:29
Pseudowires are probably a better choice in your scenario. MPLS-over-GRE is really useful only when you have no other transport option but IP connectivity.
13. How many VRF's were we talking about here? Would another solution be a DWVPN per VRF, if less then say 3? Is that possible?
1. Per-VRF DMVPN tunnel is perfectly doable and works well if the number of VRFs is small (but remember: you'll also have to run a routing protocol per VRF).
14. I am having issues with MPLS over GRE on PFC3B that equipped the SUP32, does it actually work/supported. SUP32 datasheet indicates it does with some less performance as compared to SUP720.
Any comments/suggestion will be really helpfull, Many thansk in advance.
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17700 | Uncompressed Image File Size
It’s really easy to get tripped up over image file size, but once you get a few key concepts, you’ll be off and running in no time.
Imagine going to the supermarket and picking up a can of Coke and a can of seltzer water. Both come in 12 oz cans, but since I’m trying to lose a few pounds, the most important thing to me is the number of calories in each drink. It turns out that Coke has 110 calories per can, whereas the seltzer has zero. So the volume of the can (12 oz) has nothing to do with the amount of calories.
Photography has a similar ambiguity. When dealing with stock photography, we’re concerned with the amount of picture data, and the uncompressed file size is the only accurate way to determine the amount of picture data in a given image.
MEGAPIXELS – Your Camera’s Sensor
Your camera has a sensor that is used to capture an image. The sensor is composed of a whole bunch of photosites that collect light to create the larger image. Each one of these photosites represents a pixel in a picture. The number of total photosites on the sensor determine the camera’s resolution, which is expressed in megapixels.
For example, the Nikon D300 has a sensor size of 4288 (width) x 2848 (height). If you multiply these two numbers together, you get the total pixel count.
4288 x 2848 = 12,212,224
If you divide this number by 1,000,000, you’ll get the camera’s resolution expressed in megapixels (mega from the Greek for “great”, which is commonly used as a prefix for million).
12,212,224 / 1000 = 12.21 megapixels
A byte is a unit of storage in computing, and unfortunately, a byte isn’t big enough to hold a pixel’s worth of information. It actually takes three bytes to store one pixel of a color image.
So the pixels in your image store a color at a given point in the image, but it takes 3 bytes of storage to record this value. Think about it this way, if you store “mom” in your phone’s speed dial, the phone isn’t actually dialing “mom,” — that’s just the representation of your mom’s phone number. Three letters actually represents an area code and telephone number (10 digits in the USA).
So the file size of a color image is:
sensor width * sensor height * 3 = 36,636,672
which gives us the file size in bytes.
But this is a big number, so we want to convert it to megabytes.
There are 1,024 bytes in a kilobyte.
There are 1,024 kilobytes in a megabyte.
So the file size of a color image in megabytes is:
sensor width * sensor height * 3 / (1024 * 1024) = 34.9MB
34.9MB is a big file. Fortunately for you, those crafty computer scientists created file compression algorithms to reduce the file size to make working with the file easier. The most popular of these algorithms is JPEG. And the amount of compression is dependent on the image, so you might see files sizes ranging from 2 – 8MB when you’re shooting as JPEG.
Another file format that most D-SLRs offer is TIFF, which is an uncompressed file format. TIFF will actually give you the uncompressed file size.
PhotoShelter has a minimum 11MB uncompressed (and maximum 125MB) file size requirement for your photos, which roughly translates into a 4-megapixel camera. As long as you don’t downsize your camera’s images, you’re probabaly ok.
If you shoot film and are dealing with scanning, then you’ll want to understand file size because scanning services charge more money for the higher resolution scans (which are expressed in uncompressed file size).
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This article was written by
Allen Murabayashi is the Chairman and co-founder of PhotoShelter.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17708 | How to Factory Reset Polycom VVX 300 VOIP Phones
This is from memory and my notes, and may be incomplete, or have errors, but regardless…
Power Cycle the phone.
Hit Cancel on Boot screen (you will see an option to cancel by hitting one of the menu buttons while it’s booting).
Press 1+3+5, hold them down. NOTE: there is also a function where you can hit 3+5+7. One of these is the right one. I think it’s 1+3+5, but if that doesn’t bring you to a password prompt, try 3+5+7.
A password prompt should appear.
The password is the mac address. That is the easy part. The mac is on the phone on a sticker. The hard part is that you must enter letters in lower case. You can’t preview the letters, and since you have only a number pad, you have to understand how these interfaces typically work.
What there is, is a small icon on the menu that lets you change from numbers to upper case letters, to lower case letter, then back to numbers. So in order to change from number to lower case, you have to hit that button on the screen. And also, if you change back to numbers, you must hit the button again. So sometimes you might have to blindly hit a few keys. E.g. cat would be 1+1+1 (for c), a short pause, then 1 (for a), then whatever t is. But you can’t see the a going from a to b to c. It’s all hidden behind hashmarks for “security”. So you are blind and must press the buttons in the correct sequence. Horrible design, but the idea must be that only IT guys will ever work with the interface. They should be used to getting the short end of the administration stick, so will not be surprised. I was not be surprised, to be honest, just disappointed.
Configuration for Verizon VOIP
After you put the password in, you can factory reset, or possibly it does a factory reset automatically. Now the VOIP phone is back to its base mode. When it reboots you can now access the admin section, with the password “456”. For Verizon’s voip, the settings are:
Go somewhere in the network menus (I didn’t note where).
Enable ZTP
Server type - HTTPS
Server address -
Then I believe a reboot. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17711 | A monomer too far
“Wait, what did you say?”
I was lost yet again. It was the early days of writing the Polymer Fundamentals course, and I had no idea what we were talking about.
“Polyethylene Terephthalate,” my expert, Kevin, patiently replied.
One day, I thought to myself, I was going to be able to say that name and, if lucky, be able to spell it. On that distant day, far out on the edge of near impossibility, I would be a genius who would have mastered the concept of polymers and their chemistry. But the world of polymers was foreign and utterly daunting. I slowly typed out the words, missing letters and looking to Kevin, who spelled the name out for me, again. Continue reading “A monomer too far” |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17712 | SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer URI invalid
By | 2015-10-06
This week a problem occured on our SharePoint environment due to human error, but with unexpected SharePoint behavior driving the cause and troubling the solution.
Somehow it is possible to update the SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer property ProviderSignoutUri with an invalid value, and all subsequent repair actions will fail, as well as many SPTimerjobs. All give the same error “Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined”.
The SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer cannot be deleted or altered (while it’s in use), the WebApplications cannot be altered or updated (and they use the SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer), the timerjob RefreshCache fails everytime, even solutions cannot be installed or uninstalled.
We found out that, although the .Update() action triggered an exception, the attribute does get changed in the database. When displaying the properties of the SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer however, the attribute seemed empty. This made us go on a wild-goose chase, until we checked everything again and determined that the problem didn’t pre-exist and it had to be related to the SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer object.
So I dug a little deeper and decided to look in the SharePoint config database:
In the resulting row, the properties column contains a large XML with all configuration related to your TrustedIdentityTokenIssuer.
Here we found out that the attribute “ProviderSignoutUri” was populated with a value, the human error had somehow appeared in the SharePoint Configuration Database, although it wasn’t visible with the Powershell command Get-SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer, it appeared empty! This left us with no other choice than to change the value with SQL (UNSUPPORTED). Make a back-up of your database before you attempt this fix. Make sure you copy the whole XML to your UPDATE statement and only change the row with the Id of the TrustedIdentityTokenIssuer!
When the SQL UPDATE statement has been executed, update the object from Powershell commandline without any alteration and you are good to go again.
So, SharePoint allows us to change the attribute to an invalid value, gives us an exception about it, but changes it in it’s SharePoint Configuration Database, and furthermore wont show the actual value and won’t let us change anything related to it. Don’t want anyone to have to go through all this.
For future reference, here are some details of the exceptions and the logfiles.
The ULS logfile entries of the first occurrence and the resulting timerjob failure:
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17734 | Giving Up Again
There are times
when you can’t be brave alone…
after putting up the bravest front
before your dying.
There are times
when it’s simpler to escape
the tyranny of your own thoughts
and rampant recollection, in withdrawal
to the most trivial of pastimes
that disengage you from the true present
and disallow the mind to wander
back to inescapable reality
for just… a little
There are times
when eclipsing inevitability holds you
mercilessly down in powerless submission
and compels you to take refuge in
from history, the future and
the thinking self.
8 thoughts on “Giving Up Again
1. A powerful piece strengthened by the repetition and the contrasts. Your comments about pastimes and refuges are very true, and eloquently expressed. At times I imagine myself doing a jigsaw puzzle: refuge in childhood. In the end I never do.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17769 | Latest News: New sites spring into action
New sites spring into action
Spring has certainly sprung in the world of Side Returns, and last week saw 3 new sites get underway in Peckham (SE15), Putney (SW15) and Clapham (SW4).
Our site in über-trendy Peckham is on Lyndhurst Way - a short distance, we're told, from the grandly titled "Lyndhurst Toast Rack" (now then, please reassure us that someone driving a green mini invented that term, rather than a local resident). The site will shortly be joined by new starts in Hinckley Road and Kelmore Grove, both in up-come-and-gone SE15.
And across to the other side of our SW4 base, it is a pleasure to hoist the flag for a second time on Weiss Road in Putney. A stone's throw from the Thames, Weiss Road is a terrace of wonderfully quaint Victorian cottages - with only one thing missing to make them the perfect family home...
[Image: Peckham Library, designed by Alsop & Störmer and opened March 2000]
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17809 | Where do broken hearts go?
Seems like many people with broken hearts go traveling that’s why we see many photos with caption about loneliness but I do think that travel and hiking is good for the following reason.
1. Your mind will get distracted from your problem.
2. Physical activity will stop you from being too mental.
3. Exercise can produce happy hormones in your brain called serotonin.
4. Meeting new friends gives you a chance to share your problem and let it all out.
5. There is a chance of finding someone new but this can be called a “rebound”.
6. Nature can heal your body and mind by being surrounded with it’s beauty.
Now after you feel better, then be smart enough to choose a good person compatible with you and love wiser next time to avoid the cycle of pain.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17813 | TY - JOUR T1 - Multiple Diagnostic X-rays for Spine Deformities and Risk of Breast Cancer JF - Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention JO - Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev SP - 605 LP - 613 DO - 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-07-2628 VL - 17 IS - 3 AU - Ronckers, Cécile M. AU - Doody, Michele M. AU - Lonstein, John E. AU - Stovall, Marilyn AU - Land, Charles E. Y1 - 2008/03/01 UR - N2 - Background: Ionizing radiation is a well-established human mammary carcinogen. Women historically monitored by radiography at young ages for abnormal spinal curvature are an exposed population suitable for investigating radiation-related risk and its variation by modifying factors. In this historic cohort, 95% of daily dose increments (when exposure to the breast occurred) were under 2.4 cGy, with mean 1.1 cGy. Methods: A retrospective cohort of 3,010 women, diagnosed with spinal curvature between 1912 and 1965 in 14 U.S. pediatric orthopedic centers and who completed a questionnaire by telephone interview or mail survey in 1992, were studied for risk of breast cancer by radiation dose to the breast (mean, 12 cGy) after adjustment for established breast cancer risk factors. Results: A borderline-significant radiation dose response (excess relative risk/Gy = 2.86; P = 0.058; one-tailed P = 0.029) was observed during 118,905 woman-years of follow-up (median, 35.5 years) based on 78 cases of invasive breast cancer. The dose response was significantly greater (P = 0.03) for women who reported a family history of breast cancer in first- or second-degree relatives (excess relative risk/Gy = 8.37; 95% confidence interval, 1.50-28.16). Radiation-related risk did not vary significantly by stage of reproductive development at exposure. Conclusions: Assuming that repair of radiation-related DNA damage requires at most a few hours, our data argue against existence of a low-dose threshold on the order of 1 to 3 cGy for radiation exposure contributing to breast carcinogenesis. The possibility that a family history of breast cancer may have enhanced a carcinogenic radiation effect requires confirmation in other studies. (Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2008;17(3):605–13) ER - |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17829 | At a certain temperature, $\ce{N2O5}$ dissociates as: \begin{align} \ce{N2O5 (g) &<=> N2O3 (g) + O2 (g)} & K_1 &= 4.5 \end{align} At the same time, $\ce{N2O3}$ also dissociates as: \begin{align} \ce{N2O3 (g) &<=> N2O (g) + O2 (g)} & K_2 &= \mathrm{?} \end{align}
When 4 moles of $\ce{N2O5}$ are heated in a flask of $\pu{1 L}$ volume, it has been observed that the concentration of $\ce{O2}$ is $\pu{4.5 M}$ at equilibrium. What are the equilibrium concentrations of the other products?
The combined reaction:
$$\ce{ N2O5(g) <=> N2O(g) + 2O2(g)}$$ $$K_\text{combined} = K_1 \times K_2 = 4.5 K_2$$
There are 4 moles of $\ce{N2O5}$ initially. If $x$ moles of $\ce{N2O5}$ dissociate to give $x$ moles of $\ce{N2O}$ and $2x$ moles of $\ce{O2}$, then plugging in the values in the $K_c$ expression for this reaction we get $$4.5 K_2 = \frac{4x^3}{4-x},$$ where $$x = \frac{4.5}{2 \pu{mol}}.$$
Solving for $K_2$, I get $K_2=\frac{81}{14}$, which is incorrect.
Is it allowed to first combine the reactions and then use the combined reaction?
• 1
$\begingroup$ I think there is sufficient information about where the OP's attempt to solve this went awry. It might help to see the "combined reaction", though. And maybe which species are in the flask after equilibrium is established. $\endgroup$ – Karsten Theis Mar 9 at 15:25
• 2
$\begingroup$ The misconception is the same as in this question. If there are two coupled equilibria, e.g. A reacts to B reacts to C, B might be non-zero, so you can't just combine the reactions to A reacts to C and neglect that there might be some B at equilibrium. I think this question merits an answer. $\endgroup$ – Karsten Theis Mar 15 at 15:48
• $\begingroup$ Does this mean that to apply stoichiometry to an equilibrium problem it is necessary for the reactants to directly convert to products (elementary reaction)? $\endgroup$ – Sanom Dane Mar 15 at 15:59
• $\begingroup$ You can, but you have to account for it. You can't say "x moles of N2O5 dissociate to give x moles of N2O", you have to say "x moles of N2O5 dissociate to give x moles of N2O3 or N2O", and use additional information to figure out how much is N2O3 and how much is N2O. $\endgroup$ – Karsten Theis Mar 15 at 16:46
Different from Zhe's answer, I will use the approach of a combined ICE table using the model discussed in How can you use ICE tables to solve multiple coupled equilibria?. This results in a system with two unknowns that, in my opinion, gives a bit more insight into the problem as we are solving it. $x$ are changes due to dissociation of $\ce{N2O5}$ (first reaction), and $y$ are changes due to dissociation of $\ce{N2O3}$ (second reaction).
$$ \begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline &[\ce{N2O5}] & [\ce{N2O3}] & [\ce{N2O}]&[\ce{O2}] \\ \hline I & 4 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ \hline C & -x & +x-y & +y & +x+y \\ \hline E & 4-x & +x-y & +y & 4.5 \\ \hline \end{array} $$
I have two unknowns, $x$ and $y$. Unless one of them is much bigger than the other (in which case I can first neglect the smaller one and come back to it later), I have to solve a system of two equations for $x$ and $y$ simultaneously. The first equation is already buried in the ICE table (subscript $eq$ is for equilibrium state):
$$ x + y = \ce{[O2]}_{eq} = 4.5 \ \ \ \ \text{or solved for y: }\ \ \ \ y = 4.5 - x$$
The second equation is via the equilibrium constant $K_1$:
$$ K_1 = 4.5 = \frac{[\ce{N2O3}]_{eq} [\ce{O2}]_{eq}}{[\ce{N2O5}]_{eq}} = \frac{[\ce{N2O3}]_{eq} \times 4.5}{[\ce{N2O5}]_{eq}}$$
Canceling 4.5 and rearranging gives $ [\ce{N2O5}]_{eq} = [\ce{N2O3}]_{eq}$, and substituting from the ICE table gives a second equation for x and y:
$$4-x = x - y\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{(or simplified } 2x = 4 + y)$$
Substituting the first equation into the second, we get:
$$ 2x = 4 + y = 4 + 4.5 - x$$ $$ x = 8.5/3 = 17/6$$
Substituting the value for $x$ back into the first equation:
$$ y = 4.5 - x = 4.5 - 17/6 = 10/6 = 5/3$$
Now we can tabulate the equilibrium concentrations and (to compare with Zhe's answer) the equilibrium constant $K_2$:
$$ c(\ce{N2O5})_{eq} = 7/6 M = 1.167 M$$ $$ c(\ce{N2O3})_{eq} = 7/6 M = 1.167 M$$ $$ c(\ce{N2O})_{eq} = 5/3 M = 1.667 M$$ $$ K_2 = \frac{[\ce{N2O}]_{eq} [\ce{O2}]_{eq}}{[\ce{N2O3}]_{eq}} = \frac{5/3 \times 4.5}{7/6} = \frac{45}{7}$$
We can check that the equilibrium concentrations add up to the initial concentration of 4 M, and that we obtain the correct value for $K_1$ when substituting our answers into the equilibrium expression.
Yes, but we have to consider all species simultaneously because none of them are minor species. When calculating, for example, hydronium and hydroxide concentrations in a solution of a weak acid, we can set aside the autodissociation of water because hydroxide is a minor species, and adjusting the hydroxide concentration after calculating the weak acid equilibrium is fine because it does not change the hydronium concentration much, hydroxide being the minor species. Here, we can't do that and have to take the more comprehensive approach of considering the two equilibria simultaneously.
• $\begingroup$ One suggestion is actually to have 2 rows in the ICE table for the changes. This way, you can write separately the changes for each equilibrium to draw a better analogy to the single equilibrium problem. $\endgroup$ – Zhe Mar 18 at 12:23
• $\begingroup$ @Zhe That is a great suggestion, but we need a better table type-setting tool on StackExchange so it's easier to make subdivisions in tables. $\endgroup$ – Karsten Theis Mar 18 at 13:05
• $\begingroup$ Tables are kind of gross with every tool. :/ $\endgroup$ – Zhe Mar 18 at 14:01
• $\begingroup$ @KarstenTheis@KarstenTheis:I take each reaction as independent equilibrium,I calculate the amount of $\ce{N2O3}~\text{and the amount of} ~\ce{O2}$ produced in the first reaction where the concentration of each equal$\pu{2.55234M}$,then I found the amount of the species in the second equilibrium where $[\ce{N2O}]=[\ce{O2}]=4.5-2.55234=\pu{1.94766M}$ and $[\ce{N2O3}]= 2.5534-1.94766=\pu{0.60468M}$ to calculate $K_2 = 6.3$. correct the solution. $\endgroup$ – Adnan AL-Amleh Mar 18 at 21:05
Karsten's insight is correct. Your mistake is in assuming that you have either $\ce{N2O5}$ or $\ce{N2O}$ and $\ce{O2}$.
There are four concentrations of interest: $\ce{[N2O5]}$, $\ce{[N2O3]}$, $\ce{[N2O]}$, and $\ce{[O2]}$.
How can you relate these variables?
Well, you can apply conservation of matter in terms of oxygen and nitrogen.
For nitrogen:
$$2\ce{[N2O5]} + 2\ce{[N2O3]} + 2\ce{[N2O]} = 2\times(4\ \mathrm{M})\tag{1}$$
For oxygen:
$$5\ce{[N2O5]} + 3\ce{[N2O3]} + \ce{[N2O]} + 2 \ce{[O2]} = 5\times(4\ \mathrm{M})\tag{2}$$
Then, there are the equilibrium expressions:
If you substitute $\ce{[O2]} = 4.5\ \mathrm{M}$ into (2), (3), and (4), you end up with:
$$2\ce{[N2O5]} + 2\ce{[N2O3]} + 2\ce{[N2O]} = 2\times(4\ \mathrm{M})\tag{1}$$ $$5\ce{[N2O5]} + 3\ce{[N2O3]} + \ce{[N2O]} + 2\times(4.5\ \mathrm{M}) = 5\times(4\ \mathrm{M})\tag{2'}$$ $$4.5=\frac{\ce{[N2O3]\times(4.5\ \mathrm{M})}}{\ce{[N2O5]}}\tag{3'}$$ $$K_{2}=\frac{\ce{[N2O]\times(4.5\ \mathrm{M})}}{\ce{[N2O3]}}\tag{4'}$$
That's 4 equations and 4 unknowns, and it's all algebra from there.
Assuming I did that correctly, I got $$K_{2} = \frac{45}{7}$$
Your Answer
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17830 | Tagged is the diagram of the apparatus used in this thought experiment. Pure water is taken in one side of the beaker and a solution of common salt in water in the other. After a very long time, the pure water should get transferred to the NaCl solution side because according to Raoult's law, the NaCl solution should have lesser vapor pressure than pure water, thus causing the water-vapour equilibrium in the pure water side to move forward, resulting in the condensation of the vapour in the other side (the solution side) . But how has the potential energy (=mgh) of the pure water increased during the process?
enter image description here
• 3
$\begingroup$ Get in a car and drive all the way to the top of hill. Your potential energy (yes, that mgh) will increase, too. How? It happened at the cost of the chemical energy. Same thing here. $\endgroup$ – Ivan Neretin Apr 13 '16 at 14:04
• 2
$\begingroup$ Energy of the salt solution and pure water. True, it is far less effective than gasoline, but still enough to do the trick. See, now that they are mixed, you can't have them separated again. Or rather, you can, but it will cost you some energy. $\endgroup$ – Ivan Neretin Apr 13 '16 at 14:12
• 1
$\begingroup$ With infinite height, the setup will not work. In fact, a finite height of a few miles would be enough to stop the pure water from creeping into the solution. $\endgroup$ – Ivan Neretin Apr 13 '16 at 14:31
• 1
$\begingroup$ That's complicated. We might have to look up the data on enthalpy and entropy of dissolution. In short, the temperature might change either way (very slightly, though) or not change at all. $\endgroup$ – Ivan Neretin Apr 13 '16 at 14:47
• 2
$\begingroup$ Sorry, but I think a textbook on chemical thermodynamics would not fit in a comment. $\endgroup$ – Ivan Neretin Apr 13 '16 at 15:30
Initially suppose we have a mixture with mole fractions $x_1$ and $x_2$. Let $x_1$ be the solute and $x_2$ the water and assume for simplicity that deviations from Raoult’s law behaviour are insignificant. In this case the heat of mixing is zero and entropy alone drives the mixing process.
In this case the free energy of mixing per mole at constant temperature is $\Delta G =RTx_1\ln(x_1)+RTx_2\ln(x_2)$ and in as there are two components $x_2=1-x_1$ (and changing $x_1 \rightarrow x$ for simplicity ) gives $$\Delta G =RTx\ln(x)+RT(1-x)\ln(1-x)$$ This energy is negative over the whole range, except at $x=0,1$ where it is zero. The minimum value at $x=1/2$ is $-RT\ln(2)$
After the pure water is added in the left hand compartment and equilibrium is established again, the initial mole fraction can only drop to half its value by mixing equal volumes of water which is a mixing energy of $$\Delta G\left(\frac{x}{2}\right) = RT\frac{x}{2}\ln\left(\frac{x}{2}\right)+RT(1-\frac{x}{2})\ln\left(1-\frac{x}{2}\right)$$
Again this quantity is negative over the whole range, thus the solution will continue to be diluted if nothing prevents this.
