module halfsub(input a, input b, output diff, output borrow); xor (diff,a,b); and (borrow,~a,b); endmodule
module mux2_1(input a,input b,input s,output y); assign y = (~s&a)|(s&b); endmodule
module mux2_1(input a,input b,input s,output reg y); always @(a,b) case(s) 0: begin y= a; end 1: begin y= b; end endcase endmodule
module mux2_1(input a,input b,input s,output y); wire m ; wire n; and a1(m,a,~s); and a2(n,b,s); or (y,m,n); endmodule
module popcount #( parameter inputs = 8, parameter counter_bits = 4 ) ( input [inputs-1:0] in, output reg [counter_bits-1:0] count ); integer i; always @(*) begin if (inputs == 4) begin count = in[3] + in[2] + in[1] + in[0]; end else if (inputs == 8) begin count = in[7] + in[6] + in[5] + in[4] + in[3] + in[2] + in[1] + in[0]; end else if (inputs == 10) begin count = in[9] + in[8] + in[7] + in[6] + in[5] + in[4] + in[3] + in[2] + in[1] + in[0]; end else if (inputs == 16) begin count = in[15]+in[14] +in[13] +in[12] +in[11] +in[10] + in[9] + in[8] + in[7] + in[6] + in[5] + in[4] + in[3] + in[2] + in[1] + in[0]; end else begin count = 0; for (i = 0; i < inputs; i = i + 1) begin count = count + in[i]; end end end endmodule
module wishbonetobmb ( input io_input_cyc, input io_input_stb, output io_input_ack, input io_input_we, input [13:0] io_input_adr, output [31:0] io_input_dat_miso, input [31:0] io_input_dat_mosi, input [3:0] io_input_sel, output io_output_cmd_valid, input io_output_cmd_ready, output io_output_cmd_payload_last, output [0:0] io_output_cmd_payload_fragment_opcode, output [15:0] io_output_cmd_payload_fragment_address, output [1:0] io_output_cmd_payload_fragment_length, output [31:0] io_output_cmd_payload_fragment_data, output [3:0] io_output_cmd_payload_fragment_mask, input io_output_rsp_valid, output io_output_rsp_ready, input io_output_rsp_payload_last, input [0:0] io_output_rsp_payload_fragment_opcode, input [31:0] io_output_rsp_payload_fragment_data, input ctrlcd_clk, input ctrlcd_reset ); reg _zz_io_output_cmd_valid; wire io_output_cmd_fire; wire io_output_rsp_fire; assign io_output_cmd_payload_fragment_address = ({2'd0,io_input_adr} <<< 2'd2); assign io_output_cmd_payload_fragment_opcode = (io_input_we ? 1'b1 : 1'b0); assign io_output_cmd_payload_fragment_data = io_input_dat_mosi; assign io_output_cmd_payload_fragment_mask = io_input_sel; assign io_output_cmd_payload_fragment_length = 2'b11; assign io_output_cmd_payload_last = 1'b1; assign io_output_cmd_fire = (io_output_cmd_valid && io_output_cmd_ready); assign io_output_rsp_fire = (io_output_rsp_valid && io_output_rsp_ready); assign io_output_cmd_valid = ((io_input_cyc && io_input_stb) && (! _zz_io_output_cmd_valid)); assign io_input_ack = io_output_rsp_fire; assign io_input_dat_miso = io_output_rsp_payload_fragment_data; assign io_output_rsp_ready = 1'b1; always @(posedge ctrlcd_clk or posedge ctrlcd_reset) begin if(ctrlcd_reset) begin _zz_io_output_cmd_valid <= 1'b0; end else begin if(io_output_cmd_fire) begin _zz_io_output_cmd_valid <= 1'b1; end if(io_output_rsp_fire) begin _zz_io_output_cmd_valid <= 1'b0; end end end endmodule
