module ibuf (o, i); parameter capacitance = "dont_care"; parameter ibuf_delay_value = "0"; parameter ibuf_low_pwr = "true"; parameter ifd_delay_value = "auto"; parameter iostandard = "default"; `ifdef xil_timing parameter loc = " unplaced"; `endif output o; input i; buf b1 (o, i); initial begin case (capacitance) "low", "normal", "dont_care" : ; default : begin $display("attribute syntax error : the attribute capacitance on ibuf instance %m is set to %s. legal values for this attribute are dont_care, low or normal.", capacitance); #1 $finish; end endcase case (ibuf_delay_value) "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16" : ; default : begin $display("attribute syntax error : the attribute ibuf_delay_value on ibuf instance %m is set to %s. legal values for this attribute are 0, 1, 2, ... or 16.", ibuf_delay_value); #1 $finish; end endcase case (ibuf_low_pwr) "false", "true" : ; default : begin $display("attribute syntax error : the attribute ibuf_low_pwr on ibuf instance %m is set to %s. legal values for this attribute are true or false.", ibuf_low_pwr); #1 $finish; end endcase case (ifd_delay_value) "auto", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8" : ; default : begin $display("attribute syntax error : the attribute ifd_delay_value on ibuf instance %m is set to %s. legal values for this attribute are auto, 0, 1, 2, ... or 8.", ifd_delay_value); #1 $finish; end endcase end `ifdef xil_timing specify (i => o) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); specparam pathpulse$ = 0; endspecify `endif endmodule
module ibufds (o, i, ib); `ifdef xil_timing parameter loc = "unplaced"; `endif parameter capacitance = "dont_care"; parameter diff_term = "false"; parameter dqs_bias = "false"; parameter ibuf_delay_value = "0"; parameter ibuf_low_pwr = "true"; parameter ifd_delay_value = "auto"; parameter iostandard = "default"; localparam module_name = "ibufds"; output o; input i, ib; wire i_in, ib_in; reg o_out; reg dqs_bias_binary = 1'b0; assign o = o_out; assign i_in = i; assign ib_in = ib; initial begin case (dqs_bias) "true" : dqs_bias_binary <= #1 1'b1; "false" : dqs_bias_binary <= #1 1'b0; default : begin $display("attribute syntax error : the attribute dqs_bias on %s instance %m is set to %s. legal values for this attribute are true or false.", module_name, dqs_bias); #1 $finish; end endcase case (capacitance) "low", "normal", "dont_care" : ; default : begin $display("attribute syntax error : the attribute capacitance on %s instance %m is set to %s. legal values for this attribute are dont_care, low or normal.", module_name, capacitance); #1 $finish; end endcase case (diff_term) "true", "false" : ; default : begin $display("attribute syntax error : the attribute diff_term on %s instance %m is set to %s. legal values for this attribute are true or false.", module_name, diff_term); #1 $finish; end endcase case (ibuf_delay_value) "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16" : ; default : begin $display("attribute syntax error : the attribute ibuf_delay_value on %s instance %m is set to %s. legal values for this attribute are 0, 1, 2, ... or 16.", module_name, ibuf_delay_value); #1 $finish; end endcase case (ibuf_low_pwr) "false", "true" : ; default : begin $display("attribute syntax error : the attribute ibuf_low_pwr on %s instance %m is set to %s. legal values for this attribute are true or false.", module_name, ibuf_low_pwr); #1 $finish; end endcase case (ifd_delay_value) "auto", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8" : ; default : begin $display("attribute syntax error : the attribute ifd_delay_value on %s instance %m is set to %s. legal values for this attribute are auto, 0, 1, 2, ... or 8.", module_name, ifd_delay_value); #1 $finish; end endcase end always @(i_in or ib_in or dqs_bias_binary) begin if (i_in == 1'b1 && ib_in == 1'b0) o_out <= 1'b1; else if (i_in == 1'b0 && ib_in == 1'b1) o_out <= 1'b0; else if ((i_in === 1'bz || i_in == 1'b0) && (ib_in === 1'bz || ib_in == 1'b1)) if (dqs_bias_binary == 1'b1) o_out <= 1'b0; else o_out <= 1'bx; else if ((i_in === 1'bx) || (ib_in === 1'bx)) o_out <= 1'bx; end `ifdef xil_timing specify (i => o) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (ib => o) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); specparam pathpulse$ = 0; endspecify `endif endmodule
module ibufgds (o, i, ib); parameter capacitance = "dont_care"; parameter diff_term = "false"; parameter ibuf_delay_value = "0"; parameter ibuf_low_pwr = "true"; parameter iostandard = "default"; `ifdef xil_timing parameter loc = "unplaced"; `endif output o; input i, ib; reg o_out; buf b_0 (o, o_out); always @(i or ib) begin if (i == 1'b1 && ib == 1'b0) o_out <= i; else if (i == 1'b0 && ib == 1'b1) o_out <= i; end endmodule
module idelayctrl #( `ifdef xil_timing parameter loc = "unplaced", `endif parameter sim_device = "7series" )( output rdy, input refclk, input rst ); localparam module_name = "idelayctrl"; localparam sim_device_7series = 0; localparam sim_device_ultrascale = 1; reg trig_attr = 1'b0; localparam [80:1] sim_device_reg = sim_device; `ifdef xil_attr_test reg attr_test = 1'b1; `else reg attr_test = 1'b0; `endif reg attr_err = 1'b0; reg rdy_out = 0; wire refclk_in; wire rst_in; `ifdef xil_timing wire refclk_delay; wire rst_delay; `endif assign rdy = rdy_out; `ifdef xil_timing assign refclk_in = refclk_delay; assign rst_in = rst_delay; `else assign refclk_in = refclk; assign rst_in = rst; `endif time clock_edge; reg [63:0] period; reg clock_low, clock_high; reg clock_posedge, clock_negedge; reg lost; reg msg_flag = 1'b0; initial begin #1; trig_attr = ~trig_attr; end always @ (trig_attr) begin #1; if ((attr_test == 1'b1) || ((sim_device_reg != "7series") && (sim_device_reg != "ultrascale"))) begin $display("error: [unisim %s-104] sim_device attribute is set to %s. legal values for this attribute are 7series or ultrascale. instance: %m", module_name, sim_device_reg); attr_err = 1'b1; end if (attr_err == 1'b1) #1 $finish; end always @(rst_in, lost) begin if (rst_in == 1'b1) begin rdy_out <= 1'b0; end else if (lost == 1) rdy_out <= 1'b0; else if (rst_in == 1'b0 && lost == 0) rdy_out <= 1'b1; end always @(posedge rst_in) begin if (sim_device_reg == "ultrascale" && msg_flag == 1'b0) begin $display("info: [unisim %s-1] rst simulation behaviour for sim_device %s may not match hardware behaviour when i/odelay delay_format = time if selectio user guide recommendation for i/odelay connections or reset sequence are not followed. for more information, refer to the select io userguide. instance: %m", module_name, sim_device_reg); msg_flag <= 1'b1; end end initial begin clock_edge <= 0; clock_high <= 0; clock_low <= 0; lost <= 1; period <= 0; end always @(posedge refclk_in) begin if(rst_in == 1'b0) begin clock_edge <= $time; if (period != 0 && (($time - clock_edge) <= (1.5 * period))) period <= $time - clock_edge; else if (period != 0 && (($time - clock_edge) > (1.5 * period))) period <= 0; else if ((period == 0) && (clock_edge != 0)) period <= $time - clock_edge; end end always @(posedge refclk_in) begin clock_low <= 1'b0; clock_high <= 1'b1; if (period != 0) lost <= 1'b0; clock_posedge <= 1'b0; #((period * 9.1) / 10) if ((clock_low != 1'b1) && (clock_posedge != 1'b1)) lost <= 1; end always @(posedge refclk_in) begin clock_negedge <= 1'b1; end always @(negedge refclk_in) begin clock_posedge <= 1'b1; end always @(negedge refclk_in) begin clock_high <= 1'b0; clock_low <= 1'b1; if (period != 0) lost <= 1'b0; clock_negedge <= 1'b0; #((period * 9.1) / 10) if ((clock_high != 1'b1) && (clock_negedge != 1'b1)) lost <= 1; end `ifdef xil_timing reg notifier; `endif specify (rst => rdy) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (posedge rst => (rdy +: 0)) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (refclk => rdy) = (100:100:100, 100:100:100); `ifdef xil_timing $period (negedge refclk, 0:0:0, notifier); $period (posedge refclk, 0:0:0, notifier); $recrem (negedge rst, posedge refclk, 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier, , , rst_delay, refclk_delay); $recrem (posedge rst, posedge refclk, 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier, , , rst_delay, refclk_delay); $width (negedge refclk, 0:0:0, 0, notifier); $width (negedge rst, 0:0:0, 0, notifier); $width (posedge refclk, 0:0:0, 0, notifier); $width (posedge rst, 0:0:0, 0, notifier); `endif specparam pathpulse$ = 0; endspecify endmodule
module lut4 #( `ifdef xil_timing parameter loc = "unplaced", `endif parameter [15:0] init = 16'h0000 )( output o, input i0, input i1, input i2, input i3 ); localparam module_name = "lut4"; reg trig_attr = 1'b0; `ifdef xil_dr `include "lut4_dr.v" `else reg [15:0] init_reg = init; `endif reg o_out; assign o = o_out; function lut_mux4_f; input [3:0] d; input [1:0] s; begin if (((s[1]^s[0]) === 1'b1) || ((s[1]^s[0]) === 1'b0)) lut_mux4_f = d[s]; else if ( ~(|d) || &d) lut_mux4_f = d[0]; else if (((s[0] === 1'b1) || (s[0] === 1'b0)) && (d[{1'b0,s[0]}] === d[{1'b1,s[0]}])) lut_mux4_f = d[{1'b0,s[0]}]; else if (((s[1] === 1'b1) || (s[1] === 1'b0)) && (d[{s[1],1'b0}] === d[{s[1],1'b1}])) lut_mux4_f = d[{s[1],1'b0}]; else lut_mux4_f = 1'bx; end endfunction always @(i0 or i1 or i2 or i3) begin if ( (i0 ^ i1 ^ i2 ^ i3) === 1'b0 || (i0 ^ i1 ^ i2 ^ i3) === 1'b1) o_out = init_reg[{i3, i2, i1, i0}]; else if ( ~(|init_reg) || &init_reg ) o_out = init_reg[0]; else o_out = lut_mux4_f ({lut_mux4_f (init_reg[15:12], {i1, i0}), lut_mux4_f ( init_reg[11:8], {i1, i0}), lut_mux4_f ( init_reg[7:4], {i1, i0}), lut_mux4_f ( init_reg[3:0], {i1, i0})}, {i3, i2}); end `ifdef xil_timing specify (i0 => o) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (i1 => o) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (i2 => o) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (i3 => o) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); specparam pathpulse$ = 0; endspecify `endif endmodule
module lut6 #( `ifdef xil_timing parameter loc = "unplaced", `endif parameter [63:0] init = 64'h0000000000000000 )( output o, input i0, input i1, input i2, input i3, input i4, input i5 ); localparam module_name = "lut6"; reg trig_attr = 1'b0; `ifdef xil_dr `include "lut6_dr.v" `else reg [63:0] init_reg = init; `endif reg o_out; assign o = o_out; function lut_mux8_f; input [7:0] d; input [2:0] s; begin if (((s[2]^s[1]^s[0]) === 1'b1) || ((s[2]^s[1]^s[0]) === 1'b0)) lut_mux8_f = d[s]; else if ( ~(|d) || &d) lut_mux8_f = d[0]; else if ((((s[1]^s[0]) === 1'b1) || ((s[1]^s[0]) === 1'b0)) && (d[{1'b0,s[1:0]}] === d[{1'b1,s[1:0]}])) lut_mux8_f = d[{1'b0,s[1:0]}]; else if ((((s[2]^s[0]) === 1'b1) || ((s[2]^s[0]) === 1'b0)) && (d[{s[2],1'b0,s[0]}] === d[{s[2],1'b1,s[0]}])) lut_mux8_f = d[{s[2],1'b0,s[0]}]; else if ((((s[2]^s[1]) === 1'b1) || ((s[2]^s[1]) === 1'b0)) && (d[{s[2],s[1],1'b0}] === d[{s[2],s[1],1'b1}])) lut_mux8_f = d[{s[2:1],1'b0}]; else if (((s[0] === 1'b1) || (s[0] === 1'b0)) && (d[{1'b0,1'b0,s[0]}] === d[{1'b0,1'b1,s[0]}]) && (d[{1'b0,1'b0,s[0]}] === d[{1'b1,1'b0,s[0]}]) && (d[{1'b0,1'b0,s[0]}] === d[{1'b1,1'b1,s[0]}])) lut_mux8_f = d[{1'b0,1'b0,s[0]}]; else if (((s[1] === 1'b1) || (s[1] === 1'b0)) && (d[{1'b0,s[1],1'b0}] === d[{1'b0,s[1],1'b1}]) && (d[{1'b0,s[1],1'b0}] === d[{1'b1,s[1],1'b0}]) && (d[{1'b0,s[1],1'b0}] === d[{1'b1,s[1],1'b1}])) lut_mux8_f = d[{1'b0,s[1],1'b0}]; else if (((s[2] === 1'b1) || (s[2] === 1'b0)) && (d[{s[2],1'b0,1'b0}] === d[{s[2],1'b0,1'b1}]) && (d[{s[2],1'b0,1'b0}] === d[{s[2],1'b1,1'b0}]) && (d[{s[2],1'b0,1'b0}] === d[{s[2],1'b1,1'b1}])) lut_mux8_f = d[{s[2],1'b0,1'b0}]; else lut_mux8_f = 1'bx; end endfunction always @(i0 or i1 or i2 or i3 or i4 or i5) begin if ( (i0 ^ i1 ^ i2 ^ i3 ^ i4 ^ i5) === 1'b0 || (i0 ^ i1 ^ i2 ^ i3 ^ i4 ^ i5) === 1'b1) o_out = init_reg[{i5, i4, i3, i2, i1, i0}]; else if ( ~(|init_reg) || &init_reg ) o_out = init_reg[0]; else o_out = lut_mux8_f ({lut_mux8_f (init_reg[63:56], {i2, i1, i0}), lut_mux8_f (init_reg[55:48], {i2, i1, i0}), lut_mux8_f (init_reg[47:40], {i2, i1, i0}), lut_mux8_f (init_reg[39:32], {i2, i1, i0}), lut_mux8_f (init_reg[31:24], {i2, i1, i0}), lut_mux8_f (init_reg[23:16], {i2, i1, i0}), lut_mux8_f ( init_reg[15:8], {i2, i1, i0}), lut_mux8_f ( init_reg[7:0], {i2, i1, i0})}, {i5, i4, i3}); end `ifdef xil_timing specify (i0 => o) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (i1 => o) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (i2 => o) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (i3 => o) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (i4 => o) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (i5 => o) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); specparam pathpulse$ = 0; endspecify `endif endmodule
module lut6_2 #( `ifdef xil_timing parameter loc = "unplaced", `endif parameter [63:0] init = 64'h0000000000000000 )( output o5, output o6, input i0, input i1, input i2, input i3, input i4, input i5 ); localparam module_name = "lut6_2"; reg trig_attr = 1'b0; `ifdef xil_dr `include "lut6_2_dr.v" `else reg [63:0] init_reg = init; `endif reg o5_out; reg o6_out; assign o5 = o5_out; assign o6 = o6_out; function lut_mux4_f; input [3:0] d; input [1:0] s; begin if (((s[1]^s[0]) === 1'b1) || ((s[1]^s[0]) === 1'b0)) lut_mux4_f = d[s]; else if ( ~(|d) || &d) lut_mux4_f = d[0]; else if (((s[0] === 1'b1) || (s[0] === 1'b0)) && (d[{1'b0,s[0]}] === d[{1'b1,s[0]}])) lut_mux4_f = d[{1'b0,s[0]}]; else if (((s[1] === 1'b1) || (s[1] === 1'b0)) && (d[{s[1],1'b0}] === d[{s[1],1'b1}])) lut_mux4_f = d[{s[1],1'b0}]; else lut_mux4_f = 1'bx; end endfunction function lut_mux8_f; input [7:0] d; input [2:0] s; begin if (((s[2]^s[1]^s[0]) === 1'b1) || ((s[2]^s[1]^s[0]) === 1'b0)) lut_mux8_f = d[s]; else if ( ~(|d) || &d) lut_mux8_f = d[0]; else if ((((s[1]^s[0]) === 1'b1) || ((s[1]^s[0]) === 1'b0)) && (d[{1'b0,s[1:0]}] === d[{1'b1,s[1:0]}])) lut_mux8_f = d[{1'b0,s[1:0]}]; else if ((((s[2]^s[0]) === 1'b1) || ((s[2]^s[0]) === 1'b0)) && (d[{s[2],1'b0,s[0]}] === d[{s[2],1'b1,s[0]}])) lut_mux8_f = d[{s[2],1'b0,s[0]}]; else if ((((s[2]^s[1]) === 1'b1) || ((s[2]^s[1]) === 1'b0)) && (d[{s[2],s[1],1'b0}] === d[{s[2],s[1],1'b1}])) lut_mux8_f = d[{s[2:1],1'b0}]; else if (((s[0] === 1'b1) || (s[0] === 1'b0)) && (d[{1'b0,1'b0,s[0]}] === d[{1'b0,1'b1,s[0]}]) && (d[{1'b0,1'b0,s[0]}] === d[{1'b1,1'b0,s[0]}]) && (d[{1'b0,1'b0,s[0]}] === d[{1'b1,1'b1,s[0]}])) lut_mux8_f = d[{1'b0,1'b0,s[0]}]; else if (((s[1] === 1'b1) || (s[1] === 1'b0)) && (d[{1'b0,s[1],1'b0}] === d[{1'b0,s[1],1'b1}]) && (d[{1'b0,s[1],1'b0}] === d[{1'b1,s[1],1'b0}]) && (d[{1'b0,s[1],1'b0}] === d[{1'b1,s[1],1'b1}])) lut_mux8_f = d[{1'b0,s[1],1'b0}]; else if (((s[2] === 1'b1) || (s[2] === 1'b0)) && (d[{s[2],1'b0,1'b0}] === d[{s[2],1'b0,1'b1}]) && (d[{s[2],1'b0,1'b0}] === d[{s[2],1'b1,1'b0}]) && (d[{s[2],1'b0,1'b0}] === d[{s[2],1'b1,1'b1}])) lut_mux8_f = d[{s[2],1'b0,1'b0}]; else lut_mux8_f = 1'bx; end endfunction always @(i0 or i1 or i2 or i3 or i4) begin if ( (i0 ^ i1 ^ i2 ^ i3 ^ i4) === 1'b0 || (i0 ^ i1 ^ i2 ^ i3 ^ i4) === 1'b1) o5_out = init_reg[{i4, i3, i2, i1, i0}]; else if ( ~(|init_reg[31:0]) || &init_reg[31:0] ) o5_out = init_reg[0]; else o5_out = lut_mux4_f ({lut_mux8_f (init_reg[31:24], {i2, i1, i0}), lut_mux8_f (init_reg[23:16], {i2, i1, i0}), lut_mux8_f ( init_reg[15:8], {i2, i1, i0}), lut_mux8_f ( init_reg[7:0], {i2, i1, i0})}, {i4, i3}); end always @(i0 or i1 or i2 or i3 or i4 or i5) begin if ( (i0 ^ i1 ^ i2 ^ i3 ^ i4 ^ i5) === 1'b0 || (i0 ^ i1 ^ i2 ^ i3 ^ i4 ^ i5) === 1'b1) o6_out = init_reg[{i5, i4, i3, i2, i1, i0}]; else if ( ~(|init_reg) || &init_reg ) o6_out = init_reg[0]; else o6_out = lut_mux8_f ({lut_mux8_f (init_reg[63:56], {i2, i1, i0}), lut_mux8_f (init_reg[55:48], {i2, i1, i0}), lut_mux8_f (init_reg[47:40], {i2, i1, i0}), lut_mux8_f (init_reg[39:32], {i2, i1, i0}), lut_mux8_f (init_reg[31:24], {i2, i1, i0}), lut_mux8_f (init_reg[23:16], {i2, i1, i0}), lut_mux8_f ( init_reg[15:8], {i2, i1, i0}), lut_mux8_f ( init_reg[7:0], {i2, i1, i0})}, {i5, i4, i3}); end `ifdef xil_timing specify (i0 => o5) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (i1 => o5) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (i2 => o5) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (i3 => o5) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (i4 => o5) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (i0 => o6) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (i1 => o6) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (i2 => o6) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (i3 => o6) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (i4 => o6) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (i5 => o6) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); specparam pathpulse$ = 0; endspecify `endif endmodule