Dilution of the mixture could, in principle, be prevented by the gravitational energy $mgh$ where m is the (molar) mass and h the height the liquid has to be raised to. To prevent further dilution $mgh - \Delta G(x_f) \gt 0 $ where $x_f$ is the final mole fraction. If $mgh \rightarrow 0$ then $x_f=x/2$.
Using values for water gives $mgh = 0.176h$ Joule for height h whereas thermal energy $RT=2494$ J. If, for example the height is $h=9800 $ m then $mgh \approx RTln(2)$ which is the minimum value of $\Delta G$ then no dilution can take place as $\Delta G \gt 0 $ for all x.
At smaller heights whether or not dilution occurs depends on the mole fraction of the initial mixture but at a height of $1000$ m as long as the initial mole fraction is greater than $\approx 0.035$ then complete dilution will occur. Below $1000 $ m the final mole fraction is effectively half the initial value, $x/2$.
Of course the heights involved in effecting any change are quite ridiculous, but this is just because gravity is a weak force; you may not find it so if you ever go hill running :)
The figure shows different values of $\Delta G/RT$ per mole.
(a) shows the normal mixing free energy $\Delta G/RT$ vs. mole fraction solute x (b) the change upon no dilution and a potential of $1000$ m .(c) maximal dilution (doubling volume) at $1000$ m, thus dilution can occur for all initial values of molec fraction above $\approx 0.035$.(d) $\Delta G/RT$ plus $mgh = RT\ln(2)$ for water $h \approx 9800$ m. No transfer of water can occur in this case as $\Delta G \gt 0$
It is important to realize that you deal with a lot of particles and that you can apply the usual approach and approximations in statistical thermodynamics.
It makes more sense to ask for the potential energy of individual water molecules. Because there are so many molecules, we assume the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution to be continuous. This means, that there will be particles with enough kinetic energy to overcome the potential energy wall (including non gravitational forces like dipole-dipole interaction).
If you had two solutions of pure water at $T > 0 K$, this would just mean that they exchange some of their water molecules over time.
If you have two different solutions as in your example there are more possible microstates for the same macrostate in the salt solution: "Putting the water into the right pot is entropically favoured, because solving salt in water is entropically favoured." The exchange of water molecules is happening even in equilibrium.
As with any thermodynamical answer this ignores kinetic effects and other addends of the chemical potential like surface energy.
Your Answer
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17836 | Windows 7: disable sound on screen lock
I have to confess one of my sins. I use Windows 7. Stop. I know, I talk about open source a lot, I’m a proud linux user but yes, I have to use this OS, especially on work. What do you do for money, eh?
I usually play some music while doing some coding. If you ever tried to use PHP as a real programming language, maybe if you’re here you know what I’m speaking of. You can’t without music, seriously.
So you go to eat or to microwave something to eat during your PHP yoga practice. You lock the screen with WIN + L shortcut but the music keep playing in background, in the barely audible hearphones on your desk. I don’t like it, and manually disabling it every time is a waste of time.
Well, I’ve just discovered this small utility for Windows named Mute on Lock. Just keep it on tray icon and this small application will mute audio on lock.
If you run Windows 7, you have to search the application from the search box on start, 1) right click on 2) Properties 3) Compatibility 4) Windows XP (service pack 3 is fine).
Close and restart program and try to lock screen with WIN + L or by the start button.
Remember that when you unlock the screen, music will start to play again, so pay attention.
See also:
9 thoughts on “Windows 7: disable sound on screen lock
1. Just go to sounds in your control panel and lock for logon and logoff; then use the drop down menu and select none.
• Thanks! I was annoyed because I’ve been trying to fall asleep to a guided meditation for sleep, and the computer would wake me up with the sound it makes when it auto-locks a few min later. This solved my problem!
2. Isn’t it a bug in security feature of windows? When oi lock my PC I’m expecting that all my resources will be locked including the outputs, screen AND sound card.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17839 | Chris Couchoud
I am a software engineer who specializes in building applications for mobile and the web. I'm the guy who can build the thing, or help you figure out exactly what the thing is and how it should work. I do all this and more as a partner at South River Studios, LLC. You can find me riding my bike, drinking a pint, or casting a line for some bass in Bucks County, PA where I reside with my family. This is my website. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17856 | Log in
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July 24 is hardly a red-letter day, mostly distinguished, it seems, by war crimes and travesties of justice. However Macchu Picchu was rediscoved in 1911, Apollo 11 got home safely in 1969, and it's the Feast Day of St Christina the Astonishing!
I share my birthday with Wonder Woman and Amelia Earhert -- notable deaths this day include epidemiologist Richard Doll research pioneer into the links between smoking and health problems, and tragic Japanese short story writer Ryunosuke_Akutagawa, whose work you may have seen filmed as Rashōmon.
Your birthday (no year): three facts, two births, two deaths. Go play!
( 15 worms — Feed the birds )
7th Apr, 2006 10:15 (UTC)
Another famous birthday for 24 July!
You also share your birthday with no less than MARK THOMAS MAITLAND BALDWIN.
7th Apr, 2006 10:21 (UTC)
7th Apr, 2006 10:28 (UTC)
Re: Another famous birthday for 24 July!
7th Apr, 2006 10:30 (UTC)
Re: Another famous birthday for 24 July!
Is that some kind of alternative amusement park? Where you go with your maits?
7th Apr, 2006 11:02 (UTC)
You didn't know that?
And I'm pretty sure Peter Sellars died on 24th. I must get extra points for him dying in the same year I was born as well.
7th Apr, 2006 10:19 (UTC)
My birthday - 28 September
1066 - William the Conqueror invades England
1820 - The tomato is publicly proven safe
1971 - Medicinal cannabis banned
I share my birthdate with Gwyneth Paltrow and Confucius.
Notable deaths - Louis Pasteur in 1895, and Harpo Marx in 1964.
7th Apr, 2006 10:21 (UTC)
And it is, of course, the day before I was born. (Were we all born on those dates? It does appear so. Well, three of us anyway. Oh and three exes of mine, too. Man.)
7th Apr, 2006 10:59 (UTC)
I have another friend on 25th, and someone on 23rd too. Must be the onset of those cold winter nights around mid-October.
7th Apr, 2006 10:22 (UTC)
Sharing a birthday with Oliver North - meh. Sharing a birthday with Desmond Tutu (one of my heroes) - very cool.
7th Apr, 2006 11:12 (UTC)
7th of May:
World premiere of Beethoven's 9th in 1824. Russia and Bulgaria celebrate Radio Day. And Willy Brandt resigned the day I was born. Coincidence?
I share my birthday with a host of notables including Tchaikovsky and Archibald MacLeish who wrote J.B. and deaths on the same date include Holy Roman Emperor Otto I and alleged Mozart-murderer Antonio Salieri.
7th Apr, 2006 12:41 (UTC)
i share my birthday with freeman dyson and paul simonon.
7th Apr, 2006 13:07 (UTC)
Violent Fits Of Ecstasy!
Christina the Astonishing goes to the top of my list of people to do strips about. I'd not heard of her before, so thanks to you and Wilipedia!
7th Apr, 2006 13:21 (UTC)
Quenn Victoria and Telly savalas died on my birthday.
Other notable 22 January birthdays are Lord Byron, Strindberg, Sam Cooke, Rosa Ponselle and (Yayyyyy!) Wicked Wazir Conrad Veidt...'In the morning, zey die the death of a thousand cuts.'
On the day the Swiss Guards were founded and the Diet of Worms opened.
7th Apr, 2006 13:33 (UTC)
On my birthday (26 April):
The Gestapo was established.
Guernica was bombed.
Chernobyl melted down.
History is trying to tell me something. Something bad.
On the plus side:
David Hume and Giorgio Moroder were born. Also Wittgenstein. Can I have three? Two philosophers and an electronic composer seems about right.
On the minus side:
Self taught mathematical genius Srinivasa Ramanujan and Hubert Selby Jr, who wrote "Last Exit to Brooklyn", died.
7th Apr, 2006 16:44 (UTC)
No time to look up deaths but I will say that i share my birthday with Glen Danzig and Maggie philbin. That says EVERYTHING you need to know about me.
( 15 worms — Feed the birds ) |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17867 | 0 votes
Hi, I installed the AWS cli. Getting an error message for this AWS command
aws s3 ls s3://mybucket
Error message:
An error occurred (RequestTimeTooSkewed) when calling the ListObjectsV2 operation: The difference between the request time and the current time is too large.
How can I solve this?
by (111 points)
1 Answer
0 votes
Use these commands given below. Hope this will solve the issue.
service ntp stop
ntpdate -s
service ntp start
by (145 points) |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17885 |
Missed Out Balancing for Maehwa
Discussion in 'Maehwa' started by galiron, Aug 13, 2019 at 8:22 PM.
How do you view Maehwa in her current state compared to the old (pre PVP Patch) state
1. Weaker then before! Pls revive this dead class
2. I think she's somewhat viable? Could need some balancing/buffs
3. Maehwa is still fine, just requires a lot more skill then other classes.
4. Maehwa is still strong, can still easily delete people better then other classes.
5. Maehwa is still OP as ****, are you drunk?
0 vote(s)
1. galiron
Jul 6, 2017
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Well, i play Maehwa and i'm a bit sad as i see PA updating classes, making balancing patches but completly forgetting the details that actually balance classes. So first of all i want to state my view of balancing. Usually there are multiple aspects of a class like for example damage, mobility, protection, health and so on. If a class is in a good state she's usually viable in some aspect like for example grinding (Musa). If a class is balanced, you can keep it in this position usualy by nerfing one aspect and buffing another. For example reducing damage and increase mobility. So the Musa could grind faster but with less damage, making him better at low ap places and slower at high ap places. So this is balancing. BUT in my opinion with some "balancing patches" they forgot to balance the classes compared to each other. Here so examples for the Maehwa
-Block mechanics for multiple classes got introduced. Other Classes now got a benefit, Maehwa had this mechanic exclusive with some other classes, So she loses this advantage in a certain point but not getting anything in compensation
- Removing Iframe from Sleetsteps (sideway dash) made the class way more vulnerable, making it way harder to trade damage, but again nothing in return.
-Increased Stamina Costs on dashes. Yea well, they tried to adapt due to lower stamina costs on other skills. But honestly it doesn't really worked out well.
-The big pvp update which removed a lot of protection. So after that maehwa was pretty much left with no safe engage at all, no damage trades are possible anymore, since you're locked in the frost pillars animation or using the petal drill which is dealing hilarious low damage (844%*4), without cc effect and reduced pvp damage and the flow(728%*3), also with reduced pvp damage. So even if you use these 2 skills you will most likely end up in a grab or die while u try to trade damage.
-Yes the ability to use sleet steps from non-awa made red moon viable for pvp. But for example the ability to use Petal Drill from nonawakening is like a pretty weak compensation since Petal Drill is such a weak skill.
Overall i think they should just buff PVP instead of PVE damage for maehwa, so she can be what she was meant to be, a mobile deadly assasin. (Since she lost most of her mobility) or revert the stamina changes again, so maehwa is able to controll the fight again without running out of stamina after 6 seconds. All those patches just left Maehwa in a bad state when she was once good.
2. Xplato
Feb 16, 2016
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Maewha won't ever be buffed only nerfed PA hates the class becuese they are racists.
Better go play the wheelchair class musa since it's made easy mode and requries no skill.
3. Aurasormr
Jul 6, 2017
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They should continue the class balancing in general. It still feels like they stopped caring after 2 steps...
Its not jsut mae having struggles... all classes do to a certain degree.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17891 | Frameworks/Epics/kdelibs cleanups
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Cleaning up kdelibs
Next to the other efforts for kdelibs modularization, there's also some cleanup tasks which needs to be done accross the whole kdelibs codebase. Tasks in here are probably more suitable for short term, bite sized involvement.
Note: For most of those tasks we try to put an estimation of the difficulty can be: easy, normal, hard (somewhat like in video games). ;-)
Status Description Contact
DONE remove kglobal.h include from staging/kwidgets/src/icons/kiconloader.h, fix compilation by adding the header where necessary (easy) Christoph Cullmann <>
TO DO move ktypelist.h from kdecore/util to kde4support (easy) ? <{{{3}}}>
TO DO move kentrymaptest from kdecore/tests to kconfig/autotests (easy) Christoph Cullmann <> <{{{3}}}>
TO DO move kascii and kasciitest to kde4support (easy) ? <{{{3}}}>
TO DO Port away from KGlobalSettings::singleClick() (easy) ? <{{{3}}}>
TO DO #cmakedefine -> #cmakedefine01, #ifdef -> #if, in order to catch missing includes (easy) ? <{{{3}}}>
TO DO Port from KCmdLineArgs+KApp to QApp+setApplicationName in all unittests that don't use args (easy) ? <{{{3}}}>
TO DO kio/netaccess.h: there are some "TODOs" about deprecating most methods in favour of job+exec (TODO: compare with synchronousRun) (normal) ? <{{{3}}}>
DONE Fix kfileplacesmodeltest (normal) Benjamin Port
DONE Move to kcoreaddons the tests in kdecore/tests that are actually tests for classes in kcoreaddons, except kurltest (easy) Anne-Marie Mahfouf
DONE "cp kurlmimetest.cpp kurlmimedatatest.cpp" and port the second one to KUrlMimeData (in order to test both the deprecated API and the new API). After that, move the old one (kurlmimetest) to kde4support. (normal) Lambert Clara
DONE Port kcmdlineargs from KUrl to QUrl, then move KUrl out of kcoreaddons, and into kdecore for now, final destination will be kde4support. (easy) Matt Williams
TO DO Port kdelibs from KProcess to QProcess (except kpty) (easy). Warning: Need to port some functionnality to Qt 5 Davide Bettio <{{{3}}}>
DONE Update qmimetype in kdelibs from the one soon merged to Qt5, port all of kdelibs to the API changes. (normal) David Faure
DONE Create a staging/kconfig framework out of kdecore/config + kdecore/kernel/kauthorized*. Code should be ready (no more dependencies on the rest of kdecore). (normal) David
DONE Port all of kdelibs from KGlobal::config() to KSharedConfig::openConfig(), adjust includes (easy) Claus Christensen
DONE Port all of kdelibs from KMimeType to QMimeType, see KDE5PORTING.html for details (easy) David Faure
DONE deprecate KLineEdit::clickMessage, by applying and porting kdelibs (easy and quick) Benjamin Port
DONE Move KDialog saveDialogSize+restoreDialogSize to static methods taking a QDialog. Benjamin Port
IN PROGRESS Finish deprecating methods marked as @deprecated (add macro+ifdef, ensure kdelibs doesn't use). Benjamin Port
DONE Move KDialogQueue into separate files. Benjamin Port
TO DO Import QCommandLineArguments from gitorious into libkdeqt5staging ? <{{{3}}}>
TO DO Port all of kdelibs (except kde*support and classes aimed for tier4) from KDialog to QDialog Davide Bettio <{{{3}}}>
DONE Port from KGlobalSettings::desktopGeometry to QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry (very easy) Stephen Kelly
DONE extract KProtocolInfo out of ksycoca, making it simply read from installed files on demand. (normal) David Faure
DONE move KProtocolInfo to KIO, requires to split out its unittests from kmimetypetest, and to somehow sort out the call to KProtocolInfo inside kmimetype (normal) David Faure
DONE when gpgmepp is not found, make plasma only skip the Signature class, rather than skipping all of plasma (easy) David Faure
IN PROGRESS One of the things we need to remove is all of the use of the Q_WS_* defines. (easy)
git grep Q_WS_
Some of them should be ported to a Q_OS_ define (eg, some of Q_WS_WIN should be ported to Q_OS_WIN), but *not all of them*, so this can't just be changed with a script. It should be done manually. Some of them need to be ported to QPA (lighthouse) in some way.
Kevin Ottens
For a walk through example, see this thread
TO DO Another thing that should be done is using Find packages from ECM or CMake. (normal)
For example, run 'git grep find_package' in tier1/solid. Some of the results are provided by CMake, and some come from the local kdelibs/cmake/modules folder. The kdelibs/cmake/modules folder should not need to be used. For example find_package(Flex) in solid should be replaced with find_package(FLEX) which is provided by CMake.
The goal is to be able to run
cd tier1/solid && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
for each framework.
This is already possible with the itemmodels framework.
It also works with solid, because the packages it searches for are optional and the FindFoo.cmake files are not found.
? <{{{3}}}>
TO DO Find out what should be part of the link interface and what should not be. (normal but long), details... ? <{{{3}}}>
DONE Port from K_GLOBAL_STATIC to Q_GLOBAL_STATIC where the Qt4 API is sufficient Albert Astals Cid
TO DO Port from K_GLOBAL_STATIC to Q_GLOBAL_STATIC needs Qt 5.1 changes ? <{{{3}}}>
TO DO Porting in KDE_Core/KLocale/Frameworks ? <{{{3}}}>
TO DO After the above, removing kglobal.h from files where it is no longer
used (simplifying the task of creating a framework for the people who don't realize that that needs to be done, and reducing the build fixes that are required because they don't do a clean build after moving stuff around and changing include_directories)
? <{{{3}}}>
TO DO Investigate to what extent our use of X11 API and KWindowSystem can be replaced with QPA (hard)
Some work started on adding the accessors required for this to the QPA classes.,26714
? <{{{3}}}>
TO DO Deprecate and move classes marked "kde4support" in Epics/Reduce_class_duplication ? <{{{3}}}>
TO DO KDEGuiAddons should be renamed and maybe repurposed ? <{{{3}}}>
TO DO kdeui/colors/kcolorhelpers_p.h has at least a copy in
kdeguiaddons, and perhaps another in kcolorwidgets. Resolve that.
? <{{{3}}}>
IN PROGRESS Move icon loading from kwidgets to kdeguiaddons Jignesh Kakadiya
DONE Port all of kdelibs from KIcon to QIcon / KDE:::icon(), then move KIcon out (easy) David Faure
TO DO KGlobalSettings is initalized by KApplication. Find out if any parts of it work without that, and split it into parts that work without the initialization and parts that don't. ? <{{{3}}}>
DONE Port away from and deprecate KHBox/KVBox Albert Astals Cid
TO DO Find out if KGuiAddons should be deprecated or get an upstream equivalent. The real value is in KStandardGuiItem. See if it can be redesigned in the alternative ? <{{{3}}}>
TO DO KPushButton should be repurposed as KAuthPushButton ? <{{{3}}}>
TO DO Port KStandardAction from KAction to QAction Benjamin Port <{{{3}}}>
TO DO Move KTabBar to kde4support and port users in kdelibs to QTabbar. preferably KTabWidget should go the same way, but needs a feature in Qt (see the qt5.1 epic) ? <{{{3}}}>
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17892 | Marc Paquette
CodeWarrior 8- & 16-bit tools: Accessing ports on mc9s12dp256 w/_Dx256_L91N stationary
Discussion created by Marc Paquette Employee on Jan 27, 2006
To help you find solutions to problems that have already been solved, we have posted this message. It contains an entire topic ported from a separate forum. The original message and all replies are in this single message.
Posted: Jun 04, 2005 - 09:49 AM
I'm just beginning to develop an mc9s12dp256 via Wytec's Dragon12 Dev board. Admittedly I'm fairly new to C as well.
I'm using a demo version of CW12V3_1.
I'd like to set DDRB to 0xFF and PORTB to 0xFF (to turn on some LED's associated with port b)
I've started a new project using the _Dx256_L91N project stationary.
I explored the header S12CPU15V1_5.h which defines the ports but I can't figure out what code to write to set the values.
I have been successful in downloading and launching sample programs from the RAM via DBug12. But they were based on a different stationary.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Posted: Jun 08, 2005 - 11:41 AM
I would suggest that you use "new project wizard" instead.
Just create a new project and add some code as in attached images. Finally click the "debug" button to program the board via HIWAVE debugger(ICD12 w/ P&E BDM Multilink)
I have some screen shots or you can see the quick start manual. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17893 | AnsweredAssumed Answered
Floating Point Library
Question asked by Dave Miller on Feb 27, 2013
Latest reply on Feb 28, 2013 by Dave Miller
Hello All,
OK, this should hopefully be a simple issue but I can't seem to find the answer.
I started a project with CW10.3 for the HCS08 CPU (S08AW60) and when I started the project wizard I did not select the floating point library. Now I find myself wanting to use floating point for 1 calculation but I can't find the setting to use the correct floating point lib.
I am using the ADS1118 for thermocouple measurement and I need to calculate the internal temperature sensor value:
#include <float.h>
float Temp_Sensor;
int Sensor_Reading;
Temp_Sensor = (float)Sensor_Reading * 0.03125; //calculate degrees
When I compile this I get the following errors:
CW10_3 FP_Errors.JPG
I am pretty certain the issue is the missing floating point library.
Can anyone tell me where I go to include the floating point libraries in my project? I looked all through the project settings and don't see a "use floating point libraries" check box. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17894 | AnsweredAssumed Answered
ETA on full integration of MQX with KDS
Question asked by William Koos on Sep 9, 2014
Latest reply on Sep 9, 2014 by Derek Snell
Can you give a more specific ETA on when the full integration of MQX with KDS will be complete? As I showed in my last reply in a previous post KDS 1.1.0 adding MQX component using processor expert fails build, the current status is that MQX is incompatible with Processor Expert, at least as far as I can tell. I'm about to start a major development and would rather wait for the fully integrated package if it's imminent. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17906 | Herrnhaag as it looked in the mid-18th century
Herrnhaag (Lord's Grove) was a communal spiritual centre for the Moravian Unity, an early form of Protestantism. It and Marienborn, a nearby sister community, are located in the Wetterau, an area of Hesse, north of Frankfurt am Main in Germany.
[edit] Spiritual purpose as the home of Christ
–Herrnhaag was designed to express the Moravian ideal before it was built– [1] and served a unique purpose: it was planned as the House of God. There were to be twelve gates following the description of New Jerusalem in Revelation. In the center was the well of the water of life also recalling Revelation: –Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city– (Revelation 22:1).
According to church leader Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf who planned the community, the Moravian Unity anticipated –the end time when the heavenly reality would become the total reality.– [2]( Living in that end time was the purpose of Herrnhaag which was designed to be the residence of Christ. According to Zinzendorf, –We have [the Holy Spirit–s] care to thank for the fact that we are brought here together, that we dwell in a Mother-city.– [3]
Marienborn as it looked in the mid-18th century.
[edit] Formation and organization as a community living in Christ
During exile from the family estates in Saxony, Zinzendorf began negotiating for Marienborn as a residence for what was called the Pilgrim Congregation. Before it was available, he brought his family to stay at the Ronneburg, a dilapidated castle in the area. Eventually the Zinzendorfs moved into Marienborn and construction of Herrnhaag began in 1738. The community was unfinished at the time of its abandonment in the early 1750s.
Community members lived under the direct rule of Christ as the community–s chief elder and shepherd. Herrnhaag was the church–s fastest growing settlement and the one most criticized for heresy. The community–s focal point was the great hall, the Saal, the place of ritual and worship. The Saal was built on two levels, with a balcony overlooking the main floor, representing earthly reality below and the heaven reality above. The festivals held in the Saal provided a multimedia effect on worshippers resulting from the combination of illuminations, music, ritual, paintings and pageantry.
