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only punishable if the animal in question was a pet. damage of property applies.do whatever you want to strays and wild animals |
Feels based faggots. I don't condone animal violence but you women let your emotions overpower you over a sacks of shit that die by the millions every year from natural causes. |
agreed pham. it's honestly the same here too, except it's international football instead of american footbal that everyone is so crazy with. People become so obsessed with it that it really blinds them to any wrongdoing that their sports heroes may do. |
hey hey dont get too fucking uppity about our love for hand egg.the rest of the world riots when their futbol team wins/loses. |
the next level of the redpill is doing that to humans |
You asked me what I'm talking about. I'm making a point about the sport's culture in your country (we have it too). No need to get so fanny flustered my man. |
whoa there thinking like that might open you up to not despising non whites. might want to rethink where you are! |
The motivation to hunt is different from the motivation to abuse. The underlying intent is vastly different even if the result in both less to the death of an animal. |
Its more of the fact that he made a lot of money for our Jewish overlords. Things like this happen all the time here and he was the exception tot he rule because he made Jews billions of dollars so they turned a blind eye on it. Its not just animals that this happens for. If you make Jews a lot of money, you can get away with anything thats not tax evasion. |
Kill them, people who abuse animals isn't worth shit. They are degenerate fucks. |
>natural causes>animal abuseOne of these things is not like the other. Psychotic people who get off on conflicting suffering on other living things should be removed from the gene pool along with those who cannot differentiate between such behavior and natural predation, disease, etc. |
your all disgusting meatsacks in the end. white or brown.you rot and decay. diseased flesh. |
>conflictingMeant to say inflicting. |
I'm not fanny flustered at you, I'm fanny flustered at the reality of the matter.I would have glassed this nigger, plus the eagles have always been shit. |
compute this.life uh finds away. |
I agree, or at least severely punish with public whipping/caning. Cruelty to animals is a trait that is undeniably linked to severe psychological problems. This sort of behavior sadly has cropped up in the West, but it is epidemic in non European areas.There is just something acutely wrong with someone who would abuse his animals. It is especially heinous when it's done against animals domesticated over millennia for the specific purpose of human companionship, such as dogs and cats. I remember Alex Jones rambling several years ago about how the SS systematically tortured puppies. (Of course this is not true; the NKVD and hordes of Red Army slime were into the menu of those sorts of things.) Why must the man spout this sort of idiotic inversion of history? Anyway, pic related. Animal welfare is a real thing, not some Left wing project. Experimentation facilities are a travesty as are factory farms. |
>he kicked a kitten! Kill him!People used to fucking drown kittens by the bagfull. Cats breed prolifically and fucking kill hundreds of millions of birds in America alone. I don't have any issues killing mice cruelly, and I don't have any issues culling cat populations. Animal cruelty is wrong but you chucklefucks have a disproportionate response that indicates that you've lived extremely sheltered lives. |
haha that meme is pretty epic |
as long as your love for animals doesnt make you a liberal or green voter, whatever. |
Animal abusers are subhuman and need to be punished harshly. People who harm living creatures solely for fun are displaying sociopathic traits that put them on the same level as niggers and the like.Only degenerate edgelords will defend it. |
Generally speaking, if the first 3 replies in a thread, from presumably different people, all agree - it's a safe bet that's the opinion shared by an overwhelming majority of /pol/ |
Sorry pham, I misinterpreted your post. I hate the football fanatics here too, it's not fair to single out Murricans when they're just as bad the world over as they are there. |
>modern population controls are not good enough!>we need to beat them to death in the streets i dont see the problem! |
Intelligence, emotional development, productivity and overall respectability of a person tends to correlate directly with that person's capability for empathy and respect towards animals.Animal abuse should be punished heavily. No slaps on the wrist, no fines, straight to prison and extensive mental evaluation.The people who shrug it off as being "just animals" overlook the fact that animal cruelty is just one of the ways in which severe antisocial/psychopathic tendencies manifest themselves. Today's animal abuser is tomorrow's murderer, rapist or child molester. |
Well, basically, if I ever find the guy who shot my cat and killed him, I'm going to cut off his balls and stuff them down his fucking throat till he's fucking dead.And after that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXtM4qQh-j4 |
I hate it. Especially against cats and dogs. |
People have the right to treat animals whatever way they want to and any state infringing upon that right is tyrannical and deserves to be abolished |
This |
trips of solidarity on issues |
fpbp |
Punishable by death. Human respect for nature is a prime value of civilization |
Culling of populations can be done humanely. Beating an animal to death is not humane and this faggot wasn't culling an overgrown population so fuck off with your strawman. |
Thats what Brexit does to you people... |
Sounds like you've finally come across the secrets of true light and true dark, Tay. |
>guise look im so steampunk |
