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201 | 31 | p060 | I find humanities lack of care for the environment disgusting. The fact the there are companies that profit off the destruction of forests and homes and animals is mind blowing. Entire acres of forest are being destroyed for the wood they hold. Inside those forests are animals that have homes and families. They are all being displaced, or worse killed, by these greedy businessmen looking to turn a profit off of nature. After reading this article it sounds like the government of Indonesia is not committed to protecting the forests or the animals living in them. It almost seems like they are making money off of the death of nature, and so they are turning a blind eye to the violation of its very own laws. | p060_201 |
202 | 31 | p062 | I'm mostly bothered by this story because of how much it demonstrates our inability to do anything about these large issues. Even if we, in the West, have the means and desire to do something about these issues (and we don't), the rest of the world doesn't see things like we do. Indonesia doesn't even live up to the agreements that they presumably agreed to. I feel bad for the orangutans, I guess. I'm not sure what their situation is but I guess it's bad. But how can you have any hope or faith in humans tackling all these big issues when we're so prone to dealing with our economies and self-interest, and so rarely sacrifice in any real way for something long term or for someone/something else? | p062_202 |
203 | 31 | p024 | We must do something to stop these companies from getting rid of what forest and animals we have left. The fact that orangutans are an endagered species angers me. What have we as humans done to prevent this? I think nothing. If something is done it would be totally unimpressive and do nothing. What we need to do is all come together and work towards the same goal. | p024_203 |
204 | 31 | p042 | This is a very serious situation as it affects both the wildlife and forest situation in Indonesia. It affects the population of the endangered Orangutan species. The government must do everything to protect the trees, provide rangers to protect the life of the Orangutans. Provisions should be made to reduce wildfire. | p042_204 |
205 | 31 | p027 | Another case of displacing natural wildlife to make room for our own causes and concerns. Everything we have come oat the expense of other creatures and stuff. It's difficult to look past this, and it should be even harder. I think about their lives, they see and feel and are frightened just like i am, but wha they want doesn't matter because it doesn't make anyone rich to care about others. have a great day! | p027_205 |
206 | 201 | p009 | Dear friend, I have recently just read an article about a horrible shooting in Charlotte. It was a black man who was killed by the police. This is just one of many such cases unfortunately. I think there is a problem in this country and I hope that it can be solved one day. | p009_206 |
207 | 201 | p062 | This whole issue is bullshit. Blacks get killed by cops less frequently than whites based on encounter rates. The question the nation should be asking itself is not why cops are killing blacks, or how we can tolerate it. The question is why there are apparently generations of blacks who don't feel it necessary to obey laws or comply with police, and are then surprised when police act in the ways they do. This whole movement was also based on a complete lie. The Ferguson thing was complete horseshit. That Brown guy attacked a cop, tried to take his gun, and was rightfully killed in the process. And yet the truth never comes out, just the narrative that blacks are being murdered by law enforcement. It's disgraceful. | p062_207 |
208 | 201 | p027 | I feel absolute fear thinking about how police are just these over militarized, under trained, fearful reactionary simpletons gunning down anyone that might even be a potential maybe threat at some point, but mostly not even that. These people are being absolutely slaughtered in the streets, and its no consequences for the cops. Sad, troubling times | p027_208 |
209 | 201 | p065 | Hey buddy, I just read about yet another officer involved shooting of an African American. Although this incident is pretty old news, it told of the unrest in Charlotte after a black man was killed by the police. In the protests, someone (not a cop) fired into the crowd, wounding a civilian and four police officers. It's just a sad commentary on where we're at with race relations in this country. Even sadder: I don't see it getting any better any time soon... | p065_209 |
210 | 201 | p007 | I know there are a lot of specific circumstances and things pertaining to police shootings of African Americans, but hoenstly a lot of these cases seem like the cop is just really trigger happy. And honestly that is unacceptable. African Americans are racially profiled and that is wrong. I think there has to be something done with our law enforcement to make these shootings less likely to occur. | p007_210 |
211 | 273 | p063 | This whole situation kind of blows. On one hand, I hate that what we might be doing is infringing on people sacred land. On the other hand, I remember reading about how they gave the pipeline an x amount chance of spilling into the water, and it was relatively low. I just don't know who I support here. I don't think people should be burning cars, and blocking roads, but I don't really have an alternative plan either. | p063_211 |
