Jump to content • Content count • Joined • Last visited About nswspider • Rank Recent Profile Visitors 1. Thanks for reply me, i know about drag to layer but i exacly mean what you wrote after. assistant manager solved my problem, thank you VERY MUCH! 2. Hi, is in AP clipping adjusment option like in photosop is? for example, if i click adjustments and take HSL (photo 1.png) is open adjustment widnow and layer above mu curent layer. in photoshop in widnow HSL is small icon for clipping it to layer. in AP donst see it, must drag this layer and clipping it manually (photo 2.png) is this option in AP aor if not, will you add it in future? its awesome option (3.png) 3. is psd export works good in this beta? in 1,6,5 exported psd dont see clipping masks, adjustments and fx, only flat layers are in file after open in photosop files from APhoto and ADesigner. on both software the same problem 4. nswspider .psd export deletes layers not only solid Photo and Designer is the same. Exported psd dont have editable clipping masks, adjustments, fx etc, only flat layers 5. I have file made in AP beta 1.7. layer have clipping mask and adjustment/fx. i tryed export with any option as psd but photosop dont see clipping mask/adjustments/fx. all is flat. it have no sense save it as psd in noone can open file corectly in PS. i think that may be a bug, can someone confirm please? i can send file for test i send this file to frient for check but he have 1.6.5 verion and cant open file from 1.7 beta EDIT: i noticed that file made in designer 1.6.5 is not supported with photoshop. i made the same file in designer, export as psd and dost see layers, clipping masks, adjustment etc. photoshop see only flat layers, no andjustments. tested in all export psd option 6. 100% CPU ussage solved on beta. i dont get this problem nice 1 week but i have another problem. noone can onep files saved in this beta 1.7 version another thing is that photosop cant see clipping masks, adjustments saved in 1,7beta AP EDIT: i made the same file in Designer 1,6,5. exported as psd. Photoshop see only flat layers. no adjustment, clipping mask to edit 7. looks that problem is solved in this beta, thanks when will be full new version of AP available? 8. Not yet but in week i working 13h and when i had some free time i used designer mostly. Tomorrow i will test AP, thanks for reply 9. for now is ok but is to early to say something. i posted bug in this topic, gradient tool is suks 10. nswspider Crop Tool gradient tool is worst than before beta. now is like in photoshop. dont see this gradient customable line (it was awesome) it will back? edit: as for crop tool. works good but after i try use crop tool in develop persona is not good anymore, after back to photo persone crop tool doesnt work edit 2" would be grat to have option in adjustment window to get clipping mask in 1 click like in photoshop. now i must use adjustment and after it drag adjustment to layer, <3 11. sure, i will test it, is there any update for cpu usage? 12. that should be - this is from photoshop. max 10% of CPU and as you see PS are not in list proceses which eat CPU (i worked today in PS 3h constant, max 10% CPU) Please help me with this, i cant use AP longer than 30min-1h. I wrote about my fromblem on few groups but noone cant help, Everybody wrote that i need contact in this forum but problem is that in formum noone can or noone want help me like i said i noticed on this forum that im not alone with this problem 13. nswspider Over using CPU i have the same problem with i7 8750h cpu, noone know how to solve it, is your AP works good now or still you have 100% CPU during work? 14. still the same, 100% cpu usage, how to fix it? in photosop dont have this problems, dont used selection tools when it appear, no march ants only in Affinity i have this problem!!!!
Jump to content Update to EFB V2.1, build #107 Recommended Posts General Rule: If you plan to use the full installer (instead of automatic update), please make sure that you download the newest build #107 for BOTH Server and Client, uninstall BOTH Server and Client and reinstall BOTH Server and Client. A fresh install of only one of the two components (thus mixing automatic update and full install) is leading to severe problems. Dear users we are planning to release build #107 on Wednesday, 01 May 2019. Apart from a few minor bugfixes we re-introduce the full taxiway system also for X-Plane users. As it is newly based on Taxi Routes, we would like to point to a few restrictions: • Some older Add-ons have no Taxi Routes included. Therefore no taxiway system is available on these airports. However as long as "taxiway surfaces" are included in the apt.dat, these will still be drawn. • Some airports only cover the main routes for taxiing, thus only these few routes will show up • As per X-Plane Specs Taxi Routes must NOT be linked to Parking Positions (Ramp Starts). Therefore the leg to or from a Parking Position will be drawn from/to the nearest node of the taxi route. This may not always correspond to the "official" taxi lines. Apart from that, all Taxi Functions as per Manual 5 Client, Chapter 5.5 are now also valid for X-Plane. Due to the changes in the Taxiway System, a rebuild of the X-Plane database is mandatory (DbBuilder -> Update Simulator -> X-Plane). Important note on the X-Plane Database Rebuild: There may be a few AddOns with faulty "Taxi Routes" definitions. This will result in "WARNING" entries in the DbBuilder Log. You can ignore those warnings, as they do not have an impact on the Database Building Process. For the respective AddOn just the faulty "Taxi Routes" will not be drawn. At this time one known AddOn causing issues is Aerosoft's EDDB Berlin Brandenburg, which can cause more than 40 warnings. Remember: WARNINGS will not prevent the Database from being built, however ERRORS do. As long as you have ERRORS indicated after a rebuild, you need to eliminate the ERRORS by deactivating the respective airports. Otherwise NO new database is built. Build #107 will install the whole collection of Aircraft Profiles and Minima Files, updated to the latest information available. All previous Profiles and Minima Files will be saved in the Client's documents path in a folder with the .bak extension (Profiles.bak & Minima.bak). If you have customized some of your profiles and/or minima files, just copy them over from the .bak folder into the default folder. Checklists in the Checklists folder are not touched. If they are linked to an Aircraft's Profile, you need to copy the respective Profile from the .bak folder, even if you haven't made any other changes in that Profile. Build #107 also includes some small bug fixes to improve usability. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites • Create New...
Upload data without seperate aggregate program 1. What is the problem? Be very detailed. I try to upload data from surveys, but I have not installed an aggregate program (I use the But I have problems with uploading the data to my laptop. The error I receive is 'Generic exception: error: not found (404) at I use a samsung tablet. 3. What you have you tried to fix the problem? Don't know what to do 4. What steps can we take to reproduce the problem? Hey @skruid. I don't fully understand what you're trying to do. Are you using an app like Collect to fill out forms/surveys and then are trying to upload from that? Would you be able to walk me through the problem you're having step by step? The Aggregate sandbox server is for demo purposes only. All forms and data on this server are public and are deleted every 24 hours without notice. The documentation the above detail as well as instructions for various installation options. If you want to pull submissions directly from your tablet to your laptop, you can consider using Briefcase. Hey Seadowg and Danbjoseph, Thank you for your responses. @seadowg, that is correct. I used the app 'Collect' to fill out surveys and I am trying to upload them. I tried to install aggregate before starting the surveys, but somehow that did not work on my laptop, even though I followed the instructions (macbook). I am trying to get the data from the surveys in 1 excell file, but I don't have the aggregate program. @danbjoseph I will try to upload the data directly from my tablet to my laptop. Or do you think it would be possible to somehow download an aggregate program on my macbook to upload the data from the surveys to that? Or do I need to do it all over again because I used the Aggregate sandbox? What do you recommend? To upload the data through aggregate or to pull the submissions directly from the tablet to my laptop? Setting up an Aggregate server might be a bit too much work - it isn't something you can just set up on a Macbook really. For what you're doing I'd recommend either pulling the surveys off the tablet directly or using Collect's Google Drive integration. I found this documentation really useful for understanding the different options for getting submissions out of Collect. Hopefully that helps! Okay! Thank you! That will help! And for the next step, to analyse the data, can I put all the data together in one excel sheet?
Jump to content AIDA64 Discussion Forum All Activity This stream auto-updates      1. Today 2. Hello all , it's been a long while since I've visited this forum and shared stuff. I'm currently working on some cool new "AIO" gauges here's a sample shot and also a link if you want to see it in action. It features 3 multi functioning gauges for AIO and GPU monitoring with an "animated" space like background please tell me what you think??? Peace everyone!!! TEST 1.gif?dl=0 3. That's a rather special alignment for a LCD bay, but it sounds intriguing as well If you try your luck with GLCD2USB and you need rotation (by 90 degrees) support for that LCD in AIDA64, let us know in the GLCD2USB topic: 4. Yesterday 5. Hey Fiery, Thanks for the suggestions, I'll see if I can massage any of these for use in my project. One of the considerations I have that has kept me from using a pre-existing solution is that my 5 1/4 bays are vertical, so my display will be mounted portrait orientation vs the normal landscape to accommodate that. 6. Hello everyone, It's been a long while since I have visited/posted on this forum but I have been busy with all sorts of things. Anyways I have been working on some new multi-function gauge designs that I will be sharing real soon for AIO set ups for CPU. The concept and functions work great but I'm still working on the skins for it. I also have a bunch of other more simple ones that I'm willing to share along with tips and pointers for those who might need a hand. But please be patient with me it sometimes takes me a few days to respond... Animations ?? anyone... I can sorta manipulate gauges to work as animations for a super cool look/effect for "interface" type sensor panels too. I don't have any new pics to post at the moment but , I think starting around page 11 - 17 there are several designs I have posted in the past. All I ask in return for a panel I design for anyone is you leave my tiny "branding" tag on the panel if you decide to show it off on-line and please don't try to make a profit off my designs, I do them all for free and to share with others. 7. Last week 8. OK, got the VDIMM VRM. In HWiNFO, the VR VCC temperature is listed under CPU (#0): Intel Core i9-9900K; Enhanced. 9. We'll fix the remaining issues in the next AIDA64 beta update 10. AFAIK lowering DRAM clock will also put less stress on the Infinity Fabric. 11. Thank you, we're getting closer Please right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Sensor Debug --> SMBus Dump (Full). Attach the results as a TXT file to your post. Thanks, Fiery 12. Thank you for your kind words. I'm afraid recently we've heard several issues about Samsung SPF panels not being able to switch into mini-monitor mode under Windows 10, so we've stopped recommending them. 13. Thx for your answer Fiery! I will look in to this. I have been reading more about the samsung digital photoframes. Would you say that they are still worth trying with windows 10? And by the way...RESPECT to you in regard to the way you take time to answer all the questions around here! 14. VDIMM VRM temperature is measured as DIMM temperature in AIDA64. I'm not sure about the other one though. Is it shown among the other readings for EVGA Z390 Dark EC sensor? 15. Hello everyone, Does anyone know how to get the fps to work in the sensor panel? Do I need to run a FPS program for it to function? 16. On my eVGA Z390 DARK motherboard, I noticed that HWiNFO reports VDIMM VRM temperatures and VR VCC (SVID) temperatures, but AIDA64 does not. Is it possible to add those sensors? Thanks 17. Thank you. It works much better. Still a problem with using 2 or 3 digits to represent a sensor, the number keys (top raw and and numpad numbers for 3 digits) not responding to background color (unlit). 18. Everything works now. All 10 Fans are detected and show the correct Fan Speed. Excellent work! Thanks very much!!! 19. This seem to work now. I have a "Lenovo Tab 4 Plus 10.1" Thank you very much for the help, and have a nice day. 20. I'm impressed, with the new bios and Asus WMI sensor support enabled, it works just fine! 21. Sorry for the late reply. Here is the extra info you wanted. The bios itself doesn't show VRM temp, but I included a screenshot of where HWinfo showed it. The area in question was boxed in red, and when load is placed on the cpu you can watch the amps climb, and over time watch those temp readings begin to climb a bit as well. ecdump.txt 22. I am playing with the settings a bit at the moment. I can get it stable in normal windows usage and I get no errors in Ram test, even for hours. One other Idea I found is that it could be the Infintiy Fabric that is unstable, this would explain why dedicated Ram tests don't show any errors but I still get crashes under load. 1. Load more activity • Create New...
1. bbq9's Avatar I'm using an AT&T S3 on T-mobile, with a custom ROM (i747z), and I keep having issues sending text messages. Sometimes the messages went through just fine, but some others, it keeps saying "sending", and I've been having this issue on/off for a while. Already talked to T-mobile but no help. Then I finally factory-reset my phone this morning, but same thing again (was able to send the first message, and the 2nd one got stuck right away)... Incoming messages seem to be fine. I plan to try another ROM later on, but just want to check if anyone else has the same issue. 01-14-2014 03:03 PM Similar Threads 1. Galaxy Tab 3 - Installing Apps to External SD Card By joe navaroo in forum Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Replies: 4 Last Post: 01-17-2015, 05:00 PM 2. Do you have the Samsung App store on your device? By dustinfrank in forum Verizon Samsung Galaxy S4 Replies: 12 Last Post: 01-24-2014, 06:43 PM 3. New to the forum. By grove53 in forum Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (2014) Replies: 6 Last Post: 01-15-2014, 05:40 AM 4. Droid RAZR - Browser Issue-Unable to bypass By DarleneRW in forum Droid RAZR Replies: 1 Last Post: 01-14-2014, 11:10 PM 5. Note 3: screen won't come on!! By si0797 in forum Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Replies: 4 Last Post: 01-14-2014, 03:41 PM
Simple Samba LAN Filesharing Tutorial Active Member Reaction score: 7 Messages: 190 Hi folks. I need to set up samba. I reviewed this page here but it didn't get me far as I couldn't create a samba user. I'm assuming the samba documentation is right, but there is no such thing as useradd. Is there a samba setup tutorial for Freebsd? I'm running samba46 on FreeBSD 11.1 and I only see linux sharing to windows. I'm on a Mac OS workstation. I would like to share the following locations for quick access to me (user rich) on this workstation, or another lan box. ## To share: Any insight appreciated. Cheers Aspiring Daemon Reaction score: 558 Messages: 956 You need to edit the file /usr/local/etc/smb4.conf. A basic configuration for the mentioned shares might be: workgroup = WORKGROUP server string = Server security = user encrypt passwords = yes max log size = 500 preferred master = yes hosts allow = 192.168.1. interfaces = em0 bind interfaces only = yes socket options = TCP_NODELAY comment = User Home browseable = no writeable = yes directory mask = 0700 create mask = 0700 comment = Server Configuration path = /etc public = no writeable = yes write list = @admin directory mask = 0770 create mask = 0770 comment = Web Root path = /usr/local/www public = no writeable = yes write list = @webadm directory mask = 0775 create mask = 0775 Note, you need to change the IP of the local network (hosts allow) and the device identifier of the interface which connects the local network (interfaces). Don't let Samba operate on the WAN. Then you would configure the users using the Samba tool pdbedit(8). The following assumes that you already created the system user rich on your machine, and you would need to create groups for this user in order to have different access privileges for /etc and /usr/local/www. The latter might become tricky, because depending on the web service which is running you might need to maintain write access for the web server for some sub-directories, for example for uploads. The members of the suggested group webadm would be www and rich. # pdbedit rich new password: ******** retype new password: ******** Unix username: rich NT username: Account Flags: [U ] User SID: S-1-5-21-1801956262-1824223230-718757168-1001 Primary Group SID: S-1-5-21-1801956262-1824223230-718757168-1001 Full Name: Richard Home Directory: \\server\rich HomeDir Drive: Logon Script: Profile Path: \\server\rich\profile Domain: SERVER Account desc: Munged dial: Logon time: 0 Logoff time: So, 04 Dez 219250468 13:30:07 BRST Kickoff time: So, 04 Dez 219250468 13:30:07 BRST Password last set: Fr, 29 Aug 2014 09:14:10 BRT Password can change: Fr, 29 Aug 2014 09:14:10 BRT Password must change: never Last bad password : 0 Bad password count : 0 In my network I have running Mac and Windows clients. For the Macs I installed net/netatalk3, which is more lightweight and usually faster + imposing less load on the CPU's than Samba. Principally for Mac clients accessing Samba shares the setting TCP_NODELAY is very important. Active Member Reaction score: 7 Messages: 190 Wow. Perfect. Thank you. I had to go sudo for the pdbedit -a -u rich. I've left all this quite simple as I don't want to mess with other services and permissions, as I've had plenty of those with nginx and passenger. Still some odd things happening there on 11.1. All this is for real-time editing conf files and odd small stuff, so not much of a challenge on the server. I then chase it up with filewatcher gem to auto-load files ( ruby, bash) in the terminal. Given AFP's timely demise, I thought I should stay away from it. Staff member Reaction score: 7,672 Messages: 30,574 Is there a samba setup tutorial for Freebsd? You don't need to specifically look for tutorials on FreeBSD. Samba is configured exactly the same way on any OS (as are many others, like Apache, MySQL, etc). So you can use any Samba tutorial you might find. It's adduser(8) on FreeBSD and works a little different from Linux's useradd. The principle is the same though. Active Member Reaction score: 7 Messages: 190 I was hoping that was the case, but I ran into the non-existent useradd and was confused. New Member Reaction score: 1 Messages: 2 I've recently came across setting Samba as file sharing service on my FreeBSD. I found some FreeBSD related doc's confusing too. However the Samba official documentation, Linux tutorials with some books help should be ok:) In my case I've found that my problems with Samba were connected with active directory or domain or network or authentication issues which are often host or site specific. I had no Active Directory, ldap, nor DNS configured. I've used Samba 4.6 from package on RaspBSD 12 (which goes with 11 branch). My input is not ready solution, but I hope it may help somebody. First - check yours hostname and set the name hostname="hostname.domain.tld" (rather don't use .localhost or I've set it in the /etc/rc.conf Confusion - domainname(1) - it is not Samba domain related - it's NIS/YellowPages UNIX service. Second - set up /etc/hosts ::1 localhost rpi localhost rpi rpi A name next to the address is full name (FQDN), followed by aliases Third - you need /usr/local/etc/smb4.conf. There is no share/example. Let's take a look at less /usr/local/share/doc/samba46/README.FreeBSD. There is samba-tool domain provision --interactive --use-xattrs=no --use-ntvfs. For me only --interactive worked, however we may learn that FreeBSD's Samba works on UFS2 ACL. So check tunefs -p /dev/da0p1 whether you are using it. For me NFSv4 ACLs worked, it doesn't have to be POSIX.1e ACLs. Turn it on by tunefs (in single user mode as / must be detached if needed). After samba-tool domain provision --interactive there will be generated a simple /usr/local/etc/smb4.conf. The tool will use your hostname to determine REALM, netbios name and workgroup (all must be uppercase). I've set dns to samba internal, without dns forwarding and copied cp /var/db/samba4/private/krb5.conf /etc/krb5.conf. But wait a sec - I've already set up a Active Directory backend passdb backend = samba_dsdb It is something I didn't want to, and I have little idea about it. Confusion: Samba have BIND dns, FreeBSD comes with unbound. You may also update /etc/resolv.conf if this apply to your configuration - add nameserver or search. So we may take a look at The backend used there is passdb backend = tdbsam I've read somewhere that it is depreciated and skiped it in first approach - no it works, smbpasswd backend is Samba 3 stuff and discouraged in Samba 4 as far as I know. So we need to add an user pdbedit -a username Confusion. My wife need a password... yeah: pdbedit -a nobody I've read some examples on forum and web. I found also useful smb.conf(5) and testparm -v Finally my smb4.conf: netbios name = RPI realm = AIGO.GO workgroup = AIGO server string = Some text passdb backend = tdbsam #security = user # its default - to allow guest #have no printers disable spoolss = yes disable spoolss = yes #want to use mount_smbfs with ntlm_v1 on ntlm auth = yes map to guest = Bad User guest account = nobody #these two are netbios stuff #local master = yes #default yes #domain master = auto #default auto domain master = yes #os level = 255 if your wins must win over windows machines # win81 = 62 win10 = 100? os level = 255 wins support = yes #log 1 ,2 3, 5 10 log level = 3 max log size = 1000 # smb ports = 139 445 # its default #with password comment = "home::" path = /usr/home/raspberry #not valid users just users users = raspberry read only = no create mask = 755 directory mask = 755 #with password comment = "Public" path = /mnt/cores read only = no public = yes create mask = 755 directory mask = 755 Of course user nobody have file rights. Ports 139 and 445 are opened. Then - how to start Samba? 1 - /usr/local/sbin/smbd if you like - for more check help option. 2 - through /etc/inetd.conf - my choice for filesharing uncomment 2 lines referring samba netbios-ssn stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/sbin/smbd smbd 3 - you have an AD or ldap, you will use winbindd service samba_server onestart or by /etc/rc.conf Confusion - if you choose more than one way I'm not sure if this will act correctly (or unless you have correctly set up domain). I had some problems with it. Other useful command: smbcontrol all reload-config nmblookup -B client '*' smbclient //192.168.1 Then I could mount_smbfs -I -U raspberry //a@a/raspberry /mnt/sth/ I'm not able to credit all sources. However you may find useful As this is my first post I want to say thank you to the Forum Team, Timur (the port maintainer) and FreeBSD crew. Last edited:
Start counting bytes transferred within parallel pool startState = ticBytes(pool) ticBytes(pool) starts counting the number of bytes transferred to each worker in the pool, so that later tocBytes(pool) can measure the amount of data transferred to each worker between the two calls. Use the ticBytes (pool) and tocBytes (pool) functions together to measure how much data is transferred to and from the workers in a parallel pool. You can use ticBytes and tocBytes while executing parallel language constructs and functions, such as parfor, spmd, or parfeval. Use ticBytes and tocBytes to pass around less data and optimize your code. startState = ticBytes(pool) saves the state to an output argument, startState, so that you can simultaneously record the number of bytes transferred for multiple pairs of ticBytes and tocBytes calls. Use the value of startState as an input argument for a subsequent call to tocBytes. collapse all a = 0; b = rand(100); parfor i = 1:100 a = a + sum(b(:, i)); connected to 4 workers. BytesSentToWorkers BytesReceivedFromWorkers __________________ ________________________ 1 42948 7156 2 36548 7156 3 27500 4500 4 27500 4500 Total 1.345e+05 23312 Workers might transfer different numbers of bytes, because each worker might carry out different numbers of loop iterations. Measure the minimum and average number of bytes transferred while running a parfor loop nested in a for loop. REPS = 10; minBytes = Inf; ticBytes(gcp); % ticBytes, pair 1 for ii=1:REPS a = 0; b = rand(100); startS = ticBytes(gcp) % ticBytes, pair 2 parfor i = 1:100 bytes = tocBytes(gcp, startS) % tocBytes, pair 2 minBytes = min(bytes, minBytes) averageBytes = tocBytes(gcp)/REPS % tocBytes, pair 1 Note that nesting a parfor-loop in a for-loop can be slow due to overhead, see Convert Nested for-Loops to parfor-Loops. Input Arguments collapse all Parallel pool, typically specified by gcp, if you want the current parallel pool. Otherwise, use parpool to create a new pool. Example: ticBytes(gcp); Output Arguments collapse all Starting state returned as an input argument for a subsequent call to tocBytes. Example: startState = ticBytes(gcp); Introduced in R2016b
Best worst choice: hangovers The gist: Drink too much alcohol, and the resulting hangover will cause a laundry list of symptoms: nausea, exhaustion, dizziness, aches, thirst, and weakness, to name a few. You can make the effects fade more quickly if you’re smart about nutrition. Expert insight: For the hangover to pass, your liver needs to metabolize all the alcohol in your system. Eating certain foods like beets and cruciferous vegetables can speed up that process, says Katzie Guy-Hamilton, New York City-based certified health coach and author of Clean Enough. One reason you get an upset stomach after drinking is because alcohol makes your body more acidic, throwing off your pH. To get it back to neutral, eat foods high in alkaline and chlorophyll, both of which you can get from greens or supplements (with doctor approval), Guy-Hamilton says. Hydration, omega-3s, and spices like turmeric will further ease inflammation and aches. The bottom line: When hungover, try Guy-Hamilton’s go-to breakfast, which ticks all the boxes listed above: a fried egg and sauteed greens topped with turmeric plus a glass of water spiked with a chlorophyll supplement. She also suggests hydrating via IV drip therapy, the quickest way to deliver water to the tissues.
Find out the budget breakdown of a hypothetical Hollywood blockbuster. In using the budgets of actual +200MM blockbuster movies as references, this video excludes non-human costs, and reflects an approximation of the take home pay of all humans involved, based on average union rates. Disclaimer: Please note not every budget breakdown is the same, and some roles are subject to wider fluctuations than others. This is here to serve as approximations based on a hypothetical film which has never been made. how much does a movie director make Please follow and like us:
Product Details When Amrita Merchuck gave birth to her daughter, the midwife looked at her blue lifeless body and pronounced her still born. Mrs Merchuck had lost a lot of blood and there was fear that she would die, but she pleaded with the midwife to just let her hold the baby, and the old lady granted her that wish. Mrs Merchuck held the baby close, caressing the lifeless little blue hands, telling her how much she loved her. Suddenly she felt a vibration.  “It’s the baby. Her hand is ….vibrating?” she thought.  And suddenly this woman who had bled so much that the midwife thought she would die, was filled with warmth and contentment; she rebounded and rode a wave of golden energy. She felt buoyant and full of life.  She opened her eyes and looked down at her daughter, who was suddenly very much alive. The child was squirming and pink; her blue eyes wide open and calm. Ivy Merchuck had made her grand entrance -continue reading…>
In my research into the Biblical Curse of Cain and history of the Masonic fraternity, I found that the oldest writing ever discovered is a curse written on the stone Sarcophagus of the Phoenician King Ahiram. Many biblical scholars and researchers such as myself have suggested a possible connection to who is also known in both Freemasonic and biblical history as King Hiram. Ahirom, Ahiram, Amram, and Hiram are alternative spellings of the same name. He was a ruler of the ancient city of Byblos (Jubal/ Jubayl / Jbeil) which is the same city where the first writing was discovered and also where the Holy Bible is said to have originated. According to the writer Philo of Byblos (quoting Sanchuniathon, and quoted in Eusebius), Byblos is also considered as the world’s “oldest continuously inhabited city.” The Greeks had given the name of the lands they ruled as “Phoenicia,” and they called the city “Byblos” by the name “Papyrus” because this city was important in the papyrus trade. The Phoenician city, known to the Greeks as Býblos (Βύβλος) and to the Romans as Byblus, was important for their import of papyrus from Egypt. The curse is written in ancient Phoenician writing with 22 letters, the same number as the Hebrew which also happens to be the world’s first alphabet. The scribes of Byblos were said to have developed this writing which became the precursor of all modern alphabets of Babel and all languages that are spoken today. This is very important because not only was the world’s oldest curse discovered but it was also the world’s oldest writing in one of the world’s oldest cities where the bible had originated. The inscription reads; “A coffin made it [It]tobaal, son of Ahirom, king of Byblos, for Ahirom, his father, lo, thus he put him in seclusion. Now, if a king among kings and a governor among governors and a commander of an army should come up against Byblos; and when he then uncovers this coffin – (then:) may strip off the scepter of his judiciary, may be overturned the throne of his kingdom, and peace and quiet may flee from Byblos. And as for him, one should cancel his registration concerning the libation tube of the memorial sacrifice.” Another interesting Freemasonic fact is that the first priest offering tribute to the King appears to be holding a Masonic Square in his right hand. They also look very similar to the Egyptian priesthood proving further connections to Egypt which I have written about many times before. The Sarcophagus of Ahiram was discovered in 1923 during an excavation in Byblos, which was led by the French archaeologist Pierre Montet. A total of nine tombs belonging to the Phoenician kings were discovered at Byblos. Hiram’s tomb was discovered after it became exposed from heavy rains that caused the collapse of parts of a hill. The tombs were cut directly into the rock, and it was in tomb V that his sarcophagus, which is made of limestone, was found. In my many previous articles, I have put forth research showing that Ahiram is also known biblically and Masonically as King Hiram who was the Phoenician King of Tyre on the Holy Island of Crete during the reigns of Egyptian Kings, David and Solomon who I have also connected to Ramesses II and III. Physical evidence of these facts was found in Ahiram’s tomb when during the excavation some objects bearing the cartouche of Ramesses II (XIII century), were discovered in the burial chamber next to the sarcophagus. It is said that King Ahiram was succeeded by his son Ithobaal I (Latin Ithobalus, Hebrew Ethbaal) (reigned 591–573 BCE) who is the first to be explicitly entitled King of Byblos. From the inscriptions on the lid of the sarcophagus, it seems clear that the one in charge of the ceremony was the king’s son. This king is said by religious scholars to be identified with specifically Ithobaal III who according to the list of kings of Tyre of Josephus was reigning contemporary with Ezekiel at the time of the first fall of Jerusalem. He was said to the father of the Jezebel and is mentioned in the First Book of Kings as the king of Sidonians. Today, the Sarcophagus of King Ahiram is kept in the National Museum of Beirut in Lebanon. Share the Knowledge
How to Write Good Speech Titles Speech titles are only needed in certain situations. The title of your speech may appear in a printed program, for example, or someone may be introducing your presentation, in which case it’s worth investing a little time in making your title as powerful and memorable as possible!If your speech is to be given publicly then its title, if carefully chosen, may bring some people to hear you who otherwise wouldn’t come.If you are being introduced by someone, then they will, of course, need to tell the audience the subject of your speech. Announcing the title is one of the best ways of doing this. A good title may also supplement your introduction by gaining audience interest.Since titles are important in certain situations, let us look at some of the qualities a good title should have.First, the title should indicate the subject of your speech but not reveal it entirely. People are intrigued by suggestions that leave something to their imaginations. The title, however, should not lead the audience to believe you will speak on one subject when you plan to give a talk on another.Second, the title should be brief and eye-catching.Titles that can be read at a glance are much more effective than long ones. A limited time offer! get custom essay sample written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed It is safe to say that the longer the title, the fewer people will read it. Long speech titles defeat the very purpose for which they’re intended.Third, speech titles should be original, if possible.Overworked titles scream BORING and are the quickest way to encourage your audience to switch off before you’ve even got started. Titles may take many forms. Variations include a quotation, a question, a paradoxical statement, or a shocking statement. Whatever speech title you pick, it must serve the purpose of attracting attention to your presentation.If there will be no opportunity to use a title, or to have it announced, don’t waste time developing one. It actually works against you to announce the title of a speech if it isn’t necessary!Here are some examples of effective titles: • Run, Don’t Walk, to the Nearest Exit (for a speech on the need for atomic energy control) • The Ominous Cloud (for a speech on Russian foreign policy) • I Stutter (for a speech on stuttering and how it can be controlled) • That’s Why the Lady Is a Champ (for a speech on a female tennis Champ star) Speech Topic: Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Speech Titles There are 5 common mistakes people tend to make when creating a speech title, leaving the audience less than excited about hearing the speech… and possibly even detracting from the brilliance of their delivery!  Speech Topic: Top 5 Mistakes When Writing Speech Titles Revealing the Content too SoonA title that acts as a ‘teaser’ will make your audience curious. .. a title that gives away the subject AND angle of your speech will create very little buzz! What’s more, your audience will form pre-conceived ideas about the topic before they’ve even heard you speak.Being Boring!For example, DON’T call a speech about the health benefits of fresh fruit “The Health Benefits of Fresh Fruit” (yawn!). Find a way to put your own unique spin on the topic and create a headline that will ENGAGE listeners rather than send them to sleep (eg. “How Eating Fresh Fruit Can Help You Live Longer”.)Rambling OnDon’t create a lo-o-ong title! It needs to be eye-catching and readable at a glance – particularly important if the speech will be getting publicity.Being Unoriginal/Using ClichésThis should really come under the ‘boring’ category, because using dull, overworked titles can cause your listeners to switch off before you get going – as can clichéd expressions (quiet before the storm etc) unless wittily incorporated. Being InappropriateThere are several ways in which your title might be inappropriate…1. It may lead your audience to expect something your speech doesn’t deliver! Whilst hinting at your subject matter is a good thing, being so obscure that your title misleads your listeners is NOT!2. It may be too humorous when your subject matter is entirely serious (do note, however, that humor can be great in a speech title if it fits with the theme of the speech).3. It may be offensive. Think carefully!Remember: You can’t save a bad speech with a good title, but you CAN make a good speech even MORE memorable with a title that grabs attention and makes your listeners keen to hear what you have to say.  Haven’t Found A Paper? Haven't found the Essay You Want? Get your custom essay sample For Only $13.90/page
From Zero To Nano Have you ever wanted to build your own Arduino from scratch? [Pratik Makwana] shares the entire process of designing, building and flashing an Arduino Nano clone. This is not an entry-level project and requires some knowledge of soldering to succeed with such small components, but it is highly rewarding to make. Although it’s a cheap build, it’s probably cheaper to just buy a Nano. That’s not the point. The goal here and the interesting part of the project is that you can follow the entire process of making the board. You can use the knowledge to design your own board, your own variant or even a completely different project. from-zero-to-nano-thumb[Pratik Makwana] starts by showing how to design the circuit schematic diagram in an EDA tool (Eagle) and the corresponding PCB layout design. He then uses the toner transfer method and a laminator to imprint the circuit into the copper board for later etching and drilling. The challenging soldering process is not detailed, if you need some help soldering SMD sized components we covered some different processes before, from a toaster oven to a drag soldering process with Kapton tape. Last but not least, the bootloader firmware. This was done using an Arduino UNO working as master and the newly created the Arduino Nano clone as target. After that you’re set to go. To run an actual sketch, just use your standard USB to UART converter to burn it and proceed as usual. Voilá, from zero to Nano: Continue reading “From Zero To Nano”
One of the so-called “beauty hacks” that’s floating around on the internet is that Milk of Magnesia supposedly makes a fabulous primer for oily skin. There are countless beauty gurus on youtube touting its mattifying tendencies. Bloggers who should really know better are recommending it. Makeup Alley has rated 4.1 out of 5 with 367 reviews. Dear internet people: please don’t do this to yourselves. I sometimes wonder if internet browsing makes people’s skin better since they have easy access to research, or worse because they also have easy access to people’s crackpot theories about what they should put on their faces. Y’all already know that there are a fair number of home remedies that make me cringe. Milk of Magnesia is the perfect example of this. Although there are some elements that may be helpful, it’s only helpful if you ignore the damage you may be inducing. First of all, what the ever-loving fuck is Milk of Magnesia? Milk of Magnesia is magnesium hydroxide suspended in water with a bit of sodium hypochlorite. Magnesium hydroxide is an inorganic compound patented in 1818 for digestive issues. It is formed by a simple salt metathesis reaction in which magnesium salt is added to ammonium hydroxide. Mg2+ + 2OH —> Mg(OH)2 It is most commonly used as an antacid or as a laxative. When used as an antacid, the OH groups will pop on off the molecule and bind to the extra H+s you have in your painful, acidic belly, leaving you with water. This prevents your stomach’s hydrochloric acid from reaching your gastrointestinal nerves, meaning that you won’t be in horrible pain. Hooray! Science! When used as a laxative, you rely on Milk of Magnesia’s osmotic force. The magnesia ions formed after the OH groups pop off aren’t absorbed by your intestinal tract, leaving you with a high concentration of magnesium ions. Osmosis, at its most basic, is a movement of water from areas with low concentrations of ions to areas with high concentrations of ions. Thus, the magnesium pulls fluid into the intestines. Your colon sexily responds by dumping its contents, triggering you to dump yours. Hooray! Bowel movements! The second key ingredient of Milk of Magnesia, sodium hypochlorite (NaClO), is standard household bleach, which is an oxidizing agent. It’s in a very low concentration (doctors don’t usually recommend drinking large quantities of bleach), but it is a very effective buffering agent. Why the fuck do people want to put laxatives on their faces? Against all odds, there actually is a pretty good reason why people put Milk of Magnesia on their faces. A study by Stewart and Downing (1981) showed that magnesium hydroxide is remarkably effective at breaking down wax esters and sterol esters extracted from human skin. These are the major components of the oil on your face. In other words, it really actually is a de-greaser. It’s no surprise that people keep recommending this as an option for a primer. It definitely would minimize oiliness and I have no doubt that it has the potential to prolong your makeup wear. Why is this a terrible, very bad, no-good idea? Remember how magnesium hydroxide has a bunch of OH groups ready to jump out at you and neutralize any acid that may come it’s way? That means that Milk of Magnesia is alkaline as fuck. It has a pH of 10.5. For comparison, ammonia has a pH of 11. Baking soda looks downright harmless in comparison, with a pH of only 8.3. In order to ward of particularly unpleasant bacteria, your skin needs to maintain a mildly acidic pH. P. acnes, for example, is best inhibited by a pH between 4.2 and 5.6. Your skin has evolved to maintain this balance very effectively. Your sebaceous glands secrete a thin layer of the acidic film called the acid mantle, which protects you from viruses, bacteria, and other potential threats. Milk of Magnesia was formulated to neutralize stomach acid. It’s going to do that, but on your face. This totally destroys your acid mantle, leaving your skin unprotected. Using Milk of Magnesia as a primer sounds like the perfect way to turn your face into a nasty-bacteria’s dream. Interfering with the acid mantle may also cause contact dermatitis, interfere with the activation of enzymes involved in extracellular lipid processing, impede your skin’s ability to shed its dead layers, and damage overall skin integrity. When you use Milk of Magnesia as an everyday primer, you are coating your whole face in this shit on a daily basis. This has the potential to be quite damaging. Milk of Magnesia may be effective for oil control, but there is a shitload of primers that can help control oil that is actually supposed to go on your skin. I would recommend buying one of those, instead. 1. The smell is nausea inducing to me. There is no way in hell I would coat my face in it. 2. I haven’t used it since I was a very young child, but I remember that it tasted AWFUL. 3. Well, this grossed me out. I’m really glad I never felt the need to try this one out. 4. Always do your research on home remedies! 5. I mean, technically using this logic, you shouldn’t be putting it in your stomach either, since the acid there also serves to prevent bacterial growth as well. I don’t think you should be using this on your face every day, just like I don’t think you should use it in your stomach every day. But I don’t see why using this every once in a while, as a quick, low-budget oil nuke would be a bad thing. A lot of makeup artists use this on brides because it’s the most effective, long-wearing oil-control method, and they have access to all kinds of products. If you have any recommendations for a product that is closer to the skin’s natural acidity but is still as effective, I would be interested. 6. I love your blog post – “what the ever loving fuck is the milk of magnesia?” made me laugh. I’ve never heard of using it as a primer before, yuck! 7. It’s unfortunately pretty common… 8. Somehow I missed the whole milk of magnesia as a primer craze… lesson learned? 9. Be glad you missed it! 10. It’s great for an emergency I suppose (I’ve heard of fellow MUAs using it on bald heads!) but I’m not sure where you’d go to pick it up that you couldn’t also pick up a primer or oil control powder! 11. It’s probably not a tragedy to use it one time, but it’s definitely not a smart choice! 12. Interesting! I’ve never even heard of this. Guess I don’t read enough beauty blogs. When you get a chance, can you comment about the oil cleansing method (essentially washing your face with oil) and the no shampoo adding method (baking soda and vinegar for your hair)? 13. Do you have something in particular you want commented on? There are no clinical studies of either. 14. The other adorable blogger hack is the Monistat primer. ugh….I wish these hacks would die. For a group of people who love buying and trying new products, why suddenly go cheap with milk of magnesia?! 15. I mean, I bet most of the people using milk of magnesia and Monistat are on limited budgets and don’t have the resources to spend a ton on primer, but still love makeup and want to do full faces. But there are some steps you may just want to skip, especially if it is harmful… 16. Gossmakeupartist on youtube has mentioned it several times. I tweeted him a link to this post 🙂 17. My sister mentioned that her friend who has flawless skin used this. My poor little sister does in fact have oily skin but instead of listening to me and moisturizing more because she told me that her skin still feels tight after moisturizing she wanted to use this. I like how I’m the chemist but her friend in High School knows better than the graduate student. Ahem. End rant. 18. Hmmm maybe send her some resources? Kindly and lovingly? 19. I always wondered why folks were putting something so alkaline on their faces. A co-worker of mine swears by it but in her next breathe whines about her acne exaccerbations. Our MD’s keep out of this convo as they know how touchy-touchy some women can get when you question why they put crazy shit on their faces. 20. Oof, that’s a bummer. It’s easy to intervene when it’s someone you’re close to, but for some people (like coworkers)… you can’t say much unless they invite you to do so. 21. that’s a rude thing to say from someone who isn’t even a dermatologist! If I dont use Cetaphil on my face..I won’t rag on people who do! this site is despicable 22. Sorry for the typo’s btw 23. This may not be the appropriate place to mention this, but I think I found the Beauty Bullsh*t to end all Beauty Bullsh*t. Have you heard about the lotion that supposedly turns all ambient light into a red-light facial? 24. HA! That’s hilarious. 25. I was just telling someone about this yesterday, but not nearly as eloquently or scientifically, so it’s great to have all of the specific data. Thank you! 26. Of course! 27. I personally love Milk of Magnesia. It’s freaking awesome. For digestive problems. When I first heard about people smearing it on their faces it both seemed like a huge waste of good medicine and like “oh god no that somehow seems like a very fucking bad idea”. 28. People put lots of bad ideas on their faces… 29. MOM broke me out like a fucking bitch, so sad as it really mattified my oily face. 30. Is there a way to lower the PH of the solution? 31.  Someone, PLEASE tell me the name of a primer that actually works for very oily skin. I’ve tried dozens and dozens and the only thing that has been effective is MOM. And I actually have fewer breakouts… Maybe because there’s significantly less oil on my face? 32. This comment has been removed by the author. 33. This comment has been removed by the author. 34. Wow, I wasn’t going to try it just wanted to know why almost everybody on Utube was recommending it. DF LOL….I WANT BE TRYING IT THANKS 4 THE INFO!!!! VERY HELPFUL.