The Saal or hall, scene of festivals and religious ceremonies.
The cantata written for the dedication of Herrnhaag–s Single Brethren–s House in 1739 shows how community residents looked upon their lives as dedicated to Christ –You know how much we cherish you, most magnificent of all gifts! Precious offering of grace from above! Bless the sacred marriage. Bless the sacred virginity . . . the young men–s strength will be gathered for knighthood in your service . . . This house shall become, and those that live therein, your glorification here on earth!–[4]
As with other Moravian communities, living arrangements were based on the separation of members according to age, marital status and gender into so-called choirs. Each choir had its own festivals. The festival of the Single Brothers at Herrnhaag in 1748 included the glorification of Christ's sidehole wound, considered sacred because it represented Christ's compassionate, sacrificing love. Christian Renatus von Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig's son, led the ceremony making it clear that he literally had become the sidehole of Christ and when he embraced the men, they were embraced by the sidehole. [5] There was also a pictorial representation of the sidehole large enough that each man could enter and pass through it. In this way the men understood they were becoming one with Christ.
Herrnhaag as it looked in 1835.
[edit] Scandal, dispersal and abandonment
What was condemned as heretical by many towards events at Herrnhaag was the blending of the sexual and the spiritual, the human and the divine. Based on writings of Christian Zinzendorf proclaiming all souls to be female, the brothers were proclaimed by Christian Renatus to actually be female and therefore eligible to be brides of Christ who could be entered and filled. There is some evidence that they practiced this literally among themselves and perhaps between the genders as well.
Many within and without the church were scandalized by rumors of such behavior and Ludwig von finally decided to take action, threatening to whip those involved. [6] Christian and others were called to Lindsey House outside London where Nicholas was living.
The residents of Herrnhaag began dispersing after this. In addition to the bad publicity, Herrnhaag and its festivals were a financial drain on the church. But the decision to actually close the settlement was the result of the new local ruler, Gustav Friedrich Count of Ysenburg-Bdingen, who demanded that the Moravians abjure Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf and swear fealty only to himself. Every one of the residents refused to comply,and began to emigrate in 1750, and the community was abandoned by 1753.
The Sisters' House to the left and the Lichtenburg on the right.
[edit] Modern Moravian community
In the latter twentieth-century Herrnhaag was resettled as a Moravian commune and restoration work was begun on the Lichtenburg, the "Fortress of Light", containing the Saal worship hall and the rooms where Count Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf had lived, and the Sisters' House. As of 2009, other buildings are privately owned such as the Single Brethren's House, where Christian Renatus lived, which is now a farm house. The community well remains in the center of the property.
[edit] References
1. ^ Freeman, Arthur. (1998) An Ecumenical Theology of the Heart: The Theology of Count Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf. Bethlehem: The Moravian Church in America. pp 271. ISBN: 987-1878422385
2. ^ Freeman, 252.
3. ^ Atwood, Craig D. (1995) Blood, Sex, and Death: Life and Liturgy in Zinzendorf–s Bethlehem, Ph.D. diss., Princeton Theological Seminary. pp.33.
4. ^ Erbe, Hans-Walter. (1982) –Die Herrnhaag-Kantate von 1739,– 11, Unitas Fratrum: 11. pp. 29-34. Translation by Edward Quinter.
5. ^ Peucker, Paul. (2006) –Inspired by Flames of Love–: Homosexuality, Mysticism and Moravian Brothers around 1750, Journal of the History of Sexuality. 15(1):48.
6. ^ Hergemller, Bernd-Ulrich. (1999) "Nikolaus Ludwig von and Christian Renatus von Zinzendorf," in: Mann fr Mann: biographisches Lexikon zur Geschichte von Freundesliebe und mannmnnlicher Sexualitt im deutschen Sprachraum, Hamburg: Mnnerschwarm. pp 765, ISBN 3-928983-65-2. Translated by Hilke Kuhlmann.
[edit] External links
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17910 | Psalm 73. Honest Confessions in the Presence of God.
Today’s Lectio Divina: Excerpts from Psalm 73. (MsgB)
But I nearly missed it, missed seeing His goodness.
Envying the wicked who have it made, who have nothing to worry about,
Not a care in the whole wide world.
When I was beleaguered and bitter, totally consumed by envy,
I was totally ignorant, a dumb ox in Your very presence.
I’m still in Your presence, but You’ve taken my hand.
Psalm 73 has an interesting twist in it. One I’ve not seen before when it comes to talking about the presence of God.
As a contemplative pastor whose highest desire is to faithfully practice the presence of God in every aspect of my life, I must admit that my expectation in the past has been this…
Standing in the presence of God changes everything.
In other words, I’ve always believed that if I’m lonely and afraid, standing the presence of God can change those emotions inside me. If I’m sick or wounded, standing in the presence of God can bring me healing. If I’m full of sin and self, standing in the presence of God can set me free.
But Asaph, the composer of Psalm 73, presents an interesting dilemma here that I’ve not thought of before! Apparently, if I read his words carefully, there were times in Asaph’s life when he was found standing in the presence of God but his heart remained far from it. Note how he says that he experienced times when he was literally in the presence of the Lord; yet he felt as dumb as an ox and totally ignorant of God’s goodness. He states clearly that he felt that way because he was “beleaguered and bitter, and totally consumed by envy.” Asaph goes on to elaborate; confessing that he was basking in the goodness of God, but all the while he was focusing his eyes, not on God, but on people of influence around him.
How often, my friends, are you and I found in a similar place? We love God. We hunger for His presence. We bask in His goodness and enjoy His blessings. But yet, somehow, someway, we’re missing the moment because of that little thing called bitterness and envy inside our hearts?
Hmm. I wonder if that explains that emptiness I sometimes feel when I’ve just walked out of a wonderful worship service or a great prayer meeting but I still feel empty on the inside?
I’m wondering if I need to look a bit more seriously at that little voice inside me that whispers from time to time how God seems to like other people better than me? Or what about that little thought that says God reserves His best blessings for others while poor little ‘ole me gets left out in the cold.
Maybe I just need to do what Asaph said he did to remedy his envy problem?
I’m still in Your presence, but You’ve taken my hand.
Maybe the next time I find myself in God’s presence, I need to go one step further and let God take my hand and wisely and tenderly lead me where He wants to go rather than me refusing to be led and thinking I know better about life than God does?
Maybe I need to be just a bit more gut honest with myself and know that just because God’s presence is all around me that doesn’t automatically qualify me for heaven? Maybe a bit of confession just might be my ticket to more of God in my life? Confession of envy and bitterness, like Asaph did? Confession that I truly need a Savior to remove that ox yoke of envy off my shoulders; allowing His blessing of goodness to overpower my old self-consumed heart?
My prayer: Father, Asaph is right. Just because I’m found in Your presence, doesn’t mean that I’ve done something good to get me there. Give me the courage to confess my hidden sins even when I’m found directly in the center of your goodness. For Your name’s sake. Amen.
My questions to ponder: How have I misinterpreted the presence of God; assuming He was there because of my righteousness or goodness? How can I get back to the truth that it’s because of His goodness that God comes; and like Asaph, I allow Him to take my hand, wisely and tenderly leading me out of my old self and into the goodness only He can bless me with?
Click here to continue on this blog series…
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17917 | Day: March 4, 2018
FanFes Manila 2018
March 4, 2018
The 1st-ever FanFes Manila 2018 is coming to you this May 12-13, 2018 at the SMX, SM Aura Premier, BGC, Taguig! Fanfes Manila 2018 is a bustling convention and marketplace that puts the spotlight on fan-derived and original content, and content creators. The event features all kinds of creators from artists, video producers, game developers […]
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17924 | Scattered Thoughts on “Pry”
I’ve decided I’m going to try to list this as a database rather than a narrative.
1. I’m glad Pry was left for last because I think this piece has the most sophisticated digital presentation of all of the platforms we’ve explored. We started with Ice Bound Concordance, which had the potential in my opinion to be the most sophisticated (should its digital technology have been the most up to date) for a few reasons: first, its embodied technology. Like Between the Page and Screen, Ice Bound Concordance used the built-in camera on digital devices to project additional meaning into physical space for the viewer/reader/player; second, the depth of its message. Unlike Between the Page and Screen, which made some strong and valid points about the meanings of language and life, Ice Bound Concordance took several hours to complete and made several new commentaries through each chapter and mechanism for engagement provided. Why do I think Pry was more sophisticated? It’s worth exploring the ways in which the dating of technology affects electronic literature. In my view, the aesthetic and functional performance of technology relative to other mediums of the time is paramount to its effect on the reader. Perhaps an affordance of most traditional books is that we expect very little regarding its display of words across the pages. Digital literature faces this problem more seriously. We must be captivated (as a function of our expectations of competitive technological storytelling methods of the time) by the presentation of the work, or the work’s meaning diminishes. Pry is sophisticated, beautiful, and created with cameras and digital platforms that appear modern and current in my imagination. For now.
2. Speaking of, one of the most effective techniques available for communicating first-person narration throughout the story is the requirement that both fingers be attached to the screen for the viewing of the entire section. The story will progress if you don’t maintain active attention to keeping your fingers in the right position. That requirement of touchscreen technology on app-based platforms feels very relatively new to me, in comparison to the clicking and arrows of other stories we’ve explored in this course.
3. Another effective technique was the ridiculously high quality of the camera work. I felt astounded that it was even showing on my phone at such a high quality. The role that this played in communicating messages involving loss of vision cannot be understated. When we are watching a first-person and the picture blurs, it is a stand-out moment, as the quality of the camera work feels so close to the normal experience of seeing that a blur registers as our own vision as readers actually failing. Or perhaps this game was just very effective in having me internalize the main character’s psyche.
4. Lots to say about the unconscious versus the conscious. I’m sure we’ll talk about Freud in class. My favorite symbol of understanding and talking about these concepts comes from the idea of the iceberg, where the conscious are the thoughts and perceptions that are completely visible, the pre-conscious are the things that are within reach of bringing to the visible, and the un-conscious are the things so repressed and buried that we can’t even access them on a regular basis.
Graphic obtained from a personal blog explaining to their readers the Freudian concept of the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious levels of the mind. Here is the link to the source.
[So it ended up being a list of narratives. I guess that’s how this goes.]
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17932 | To celebrate Spring Creation station have created this fun and easy birdhouse. Explore using different colours and textures to attract the birds to your garden! This activity helps to develop your child’s fine motor skills, colour recognition and help them understand the world.
You will need:
• Birdhouse
• Paint
• Brush
• Glue
• Glitter
Q: Can February March? A:No, but April May!
Q: Why is the letter A like a flower? A: A bee (B) comes after it!
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17946 | Are all Morse code strings uniquely decipherable? Without the spaces,
could be Hello World but perhaps the first letter is a 5 -- in fact it looks very unlikely an arbitrary sequence of dots and dashes should have a unique translation.
One might possibly use the Kraft inequality but that only applies to prefix codes.
Morse code with spaces is prefix code in which messages can always be uniquely decoded. Once we remove the spaces this is no longer true.
In the case I am right, and all Morse code message can't be uniquely decoded, is there a way to list all the possible messages? Here are some related exercise I found on codegolf.SE
• 7
$\begingroup$ You seem to have answered your own question already? $\endgroup$ – Raphael Dec 9 '14 at 17:34
• 7
$\begingroup$ "Morse code without spaces" is not morse code. The spaces are part of the specification because without them the code is not decipherable. $\endgroup$ – Stephen Kennedy Dec 9 '14 at 20:11
• 1
$\begingroup$ @StephenKennedy That's already in the question. Did you read it completely? $\endgroup$ – Raphael Dec 9 '14 at 22:14
• 3
$\begingroup$ Perl script to list possible messages for a code. Didn't realize this was a purely theoretical community. :) $\endgroup$ – Squeezy Dec 9 '14 at 22:42
• 1
$\begingroup$ Are you really sure your accepted answer qualifies as an answer at all, or even as a hint to anything? I mean it is obvious that ET=A ... which proves that Spielberg was right: ET is an Alien. $\endgroup$ – babou Dec 11 '14 at 23:52
The following are both plausible messages, but have a completely different meaning:
SOS HELP = ...---... .... . .-.. .--. => ...---.........-...--.
• 6
$\begingroup$ Cute but it's already been established that Morse without spaces is ambiguous so I don't really think this is worth much more than a comment. $\endgroup$ – David Richerby Dec 9 '14 at 21:07
• 37
$\begingroup$ The OP seems to be asking whether one series of dots and dashes without spaces could be interpreted as two "real" messages as opposed to arbitrary sequences of T and E. The first SOS! Help! is composed of two interjections and the second I am his date is a grammatical and sensible English sentence so both are valid messages. This answers the question succinctly by providing an example. $\endgroup$ – CJ Dennis Dec 10 '14 at 3:28
• 2
$\begingroup$ @CJDennis The question doesn't say that at all. It asks if there Morse strings are uniquely decipherable and if there's a way of listing all the strings that code to a given sequence if dots and dashes. It says nothing at all about the strings having to have meaning in English. $\endgroup$ – David Richerby Dec 11 '14 at 17:10
• 2
$\begingroup$ there is both a specific (counter)example and a general way to study the problem and both are relevant to good answer(s). see eg proofs/refutations by lakatos $\endgroup$ – vzn Dec 11 '14 at 19:02
• 3
$\begingroup$ "What does it say, ensign?" I AM HIS DATE "So Amelia decided to elope with old Noonan, hmmm. We should probably keep this to ourselves." $\endgroup$ – dotancohen Dec 12 '14 at 9:22
Quoting David Richerby from the comments:
Since ⋅ represents E and − represents T, any Morse message without spaces can be interpreted as a string in $\{E,T\}^*$
Further, since A, I, M, and N are represented by the four possible combinations of two morse characters (⋅-, ⋅⋅, --, -⋅, respectively), any message without spaces can also be interpreted as a string in $\{A,I,M,N\}^*\{E,T\}?$. Note that for any Morse message of length > 1, this is distinct from David's interpretation. Thus, the only messages with unique interpretations are those of length 1 (and, I suppose, 0, if that counts as a message) - that is, ⋅, representing E, and -, representing T.
Here's some JavaScript that will tell you all possible interpretations of a string of . and -. Strings of up to length 22 run in under a second, but anything higher than that starts getting pretty slow - I wouldn't, for example, try to decode HELLO WORLD with it. You can pop open a JavaScript console in your browser, paste this in, and then call, for example, decode('......-...-..---'). (In this example, entry #2446 is the intended string "HELLO".)
var decode = function(code) {
var cache = {
'0': ['']
for(var start = 0;start < code.length;start++) {
for(var len = 1;len < 6;len++) {
if(start + len > code.length) continue;
if(!cache[start + len]) cache[start + len] = [];
var curCode = code.slice(start, start + len);
if(dict[curCode]) {
for(var i_start = 0;i_start < cache[start].length;i_start++) {
cache[start + len].push(cache[start][i_start] + dict[curCode]);
return cache[code.length];
var dict = {
'.-': 'A',
'-...': 'B',
'-.-.': 'C',
'-..': 'D',
'.': 'E',
'..-.': 'F',
'--.': 'G',
'....': 'H',
'..': 'I',
'.---': 'J',
'-.-': 'K',
'.-..': 'L',
'--': 'M',
'-.': 'N',
'---': 'O',
'.--.': 'P',
'--.-': 'Q',
'.-.': 'R',
'...': 'S',
'-': 'T',
'..-': 'U',
'...-': 'V',
'.--': 'W',
'-..-': 'X',
'-.--': 'Y',
'--..': 'Z',
'.----': '1',
'..---': '2',
'...--': '3',
'....-': '4',
'.....': '5',
'-....': '6',
'--...': '7',
'---..': '8',
'----.': '9',
'-----': '0'
The code to prune it to only strings of real words is a bit longer, so I put it here. It runs under node.js and expects a file at /usr/share/dict/words-2500. The dictionary I'm using can be found here. It is not naive - it prunes as it goes, so it runs much faster on larger inputs.
The dictionary consists of a top-2500 words list I found on the internet somewhere, minus some 1-, 2-, and 3- letter combinations that I deemed not words. This algorithm is sensitive to having too many short words to choose from, and slows down drastically if you allow, say, every individual letter as a word (I'm looking at you, /usr/share/dict/words).
The algorithm finishes by sorting based on the number of words, so the "interesting" ones will hopefully be at the top. This works great on HELLO WORLD, running in under a second and returning the expected phrase as the first hit. From this I also learned that DATA SCIENTIST (the only other phrase I tried) morse codes the same as NEW REAL INDIA.
Edit: I searched for more interesting ones for a few minutes. The words SPACES and SWITCH are morsagrams. So far they're the longest single-word pair I've found.
• 3
$\begingroup$ Have you just invented the word morsagram ? I like it very much, but a web-search provided a single link - to this site. $\endgroup$ – BmyGuest Dec 11 '14 at 10:48
• $\begingroup$ I have also taken the liberty to turn this interesting question into an open challenge on Puzzling.SE with some reference back to this posting here. $\endgroup$ – BmyGuest Dec 11 '14 at 11:17
• $\begingroup$ @BmyGuest Yeah, that's a completely made-up word. I kinda like it, though. $\endgroup$ – Aaron Dufour Dec 11 '14 at 15:46
It is enough to observe that certain short combinations of letters give ambiguous decodings. A single ambiguous sequence suffices, but I can see the following:
etc. As David Richerby notes in the comments, any letter is equivalent to a string of Es and Ts, which makes Morse Code ambiguous as a way of encoding arbitrary sequences of letters; the above combinations show that this is true even of plausible letter combinations in English (for instance, MEAT ~ MITT). Perhaps an interesting coding exercise would be to find all strings of five or fewer letters which could be mistaken for something else, restricting to letter combinations that may actually be found in English text (using one or more words), grouped by equivalence class.
Using your original example, it also happens to be the case that
and while the right-hand side is perhaps unrealistic even as a partial message, it is certainly a sequence of English words, and one that could be found in less than 15 minutes without computer assistance. This could be taken as evidence that many phrases in English could be misparsed as a different (possibly nonsensical) sequence of English words.
• $\begingroup$ MT vs TM is a very short example. $\endgroup$ – Raphael Dec 9 '14 at 17:35
• 2
$\begingroup$ @Raphael MT == TM == O All three are the same sequence. That makes it very difficult to translate. $\endgroup$ – Red_Shadow Dec 9 '14 at 19:23
Morse Code is actually a ternary code, not a binary code, so the spaces are necessary. If spaces were not there, a lot of ambiguity would result, not so much with the entire message, but with individual letters.
For example, 2 dots is an I, but 3 dots is an S. If you are transcribing and you hear two dots, do you immediately write "I" or do you wait until you hear another dot (or dash)?
The answer is that each value is space separated so they are grouped together. When operators key messages in Morse, they make a pause of the same length as a dash after each letter code sequence to indicate the end of the sequence.
Even if you wrote an AI program to look at a full sentence at a time and figure out what was the logical interpretation of the message, there would still be many slight ambiguities and misspellings that would
• 2
$\begingroup$ Your last sentence seems to have been truncated. $\endgroup$ – David Richerby Dec 11 '14 at 19:40
• 2
$\begingroup$ @DavidRicherby Yes, that is because I tried to make post using Morse Code with no spaces. $\endgroup$ – Tyler Durden Dec 11 '14 at 19:46
a few notes not covered in other (good) answers but which dont generally research prior knowledge and cite any stuff (to me an intrinsic part of computer science).
• this general theory of CS falls into the category of text segmentation and also "word splitting"/ "disambiguation" although there the theory is a bit different, its about splitting sequences of symbols into words (with variable letters), etc, where the symbols are units. here the strings are split into letters where letters have variable length, but the theory is analogous although not exactly 1-1. ie mapping between sentences-into-words, variable-word-letter-lengths, and sentences-into-words, variable-word/letter-lengths.
• as others have pointed out this can be studied empirically. and someone did that from one angle (there are multiple ways to study this) and "published" the results on a web page with a big directory/ table of results.
I found 25,787 ambiguous Morse code words. This is made of 10,330 distinct Morse strings. The highest frequency ambiguous Morse word has 13 possible donor words. The results are grouped below in tables based on the frequency of words that share the same Morse representation.
• wow, "context matters"... a nearly identical question "translating morse code without spaces" on stackoverflow from 3yrs ago currently has 0 votes.
In general there are exponentially many possible decodings, but if you really want you can list them all. You can also list them in a succinct way, that is, give a succinct representation for all of them. Since this is nothing more than a programming exercise, I challenge you to do it yourself.
That said, the fact that there is ambiguity does not preclude the ability to decipher the message, or at least large parts of the message. Assuming a probabilistic model for the text represented by the Morse code – for definiteness, we can assume that it's English and use statistical properties of English – it may be possible to essentially decode the message, though some local ambiguities may be unavoidable. The reason is that most decodings correspond to non-sense plaintext. The way to do it is to extend the dynamic programming algorithm from the previous paragraph to estimate the likelihood of each decoding, and then choose the maximum likelihood decoding. This approach has more chance to succeed as the message gets longer.
• $\begingroup$ Doesn't the Viterbi algorithm do something similar to what you described? Quantifying the exponential growth of the number of decodings, is that an appropriate question for here, or cstheory.SE? $\endgroup$ – john mangual Dec 9 '14 at 22:04
• 1
$\begingroup$ That's right, the idea is to use dynamic programming. Estimating the exponential growth probably fits here better than cstheory. $\endgroup$ – Yuval Filmus Dec 10 '14 at 6:27
• $\begingroup$ actually, this is very similar to what is done to identify words in speech processing. The result is what is called a word lattice, that is a condensed representation of all the word sequences that could match the sound sequence analyzed. $\endgroup$ – babou Dec 11 '14 at 20:50
How to define/recognize/generate the language of all possible decodings.
Clearly, without spaces, the morse code is no longer uniquely decipherable.
It is however possible to give in a condensed form all the possible ways to decode it. This is actually similar to what is done in speech processing: from a unique stream of sounds (or of phonems), you have to find all the ways it can be decomposed in a sequence of words. The algorithms for doing this produce what is called a word lattice. You will find an example in the "lexical ambiguity" section of this answer.
In the case of binary Morse code (no spaces), you have only dots and dashes, but the problem is the same.
The way you can get all translations is as follow.
First you build Generalized Sequential Machine (GSM) $T$ that decodes the a Morse sentence. This is easily achieved by building a trie that recognizes Morse code. When a code is recognized, the corresponding letter/digit is output, and there is (non deterministically) an empty transition back to the root of the trie. But at the same time, the code word may be continued into a longer one (non-deterministically).
Then you take your Morse sequence $w$ of $n$ dashes and dots, and you read it as a linear finite state automaton $W$ with $n+1$ states (the positions between the dashes and dots, from $0$ to $n$) that generates this unique sentence, i.e. the singleton language $L=\{w\}=\mathcal L(W)$. What you want is the language of all translations $T(L)$. You know from general theorems that, since L is finite, hence regular, and since regular languages are closed under GSM mappings, that the language $T(L)$ is regular. So what you really want is a FSA that recognizes (or generates) that language.
