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How can it be called a genocide if the Palestinian population has exponentially increased since this shit kicked off? |
Think about it like this- If the Palestinians owned that land, would they do the same to Israel? |
These fucking rapefugeeshttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/good-news/2016/06/29/syrian-refugee-praised-after-handing-in-50000-he-found-hidden-in/ |
Why does he look so ugly? |
He knows he's gonna earn that in just a month selling dope. |
Of course they're all not rapists but too many are |
Uncombed, but wouldn't say ugly. He has an ugly hairstyle tho, plus eating all of that shitty deep fried arabic shit food made him chubby. |
Hey /pol/acks, there's a particular video that I remember being linked from youtube here a while back, and I mean years ago. It's one that begins with one of those old-time countdown clips and is completely animated. It's a conspiracy video that touches the subject of nuclear drills and how they can dig through 7 miles of dirt a day; it also makes mention of the rate of technological advancement of military technology, which they mention as 44 years for every year of advancement in normie-land, among a lot of other subjects (about 20-something if I remember correctly). The only reason I come to ask my anons for help is because I've been mulling for hours on youtube, to no avail.If anyone knows what I'm talking about and has a link, I'd greatly appreciate it.On another note, how are you preparing for the impending economic collapse? Personally, I'm a bit tired of playing Earth simulator and would love to go out in a blaze of glory with a ration bar in one hand and my S&W 4006 in the other. >Pic related |
Can Someone OP a risk thread? I want to join one but not OP |
I would OP,but I'm on mobile right now,so I can't. What is your excuse,Bong? |
i will op a game for you cucks |
Thanks. Will you be using this Map? |
Iberian Republic. |
SpainGreen |
bump. |
Bump |
AfghanistanGold"Golden Horde" |
bump |
Ethnostate of HydeGeorgiaGray |
for OP |
Ethnostate of HydeGray Georgia |
Britannia UK (London Area)Red |
Is OP still here? |
someone host a game |
Anyone remember Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom? |
they were the evil white oppressors who got killed by those innocent boys who dindu nuffin need mo momey fo dem programs |
yes but really their case is no different from the thousands of other non-white on white murders that go unnoticed |
Never forget, nothing gets forgiven. |
Killed by obama's children. Ignored by shlomo's media. |
well, do you remember trayvon martin, michael brown, tamir rice etc. ? |
Does anyone here know the details of the case? I don't think trayvon had acid poured down his throat and vagina. |
Tamir Rice? Was he a chinaman or something? |
>„Channon“It's a trap and the guy a faggot obvs |
killed is a pretty harsh wordhow about annulled? |
>do you remember trayvon martin02/26 never forget |
is this a niggers thread? |
Apparently those nogs are going to be getting out of prison due to the judge being on oxy during the trial. |
let's get it rollin. Dindu and his Nuffin's #1 hits! |
>The race war is real>the race war has been happening for the last 30 years |
what are you doing about it /pol/? |
Yes the Tennessee couple tortured and killed by niggers if I'm correct |
actually not too upset about this one |
Funny how the one on the left looks like a MtF tranny and the one on the right looks like a FtM tranny.I heard they were in niggertown buying drugs. Wouldn't surprise me if that was true. |
Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice = CriminalsChannon Christian and Christopher Newsom = Innocent citizensDo you understand the difference?Probably not. |
>not forcing old captcha with numbers, top kek |
pls delete i meant to respond to a thread |
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-36667873 |
If it were up to me I'd execute people who do it. |
Should be punishable by death. |
Should be shot. |
I think people who abuse animals should be forced into slavery. |
basically thisIt shows lack of empathy, a lack of consciousness and that's a nigger trait |
Public flogging, 10 lashes. |
Gas chambers |
Basically this. It's literally the most degenerate thing imaginable along with child abuse. Kill em all. |
>It shows lack of empathy, a lack of consciousness and that's a nigger traitCame here to post exactly this |
People that do this should be beaten to death in public. |
Only a truly depraved mind would torture an animal that has no way to defend itself. It shows a lack of empathy, lack of respect for nature & sanctity of life. |
This happened near to where I live.Fucking Hell...shit like this really gets me in the feels. |
Not good but not an issue to get all worked up about. |
Death penalty. Not because animals are worth more than humans, but because abusing animals shows a mind beyond repair. Completely devoid of empathy. |
Psychopaths that have no emotion that will eventually hurt other people. It's hard to say as someone in the medical field but I'd kill them if it were aloud. Thankfully I live in a place with castle doctrine so if I ever thought someone was fucking with my animals I would shoot them on the spot. Mudslimes are already killing people's dogs in Europe. |
Disgusting. Even ignoring the moral aspect it's a clear warning sign of the things you can expect from them. |
Anyone who hurts or kills any animal for their own sadistic pleasure should be rounded up and shot.RIP Tiny Tim. |
>terrible, terrible. there should should be severe punishment for crimes as disturbing as animal abuse...unless they're on my hometown memeball team, then only a slap on the wrist will sufficet. average ameriblob |
When an animal kills, it does so out of instinct. It doesn't know any better. When a human kills however, it made a concious choice and decided to spill blood. Those who kill animals deserve death. |
The ability to show empathy, care and train a being of lower existence is an implicit part of white and western identity.That being said if it was up to me they'd go straight to a gas chamber as they've proved themselves to be lower than even the animals we've trained. |
Disgusting savage behavior that should not be tolerated. |
Look Hitler was pro animal rights, what do you think we think about it? Degenerate and should be punishable! |
allowed* fuck I'm tired. |
EdgyClean kills are more efficient; less cleanup and faster profit |
You against hunting too? |
Don't forget he banned human (nigger) zoos too. He was disgusted with them in Belgium. |
Hunting has purpose, you are killing for meat. I have no problem with that, but when it comes to killing for sport, that is my issue |
Depends on the animal and the reason. If its not a dog or cat I don't really care but for dogs and cats I'm fine with medical tests. |
pisses me off more than anything.they are innocents that only wants warm hugs. |
You're a pretty fucking dirty nigger to abuse animals, really. |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndttNPSXArYStuff like this is pretty fucked up the mom should be executed. |
t. cat-eater trap-fucker |
This. Under criminal law it should be treated as an offence worse than drug dealing. |
wew ladit is like you dont know SHIT about history.let alone how white trash treat their animals. |
The point being why animal abuse is absolute heresy is the fact that it prolongs its suffering to an extent that's completely unnecessary.If you're going to kill an animal, make it quick and painless. Picture related. |
Something only subhumans do. |
I get pissed when I see it. I generally like animals, and don't like the idea of people hurting them with no fucking reason. |
I never liked this nigger so I don't know what you're talking about?I would have glassed him. |
I'm not disagreeing with you, I said before I'd wish animal abusers dead, the person I was asking said nothing about abuse, just killing animals. I was checking if he was some faggot vegan or something. |
) Animal abuse is bad2) Raising Slaughtering animals for food is not animal abuse3) People that say "I love animals more than people" simply lack social skills. |
>white trashAs if there's a difference? |
Animals don't have human levels of self-consciousness, that's why I care more about them over most humans. They feel like they're ignorant and innocence to everything around them, gives off the aura of, "I want to protect such an innocent creature" |
only 23 months in jail and allowed to play his faggy sport again. He got off easy because your country is too obsessed with its dumb fucking sport that literally nobody else in the world cares about. |
sports fans of all races are huge cock suckers that are willing to over look terrible and even excuse shit for the people on "their" team.that jig got caught running a dog fighting ring and the sports fans threw a fit that he got punished and demanded he not be banned. |
Unfortunately I am not at the helm of my country. Call me back when I am, ok? |
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