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1 | 35 | p019 | How sad is it that this kind of pain and suffering, and those kind of living conditions still exsist today? what a gap we have in society between developed countries and those that aren't. It's crazy to drive around the US and see all the money people spend on pointless things, and then to think about how the people in Haiti are living. | p019_1 |
2 | 35 | p035 | It breaks my heart to see people living in those conditions. I hope that all the aid that was sent to the island makes it to the people who need it the most. I do not know what I would do it that was my family and I. I would hope that I would do my best, but I can see how depressing and hopeless you could feel having your whole life changed because of a storm and not knowing where your next meal is coming from. | p035_2 |
3 | 35 | p024 | I wonder why there aren't more people trying to help these people. I understand Haiti is not the richest nor less corrupt country but surely there must be a way to help. Supplies being looted by crowds is understandable because they are hungry and people need food and water to survive. We must think of other ways to distribute the food and water. | p024_3 |
4 | 35 | p041 | The article is kind of tragic and hits close to home as I am the son of Haitian immigrants. Haiti has a lot of problems that only become exaggerated during natural disasters. I think what the Haitian people really need from the international community is help developing infrastructure so they can address these issues themselves. Foreign aid only acts as a band aid. | p041_4 |
5 | 35 | p022 | After reading the article, you can't help but feel really sad and terrible for the people that were affected by the hurricane. It was a situation that they did not deserve and one that they most likely did not cause but mother nature has other plans for us. I feel bad for all the children as well as animals that are there as well with no shelter or food. | p022_5 |
6 | 213 | p020 | It is so sad that someone who had such an amazing story died in such a freak accident. His life was filled with amazing triumphs only for him to die in such a sad way. It is truly heart breaking to think about. He came from nothing and truly got the american dream. He died in such a rare and crazy way that it is so sad. | p020_6 |
7 | 213 | p019 | I think that these kinds of stories, are sad, yet inspirational and leave you with kind of a good feeling. Even though his story is sad, it's cool and inspiring/motivational to see that he rose up against his circumstances. That he worked hard to make something of himself and he succeeded in what he wanted to do. | p019_7 |
8 | 213 | p035 | From reading the article, it looks like the world lost a kindhearted and generous person. If no drugs or alcohol were involved in the accident. I wonder what happen to make them crash. I wonder if it was common to be on the boat with no life jacket. The life jacket may not even mattered because of the speed and the rocks. | p035_8 |
9 | 213 | p048 | It's crazy that random accidents like this happen everyday. I am not a baseball fan but of course enjoy a baseball game every now and again. I lived and worked in Miami too so I am vaguely familiar with that baseball player who unfortunately passed away. The effort to save him was great but unfortunately bad things seem to happen every day. He was so young too so it makes it worse. | p048_9 |
10 | 213 | p063 | That's sad. Regardless of what they find out happened, who was controlling what or if they had drugs in their system or whatever, it's sad. I don't know that they will find out anything, i just feel like lots of people will turn this into something it's not. It's unfortunate anytime a young person like this, with the world at their fingertips, loses their life in something that was controllable. | p063_10 |
11 | 78 | p022 | After reading the article, my reaction is that it is very sad that boys that young have to be put behind bars. I think that children should be able to experience their childhood and have fun at that age. They should not be facing hardships at all. They should be playing with friends and be in school at that age and not locked up behind a cell. | p022_11 |
12 | 78 | p019 | This story makes me so so sad.... As someone who also grew up in the system, I can strongly relate. It's sad that America has not figured out a better and more safe system to handle kid's without parents or with parents who are unfit. A lot of the times, the system is no better, or even worse than the situation kids were in before, and I think this story is a good example of that. | p019_12 |
13 | 78 | p029 | It sounds like these boys had a really rough life. I do think we all have personal responsibility for our choices at the end of the day though. Even though you might have it rough, ultimately it is up to you to decide to break the law or use drugs or not. So they had free will too and could have exercised that. Regardless, it is still sad that they went through a rough childhood. Nobody should have to endure that and kids are the saddest victims. | p029_13 |
14 | 78 | p054 | This is a tragic and sad story about how some children can experience the foster care system. Shelton bounced from one home to another, getting into trouble along the way, before beginning a life of crime and going to prison as a young adult and then as an adult. Given the way he was raised, it is almost impossible to imagine an alternate ending. | p054_14 |