For that purpose, you can simply apply a standard cross-product construction, similar to the one used for the intersection of two regular languages, to the two finites states devices $T$ and $W$. The transition are chosen so that you mimic both the transducer $T$ and the FSA $W$. You easily get a FSA that defines the regular language of all translations.
The details are easily worked out. But ask if you need more.
Some pseudo-code for a solver that will give all possible interpretations. This is based on a few quick thoughts, so additional input would be welcome. Method accepts two inputs one of the text so far translated, and the second of morse code.
MorseSolver (string textSoFar, string codeRemaining)
if(codeRemaining length == 0) output textSoFar
codeLength = length of code remaining
read 1 through (min of 5 or codeLength) characters from codeRemaining
for each set of characters
call an IsMorseCode method that checks if the characters
input are valid morse code
if they are valid add the translated character to textSoFar
and remove the characters from codeRemaining, then call
the MorseSolver again with the new strings)
This will output all the possible combinations of letters and numbers without any spaces between "words". If you wanted to prove the ambiguity, this would certainly do it. If you wanted to get some meaningful messages out, then try looking for code meant to translate hashtags into readable language.
Using the above, I wrote a program in C# which does the above. I stopped it from running at 22 million possibilities for the above string that can translate to hello world. The Morse Code equivalent of "Hello" resulted in 20,569 possible results. I also did not include the numbers. That would be higher if I allowed them.
• $\begingroup$ The output of such an algorithm would be a proof that any individual string is ambiguous but it wouldn't prove that all strings are ambiguous. $\endgroup$ – David Richerby Dec 9 '14 at 20:29
• $\begingroup$ @DavidRicherby All strings of length > 1 are ambiguous. That has been proven elsewhere on this page. I was attempting to answer the second part of the question, and provide a means to extrapolate all possible solutions from a string. $\endgroup$ – Red_Shadow Dec 9 '14 at 20:58
• $\begingroup$ Just out of curiosity, would you share your C# program? My Perl version comes up with 19796 possible solutions for the "HELLO" equivalent. Most probably I forgot to output some cases though... $\endgroup$ – Squeezy Dec 9 '14 at 22:32
• 1
$\begingroup$ Real source code is offtopic here; please publish it elsewhere (pastebin, Gist, ...) and only link to it. $\endgroup$ – Raphael Dec 11 '14 at 16:33
protected by Raphael Dec 11 '14 at 19:32
Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead?
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17977 | Feeding Tube Lessons
After writing about our family’s experiences with inserting feeding tubes into the stomachs of precious loved ones, I have now arrived at the point of drawing some conclusions and sharing what I have learned. This discussion must be prefaced with the caveat that I am not a medical professional. I don’t have all the information about feeding tubes, nor can I give advice to a family. I can only share with you my personal conclusions on this topic. In addition, it is entirely possible that what I write in the next two posts, might completely change in the next 5 years because of presently unknown future events. We don’t know what the future holds for us and our family.
I have learned that sometimes a inserting a feeding tube is entirely appropriate. When a person has a curable disease and needs a temporary way of getting nutrition and hydration, then by all means. put that feeding tube in. If a person is otherwise reasonably healthy, has a reasonable cognitive ability, understands about the need for a feeding tube, and is in favor of it, then, again, I think a feeding tube is appropriate. If a person has a type of cancer that has taken away their ability to eat, but otherwise the cancer is moving slowly, and that person is still enjoying life, then with that person’s permission, put in the feeding tube.
On the other hand, If a person’s quality of life is very low, if that person is just lying in a bed, not able to communicate, recognizing no one, is ready to give up this life, or does not have the cognitive ability to understand the need for a feeding tube, much less make a decision about it, then perhaps inserting a feeding tube, would not be appropriate. If that person is in continual pain and must be kept sedated to the point of not being conscious, then perhaps inserting a feeding tube would cruel, not kind.
Taking out a feeding tube is also a very difficult decision and should not be made without considerable prayer and discussion on the part of the family and family member if possible. If a family member’s physical condition is one of pain and suffering, if they are unconscious, if they have no cognitive ability, or if they are ready to die and have expressed a desire for the feeding tube to be removed, then take it out. However, if it is taken out, then, family, make sure that certain things are done, such as oral hydration so that your loved one’s mouth does not dry out. It is your responsibility to see to these details so that your family member will then pass from this life into the next with as little discomfort as possible.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17986 | Delacor Your Architects for LabVIEW Fri, 21 Jun 2019 19:31:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 121230559 Simplifying your Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) with LVOOP and DQMH – Part 1 Tue, 21 May 2019 15:30:04 +0000
Michael Howard is a guest blogger. Michael works as a Principal Automation Test Engineer at Advanced Bionics and has been working with LabVIEW since LabVIEW 6i. The Automated Test Engineering (ATE) and Systems Test groups at Advanced Bionics are responsible for developing tests to verify the performance of the hardware and firmware systems used in AB’s Cochlear Implant systems. Michael is a LabVIEW Certified Associate Developer and one of two acting LabVIEW and TestStand Architects working for Advanced Bionics. He is responsible for introducing and implementing hardware and software engineering best practices for the ATE team. His latest achievements include implementing a Hardware Abstraction Layer and Measurement Abstraction Layer architecture along with Software Engineering best practices that reduced development times, emphasized code reuse, added scalability, simplified the development process and improved code quality.
This blog post contains information relevant to the presentation Fab and I are giving at NIWeek 2019, titled Simplifying your HAL with LVOOP and DQMH®. The takes you back to this post. You can find the code we used for the demonstrations in a Bitbucket repository.
Have you ever wanted to create a Hardware Abstraction Layer for measurement instrumentation but were unsure where or how to start? With all of the documentation available (White Papers, Blogs, PowerPoint Presentations), you are introduced to terminologies such as OOP, Dynamic Dispatch, and Hardware Abstraction. For some, putting all this together can be a daunting task. Well, there is good news: this post provides an answer to this task. With a simplified process and tools readily at your disposal, you can create decoupled reusable Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) components. You can clone the repository or download it as a zip file. The Readme file on the repository includes instructions on how to set up the code on your computer, such as installing DQMH and some additional instrument drivers. The attached document contains the step by step instructions to create the code that you can download from the repository. For the latest version of this document, see the one in the repository. We will walk you through how to create a HAL using a DMM class. When we are done, you will know exactly how to create a reusable DQMH DMM HAL that provides an API that works well in both LabVIEW and TestStand. Ready? Let us dive in.
Version as of May 31st, 2019
Download “Simplifying-your-Hardware-Abstraction-Layer-with-LVOOP-and-DQMH-Part-I-May-31-2019.pdf” Simplifying-your-Hardware-Abstraction-Layer-with-LVOOP-and-DQMH-Part-I-May-31-2019.pdf – Downloaded 172 times – 3 MB
Initial version of the document:
Download “Simplifying-your-Hardware-Abstraction-Layer-with-LVOOP-and-DQMH-Part-I.pdf” Simplifying-your-Hardware-Abstraction-Layer-with-LVOOP-and-DQMH-Part-I.pdf – Downloaded 81 times – 3 MB
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My Journey through Actor Framework and DQMH Mon, 15 Apr 2019 14:00:56 +0000 Marc Dubois is a guest blogger. He is the owner of Harotek that specializes in the development of LabVIEW applications for Augmented Reality and for Ultrasonic Phased Arrays for Non-Destructive Testing (NDT).
Fabiola asked me to contribute to Delacor’s blog about what made me select the DQMH framework over Actor Framework for a specific project. I have struggled over this choice for a few months so I thought maybe such a post can help someone who is currently in the same situation.
A while ago, my default go-to framework (if we can call it a framework) was based on a template that I had developed myself. That framework is simply a variant of the event-based queued-message-handler. At some point, I was asked by a potential customer to quote a project that would be based on the Actor Framework (AF). I had very little experience with AF so I went through the training and I developed a version of an application I had already developed using my own framework. It was a revelation. The scripting component of AF, the simplicity of the block diagram of each actor, and the power of the object-oriented nature of each actor made me an instant fan.
AF modules can have a very simple block diagram, even when including a Helper Loop. The complexity, and elegance, of AF, is in the top subVI that calls the parent method of the Actor.
I ended up not getting the contract, but I was hooked to AF. In the meantime, the DQMH framework appeared and it seemed very popular. When I had a quick look at it, at first I was not very impressed. In comparison with AF, block diagrams were much more complex (a minimum of two loops vs. none), not object-oriented, and it does not ship with LabVIEW. However, I was impressed by the documentation, support, testers, and exposure provided by Delacor and Fabiola De la Cueva.
I then had a customer asking me to develop an application that would need to be maintained, expanded, and upgraded in the future by LabVIEW newbies. I had to explain AF to newbies. Even though my explanations might have gone through with some of them, I could see a lot of bewildered eyes.
I had to admit that even for me, if I had not used AF for a few weeks, it would take me a couple of hours to readjust to the framework. This is when I attended Sam Taggart’s excellent webinar “Choosing A Framework”, which was mostly a comparison between AF and DQMH.
I decided that I would give DQMH a second chance. That time I liked it because of its ease to understand, and also because of the testers and of the scripting. I missed the simple block diagrams of AF but I realized that in AF the complexity of the block diagrams is hidden while it is exposed in DQMH. I decided that I would deal with the complexity of the block diagrams in DQMH by adding a third loop, the helper loop. This helper loop would handle most of my code and would receive messages from the Message Handling loop. I then set up the block diagram window so that it shows only my helper loop by default, where most of the code changes occur anyway. It also has the additional advantage to help prevent accidental changes to the basic communication mechanism of the DQMH modules.
DQMH modules have at least two loops: the Event Handling and Message Handling loops. The block diagram of a DQMH module is complex but there is no hidden complexity, making DQMH easy to understand. Adding a Helper Loop to handle your own code might make code development and maintenance easier.
I also thought that I missed the object-oriented nature of the AF actors. I realized though that the ability to create abstract actors, which I had used, was interesting in theory but never had been really useful in any of my projects. It made me think of the “Needless Complexity” code smell in Robert C. Martin’s book “Agile Software development”.
I like Sam Taggart’s analogy of AF versus DQMH as a Ferrari versus a Volkswagen. Even though a Ferrari is a higher performance car, you see a lot more cars like a Volkswagen in the streets than cars like a Ferrari. Don’t be mistaken, in the case of AF and DQMH, performance does not mean processing speeds but the potential to extend capabilities in the future and code reuse.
There are a lot of development frameworks for LabVIEW out there. So, as a developer to other developers who have not jumped onto the framework wagon, here are my recommendations based on my own experience in order of importance:
1. Pick a framework. Never start a project with an empty project and an empty VI. You sure can develop your own template but see the next points.
2. Pick a framework that is scripted and that allows you to easily create new components. You do not want to increase the complexity of an existing component simply because of the hurdle to create a new one.
3. Pick a framework that is supported for training, technical help, and future developments. Those are important to make your code sustainable in the near future.
4. Realistically evaluate your needs. You definitely want a framework that has more capabilities than what you currently think you need but not by too much. Complexity is a burden. That burden has to be carried around 100% of the time while you extract benefit from it only a fraction of the time. This is a balancing act and you might not get it right 100% of the time.
In my case (one-person development team), my default go-to framework is now DQMH. I consider AF if I see a serious potential need for it in the project requirements. I also try to keep on top of the latest LabVIEW developments in case something or someone can convince me otherwise.
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How to Organize your Large LabVIEW Project Using Libraries Tue, 02 Apr 2019 10:06:42 +0000 I am presenting at the CLA Summit in Krakow. As soon as I get the video of the presentation (if there is one), I will add it to this post.
Using SubModules, SubRepositories or SVN externals to organize your libraries
Using JKI VIPM packages to share project libraries
You can find an example at
Package DQMH Module as PPL
You can find an example at
]]> 7 2413
Dual Version VI Analyzer Tests Fri, 01 Mar 2019 20:27:58 +0000 Background
We were working with Stefan Lemmens to update the custom Delacor VI Analyzer Tests for his company. They have some projects that use LabVIEW versions that are earlier than LabVIEW 2018 and some projects that use LabVIEW 2018. They wanted to take advantage of the #via_ignore feature when using LabVIEW 2018 and we didn’t want to maintain two VIPM packages for the same tests. Stefan came up with an idea on how to do this and at Delacor we expanded on his original idea. We thought this was too good to keep to ourselves and we hope it helps others trying to solve the same issue.
Types of VI Analyzer Tests
There are two types of VI Analyzer tests:
• RD tests (LabVIEW 2017 and earlier) – If the VI Analyzer tests LLB contains a <test name>, then it is an RD test. RD stands for “Reconstruct Data”, and the RD VI tells the VI Analyzer Results Window how to interpret the “Ref Index” value returned by a test failure. For example, if your test returns failures for For Loops, then the RD VI will specify the class “ForLoop”, which tells the VI Analyzer Results Window to traverse the failure VI for For Loops, and the “Ref Index” value will specify which item in the traversed array of references is the specific failure object. All VI Analyzer tests written from LabVIEW 7.0 to LabVIEW 2017 are RD tests.
• UID tests (LabVIEW 2018 and later) – If the VI Analyzer test LLB does not contain a <test name>, then it is a UID test. This means that the “Ref Index” value returned by a test failure is simply the UID of the failure object:
All VI Analyzer tests created in LabVIEW 2018 or later are UID tests. You can also manually convert an RD test to a UID test by:
1. Modifying the test’s scripting code to pass UIDs instead of traversal indices
2. Deleting the RD VI from the test LLB.
VI Analyzer 2018 and later will load and run either type of test. Unfortunately, in order to utilize the #via_ignore functionality added in VI Analyzer 2018, a test must be a UID test. So if you have old RD tests you are still using, they will not support the ability to ignore individual test results.
Implementing Dual Version VI Analyzer Tests
There is a workaround for this situation. You can implement your VI Analyzer test as a Dual Version VI Analyzer test by following these steps:
1. Add the following code snippet to the diagram of your VI Analyzer test:
Save png and drag into LabVIEW block diagram
Dual Version Test Snippet
This code will return a Boolean that specifies whether or not the test that is currently running is an RD test or a UID test. Note that the code in the case structure only runs the first time it is called. It will use the stored value on each subsequent call (during an analysis session). This results in a minimal performance hit.
2. In the scripting code of your VI Analyzer test, generate both the traversal index (for an RD test) and the UID (for a UID test), and conditionally pass the proper value, depending on the Boolean value returned by the code snippet above. Here is an example:
Dual Version Test Use Example
The RD VI for this test specifies “Wire” as the failure object. If the test is an RD test (based on the code snippet described above), return the loop index in the failure cluster. If the test is a UID test, return the UID of the Wire.
3. When installing the VI Analyzer test, conditionally delete the RD VI from the test LLB if the test is being installed to LabVIEW 2018 or later. If you are using VIPM to distribute your VI Analyzer tests, this can be easily accomplished with a Post Install Action VI that queries the LabVIEW install version and conditionally modifies the test LLBs post-install.
Using this approach allows you to single-source your VI Analyzer test development in the earliest LabVIEW version you wish to support, while also giving you the valuable #via_ignore functionality provided in LabVIEW 2018 and later.
Caveat: When using the dual version test technique, you will probably want to install your tests to the LabVIEW folder. Tests in the LabVIEW Data folder will be shared across LabVIEW versions, and for the next several years anyway, if you are in a company like Stefan’s, chances are you’ll be using these tests in a LabVIEW version prior to 2018.
At Delacor we have helped customers create and maintain their custom VI Analyzer tests to guide their team through LabVIEW Style guidelines compliance. Let us know if we can help you do the same.
Happy wiring,
The Delacor Team
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VI Scripting: Add Glyph to VI Icon Thu, 10 Jan 2019 16:55:09 +0000 Joerg Hampel is a guest blogger. As the owner of Hampel Software Engineering, CLA, and LabVIEW Champion, his biggest interest lies in team development best practices.
This post was originally published on
Using LabVIEW’s VI Scripting features, it is surprisingly easy to create tools that increase development efficiency and enforce coding guidelines. For example, having groups of associated VIs stand out on your block diagrams makes maintenance a lot easier. VI Scripting allows you to add glyphs to VI icons programmatically with very little overhead.
Adding a glyph to a VI icon manually
Adding a glyph to a VI icon manually
Manually adding a glyph to a VI isn’t too much of a hassle. You create your new VI or open an existing one, you fire up the Icon Editor, you design your artwork, you do or do not add a glyph. All is well. But imagine having to add the same glyph again and again to new VIs, or tidying up legacy code and having to deal with a large number of VIs – quite soon this becomes a tedious piece of work.
Automate tedious recurring tasks
With VI Scripting, we can automate this cumbersome recurring task. The LabVIEW Icon API – which is easily accessible through the Hidden Gems in vi.lib – comes with everything we need to access a VI’s icon programmatically and read or write layers.
LabVIEW Icon API – Hidden Gem palette
LabVIEW Icon API – Hidden Gem palette
With a little digging into the contents of the vi.lib/LabVIEW Icon API/ directory, we quickly find another API for creating or updating Layer data.
LabVIEW Icon API – Layer Class
LabVIEW Icon API – Layer Class
And this is really it:
• Open a VI reference
• Read its icon layers
• Add a new layer with the glyph in it
• Write back the VI icon
• Save the VI
Done and dusted. See for yourself:
Block diagram for adding a picture to a VI icon
Block diagram for adding a picture to a VI icon
You can find the Add Picture to VI in our public HSE Scripting Tools repository on GitLab.
DQMH broadcast VIs
What’s the real-world application, you ask? What problem triggered this whole effort? Here goes:
The DQMH framework features broadcast events as a one-to-many way for any given module to tell the world that “something happened”. It comes with a handful of standard events for each module, and you can add your own. Each broadcast event comes with an auto-generated VI that you can use to send your broadcast message from your module to any external code registered to that broadcast event.
When working on or debugging DQMH modules, I like these broadcast VIs to stand out, so I can easily distinguish between simple subVIs (actions internal to the module) and VIs that interact with the outer world.
DQMH broadcast VI in action
DQMH broadcast VI in action
In order to achieve this blissful state of code, I have to modify each broadcast VI’s icon and – to conform with our coding style guide – add a glyph that symbolizes the broadcast. (Again, you can find the glyph file on GitLab in our public HSE Little Helpers repository).
Delacor to the rescue!
Reworking the default broadcast VIs is tedious, and reworking existing code that wasn’t built in accordance with our own style guide, or legacy code, or code from customers, is tedious no less. Even with our shiny new scripting tool, we still need to manually invoke that VI every time.
But thankfully, Delacor’s dedication to the community is second to none. There’s a place on the NI forums where Fab and her team collect feature requests, which allows for direct feedback from actual users of their product. I posted my request there (being a DQMH Trusted Advisor probably didn’t hurt, either), and I have it on good authority that one of the next releases will include this feature! Make sure to sign up for their newsletter to get your hands on it ASAP.
Awesome – thanks, guys!
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Techniques for Starting your DQMH Based Project Tue, 04 Sep 2018 11:00:45 +0000 Last fall, I had the honor of presenting at GDevCon#1, the first independent graphical programming conference. GDevCon#1 took place in Cambridge, UK (September 4th-5th, 2018). GDevCon was an excellent conference, so make sure you go to their website and buy your tickets for GDevCon#2. Last time the first round of tickets sold out in one day and they had to find a bigger venue! One of the multiple great things the organizers did was to get professional recordings of our presentations. Below is the recording of this presentation (thanks to GDevCon team and their sponsors for this perk).
The takes you back to this post.
The first part of the presentation is very similar to the presentation I gave at NI week 2018. The takes you to that presentation’s post. However, this time, I focused more on the planning stages for a DQMH project and how to share DQMH modules within a DQMH Project. I included some additional tools our customers, DQMH Trusted Advisors and our team use when planning a new DQMH project. Also, as a result of the NI Week presentation and the one at GDevCon, we decided to include the DQMH version of the Continous and Measurement Logging sample project as part of DQMH 4.1. The following sections explain how we went about creating the CML DQMH sample project.
Planning a new DQMH based project
Rather than repeating what we already discussed at, let us highlight the differences. First, we realized that calling the request “Start Logging” was misleading and we renamed it as “Initialize File” which is more indicative of what the Logger module is actually doing.
Updated DQMH Events for DQMH CML project
Notice that the DQMH request events use the imperative form for their names, while the DQMH broadcast events use the past tense. This little tip makes it easier to model, discuss and implement your DQMH modules.
Wired-in Software, one of the DQMH Trusted Advisors, shared with us another type of table that helps them visualize DQMH event communication between modules as well as any possible circular dependencies.
Wired-in Software DQMH Events Table
As you can see, there are different ways to model and visualize the DQMH events and the communication between DQMH modules. You can try out the sequence diagrams and diagrams discussed at or the tables discussed above. Maybe you will come up with your own way of modeling your DQMH modules and their relationships, the takeaway here is to take the time to discuss with your team the public API for your DQMH modules before starting to code. Even with all the DQMH scripting tools, it is still easier to delete a row on a table or move the contents to a different cell than modify existing code.
Sharing DQMH Modules
Option 1: Templates
Via Project Templates
You have probably seen the DQMH project template that ships with the toolkit. You can create a new project based on that template via Getting Started Window>>Create Project>>Delacor QMH. We have included with the toolkit a document indicating how we created this project template. You can go to the same NI page we went to and even use our project template as an example to create your own. The instructions are at <LabVIEW>\ProjectTemplates\Source\Delacor\Delacor QMH\README.txt
Some examples of the DQMH Project templates we have created for internal use at Delacor are
• DQMH Configuration Editor
• Editor Framework DQMH (singleton)
• Page DQMH (Cloneable)
• File class
• Configuration template libraries
• DQMH Test Sequencer
• Sequencer (singleton)
• Logger (singleton)
• Configuration Framework
Both projects include more than one DQMH module and each project will need to be customized for new projects. At Delacor, when we get hired to create a project that is very similar to a project we have built before, we don’t just go and save a copy of the previous project and modify it to match the current project. Instead, we save a copy, remove all the things that are unique to the previous project, create a project template, package it into its own VIPM package and start the new project form the project template. We create a repository for that project template, its own bug tracking project and track time for it as if it was a product. This has helped us create a library of templates that we rely on for new projects. As we find improvements or bugs, we file them against the template and future projects benefit from the improvements.
As mentioned earlier, another example of a project template that you can explore is the DQMH CML sample project template that ships with DQMH 4.1.
Via DQMH Module Templates
If you only want to reuse a DQMH module and do not need to create a full project template, you can create your own DMQH module template. Your DQMH module template can include support libraries and classes, as long as they are saved in the same directory as your DQMH module, they will be added as part of the DQMH module template. DQMH 4.2 and later simplifies a lot the steps to create a new DQMH module template.
Some examples of DQMH Module Templates we have created for internal use at Delacor are
• Serial Manager (Cloneable)
• Delacor Test Sequencer Test
• Logger
• Database Logger
• ROI Overlay module
An example of a DQMH Module Template shared with the community
Option 2: Share as Reusable Code
Via SubRepositories
We mentioned in the DQMH Module Template section above that the source code for the DQMH module template doesn’t need to be in LabVIEW Data, the source code can be in a relative path to the project. A way to address this is to use sub-repositories (or submodules or SVN externals). Your new project is in its own repository and as part of the folders in this new repository, it has a folder that is itself linked to another repository. I don’t show that in this post. If this is something you would like for us to explore in future blog posts, let us know via the comments.
