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He's a drug addict. Conservatives love drug addicts. |
>that My City Was Gone bass linegreat choice in theme music |
>/pol/ complains about shilling....>ignores their own God's blatant, unapologetic shilling for corporations like McD's and KFCI'll be back here election night to collect your apologies.PS: WHO THE FUCK EATS A BONE-IN PIECE OF CHICKEN WITH A KNIFE AND FORK?He's eating that chicken like he's never had KFC before.Are you not embarrased?Is this what Stockholm Syndrome is like? |
What is their secret, famalamalamalamalam? |
Covenant with YHWH |
Nepotism? |
You have to remove every bit of an infection otherwise it spreads and persists Anon. |
>no decadence O rly mark? |
High IQ |
>Nepotism?the only reason why we can't accuse any other group of nepotism is because every other group wants to eb like jews as much as they can |
Are Jews the master race? Or are they just good at stopping anyone else from becoming the master race? |
G-D's chosen people |
We need a full list of targets for the day of the rope. My vote goes towards any white that chooses to breed with any dark skin.Drug addicts.NEET fucks.Canadians.Who else would you add to the list? |
>swedes |
Pork fearing dune coons, you know the ones ... |
>CanadiansDude, weed lmao |
Hillary and Trump. |
The lugenpresse. |
Rope day fetishists |
Where were you when /pol/ and its 14 year old userbase (who immigrated from /r/the_donald and facebook meme pages) got absolutely destroyed? This is how the world works. The liberals will ALWAYS inherently be on the winning side. Love trumps hate. Better luck next time! |
Thanks for swinging by to slide some threads and correct the record.sagedhidden |
In denial, I see. |
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-08-01/california-proclaim-august-muslim-appreciation-and-awareness-monthThe similarities between California and Sweden just keep growing. |
> Californiayou are becoming the new sweden |
I thought we were going to be the new Sweden, why can't we have anything? |
What's to appreciate about Muslims? |
The Socialist Republic of California is a joke. I wish the Mexicans would just take it over so we could be done with it. |
Not even Swedes fuck dogs. You're in a league of your own Canada. |
my birthday is this month, fuck California. |
<3 |
OP here,I'd approve if it was September instead. |
C U C K E D |
>bomb, shoot and run over a ton of people>get a month out of it Man this is like an episode out of some kid's show where the main character catches the new kid doing something terrible yet everyone refuses to believe him. |
California is Sweden and Florida is Australia. |
California is an example of a single-party state, just look at how terribly they have managed their finances as well as enabling rampant crime from illegal aliens and homeless people in major cities. You could nuke the Bay Area and it would probably improve the United States as a whole. |
I live in CA and I never heard of this on the news or anything. OP is just a faggot. Also.>zerohedge |
>Muslim appreciation Sounds like we need another heterosexual pride day#christianappreciationmonth#whiteappreciationmonth#AryanAppreciatyan |
>current year>done and done |
Fuck off September is my birthday, make it Febuary. Already nigger month. |
We're not that far off considering they all keep moving up here. |
Accurate |
>tfw California is trying to require all porn filmed in LA to only show intercourse using a condomFucking retard state |
>Muslims are 0.9% of US population>Already causing problems,committing terrorism and forcing people to accept them.Wew lad. West Africans vs Hispanics vs Arab Muslims vs White minority remnants in the middle of this century is going to be comfy as fuck. |
>but....muslims are peacefull! |
Congratulations, California.Here's what you've won. |
Joke went over your head.September 11 Dumbass. |
Seattle and its surrounding areas are liberal shitholes. Fix your fucking state before you complain about mine. |
Source on OP image? I've seen that triggered SJW before but forget where to find the original video. |
Holy shit spread this everywhereIf the Democrats want to be the Muslim Party, let them hang themselves. Bill Quirk just made a million new Trump voters |
>Seattle and its surrounding areas are liberal shitholesYeah and now you fuckers are spreading that even further because instead of fixing your own god damn state you'd rather flee and ruin all the others. |
Three eye whites, shoot on sight. She is a psycho. |
Please let a Muslim parade plow through faggotville USA aka down town san francisco. I could imagine the aneurisms ppl would have witnessing Sharia Law signs all over the place...triggering the homos, drug addicts, homeless and other filth. |
Here is a "reputable" source.http://www.kcra.com/news/capitol-resolution-honoring-muslims-sparks-controversy/41006838#commentsThey tried to somehow splice in the Khan story. How can anybody even read this shit? They push the narrative so hard that it actually becomes difficult to follow. |
>Muslims and Islams are a sexist and racist culture and religion>California wants to give them a monthI don't understand the left. Shouldn't they want women to have more rights and equality, but are okay with inviting a culture that is naturally anti-woman? |
>kcraThat's local California news. That explain anything? |
i live in southern california, the only muslims i see around here are thicc qts with hijabs and skinny jeans. not those evil looking ragheads |
>the only muslims i see around here are thicc qtsyou have to go back |
Fuck me |
Liberals only support muslims because they are the other side of satanism. |
/11u r welcome |
at least they haven't lost their sens of humour |
Solution:Fill every body of water in California with Delta Smelt. The Californians will refuse to use the water, then die of dehydration. |
I'm still here fighting the good fight bitchboy. Complain more.Also, checked. |
Too many niggers in here talking shit about California, watch it go red this election noobs |
Wouldn't July be better? |
>massive increase in suicide rates in san francisco because fags have to either be allah akbar'd or arrested for islamophobia |
Do these social wedge issues really bother you THAT much /pol/?>I'm atheist. I don't believe in the bible God, or any God really. But I don't think anything can be said definitively yes or no in regards to some sort of creator. Is religion that big of a factor in determining who you vote for?On abortion, personally I'm pro choice. But I'd take it a step further and force it on people who shouldn't be having kids for obvious reasons. Would you vote Trump still if he said he was pro choice now?On gays. I don't think it's a big deal to just let them have gay marriage nation wide. I don't think we should force pastors to marry them, but I do think there will be some who'd be happy to anyway. Just let them get married but get rid of this culture of encouragement. Don't broadcast it, don't shove it down people's throats... |
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