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How can I change the type of application I have submitted? Applicants cannot apply for both general and immigration applications at the same time. An Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report completed for general use cannot be used when applying for immigration. However, an ECA report completed for immigration purposes can be used for both immigration and general purposes.  If you would like to change the type of application you have submitted, contact us. Was this article helpful?
Set a Custom Expiration Time for a Test ID By default, all test IDs expire seven days after they have been generated, but you can always set an expiration date with a different time frame. However, there may be instances when you want a test ID to expire at a specific time (at the end of a class period, for instance). This article will walk you through the steps for setting a custom expiration time for the assessment ID. And remember, you can always generate a new test ID if you need to reopen it at a later time. Step-by-Step: How to Set a Custom Expiration Time for an Assessment 1. First, you'll need to open the assessment in your tracker. To do this, click on Trackers.Trackers - Trackers 2. Next, find the test ID for your assessment by opening a tracker and clicking on the name of the standard (e.g. 6.RP.A.1) where your assessment is located.Standard Title 3. Click on Assess above the standard name to see the test ID. Note: If you're working with a multi-standard assessment, you'll have to click the title of the assessment and drill down to find the Assess button. 4. You'll see the test ID for that assessment; or you'll see dashes if one has not yet been generated. You may also see a status of Expired (in red letters); in these cases, simply click on Generate New Test ID to create a new test ID. 5. Click on Change Expiration Options. 6. Select Custom, and enter the date and time that you want the test ID to expire. 7. Click Update.
"Lao language" written in Lao (Photo by Stephanie Kiang) La Cañada High School Lao: A Language Feature Many languages will always have a special place in my heart, but there is one language in particular that introduced me to the language learning community and other languages that I really like today, including Khmer and Thai. This language that sparked my love of other languages is called Lao. One day, I had nothing else to do, so I started scrolling through the list of languages that could be translated on Google Translate. I remember specifically looking for languages with characters, and Lao was the first to catch my eye. Lao became the first language I attempted to learn outside of school. Even though I didn’t become proficient, and I only know how to say a few words now, Lao has become a part of me. Lao was the first language that caught my attention, and for good reasons. In my opinion, the characters are absolutely gorgeous, the tones are interesting, and it sounds beautiful when it’s spoken. According to Ethnologue, a total of 4,424,200 people can speak Lao. Lao is spoken in Laos, a country that is on the border of countries such as Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam. It is spoken in a few other countries, but speakers are not as common in those places. Lao is a member of the Tai-Kadai language family, which has 76 languages. Thai and Lao are the most used languages in the family, while many of the other languages are endangered or close to dying out. According to Omniglot, people who speak Lao are able to understand spoken Thai to some extent. Speakers of Thai, however, can find it challenging to understand spoken Lao, because Thai speakers don’t get as much exposure to Lao. Lao’s alphabet was influenced by the Old Khmer alphabet, and the Thai alphabet also looks similar to Lao’s. With lots of curves and swirls, Lao is aesthetically pleasing. Lao is an abugida, which means that “consonants each have an inherent vowel which can be changed to another vowel or muted by means of diacritics or other modifications,” according to Omniglot. Diacritics are used to distinguish vowels from consonants, and they appear around, below or above the vowels. Lao is written in horizontal lines from left to right, and it is also a tonal language. This means that the meaning of words is affected by the tone of your voice. According to Ancient Scripts, Lao uses six tones, which are low, low rising, low falling, mid, high and high falling. This means that a word in Lao can have up to six different meanings. In Lao, there are only spaces between sentences, and it’s a good thing that punctuation marks are used to help make these distinctions. For someone that is learning Lao, this will take some getting used to if their native language does not have this characteristic because they will have to memorize every word and be able to read them all together. The consonants are also split up into three different groups because the consonants dictate which tone a syllable will have. What is also interesting is that there are a few letters for some consonants. I am so grateful that Lao is a part of my life. Lao is one of my all time favorite languages, and nothing will ever change that. No Comments Leave a Reply Logo Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
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[R3438 : page 299] 2 KINGS 5:1-14.—OCT. 23.— Golden Text:—"Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved."—Jer. 17:14 . THE KINGDOM of Syria bordered the land of Israel on the north and east, and at the time of our lesson was quite influential amongst the nations of the earth. Sometimes it was in conflict with Israel, while at other times these two and other nations combined in their opposition to the Assyrian empire, a still more influential neighbor farther east. Naaman was the general in chief of Syria, noted for his personal ability as a soldier, and especially recognized by the King of Syria because at his hand the Lord had granted deliverance to Syria and Israel in combination against Shalmaneser II. Naaman's victory is credited by this verse to Jehovah. (Jehovah is the original word wherever "Lord" is spelled in small capital letters throughout the common version of the Old Testament). We are not to gather from this that God has supervision of every war and every battle of earth, and that those who win have his favor and those who lose his disfavor. The Lord's favors were with the one particular nation, Israel, from the time of their adoption as the children of Abraham down to the time that, in our Lord's words, their house was left unto them desolate—divine favor withdrawn from them. The Scriptures, however, explain to us that the Lord did interfere with the affairs of outside nations to some extent—to use them as servants or tools for the accomplishment of his purposes. For instance, we are particularly informed in the Scriptures that on several occasions the Lord brought nations against Israel for the chastisement of his peculiar people, leading them captive into foreign lands, etc., as in the Babylonian captivity. These interferences on the Lord's part were not by way of bringing salvation or the Gospel message to the heathen lands, but merely part and parcel of his dealings with Israel—the preparing of Israel to be his peculiar people, to be ready for the coming of Messiah. Again we see from the Scriptures that the Lord, while granting a certain lease of dominion to the kingdoms of this world, in the interim between the overthrow of the typical kingdom of Israel and the time for the establishment of the antitypical kingdom of spiritual Israel under the headship of Christ in Millennial glory, has, nevertheless, had a general supervision and figuratively has held operations under control—"Thus far shalt thou go but no farther"—the remainder will he restrain. When the Lord's time shall come for a full interference with the rule of this world, for the full putting down of all antagonistic authority and for the enforcement of righteousness in the world, it will be on a very different scale from anything that has ever yet transpired: Messiah, clothed with all power and authority, and having associated with him the overcomers of this Gospel age, will be the great King who, as Jehovah's Vicegerent, shall rule the nations with a rod of iron, laying righteousness to the line and justice to the plummet. On the occasion of one of the conflicts between Syria and Israel, the Syrians, being successful, carried away some spoil and loot, including young Israelites, who thus became bond-servants to the Syrians. One of these, a maid, became a servant in the home of Naaman, Syria's greatest general. Seeing him afflicted with leprosy—an incurable disease then as now—she suggested that in Israel was a great Prophet of God, Elisha, of whom she had heard wonderful things, miracles, and who she was sure could heal her master, Naaman. We are not informed how serious Naaman's ailment was, but we do know that lepers, even under unfavorable conditions, often live long,—they have been known to live as long as forty-five years under the affliction. It is a repulsive disease, a wasting away or rotting of the part affected, an eating of the flesh, somewhat like a cancer, yet it is not generally painful until in the latter stages. It was just such a disease as a man of ability and activity like Naaman would be specially anxious to get rid of. His grasping at the suggestion of a little girl was possibly of the Lord's oversight, for ordinarily a man of his ability would pay little heed to such a suggestion of miraculous power in a neighboring country less in extent and influence than his own. Naaman evidently brought the matter to the attention of the king, who quite enthusiastically grasped the hope for the recovery of his favorite general. So a royal letter was written to the king of Israel, saying, "Now, when this letter is come unto thee, behold, I have herewith sent Naaman my servant to thee, that thou mayest recover him of his leprosy." We are to remember that the King of Israel, while professedly making some acknowledgment of Jehovah, was really an idolator, fostering in the kingdom false worship such as the Lord had not commanded. We are to remember that under these conditions he had no dealings with, and we may say scarcely any knowledge of, the Prophet Elisha, who made his home in the capital city of Samaria. When King Jehoram read the letter he saw that it was expected of him that a miracle should be performed, [R3438 : page 300] and, rending his garments as an indication of despairing trouble, he declared that the King of Syria was merely making a pretext of this letter, seeking another occasion for war and to invade Jehoram's weaker dominions, to carry off more spoils and captives. The news of this incident spread throughout the city, but possibly aside from this Elisha had a divine revelation respecting the status of the matter. Evidently conscious of God's power with him for such an emergency—perhaps directly instructed to this effect—Elisha sent word to the king, Wherefore hast thou rent thy clothing?—wherefore be in despair? Let the Syrian stranger come now to me, and he shall know that there is a prophet of the Lord in Israel. King Jehoram was glad in such an emergency to direct General Naaman to the Prophet, and doubtless did [R3439 : page 300] so with many assurances that the healing of lepers was not in the power of kings or princes or ordinary beings; but here was the man the little captive maid had evidently referred to, and that he wished for Naaman the best results. So General Naaman's cortege of horses and chariots drove over to the door of Elisha's house and there received a message from the Prophet, "Go and wash in Jordan seven times, and thy flesh shall come again to thee, and thou shalt be clean of thy leprosy." We cannot wonder that Naaman was angry and indignant that a person of his rank should thus be lightly dismissed. It would be just like any worldly-minded person to be indignant under such circumstances: it requires the grace of humility to accept slights and indignities without appearing to notice them. We feel sure that it would not be the Lord's will that we, as his followers, should in any sense of the word duplicate or copy the manner Elisha displayed on this occasion. On the contrary, the very essence of Christian grace is declared to be love, which is kind, long suffering, patient, gentle, and which renders honor to those to whom honor is due, etc. The better the Lord's people can keep this in mind as a rule for daily life the larger generally will be their success in serving the Truth. Meekness, gentleness, patience, kindness, are all elements of Christian character, and must be cultivated if we would by present experiences be made fit for the heavenly Kingdom. We are not in this criticising Elisha and his course, for Elisha was not a Christian, having lived several centuries before the great Head came, before the redemptive work was accomplished, before the new and living way was opened up for us to walk in his steps. Elisha, as a Prophet, occupied a special position, and we do not know but that his conduct in this case was specially directed of the Lord and was particularly wise and suited to the conditions. Naaman did not comprehend that in calling upon Elisha he was really calling upon God, of whom Elisha was merely the servant. It was appropriate, therefore, that Naaman should learn the lesson, and he probably did learn it by the experiences referred to. In fact Elisha's course declared, "I am greater than you, because while you are the servant of the king of Syria, I am a servant of the King of kings, the Almighty; while, therefore, in harmony with my King's wishes, I shall grant the boon requested, I will do it in such a manner that you shall learn the lesson that you receive it as a favor and not, as you expect, in exchange for the expensive presents and rewards which you have brought with you." As a general we might suppose that Naaman had considerable combativeness, and it manifested itself in his indignation at Elisha's course. To his companions and servants he expressed that indignation, declaring that he need not have come on a long journey to be told to go and wash himself, and that anyway the rivers of Syria were superior in sparkling purity to the Jordan. The latter was true, for the river Abana is noted for its crystalline, pellucid purity. Of its waters a writer says: "The Abana is no doubt the modern Barrada, the river to which the delightful oasis of Damascus owes its beauty and very existence; the Greeks called it the 'Golden Flowing.' It has the clearest waters possible, and singularly bright in color; in the morning a full, deep, emerald green, in the evening a sapphire blue. It was impossible not to think of the two jewels, so exactly did it resemble their clear gem-like lines at times." The offended Naaman offered none of the presents he had brought for the Prophet, but indignantly started with his chariots homeward. Naaman's servants were able to take a calmer and more deliberate view of the situation than himself, because not so acutely interested. To them it seemed as though the Prophet had indeed exercised a great deal of dignity, as though he were the servant of a very great king indeed; to them this seemed all the more to support his claim of ability to heal the disease. Doubtless they reasoned, too, that the Prophet's home was not an extravagant one and he evidently was not greedy of filthy lucre, and asked no compensation for the receipt given. As the chariots rode homeward these matters were discussed, and Naaman greatly cooled off and began to take the more reasonable view of the situation, and was finally persuaded that while they had to pass the river Jordan anyway in the homeward journey he would follow the Prophet's directions, which could do no harm if they did no good. He did this, dipping himself seven times as directed, and with the seventh dip his flesh was healed of the leprosy, and his flesh and skin not only became healthy but fresh as that of a child—better than ever before. He was clean, his leprosy was gone. Leprosy is used in the Scriptures to symbolize sin, and was sometimes inflicted by the Lord as a punishment for sin, as, for instance, in the case of Miriam, Moses' sister, who was smitten with leprosy because of her improper attitude and disrespectful language to and about her brother Moses, in answer to whose prayer she was healed. Sin is an incurable disease, and therefore well represented by leprosy; like leprosy it doth eat like a canker and all having it are "unclean." There are many suggestions as to how sin can be gotten rid of: there are philosophies which deny its existence, others which tell us that a moral life atones for sin. But these various philosophies, theories, suggestions, resemble the waters of Syria, which Naaman well knew could not make him clean, could not restore his health. The Word of God has pointed out to us the only cure for this malady of sin, the only channel through which forgiveness can be had—"There is none other name under heaven given amongst men whereby we must be saved, but by the name of Jesus." However man may philosophize about the matter, sin is undeniable and its cure impossible except as the Lord will grant relief. Another thought in connection with this: the likeness of the healing of Naaman's leprosy to the healing of sin is that the former required seven dippings into Jordan. We may well presume that each time Naaman dipped himself he looked for results, to see whether or not the leprosy was departing; but we may be sure there were no results until the seventh dip, and had he desisted with the fifth or sixth, saying, "It is useless, there is no improvement manifest," he would have failed of the blessing. The seven may well represent to us perfection: not that we are to either believe into Jesus seven times, not to be converted seven times, nor to consecrate ourselves by baptism into death seven times; but that as seven represents perfection, [R3439 : page 301] the thought would be that our belief must be perfect or complete, our obedience must be perfect or complete, our baptism into death in Christ must be perfect or complete, otherwise there is no remission of sins, otherwise we would fail to get the blessings desired and promised. Let us impress this upon our hearts and minds and upon all with whom we have influence—that half-hearted consecration and obedience are not what the Lord is pleased to honor and to bless. Several things connected with Naaman's experiences show us that the Lord's blessing of healing was conferred upon a man of naturally noble traits. First amongst these was the fact that his wife's maid, a servant, was interested in him and solicitous for his welfare. The love of the young, the innocent, the pure, is not always a sure test of character; but it should be given its weight when thinking of persons of whom we have not the fullest knowledge. Secondly, when Naaman found that his disease was gone he might have said to himself, "Well, I have received a great blessing and I have gotten it cheaply. If the Prophet had come down to me in a courteous manner and assured me of these results, or proffered to come with me, I fully intended that he should have a liberal gift, if not all the rich treasures which I have brought with me; but now, seeing that he did not put himself about so much as to come down to my chariot, I certainly need not put myself about to return many miles to Samaria and proffer him a gift. Perhaps, indeed, he would refuse it. I will go upon my journey and keep the stuff." Such a course would have shown us that Naaman was not a noble man, however successful he had been in winning the confidence of his king, and however much the Lord had used him in delivering Syria and Israel from the power of the Assyrians. Noble minds are not seeking selfishly to get all they can of this present life and give as little as possible to others. The truly great take pleasure in being just, yea in being generous. We may be sure that a generous heart is appreciated in the Lord's sight as well as in the estimation of truly noble men and women. In proportion as we see this let us each watch his own heart and mind and conduct, that each may thus bring himself nearer and nearer to the noble standard which the Lord and the best of his children approve. We remember that during our Lord's ministry ten lepers cried to him as he passed, "Have mercy upon us, thou Son of David." They by this expression acknowledged him as the Messiah, the Root and Offspring of David, and they desired of the Lord healing from leprosy—very much Naaman's situation, only that in the former case most of them were Jews. We remember that the Lord sent them on a journey during which they were all healed, but that only one of them returned to give thanks, to acknowledge his blessing. Our Lord commented on the fact and seemed to be deeply grieved with the ingratitude of the nine, and even pointed out that the one who did return and praise the Lord was not a Jew but a Samaritan—not an heir with Israel in the promises, but one of those outside the covenant favors of the Lord. Similarly Naaman was outside the covenant promises, a fact which is mentioned in the New Testament also as an evidence of God's mercy. We are told that there were many lepers in Israel at the same time that this noble Syrian was, by the Lord's favor, healed. Let us, dear friends, see to it, being Israelites indeed, "heirs according to the promise," and having received of the Lord healing, forgiveness and blessing, that we are full of thankfulness, full of gratitude, and that we [R3440 : page 301] spare no pains to express this, and that we do not seek to have it at no cost to ourselves, but rejoice to be able to render unto the Lord a fruit of his blessing and mercy and thank-offering—even as Naaman desired to do on this occasion, returning to Samaria to the Prophet and tendering him the gifts that he brought for the purpose. They were consecrated beforehand when he was hoping for blessing. Would he, after receiving the blessing, withhold any part? To have done so would have proven him unworthy of the blessing. Similarly the Lord's people, fleeing from sin and desiring forgiveness, reconciliation, etc., are generally disposed to make full consecration of everything to the Lord; but after receiving of his grace, if they attempt to keep back any or all of the consecrated earthly things, how would their course appear to the Lord and to all who had his light and the spirit of Truth. Let us each measure our own hearts by this rule. The silver and gold taken by Naaman as a present is estimated to have been the equivalent of $77,540.00, and additionally ten costly or state-occasion robes of considerable value. This was not considered too large a gift for the object desired and for the station or rank of the giver. The gift was proffered to Elisha with the words, "Behold, now I know there is no God in all the earth but in Israel: now, therefore, I pray thee, take a present of thy servant." But Elisha answered, "As the Lord liveth, before whom I stand, I will receive none. And he urged him to take it; but he refused." Had Elisha accepted the money he doubtless could have used it in connection with his mission as the Lord's Prophet, or amongst the poor of Israel; nevertheless he evidently did better in refusing it. Thus also it is with those servants of the Lord who give of their time and talents to his service. It cannot be said that it would be wrong of them to receive compensation, salary: it could not be said that as servants of the Lord they were worthy of no compensation; yet we believe that as a rule the Lord will be more glorified if those serving him were more particular to keep the ministries of the Truth entirely separate and distinct from all mercenary considerations. The Lord, who owns all the gold and silver and the cattle on a thousand hills, is able to provide for his work and for all of his servants, and we believe that he is more honored in their looking to him and trusting in his providences than in accepting anything in the nature of pay for the dispensing of his grace. Naaman's acknowledgment of the God of Israel as the only true God was evidently not merely bombast, for forthwith he requested enough of the consecrated soil of Palestine for the building of an altar to the Lord, that he thus might in Syria present an offering on consecrated earth. Moreover, his mind had grasped the situation that now as a follower of the Lord, whose understanding had been opened, he could no longer with propriety do the things formerly done by him in false worship in association with his king. He inquired of the Prophet how the Lord would regard it if he went with the king of Syria into the Temple of Syria's heathen god, Rimmon, the king leaning on his shoulder, and he be expected to bow himself with the king;—would the Lord pardon such conduct on his part or must he take still more decided grounds, utterly refusing to accompany the king? The intimation seems to be given through the Prophet that Naaman would be justified in taking the usual course, as formerly, while in his own heart he would be serving the Lord and offering worship to him only. The point at issue seems to be that Naaman was not in all this an Israelite but still a Syrian—still a stranger to the covenant and promises of Israel, still without God and having no hope in the world. He might, therefore, do things with the king that would have been improper for an Israelite to have done, because the latter was under special [R3440 : page 302] covenant relationship to the Lord. We are here reminded of Cornelius, the first Gentile convert, mentioned in Acts 10. He was a man who feared God, gave much alms, sought to live righteously, soberly, and still—not being a Jew—he was an alien and a stranger so far as the covenant of Israel was concerned, as he could not be received into fellowship with the Lord until after the atonement sacrifice, until the end of the "seventy weeks" favor upon Israel, and even then only by hearing and believing the "words" of life and being begotten of the Spirit: so Naaman the Syrian, not living in so favored a time, could not be received at all into covenant relationship. The noble conduct of this man, his candor, his apparent willingness to sacrifice everything for the Lord, puts to shame the course of many who by God's grace have become "Israelites indeed" and have been adopted into the divine family as sons. Many of them have very much less conscience on such subjects—many are much less careful about sailing under false colors, misrepresenting the Lord and the Truth. Many, for the sake of earthly fame or position or present prosperity, are willing to sacrifice practically everything. Let us, dear readers, see to it that we place the Lord first in all our calculations, and that if we acknowledge and admire such honesty and sincerity in the heathen general, Naaman, much more should we find it in our own hearts, in our own conduct, and much more should the Lord expect of us in the way of obedience even unto death, obedience to right, to principle, to truth, to Him. On the other hand note the ignoble Gehazi, Elisha's servant, who though a witness to God's power through the Prophet had not been really and truly blessed by a proper character development. His heart was full of selfishness, and he grieved that the presents had not been received. He hastened after Naaman's chariot, and, by misrepresentations and lies in his master's name, received presents of considerable value—but he received more. The Prophet of the Lord, discerning the entire matter, pronounced against him as a penalty for his wrong course the leprosy of Naaman. So, we are sorry to say, there are some in daily contact with the Truth and with the Lord's consecrated servants who do not partake of the spirit of the Truth, nor of the spirit of the servants,—in whom selfishness is the ruling passion and who will, therefore, eventually not only fail to receive the great blessings, such as came to Naaman, but additionally will receive the divine disfavor, the second death. Our Golden Text is not particularly related to the lesson, but, nevertheless, is very appropriate in connection with some of the inferences we have drawn from it. Those afflicted with the moral leprosy, sin, are here represented as calling to the Lord for the necessary healing, for the necessary salvation. The Lord heard our calling before we uttered it. Before we were born, yea, before the foundation of the world he had prepared an answer for our crying; he had prepared to answer the cry of all those who truly seek through him release from sin and its penalty, for Christ Jesus our Lord is declared to have been the Lamb slain from before the foundation of the world. Our salvation begins in the moment of our full acceptance of the forgiveness, but it continues through the remainder of the present life and will be completed with our participation in the glorious resurrection of the Millennial morning. Whoever, meantime, goes back voluntarily to sin, to "wallowing in the mire," or whoever meantime rejects the great Mediator, the only avenue of salvation, loses all—for there is no other name given under heaven or amongst men whereby we must be saved, no other way than by hearkening to his voice, his Word.