15 | 78 | p022 | After reading the article, my first reaction and feeling is that i feel really bad for the brothers. I feel like people their age should not have to be locked inside a jail cell. They should be out in the world improving themselves and being normal people. It's also really sad for the family members of these brothers as well because they are probably all suffering and worrying. | p022_15 |
16 | 336 | p043 | I didn't know coal mining had such adverse effects on the surrounding environment. It has basically ruined the lives of the people who live nearby these mines. And the animal populations too, imagine a heard of elephants not able to sustain themselves with the food available and needing to invade human territory...They must really be in a desperate situation. | p043_16 |
17 | 336 | p037 | Hello. I feel really terrible about the current coal mining situation in India. Many lives have been lost, properties destroyed, so many losses for the people of that country. It's really pathetic how the government has failed in their duty to protect the citizens. It's even more worrisome that they have also failed to compensate the victims. It's a pity | p037_17 |
18 | 336 | p050 | I find it disturbing that thousands of acres of forest land are destroyed to mining, foraging elephants attracted by the crops in the fields often enter villages, resulting in an alarmingly high number of human-elephant conflict situations. This shouldnt be. This is wrong. I mean the selfishness of some people shouldnt be a problem for all | p050_18 |
19 | 336 | p016 | That's so sad about the situation with the coal and all the wildlife it's misplacing. It was kind of crazy reading the story about having the elephant crash into those people's houses -- i can't imagine having a giant two ton creature come through my wall! I'm glad no one was hurt, but it still sounds pretty scary. | p016_19 |
20 | 336 | p029 | This is very sad. I can't imagine having elephants come stampede my house in the middle of the night. What a terrible and sad situation, and these poor people can't even do anything about it. Someone needs to stop the deforestation and stop polluting the air these people breathe, it is not right ehat they are doing and all for the sake of turning a profit. | p029_20 |
21 | 281 | p029 | It's very tragic what happened to this woman. It just seems like it was so avoidable. There were so many warning signs that were ignored where people could have intervened and gotten her the help she needed. I just think things like this happen too often where people get swept under the rug and professionals and others overlook what should really be treated as major warning signs. I think lives could be saved if people would be a little more attentive to things like this. | p029_21 |
22 | 281 | p046 | That article is so sad. I feel so bad for her, that she wasn't able to get the help that she needed. I also feel bad for her family. I can't imagine how bad they feel and how helpless they felt seeing their family member going through something and not being able to help them. I hope that mental health services improve so that things like that don't continue to happen. | p046_22 |
23 | 281 | p007 | Guys, reading this article really hits home for me. If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, please get help from the available sources. Suicide is no joke and it is a shame when someone does not get the help they need. I've struggled with this for a few years now but I got the help I needed. This woman was not as fortuante. | p007_23 |
24 | 281 | p025 | I just read a really interesting but depressing article. It was about a woman who lived in the UK. She was the founding editor of Elle magazine. She was only thirty when the magazine started which is crazy to me. Imagine being thirty and running a whole magazine. She suffered from depression all of her life and even wrote a book about it. She was admitted into a mental hospital because she was struggling with her depression. The mental hospoital cleared her and let her go. Soon after she walked into the ocean and drowned. It is so sad that she did not get the help she needed. I hope all of our friends know that we are here for them and support them no matter whatthey are going through. | p025_24 |
25 | 281 | p022 | After reading the article, i really felt bad for the lady. I felt like she was just trying to get some help for her mental state and people didn't really believe her. I felt like people were just brushing off the fact that she needed help and it was pretty disturbing. I think that society as a whole needs to understand mental health better and how to help people. | p022_25 |
26 | 171 | p007 | Hey guys. So I just read this article about Iraqi Christians being persecuted by Muslims in Iraq. I don't understand why people of different religious backgrounds can't get along there. I'm sure it is a cultural thing but it is such unneccesary violence and conflict. It hurts both sides and I wish there was a way we could get them to set aside their differences. But not military action. We don't need another war. | p007_26 |
