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301 | 347 | p024 | I think its sad what is happening in Nigeria with the hunger crisis. What happened to Zulyatu and he siblings making the mother flee to Biu is just crazy. I think we should step in as a nation and do the right thing here. It is the correct thing to do honestly and we must get it done as quick as possible. | p024_301 |
302 | 347 | p052 | The feelings that I have regarding the article is that somethings happen for a reason and they are out of your control sometimes. I think what went wrong in that conflict can be resolved and all that is needed is clear cut communication so that both parties know where each other stands at the end of the day. I personally think that is the best option and that the article itself is something that is worth a read in my opinion. | p052_302 |
303 | 347 | p022 | After reading the article, you can't help but feel bad for these people. We're so far into humanity and we are still seeing people suffer from hunger and thirst. We should not be having these problems today. I think that the world should try to do more to take notice of these situations and try to help out whenever possible because we all have that right. | p022_303 |
304 | 347 | p039 | It is terrible that these kids have to starve but it was kind of funny that they were boiling grass I mean think about these africans they always have some sort of crisis even when they are rich in oil they still manage to ruin everything they are like monkeys they resemble apes they behave like animals | p039_304 |
305 | 347 | p029 | I found this to be very sad. These people obviously don't have many options, and they are trapped in a bad situation without any food and with a lot of violence around them. I have heard a lot about this area and the bad things going on there. This is an ongoing situation that shows no signs of improvement, and meanwhile the people continue to suffer and die. Young people are affected as well as women and many innocent people who have nothing to do with the terrorist groups causing all these problems. | p029_305 |
306 | 48 | p024 | This is sad as somebody with elderly parents the thought of them dying alone is quite scary. We must be able to fix this and the best way how is to just overall understand that they need help. We must strive to do better. To do better means helping them out. There is little dignity in that kind of life since everyone else flees and leaves them alone. | p024_306 |
307 | 48 | p068 | This article was just heartbreaking. I just pictured my father working his whole life for us just for a warm and horrible people to come in and tear it down. It is pure hell for everyone living in this war torn area I cant imagine. No older people who worked there life so there familys can be better should be worried about war and losing the family. The doctors have even fled as there is no resources to help people anymore. Only once dialysis center left which will probably close soon for fear of people and lack of resources. Anyone with a chronic disease is just out of luck as medicine is few and aid cant even be reached to most of these people anymore. It is just so sad. | p068_307 |
308 | 48 | p047 | This is a very heartbreaking article. It's hard to read what is happening to people in other parts of the world. I can't believe people would leave their parents and elderly family members behind in a war. It's unimaginable. And to make matters worse, there is hardly any food for them in their homes. They're under constant attack and can't even get basic medications that we take for granted every day here in the US. I truly hope the wars stop and these people can get some assistance rebuilding their lives and homes. More effort needs to go into donating to the charities that help in these areas. I can understand why some would not want to travel and live there, considering there is a high probability of death from an airstrike but the people should at least have basic food items, clothing | p047_308 |
309 | 48 | p009 | Dear friend, I just read an article about a 70 year old man living in a war torn city in Syria. The story was very sad and has made me think a lot about life. I feel terrible for the people who have to live in those conditions. | p009_309 |
310 | 48 | p010 | I just read the article about Aleppo and Syria. It made me extremely sad to see what these people have gone through. They have worked hard their whole lives for betterment of their family. Now they just pray bombs or airstrikes doesn't kill their families. Is war ever going to end? The answer to that is a simple no. Humans have been killing humans since they existed. We never, ever learn. | p010_310 |
311 | 291 | p029 | Overall, this is a really sad incident. The poor dog was just helplessly left in the car to suffer, and there's no way it could have let itself out or saved itself. IT's really sad to me when people are this negligent about pets and other people. Especially vulnerable populations. Honestly I think whatever punishment she gets, such as an animal cruelty charge, is definitely deserved and she will just have to take that as it comes. She should have been more careful with the animal, end of story. | p029_311 |
312 | 291 | p012 | I find this inexcusable, and hope the officer is charged with the death of a police officer (as the K9 unit is considered one). This is really awful, and I'm sure the officer in question feels bad, but we need to make examples out of this case. If we set a precedent, making the punishment fit the crime perfectly, it will deter carelessness. | p012_312 |