212 | 273 | p024 | I think police need to be checked for how they treating protestors. These native people are in the right defending their own land and should not be maced for doing so. The native american people in this country have suffered enough. Its time we give them something good instead of bad again. They deserve this land. | p024_212 |
213 | 273 | p018 | I view the content that is sent to me online as my virtualized personalized email inbox. I find it unfortunate that scholars can relate their works cited to the various other work they are completing in ways to document not only their feelings on the article, but also progress on their goals as a person regarding their personalized information they receive. However, we as mTurk workers are afforded the luxury, and in fact the article more relates to the fact that remote workers are sometimes shut off from communication to the outside world by regular means. This does relate to the article in that a pipeline is spewing contamination into a water supply. When I contact my superiors that also work remotely, most projects are mishandled in ways and my personalized communication style. | p018_213 |
214 | 273 | p039 | We need more oil and more jobs where do these people have time to go and protest do they work or not I mean I have no time to go protest it is crazy to me that these people can stop the construction of a wonderful pipeline to bring more oil to us I love oil and I love when it is cheap and affordable | p039_214 |
215 | 273 | p019 | This is crazy to me that this sort of stuff is going on right now in the US over oil/money... Shooting a kids horse?? That sounds like something that would have happened in medieval times or the 1800s or something, not 2020. This is so sad... adn this has been going on for far to long. A generation is growing up in this. | p019_215 |
216 | 247 | p027 | This was an awful tragedy. You see it so much these days, it just doesn't register. Atually, i can't believe it but I'd forgotten al about it until i was reminded by this article. So tragic so sad. And it doesn't end. It just piles up nd up the more you live. Senselessand cruel. All for an ideology. All for hatred. Wha5t did those people do? Nothing. No one deserves this. | p027_216 |
217 | 247 | p035 | It was very sad what happened in Paris. I think the terrorist are cowards. I would hate to find out after all the worrying and not being able to reach my child that they had died on social media. It was very sad to read about and feel the father's emotions about his daughter. I was happy that he found some peace with his lost. | p035_217 |
218 | 247 | p017 | life is precious. dont waste your time not doing the things you want or it might all be taken from you vefore you get a chance to do everything in this life that you want to. I just read about how a bunch of people died in paris in 2015 and it was horrible to hear about how those people died. it got me to thinking, i want to paint a self portrait. what do you want to do? | p017_218 |
219 | 247 | p009 | Dear friend, I have just read a horrifying and disturbing article about a terror attack that happened in Paris, france in 2015. There were 90 people killed at a rock concert after terrorists opened fire and set of bombs inside of the music venue. This was a truly horrible event. | p009_219 |
220 | 247 | p044 | The terrific massacre that happened a year ago is really a bad situation to be in. I feel for the victims of this horrible experience may their souls rest in peace. I hope we have better security at events henceforth. ISIS truly is a pain in the ass and I just so wish that all perpetrator be caught and justice be passed | p044_220 |
221 | 417 | p027 | Just a bad situation here. A woman brings her dog or dogs to a park where their not supposed to be, takes them are their leash which you shouldn't do, bu a guy got scared and because its the wild west you can just walk around with a gun shooting things. I don't like any part of any of this. Hart to tell what to think sometimes. You don't to look for blame, but Like i said, I don't like anybody involved in tis too much | p027_221 |
222 | 417 | p029 | In this case I totally support the actions of the man who shot the dog. He was totally within his rights and it was highly inappropriate and inconsiderate of that woman to have an unleashed dog running int he park. The man asked her to restrain her dog when it attacked her and she failed to do that several times so she had fair warning. I'm sick of dogs running wild and attacking innocent bystanders, often resulting in grave bodily injury or death. Somebody needs to do something to stop this problem. | p029_222 |
223 | 417 | p035 | I feel sorry for the dog. I think it is the owner's fault that the dog was killed. The man could have handled it better, but he was within his rights to shoot the dog for his protection. The owner should have kept her dog on a better leash and not let the dog run freely in the park. Hopefully the owner will learn from this. | p035_223 |
224 | 417 | p051 | I understand that the women broke a leash law, but the consequences was not deserved. It seems like the man overreacted by shooting a dog for running up to him and should be held criminally liable. I do not mind conceal and carry laws, but a person using it irresponsibly such as this person should be punished. | p051_224 |
225 | 417 | p029 | After hearing about the shooting of a dog in a public park, I fully stand behind the actions of the man who shot the dog. I'm sorry for the dog owner's loss, but in this case they were totally in the wrong and should have taken precautions to protect and be considerate of others. For starters, they did not have the dog on a leash. They also did not restrain the dog when it jumped at the man and he repeatedly asked them to restrain it. With so many dog attacks resulting in deaths recently, I can understand the man's concern and he acted to defend himself quickly. This was the dog owner's fault entirely. | p029_225 |