27 | 171 | p055 | It's sad that people anywhere are still threatened because of their beliefs. I don't understand why any religion is so set against other that they want to hurt, kill and threaten them. How does someone else's belief harm your own? I guess I just don't get why people get so fanatic about religion and ignore parts of the teachings about tolerance, peace and understanding. It seems wrong that people use religion as an excuse for violence. | p055_27 |
28 | 171 | p021 | This was pretty troubling to read about the events going on overseas. The families are struggling so much and there's no hope in sight for them to get any relief. Looking over their backs all the time and trying to protect their children. Trying to maintain work available to support their family. I can't imagine what it would be like. | p021_28 |
29 | 171 | p035 | This article made me think about something that I have never thought about before. Returning to a place where a war happen is not only the repairing of the physical, but the place may have memories that you may never want to return to. For some reason, I always thought that people would just be able to return when the fighting stopped. | p035_29 |
30 | 171 | p029 | This was a sad situation. It is unfair for all these people to live in such conflict and persecution fo their beliefs. It makes me very grateful to live somewhere that I have the freedom to believe what I want. People complain so much about America and don't realize how good we have it here. These people are literally dying just for what they believe which is really sad. I feel sad for the families. | p029_30 |
31 | 386 | p056 | I was saddened by the content in the article. I do think PTSD is real and is a serious issue. I can't even imagine what those soldiers have to go through, and I hope that my loved ones never find out. I think it's understandable that adjusting back would be difficult. I really think we need to do better taking care of our troops... even in the beginning. Do we really need them? Are we putting their interests at heart, or just our political ones? | p056_31 |
32 | 386 | p055 | The fact that we don't take care of our veterans is worse than sad. We have a duty to honor them and take care of them. I'm happy to see so many people speaking out and making issues with PTSD more easy to talk about. We can't keep ignoring these issues and pretending that we just can't do anything for our vets. We need to make sure we take more time to work with each vet and get them the help they not only need but deserve! | p055_32 |
33 | 386 | p039 | PTSD is a tough problem to have I feel bad for those veterans that have to deal with it they must relive those awful memories over and over again in their mind it can not be easy to live with all the things that they had to go through in the theater of war they need to spend more on mental health for them. | p039_33 |
34 | 386 | p019 | I hate hearing stories like this... I feel so bad for veterans, not only for what they have to deal with if they were on the battlefield, but because of the lack of respect for them in this country. Even if you don't agree with the war we are fighting, that is not their fault, don't take it out on them, take it out on their leaders. | p019_34 |
35 | 386 | p035 | The sights and sounds of war are horrible and I would never blame a person for having PTSD. I'm happy that the one solider although he has PTSD, he is working though it and wants to show people that now all people with PTSD are dangerous and there is away to heal yourself after being in a such bad of a place. | p035_35 |
36 | 58 | p056 | I had never considered the zoos in countries like Venezuela. I'm concerned that it seems like they're being fined and punished for their predicament. I think other zoos throughout the world should step up and try to rescue the animals, or at the very least, preserve them for a scientific purpose and euthanize them humanely. Those that are endangered should be removed. It's just a terrible situation for everyone, but the zoo owners and animals aren't at fault, it's the political constraints. | p056_36 |
37 | 58 | p062 | I find the article comical. In these places, people are starving to death and the concern of some people is whether zoo animals are getting enough to eat. The zoo animals should be slaughtered to feed people. The horses slaughtered to feed to animals should be fed to people. The animals probably shouldn't be in zoos to begin with, but now that they are they shouldn't come before human needs. That's idiotic. Just butcher the zoo animals, feed them to people, and be done with the problem. That's my opinion. | p062_37 |
38 | 58 | p030 | I just read an article about how animals in Venezuela are starving to death because of the turmoil that is happening in that country. I feel like there should be some kind of action plan in place for animals in countries that are experiencing hardship so that they can be transported to other places in times of crisis. The thought of innocent creatures starving to death in cages really turns my stomach. | p030_38 |
39 | 58 | p016 | Honestly the entire story is just so sad and really highlights how devastating the effects of greed are. It's not enough that our policies and hunger for power wreck human lives, we have to wreck entire environments and species, too. I feel so bad for the animals, and it just goes to show how much worse things must be for the actual humans. | p016_39 |