If you are going to reuse a DQMH module as-is in multiple repositories, then you can have that DQMH module be in its own repository and have the project repository load it as a submodule. You can clone or download the example at and follow along with the demonstration video below where I show you how to add the Acquisition DQMH module as a subrepository of Libraries, which it is in itself a subrepository of CML-DQMH repository.
Via Package DQMH Module via JKI VIPM
You can find an example at
Package DQMH Module as PPL
You can find an example at
Building a DQMH based Project into an EXE
The DQMH CML Sample Project Template ships with DQMH 4.1 and later. You can create a copy of this project by going to Getting Started >> Create Project >> Sample Projects>> CML DQMH. One additional improvement we made, after the presentations at NI Week and at GDevCon, was to make the launcher automatically configured to run transparently when in exe and show its front panel when in dev mode or running with the debug command line argument.
Happy wiring,
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Getting VI Analyzer Into Our Workflow Wed, 22 Aug 2018 13:06:46 +0000 James McNally is a guest blogger. He is the director of Wiresmith Technology and a LabVIEW Champion.
This article was originally published at
1. Understanding Why
2. Complicated Setup
Style Guide With Tests
3. Defining A Trigger
4. Speed
Ugly – But Basically Works
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DQMH in Action Mon, 25 Jun 2018 15:00:47 +0000 Kabul Maharjan is a guest blogger. He is a Certified LabVIEW Architect at Renishaw.
During Developer Days at Newbury 2018, I presented how we use DQMH in our projects at Renishaw. This post supplements the presentation. We have a DQMH module template and a project template with some core modules. To watch the presentation, go to the bottom of this post.
Module Template
The ability to create custom Module Templates with DQMH 3.0 played an important part in our decision to start using DQMH toolkit. Some of the updates we have made to our custom template include
• Folder cleanup
• Newly created DQMH Events will be added to the top-level library folder but the core VIs will remain in subfolders
• Package API into two polymorphic VIs
• Admin– holds all the Events that come as part of the Template and is not expected to be modified.
• Methods– is empty to start with. It gets added to as the module grows.
• This splits the access to the module API as “out of the box” and “user created API”
• Module data cluster is replaced by either a class or DVR Library to encapsulate the “Do” subVIs
• This enforces each MHL case to have its own subVI. This also makes the actions atomic as explained by Sam Taggart in his post and outlined by the DQMH Best Practices.
• is added which includes start and synchronise module
• This also has the of the module in a disabled case for easy access to the through the block diagram of the application launcher.
•’s Front Panel is modified to fit the application theme used.
• Tester is updated to fit the User Interface theme.
Post module creation
• is modified to add the registration VI so that shutting down of the module is automatic at application shutdown
•’s MHL state for “Error” is modified to Report Error the the Central Error Handler Module
Click here for instructions on how to create your own module template.
Application Launcher
The sequence diagram below shows how modules are initialised and shutdown by the
All the modules used are singleton and are launched at application initialisation. A register is kept for all running modules so that the Stop can be programatically called at shutdown.
Core Modules
The modules discussed below are used as part of the project template.
Central Error Handler
The Central Error Handler is divided into three sub categories.
• Error
• Display error and log to file
• Manage error lookup table
• This is generally a table that is editable by support engineers so when an error occurs, the software operator sees the problem statement and solution
• This allows redefinition of any error code for troubleshooting
• If the error definition is categorised as “Critical” Safe State is triggered
• System
• Tracks the status of individual system components
• All system components need to be OK before controller triggers any sequences
• Process
• Tracks the flow of the application sequencing
• Receive updates about what the Controller module or its sub-sequencers are up to
• When “Finish Process” event is triggered, any failure reasons are returned for troubleshooting or diagnostics
For most applications Controller module deals with all of the application’s sequences or test routines. For larger applications however, separate sequence modules are created based on the variants. This makes validation of change to code or system easier to manage. When the Controller receives the “Start Sequence” request, it simply requests the appropriate test routine to start. The Controller then simply sets its state to “Busy” and remains idle until it receives a “Sequence Complete” request back from the test routine.
Controller and the subsequent test routine modules are the only DQMH modules where a bunch of MHL states are en-queued from within the MHL. Doing this helps with development where certain MHL states need to execute in a particular sequence. If such MHL states cannot be interrupted, a state machine subVI is placed in the MHL state which makes them atomic.
When the Controller receives the “Stop Controller” request (normally from User Interface module to close the application) it broadcasts a shutdown event and all modules are stopped by the application launcher.
State Machines in MHL
Our current implementation uses a notification for process stop and global stop to stop the state machine. This is polled at the end of every state machine iteration. A “user events” state also exists to listen to controller’s state update broadcast. However, this is only allowed to be checked when the state machine enters the user events state. i.e. the controller cannot truly interrupt the state machine to stop.
Another way of dealing with the exit from the state machine if the controller broadcasts a stop, is to place the state machine’s case structure inside the timeout case of the Event Structure. Read more about this method here.
User Interface
The user interface module is customised as required by the application. The main section of the Front Panel is taken up by a sub-panel. Requests are sent to the User Interface module to either insert any VI’s front panel as a “Page”, “Prompt” or “Splash”. This layering helps the developer organise the main page for a test routine, prompt for a user input, or splash the status or the tools. Using this approach, the software user is not inundated with multiple windows and only the most relevant interaction is on the User Interface.
Application Demo
Full Video
To access the presentation slides click –> DQMH in Action
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Lessons Learned from Hardware Design Applied to Software Thu, 31 May 2018 18:51:40 +0000
One of my first electrical engineering professors would start his first lecture of the semester by declaring engineers are in the business of predicting the future.
It took a few years for this to sink in, but he was absolutely correct. As engineers, we make a living by making precise predictions about how a yet-to-be-built system will behave. What we really are doing is following the scientific method.
Although the hardware and software teams at Delacor often work on separate projects, we are small enough to always be up to date on what the other folks are working on. We have slowly realized a lot of the things we do in the software and hardware world are very similar. Many of the software best practices we are passionate about have a direct or equivalent concept in hardware development. For example, we often talk about Test Driven Development in software. In hardware, we don’t have a fancy term for it, but we apply what is essentially the same concepts to the development process.
In both software and hardware, the cheapest and most efficient way to go about development is to start with a clear and measurable idea of what the end result of the project should be. Of course, this is easier said than done, because ‘a clear and measurable idea’ means you must have a complete and absolute understanding of whatever you are designing (and therefore its bugs!). Sounds hard, but we have to start somewhere…
On a hardware project, we usually start with an exercise to determine the minimum acceptable performance of the device we will design. We can save a lot of cost and effort if we have an agreed-upon list of features or specs before we start designing anything. This way, any time there is a question on whether we should spend more money for ‘better’ components, or spend more effort adding some additional functionality “for just a little bit more cost”, we can quickly refer back to our minimum acceptable performance and make a decision on whether or not to proceed. The table below shows an example of such a document, where each important spec has a minimum requirement, but some specs have ‘nice to have’ requirements, where it may be worth investing a little more if we can get superior performance. Finally, it is also important to have ‘Will not do’ specs. Having a discussion up front about what features we will definitely not do saves countless hours of discussion and prevents the development team from investing in things we have already agreed not to do.
Some of you may be thinking “yeah, right…what customer is going to give you all your requirements up front in a nice table like this?” ….and you would be correct…in all of our history of engineering design, NO customer has ever handed us a table like the one below and said: “this is what I want, here is a check.”. The reality is that we ask a bunch of questions, do a lot of listening, and then we come up with the table and get our customers to agree to it.
Acceptable Specs Table
Acceptable Specs Table. Most likely YOU will come up with this and get your customer to agree to it!
We do something very similar for software projects. In the case of proof of concepts or prototypes, we ask the customer what is their ‘demo script’. In other words, what functionality would they have to show an investor (or their board of directors, etc.) in order for the project to keep going? We also ask other questions to determine what is the most critical feature in the application, or whether they plan to run from executable or source code, what parameters they specifically want to change, or what features of their device under test they would like to cover. In summary, we want to have as clear an idea as possible of how the end product is going to be used and what is the minimum set of features we have to complete in order for the project to be considered complete.
Again, this is easier said than done, since customers often do not really know what they need. In these cases, we can work with our customers to still define a minimum set of requirements, with the understanding that some of them may be ‘padded’ due to some uncertainty. The key point is that we always start with a clear idea of what we are going to do and we work with customers to define what they need (or what they think they need) before we start addressing what they want.
Doing otherwise is a recipe for frustration and expensive mistakes. For example, we once had a customer who had a photonics sensor board with a DAC for driving light sources. They only knew they needed a “12 bit DAC”, so they were using a very expensive 12-bit DACs in the market. Once we started working with them and analyzed their entire system, we were able to prove that other circuits in the system dominated the output error, and using a DAC that cost 30% of the original part would cause no additional error on the output of the system.
Similarly, we had a software customer who wanted a data collection application where all data was immediately saved to disk “with no buffering”. The application worked fine in systems with SSD storage, but older systems with traditional spinning hard drives would be too slow and the operating system would use its own buffering, causing the application to continue writing data for up to 2 hours after ending a data collection session!
So, in both hardware and software, it pays to thoroughly understand the implications of each design decision and benchmarking critical tasks in the target system (or prototyping small sections of the hardware system) saves time and money in the long run.
Design Before you Build
It’s tempting to go straight into drawing a schematic or wiring a LabVIEW block diagram, but in order to build the most efficient and reliable design you have to know what its expected behavior will be, and then match it up against your minimum requirements list in order to verify that the system will do everything it needs to do. This is the only way to guarantee, that the design will work, whether you build one or ten thousand of them.
Sample Mathcad document
We start our hardware designs with something like this…not a schematic!
Does it do what I thought it would do?
We always tell our customers that designing a test plan is something we do during the development stage, not after the design is complete. The fancy term for this is ‘Design for Test’. This results in products that are easy to test, since test points and any required ‘hooks’ become part of the design, rather than warts to be added later.
We want this…
…not this!
In addition, we want our test plan to include clear descriptions of each test we will perform, including how to perform the test and what results we should expect to see on a typical working unit. Note that this expected behavior is different from what we may give customers as specified behavior, since this will include additional tolerance and guard bands to account for process variation.
In the software world, most of this translates into designing an effective set of unit tests before even writing the main application code. At Delacor we use several levels of unit testing, including manual DQMH API testers and integration tests, and fully automated unit tests.
The idea behind the test plan is not to answer the question “does this work?” The question we really want to address is “Does this device behave in the way I predicted it would behave?” If it doesn’t, our goal is not just to “fix it”, but to understand why it behaves the way it does. This is the only way to guarantee that whatever change we implement to address the problem will truly fix the issue.
A small sample from one of our test plans…
In addition to these engineering best practices, we have learned a few other simple but useful tips over the last 18 years of playing around with hardware and software…
Quick Prototypes
It is always tempting to wait until we can test complete systems, but it is much more efficient to test and prototype small sections of a design so we can concentrate on understanding everything about it before integrating it into the larger system.
When designing hardware, we can spin simple little prototype boards in a few days for a few hundred dollars. This has saved us thousands of dollars on many occasions. One caveat here is that we want to be careful to not try to characterize the prototype. In other words, we don’t claim that every other circuit like it will behave the same way because of what we measured. Rather, we will prod and poke at it until we understand how it works and our mathematical models match the observed behavior. At this point, we can definitely say that as long as all the parts are put on the board correctly, every single one we build will behave according to our model.
A cool prototype board to break up all this text!
Similarly, when writing software, you can also prototype sub-sections of your application in isolation. You can invest several hours into having a functional (but not necessarily pretty) API tester that allows you to prod and poke at your module until you fully understand all of its behavior. Just like with hardware, you can invest hours or days now to save weeks later.
Blinky Lights!
Sounds obvious, but one of the simplest, cheapest and most effective debugging tool for deployed systems is just some blinky lights! When you’re trying to troubleshoot a problem remotely, or when your customer is trying to fix a problem themselves, having a green light to indicate the system is working can save lots of debugging time.
This works on software, too! We always include a blinking status ‘light’ on the front panel of our applications. As long as the light is blinking, you know the software is initialized correctly and is not frozen.
If these lights are a-blinkin’, the application is a-running!
Don’t Plan on Shipping Rev A
We have seen some large companies encourage their employees to ‘ship rev A’ of whatever they are making. Another name for this is “Get it right the first time”, etc. This may work great for folks whose jobs involve doing the same thing every day, but from an engineering point of view, this is the wrong mindset! If you are designing your system with the goal of shipping Rev A, you will very likely be very limited in your ability to innovate, try new concepts and make a better product. If you start your project knowing there will be two or three revisions, and allow time and budget for this, you can take some initial risks and try things you have never done before.
Of course, another downside of striving to ship a ‘Rev A’ is that it takes way too long to get the hardware back, since every little detail must be checked and double-checked …only to find out you missed one out of a thousand little things, and you must spin another version anyway!
In addition, if you know Rev A is not going to be the shipping product, you can take some shortcuts (like being less rigorous in your analysis, or making other tradeoffs that allow you to get your boards back faster), as long as you absolutely make sure to go back to your next revision and apply all of the engineering best practices required for a quality product.
Again, it’s not much different with software. You can start with a proof of concept (POC), and make sure all of your cool and innovative ideas work the way you expect. Just don’t try to duct-tape your POC into the final application. Go back and clean things up, applying software engineering best practices as you incorporate the concepts proven with your POC into the main application.
A pretty board we did a while back…shipped as Rev C!
Reference Designs
Finally, we have learned to use reference designs to save days and weeks of work. Once we have a proven and verified circuit, we will use it again and again on other projects with similar requirements. With software, we create reusable code and save it to its own repository to be used again as required.
In addition to the DQMH, we have quite a few internal templates and reference designs. Yeah, we’re happy to sell a license to these 😉
One caveat here is to always be wary of vendor-provided reference designs. For both software and hardware, the goal of vendor reference designs is to show their products in the best possible light, and they may not always be the best solution for real-life problems. It is still useful to review vendor reference designs and learn any ‘quirks’ or tricks that may not be fully documented elsewhere, but do your own due diligence rather than just assuming “Big bad company X came up with it, so it must work just fine!”
We are not that different after all!
As we’ve seen in this long article, software, and hardware design are not that different from each other. In the end, we are all doing engineering, and the same principles apply. The nifty table below shows some of the hardware and software tasks we typically do during a project, and how they relate to each other.
The only difference between software and hardware is that with hardware we only get to press the Run arrow once every month, and each time it costs around $5,000 😉
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Tips and Tricks for a Successful DQMH Based Project Thu, 24 May 2018 16:00:58 +0000
I am trying something new for NI week 2018. I will prepare this blog post including all the demo videos ahead of time and publish it the day of the presentation. Once I edit the video of the presentation, I will add it to this blog post Video of the presentation is below this paragraph. This way you can get the material right away. This takes you back to this post.
The tips and tricks cover the following areas:
• Planning a new DQMH based project
• Implementation
• API Testers
Planning a new DQMH based project
We will be refactoring the NI QMH Continuous Measurement and Logging sample project that ships with LabVIEW. You get to this sample project by going to Getting Started>>Create Project>>Sample Projects. Once there, select the Continous Measurement and Logging sample project. If you are not familiar with this project, the video below gives you an overview.
We are going to create a DQMH based project for the same application. Now, this is where I remind you that if all you ever want to do is an application to continuously acquire and log, this is all you need. Stop here, no need to go any further. However, in our experience, people always end up wanting a lot more than just a simple acquisition application. If you have found yourself wanting to reuse an acquisition module from one project in another project, if you have wanted to add a more complete settings editor, if you work in a team and you find it is difficult to split the work between different developers, or if you are just curious about DQMH projects… keep going.
Tip 1: Model the DQMH Modules for your App
Before you begin coding or splitting modules among your team, first draw out what modules you plan to create and what will be the DQMH Events between the modules.
For example, for the Continuous Measurement and Logging application we saw above, a DQMH diagram could look like this:
Create a table with all the DQMH events, like this one:
You can use a tool like Web Sequence Diagrams to describe different event sequences in your application.
Now, before we start coding. Did you notice something “smelly”? Are there any improvements?
We created an unnecessary dependency between the Acquisition module and the Logging module by requiring the Acquisition module to be running before the Logging module runs. What if I want to take the logging module to a different application where the data to be logged is not provided via a broadcast event?
We will create a Log Data request event for the Logger module and not have the Logger module register for the DAQ module.
Now that we have designed what DQMH modules we need, we can go ahead and create them. The video below shows step by step how the modules get created using the Tools>>Delacor>>DQMH>>Add New DQMH Module… tool.
There is a video showing the creation of all the events step by step. If you are interested in seeing this video, let me know via the comments, and I will add it to the post.
Tip 2: Use Multiple Event Handling Loops
If one of your modules is registering for the events of multiple modules and these modules are chatty, meaning they broadcast a lot of events at a high rate, what are you supposed to do? Well, a good option is to use multiple Event Handling Loops (EHL). I know what some of you are going to say “I am not supposed to have more than one event structure in my block diagram”. That is incorrect, what the LabVIEW help says is that you should not register and handle the same event in more than one event structure in your block diagram. That is a little different.
The example below shows a media player. The reason we need two event handling loops is that the one at the bottom will be getting the “time elapsed” every second. This would mean that we could miss the volume update. Also, when the volume changes, we get several events for every new value. Separating in two EHLs means that we will both get the volume updates as well as the time elapsed without each event interfering with each other. This is also how you could implement something similar to priority queues.
Tip 3: Use Helper Loops
Have you ever been in a situation where you have to flush the queue when you stop a continuous activity, for example, acquiring? The video below shows the problems when the Acquisition module self-enqueues the message “acquire”.
This is a code smell, so consider using helper loops instead. Joerg Hampel wrote an excellent blog post about helper loops. You can always leave the Message Handling Loop (MHL) just for business logic and instead use the helper loop for device control. Now let’s see a video showing a solution using a helper loop.
Tip 4: Create State Machine Inside MHL Case
Do you have a series of steps that need to be executed in a sequence and cannot be interrupted? The first instinct is to enqueue the steps as an array. However, that might cause other messages to get enqueued in between the steps. Use a State Machine instead, and make sure that the state machine is registered to stop if the Stop Module event is fired. The video below shows the steps to create a state machine to implement a calibration sequence inside an MHL case.
The key here is putting the actual states inside the Timeout event case. This is not how we normally implement state machines but ensures that the states can be interrupted only by the “Stop Module” or the “Stop Action” events or any other event that should be able to interrupt the state machine.
Tip 5: Add Classes to DQMH Modules
I have heard people say that it is not possible to inherit from a DQMH module and that they wish there was a way to use DQMH modules in combination with LVOOP. If you have situations where you want to share common code among modules where each module might implement the code differently or if you need a quick DQMH module launched by a class, there are a couple of options.
The video below shows our Delacor Test Sequencer and how we use a class within the DQMH module to implement the common actions of loading a test, running a test and shutting down a test.
The Load method launches the DQMH module by calling the Start followed by the Synchronize Module Events. The Shutdown calls the DQMH Stop The Run calls a DQMH Request and Wait for Reply event called “Run Test and”.
The other option where you can use DQMH modules in combination with LVOOP is to have a class wrap a DQMH module. One example of this is when you have a class for a device and you want to have an interactive module for the simulated child of that class. The code below is a simple test where we initialize the serial device, ask it for its RPM, its Resistance and finally, we disconnect. The methods for the hardware class are making VISA calls. For the simulated class, we call DQMH events.
In this case, the Serial Device class has a Serial Port Class. We used a DQMH module to implement the Simulated Serial Port.
API Testers
Tip 6: Minimize Unscripted Code in API Tester
This tip is pretty straightforward. Anything extra the developer does in the API Tester, other developers will also have to do when they use the API. There will be occasions where you do need to do extra code on the API tester just to make the API tester work. For example, the Logger API Tester might need for you to create simulated data before you call the Log Data request event. However, this is not code that other developers will have to add because when they call the Log Data request in their application, they will actually have data to log.
A good example of code that can be eliminated in the API Tester is settings. If your application has a configurations editor, use that instead for editing the configurations/settings for your module in the API Tester. Then, all you have to do is add the code that launches the DQMH module for your Configurations Editor and the API Tester only has a button to launch the Editor. This means you don’t need to add extra inputs to your DQMH request. The module itself will already have the access to this data because the module’s settings are updated anytime the end user updates the settings via the configurations editor.
Tip 7: Use API Testers as Application Launcher
The video below describes how to create a top-level VI for your application based on the API Tester. It also shows which bookmarks you could add to your code to remind you what to do in order to make the top-level VI show or not show. You could have extra code so when you enable debugging, the top-level API Tester-like VI shows, and when debugging is not enabled, it does not show.
The key to not showing the top-level API Tester-like VI is to customize its appearance to run transparently at 100% and to not allow the end user to minimize the window. Other things to keep in mind are to limit the text on the status indicator, make sure the Close Panel event and the Stop Module event for the DQMH module always exit.
Tip 8: Use Separate EHL for Request and Wait for Reply Event Tests
Have you ever had DQMH Request and Wait for Reply events that take too long? One issue with these events is the API Tester can become unresponsive and you can no longer use it as a debugger. Remember that on tip 2 we talked about using multiple EHL in the DQMH Well, you can do the same in the API Tester. Just make sure you edit your event case to not lock the panel!
And that is it for now. There are other tips and tricks that we have discovered along the way. You can find more at our Best Practices and our support forum. We will continue to add blog posts with tips and tricks. If there is a specific topic you would like for us to cover, please let us know via the comments.
I hope you found these tips useful.
Happy wiring,
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/17994 | Acts 15
A reader sent an email with a few questions, including this one:
How do you address the word of Yaakov in Acts 15:19-21? To me, the implication is that these are the very basics…but as they learn about Moses (the Mosaic covenant), they would fall progressively into line with it.
Acts 15 is a formative chapter in our understanding of Jews, Gentiles, and the congregation of Messiah.
For a long time, the consensus of readers of Acts was that chapter 15 meant freedom from certain Torah observances for non-Jews in Messiah. Then a new reading developed, one which allowed 15:21 to become a reversal, a verse which turns the entire chapter on its head, subverting the logic of the whole chapter and giving a new reading: Gentiles in Yeshua need not keep the whole Torah until they have had time to learn it in synagogue!
Some well-meaning lovers of Torah have become so used to this reading, I contend that they have lost objectivity in reading the chapter. Let me suggest that having become so used to reading Acts 15 through the lens of this set of One Law spectacles, these readers have managed to undermine the scriptural basis and logic of the apostles.
In order to present what I consider to be a consistent reading of Acts 15, let me outline and expound on some highlights of the chapter. I will conclude with a few observations about the unity of its argument which I think are the death-knell of the “verse 21 reversal” maneuver.
Acts 15 in Outline
Vs.1 – In Antioch, some men (Pharisees) from Judea came with a teaching about how Gentiles are to be received: they must be circumcised (as proselytes, converted) or they cannot be saved.
Vss.2-4 – Paul and Barnabas debated and opposed this group, determined that the matter should be heard by Yaakov (James) and the Jerusalem community. At this point, the disagreement is framed by one issue: whether Gentiles need Jewish conversion to be saved.