226 | 139 | p062 | I didn't really feel anything from this story. I don't care about amphibians and certainly don't care about them in England. I just thought the science of it all was interesting, or the analysis . But it shows what humans do to all environments they come in contact with. They change them. The migrate and bring in new things. And that affects stuff. That's not always our fault, but that's the way of things. And yet we think it's fine to let refugees and immigrants go where they want, as if there aren't repercussions for that. There are repercussions for everything. Migration changes habitats. Change isn't inherently bad, but it's inherently different, and people don't like that. | p062_226 |
227 | 139 | p028 | Have you heard of the current situation with the amphibian population of the UK. They are being affected by a type of virus right now that is causing much of their population to be wiped out. It is terrible and is likely being caused by human intervention. At least to the point that people are causing the virus to spread faster by them constantly moving the animals and man made ponds being built. I hope the scientific community steps in to correct the issue or many more animals will be harmed. | p028_227 |
228 | 139 | p035 | I learned something new about garden ponds and their role in spreading infections in frogs and fish. The frog population his been effected by urban garden ponds and people moving frogs from pond to pond. The frogs do not seem to be recovering from the diseases that is spreading. I wonder how many people in England will read this and stop having a garden pond. | p035_228 |
229 | 139 | p073 | This story is sad because of all the frogs becoming sick and how quickly it is spreading. I think that maybe the areas where this is happening can try to educate people on what they can do to try to keep the disease from spreading any further. Most people probably don't even realize that their garden ponds might be causing this disease for the frogs. | p073_229 |
230 | 139 | p019 | Poor animals! But at least it sounds like the government is involved in helping stop the spreading of this thing. I hope people who have ponds or want ponds in their yard will be made aware or make themselves aware of the danger of this, and how to prevent it as well as stop the spread. That is the only way this will get better | p019_230 |
231 | 128 | p035 | As a man, I could never understand why a man would want to grab or touch a woman without her wanting them to. I wonder if there is a connection between wanting to be in a high position and have high status and the feeling like you can do anything you want. I feel sorry for any woman that has been in this situation. | p035_231 |
232 | 128 | p029 | Ehh I never really know what to think about claims like this. On the one hand, her roommates claim that they remember hearing her talk about it at the time. On the other hand, why wait twenty years to bring up an incident that happened that was that disturbing? I think some women are making allegations and accusations just to get attention or for political motivations. Who knows why. People do crazy things for crazy reasons. I'm just really skeptical of a lot of these things I hear and I think the #metoo movement has gotten way out of hand. Sorry, just my two cents. | p029_232 |
233 | 128 | p073 | I just read this story about a female lawyer that is accusing Justice Clarence Thomas of groping her in 1999. He apparently tried to get her to sit next to him, cleared a space at the table next to him, and touched her butt. It's hard for me to really know with these stories because so much of it seems to be influenced by politics. | p073_233 |
234 | 128 | p029 | I am never sure what to think about these people. I mean if he did actually harrass her that is bad and deserves attention. But if she is just making up the allegations then shame on her. I think the me too movement has gone too far with too many people making up allegations and ruining the lives of men. However, in this case Thomas was already guilty of harrassing Anita Hill so it is probably more likely to be true. Either way it is always hard to tell. | p029_234 |
235 | 128 | p024 | I think it must be investigated thoroughly and if true this man should be removed from his position immediately. Groping is just as bad as rape in my honest and humble opinion and should be removed fast. I think a precedent has to be set to stop these things and in order for that to happen we must be able to iron the bad ones out. | p024_235 |
236 | 245 | p062 | I wonder if this type of thing is going to become more common as more people are forced to take care of elderly relatives at home. Or mentally ill relatives. Or both. I assume this woman has something wrong with her. She's not that old and I have to believe something's wrong with her to be out like that. Dementia or mental illness or something. Anyway, it's got to be really hard to take care of someone like that. Our ability to live a long time is a double-edged sword. Our bodies keep working and our minds stop, or vice versa, I guess. Anyway, I feel sad if some family is worrying about where this woman is. She might be scared and confused too. | p062_236 |
237 | 245 | p030 | So, I just read an article about an old woman who seemed to be suffering from dementia found wandering without a coat in the northeast. The police were asking for public assistance to find out where she belonged. It's so sad to think that people in this state can be left alone and have no one to miss them if they wander away. | p030_237 |