2019 International Conference On Computer Aided Design The Premier Conference Devoted to Technical Innovations in Electronic Design Automation November 4-7, 2019The Westin Westminster Westminster, CO Paper 1B.1 - Joint Design-Time and Post-Silicon Minimization of Parametric Yield Loss using Adjustable Robust Optimization Murai Mani, Ashish K. Singh, Michael Orshansky  Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX
User login You are here Nonlinear stick-spiral model for predicting mechanical behavior of single-walled carbon nanotubes Tienchong Chang's picture (PRB,74,245428,2006)  Based on a molecular mechanics concept, a nonlinear stick-spiral model is developed to investigate the mechanical behavior of single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). The model is capable of predicting not only the initial elastic properties (e.g., Young’s modulus) but also the stress-strain relations of a SWCNT under axial, radial, and torsion conditions. The elastic properties, ultimate stress, and failure strain under various loading conditions are discussed and special attentions have been paid to the effects of the tube chirality and tube size. Some unique mechanical behaviors of chiral SWCNTs, such as axial strain-induced torsion, circumferential strain-induced torsion, and shear strain-induced extension are also studied. The predicted results from the present model are in good agreement with existing data, but very little computational cost is needed to yield them. PDF icon Chang - PRB2006.pdf1.08 MB Tienchong Chang's picture Sorry to all, especially to Haiyi. I wanted to delete the old attatchment then upload a new version. However, I deleted by mistake the whole topic. And the comments posted by Haiyi was gone as well. So I posted the topic again, and say sorry to all. **Please dont treat this accident as a dual publication, :-)  Zhigang Suo's picture We now have several incidents that people accidentally delete their posts.  You might be interested in an early exchange on deleting a post.  Perhaps iMechanica should remove the "delete" button, so that nobody will run into the same problem.   Hello, Prof. Suo. I agree with you, however, we need to keep the function of "delete" for admin and/or moderators since there might be an advertising post (like spam post) irrelevant to discussions at iMechanica. A couple of days ago, I deleted the post that advertised some irrelevant website. Tienchong Chang's picture Thank you, Prof. Suo. I agree with you that "delete" function is better to be removed. If someone want his/her post deleted, he/she may ask administrator to do it. Subscribe to Comments for "Nonlinear stick-spiral model for predicting mechanical behavior of single-walled carbon nanotubes" Recent comments More comments Subscribe to Syndicate
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Threat Level: green Handler on Duty: Didier Stevens SANS ISC: InfoSec Handlers Diary Blog - ISC Feature of the Week: Glossary InfoSec Handlers Diary Blog Sign Up for Free!   Forgot Password? Log In or Sign Up for Free! ISC Feature of the Week: Glossary Published: 2012-09-27 Last Updated: 2012-09-27 18:55:28 UTC by Adam Swanger (Version: 1) 3 comment(s) Our feature today is a page we just launched, the Glossary: Terms and Definitions page at! This page allows for browsing and list filtering of Computer and Security-related terms and definitions. There is also an API  at which I'll also detail below. We will soon be adding a Suggest a New Term or Definition form where you can contribute your thoughts to the list. Overview - Description of page sections, API and displays current number of Terms in the system. List of Terms - Text box will dynamically filter the multi-column list to terms that contain what you enter. For example, if you start typing 'by' the list will be restricted to terms such as 'byte' and 'gethostbyaddr'. Delete characters you've typed to expand list back to all terms. Clicking the term will jump down to the matching Term and Definition section. List of Definitions - A heading row with the Alpha-numeric preface is above each section. The quick links under the title at the top of the page contains number and letter links to each header section such as The term and definition list alphabetically. Keep an eye out for a "Share Term" and "Suggest a definition" link soon. Glossary API - The API outputs all terms and definitions by default. You can add a partial or full word to the url to "search" for a matching term. As a reminder, all content is governed under the Creative Common share alike attribution policy. More details can be found at and Adam Swanger, Web Developer (GWEB, GWAPT) Internet Storm Center Keywords: ISC feature 3 comment(s) Diary Archives
LIBR 246-03 LIBR 246-12 Information Technology Tools and Applications - Advanced Topic: AJAX Spring 2010 Greensheet Steve Perry Greensheet Links Textbooks and Readings Course Requirements Course Links Class Web Site Instructor Information iSchool eBookstore This class does not use ANGEL! The class Web site is found at: Course Description This course is an introduction to using JavaScript to build dynamic Web pages, that is, Web page that automatically change according to a user's input. We will be reading from the required text and doing programming exercises. The assignments will be problems that you will solve by coding JavaScript on your HTML pages that exercise the concepts learned to date. Prerequisites: LIBR 202 Course Objectives Student Learning Objectives Student will learn skills required to design Web-based applications using the JavaScript scripting language such as writing small scripts, working with data types, creating interactive forms using various form objects and using the advanced features of JavaScript including loops, frames and cookies. The successful student will be able to: 1. Develop a JavaScript program using asynchronous communication. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the Document Object Model 3. Demonstrate the use of XML in Web page requests 4. Compare various AJAX toolkits. 5. Design and Develop a new AJAX application 6. Demonstrate the use of XML in Web page requests LIBR 246 supports the following SLIS Core Competencies: • design, query and evaluate information retrieval systems; Course Requirements Contacting the Instructor I check my email account at least once per day, Monday-Friday, usually in the daytime. I generally do not check for emails on Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays. Emergency email: (Use only if no reply received within 48 hours from my regular email) Important Dates Semester: Spring 2010 (2010/01/26 through 2010/05/17) The FINAL DATE of this class is 2010/05/17 No assignments or exams will be accepted after that date! Spring Break: March 29 - April 2, 2010 Course Format The class is taken entirely online via the Class Web Site. There are 9 assignments that will require you to solve programming problems using AJAX . These assignments are worth 10 points each. The Final Exam is worth 10 points. Each assignment has a target due date (details will be posted on the class Web site) and there is a 7-day grace period for each assignment. One penalty point is deducted from your score for each day (past 7 days) that your assignment is turned in late. For example, if an assignment is 10 days late, and is worth 10 points, the highest score you could receive for it would be 7 points. NO assignments or exams will be accepted after the FINAL DATE of this class (listed at the top of this page) unless I've given you an explicit extension. You may work through the class faster than the schedule if you wish; however, you may NOT submit more than one assignment on any given day. Grading Policy and Standards 70-90% Assignments 10-30% Final Examination Textbooks and Readings Required Textbook: Grading Scale 97 to 100 A 94 to 96 A minus 91 to 93 B plus 88 to 90 B 85 to 87 B minus 82 to 84 C plus 79 to 81 C 76 to 78 C minus 73 to 75 D plus 70 to 72 D 67 to 69 D minus Below 67 F University Policies General Expectations, Rights and Responsibilities of the Student Dropping and Adding Consent for Recording of Class and Public Sharing of Instructor Material Academic integrity Campus Policy in Compliance with the American Disabilities Act More accessibility resources.
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Git Good @ Tech Tag: dashboard Node Red Dashboard server and temperature monitor. Here are some screenshots of the upgraded dashboard. And at the bottom is the full Node Red code. Continue reading Wifi temperature logger aka “NodeMcu Arduino IDE MQTT DHT11 Node”. Part 3 (Node Red and dashboard) In previous two tutorials we learned how to set up ESP8266 with arduino IDE as temperature sensing node. Now we gonna look Node Red side of things and will create dashboard for displaying the data. Continue reading © 2019 JakeMakes Theme by Anders NorenUp ↑
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An ex boxer punches a man and then says: おっと… 勢い余ってとどめ入れちまった。生きてる? The man that was punched manages to stand up. At this point, a friend of the puncher says: マジか… 所沢さんのモロもらって… I think that the sentence roughly translates as "Unbelievable... he is still standing after receiving a punch by Tokorozawa...", but I can't understand the exact meaning of モロ. Does it have a special meaning in boxing? Or it simply indicates a punch given with all one's strength? I know there's another question about モロ, but in that case it is used as an adverb, while here I think it is used as a noun. Thank you for your help! • 3 A correct answer has already been posted, so I will say this here. 「モロ」 is an adverb here as well that modifies the verb 「もらって」. The noun, which is the object of the verb, is 「所沢さんの」 with the 「の」 as the nominalizer. = "所沢's punch(es)" You would need to "see" or "feel" an imaginary 「を」 between 「所沢さんの」 and 「モロ」. Mentally filling in the words left unsaid is an important part of Japanese reading comprehension. Failure to do so would often result in not understanding a phrase or sentence. – l'électeur Jul 2 '17 at 1:11 • @l'électeur Thank you for your advice! I "felt" an imaginary を, but I placed it after モロ. I didn't understand that the word 'punch' has been left unsaid. – Marco Jul 2 '17 at 1:46 • 1 モロ is one of the adverbs where に is optional (especially in casual speech). – naruto Jul 2 '17 at 2:32 The answer from the question you linked applies to your question as well. So to put it into the translation, it means the boxer took a direct, unguarded hit. Your Answer
Tag Archives: Telephone Sympathy to Man – Poem 5 of 30 for National Poetry Month What Man built Became too complex I don’t mean fire or wheel Those could be stopped Not bullet or bomb Both were simple and dumb Not light, or radio, or phone Once, a boy could build them Not even early computers Those, too, were built in basements And when they talked to each other Man would chaperone Man’s demise Was not these Damn the device! And the information on which it thrived! Damn all computers That tried to be! Sympathy to Man, extinct Man For not using his mind To know Where to stop Leave a comment Filed under Poetry
Ed and Lorraine Warren facts for kids Kids Encyclopedia Facts Edward "Ed" Warren Miney (September 7, 1926 – August 23, 2006) and Lorraine Rita Warren (née Moran, born January 31, 1927) were American paranormal investigators and authors associated with famous cases of haunting. Edward was a World War II United States Navy veteran and former police officer who became a self-taught, self-proclaimed expert demonologist, author, and lecturer. His wife Lorraine was a professed clairvoyant and a light trance medium who worked closely with her husband. Their cases have even become blockbuster movies such as The Amityville Horror, The Haunting in Connecticut, and in The Conjuring. Both Ed and Lorraine Warren were born in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Ed Warren died in Monroe, Connecticut from natural causes, at the age of 79. Ed and Lorraine Warren Facts for Kids. Kiddle Encyclopedia.
Sweetbread facts for kids Kids Encyclopedia Facts Sweetbreads on mushroom risotto. Various other glands used as food have also been called 'sweetbreads', including the parotid gland, the sublingual glands, and testicles (cf. Rocky Mountain oyster). The "heart" sweetbreads are more spherical in shape, and surrounded symmetrically by the "throat" sweetbreads, which are more cylindrical in shape. The word "sweetbread" is first known in the 16th century, but the logic behind the name is unclear. "Sweet" is perhaps used since the thymus is sweet and rich tasting, as opposed to savoury tasting muscle flesh. "Bread" may come from brede 'roasted meat'. Sweetbread Facts for Kids. Kiddle Encyclopedia.
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Summer & Mental Health: Structure vs Freedom As the school year winds down there can be a bump in anxiety levels.  Although we all look forward to sunny days—anxiety and other mental health issues can creep in.  The “Dog Days of Summer” quickly envelop us and my mind wanders to the … KIDS! Though my own are now adults, I remember how, after initial excitement, the summer can begin to drag. And with it, a whole host of issues: from boredom on one end of the spectrum to activity overload on the other. Many imagine idyllic, do-nothing days of relaxing and recharging. However, sometimes the lack of structure can bring uncertainty and discomfort. Let’s see…thunderstorms, swimming lessons, deep end of the pool; camp, ticks and Lyme disease, sunburns, fireworks and let’s not forget the undertow. Here’s a tip for handling these challenges without increasing the worry.  Teach problem solving and preparation as an alternative to the danger discussion.  Encourage your children (and the adults around you) to be proactive. Focus on teaching problem solving skills in anticipation of times of trouble. And remember to always reach out for help, if it’s needed. Tammie Elkins, M.M.F.T. Tammie is a Marriage and Family Therapist at Lantern Lane Farm - Counseling Center.
Solving new and difficult theory problems… without looping into oblivion Sometimes you decide that you need a specific theoretical result. For example, you may need a closed form formula for a given quantity. Yet, you barely know how to begin. Maybe, you end up looping: you keep on revisiting the same ideas, again and again. You don’t seem to make any progress at all! What do you do? Don’t be hasty to conclude that you can’t do theory. Mathematicians are just ordinary people. Some advice that has worked for me: • Be patient. Work incrementally. • At first, don’t try to prove conjectures. Begin by trying to disprove them! It is often much easier to disprove something than to prove it. And most conjectures end up being false. • Find the simplest non-trivial variation on your problem, and work from there instead. What you will learn from solving a closely related problem might teach you how to break the real problem. A related strategy is to work on specific examples. • Be paranoid. Check every single fact or claim twice. And then check it again. • Run computer simulations to check your mathematics, or to suggest new conjectures. • Draw pictures. Use your visual cortex. • Try to abstract out the problem: find a more general problem. Sometimes, specific problems appear more difficult than general ones because you are thrown off by irrelevant details. • Be thorough. When trying to solve a difficult theoretical problem, be neat. For example, work as if you are trying to explain your problem to someone else. Published by Daniel Lemire 8 thoughts on “Solving new and difficult theory problems… without looping into oblivion” 1. Good points. Just a footnote to your point about drawing pictures. Sometimes it helps to draw a BIG picture. Sometimes just redrawing the same picture 3x larger opens up your thinking. 2. Fantastic advice. I studied Computer Science in college and I often had this problem in math class, while the mathematics kids pulled ahead. A follow-up question: outside of college, what is the best way to pursue a rigid mathematical education? I want to delve into machine learning, but the main thing holding me back is a poor mathematical background. I either 1) forgot the content of important classes such as linear algebra and number theory that are relevant to the subject, or 2) did not exercise application and thus the true meaning of the content in my math classes was never revealed. Math is one of the subjects that I benefited from taking in a formal institution because grades forced me to learn it (where as most of what I know about computer science I picked up on my own), hence my weakness in the subject. 3. I agree with being neat and writing down every step. But I work best when I alternate being sloppy and being neat. When I’m my most creative, I scribble on paper. But then I follow that by typing notes up carefully in LaTeX, often when I’m tired and no longer thinking as quickly. 4. @Adam Bossy I would suggest using wikipedia (it is a great source of mathematical material) combined with google scholar. Start with a narrow problem that interests you and then read all about it, then dig down into the various subtopics you need to learn, always starting from wikipedia. Keep in mind that you are going to be overwhelmed and blinded most of the time, but do not worry about it. Better yet! Write or improve wikipedia articles when you can! (It helps to learn TeX if you don’t know it already.) Also, use numerical simulations to test out your theories and formulas. Plus, be patient. Getting good at mathematics does not happen quickly. 5. Or… use a theorem prover. Then you don’t have to worry about not being thorough enough. It will let you know if you haven’t. Well, unless you accidentally use an assumption without meaning to, but there are ways of detecting that too. Leave a Reply to Geoff Wozniak Cancel reply     This will be displayed in a monospaced font. The first four     spaces will be stripped off, but all other whitespace     will be preserved.     Markdown is turned off in code blocks:      [This is not a link]( Here is some inline `code`. For more help see
Childhood Abuse · Poetry Spirit – by Niall Madden I found the spirit that I needed It lifted me up from my chair. Paused my breathing. It was raw yet frigid, Clawed at my throat. Though it lacked weight This drink helped me float. It flowed in my glass- mirror Image of myself looking back, Fuzzy like my vision, Blurred like my past. To… Continue reading Spirit – by Niall Madden
Rich Lowry: "kill all the librarians next" Here's a fun one from Rich Lowry, editor of National Review, Who Says a Shakespeare character famously said, "Let's kill all the lawyers" today we might reply to that acerbic line, "Sure – but only if we can kill all the librarians next." He says librarians now constitute one of the country's main centers of thoughtless and unreconstructed leftism. He adds, our unwillingness to keep vagrants out of libraries goes to the fundamental inability of leftist librarians to distinguish between maintaining minimal public standards and creeping fascism. I loath that particualar quotation.'First, Kill all the lawyers' is a reference to *HOW TO OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT*.The rational is that if there are no lawyers, no one will know that what they are doing is illegal.THe rest of the article is so damn insulting that it doe not even merit comment.AnArtLibrarian If somebody is evangelically preaching in the library, then they SHOULD be escorted from the premises. This is much more disruptive than homeless BO could ever be. Please. You're twisting this. I don't see anything in the previous post about someone "evangelically preaching" in a library. Unless you are speaking of a children's reading program associated with Christmas or Easter. I guess these would apply? However, I have caught the wafts of a well-ripened patron. Give me the preacher. I'm still waiting to see some evidence of someone having their career derailed because they criticized ALA. My supervisor/coach back when I was a student library worker in the mid and late eighties has criticized ALA plenty, and is, as the saying goes, "slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun." His criticisms have appeared in print, even though some of us need a dictionary to wade through the Buckleyesque prose. Last I heard he was the Dean of Libraries at a college in South Carolina. Out of respect for him I won't say his name without his permission. Hell, if I had known ALA was so powerful I would have never let my membership lapse. And if anyone sends hate mail to someone they disagree with, or says someone is practicing hate speech because they are a Christian (although unfortunately some who claim to be Xians do this), they are an anal orifice. FWIW, I'm a Christian (as I said when I was an "anonymous patron"), and I haven't been harassed at all. And I still don't agree with ALA sometimes, and they can't do diddly squat about it. p-man - I am personally not aware of anyone else becoming blacklisted by ALA. Nor am I accusing ALA of doing this formally. However I think it may be a bit naive to think that trumpeting anti-ALA positions will carry no consequence. I think the evidence if fairly clear on this one. Try to find publications written by librarians in Library Lit that are critical of ALA. Surely no organization can be this good??My experience is limited, yet relevant for what it is worth. As an academic library director I have worked personally with a past ALA president. Nice person. Here's the rub.This past ALA president has no compunction sending ALA legislative (ALAWON) updates regarding current federal issues to myself and other diretors. These updates give the ALA position, what their plan of action is, then urge us all to call our local reps to push the "party line". There is no discussion. Zilch! It's assumed that we all agree with ALA'a position. Implicitly, there is an assumption that, for the good of ALA, we all agree.Again, this is my experience.My advice. Leave any traces of anti-ALA publications, etc., off of your c.v. "Take a look at the Patriot Act. Where's the public outcry??? The fact is that most Americans support the Patriot Act. This is a fact."It is also a fact that opposition to the Act, once non-existant outside civil libertarian circles, is growing, as more and more of mainstream America learns just what intrusive new powers the government has accrued to itself. (And yes, despite what Mr. Lowry would have you believe, subpoenas obtained with no probable cause, before a rubber-stamp FISA court, do constitute a new power.)The pattern of public opposition to the USAPA seems to be following a similar pattern to that of Congress; they, too, overwhelmingly supported it...until they found out what was actually in the thing. Since then, the movement to reign it in has grown on both sides of the ideological spectrum. After all, that wasn't a Berkeley liberal who introduced the bill to repeal the "sneak and peek" provision, it was an Idaho Republican. And the bill passed overwhelmingly, with ample support from other Reps."Libraries have always censored via collection development policies. Let's be honest with the public."True enough. However, the crucial difference between collection development and internet filtering is that of local control. When you choose to buy or not to buy a book, you are ultimately answerable for that decision and the rationale. When filters are installed on a computer, the decision to block or not block a site is made by someone unknown to you, unaccountable to you, for reasons which are normally not divulged and, sad to say, often seem to be driven by that dreaded word, "agenda" (though certainly not a liberal one.) I'm sorry but I don't see this swelling opposition you speak of. Unless your speaking of folks within library circles.I serve on both a public library board and as a director of an academic library. I have not had one patron/student contact me about their concern for privacy. Nada.Your justification regarding filtering v CD policies is well taken. I don't disagree, though I am not sure one is necessarily better than the other. One could argue than an automated filtering program may be less biased than a person. Who knows?Here's a thought. Which of the following would the non-library public be most familar with; the US Patriot Act or a collection development policy?My contention is the way ALA portrays this issue to the non-library public. ALA maintains this is an issue of "free and open access". CIPA is not the first federal law to affect library collections. Nor does the Patriot Act represent the first time Uncle Sam can snoop on a library patron.Again, my issue is honesty with the public, as well as our perception. Like it or not, we are being characterized as a liberal movement and risk alienating our core constituents, i.e. taxpayers. Please be courteous by not making such broad, sweeping, and incorrect statements as this. I understand your position, but you imply that taxpayers never have a liberal bent. Taxpayers in your community may be 100% non-liberal, not in my community. Thank you. tomeboy, thank you for taking the respond to my comments. Allow me to do so in turn. I have mixed emotions about your assertion that the librarian's image hasn't changed for the better. You say that "we no longer enjoy the public image we once did." Are you referring to the public image that "introduced us in our youth to the "Hardy Boys" stories and preside over a sanctuary of neighborhood quiet?" Or the one reflected in the now infamous library action figure? Quite frankly, these are public images I can do without. That said, you make a reasonable assertion: that we are a group of incestuous debaters. I don't disagree and I too resent the ALA's unwillingness to consider and reflect differences of opinion within the profession's ranks. However, consider that, on the flip side, our general inability to reach consensus and present a unified front does damage to our profession in other ways that are outside the domain of this particular discussion. Anyhow, I find it ultimately difficult to enter a broader interprofessional dialogue that begins with inflammatory comments and accusations of "thoughtless and unreconstructed leftism." As I suggested originally, the objection to the power grab and potential privacy compromises reflected in the PATRIOT ACT is more politically conservative in origin than liberal. But true discussion is stymied by the construction of any objection to Bush administration policies as leftist, regardless of the ideological basis. As for the public outcry, come on now. To make an inflammatory (and somewhat specious) argument of my own: Where was the public outcry over the spread of AIDS? The fact is that most Americans supported a disease that ran rampant through homosexual and drug-addicted communities (some more vocally than others, of course). That certainly doesn't mean people should have stopped working towards a cure long ago, does it? Or stopped promoting AIDS awareness? Sadly, most people don't care about issues until they feel the direct impact. Many people felt the direct impact of 9/11 and care about measures to make sure it never happens again. Thus the initial support for the PATRIOT ACT. But, as you mention repeatedly, it's all about honesty with the public. Therefore we should remain committed to informing people about things that the government has an interest in obfuscating, such as the inefficacy of current filtering technologies and the extension of federal investigatory power granted by the PATRIOT ACT. Of course neither CIPA nor the PATRIOT ACT are the first laws of their variety, but they are the farthest reaching in their respective categories and people should have the information necessary to decide whether that's a good thing. Look, to directly take on the policies of a political entity, the ALA has to play a political game. It's never clean, conciliatory or forthright, but it's probably the most viable and realistic choice to influence opinions. That any presented opposition will be characterized as liberal/leftist is a standard consequence of challenging the US government. I guess what I'm saying ultimately (and finally, yay!) is that being a politically benign profession is unrealistic in the current climate and no longer enough to secure the future of the profession. I'm espousing a public image of the librarian as proactive, not inactive. "I have not had one patron/student contact me about their concern for privacy. Nada."Obviously, I am in no position to comment on that. You are the best judge of your own situation/constituency.In response, I can only offer an anecdote from my own situation. I work in a small public library in a very conservative town, one where the registered Republicans outnumber Democrats at least two to one, and probably closer to three to one. This town, not coincidentally, is quite close to another where our President has one of his vacation homes. He is extremely popular here. In other words, these folks are not in any way, shape, or form, liberal idealogues.Yet I have had several patrons question me about the Patriot Act. People have demanded to know why we keep any records at all beyond their name, address, and library card number. My library director, who denied my suggestion to put out pamphlets informing the patrons about the ramifications of the USAPA, ended up having to rewrite the library's privacy policy so that it mentioned the Act...not in response to anything I said to her, but because of questions she was receiving from patrons.Again, I must repeat that this is not a liberal place at all. The folks here are, by and large, staunchly conservative. They support President Bush and generally hold a positive view of his policies, both here and overseas. But they are genuinely concerned about the powers accrued to the DOJ since 9/11 and their possible uses. And I don't blame them. Simple question. Are librarians/libraries perceived by the general public differently today than, say, 30 years ago? Well some of this is getting a little wide of the point, but I think the essential point holds.ALA (and the higher education environment generally) do have a left wing slant. This is supported by a number of surveys and just observing the situation.ALA doesn't have a blacklist. However, it's position is such that people who publicly disagree with the organization probably will suffer some kind of problems -- even if it's nothing more serious then a certain amount of professional tut-tutting. "Gee you don't belong to ALA. Why is that?" As the earlier poster said it's just not a good idea to put these kinds of things on your c.v. It's more a sociological thing than anything e.g. If you want to be successful you're expected to belong to the "right club" e.g. ALA.ALA is a big organization that's been around for a long time and like all such groups it tends to get a little set in its ways. The reality is that the ALA, more than a librarian's group, is actually more a lobbying organization for the profession as a whole. That's probably a distinction that many people miss and it results in a great deal of discontent and trouble. It is kinda ironic that Mr. Rick is busy making librarians mad and he's got a new book coming out. Hmmm... can we say the publicity wagon is coming around the bend??? Where to begin?Let's start with perception and reality.For the sake of argument let suppose we (librarians) agree that most of what Mr. Lowry states is, as you characterize, "specious". Ok.And as librarians we collectively pooh-pooh Mr. Lowry. As demonstrated in your articulate albeit acerbic rebuttal.So what?? You are missing the bigger issue.The issue here is the public perception of libraries and librarians. It has changed. And not for the better.The truth is that we are fast becoming recognized by mainstream America as a movement for liberal agendas. Don't shoot the messenger. This is fact. Mr. Lowry's thoughts, although anathema to you, reflect the feelings of many Americans.The problem is WE DON'T LISTEN TO OTHERS OUTSIDE OF OUR PROFESSION!!!!!!! We know better.Sure we don't mind taking public money, or the Feds dough for that matter, but that's it. No seat at the table.My point is, like it or not, we no longer enjoy the public image we once did. What was once a politically benign institution and respected profession is now viewed by many as tools to further liberal agendas. Why?.Take a look at the Patriot Act. Where's the public outcry??? The fact is that most Americans support the Patriot Act. This is a fact. The same with filtering. The ALA has couched the filtering issue as an unprecedented encroachment to free and open access. This is misleading at best. Libraries have always censored via collection development policies. Let's be honest with the public.We need to stop the incestuous back slapping within our profession and encourage real dialogue. Even with, "non-library" types. They aren't as dumb as we think. Lowry is absolutely correct in what he says. The library profession is dominated by the ALA which is run with a distinctly left wing agenda.The librarian response to the Patriot Act is a perfect example. The response of the ALA has been one of hysteria, invoking images of the Gestapo coming to knock on one's door at night. It ignores the fact that, leaving state laws aside, one has no expectation of privacy in library circulation records. The information has already been revealed to a third party so they are no different than credit card records -- which the government can look at at will.It may be that the Patriot Act needs to be rewritten. However, that can be said of most legislation. The ALA response makes the library profession look like a bunch of crazed 60s radicals and conspiracy theorists.As to the other comments of Lowry: he's correct. Most public libraries in large metropolitan areas are cesspools -- an oasis for crime and perversions of all sorts. They are, in effect, homeless shelters where the librarians spend most of their time doing social work.   Librarians complain that public libraries are underfunded. Has it ever occurred to anyone that libraries are underfunded because taxpayers don't like spending money on dirty unsafe public facilities that they don't get any benefit from? Want support for public libraries? Kick out the homeless/psychotic people and keep them out, put filters on all the computers, and clean your build Just a note that some public libraries, because they are a PUBLIC INSTITUTION, cannot kick out homeless people just because you might catch a whiff of an unwanted odor. The only way most can kick someone out is if they are creating a security hazard/extreme public nuisance (ie. begging). Check the library's policy on what type of people are permitted in the library (if there even is one) and the local laws on what constitutes discrimination. Most of the whackos my mom deals with stem from the use of public computers rather than a person being homeless. At times it sounds like she'd rather have to deal with a homeless person rather than the people she gets at the computers ("my 30 minutes aren't up yet! I have to win this auction on eBay!!"). [Preface: this is Greg (151, I think). I don't know my password and can't get to it from work, lest you think I mean to post anonymously.] This should get ugly before day's end. Mr. Lowry betrays his ignorance many times in the course of one column (as does our most recent anonymous poster - "Lowry Rocks!"). Let me throw a few examples out there and let others carry on accordingly. "preside over a sanctuary of neighborhood quiet" - Maybe he meant presided, which would not only be more accurate, it would provide some much needed verb tense agreement. Still, when was the last time Mr. Lowry visited a public library? "making an otherwise worthy profession seem a blight on the republic" - Based on the recent press, I'd say that was OCLC's job (sorry, a bit snarky). "vagrants are allowed to treat libraries as quasi-homeless shelters" - Much like parents are allowed to treat libraries like day-care centers, but I don't see Mr. Lowry bemoaning that. Anyway, the point is that "vagrants" (tasteful choice) are governed by the same rights and policies as any other person who walks through the doors. "the fundamental inability of leftist librarians to distinguish between maintaining minimal public standards and creeping fascism" - Again, we set standards and everyone is held to them. That these standards do not meet the expectations of the columnist says more about the columnist (and the anonymous poster, for that matter) than the librarians. Whatever happened to "equal under the law?" Or is that fascist? (in reference to subpoena powers) "This power has always existed in criminal cases." - Right, Mr. Lowry, the power exists when there is a case. This is about expansion of federal powers and, last I knew, a conserative philosophy would not espouse such a power grab. Anyway, these are but a few examples. I expect those with stronger grounding in law and civil liberties to rip Mr. Lowry, to tear his specious arguments to shreds. Actually, that's only since 1995-96ish (I'd have to check records). You *used* to be able to have a reasonable expectation of privacy in this country.> They are, in effect, homeless shelters         Only because there is *nowhere* else for homeless people to go. When you can get arrested for sitting on the sidewalk, you find somewhere else to go.         Unless you're willing to kill the poor, you're going to have to put them somewhere. And if you eventually manage to eliminate every legal place for them to go to, you will leave them no resort but to kill you for living space. I wish you neocons would just come clean.-- Ender, Duke_of_URL So then the quote works nicely! Librarians make sure that their libraries are sources of information about citizens' rights and government responsibilities.If you want to undermine the constitution (I.e. overthrow the government, if not the administration) than killing the librarians is a fine idea.Or at least discrediting them with sexist stereotypes. We are a bunch of hysterical old biddies, aren't we? Where are these public libraries that are cesspools? I've worked in urban public libraries for the last ten years, and I've yet to see one. Also, we were underfunded before the Internet even made its first appearance in a library. A moment's thought should have made this obvious. And if Mr. Lowry is so concerned that one of his blue-blood buddies may catch a whiff of someone who has limited access to bathing facilities, why doesn't he do something to improve that access. While he's at it, he can rail against corporations who are spewing out pollution more noxious than any BO into the air and water both here and abroad. Wait, in the neocon world free enterprise is king. Freedom is for those who can afford it. Anonymous - I concur. Completely.I would ask that you consider posting under a login. I understand that criticizing the ALA is tantamount to heresy. But it's healthy, democratic and, most of all, needed.Hypocrisy is problem, well perhaps one of the problems, I have with the ALA. Diversity, Cuban libraries, censorship, filters, etc.. More later.For now, consider this. I posted this a few days ago. Perhaps a second look is worthwhile?A nugget from ALA's Patriot ActResolution ..."RESOLVED, That the American Library Association urges all libraries to adopt and implement patron privacy and record retention policies that affirm that “the collection of personally identifiable information should only be a matter of routine or policy when necessary for the fulfillment of the mission of the libraryâ€?Another nugget from ALA's web site ..."The American Library Association grants permission to outside organizations, institutions, or individuals, to use its membership lists. Such permission is for rental only (a price list is then given) The lists are not sold and they may not be duplicated."Perhaps the Attorney General should promise not to make any copies??? Unfortunately, I'm a working librarian. To publicly criticize ALA would put my job and professional future at risk. I also, probably, would be subjected to a great deal of hate e-mail and other abuse.It's unfortunate that I have to be this way and give into this left wing tyranny. Unfortunately, because of the ideological and practical stranglehold that ALA has on the profession I have no choice. I and my family need me to work to survive.Personally, I think it's sad that ALA forces people to be closeted about their identity when their views conflict with the liberal norm. However, that's the way things are. Perhaps someday it will be different and conservative views will be allowed to be publicly acceptable.Look at it this way -- It's no different from the fact that, because I work in a publicly funded institution, I have to hide the fact that I'm a Christian -- because being a Christian is considered a hate crime and can get you in trouble. Huh? I'm a Christian working at a public institution with a lot of other Christians (and people of other faiths or non-faiths, as well), and none of us have ever been accused of committing a hate crime or getting into trouble because of our faiths. I don't know what kind of place you work in, but where I'm at, a hate crime is something you do not something you are. Also, just because you are a librarian doesn't mean you have to agree with the ALA over everything. We may be information professionals but that doesn't make us mindless clones. Frankly, it sounds to me that you have a chip on your shoulder that you might want to examine before brandishing further broad generalities. well the rule here is left is right and right is so wrong!!! You can have protests about how 9/11 was a great thing for the world -- no problem, but if you are an evangelical preacher you will be escorted off the property by the police.Disagreeing with the ALA?? Go ahead. Do it. And enjoy your life at McDonald's because you'll never get another library job. What the???? Why would criticizing ALA put your professional future at risk? Are you employed by ALA? I've criticized ALA, and it has had no effect one way or the other on my career. You need an ALA-accredited MLS for most professional library jobs, but beyond that I don't see that they have any authority over any library or librarian. Do you have any evidence of anyone disagreeing with ALA being subjected to anything besides ridicule? I agree with ALA on some things and disagree with them on others. I let my membership lapse because my wife and I share one full-time job and I don't feel like having both of us pay dues. I'm pretty confident that I could stand up during our system's staff day and say "ALA s*cks" and nothing would happen to me. Neither have I been subjected to anything unpleasant on the job for being a Christian. If I tried to convert people at work I'd probably be in trouble, and rightly so in my opinion. I've never been accused of being a hatemonger, not even by my liberal, Jewish, ALA-member wife. I anyone can provide concrete evidence of ALA ruining anyone's career, I would love to see it. If so, I will be happy to never renew my membership in protest. Greg - again, well stated though I don't agree.The image I am referring to is one of an apolitical enterprise. This has changed. I believe there is a degree of truth when Lowry talks of "unreconstructed leftism".-----------((Sidebar)) I just received an email from an anonymous past ALA president speaking about this article. It was forwarded to him by an ALA councilor, whatever that is. Here is where Lowry has a point.The councilor, in his/her email says, "Hardly unexpected commentary from the National Review, but still..." Now what should I take from this comment? Furthermore this past ALA president states in his/her email to our group, " of a very hostile editorial in the National Review."What's the implicit message here?((end of sidebar))--------------------As for the action figure, the last I remember was my Stretch Armstrong. 70's kid. Once the syrup oozed out I lost all touch with action figures.As for AIDS. Respectfully, I think this is a reach. In fact I really don't understand your point and so it may be better left alone.Lastly, though encouraged, I would ask you to reconsider your position regarding your opinion that ALA does not invite true dialogue. As the intelligent person I believe you are, I am disappointed that you are willing to concede this sad reality. We all know the adage, "Evil triumphs when good men do nothing." I thought that the strength of a Democratic institution was built upon the open exchange of ideas??Well enough. We obviously don't agree, but that's ok.