Vss. 5-6 – Yeshua-followers from the Pharisees make their case that Gentiles must be circumcised (converted to Jewish status) and to observe the Torah of Moses. Now the issue has expanded to two concerns: (1) that Gentile need Jewish conversion to be saved and (2) that Gentiles need to keep the whole Torah. Issue (2) is preceded by a certain understanding, a Jewish interpretation of Torah which certainly arose in later rabbinic literature, but which may also have been extant at that time: that the righteous of the nations were not called to keep the whole Torah. The classic example became Noah, who had permission to eat all foods except blood, and upon whom there was no expectation of circumcision, a Temple for sacrifices, or of a Sabbath or calendar of holy days.
Vss. 7-11 – Peter’s testimony: God revealed to him to preach the gospel to the Gentiles, God gave the Spirit to these Gentiles and thus affirmed them, God made no distinction between Jews and Gentiles, why put the yoke of Torah on Gentiles when Israel has failed to follow Torah, we believe salvation is by God’s favor and not our worthiness. We should note for the issue we are considering that: (1) Peter said Torah was a yoke Israel could not keep and (2) Peter denied the idea of covenantal nomism, that Israel was saved because it was elected to receive Torah. What did Peter mean by (1)? He did not mean that it is impossible for a person to be diligent about dietary law and Sabbath. He meant that Torah’s demands go to the core of a person and no one but Yeshua could fully keep it. He meant that as a nation, Israel could not keep the outer demands, much less the core demands such as love and justice. The argument is essentially: it is the doers of Torah who are saved, not merely those who receive it.
EXCURSUS 1: How could Peter say God made no distinction between Jews and Gentiles when the chapter as a whole does make a distinction? This is not really a difficulty. Words mean what they mean in context and contexts usually have limits. Peter does not mean that God makes no distinction at all between Israel and the nations. This would be counter to the Torah and also to the rest of the ruling in Acts 15, in which it will be decided that Jews in Messiah have a different relationship to Torah than Gentiles. He means that in the most important terms (love, blessing, redemption, salvation, etc.), God makes no distinction. He never did. God was saving people before Israel existed (consider Noah). God always had in mind saving the nations and says so in Torah (especially Deut 32).
Vs. 12 – Paul and Barnabas’ testimony: Gentiles were receiving the gospel and God was doing signs among them. It is implied that Paul and Barnabas had not been converting Gentiles via circumcision and neither had they been teaching Gentiles to keep the whole Torah.
Vss. 13-18 – Yaakov (James) speaks and his word is taken as the judgment of the Jerusalem apostles. In vs. 14, his wording is carefully chosen. God has taken for himself from the Gentiles a people for his name. This language Yaakov will find in a scriptural precedent, Amos 9:11-12. Yaakov quotes from a version which is closer to the Septuagint. The citation as Yaakov uses it has the following connections to the situation being debated: (1) the tabernacle of David will be rebuilt, a promise Yaakov saw being fulfilled in the rise of the Yeshua movement in Israel, (2) that the rest of mankind would seek God, which Yaakov saw fulfilled in the preaching of Peter, Paul, and Barnabas, and (3) that there would be Gentiles called by God’s name. Point (3) is the crux of Yaakov’s use of Amos 9. God calls Gentiles without making them become Jews.
Vss.19-21 – Yaakov makes a ruling (“it is my judgment”): (1) that we not trouble the Gentiles and (2) that we ask for careful observance of four issues. Yaakov gives a further reason for his ruling, in addition to the argument from Amos 9. The additional reason is that Moses has been and is being read since ancient times in the diaspora synagogues. The emphasis is on past and current reading of Moses, not future.
EXCURSUS 2: What is mean by “not trouble the Gentiles”? The issue being discussed concerns two things: (1) requiring conversion to Judaism and (2) requiring Gentiles in Messiah to keep the whole Torah. That Yaakov is ruling against (1) is clear. That he is ruling against (2) is also clear in the larger context because: (a) the understanding of Gentiles in general at the time is of people not bound to the whole Torah, (b) Yaakov must be seen to address both issues that have been raised and not only conversion, (c) the rest of the ruling does not include Torah observance for Gentiles, and (d) the rest of the ruling concerns universal ordinances and not Torah laws which distinguish Israel.
EXCURSUS 3: Why these four issues (idol meat, sexual immorality, strangled meat, consuming blood)? It should be agreed that the Noahide laws are not in evidence, that their formulation is later than the first century, so it is very unlikely that Yaakov is referring to this concept. It is likely that Yaakov has in mind Leviticus 17-19, which are about holiness in the camp and the land of Israel. These chapters emphasize the sanctity of blood, refraining from idolatry, and refraining from various forms of sexual immorality including incestuous relationships. In Leviticus, these are seen as Gentile evils which would contaminate Israelites by association. Gentiles in Messiah must not live like Canaanites and contaminate the movement. It should not be inferred that Yaakov saw only these issues as applying from Torah to Gentiles, but that these were the most urgent issues.
EXCURSUS 4: What was Yaakov’s point about Moses being preached from ancient times until now in diaspora synagogues? Here we are at a key issue in the debate about whether Gentiles in Messiah are required to keep all of Torah (including commandments of special holiness for Israelites such as circumcision, dietary restriction, Sabbath, fringes, and holy days). One theory is that Yaakov meant Gentiles can start with the four basic Torah laws and will learn the rest in the future by attending synagogue, at which point they will be liable for all of them. There are many deficiencies in this view, of which I will name a few: (a) Yaakov’s point concerns not the future, but the past and present, (b) even if Gentile ignorance was allowed for, this would not explain why Paul and Barnabas had not been teaching Torah to their congregations, (c) if the Gentiles eventually get circumcised and bound to Torah, then why argue with the Pharisees at all since they apparently were right about everything except requiring Torah for salvation, (d) why quote Amos 9:11-12 from the Septuagint if, in fact, God only accepts Gentiles as de-facto Jews, (e) evidence from the epistles is that diaspora Yeshua congregations did not meet in synagogues but separately, and (f) Acts 15 should be interpreted in harmony with Paul’s letters which speak repeatedly of a freedom from some aspects of Torah for Gentiles. So, what is Yaakov’s point, then? Yaakov likely means that the preaching of Moses from the past till now has not caused a mass movement of Gentiles to come to God. But the preaching of a gospel for Gentiles, one in which conversion is not expected, has started a mass movement. It is apparent that God’s hand is on the preaching of Paul and Barnabas which has neither required conversion or full Torah observance of Gentiles.
Vss. 22-35 – The Jerusalem council writes a letter to Antioch and the other congregations. It does not include Yaakov’s point about Moses in the synagogues. It would seem therefore that Acts 15:21 could not be considered the crux of the Jerusalem council since it is not even mentioned in the letter. The preaching of Paul and Barnabas is affirmed. Their freedom-from-Torah message is approved for Gentiles. The Pharisees who wanted to require conversion and Torah-observance is rejected. The letter causes rejoicing and the Gentile mission is further organized.
Summary and Implications
–Acts 15 assumes that Jewish people in Messiah are yoked to Torah, but not for salvation.
–Acts 15 rules that non-Jews in Messiah are not bound to the whole Torah.
–This does not mean that non-Jews in Messiah are free to ignore all of Torah — Torah must be interpreted to determine what is universal and what concerns the special holiness of Israel as a people.
–This interpretation assumes a certain way of reading the Torah and the Bible, and not assuming that the Bible covers every case specifically; the Torah is case law, not regulation of every instance (which would require a law code a thousand times as long as Torah).
–Acts 15 is the cornerstone of bilateral ecclesiology — that the congregation of Messiah is made up of two branches (the congregation of Israel and the multinational congregation of Messiah). You can read a layperson’s version of bilateral ecclesiology in my book Paul Didn’t Eat Pork (see it here) or an academic version in Mark Kinzer’s Postmissionary Messianic Judaism (see it here).
14 Responses to Acts 15
1. sheepra says:
I gotta say it seems quite odd that Adonai would have one law for Jews that would not apply to His other followers. It is my understanding that the laws were given to bless and guide and instruct in the best possible way of life. Why would that be withheld from the new believers? Isn’t Yahshua the living Word/Torah? When we follow Him, aren’t we supposed to walk as He walked as best we can with the aid of the Set-Apart Spirit? I recognize that in Acts there was a singular change made to accommodate new believers, but I agree with the conclusions drawn here:
that, essentially, there would have been far more bruhaha if other laws besides circumcision were also tossed aside for the new believers on an ongoing basis. Further, The Greek noun zetematos, translated “issue” in Acts 15:2, is SINGULAR. This is important to recognize because it tells us that there was only ONE issue here – the necessity of circumcision for a Gentile to be saved and receive the covenant promises of Israel. There were no other topics being debated. As to Acts 15:5 some translations seem to indicate that the Pharisees were not only advocating circumcision, but also the keeping of the entire Law of Moses. However, this impression is due to an inaccurate rendering of their statement from Greek into English. Translating the Greek literally, the Pharisees said, “dei [It is necessary] peritemnein [to circumcise] autous [them], paraggellein [to instruct] te [and] terein [to keep] ton [the] nomon [Law] Mouseos [of Moses].” Therefore, the meaning of the Pharisees’ statement is that it was necessary to circumcise the Gentiles in order to instruct AND keep the Law of Moses. The Pharisees believed that the act of circumcising the Gentiles would serve a dual purpose; it would educate them on the Law of Moses at the same time they were obeying that Law. In Acts 15:10 Since the ONE issue being discussed here was circumcision (NOT the entire Law of Moses), it was circumcision that Peter referred to as a “yoke.” The word zugon (“yoke”) literally referred to a piece of wood that fastened on the neck of a beast of burden. But here Peter uses it figuratively to refer to circumcision as something that was burdensome or difficult for the adult Gentile men to endure. We know from many other places in Scripture, both old & renewed Covenants, that the law is not a burden, but do-able and a blessing. Also, Since the entire Law of Moses was never the focus of this dispute, James’ judgment could not have abolished the Mosaic Law in favor of the four requirements he put forth for Gentiles. If substitution had been his intention, he certainly left a lot of holes in his “replacement” law code. He failed to cover murder, theft, and many other uncivilized actions prohibited by the Law of Moses and condemned in the New Testament.
Also, the Festivals and Shabbat were actually established in Bereshit 1, so they really aren’t only part of the law, but are for all men it would seem.
I’d also like to see what you mean by not ascribing to the ‘grafted in’ concept as it is stated by Paul that those new believers had become ‘partakers …of the rich root…’. How would you interpret that?
I look forward to your reply to help me to better understand your perspective on these matters.
Blessings with love,
2. Sheepra:
I edited your comment to remove the name of God. We do not spell out God’s name. I hope this does not offend you, but I must insist that this rule be followed in blog comments. I thought it better to edit than delete you.
Instead of considering the points I made in this article, you make a lot of counterclaims.
I am too busy right now to start this debate all over again and answer forty objections. If you want to learn my position on Acts 15, instead of claiming things like “the festivals are established in Genesis 1,” you should consider my interpretation and evaluate whether I have made worthy arguments. Otherwise you are not trying to learn my POV but to argue for your own.
One cogent argument you brought up is the fact that the word for “issue” in 15:2 is singular. You deduce from this that the singular issue was circumcision and not obedience of gentiles to the whole Torah. I will respond. Your argument looks like this:
(1) Acts 15 raises several issues including circumcision and gentile obedience of Torah.
(2) The apostles debated a single issue as indicated by the singular form of the word “issue.”
(3) Therefore, the only issue being addressed is circumcision and not Torah obedience for gentiles.
This logic is false because it is based on a very specific and unrealistic assumption about the meaning of the singular form. Singular nouns can easily refer to an idea which is capable of being subdivided into subordinate ideas.
Thus, the issue may just as well be “gentiles must convert to be acceptable to God.”
To test whether the apostles were debating the idea that “gentiles must be converted to be acceptable to God” or “gentiles must be circumcised” is simply a matter of considering which of the two ideas best fits the discussion.
Acts 15 repeatedly brings up not only circumcision, but also Torah obedience. While Torah obedience is assumed as a Jewish requirement throughout, it is decided that gentiles are not bound by the whole Torah. Circumcision of a gentile was the key ritual for conversion at the time (and currently as well). The idea of conversion captures the entire essence of Acts 15, while limiting the discussion to circumcision alone does not.
It has been suggested that the only thing forbidden in Acts 15 is requiring adult conversion of gentiles, but that it was understood they would circumcise their children on the eighth day thereafter. This interpretation ignores the fact that the focus of the debate is on the larger issue of conversion and all it entails (circumcision and Torah obedience). Acts 15 denies that gentiles need to circumcise their children or obey the whole Torah.
This issue is confusing to people because much of the Torah applies to gentiles anyway. The difference between gentile relationship to Torah and Jewish relationship to Torah concerns the identity markers of Israel that are in the Torah (circumcision, Sabbath, dietary law, fringes, etc.). No one was debating whether gentiles should honor parents or be chaste. These provisions of Torah are universal in nature, while the holiness regulations for the Chosen People are limited in application to Israel.
Derek Leman
• orthodoxmessianic says:
Shalom, brother. Please take the following as a sign of respect for you–I only argue with people I respect.
I had to study issue analysis in law school and in regard to Acts 15 I’m sure we can agree that getting the issue correct is crucial since this determines what type of rule we can extract from the decision. We have to be careful that we don’t extract a completely unintended rule. And when the purported rule would affect one’s systematic approach to Torah then we have to be especially careful.
You’re proposing a dual primary-issue approach that leads inevitably to the extraction of a rule that effectively discourages ethnic gentiles from following the Torah. The stakes are very high here because if you are wrong then you could potentially be guilty of turning people away from following HaShem’s will for their lives (and if you are wrong then thankfully we serve a merciful Creator). And if you’re right then that’s that. But here’s why the dual issue is most definitely wrong.
You are proposing that primary issue A was along the lines of “Is it necessary to be circumcised in order to be saved?”. Next, you are proposing that primary issue B was “Should gentiles be obligated to follow the full Torah?”
Now it’s not enough to point to evidence that the Pharisees had two concerns so therefore these concerns were the issues before the court. What you MUST do is show that an issue did in fact make it before the court–that the court in fact decided to hear a certain issue–and this is something you can do by showing that one of the parties argued on this issue. So, specifically, to back up your proposition regarding issue B, you would need to offer evidence that Peter or Paul argued BEFORE THE COURT against gentiles becoming Torah observant. The evidence available for this view is very poor indeed.
I propose that there was one primary issue (“Do gentiles need to be circumcised according to Mosaic custom in order to be saved?) and one corollary issue (demanded by logic) which was in fact argued BEFORE THE COURT. Before looking at the evidence for this view, consider the legal context of the aforementioned primary issue: under Torat Moshe, salvation was only offered to those who had the physical sign of the covenant and who could therefore participate in Passover like any citizen of Israel (Exodus 12). However, under the New Covenant, Yeshua became the Passover Lamb and was suddenly available to even the uncircumcised thus allowing them to enjoy a benefit (i.e. Passover) that only the circumcised had enjoyed previously. And so a corollary issue arises: what is the sign for membership/citizenship under this New Covenant?
Knowing this legal context, we can then look at the evidence that the only primary issue before the court was “Do gentiles need to be circumcised according to Mosaic custom in order to be saved?” In verses 10 and 11 Peter argues that the gentiles are saved by grace and not by a “yoke.” What is the one antithetical concept to salvation by grace? It’s salvation by works. And what better than a “yoke” to serve as a metaphor for work. And so this argument of Peter’s supports the Antioch congregation’s contention that they already had received grace and therefore the work of circumcision could do nothing to save them. Salvation was by grace, they contended, not by works.
Next, we see Barnabas and Paul arguing regarding a corollary issue which is necessarily inferred from the one primary issue. This corollary issue deals with what type of sign might be offered to signify New Covenant membership (in lieu of physical circumcision). Barnabas and Paul do not put forth a proposition that there is an exclusive sign or set of signs given to signify membership in the New Covenant but they did report the signs that they had seen.
As it turned out, the holding of the court settled the primary and corollary issue simultaneously. The holding that the ethnic gentile Believers should abstain from four particularly egregious pagan practices was the answer to the primary question of grace versus works. No works were required for salvation (abstinence from paganism is not a work; rather, it is pure neutrality). Further, abstinence from paganism neatly served as a sign that one was a member of the New Covenant. It was a handy set of table manners that allowed the ethnic gentile Believers to get into Messianic Synagogues on Shabbat in order to learn the Torah of Moses.
I have very much enjoyed your post as it challenged me to think about this subject in more depth. Blessings to you, brother. And feel free to email me at if you reply to this comment so that I can see your response and be blessed by it.
• orthodoxmessianic says:
To clarify the paragraph beginning with “Now it’s not enough…” My point was that to prove there’s two primary issues from Acts 15:5, it’s not enough to show that Issues A and B were concerns to the Pharisees and should therefore be recognized as the issues that the court was considering. We have to go farther and ask whether both of these supposed issues were being met with arguments from the opposing side (i.e. Peter, Paul, Barnabas). And so my point was that specifically you would have to show where Peter and Paul/Barnabas made some sort of argument to the effect that gentiles shouldn’t have to follow Torah.
• orthodoxmessianic says:
The idea that the Torah is a “yoke” is wrong for several reasons:
(1) Torah specifically says that Torah is easy and not a burden. It’s the exact opposite of a burden–it is, in fact, HaShem’s Will.
(2) if Peter meant Torah was a “yoke” then his argument would’ve been as follows: our ancestors were not able to bear the yoke of Torah so therefore Torah is futile for gentiles but not for Jews. This argument is preposterous.
(3) the fact that the Law is an impossible standard to achieve is no reason to advocate Lawlessness (i.e. the argument “I can’t do it perfectly so I shouldn’t try to do it at all”). This would be like if my father gave me 10 tasks to do and I couldn’t do task #3 and so I just go play video games and my father then says “why didn’t you do the ten tasks?” and I reply “well, I couldn’t do task #3 so I figured you didn’t want me to do any of the tasks.”
3. mjdykstra says:
Derek, the issue about “blood” no doubt is mentioned several times in Torah, but within the Genesis 9 passage the injunction about blood is more than just the ingesting of it, it also includes the shedding of innocent blood, “murder”. Could this “blood” injunction be a synecdoche that represents a moral law. For example, the Western Text stresses moral living here, Leviticus 19 is heavy on universal morals, and finally the Gen. 9 injunction against murder could at least be a way in which God had called all men to be their brother’s keeper in the smallest moral rule to the largest like murder? What do you think of interpreting the law of “blood” as a synecdoche for a call to biblical morality? Mark.
4. mjdykstra says:
David’s fallen tent being rebuilt when he returns.
First- Jesus resurrected body, “knock it down and I will rebuild it in 3 days”
Two- Rom. 6:4 and Col. 2:12 if we are baptized into Messiah’s death and resurrection then we too become part of the David’s rebuilt Temple, I Pet. 2, I Cor. 3, 6, Eph. 2
My question is, what is the theological point of a 3rd Temple being rebuilt? Is there Scripture that is pointing to a lesser temple that needs to be rebuilt? Obviously Herod out did Ezekiel’s hopes for a physical structure, but rebuilding Ezekiel’s temple today would seem to rival the living temple made by God’s own hand that is covering the whole world today.
Obviously I am fighting against a Premill eschatology here, but help me see why a 3rd physical structure is needed when Jesus’ resurrected body with living stones around the entire globe are meeting the prophecies of a restored David’s tent? Why a 3rd building?
Peace Brother.
5. mjdykstra:
You might read my “Both-And vs. Either-Or” post from October 18. You are making it either-or.
I try, in my theology, to harmonize all the scriptural information. Is your allegorization faithful to all the data? I don’t think it is.
Derek Leman
• mjdykstra says:
So in the same way that the Shekinah was in Yeshua and in Herod’s Temple, then in the same way in the future?
I must admit there has always been lingering questions in my mind why the earliest church continued to use the Temple for worship (perhaps as late as 62AD at the death of James or their fleeing to Pella). Also I have struggled to understand the meaning of the sacrifices that Paul would have purchased for those keeping the (Nazarite) vow that gets unjustly arrested in Acts 21. Are these examples of both/and? How about after some of Jesus healings- some times coming to Jesus is enough, they are healed and sent home, other times Jesus instructs they go to the Temple and keep the requirement listed in Leviticus?
Are these the kind of both/and examples you are thinking of?
6. mjdykstra:
Great analogy. The Shekhinah can be in more than one place.
Have you read my book A New Look at the Old Testament? I explain the consistency of sacrifices with Yeshua’s offering (the theology of sacrifice in Leviticus is not what most people think and Yeshua’s sacrifice is different than the Levitical–so says Hebrews also). Or search “sacrifices” here on the MJM blog and you should find plenty I’ve written about it.
Derek Leman
7. mjdykstra says:
The both/and does seem to help in SEVERAL cases, but I find the both/and scenario unhelpful when I began to use the word Torah in a historical redemptive map. A few examples: (For arguments sake I will use Torah in one of its most simple definitions, “God’s instruction”. In this simplistic definition look at the historical progression.)
Torah was a bit more complicated for Noah than it was for Adam, for Abraham than for Noah, for David than for Moses, yet when I get to Jesus this historical progressive aspect of Torah is exponentially magnified. I feel as though Torah and its demands seem rather “plastic/wooden” when we speak of Jesus keeping Torah; meaning I don’t feel the historical aspects of Jesus day in the blog ideas. A few examples, Deut. 20 doesn’t seem to be something Abraham is interested in, (obviously the commandment came after him) yet even Moses won’t even have a chance to keep it because he never enters the land, even Jesus doesn’t even mention Deut. 20 (unless you see exorcisms as a fulfillment of it). This Deut. 20 issue: only necessary for Joshua to Zedekiah and no longer required of Zerubbabel or Jesus or Paul or Benjamin Netanyahu,? is this part of Torah a historically bound mitzvot? If so, could others be like the physical temple and sacrificial system be? Could Jesus be the historical lynch pin upon which much of this progressive aspect of Torah turn upon? I am not replacing Israel here, but surely the prophet are looking forward to changes in their relationship to God and not Torah in a plastic Platonic Torah.
Is there something historically progressive about parts of Torah that came in only in certain parts of Jewish history but not for others. The Both/and is not enough when talking about historical progression. So here is my intended question. What is new about the new covenant and what is old about the old. Jeremiah says that the new will not be like the old (ch. 31). Jeremiah says that (3:16) the ark will not enter their minds. John says there will be no need for a Temple, there certainly has to be some progressive redemptive aspects here that again my amill vs. your premill are getting stuck on. What is the author of Hebrews taking such great pains in doing when he quotes Jeremiah and then concludes with: (8:13)
By using the term, “new,” he has made the first covenant “old”; and something being made old, something in the process of aging, is on its way to vanishing altogether.
Paul in Gal. 4 is certainly pointing not a both/and but a progression in the relationship of the old and new covenants, yes?
New Sabbath Rest, new priest hood, new covenant etc. Both/and??? There seems strongly something historically progressive going on here beyond a both/and issue. Agree or disagree? Perhaps I have just committed the false dilemma of either/or again, but set that aside for a second- doesn’t this progressive redemption say something about priests, temples, and sacrifices?