238 | 245 | p029 | This is a sad case of what seems like an elderly woman getting lost. I feel sad for the family involved and the feelings they must have. Or did they even notice she was gone? You would think they would be out looking for her if they noticed. Maybe it was just a lonely old woman by herself which is even more sad. Either way, I feel like elderly people in general are often overlooked and that is unfortunate. They should deserve the same respect that younger people do | p029_238 |
239 | 245 | p024 | Its a good thing the cops are asking for help because I dont feel like anyone else would at this point. The fact that the woman was found wandering in the middle of the night without a coat is scary. It also goes to show that most people do not help others. She was confused and obviously drugged I just hope she gets the help she needs. | p024_239 |
240 | 245 | p029 | This is sad for the woman and the family! It sounds like she had some sort of dementia and alzheimers which is really scary. Hopefully she is okay and will be able to be reunited with her family. It is sad when people get so old that they are deteriorating so much. I hope my parents don't decline that much as they age but they possibly will. My grandparents definitely. anyway, hopefully, they can get better services to help people like this and avoid situations like the one in the article. | p029_240 |
241 | 19 | p003 | Smugglers are causing so many deaths! You must read this article about their disregard for life and how its causing so many deaths around the globe! So many are trying to escape war, and the governments of these country are giving these smugglers so much freedom -- Its so sad! You have to read this article to belive it! | p003_241 |
242 | 19 | p024 | Anytime these tragedies happen one can't help but wonder what could've been done to prevent this? The fact that 3,800 are dead is just mind boggling. Drowning continues and its at 90 a week that is just crazy. They have no choice one must assume but surely we can help better those countries? We must do something. | p024_242 |
243 | 19 | p062 | I don't feel empathy for the refugees, who are complicit in corruption and worthless systems of government that lead to their need to flee. Nor do I think they have any right to do what they're doing. And every country has every right to keep them out and let them deal with their own situation in their own country. But I fear the state of our country and the world when these people invade and infest good countries. The weak and bad infect the good, and too many countries, like Germany, are allowing it to happen. How disgusted would I be if I were a German citizen and Merkel said Germany would take in one million refugees. Why not just hand the country over to Syria and these other craphole places and we'll go live on their sand piles? It's lunacy. | p062_243 |
244 | 19 | p073 | This is a sad story about all of the people trying to flee Syria. It said that 1 out of every 50 people in the country have been killed due to war. I can't imagine living and trying to raise a family in this sort of situation. These people are obviously risking their lives trying to get out but they are also risking their lives staying. | p073_244 |
245 | 19 | p022 | When you read an article like this, you can't help but feel bad for all the people that died. They were all risking their lives to try and find a better life for their families. They were mainly trying to escape from war and poverty but unfortunate events happened and they never made their way. Hopefully they find a better place in the afterlife. It's very unfortunate what happened to them. | p022_245 |
246 | 177 | p009 | Dear friend, I have just finished reading an article about Janet Reno. She was the first female US Attorney General. She had a very impressive professional and legal career. I am saddened by her death, she died at the age of seventy eight. She had a productive life. | p009_246 |
247 | 177 | p024 | I remember reading about her growing up during the Bush era. She seemed to be a rude person with that whole Elian Gonzales saga. However we must pay our respects every time somebody dies. For that I really feel like she should be honored and I hope people close to her find peace after all of this loss. | p024_247 |
248 | 177 | p062 | I don't really feel sympathetic or empathetic for Janet Reno or anyone who knew her, but I vividly remember many of the issues she dealt with and so she represents a part of my past. i guess I found this story nostalgic more than anything. Reno was a very visible Attorney General, more so than most. That was sometimes for good reasons and sometimes for bad. I give her credit for admitting that what they did in Waco was wrong, although I'm not sure what the wrong thing to do was. But she was also corrupt like they all are at that level. Still, she's an interesting figure in political history. Very visible. Didn't hurt that Will Ferrell played her on SNL. | p062_248 |
249 | 177 | p024 | I remember as a child watching Janet Reno in the news. Never really know what s he did back then just knew that she was a big part of the Elian Gonzales case when he was deported back to Cuba. This is crazy and honestly I'm surprised to hear her name again and its unfortunate it has to be under these circumstances. | p024_249 |