313 | 291 | p010 | Hi Nora: Did you see the article this morning where the handler let his police dog die in a hot car in Arkansas? The dog's name was Lina and he died Friday. The Sheriff did put the handler on paid administrative leave pending an investigation. Lina had been with the sheriff's office for three years and was used in a lot of drug investigations. Lina was left in that car for 38 hours. Can you believe this? This deeply disturbs me. How do you forget a big police dog and not hear him for 38 hours? Just unbelievable. The blatant disregard society has for animals and humans is beyond my capacity to understand. I think we are up to 82 children that have died this year and too many animals. It's infuriating. No way I accept any of the lame answers that are given every day. ( | p010_313 |
314 | 291 | p024 | What is with dog owners lately? This isn't the first story I read in the past few months of a dog being left inside a hot car. I believe the owner should be charged and not called an accident! The owner had to know the risks! Its time we hold these people accountable. It is not fair to the dog nor to the people that have to rescue the dog! | p024_314 |
315 | 291 | p068 | An article like this really tears me in half. I can put myself in both of there shopes and see both sides. I feel like because this officers job is to protect and serve the community he shows he has good character and morals and this was not done out of malice. but also this dog provided a service to the community and did not deserve to dye such a long painful death.I think if anything does comes out of it it should be more safety and precautions put in place so these things can not happen again. This handler must feel horrible as i know the dogs become like there actual partners and family. I think the guilt is punishment enough. | p068_315 |
316 | 39 | p029 | I am sad for the wolf but this didn't have me too torn up. I imagine the sniper shot the wolf for some reason. It's too bad the wolf traveled so far looking for a mate just to be killed, but I guess these things happen sometimes. Perhaps the sniper should have been a little more careful. A little more background about why they were out there shooting wolves might have been helpful, like maybe there was a valid reason. Wolves can be harmful creatures. | p029_316 |
317 | 39 | p073 | This is a sad story about one wolf who was being tracked and had traveled more than 700 miles. It was shot and killed in Montana by a sniper. I'm not real sure of the reason for the killing because the article said that it is part of a federal program. I feel bad for the wolf but am not real clear on if the program is necessary or not. | p073_317 |
318 | 39 | p022 | After reading the article, i felt really bad for the wolf and animals that get hunted in general. I think that there should definitely be some sort of punishment for people who decide to kill animals, especially endangered species of animals just for fun. I think it is so inhumane and twisted that someone can kill a beautiful animal like that with no type of remorse whatsoever. | p022_318 |
319 | 39 | p058 | so some government people killed a wolf. I feel like most people won't really care about this story too much. im sure this kind of thing happens on a regular basis. I didn't even know there were protected wolves out there. Are they near extinction? Who knows. I know if I was stranded in the wild I wouldn't be upset that a wolf was killed. | p058_319 |
320 | 39 | p022 | After reading something like that, you can't help but feel extremely sad. You feel sad for the wolf and you also feel angry that humans would do such a thing. It's terrible that humans just kill and use animals as they wish. I think that animals have all the right in the world to live as well and we can't just use them as we please. | p022_320 |
321 | 52 | p024 | The immigration system in this country is terrible there is no other way around it. The fact that this man was raised here since 3 and still not given citizenship? Give me a break. There are far too many stories like this and what angers me the most is that nothing is being done to fix this. We must do better. | p024_321 |
322 | 52 | p029 | I am not sure how I feel about this. This guy is a lifelong criminal and honestly I don't think people like that deserve citizenship. His parents messed up when he was young, yes, but he could have taken the responsibility to fix that as an adult. He should have looked into it instead of spending so much time and energy breaking the law. So I think he deserves what he is getting and should have been more careful. | p029_322 |
323 | 52 | p058 | i feel like our countries immigration policies are ridiculous. how can you possibly deport someone who has lived her his whole life basically? That just doesn't seem right. We really need to rethink the way we do things in this country. this just isn't fair to anyone to be honest. I'm sure his family is upset. | p058_323 |
324 | 52 | p062 | I feel very sorry for this man and his awful life. However, as I learn more about it it does seem "fair" that he get deported, and I feel less sympathetic for him because of his crimes. Had he not had a criminal record I doubt he would have been deported. Having said that, I feel extremely sympathetic for the abusive upbringing he had. To get adopted by people who then abused him, then abandoned, adopted again and abused some more, is just unconscionable and repulsive. And I'm sure it lead to his criminality, unfortunately. This guy sure got dealt a bad hand, but is interestingly dealing with it well, it seems. I'm not sure if that's a good sign or a bad sign for his future. | p062_324 |