module muxcy (o, ci, di, s); `ifdef xil_timing parameter loc = "unplaced"; `endif output o; input ci, di, s; reg o_out; always @(ci or di or s) if (s) o_out = ci; else o_out = di; assign o = o_out; `ifdef xil_timing specify (ci => o) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (di => o) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (s => o) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); specparam pathpulse$ = 0; endspecify `endif endmodule
module ram32m #( `ifdef xil_timing parameter loc = "unplaced", `endif parameter [63:0] init_a = 64'h0000000000000000, parameter [63:0] init_b = 64'h0000000000000000, parameter [63:0] init_c = 64'h0000000000000000, parameter [63:0] init_d = 64'h0000000000000000, parameter [0:0] is_wclk_inverted = 1'b0 )( output [1:0] doa, output [1:0] dob, output [1:0] doc, output [1:0] dod, input [4:0] addra, input [4:0] addrb, input [4:0] addrc, input [4:0] addrd, input [1:0] dia, input [1:0] dib, input [1:0] dic, input [1:0] did, input wclk, input we ); localparam module_name = "ram32m"; reg trig_attr = 1'b0; `ifdef xil_attr_test reg attr_test = 1'b1; `else reg attr_test = 1'b0; `endif reg attr_err = 1'b0; wire is_wclk_inverted_bin; wire [4:0] addrd_in; wire [1:0] dia_in; wire [1:0] dib_in; wire [1:0] dic_in; wire [1:0] did_in; wire wclk_in; wire we_in; `ifdef xil_timing wire [4:0] addrd_dly; wire [1:0] dia_dly; wire [1:0] dib_dly; wire [1:0] dic_dly; wire [1:0] did_dly; wire wclk_dly; wire we_dly; reg notifier; wire sh_clk_en_p; wire sh_clk_en_n; wire sh_we_clk_en_p; wire sh_we_clk_en_n; assign addrd_in = addrd_dly; assign dia_in = dia_dly; assign dib_in = dib_dly; assign dic_in = dic_dly; assign did_in = did_dly; assign wclk_in = wclk_dly ^ is_wclk_inverted_bin; assign we_in = (we === 1'bz) || we_dly; `else assign addrd_in = addrd; assign dia_in = dia; assign dib_in = dib; assign dic_in = dic; assign did_in = did; assign wclk_in = wclk ^ is_wclk_inverted_bin; assign we_in = (we === 1'bz) || we; `endif assign is_wclk_inverted_bin = is_wclk_inverted; reg [63:0] mem_a, mem_b, mem_c, mem_d; reg [5:0] addr_in2, addr_in1; initial begin mem_a = init_a; mem_b = init_b; mem_c = init_c; mem_d = init_d; end always @(addrd_in) begin addr_in2 = 2 * addrd_in; addr_in1 = 2 * addrd_in + 1; end always @(posedge wclk_in) if (we_in) begin mem_a[addr_in2] <= #100 dia_in[0]; mem_a[addr_in1] <= #100 dia_in[1]; mem_b[addr_in2] <= #100 dib_in[0]; mem_b[addr_in1] <= #100 dib_in[1]; mem_c[addr_in2] <= #100 dic_in[0]; mem_c[addr_in1] <= #100 dic_in[1]; mem_d[addr_in2] <= #100 did_in[0]; mem_d[addr_in1] <= #100 did_in[1]; end assign doa[0] = mem_a[2*addra]; assign doa[1] = mem_a[2*addra + 1]; assign dob[0] = mem_b[2*addrb]; assign dob[1] = mem_b[2*addrb + 1]; assign doc[0] = mem_c[2*addrc]; assign doc[1] = mem_c[2*addrc + 1]; assign dod[0] = mem_d[2*addrd_in]; assign dod[1] = mem_d[2*addrd_in + 1]; `ifdef xil_timing always @(notifier) begin mem_a[addr_in2] <= 1'bx; mem_a[addr_in1] <= 1'bx; mem_b[addr_in2] <= 1'bx; mem_b[addr_in1] <= 1'bx; mem_c[addr_in2] <= 1'bx; mem_c[addr_in1] <= 1'bx; mem_d[addr_in2] <= 1'bx; mem_d[addr_in1] <= 1'bx; end assign sh_clk_en_p = ~is_wclk_inverted_bin; assign sh_clk_en_n = is_wclk_inverted_bin; assign sh_we_clk_en_p = we_in && ~is_wclk_inverted_bin; assign sh_we_clk_en_n = we_in && is_wclk_inverted_bin; specify (wclk => doa[0]) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (wclk => doa[1]) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (wclk => dob[0]) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (wclk => dob[1]) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (wclk => doc[0]) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (wclk => doc[1]) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (wclk => dod[0]) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (wclk => dod[1]) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (addra *> doa[0]) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (addra *> doa[1]) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (addrb *> dob[0]) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (addrb *> dob[1]) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (addrc *> doc[0]) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (addrc *> doc[1]) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (addrd *> dod[0]) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (addrd *> dod[1]) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); $period (negedge wclk &&& we, 0:0:0, notifier); $period (posedge wclk &&& we, 0:0:0, notifier); $setuphold (negedge wclk, negedge addrd[0], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,addrd_dly[0]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, negedge addrd[1], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,addrd_dly[1]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, negedge addrd[2], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,addrd_dly[2]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, negedge addrd[3], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,addrd_dly[3]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, negedge addrd[4], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,addrd_dly[4]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, negedge dia[0], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,dia_dly[0]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, negedge dia[1], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,dia_dly[1]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, negedge dib[0], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,dib_dly[0]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, negedge dib[1], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,dib_dly[1]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, negedge dic[0], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,dic_dly[0]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, negedge dic[1], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,dic_dly[1]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, negedge did[0], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,did_dly[0]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, negedge did[1], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,did_dly[1]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, negedge we, 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_clk_en_n,sh_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,we_dly); $setuphold (negedge wclk, posedge addrd[0], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,addrd_dly[0]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, posedge addrd[1], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,addrd_dly[1]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, posedge addrd[2], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,addrd_dly[2]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, posedge addrd[3], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,addrd_dly[3]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, posedge addrd[4], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,addrd_dly[4]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, posedge dia[0], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,dia_dly[0]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, posedge dia[1], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,dia_dly[1]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, posedge dib[0], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,dib_dly[0]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, posedge dib[1], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,dib_dly[1]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, posedge dic[0], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,dic_dly[0]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, posedge dic[1], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,dic_dly[1]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, posedge did[0], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,did_dly[0]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, posedge did[1], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_n,sh_we_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,did_dly[1]); $setuphold (negedge wclk, posedge we, 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_clk_en_n,sh_clk_en_n,wclk_dly,we_dly); $setuphold (posedge wclk, negedge addrd[0], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,addrd_dly[0]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, negedge addrd[1], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,addrd_dly[1]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, negedge addrd[2], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,addrd_dly[2]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, negedge addrd[3], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,addrd_dly[3]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, negedge addrd[4], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,addrd_dly[4]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, negedge dia[0], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,dia_dly[0]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, negedge dia[1], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,dia_dly[1]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, negedge dib[0], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,dib_dly[0]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, negedge dib[1], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,dib_dly[1]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, negedge dic[0], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,dic_dly[0]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, negedge dic[1], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,dic_dly[1]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, negedge did[0], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,did_dly[0]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, negedge did[1], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,did_dly[1]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, negedge we, 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_clk_en_p,sh_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,we_dly); $setuphold (posedge wclk, posedge addrd[0], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,addrd_dly[0]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, posedge addrd[1], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,addrd_dly[1]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, posedge addrd[2], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,addrd_dly[2]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, posedge addrd[3], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,addrd_dly[3]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, posedge addrd[4], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,addrd_dly[4]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, posedge dia[0], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,dia_dly[0]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, posedge dia[1], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,dia_dly[1]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, posedge dib[0], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,dib_dly[0]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, posedge dib[1], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,dib_dly[1]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, posedge dic[0], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,dic_dly[0]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, posedge dic[1], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,dic_dly[1]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, posedge did[0], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,did_dly[0]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, posedge did[1], 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_we_clk_en_p,sh_we_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,did_dly[1]); $setuphold (posedge wclk, posedge we, 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_clk_en_p,sh_clk_en_p,wclk_dly,we_dly); specparam pathpulse$ = 0; endspecify `endif endmodule
module srlc32e #( `ifdef xil_timing parameter loc = "unplaced", `endif parameter [31:0] init = 32'h00000000, parameter [0:0] is_clk_inverted = 1'b0 )( output q, output q31, input [4:0] a, input ce, input clk, input d ); `ifdef xil_timing wire ce_dly; wire clk_dly; wire d_dly; `endif reg [31:0] data = init; reg first_time = 1'b1; initial begin assign data = init; first_time <= #100000 1'b0; `ifdef xil_timing while ((((clk_dly !== 1'b0) && (is_clk_inverted == 1'b0)) || ((clk_dly !== 1'b1) && (is_clk_inverted == 1'b1))) && (first_time == 1'b1)) #1000; `else while ((((clk !== 1'b0) && (is_clk_inverted == 1'b0)) || ((clk !== 1'b1) && (is_clk_inverted == 1'b1))) && (first_time == 1'b1)) #1000; `endif deassign data; end `ifdef xil_timing generate if (is_clk_inverted == 1'b0) begin : generate_block1 always @(posedge clk_dly) begin if (ce_dly == 1'b1 || ce_dly === 1'bz) begin data[31:0] <= {data[30:0], d_dly}; end end end else begin : generate_block1 always @(negedge clk_dly) begin if (ce_dly == 1'b1 || ce_dly === 1'bz) begin data[31:0] <= {data[30:0], d_dly}; end end end endgenerate `else generate if (is_clk_inverted == 1'b0) begin : generate_block1 always @(posedge clk) begin if (ce == 1'b1 || ce === 1'bz) begin data[31:0] <= {data[30:0], d}; end end end else begin : generate_block1 always @(negedge clk) begin if (ce == 1'b1 || ce === 1'bz) begin data[31:0] <= {data[30:0], d}; end end end endgenerate `endif assign q = data[a]; assign q31 = data[31]; `ifdef xil_timing reg notifier; wire sh_clk_en_p; wire sh_clk_en_n; wire sh_ce_clk_en_p; wire sh_ce_clk_en_n; always @(notifier) data[0] = 1'bx; assign sh_clk_en_p = ~is_clk_inverted; assign sh_clk_en_n = is_clk_inverted; assign sh_ce_clk_en_p = ce && ~is_clk_inverted; assign sh_ce_clk_en_n = ce && is_clk_inverted; `endif specify (a[0] => q) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (a[1] => q) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (a[2] => q) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (a[3] => q) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (a[4] => q) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (clk => q) = (100:100:100, 100:100:100); (clk => q31) = (100:100:100, 100:100:100); `ifdef xil_timing $period (negedge clk, 0:0:0, notifier); $period (posedge clk, 0:0:0, notifier); $setuphold (negedge clk, negedge ce, 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_clk_en_n,sh_clk_en_n,clk_dly,ce_dly); $setuphold (negedge clk, negedge d, 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_ce_clk_en_n,sh_ce_clk_en_n,clk_dly,d_dly); $setuphold (negedge clk, posedge ce, 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_clk_en_n,sh_clk_en_n,clk_dly,ce_dly); $setuphold (negedge clk, posedge d, 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_ce_clk_en_n,sh_ce_clk_en_n,clk_dly,d_dly); $setuphold (posedge clk, negedge ce, 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_clk_en_p,sh_clk_en_p,clk_dly,ce_dly); $setuphold (posedge clk, negedge d, 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_ce_clk_en_p,sh_ce_clk_en_p,clk_dly,d_dly); $setuphold (posedge clk, posedge ce, 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_clk_en_p,sh_clk_en_p,clk_dly,ce_dly); $setuphold (posedge clk, posedge d, 0:0:0, 0:0:0, notifier,sh_ce_clk_en_p,sh_ce_clk_en_p,clk_dly,d_dly); $width (negedge clk, 0:0:0, 0, notifier); $width (posedge clk, 0:0:0, 0, notifier); `endif specparam pathpulse$ = 0; endspecify endmodule