250 | 177 | p029 | I must say I really disagree with her politics and am not at all a fan of hers. However, it is always sad for a person to suffer from a disease such as Parkinson's so I am sympathetic for what she must have gone through as well as for her family as well. I'm sure it was hard on them watching her deteriorate and suffer and that is always so rough on the family. So regardless of how I feel about her career or her actions, I have sympathy for what she went through and for her family's feelings. | p029_250 |
251 | 413 | p029 | To me this was very sad to read. These parents lost their child and many other people lost loved ones in this senseless attack. It just seems like it's gotten unsafe to go anywhere public these days with large crowds. The situation is obviously out of hand in France and it is bad in the United States too. Everywhere really. I don't trust the terrorists or Muslims and there are many other problematic groups as well. The problem is with humanity and it is very sad. | p029_251 |
252 | 413 | p028 | Did you read into at all about the attack in paris? It is absolutely hearbreaking everything that occured and really makes me upset about the current climate of the world. I have always though that people aren't just good or evil but reading about that terrorist attack really made me think otherwise. It is absolutely sickening and i can't believe that someone could do that to another person or group of people. Something needs to be done about terrorism but what can we do without just creating more terrorists. | p028_252 |
253 | 413 | p073 | This is a terrible story about an ISIS attack in Paris. It was at a concert and went on for hours. 90 people were killed. I feel so badly for the people who lost loved ones in the attack and for the people who had to go through it but survived. I can't imagine that life for them will ever be the same. | p073_253 |
254 | 413 | p030 | I just read an article about a girl who was about my age who died in the Paris attacks a few years back. This particular story hit closer to home because it focused on a specific person and her family. I can't imagine being roused from my bed to hear that my child has been the victim of a terrorist attack at a show. The whole thing sounds terrible. | p030_254 |
255 | 413 | p062 | It's always harder to view these stories from the perspective of a single individual instead of as a group. That's not to say we should necessarily do that, or that we necessarily get anything truly valuable out of doing that, but it's the reality. And so I felt sad reading this, thinking about the loss this father felt, and all the terrible emotions he would have experienced from the beginning of the even to, well, his death, probably. And the terror of the people at the concert. And the anger of the people afterwards who committed harassment and whatnot against Muslims. All of the emotions I felt and was chagrined by. These are barbaric people and events. | p062_255 |
256 | 174 | p024 | I'm starting to feel like these militants dont represent that whole religion as a whole. I feel like they are twist to the religion that is out to give them a bad name., Kidnapping children is just too low even for the hardest of criminals. WE must do something to stop this and that is hurting their finances and freezing all of their bank accounts. | p024_256 |
257 | 174 | p029 | Wow, hearing about things like this really makes me so grateful to be an American. I'm very happy to live in this beautiful country and I wish people would stop complaining so much about everything they think is wrong here. Just be grateful you're not being used as a human shield. Some of the things going on over there are just atrocious, and as bad as people think it is here it doesn't even hold a candle to that. I am saddened to hear about these families and children being harmed so maliciously. | p029_257 |
258 | 174 | p035 | I feel sad for all the people who are being turned into human shields in Iraq. The article made me think about how good we have it in the United States and things that are happening to these people are only seen in movies. To be shot dead on the spot for protesting or have more than half of your family missing because they were kidnapped would be horrible. | p035_258 |
259 | 174 | p028 | Have you been reading about what is happening in Iraq, militants taking control of villages and just rounding up thousands of them for executions. It is absolutely horrible and disgusting that people are capable of doing something like that to each other and seeing each other as less than human. Over 5000 people kidnapped it really makes me feel for their families and hope that change occurs over there. | p028_259 |
260 | 174 | p009 | Dear friend, I have just read an article about Islamic militants who are kidnapping innocent people and using them as human shields. They shoot anyone who refuses to help. The story has made me upset to read. There is so much evil and suffering in the world, I wish it would end. | p009_260 |
261 | 34 | p029 | I found it a little hard to relate to this situation. It seems so far away and I can't really connect with any of the people involved. I'm really sad for these families and their children. It seems like they are in a difficult position without much option or anything they can do about it. I hope they are able to find some resolution or some solution, but it doesn't seem like much is going to change there anytime soon. I don't think this is the problem of the United States and we should remain uninvolved. | p029_261 |
262 | 34 | p009 | Dear friend, I have just read an article about all of the displaced people in Afghanistan. It is truly saddening. There are over a million people who were forced to leave their homes just in the past year alone. They have no other options, I feel terrible for them. | p009_262 |