325 | 52 | p031 | American system is really messed up. We let illegals get away with so many things and yet, this man, who was adopted and lived here almost his entire life, is facing deportation! He has a family of his own and I'm sure spent a good portion of his career paying taxes to the American government and now his life is in jeopardy-he has a family who is facing losing everything if he goes away! | p031_325 |
326 | 89 | p029 | This whole situation is alarming. It's scary that such sick individuals exist out there that will commit such horrible crimes. It makes me feel like the world is a scary and horrible place. I'm not really sure what else to say about it. I hope justice works and is brought against these people. This type of thing should never happen and I feel bad for the victims and families involved. | p029_326 |
327 | 89 | p030 | I just read an article about a man who was given everything in life, literally. A deluxe apartment, a great job and a position of status in New York society were apparently not enough for him. He was involved in the brutal murder of a man because the man refused his sexual advances. He must suffer from some sort of mental deficiency. | p030_327 |
328 | 89 | p036 | I think that this article is interesting. I don't really like what happened at all, but I feel mostly for the man who brought someone into his life. Then that person turned out to be involved in all this awful stuff - possibly even a murderer. It makes me sad to read. I also, of course, feel for the victim's family - what an awful way to die. | p036_328 |
329 | 89 | p058 | im so sick of seeing articles that are so negative. it's like every news article i see or story from the media is either native, bashing someone or someone being killed. why is it so hard to find positive information in news these days. i feel like i dont even want to look at the news anymore. its so depressing. | p058_329 |
330 | 89 | p068 | This story was so sad and heartwrenching. I guess the elite are not pardoned from bad things happening to them and this shows that. It is horrible that either one of these men could have stopped this and helped but both were just cold people. How do you just go back to nromal life after muder I would fall to pieces. I think they did flee and didnt just continue on with work. They should be convicted and set to life in prison. How could you kill and burn someone and for over something so minecule like getting hit on. Karma will get back at them and I hope in a grand way. The poor family of this man it is terrible. | p068_330 |
331 | 148 | p009 | Dear friend, I have just finished reading an article about an african elephant named Nosey. She has been held captive for 30 years. It is a very heartbreaking story and it makes me very sad to see her treated this way. | p009_331 |
332 | 148 | p064 | Wow, I can not believe that this poor elephant has been abused for so many years yet nobody does anything about it. This poor elephant should be taken away from the owner and the owner should be arrested, there is no excuse for this type of behavior, she should be allowed to be free in a elephant sanctuary with other elephants, very sad. | p064_332 |
333 | 148 | p068 | This article just hits you right in the gut. Especially because it deals with animals. Animals are so helpless when at the hand of there human handlers. This is so unfair to this gentle giant. Treated to badly just to perform and make money. she is livign a horrible confined life of solitude. It is greatly disturbing that the givernment has the power to stop this yet has turned a blind eye. They need to take action and be an advocate for this poor animal. She deserves way better treatment then what she is getting now. How does anyone condone this or go to shows where this animal is chaned and obviously in pain and discomfort. | p068_333 |
334 | 148 | p008 | I love elephants so much and every time I hear about them being abused this way it hurts my heart. I hate that people can be so cruel to animals in general, but to such sweet, gentle giants? It makes me so sad. And her name is Nosey. That's not even fair, someone needs to strip that awful man of that angelic creature. | p008_334 |
335 | 148 | p029 | This is pretty sad for the elephant. It obviously has no say so in this matter and that is not okay. Elephants are very intelligent and sensitive animals. They shouldn't be kept in captivity in these circuses and shows I do not think. This seems inhumane and not right. I would feel guilty going to a circus seeing elephants parade around. Maybe at a zoo where they could be in a natural habitat it could be okay but not in a circus where they are supposed to dance around for human entertainment, that is just pitiful and sad. | p029_335 |
336 | 223 | p039 | I feel very bad for the two little girls that were killed in the terrible accident. One minute you are happy and the next your dead. The parents must feel the worst in this situation I hope they will be able to move on wit their lives although I am sure it will be nearly impossible for them to move on | p039_336 |
337 | 223 | p016 | I just read about this family that got killed in a car wreck and it was just horrible. It's one thing when part of your family dies, but apparently the husband had already died a few months previous and now the mom and two of the kids are dead, too, and that just leaves one kid who I guess was about five or six. She's all alone now. :( | p016_337 |
338 | 223 | p008 | I'd bet money on the driver of the car that hit the trailer being a drunk driver. I feel like the amount of people who drive drunk - generally, but especially on holidays - is honestly alarming. And they're always so casual about it, like it's not a big deal and they aren't taking the lives of anyone they get remotely near while behind the wheel into their hands. | p008_338 |