module xorcy (o, ci, li); `ifdef xil_timing parameter loc = "unplaced"; `endif output o; input ci, li; xor x1 (o, ci, li); `ifdef xil_timing specify (ci => o) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); (li => o) = (0:0:0, 0:0:0); specparam pathpulse$ = 0; endspecify `endif endmodule
module sim_uart_receiver #( parameter p_ext_clk = 0 ) ( input wire rx, output reg rdy, input wire rdy_clr, input wire clk_50m, input wire clken, output reg [7:0] data, input wire [31:0] scaler ); initial begin rdy = 0; data = 8'b0; end parameter rx_state_start = 2'b00; parameter rx_state_data = 2'b01; parameter rx_state_stop = 2'b10; reg [1:0] state = rx_state_start; reg [31:0] sample = 0; wire [31:0] sample_max = (scaler << 1) - 1; wire [31:0] sample_mid = scaler; reg [3:0] bitpos = 0; reg [7:0] scratch = 8'b0; initial begin end always @(posedge clk_50m) begin if (rdy_clr) rdy <= 0; if (clken) begin case (state) rx_state_start: begin if (!rx || sample != 0) sample <= sample + 4'b1; if (sample == sample_max) begin state <= rx_state_data; bitpos <= 0; sample <= 0; scratch <= 0; end end rx_state_data: begin if (sample == sample_max) begin sample <= 0; end else begin sample <= sample + 1; end if (sample == sample_mid) begin scratch[bitpos[2:0]] <= rx; bitpos <= bitpos + 4'b1; end if (bitpos == 8 && sample == sample_max) state <= rx_state_stop; end rx_state_stop: begin if (sample == sample_max || (sample >= sample_mid && !rx)) begin state <= rx_state_start; data <= scratch; rdy <= 1'b1; sample <= 0; end else begin sample <= sample + 4'b1; end end default: begin state <= rx_state_start; end endcase end end endmodule
module sirv_pwmgpioport( input clock, input reset, input io_pwm_port_0, input io_pwm_port_1, input io_pwm_port_2, input io_pwm_port_3, input io_pins_pwm_0_i_ival, output io_pins_pwm_0_o_oval, output io_pins_pwm_0_o_oe, output io_pins_pwm_0_o_ie, output io_pins_pwm_0_o_pue, output io_pins_pwm_0_o_ds, input io_pins_pwm_1_i_ival, output io_pins_pwm_1_o_oval, output io_pins_pwm_1_o_oe, output io_pins_pwm_1_o_ie, output io_pins_pwm_1_o_pue, output io_pins_pwm_1_o_ds, input io_pins_pwm_2_i_ival, output io_pins_pwm_2_o_oval, output io_pins_pwm_2_o_oe, output io_pins_pwm_2_o_ie, output io_pins_pwm_2_o_pue, output io_pins_pwm_2_o_ds, input io_pins_pwm_3_i_ival, output io_pins_pwm_3_o_oval, output io_pins_pwm_3_o_oe, output io_pins_pwm_3_o_ie, output io_pins_pwm_3_o_pue, output io_pins_pwm_3_o_ds ); wire [1:0] t_108; wire [1:0] t_109; wire [3:0] t_110; wire t_114; wire t_115; wire t_116; wire t_117; assign io_pins_pwm_0_o_oval = t_114; assign io_pins_pwm_0_o_oe = 1'h1; assign io_pins_pwm_0_o_ie = 1'h0; assign io_pins_pwm_0_o_pue = 1'h0; assign io_pins_pwm_0_o_ds = 1'h0; assign io_pins_pwm_1_o_oval = t_115; assign io_pins_pwm_1_o_oe = 1'h1; assign io_pins_pwm_1_o_ie = 1'h0; assign io_pins_pwm_1_o_pue = 1'h0; assign io_pins_pwm_1_o_ds = 1'h0; assign io_pins_pwm_2_o_oval = t_116; assign io_pins_pwm_2_o_oe = 1'h1; assign io_pins_pwm_2_o_ie = 1'h0; assign io_pins_pwm_2_o_pue = 1'h0; assign io_pins_pwm_2_o_ds = 1'h0; assign io_pins_pwm_3_o_oval = t_117; assign io_pins_pwm_3_o_oe = 1'h1; assign io_pins_pwm_3_o_ie = 1'h0; assign io_pins_pwm_3_o_pue = 1'h0; assign io_pins_pwm_3_o_ds = 1'h0; assign t_108 = {io_pwm_port_1,io_pwm_port_0}; assign t_109 = {io_pwm_port_3,io_pwm_port_2}; assign t_110 = {t_109,t_108}; assign t_114 = t_110[0]; assign t_115 = t_110[1]; assign t_116 = t_110[2]; assign t_117 = t_110[3]; endmodule
module _t_146_ext( input w0_clk, input [5:0] w0_addr, input w0_en, input [87:0] w0_data, input [3:0] w0_mask, input r0_clk, input [5:0] r0_addr, input r0_en, output [87:0] r0_data ); reg [5:0] reg_r0_addr; reg [87:0] ram [63:0]; `ifdef randomize integer initvar; initial begin #0.002 begin end for (initvar = 0; initvar < 64; initvar = initvar+1) ram[initvar] = {3 {$random}}; reg_r0_addr = {1 {$random}}; end `endif integer i; always @(posedge r0_clk) if (r0_en) reg_r0_addr <= r0_addr; always @(posedge w0_clk) if (w0_en) begin if (w0_mask[0]) ram[w0_addr][21:0] <= w0_data[21:0]; if (w0_mask[1]) ram[w0_addr][43:22] <= w0_data[43:22]; if (w0_mask[2]) ram[w0_addr][65:44] <= w0_data[65:44]; if (w0_mask[3]) ram[w0_addr][87:66] <= w0_data[87:66]; end assign r0_data = ram[reg_r0_addr]; endmodule
module _t_80_ext( input w0_clk, input [8:0] w0_addr, input w0_en, input [63:0] w0_data, input [0:0] w0_mask, input r0_clk, input [8:0] r0_addr, input r0_en, output [63:0] r0_data ); reg [8:0] reg_r0_addr; reg [63:0] ram [511:0]; `ifdef randomize integer initvar; initial begin #0.002 begin end for (initvar = 0; initvar < 512; initvar = initvar+1) ram[initvar] = {2 {$random}}; reg_r0_addr = {1 {$random}}; end `endif integer i; always @(posedge r0_clk) if (r0_en) reg_r0_addr <= r0_addr; always @(posedge w0_clk) if (w0_en) begin if (w0_mask[0]) ram[w0_addr][63:0] <= w0_data[63:0]; end assign r0_data = ram[reg_r0_addr]; endmodule
module tag_array_ext( input rw0_clk, input [5:0] rw0_addr, input rw0_en, input rw0_wmode, input [3:0] rw0_wmask, input [79:0] rw0_wdata, output [79:0] rw0_rdata ); reg [5:0] reg_rw0_addr; reg [79:0] ram [63:0]; `ifdef randomize integer initvar; initial begin #0.002 begin end for (initvar = 0; initvar < 64; initvar = initvar+1) ram[initvar] = {3 {$random}}; reg_rw0_addr = {1 {$random}}; end `endif integer i; always @(posedge rw0_clk) if (rw0_en && !rw0_wmode) reg_rw0_addr <= rw0_addr; always @(posedge rw0_clk) if (rw0_en && rw0_wmode) begin if (rw0_wmask[0]) ram[rw0_addr][19:0] <= rw0_wdata[19:0]; if (rw0_wmask[1]) ram[rw0_addr][39:20] <= rw0_wdata[39:20]; if (rw0_wmask[2]) ram[rw0_addr][59:40] <= rw0_wdata[59:40]; if (rw0_wmask[3]) ram[rw0_addr][79:60] <= rw0_wdata[79:60]; end assign rw0_rdata = ram[reg_rw0_addr]; endmodule
module _t_850_ext( input rw0_clk, input [8:0] rw0_addr, input rw0_en, input rw0_wmode, input [63:0] rw0_wdata, output [63:0] rw0_rdata ); reg [8:0] reg_rw0_addr; reg [63:0] ram [511:0]; `ifdef randomize integer initvar; initial begin #0.002 begin end for (initvar = 0; initvar < 512; initvar = initvar+1) ram[initvar] = {2 {$random}}; reg_rw0_addr = {1 {$random}}; end `endif integer i; always @(posedge rw0_clk) if (rw0_en && !rw0_wmode) reg_rw0_addr <= rw0_addr; always @(posedge rw0_clk) if (rw0_en && rw0_wmode) begin ram[rw0_addr][63:0] <= rw0_wdata[63:0]; end assign rw0_rdata = ram[reg_rw0_addr]; endmodule
module mem_ext( input w0_clk, input [24:0] w0_addr, input w0_en, input [63:0] w0_data, input [7:0] w0_mask, input r0_clk, input [24:0] r0_addr, input r0_en, output [63:0] r0_data ); reg [24:0] reg_r0_addr; reg [63:0] ram [33554431:0]; `ifdef randomize integer initvar; initial begin #0.002 begin end for (initvar = 0; initvar < 33554432; initvar = initvar+1) ram[initvar] = {2 {$random}}; reg_r0_addr = {1 {$random}}; end `endif integer i; always @(posedge r0_clk) if (r0_en) reg_r0_addr <= r0_addr; always @(posedge w0_clk) if (w0_en) begin if (w0_mask[0]) ram[w0_addr][7:0] <= w0_data[7:0]; if (w0_mask[1]) ram[w0_addr][15:8] <= w0_data[15:8]; if (w0_mask[2]) ram[w0_addr][23:16] <= w0_data[23:16]; if (w0_mask[3]) ram[w0_addr][31:24] <= w0_data[31:24]; if (w0_mask[4]) ram[w0_addr][39:32] <= w0_data[39:32]; if (w0_mask[5]) ram[w0_addr][47:40] <= w0_data[47:40]; if (w0_mask[6]) ram[w0_addr][55:48] <= w0_data[55:48]; if (w0_mask[7]) ram[w0_addr][63:56] <= w0_data[63:56]; end assign r0_data = ram[reg_r0_addr]; endmodule
module mem_0_ext( input w0_clk, input [8:0] w0_addr, input w0_en, input [63:0] w0_data, input [7:0] w0_mask, input r0_clk, input [8:0] r0_addr, input r0_en, output [63:0] r0_data ); reg [8:0] reg_r0_addr; reg [63:0] ram [511:0]; `ifdef randomize integer initvar; initial begin #0.002 begin end for (initvar = 0; initvar < 512; initvar = initvar+1) ram[initvar] = {2 {$random}}; reg_r0_addr = {1 {$random}}; end `endif integer i; always @(posedge r0_clk) if (r0_en) reg_r0_addr <= r0_addr; always @(posedge w0_clk) if (w0_en) begin if (w0_mask[0]) ram[w0_addr][7:0] <= w0_data[7:0]; if (w0_mask[1]) ram[w0_addr][15:8] <= w0_data[15:8]; if (w0_mask[2]) ram[w0_addr][23:16] <= w0_data[23:16]; if (w0_mask[3]) ram[w0_addr][31:24] <= w0_data[31:24]; if (w0_mask[4]) ram[w0_addr][39:32] <= w0_data[39:32]; if (w0_mask[5]) ram[w0_addr][47:40] <= w0_data[47:40]; if (w0_mask[6]) ram[w0_addr][55:48] <= w0_data[55:48]; if (w0_mask[7]) ram[w0_addr][63:56] <= w0_data[63:56]; end assign r0_data = ram[reg_r0_addr]; endmodule
module sirv_qspi_physical_1( input clock, input reset, output io_port_sck, input io_port_dq_0_i, output io_port_dq_0_o, output io_port_dq_0_oe, input io_port_dq_1_i, output io_port_dq_1_o, output io_port_dq_1_oe, input io_port_dq_2_i, output io_port_dq_2_o, output io_port_dq_2_oe, input io_port_dq_3_i, output io_port_dq_3_o, output io_port_dq_3_oe, output io_port_cs_0, output io_port_cs_1, output io_port_cs_2, output io_port_cs_3, input [11:0] io_ctrl_sck_div, input io_ctrl_sck_pol, input io_ctrl_sck_pha, input [1:0] io_ctrl_fmt_proto, input io_ctrl_fmt_endian, input io_ctrl_fmt_iodir, output io_op_ready, input io_op_valid, input io_op_bits_fn, input io_op_bits_stb, input [7:0] io_op_bits_cnt, input [7:0] io_op_bits_data, output io_rx_valid, output [7:0] io_rx_bits ); reg [11:0] ctrl_sck_div; reg [31:0] gen_2; reg ctrl_sck_pol; reg [31:0] gen_31; reg ctrl_sck_pha; reg [31:0] gen_52; reg [1:0] ctrl_fmt_proto; reg [31:0] gen_67; reg ctrl_fmt_endian; reg [31:0] gen_68; reg ctrl_fmt_iodir; reg [31:0] gen_69; wire proto_0; wire proto_1; wire proto_2; wire accept; wire sample; wire setup; wire last; reg setup_d; reg [31:0] gen_70; reg t_119; reg [31:0] gen_71; reg t_120; reg [31:0] gen_72; reg sample_d; reg [31:0] gen_73; reg t_122; reg [31:0] gen_74; reg t_123; reg [31:0] gen_75; reg last_d; reg [31:0] gen_76; reg [7:0] scnt; reg [31:0] gen_77; reg [11:0] tcnt; reg [31:0] gen_78; wire stop; wire beat; wire [11:0] t_127; wire [12:0] t_129; wire [11:0] decr; wire sched; wire [11:0] t_130; reg sck; reg [31:0] gen_79; reg cref; reg [31:0] gen_80; wire cinv; wire [1:0] t_133; wire [1:0] t_134; wire [3:0] rxd; wire samples_0; wire [1:0] samples_1; reg [7:0] buffer; reg [31:0] gen_81; wire t_135; wire t_136; wire t_137; wire t_138; wire t_139; wire t_140; wire t_141; wire t_142; wire t_143; wire [1:0] t_144; wire [1:0] t_145; wire [3:0] t_146; wire [1:0] t_147; wire [1:0] t_148; wire [3:0] t_149; wire [7:0] t_150; wire [7:0] buffer_in; wire t_151; wire shift; wire [6:0] t_152; wire [6:0] t_153; wire [6:0] t_154; wire t_155; wire t_157; wire [7:0] t_158; wire [5:0] t_159; wire [5:0] t_160; wire [5:0] t_161; wire [1:0] t_162; wire [1:0] t_163; wire [7:0] t_164; wire [3:0] t_165; wire [3:0] t_166; wire [3:0] t_167; wire [3:0] t_169; wire [7:0] t_170; wire [7:0] t_172; wire [7:0] t_174; wire [7:0] t_176; wire [7:0] t_178; wire [7:0] t_179; wire [7:0] t_180; reg [3:0] txd; reg [31:0] gen_82; wire [3:0] t_182; wire [3:0] txd_in; wire [1:0] t_184; wire txd_sel_0; wire txd_sel_1; wire txd_sel_2; wire txd_shf_0; wire [1:0] txd_shf_1; wire t_186; wire [1:0] t_188; wire [3:0] t_190; wire [1:0] gen_65; wire [1:0] t_192; wire [3:0] gen_66; wire [3:0] t_193; wire [3:0] t_194; wire [3:0] gen_0; wire t_195; wire t_196; wire txen_1; wire txen_0; wire t_208_0; wire t_208_1; wire t_208_2; wire t_208_3; wire t_215; wire t_216; wire t_217; wire t_218; reg done; reg [31:0] gen_83; wire t_221; wire t_222; wire t_224; wire t_225; wire t_226; wire t_227; wire t_228; wire t_229; wire t_230; wire [1:0] t_231; wire [1:0] t_232; wire [3:0] t_233; wire [1:0] t_234; wire [1:0] t_235; wire [3:0] t_236; wire [7:0] t_237; wire [7:0] t_238; reg xfr; reg [31:0] gen_84; wire gen_1; wire t_243; wire t_245; wire t_246; wire gen_3; wire gen_4; wire gen_5; wire [11:0] gen_6; wire gen_7; wire gen_8; wire gen_9; wire gen_10; wire [11:0] gen_11; wire gen_12; wire gen_13; wire gen_14; wire gen_15; wire [11:0] gen_16; wire t_252; wire t_253; wire t_254; wire t_257; wire gen_17; wire gen_18; wire gen_19; wire gen_20; wire gen_21; wire gen_22; wire gen_23; wire t_260; wire [1:0] gen_24; wire gen_25; wire gen_26; wire t_263; wire t_266; wire [7:0] gen_27; wire gen_28; wire gen_29; wire gen_30; wire gen_32; wire [11:0] gen_33; wire gen_34; wire gen_35; wire gen_36; wire [11:0] gen_37; wire gen_38; wire gen_39; wire [11:0] gen_40; wire [1:0] gen_41; wire gen_42; wire gen_43; wire gen_44; wire [7:0] gen_45; wire gen_46; wire gen_47; wire gen_48; wire [11:0] gen_49; wire gen_50; wire gen_51; wire [11:0] gen_53; wire [1:0] gen_54; wire gen_55; wire gen_56; wire gen_57; wire [7:0] gen_58; wire gen_59; wire gen_60; wire gen_61; wire [11:0] gen_62; wire gen_63; wire gen_64; assign io_port_sck = sck; assign io_port_dq_0_o = t_215; assign io_port_dq_0_oe = txen_0; assign io_port_dq_1_o = t_216; assign io_port_dq_1_oe = txen_1; assign io_port_dq_2_o = t_217; assign io_port_dq_2_oe = t_196; assign io_port_dq_3_o = t_218; assign io_port_dq_3_oe = io_port_dq_2_oe; assign io_port_cs_0 = t_208_0; assign io_port_cs_1 = t_208_1; assign io_port_cs_2 = t_208_2; assign io_port_cs_3 = t_208_3; assign io_op_ready = t_260; assign io_rx_valid = done; assign io_rx_bits = t_238; assign proto_0 = 2'h0 == ctrl_fmt_proto; assign proto_1 = 2'h1 == ctrl_fmt_proto; assign proto_2 = 2'h2 == ctrl_fmt_proto; assign accept = gen_21; assign sample = gen_14; assign setup = gen_60; assign last = gen_20; assign stop = scnt == 8'h0; assign beat = tcnt == 12'h0; assign t_127 = beat ? {{4'd0}, scnt} : tcnt; assign t_129 = t_127 - 12'h1; assign decr = t_129[11:0]; assign sched = gen_1; assign t_130 = sched ? ctrl_sck_div : decr; assign cinv = ctrl_sck_pha ^ ctrl_sck_pol; assign t_133 = {io_port_dq_1_i,io_port_dq_0_i}; assign t_134 = {io_port_dq_3_i,io_port_dq_2_i}; assign rxd = {t_134,t_133}; assign samples_0 = rxd[1]; assign samples_1 = rxd[1:0]; assign t_135 = io_ctrl_fmt_endian == 1'h0; assign t_136 = io_op_bits_data[0]; assign t_137 = io_op_bits_data[1]; assign t_138 = io_op_bits_data[2]; assign t_139 = io_op_bits_data[3]; assign