My neighbour's son shot my childhood tabby cat in the leg. The brave tabby cat walked 60m across his property to us (he got shot on their property). And my Mum drove him to the after hours vet immediately, and had his entire leg reconstructed with metal pins and rods holding the bone together. The surgery cost $1000, but it was worth it. After his leg healed back perfectly to normal, the pins and rods came after. And he was back to normal. Unfortunately however, he got shot and killed again.Just last year I got another tabby cat, and he follows me on runs and walks around my large property. Along with my Australian sheepdog, a Border Collie x Kelpie. Unleashed of course, leashes are cruel.So my animals recognize me as the alpha male and their friend. Pic related. |
honestly just execute them, if someone derives pleasure from torturing and killing another living being then there's obviously something wrong with them.it would be best to get rid of these people |
Libertarianism is the philosophy of autistic degenerates. You will go against the wall, too. |
Why is everything so disgusting? |
This is why comparing mudslimes and niggers to animals just doesn't work.We actually feel compassion when an animal gets hurt. |
DEUS KEK>he got shot and killed again.Your first mistake was not glassing the kid after the first shooting. |
m8what is this, a combined bedoom garage bathroom drinking and pet containment area? and what is going on outside the door? |
Now you're putting words in my mouth, after I literally said it's wrong. Leftists love abusing "muh animal rights" as an argument (except when it comes to halal/kosher).I won't deny this, but the problem comes with hyperventilating over it and calling for maiming the perpetrators. Nobody gave a single fuck about this shit 150 years ago when they actually had to focus on important things. I find that when the argument comes from otherwise sensible people, who often eat meat, the same people refuse to acknowledge animal cruelty in the agricultural system (which is often blown out of proportion by aforementioned leftists). Do you think trapping is 100% pain free too? Are you also opposed to it? Hunting - especially bow hunting - can also be extremely painful for game animals. Will you say no to that as well? |
>steampunk |
Good man. >tfw city dweller degenerate no doge |
Who harms an animal, except hunting for food or defending himself, is an abomination and degenerate. |
>wants the pleasure of revenge by inflicting death upon a living being>says people who derive pleasure from killing another living being have something wrong with themchecks out |
I do hope you knocked him the fuck out though |
Honestly, fletching and archery need to make a huge comeback, it's been long overdue. |
>Wilson was sentenced to 10 weeks in jail, suspended for a year, when he appeared before Brighton magistrates.That's it? You britfags better do something about this. |
Any reptile bros here? |
Honestly nothing pisses me off more than animal abuse. I can't really even read stories or watch videos about it because it bothers me so much. I can't understand how people can be so fucked up that they'd hurt animals for pleasure. |
Why didn't you and some of your friends pay your neighbours a visit the first time they shot your cat? |
Does defending your property count as defending yourself? |
There is a difference between animals and people. Most people know what they're doing when they do shit so they deserve it. Animals on the other hand, don't always know what they're doing is right or wrong (by human standards). Some animals are dicks though, mostly birds. |
Better turn off your computer, you're contributing towards global warming and thus animal abuse!! You're abusing the natural ecosystems of animals and harming hundreds of thousands of them! Will you stand by your green beliefs and carry out your own self-execution now? |
>he drinks Coke tooWhat a fucking degenerate |
No but I wish I had frogs. |
10 years in jail |
>britcuck nogunz is going to put you against the wallAnd do what, luv? Throw licensed butterknives at him? |
Mine is more yellowish-pink. Not quite as fat yet, but full length now. It's bretty chill. |
Because I don't clean up, and we don't have a bitch in the house to do the cleaning.At the time the neighbour's son went to a different school than me, so I couldn't. We accidentally started a far when we were using the angle grinder on metal near dry grass. The fire caught and burnt down the neighbour's trees. Police came and didn't find us negligent. Neighbour was going to sue, but luckily my Dad's insuranced covered his gay trees. I guess that was just punishment, even though it was unintentional. That's the old verandah, my Dad and I converted into a room with a fireplace for guests to sleep at. I just store my beer out there. Outside the glass sliding door, is the start of the garage. And the pets are just chilling inside, on the cool tiles, after a run. The dog stays outside, the cat comes inside to sleep and eat, but mostly hunts outside more. |
>Because I don't clean upPretty degenerate anon |
For fucks sake this is some leftwing level mental gymnastics. You think he was stamping and kicking a kitten over a period of time to maintain population numbers. Perhaps child abuse is acceptable in your eyes also as a form of control. |
I am opposed to factory farming. I hunt regularly and have issues with it when done with purpose (not merely for trophies). No one is hyperventilating here except for you. Again, this isn't just about taking a life, it is about those inflict pain and suffering for pleasure. FYI people have considered this issue for a very long time (well before 150 years ago). |
So when does animal abuse become so unacceptable that it warrants putting a human being to death? I've seen youtube videos of people putting a piece of ham on a dog's face and thousands upon thousands of hysterical women in the comments section calling it animal abuse and that sickfucks like that should be killed. Do you agree? Was putting a piece of ham on a beast so intolerable that this egregious individual deserves death? |