40 | 58 | p020 | In Valenzuela the animals in the zoo are starving.. The staff cannot afford to feed them many days. This is so sad and disturbing. These poor animals have no freedom and cannot go anywhere to find food. That is torture and wrong. Someone needs to step into this sad situation before it gets any worse. | p020_40 |
41 | 289 | p055 | This is such a sad story. Cancer is so hard on everyone and even the same cancer experience makes it different from everyone else. And yet, there is so much the same about people that have to suffer through this disease. It takes such a toll on them and everyone around them as you feel so helpless while battling this terrible illness. I am so proud of people that maintain such a positive outlook and fight so hard. | p055_41 |
42 | 289 | p072 | I feel very bad for this person. I know I have seen people go through cancer and it is always sad as it just seems to tear them apart so quickly. This person is clearly strong and has an abundance of support so I wish them the best in their fight. Besides that, I wish they can find a cure for this soon. | p072_42 |
43 | 289 | p035 | It is nice for her to share her journey with cancer. I like how both of them connected with each other. I know that cancer is a sad thing and I'm happy they she found a way to change how she thinks about herself and thinks about life. It was interesting to see how she thought about her husband during that time. | p035_43 |
44 | 289 | p007 | I just read an article about cancer and how it effects a person. I know how cancer feels; I've dealt with family members getting cancer in my childhood. It was rough. But it takes a lot fo strength to get through the treatments. And I just want to say that if you have cancer, you can do it. you can beat it and get through it. No matter how gloomy the day may be look forward to a brighter tomorrow. | p007_44 |
45 | 289 | p019 | This kind of stuff makes me so sad... I hate cancer... It's crazy, with how far advanced we are that we don't have a better cure for it yet... And that the only "treatment" really is pumping poison into your body... I do think that big pharma has something to do with this, because there is so so so much money to be made off of cancer. | p019_45 |
46 | 210 | p056 | I'm curious why the singer was labeled controversial. I guess only the statement that was made about security. I remember the event in this article happening because I like the band, and was familiar with them, and it could have been me at the show. All of those people were innocent and had no idea what was going on, didn't ask for it, etc. Hearing the stories was really traumatizing. I can't even imagine. I'm glad that everyone is able to overcome. | p056_46 |
47 | 210 | p073 | That is so sad what happened to the people at the concert. I can't imagine why someone would want to do something like that. What would they get from it? I feel so badly for the families involved. It was over 100 people. It is just so sad. It's nice what they are doing with the concerts now, but nothing will bring those people's family members back. | p073_47 |
48 | 210 | p028 | Reading about the attack on Paris that happened years ago brought up a lot of bad feelings and thoughts. I had completely forgotton about it because of how often things like that happen. It makes me upset to think that we are becoming numb to terror attacks in a way. i can only hope that the people affected have found peace and eventually we all will find peace | p028_48 |
49 | 210 | p039 | that was many people that were killed in that paris attack these muslims are out of control killing people left and right Trump is right to stop immigration from those countries to america we need to protect ourselves from these savages killing people who are out celebrating and havina good time something needs to be done | p039_49 |
50 | 210 | p022 | After reading the article, it's great that the band members still made time to visit the people that were killed during the attack. I also feel that these attacks have been happening way too often now and is now a normal thing. We should be doing more to prevent these attacks from happening and acknowledging the people who died instead of the killers. | p022_50 |
51 | 49 | p005 | I am writing as regards my thoughts for Polar bears, the poster-child for climate change, are among the animals most affected by the seasonal and year-to-year changes in Arctic sea ice, because they rely on this surface for essential activities such as hunting, traveling and breeding. The researchers recommend that the National Climate Assessment incorporate the timing of spring ice retreat and fall ice advance as measures of climate change in future reports. The study's results currently are used by the International Union for Conservation of Nature's polar bear specialist group, which completes assessments of polar bears and issues the species' conservation status. I am really pleased with this information. | p005_51 |
52 | 49 | p043 | It's so sad that our disregard for the environment since the Industrial Age is having such an effect on the entire planet. The ice melting too soon is going to have such an effect on polar bears and pretty much every animal. I'm not sure what we can possibly do to prevent polar bears from dying out because of a lack of food. They need that ice to hurt seals and without it, they are restricted to what they can hunt on land. | p043_52 |