t_140 = io_op_bits_data[4]; assign t_141 = io_op_bits_data[5]; assign t_142 = io_op_bits_data[6]; assign t_143 = io_op_bits_data[7]; assign t_144 = {t_142,t_143}; assign t_145 = {t_140,t_141}; assign t_146 = {t_145,t_144}; assign t_147 = {t_138,t_139}; assign t_148 = {t_136,t_137}; assign t_149 = {t_148,t_147}; assign t_150 = {t_149,t_146}; assign buffer_in = t_135 ? io_op_bits_data : t_150; assign t_151 = sample_d & stop; assign shift = setup_d | t_151; assign t_152 = buffer[6:0]; assign t_153 = buffer[7:1]; assign t_154 = shift ? t_152 : t_153; assign t_155 = buffer[0]; assign t_157 = sample_d ? samples_0 : t_155; assign t_158 = {t_154,t_157}; assign t_159 = buffer[5:0]; assign t_160 = buffer[7:2]; assign t_161 = shift ? t_159 : t_160; assign t_162 = buffer[1:0]; assign t_163 = sample_d ? samples_1 : t_162; assign t_164 = {t_161,t_163}; assign t_165 = buffer[3:0]; assign t_166 = buffer[7:4]; assign t_167 = shift ? t_165 : t_166; assign t_169 = sample_d ? rxd : t_165; assign t_170 = {t_167,t_169}; assign t_172 = proto_0 ? t_158 : 8'h0; assign t_174 = proto_1 ? t_164 : 8'h0; assign t_176 = proto_2 ? t_170 : 8'h0; assign t_178 = t_172 | t_174; assign t_179 = t_178 | t_176; assign t_180 = t_179; assign t_182 = buffer_in[7:4]; assign txd_in = accept ? t_182 : t_166; assign t_184 = accept ? io_ctrl_fmt_proto : ctrl_fmt_proto; assign txd_sel_0 = 2'h0 == t_184; assign txd_sel_1 = 2'h1 == t_184; assign txd_sel_2 = 2'h2 == t_184; assign txd_shf_0 = txd_in[3]; assign txd_shf_1 = txd_in[3:2]; assign t_186 = txd_sel_0 ? txd_shf_0 : 1'h0; assign t_188 = txd_sel_1 ? txd_shf_1 : 2'h0; assign t_190 = txd_sel_2 ? txd_in : 4'h0; assign gen_65 = {{1'd0}, t_186}; assign t_192 = gen_65 | t_188; assign gen_66 = {{2'd0}, t_192}; assign t_193 = gen_66 | t_190; assign t_194 = t_193; assign gen_0 = setup ? t_194 : txd; assign t_195 = proto_1 & ctrl_fmt_iodir; assign t_196 = proto_2 & ctrl_fmt_iodir; assign txen_1 = t_195 | t_196; assign txen_0 = proto_0 | txen_1; assign t_208_0 = 1'h1; assign t_208_1 = 1'h1; assign t_208_2 = 1'h1; assign t_208_3 = 1'h1; assign t_215 = txd[0]; assign t_216 = txd[1]; assign t_217 = txd[2]; assign t_218 = txd[3]; assign t_221 = done | last_d; assign t_222 = ctrl_fmt_endian == 1'h0; assign t_224 = buffer[1]; assign t_225 = buffer[2]; assign t_226 = buffer[3]; assign t_227 = buffer[4]; assign t_228 = buffer[5]; assign t_229 = buffer[6]; assign t_230 = buffer[7]; assign t_231 = {t_229,t_230}; assign t_232 = {t_227,t_228}; assign t_233 = {t_232,t_231}; assign t_234 = {t_225,t_226}; assign t_235 = {t_155,t_224}; assign t_236 = {t_235,t_234}; assign t_237 = {t_236,t_233}; assign t_238 = t_222 ? buffer : t_237; assign gen_1 = stop ? 1'h1 : beat; assign t_243 = stop == 1'h0; assign t_245 = cref == 1'h0; assign t_246 = cref ^ cinv; assign gen_3 = xfr ? t_246 : sck; assign gen_4 = xfr ? cref : 1'h0; assign gen_5 = xfr ? t_245 : 1'h0; assign gen_6 = t_245 ? decr : {{4'd0}, scnt}; assign gen_7 = beat ? t_245 : cref; assign gen_8 = beat ? gen_3 : sck; assign gen_9 = beat ? gen_4 : 1'h0; assign gen_10 = beat ? gen_5 : 1'h0; assign gen_11 = beat ? gen_6 : {{4'd0}, scnt}; assign gen_12 = t_243 ? gen_7 : cref; assign gen_13 = t_243 ? gen_8 : sck; assign gen_14 = t_243 ? gen_9 : 1'h0; assign gen_15 = t_243 ? gen_10 : 1'h0; assign gen_16 = t_243 ? gen_11 : {{4'd0}, scnt}; assign t_252 = scnt == 8'h1; assign t_253 = beat & cref; assign t_254 = t_253 & xfr; assign t_257 = beat & t_245; assign gen_17 = t_257 ? 1'h1 : stop; assign gen_18 = t_257 ? 1'h0 : gen_15; assign gen_19 = t_257 ? ctrl_sck_pol : gen_13; assign gen_20 = t_252 ? t_254 : 1'h0; assign gen_21 = t_252 ? gen_17 : stop; assign gen_22 = t_252 ? gen_18 : gen_15; assign gen_23 = t_252 ? gen_19 : gen_13; assign t_260 = accept & done; assign gen_24 = io_op_bits_stb ? io_ctrl_fmt_proto : ctrl_fmt_proto; assign gen_25 = io_op_bits_stb ? io_ctrl_fmt_endian : ctrl_fmt_endian; assign gen_26 = io_op_bits_stb ? io_ctrl_fmt_iodir : ctrl_fmt_iodir; assign t_263 = 1'h0 == io_op_bits_fn; assign t_266 = io_op_bits_cnt == 8'h0; assign gen_27 = t_263 ? buffer_in : t_180; assign gen_28 = t_263 ? cinv : gen_23; assign gen_29 = t_263 ? 1'h1 : gen_22; assign gen_30 = t_263 ? t_266 : t_221; assign gen_32 = io_op_bits_stb ? io_ctrl_sck_pol : gen_28; assign gen_33 = io_op_bits_stb ? io_ctrl_sck_div : ctrl_sck_div; assign gen_34 = io_op_bits_stb ? io_ctrl_sck_pol : ctrl_sck_pol; assign gen_35 = io_op_bits_stb ? io_ctrl_sck_pha : ctrl_sck_pha; assign gen_36 = io_op_bits_fn ? gen_32 : gen_28; assign gen_37 = io_op_bits_fn ? gen_33 : ctrl_sck_div; assign gen_38 = io_op_bits_fn ? gen_34 : ctrl_sck_pol; assign gen_39 = io_op_bits_fn ? gen_35 : ctrl_sck_pha; assign gen_40 = io_op_valid ? {{4'd0}, io_op_bits_cnt} : gen_16; assign gen_41 = io_op_valid ? gen_24 : ctrl_fmt_proto; assign gen_42 = io_op_valid ? gen_25 : ctrl_fmt_endian; assign gen_43 = io_op_valid ? gen_26 : ctrl_fmt_iodir; assign gen_44 = io_op_valid ? t_263 : xfr; assign gen_45 = io_op_valid ? gen_27 : t_180; assign gen_46 = io_op_valid ? gen_36 : gen_23; assign gen_47 = io_op_valid ? gen_29 : gen_22; assign gen_48 = io_op_valid ? gen_30 : t_221; assign gen_49 = io_op_valid ? gen_37 : ctrl_sck_div; assign gen_50 = io_op_valid ? gen_38 : ctrl_sck_pol; assign gen_51 = io_op_valid ? gen_39 : ctrl_sck_pha; assign gen_53 = t_260 ? gen_40 : gen_16; assign gen_54 = t_260 ? gen_41 : ctrl_fmt_proto; assign gen_55 = t_260 ? gen_42 : ctrl_fmt_endian; assign gen_56 = t_260 ? gen_43 : ctrl_fmt_iodir; assign gen_57 = t_260 ? gen_44 : xfr; assign gen_58 = t_260 ? gen_45 : t_180; assign gen_59 = t_260 ? gen_46 : gen_23; assign gen_60 = t_260 ? gen_47 : gen_22; assign gen_61 = t_260 ? gen_48 : t_221; assign gen_62 = t_260 ? gen_49 : ctrl_sck_div; assign gen_63 = t_260 ? gen_50 : ctrl_sck_pol; assign gen_64 = t_260 ? gen_51 : ctrl_sck_pha; always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin ctrl_sck_div <= 12'b0; ctrl_sck_pol <= 1'b0; ctrl_sck_pha <= 1'b0; ctrl_fmt_proto <= 2'b0; ctrl_fmt_endian <= 1'b0; ctrl_fmt_iodir <= 1'b0; setup_d <= 1'b0; tcnt <= 12'b0; sck <= 1'b0; buffer <= 8'b0; xfr <= 1'b0; end else begin if (t_260) begin if (io_op_valid) begin if (io_op_bits_fn) begin if (io_op_bits_stb) begin ctrl_sck_div <= io_ctrl_sck_div; end end end end if (t_260) begin if (io_op_valid) begin if (io_op_bits_fn) begin if (io_op_bits_stb) begin ctrl_sck_pol <= io_ctrl_sck_pol; end end end end if (t_260) begin if (io_op_valid) begin if (io_op_bits_fn) begin if (io_op_bits_stb) begin ctrl_sck_pha <= io_ctrl_sck_pha; end end end end if (t_260) begin if (io_op_valid) begin if (io_op_bits_stb) begin ctrl_fmt_proto <= io_ctrl_fmt_proto; end end end if (t_260) begin if (io_op_valid) begin if (io_op_bits_stb) begin ctrl_fmt_endian <= io_ctrl_fmt_endian; end end end if (t_260) begin if (io_op_valid) begin if (io_op_bits_stb) begin ctrl_fmt_iodir <= io_ctrl_fmt_iodir; end end end setup_d <= setup; if (sched) begin tcnt <= ctrl_sck_div; end else begin tcnt <= decr; end if (t_260) begin if (io_op_valid) begin if (io_op_bits_fn) begin if (io_op_bits_stb) begin sck <= io_ctrl_sck_pol; end else begin if (t_263) begin sck <= cinv; end else begin if (t_252) begin if (t_257) begin sck <= ctrl_sck_pol; end else begin if (t_243) begin if (beat) begin if (xfr) begin sck <= t_246; end end end end end else begin if (t_243) begin if (beat) begin if (xfr) begin sck <= t_246; end end end end end end end else begin if (t_263) begin sck <= cinv; end else begin if (t_252) begin if (t_257) begin sck <= ctrl_sck_pol; end else begin if (t_243) begin if (beat) begin if (xfr) begin sck <= t_246; end end end end end else begin if (t_243) begin if (beat) begin if (xfr) begin sck <= t_246; end end end end end end end else begin if (t_252) begin if (t_257) begin sck <= ctrl_sck_pol; end else begin sck <= gen_13; end end else begin sck <= gen_13; end end end else begin if (t_252) begin if (t_257) begin sck <= ctrl_sck_pol; end else begin sck <= gen_13; end end else begin sck <= gen_13; end end if (t_260) begin if (io_op_valid) begin if (t_263) begin if (t_135) begin buffer <= io_op_bits_data; end else begin buffer <= t_150; end end else begin buffer <= t_180; end end else begin buffer <= t_180; end end else begin buffer <= t_180; end if (t_260) begin if (io_op_valid) begin xfr <= t_263; end end end always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin cref <= 1'h1; end else begin if (t_243) begin if (beat) begin cref <= t_245; end end end always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin txd <= 4'h0; end else begin if (setup) begin txd <= t_194; end end always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin done <= 1'h1; end else begin if (t_260) begin if (io_op_valid) begin if (t_263) begin done <= t_266; end else begin done <= t_221; end end else begin done <= t_221; end end else begin done <= t_221; end end always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin t_119 <= 1'h0; end else begin t_119 <= sample; end always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin t_120 <= 1'h0; end else begin t_120 <= t_119; end always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin sample_d <= 1'h0; end else begin sample_d <= t_120; end always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin t_122 <= 1'h0; end else begin t_122 <= last; end always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin t_123 <= 1'h0; end else begin t_123 <= t_122; end always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin last_d <= 1'h0; end else begin last_d <= t_123; end always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin scnt <= 8'h0; end else begin scnt <= gen_53[7:0]; end endmodule
module clock_part1 #(parameter cc = 1, freq = 2_000, scan_per_sec = 25) ( input wire clk, input wire rst, output wire [7:0] seven_seg, output wire [3:0] digit_en ); localparam dig_duration = (freq)/(4 * scan_per_sec); reg [3:0] sec_ones, sec_tens; reg [3:0] min_ones, min_tens; wire nine_sec = (sec_ones == 4'd9); wire fifty_nine_sec = (sec_tens == 4'd5) & nine_sec; wire nine_min = (min_ones == 4'd9); wire fifty_nine_min = (min_tens == 4'd5) & nine_min; reg sec; reg scan; reg [31:0] sec_div; reg [31:0] scan_div; always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) sec_div <= 32'b0; else if(sec_div == freq) sec_div <= 32'b0; else sec_div <= sec_div + 32'b1; end always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) scan_div <= 32'b0; else if(scan_div == dig_duration) scan_div <= 32'b0; else scan_div <= scan_div + 32'b1; end always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) sec <= 1'b0; else if(sec_div == freq) sec <= 1'b1; else sec <= 1'b0; end always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) scan <= 1'b0; else if(scan_div == dig_duration) scan <= 1'b1; else scan <= 1'b0; end always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) if(rst) sec_ones <= 4'b0; else if(sec) begin if(!nine_sec) sec_ones <= sec_ones + 4'd1; else sec_ones <= 0; end always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) if(rst) sec_tens <= 4'b0; else if(sec) begin if(fifty_nine_sec) sec_tens <= 0; else if(nine_sec) sec_tens <= sec_tens + 4'd1; end always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) if(rst) min_ones <= 4'b0; else if(fifty_nine_sec & sec) begin if(!nine_min) min_ones <= min_ones + 4'd1; else min_ones <= 0; end always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) if(rst) min_tens <= 4'b0; else if(fifty_nine_sec & sec) begin if(fifty_nine_min) min_tens <= 0; else if(nine_min) min_tens <= min_tens + 4'd1; end reg [1:0] dig_cnt; always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) dig_cnt <= 2'b0; else if(scan) dig_cnt <= dig_cnt + 1'b1; end wire [3:0] bcd_mux = (dig_cnt == 2'b00) ? sec_ones : (dig_cnt == 2'b01) ? sec_tens : (dig_cnt == 2'b10) ? min_ones : min_tens; reg [7:0] ca_7seg; wire[7:0] cc_7seg = ~ ca_7seg; always @* begin ca_7seg = 7'b0000000; case(bcd_mux) 4'd0 : ca_7seg = 7'b0000001; 4'd1 : ca_7seg = 7'b1001111; 4'd2 : ca_7seg = 7'b0010010; 4'd3 : ca_7seg = 7'b0000110; 4'd4 : ca_7seg = 7'b1001100; 4'd5 : ca_7seg = 7'b0100100; 4'd6 : ca_7seg = 7'b0100000; 4'd7 : ca_7seg = 7'b0001111; 4'd8 : ca_7seg = 7'b0000000; 4'd9 : ca_7seg = 7'b0000100; endcase end generate if(cc==0) begin assign seven_seg = ca_7seg; assign digit_en = (4'b1 << dig_cnt); end else begin assign seven_seg = cc_7seg; assign digit_en = ~(4'b1 << dig_cnt); end endgenerate endmodule
module clock_part2 #(parameter cc = 1, freq = 2_000, scan_per_sec = 25, wb_addr_width = 4 ) ( input wire clk, input wire rst, output wire [7:0] seven_seg, output wire [3:0] digit_en, input wire [wb_addr_width-1:0] wb_adr_i, input wire [31:0] wb_dat_i, output wire [31:0] wb_dat_o, input wire [3:0] wb_sel_i, input wire wb_cyc_i, input wire wb_stb_i, output reg wb_ack_o, input wire wb_we_i, output reg irq ); localparam dig_duration = (freq)/(4 * scan_per_sec); localparam [wb_addr_width-1:0] alarm_reg_off = 'h0; localparam [wb_addr_width-1:0] time_reg_off = 'h4; localparam [wb_addr_width-1:0] irqclr_reg_off = 'h8; wire wb_valid = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i; wire wb_we = wb_we_i & wb_valid; wire wb_re = ~wb_we_i & wb_valid; wire[3:0] wb_byte_sel = wb_sel_i & {4{wb_we}}; wire wb_time_reg_sel = (wb_adr_i == time_reg_off); wire wb_alarm_reg_sel = (wb_adr_i == alarm_reg_off); wire wb_irqclr_reg_sel = (wb_adr_i == irqclr_reg_off); always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst) if(rst) wb_ack_o <= 1'b0; else if(wb_valid & ~wb_ack_o) wb_ack_o <= 1'b1; else wb_ack_o <= 1'b0; reg [15:0] alarm_reg; always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) if(rst) alarm_reg <= 16'h0; else if(wb_we & (wb_alarm_reg_sel)) alarm_reg <= wb_dat_i[15:0]; reg [3:0] sec_ones, sec_tens; reg [3:0] min_ones, min_tens; wire nine_sec = (sec_ones == 4'd9); wire fifty_nine_sec = (sec_tens == 4'd5) & nine_sec; wire nine_min = (min_ones == 4'd9); wire fifty_nine_min = (min_tens == 4'd5) & nine_min; wire [15:0] time_reg = {min_tens, min_ones, sec_tens, sec_ones}; always @(posedge clk) if(rst) irq <= 0; else if(wb_irqclr_reg_sel & wb_we) irq <= 0; else if((alarm_reg != 16'h0) && (alarm_reg == time_reg)) irq <= 1; assign wb_dat_o = (wb_alarm_reg_sel) ? {16'h0, alarm_reg}: (wb_time_reg_sel) ? {16'h0, time_reg} : 32'h0badbad0; reg sec; reg scan; reg [31:0] sec_div; reg [31:0] scan_div; always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) sec_div <= 32'b0; else if(sec_div == freq) sec_div <= 32'b0; else sec_div <= sec_div + 32'b1; end always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) scan_div <= 32'b0; else if(scan_div == dig_duration) scan_div <= 32'b0; else scan_div <= scan_div + 32'b1; end always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) sec <= 1'b0; else if(sec_div == freq) sec <= 1'b1; else sec <= 1'b0; end always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) scan <= 1'b0; else if(scan_div == dig_duration) scan <= 1'b1; else scan <= 1'b0; end always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) if(rst) sec_ones <= 4'b0; else if(wb_time_reg_sel & wb_we) sec_ones <= wb_dat_i[3:0]; else if(sec) begin if(!nine_sec) sec_ones <= sec_ones + 4'd1; else sec_ones <= 0; end always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) if(rst) sec_tens <= 4'b0; else if(wb_time_reg_sel & wb_we) sec_tens <= wb_dat_i[7:4]; else if(sec) begin if(fifty_nine_sec) sec_tens <= 0; else if(nine_sec) sec_tens <= sec_tens + 4'd1; end always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) if(rst) min_ones <= 4'b0; else if(wb_time_reg_sel & wb_we) min_ones <= wb_dat_i[11:8]; else if(fifty_nine_sec & sec) begin if(!nine_min) min_ones <= min_ones + 4'd1; else min_ones <= 0; end always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) if(rst) min_tens <= 4'b0; else if(wb_time_reg_sel & wb_we) min_tens <= wb_dat_i[15:12]; else if(fifty_nine_sec & sec) begin if(fifty_nine_min) min_tens <= 0; else if(nine_min) min_tens <= min_tens + 4'd1; end reg [1:0] dig_cnt; always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) dig_cnt <= 2'b0; else if(scan) dig_cnt <= dig_cnt + 1'b1; end wire [3:0] bcd_mux = (dig_cnt == 2'b00) ? sec_ones : (dig_cnt == 2'b01) ? sec_tens : (dig_cnt == 2'b10) ? min_ones : min_tens; reg [7:0] ca_7seg; wire[7:0] cc_7seg = ~ ca_7seg; always @* begin ca_7seg = 7'b0000000; case(bcd_mux) 4'd0 : ca_7seg = 7'b0000001; 4'd1 : ca_7seg = 7'b1001111; 4'd2 : ca_7seg = 7'b0010010; 4'd3 : ca_7seg = 7'b0000110; 4'd4 : ca_7seg = 7'b1001100; 4'd5 : ca_7seg = 7'b0100100; 4'd6 : ca_7seg = 7'b0100000; 4'd7 : ca_7seg = 7'b0001111; 4'd8 : ca_7seg = 7'b0000000; 4'd9 : ca_7seg = 7'b0000100; endcase end generate if(cc==0) begin assign seven_seg = ca_7seg; assign digit_en = (4'b1 << dig_cnt); end else begin assign seven_seg = cc_7seg; assign digit_en = ~(4'b1 << dig_cnt); end endgenerate endmodule