[Snort-users] Snort 1.9.0 Support for MySQL DB Erick Mechler emechler at ...7719... Tue Dec 10 11:57:10 EST 2002 :: Does Snort v1.9.0 support MySQL? Looking at both the Silicon Defense and :: CodeCraft Consultants web sites, I only see various "StdDB" and MS SQL support :: binaries; no MySQL binaries. Did MySQL support go by the wayside? Yes, it does. See Section 2.5.8 of the manual. More information about the Snort-users mailing list
Open Source Initiative Board Meeting in Chicago 1. Yes, during the NATO Summit. Perhaps not our best move ever. []
New kid on the block: Streptococcus bovimastitidis For a biologist the discovery of a new species is a significant achievement. This is probably easier for a microbiologist than many other biologists, but is still a satisfying achievement. The identification and characterization of Streptococcus bovimastitidis resulted from a discussion at the World Buiatrics Conference in Cairns when we agreed to perform whole genome sequencing on a collection of Strep. uberis isolates gathered during two clinical mastitis trials in New Zealand. While reviewing the species identification data on the collection it was clear that one of the isolates had failed to be identified as Strep. uberis, or any other species in the reference library. A quick look at the assembled sequence data showed that there hadn’t been any problem with the sequencing itself which eliminated the most likely cause. This piqued our curiosity and so began the search to identify this anomaly. The Kraken software used for the initial species identification compares the sequence data of the whole genome with a library of previously sequenced bacteria. While many bacterial species have been genome sequenced there are a considerable number that have not, so the next step was to look at the 16S ribosomal RNA sequence (16S rRNA) which encodes a part of a subunit of a prokaryotic ribosome. This gene has been found to evolve extremely slowly, is easily sequenced, and is Leave a Reply %d bloggers like this:
Why isn't Python king of the hill? Frank Mitchell frankm at Fri May 25 05:32:15 CEST 2001 Darren New wrote: > (I'm particularly amused by how Java 1.0 promised that AWT would be safe > to code to and always around, while Java 1.1 deprecates it and Java 1.2 > I don't think is even going into new browsers at this point.) Well, MS is dropping Java entirely, but Netscape 6 uses the Java 2 plugin. Whether anyone will use Netscape 6 is another matter. Opera also uses the Java 2 Plugin (which is larger than the whole browser ...) One of my pet peeves is that Sun lumped a whole bunch of packages into the "Java standard" before they were field tested. AWT was a mess to begin with, and now the JDK can't get rid of it. Even Swing depends on some basic AWT classes. (It's not truly deprecated in any version, but it's subtly discouraged ...) Python takes the opposite approach, of bundling libraries enough people find useful. Good for programmers, but bad for big corporations trying to impose their product on a reluctant world, I guess. Frank Mitchell (frankm at "The trouble with mornings is that they come when you're not awake." -- from "A Window for Death" by Rex Stout More information about the Python-list mailing list
Being an Encourager 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NASB)  Three important things in encouraging others are: prodding, praising and patience. Watch a parent trying to get his  little child to take the first steps.  The parent will say something like, “Come to Daddy;” or “You can do it;” as they hold them up and point them in the right direction. When the child takes a step (or just keeps his balance and stands),  the parent explodes with praise.  Finally, the parent must display patience as the child may take several attempts before being able to walk. Remember to apply those same principles in encouraging others…prodding, praising and patience. No comments yet Leave a Reply You are commenting using your account. Log Out /  Change ) Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s %d bloggers like this:
If 90s Cartoons Grew Up to Be Totally Hot Adults We may always remember Tommy Pickles as a baby, but he's a big boy now. So is Spinelli from Recess, Arnold from Hey Arnold! and the boys from South Park. (But they've always talked like adults, so that's not very difficult to imagine). Illustrator Is...
Environmentalists can fuck themselves 'Green' vibrators promise sustainable pleasure - Yahoo! News The global sex toy industry is worth an annual 15 billion dollars (22 billion euros), and uses up a mountain of batteries in the process, many of which end up as toxic waste. But now one Irish company reckons they've got the solution to shake up the market: a vibrator they are calling the world's first-ever "green technology sex toy". The Earth Angel, described as "eight inches with a sleek white finish", is a wind-up vibrator which comes with a handle built into the base. "You just flip out the handle, grab a hold of it there, and you just wind it," said Janice O'Connor, the co-founder with her husband Chris, of Caden Enterprises which makes the gadget. "So for four minutes of doing that, you should generate enough power to give you 30 minutes of full-on, right-to-the top vibrations."
Band Sealing Machine Band Sealing Machine - Horizontal Pouch Sealing machine to seal the open end of plastic bags. Band Sealing Machine-Horizontal The machine is suitable for small bags packaging and adopts electronic constant temperature control system and stepless speed adjusting transmission mechanism. It can seal Plastic films of various materials. If necessary, pressing wheel and counting device can be fixed to it as well. ModelCBS 010-900 LWI VoltageAC 220/50 110/60 Motor Power50 Sealing Power300x2 (m/min) Speed0-12(0-16) (mm) Sealing Width8 10 Temperature Range0-300 Printing TvoeSteel wheel embossing(optional) (mm) Distance From Sealing Center to the Conveyor10-40 150-270 10-40 Conveyor Size840X180 Max, Conveyor Loading for Single Bag< 1 Overall Conveyor Loading<3 (LXWXH) (mm) Dimension840X380X270 840X380X550 840X550X800 Net weight32 37 40 Get the Best price for Band Sealing Machine Ask for a Quote?
Korgaran’s Megadungeon-The Antedungeon (Hall of Altars) This is the first of 7 dungeon segments that I will post over the next 7 weeks as part of Korgaran’s Megadungeon, built into the side of Mount Call above Tripik at the height of his power. Korgaran’s Succession, as the massive complex has come to be called, was built as part of a deal he worked with some of the mightier deities at the time, considered to rule the four elements: Glaineth, Omalin, Grethgan, and Quudala. He brokered the manipulative deal with the help of Mythalis (a young god), presumably as part of a bid to rule the gods, given his power in Trethal at the time. This bid seems to have failed, and in the aftermath Mythalis rose as the god of choice for diplomacy related matters, a position Korgaran had previously held.Antedungeon The Hall of Altars was a publicly accessible antechamber to the massive complex within. Each of the 6 deities involved in the project had an altar space in the Hall, along with residence chambers and common areas for the priests of each of the deities. Korgaran‘s own priests had extra space, many of them living in the Hall in order to construct and maintain its defenses. In building the Hall of Altars, Korgaran included many secrets, including an actual altar room hidden well behind his very strange front altar room at [C]. In the near future (read: when I have less on my plate) I intend to write the megadungeon up completely with tables and actual values, but for now I’ll write a brief overview of all the features: PsentinelThe great oaken doors fronting the Hall of Altars at [A] are flanked by great statues. These statues are of oddly shaped warriors with tower shields and spears. They are too stout to represent humans, but their features are more human than dwarven and there is little trace of gnomish resemblance in them. Some insinuate that this is Korgaran’s body shape. Regardless of shape, the statues are 50 cubic foot Psentinels with 100 strength and enough Spell Points to ensure their psionic abilities penetrate the mental defenses of most entering. The temple spires at [B] spring up out of the mountain side under which the complex is built, reaching 20 feet above the mountain slope with fairly open archer platforms atop them. Directly through the Great Hall at [C] is the space designated for Korgaran‘s altar. The room tributes the four elements represented by the four elemental deities, also indicating the relative locations of the deities’ ritual grounds within the complex. At the center of the room is a great stone sphere, supported in a pool of bubbling water such that it can be turned and rotated. Six square holes evenly spaced across the sphere’s surface can be seen to lead to a network of miniature passages within the sphere. This sphere will be elucidated further next week. On the back wall of the altar room, gold letters announce Korgaran’s intent with the facility: “That I might rule them all.” The chambers at [D] were used by the priests of Korgaran as work areas for building and maintaining the facsimile defense force of the Hall of Altars. The floors of these chambers are littered with metal parts, forging and smithing equipment, and half built facsimile soldiers to the point of being practically impassable. The special parts necessary to build these advanced facsimiles were, and perhaps still are, stored at [E]. The Priests of Korgaran had living quarters at [F], but since the fall of the Calldinkel gnomes and Korgaran’s decline, they have been vacated. Perhaps some of their belongings remain. The facsimile soldiers they built still stand, ageing, in their storage corridors at [G]. When any of the altars are disturbed or otherwise defiled, the facsimiles nearest that altar will be released, with instructions to secure the altar. When the Hall was active, servants of Korgaran would have been able to give them additional instructions, now, if released they they will act only according to their standing orders: to secure the altar and apprehend any potential defilers. The priests of Grethgan and Quudala shared a common chamber at [H], with the priest of Quudala living at [I] and the priest of Grethgan living at [J]. Unlike the priests of Korgaran, the followers of Grethgan and Quudala still operate in their respective ritual grounds within the complex. They may still use these quarters from time to time, but without Korgaran’s people to keep them in line, they do not behave civilly toward visitors. Grethgan‘s altar is at [Q] and Quudala‘s at [S]. At the least their priests still visit these altars to perform necessary rituals from time to time. The priests of Glaineth, Omalin, and Mythalis shared a common chamber at [K], the priest of Mythalis living at [L], the priest of Omailin living at [M], and the priest of Glaineth living at [N]. While Glaineth‘s followers in Trethal still consider the ritual ground in the complex an important place of worship, they are very careful when in the Hall of Altars to avoid confrontation with the priests of Grethgan and Quudala. They brave it now and then to visit Glaineth‘s altar at [R]. The priests of Omalin have lost control of their ritual ground and her followers make little effort to maintain her altar (at [P]) or regain the ritual ground. Mythalis has since moved on to bigger things. He and his followers are involved in relations between the biggest nations in Trethal. Only very rarely does he instruct a follower to make a pilgrimage to his temple in Tripik and visit his altar (at [O]) in the Hall of Altars, much less see his ritual ground. As a result, the living quarters of these three priests are as bare as those of the priests of Korgaran. Next week, we’ll continue Korgaran’s Megadungeon with The Sphere, or the Interdungeon: the interface between the ritual grounds. 3 Responses to Korgaran’s Megadungeon-The Antedungeon (Hall of Altars) 1. Pingback: Korgaran’s Megadungeon-The Interdungeon (The Sphere) | Mind Weave Role-Playing Platform 2. Pingback: Mind Weave Dungeon Design | Mind Weave Role-Playing Platform 3. Pingback: Korgaran’s Megadungeon-Glaineth’s Attic (The Whistling Spires) | Mind Weave Role-Playing Platform Leave a Reply Logo Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
Retirement, Part 1 It’s weird how, in the last few seconds of your life, everything becomes strangely, almost absurdly clear. For me, that clarity brought with it the realization that all of this, everything that happened, came about because I ignored orders and went for a hike. And that hike, in turn, happened because of my father. Not that my father was a bad man, you understand.  No, he was a normal, hardworking, blue-collar sort of guy.  We didn’t have much money, which meant that we didn’t have much in the way of entertainment, and the rabbit-ears balanced on top of the television never seemed to pick up a good signal, no matter how much tinfoil my mother wrapped around them.  So instead of plopping down with Junior and watching the Sunday football game, my father instead took me out on walks. We might not have had much in the way of digital entertainment, but at least we had some good views.  Not that I appreciated them at the time, being a snotty-nosed brat who felt enviously that my buddy Blake, whose dad sank all his bonus money into a fifty-inch flatscreen with digital HD hookups, had all his luck and most of mine as well.  My dad would bring me up to the bluffs, brushing aside the leaves on the wide-branched trees to make it easier for me.  He’d gesture out at the cliffs, the sky on fire from the setting sun, and he’d ask me what I thought. Mainly, I thought that I’d much rather be watching football at home, feet propped up on our ratty old couch. I never told the old man, though.  Why ruin his idea that he was doing his son a solid by bringing him out into the wilderness?  And besides, I picked up a few tricks: how to tell direction from the moss and by cutting chips into the tree trunks, how to move silently enough to sneak up on the gamey rabbits that hopped to and fro, how to follow the trails of animals, how to keep an eye on vegetation and figure out the best route to a nearby water source.  Useful knowledge, not that I knew it at the time. Although now that I’m thinking back on it, with that newfound clarity that I mentioned earlier, I might have been better off if I’d never learned a single damn thing about the outdoors. My daddy and those nature walks might be the real cause of my current predicament, of this whole can of worms that I dug up, which turned out to actually be a big ol’ pit filled with hungry snakes – but they weren’t what really started me off.  See, I may talk with a bit of a drawl, look like a country hayseed, but I’ve read a few books.  Cheapest thing to do during my downtime, aside from walking out of bounds, out in the wilderness and getting myself in deeper shit than my boots can handle. In books, there’s always an event at the beginning of the story.  It’s called the inciting incident.  Like the first rock that starts the avalanche, it’s a tiny, innocuous little thing, especially on its own – but it gets the whole plot moving, eventually bringing it all down on the hero like, well, an avalanche. And for me, that inciting incident turned out to be the glint, a sparkle coming up from the edge of the water. Damn, but if I’d just ignored it, assumed that it was light off a chunk of rock, nothing more – but if wishes were fishes, we wouldn’t be eating beans for dinner, as my dad used to say.  Turns out that I got some of his country phrases, not just his outdoor skills and his golden-blonde hair.  I also got his inflaggable sense of curiosity. Carefully, I picked my way down the rough trail towards the water, heading towards where I saw that glinting from the shore’s edge.  There really wasn’t much of a trail at all, basically just a path that some of the local wildlife had made through repeated use.  No other people ventured out here, at least – as far as I could tell, I was the only one to move out more than a couple hundred feet away from the compound.  The execs seemed to prefer to leave exploration up to the surveying robots. I moved slowly, cautiously.   The woods out here seemed peaceful, but I knew better than to believe that particular lie.  Strange, considering how many other lies I swallowed, hook, line, and sinker, but those ones came from people.  Guess I’m better at reading nature. I also saw Ayers, probably the only other guy in the group to venture out into the woods.  The bots hauled him straight off to the infirmary, but not before we all got a good look at his swollen hand.  Guy was in too much pain to talk, but I recognized the signs of a pretty severe allergic reaction. And I found the plant that did it, a week later.  Thankfully, I’m not as much of an oaf as Ayers, so I only brushed a single finger against the creeper before the tingling warned me to pull back – but even that brief contact was enough to leave me wincing in pain for the rest of the day.  I guess I ought to be grateful that I didn’t step on anything outright poisonous, but that’s small comfort when my finger feels like I shoved it into one of our mining drills. So I took my time getting to the edge of the water.  Took me a good twenty minutes, and I knew that I wouldn’t have long to poke around down there before I’d need to head back.  During downtime, no one cared to monitor my tracker, figure out where I’d gone, but that only held as long as I showed up for my shift.  If I missed the start of my shift, I’d get hell from the other guys – and the Company might start taking a bit more interest in my movements during off hours. Still, despite the clock running inside my head, I stood for a few seconds at the edge of the shoreline, just gazing out across the vast expanse of water.  One of the moons hung two hands above the horizon, the other just starting to peep its round head up from the edge.  That sight reminded me that, as much as this felt like the forests back home, I needed to keep on my toes.  We knew shit-all about this planet, despite the Company claiming to have conducted “extensive investigations” into its surface and the creatures upon it.  Everyone recognized that particular lie, at least.  No, the Company only cared about the rare minerals beneath the surface, and getting as much of those rare elements out of the ground, where they didn’t do anybody no good, and up into our hands, where we could use them to build more spaceships, oxygen purifiers, carbon scrubbers, nutrient reclaimers, landing thrusters, mining drills, and everything else that society demanded to feed its ever-present hunger. Inspiring, ain’t it?  Capitalism, still alive and well, despite what all the fancy talkin’ heads were saying on television last century.  Still growing, still hungry, and still willing to pay bumpkins like me to carry out the dangerous, dirty work of getting the raw materials to feed its appetite. Not that I’m likely to see any of that money, now.  Not much use for money when I’m dead. But again, I’m getting ahead of myself. I got down to the water, admired the alien sunset for a bit, and then headed over towards where I last saw that glinting.  I guessed that I’d find a rock, maybe a crystal of some sort.  Could be some sort of metal deposit, revealed by the lapping waves.  Or, maybe some bit of plastic junk had blown away from the compound, landed in the water.  In that case, I’d be doing the planet a favor by picking up litter.  One small act, to make up for plunging a drill deep into her bosom and chewing her mineral organs away. I picked my way over the rocks of the beach.  No sandy paradise here!  I’d seen the glint just a little further over, just past the big rock that looked rather like a severed nose… I climbed over that rock, looked down.  Well, there it was.  No trouble spotting the thing that was out of place amid the rocks and lapping waves. Bile came rushing up, saliva flooding into my mouth, and I puked into the water beside me. A hand, roughly severed, floated on the other side of that rock.  The fingers were splayed out, and a large, rather gaudy looking metal ring on one of the fingers caught the light.  That had been the source of the glint. Shit.  Vomit came again, but I forced it down, took deep breaths and looked straight ahead, back at the horizon.  Breathe.  Don’t freak out.  Don’t lose your head and panic, Alan.  Keep your damn self under control. Maybe five minutes passed, as I fought to get myself under control.  I stood out there, on the rocks, probably exposing myself to every damn predator in the area, but I couldn’t think about that.  I’d found a hand, a human hand, and everything else seemed less pressing than figuring out what to do next. I knew, of course.  I didn’t want to do it, and I tried half a dozen ways of talking myself out of it, but I knew what I had to do. I headed back to the shore, poked around a bit among the brush until I found a decent size stick, a good four feet long.  Hefting it, I returned out and very gingerly pulled the hand up, pushing it onto the rocks. Now came the really gross part. Using the stick to push down against the wrist, I pinned the hand in place.  Reaching down, I grimaced, holding my breath.  My hands slipped over the wet metal of the ring, and I nearly lost the remaining contents of my stomach again as my fingers brushed against the cold, dead flesh, soft and puffy.  I worked the ring back and forth, feeling it cling to the flesh beneath.  It complained, fought back, but eventually, finally, loosened. I held it up, looking at it in the light of the setting sun.  Now, this was a real problem. See, I recognized that ring.  Gaudy piece of shitty jewelry like this?  That kind of thing drew eyes.  And the ring’s owner, Lyman, had even showed it around, as if rubbing its ugliness in our faces. “My girl back home’s wearing one just like it,” he bragged, as if this somehow made things better.  “Only got a couple months left on my contract, and then I’m out of here, rich as shit and ready to go kick back and relax for a couple decades!” “Bull, Lyman,” some wag called out.  “You know that you’ll spend it all in a couple months, be right back here next year to earn another chunk.” Lyman shook his head.  “No way.  Shit, boys, you should see the zeroes on my bank account.” “All at the front, are they?”  That got a chuckle. Lyman laughed with us, took the good-natured ribbing.  But he slipped that gaudy monstrosity of a ring back onto his finger, wore it every day.  Sometimes, I found him lying in his bunk, holding the ring in his fingers and turning it slowly as he gazed through it.  He laughed at the jokes, but that ring was his string, tying him back to our homeland. We all had our strings, I suppose.  All of us had things that we worked for, reasons why we slaved away in the mines out here, why we took such a dangerous job for such a lucrative paycheck. But Lyman would never have let that ring out of his possession, much less out of his sight.  He’d worn it on his last day, a week ago, as we all cheered him onto the skyplane that would take him home. So that meant that this hand, this severed bit of flesh that washed up on shore, belonged to… The puke came again, and this time I let it all out, a stain on the beach.  Only once my stomach was fully empty did I turn around.  Slipping the ring into a pocket of my jumpsuit, I stumbled away, back up the cliffs, back towards the compound. Inciting incident, right there.  Might have been all of it, if I’d kept my damn mouth shut. But like a fool, I did just the opposite, landing myself on a path that carried me directly past the frying pan and straight into the fire. One thought on “Retirement, Part 1 1. Pingback: Retirement, Part 2 | Missing Brains Leave a Reply You are commenting using your account. Log Out /  Change ) Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
Unusual doll gets sperm load on her face eating all the cum Unusual doll gets sperm load on her face eating all the cum 339 Likes 4375 Viewed Chapter 1: A VISIT TO THE MINISTRY Hermione knows the words shouldn't have come out of her mouth, but it is too late to take them back. Watching Professor Umbridge deny the existence of Voldemort and make Harry look like a fool in front of everything has just been too much for her. She couldn't help standing up in the middle of class and defending her friend. The look on her Yeah keep em cumming egg licking and cunnilingus face, however, makes regret instantly wash over her. She won't take what she said back, though. She stands by her words, if not the action of speaking them aloud. "Miss Granger," her professor says in her simpering voice. "Please inform the class that you spoke in error and that you support the Ministry's efforts to protect the students of Hogwarts!" "I—I'm sorry, Professor, but I cannot do that." She doesn't expand on her words—doesn't say that she does not believe the Ministry has the good of the students, or even Hogwarts in mind, and she certainly doesn't say that she believes they're operating based on their own agenda, but it doesn't matter in the end, her refusal to take back her earlier accusations seal her fate. "Then there is only one course of action," Umbridge declares. "Please stay after class for a lesson in respecting your betters." In the future, in her more lucid moments, Hermione will wonder what would have happened if she had just left with Harry and Ron after class that day, but she didn't. She obeyed her teacher and stayed in her seat until Umbridge beckoned her over to the fireplace. "Come with me, Miss Granger; you have a punishment scheduled with the Minister." Hermione gulped, fear sinking deep into her bones as she steps into the fireplace. She hears Umbridge call out their location—Ministry of Magic, the Minister's Office—and wonders what they could possibly do to her. Standing beside her professor in the Minister's office, Hermione is frozen when the command reaches her ears. "Please remove your clothes for your punishment, Miss Granger," Umbridge instructs her. Hermione shakes her head. "No!" she protests, "You can't possibly expect me to do that—you can't possibly make me!" The smile on Umbridge's face is impossibly cruel. With a pointed look to the silent but ever-watchful Minister, Cornelius Fudge, Umbridge replies, "On the contrary, Miss Granger, I have the express permission of the Ministry to keep the students of Hogwarts in line, and I do expect you to comply with any and all orders. Now, strip for your punishment." With shaky hands, Hermione slowly unbuttons her blouse and lets it fall to the floor. She chances a glance at Minister Fudge and can see his eyes watching her closely. She sucks in a breath before continuing, pushing her skirt down her hips and stepping out of it. Her hands reach for the tie around her neck, but Umbridge stops her. "The tie can stay, as can your shoes and socks, but the bra and panties need to go." Shame enveloping Hermione completely, she reluctantly complies with the order. Her hands reach behind her to unhook her bra, letting it fall to the floor, and then she hooks her fingers in her panties and pulls them down. "Leave them just around the ankles, Miss Granger," Fudge speaks up for the first time. Hermione nods her understanding, her face flushing with further embarrassment as she complies, pushing her panties down to her ankles before standing back up. "Now, bend over and hold onto the desk facing Minister Fudge," Umbridge takes over again. When Hermione complies, closing her eyes so she doesn't have to see the Minister's face as her own gets even redder. "Feet further apart, and your nipples should graze the surface of the desk," Umbridge corrects her. Hermione spreads her legs apart as far as she can manage without feeling unbalanced and lowers her torso so she can just feel the wooden desk against her exposed nipples. She has to remember how to breathe. "Perfect posture, Miss Granger," Umbridge finally says. "Now for your punishment. If it isn't obvious to 'the brightest witch of the age,' you are about to be caned twenty-five times. After each hit, you are expected to count it and say 'thank you, Professor, may I have another,' if you forget to count, say thank you, or ask for more, the count will start over. Is that clear?" Hermione, eyes still closed, nods her acknowledgment, "Yes, Professor." It isn't enough that they're going to punish her…they also want to humiliate her into begging for her punishment to continue. "Excellent," Umbridge says, and Hermione shudders at the twisted delight that can be heard in her voice. "Let's begin." And without a moment to compose herself for the punishment to come, Hermione feels the cane come down hard on her ass. She squeals as the blow causes her to lurch forward onto the desk, her nipples grazing the desk. In trying to process the pain, her eyes open and she finds herself staring right at the Minister of Magic, who is looking at her lustily. Remembering herself, Hermione quickly pipes up, "One; thank you, Professor, may I have another?" "Quicker next time," Umbridge says in her sing-song voice as she swings the cane. Hermione screams from the pain when it makes contact. "Two; thank you, Professor, may I have another?" Her eyes close again as she tries to block out everything except her duty. She just has to endure the pain and speak the words and she'll get through this and it'll be over. "Three; thank you, Professor, may I have another?" The next ten blows come in quick succession and all she hears is each whack of the cane belladonna young bella getting dp and facial her delicate skin and her own voice screaming out the words. "Thirteen; thank you, Professor, may I have another?" Tears leak out of her eyes as she screams from the pain as each blow lands brutally on her ass. Her whole body shakes and her nipples are raw from rubbing against the desk from the force of the hits. "Fourteen; thank you, Professor, may I have another?" She feels a pull on the tie around her neck. "Open your eyes, Miss Granger," the Minister's voice demands in front of her. The command catches her off guard, and when the next blow lands, she does not speak the words. "Did you forget something, Miss Granger?" Umbridge asks primly. Hermione chokes as she realizes what this means. "I'm sorry, Professor, I'll do better this time," she pleads, crying in earnest now. "Start over," Umbridge tells her as she brings the cane down on her ass again. Erotic asian pussy shaving and ace fuck Hermione screams, her eyes unwillingly meeting Minister Fudge's. "One; thank you, Professor, may I have another?" Hermione has never felt so much shame in her life. One of Cornelius Fudge's hands, Hermione notices, seems to be inside of his pants, stroking his penis. "Five; thank you, Professor, may I have another?" His eyes, which had long since moved from her face to her tits, seemed to catch where her attention was focused, and he smiled deviously at her. Her stomach roiled in disgust. "Nine; thank you, Professor, may I have another?" Her focus back on her task, determined to get through this indignity, she didn't immediately notice Fudge leaning toward her until his wet, sticky fingers begin pinching her left nipple. "Seventeen; thank you, Professor, may I have another?" Hermione sobs out the remaining eight counts of her punishment as Minister Fudge fondles her nipples. "Twenty-five; thank you, Professor, may I have another?" "Good job, Miss Granger," Professor Umbridge simpers, "Now look at the good Minister of Magic and tell him that you support the Ministry in all that it does." Cornelius Fudge, who Hermione knows currently has one hand stroking his dick and one roughly pinching her right nipple, watches her in anticipation. Her voice, raw from screaming and repeating that phrase over and over again, comes out quietly. "I'm sorry, but I cannot do that, Professor." Hermione knows it's illogical. It'd be easier on her to just admit defeat and say the words she wants to hear so she can get back to Hogwarts and forget this ever happened, but the words will not come out of her mouth. "You continue to defy the Ministry?" Umbridge asks. Tears fall down her face as Hermione responds, knowing it will not end well for her, "I cannot support a Ministry that ignores such a huge threat to us all." Without warning, Hermione feels her legs being spread further apart, and her body being pulled up a very very sexy hot story free from the desk. Her hands are positioned on the desk, and when she tries to move, she realizes she has been spelled in place. "Minister Fudge," Umbridge says, "I think it is time you've had your pleasure from the body of this rebellious girl." Hermione's eyes widen and she shakes her head. She had thought more caning would come from her refusal…not this! "Please, no!" she begs, "Not this!" Fudge pays her no mind as he stands from his desk and removes his clothing. Once again, looking at his body turns Hermione's stomach, and she nearly retches at the realization that she is about to lose her virginity to this man. As soon as he moves to stand behind her, she feels his large fingers touch her pussy. One finger pushes inside her, and Hermione cries out at the intrusion. "Please, please, don't do this!" she pleads to Umbridge as she sits down across from her in the chair Fudge had vacated, "I'm a virgin, please don't do this." "You should have thought about the consequences of defying the Ministry," Umbridge says flippantly, toying with the girl's tie as Hermione cries, feeling Fudge's finger push in and out of her tight hole, brushing up against the barrier of her virginity. "Just as you now do, your virginity belongs to the Ministry." Fudge's finger leaves her pussy and his hand runs through her pubic hairs. He grabs a fistful of them and pulls roughly, causing Hermione to scream out. "Proper witches are always bare, Miss Granger," he instructs her, his voice cold. She feels the pointed tip of his wand against her core and hears the whisper of a spell. Then she screams again at the feeling of all of her pubic hairs being pulled out at once. She feels her posture being adjusted from behind, pushing her down onto the desk a bit, so her ass and pussy are more exposed to the Minister. Then she feels his hands on her sore ass, his fingers digging into her skin, causing her to wince. She closes her eyes when she feels his dick at the entrance to her body, pushing more tears down her face. Son caught using moms dildo She feels as if she's losing a part of herself in the moment when she feels him roughly shove himself all the way into her. Her eyes shoot open from the pain, and she screams louder than she had during the entirety of her caning. The look of pure pleasure on Umbridge's face makes it clear to Hermione that any more pleas from her will fall on deaf ears, so she just sobs as Fudge pushes himself in and out of her tight virgin pussy. His hands move from her ass to her breasts, pulling her body up as he uses her tits like the reigns of a horse, she moans in pain as the new angle seems to allow him to push deeper into her. It seems to go on forever—Fudge thrusting in and out of her, his body abusing her pussy and pressing against her raw ass; Umbridge watching raptly, sometimes touching herself—but eventually she feels the pace slow down, and she cringes at what she knows is coming. Hearing his moans of ecstasy, she has a little warning before she starts to feel the spurts of his cum shoot deep within her body. A fresh wave of humiliation washes over her as the Minister empties himself inside her. "You should thank the Minister for taking time out of his day to take your virginity and filling your pussy with his cum." Hermione shakes her head, unable to contemplate speech at the moment, but when Umbridge slaps her across the face for her defiance, she quickly pipes up between hiccups and sobs. "Th—thank you, Minister Fudge, for tak—taking my virginity and filling up my pus—pussy with your cum." She hangs her head after this pronouncement, unable to keep eye contact. Fudge pulls out of her at last, and Hermione can feel his cum making its way toward the entrance of her pussy. Umbridge stands and milf with big lovely titties hard fucked Hermione from the spells holding her in place, causing her to fall to her knees. "I'm giving you one more chance," Umbridge says from above, but Hermione cannot look at her. "Look at the Minister and tell him he has your full support." Hermione sobs and shakes her head, unable to speak, even if she wanted to comply. His penis is the best way out for cutie thief She looks at the mess between her thighs, seeing the thick white cum mixed with her virgin blood coming out of her abused hole. "Minister," Umbridge speaks again, this time directly to Fudge. "What would you have me do with her?" Hermione hears the sounds of clothes rustling and deducts that the Minister is redressing. Then she hears him sit back in his chair and grab a sheet of parchment. "Take her back to Hogwarts for further punishment by whatever means you deem necessary…keep fucking the rebellion out of her if that's what it takes." "Very well then. Get dressed, Miss Granger," Umbridge orders. Hermione, finally given permission, scrambles to cover herself. "Leave the panties," she hears Fudge command from his desk, as he continues to stare at the parchment in front of him. Umbridge directs her back through the floo into the Defense classroom. She stands in the classroom where the original offense took place, cum and blood running down her thighs. "To the dormitory, Miss Granger," her teacher says dismissively after a moment, "but you are to report back here in the morning for further punishment, do you understand?" "Yes, Professor Umbridge," Hermione responds dutifully, her body shaking from the experience, fear of deauxma gets her huge fake milk tits fucked already taking over. She walks unsteadily to the door, feeling more cum drip out of her with each step. Her hand nearly reaches the door when her professor's voice rings out once more. "And, to remind yourself of this lesson, you are not to bathe or otherwise clean up the Minister's gift to you, is that understood?" Hermione's hand wipes away another tear as she answers, "Yes, Professor Umbridge." A/N: You are welcome to leave suggestions in the comments. I have an outline, and know where I want this story to go, but am always interested in detours.