53 | 49 | p062 | I like polar bears but I don't really care that much about their survival or extinction. We look at ourselves and our place in the universe as being important, and as if our time defines the universe the way it's supposed to exist. Polar bears haven't existed for like 99.9999% of the history of the universe, and now we think it's some travesty that they won't exist in the future. This is incredibly arrogant and self-centered thinking that I think is silly. I guess I'd rather have a world with polar bears. But I also largely don't care. | p062_53 |
54 | 49 | p030 | I just read an article on melting sea ice in the arctic. It's looking like polar bears are inextricably bound to the fate of extinction. I know they are a popular poster child for environmentalism but there are thirty thousand other species that are being threatened because of humanity's shortsightedness. | p030_54 |
55 | 49 | p022 | After reading the article, my initial reaction was that i felt really bad for the polar bears. They did not deserve what is happening to them. It is mainly due to climate change and i believe that is caused mostly by human activities. Because of human greed and consumption, we have to make other living things suffer. Because of this, many animals are facing extinction today. | p022_55 |
56 | 72 | p029 | I find it sad that elephants are still being poached and killed just for their tusks. Like some of the experts said though I'm not sure how much difference this action would have made. I think they need to focus more on cracking down on poachers and enforcing that behavior as well as the ivory trade. Really I don't know enough about this topic to comment on it in an intelligent way. Supposedly the elephant populations are growing and a nuisance to the local people? I find that surprising, but I guess it is better that they are growing than declining. | p029_56 |
57 | 72 | p024 | I feel sad that elephants can't even be protected how they should be. The fact that a bid to give them high level protection was defeated tells me that money rules overall and it has been that way and will always be that way and it is something I can not just grasp my head around and accept as a fact of life because it just is not fair. | p024_57 |
58 | 72 | p055 | The killing of elephants for ivory just makes me so angry. I can't help but wonder if anyone is really taking the possible extinction of them seriously. While the poachers are a definite problem, I think we need to also be worried about those that are buying the ivory. If we remove the demand, perhaps that will go a long way to helping stop the killing. I think cracking down on both sides of this issue is the only way we will see real change. | p055_58 |
59 | 72 | p068 | Any tyoe of animal poaching and killing just really hurts my heart. It is disgusting that this kind of thing is still happening and that not everyone can agree to fiercly protect these gentle giants. I get that these countries are poor and this kind of hunting and trading brongs in big money for them but I think they need to look at the bigger picture and more countries should help build these countries up in others ways so they dont have to rely on this for there people and economy. I also agree with the conservationist that say all the paper laws in the world cant cut down on the killings if you dont control illigal trade that is were the focus needs to stay on. | p068_59 |
60 | 72 | p029 | It is sad to hear what is happening with the elephants. Seems they are innocent victims here and nobody is doing much to help out. It seems too like a problem with such a huge scope that there is not much people can do. It is sad that they are suffering, I don't think any animals should have to suffer at the hands of humans especially just for the need to make money which is all this was avbout. Really a tragedy. | p029_60 |
61 | 150 | p029 | It's sad that the young woman died. I feel sad for her family and friends who have lost a loved one. It does sound kinda like an unnecessary death but I guess she knew the risks when she decided to become a fighter pilot. It seems like a dangerous profession and like these things could easily happen. I guess they could easily be avoided just by avoiding this career altogether but anyway. It is what it is. Very sad anytime a person dies. | p029_61 |
62 | 150 | p032 | I just read a story about the death of a Chinese female fighter pilot. It wasn't made clear exactly what happened - apart from a plane crash - but she is being hailed a hero. I was amazed that China would allow women to hold that kind of position - shockingly modern of them. And that she was widely respected warms my heart. | p032_62 |
63 | 150 | p070 | China's first female fighter pilot died in an aerobatics crash. I wonder if she would have ever seen any other flight than performing in shows. I've definitely got mixed feelings about this. On the one hand she's definitely a trailblazer for women in her country. On the other hand, for what purpose? | p070_63 |
64 | 150 | p030 | I just read an article about China's Yu Xu. She was one of the first female fighter pilots cleared for a solo flight. The state run media is very tight lipped about the cause of the accident and the comments attributed to Yu seem very sterile and highly suspect. She was even compared to Mulan at the end of the article. I just don't know about communist governments. The whole thing seemed like lip service to mask a technical failure. | p030_64 |