module user_project_wrapper ( `ifdef use_power_pins inout vdda1, inout vdda2, inout vssa1, inout vssa2, inout vccd1, inout vccd2, inout vssd1, inout vssd2, `endif input wire wb_clk_i, input wire wb_rst_i, input wire wbs_stb_i, input wire wbs_cyc_i, input wire wbs_we_i, input wire [3:0] wbs_sel_i, input wire [31:0] wbs_dat_i, input wire [31:0] wbs_adr_i, output reg wbs_ack_o, output reg [31:0] wbs_dat_o, input wire [127:0] la_data_in, output wire [127:0] la_data_out, input wire [127:0] la_oenb, input wire [`mprj_io_pads-1:0] io_in, output wire [`mprj_io_pads-1:0] io_out, output wire [`mprj_io_pads-1:0] io_oeb, inout wire [`mprj_io_pads-10:0] analog_io, input wire user_clock2, output reg [2:0] user_irq ); assign io_out[0] = io_in[0]; endmodule
module bufiodqs (o, dqsmask, i); parameter dqsmask_enable = "false"; output o; input dqsmask; input i; reg delay_bypass_attr; reg dqsmask_enable_attr; wire o_out; reg attr_err_flag = 0; buf buf_o(o, o_out); initial begin case (dqsmask_enable) "true" : dqsmask_enable_attr <= 1'b1; "false" :dqsmask_enable_attr <= 1'b0; default : begin $display("attribute syntax error : the attribute dqsmask_enable on bufiodqs instance %m is set to %s. legal values for this attribute are true or false", dqsmask_enable); attr_err_flag = 1; end endcase if (attr_err_flag) begin #1; $finish; end end reg q1, q2; wire clk, dglitch_en; assign clk = (dglitch_en == 1'b1) ? i : 1'b0; always @(dqsmask or clk) begin if (dqsmask == 1'b1) q1 = 0; else #(300) if (clk == 1) q1 = 1; end always @(dqsmask or clk) begin if (dqsmask == 1'b1) q2 = 0; else #(400) if (clk == 0) q2 = q1; end assign dglitch_en = (~q2 | dqsmask); assign o_out = (dqsmask_enable == "true") ? clk : i; endmodule
module subservient_debug_switch ( input wire i_debug_mode, input wire [31:0] i_wb_dbg_adr, input wire [31:0] i_wb_dbg_dat, input wire [3:0] i_wb_dbg_sel, input wire i_wb_dbg_we, input wire i_wb_dbg_stb, output wire [31:0] o_wb_dbg_rdt, output wire o_wb_dbg_ack, input wire [31:0] i_wb_dbus_adr, input wire [31:0] i_wb_dbus_dat, input wire [3:0] i_wb_dbus_sel, input wire i_wb_dbus_we, input wire i_wb_dbus_stb, output wire [31:0] o_wb_dbus_rdt, output wire o_wb_dbus_ack, output wire [31:0] o_wb_mux_adr, output wire [31:0] o_wb_mux_dat, output wire [3:0] o_wb_mux_sel, output wire o_wb_mux_we, output wire o_wb_mux_stb, input wire [31:0] i_wb_mux_rdt, input wire i_wb_mux_ack); assign o_wb_dbg_rdt = i_wb_mux_rdt; assign o_wb_dbg_ack = i_wb_mux_ack & i_debug_mode; assign o_wb_dbus_rdt = i_wb_mux_rdt; assign o_wb_dbus_ack = i_wb_mux_ack & !i_debug_mode; assign o_wb_mux_adr = i_debug_mode ? i_wb_dbg_adr : i_wb_dbus_adr; assign o_wb_mux_dat = i_debug_mode ? i_wb_dbg_dat : i_wb_dbus_dat; assign o_wb_mux_sel = i_debug_mode ? i_wb_dbg_sel : i_wb_dbus_sel; assign o_wb_mux_we = i_debug_mode ? i_wb_dbg_we : i_wb_dbus_we ; assign o_wb_mux_stb = i_debug_mode ? i_wb_dbg_stb : i_wb_dbus_stb; endmodule
module subservient_generic_ram #(parameter depth = 0, parameter aw = $clog2(depth), parameter memfile = "") (input wire i_clk, input wire i_rst, input wire [aw-1:0] i_waddr, input wire [7:0] i_wdata, input wire i_wen, input wire [aw-1:0] i_raddr, output reg [7:0] o_rdata, input wire i_ren); reg [7:0] mem [0:depth-1] ; always @(posedge i_clk) begin if (i_wen) mem[i_waddr] <= i_wdata; o_rdata <= mem[i_raddr]; end initial if(|memfile) begin $display("preloading %m from %s", memfile); $readmemh(memfile, mem); end endmodule
module subservient_gpio (input wire i_wb_clk, input wire i_wb_rst, input wire i_wb_dat, input wire i_wb_we, input wire i_wb_stb, output reg o_wb_rdt, output reg o_wb_ack, output reg o_gpio); always @(posedge i_wb_clk) begin o_wb_rdt <= o_gpio; if (i_wb_stb & i_wb_we) o_gpio <= i_wb_dat; o_wb_ack <= i_wb_stb & !o_wb_ack; if (i_wb_rst) begin o_wb_ack <= 1'b0; o_gpio <= 1'b0; end end endmodule
module sirv_spigpioport( input clock, input reset, input io_spi_sck, output io_spi_dq_0_i, input io_spi_dq_0_o, input io_spi_dq_0_oe, output io_spi_dq_1_i, input io_spi_dq_1_o, input io_spi_dq_1_oe, output io_spi_dq_2_i, input io_spi_dq_2_o, input io_spi_dq_2_oe, output io_spi_dq_3_i, input io_spi_dq_3_o, input io_spi_dq_3_oe, input io_spi_cs_0, input io_spi_cs_1, input io_spi_cs_2, input io_spi_cs_3, input io_pins_sck_i_ival, output io_pins_sck_o_oval, output io_pins_sck_o_oe, output io_pins_sck_o_ie, output io_pins_sck_o_pue, output io_pins_sck_o_ds, input io_pins_dq_0_i_ival, output io_pins_dq_0_o_oval, output io_pins_dq_0_o_oe, output io_pins_dq_0_o_ie, output io_pins_dq_0_o_pue, output io_pins_dq_0_o_ds, input io_pins_dq_1_i_ival, output io_pins_dq_1_o_oval, output io_pins_dq_1_o_oe, output io_pins_dq_1_o_ie, output io_pins_dq_1_o_pue, output io_pins_dq_1_o_ds, input io_pins_dq_2_i_ival, output io_pins_dq_2_o_oval, output io_pins_dq_2_o_oe, output io_pins_dq_2_o_ie, output io_pins_dq_2_o_pue, output io_pins_dq_2_o_ds, input io_pins_dq_3_i_ival, output io_pins_dq_3_o_oval, output io_pins_dq_3_o_oe, output io_pins_dq_3_o_ie, output io_pins_dq_3_o_pue, output io_pins_dq_3_o_ds, input io_pins_cs_0_i_ival, output io_pins_cs_0_o_oval, output io_pins_cs_0_o_oe, output io_pins_cs_0_o_ie, output io_pins_cs_0_o_pue, output io_pins_cs_0_o_ds, input io_pins_cs_1_i_ival, output io_pins_cs_1_o_oval, output io_pins_cs_1_o_oe, output io_pins_cs_1_o_ie, output io_pins_cs_1_o_pue, output io_pins_cs_1_o_ds, input io_pins_cs_2_i_ival, output io_pins_cs_2_o_oval, output io_pins_cs_2_o_oe, output io_pins_cs_2_o_ie, output io_pins_cs_2_o_pue, output io_pins_cs_2_o_ds, input io_pins_cs_3_i_ival, output io_pins_cs_3_o_oval, output io_pins_cs_3_o_oe, output io_pins_cs_3_o_ie, output io_pins_cs_3_o_pue, output io_pins_cs_3_o_ds ); wire t_312; wire t_315; wire t_318; wire t_321; wire [1:0] t_324; wire [1:0] t_325; wire [3:0] t_326; wire t_330; wire t_331; wire t_332; wire t_333; assign io_spi_dq_0_i = io_pins_dq_0_i_ival; assign io_spi_dq_1_i = io_pins_dq_1_i_ival; assign io_spi_dq_2_i = io_pins_dq_2_i_ival; assign io_spi_dq_3_i = io_pins_dq_3_i_ival; assign io_pins_sck_o_oval = io_spi_sck; assign io_pins_sck_o_oe = 1'h1; assign io_pins_sck_o_ie = 1'h0; assign io_pins_sck_o_pue = 1'h0; assign io_pins_sck_o_ds = 1'h0; assign io_pins_dq_0_o_oval = io_spi_dq_0_o; assign io_pins_dq_0_o_oe = io_spi_dq_0_oe; assign io_pins_dq_0_o_ie = t_312; assign io_pins_dq_0_o_pue = 1'h1; assign io_pins_dq_0_o_ds = 1'h0; assign io_pins_dq_1_o_oval = io_spi_dq_1_o; assign io_pins_dq_1_o_oe = io_spi_dq_1_oe; assign io_pins_dq_1_o_ie = t_315; assign io_pins_dq_1_o_pue = 1'h1; assign io_pins_dq_1_o_ds = 1'h0; assign io_pins_dq_2_o_oval = io_spi_dq_2_o; assign io_pins_dq_2_o_oe = io_spi_dq_2_oe; assign io_pins_dq_2_o_ie = t_318; assign io_pins_dq_2_o_pue = 1'h1; assign io_pins_dq_2_o_ds = 1'h0; assign io_pins_dq_3_o_oval = io_spi_dq_3_o; assign io_pins_dq_3_o_oe = io_spi_dq_3_oe; assign io_pins_dq_3_o_ie = t_321; assign io_pins_dq_3_o_pue = 1'h1; assign io_pins_dq_3_o_ds = 1'h0; assign io_pins_cs_0_o_oval = t_330; assign io_pins_cs_0_o_oe = 1'h1; assign io_pins_cs_0_o_ie = 1'h0; assign io_pins_cs_0_o_pue = 1'h0; assign io_pins_cs_0_o_ds = 1'h0; assign io_pins_cs_1_o_oval = t_331; assign io_pins_cs_1_o_oe = 1'h1; assign io_pins_cs_1_o_ie = 1'h0; assign io_pins_cs_1_o_pue = 1'h0; assign io_pins_cs_1_o_ds = 1'h0; assign io_pins_cs_2_o_oval = t_332; assign io_pins_cs_2_o_oe = 1'h1; assign io_pins_cs_2_o_ie = 1'h0; assign io_pins_cs_2_o_pue = 1'h0; assign io_pins_cs_2_o_ds = 1'h0; assign io_pins_cs_3_o_oval = t_333; assign io_pins_cs_3_o_oe = 1'h1; assign io_pins_cs_3_o_ie = 1'h0; assign io_pins_cs_3_o_pue = 1'h0; assign io_pins_cs_3_o_ds = 1'h0; assign t_312 = ~ io_spi_dq_0_oe; assign t_315 = ~ io_spi_dq_1_oe; assign t_318 = ~ io_spi_dq_2_oe; assign t_321 = ~ io_spi_dq_3_oe; assign t_324 = {io_spi_cs_1,io_spi_cs_0}; assign t_325 = {io_spi_cs_3,io_spi_cs_2}; assign t_326 = {t_325,t_324}; assign t_330 = t_326[0]; assign t_331 = t_326[1]; assign t_332 = t_326[2]; assign t_333 = t_326[3]; endmodule
module subservient_ram #( parameter depth = 256, parameter aw = $clog2(depth)) (input wire i_clk, input wire i_rst, input wire [aw-1:0] i_waddr, input wire [7:0] i_wdata, input wire i_wen, input wire [aw-1:0] i_raddr, output wire [7:0] o_rdata, input wire i_ren, output wire [aw-1:0] o_sram_waddr, output wire [7:0] o_sram_wdata, output wire o_sram_wen, output wire [aw-1:0] o_sram_raddr, input wire [7:0] i_sram_rdata, output wire o_sram_ren, input wire [aw-1:2] i_wb_adr, input wire [31:0] i_wb_dat, input wire [3:0] i_wb_sel, input wire i_wb_we, input wire i_wb_stb, output wire [31:0] o_wb_rdt, output reg o_wb_ack); reg [aw-1:0] rf_waddr_r; reg [7:0] rf_wdata_r; reg rf_wen_r; reg [1:0] bsel; wire wb_en = i_wb_stb & !rf_wen_r & !o_wb_ack; wire wb_we = i_wb_we & i_wb_sel[bsel]; assign o_sram_waddr = wb_en ? {i_wb_adr[aw-1:2],bsel} : rf_waddr_r; assign o_sram_wdata = wb_en ? i_wb_dat[bsel*8+:8] : rf_wdata_r; assign o_sram_wen = wb_en ? wb_we : rf_wen_r; assign o_sram_raddr = wb_en ? {i_wb_adr[aw-1:2],bsel} : i_raddr; assign o_sram_ren = wb_en ? !i_wb_we : i_ren; reg [23:0] wb_rdt; assign o_wb_rdt = {i_sram_rdata, wb_rdt}; reg regzero; always @(posedge i_clk) begin rf_waddr_r <= i_waddr; rf_wdata_r <= i_wdata; rf_wen_r <= i_wen; if (wb_en) bsel <= bsel + 2'd1; o_wb_ack <= wb_en & &bsel; if (bsel == 2'b01) wb_rdt[7:0] <= i_sram_rdata; if (bsel == 2'b10) wb_rdt[15:8] <= i_sram_rdata; if (bsel == 2'b11) wb_rdt[23:16] <= i_sram_rdata; if (i_rst) begin bsel <= 2'd0; o_wb_ack <= 1'b0; end regzero <= &i_raddr[aw-1:2]; end assign o_rdata = regzero ? 8'd0 : i_sram_rdata; endmodule
module subservient_rf_ram_if #(parameter width=8, parameter reset_strategy="mini", parameter csr_regs=4, parameter depth=32*(32+csr_regs)/width, parameter l2w = $clog2(width)) ( input wire i_clk, input wire i_rst, input wire i_wreq, input wire i_rreq, output wire o_ready, input wire [$clog2(32+csr_regs)-1:0] i_wreg0, input wire [$clog2(32+csr_regs)-1:0] i_wreg1, input wire i_wen0, input wire i_wen1, input wire i_wdata0, input wire i_wdata1, input wire [$clog2(32+csr_regs)-1:0] i_rreg0, input wire [$clog2(32+csr_regs)-1:0] i_rreg1, output wire o_rdata0, output wire o_rdata1, output wire [$clog2(depth)-1:0] o_waddr, output wire [width-1:0] o_wdata, output wire o_wen, output wire [$clog2(depth)-1:0] o_raddr, input wire [width-1:0] i_rdata, output wire o_ren); reg rgnt; assign o_ready = rgnt | i_wreq; reg [4:0] rcnt; wire [4:0] wcnt; reg [width-2:0] wdata0_r; reg [width-1:0] wdata1_r; reg wen0_r; reg wen1_r; wire wtrig0; wire wtrig1; generate if (width == 2) begin assign wtrig0 = ~wcnt[0]; assign wtrig1 = wcnt[0]; end else begin reg wtrig0_r; always @(posedge i_clk) wtrig0_r <= wtrig0; assign wtrig0 = (wcnt[l2w-1:0] == {{l2w-1{1'b1}},1'b0}); assign wtrig1 = wtrig0_r; end endgenerate assign o_wdata = wtrig1 ? wdata1_r : {i_wdata0, wdata0_r}; wire [$clog2(32+csr_regs)-1:0] wreg = wtrig1 ? i_wreg1 : i_wreg0; generate if (width == 32) assign o_waddr = wreg; else assign o_waddr = {wreg, wcnt[4:l2w]}; endgenerate assign o_wen = (wtrig0 & wen0_r) | (wtrig1 & wen1_r); generate if (width > 2) always @(posedge i_clk) wdata0_r <= {i_wdata0, wdata0_r[width-2:1]}; else always @(posedge i_clk) wdata0_r <= i_wdata0; endgenerate assign wcnt = rcnt-3; always @(posedge i_clk) begin wen0_r <= i_wen0; wen1_r <= i_wen1; wdata1_r <= {i_wdata1,wdata1_r[width-1:1]}; end wire rtrig0; reg rtrig1; wire [$clog2(32+csr_regs)-1:0] rreg = rtrig0 ? i_rreg1 : i_rreg0; generate if (width == 32) assign o_raddr = rreg; else assign o_raddr = {rreg, rcnt[4:l2w]}; endgenerate reg [width-1:0] rdata0; reg [width-2:0] rdata1; reg rgate; reg rvalid; assign o_rdata0 = rvalid & rdata0[0]; assign o_rdata1 = rvalid & (rtrig1 ? i_rdata[0] : rdata1[0]); assign rtrig0 = (rcnt[l2w-1:0] == 1); assign o_ren = rgate & ((rcnt[l2w-1:0] == 0) | rtrig0); reg rreq_r; generate if (width>2) always @(posedge i_clk) begin rdata1 <= {1'b0,rdata1[width-2:1]}; if (rtrig1) rdata1[width-2:0] <= i_rdata[width-1:1]; end else always @(posedge i_clk) if (rtrig1) rdata1 <= i_rdata[1]; endgenerate always @(posedge i_clk) begin if (o_ready) rvalid <= rgate; if (&rcnt) rgate <= 1'b0; else if (i_rreq) rgate <= 1'b1; rtrig1 <= rtrig0; rcnt <= rcnt+5'd1; if (i_rreq) rcnt <= 5'd0; if (i_wreq) rcnt <= 5'd2; rreq_r <= i_rreq; rgnt <= rreq_r; rdata0 <= {1'b0,rdata0[width-1:1]}; if (rtrig0) rdata0 <= i_rdata; if (i_rst) begin if (reset_strategy != "none") begin rgate <= 1'b0; rcnt <= 5'd2; rgnt <= 1'b0; rreq_r <= 1'b0; end end end endmodule
module subservient_fpga_clock_gen (input wire i_clk, input wire i_rst, output wire o_clk, output reg o_rst); assign o_clk = i_clk; always @(posedge i_clk) o_rst <= i_rst; endmodule
module uart_decoder (input wire [31:0] baud_rate, input wire rx); integer i; reg [7:0] ch; real t; initial begin @(posedge rx); t = 1000000000/baud_rate; forever begin @(negedge rx); #(t/2) ch = 0; for (i=0;i<8;i=i+1) #t ch[i] = rx; $write("%c",ch); $fflush; end end endmodule
module ha(output c, s, input a, b); xor g0(s, a, b); and g1(c, a, b); endmodule
module adder_rtl( output c3, output[2:0] s, input[2:0] a, b, input c0 ); assign {c3, s} = a+b+c0; endmodule
module and4(output y, input a, b, c, d); wire w1, w2; and g0(w1, a, b); and g1(w2, c, d); and g2(y, w1, w2); endmodule
module or4(output y, input a, b, c, d); wire w1, w2; or g0(w1, a, b); or g1(w2, c, d); or g2(y, w1, w2); endmodule
module hello ( input wire in, output reg out ); initial begin $display("hello world!"); out = out + in; end endmodule
module rca_gl( output c3, output[2:0] s, input[2:0] a, b, input c0 ); endmodule
module cla_gl( output c3, output[2:0] s, input[2:0] a, b, input c0 ); endmodule