Understanding Points by Matthew Perry (last updated February 21, 2009) "Points" is a tricky term. In most popular sports, points are undeniably a good thing, whether they're called goals, baskets, or touchdowns. In mortgage lingo, however, points are a little more ambiguous. Depending on how the word is used and on your preferences, points can be nifty bonuses or the bane of your existence. Almost. Whichever way they're used, bonus or bane, points do have a standard definition. One point is one percent of your total loan amount; if you're borrowing two hundred thousand dollars, one point is two thousand dollars. Beginning with the negative usage, mortgage lenders charge a certain number of points at the beginning of the loan process as a fee—the number of points changes with the lender and the agreement, but it's always higher if you have bad credit. However, after all the unpleasantness of obligatory points, you have the option of paying extra points, and there is a good reason to do that. I call these "discount points" because for every one you pay, you get a discount on your interest rate. However, the ratio is not one for one—one discount point does not equal one less interest point. Instead, one discount point is usually equal to about a fourth of an interest point. Most lenders have a cap on the number of discount points you can buy, but lowering your interest rate by even one percent can make a big deal over the life of your loan. When you're reading the paperwork for your loan, be sure to pay attention to the meaning behind the word 'points.' Also keep in mind what you could do with your money if you don't buy extra points. If you're a hot and heavy investor who has a better use for that money, you may be able to find a more lucrative way to spend your money. Being more of a stock market observer than an actual player, I find the idea of discount points enticing. Author Bio Matthew Perry Choosing a Bank Discover More Internet Banking Banking without the bank. I like the sound of that. Discover More Types of Home Loans If you or someone you know is getting ready to buy a home, don't miss this tip! It lays out the most common types of home ... Discover More More Money Tips Financing a Home Discover More Understanding Reverse Mortgages Discover More Getting Prequalified Buying a home is a big deal and you want to go about it in the right way. If you can prequalify for a loan, then you have ... Discover More What is 2 + 9?
1. Shake the coconut milk very well in the can before opening 2. Combine the water and coconut oil in your Vitamix or blender and blend on level 1 for 10 seconds. DO NOT OVER BLEND. If you over blend it, it will separate and go really clumpy.  Leave a Reply clear formPost comment
Tunnel Rats Tunnel Rats The year is 1967. American troops are making their way through the jungle of Cu Chi District of Vietnam. The opposing Viet Cong have developed an uncanny ability to blend into the surrounding terrain. The jungle is riddled with traps. Snipers appear from nowhere and vanish just as quickly. The key to the Vietnamese strategy turns out to be a vast network of tunnels stretching beneath the jungle. As a group of new recruits arrive at a remote jungle camp, they soon learn that their mission will be anything but routine. A tunnel entrance has been discovered and they must confront the enemy in an attempt to find information that will give them an advantage in an increasingly difficult war. Survival becomes increasingly unlikely, as both sides fight to further the cause of a war that neither asked for. 16 No persons under 16 (Language, Violence) 93 minutes CastMichael Paré, Wilson Bethel, Adrian Collins, Scott Cooper, Nate Parker, Brandon Fobbs DirectorUwe Boll Formats DVD SA DistributorNu Metro Xax International logo  Xax International  All rights reserved.
news story image A group of researchers in the University of Maryland's Center for Nanophysics and Advanced Materials has found a novel way to send a supercurrent through the surface of an insulator with a breakthrough that ultimately could be used for quantum computing. A key objective of this research is to observe the long predicted Majorana fermion particle, which is its own antiparticle. This phenomenon is difficult to capture, and the nine researchers from UMD’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Department of Physics, led by Professor Ichiro Takeuchi, set out to create a new material structure for this purpose. The Majorana fermion particles are expected to form at the surface of a topological insulator when a superconductor is placed on top. The goal is to discern the exotic, neutrally charged, and elusive particle known as a Majorana fermion. The material structure they devised for chasing the Majorana fermion provides "a better component" than ones tried previously and brings them a step closer to making a device to capture the Majorana fermion and improve quantum computing, Takeuchi explained. To create the right structure, the UMD researchers used samarium hexaboride (SmB6), a topological Kondo insulator, together with superconducting niobium. They were able to demonstrate a supercurrent flowing through the top layer of this thin-film material. Unlike other similar experiments, the thin-film multilayered approach provided transparency and "a pristine interface," Takeuchi said. "We did it using a transparent interface and superconductivity seeped through," he said. If such a material structure can succeed in exhibiting Majorana fermion excitations, it could provide "a whole new method to do quantum computing," Takeuchi added. It is essential for the understanding of underlying quantum physics to be accurate in order to render accurate quantum computing. The researchers believe that the topological insulator SmB6 would provide the means to investigate the Majorana fermion and other quantum phenomena. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.6.031031  Published September 22, 2016
We DO have choices, regardless of circumstance! Don’t follow the nay-sayers! Part 1 of 2 We all have a chance to do something good. We have choices, regardless of circumstance. A person doesn’t have to be one way or another simply because of his location; the fertile soil and the rocky ground can occur simply side-by-side. You pick the side you want to grow in, that is, are you a weed or wheat? Jesus acknowledged that they often will grow side-by-side in His “Parable of the Weeds”, saying: Yes, I understand outside forces that prey on people. Sometimes that force can be a vacuum and suck you right in if you are too close. I know that in certain neighborhoods, a street gang through intimidation can suck young people right into the gang or kill them for their refusal. When it comes to violent gangs, death is coming anyway, at one time or another, perhaps the best thing to do is to refuse before you become marked guilty of some crime. Gang members will always meet with death; physically or mentally; they are the weak ones. The strong will always resist and keep their personal integrity. Yes, sometimes the choices can be very difficult, but there are always choices. Two thieves were crucified with our Lord Jesus; each made a choice. One turned from his earthly deadness toward Christ and was received and forgiven. The other remained in his deadness and suffered separation from God, a sentence much worse than the crucifixion. I made a choice too; see Part 2. Leave a Reply Logo Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
Example sentences for: amintore How can you use “amintore” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary: • A reader query prompts Today's Papers to wonder about last Sunday's obituaries for longtime Italian politician Amintore Fanfani. Search for example sentences Loading Loading...
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Abed Halawi Picture Abed Halawi Tech Lead, Vinelab Abed is a software developer, infrastructure freak, speaker and active open source contributor. As the Tech Lead at Vinelab, he has had the opportunity to evangelise tech in the region, and specifically Neo4j. He used the graph database in large-scale projects, which lead to major contributions such as authoring NeoEloquent (the PHP-Laravel OGM for Neo4j), co-organising the Neo4j meetups in the MENA region and mentoring startups. Latest Posts by Abed Halawi
• By bobnellis Mayo Clinic Moves Small-Molecule Drugs Through Blood-Brain Barrier June 4, 2014 brain imageROCHESTER, Minn. — Researchers at Mayo Clinic have demonstrated in a mouse model that their recently developed synthetic peptide carrier is a potential delivery vehicle for brain cancer chemotherapy drugs and other neurological medications. The findings appear in PLOS ONE. “Not only have we shown that we can transport eight different molecules, we think this method will be less disruptive or invasive because it mimics a normal physiological process,” says Mayo Clinic neuroscientist Gobinda Sarkar, Ph.D., the corresponding author of the study. The researchers are able to transport the drugs without modifying any of the molecules involved. They say this development will aid in evaluation of potential new drugs for brain cancer. The blood-brain barrier is meant to protect the brain from numerous undesirable chemicals circulating in the body, but it also obstructs access for treatment of brain tumors and other conditions. Too often the only recourse is invasive, which often limits a drug’s effectiveness or causes irreversible damage to an already damaged brain. Nearly all of the drugs that could potentially help are too large to normally pass through the barrier. Additionally, other methods may damage the vascular system. In this case, the synthetic peptide K16ApoE, once injected into a vein, binds to proteins in the blood to create entities that can pass for near-normal ligands to some receptors present on the blood-brain barrier. The ‘pseudo-ligand’ receptor interaction creates what the researchers believe to be transient pores through which various molecules can be transported to the brain. The molecules they’ve transported in this manner include cisplatin, methotrexate, cetuximab, three different dyes, and synthetic peptides Y8 and I-125. The researchers believe this is the least complicated, least expensive and most versatile method for delivering therapeutics to the brain. Previously, the researchers delivered antibodies targeted against amyloid plaques into the brains of mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease using this same method. “We know that some chemotherapeutic agents can kill brain tumor cells when they are outside the brain (as in a laboratory test). But because the agents cannot cross the blood-brain barrier, they are not able to kill brain tumor cells inside the brain. With the peptide carrier, these agents can now get into the brain and potentially kill the tumor cells,” says Mayo neurology researcher Robert Jenkins, M.D., Ph.D., senior author of the study. The researchers say their method, which has been successfully demonstrated in mice, meets three of five requirements for a usable therapy: It’s feasible as a repeated procedure; it should be relatively easy to introduce into medical practice; and it would work for any size or location of brain tumor. More research will need to be done to prove effectiveness and determine any adverse effects. The research was supported by Mayo Clinic, Bernie and Edith Waterman, and the Ting Tsung and Wei Fong Chao Family Foundation. Co-authors include Geoffry Curran, Jann Sarkaria, M.D., and Val Lowe, M.D., all of Mayo Clinic. About Mayo Clinic About Mayo Clinic Cancer Center Please login or register to post a reply.
Page 44 “You all right, Abby?” Ashley asked, looking up from her book. “Yeah,” I muttered. “I’m fine.” I buried my head back in homework for the next hour and didn’t look up again until footsteps approached. My heart raced as I looked up to see Ben approaching. He wore swim shorts and now a damp cotton shirt that clung to his abs. He looked down at me and smiled. I put down my pen and papers down and sat up straighter, returning his smile. “Hi, Abby.” “Hi, Ben.” He reached his hands into his shorts pocket, then looked down at his feet as he kicked the sand. “Do… do you want to go for a walk with me?” “Oh. Yeah. Sure.” His gorgeous green eyes left me breathless. He reached out his hand and I gripped it. He pulled me up. I brushed down my beach dress, knocking away the sand. “See you later, Abby,” Ashley said, giving me a wink. I rolled my eyes at her. As I left the beach alone with Ben, I caught sight of a group of girls scowling at me. I grinned to myself. I wasn’t sure why Ben had asked me to walk with him. But something told me that this was going to beat my usual afternoon walk with Shadow. Chapter 38: Sofia After Derek and I had finished discussing the situation with Vivienne, Xavier and our closest companions, we called our new guests in to join us. Goosebumps ran along my skin as Kiev entered the room. He took a seat at the opposite end of the table from me. Mona sat next to him. I looked down at my hands. I still found it hard to hold his gaze. Perhaps sensing my discomfort, Derek reached beneath the table and squeezed my thigh. Kiev’s two siblings, plus Matteo Borgia and Saira the werewolf, also entered the room and sat next to Kiev and Mona. It being daytime, Saira was in her human form—a short plump woman with grey eyes and bushy brown hair. These were apparently the leaders of their strange tribe. Once they were seated, Derek stood up. I could see he too was on edge in Kiev’s presence. His body felt more tense next to me. I still couldn’t believe we were trying to make an ally out of Kiev. It was chilling to realize how much we now needed them on the island. We’d already talked during our private meeting as to what other solution there could be, but the simple fact couldn’t be avoided: with Annora targeting us, we couldn’t survive without Mona. Kiev. The man I once hoped to only see in nightmares… now a man I can’t live without. Kiev drummed his fingers over the table as we all waited for Derek to begin. I placed my hand over Derek’s as it rested on the table. He cleared his throat. I could see how torturous this was for him. But desperate times called for desperate measures. Failure to keep them on this island would mean the destruction of all of us. It was time to put aside our pride and prejudices and just do what was best for our people — which was our responsibility as king and queen of The Shade. “I’ll cut to the chase,” Derek said, glowering at them. “You know we need Mona here on this island. We won’t survive without her… so we are all willing to come to certain compromises to make you stay here with us.” The party at the end of the table exchanged glances, but neither responded yet. “What is it that you are seeking?” Vivienne asked. “You claim that you found an open gate in the werewolf realm and entered the human realm, all to return Anna. So, what were you planning to do after that?” It was Matteo who responded first, his liquid Italian accent filling the room. I was relieved that Matteo had taken it upon himself to bridge the gap between Kiev and Derek. Like Natalie, Matteo seemed to have diplomacy in his blood. “Derek,” he said. “Let me also cut to the chase on behalf of all of us. The Shade is a legend among all creatures who inhabit the dark. Vampires not just in this realm, but even the supernatural realm speak of it as a legend. It’s described as some kind of heaven.” He paused, looking at his four companions. “Our original plan was to return Anna, perhaps stay a few days and then return to the supernatural realm to begin our search for a fixed residence. But I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we would be honored to make The Shade our home.” I already felt that Matteo and Derek were going to get on well. After all, his sister had been good friends with Derek too. Matteo looked at the others. Helina, Erik and Saira nodded. All eyes fell on Kiev and Mona. Mona had reached for Kiev’s arm as she looked to him for a reaction. She at least didn’t seem to object, but Kiev looked anything but honored. He kept a poker face as he looked steadily at Derek. “Kiev?” Mona pressed. His jaw twitched. He turned to look at her and his companions. Finally he gave a curt nod. “Yes,” he said slowly, his eyes falling on me again. “I believe I could make The Shade my home.” I breathed out. Now that they’d agreed in theory, it was time to nail down the details. First and foremost on my mind was how the werewolves and vampires fed. Especially the werewolves—creatures we were all quite inexperienced with. We couldn’t risk letting them out at night unless it was safe. “We can section off a portion of the island for you,” I said, steeling myself for the bomb I was about to drop. “We’re willing to come to many compromises in order to make sure that you’re comfortable, but there are some things that we won’t put up with. One of those is feeding on human blood. Now, I don’t know what you wolves and vampires are used to feeding on, but no humans are harmed on this island.” Source: www_Novel12_Com
Online Library of Liberty Advanced Search Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1832) Related Links in the GSR: Related Links: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) is often ranked with Shakespeare and Dante as one of the three most important poets in history. He spent the most important part of his life in Weimar and served the duchy in many official capacities. Although his interests ranged from biology to the theory of color, it is his literature, with its powerful presentation of human freedom and the search for meaning in life, that has been of enduring value. Goethe's most famous work, Faust, presents the story of its title character, who makes a wager with the devil. Doctor Faust represents all humankind, and his exploits are arranged to capture the human condition in its entirety, making Faust a work of epic proportions. The play immediately addresses the limits of knowledge with a presentation by three of the archangels on this subject and Mephistopheles' analysis of the unhappiness reason has brought to humanity. The angels suggest that only God fully understands the universe, although they have a limited understanding of the universe's timeless aspects, conflicts, and characteristics. More important, the angels fully understand that even though they do not comprehend the whole, they can still rejoice in its majesty: Its aspect gives the angels power, Since none can solve Thee or Thy ways; And all Thy works beyond us tower, Sublime as on the first of days.1   Mephistopheles answers the angels by remarking that he does not know much about the nature of the planets, but he does know that men are miserable because of the reason with which they are endowed. The conversation then turns to Faust, whom the Lord refers to as his servant. It becomes clear that although Faust is now haunted by reason and knowledge, God has a plan for him and "shall lead him forth where all is clear."2  The rest of the play depicts the process by which the devil, in his efforts to win Faust's soul, leads the doctor to a point where he may be saved. It is the route to salvation taken by the two tragic characters, Gretchen and Faust, that brings out Goethe's vision about the role of knowledge and the way to salvation. The salvation of Gretchen and Faust makes it clear that Goethe found the proper role of knowledge to be limited to dispelling myth. In Goethe's world, humans are not unlimited in their ability to accomplish things. Even with supernatural help and the depths of his own knowledge, Faust is unable to bring even his most basic desires to fruition. Faust admits that: Well do I know the sphere of earth and men. The view beyond is barred to mortal ken.3  Through love, however, he is able to achieve an intuitive understanding of human worth and God's importance. Faust's refusal to be satisfied with what Mephistopheles has to offer is a sign of his continued search for the meaning that only God can provide. The Lord notes in the prologue, A good man, though his striving be obscure, Remains aware that there is one right way.4 Faust's restless search seems to be a realization of the fact that he has not yet found that way. Faust's final project, a scheme that will benefit humankind (and is ultimately unsuccessful), symbolizes his recognition of human worth and brings a host of angels to save him. The angels recognize Faust's continued search for meaning as they bear his soul to heaven: Who e'er aspiring, struggles on, For him there is salvation.5 Man is saved, it seems, by this insight, not by any earthly achievement. Gretchen also demonstrates the importance of a simple, intuitive understanding of human worth. Although she is destroyed by love, she is able to rebuild herself and achieve moral independence by accepting responsibility for the murders of her family members rather than fleeing. It is not a great intellectual understanding of the natural forces that saves her, but simple faith. Goethe's overall message is difficult to capture. Although he struggled with the limits of human knowledge, he made important contributions to the natural sciences. Fundamentally, however, he was concerned with the human condition. Goethe realized that freedom is essentially limited in this world, and his characters constantly run into situations that constrain their aspirations. Additionally, Goethe depicted the danger inherent in zealous idealism. Faust's great projects cause great suffering, despite his best intentions. [1] Goethe, Faust, trans. George M. Priest (New York: Encyclopedia Britannica, 1988), p. 7. [2] Ibid., p. 8. [3] Ibid., p. 278. [4] Ibid., p. 9. [5] Ibid., p. 290. Works by the Author Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Goethe's Autobiography, Poetry and Truth from my own Life. Translated by R. O. Moon. Public Affairs Press, 1949. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Works. 5 vols. Translated by R.D. Boylan, Anna Swanwick, Sir Walter Scott, John Oxenford, and A.J.W. Morrison. London: Bell and Daldy, 1864-67. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Works. 7 vols. Translated by John Oxenford, Thomas Carlyle, R.D. Boylan, A.J.W. Morrison, Anna Swanwick, Sir Walter Scott, George Henry Lewes, Sir Theodore Martin, and John Stover Cobb. Boston: Dona Estes, & Company, 1883. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Faust. Translated by George Madison Priest. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1941. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Marlowe's Faustus and Goethe's Faust, Part I. Translated by John Anster. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1894. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Goethe's Faust. Translated by Carlyle F. MacIntyre. Norfolk: New Directions, 1957. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Faustus; The Bride of Corinth; The First Walpurgis Night. 2 vols. Translated by John Anster. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman, 1835. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship and Travels. Translated by Thomas Carlyle. New York: A. L. Burt. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship and Travels. 2 vols. Translated by Thomas Carlyle. Boston: Dona Estes & Company, 1774. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Werther. 1774. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Faust. Translated by Bayard Taylor. Boston: Houghton Mifflin and Company, 1906. Schweitzer, Albert. Goethe, Two Addresses. Translated by Charles R. Joy and R.C. Champion. Boston: Beacon Press, 1948. Works about the Author Bergstraesser, Arnold. Goethe's Image of Man and Society. Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1949. Last modified April 13, 2016
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Orbiting Into Photon Light by Denise Le Fay, June 3, 2013 I mentioned in A Lightworker’s Mission: The Journey Through Polarity Resolution (2010) that I had been clairvoyantly seeing what looked to me like a dense field of large, perfectly uniform white “raindrops” falling at a slightly diagonally slant for many years. I began seeing this constant, uniform shaped and sized white diagonal “rain” falling in 1996. I’m not saying that’s when this anomaly started, only that that was the year I first saw it. It is not physical rainwater at all, but energy photon particles. These “raining” photon particles merely look like falling rainwater drops but they’re powerful particles that go through everything and everyone. I’ve watched these photon light particles raining down and go into and through absolutely everything and everyone they come into contact with; the earth, mountains, boulders, stones, cars, animals, air, humans, human’s physical bodies and brains, human energy chakras, the human aura and so on. Recently while searching for something else, I found these great vector images and bought them to specifically use in this article about what these Photon Light particles have looked like to me. It’s incredibly rare for me to come across any drawings, photos, vector images etc. that even come close to some of the amazing energies and beings that I’ve clairvoyantly seen over the years. These four vector images however look almost exactly like how I’ve witnessed this slow orbiting of Earth and humanity deeper and deeper into the Photon Band of higher dimensional Light, and that’s why I purchased them—so that you too can see what this energy has looked like. [Your Donations help me purchase images and/or photos such as these below to use in my articles. Thank You for your continued Donations. They help me in more ways than this to continue sharing what I do and as accurately as I’m able to. ♥ ] photonrain diag2 This first vector image is what the falling Photonic Light particles have looked like to me since 1996. Over the years however, the diagonal slant of the uniform white raindrops of photon particles has slowly, very slowly become increasingly vertical the deeper into this area of space we orbit where this amplified Light exists. (Note: this first image was originally angled in the other direction. I intentionally mirrored or flipped it so that it slanted from upper left to lower right only because that is precisely the way I’ve clairvoyantly seen these particles falling. All of these vector images are as correct to what I’ve seen since 1996.) photonrain diag slight1  This second vector image was how the Photon Light raindrops looked to me around 2005 or so. photon rain straight  This third vector image is how the Photon Light “raindrops” looked to me from 2006 on. photon rain overhead This fourth vector image is what the Photon Light “raindrops” looked to me from around 2007 on. Today– halfway through 2013 –I see dense, nearly solid white-Light now instead of separate “raindrops” falling. We’re so much deeper into this Photon Light field now in 2013 that it looks to me like we’re in a space, a place, that is nearly totally solid white Light. It has been another of many truly amazing Ascension related transitional processes that I’ve had the privilege to actually see for myself. I try to replicate what I’ve seen as best I’m able to here so that you too can see some of these incredibly rare and important Ascension related changes or anomalies. June 3, 2013 Source:
Insights: Dorothy Allen-Pickard on Filming Family and Friends Dorothy Allen-Pickard won Best UK Short Award at Open City Documentary Festival 2018 for her film The Mess. Here, she describes the process of adapting her subject’s lived experience into the language of cinema. Watch the resulting film below. Quite often I’ve found myself drawn to making films about my friends and family, both in documentaries and fictional works. I want to tell stories about subjects I know and understand well, so it makes sense to start with the people I know. A lot of their experiences are really powerful when seen on screen. Whether this is in the experience of bipolar disorder, undergoing religious conversion, or living with a physical disability, these are issues that are relatable for a wider audience, yet they’re often absent from our screens. And there’s a trust and an openness that has come from years of friendship, which makes for a more complex and interesting film. What particularly interested me when making The Mess was the challenge of finding a visual language that explores the specificities of bipolar disorder as something that’s distinct from depression and other mental illnesses. There’s great potential to use the filmic medium to explore mental illness, because you can create visual metaphors and layer dialogue over music, which helps to create a sense of someone’s mental state. Ellice Stevens and I spoke about finding a narrative form that could accommodate a multifaceted conversation about all the different aspects of her experience of bipolar, which is how we came up with the idea of having three different strands and a combination of scripted and spontaneous dialogue. We felt it was really important that on the day of the shoot there was space for her to speak in an open, intuitive way about her experience, so that it wasn’t only the composed, rehearsed narrative of bipolar that she’d discuss. Unsurprisingly, the unscripted parts were the moments that were the most emotionally raw.
Just how exceptional is 1I/(‘Oumuamua) aka A/2017 U1? We  now know that 1I/(‘Oumuamua), aka A/2017 U1 is an even more extraordinary object than we believed. It is shaped more or less like a cigar: ten times as long as it is wide. This creates some real physical problems as it is far more elongated than any solar system object, asteroid, comet, or satellite, that we know and is far too elongated to be made up of two bodies in contact, as they would fly apart with its rotation. By Original ESO/M. Kornmesser, AND here adjusted to 65% length closer to proposed dimension 180 × 30 × 30 m (or 6:1 ratio) –, CC BY 4.0, The latest JPL solution to the orbit of A/2017 U1 is JPL#14, calculated on November 21st based on 115 observations over 34 days. There are just two additional observations since the last calculation and these have barely changed the calculated orbit. As it becomes more distant and fainter it seems unlikely that there will be many more observations. We know that it entered the solar system with a velocity of 26.3 km/s, equivalent to 1 light year every 11000 years and will leave the solar system in a direction more or less towards the star 16 Pegasi, in the constellation of Pegasus. Just how extraordinary is the orbit of ‘Oumuamua? I can’t remember who was the colleague who asked the question but I have checked the velocity of the five NASA missions on solar system escape trajectories compared to 1I/’Oumuama. The velocity of ‘Oumuama in the distant future will be (almost) identical to its entry velocity in the solar system: 26.3 km/s. In contrast, the five NASA probes are all much slower. From fastest to slowest their velocity is: Voyager 1 – 16.9 km/s Voyager 2 – 15.0 km/s New Horizons – 13.6 km/s Pioneer 10 – 11.9 km/s Pioneer 11 – 11.2 km/s Voyager 1 is the fastest ever artificial satellite leaving the solar system, its velocity boosted by close approaches to Jupiter and Saturn, but even so, in an interplanetary race, will be caught and passed quickly by ‘Oumuamua. This will happen around the year 2080, when ‘Oumuamua will be further from the Sun than Voyager 1 although, by then, Voyager 1 will have fallen silent as its nuclear power plant is expected to fail to be able to generate enough power to maintain contact with Earth long before this date. There are 327 comets that have been calculated reliably to have a hyperbolic, or open orbit that will escape from the solar system. Most of these orbits are just barely hyperbolic with a typical escape velocity from the solar system – that is, their speed in the future, far from the Sun – around 2-3 km/s. • The most hyperbolic comet ever observed, is C/1980 E1 (Bowell), which is leaving the solar system with a velocity of 4.1 km/s. • Comet Arend-Roland, which was a bright naked-eye object in 1957, is leaving the solar system at 2.2 km/s. In other words, ‘Oumuamua is leaving the solar system more than 6 times faster than the fastest escaping comet that we have observed and about 10 times faster than an average comet in a hyperbolic orbit. Truly, both its physical characteristics and its high velocity make it a quite extraordinary object. 8 thoughts on “Just how exceptional is 1I/(‘Oumuamua) aka A/2017 U1? 1. Can I just add, that Oumuamua is rotating, and not along the axis you would expect given the shape! Oumuamua is rotating like a tumbling pigeon This has lead many conspiracies to believe that Oumuamua is actually an alien space craft following the tumbling pigeon space craft design (which theoretically is can be used to create artificial gravity) But cool post 🙂 Liked by 1 person 1. That is why, if it were a contact binary, for example, it would tear itself apart. The centrifugal force would be greater than the mutual gravity. Its material strength must be great enough to hold it together, which presents some interesting physical issues. Incidentally, at 1 light year per 11 000 years of journey, any astronauts on board would have to be: a.) Long-lived b.) Patient! Would you want artificial gravity on a voyage of millions of years, I wonder? However, I still wish that they had called it “Rama” – the name is available and has not been used. Liked by 2 people 1. It is quite fast: twice the speed of approach of Vega. So, I just wonder that, if it has escaped from another solar system, how it has managed to do so with such a high energy orbit? You would have to assume that it escaped from a star that was approaching our Sun at a quite high velocity, or that, somehow, ´Oumuamua was accelerated somehow to an unusually high velocity when escaping, or maybe even a combination of both. However, it looks as if it has been wandering through space for millions of years. 2. Happy New year! A bit of additional information/thoughts about the object: – Much of the velocity relative to the sun is actually the proper motion of the sun relative to nearby stars (or what’s called the local standard of rest). ‘Oumuamau came from close to the solar apex and its velocity of 26 km/s is not too far from the solar proper motion (~20 km/s). It is small compared to the orbital velocity of the sun around the galactic centre (~255 km/s). Taking all this, ‘Oumuamua may have left its “home” system at low velocity. – Some authors (Fraser et al. on argue that, in addition to tumbling motion, the complicated light curve is due to strong albedo and colour variations. In particular, colour and spectral slope seem to vary strongly. – Colour/spectral slope are always in the range typical for the solar system. No spectral features found (low S/N, though). So, apart from the strongly elongated shape, what we know about ‘Oumuamua is not that different from outer solar system objects and some asteroids. – A speculation: Could the elongated shape come from deformation by tidal forces, maybe during the encounter with a planet that ejected ‘Oumuamua from its system? I am thinking of Shoemaker-Levy 9 here, only that in the case of ‘Oumuamua the tidal forces did not disrupt the object, maybe due to somewhat higher tensile strength. The higher tensile strength then also helps to survive with that elongated shape later on. 1. Yes, I did take that factor into account. Even so, there is a big excess of velocity. However, as you suggest, that may also be due to the relative velocity of its host solar system to ours. 3. One more: – One surprising aspect is that the first discovered interstellar object seems to be an asteroid, not a comet. 1. Maybe it started as a comet and has lost its ices on its travels? However, if it started rocky, how did it get into a high-energy escape orbit if it was ever orbiting a star? This object poses all manner of interesting issues. It could be that it never was part of a planetary system. Leave a Reply to Michael Küppers Cancel reply Logo Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
Tag Archive | voices Christmas Wish This festive time of year Help to spread some good cheer. Give a friend a hug and kiss, Call the loved ones whom you miss. Wear your Santa hat with pride Take your sleigh out for a ride. Be yourself, laugh and cry; Wave the old year goodbye. My wish to you, big or small. […]
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Romancing the Stone Why are We Obsessed with Gemstones? Did you know: The Romans believed that diamonds were splinters of falling stars? The Greeks believed they were tears of Gods? In Europe during the Middle Ages, powdered gems were sold as medicine?  Pearls were regarded as currency for affection and love? Pearls are a traditional gift for a wedding to promote fertility?  When it comes to gemstones, I've given it lots of thought...and yes - we know that they have VALUE to them, but I think there's something more. I know that there are fervent believers that gemstones bring certain types of energy or even luck. While that may be true, I think that our fascination with gemstones goes back much further (and even deeper). There's something fascinating about knowing that a gemstones (for example a diamond) is formed over thousands of years and thousands of pounds of pressure under the Earth's core.  And history? Let's hit the Bible where gemstones are mentioned over 200 times! Plus the breastplate of the High Priest was adorned with 12 gemstones! Which is probably where the concept of birthstones was developed.  So, why are we gaga over gemstones? We can't overlook the VALUE. They can be expensive. We can't overlook the LIFESPAN, gemstones can nearly last forever; so we can be sentimental too. But I think it's also about the aesthetic. The sparkle, the beauty, the colors and hues. So let's put it all together....emotional significance, intrinsic beauty and commercial value! Let's all get gaga over gemstones!  Leave a comment
Influence U One of the biggest challenges in any creative endeavor is the spark.. the spark is used to create something or to drive forward against obstacles.  This spark comes from what we refer to as our influences.  The things that inspire us to say “I can make that” or “I need to do that”.   It’s canned that in any artistic endeavor the question is invariably asked “what are your influences?” which is really saying, “Who do you aspire to be like?” Influences can be things that we disagree with, that motivate us.  “I don’t want to be like that so I’m going to do this”  In this series of posts I’m going to share what Inspires me..   What causes me to question things.  There are many things that inspire me that run the gambit of the negative to the positive. I’m also going to challenge you dear reader.. What influences you?  What gets you up in the morning and working on something? Posted by Mike Peluso Leave a Reply You are commenting using your account. Log Out /  Change ) Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
Is there a known good way to visualize a quantum state, composed of the sum of eigenstates, with a phase rotating on each state. I am looking for a way to keep up with the state and the phase. In a two state system, the position of the bloch vector on the bloch sphere represents the state, and the phase is represented by the angle in the equatorial plane. But where do you represent the kinetic energy phase and a Berry's phase? I can sorta imagine how to do the kinetic energy could be represented, as an overall rotation... so perhaps it's the Bloch Sphere axes rotating? But I am stuck on the Berry phase. Does anyone know of a good representation of the coefficients and phase of a quantum state, generally. The Berry phase is equal to the spin times the solid angle $\Omega$ enclosed by the trajectory on the Bloch sphere as shown in the figureenter image description here It is easy to prove that using the Stokes theorem. The dynamical phase does not have a representation on the Bloch sphere, since it is not a geometric object. It's value depends on the Hamiltonian. Your Answer
Pinnacle Point is a small promontory immediately south of Mossel Bay, a town on the southern coast of South Africa. Excavations since the year 2000 of a series of caves at Pinnacle Point have revealed occupation by Middle Stone Age people between 170,000 and 40,000 years ago. The focus of excavations has been at Cave 13B (PP13B), where the earliest evidence for the systematic exploitation of marine resources (shellfish) and symbolic behavior has been documented,and at Pinnacle Point Cave 5-6 (PP5–6), where the oldest evidence for the heat treatment of rock to make stone tools has been documented.The only human remains have been recovered from younger deposits at PP13B which are ≈100,000 years old. The discoveries at Pinnacle Point have been made by an international team, headed by palaeoanthropologist Curtis Marean from the Institute of Human Origins of the Arizona State University as well as researchers from South Africa (UCT), Australia (Archaeology Program, La Trobe University, UoW), Israel, and France. After debating for decades, paleoanthropologists now agree there is enough genetic and fossil evidence to suggest that Homo sapiens evolved in Africa ca. 200,000–160,000 years ago. At that time, the world was in an ice age, and Africa was dry and arid. As archaeological sites dating to that time period are rare in Africa, paleontologist Curtis Marean analyzed geologic formations, sea currents, and climate data to pinpoint likely archeological sites. One of the destinations was Pinnacle Point. At PP13B, the evidence for symbolic behavior comes in the form of scraped and ground ochre (a naturally occurring bright red rock) that may have been used to form a pigment for body painting. This is similar to more complex ochre utilization known from Blombos Cave slightly farther to the west at roughly 70,000 years ago.These discoveries contradict the classical hypothesis that the modern behaviour emerged only 40,000 years ago and was reached through a “large cultural leap”.The harsh climate and reduced food resources may have been why people moved to the shore at Pinnacle Point, where they could eat marine creatures like shellfish, whale, and seal. Pinnacle Point declared a Provincial Heritage Site The archaeological sites at Mossel Bay’s Pinnacle Point – which have revealed some of the earliest evidence for modern human behaviour – have been declared Provincial Heritage Sites. “This is a significant step towards having Pinnacle Point declared a World Heritage Site,” said Professor Curtis Marean, who heads the South African Coastal Palaeoclimate, palaeoenvironment, Palaeoecology, and Palaeoanthropology (SACP4) Project, which is studying the finds from Pinnacle Point. “Pinnacle Point is significant because it’s a uniquely dense concentration of well-preserved archaeological sites which contain a record of human occupation over a period of about 170,000 years – from the time when modern human behaviour first emerged to the pre-colonial period,” he said. The archaeological remains first came to light during an environmental impact study of a portion of land that would later be developed as the Pinnacle Point Beach and Golf Resort. The 1997 survey by Dr. Peter Nilssen – of the Iziko South African Museum – revealed a number of stone age sites as well as evidence that humans had inhabited the caves in the cliffs below the present-day Pinnacle Point Club House for tens of thousands of years. Upcoming Events Contact Information
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An exploratory paper is regular in organisations when they're trying to come across a solution to a concern and will require to get all of the feasible point of views and information readily available. Confining your paper to a designated range of words is amongst the most daunting jobs if you require to enhance your scholastic do my assignment. You need to make up an essay for whichever one that you select, however the other part is various based on which module you're taking. If you do not prepare you are more inclined to get lost midway through your essay and the outcome is typically an exceptionally baffled little bit of programming assignment help that isn't easy to check out. Inside my experience, descriptive essays are only tough in concerns to deciding just what things to discuss. The short article below will expose to you the top 10 most frequent IELTS subjects. It will show you how you can utilize the most typical Job 2 topics to your benefit. 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You are going to discover how to take a brand-new method to organisation do my programming assignment from the bottom up. Great programmers have numerous manners of do my assignment. If you would like to develop into a better programmer, reading a book will have an impact on your ability. If you decide to turn into a search engine optimization programmer you ought to understand the correct use of keywords and the method to develop material that consists of the richness of information and flawlessness to receive raked on the top. Usage highlighting to make an essential point or idea stick out from the crowd. The usage of phrase conjunctions ought to be brought out carefully and not simply to add something new' to the text. The usage of awkward expressions in the shape of idiomatic prepositions, will not serve the point of an excellent composed product. Every really excellent academic program will supply you with three things. 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If you don't have the technical capabilities, it is possible for you to discover a variety of them. Anytime you build a new skill, you must study it. It's important to get exceptional listening skills regarding understand what the employees are working to say. In addition, you require good analytical skills. Talking with all your professors in depth is a great point to do for getting more knowledge. As an early-career researcher, it is rather essential that you acknowledge the value of publishing open access. My success wasn't just because of hard work. Organisation homework help is a type of composed interaction, generally with routine structure and fashion. Comprehending how to position your business it is a crucial element in successful interaction. You'll not just discover you have more to give however you'll likewise discover it's the perfect way to broaden your organization. As you attempt to construct your freelance organisation, try whatever you can.