263 | 34 | p035 | I feel sorry for the people living in that region. I hate that children have to go through that and have a life of war and no hope. I hope the UN helps the people with root of the problem and helps them get jobs,food, shelter, and healthcare. I hope the European countries allow some of the people to stay to take the pressure off their home countries. | p035_263 |
264 | 34 | p022 | My overall reaction is that i felt really bad for the people in that country. They are nothing but innocent civilians but they have to be the ones that suffer the wrath of war and issues in the government. it's terrifying to not know where your home is and sleep whereever you can. These people are basically just wandering around hoping they can find a safe place. | p022_264 |
265 | 34 | p073 | This article is about Afghans that are moving back around Afghanistan and really are having a hard time finding anywhere safe and good to live. Some of them have moved to other places but are not able to be successful there and are moving back to Afghanistan even with fighting happening there. I feel so sad for anyone who has to live like this. | p073_265 |
266 | 47 | p058 | there are so many problems over there. syria is a war zone and will probably never recover. terrorism has destroyed that wonderful country. so many people are forced to flee for their lives. what can be done about it though? not much really. too much pain and suffering in the area. i wish them all well. | p058_266 |
267 | 47 | p009 | Dear friend, I have just read an article about the citizens of Aleppo being warned to leave via text message. It is very sad and hard to imagine what it must be like to live in a country like that, where you may be forced to leave at any moment due to acts of violence and war. | p009_267 |
268 | 47 | p062 | I'm gonna be honest: I just don't care about this stuff anymore. We're exposed to so many stories of trouble and heartache and loss and danger that I feel like I can't be responsible for it anymore. Not financially, morally, emotionally, practically, whatever. I just don't care. Syria is an absolute mess and millions of people are suffering and I feel like I don't care because it's not my problem. Either way its' not my problem but if it were smaller and I could do something about it, maybe I wouldn't feel so disinterested. But we're just bombarded with this shit constantly to the point I just stop giving a damn. | p062_268 |
269 | 47 | p030 | I just read about a situation in Aleppo where the government sent a mass text to all citizens giving them 24 hours to evacuate before they were potentially targeted by deadly weapons. The thought of receiving a warning like that while you are sitting with your family is just mind boggling to me. What would you do? Where would you go? It's hard to believe people have been living with such violence for such an extended period of time. | p030_269 |
270 | 47 | p022 | After reading the article, you really can't help but feel bad for all the people that are required to leave the area. It feels as though there is always war and people will never feel safe. They always are on the lookout and can never live a stable and happy life like others do. I feel really bad for them and i hope that their future is better than it is now. | p022_270 |
271 | 146 | p030 | I just read an article about the islamaphobia resulting from the election of Donald Trump. The man has lowered the bar so far and affected our country so negatively for years to come due to his voracious appetite for appointing judges. I sincerely hope that more people will pay attention to the corruption and need for a radical restructuring of American politics due to his administration. | p030_271 |
272 | 146 | p029 | I'm sorry for the hate crimes happening against Muslims and others, but to blame this on Trump is absurd. It's more of the left wing media trying to pin things on him. There have been hate crimes going on for a long time, and even the article said they were at the same level they were in 2015 before he was even elected. I would blame social media and the way people spread information now. Plus a general anger that has entered society and people feel it is acceptable to take it out in violence against others. | p029_272 |
273 | 146 | p024 | these hate crimes have been rising lately and i feel it is due to more than just terrorists. These hate crimes have not only risen in muslims but also other minorities if you look closely at the news. I feel like more needs to be done to fix this. The fact that we haven't fixed things yet is quite scary and we need to do the right thing and take steps to clean up the problem. | p024_273 |
274 | 146 | p009 | Dear friend, I have just finished reading an article about hate crimes against muslims and how they are significantly increasing in recent years. The article was very eye-opening and it made me think. I just wish that everyone could get along with each other. | p009_274 |
275 | 146 | p022 | After reading the article, you can't help but feel bad for all the Muslims that are currently living in America. You feel bad for them because of what they are going through and all the discrimination they are facing. It's unfair that the ones that are innocent are being stereotyped as well and lumped into the same group as the terrorists when not everyone is like that. | p022_275 |
276 | 370 | p073 | This is so sad. I can't even imagine living and trying to raise my family in a situation like this. These poor people can't even send their kids to school because they have to get up so early and stand in food lines. Or else the kids are too weak and sick from not eating, they can't go to school. Also, the school supplies are so expensive, they can't buy them because they need to buy food. | p073_276 |