339 | 223 | p068 | This article really made me tear up. It is so sad a family could just be taken in a split second like this. I cant imagine the whole left behind in the remaining surviviors life. This town needs some better traffic laws and maybe drivers licensure tests. It seems to be a very prevelant thing auto accidents and needs to be adressed with threat to the public. Also thinking about how traumatized the on scene responders but also the others who were on there and around it at the time I would feel so sad for a long time like survivors guilt. I hope everyone gets therapy to talk about how much this probably effected them. | p068_339 |
340 | 223 | p024 | Stuff like this is crazy because it is Halloween and kids are expected to be walking the street. You would, or at least I would think that people would be more aware and feel like they have to drive more carefully than usual because at the end of the day they do have to just be more careful overall since kids will be walking the streets during Halloween. | p024_340 |
341 | 186 | p010 | Hey A: Did you read the article where all those children were killed on the roadway and the many injuries that took place? Kids were in a trailer and a truck plowed into the back of them. It was extremely disturbing to read. I could just visualize the pain, suffering, and panic that was taking place. I can't imagine losing 2 of your own children. Further reading showed the driver had lost her husband. Whoever was driving the truck will have to live with this the rest of their lives. It's extremely sad. | p010_341 |
342 | 186 | p039 | Can you believe this situation in Africa it seems like there is always something with these people they can not live in peace they really remind me of wild monkeys running around naked with their big lips who cares about these people Kenya should not allow more of these people in to their country they can not handle it | p039_342 |
343 | 186 | p063 | After reading that article, I'm not sure woh the good guys are. it sounds like the rebels might be the better people, but who knows. It sucks that the UN is so strapped when it comes to helping in times like this. I hate to say it, but it just seems like sometimes people are better off leaving countries to their own wares (sp?). | p063_343 |
344 | 186 | p068 | This article was a little hard for me to follow with the different people and places. I think south africa needs a great peace keeping leader to step in and take the rains. It breaks my heart these people are subject to being afraid of such violence and brutality. The women that were raped and especially by there government is nonesense and cant believe in 2019 this is still happening. They need to create a more civilized society over there. Even aid workers who are just there to help were brutally raped that tells me these people have no consequences for actions and to consious of human suffering. This whole article was truly apolling to me. | p068_344 |
345 | 186 | p068 | This article was a little hard to follow as I dont follow or know much about whats going on in the other side of the world. It is so sad to me that a war torn third world country has people living there that are afraid for there lives daily. The humanitarian effort is so noble but so sad they are at the hands of a corrupt governemnt and society. How could a government fail to protect its people and aid workers and let them be brutally attacked and raped at there own hands. Noone should be in a position where the power in the society is evil and able to do what they please with no consequence that is a very scary balance. Something needs to be done to help. | p068_345 |
346 | 113 | p035 | The ban on smoking outdoors in the article takes place in England, but the same thinking could happen in the United States. I do not like the ban. I do not smoke or want my children smoking, but what other adults do with their bodies is their business. If there is proof that smoking in an outdoor space hurts others, then it should be banned. If it only hurts the smoker, then it should be allowed. | p035_346 |
347 | 113 | p068 | This article is something i can really agree with. I had never thought of how places like zzos and themeparks are abundant with little minds that should not be subject to smoking. I think cigarettes should be considered something like alchol were you cant drink in public you cant smoke either. These children see others smoking and in there mind this is a norm and okay. I think this generation not growing up witht hat around them will set them up to make better choices in the future and be more healthy. There is a real chance to cut potential new smokers and get rid of the popularity of smoking for generations to come. I am all for this proposed ban and see no harm from imposing it. | p068_347 |
348 | 113 | p030 | Empathy is not finite. Some people would have you believe that it is, but I think that humans are capable of more than the capitalists would have you believe. I think that I'm going to stop paying attention to the news. It's become a negative force in my life and I think that I would be much happier if I didn't pay attention to American politics ever again. | p030_348 |
349 | 113 | p068 | I completely agree with this article. I think smoking around children is so dangerous and hazerdous! Zoos are such a child centered place its a no brainer its like banning smoking at a play place or daycare. Children who see adults smoking will grow up thinking that is normal and part of life and I think smoking should seem like an odd thing like drugs. Kids are so suseptible to disease as they are growing and second hand smoke that young can do nothing but bad. These laws are really great and should be applied to any public place make smoking wierd like drinking alcohol in public because it not only effects you but everyone around you! | p068_349 |