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back arrowView show 108 - Computer crash? Ehh, no worries Episode description I'm a big believer in backups. For client sites that our agency manages, we take 2-3 backups of every site, every day, if not more. However, when my computer crashed last week, I got up and running on a new one with no loss of data — and no real backups. How did that work?  See full show notes at: episodes iconMore Episodes 137 - Alt text is treated somewhat like anchor text on image links August 14th, 2019 We've talked before about the importance of alt text on images, but if you use an image as a link it's even more important. See full show notes at: 136 - Google only indexes full pages, not pieces of a page August 13th, 2019 If you have a bunch of content on a page, Google will hopefully index all of it, but it will consider it as a single page of text, not as separate … 135 - Word count is not a Google ranking factor August 6th, 2019 Google has over 200 ranking factors, but the number of words on a page isn't one of them. See full show notes at: 134 - Are outbound links good or bad for SEO? August 2nd, 2019 We all know that inbound links, pointing to your site, are generally good for your SEO. But how about outbound links? See full show notes at: 133 - Almost half of consumers use voice for general web search August 1st, 2019 A recent survey from Adobe shows that 48% of consumers have used voice search for general web queries, and the number keeps going up. See full show … 132 - Google can't tell if an author name is real or not July 23rd, 2019 Google is once again beginning to look at the author of content to influence rankings, but they admit it can be hard to tell who is really the author. 131 - Be consistent with your slashes July 22nd, 2019 It's something you likely don't think about often, or even really notice, but Google says to be consistent with whether or not you put a slash at the … 130 - Which has more benefit: old domains or new ones? July 16th, 2019 There have been theories over the years that old domains (or perhaps new domains) get some kind of ranking boost. Google says it's not true. See full … 129 - What the heck is TF-IDF? July 15th, 2019 If you follow search engine news at all, you've likely heard of TF-IDF. But what is it? See full show notes at: 128 - Updating the dates on your blog posts won't help with SEO July 12th, 2019 Google often likes fresh content, but it depends on the context of each search query, and updating your posts to seem more fresh isn't going to help … 127 - Yes, minifying HTML and CSS can help with SEO July 11th, 2019 Many website caching tools including options for minifying HTML and CSS. Does it help? Google says yes. See full show notes at: 126 - A well-done site migration should only take about a day July 3rd, 2019 If you're migrating a site to a new domain or CMS, the final step of the migration should only take about a day — if you do it correctly. See full … 125 - People don't browse blog categories, but that's ok July 2nd, 2019 Do people browse the blog category listings on your website? Probably not, but that's ok. See full show notes at: 124 - Sitemaps are great, but they don't directly help your SEO July 1st, 2019 We talk about XML sitemaps on here fairly often, and they're a good thing to have, but they have no direct impact on your search rankings. See full … 123 - Alt text can help pages rank, not just images June 27th, 2019 We all know that alt text can help your images rank in Google, but that text can also help the page itself rank a bit higher. See full show notes at: 122 - Nearly half of all Google searches are now "no-click" June 26th, 2019 According to a recent study, 49% of all Google searches are now "zero-click", meaning users are getting the answer they need without having to click … 121 - Google Search Console no longer has a "preferred domain" setting June 25th, 2019 For years, Google Search Console has allowed you to set your "preferred domain". With the new version, though, that option is going away. How will … 120 - How does Google find a site with no backlinks? June 24th, 2019 Google typically finds websites through backlinks or XML sitemaps, but can it find them other ways as well? See full show notes at: 119 - There is no "site authority" score from Google June 19th, 2019 People talk about website authority scores quite a bit, and I use them from time to time myself, but Google has made it clear that they have no such … 118 - Are XML sitemaps coming to WordPress core? June 18th, 2019 XML sitemaps are a great way to help inform Google about the content on your site, and there are many great WordPress plugins to help with that. … 117 - Title tags and links are still important to Google June 17th, 2019 Sometimes Google likes to point things out that are obvious yet need repeating, so we'll help repeat them here; links and title tags still matter. 116 - Google is finally limiting most search results to two listings from the same domain June 12th, 2019 When you do a search on Google, there are times when the first page is filled almost entirely with results from the same site. With their latest … 115 - Using HTTPS on your site is essentially a tie-breaker in search results June 11th, 2019 Google has said before that having SSL on your site is a "light-weight ranking" factor, and that continues to be the case, but Google seems to be … 114 - You can remove alt text from images if you want, but you probably shouldn't June 10th, 2019 Adding text to the alt attribute of an image is a great way to help vision-impaired users (and Google) understand what the image is about. However, … 113 - Google confirms that the indexing API is only for structured data for Job Postings and Live Streams June 5th, 2019 The most common way to let Google know about new content on your site is by using XML sitemaps. However, some folks have started using Google's … 112 - Starting in July, all new sites will default to mobile-first indexing May 30th, 2019 Google has been slowly rolling out their mobile first index, and will continue to roll it out on existing sites, but starting July 1 all new sites … 111 - One great website is better than two good ones May 29th, 2019 Companies have struggled over the years about whether to create one website for their entire business, or separate ones for different pieces. In most … 110 - Users trust your website more than your Google My Business listing May 22nd, 2019 While it's certainly important to have a solid presence on Google My Business, a recent study shows that people put much more trust into a company's … 109 - Google tweaks their algorithm a LOT May 21st, 2019 How often does Google makes adjustments to their algorithm? In 2018, there were over 3,200 changes, or nearly nine per day. How much do they all … 107 - RSS is becoming a valuable secret May 14th, 2019  At WordCamp Atlanta a few weeks ago, I got into a discussion with some other folks about RSS, and was surprised that many weren't familiar with it. … 106 - How content theft can impact your rankings May 13th, 2019 Whether you realize it or not, spammers are likely stealing your content and reposting it on other sites across the web. That's certainly not a good … 105 - Don't focus on specific ranking factors in Google April 30th, 2019 It's thought that there are roughly 200 factors in Google's ranking algorithm, so if you're trying to track your progress on just one of them, it may … 104 - Google Ads and Analytics have zero impact on organic rankings April 29th, 2019 This is something Google has said for years, but they're making sure we hear it again; if you use Google Ads or Google Analytics, that's great, but it has literally no direct impact on your rankings in the main search … 103 - Text in blockquotes is not treated in a special way April 22nd, 2019 The blockquote tag in HTML can be a useful way to pull content out of your posts to highlight it for readers, but Google has said that text in a … 102 - Google is adding short URLs for Google My Business profiles April 19th, 2019 If you've ever looked at the URL for your Google My Business page, it's ugly. Google is now rolling out a way for you to get a nice, clean URL for … 101 - What happens when your home page incorrectly outranks an internal page? April 16th, 2019 In many cases, the pages on your site that rank well in Google aren't your home page; they're internal pages that are focused on a particular topic. … 100 - Redirects are treated differently than links April 11th, 2019 When you need to remove or change a page to have it point to a different page, you typically use a 301 redirect. Google appreciates those, but thinks … 099 - There is no ranking bonus for Google Partners April 2nd, 2019 Becoming a Google Partner can be a great thing. Not only will it look good for you or your company, but you'll learn a lot throughout the process. In the end, though, that partnership doesn't earn any special favors … 098 - Either use a mobile URL or a responsive design; not both March 29th, 2019 When it comes to handling mobile users, you have a few ways you can set up your site. A mobile responsive site is often the best way to go, but you can also set up a separate mobile site. Whatever you do, choose one … 097 - There is no limit to the traffic that Google will send to your site March 28th, 2019 Every few years, the question comes up of whether or not Google has a budget for how much traffic they're willing to send to a site. As before, the … 096 - How does Google know the date when something was published? March 19th, 2019 We often say on here that simply helping Google understand your content can be very important, and knowing how Google understands dates is a big part … 095 - Videos are great for SEO, but they need some text support March 18th, 2019 Videos can be a great addition to your website, but if you want Google to appreciate those pages you'll want to add some other content to support the … 094 - Your images don't need to be on your domain March 15th, 2019 If ranking well in Google Image Search is important to you, don't worry about necessarily hosting images on your own domain. See full show notes at: 093 - Why aren't you ranking for your own brand name? March 14th, 2019 In general, it's typically pretty easy to rank first for your own brand name. But what if you're not? Google has some thoughts on that. See full show … 092 - Adding keywords to CSS is meaningless March 13th, 2019 A user recently came across some uniquely-named CSS content, and asked Google if that mattered. Google's response, as expected, is that it's ignored. 091 - That redirect linking "hack" doesn't work March 7th, 2019 Getting more links to point to your site is important and difficult, but some people think they found a way to trick Google. No, it doesn't work. See … 090 - Google explains more about how JavaScript is indexed March 6th, 2019 Google's Martin Splitt has started a new web series focused on SEO and JavaScript, and his first installment has some interesting details on how … 089 - Working on mobile page speed isn't a one-time fix March 5th, 2019 If you've done work on your website specifically to improve the mobile speed, that's great! However, your job isn't done; mobile speed and experience … 088 - Don't just stick content at the bottom of your ecommerce category pages March 4th, 2019 Ranking category pages on an ecommerce site can be tough, so many resort to just putting a bunch of text at the bottom of each page, below the … 087 - Again, CTR does not affect rankings February 28th, 2019 It comes around every few years, with someone saying that the click through rate in search results affects your rankings, but Google always denies … 086 - Don't use UTM parameters on internal links February 27th, 2019 Using UTM parameters on your links can be a great way to better understand how users find your site, but leaving those parameters on internal links … 085 - Fake edits to your Google Maps listings can cause big trouble February 26th, 2019 For many businesses, a solid ranking on Google Maps is vitally important. Unfortunately, it's very easy for competitors to sabotage your listings. … 084 - Don't break the rules just because your competition does February 25th, 2019 If you're struggling to move up the rankings on Google, it can be frustrating to see a competitor ahead of you that isn't following the rules. It … 083 - Does rating and reviewing podcasts really help them? February 20th, 2019 On most podcasts, you'll hear the host say something like "to help keep this show running, please rate and review the podcast". But does it really … 082 - You can link internally as much as you want with no fear of penalty February 18th, 2019 Links are the currency of SEO, and therefore Google has a lot of rules and ideas about how sites should link to one another. When it comes to linking … 081 - Pornyness is a ranking factor February 15th, 2019 Much has been said about Googles hundreds of ranking factors, but they just came out and said, not surprisingly, that "pornyness" is one of them.  080 - Google is begging you to just stick to the basics February 14th, 2019 We talk a lot on this show about little tips and techniques to help your site rank better, but in most cases your time is best spent making sure you … 079 - Using Hreflang won't improve your rankings, but could still help bring better traffic February 13th, 2019 If you use the hreflang attribute on your site to help Google understand language, it won't directly affect your ranking but could still help drive … 078 - Google reveals a bit more about RankBrain February 12th, 2019 Google uses a machine learning technology called RankBrain to help with search results, but much of how it works is shrouded in mystery. While much … 077 - There is no time frame for ranking changes after you make improvements February 8th, 2019  When you make changes to your site to try to improve your rankings, how long will it take until you start moving higher in Google? It all depends.  076 - Google+ is shutting down. What do you need to do? February 5th, 2019 It's been a long, slow death for Google+, and they're officially closing it up on April 2. What do you need to do about it? See full show notes at: 075 - Is Bing moving away from crawling? February 4th, 2019 There are two main ways that search engines find new content on the web; from user-submitted sitemaps and by sending out their bots to crawl around. With a new move from Bing, it appears they may be slowly moving away … 074 - Survey shows that page speed heavily influences user behavior February 1st, 2019 It's mostly common sense at this point, but a survey from Unbounce brought to light some interesting stats on how users feel about the loading speed … 073 - An outdated site will turn off 81% of people January 31st, 2019 According to a recent survey, if your website isn't kept up to date, 81% of visitors will think less of your brand. See full show notes at: 072 - HTTPS isn't required to rank on Google January 30th, 2019 While adding HTTPS support to your site is a wise move for a variety of reasons, it's not required to have HTTPS in order to rank on Google.  See … 071 - How old content can outrank your fresh content January 28th, 2019 It can be frustrating to publish a brilliant new piece of content, but find a similar article from 7 years ago continue to rank above yours. Why is … 070 - Google Posts can still be valuable January 25th, 2019 If you've used the Posts feature inside of Google My Business, you may have noticed recently that they're showing up less and less in the search engines. While they may be fading, here are some reasons not to give up on … 069 - If Google mistakenly thinks your pages are all same, it could be trouble January 23rd, 2019 There are a lot of different ways to generate web pages, such as PHP and JavaScript, but if you're trying something creative with your site, make … 068 - How long should you keep redirects in place? January 22nd, 2019 We talk about 301 redirects on here quite a bit, as they're an important technical piece to help your site rank well. If you set up a redirect, how … 067 - Links continue to be a major ranking factor January 18th, 2019 As they've done for a few years now, the folks at Stone Temple Consulting have studied thousands of search results to see the impact that links have … 066 - Google and WordPress are teaming up to create a local news publishing system January 17th, 2019 Coming later this year is a new publishing platform called "Newspack", developed jointly by Google and WordPress, to help make it easier to publish … 065 - Your site needs content to rank well January 16th, 2019 There are a lot of technical things you should do on your website if you want it to rank well, but Google reminds us that all of the technical work … 064 - Google says not to change image URLs January 15th, 2019 While having good names for your images is important, such as "greenapple.jpg" instead of "DSC1058.jpg", changing the image names once they're … 063 - WordPress 5.1 will have a new feature that you'll love January 14th, 2019 WordPress version 5.1, due to come out in late February, will have a new feature that will help keep you out of trouble when working on your site.  062 - Some great content marketing quotes to start 2019 January 11th, 2019  As 2019 gets going, here are 11 great content marketing quotes to help inspire and direct your work in the coming year.   See full show notes at: 061 - Don't pretend that 404s are 301s January 10th, 2019 When you need to remove a page from your website, you might consider redirecting that page to your home page, rather than making it a proper "404 not … 060 - You can't have too many internal links January 7th, 2019  Websites linking to one another is largely the basis for how Google got started, and we've talked about external links quite a few times on here. However, sites also have many internal links that point to other pages … 059 - Is Yelp ghosting your reviews? January 4th, 2019  Yelp is known for often moving a lot of reviews to their "not recommended" section, but that number has been increasing lately thanks to an update … 058 - Your contracts can't require a link to your site January 3rd, 2019  While it's always been frowned upon, Google now officially says that you can't require a followed link in any kind of terms of service or contract.  057 - There are no "Google Partner SEO Agencies" January 2nd, 2019 Google's partner programs are a good thing to be a part of, but they don't have one for official search engine optimization partnerships.  See full … 056 - Google already knows about your shady links December 20th, 2018 Getting other sites to link to yours is one of the best things you can do to help your site rank better, and spammers take full advantage of it. For … 055 - There's no such thing as negative keywords in organic search December 17th, 2018 If you're buying Google Ads for your site, the use of negative keywords is very important and can make your campaign much less expensive and more … 054 - The top Google searches of 2018 December 14th, 2018 Every year Google releases their list of the most popular searches across a variety of categories. Let's take a look at what we were all searching … 053 - Google's new Site Kit plugin for WordPress December 13th, 2018 If you have a WordPress site, you likely already have Google Analytics on it. If not, you should. Coming early in 2019, Google will be rolling out a … 052 - Where Gutenberg goes from here December 11th, 2018 As we mentioned last week, WordPress 5.0 was just released and included their shiny new "Gutenberg" page editor. It's a great step forward, but it's just the first of many steps for Gutenberg. 051 - Don't worry about keywords in your URLs December 10th, 2018 Google's told us before and they'll tell us again, but keywords in your URLs really don't matter much. Let's quickly unpack what they've said. 050 - Google says it's good to have unique images on your pages December 7th, 2018 It's generally thought that having an image on each page of your site is a good thing, and Google agrees. In fact, they suggest that you put a unique … 049 - WordPress 5.0 (and Gutenberg) is here. What do you need to do? December 6th, 2018 WordPress version 5.0, which includes the new Gutenberg editor, launches today. By the time you listen to this episode, it's likely already gone live. There is a good bit of debate about this new version, but I'm here … 048 - A bit about how Facebook searches work December 5th, 2018 There are over two billion searches performed on Facebook every day, but relatively little is known about their search algorithm, especially compared to Google. They've now unveiled a bit more about how their searches … 047 - Video performs very well on LinkedIn December 4th, 2018 I've heard a few times that video does very well on LinkedIn, because their algorithm pushes it pretty hard. This podcast shows that it's true, and I … 046 - Google's tips for dealing with seasonal content December 3rd, 2018 With the holiday season approaching, you're likely going to add a few holiday-specific pages to your site. Come January, what should you do with … 045 - Position Zero becomes a much bigger deal November 30th, 2018 Over the last few years, we've seen Google provide a lot more answers in position zero; the spot above the search results where they answer simple … 044 - Google doesn't index pages that have been redirected November 26th, 2018 As you build your website over time, it'll likely be important to set up redirects to handle pages that you remove, or when adding SSL, or other things of that nature. Google wants to remind you that when you set up a … 043 - Nofollow gives publishers a way to focus on content November 20th, 2018 It can be frustrating when your company gets mentioned on a popular site and they "nofollow" the link to your site (essentially hiding it from … 042 - Human trust isn't the same as Google trust November 19th, 2018 In marketing, it's long been said that people do business with those that they "know, like and trust". However, establishing trust on your website with Google can be much different than establishing trust on your … 041 - Five big things to help your site rank well in 2019 November 16th, 2018 The folks at Search Engine Land just published a list of the five SEO trends that will matter in 2019, and I thought it was a great list, so we'll … 040 - How the speed of your site impacts your rankings November 15th, 2018 We all know that it's important to have a fast loading website, but how exactly does speed affect users on your site? The folks at Yoast just shared … 039 - Google creates to help you optimize your site November 14th, 2018 Google already has a variety of tools to help you optimize your website (Analytics, Search Console, PageSpeed Insights, and others), but now a new … 038 - 57% of all WordPress sites will start becoming less secure next month November 8th, 2018 WordPress powers roughly 1/3 of the entire internet, but starting next month more than half of the WordPress sites out there could become much less … 037 - A higher page count doesn't necessarily help you rank better November 7th, 2018 Having more pages can potentially help a site rank better in Google, for a few reasons, but simply having a bunch of pages means nothing in an of … 036 - Google wants you to fill in your own meta descriptions November 2nd, 2018 When you search for something on Google, the text the appears below each link often comes from the "meta descriptions" on those sites. While Google will generate them automatically when needed, they suggest you write … 035 - Google gives more details about how 301 redirects work November 1st, 2018 If you remove a page or change websites, or somehow just need to set up a redirect, the best way to do it (for the sake of Google) is with what's know as a "301 redirect". Much has been said over the years about how … 034 - Gutenberg is just about ready to go October 31st, 2018 If you use WordPress, you're likely familiar with the new Gutenberg editor that is coming soon. They just released version 4.1 of the editor and consider it "feature complete", meaning it's getting close to being added … 033 - Google finds new content through links, and then through sitemaps October 26th, 2018 The days of submitting your websites and pages to Google are long gone, but you still need them to find you. How do they do that? The biggest way is through links, but they can also find your content through sitemaps. 032 - Simply having more content doesn't impress Google October 24th, 2018 As a general rule, having more content on your site will help with SEO. However, quality is a big factor and Google makes it very clear that better … 031 - Google says not to use hashtags in your URLs October 23rd, 2018 Recently at PubCon, Google's Gary Illyes advised that you should include "no hashtags in URLs" for the sake of rankings, but it's a bit nuanced. See … 030 - Why you should learn JavaScript to help with SEO October 22nd, 2018 Three years ago Matt Mullenweg, the creator of WordPress, advised developers to "learn JavaScript deeply", and it's proven be to solid advice. Now … 029 - Does Google use real-life user signals to assist with rankings? October 17th, 2018 There's been some thought that since Google knows a good bit about real-life user activity, such as when stores are busy, they might use that data to affect search rankings. At least for now, that doesn't seem to be the … 028 - Search ranking changes are unrelated to Google's new mobile-first indexing October 16th, 2018 Google has been making a lot of algorithm changes lately, but they seem to be (and should be) unrelated to the mobile-first indexing. 027 - Word count and other metrics can't measure quality October 15th, 2018 People working on their SEO often want to know exactly how best to build their pages; how many words, how many outgoing links, how many backlinks, things like that. Google's given us the answer -- stop counting that … 026 - Making links to your site violates Google's guidelines October 9th, 2018 Links pointing to your website are one of the biggest factors to help rank well in Google, but they're one of the most difficult and confusing to … 025 - Google's September update October 8th, 2018 Google pushed out a pretty big update on August 1, but then on September 27 they took it a bit further. 024 - Low traffic doesn't always mean low quality October 3rd, 2018 If you dig around your website stats and see that some pages get very low traffic, that could be an indication that the page is low quality -- but … 023 - Google is using more neural matching to understand synonyms October 2nd, 2018 Over the past few months, Google has been applying neural matching to help better understand synonyms, impacting 30% of search queries (or over a billion searches per day). 022 - Google has made some important changes to Google Image Search October 1st, 2018 Google has recently updated the look and feel of Google Image Search, but they've also made some substantial changes behind the scenes. 021 - Google is looking for ways to handle GDPR blocking September 21st, 2018 Many websites in the US have been lazy about how they have handled the GDPR changes, and that's causing some trouble for Google. 020 - Google indexes and ranks everything inside of accordions and tabs September 20th, 2018 It's been debated for many years, but Google says that content inside of an accordion or tab on your site will get just as much credit as other text on the page. 019 - Google search results aren't personalized as much as you'd think September 19th, 2018 Google has been personalizing search results for roughly a decade, but they're not personalized nearly as much as you think. 018 - Aim for pages that download in less than 100ms September 18th, 2018 Having a fast-loading site is a good thing. Users like it and Google likes it. While there's no official guideline, Google says that a page should … 017 - Google cannot index pages that require cookies September 17th, 2018 It makes sense, and Google has confirmed that if your site requires cookies in order to view content, Google won't index that content. 016 - White space is not an SEO issue September 14th, 2018 Google applies some penalties if your website header is so heavy that users can't easily find the content, but their focus with that is on ads, not white space. 015 - Go ahead, put reviews from Google Maps on your website September 13th, 2018 Most businesses likely have some reviews on Google Maps, Yelp and other websites. If you want to put some of those reviews on your website, go for it! 014 - Google says you need alt text on your images September 11th, 2018 It's always been said that you should have solid alt text on your images if you want them to rank well, and Google has confirmed that it's essential. 013 - Don't link to every page from your home page September 10th, 2018 In the past, Google has told us that it's good to link to your most important pages from your home page in order to give them more weight in the … 012 - Google treats PDFs essentially as HTML September 7th, 2018 Google has indexed PDFs in their search results for a long time, but it was never understood exactly how. Now they've come out and told us: they … 011 - Only 3% of your home page traffic makes it to your blog September 6th, 2018 According to some stats from Salesforce, if 100 users visit your home page, only three of them will click through to your blog. That's not good, but all isn't lost. 010 - Why don't singular and plural keywords rank the same? September 5th, 2018 Singular and plural keywords don't often rank the same, and Google has explained why. 009 - Mobile users search "near me" a ton September 4th, 2018 A recent survey from Uberall shows that 82% of smartphone users have performed a search with the phrase (or intent) "near me". 008 - Hacking is increasing, but so are ways to stay safe August 31st, 2018 There have been reports lately of an increasing number of Instagram accounts being hacked, but Instagram has finally released the ability to protect your account quite a bit more. 007 - The Classic Editor will be around for years August 30th, 2018 WordPress 5.0 and "Gutenberg", the new editing experience, is coming soon. If you're nervous about it, though, WordPress says not to worry. 006 - Google judges all of your content August 29th, 2018 Google judges all of the content on your website, not just the stuff that you have written. 005 - Google doesn't care about your fresh content August 22nd, 2018 Despite what you may have heard, Google doesn't favor fresh content. 004 - Yoast and Gutenberg August 20th, 2018 A new editor for WordPress, code-named Gutenberg, is coming very soon, and now the most popular SEO plugin is ready for it. 003 - Say goodbye to Facebook traffic August 17th, 2018 Starting in 2011, Facebook was a major source of traffic for websites. Throughout 2018, Facebook referral traffic has continued to dwindle down and it's never coming back. 002 - The 11 proven Google ranking factors August 16th, 2018 People say that Google has over 200 ranking factors, and that's likely true, but today we're going to run through the 11 that Google has actually confirmed. 001 - August 12th, 2018 Talking about, the platform that we use for this podcast. Loading ... Download the RadioPublic app for
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This question already has an answer here: I have a Raspberry PI running Raspbian. I use Apache to host my web site. I use Pelican to generate the site content. I can log in to my PI via SSH, navigate to the directory where the source files are stored in markdown format and issue the following command : pelican content -r -s This will keep Pelican running and watching for changes, which is great as I can now upload new articles and my site is updated automatically. I'd like this command to be run at system startup, in case I ever need to reboot. What is the simplest way that I achieve that? marked as duplicate by goldilocks Nov 2 '15 at 11:09 What is the simplest way that I achieve that? To /etc/rc.local add: cd /whatever/source/path exec pelican content -r -s ) &> /var/log/pelican_local.log & This will run pelican root; if you want to use a different (less privileged) user, throw su whoever in before the last exec, and change the log path to somewhere writable for them. The log is just for the purpose of debugging this snippet in case it does not work to do what you want; if everything works and the pelican command itself doesn't produce output, it will remain empty. Make sure you don't forget the final & there unless you are certain pelican backgrounds itself.