module buffercc_2 ( input io_datain, output io_dataout, input phycd_clk, input phycd_reset ); (* async_reg = "true" *) reg buffers_0; (* async_reg = "true" *) reg buffers_1; initial begin `ifndef synthesis buffers_0 = $urandom; buffers_1 = $urandom; `endif end assign io_dataout = buffers_1; always @(posedge phycd_clk) begin buffers_0 <= io_datain; buffers_1 <= buffers_0; end endmodule
module buffercc ( input io_datain, output io_dataout, input ctrlcd_clk, input ctrlcd_reset ); (* async_reg = "true" *) reg buffers_0; (* async_reg = "true" *) reg buffers_1; initial begin `ifndef synthesis buffers_0 = $urandom; buffers_1 = $urandom; `endif end assign io_dataout = buffers_1; always @(posedge ctrlcd_clk) begin buffers_0 <= io_datain; buffers_1 <= buffers_0; end endmodule
module usblsfsphyfilter ( input io_lowspeed, input io_usb_dp, input io_usb_dm, output io_filtered_dp, output io_filtered_dm, output io_filtered_d, output io_filtered_se0, output io_filtered_sample, input phycd_clk, input phycd_reset ); wire [4:0] _zz_timer_sampledo; wire frontend_value; reg timer_clear; reg [4:0] timer_counter; wire [4:0] timer_counterlimit; wire when_usbdevicephy_l104; wire [3:0] timer_sampleat; wire timer_sampledo; reg io_usb_dp_regnext; reg io_usb_dm_regnext; wire when_usbdevicephy_l111; assign _zz_timer_sampledo = {1'd0, timer_sampleat}; assign frontend_value = (io_lowspeed ? io_usb_dm : io_usb_dp); always @(*) begin timer_clear = 1'b0; if(when_usbdevicephy_l111) begin timer_clear = 1'b1; end end assign timer_counterlimit = (io_lowspeed ? 5'h1f : 5'h03); assign when_usbdevicephy_l104 = ((timer_counter == timer_counterlimit) || timer_clear); assign timer_sampleat = (io_lowspeed ? 4'b1110 : 4'b0000); assign timer_sampledo = ((timer_counter == _zz_timer_sampledo) && (! timer_clear)); assign when_usbdevicephy_l111 = ((io_usb_dp ^ io_usb_dp_regnext) || (io_usb_dm ^ io_usb_dm_regnext)); assign io_filtered_dp = io_usb_dp; assign io_filtered_dm = io_usb_dm; assign io_filtered_d = frontend_value; assign io_filtered_sample = timer_sampledo; assign io_filtered_se0 = ((! io_usb_dp) && (! io_usb_dm)); always @(posedge phycd_clk) begin timer_counter <= (timer_counter + 5'h01); if(when_usbdevicephy_l104) begin timer_counter <= 5'h00; end io_usb_dp_regnext <= io_usb_dp; io_usb_dm_regnext <= io_usb_dm; end endmodule
module usbcrc16 ( input [7:0] io_data, input io_enable, input io_init, output [15:0] io_crc, output io_crcerror, input ctrlcd_clk, input ctrlcd_reset ); wire _zz_crcnext_0; wire _zz_crcnext_0_1; wire [0:0] _zz_crc; wire [4:0] _zz_crc_1; wire [15:0] initial_value; wire [15:0] verify_value; wire crcnext_0; wire crcnext_1; wire crcnext_2; wire crcnext_3; wire crcnext_4; wire crcnext_5; wire crcnext_6; wire crcnext_7; wire crcnext_8; wire crcnext_9; wire crcnext_10; wire crcnext_11; wire crcnext_12; wire crcnext_13; wire crcnext_14; wire crcnext_15; reg [15:0] crc; assign _zz_crcnext_0 = crc[0]; assign _zz_crcnext_0_1 = crc[1]; assign _zz_crc = crcnext_5; assign _zz_crc_1 = {crcnext_4,{crcnext_3,{crcnext_2,{crcnext_1,crcnext_0}}}}; assign initial_value = 16'hffff; assign verify_value = 16'hb001; assign crcnext_0 = ((((((((((((((((_zz_crcnext_0 ^ _zz_crcnext_0_1) ^ crc[2]) ^ crc[3]) ^ crc[4]) ^ crc[5]) ^ crc[6]) ^ crc[7]) ^ crc[8]) ^ io_data[0]) ^ io_data[1]) ^ io_data[2]) ^ io_data[3]) ^ io_data[4]) ^ io_data[5]) ^ io_data[6]) ^ io_data[7]); assign crcnext_1 = crc[9]; assign crcnext_2 = crc[10]; assign crcnext_3 = crc[11]; assign crcnext_4 = crc[12]; assign crcnext_5 = crc[13]; assign crcnext_6 = ((crc[0] ^ crc[14]) ^ io_data[0]); assign crcnext_7 = ((((crc[0] ^ crc[1]) ^ crc[15]) ^ io_data[0]) ^ io_data[1]); assign crcnext_8 = (((crc[1] ^ crc[2]) ^ io_data[1]) ^ io_data[2]); assign crcnext_9 = (((crc[2] ^ crc[3]) ^ io_data[2]) ^ io_data[3]); assign crcnext_10 = (((crc[3] ^ crc[4]) ^ io_data[3]) ^ io_data[4]); assign crcnext_11 = (((crc[4] ^ crc[5]) ^ io_data[4]) ^ io_data[5]); assign crcnext_12 = (((crc[5] ^ crc[6]) ^ io_data[5]) ^ io_data[6]); assign crcnext_13 = (((crc[6] ^ crc[7]) ^ io_data[6]) ^ io_data[7]); assign crcnext_14 = (((((((((((((crc[0] ^ crc[1]) ^ crc[2]) ^ crc[3]) ^ crc[4]) ^ crc[5]) ^ crc[6]) ^ io_data[0]) ^ io_data[1]) ^ io_data[2]) ^ io_data[3]) ^ io_data[4]) ^ io_data[5]) ^ io_data[6]); assign crcnext_15 = (((((((((((((((crc[0] ^ crc[1]) ^ crc[2]) ^ crc[3]) ^ crc[4]) ^ crc[5]) ^ crc[6]) ^ crc[7]) ^ io_data[0]) ^ io_data[1]) ^ io_data[2]) ^ io_data[3]) ^ io_data[4]) ^ io_data[5]) ^ io_data[6]) ^ io_data[7]); assign io_crc = crc; assign io_crcerror = (crc != verify_value); always @(posedge ctrlcd_clk or posedge ctrlcd_reset) begin if(ctrlcd_reset) begin crc <= initial_value; end else begin if(io_init) begin crc <= initial_value; end else begin if(io_enable) begin crc <= {crcnext_15,{crcnext_14,{crcnext_13,{crcnext_12,{crcnext_11,{crcnext_10,{crcnext_9,{crcnext_8,{crcnext_7,{crcnext_6,{_zz_crc,_zz_crc_1}}}}}}}}}}}; end end end end endmodule
module usbcrc5 ( input [15:0] io_data, input io_enable, input io_init, output [4:0] io_crc, output io_crcerror, input ctrlcd_clk, input ctrlcd_reset ); wire [15:0] _zz_initial_value; wire [15:0] _zz_verify_value; wire [4:0] initial_value; wire [4:0] verify_value; wire crcnext_0; wire crcnext_1; wire crcnext_2; wire crcnext_3; wire crcnext_4; reg [4:0] crc; assign _zz_initial_value = 16'hffff; assign _zz_verify_value = 16'h0006; assign initial_value = _zz_initial_value[4:0]; assign verify_value = _zz_verify_value[4:0]; assign crcnext_0 = (((((((((crc[3] ^ crc[4]) ^ io_data[3]) ^ io_data[4]) ^ io_data[5]) ^ io_data[6]) ^ io_data[7]) ^ io_data[10]) ^ io_data[11]) ^ io_data[13]); assign crcnext_1 = ((((((((((crc[0] ^ crc[4]) ^ io_data[0]) ^ io_data[4]) ^ io_data[5]) ^ io_data[6]) ^ io_data[7]) ^ io_data[8]) ^ io_data[11]) ^ io_data[12]) ^ io_data[14]); assign crcnext_2 = (((((((((((crc[0] ^ crc[1]) ^ io_data[0]) ^ io_data[1]) ^ io_data[5]) ^ io_data[6]) ^ io_data[7]) ^ io_data[8]) ^ io_data[9]) ^ io_data[12]) ^ io_data[13]) ^ io_data[15]); assign crcnext_3 = ((((((((((((crc[1] ^ crc[2]) ^ crc[3]) ^ crc[4]) ^ io_data[1]) ^ io_data[2]) ^ io_data[3]) ^ io_data[4]) ^ io_data[5]) ^ io_data[8]) ^ io_data[9]) ^ io_data[11]) ^ io_data[14]); assign crcnext_4 = (((((((((((crc[2] ^ crc[3]) ^ crc[4]) ^ io_data[2]) ^ io_data[3]) ^ io_data[4]) ^ io_data[5]) ^ io_data[6]) ^ io_data[9]) ^ io_data[10]) ^ io_data[12]) ^ io_data[15]); assign io_crc = crc; assign io_crcerror = (crc != verify_value); always @(posedge ctrlcd_clk or posedge ctrlcd_reset) begin if(ctrlcd_reset) begin crc <= initial_value; end else begin if(io_init) begin crc <= initial_value; end else begin if(io_enable) begin crc <= {crcnext_4,{crcnext_3,{crcnext_2,{crcnext_1,crcnext_0}}}}; end end end end endmodule