module sirv_spigpioport_1( input clock, input reset, input io_spi_sck, output io_spi_dq_0_i, input io_spi_dq_0_o, input io_spi_dq_0_oe, output io_spi_dq_1_i, input io_spi_dq_1_o, input io_spi_dq_1_oe, output io_spi_dq_2_i, input io_spi_dq_2_o, input io_spi_dq_2_oe, output io_spi_dq_3_i, input io_spi_dq_3_o, input io_spi_dq_3_oe, input io_spi_cs_0, input io_pins_sck_i_ival, output io_pins_sck_o_oval, output io_pins_sck_o_oe, output io_pins_sck_o_ie, output io_pins_sck_o_pue, output io_pins_sck_o_ds, input io_pins_dq_0_i_ival, output io_pins_dq_0_o_oval, output io_pins_dq_0_o_oe, output io_pins_dq_0_o_ie, output io_pins_dq_0_o_pue, output io_pins_dq_0_o_ds, input io_pins_dq_1_i_ival, output io_pins_dq_1_o_oval, output io_pins_dq_1_o_oe, output io_pins_dq_1_o_ie, output io_pins_dq_1_o_pue, output io_pins_dq_1_o_ds, input io_pins_dq_2_i_ival, output io_pins_dq_2_o_oval, output io_pins_dq_2_o_oe, output io_pins_dq_2_o_ie, output io_pins_dq_2_o_pue, output io_pins_dq_2_o_ds, input io_pins_dq_3_i_ival, output io_pins_dq_3_o_oval, output io_pins_dq_3_o_oe, output io_pins_dq_3_o_ie, output io_pins_dq_3_o_pue, output io_pins_dq_3_o_ds, input io_pins_cs_0_i_ival, output io_pins_cs_0_o_oval, output io_pins_cs_0_o_oe, output io_pins_cs_0_o_ie, output io_pins_cs_0_o_pue, output io_pins_cs_0_o_ds ); wire t_267; wire t_270; wire t_273; wire t_276; assign io_spi_dq_0_i = io_pins_dq_0_i_ival; assign io_spi_dq_1_i = io_pins_dq_1_i_ival; assign io_spi_dq_2_i = io_pins_dq_2_i_ival; assign io_spi_dq_3_i = io_pins_dq_3_i_ival; assign io_pins_sck_o_oval = io_spi_sck; assign io_pins_sck_o_oe = 1'h1; assign io_pins_sck_o_ie = 1'h0; assign io_pins_sck_o_pue = 1'h0; assign io_pins_sck_o_ds = 1'h0; assign io_pins_dq_0_o_oval = io_spi_dq_0_o; assign io_pins_dq_0_o_oe = io_spi_dq_0_oe; assign io_pins_dq_0_o_ie = t_267; assign io_pins_dq_0_o_pue = 1'h1; assign io_pins_dq_0_o_ds = 1'h0; assign io_pins_dq_1_o_oval = io_spi_dq_1_o; assign io_pins_dq_1_o_oe = io_spi_dq_1_oe; assign io_pins_dq_1_o_ie = t_270; assign io_pins_dq_1_o_pue = 1'h1; assign io_pins_dq_1_o_ds = 1'h0; assign io_pins_dq_2_o_oval = io_spi_dq_2_o; assign io_pins_dq_2_o_oe = io_spi_dq_2_oe; assign io_pins_dq_2_o_ie = t_273; assign io_pins_dq_2_o_pue = 1'h1; assign io_pins_dq_2_o_ds = 1'h0; assign io_pins_dq_3_o_oval = io_spi_dq_3_o; assign io_pins_dq_3_o_oe = io_spi_dq_3_oe; assign io_pins_dq_3_o_ie = t_276; assign io_pins_dq_3_o_pue = 1'h1; assign io_pins_dq_3_o_ds = 1'h0; assign io_pins_cs_0_o_oval = io_spi_cs_0; assign io_pins_cs_0_o_oe = 1'h1; assign io_pins_cs_0_o_ie = 1'h0; assign io_pins_cs_0_o_pue = 1'h0; assign io_pins_cs_0_o_ds = 1'h0; assign t_267 = ~ io_spi_dq_0_oe; assign t_270 = ~ io_spi_dq_1_oe; assign t_273 = ~ io_spi_dq_2_oe; assign t_276 = ~ io_spi_dq_3_oe; endmodule
module mult_fast(output reg[7:0] p, input[3:0] a, b, input clk); reg[3:0] a_s0, b_s0; always @(posedge clk) begin a_s0 <= a; b_s0 <= b; end wire[3:0] pp0 = a_s0 & {4{b_s0[0]}}; wire[4:1] pp1 = a_s0 & {4{b_s0[1]}}; wire[5:2] pp2 = a_s0 & {4{b_s0[2]}}; wire[6:3] pp3 = a_s0 & {4{b_s0[3]}}; reg[5:1] sum1; always @(pp0, pp1) begin sum1[5:1] <= #7 pp0[3:1] + pp1[4:1]; end reg[7:3] sum3; always @(pp2, pp3) begin sum3[7:3] <= #7 pp2[5:3] + pp3[6:3]; end reg[5:0] sum1_s1; reg[7:2] sum3_s1; always @(posedge clk) begin sum1_s1 <= {sum1, pp0[0]}; sum3_s1 <= {sum3, pp2[2]}; end reg[7:2] sum2; always @(sum1_s1, sum3_s1) begin sum2[7:2] <= #8 sum1_s1[5:2] + sum3_s1[7:2]; end always @(posedge clk) begin p <= {sum2, sum1_s1[1:0]}; end endmodule
module sirv_spigpioport_2( input clock, input reset, input io_spi_sck, output io_spi_dq_0_i, input io_spi_dq_0_o, input io_spi_dq_0_oe, output io_spi_dq_1_i, input io_spi_dq_1_o, input io_spi_dq_1_oe, output io_spi_dq_2_i, input io_spi_dq_2_o, input io_spi_dq_2_oe, output io_spi_dq_3_i, input io_spi_dq_3_o, input io_spi_dq_3_oe, input io_spi_cs_0, input io_pins_sck_i_ival, output io_pins_sck_o_oval, output io_pins_sck_o_oe, output io_pins_sck_o_ie, output io_pins_sck_o_pue, output io_pins_sck_o_ds, input io_pins_dq_0_i_ival, output io_pins_dq_0_o_oval, output io_pins_dq_0_o_oe, output io_pins_dq_0_o_ie, output io_pins_dq_0_o_pue, output io_pins_dq_0_o_ds, input io_pins_dq_1_i_ival, output io_pins_dq_1_o_oval, output io_pins_dq_1_o_oe, output io_pins_dq_1_o_ie, output io_pins_dq_1_o_pue, output io_pins_dq_1_o_ds, input io_pins_dq_2_i_ival, output io_pins_dq_2_o_oval, output io_pins_dq_2_o_oe, output io_pins_dq_2_o_ie, output io_pins_dq_2_o_pue, output io_pins_dq_2_o_ds, input io_pins_dq_3_i_ival, output io_pins_dq_3_o_oval, output io_pins_dq_3_o_oe, output io_pins_dq_3_o_ie, output io_pins_dq_3_o_pue, output io_pins_dq_3_o_ds, input io_pins_cs_0_i_ival, output io_pins_cs_0_o_oval, output io_pins_cs_0_o_oe, output io_pins_cs_0_o_ie, output io_pins_cs_0_o_pue, output io_pins_cs_0_o_ds ); wire t_267; reg t_271; reg [31:0] gen_0; reg t_272; reg [31:0] gen_1; reg t_273; reg [31:0] gen_2; wire t_274; reg t_278; reg [31:0] gen_3; reg t_279; reg [31:0] gen_4; reg t_280; reg [31:0] gen_5; wire t_281; reg t_285; reg [31:0] gen_6; reg t_286; reg [31:0] gen_7; reg t_287; reg [31:0] gen_8; wire t_288; reg t_292; reg [31:0] gen_9; reg t_293; reg [31:0] gen_10; reg t_294; reg [31:0] gen_11; assign io_spi_dq_0_i = t_273; assign io_spi_dq_1_i = t_280; assign io_spi_dq_2_i = t_287; assign io_spi_dq_3_i = t_294; assign io_pins_sck_o_oval = io_spi_sck; assign io_pins_sck_o_oe = 1'h1; assign io_pins_sck_o_ie = 1'h0; assign io_pins_sck_o_pue = 1'h0; assign io_pins_sck_o_ds = 1'h1; assign io_pins_dq_0_o_oval = io_spi_dq_0_o; assign io_pins_dq_0_o_oe = io_spi_dq_0_oe; assign io_pins_dq_0_o_ie = t_267; assign io_pins_dq_0_o_pue = 1'h1; assign io_pins_dq_0_o_ds = 1'h1; assign io_pins_dq_1_o_oval = io_spi_dq_1_o; assign io_pins_dq_1_o_oe = io_spi_dq_1_oe; assign io_pins_dq_1_o_ie = t_274; assign io_pins_dq_1_o_pue = 1'h1; assign io_pins_dq_1_o_ds = 1'h1; assign io_pins_dq_2_o_oval = io_spi_dq_2_o; assign io_pins_dq_2_o_oe = io_spi_dq_2_oe; assign io_pins_dq_2_o_ie = t_281; assign io_pins_dq_2_o_pue = 1'h1; assign io_pins_dq_2_o_ds = 1'h1; assign io_pins_dq_3_o_oval = io_spi_dq_3_o; assign io_pins_dq_3_o_oe = io_spi_dq_3_oe; assign io_pins_dq_3_o_ie = t_288; assign io_pins_dq_3_o_pue = 1'h1; assign io_pins_dq_3_o_ds = 1'h1; assign io_pins_cs_0_o_oval = io_spi_cs_0; assign io_pins_cs_0_o_oe = 1'h1; assign io_pins_cs_0_o_ie = 1'h0; assign io_pins_cs_0_o_pue = 1'h0; assign io_pins_cs_0_o_ds = 1'h1; assign t_267 = ~ io_spi_dq_0_oe; assign t_274 = ~ io_spi_dq_1_oe; assign t_281 = ~ io_spi_dq_2_oe; assign t_288 = ~ io_spi_dq_3_oe; always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin if(reset) begin t_271 <= 1'b0; t_272 <= 1'b0; t_273 <= 1'b0; t_278 <= 1'b0; t_279 <= 1'b0; t_280 <= 1'b0; t_285 <= 1'b0; t_286 <= 1'b0; t_287 <= 1'b0; t_292 <= 1'b0; t_293 <= 1'b0; t_294 <= 1'b0; end else begin t_271 <= io_pins_dq_0_i_ival; t_272 <= t_271; t_273 <= t_272; t_278 <= io_pins_dq_1_i_ival; t_279 <= t_278; t_280 <= t_279; t_285 <= io_pins_dq_2_i_ival; t_286 <= t_285; t_287 <= t_286; t_292 <= io_pins_dq_3_i_ival; t_293 <= t_292; t_294 <= t_293; end end endmodule
module sirv_uartgpioport( input clock, input reset, input io_uart_txd, output io_uart_rxd, input io_pins_rxd_i_ival, output io_pins_rxd_o_oval, output io_pins_rxd_o_oe, output io_pins_rxd_o_ie, output io_pins_rxd_o_pue, output io_pins_rxd_o_ds, input io_pins_txd_i_ival, output io_pins_txd_o_oval, output io_pins_txd_o_oe, output io_pins_txd_o_ie, output io_pins_txd_o_pue, output io_pins_txd_o_ds ); assign io_uart_rxd = io_pins_rxd_i_ival; assign io_pins_rxd_o_oval = 1'h0; assign io_pins_rxd_o_oe = 1'h0; assign io_pins_rxd_o_ie = 1'h1; assign io_pins_rxd_o_pue = 1'h0; assign io_pins_rxd_o_ds = 1'h0; assign io_pins_txd_o_oval = io_uart_txd; assign io_pins_txd_o_oe = 1'h1; assign io_pins_txd_o_ie = 1'h0; assign io_pins_txd_o_pue = 1'h0; assign io_pins_txd_o_ds = 1'h0; endmodule
module sirv_uartrx( input clock, input reset, input io_en, input io_in, output io_out_valid, output [7:0] io_out_bits, input [15:0] io_div ); reg [1:0] debounce; reg [31:0] gen_7; wire debounce_max; wire debounce_min; reg [11:0] prescaler; reg [31:0] gen_20; wire start; wire busy; wire t_21; wire pulse; wire [12:0] t_23; wire [11:0] t_24; wire [11:0] gen_0; wire t_25; wire [11:0] t_26; wire [11:0] gen_1; reg [2:0] sample; reg [31:0] gen_23; wire t_28; wire t_29; wire t_30; wire t_31; wire t_32; wire t_33; wire t_34; wire t_35; wire [3:0] t_36; wire [3:0] gen_2; reg [4:0] timer; reg [31:0] gen_28; reg [3:0] counter; reg [31:0] gen_43; reg [7:0] shifter; reg [31:0] gen_44; wire t_41; wire expire; wire sched; wire [5:0] t_44; wire [4:0] t_45; wire [4:0] gen_3; wire [4:0] gen_4; reg valid; reg [31:0] gen_45; reg [1:0] state; reg [31:0] gen_46; wire t_50; wire t_52; wire t_54; wire t_56; wire t_57; wire [2:0] t_59; wire [1:0] t_60; wire [1:0] gen_5; wire [2:0] t_64; wire [1:0] t_65; wire [1:0] gen_6; wire [4:0] gen_8; wire [1:0] gen_9; wire [1:0] gen_10; wire gen_11; wire [4:0] gen_12; wire [1:0] gen_13; wire [1:0] gen_14; wire gen_15; wire [4:0] gen_16; wire t_68; wire [1:0] gen_17; wire t_72; wire [1:0] gen_18; wire [3:0] gen_19; wire [1:0] gen_21; wire [3:0] gen_22; wire gen_24; wire [1:0] gen_25; wire [3:0] gen_26; wire t_74; wire [4:0] t_77; wire [3:0] t_78; wire t_80; wire [1:0] gen_27; wire t_83; wire [6:0] t_84; wire [7:0] t_85; wire [7:0] gen_29; wire gen_30; wire [3:0] gen_31; wire [1:0] gen_32; wire gen_33; wire [7:0] gen_34; wire gen_35; wire gen_36; wire [3:0] gen_37; wire [1:0] gen_38; wire gen_39; wire [7:0] gen_40; wire gen_41; wire t_88; wire [1:0] gen_42; assign io_out_valid = valid; assign io_out_bits = shifter; assign debounce_max = debounce == 2'h3; assign debounce_min = debounce == 2'h0; assign start = gen_15; assign busy = gen_36; assign t_21 = prescaler == 12'h0; assign pulse = t_21 & busy; assign t_23 = prescaler - 12'h1; assign t_24 = t_23[11:0]; assign gen_0 = busy ? t_24 : prescaler; assign t_25 = start | pulse; assign t_26 = io_div[15:4]; assign gen_1 = t_25 ? t_26 : gen_0; assign t_28 = sample[0]; assign t_29 = sample[1]; assign t_30 = sample[2]; assign t_31 = t_28 & t_29; assign t_32 = t_28 & t_30; assign t_33 = t_31 | t_32; assign t_34 = t_29 & t_30; assign t_35 = t_33 | t_34; assign t_36 = {sample,io_in}; assign gen_2 = pulse ? t_36 : {{1'd0}, sample}; assign t_41 = timer == 5'h0; assign expire = t_41 & pulse; assign sched = gen_41; assign t_44 = timer - 5'h1; assign t_45 = t_44[4:0]; assign gen_3 = pulse ? t_45 : timer; assign gen_4 = sched ? 5'hf : gen_3; assign t_50 = 2'h0 == state; assign t_52 = io_in == 1'h0; assign t_54 = t_52 == 1'h0; assign t_56 = debounce_min == 1'h0; assign t_57 = t_54 & t_56; assign t_59 = debounce - 2'h1; assign t_60 = t_59[1:0]; assign gen_5 = t_57 ? t_60 : debounce; assign t_64 = debounce + 2'h1; assign t_65 = t_64[1:0]; assign gen_6 = debounce_max ? 2'h1 : state; assign gen_8 = debounce_max ? 5'h8 : gen_4; assign gen_9 = t_52 ? t_65 : gen_5; assign gen_10 = t_52 ? gen_6 : state; assign gen_11 = t_52 ? debounce_max : 1'h0; assign gen_12 = t_52 ? gen_8 : gen_4; assign gen_13 = t_50 ? gen_9 : debounce; assign gen_14 = t_50 ? gen_10 : state; assign gen_15 = t_50 ? gen_11 : 1'h0; assign gen_16 = t_50 ? gen_12 : gen_4; assign t_68 = 2'h1 == state; assign gen_17 = t_35 ? 2'h0 : gen_14; assign t_72 = t_35 == 1'h0; assign gen_18 = t_72 ? 2'h2 : gen_17; assign gen_19 = t_72 ? 4'h8 : counter; assign gen_21 = expire ? gen_18 : gen_14; assign gen_22 = expire ? gen_19 : counter; assign gen_24 = t_68 ? expire : 1'h0; assign gen_25 = t_68 ? gen_21 : gen_14; assign gen_26 = t_68 ? gen_22 : counter; assign t_74 = 2'h2 == state; assign t_77 = counter - 4'h1; assign t_78 = t_77[3:0]; assign t_80 = counter == 4'h0; assign gen_27 = t_80 ? 2'h0 : gen_25; assign t_83 = t_80 == 1'h0; assign t_84 = shifter[7:1]; assign t_85 = {t_35,t_84}; assign gen_29 = t_83 ? t_85 : shifter; assign gen_30 = t_83 ? 1'h1 : gen_24; assign gen_31 = expire ? t_78 : gen_26; assign gen_32 = expire ? gen_27 : gen_25; assign gen_33 = expire ? t_80 : 1'h0; assign gen_34 = expire ? gen_29 : shifter; assign gen_35 = expire ? gen_30 : gen_24; assign gen_36 = t_74 ? 1'h1 : t_68; assign gen_37 = t_74 ? gen_31 : gen_26; assign gen_38 = t_74 ? gen_32 : gen_25; assign gen_39 = t_74 ? gen_33 : 1'h0; assign gen_40 = t_74 ? gen_34 : shifter; assign gen_41 = t_74 ? gen_35 : gen_24; assign t_88 = io_en == 1'h0; assign gen_42 = t_88 ? 2'h0 : gen_13; always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin debounce <= 2'h0; end else begin if (t_88) begin debounce <= 2'h0; end else begin if (t_50) begin if (t_52) begin debounce <= t_65; end else begin if (t_57) begin debounce <= t_60; end end end end end always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin prescaler <= 12'h0; end else begin if (t_25) begin prescaler <= t_26; end else begin if (busy) begin prescaler <= t_24; end end end always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin sample <= 3'b0; timer <= 5'h0; counter <= 4'b0; shifter <= 8'b0; end else begin sample <= gen_2[2:0]; if (t_50) begin if (t_52) begin if (debounce_max) begin timer <= 5'h8; end else begin if (sched) begin timer <= 5'hf; end else begin if (pulse) begin timer <= t_45; end end end end else begin if (sched) begin timer <= 5'hf; end else begin if (pulse) begin timer <= t_45; end end end end else begin if (sched) begin timer <= 5'hf; end else begin if (pulse) begin timer <= t_45; end end end if (t_74) begin if (expire) begin counter <= t_78; end else begin if (t_68) begin if (expire) begin if (t_72) begin counter <= 4'h8; end end end end end else begin if (t_68) begin if (expire) begin if (t_72) begin counter <= 4'h8; end end end end if (t_74) begin if (expire) begin if (t_83) begin shifter <= t_85; end end end end always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin valid <= 1'h0; end else begin if (t_74) begin if (expire) begin valid <= t_80; end else begin valid <= 1'h0; end end else begin valid <= 1'h0; end end always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin state <= 2'h0; end else begin if (t_74) begin if (expire) begin if (t_80) begin state <= 2'h0; end else begin if (t_68) begin if (expire) begin if (t_72) begin state <= 2'h2; end else begin if (t_35) begin state <= 2'h0; end else begin if (t_50) begin if (t_52) begin if (debounce_max) begin state <= 2'h1; end end end end end end else begin if (t_50) begin if (t_52) begin if (debounce_max) begin state <= 2'h1; end end end end end else begin if (t_50) begin if (t_52) begin if (debounce_max) begin state <= 2'h1; end end end end end end else begin if (t_68) begin if (expire) begin if (t_72) begin state <= 2'h2; end else begin if (t_35) begin state <= 2'h0; end else begin if (t_50) begin if (t_52) begin if (debounce_max) begin state <= 2'h1; end end end end end end else begin state <= gen_14; end end else begin state <= gen_14; end end end else begin if (t_68) begin if (expire) begin if (t_72) begin state <= 2'h2; end else begin if (t_35) begin state <= 2'h0; end else begin state <= gen_14; end end end else begin state <= gen_14; end end else begin state <= gen_14; end end end endmodule