Tainted Love – SS. A continuation from “Rough Dominance” – This post contains graphic sexual content.  Reader discretion is advised. Scene setting : Dark alley in Hell. co-written with Artie. Artie:  A gasp of feelings Bandit couldn’t quite place… though she did not feel more violated than when her nether regions were free to the air, the cold swirling around her heated body and womanhood. “No!” But she would shudder, the feel of his relatively warm digits against the nub of nerves that hid so cleverly in her mound causing her back to arch. “Gnnn…!” Again her hands would desperately claw at his skin, trying to make markings on him while the rest of her body went limp in his embrace.. Oh, but you do! “No, I don’t!” The words struck her, but not as much as the slightly numbing feel as she would collide with the bin. The cold came as a shock to her stomach, the wind knocked from her breath.. as though she would have time to recollect herself before the warlock freed her behind from her clothing that was meant to keep it all together, her curves exposed to the one she did not want to see the most.. A cry of pain ripped through her lips as his nails gripped and engraved into her sensitive skin, another of pleasure and pain following the loud smacking noise that came from his slap to her skin, his degrading of her body.. Surely, a hand mark would remain.. but she hated how he could feel her reaction and see them, the tensing of her muscles against his fingers as he hit her, his hand returning to her identity.. Though none would make her panic more than the feel of his length against her skin, the friction of his newly revealed self causing her body to thrash a bit.. though she would wince against the metal that pressed deeply into her skin at the quick movement. “Don’t! ..Don’t!” It was a plea, her thighs squeezing together tightly and thus restricting the movement of his hand, her hips moving forwards to make it more difficult for him to enter her from behind, as though hiding.. Her arms slowly moved to be under her, pressing against the bin as she began to lift herself to be standing against his strong body. The thief willed herself, swallowing hard as her lower muscles clenched around his fingers, surprisingly tight even around only his digits.. but at her tightening clench of thighs, wetness began to drip down them, pushed from her mound and finding an escape.. Her cheeks flushed red, her jaw locking while whimpers attempted to push through, the blood from his bite had begun to drip down her chest.. Razorbackwriter:  The alley was now the scene of a shocking attack upon Bandit, that in Raul’s mind was long over due. Years he had waited for this moment, and while his instincts pressured him to take what he had come for without any care for her, he started to listen to the way she cried for him to stop. Over and over she pleaded with him not to do what she knew he would. Her inner muscles forcing the rippled flesh of her inner womanhood to squeeze against his fingers – practically pulsating. With the slick release of her juices, Raul could feel and sense that her body craved the attention. Using his left knee, he forced her legs to part as she struggled to keep them closed. With her bent over the industrial bin, and her ass truly exposed, Raul made his earlier threat a reality. He whipped his fingers out from her, each digit covered in her dew and moved it to grip onto her breast, while his other hand snatched a large section of her hair. Reefing her head back so her back was now arching and presenting her buttocks to him ready for mounting, he let out a roar of triumph. He bent his knees slightly to line up the glistening head of his throbbing length to her puckered hole, and spat down on the top of her cheek so the saliva would seep down and act as lubricant for the next act in this ritual like taking of her body. Bandit’s writhing form only made him all the more excited as she tried to buck and fight, till at last she made a whimpering sound through gritted teeth. It was unmistakable. Too good to be true. Without warning Raul thrust his girth into her tiny hole, stretching her insanely. There was to be pain. Excruciating pain, which would make her scream his name. Anything that came out of her mouth was sheer music to this twisted sadist of a man. Tugging her hair tight and pulling it back so it stung at her scalp, it was almost as though Raul was set to ride her into the metal bin. Raul thrust in deep and then held himself in there as though to ensure this moment would be forever etched in her memory. Skin against skin, heat against heat. It was then he growled words to truly enrage her….or make her his own. “Beg for more….my sweet little whore.” Artie:  No, no, no.. The legs that she had tried to keep clamped shut were spread apart, her hair gripped and head forced back.. Much like a panicked horse, her quick and hard breath as her chest would follow along.. her widened eyes that saw but did not see.. A spitting noise then a terrible feeling against her behind, a groan of both discontent and disgust coming freely through her lips… but nothing could have prepared her for the next act he would do, nothing had been said to give her the time to brace for such.. Immediately searing pain shot through her back entrance, a wild cry and scream mixed into one constricting her airways as it flung itself from her lips and into the air.. The pain trailed up her spine, even, her body giving a shudder as she appempted to buck him away.. but this did not work, his grip on her sandy tresses far too tight, her leash too short, to allow any sort of leeway. “No! Fuck!” Hips clashed against skin as the warlock pushed himself into her as deeply as he could, her own self not large enough to fully take in his length. So instead she would grip at the bin, her nails dragging against the metal.. Bandit was bleeding, she knew it.. the sensitive skin around her had likely torn as he’d forced his way into her, the stinging pain along with the dull throb enough to convince her of such.. Tears sprung to her eyes yet she did not cry.. This was merely a reaction to the pain, a natural one that she hated having.. But she did not cry. Instead she growled under her breath in pain, like a cat in heat as it gives a warning noise.. …my sweet little whore.. “You prick! I am not.. your anything!” Her features twisted into that of anger and hatred, trembles of both rage and pleasure rocking her body a bit underneath the male figure.. A hand would move then, gripping at his own on her breast as her nails would dig into the back of his hand, a frustrated cry coming from her lips as she clawed, despite being unable to see.. As if reminded of this she would attempt to jerk her head away from him, greeted by a forceful tug in retaliation that caused tears to spring to her eyes.. adding to those in his initial entrance thrust. “I will… I’ll kill you..” Her sex was practically dripping, the warmth of the liquid moving down her thighs more.. Oh, how her body told her that she was enjoying this while her mind wanted it to stop, the emotions of past overpowering.. You want this, you slut. That’s why you’re still letting him do this.. No, I can’t break free.. Don’t lie to yourself.. Feel your heartbeat.. Feel your quick breaths.. Note the pound of your chest as it constricts in anticipation.. the tensing of yourself around his member in you, the warmth of the thick liquid you give.. You want this.. No one owns me.. Especially not him.. Please.. not him.. Moan like the whore he wants you to be. You’re dying to.. At this her lips parted, but no sound came out, instead a quiet whimper that carried pain and struggle in its tone.. Razorbackwriter:  Bandit was by definition, the sweetest of all Raul’s conquests. She was like a Thoroughbred, bucking and snorting angrily as he set to break her in. This was what it was all about. The gripping of the hair and the way he had come up from behind, after teasing her so mercilessly from the front. A stinging attack that would leave her gasping, but at the same time only heighten his arousal to the point that he himself was becoming lost to her as she screamed obscenities at him. Bandit was so insanely tight, that it actually was painful for Raul to be in so far, but that made it all the sweeter. As Bandit tried to jerk her head away and the very hair that he had wound around his fingers was being pulled to the extreme, Raul changed tact, withdrawing himself fully from her bleeding buttocks. The fine crimson liquid now coating his proud and erect member, that he now wanted to force into her waiting wet sex. With an unnatural grunt of exertion, he picked her up from around her stomach, so that her gripping on the metal bin would hold her up slightly. Bandit tried to claw at the hand that was attached to her breast, but it was like a kitten scratching a lion. His strength building with the burst of testosterone now flooding his veins. The little thief was incredibly light to pick up and now the Warlock had her positioned so that he may claim her and do what he intended. Fill her with his seed. “I wish to die a small death within you….so you will get your wish.” A loud growl and he forced himself into her waiting wetness, the lips parting to accommodate him as easily as a warm velvet glove. Her muscles surely would clamp down in protest as she spun out of control in a delirious sensation. Fighting her inner demon and bringing forth the tainted slut he knew was waiting. Any hip movement or bucking would be welcomed, as Raul tightened his grip on her hair. ~Pound pound pound~ Her body would be thrust forward and back as the Warlock began to take what he believed was rightfully his. His sweet thief. She was no longer screaming, but whimpering. Raul had her and now he planned to abuse her till he was spent. His thickened girth spreading her insides as it delved hard into her womb. The Warlock bowed down and covered her back, his hot breath searing her skin below. Artie:  Sickening. The feeling was sickening sweet, sickeningly terrifying.. “No! I won’t!” As if she had a choice in the matter, his member releasing itself from her only to thrust into the awaiting wetness.. as though it was his to begin with.. A noise of her juices parting ways around his member was heard, followed by a quick whimper of her own.. “Uhnn-nnhnn..” The thief would grip at the metallic, finding it unforgiving to her nails.. “No.. no..” The words in themselves were moans of beckoning, her brows furrowing as her eyes squeezed shut.. Was she softening to him? No.. she could not. “P-please..” Though the word was a beg.. for what? Him to let her go or to go harder? Moments ago, the answer would have been clear.. now it was a muddled meaning.. mixed emotions.. The thief felt her breasts move and bounce with each thrust, creating a slight noise against the bin as the cold would sear her skin only to leave it.. Was she enjoying herself? No, you mustn’t.. Oh, but you must, you dirty, dirty.. little.. slut.. The light woman found herself stretching around him – even now pain seared up her very core.. oh, she hadn’t been screwed in so long, and it showed.. No man had touched this holy grail in time, none had succeeded in doing so.. Perhaps, if she had been more freeing with her body, she would not have been so responsive. The one thing that made her special to Raul was her undoing, her back arching against the heat that suddenly came to it.. Fight back! As if jerking a bit, Bandit’s leg would kick back, hitting him quite forcefully in the shin once more.. a feeble attempt, but only one she could muster, as her body bucked under him in protest, her stomach pushing against his arm in an attempt to have him release her.. “Let me.. go! Stop!” Pants had begun to show themselves as a burning started in her core.. so unconditioned.. she would be within orgasm’s grasp in moments if he continued. Razorbackwriter:  There it was. The word that rang through the sounds of their skins slapping hard against each other. ~Please~ Raul certainly didn’t expect it, but all the same it made the game much more interesting. For every time she had said no, there was this inner cry of YES! Raul had plied her and stripped her bare, taken her in a fashion that showed no respect or care. But the Warlock was a devious soul. Raul knew she was suffering from mixed emotions and feelings, as she kicked back hard in a last ditch effort to show she still had a fighters spirit. He wanted the pain..he grew harder from it. Like snapping him back to reality with the force of her foot to his shin. But instead of buckling, this was when the Warlock changed direction again. He had been treating her like a rag doll. Taking her so she could not see his face to spit on….to stare into those eyes of his as he bared his teeth and smiled at her. All she could do, was see, feel, smell and react. “Let me.. go! Stop!” “My sweet whore…you will weep tears of joy!” He took his hand from her breast, which had been scratched to bleeding by her own and moved it back down to her lower region which was heated and swollen from arousal. His fingers worked into the space between her lacquered lips, ripe with dew and he started to tease her sweet pea nub. The idea….she would react as any woman would when being pleasured both externally and internally. Oh he still had her gripped by the hair, but his fingers worked to bring her to a glorious crescendo. She would shed tears….a woman’s release after years of feeling nothing….. Combining hypnotic hip movements that matched the pace of his fingers teasing, it would be a few moments before she finally caved and surrendered….. Artie:  Bandit’s head would have throw itself back, working with the pull of his hand now.. “I’m going to–” In his grip she would buck, her eyes fluttering closed and opened quite rapidly as the heat began to intensify.. burning her core as it came from her legs and then her thighs, bursting out of her in an orgasm so intense her whole form shook despite his pin… and stillness. Complete silence, save the noise of his thrusts.. Her body tensed as it reared for the climax, her toes curling and her breath hitching.. all movement in her chest paused.. This. This was the true face of ecstasy, the feeling in its rawest form as her lips would part for the silence.. “Ahhnnnnnnnn!” The cry ripped through her lips after the hitch of her breath, her body immediately springing to life.. Even his grip could not hold her still as she pushed against his body, attempting to move away at the absolute of the feeling, the overriding intensity of the pleasure that took her in waves.. “Please! Please! I can’t.. It’s.. Nnnnn!” Too much. Her body thrashed against him, her nub sore at the rubbing he gave it.. The muscles of her womanhood clenched around him, as though begging him to release into her, prodding at his member and trying to give it the final push that would ensure what they were intended for.. the continuation of their kind.. But her arms moved wildly as she kicked at him, pushing at his arms and trying to move him back.. out of her.. A spurt of liquids had moved around his member at the complete.. fervor.. or her newest undoing. “Stop! Stop!” Though now she begged not because she did not want him, but because it was too much for the somewhat virgin woman to bear.. Would he continue and push her body’s responding limits, holding her still.. or would he give the releasing cool down that would surely lessen her reactions? Razorbackwriter:  A gift unlike any other was to feel and experience the richness and fulfillment of Bandit’s climax. Raul had taken her to a new height from which she would have a dizzying descent. Her words, her mind spoke of how she would kill, but her body. it craved the attention, practically going into a primal frenzy that had her inner walls lock onto the Warlock’s length as it continued to tease her. The heat between them building, and Raul took in the moment that Bandit stopped making noise. All there was was the physical slapping of flesh. If anything, he was so very proud of her. He even loosened his grip on her golden hair, just so he could savor this all the more. In the midst of the wildness, there was an oasis where they moved in a dance as old as time itself. Raul wanted to feel it all. No longer content with hunching over her. He knew that the feelings she would have would make her entire body react, and this was something he wanted to experience. As she pushed against his body, she was then gripped harshly, as his fingers slid out from between her mound and helped to bring her back up so that it rest to his own, while he still had himself deep inside of her. She thrashed, kicked but to no avail. The spurt of her own liquids coupled with the fierce locking down on his member caused him to erupt in a way that was like the release of a geyser into her womb. As she was screaming for him to stop, his own release no doubt would cause another reaction in her. Thick, pulsating jets oozed in and filled her. His digits digging into her flesh as he made sure she could not escape his clutches. His chest heaved then he held his breath before crying out her name….her real name. “BEATRIX! My only!” She would not be able to see his face, but if she had….she would have been deeply shocked. The Warlock spasmed as he met her climax head on with his own. Their legs now coated with each other’s juices, as he continued to restrain her. The Warlock growled with a feeling of satisfaction….and contentment. There was no longer any doubt. She belonged to him. Artie:  “N-noh..” The plea was halfhearted, her eyes fluttering a bit as waves of exhaustion rolled over her. The thief would pull on his arms, attempting to remove him.. but she held no energy. Even now her legs were limp.. If not for him holding her up, she would have surely fallen to the ground, the limbs of her legs no more than jello now.. Her muscles limp against him. Her shoulders slouched, her eyes struggling to stay open as they felt increasingly heavy.. “I am.. not yours..” Though her whole body was pressed into him, not exactly solidifying her case.. As if you have a choice? But you do, and you’re not taking it.. slave.. A growl, the thief pushing against Raul’s hands in a sudden burst of force.. He would let her go or she broke through his arms, either way.. Almost instantly she crumpled to the ground on all fours, shivering and shaking.. Another attempt to stand was met with another fall, her lips parting in a soft cry.. “Don’t.. Don’t touch me.” The thief would crawl for a moment and then stop, feeling completely.. and utterly.. pathetic.. She would pause, sitting and leaning against the wall behind her. Her head would rest against her shoulder as the weight of his act rested on her, one arm wrapping around her breasts to hide them as the other did the same for her soaked womanhood.. A look of disgust normally would come to her face, but instead shame took hold. “You.. You did this..” Exposed. Her womanhood still throbbed in need as if begging for more, despite its previous release.. Her arms now covered, but her breasts were perked in arousal.. The once fiery thief appeared to be coming under a sort of stupor, appearing so much more fragile than beforehand.. The bloody mark of his bite not helping such.. Razorbackwriter:  Even after all that had happened between them, Bandit still had that last bout of energy to push herself away from the Warlock and land on the floor haphazardly. Like an animal on all fours, leaking from her sex into a puddle on the ground – her hair wild and her cheeks tainted with a red blush. A soft cry and she crawled from where the Warlock stood, her voice shaking as much as her body did. She didn’t want to be touched. Bandit felt dirty and used. The Warlock cocked his head slightly, before taking out a large square of cloth from his pocket and started to clean himself down slowly – wiping away any excess off his slightly flaccid member. Shame and disgust were etched upon Bandit’s face as she accused Raul of doing all this to her. But what she could not hide with her hands and arms was that she was still very much aroused by his attentions. Raul crouched down so that they were eye level, his gaze penetrating as he said simply. “I did what you needed…and still need.” Raul was being frank and to the point. He looked her over before deciding on how to deal with her now. To have her laying in her own excretions. There was no way he was going to simply let her lay there for the rest of the night. Bandit appeared to be losing her fire, being replaced with more of that drunken stupor. Raul snapped his fingers and spoke an incantation which caused a light breeze to pick up around them. Swirling papers and rubbish was soon replaced with what was a flying carpet. Gently he picked up the girl and lay her down upon the large mat, that easily supported her as though she weighed nothing at all. Raul fixed himself and was once again respectable, before joining her on the mat. He whispered the directions for where they were to go, and soon the carpet was flying off up and out of the alley to a destination of his choosing. As he lay down beside her, he brought the girl into his arms, so that she was being spooned by him in a means of comfort and to help her go to sleep.
Registration and Composition of Stacks of Serial Optical Slices Captured by a Confocal Microscope • Martin Ĉapek Conference paper Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 1689) This article deals with image and volume registration of stacks of serial optical slices from a large biological tissue specimen captured by a confocal microscope. Due to the limited depth of observation and the restricted field of view of the confocal microscope the oversized specimen has to be sliced into smaller physical sections and scanned individually. The composition of the stacks of optical slices, which is based on data registration, is achieved in two steps. First, sub-volumes are created by volume registration of overlapping stacks of optical slices (volumes) captured from individual physical section. Second, image registration of peripheral images of sub-volumes of neighboring physical slices makes possible to compose 3D image of the whole specimen. Both registrations are based on similarity measures, such as the sum of absolute valued differences, normalized correlation coefficient, and mutual information. Data registration requires optimization of the search for the global extreme of a similarity measure over a parametrical space. Therefore, optimization strategies—n-step search, adaptive simulated annealing and stochastic approach—are used, and their optimal set-up is presented. The composition of stacks enables us to visualize and study a large biological specimen in 3D in high resolution. Mutual Information Image Registration Normalize Correlation Coefficient Data Registration Stochastic Approach  Unable to display preview. Download preview PDF. Unable to display preview. Download preview PDF. 1. 1. apek, M., Krekule, I., Kubínová, L.: Practical Experiments with Automatic Image Registration of Serial Optical Slices of Thick Tissue. Conf. Proc., 8-th Intern. IMEKO Conf. on Measurement in Clinical Medicine, Dubrovnik, Croatia, p. 10–6–10–9, September 1998.Google Scholar 2. 2. apek, M., Krekule, I.: Alignment of Adjacent Picture Frames Captured by a CLSM. IEEE Transaction on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 1999. In press.Google Scholar 3. 3. Brown, L. G.: A Survey of Image Registration Techniques. ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 24,No. 4, p. 325–376, December 1992.CrossRefGoogle Scholar 4. 4. Maes, F., Collignon, A., Vandermeulen, D., Marchal, G., Suetens, P.: Multimodality Image Registration by Maximization of Mutual Information. IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., Vol. 16,No. 2, p. 187–198, April 1997.CrossRefGoogle Scholar 5. 5. apek, M.: Optimisation Strategies Applied to Global Similarity Based Image Registration Methods. Conf. Proc., 7-th Intern. Conf. in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interactive Digital Media'99, Plze, Czech Republic, February 1999. In press.Google Scholar 6. 6. Parker, J. R.: Algorithms for Image Processing and Computer Vision. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1997.Google Scholar 7. 7. Press, W. H., et al.: Numerical Recipes in C: the Art of Scientific Computing. 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, New York, 1992.Google Scholar 8. 8. Ingber, L.: Simulated Annealing: Practice versus Theory. Mathl. Comput. Modelling, Vol. 18,No. 11, p. 29–57, 1993.zbMATHCrossRefMathSciNetGoogle Scholar 9. 9. Dani, P., Chaudhuri, S.: Automated Assembling of Images: Image Montage Preparation. Pattern Recognition, Vol. 28,No. 3, p. 431–445, 1995.CrossRefGoogle Scholar 10. 10. Tekalp, A., M.: Digital Video Processing. Prentice Hall, New York, 1995.Google Scholar 11. 11. 12. 12. Copyright information © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1999 Authors and Affiliations • Martin Ĉapek • 1 1. 1.Institute of PhysiologyAcademy of Sciences of CRPraha 4Czech Republic Personalised recommendations
WebP (.webp) • Registered MIME type: image/webp • WebP raster image format. • Binary format. • Stores a single image. • Stores color bitmaps at a resolution of 8 bits per channel. • Supports alpha channels. • Introduced in 2010 by Google to provide both lossy and lossless compression of images on the web. Import & Export • Import["file.webp"] imports a WebP file as an image. • Import["file.webp",elem] imports the specified element from a WebP file. • The import format can be specified with Import["file","WebP"] or Import["file",{"WebP",elem,}]. • Export["file.webp",expr] exports an image, graphics, or any other expression as a raster image to WebP. • When exporting Wolfram Language graphics or arbitrary expressions to WebP, the resulting image has the same raster size as its displayed form. • Image objects are by default exported at their raster size. • Because WebP is a raster image format, all fonts are rasterized on export. • ImportString and ExportString support the WebP format. Import Elements • General Import elements: "Rules"full list of rules for each element and option • Data representation elements: • "Data"array of color values "Graphics"Graphics object representing an image "Image"raster image, given as an Image object {"Thumbnail",size}thumbnail of a given size (default size = Small) • Import and Export by default use the "Image" element for WebP files. • Advanced Import elements: "Channels"the number of color channels used in the file "ColorProfileData"embedded color profile, given as a ColorProfileData object "ColorSpace"color encoding used in the file "ImageSize"raster dimensions "Summary"summary of the file • Import and Export option: • ImageSizeAutomaticoverall image size "ImageTopOrientation"Automaticorientation of the image as stored in the file • Export option: • "CompressionLevel"0compression level, given as a number between 0 and 1 open all close all Basic Examples  (4) Import a WebP file: Click for copyable input Summary of an image: Click for copyable input Export an image to WebP: Click for copyable input Export arbitrary inline graphics to WebP: Click for copyable input Scope  (2) Import Elements  (13) Import Options  (2) Export Options  (3) Introduced in 2014 Updated in 2016
TY - JOUR T1 - Development and Validation of an Empiric Tool to Predict Favorable Neurologic Outcomes Among PICU Patients. JF - Critical care medicine Y1 - 2018 A1 - Gupta, Punkaj A1 - Rettiganti, Mallikarjuna A1 - Gossett, Jeffrey M. A1 - Daufeldt, Jennifer A1 - Rice, Tom B. A1 - Wetzel, Randall C. KW - *Disability Evaluation KW - *Hospital Mortality KW - *Intensive Care Units KW - *treatment outcome KW - Critical Illness/*therapy KW - Databases KW - Factual KW - Female KW - Humans KW - Infant KW - Male KW - Neurodevelopmental Disorders/*diagnosis/*mortality KW - Neurologic Examination/*statistics & numerical data KW - Pediatric KW - Risk Factors KW - User-Computer Interface AB - OBJECTIVES: To create a novel tool to predict favorable neurologic outcomes during ICU stay among children with critical illness. DESIGN: Logistic regression models using adaptive lasso methodology were used to identify independent factors associated with favorable neurologic outcomes. A mixed effects logistic regression model was used to create the final prediction model including all predictors selected from the lasso model. Model validation was performed using a VL - 46 ER -
Dauwpop & using Rhapsody code in a library Traveling Modelers also need vacation once and a while. So last week I had that! And enjoyed it at home. The only thing I did was visiting a Music Festival. But that was on walking distance from my home. It’s called “Dauwpop” which means “Dew Pop”, dew as the stuff that makes the grass wet in the morning and Pop after Popmusic. It is called that way because in the Netherlands we have a tradition on Ascension Day: “Dauwtrappen”. That is to step on the morning dew. And that is what happens. On that day, mostly young people, go out very early and walk or ride bikes. They do that while taking drinks and stop regularly to drink something. The festival also starts in the morning although not that early… My main reason for going was that M<Ali Jazz (from Faithless) would be there with a DJ session. But he cancelled last minute. Bad luck, but I still went there with my 2 sons and we had a great day. A customer asked us a question via support this week. They wanted to use Rhapsody code in a library. The main code was made in Qt (pronounced “cute”) but they wanted to use Rhapsody for the control logic. So the code must be compiled and then linked into a library. That, unfortunately, is not it, some more must be done to get it working. In the general Tab of a Rhapsody Component there are three selections, “Executable”, “Library” and “Other”. There is only one choice possible here. Both the OXF and the RXF use that to generate different code. When you only use non-active and non-reactive classes and initialize everything dynamically, you don’t have to do anything. You can then just include the correct .h files where you want to use Rhapsody generated classes. But if you do use static objects you have to call the InitRelations() function that is generated, And if you use state-charts and/or activity diagrams you have to initialize and start the framework. When “Executable” is selected, Rhapsody will generate your main function (Or a function that is directly called by main, depending on the OS you use) In case of a “Library”, a function is generated to start the framework and to initialize the objects in your model. This is true for both RXF and OXF. (In some RXF Versions this was not totally implemented…. take the generated file for the EXE and use that for the LIB… that’ll work.) The best way to learn how to do this is to start with a simple model first. Create 2 Components with <Name>_LIB and <Name>_EXE, select “Executable” and “Library” respectively and generate code. I always use beyond compare to compare two directories but there are enough other good working compare tools. Then create 2 classes (“A” and “B”), connect them using an association, create a third class with a structure diagram to instantiate the other 2 (Don’t forget to create an instance of that class !!) now give them a small state-machine (or activity diagram) and make one of then active. Again, generate code and see the differences. I made life simple for you…. I made the model and saved it (In Rhapsody 8.1.5, old but probably useable by everybody) Happy Modeling with Rhapsody Walter van der Heiden ([email protected]) Leave a Reply Logo Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
Selections from the Second Hundred Stellations of the Rhombicosidodecahedron This survey began in the last post, with selections from the first hundred stellations of this Archimedean solid. In this survey of the second hundred stellations, the first one I find noteworthy enough for inclusion here is the 102nd stellation. Rhombicosidodeca 102nd stellation A similar figure is the 111th stellation: Rhombicosidodeca 111th stellation There followed a long “desert” when I did not find any that really “grabbed” me . . . and then I came to the 174th stellation. Rhombicosidodeca 174th stellation The fact that it is monocolored, the way I had Stella 4d set, told me immediately that this stellation (the one above) has only one face-type. There are twenty of these faces; they are each equilateral hexagons which “circumscibe,” in a way, the triangular faces of an icosahedron. For this reason, I suspect this is also one of the stellations of the icosahedron; I’m making a mental note to do exactly that. I also make a second virtual model of the 174th stellation of the rhombicosidodecahedron, with the faces colored in such a way as to make the interpenetrating equilateral hexagons more obvious. Stellated Rhombicosidodeca After that interesting stellation, the next one to caught my attention is the 179th stellation. Rhombicosidodeca 179th stellation Next of note, the 182nd stellation is similar to the icosahedron/dodecahedron compound, but with the dodecaheron larger than it is in that compound, so that edges, one from each component polyhedron, do not intersect, but are instead skew. Another way to view it is that the dodecahedron is encasing the icoahedron, but with enough room left for portions of the icosahedron to protrude from the faces of the “dodecahedral cage.” Rhombicosidodeca 182nd stellation Next is the 183rd stellation. Rhombicosidodeca 183rd stellation Here is the 187th stellation, which is quite similar to the last one shown. The pulsating effect, first seen in the last post above, is an accident, and not discovered until after these images were already made, using Stella 4d, which may be tried here. Why didn’t I re-create the .gifs? Simple: I don’t feel like taking the ~10 minutes each to do so. Rhombicosidodeca 187th stellation The 190th stellation may also be viewed as a dodecahedron, augmented with variations of pentagonal pyramids on each face: Rhombicosidodeca 190th stellation Next, the 191st stellation: Rhombicosidodeca 191st stellation And, after that, the 192nd stellation. Rhombicosidodeca 192nd stellation The next stellation which grabbed by attention: the 198th. Rhombicosidodeca 198th stellation Finally, I’ll close this set of highlights from this part of the rhombicosidodecahedron’s stellation-series with that solid’s 199th stellation. Rhombicosidodeca 199th stellation Selections from the First Hundred Stellations of the Rhombicosidodecahedron Since shortly after I learned of their existence, I have found the rhombicosidodecahedron to be the most attractive of the Archimedean solids. That’s a personal aesthetic statement, of course, not a mathematical one. This solid has a long stellation-series. With Stella 4d, the program I used to make these images, it’s easy to simply scroll through them. The stellation of this polyhedron follows these stellation-diagrams; I used Stella 4d to make them as well. You may research, try, or buy this program at this website. The first of these stellation-diagrams is for the planes of the twelve pentagonal faces. Rhombicosidodeca -StelDiag for twelve face-planes For the planes of the twenty triangular faces, this is the stellation-diagram: Rhombicosidodeca -StelDiag for twenty face-planes-StelDiagFinally, there are the the planes of the thirty square faces. Rhombicosidodeca -StelDiag for thirty face-planes-StelDiag The following survey of the first hundred stellations is not intended to be exhaustive; I’m including all those I find worthy of inclusion on subjective aesthetic grounds. The first stellation shown here is actually the 25th stellation of the rhombicosidodecahedron: Rhombicosidodeca 25th stellation Next, the 30th stellation: Rhombicosidodeca 30th stellation The next one is the 33rd stellation. Rhombicosidodeca 33rd stellation And next, the 38th stellation. Rhombicosidodeca 38th stellation Here is the 46th stellation: Rhombicosidodeca 46th stellation And the 48th stellation: Rhombicosidodeca 48th stellation Next, the 58th stellation: Rhombicosidodeca 58th stellation And now, the 62nd stellation. Rhombicosidodeca 62nd stellation Next is the 85th stellation; it’s also a compound of an icosahedron (blue), and a yellow polyhedron I have not yet identified, except as the nth stellation of something. This I know: I have seen the yellow polyhedron before. If you happen to know what it is, the identify it in a comment. Rhombicosidodeca 85th stellation might also be a compound The next stellation shown is the next one in the series, the 86th. It demonstrates a phenomenon I have observed, but cannot explain, and that is the tendency, in sequences of stellations, to have a large number of similar stellations in a row, followed by a sudden, much more extreme change in appearance, from one stellation to the next, as seen here. It’s a phenomenon which I would like to better understand. Rhombicosidodeca 86th stellation To be continued, with selections from the next hundred stellations…. A Cluster of Twenty Great Icosahedra, Excavated from the Faces of a Central Icosahedron, Along with Its Dual Augmented Icosa its excavated with great icosas These twenty great icosahedra were excavated from the faces of a central icosahedron, which is concealed in the figure’s center. These excavations exceed the limits of the central icosahedron, resulting in each great icosahedron protruding in a direction opposite that of the face from which it is excavated. In a certain sense, then, the figure above has negative volume. To make this, I used software called Stella 4d: Polyhedron Navigator. It can be researched, bought, or tried for free here. Also, here is the dual of the polyhedral cluster above, made with the same program. Augmented Icosa its excavated with great icosas the dual
On the way to Sunday . . . Keeping the Faith Get your clothes clean by using Barf for that smells fresh every time kinda smell! I think I’ll pass. When the Iranian company Paxam began marketing the laundry detergent they translated the word Snow into Farsi and got Barf. Imagine this Barf is one of the tops selling detergents in the Middle East. You can actually wash your hair in Barf for that fresh as daisy smell. It’s not uncommon to lose meaning when translating words into a different culture. Thanks to Stacey at The Translation Blog for these other great blunders in word translations and meanings: A Different Kind of Milk Years ago, the American Dairy Association ran a famous advertising campaign that included the slogan, ‘Got Milk’. When they attempted to expand this campaign into Mexico, the resulting translation became, ‘Are You Lactating?’ Now I don’t know about you, but I have to wonder if the Mexican’s who saw that ad were scratching their heads in disbelief at the American company who wanted them to line up and donate milk. Lose A Finger Kentucky Fried Chicken’s slogan of ‘finger lickin good’ is well known all over the world. However, in China apparently the majority of their patrons took it to mean that KFC was suggesting that they wanted to ‘eat their fingers off.’ Be Careful Of The Drinking Water The Coors beer slogan ‘turn it loose’ was an instant hit in America. But in Spanish speaking countries, it inadvertently became ‘get loose bowels’. I wonder how many Hispanics recognized the irony that American’s are told not to drink the water in many Hispanic nations for just the same reason. Unfortunately in the church we too often use words that just don’t translate to the same meaning when we use them in our cultural context. Words like Faith, God, Grace, Mercy, Sin, Salvation just don’t have the same meaning in culture that they do within the walls of the church. Do you know what the words mean that you use everyday as you talk about your faith? Are you prepared to give an answer? The world is searching for answers and meaning. Break open your words, let the light shine out,  let ordinary people see the meaning.  Psalm 119:130 The Message If we continue to remain silent, who knows what meaning will be ascribed to the words you use. See you Sunday … Leave a Reply Logo Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