350 | 113 | p035 | Second hand smoke is a bad things and I'm glad it is banned from around children. I do not want the government to have the power to tell people what to do with their bodies. I do not like smoking, but I think that every adult should have the right to do whatever they want with their body. I think smoking should only be banned if it harms other people. | p035_350 |
351 | 116 | p039 | Cholera seems to effect poor countries more then rich ones which is why you should not care about this too much these countries need to start investing in their own ability to provide clean drinking water instead of looking for handouts they suffer from corruption which is hindering them from coming up with a way to fight the disease | p039_351 |
352 | 116 | p036 | I am a pretty liberal person. I do believe that a democratic government can have an earnest concern for its people. But when I read stories like, I don't have to wonder too hard why people are afraid to give control to the government and large extra-governmental agencies. I feel deeply for the people who are sick and dying because a government says no. I am angry when vaccines are on hand and it takes jumping through loop holes to get approval to get the mobilized to patients in need. | p036_352 |
353 | 116 | p068 | This is just crazy that people are still dying today when there is medicine that can easily save there lives. There should be enough to go around when epidemics like this happen as this is such a senseless horrible way to die. I get that it is hard to get ahead and prepared for epidemics but there should be some sort of procedures in place just in case. Also i dont see how the government could deny giving the vaccines even if there were side effects from it it is still better then death. I think ramping up things like giving out chlorine tabelts for water is a great preventitive step to reduce epidemics like this instead of just solely relying on the vaccines. I feel for the doctors who are over worked and no theres a way to help these people but cant. | p068_353 |
354 | 116 | p039 | I don't care about cholera we need to fix our own water problems here in the states before we try to help the rest of the world with their problems look at Flint Michigan we have people in America suffering without having a safe source of clean drinking water we need to help our own before we can help others. | p039_354 |
355 | 116 | p035 | I think that two things can be true at one time. I think that giving aid to the people to fight the disease can be a good things and I also think that cleaning the water supply for the people would not have to deal with the disease in the future is also a good thing. I lean more towards fixing the problem long term but short term help is also good. | p035_355 |
356 | 44 | p024 | We need gun control now. The amount of deaths like this airline worked being gunned down is everyday news at this point. Everyday is a new story about a new death due to guns. Pro gun activists say that cars or tobacco kill people more but those arent made to kill people and guns are and they do kill people. | p024_356 |
357 | 44 | p030 | Sometimes I wonder about the impetus that drives people who murder other people. I think there would be a lot less murder if guns didn't make it so simple. Pulling a trigger. Driving a blade into someone would take a lot more conviction that simply shooting a bullet. I don't know. Have you ever felt like killing another person? | p030_357 |
358 | 44 | p040 | I think it is very sad. I think many people are turning to suicide because they are desperate. They are depressed and can't take it anymore. It is an awful place to be in. The family was well known but that does not keep them safe from the depression or despair that can hit anyone at any time. You should look out for one another. It is a very tough world out there. It is very easy to slip into a depression. This did not have to happen to him. | p040_358 |
359 | 44 | p039 | It is sad to see the shooting of people and in the airport too it seems the world is going crazy there is all this violence everywhere you go you can't even go out any more without having to worry about these mass shootings and public shootings this is a very dangerous time we live in and we need to be safe | p039_359 |
360 | 44 | p067 | That's awful, I feel that Oklahoma City might not be as safe as I thought. After 9/11 they raised security around airplanes a lot, but it hasn't been perfect. They probably can never get it perfect. I guess it wasn't terrorism exactly though? Just a regular murder. That's just awful either way. There should definitely be a thorough investigation. | p067_360 |
361 | 163 | p045 | The situation in Kashmir has been difficult for some time. I'm not sure, though, if India wants to keep good relations with their provinces, why they would do these kinds of things. These pellet firing weapons are too random, with results like we see in the article. They need to take a more benevelont attitude if they want to keep the region. | p045_361 |
362 | 163 | p024 | The fact that it wasn't criminals that did this to the poor girl but security personnel speaks volumes on the world as a society. Pellets are seen as not harmful but the reality is they c an even cause blindness. We must do what is right and correct the wrongs in society by educating people on the harms that they cause. | p024_362 |