65 | 150 | p029 | This was sad! Being one of four fighter jet pilots who are female is a pretty big deal so she definitely accomplished a lot. I guess the hope would be that others could learn from this tragedy. Whether it was an issu with the jet itself or a lack of training, hopefully they can figure out what caused this tragedy so it can be prevented in the future. I feel sad for her family and loved ones who lost a close friend. Very sad and it sounded like she was a good person too. | p029_65 |
66 | 138 | p032 | I just read about two young women in France who took their lives after being bullied. I remember being bullied and I can't tell you how glad I am that we did not have social media back in the 80s. The cruelty of kids towards other kids is horrifying. We ask where the parents are for the bullied, but where are the parents of the bullies? | p032_66 |
67 | 138 | p043 | I wasn't bullied much as a child but I can really sympathize with people who there. You're a lot more narrow minded as a child and getting bullied can make it seem like your entire life is ruined. I think it's a bigger problem now because of technology. Before a child would only get bullied during school hours, hopefully outside of the sight of a teacher. Now children can be bullied 24/7 through technology since everyone has a cell phone and uses social media. It's a hard problem to solve. | p043_67 |
68 | 138 | p030 | I just read an article about bullying in France. Apparently, the suicide of a 17 year old French girl has caused the country to reevaluate its approach toward bullying. I personally have never experienced intense bullying or ridicule first hand or even second hand. I guess I was a pretty likable kid after all. I think the key to solving problems like this is most definitely inclusion. The reason children feel this way is because they perceive themselves to be absolutely alone. | p030_68 |
69 | 138 | p055 | This is such a sad story. To think these girls have been driven to take their own lives because of bullying is appalling. Why can't we seem to do more to stop this behavior and why do kids and even adults feel that bullying behavior is acceptable. We have to start punishing kids for this behavior, make them be accountable for their actions and take a strong stand that says we won't tolerate this kind of behavior any longer. | p055_69 |
70 | 138 | p024 | Bullying isn't a new thing and it is something that must be dealt with swiftly. We must find a way to fix this stuff because it is not new and keeps happening around us. Not only in France but all around the world kids suffer from this and it leads to many suicides. The pressure from other kids is huge. | p024_70 |
71 | 3 | p005 | The heartbreaking cries of girls who watched their mothers die on Thunder River Rapids ride: Two young girls, aged 10 and 13, were miraculously thrown to safety from the doomed Thunder River Rapids ride at Dreamworld on Australia's Gold Coast and watched in horror as the four adults in their raft were killed. A malfunction with the ride's conveyor belt is suspected to have caused the six-person raft to flip, crushing and drowning two men, aged 38 and 35, and two women, aged 42 and 32, about 2.20pm on Tuesday. Those killed include Canberra woman Kate Goodchild, 32, her brother Luke Dorsett, 35, his partner Roozi Araghi, 38, and another woman. The New Zealand Herald has named Cindy Low, 42, from Kawerau, as the fourth victim. I was really devastated by this event. | p005_71 |
72 | 3 | p038 | Did you read this article? It's so heartbreaking I cannot take it. News stories don't affect me unless there is kids involved and the image of the little girls wandering around calling for her mum and the two children that lost their mother. It's horrific. It's also making me rethink rides like these because you know I love the kali river rapids at Disney which this sounds similar too. Maybe I should just stay away from rides all together. They just aren't safe. | p038_72 |
73 | 3 | p024 | I think this is a terrible tragedy because the victims at dreamworld were there to have fun not to die. More needs to be done to test these roller coasters to make sure that it does not happen anymore. Unfortunately it happens too often more than it should and we do not hold these park authorities accountable. | p024_73 |
74 | 3 | p037 | Hello friend. It's with a heavy heart that I'm typing this. The story of what happened to those people is really pathetic and saddening. I feel really terrible about the event. Accidents of such nature are highly predictable and can be easily avoided but because of negligence and greed, operators won't properly maintain their machines. It's just sad | p037_74 |
75 | 3 | p029 | Wow, how sad! This is truly terrible that this happened. What an absolutely horrible situation! I just can't imagine the horror of the people watching as well as those involved. It must have been a terribly scary scenario for everyone, including the people watching and especially the people involved. The children who lived will obviously be permanently scarred and have lost their parents which is even worse. I really found this heartbreaking. | p029_75 |