Raspberry Pi Email Server Part 1: Postfix Postfix Logo The parts are: The Introduction & Contents Page (read first) Raspberry Pi Email Server Part 1: Postfix Raspberry Pi Email Server Part 2: Dovecot Raspberry Pi Email Server Part 3: Squirrelmail Raspberry Pi Email Server Part 4: Spam Detection with Spamassassin Installing Postfix sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install postfix Selecting previously unselected package postfix. Processing triggers for man-db ... Setting up postfix (2.9.6-2) ... Adding group `postfix' (GID XXX) ... Creating /etc/postfix/ Adding tcp map entry to /etc/postfix/ Adding sqlite map entry to /etc/postfix/ Adding group `postdrop' (GID XXX) ... setting myhostname: samhobbs setting alias maps setting alias database changing /etc/mailname to setting myorigin setting destinations:, samhobbs, localhost.localdomain, localhost setting relayhost: setting mailbox_size_limit: 0 setting recipient_delimiter: + setting inet_interfaces: all /etc/aliases does not exist, creating it. You can edit all of this later. You may also get some warnings like this: Change directory into the postfix configuration folder: cd /etc/postfix/ Restart postfix and you shouldn’t see the warnings any more: sudo service postfix restart Testing and Configuration cd /etc/postfix sudo cp sudo cp Mailbox Setup home_mailbox = Maildir/ mailbox_command = sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install dovecot-common dovecot-imapd sudo maildirmake.dovecot /etc/skel/Maildir sudo maildirmake.dovecot /etc/skel/Maildir/.Drafts sudo maildirmake.dovecot /etc/skel/Maildir/.Sent sudo maildirmake.dovecot /etc/skel/Maildir/.Spam sudo maildirmake.dovecot /etc/skel/Maildir/.Trash sudo maildirmake.dovecot /etc/skel/Maildir/.Templates sudo chown -R USER:USER /home/USER/Maildir sudo chmod -R 700 /home/USER/Maildir Initial Testing First, install telnet: sudo apt-get install telnet telnet localhost 25 7. Type quit to exit Here’s an example: telnet localhost 25 Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. 220 ESMTP Postfix (Debian/GNU) ehlo foobar 250-SIZE 10240000 250 DSN mail from: me 250 2.1.0 Ok rcpt to: [email protected] 250 2.1.5 Ok Subject: test This is a test email 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as A639C3EE6D 221 2.0.0 Bye Some Access Restrictions smtpd_recipient_restrictions = Reload postfix: sudo service postfix reload • Line 1 begins the list of restrictions. smtpd_recipient_restrictions = # permit_mynetworks, Now reload the postfix configuration: sudo service postfix reload admin@samhobbs /etc/postfix $ telnet localhost 25 Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. 220 ESMTP Postfix (Debian/GNU) ehlo 250-SIZE 10240000 250 DSN mail from: USER 250 2.1.0 Ok rcpt to: [email protected] 554 5.7.1 <[email protected]>: Relay access denied 221 2.0.0 Bye Connection closed by foreign host. Helo access restrictions Luckily, these are easily taken care of. Add the following to /etc/postfix/ smtpd_helo_required = yes smtpd_helo_restrictions = • Line 2 starts the list of restrictions. Blocking people claiming to be your domain name smtpd_helo_restrictions = check_helo_access hash:/etc/postfix/helo_access sudo nano /etc/postfix/helo_access Add the following lines, edited for your domain: REJECT Get lost - you're lying about who you are REJECT Get lost - you're lying about who you are Now tell postfix to map the file, and restart postfix: sudo postmap /etc/postfix/helo_access sudo service postfix restart Moving on… Further info... Found this in /var/log/mail.warn "Mar 31 11:11:06 raspberrypi postfix/smtps/smtpd[10585]: warning: TLS library problem: error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number:../ssl/record/ssl3_record.c:252: Mar 31 11:30:57 raspberrypi dovecot: master: Warning: SIGHUP received - reloading configuration Mar 31 13:15:36 raspberrypi dovecot: master: Warning: SIGHUP received - reloading configuration Mar 31 15:41:46 raspberrypi dovecot: master: Warning: Killed with signal 15 (by pid=19671 uid=0 code=kill) Mar 31 15:41:47 raspberrypi dovecot: log: Warning: Killed with signal 15 (by pid=1 uid=0 code=kill) Mar 31 15:42:14 raspberrypi dovecot: master: Warning: Killed with signal 15 (by pid=19832 uid=0 code=kill) Mar 31 15:42:14 raspberrypi dovecot: log: Warning: Killed with signal 15 (by pid=1 uid=0 code=kill) Mar 31 15:53:35 raspberrypi dovecot: master: Warning: Killed with signal 15 (by pid=20089 uid=0 code=kill) Mar 31 15:54:15 raspberrypi dovecot: master: Warning: Killed with signal 15 (by pid=20479 uid=0 code=kill) Mar 31 15:56:09 raspberrypi dovecot: master: Warning: SIGHUP received - reloading configuration" Appears to me to be something to do with ssl3? :/ Hi Sam, You've got a great tutorial here, however I am getting stuck at the 'Initial Testing' phase. When entering the commands, and getting to the 'data' command, I'm getting an error. 421 4.3.0 collect: Cannot write ./dfw4EFc18K028870 (bfcommit, uid=0, gid=126): No such file or directory Connection closed by foreign host. I'm not sure where this directory might be; do you have any idea? Kind regards, Are you sure that's postfix? I did a search for the error because I've never seen it before, and all I got was sendmail results - if you already installed sendmail then it may be listening on port 25 and preventing postfix from binding to that port. What do you get from: sudo netstat -tulpn I have been using Mercury/32 as an email relay for several years, but some of the new security features ISP mail uses are starting to block some of my email. I'm a Raspbian novice, but can follow directions :) My client has 16 of those big, free-standing, coin-op ice machines. They will send email when they have a hardware fault. Unfortunately, they were programmed a lot of years ago and they are not really good at sending email the way ISPs want to see it. They send out what looks like a Telnet email: mail from: rcpt to: data: SUBJECT: two line error message and end. I have them sending to an address where Mercury/32 is running. Mercury is not as picky about how well-formed the email is. Mercury/32 forwards the email to a paid email service (SENDGRID) . Trouble is, Google and are starting to reject the emails. SO basically, I don't need any local mailboxes at all. I need PostFix to accept a barely formed (unchangeable format, will not log in to the email server) email, block any incoming email that does NOT one of three wildcard extension (like *, * or * [these are not real domains, I only use them to show WHICH machine the message is coming from, i.e. they will not pass testing] ) and send a well-formed email to SENDGRID for forwarding to the recipient. If it is not too much trouble, could you tell me how to configure Postfix such a way? Hi Sam - Great tutorial. I really appreciate all the work you put into it. I have an issue with receiving mail from external domains. I have followed along both parts 1/2 and I believe I have everything configured properly. I can send mail no problem, but I cannot receive mail. I can send/receive mail internally using 'telnet localhost 25'. There is nothing in the logs or in the error logs to indicate a problem. I do NOT have a static IP so I think my ISP may be blocking? I cannot telnet to your domain over port 25. But I didn't think I was using port 25 to receive mail (I thought we used 993)? Do you have any ideas on how I could troubleshoot? Thanks again, Hi Bryan, I think you're probably right about port blocking, if you can't telnet to my domain. I'd recommend asking your ISP about port blocking, see if you can get a static IP because it will make things easier for you anyway and reduce the spamminess of your emails in the eyes of other servers. Port 993 is for mail retrieval by clients using IMAP, the servers communicate on port 25. I think it's fairly unusual to block both incoming and outgoing mail on port 25 - ISPs usually only block outgoing email to prevent spam. Have you set up DNS records and forwarded port 25 on your router? If you haven't already done that you'll need to do it when (hopefully) your ISP stops port blocking. If you haven't done it already, you may find that it helps you to receive email now (if your ISP is only blocking port 25 outbound). I tried a couple things you recommended: 1. I called my ISP and they said they are NOT blocking port 25 (incoming or outgoing). However they do not have an SMTP relay so I am using a third party (sendGrid). 2. Just for giggles, i reformatted my pi and went through the tutorial again to make sure i didn't miss anything. I'm still at the same spot :( 3. All my ports are forwarded correctly: 25,465,993. I know it works because i also forward 22 for SSH and i am able to SSH into my pi through the internet. So I guess i am assuming the other ports are working correctly. 4. I believe I have my A record and MX record set up correctly (my domain is: So I guess the only things I can't do: I can't telnet to your domain (telnet 25) and I still can't receive email from an external domain, although I can get it when I send from my own domain - Hey Sam - just an update on this. I got a static IP and all my problems went away :) Thanks again for the excellent tutorials! Use a different tutorial ;) Or, continue with the tutorial and amend the Maildir parts to use mbox... you'd have to understand what you're doing, but if you already know enough to have a preference for type of mail storage format you should be able to work it out. One of the reasons I went with Maildir because for a small number of users it makes it easy to back up all the user files as they are all in the home directory. I realise that there are situations where mbox is better suited. I've been running a Eudora Mail Server on a really old Mac for about 15 years or so. It doesn't support encryption, which is my motivation to set up a new server. It wasn't a problem when all of my POP queries were from behind my router, but with a new dual-WAN, most of my queries are going out the 1G network, and then coming back to the fixed IP from the outside. Bummer. My other concern is that the old server supports about a half-dozen domains, with a bunch of cross-domain redirects. I figure I'll finish the tutorial, and then assess whether I can adapt the approach to my situation, or use a different tutorial, as you suggest. I expect to go through this exercise a few times, as you did. I had some concern about the behavior when permit_mynetworks was commented out. I was probably doing something wrong, but the server didn't reject me, the way you described. Thank you for making these posts available. This tutorial has been amazing so far! Been a while since I went through one this clean! Good job. I did find one thing abnormal that I was hoping someone could help me with below. postmap: warning: /etc/postfix/, line 46: overriding earlier entry: inet_protocols=all Line above is received after entering --> sudo postmap /etc/postfix/helo_access If I go into and comment out inet_protocals=all then "sudo postmap /etc/postfix/helo_access" gives no warning. Thanks in advance. I don't think inet_protocols and your helo access file are related (postmap may just trigger a configtest). It's just a warning (not an error), and it's probably triggered by an equivalent default for inet_protocols in that gets overwritten or something like that. I wouldn't worry about it. I have had a blast working through your tutorial and although the tutorial has been written in 2014 I was hoping that I could seek here for a bit of help. My problem is that I have a webapp on a different server that has an email notification system. I can't get to seem that part working and I guess that is because in the written tutorial, external servers are unauthorized if I am not mistaken. How could I make it so the other server could auth as well and can send e-mails through my homeserver? How is it sending email currently, does it call a utility like mutt or is it done in php? You could create a user for this type of notification on the server and then configure the software on the external server to authenticate with the username and password. I wouldn't recommend allowing unrestricted relaying from a specific IP address, definitely not unless it's a static IP, but if that's what you wanted to do you could add the IP address of the external server to mynetworks. Hi Sam, It's an app called Sonarr and it uses login. So I first thought it would be sufficient to only fill in the user login I use for mailing but indeed, I didn't change anything under main.conf. I now changed it to what was there already and added a comma followed by the remote IP (which is fixed and even has an own domain name. Would that be enough or am I filling in the mynetworks at a faulty way? Kind regards! Thanks Sam, Not just for the comment but you seem like a real top notch guy. Have a great weekend! I Sam. Thanks for those explanations that's worked wall 6 months ago. But the SD card of my raspery crashed so I resarted a whole installation with a hard drive instead of a SD card. Now i Can send emails but I'm not able to receive emails. My mailserver adress is Can you help? Thanks in advance, Have you checked your DNS records, and made sure the port forwarding rules on your router still point to the correct LAN IP address? Hi Sam, I sorted it out: there was a mix in between smtpd_recipient_restriction and smtpd_helo_restriction thanks again for your terrific tutorial;-) Hi Sam and many thanks for the tutorials on setting up email server on Raspberry Pi. I've followed your instructions up to the point where I try to send a test email using telnet.. Unfortunately at that point it seems that the email is not sent.. My ISP is "Sky" See below for the last few lines of the "mail.log".. I'm really not any good at reading these !!!, so would be grateful if you could advise if this is showing what may be the problem ?? Jan 29 23:37:24 raspberrypi postfix/trivial-rewrite[10321]: warning: /etc/postfix/, line 46: overriding earlier entry: inet_protocols=all Jan 29 23:37:51 raspberrypi postfix/cleanup[10323]: warning: /etc/postfix/, line 46: overriding earlier entry: inet_protocols=all Jan 29 23:37:51 raspberrypi postfix/smtpd[10318]: DE49A44B2F: client=localhost[] Jan 29 23:38:39 raspberrypi postfix/cleanup[10323]: DE49A44B2F: message-id=<[email protected]> Jan 29 23:38:39 raspberrypi postfix/qmgr[10308]: DE49A44B2F: from=, size=352, nrcpt=1 (queue active) Jan 29 23:38:39 raspberrypi postfix/local[10324]: warning: /etc/postfix/, line 46: overriding earlier entry: inet_protocols=all Jan 29 23:38:39 raspberrypi postfix/local[10324]: DE49A44B2F: to=, relay=local, delay=74, delays=74/0.04/0/0.01, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to maildir) Jan 29 23:38:55 raspberrypi postfix/smtpd[10318]: disconnect from localhost[] ehlo=1 mail=1 rcpt=1 data=1 quit=1 commands=5 Many thanks for any advice you can give. Hi Sam, First of all many thanks for this great guide -- clearer and better than anything else I have found I was going along swimmingly until I came to the Test IMAP section, when "b select inbox" returned the following error: b NO [SERVERBUG] Internal error occurred. Refer to server log for more information. [[and then the date and time]] Any idea where I might have gone wrong? Hi Sam, Just wanted to say a great many thanks for your email tutorial, it is so easy to follow and it really helps when you explain each bit. I recently got a Raspberry Pi 4 and decided to re-build my email server from scratch in Raspian Buster. I followed you guide as I did a few years back and had everything up and running very quickly. The guide still works perfectly (though I don't need webmail so I didn't install squirrel mail. Once again, many thanks for the countless hours it must have taken you to write the guide. Hi Sam, Have returned to your excellent tutorial on setting up an email server for a Raspberry Pi once again. I used it initially to setup my own mail server on a Pi that is still doing its stuff beneath our TV! Thought I'd try and use the tutorial to setup a mail server for a national campaign group I volunteer for. However it's a little more complicated than my simple Pi install was. They have 2 servers, one which has their domain pointing to it, the other being used as the mail server with a subdomain of the server 1 domain. Everything installs and tests out fine but when I eventually come to send an email to a registered address (say postmaster@domain) it returns the mail as undeliverable with the message "The mail system : host mail.domain[XX.80.XX.164] said: 554 5.7.1 : Relay access denied (in reply to RCPT TO command)". My /var/log/mail.log file returns the following:- "Aug 7 19:09:17 blue postfix/smtpd[18359]: connect from[xx.69.xx.139] Aug 7 19:09:17 blue postfix/smtpd[18359]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from[xx.69.xx.139]: 554 5.7.1 : Relay access denied; from= to= proto=ESMTP helo= Aug 7 19:09:17 blue postfix/smtpd[18359]: disconnect from[xx.69.xx.139] ehlo=1 mail=1 rcpt=0/1 data=0/1 rset=1 quit=1 commands=4/6" Any advice really would be appreciated. Add new comment
PhidgetSBC3 and D-Link DWA-160 There's actually a much easier way of doing this. Just apt-get install firmware-linux-free and boom! You get the carl9170 firmware and the DWA-160 is recognized. I recently got my hands on a PhidgetSBC3 and plugged a D-Link DWA-160 into and found that it already had support built into the kernel but it had an error. So I went searching in the /lib/firmware directory and saw there was no carl9170-1.fw file. So I downloaded and when I plugged the DWA-160 back in it worked and correctly showed up in the web interface. Installing it is very easy: apt-get install curl -y curl -L > /lib/firmware/carl9170-1.fw Leave a comment
Hanshi Robert Trias is one of the early pioneers in the martial arts in the United States.  He is the founder of the Shuri Ryu system and trained Hanshi Abele, Mr. Price’s (my teacher’s) main instructor.  Our association, the Shuri Te Bujutsu Kai is an offshoot of Hanshi Trias’s system. The below Youtube video is an historic look at Hanshi Trias when he was young and training.
Document Type Book Review Publication Date Lani Guinier, an experienced voting rights litigator and a professor of law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, first came to national attention in the spring of 1993 when President Clinton nominated her to be assistant attorney general for civil rights. Labelled a "quota queen" by the Wall Street Journal, Guinier became the target of a fervent campaign to block her nomination. For several weeks, Guinier's law review articles on voting rights were the focus of a fierce national debate. Politicians and pundits expounded on her publications and spread snippets from her scholarship across the front pages and opinion columns of America's media. Although her writings and ideas received a volume of attention that many academics would die for, the soundbite commentary generated far more heat than light, with selective quotation, tendentious analysis, and ideological and partisan concerns typically crowding out balanced and dispassionate discussion. As the Wall Street Journal's insidious appellation took root, so, too, did the perception of Guinier as an "extremist" who held views that were "off the deep end," "out of the mainstream," and "alarmingly radical." With a potentially explosive Senate confirmation hearing in the offing, President Clinton abruptly withdrew her nomination. In so doing, the President not only denied her a nationally televised forum in which she could respond to her attackers and defend her views, but added insult to injury by appearing to agree with her critics. Guinier, Clinton stated, "seem[s] to be arguing for principles ... that I think inappropriate as general remedies and anti-democratic, [and] very difficult to defend." The Tyranny of the Majority: Fundamental Fairness in Representative Democracy, by Lani Guinier, New York: The Free Press, 1994, pp. xx, 324, $24.95. Included in Law Commons
The first programmable memristor computer—not just a memristor array operated through an external computer—has been developed at the University of Michigan. It could lead to the processing of artificial intelligence directly on small, energy-constrained devices such as smartphones and sensors. A smartphone AI processor would mean that voice commands would no longer have to be sent to the cloud for interpretation, speeding up response time. “Everyone wants to put an AI processor on smartphones, but you don’t want your cell phone battery to drain very quickly,” said Wei Lu, U-M professor of electrical and computer engineering and senior author of the study in Nature Electronics. In medical devices, the ability to run AI algorithms without the cloud would enable better security and privacy. Why memristors are good for machine learning The key to making this possible could be an advanced computer component called the memristor. This circuit element, an electrical resistor with a memory, has a variable resistance that can serve as a form of information storage. Because memristors store and process information in the same location, they can get around the biggest bottleneck for computing speed and power: the connection between memory and processor. This is especially important for machine-learning algorithms that deal with lots of data to do things like identify objects in photos and videos—or predict which hospital patients are at higher risk of infection. Already, programmers prefer to run these algorithms on graphical processing units rather than a computer’s main processor, the central processing unit. “GPUs and very customized and optimized digital circuits are considered to be about 10-100 times better than CPUs in terms of power and throughput.” Lu said. “Memristor AI processors could be another 10-100 times better.” GPUs perform better at machine learning tasks because they have thousands of small cores for running calculations all at once, as opposed to the string of calculations waiting their turn on one of the few powerful cores in a CPU. A memristor array takes this even further. Each memristor is able to do its own calculation, allowing thousands of operations within a core to be performed at once. In this experimental-scale computer, there were more than 5,800 memristors. A commercial design could include millions of them. Memristor arrays are especially suited to machine learning problems. The reason for this is the way that machine learning algorithms turn data into vectors—essentially, lists of data points. In predicting a patient’s risk of infection in a hospital, for instance, this vector might list numerical representations of a patient’s risk factors. Then, machine learning algorithms compare these “input” vectors with “feature” vectors stored in memory. These feature vectors represent certain traits of the data (such as the presence of an underlying disease). If matched, the system knows that the input data has that trait. The vectors are stored in matrices, which are like the spreadsheets of mathematics, and these matrices can be mapped directly onto the memristor arrays. What’s more, as data is fed through the array, the bulk of the mathematical processing occurs through the natural resistances in the memristors, eliminating the need to move feature vectors in and out of the memory to perform the computations. This makes the arrays highly efficient at complicated matrix calculations. Earlier studies demonstrated the potential of memristor arrays for speeding up machine learning, but they needed external computing elements to function. Wei Lu stands with first author Seung Hwan Lee, an electrical engineering PhD student, who holds the memristor array. Image credit: Robert Coelius, Michigan Engineering Building a programmable memristor computer To build the first programmable memristor computer, Lu’s team worked with associate professor Zhengya Zhang and professor Michael Flynn, both of electrical and computer engineering at U-M, to design a chip that could integrate the memristor array with all the other elements needed to program and run it. Those components included a conventional digital processor and communication channels, as well as digital/analog converters to serve as interpreters between the analog memristor array and the rest of the computer. Lu’s team then integrated the memristor array directly on the chip at U-M’s Lurie Nanofabrication Facility. They also developed software to map machine learning algorithms onto the matrix-like structure of the memristor array. The team demonstrated the device with three bread-and-butter machine learning algorithms: • Perceptron, which is used to classify information. They were able to identify imperfect Greek letters with 100% accuracy • Sparse coding, which compresses and categorizes data, particularly images. The computer was able to find the most efficient way to reconstruct images in a set and identified patterns with 100% accuracy • Two-layer neural network, designed to find patterns in complex data. This two-layer network found commonalities and differentiating factors in breast cancer screening data and then classified each case as malignant or benign with 94.6% accuracy. There are challenges in scaling up for commercial use—memristors can’t yet be made as identical as they need to be and the information stored in the array isn’t entirely reliable because it runs on analog’s continuum rather than the digital either/or. These are future directions of Lu’s group. Lu plans to commercialize this technology. The study is titled, “A fully integrated reprogrammable memristor–CMOS system for efficient multiply–accumulate operations.” The research is funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the center for Applications Driving Architectures (ADA), and the National Science Foundation. Please enter your comment! Please enter your name here
Guru Tips Flying internationally means that you have plenty of time to get work done during your flights. However, being on a plane comes with its own set of challenges for those who want to focus on work, such as talkative seat mates, shrinking seat space and general distractions on planes. You might also be tempted to watch the in-flight movie or TV shows instead of firing up your laptop. Keep the following tips in mind to help you stay focused and block out distractions, so you can get work done while flying.  Protect Your Privacy With less and less seat space, it’s understandable to worry about your seat mates being able to easily see what you’re working on. If you’re concerned about protecting your privacy while doing work, consider getting a privacy screen or filter for your laptop. These filters are available in different sizes, so you can get one that perfectly fits on your laptop screen. Putting one of these on your screen means that you can get work done with peace of mind. Switch to a Tablet You don’t need to lug a bulky laptop with you while traveling. Switching to a tablet when you’re flying lets you travel lighter while still being able to do all of your work on the plane. Using a smaller tablet rather than a laptop is also easier and less frustrating if the person in front of you reclines their seat. When you work on a tablet, you can save all of your work to the cloud, so you can access it again when you’re back on your laptop. Block Out Noise If airplane noise, such as people talking or the engines running, are distracting for you, invest in a pair of noise-cancelling headphones to wear during your flight. These headphones block out noise around you, so that you can stay focused on work. Seat mates might also be less likely to try to start up a conversation with you if they see you wearing a pair of headphones. Set Realistic Work Goals If possible, work on tasks that will be easier for you to do while flying. For example, leave more in-depth or mentally demanding work for when you’re in your hotel room instead of trying to tackle it on the plane. You'll be able to concentrate more with fewer distractions around at your hotel. Plan on doing lighter tasks that aren’t as challenging, such as replaying to email messages or doing some initial research for a project.  Skip the Personal Distractions As soon as you’re able to use your laptop or tablet on your flight, get started on work. Don’t turn on the TV in front of you or start watching the in-flight movie, even if you tell yourself you’ll only watch for a little bit. You should also avoid checking social media or playing any games on your tablet or phone, since these can easily keep you from digging into your work. Keep in mind that you won’t be able to use your tablet or laptop while the plane is taking off and landing. Use this time to do something relaxing, such as some light reading, before plunging into work or to unwind after getting a bunch of work done during your flight. More From Guru Tips
SEO SWOT Analysis for Nonprofits SEO SWOT Questions SEO Strengths • What do you rank well for currently? • What is your very best asset? • What makes you different from other organisations? • What ranks well currently? • What drives the most organic traffic? • What are your best links? • What previous SEO had the best results? SEO Weaknesses Weaknesses are again internal. And determining weaknesses is not so easy. You will have to be honest. • Which areas need improvement? Website? Content? Links? Strategy? • What do your competitors do better than you? • Where are your competitors stronger than? Content? Links? • Do you have the requisite SEO skills in house? • Do you have the budget required to reach your SEO objectives? • How far are you behind the competition? In what areas? • What content is currently driving little to no traffic? • Which SEO tactics have previously failed to deliver? SEO Opportunities Your SEO opportunities are born out of the strengths and weaknesses. Strengths are areas to be built upon. Weaknesses are areas to be explored. • What content could be built that would have significant impact? • What aspects of the site could be optimized to improve results? • What areas of the site that do well could be expanded to do better? • What weaknesses are easily resolved? • What link sources are we yet to tap into? • Are there any changes to the search engine results we can leverage? SEO Threats Threats are the hardest element and needs to be based on an understanding of your own weaknesses and your competitors strengths. This also needs a critical appraisal of how search engine results are constantly changing in ways that could hurt your organisation. • Which competitors are strong where you are weak? • Are newer, less experienced competitors improving their SEO? • Is the gap between you and your competitors growing? • Are search engine results changing in a way that could impact your nonprofit? (more ads, new SERP features etc) As always if you would like to learn more about SEO for your nonprofit simply drop us an email at Leave a Reply
Talion assaults the enemy from the back of a drake. Drakes are mountable creatures that appear in Middle-earth: Shadow of War. The drakes of Mordor are a breed created by Sauron; drakes are infertile, dragon-fellbeast cross hybridized by the Dark Lord in the pits of Barad-dûr. While much smaller and less intelligent than their "greater" forebears (such as Smaug the Golden, Glaurung and Ancalagon the Black), they retain the ability to breath fire and can prove a powerful force on the battlefield. The individual utilized by Witch-king of Angmar breathes flames which are blue and sickly green in coloration, somewhat akin to the aura of Minas Morgul. (This may have been the result of the Witch-king's foul magic.) Drakes are fearsome predators whose favorite prey include Great Eagles that strayed into the lands of Mordor, and they are adept scavengers having no qualms against scraping a meal off the ground if need be. Drakes are also cunning and stubborn; so much so that taming them is almost impossible without aid of magic. Although some of orcs try to tame them, others pay attention so as not to leave carrion out under the open sky and attract drakes that will seek fresh prey after finishing their first meal. These drakes are distinguished by bony protrusions extending from their lower jaw and along their backs, grey-green scales, and heavily armored skulls. Individuals mounted by Nazgûl that wear similar armor to fellbeasts mounted by Nazgûl are considerably larger than other individuals mounted by Talion and Celebrimbor. Even though drakes were created by Sauron and inhabit lands of Mordor, they are not married to the dark side and will face off the Dark Lord's forces depending on circumstances (other than feeding on orcs). Many drakes had been captured and imprisoned by the dark side, being enslaved to be flamethrowers. Once they are freed, they tend to attack any orcs nearby. Carnan, the forest god, has the ability to transform into an elemental drake, as she did during her fight alongside Talion and Celebrimbor against Tar Goroth and during her attack on Zog's resurrection ritual after Talion kills him for the last time. Like many of the other beasts of Mordor, Talion and Celebrimbor can dominate and ride drakes after wearing their health down to a certain point. Drakes can not only fly, but also posses the ability breathe two types of fire: a stream of flame that can burn enemies upon the ground, and a charged fireball that explodes like a bomb upon impact. They can also attack graugs, though they are just as likely to survive the encounter as their victim. While flying, Talion can use a dive attack to grab orcs and Olog-hai from the ground. Another use for the drakes is as a flamethrower, trapping them in cages and forcing them to breath fire upon attackers as they try to breach the gates. • These drakes are possibly re-designs of the fellbeasts of the Nazgûl ("Hell-hawks" which is originally an alias of fellbeasts, appears as a different race in the game), though they feature several major differences from the those potrayed in the movies. The drakes of Middle-earth: Shadow of War are much bulkier than their film counterparts, and their hides much rougher. They appear much more crocodile-like, while the fellbeasts are more akin to serpents. Also, the fellbeasts were said to not have the ability to breath fire, instead utilizing a poisonous fume dubbed "the black breath."
Jehan Alain From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search Jehan Alain (born Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Paris, 3 February, 1911; died near Saumur, 20 June 1940) was a French organist and composer. He learned to play the organ at home on an organ that his father had built. In his short life he composed many works. His most famous organ pieces are Trois Danses (Three Dances) and a brilliant piece called Litanies. Alain was killed fighting in the World War II. His youngest sister, Marie-Claire Alain, is an internationally-famous organist and has made several complete recordings of her brother's organ works.
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• Welcome to Wikisimpsons! Wikisimpsons - The Simpsons Wiki Country Information Continent: Asia Language spoken: Various Capital city: Taipei First appearance: Movie Mayhem Taiwan is a country in Asia. When Bart Simpson and Milhouse Van Houten were making a film called Undead Men Walking, they used a toy bus, made in Taiwan, for the scene were the bus goes into the ocean. External links[edit]
HomeRecipesChocolate Covered Strawberries Chocolate Covered Strawberries For those with a sweet tooth… 5.3 ounces of dark or milk chocolate 1/2 cup SoloCoco Coconut Oil Strawberries (raspberries or blueberries may also be used)Steps: 1. Use a double boiler to melt the coconut oil and chocolate together. Stir over medium-low heat until the chocolate and coconut oil become a liquid. 2. Let the liquid cool to a warm temperature. 3. Dip the strawberries into the liquid and set them on a plate. Store the berries in a refrigerator. • Remember coconut oil hardens at room temperature so do not let the liquid cool too much before dipping your berries. • Chocolate can be easily damaged so using a double broiler is a better option than the microwave. Post a Comment
Web Site Terms and Conditions of Use 1. Terms 2. Use License 1. Permission is granted to temporarily download one copy of the materials (information or software) on Some Web Devs’s web site for personal, non-commercial transitory viewing only. This is the grant of a license, not a transfer of title, and under this license you may not: 1. modify or copy the materials; 3. attempt to decompile or reverse engineer any software contained on Some Web Devs’s web site; 2. This license shall automatically terminate if you violate any of these restrictions and may be terminated by Some Web Devs at any time. Upon terminating your viewing of these materials or upon the termination of this license, you must destroy any downloaded materials in your possession whether in electronic or printed format. 3. Disclaimer 1. The materials on Some Web Devs’s web site are provided “as is”. Some Web Devs makes no warranties, expressed or implied, and hereby disclaims and negates all other warranties, including without limitation, implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property or other violation of rights. Further, Some Web Devs does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the use of the materials on its Internet web site or otherwise relating to such materials or on any sites linked to this site. 4. Limitations In no event shall Some Web Devs or its suppliers be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of data or profit, or due to business interruption,) arising out of the use or inability to use the materials on Some Web Devs’s Internet site, even if Some Web Devs or a Some Web Devs authorized representative has been notified orally or in writing of the possibility of such damage. Because some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on implied warranties, or limitations of liability for consequential or incidental damages, these limitations may not apply to you. 5. Revisions and Errata The materials appearing on Some Web Devs’s web site could include technical, typographical, or photographic errors. Some Web Devs does not warrant that any of the materials on its web site are accurate, complete, or current. Some Web Devs may make changes to the materials contained on its web site at any time without notice. Some Web Devs does not, however, make any commitment to update the materials. 6. Links Some Web Devs has not reviewed all of the sites linked to its Internet web site and is not responsible for the contents of any such linked site. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by Some Web Devs of the site. Use of any such linked web site is at the user’s own risk. 7. Site Terms of Use Modifications 8. Governing Law Any claim relating to Some Web Devs’s web site shall be governed by the laws of the State of Athens, Greece without regard to its conflict of law provisions. General Terms and Conditions applicable to Use of a Web Site. Privacy Policy
Tolkien Bibliography These are the hard-copy editions I use for my Tolkien posts. I use them because they are the ones I happen to own; I am as specific as possible here because the pagination does not match up from one edition to the next. I consider only The Hobbit, LOTR, The Silmarillon, and a few other things like some of the poems published in The Tolkien Reader to be canon. I may look at The Book of Lost Tales, Unfinished Tales, and The History of the Lord of the Rings at some point, but for now I consider all that stuff draft material, and Tolkien drafts are sort of a rabbit-hole. The Silmarillion, Illustrated by Ted Naismith. 1998. Houghton-Mifflin. (Original text copyright Allen & Unwin, 1977.) The Hobbit. 1973. Ballantine edition. The Lord of the Rings. 1994 hardcover boxed edition. Text conforms to standard Houghton Mifflin edition, 1998. Cited in-text as: “Fellowship of the Ring,” “Two Towers,” and “Return of the King.” Foster, Robert. The Complete Guide to Middle Earth. I am unsure about the year because my copy of this book has no covers. I have literally read it to shreds. Published by Del Rey, I think c. 1987. 7 thoughts on “Tolkien Bibliography 1. Pingback: The Question of the Orcs | Part Time Monster 2. Have you thought about adding the Reader’s Guide to LotR? I’m finding it a great resource. It’s paged for the 50th Anniversary editions, but it’s easy enough to find your way around with other editions. • I am not familiar with it, I will have to look into it, it sounds very useful. Thanks for mentioning it to me! At some point I may put a bibliography for Tolkien readers. This is my working bibliography – I write about Tolkien at least once a week, and most of the stuff I do is so detailed I have to cite it, so I stick a link to this page at the end of those posts. Leave a Reply to Eric Cancel reply You are commenting using your account. Log Out /  Change ) Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
I first posted a question regarding some cricket terminology. Then, I got back new info from my teacher according to which I now need to update the question. This is the older question I posted: Overthrow and throw-by This is the new question: What exactly is a throw-by? Now, I want to do one of the following things: 1. Copy the question body from new post into old post and delete the new post. 2. Delete the old post and migrate answer from old post into new post. And accordingly ask the user who posted one answer to modify his answer. The newer question better achieves what I was trying to ask. Please let me do so! I've just done (1) for you; nothing was stopping you doing this yourself. I rolled back your changes to the first question not because of any minor changes in the wording, but because you started asking an entirely separate question about naming an event, rather than the meaning of a term. You must log in to answer this question. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged .
Tag Archives: reap Why We Must Teach Our Children to Not Give Up Doing Good The joyful anticipation of the beginning of Summer break became tainted with disappointment as we walked home from school that day. My fifth grade son and his friend and I sauntered down the sidewalk in conversation as the warm breeze brushed over our bodies; a reminder of God’s never ceasing hand at work. Our journey came on the heels of the fifth grade awards assembly. You know the drill: outstanding students in academics, athletics and extracurricular activity are recognized before an assembly of teachers, staff, students and parents. My son and his friend did not receive one. Both are smart, kind kids. But they did not fit the criteria for the awards. They understood that.  However, a dissonance remained. “Why didn’t the volunteers for Circle of Friends get any rewards?” Little did they understand the depth of the question. Circle of Friends is the name of the group  in which they both participated. It’s focus is on engaging students from the mainstream classrooms with students with special needs. Normally these particular students are not integrated into the regular classrooms due to the severity of their disabilities. The group offers a community in which all learn from each other. My son and his friend volunteered for it. My son’s eyes lit up when he shared about his experiences.-building snowmen, going to McDonalds for Shamrock shakes, and enjoying parties together. During the assembly, most every type of extracurricular activity was recognized. Except this one. Which seemed paradoxical in a sense; given the philosophy behind the group. But here’s the rub. We don’t “do good” for the recognition. Wrapping our heads around that reality? Well, that becomes a challenge. Especially when our hearts depend on Earthly motivation to reach out our hands. Sometimes, the blessings appear invisible. We may not see the immediate “return” on our investment. Serving a meal at a shelter? May not yield one thank you. Sacrificing snacks and beverages  to the needy neighbor kid who practically lives at your house? May not immediately result in a verbal recognition of your actions Embracing a person in a vulnerable season of life? May not guarantee their back turns away from you at some point. Extending an olive branch to the person with whom you butt heads in church? May not resolve the conflict instantly. So while I understood the disappointment tugging at the hearts of my two tween companions that day; even resonated with them, I held a greater truth in my heart. One which can only be learned through experience. The truth is this: sometimes we are witnesses to the harvests of our own sowing but sometimes we are privvy to  the harvests sowed by others. The harvests visually remind us of the obedience of its workers; workers who may not be aware of the abundance of the harvest’s yield. When it emerges, it may not even be in our lifetime or in our vicinity. Ann Voskamp writes, “Believe it: Every tremor of kindness might erupt in a miracle on the other side of the world. So “keep on keepin on.”  When recognition fails. When fatigue sets in. When results appear far-reaching. A harvest awaits…