module sirv_uarttx( input clock, input reset, input io_en, output io_in_ready, input io_in_valid, input [7:0] io_in_bits, output io_out, input [15:0] io_div, input io_nstop ); reg [15:0] prescaler; reg [31:0] gen_6; wire pulse; reg [3:0] counter; reg [31:0] gen_7; reg [8:0] shifter; reg [31:0] gen_8; reg out; reg [31:0] gen_9; wire busy; wire t_32; wire t_33; wire t_34; wire t_36; wire [8:0] t_38; wire t_40; wire [3:0] t_46; wire [3:0] t_48; wire [3:0] t_50; wire [3:0] t_51; wire [8:0] gen_0; wire [3:0] gen_1; wire [16:0] t_53; wire [15:0] t_54; wire [15:0] t_55; wire [15:0] gen_2; wire t_56; wire [4:0] t_58; wire [3:0] t_59; wire [7:0] t_61; wire [8:0] t_62; wire t_63; wire [3:0] gen_3; wire [8:0] gen_4; wire gen_5; assign io_in_ready = t_33; assign io_out = out; assign pulse = prescaler == 16'h0; assign busy = counter != 4'h0; assign t_32 = busy == 1'h0; assign t_33 = io_en & t_32; assign t_34 = io_in_ready & io_in_valid; assign t_36 = reset == 1'h0; assign t_38 = {io_in_bits,1'h0}; assign t_40 = io_nstop == 1'h0; assign t_46 = t_40 ? 4'ha : 4'h0; assign t_48 = io_nstop ? 4'hb : 4'h0; assign t_50 = t_46 | t_48; assign t_51 = t_50; assign gen_0 = t_34 ? t_38 : shifter; assign gen_1 = t_34 ? t_51 : counter; assign t_53 = prescaler - 16'h1; assign t_54 = t_53[15:0]; assign t_55 = pulse ? io_div : t_54; assign gen_2 = busy ? t_55 : prescaler; assign t_56 = pulse & busy; assign t_58 = counter - 4'h1; assign t_59 = t_58[3:0]; assign t_61 = shifter[8:1]; assign t_62 = {1'h1,t_61}; assign t_63 = shifter[0]; assign gen_3 = t_56 ? t_59 : gen_1; assign gen_4 = t_56 ? t_62 : gen_0; assign gen_5 = t_56 ? t_63 : out; always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin prescaler <= 16'h0; end else begin if (busy) begin if (pulse) begin prescaler <= io_div; end else begin prescaler <= t_54; end end end always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin counter <= 4'h0; end else begin if (t_56) begin counter <= t_59; end else begin if (t_34) begin counter <= t_51; end end end always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin shifter <= 9'b0; end else begin if (t_56) begin shifter <= t_62; end else begin if (t_34) begin shifter <= t_38; end end end always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin out <= 1'h1; end else begin if (t_56) begin out <= t_63; end end always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin if (t_34 & t_36) begin $fwrite(32'h80000002,"%c",io_in_bits); end end endmodule
module fa(input wire [7:0] a,input wire [7:0] b,input wire ctrl,output wire [7:0] add,output wire [7:0] carry); assign {carry,add} = (ctrl)?a+b:0; endmodule
module fs(input wire [7:0] a,input wire [7:0] b,input wire ctrl,output wire [7:0] diff,output wire [7:0] borrow); assign {borrow,diff} = (ctrl)?a-b:0; endmodule
module dv(input wire [7:0] a,input wire [7:0] b,output wire [7:0] quotient,output wire [7:0] remainder); assign quotient=a/b; assign remainder=a%b; endmodule
module mul(input wire [7:0] a,input wire [7:0] b,output wire [15:0] mul); assign mul=a*b; endmodule
module mux(input wire [7:0] a,input wire [7:0] b,input wire [7:0] c,input wire [7:0] d,input wire [1:0] s,output wire [7:0] y); assign y=s[0]?(s[1]?d:c):(s[1]?b:a); endmodule
module display ( input clk, input en, input rstn, input [31:0] data, output reg ca, output reg cb, output reg cc, output reg cd, output reg ce, output reg cf, output reg cg, output dp, output reg [7:0] an ); parameter clk_frequency = 100_000_000; localparam max_counter = clk_frequency / 1000; reg [31:0] counter; reg one_ms; reg [ 7:0] counter_an; reg [ 5:0] number_display; assign dp = 1'b1; always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn) begin if (!rstn) begin counter <= 32'b0; one_ms <= 1'b0; end else if (counter < max_counter - 1) begin counter <= counter + 1'b1; one_ms <= 1'b0; end else begin counter <= 32'b0; one_ms <= 1'b1; end end always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn) begin if (!rstn) begin counter_an <= 8'b0; end else if (one_ms) begin if (counter_an < 8'd15) counter_an <= counter_an + 1'b1; else counter_an <= 8'b0; end end always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn) begin if (!rstn) begin an <= 8'b11111111; number_display <= 5'd16; end else if (en) begin case (counter_an) 8'd0: begin an <= 8'b01111111; number_display <= {1'b0, data[31:28]}; end 8'd1: begin an <= 8'b11111111; number_display <= 5'd16; end 8'd2: begin an <= 8'b10111111; number_display <= {1'b0, data[27:24]}; end 8'd3: begin an <= 8'b11111111; number_display <= 5'd16; end 8'd4: begin an <= 8'b11011111; number_display <= {1'b0, data[23:20]}; end 8'd5: begin an <= 8'b11111111; number_display <= 5'd16; end 8'd6: begin an <= 8'b11101111; number_display <= {1'b0, data[19:16]}; end 8'd7: begin an <= 8'b11111111; number_display <= 5'd16; end 8'd8: begin an <= 8'b11110111; number_display <= {1'b0, data[15:12]}; end 8'd9: begin an <= 8'b11111111; number_display <= 5'd16; end 8'd10: begin an <= 8'b11111011; number_display <= {1'b0, data[11:8]}; end 8'd11: begin an <= 8'b11111111; number_display <= 5'd16; end 8'd12: begin an <= 8'b11111101; number_display <= {1'b0, data[7:4]}; end 8'd13: begin an <= 8'b11111111; number_display <= 5'd16; end 8'd14: begin an <= 8'b11111110; number_display <= {1'b0, data[3:0]}; end 8'd15: begin an <= 8'b11111111; number_display <= 5'd16; end endcase end else begin an <= 8'b11111111; number_display <= 5'd16; end end always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn) begin if (!rstn) begin cg <= 1'b1; cf <= 1'b1; ce <= 1'b1; cd <= 1'b1; cc <= 1'b1; cb <= 1'b1; ca <= 1'b1; end else case (number_display) 5'd0: begin cg <= 1'b1; cf <= 1'b0; ce <= 1'b0; cd <= 1'b0; cc <= 1'b0; cb <= 1'b0; ca <= 1'b0; end 5'd1: begin cg <= 1'b1; cf <= 1'b1; ce <= 1'b1; cd <= 1'b1; cc <= 1'b0; cb <= 1'b0; ca <= 1'b1; end 5'd2: begin cg <= 1'b0; cf <= 1'b1; ce <= 1'b0; cd <= 1'b0; cc <= 1'b1; cb <= 1'b0; ca <= 1'b0; end 5'd3: begin cg <= 1'b0; cf <= 1'b1; ce <= 1'b1; cd <= 1'b0; cc <= 1'b0; cb <= 1'b0; ca <= 1'b0; end 5'd4: begin cg <= 1'b0; cf <= 1'b0; ce <= 1'b1; cd <= 1'b1; cc <= 1'b0; cb <= 1'b0; ca <= 1'b1; end 5'd5: begin cg <= 1'b0; cf <= 1'b0; ce <= 1'b1; cd <= 1'b0; cc <= 1'b0; cb <= 1'b1; ca <= 1'b0; end 5'd6: begin cg <= 1'b0; cf <= 1'b0; ce <= 1'b0; cd <= 1'b0; cc <= 1'b0; cb <= 1'b1; ca <= 1'b0; end 5'd7: begin cg <= 1'b1; cf <= 1'b1; ce <= 1'b1; cd <= 1'b1; cc <= 1'b0; cb <= 1'b0; ca <= 1'b0; end 5'd8: begin cg <= 1'b0; cf <= 1'b0; ce <= 1'b0; cd <= 1'b0; cc <= 1'b0; cb <= 1'b0; ca <= 1'b0; end 5'd9: begin cg <= 1'b0; cf <= 1'b0; ce <= 1'b1; cd <= 1'b0; cc <= 1'b0; cb <= 1'b0; ca <= 1'b0; end 5'd10: begin cg <= 1'b0; cf <= 1'b0; ce <= 1'b0; cd <= 1'b1; cc <= 1'b0; cb <= 1'b0; ca <= 1'b0; end 5'd11: begin cg <= 1'b0; cf <= 1'b0; ce <= 1'b0; cd <= 1'b0; cc <= 1'b0; cb <= 1'b1; ca <= 1'b1; end 5'd12: begin cg <= 1'b1; cf <= 1'b0; ce <= 1'b0; cd <= 1'b0; cc <= 1'b1; cb <= 1'b1; ca <= 1'b0; end 5'd13: begin cg <= 1'b0; cf <= 1'b1; ce <= 1'b0; cd <= 1'b0; cc <= 1'b0; cb <= 1'b0; ca <= 1'b1; end 5'd14: begin cg <= 1'b0; cf <= 1'b0; ce <= 1'b0; cd <= 1'b0; cc <= 1'b1; cb <= 1'b1; ca <= 1'b0; end 5'd15: begin cg <= 1'b0; cf <= 1'b0; ce <= 1'b0; cd <= 1'b1; cc <= 1'b1; cb <= 1'b1; ca <= 1'b0; end 5'd16: begin cg <= 1'b1; cf <= 1'b1; ce <= 1'b1; cd <= 1'b1; cc <= 1'b1; cb <= 1'b1; ca <= 1'b1; end endcase end endmodule
module present_encrypt ( input wire clk, input wire rst_n, input wire [63:0] plaintext, input wire [127:0] key, output reg done, output wire [63:0] ciphertext ); reg [7:0] r0 = 8'h00; reg [63:0] state; wire [63:0] state_next; reg [127:0] key_state; wire [127:0] key_state_next; reg [3:0] sbox[0:15]; initial begin sbox[0] = 12; sbox[1] = 5; sbox[2] = 6; sbox[3] = 11; sbox[4] = 9; sbox[5] = 0; sbox[6] = 10; sbox[7] = 13; sbox[8] = 3; sbox[9] = 14; sbox[10] = 15; sbox[11] = 8; sbox[12] = 4; sbox[13] = 7; sbox[14] = 1; sbox[15] = 2; end always @(posedge clk) begin if (!rst_n) begin r0 <= 8'h00; end else if (!done) begin r0 <= r0 + 8'h01; end else begin r0 <= r0; end end always @(posedge clk) begin if (r0 >= 8'd31) begin done <= 1'b1; end else done <= 1'b0; end always @(posedge clk) begin if (!rst_n) begin state <= plaintext; key_state <= key; end else if (!done) begin state <= state_next; key_state <= key_state_next; end else begin state <= state; key_state <= key_state; end end wire [63:0] sbox_in; assign sbox_in = state[63:0] ^ key_state[127:64]; wire [63:0] sbox_out; assign sbox_out = { sbox[sbox_in[63:60]], sbox[sbox_in[59:56]], sbox[sbox_in[55:52]], sbox[sbox_in[51:48]], sbox[sbox_in[47:44]], sbox[sbox_in[43:40]], sbox[sbox_in[39:36]], sbox[sbox_in[35:32]], sbox[sbox_in[31:28]], sbox[sbox_in[27:24]], sbox[sbox_in[23:20]], sbox[sbox_in[19:16]], sbox[sbox_in[15:12]], sbox[sbox_in[11:8]], sbox[sbox_in[7:4]], sbox[sbox_in[3:0]] }; wire [63:0] player_out; assign player_out = { sbox_out[63-0], sbox_out[63-4], sbox_out[63-8], sbox_out[63-12], sbox_out[63-16], sbox_out[63-20], sbox_out[63-24], sbox_out[63-28], sbox_out[63-32], sbox_out[63-36], sbox_out[63-40], sbox_out[63-44], sbox_out[63-48], sbox_out[63-52], sbox_out[63-56], sbox_out[63-60], sbox_out[63-1], sbox_out[63-5], sbox_out[63-9], sbox_out[63-13], sbox_out[63-17], sbox_out[63-21], sbox_out[63-25], sbox_out[63-29], sbox_out[63-33], sbox_out[63-37], sbox_out[63-41], sbox_out[63-45], sbox_out[63-49], sbox_out[63-53], sbox_out[63-57], sbox_out[63-61], sbox_out[63-2], sbox_out[63-6], sbox_out[63-10], sbox_out[63-14], sbox_out[63-18], sbox_out[63-22], sbox_out[63-26], sbox_out[63-30], sbox_out[63-34], sbox_out[63-38], sbox_out[63-42], sbox_out[63-46], sbox_out[63-50], sbox_out[63-54], sbox_out[63-58], sbox_out[63-62], sbox_out[63-3], sbox_out[63-7], sbox_out[63-11], sbox_out[63-15], sbox_out[63-19], sbox_out[63-23], sbox_out[63-27], sbox_out[63-31], sbox_out[63-35], sbox_out[63-39], sbox_out[63-43], sbox_out[63-47], sbox_out[63-51], sbox_out[63-55], sbox_out[63-59], sbox_out[63-63] }; assign state_next = player_out; wire [127:0] key_shift = {key_state[66:0], key_state[127:67]}; wire [ 7:0] key_sbox = {sbox[key_shift[127:124]], sbox[key_shift[123:120]]}; wire [ 4:0] key_const = key_shift[66:62] ^ r0[4:0]; assign key_state_next = {key_sbox, key_shift[119:67], key_const, key_shift[61:0]}; assign ciphertext = state_next ^ key_state_next[127:64]; endmodule
module glbl (); parameter roc_width = 100000; parameter toc_width = 0; parameter gres_width = 10000; parameter gres_start = 10000; wire gsr; wire gts; wire gwe; wire prld; wire grestore; tri1 p_up_tmp; tri (weak1, strong0) pll_lockg = p_up_tmp; wire progb_glbl; wire cclko_glbl; wire fcsbo_glbl; wire [3:0] do_glbl; wire [3:0] di_glbl; reg gsr_int; reg gts_int; reg prld_int; reg grestore_int; wire jtag_tdo_glbl; wire jtag_tck_glbl; wire jtag_tdi_glbl; wire jtag_tms_glbl; wire jtag_trst_glbl; reg jtag_capture_glbl; reg jtag_reset_glbl; reg jtag_shift_glbl; reg jtag_update_glbl; reg jtag_runtest_glbl; reg jtag_sel1_glbl = 0; reg jtag_sel2_glbl = 0 ; reg jtag_sel3_glbl = 0; reg jtag_sel4_glbl = 0; reg jtag_user_tdo1_glbl = 1'bz; reg jtag_user_tdo2_glbl = 1'bz; reg jtag_user_tdo3_glbl = 1'bz; reg jtag_user_tdo4_glbl = 1'bz; assign (strong1, weak0) gsr = gsr_int; assign (strong1, weak0) gts = gts_int; assign (weak1, weak0) prld = prld_int; assign (strong1, weak0) grestore = grestore_int; initial begin gsr_int = 1'b1; prld_int = 1'b1; #(roc_width) gsr_int = 1'b0; prld_int = 1'b0; end initial begin gts_int = 1'b1; #(toc_width) gts_int = 1'b0; end initial begin grestore_int = 1'b0; #(gres_start); grestore_int = 1'b1; #(gres_width); grestore_int = 1'b0; end endmodule
module case_box(in_0, out_0); input [7:0] in_0; output [255:0] out_0; wire [7:0] in_0; wire [255:0] out_0; wire n_9, n_10, n_19, n_29, n_39, n_49, n_59, n_69; wire n_79, n_89, n_99, n_109, n_119, n_129, n_139, n_149; wire n_159, n_170, n_330, n_490, n_650, n_810, n_970, n_1130; wire n_1290, n_1450, n_1610, n_1770, n_1930, n_2410, n_4361, n_4362; wire n_4363, n_4364, n_4365, n_4366, n_4367, n_4368, n_4369, n_4370; assign n_10 = ~(n_4361 & n_4362 & n_4363 & n_4364); assign n_9 = ~(n_4365 & n_4366 & n_4367 & n_4368); assign out_0[255] = ~(n_9 | n_10); assign n_19 = ~(n_4365 & n_4366 & n_4367 & in_0[0]); assign out_0[254] = ~(n_19 | n_10); assign n_29 = ~(n_4365 & n_4366 & in_0[1] & n_4368); assign out_0[253] = ~(n_29 | n_10); assign n_39 = ~(n_4365 & n_4366 & in_0[1] & in_0[0]); assign out_0[252] = ~(n_39 | n_10); assign n_49 = ~(n_4365 & in_0[2] & n_4367 & n_4368); assign out_0[251] = ~(n_49 | n_10); assign n_59 = ~(n_4365 & in_0[2] & n_4367 & in_0[0]); assign out_0[250] = ~(n_59 | n_10); assign n_69 = ~(n_4365 & in_0[2] & in_0[1] & n_4368); assign out_0[249] = ~(n_69 | n_10); assign n_79 = ~(n_4365 & in_0[2] & in_0[1] & in_0[0]); assign out_0[248] = ~(n_79 | n_10); assign n_89 = ~(in_0[3] & n_4366 & n_4367 & n_4368); assign out_0[247] = ~(n_89 | n_10); assign n_99 = ~(in_0[3] & n_4366 & n_4367 & in_0[0]); assign out_0[246] = ~(n_99 | n_10); assign n_109 = ~(in_0[3] & n_4366 & in_0[1] & n_4368); assign out_0[245] = ~(n_109 | n_10); assign n_119 = ~(in_0[3] & n_4366 & in_0[1] & in_0[0]); assign out_0[244] = ~(n_119 | n_10); assign n_129 = ~(in_0[3] & in_0[2] & n_4367 & n_4368); assign out_0[243] = ~(n_129 | n_10); assign n_139 = ~(in_0[3] & in_0[2] & n_4367 & in_0[0]); assign out_0[242] = ~(n_139 | n_10); assign n_149 = ~(in_0[3] & in_0[2] & in_0[1] & n_4368); assign out_0[241] = ~(n_149 | n_10); assign n_159 = ~(in_0[3] & in_0[2] & in_0[1] & in_0[0]); assign out_0[240] = ~(n_159 | n_10); assign n_170 = ~(n_4361 & n_4362 & n_4363 & in_0[4]); assign out_0[239] = ~(n_9 | n_170); assign out_0[238] = ~(n_19 | n_170); assign out_0[237] = ~(n_29 | n_170); assign out_0[236] = ~(n_39 | n_170); assign out_0[235] = ~(n_49 | n_170); assign out_0[234] = ~(n_59 | n_170); assign out_0[233] = ~(n_69 | n_170); assign out_0[232] = ~(n_79 | n_170); assign out_0[231] = ~(n_89 | n_170); assign out_0[230] = ~(n_99 | n_170); assign out_0[229] = ~(n_109 | n_170); assign out_0[228] = ~(n_119 | n_170); assign out_0[227] = ~(n_129 | n_170); assign out_0[226] = ~(n_139 | n_170); assign out_0[225] = ~(n_149 | n_170); assign out_0[224] = ~(n_159 | n_170); assign n_330 = ~(n_4361 & n_4362 & in_0[5] & n_4364); assign out_0[223] = ~(n_9 | n_330); assign out_0[222] = ~(n_19 | n_330); assign out_0[221] = ~(n_29 | n_330); assign out_0[220] = ~(n_39 | n_330); assign out_0[219] = ~(n_49 | n_330); assign out_0[218] = ~(n_59 | n_330); assign out_0[217] = ~(n_69 | n_330); assign out_0[216] = ~(n_79 | n_330); assign out_0[215] = ~(n_89 | n_330); assign out_0[214] = ~(n_99 | n_330); assign out_0[213] = ~(n_109 | n_330); assign out_0[212] = ~(n_119 | n_330); assign out_0[211] = ~(n_129 | n_330); assign out_0[210] = ~(n_139 | n_330); assign out_0[209] = ~(n_149 | n_330); assign out_0[208] = ~(n_159 | n_330); assign n_490 = ~(n_4361 & n_4362 & in_0[5] & in_0[4]); assign out_0[207] = ~(n_9 | n_490); assign out_0[206] = ~(n_19 | n_490); assign out_0[205] = ~(n_29 | n_490); assign out_0[204] = ~(n_39 | n_490); assign out_0[203] = ~(n_49 | n_490); assign out_0[202] = ~(n_59 | n_490); assign out_0[201] = ~(n_69 | n_490); assign out_0[200] = ~(n_79 | n_490); assign out_0[199] = ~(n_89 | n_490); assign out_0[198] = ~(n_99 | n_490); assign out_0[197] = ~(n_109 | n_490); assign out_0[196] = ~(n_119 | n_490); assign out_0[195] = ~(n_129 | n_490); assign out_0[194] = ~(n_139 | n_490); assign out_0[193] = ~(n_149 | n_490); assign out_0[192] = ~(n_159 | n_490); assign n_650 = ~(n_4361 & in_0[6] & n_4363 & n_4364); assign out_0[191] = ~(n_9 | n_650); assign out_0[190] = ~(n_19 | n_650); assign out_0[189] = ~(n_29 | n_650); assign out_0[188] = ~(n_39 | n_650); assign out_0[187] = ~(n_49 | n_650); assign out_0[186] = ~(n_59 | n_650); assign out_0[185] = ~(n_69 | n_650); assign out_0[184] = ~(n_79 | n_650); assign out_0[183] = ~(n_89 | n_650); assign out_0[182] = ~(n_99 | n_650); assign out_0[181] = ~(n_109 | n_650); assign out_0[180] = ~(n_119 | n_650); assign out_0[179] = ~(n_129 | n_650); assign out_0[178] = ~(n_139 | n_650); assign out_0[177] = ~(n_149 | n_650); assign out_0[176] = ~(n_159 | n_650); assign n_810 = ~(n_4361 & in_0[6] & n_4363 & in_0[4]); assign out_0[175] = ~(n_9 | n_810); assign out_0[174] = ~(n_19 | n_810); assign out_0[173] = ~(n_29 | n_810); assign out_0[172] = ~(n_39 | n_810); assign out_0[171] = ~(n_49 | n_810); assign out_0[170] = ~(n_59 | n_810); assign out_0[169] = ~(n_69 | n_810); assign out_0[168] = ~(n_79 | n_810); assign out_0[167] = ~(n_89 | n_810); assign out_0[166] = ~(n_99 | n_810); assign out_0[165] = ~(n_109 | n_810); assign out_0[164] = ~(n_119 | n_810); assign out_0[163] = ~(n_129 | n_810); assign out_0[162] = ~(n_139 | n_810); assign out_0[161] = ~(n_149 | n_810); assign out_0[160] = ~(n_159 | n_810); assign n_970 = ~(n_4361 & in_0[6] & in_0[5] & n_4364); assign out_0[159] = ~(n_9 | n_970); assign out_0[158] = ~(n_19 | n_970); assign out_0[157] = ~(n_29 | n_970); assign out_0[156] = ~(n_39 | n_970); assign out_0[155] = ~(n_49 | n_970); assign out_0[154] = ~(n_59 | n_970); assign out_0[153] = ~(n_69 | n_970); assign out_0[152] = ~(n_79 | n_970); assign out_0[151] = ~(n_89 | n_970); assign out_0[150] = ~(n_99 | n_970); assign out_0[149] = ~(n_109 | n_970); assign out_0[148] = ~(n_119 | n_970); assign out_0[147] = ~(n_129 | n_970); assign out_0[146] = ~(n_139 | n_970); assign out_0[145] = ~(n_149 | n_970); assign out_0[144] = ~(n_159 | n_970); assign n_1130 = ~(n_4361 & in_0[6] & in_0[5] & in_0[4]); assign out_0[143] = ~(n_9 | n_1130); assign out_0[142] = ~(n_19 | n_1130); assign out_0[141] = ~(n_29 | n_1130); assign out_0[140] = ~(n_39 | n_1130); assign out_0[139] = ~(n_49 | n_1130); assign out_0[138] = ~(n_59 | n_1130); assign out_0[137] = ~(n_69 | n_1130); assign out_0[136] = ~(n_79 | n_1130); assign out_0[135] = ~(n_89 | n_1130); assign out_0[134] = ~(n_99 | n_1130); assign out_0[133] = ~(n_109 | n_1130); assign out_0[132] = ~(n_119 | n_1130); assign out_0[131] = ~(n_129 | n_1130); assign out_0[130] = ~(n_139 | n_1130); assign out_0[129] = ~(n_149 | n_1130); assign out_0[128] = ~(n_159 | n_1130); assign n_1290 = ~(in_0[7] & n_4362 & n_4363 & n_4364); assign out_0[127] = ~(n_9 | n_1290); assign out_0[126] = ~(n_19 | n_1290); assign out_0[125] = ~(n_29 | n_1290); assign out_0[124] = ~(n_39 | n_1290); assign out_0[123] = ~(n_49 | n_1290); assign out_0[122] = ~(n_59 | n_1290); assign out_0[121] = ~(n_69 | n_1290); assign out_0[120] = ~(n_79 | n_1290); assign out_0[119] = ~(n_89 | n_1290); assign out_0[118] = ~(n_99 | n_1290); assign out_0[117] = ~(n_109 | n_1290); assign out_0[116] = ~(n_119 | n_1290); assign out_0[115] = ~(n_129 | n_1290); assign out_0[114] = ~(n_139 | n_1290); assign out_0[113] = ~(n_149 | n_1290); assign out_0[112] = ~(n_159 | n_1290); assign n_1450 = ~(in_0[7] & n_4362 & n_4363 & in_0[4]); assign out_0[111] = ~(n_9 | n_1450); assign out_0[110] = ~(n_19 | n_1450); assign out_0[109] = ~(n_29 | n_1450); assign out_0[108] = ~(n_39 | n_1450); assign out_0[107] = ~(n_49 | n_1450); assign out_0[106] = ~(n_59 | n_1450); assign out_0[105] = ~(n_69 | n_1450); assign out_0[104] = ~(n_79 | n_1450); assign out_0[103] = ~(n_89 | n_1450); assign out_0[102] = ~(n_99 | n_1450); assign out_0[101] = ~(n_109 | n_1450); assign out_0[100] = ~(n_119 | n_1450); assign out_0[99] = ~(n_129 | n_1450); assign out_0[98] = ~(n_139 | n_1450); assign out_0[97] = ~(n_149 | n_1450); assign out_0[96] = ~(n_159 | n_1450); assign n_1610 = ~(in_0[7] & n_4362 & in_0[5] & n_4364); assign out_0[95] = ~(n_9 | n_1610); assign out_0[94] = ~(n_19 | n_1610); assign out_0[93] = ~(n_29 | n_1610); assign out_0[92] = ~(n_39 | n_1610); assign out_0[91] = ~(n_49 | n_1610); assign out_0[90] = ~(n_59 | n_1610); assign out_0[89] = ~(n_69 | n_1610); assign out_0[88] = ~(n_79 | n_1610); assign out_0[87] = ~(n_89 | n_1610); assign out_0[86] = ~(n_99 | n_1610); assign out_0[85] = ~(n_109 | n_1610); assign out_0[84] = ~(n_119 | n_1610); assign out_0[83] = ~(n_129 | n_1610); assign out_0[82] = ~(n_139 | n_1610); assign out_0[81] = ~(n_149 | n_1610); assign out_0[80] = ~(n_159 | n_1610); assign n_1770 = ~(in_0[7] & n_4362 & in_0[5] & in_0[4]); assign out_0[79] = ~(n_9 | n_1770); assign out_0[78] = ~(n_19 | n_1770); assign out_0[77] = ~(n_29 | n_1770); assign out_0[76] = ~(n_39 | n_1770); assign out_0[75] = ~(n_49 | n_1770); assign out_0[74] = ~(n_59 | n_1770); assign out_0[73] = ~(n_69 | n_1770); assign out_0[72] = ~(n_79 | n_1770); assign out_0[71] = ~(n_89 | n_1770); assign out_0[70] = ~(n_99 | n_1770); assign out_0[69] = ~(n_109 | n_1770); assign out_0[68] = ~(n_119 | n_1770); assign out_0[67] = ~(n_129 | n_1770); assign out_0[66] = ~(n_139 | n_1770); assign out_0[65] = ~(n_149 | n_1770); assign out_0[64] = ~(n_159 | n_1770); assign n_1930 = ~(in_0[7] & in_0[6] & n_4363 & n_4364); assign out_0[63] = ~(n_9 | n_1930); assign out_0[62] = ~(n_19 | n_1930); assign out_0[61] = ~(n_29 | n_1930); assign out_0[60] = ~(n_39 | n_1930); assign out_0[59] = ~(n_49 | n_1930); assign out_0[58] = ~(n_59 | n_1930); assign out_0[57] = ~(n_69 | n_1930); assign out_0[56] = ~(n_79 | n_1930); assign out_0[55] = ~(n_89 | n_1930); assign out_0[54] = ~(n_99 | n_1930); assign out_0[53] = ~(n_109 | n_1930); assign out_0[52] = ~(n_119 | n_1930); assign out_0[51] = ~(n_129 | n_1930); assign out_0[50] = ~(n_139 | n_1930); assign out_0[49] = ~(n_149 | n_1930); assign out_0[48] = ~(n_159 | n_1930); assign n_4369 = ~(in_0[7] & in_0[6] & n_4363 & in_0[4]); assign out_0[47] = ~(n_9 | n_4369); assign out_0[46] = ~(n_19 | n_4369); assign out_0[45] = ~(n_29 | n_4369); assign out_0[44] = ~(n_39 | n_4369); assign out_0[43] = ~(n_49 | n_4369); assign out_0[42] = ~(n_59 | n_4369); assign out_0[41] = ~(n_69 | n_4369); assign out_0[40] = ~(n_79 | n_4369); assign out_0[39] = ~(n_89 | n_4369); assign out_0[38] = ~(n_99 | n_4369); assign out_0[37] = ~(n_109 | n_4369); assign out_0[36] = ~(n_119 | n_4369); assign out_0[35] = ~(n_129 | n_4369); assign out_0[34] = ~(n_139 | n_4369); assign out_0[33] = ~(n_149 | n_4369); assign out_0[32] = ~(n_159 | n_4369); assign n_4370 = ~(in_0[7] & in_0[6] & in_0[5] & n_4364); assign out_0[31] = ~(n_9 | n_4370); assign out_0[30] = ~(n_19 | n_4370); assign out_0[29] = ~(n_29 | n_4370); assign out_0[28] = ~(n_39 | n_4370); assign out_0[27] = ~(n_49 | n_4370); assign out_0[26] = ~(n_59 | n_4370); assign out_0[25] = ~(n_69 | n_4370); assign out_0[24] = ~(n_79 | n_4370); assign out_0[23] = ~(n_89 | n_4370); assign out_0[22] = ~(n_99 | n_4370); assign out_0[21] = ~(n_109 | n_4370); assign out_0[20] = ~(n_119 | n_4370); assign out_0[19] = ~(n_129 | n_4370); assign out_0[18] = ~(n_139 | n_4370); assign out_0[17] = ~(n_149 | n_4370); assign out_0[16] = ~(n_159 | n_4370); assign n_2410 = ~(in_0[7] & in_0[6] & in_0[5] & in_0[4]); assign out_0[15] = ~(n_9 | n_2410); assign out_0[14] = ~(n_19 | n_2410); assign out_0[13] = ~(n_29 | n_2410); assign out_0[12] = ~(n_39 | n_2410); assign out_0[11] = ~(n_49 | n_2410); assign out_0[10] = ~(n_59 | n_2410); assign out_0[9] = ~(n_69 | n_2410); assign out_0[8] = ~(n_79 | n_2410); assign out_0[7] = ~(n_89 | n_2410); assign out_0[6] = ~(n_99 | n_2410); assign out_0[5] = ~(n_109 | n_2410); assign out_0[4] = ~(n_119 | n_2410); assign out_0[3] = ~(n_129 | n_2410); assign out_0[2] = ~(n_139 | n_2410); assign out_0[1] = ~(n_149 | n_2410); assign out_0[0] = ~(n_159 | n_2410); assign n_4361 = ~(in_0[7]); assign n_4362 = ~(in_0[6]); assign n_4363 = ~(in_0[5]); assign n_4364 = ~(in_0[4]); assign n_4365 = ~(in_0[3]); assign n_4366 = ~(in_0[2]); assign n_4367 = ~(in_0[1]); assign n_4368 = ~(in_0[0]); endmodule
module add_unsigned(a, b, z); input [3:0] a; input b; output [3:0] z; wire [3:0] a; wire b; wire [3:0] z; wire n_11, n_18, n_21, n_28, n_30, n_34, n_35, n_37; wire n_38; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b; assign n_11 = ~(a[0] & b); assign n_21 = ~(n_18 & a[1]); assign n_30 = ~(n_28 & a[2]); assign z[1] = ~(n_18 ^ n_34); assign z[2] = ~(n_28 ^ n_35); assign z[3] = ~(n_37 ^ n_38); assign n_18 = ~(n_11); assign n_34 = ~(a[1]); assign n_35 = ~(a[2]); assign n_38 = ~(a[3]); assign n_28 = ~(n_21); assign n_37 = ~(n_30); endmodule
module case_box_1(in_0, out_0); input [3:0] in_0; output [10:0] out_0; wire [3:0] in_0; wire [10:0] out_0; wire n_5, n_7, n_9, n_10, n_12, n_14, n_16, n_18; wire n_23, n_26, n_96, n_97; assign out_0[10] = ~(n_5 | n_10); assign n_5 = ~(n_96 & n_97); assign n_96 = ~(in_0[0]); assign n_97 = ~(in_0[1]); assign n_10 = ~(n_7 & n_9); assign n_7 = ~(in_0[3]); assign n_9 = ~(in_0[2]); assign out_0[9] = ~(n_10 | n_12); assign n_12 = ~(in_0[0] & n_97); assign out_0[8] = ~(n_10 | n_14); assign n_14 = ~(n_96 & in_0[1]); assign out_0[7] = ~(n_10 | n_16); assign n_16 = ~(in_0[0] & in_0[1]); assign out_0[6] = ~(n_5 | n_18); assign n_18 = ~(n_7 & in_0[2]); assign out_0[5] = ~(n_12 | n_18); assign out_0[4] = ~(n_14 | n_18); assign out_0[3] = ~(n_16 | n_18); assign out_0[2] = ~(n_5 | n_23); assign n_23 = ~(in_0[3] & n_9); assign out_0[1] = ~(n_12 | n_23); assign out_0[0] = ~(n_7 | n_26); assign n_26 = ~(in_0[2] | in_0[1]); endmodule
module xor_op(a, b, z); input [31:0] a, b; output [31:0] z; wire [31:0] a, b; wire [31:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; assign z[8] = a[8] ^ b[8]; assign z[9] = a[9] ^ b[9]; assign z[10] = a[10] ^ b[10]; assign z[11] = a[11] ^ b[11]; assign z[12] = a[12] ^ b[12]; assign z[13] = a[13] ^ b[13]; assign z[14] = a[14] ^ b[14]; assign z[15] = a[15] ^ b[15]; assign z[16] = a[16] ^ b[16]; assign z[17] = a[17] ^ b[17]; assign z[18] = a[18] ^ b[18]; assign z[19] = a[19] ^ b[19]; assign z[20] = a[20] ^ b[20]; assign z[21] = a[21] ^ b[21]; assign z[22] = a[22] ^ b[22]; assign z[23] = a[23] ^ b[23]; assign z[24] = a[24] ^ b[24]; assign z[25] = a[25] ^ b[25]; assign z[26] = a[26] ^ b[26]; assign z[27] = a[27] ^ b[27]; assign z[28] = a[28] ^ b[28]; assign z[29] = a[29] ^ b[29]; assign z[30] = a[30] ^ b[30]; assign z[31] = a[31] ^ b[31]; endmodule
module xor_op_3(a, b, z); input [31:0] a, b; output [31:0] z; wire [31:0] a, b; wire [31:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; assign z[8] = a[8] ^ b[8]; assign z[9] = a[9] ^ b[9]; assign z[10] = a[10] ^ b[10]; assign z[11] = a[11] ^ b[11]; assign z[12] = a[12] ^ b[12]; assign z[13] = a[13] ^ b[13]; assign z[14] = a[14] ^ b[14]; assign z[15] = a[15] ^ b[15]; assign z[16] = a[16] ^ b[16]; assign z[17] = a[17] ^ b[17]; assign z[18] = a[18] ^ b[18]; assign z[19] = a[19] ^ b[19]; assign z[20] = a[20] ^ b[20]; assign z[21] = a[21] ^ b[21]; assign z[22] = a[22] ^ b[22]; assign z[23] = a[23] ^ b[23]; assign z[24] = a[24] ^ b[24]; assign z[25] = a[25] ^ b[25]; assign z[26] = a[26] ^ b[26]; assign z[27] = a[27] ^ b[27]; assign z[28] = a[28] ^ b[28]; assign z[29] = a[29] ^ b[29]; assign z[30] = a[30] ^ b[30]; assign z[31] = a[31] ^ b[31]; endmodule
module xor_op_4(a, b, z); input [31:0] a, b; output [31:0] z; wire [31:0] a, b; wire [31:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; assign z[8] = a[8] ^ b[8]; assign z[9] = a[9] ^ b[9]; assign z[10] = a[10] ^ b[10]; assign z[11] = a[11] ^ b[11]; assign z[12] = a[12] ^ b[12]; assign z[13] = a[13] ^ b[13]; assign z[14] = a[14] ^ b[14]; assign z[15] = a[15] ^ b[15]; assign z[16] = a[16] ^ b[16]; assign z[17] = a[17] ^ b[17]; assign z[18] = a[18] ^ b[18]; assign z[19] = a[19] ^ b[19]; assign z[20] = a[20] ^ b[20]; assign z[21] = a[21] ^ b[21]; assign z[22] = a[22] ^ b[22]; assign z[23] = a[23] ^ b[23]; assign z[24] = a[24] ^ b[24]; assign z[25] = a[25] ^ b[25]; assign z[26] = a[26] ^ b[26]; assign z[27] = a[27] ^ b[27]; assign z[28] = a[28] ^ b[28]; assign z[29] = a[29] ^ b[29]; assign z[30] = a[30] ^ b[30]; assign z[31] = a[31] ^ b[31]; endmodule
module xor_op_10(a, b, z); input [31:0] a, b; output [31:0] z; wire [31:0] a, b; wire [31:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; assign z[8] = a[8] ^ b[8]; assign z[9] = a[9] ^ b[9]; assign z[10] = a[10] ^ b[10]; assign z[11] = a[11] ^ b[11]; assign z[12] = a[12] ^ b[12]; assign z[13] = a[13] ^ b[13]; assign z[14] = a[14] ^ b[14]; assign z[15] = a[15] ^ b[15]; assign z[16] = a[16] ^ b[16]; assign z[17] = a[17] ^ b[17]; assign z[18] = a[18] ^ b[18]; assign z[19] = a[19] ^ b[19]; assign z[20] = a[20] ^ b[20]; assign z[21] = a[21] ^ b[21]; assign z[22] = a[22] ^ b[22]; assign z[23] = a[23] ^ b[23]; assign z[24] = a[24] ^ b[24]; assign z[25] = a[25] ^ b[25]; assign z[26] = a[26] ^ b[26]; assign z[27] = a[27] ^ b[27]; assign z[28] = a[28] ^ b[28]; assign z[29] = a[29] ^ b[29]; assign z[30] = a[30] ^ b[30]; assign z[31] = a[31] ^ b[31]; endmodule
module or_op(a, z); input [3:0] a; output z; wire [3:0] a; wire z; wire n_5; assign n_5 = ~(a[3] | a[2] | a[1] | a[0]); assign z = ~(n_5); endmodule
module or_op_36(a, z); input [2:0] a; output z; wire [2:0] a; wire z; wire n_4; assign n_4 = ~(a[2] | a[1] | a[0]); assign z = ~(n_4); endmodule
module xor_op_40(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_41(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_43(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_45(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_47(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_49(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_51(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_53(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_55(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_57(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_63(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_65(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_67(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_71(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_72(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_73(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_74(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_75(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_76(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_80(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_81(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_82(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_83(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_85(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_86(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_87(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_91(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_93(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_95(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_99(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_101(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_103(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_105(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_109(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_111(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_113(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module xor_op_117(a, b, z); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] z; wire [7:0] a, b; wire [7:0] z; assign z[0] = a[0] ^ b[0]; assign z[1] = a[1] ^ b[1]; assign z[2] = a[2] ^ b[2]; assign z[3] = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign z[4] = a[4] ^ b[4]; assign z[5] = a[5] ^ b[5]; assign z[6] = a[6] ^ b[6]; assign z[7] = a[7] ^ b[7]; endmodule
module sub_unsigned(a, b, z); input [3:0] a; input b; output [3:0] z; wire [3:0] a; wire b; wire [3:0] z; wire n_18, n_21, n_24, n_26, n_27, n_28, n_34, n_36; wire n_43, n_45; assign n_18 = ~(b); assign n_45 = a[0] ^ n_18; assign n_24 = ~(n_21 & b); assign n_34 = ~(n_26 & n_27); assign n_43 = ~(n_28 & n_36); assign z[1] = ~(n_24 ^ a[1]); assign z[2] = ~(n_34 ^ a[2]); assign z[3] = ~(n_43 ^ a[3]); assign n_28 = ~(a[2]); assign n_26 = ~(a[1]); assign n_21 = ~(a[0]); assign z[0] = ~(n_45); assign n_27 = ~(n_24); assign n_36 = ~(n_34); endmodule