• Clyde Jacobs says:
There’s over 100 prophetic Scriptures that we will return to sacrificing in temple worship, Feasts, and 7th Day Sabbaths, which is not a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday gatherings. The conflict in the Acts passages are directly a conflict over Judaizers and the new Hebrew crossed-over into Israel converts. The covenants are REnewed not brand new. It’s obvious that the disciples are not talking about Alohym’s Commandments but they are talking about the Judaizers talmid rabbinical laws. Yahusha never once diminished Alohym’s Commandments, nor did Shau’l. As you remember Shau’l did circumcise Timothy, but he did forbid anybody to be circumcised by the Judaizers. The Scriptures should be seen as a whole without a white page between the falsely so-called testaments. Our objective should be that everyone should be doing all the Commandments of Alohym. We are not making juice out of people we are grafted into Israel therefore we are Israelites. And let us never forget that Moshe was preached in all the synagogues and anyone who became repentant Kept, Guarded, and obeyed His Commandments. We should also remember that Torah, baptism, and membership to the temple didn’t save any one, for everyone for all time, one must be born of the Spirit and born of Torah to be saved. We must be washed by Torah and have the renewing of the Spirit to be saved. But this is not where we stop this is where we get started. My wife and I pray that everyone would take the Tôwrâh Instructions of Behold-The-Hand-Behold-The-Nail seriously our time is short.
Mat 19:16 And see, one came and said to Him, “Good Teacher, what good shall I do to have everlasting life?”
Mat 19:17 And He said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good except One – Elohim. But if you wish to enter into life, guard the commands.”b Footnote: bSee also Luk 10:28, Joh 12:50, Rev 22:14.
Mat 19:18 He said to Him, “Which?” And יהושע said, “ ‘You shall not murder,’ ‘You shall not commit adultery,’ ‘You shall not steal,’ ‘You shall not bear false witness,’ Exo 20:13-16, Deu 5:17-20.
Mat 19:19 ‘Respect your father and your mother,’ Exo 20:12, Deu 5:16 and ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ ” Lev 19:18.
Mat 19:20 The young man said to Him, “All these I have watched over from my youth, what do I still lack?”
Mat 19:21 יהושע said to him, “If you wish to be perfect, go,c sell what you have and give to the poor, and you shall haved treasure in heaven. And come, follow Me.” Footnotes: c Luk 12:33, Luk 16:9, Act 2:45, Act 4:34. d Mat 6:20.
8. Pingback: Out of Context -Acts 15 - Page 3 - Christian Forums
9. Clyde Jacobs says:
Lol! I would really like to change “juice” to Jews. But I don’t see an edit selection. Double Shalom!
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1. Design & Illustration
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How to Correct Anatomy Issues in a Digital Painting
Digitally painting in Adobe Photoshop is like working with no other medium out there. Simply put, Photoshop gives you more control over every aspect of your digital art, making it easier for you to solve problems faster than ever before.
You Won't Always Paint Perfectly
Unfortunately, there's this thing called human error. So no matter how much you study anatomy, one line out of place can still make your paintings look really terrible.
Allow Photoshop to come to the rescue, and never worry again!
Here are some common problems you may encounter when digitally painting anatomy:
• Painting "noodle" arms or legs with no sense of bone structure.
• You can't seem to paint poses like the references.
• The pose would be better if only you could change/rotate one area.
• You've made the body too slim or too bulky.
Believe it or not, all of these issues can be solved in a matter of seconds with Photoshop.
Want to see this in action? Let's take a look at three quick ways to solve basic anatomy issues using Adobe Photoshop.
1. Paint Skin Over Bones
If you're drawing arms like noodles then it's probably because you don't quite understand anatomy yet. And the best way to perfect anatomy over time is to paint as many studies as you can. One exercise you can do is paint directly over the photos of bones.
This exercise will help train you to recognize the structure of the human body and how the skin should overlap the muscles and bones.
Step 1
Hands, for example, are pretty tough to paint for everyone. Start by searching for a good hand reference in any pose you'd like.
3D Skeleton Hand
3D render illustration of the skeleton hand from Envato Market.
The great thing about this particular reference is that it not only shows me the bones but also the outline of the hand around them. This will help me to cheat the process even further, as I'll be able to use this outline as a guide for the skin.
Step 2
First change the color of the reference to a brown skin-like color using Hue & Saturation. Go to Image > Adjustments > Hue & Saturation, and select Colorize. Adjust the Hue to 18 and the Saturation to 37.
Use Hue and Saturation to Colorize References
Step 3
Paint skin over the hand so that it gradually overlaps the bones. Use additional references for further help with lighting and color.
Digitally Paint Over Skeleton References
Gradually paint over your reference until you have a completed painting.
Here is the final study. Continue this exercise using different parts of the human body. The more you practice, the better you will paint human anatomy.
Digitally Paint over Photo References for Better Anatomy
Original reference vs. the completed study.
2. Lasso & Free Transform for Better Poses
Another area of concern often involves poses. Anatomy is tricky in itself, but it gets a lot harder when you're trying to twist a body into the pose you prefer.
Try to master the pose during the sketch phase. Make the adjustments you need prior to the actual painting using the Lasso and Free Transform Tools.
Step 1
Inspired by this 3D reference, I sketched my own character utilizing the same body pose. Notice how the sketch is incomplete? Since I didn't like the position of the right arm, I decided to change it.
Sketch Poses from 3D References in Adobe Photoshop
One quick way to fix the pose is to create symmetry. Simply use the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) to create a selection around the left hand, and then Control-J to create a duplicate on a new layer. With the duplicated arm, flip and rotate it into place by going to Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal.
Use the Polygonal Lasso Tool for the Human Anatomy
Create instant symmetry by copying and flipping the left arm.
Step 2
Although the pose is better, it still looks a little awkward. Continue to adjust the arms by selecting them and using the Free Transform Tool (Control-T) to rotate them both for a more natural pose.
Consider using this same technique for the rest of the body. Make the neck longer, the torso shorter, or change the positions of each hand until you're satisfied with the sketch.
Adjust Digital Paintings with the Lasso and Free Transform Tools
Keep adjusting each body part until the pose begins to make more sense.
Finish Adjusting Your Sketch in Adobe Photoshop
The completed sketch incorporates the original pose with my own alterations.
Now that the sketch is complete, you can finally move on to painting. And because I have already fixed the issues ahead of time, I won't run into any more during the painting process. Here is the final painting below!
Completed Character Painting by Melody Nieves
Create your own cool characters inspired by interesting reference poses!
3. Nip & Tuck With the Liquify Tool
The Liquify Tool is great for quick changes to your digital paintings. Not to be limited to merely photo retouching, you can use this tool to manipulate the body.
Let's take our completed character, for instance.
For a more hourglass figure, try using the Forward Warp Tool (W) to adjust the hips and waist.
Use the Forward Warp Tool in Liquify to Alter Digital Paintings
You can also experiment with the Pucker Tool (S) and Bloat Tool (B) for interesting warping effects.
Use the Bloat Tool for Your Digital Paintings
Before and After: Using the Bloat Tool (B) to add a little more weight to your character.
The key to using these tools is to apply them in moderation. Too much manipulation is never a good thing and can easily distort your paintings. Always make sure to keep backup copies just in case.
If you allow Photoshop to help you, then you can definitely improve tenfold as a digital artist.
Sometimes you have to cheat the process a little in order to learn how to paint better. Try out these quick tips and let me know how they work out for you in the comments below.
And for more digital painting tips, check out these tutorials:
Looking for something to help kick start your next project? |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/18003 | You copied the Doc URL to your clipboard.
Arm Compiler armlink User Guide : --show_cmdline
Outputs the command line used by the linker.
Shows the command line after processing by the linker, and can be useful to check:
• The command line a build system is using.
• How the linker is interpreting the supplied command line, for example, the ordering of command-line options.
The commands are shown normalized, and the contents of any via files are expanded.
The output is sent to the standard error stream (stderr).
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/18004 | From Valve Developer Community
Revision as of 13:38, 3 December 2016 by LeoMad (talk | contribs)
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Source uses a client-server architecture. The practice of passing information between the two modules is known as Networking.
For a general overview of the Source engine's networking, see the aptly-named Source Multiplayer Networking. For a more theoretical examination of networking as a concept, see Yahn Bernier's paper.
In short...
Server to client
Entity update, for entity state changes (the most common route)
Game Event or User Message, for fire-and-forget game events
Temporary Entity, for fire-and-forget world effects
Client to server
User Command, for ongoing player input
ServerCmd(), for one-shot player input |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/18005 |
Why do most APIs version? When there's limited control over the data that's returned from an API endpoint, any change can be considered a breaking change, and breaking changes require a new version. If adding new features to an API requires a new version, then a tradeoff emerges between releasing often and having many incremental versions versus the understandability and maintainability of the API.
In contrast, GraphQL only returns the data that's explicitly requested, so new capabilities can be added via new types and new fields on those types without creating a breaking change. This has lead to a common practice of always avoiding breaking changes and serving a versionless API.
- from GraphQL Best Practices
We strive to provide stable APIs for our integrators. However, functionality that is marked as deprecated may be removed over time. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/18006 | Simplify Your Game Development
Set up Google Play Games Services
Try the Play Games APIs
Start integrating popular gaming features in your mobile games and web games by using the Google Play games services APIs.
Acquire users and engage
Save game data to the cloud
Store and synchronize game data on Google's cloud infrastructure.
Data-driven changes to hook players
Capture player metrics and events for feedback on how to improve your game.
Understand how players interact
Use analytics to understand how players are progressing, spending, and churning.
Socialize your games
Make your games dynamic with real-time gameplay
Bring players together to share real-time gaming experiences.
Engage players with turn-by-turn gameplay
Send invitations and auto-match players for asynchronous gaming.
Manage your games
Easily update your game metadata
Automate your game production and distribution tasks
Send feedback about...
Play Games Services
Play Games Services |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/18026 | Show Menu
Managing Info Panel content in Image Sets
In addition to using Image Map text for your rollovers in Image Sets, you can use an info panel to add larger quantities of rollover text, including links. You can also manage the InfoPanel by using timed caching and scheduling content updates.
You can manage your InfoPanel setup and data using the following features in Scene7 Publishing System:
• InfoPanel Setup panel lets you specify the template used to display the info panel text, a default response for errors, and the number of hours the information is cached. In addition, you can specify whether the Image Set is automatically published.
• InfoPanel Datafeed panel lets you specify a CSV file containing the text you want to appear in the info panel rollover text, as well as schedule times for updating the information.
• Import Metadata dialog box lets you import a tab-delimited TXT file containing the rollover text information. You can use this TXT option or the InfoPanel Datafeed panel with the CSV file option for your rollover text.
Set up a response template for Image Sets
You can select one of three preset response templates for displaying text in an Info Panel. These preset response templates determine how your information is presented in the Info Panel: how many columns and rows, typeface size, font, and so on. You can select a preset response template or create one of your own.
To set up a response template
1. Double-click your Image Set to open it in Detail View.
2. Click InfoPanel Setup to unfold the panel.
3. In the Response Template drop-down list, do one of the following:
• Select Default to use the default response. The XML for the template design appears, dimmed, in the User Template text box.
• Select Custom to create your own response template. In the User Template text box, type the template XML definition. You can use the default template that is already defined in the text box as a base for your own response.
4. (Optional) In the Default Response box, type the text that you want to appear if Dynamic Media Classic encounters an error in retrieving information for an image map. For example, if the system receives a company name and an Image Set name, but no rollover identifier, this message appears for the user.
5. In the Response TTL text field, enter the number of hours that you want to wait before caching the data.
• Set a lower number if the data is updated frequently throughout the day.
• Set a higher number if the data is relatively stable and does not require updating frequently throughout the day. The default is ten hours.
6. Click Upload to upload info panel content, based on the rollover_key values, to s7info.
7. In the S7Info Upload dialog box, browse to the file that you want to use, and then click Upload .
Supported file formats are TAB delimited files with UTF-16 encoding and CSV files with ASCII encoding. For CSV files, non-ASCII characters must be HTML encoded.
8. In the InfoPanel Setup panel, click Publish .
Import source content for the Info Panel in Image Sets
You can use a CSV (Comma-Separated Value) file with ASCII encoding (non-ASCII character must be HTML encoded) or a tab-delimited file for the source text for an info panel for an Image Set. Tab-delimited files must use UTF-16 (Unicode) encoding. You import the different file types using different methods.
When formatting source content, keep in mind the following guidelines:
• The tab- and comma-delimited data should contain as many columns as are necessary for the rollover template.
• The first item or column of data should be the rollover identifier (associated with the rollover_key value from the image map URLs).
• Make sure that each tab- or comma-delimited item after the identifier is the item that you want substituted into the response template (so the first column is substituted into $1$, the second column into $2$, and so on).
Import CSV content into Image Sets from an externally hosted location
1. Double-click the Image Set to open it in Detail View.
2. Click InfoPanel Datafeed to unfold the panel.
3. In the Externally hosted CSV file location (HTTP) text field, enter the URL to the CSV file.
4. (Optional) In the Schedule Update fields, specify a time to update the content, and then click Add .
You can select multiple times for updating. Each update time appears in the Update Times text box. To remove a scheduled time, select it, and then click Delete .
5. (Optional) Click Run Update to immediately update the content. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/18027 | Demo Import
1. Access the Journal 3 demo you want to import from our demos landing page
2. Visit that demo’s admin panel by adding “admin” in the address bar and log in with username demo and password demo. See example
3. Navigate to Journal > System > Import / Export, click the Export button and an SQL file will be downloaded. See example and included explanations.
4. Go to your store admin page and access the same page Journal > System > Import / Export
5. Click the import button and then choose the exported file from above. See example
6. Access your store front and you should have the same demo structure.
Do not include demo Catalog Data on existing stores with products and categories already created as this will overwrite your data. Only use this option on new setups. See example
Do not include demo System settings because it will serve static assets from our demo server and that will break assets loading (css/js/images/etc.) on your own setup so always leave this setting OFF.
Not all images used in our demos are included in the package. If you see missing images in your demo import, it’s not an error, it means they are not included. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/18029 | Roles and permissions
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A role is a collection of permissions defined for the whole system that you can assign to specific users in specific contexts. The combination of roles and context define a specific user's ability to do something on any page. The most common examples are the roles of student and teacher in the context of a course.
See also |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/18033 | Gettysburg Regress
Four minutes and seven seconds ago, I was handed a great speech. It’s the greatest speech. I have people—the best, simply the best—the speechwriters—the best speechwriters. And they write the best speeches. This one is the best speech in the history of American politics—believe me. It’s the best. People are already talking, and I haven’t even given it yet. Just the best.
Of course, we all know that the crooked media isn’t going to tell you what I say in that speech. Great speech, by the way. Did I say it’s the greatest? But those liars are only going to tell you what Crooked Hillary wants you to hear. Am I right? Of course I’m right. I have the best mind for this.
I can’t even tell you that I’m going to sue all the lying women—which I am—that Crooked Hillary put up to accusing me—which she did—without the lying media reporting on it—which they will. Give me a break. Can’t a guy smear nasty lying women without making the front page of the failing New Your Times—and it is failing—bigly—believe me.
I mean, what does a guy gotta do to get his policies heard? Did you come here to get a lecture or chant “Lock her up?” Right? It’s a no-brainer. And do I get credit for giving you what you want to hear? Hardly. That—by the way—is why I’m suing every one of those liars. Did I mention that? Suing them all. Right after the election. Win or lose. Because, really, is there anything more important than getting even? Disgusting liars.
Oh—right—the policies. It’s…um…run that teleprompter back a minute. Right, right. First hundred days—lock her up, build the wall, kick out the Muslims. Oh yeah—drain the swamp. I like that one. That’s a good one—best slogan ever, by the way. People are talking about that, too. Look it up.
And somebody said there was a battle here or something. I’m pretty sure Patton or MacArthur won it. And that’s what we’re going to do, too. Get out and vote on November 28th—er…8th. We need to take back our country and make sure that government of me, by me, and for me shall make America great again!
Next Satire |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/18038 | NEED TO KNOW by Susan Tuttle
Now for the conclusion of Need to Know…
Quinn’s skin cooled when Noah pulled his hands away. What would have happened if he hadn’t been here?
“Want me to call your sister?”
She froze. “No.”
His eyes narrowed in on her.
“I—I’ll call once we’re inside. Can you grab my purse?”
The officer stepped in. “Your purse still here? Wasn’t this a robbery?”
Quinn’s stomach dropped. Noah watched her closely.
“Quinn?” he asked slowly.
Why did this have to happen? She’d had a fresh start here. No one knew who her father was. She could just be normal. It was why she’d denied her father when he insisted on putting a body guard on her. Once he found out what happened, he’d be furious, she’d have a body guard, and Noah wouldn’t think of her as a normal friend anymore. She winced.
“She needs some pain killers, and I’ve got to get that wound cleaned and stitched. You can speak with her once I’m through.”
She smiled her thanks.
A half-hour later her head dulled to a low throb as Noah worked from behind.
“You’re down a couple strands of hair.” His warm tone spoke in her ear. He was in full-fledged doctor mode.
“I figured. How’s it look?”
“Inch wide gap, not too deep. I’ve just about got it closed.”
Silence descended again. Finally he snapped off his gloves. “You’re all set.”
Quinn slowly rolled onto her back and scooched up into a sitting position. Noah leaned against a counter, watching her.
“You ready to tell me what happened out there?”
She looked down.
“Are you in some sort of trouble, Quinn?”
Here went nothing.
“They wanted money.”
“You told the officer it wasn’t a robbery.”
She looked up at him. “Ransom. My father’s Robert Cummings.”
He stiffened. His head tilted and his eyes looked her over from top to bottom. “As in Robert Cummings, the billionaire who owns half of Los Angeles and may run for a Senate seat?”
“The one and only.”
“But your name—“
“I use my mother’s maiden name.”
She turned away from his stunned look. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”
Noah bit back his reply. A lot? How about her entire life.
Her emerald eyes shone with unshed tears.
“Why didn’t your father have a body guard with you?” he asked.
“I didn’t want one.”
“But you need one.”
“Noah, I just want to be normal for once and toting a body guard with me every where doesn’t exactly scream ‘normal’.”
“No, it doesn’t. But your safety is worth more than that.”
She turned on him. “You don’t understand. People find out who I am and they change. Either they are so intimidated that I never see them again, or they become friends with my money instead of me. I’m not letting him put a guard on me.”
Heat turned his gut. “Apparently there’s a lot you don’t know about me, either, Quinn. The top of that list is not letting people I care about get hurt.”
“It’s not your decision.”
Their stubborn gazes locked in a silent battle. She may think she could win, but no way was he letting her.
“Call your sister,” he said and strode from the room.
Two days later, Quinn sat in the quiet hospital chapel. Her stitches itched, but her head didn’t pound as much. Her heart, on the other hand, ached.
Word of who she was spread through the hospital. People looked at her like she’d grown an extra head. A few suddenly wanted to be her best friend. None of that hurt as badly as Noah’s silence. She’d not seen or heard from him since he’d stitched her head. In the quiet of his absence her heart spoke. She was in love with the man. How and when that happened, she didn’t know. But the moment before he almost kissed her in the garage replayed over and over in her mind.
The chapel door swished open behind her. She didn’t even look. Her newly acquired body guard would stop any threat that may walk in.
Her father’s strong voice pulled her around.
“Daddy! What are you doing here?”
“My daughter was attacked. You didn’t think I’d come?”
She hugged him. “I told you not to. You were in Europe.”
“You’re more important than any business I could ever have. Besides, I had pressing matter to attend to here.”
Apparently she looked confused because he smiled. “That would be you, dear. I wanted to see where you live. Make sure you’re cared for adequately. I’m still not fond of you living on the other side of the country from me, but I can at least make sure you’re watched out for.”
No surprise there. She nodded to the back of the room. “I already have the guard from the company you hired. He hasn’t left me once.”
“Oh him? He’s just temporary. I hired your permanent body guard today—a young man who sought me out for the job.”
The chapel door breezed open again, and Noah came striding towards them.
“Quinn, I’d like you to meet Noah Kingston.” Her father’s eyes twinkled at her.
“Huh?” It was the only word in her arsenal right now. She looked back and forth between the two men. “No offense, but you know he’s a doctor and not a body guard, right?”
Her father’s laughter filled the room. “I think I’ll let you two talk.”
Noah slid into the pew next to her, his eyes on hers.
“My body guard? How exactly did you sell him on that one?”
That smirk of his played over his face. She almost leaned in and kissed it off his face, but he spoke before she could.
“The Army paid for my college.”
“Yeah? And being a member of the ROTC qualifies you?”
“No. But I think the fact that I was an Army Rangers medic who served in special forces maybe pushed him over the edge.”
Quinn didn’t even blink. “A lot I don’t know about you is right.”
He leaned in, his breath tickling her lips. “How about this one, I’m crazy about you.”
Her heart skipped a beat. “Really?”
“Really.” His lips lowered over hers in a soft kiss.
That was all she needed to know.
2 thoughts on “NEED TO KNOW by Susan Tuttle
1. Great story, isn't it? Congrats on your recent release of PURPLE KNOT, Raquel! Remember to come back and visit on 8/22 for Edgy Christian Fiction Lover's Hot Summer Reads Blog stop here! You just might see one of your favorite books!
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/18071 | Electric Charge Physics || Physics Class 12ncert || Class 12 In Hindi PDF || Reasoning Tricks In Hindi | Rclipse - Education Point
Electric Charge :
Historically the credit of discovery of the fact that amber rubbed with wool or silk cloth attracts light objects goes to Thales of Miletus, Greece, around 600 BC. The name electricity is coined from the Greek word elektron meaning amber. Many such pairs of materials were known which on rubbing could attract light objects like straw, pith balls and bits of papers.
You can perform the following activity at home to experience such an effect. Cut out long thin strips of white paper and lightly iron them. Take them near a TV screen or computer monitor. You will see that the strips get attracted to the screen. In fact they remain stuck to the screen for a while.
It was observed that if two glass rods rubbed with wool or silk cloth are brought close to each other, they repel each other [Fig. 1.1(a)]. The two strands of wool or two pieces of silk cloth, with
which the rods were rubbed, also repel each other. However, the glass rod and wool attracted each other. Similarly, two plastic rods rubbed with cat’s fur repelled each other [Fig. 1.1(b)] but attracted the fur. On the other hand, the plastic rod attracts the glass rod [Fig. 1.1(c)] and repel the silk or wool with which the glass rod is rubbed. The glass rod repels the fur.
If a plastic rod rubbed with fur is made to touch two small pith balls (now-a-days we can use polystyrene balls) suspended by silk or nylon thread, then the balls repel each other [Fig. 1.1(d)] and are also repelled by the rod. A similar effect is found if the pith balls are touched with a glass rod rubbed with silk [Fig. 1.1(e)]. A dramatic observation is that a pith ball touched with glass rod attracts another pith ball touched with plastic rod [Fig. 1.1(f )].
These seemingly simple facts were established from years of efforts and careful experiments and their analyses. It was concluded, after many careful studies by different scientists, that there were only two kinds of an entity which is called the electric charge. We say that the bodies like glass or plastic rods, silk, fur and pith balls are electrified. They acquire an electric charge on rubbing. The experiments on pith balls suggested that there are two kinds of electrification and we find that (i) like charges repel and (ii) unlike charges attract each other. The experiments also demonstrated that the charges are transferred from the rods to the pith balls on contact. It is said that the pith balls are electrified or are charged by contact. The property which differentiates the two kinds of charges is called the polarity of charge.