363 | 163 | p024 | I believe that the photographer that happened to describe the life of Insha hit the nail on the head with this description of the life of her after the blindness. A pellet gun has up to 500 pellets and the fact that she was hit by these pellets in a Kashmir tell me they are not properly trained. I feel like this is a problem all throughout the world. We need to train people better. | p024_363 |
364 | 163 | p039 | So their fighting over Kashmir again I really don't care about these people they are always fighting one another I think they fought 3 wars over the region already and now they have Nukes so I am sure they will kill each other off pretty soon which would be good for the planet we need less humans here. | p039_364 |
365 | 163 | p035 | I feel very sorry for the girl who lost her eye slight to the pallet gun. It is a new way of thinking about non deathly weapons. I think the girl's father was right and wrong at the same time. I think it is better that she was not killed, but I understand his and her pain about her losing the ability to see and how it changed her life. | p035_365 |
366 | 80 | p016 | So apparently there was some kind of attack in Myanmar, but I couldn't really tell what year it happened because it just said "october", and since it's just now September it's obviously not this year. But it said that over thirty civilians and 15 police had been killed, which is never good news. Plus so many people were without food and housing. | p016_366 |
367 | 80 | p022 | After reading the article, i just feel so bad for the people that are in the war as much as the people that were affected and killed in this war. I feel like war overall is just terrible and we should do all we can to try and stop it. All it induces is hate and death. The people are that are the war has family at home and they can do nothing but grieve and worry abotu them. | p022_367 |
368 | 80 | p030 | Reading about the plight of the Rohingya is always a very sobering experience. Basically, these people are nation-less. They are being persecuted in Burma and forced out of neighboring Bangladesh. I feel like Suu Kyi is being unfairly blamed for a situation that is just too complex for the country to solve effectively. I'm really trying to put myself into the shoes of one of the oppressed Muslim minorities like the Rohingya or the Uyghers and having a very difficult time imagining what a day in their lives must be like. | p030_368 |
369 | 80 | p039 | Look at these Burmese killing muslims I can understand why they would do that though do you want all these terrorists running around your country creating mischief in the land we need to start deporting our muslim population before they start a revoulution in this country its important we support BUrma | p039_369 |
370 | 80 | p022 | After reading the article, i couldn't help but feel disappointed in people and humanity. I feel bad because i read that the people in the community were killing police officers. It's terrible that police have to be viewed as a bad thing in society today when police were the ones we use to run to for help. I hope things turn out for the better for the country in the future. | p022_370 |
371 | 367 | p024 | This isn't the first time it seems like the US has backed what looks to be a group of terrorists. I feel like we as a country need to do better and investigate just who we support much better than we are currently doing. I think the sooner we do it the more luck we will have in making this world a better place. | p024_371 |
372 | 367 | p035 | I believe that the United States should not back any government that makes that many mistakes in its airstrikes. I also think the United States should update its policy of using airstrikes. It seems to me that more civilians are being killed than the people who are being targeted. I feel sorry for the people in Yemen who just want to live a normal life and can not because of the war. | p035_372 |
373 | 367 | p028 | Reading about the current airstrike campaign going on in Yemen terrifys me for the people that are the currently. It makes me think that maybe, even though we are doing good over there and improving things overall it isnt the right choice. Because after all there are people who are being impacted their lives are being impacted by these strikes. | p028_373 |
374 | 367 | p029 | It's very difficult to fathom living somewhere where airstrikes can take you out at any given moment, regardless of where you are. It really makes me grateful to live in this beautiful nation where we live, America, and to have the freedoms that we have. In this story, the man's eight children lost their father and his wife lost her partner. That is very tragic, and all for a bunch of senseless killing. The US was supporting these airstrikes which is sort of sad. I find the whole situation over there so senseless. IT's like they are all just killing each other nonstop for no valid reason. | p029_374 |
375 | 367 | p030 | I just read an article about the devastation in Yemen. I think that the alliance between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia has been nothing but trouble since we decided to started to lust after their wealth. Millions have been killed or displaced in conflicts that we are either tacitly or actively backing and it looks like there is no end in sight. | p030_375 |
376 | 91 | p019 | This is truly disgusting. I will never be able to understand how someone, especially a parent, is able to even fathom doing this to their kid. It is disgusting. I can only imagine the daily horrors that this poor women has to live with thanks to her disgusting parents. I can't believe they only for 20 years. they should be in their for life so this poor women does not have to feel scared or worried with them out of prison. | p019_376 |