277 | 370 | p062 | I do feel for the people in the country, especially the starving kids, who presumably don't understand what's going on except for the fact that they're hungry. But I also feel angry and disgusted about the situation. Venezuela is extremely wealthy due to their oil reserves. Their country should be vibrant and prosperous. But it's not because of communist corruption. Why do people want government to have more control over the things that people rely on to live? Why centralize everything so that only a small group of corrupt people can ruin everything for everyone else, as opposed to separating things so no one group can ruin it all? Who will watch the watchmen? It's easier to do that when the watchmen are split up and separate. But now Venezuela's problem becomes our problem. | p062_277 |
278 | 370 | p048 | You would never even realize how relevant world hunger is until you read articles like this. We are so lucky in the US to not have to worry about kids going hungry. Most schools are starting to offer free lunches to kids too here in the US that they are really trying to combat it but we aren't doing much for other countries. There isn't always a whole lot we can do for other countries but there could be some things done to improve world hunger. | p048_278 |
279 | 370 | p030 | I just read a story about school children in Venezuela that are apparently starving due to the lack of government investment in food programs. The image of school children falling asleep or fainting due to lack of nutrition is just absolutely heart breaking. I can't imagine what the parents must feel having to send their children to school where they will not eat at all. A child can't learn without appropriate nutrition. | p030_279 |
280 | 370 | p024 | This breaks my heart because no children should have to go through this! I really want to help these kids not go hungry and will look into how I can help after this. I feel like to be honest it is our duty and should be mandatory that we help these kids. It is the best thing overall because no one seems to be helping them. | p024_280 |
281 | 202 | p009 | Dear friend, I have just read a story about another police officer shooting. These seem to be happening all the time now and it is very upsetting. I hope that one day something can be done about all of this. It is sad to think about . | p009_281 |
282 | 202 | p016 | I don't think there's a more disturbing sentence in the English language than "parent murders their own kids." Like... that's just so incredibly messed up. To have those kids die in one of the worst ways possible, killed by the one person who's supposed to protect them, and just... ugh. I'm so sorry for the cops that found them. | p016_282 |
283 | 202 | p030 | Just read a story about a father who abducted and then murdered his two sons after being on the run from police. The article didn't give a whole lot of detail, so one has to wonder what drove him to take such drastic action against people who were so close to him. The suspect committed suicide afterward, so I think that it would be considered a crime of passion? Anyway, horribly tragic. | p030_283 |
284 | 202 | p022 | After reading this article, i felt really disturbed. I just couldn't believe that there is someone out there that can kill his own children. I wonder what kind of mental illness the man had because nobody in their right mind can just kill their own children. I felt really bad for the mother as well who is left alone iwth nobody now and can only suffer. | p022_284 |
285 | 202 | p068 | How can your heart just not break reading this article. These children had there life cut way to short for no reason. This father was just pure evil. He needed serious mental help and I can't believe no one saw this coming. There is always signs that people should take serious so it doesnt come to this. I would like to know the motive was it because he felt overwhelmed or because he wanted to get back at someone. The mother should have taken the threat seriosuly and I wonder if the rangers had found the car sooner if those kids would have been alive. They were probably so afraid in that car and it is horrible that was there last memories alive. | p068_285 |
286 | 71 | p028 | Have you heard what has been happening to anti poaching rangers in africa. Some of them who have been trying to do their job and ensure the safety of the endangered animals are being attacked and boxed in by mobs when they try to aprehend poachers. It is a shame how corrupt the local governments are within the continent that allow poaching. | p028_286 |
287 | 71 | p064 | I had no idea that people that are trying to arrest poachers are being attacked by people that live in the town. It is also so sad that the police act like cowards and do not arrest the poachers who are making certain animals extinct from the planet for selfish reasons. It's so sad that people that are trying to do the right thing are risking losing their life. | p064_287 |
288 | 71 | p035 | This one is hard for me to think about. I can see both sides of this one. One, the two anti poachers are trying to save the animals, which I think is a good thing. The other people are trying to make a living in a harsh environment and the rest of the world is based on capitalism where resources are used to make as much money as possible. | p035_288 |