76 | 169 | p002 | I am not really sure how I feel about this article. I kind of think that parents in this situation should face some type of consequences. Not always jail time but community service or being forced to partake in educational classes so as to avoid these situations in the future. As hard as it is to say this, the parents are at fault as this is a clear case of negligence. | p002_76 |
77 | 169 | p005 | I am writing as regards my thoughts on a tragic death of a 2-year-old boy, who fell from the 11th floor of an apartment building early Wednesday morning. Investigators said the window of the child's bedroom was open and he was able to push open the screen. Officers and paramedics rushed to the Willoughby Hills Towers apartment complex on Chardon Road after a security guard reported a small child fell out of the window and onto the parking deck below. This is a tragic incident that got me really sad. | p005_77 |
78 | 169 | p009 | Dear friend,I am writing to tell you about a horrific story and article that I have just read. A small two year old boy fell out of his bedroom window and died while his parents thought he was asleep in his room. The window was open and he pushed the screen out and fell and died shortly after. It is such a horrible story. | p009_78 |
79 | 169 | p035 | I do not know how to feel about this story. It is one of those stories where I blame the parents and do not blame the parents at the same time. I naturally worry all the time and would had made sure that the window was not open enough for the 2 year old to fall out and I do know that accidents happen. The parents must be heartbroken. | p035_79 |
80 | 169 | p068 | This poor child I just feel so bad. You would think someone would check the windows and make sure there secure with children is an apartment building off the ground. If it was me I would have some sort of safety lock on them because I know children can do anything. Maybe the parents were just not educated on the dangers but it seems irresponsible they didnt check or know that was happening. That poor child died such a painful death it is hard to even fathem. Thankful for the guard who called 911 so someone didnt find the body later on. Im sure the parents feel horrible and blame themselves that is very sad to me. | p068_80 |
81 | 353 | p022 | I thought that the article was a bit sad. I feel like being in cars is a serious situation and everyone should be safe. I also think that the parents tried the best that they could to do everything they can in the situation. The sitatuion made me feel a bit sad and a bit concerned as well. It makes me feel like doing something to help them out. | p022_81 |
82 | 353 | p043 | I wish there was more details...How did this happen? Did maybe the kid fall off the cliff and when his father tried to save him, he also fell off? Were they running and didn't realize they were able to fall off a cliff? This is just a strange and really sad story. I hope that somebody puts fencing alongside where they fell, so this doesn't happen to anyone else. | p043_82 |
83 | 353 | p030 | I just read an article about a father and son who fell from a hiking trail and expired. I actually had a friend who met a similar fate a few years ago. He was a ranger in a national park that fell into a crevasse and ended up being eaten by bears. It's a terrible way to shed one's mortal coil. My heart goes out to their family. | p030_83 |
84 | 353 | p007 | So I just read an article about how a father and his son died from a fall while hiking because there was a problem with the rescue chopper and they couldn't get to them in time. I think that is completely unacceptable. Why wasn't there a second rescue chopper? Is there no such thing as a back up? The loss of life could have been prevented. | p007_84 |
85 | 353 | p022 | I think that the article was very sad and got me worried. The fact that they coudln't find the father and his son is very sad. To think about their family members and the mother as well as what she is currently going through makes me feel awful. The father and son were both probably just trying to bond and having this happen is traumatizing. | p022_85 |
86 | 304 | p030 | I just read an article about suicides in children between 10 and 14. Even though I as not aware of the recent spike in these types of fatalities, I am aware that they happen. Years ago when I was visiting my relatives in OK there was buzz around the town about a boy of only 12 that hung himself after he was punished by his father for misbehaving. To think of someone that young taking their own life is absolutely heartbreaking. | p030_86 |
87 | 304 | p048 | It's pretty heartbreaking to hear and read stories about suicide. I have always felt like there is more that can be done for mental health with young and older people these days. It's not only the youth that struggle with it but it seems so normalized at a younger age. I feel strongly that there is no excuse for someone to kill themselves. Anything can be prevented and anyone can be helped. It's a hard time and age though and usually those kids feel like there is nothing left for them to live for when in reality they have an entire wonderful life ahead of themselves, regardless of past experiences. But that's just my opinion. | p048_87 |
88 | 304 | p024 | We need to stop bullying of kids because in my opinion it is the main culprit in kids committing suicide! We need to find a way to stop that because kids dont deal with peer pressure like us adults do! The faster we find a way to stop this the quicker we find a solution to deaths of kids by suicide methods! | p024_88 |