377 | 91 | p030 | So, I just read an article about an episode of Dr. Phil that features a young woman who was groomed and sexually abused by both of her parents because of a potential windfall from selling child pornography. I have a hard time wrapping my head around men who abuse their children for sexual gratification, but the fact that her mother was involved in this too makes it almost too horrible to be true. | p030_377 |
378 | 91 | p025 | I just read this horrifying article. I am actually not sure that I should even tell you about it because it was so disturbing. It was about this woman who was on the Dr. Phil show. When she was a little girls she was sexually abused by by both her parents. No need to read that again, yes, I said both her parents. They forced her to have sex with the father and the mother videotaped all of it and then they sold the footage. It makes me want to throw up. How horrible of a human being do you have to be to do that to your own child. Thankfully both parents got charged and sentenced to 20 years. Unfortunately their sentence is up. The mother was on the tv show saying how much she regrets it and that the father made her do it. I do not believe her for a second.I would rather die than hurt my kid | p025_378 |
379 | 91 | p068 | This article was troubling on so many different levels. I cant put myself in this girls shoes because I would never imagine my parents doing this to me. I cant believe they are out of jail they seem like such a threat to society if they can do this to there own child. I pray these people never come in contact with a never child again. you are suppose to protect your kids. This girl can never get her childhood back i dont see how you could trust people after this or live a normal life my mind would be so messed up. i hope she gets the help she needs. | p068_379 |
380 | 91 | p022 | After reading the article, i couldn't help but feel really disgusted and disturbed by what i read. The fact that someone can harm or sexually assault their own child is downright terrible. People like this need to be locked up for ever or even suffer the death penalty. It's terrible because they gave birth to this girl but now her life is already ruined. | p022_380 |
381 | 23 | p019 | How sad and awful of a tragedy is this. I know accidents happen but surely there were steps in place, or steps that could have been put in place to prevent this. How horrifying of a sight it must have been to see charred bodies tossed in the air like that and being thrown all over the ground. That is something that will haunt whoever survived it for the rest of their lives. | p019_381 |
382 | 23 | p035 | I feel very bad for the people killed. I can only imagine going to get some fuel and having the truck blow up killing me and many others. I do not know if the death was quick or slow and painful as you burned to death. I hope it was an accident and not cause by someone on purpose, but that does not really matter to the victims that died. | p035_382 |
383 | 23 | p062 | This is a tragic story but it's also what happens in third-world countries where you pull a truck off the side of the road to sell fuel to citizens. The world is an absolutely enormous place--beyond comprehension. And death, suffering, and tragedy occur all the time. I'm not going to worry about the lives of a handful of random people who I didn't know existed until I knew they no longer existed. These people might as well be fictional characters to me. Sure, someone is grieving them somewhere. And this event probably really did happen. But to me it's not real and it truly doesn't matter. And, frankly, despite this modern age's attempt to argue the opposite, I don't think the world is any better a place because I know these people are dead. | p062_383 |
384 | 23 | p068 | It is so crazy what a freak accident this was. These people couldnt even try to escape as it just happened. I think that way more safety and procedures being done for these people then just collecting fuel from a truck on the side of the rode. Anything can happen with such a flammable liquid and people that dont really know alot getting it out. I feel horrible for the people who responded to the scene as that had to have been so scarring to see. So many families will be at a loss from this and i think the government should do alot to help out with there life now. | p068_384 |
385 | 23 | p029 | Wow, how sad. So many people dead for no reason. This sounds just like a terrible accident to me, I mean they think it could have been caused by lightning striking? What are the odds? It's so sad when things like this happen that result in such a massive loss of life. I feel bad for all the families affected and plus of course all the victims who lost their lives due to something so unnecessary. Sometimes things like this just happen and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it I guess. | p029_385 |
386 | 66 | p008 | Oh my gosh, I wonder what went wrong. Those poor people! I can't fathom what it would be like to just be going about my life when a sudden explosion turns my entire world upside down. Recovering from serious burns must be excruciating, I hate it when I burn my tongue. I hope they figure out what went wrong. Crazy to think how something so necessary can be so dangerous. | p008_386 |
387 | 66 | p019 | These kind of stories make me sad, but it sounds like it could have been so much worse!! Of all the people that could have been in an apartment complex, for no one to die and for only ten to be injured, that seems like pretty good luck all in all to me. Especially considering only 2 were hurt bad enough to go to the hospital. | p019_387 |