When a glass rod is rubbed with silk, the rod acquires one kind of charge and the silk acquires the second kind of charge. This is true for any pair of objects that are rubbed to be electrified. Now if the electrified glass rod is brought in contact with silk, with which it was rubbed, they no longer attract each other. They also do not attract or repel other light objects as they did on being electrified.
Thus, the charges acquired after rubbing are lost when the charged bodies are brought in contact. What can you conclude from these observations? It just tells us that unlike charges acquired by the objects neutralise or nullify each other’s effect. Therefore the charges were named as positive and negative by the American scientist Benjamin Franklin. We know that when we add a positive number to a negative number of the same magnitude, the sum is zero. This might have been the philosophy in naming the charges as positive and negative. By convention, the charge on glass rod or cat’s fur is called positive and that on plastic rod or silk is termed negative. If an object possesses an electric charge, it is said to be electrified or charged. When it has no charge it is said to be neutral.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/18073 | About Omnidoll
Omnidoll Head Shot for EffigiPie with Assorted Figures 2013
Omnidoll in front of Assorted Dolls 2013. I go by that because I do not have one favorite type of effigy or doll. I’m either dollniverous…or omni-doll.
Omnidoll’s EffigiPie IS:
Doll Culture.
Effigies that can be posed.
Doll parts.
Pop Culture.
and How One Presents Another Self…
The name “Omnidoll” comes from my liking almost every kind of doll. I am a fan of unusual interpretations of poseable effigies, antique and vintage dolls, plush, female action figures, doll-related DIY, doll making, doll customizing, and doll repair. I am a member of Dollmakers of Etsy.
I may be contacted at [email protected].
For more text than images, please see more here at
For more images than text, please see EffigiPie on Flickr:
Image streams: Effigi Pie on Tumblr:,
or EffigiPie on Pinterest.
Occupation: Writer/Researcher, Education Consultant
Omnidoll’s work addresses how people can speak past obstacles in multiple ways, such as through Popular Culture, Literature, Folklore, Material Culture, and Film.
For example, yes, your parent(s) had been trying to tell you something by giving you that White Elephant from Aunt/Uncle Martha or Cousin It.
She has spent her career pursuing answers to the question:
• How do people communicate what matters most to them when obstacles block their expression?
In turn, this has led her to research and tell people about the inner workings of Rhetoric (the study of the means of persuasion), such as:
(1.) How to write a serious novel while making people laugh;
(2.) How old your grandmother’s doll is, how it was made, why it was made like that, how to repair it–and how a doll can tell you things you didn’t know about your family;
(3.) How mechanical dolls in the Renaissance anticipated the avatars of 21st century online gaming;
(4.) How a “charming little story” enables you to tell people things they do not want to hear–and how they will thank you for it!
Omnidoll has been interviewed (under her real name) by The Denver Post, on the occasion of Mattel’s 50th anniversary of their “Ken Doll”. She has served as an acquisitions and material culture consultant to the Museum of Jurassic Technology in Los Angeles, CA.
She holds a Ph.D. in Rhetoric from the University of California at Berkeley, a Master of Fine Arts (in Fiction and Publishing) from Emerson College, Boston, MA, with additional certification from institutions such as:
The Pacific Film Archive, Brown University, and the Bennington Summer Writing Workshop.
Omnidoll is the author of the award-winning non-fiction book Folk Women and Indirection in Morrison, Ni Dhuibhne, Hurston, and Lavin (Ashgate 2007). She is currently at work on her second novel and completing a manuscript on material culture studies (Culture in America) for University Press of Mississippi.
–Thanks for looking at the EffigiPie Project today!
action figure anthropomorphism avatar ceremonial figurescollecting doll doll collecting doll makeover dollmaking doll repaireffigipie effigy figure folk craft folklore foreign dolls hobbiesK.I.S.S. mascot material culture office culture pop culture popular culture stuffed animals stuffies
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/18075 | The reception of The Second Sex in Europe
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From the date of its publication in France in May 1949 to the 2000s, the European reception of Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex—of which the French component is well known—gave rise to many debates and critiques in literary and political circles as well as among feminists. Its contents indeed challenged the dominant sexual order, and served as an invitation for the liberation of morals and gender equality. Neither the work nor its reception can be separated from the rest of the author’s work, or from her life, travels, and political commitments. Until the mid-1960s, the critical reception was closely linked to the international diffusion of French existentialism as well as the political and cultural logic of the Cold War. Feminist debates dominated from the 1960s to the 1980s, before the development of Beauvoirian studies led to a scholarly reevaluation of the book.
Cover of "Le Deuxième Sexe" (The Second Sex) of Simone de Beauvoir, first edition, Gallimard editions, 1949.
Source: Wikimedia Commons
In The Second Sex, which was published by Gallimard in 1949, Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) directly attacked the dominant sexual order: she called for the liberalization of contraception and abortion, rehabilitated feminine homosexuality, emphasized the violence of sexual relations, and dispelled the myths of the maternal instinct, femininity, and maternity. The French reception of the lengthy essay was highly polemical. When one of the chapters appeared in the journal Les Temps Modernes in May 1949, François Mauriac (1885-1970) sparked a controversy in the literary supplement of the newspaper Figaro. He was indignant that the “literature of Saint-Germain-des-Prés” had reached the “limits of the abject” with the text entitled “Sexual Initiation of the young woman,” and encouraged Christian youth to react. Approximately forty responses were published in the ensuing issues. Major press outlets and most literary reviews seized upon the debate as a way of challenging the post-war cultural hegemony of Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980) and his review: both of them were targeted through de Beauvoir.
Often using similar arguments, communist and right-wing circles—proponents of a traditional morality—proved the most aggressive in their criticism of the book, while progressive Christians and the non-communist left supported all or part of de Beauvoir’s arguments.
The scandal sparked by the work propelled it to the top of sales in France: 22,000 copies were sold in the first weeks, and over a million in less than forty years. In Europe, the book was of particular interest to Francophile circles close to existentialism, with whom Sartre and de Beauvoir met during their travels in connection with their increasing number of interviews and conferences. French cultural centres abroad thus played a driving role in the essay’s impact. The political dividing-lines present in France went beyond its borders: Christian intellectuals refused the atheist logic of existentialism and the shattering of traditional sexual morality, while communists criticized it—as they did any form of feminism—for its idealistic, individualistic, and bourgeois vision.
In Western Europe, the first translation appeared in the FRG in 1951 under the title Das andere Geschlecht (The Other Sex). The book was republished three times and sold 14,000 copies in five years. The critiques, of which there were few, were dominated by faith-based arguments rejecting the challenge to the essence of femininity and maternity, or to marital commitment. However, in both French- and German-speaking Switzerland, the reception of the work was positive and even enthusiastic.
It was by way of a translation from the United States—on the initiative of the New York editor Blanche Knopf (1894-1966), who promoted the work of many French intellectuals—that English speakers in Europe gained access to the book. Its translation was entrusted to Howard Parshley (1884-1953), a retired professor of zoology, specialist in reproduction, and eminent critic of books about sex. At the initiative of the publishers, who were mindful of helping the average reader, and with little help from de Beauvoir, who disregarded his correspondence, he stripped the text of its philosophical content. The Second Sex was published in 1953 with a naked woman seen from behind on the cover. The Briton Jonathan Cape purchased this American translation the same year, and published it immediately.
In Italy, it was not until 1961 that Il Saggiatore published the work under the title Il secondo sesso, while the Vatican put it on the Index in 1956. Banned by the dictatorships of the Iberian peninsula, it began to circulate secretly in 1954 via Argentina thanks to the philosophy publisher Psique. After an initial refusal, the Spanish Ministry of Information and Tourism authorized the translation of the essay into Catalan in 1968, by the publishing house Edicions 62. In Portugal, O segundo sexo was read in its Brazilian translation published by Edipe (São Paulo, 1960). In Eastern Europe, where gender equality was supposed to have been achieved, censorship was severe. In Yugoslavia, the Serbo-Croatian translation (Drugipol) from the late 1960s was not published until 1982, but met with success. In East Berlin, it took until the fall of the Berlin Wall for the publisher Volk und Welt to publish the work in 1989, and until 1997 for Progress Publishers to release it in Russian.
Simone de Beauvoir’s growing fame—crowned by the prix Goncourt in 1954 for The Mandarins, and basking in the success of Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter in 1958 and the impact of second-wave feminism in the 1970s—created a favourable environment for the work. The public and critics subsequently approached de Beauvoir’s essays much more positively. Feminist intellectuals relayed, commented on, supported, and popularized the writer’s arguments: in France, Françoise d’Eaubonne (1920-2005), Colette Audry (1906-1990), Célia Bertin (1920-2014), Andrée Michel (born in 1920); in Spain, Maria Campo Alange (1902-1986) and Maria Aurelia Capmany (1918-1991), the “Catalan de Beauvoir”; in the FRG, Alice Schwarzer (born in 1942); in the GDR, Irene Selle (born in 1947)… Nevertheless, in the mid-1960s, some women protested against the hegemony of the work in feminist debates, and attempted to positively reevaluate femininity and especially maternity, seen as the essence of being a woman. This was notably the case in France with the radio journalist Ménie Grégoire (1919-2014) or the writer Geneviève Gennari (1920-2001), and in Belgium with the philosopher Suzanne Lilar (1901-1992). At the centre of the MLF’s battles, in which de Beauvoir took part mainly alongside revolutionary feminists, new readings of The Second Sex appeared through a psychoanalytic interpretation and a reflection on feminine writing. Antoinette Fouque (1936-2014), Luce Irigaray (born in 1930), Hélène Cixous (born in 1937), and Julia Kristeva (born in 1941) insisted on the specific features of “being a woman”, forming a trend that American female intellectuals named “French feminism”.
From the 1990s, commentaries on The Second Sex were increasingly scholarly and dispassionate, as feminist studies became institutionalized in the academic world. The commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of The Second Sex, and that of the centenary of de Beauvoir’s birth, were marked by republications, conferences, publications, films, and press files across the globe. The quality of early translations was called into question, with feminist networks proposing new ones and calling on specialists in philosophy or feminism, with new introductions or postscripts by analysts on the thought and influence of de Beauvoir (Germany 1992, Spain 1998, United Kingdom 2009). In Northern and Eastern Europe, distribution of the work continued in Bulgarian (1996), Russian (1997), Romanian (1998), and Norwegian (2000), demonstrating the rise of Beauvoirian studies in Europe. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/18101 | (redirected from Yakov)
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(jā`kəb), in the Bible, ancestor of the Hebrews, the younger of IsaacIsaac
[Heb.,=laughter], according to the patriarchal narratives of the Book of Genesis, Isaac was the only son of Abraham and Sara. He married Rebecca, and their sons were Esau and Jacob. Ishmael was his half-brother.
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and RebeccaRebecca
or Rebekah
, wife of Isaac and mother of Jacob. One day, as was her custom, she drew water at the city well; while there she showed kindness to Eliezer, Abraham's servant. He had been sent to select a suitable wife for Abraham's son, Isaac, and he chose Rebecca.
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's twin sons; the older was EsauEsau
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. In exchange for a bowl of lentil soup, Jacob obtained Esau's birthright and, with his mother's help, received the blessing that the dying Isaac had intended for his older son. Esau became so enraged that Jacob fled to his uncle, Laban, in Paddan-aram. On his way, at Bethel, he had a vision of angels ascending and descending the ladder to heaven. After 20 years serving Laban, Jacob started back to his native land with his two wives, LeahLeah
, in the Bible, Laban's elder, less beautiful daughter and Jacob's first wife.
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and RachelRachel
, in the Bible, wife of Jacob and mother of Joseph and Benjamin. She is one of the four Jewish matriarchs. An alternate form is Rahel.
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, and his many sons—the eponymous ancestors of the 12 tribes of Israel. On the banks of the Jabbok, Jacob wrestled with an angel, received the name of IsraelIsrael
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, and reconciled with Esau the next day. Later, Jacob migrated to Egypt, where he was reunited with his son JosephJoseph,
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. Jacob died there, but his sons buried him in the family plot at Machpelah. Modern biblical scholars question the historicity of Jacob. In the New Testament the name James is equivalent to the Hebrew Jacob.
See Y. Zakovitch, Jacob: Unexpected Patriarch (2012).
according to Biblical myths, the younger twin son of Isaac and Rebekah. Jacob bought the right of primogeniture from his brother Esau for some pottage and then cunningly received Isaac’s blessing as the first-born son. The 12 sons of Jacob, from his wives Leah and Rachel and his concubines Zilpah and Bilhah, became the ancestors of the 12 tribes. After wrestling with god, Jacob himself received the second name of Israel, which means literally “he strove with god,” and his sons became known as the “children of Israel.”
a family of French craftsmen who made fine furniture in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Georges Jacob. Born July 6, 1739, in Cheny, in Burgundy; died July 5, 1814, in Paris. Head of the Jacob family. Became a craftsman in 1765.
Although he began by imitating the work of A. C. Boule, Jacob had created, by the early 1780’s, his own style of furniture, full of austere grace in the classical style. His furniture was carved, with gilding; later he used polished mahogany and gilded bronze with classical motifs. Jacob placed his furniture in many French and foreign palaces, including Pavlovsk. He also worked from sketches made by J. L. David (furniture for the painter’s studio, 1789–90), C. Percier, and P. Fontaine (furniture for the hall in which the Convention met, 1793). In 1796, he entrusted his business to his son.
Francois-Honore Jacob (nicknamed Jacob- Desmalter). Born Feb. 6, 1770, in Paris; died there Aug. 15, 1841. Son of Georges Jacob.
In 1803, Georges Jacob and his son founded a firm (which existed until 1812) that became famous for its Empire furniture for Napoleon’s palaces. Since the mid-19th century, the “Jacob style” has meant furniture made of mahogany, on which corrugated strips of brass are glued. This furniture was manufactured in the workshop of Franc. ois-Honoré’s son, Georges-Alphonse Jacob (born Feb. 21, 1799, in Paris; died there Tune 7, 1870).
Salverte, F. de. Les Ebénistes de XVIII siècle, 4th ed. Paris, 1953.
The second and the third dreams reported in Judeo-Christian Scriptures occurred to Isaac’s son, the patriarch Jacob, whose name was later changed to Israel. He is considered the father of the chosen people, and his sons represent the heads of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel. At the time of his first dream, Jacob was on his way to Haran to take a wife from among the daughters of his uncle Laban:
When he had reached a certain place he passed the night there, since the sun had set. Taking one of the stones to be found at that place, he made it his pillow and lay down where he was. He had a dream: a ladder was there, standing on the ground with its top reaching to heaven; and there were angels of God going up it and coming down. And Yahweh was there, standing over him, saying, “I am Yahweh, the God of Abraham your father, and the God of Isaac. I will give to you and your descendants the land on which you are lying. Your descendants shall be like the specks of dust on the ground; you shall spread to the west and the east, to the north and the south, and all the tribes of the earth shall bless themselves by you and your descendants. Be sure that I am with you; I will keep you safe wherever you go, and bring you back to this land, for I will not desert you before I have done all that I have promised you.” Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Truly, Yahweh is in this place and I never knew it!” (Gen. 28:11–16)
The purpose of this dream was to confirm the Abrahamic covenant directly to Jacob, and to assure Jacob that, although he was in distress, he was yet the object of God’s love and care.
God’s manifestation completely altered Jacob’s view of his own purpose and destiny, and to Jacob this was no mere dream, but a profound spiritual experience. Fourteen years later Jacob was to have another dream, in which he would realize that he was to return to the land of his birth.
After this the Bible records several manifestations of the divine presence to Jacob, like the famous dream at Peniel, in which God appeared to him in the form of an angel and the two of them wrestled until daybreak. Jacob prevailed and would not let the angel go until he had blessed him. The angel blessed him, and also changed his name from Jacob to Israel.
Jacob called the place Peniel, which means “face of God.” “For I have seen God face to face, and my life is spared and not snatched away” (Gen. 32:30). Thus, as a consequence of this dream, Jacob received a new identity, a new status, as the one who provided his people with a name—Israel.
Many years afterward Jacob received a final vision, on his way to Egypt, when God appeared to him personally and assured him that it was in the divine will and plan for him to go to this strange land. God would go with him, but since Canaan was the place for fulfillment of the covenant, God declared that Jacob, as well as his descendants, would be brought back there. Then God promised that Jacob’s long-lost son Joseph would be the one to close his father’s eyes in death.
dressed as Esau to obtain father’s blessing. [O.T.: Genesis 27:15–16]
serves Laban for fourteen years before receiving permission to marry Rachel. [O.T.: Gen. 24:34]
through guile, obtained blessing intended for Esau. [O.T.: Genesis 27:18–29]
1. Old Testament the son of Isaac, twin brother of Esau, and father of the twelve patriarchs of Israel
2. any of an ancient breed of sheep having a fleece with dark brown patches and two or four horns
References in periodicals archive ?
Yakov Azriel opens his heart to the reader and shares the love and deep faith that dwells within him.
Yakov was being held in a concentration camp and is believed to have killed himself by running into an electrified fence.
It became the property of Yakov Villimovich (the Russian for 'James son of William') Bruce, a retired general.
The Old Testament has done much to inspire generations, and Yakov Azriel uses one particular chapter as his sole inspiration.
We won't call it swine flu," Deputy Health Minister Yakov Litzman, a black-garbed Orthodox Jew, told a news
The spot where the remains were found this summer appears to correspond to a site described in writing by Yakov Yurovsky, the leader of the family's killers, Mr Pogorelov said.
It was with both joy and trepidation that I saw Professor Dan Vogel's book review of Yakov Azriel's [first] poetry book, Threads From A Coat Of Many Colors: Poems on Genesis (XXXIV:3, July-September 2006).
Cop Yakov Kabanov said: "We had suspicions someone was running hooch across the border here but we could never figure out how.
YAKOV AZRIEL is an award-winning poet specializing in bilblical
Much like his comedic mentors Mr Bean and Yakov Smirnoff, Colt brought ze funny man to zis film.
But there was plenty of drama in the music, thanks to the efforts of conductor Yakov Kreizberg and a vocally meaty cast on stage. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/18117 | I invited Kristy Halvorsen to a talk about coming alive to life. I find her way of living very inspiring and the way she shows up in life.
We talk about the difference between trying to live life and letting it live us.
Want to live a life with less effort and more joy and fun?
Kristy is a transformative coach, speaker and writer.
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global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/18124 | is there any C# version of the offline signer for transaction. like ethereumjs-tx
var Tx = require('ethereumjs-tx') var privateKey = new Buffer('e331b6d69882b4cb4ea581d88e0b604039a3de5967688d3dcffdd2270c0fd109', 'hex')
var rawTx = { nonce: '0x00', gasPrice: '0x09184e72a000', gasLimit: '0x2710', to: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', value: '0x00', data: '0x7f7465737432000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000600057' }
var tx = new Tx(rawTx) tx.sign(privateKey)
var serializedTx = tx.serialize() console.log(serializedTx.toString('hex'))
need similar in c# i am trying nethereum this implementation not working
How can I sign a transaction using c#?
var privateKey = "0xb5b1870957d373ef0eeffecc6e4812c0fd08f554b37b233526acc331bf1544f7"; var senderAddress = "0x12890d2cce102216644c59daE5baed380d84830c";
Now using web3 first you will need to retrieve the total number of transactions of your sender address.
var web3 = new Web3(); var txCount = await web3.Eth.Transactions.GetTransactionCount.SendRequestAsync(senderAddress);
The txCount will be used as the nonce to sign the transaction.
Now using web3 again, you can build an encoded transaction as following:
var encoded = web3.OfflineTransactionSigning.SignTransaction(privateKey, receiveAddress, 10, txCount.Value);
If you need to include the data and gas there are overloads for it.
You can verify an encoded transaction: Assert.True(web3.OfflineTransactionSigning.VerifyTransaction(encoded));
Or get the sender address from an encoded transaction:
To send the encoded transaction you will "SendRawTransaction"
var txId = await web3.Eth.Transactions.SendRawTransaction.SendRequestAsync("0x" + encoded);
You basically answered your own question.
You have offline transaction signing function but the docs have not been updated. The method call looks different now because it was moved to static context or something like that:
For more info check this out:
If you would like a signer based on secp256k1lib instead of Bouncy Castle then you probably would like to use the signer from Nethermind project:
Proxy for secp256k1lib:
Actual usage with Ethereum protocol specifics that you may want to look at to base your solution on:
Your Answer
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/18131 | In medicine, a hard sign is a diagnostic indicator (or diagnostic evidence) that is unambiguous or obvious. For example, a unilateral paralysis or loss of function in one or more cranial nerves could be considered a hard sign and carry more diagnostic weight than other more ambiguous indicators.
Brevity Quest 2019
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/18162 | real world article
This chapter can be read on the wiki, but the version here may not be 100% up-to-date. For the most recent version of the chapter, read it on FanFiction!
I'm a doctor
I'm a doctor, not an encyclopedia!
"Descendants of the Ban Tribe" is the sixth chapter of the first volume of Star Trek: The Second Little Wolf, written in January 2016 by Gornintheusa. It was proofread by CaptFredricks and published on 14 May 2017.
Coming soon!
Characters Edit
Starships Edit
1. USS Arrowhead (Teaser)
Locations Edit
1. Earth Spacedock (Act One)
Referenced only Edit
1. Earth (Teaser)
2. Emperia (Act One)
3. Kelvan Prime
4. Mars
5. Crono 15 (Act Two)
Other references Edit
Background and trivia Edit
• The chapter was called "Descendants of Ban Tribe" for a while, but Gornintheusa had originally intended to name it "Descendants of the Ban Tribe", so CaptFredricks changed it back to its original title.
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/18174 | If the request for any of these documents is made in person, the requested documents will be provided on the day of the request, if possible. If the request is in writing (including email), copies will be provided within 30 days of the request. The requestor may be charged a reasonable fee for the cost of copying, plus storage. Questions concerning documents should be addressed to either the Executive Director or Board Chair of the Firehouse Art Center.
For more information about foundation financials, contact us at [email protected]. |
global_05_local_6_shard_00002272_processed.jsonl/18184 | 47 mm Type 1 Anti-Tank Gun
slideshow image
In 1941, as the war in the Pacific broadened, Japanese forces looked to improve their military equipment. One shortcoming was the 37 mm Type 97 gun, based on the design of a similar German weapon, the PaK 35/36. In order to take on larger vehicles, the military looked to produce a bigger, more powerful anti-tank gun.
The result was the 47 mm Type 1, Japan’s only indigenously-made anti-tank gun of World War II. The gun was highly portable and reliable, with sponge-filled tires that could never go flat in combat. The Type 1 was capable of firing both armor-piercing and high explosive rounds.
Though deadly against China’s armored cars and small tanks, the Type 1 was less effective against the front armor of bigger tanks used by American combat units. The Type 1 did not see service until 1943 and there were never enough of them in the field to turn the tide against constant Allied advances. As the war went on, the Allies took back Japan’s major gains in the Pacific with overwhelming force and masses of fighting equipment.
Did you know?
Some 2,300 Type 1 guns were built at Japan’s Osaka Arsenal during World War II.
General Statistics
Muzzle Velocity: 2,700 ft/sec
Maximum Range: 7,550 yards
Rate of Fire: 15 rounds/min
Weight: 1,660 lbs
Elevation: -11 to +19 degrees |
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