89 | 304 | p041 | It is some what saddening that suicide rates among young children have increased, but not surprising. I believe there is a correlation with the increased prevalence of social media and the rise in this kind of phenomena. Social media use is correlated with mental illnesses such as depression, which in turn are linked to suicides. | p041_89 |
90 | 304 | p062 | A few thoughts about this. First, amazing how far down the car accident death statistics are. That's amazing. Second, I find it interesting that 2007 is when young suicides spike. That's the same year the iPhone was introduced. I'm sure there are other factors, but I think pervasive internet and social media have certainly not helped. I also laughed when the lady said that it's not normal for kids to say things like, "I just wish I could go to sleep forever." I've been saying that for decades. That's like my personal mantra. I guess I've always been one of those people who thinks about suicide and believes it's a solution. I've always felt I'd die that way. Like it was preordained or something. | p062_90 |
91 | 233 | p030 | The things that people do in the name of perversions of faith are absolutely sickening. Religion, something that is used to foster hope, charity and goodwill in the poor and downtrodden is used to exploit and control by those in power. The victims of Boko Haram will most likely see no justice. The rapists, drug dealers and murders will walk free and righteous despite their atrocities. The whole thing makes me sick to my stomach. | p030_91 |
92 | 233 | p022 | What happened in the article was very upsetting to read. I felt really bad for the women that got raped. It was also terrible because it stated that many of them were impregnated by these soldiers and there was pretty much nothing they could do about it. It's so damaging not only for the woman but for the unborn child as well. | p022_92 |
93 | 233 | p024 | Unfortunately in countries like these the officials are so corrupt you can't expect any justice to be made. I feel like overall it is what makes the most sense to me. Not expecting justice is a normal thing in Nigeria. I feel like there is no two ways about it and overall I feel disappointed that us as a world can only sit back and watch and not do anything about it. | p024_93 |
94 | 233 | p041 | I think it is a testimony to the inefficacy of the Nigerian state that sex crimes should be so pervasive in the refugee camps. The government should have done a much better job of screening the people who would be placed in these critical positions of authority. The guards should been majority if not exclusively female. | p041_94 |
95 | 233 | p002 | I do not really know how to feel exactly about this situation. This is one of the worse things that I could imagine a person doing. Taking advantage of another person that just left a really traumatic situation is one of the worst things that I could imagine a person doing. These people come to you for help and trust you only to have their trust broken in the worse possible way. | p002_95 |
96 | 57 | p007 | I think it is absolutely saddening that these animals were neglected in such a bad area of the world. Not only were a lot killed/starved but they were in a warzone! Who thought it was a good idea to put a zoo right in one of the most fought over areas in the middle east? Those poor animals had to suffer for people's enjoyment in a horrible place. | p007_96 |
97 | 57 | p050 | Why do human have to be so wicked? I capture innocent animal from their homes, enslave them and deprive them of the right treatment. It is a very sad and wicked situation. We should leave things the way they are if we know we are not capable of affording these animals what nature will give them. We dont have to keep spoiling everything the nature begot in the name of domination. It is not right!!! | p050_97 |
98 | 57 | p005 | According to this statement "But the animals? problems may not be over. ?Our experience rescuing and rehabilitating wild animals that have spent years in captivity?often in appalling and traumatic conditions?has taught us that this can lead to a wide range of physical and psychological problems,? Knight says" It makes me sad that this situation is not close to being solved and some animals will still suffer. | p005_98 |
99 | 57 | p030 | I just read an article about a rescue of zoo animals from the alleged "Worst Zoo on the Planet." I wish it wasn't so easy for me to believe that the proprietors of the zoo blamed the deaths of animals and horrible conditions on armed conflict that their country primarily instigated. The zoo wasn't even targeted in attacks on the area. I'm not a big fan of zoos in the first place, but it is nice to know that there are groups out there to look out for the best interest of these poor animals. | p030_99 |
100 | 57 | p020 | A zoo named world zoo was the home to many suffering animals. This zoo was located on the Gaza strip. Very bad circumstances lead to animals dying of hunger. thankfully a rescue group made it's way there to rescue these poor animals. they did not deserve to live in such a bad place where there was no food. it is truly sad. | p020_100 |
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