388 | 66 | p039 | It was a shame that there was a fire but at least they did not die. It could have been much worse the firefighters did a good job in preventing the loss of life. It was very good that there wasn't more serious injuries this could have been much worse but thank god there was someone watching out for these people | p039_388 |
389 | 66 | p024 | I think when accidents like this happen we must sit back and wonder why they happened and what can be done to prevent them in the future. I feel like this Arizona apartment complex probably did not have the necessary protocols to do things the right way and that caused this to happen. We must ensure all buildings have the necessary steps to prevent this. | p024_389 |
390 | 66 | p022 | After reading the article, you can't help but feel sorry for the people that were affected by the fire. It's a good thing that most only had minor injuries and there weren't any deaths though. I think that something like this is terrible because it is an accident of one person that can really hurt others as well. Hopefully people are more careful in the future. | p022_390 |
391 | 270 | p019 | This makes me so sad.... Especially because it totally could have been prevented if the right safety precautions would have just been taken. 23 lives. That's a lot. That's 23 families who will never be the same. All because it sounds like the heads in charge were lazy and taking the easy shortcuts out. | p019_391 |
392 | 270 | p022 | I feel really bad for the miners that were trapped. It was an unfortunate situation and an accident that was hard to avoid. It was just a freak accident and i would not wish this upon anybody. Those people must have been so scared inside that cave. The families of the ones that were lost are all suffering as well which makes me very sad. | p022_392 |
393 | 270 | p016 | Ugh, this story is so depressing. Cave ins and things like this are always devastating, but even more so when you dig and dig and find nothing. It reminds me of the dogs in 9/11 who got depressed over not finding survivors, or the Mexico earthquake where they made up a survivor just to make people feel better. It's so, so sad. :( | p016_393 |
394 | 270 | p010 | I read the article on the China mining disaster. There were 33 miners trapped in the mine. Only two of them survived. Officials stated whoever was responsible would be punished. Smaller mines were shut down immediately until further notice. China has always been known for the deadliest mining. | p010_394 |
395 | 270 | p068 | I cant even imagine dying this way. It is such a slow and painful death being trapped somewhere scared with gas leaking. It is sad that this was totally preventable but somehow they overlooked safety. I think all mines should be shut down until full safety inspections can be done. They need to be able to justify working conditions and not just have people working to make money. All of these people had families that are just stuck without them for such a silly reason to die. The government needs to be held responsible for this. | p068_395 |
396 | 368 | p019 | This man is truly disgusting.... My heart breaks for these poor girls and what they went through and what they will have to continue to go through as victims and survivors. I hope they know that this is not their fault and it is all on him. He made the choice. I'm sure the media will portray it how they usually do and try to put some blame on them, but it is not their fault at all. | p019_396 |
397 | 368 | p068 | Guys like this make me sick and so angry. The fact that he tried to say nothing every happened it was consentual and basically blaming the victims is beyond me. He tried to say he was already convicted because the news storys but it was his own behavior. You can't go around doing what you please to other people and hurting them for your own pleasure. I am so glad someone had the courage to speak up and stop this guy from hurting more women. In most cases you cant always be sure if the women is telling the truth or just getting back at a guy but multiple women coming forward you just have to believe this guy is a danger to society. He should be locked up for a very long time in my eyes. | p068_397 |
398 | 368 | p029 | This is kinda sad, although it's good that they caught this guy before he did any further damage. IT is sad for the women he already assaulted though. He is clearly some sort of serial rapist and needs to be put where he cannot harm any more women because he has already harmed too many. This type of thing is always sad because the victims can't undo the harm that's already been done to them. Going through a length trial just brings it all back up and everybody l oses. | p029_398 |
399 | 368 | p010 | I just finished reading the UW-Madison article. This guy named Alec Cook is being charged in alleged attacks on 5 women. It was a gruesome article how he forced these women to have sex with him or drugged and raped them despite the women pleading no. Stories like this really affect everyone. It's quite horrendous to think this happens so much in our culture. His legal team has a great deal to disprove. | p010_399 |
400 | 368 | p022 | After reading the article, i felt really bad for the victims that were sexually abused. It really disgusts me that there are men out there that can so easily take advantage of others just for a couple seconds of pleasure. I think that people like this should be put behind bars and kept away from society for ever. This person violated multiple women. | p022_400 |
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