Whenever I get a chance in conversation, I make sure to bring up probability and chance when talking about how to get justice for people who do shitty things, even if it's subjective (for the record, I think animal abuse is universally wrong regardless of what some faggot hedonist will post). But just as an example, I say that I am relieved to know that some of the people who run red lights and text while in heavy traffic will be killed in car crashes or random murders or even just before their natural end due to a disease.>but anon, doing those things doesn't mean they should be killed!Didn't say that. I said I'm glad that some of them will meet justice even if it's not in the expected form. This seems to really bother some people so I say it whenever I can. Pro-tip for anyone reading this: you can't be an edgy faggot and say something like, "I hope they are killed by x unlikely situation." Say something extremely common, something that kills lots of people every year because it's impossible to fix. This notion apparently stirs people's imaginations up pretty wildly for whatever reason. It's like a Twilight Zone episode in their head. |
This. Death penalty. These sociopaths and psychopaths are a threat to all life. |
OK if it's done by whites. |
They are our younger brothers and sisters and we must protect them. |
Birds are dicks because they have a very very VERY deep seeded vendetta against us. |
Most of it's my Dad's stuff, it's a real man cave our house. My dad has engines disassembled, and diffs in his bedroom (he can repair any car, he's a brilliant mechanic). |
This is exactly why you don't let your cats run wild, you dumb motherfucker. YOU killed that cat. |
I'm not saying that he did that. I won't stand for corporal punishment over animal cruelty though. People's lives are greater than animals - except possibly in the case of cetaceans and apes who are on the same level as niggers. I've said it before and I'll say it again, killing people for animal cruelty is a disproportionate and unmeasured response. |
Depends. Termites? yesThe neighbor's cat, fucking in your garden - nope. |
This is what merkel does to you people |
Your average person absolutely hates others who hurt animals, and there's a good reason for that.Animal cruelty or abuse strongly correlates with psychopathic tendencies. If a person can stab a kitten to death, they'll stab your child to death without issue, too.We naturally fear and revile people like this, and have had the common decency to kill them before they can cause harm to other people for tens of thousands of years. |
>hysterical womenYou mean hamplanets?Anon...it's not "animal abuse" that's got them so anally annihilated. |
No one takes feminists and the fluffy world view seriously. Soon they will be saying just being born white is an act of racism. |
Ok, so you wouldn't take care of chicken hawks and rabbits? |
>I'm not saying that he did that.Then why are you making the excuse? |
my usual stance is on their backs and hind end to inflict the most paint without causing permanent damage |
But my cat sent all the rats and mice around the house extinct within a few months. Catching and killing full grown rats. Killing feral cats that come on his turf, by biting into their spinal cord. I witnessed it after I heard a feral cat howling outside at 2 in the morning. I come out and see my cat, biting hard into a dying feral cat's neck, blood spraying all over my cat. This cat is much smarter and doesn't go to the neighbours, only on the fence border with me, to take a shit on his property, everytime we got for a walk/jog. See my cat was born in the wild, I rescued him as a kitten when he was 6 months from a private shelter. |
People who abuse animals should be bullied in public. |
>Perhaps child abuse is acceptable in your eyes also as a form of control.What is in a child's benefit or abuse is totally considered the prerogative of the society at large. From my perspective it seems the measure is whether or not physical marks are left on the skin. You can mentally abuse a kid and leave no marks.Similarly, you can take a pet animal, and lock them up all day everyday, feed them foods that make them constipated, and thwart every other natural instinct, scream at them and "punish" them, etc., and as long as you leave no marks.Seriously, no bullshit. To keep those pets who "enhance their owners lives b/c makes them so fulfilled, etc.", we operate factories which confine, shred, and maim other animals. It finances industries that go out in the world, in the homes of other wild and free animals and captures, maims and terrorises them. We can live with the contradictions of our culture for only so long. Its pure poison, don't be fooled into believing in your own virtue or the virtue of these systems.It might be inconvenient to interrupt your pure ethical moment condemning this guy, when in fact all around you there are multitudes of equal and greater crimes. |
Who hurts usefull animals for fun is mental sick. |
Cats are awesome pest control. You did just fine by that cat. |
>chicken hawks>rabbitsMy chickens are protected by a huge meshwire-roof and I actually plan to maintain a stable rabbit population for food.Wild rabbits get scared of by the two cats. Same goes for mice.What is it with you American and rabbits? |
abuse?What's the point of that? That's just what choinamen do.No when you kill an animal you do it >clean an fast>only kill for eatings or fur>or to just piss off libtardsnah it's very degenerate, I beat up a bunch of shits once for torturing a porcupine |
I adore my cat, I like to nuzzle my nose into his fur. He likes to kiss his nose against my nose as a greeting. And sit on my lap, and sleep next to me on my bed at night, sharing my body warmth. |
Don't underestimate rabbits.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbits_in_Australia |
Yet it is something niggers do for fun in America.But no, straight white males are the problem :)#BAN(((TOXICMASCULINITY))) |
I'm not ins Australia and we don't have a rabbit-problem around here. |
If you have a legitimate problem and there isn't a reasonable way to redirect problem animals, then you can dispatch these creatures *humanely*. There is never a need to inflict pain on an animal (viz. prolong its suffering) or roughly treat it.This is principle comes up in New Jersey regarding the bear hunt. I oppose it; I support instead legislation that gives explicit protections to homesteaders to use force if they are truly threatened or their livestock is threatened. |
This apparently is the woman mentioned in the article |
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