289 | 71 | p063 | I feel really bad that this is happening to people out there trying to protect the wildlife. i'm not sure exactly what happened, but it seems like these poachers are paying off the policemen, and the locals to protect their livelihood. It is unfortunate that the people can't protect their own area, but they are probably poor, and consider the money necessary. | p063_289 |
290 | 71 | p068 | I feel for both sides on this one. The police and people are trying to protect the sacred wild life and beings but also the village is probably needing the meat of the animal or the money from selling it as they are a very poor country. I can see being so desperate in a third world country that this would seem like the police are cutting off or taking your only source of livlihood. These poor guys however they are just trying to protect and do what is right they do not deserve to be so violently attacked im suprised they were able to live through such a brutal beating. I hope more is done to help the police but also the village | p068_290 |
291 | 242 | p029 | To me this is very disturbing. 55 civilians were killed? I mean I get that they killed some bad guys too, but to me it is not worth sacrificing so many innocent lives just to kill a few bad guys. U.S. troops were killed too. This whole thing is just terrible and tragic in my opinion. IT sounded like some protocol was not followed either, which makes it even worse. I think we need to mind our own business and get out of there honestly. We have enough issues with our own country to be over there contributing to issues in others. | p029_291 |
292 | 242 | p028 | Did you see what happened with the US and Afghan training mission in Afghanistan. It's such a shame that in an area where we are trying to do good and improve things for the people there is being sabotaged by opposing efforts. I feel terrible for the lives lost as they gave their lives to help protect people and to be killed like that is heartbreaking. | p028_292 |
293 | 242 | p035 | I feel very sorry of the Afghan civilians that were killed by our military. This is why I hate war. I know some people will say war is war, which is true, but that does not make it any better. I feel like this type of thing is what makes more terrorist. I know I would want to get revenge on the people who killed my family. | p035_293 |
294 | 242 | p063 | It's crazy that we've been at it this long with the Taliban. It was getting close to twenty years ago no w that the Trade Centers were destroyed, and we're still fighting the same enemy. It just goes to show you how "war' over there is anything but typical. They are an unseen enemy, and we may be doing this for a long time still to come. | p063_294 |
295 | 242 | p029 | Wow, this is very sad. All these poor people who lost their lives because of this ongoing conflict. I must say, this whole area just constantly seems caught up in some terrible conflict, tension, war, and violence. I don't understand what is going on over there, but I know it is very sad to hear about innocent people being killed as a result. I also feel sad for the U.S. Soldiers who lost their lives. Their families must be grieving terribly. So the whole thing is a tragedy, and it all just seems so unnecesary to me. All this senseless killing. | p029_295 |
296 | 339 | p062 | I have very little sympathy for refugees of any type. They go to another country and expect to be accommodated. A country and government's first priority should be to its own people. These other people have no inherent rights to be taken care of or even allowed to enter the country. We exist in a world of borders and law--for the better. These people come from countries that are hellholes they must flee, and they are complicit in that. How anyone can bang on the door of another country and expect anything is beyond me. They have no right to that. This refugee issue is going to get more problematic and I think it behooves non crappy countries to decide, well in advance, what they're going to do about mass refugee groups, how many they'll take, etc. you can't wait until they're ther | p062_296 |
297 | 339 | p029 | The article did not give much information about where the refugees were from. I had to google to learn they were mainly from Syria. I thought this was very sad, although it is one of those problems without an easy solution. Who is supposed to be paying for these people to be cared for? Taxes? Whose taxes? I don't see a simple fix here. It's easy to sit there and judge and say this is unfair, but also what is everyone supposed to do? AT least they are being given asylum from the dangerous place they came from I guess. | p029_297 |
298 | 339 | p019 | I never really think about immigration outside of the US, but the more I hear and think about it, the more I realize just what an issue it is globally. People all over the world are being effected by it on both ends. Both ends being the people immigrating, and the other being the people living in the countries that people are immigrating to | p019_298 |
299 | 339 | p022 | After reading the article, i can't help but feel bad for the people and children in the camps. I feel bad for them because nobody should have to be living in those type of conditions. Everyone should be able to have shelter, food, and a nice place to sleep on. I feel like these people are almost being treated like dirt and it's very unfair. | p022_299 |
300 | 339 | p024 | Why is the rest of the world just sitting around watching this go on. It disgusts me that we are sitting idly by watching these children get abused. I understand it is not America's problem but it is all our problem when children are being hurt . We must stand up and fix this, its the right thing to do no matter what. | p024_300 |
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