module buffercc_13 ( input io_datain, output io_dataout, input ctrlcd_clk, input phycd_reset_synchronized ); (* async_reg = "true" *) reg buffers_0; (* async_reg = "true" *) reg buffers_1; assign io_dataout = buffers_1; always @(posedge ctrlcd_clk or posedge phycd_reset_synchronized) begin if(phycd_reset_synchronized) begin buffers_0 <= 1'b0; buffers_1 <= 1'b0; end else begin buffers_0 <= io_datain; buffers_1 <= buffers_0; end end endmodule
module buffercc_12 ( input io_datain, output io_dataout, input ctrlcd_clk, input phycd_reset ); (* async_reg = "true" *) reg buffers_0; (* async_reg = "true" *) reg buffers_1; assign io_dataout = buffers_1; always @(posedge ctrlcd_clk or posedge phycd_reset) begin if(phycd_reset) begin buffers_0 <= 1'b1; buffers_1 <= 1'b1; end else begin buffers_0 <= io_datain; buffers_1 <= buffers_0; end end endmodule
module buffercc_16 ( input io_datain, output io_dataout, input phycd_clk, input ctrlcd_reset_synchronized ); (* async_reg = "true" *) reg buffers_0; (* async_reg = "true" *) reg buffers_1; assign io_dataout = buffers_1; always @(posedge phycd_clk or posedge ctrlcd_reset_synchronized) begin if(ctrlcd_reset_synchronized) begin buffers_0 <= 1'b0; buffers_1 <= 1'b0; end else begin buffers_0 <= io_datain; buffers_1 <= buffers_0; end end endmodule
module buffercc_15 ( input io_datain, output io_dataout, input phycd_clk, input ctrlcd_reset ); (* async_reg = "true" *) reg buffers_0; (* async_reg = "true" *) reg buffers_1; assign io_dataout = buffers_1; always @(posedge phycd_clk or posedge ctrlcd_reset) begin if(ctrlcd_reset) begin buffers_0 <= 1'b1; buffers_1 <= 1'b1; end else begin buffers_0 <= io_datain; buffers_1 <= buffers_0; end end endmodule
module buffercc_14 ( input io_datain, output io_dataout, input ctrlcd_clk, input ctrlcd_reset ); (* async_reg = "true" *) reg buffers_0; (* async_reg = "true" *) reg buffers_1; assign io_dataout = buffers_1; always @(posedge ctrlcd_clk or posedge ctrlcd_reset) begin if(ctrlcd_reset) begin buffers_0 <= 1'b0; buffers_1 <= 1'b0; end else begin buffers_0 <= io_datain; buffers_1 <= buffers_0; end end endmodule
module obi_cdc_fast_primary ( input rst_ni, input ctrl_clk_i, input ctrl_req_i, output wire ctrl_gnt_o, input [31:0] ctrl_addr_i, input ctrl_we_i, input [3:0] ctrl_be_i, input [31:0] ctrl_wdata_i, output wire ctrl_rvalid_o, output reg [31:0] ctrl_rdata_o, input secondary_clk_i, output wire secondary_req_o, input secondary_gnt_i, output wire [31:0] secondary_addr_o, output wire secondary_we_o, output wire [3:0] secondary_be_o, output wire [31:0] secondary_wdata_o, input secondary_rvalid_i, input [31:0] secondary_rdata_i ); reg gnt_in_flight, req_ff1, req_ff2, rvalid_buff, rvalid_ff1, rvalid_ff2, rvalid_ff3, gnt_ack, gnt_ack_ff1, gnt_ack_ff2, gnt_ack_ff3, gnt_ff1, gnt_ff2, gnt_ff3, rst_n_ctrl_ff1, rst_n_ctrl_ff2, rst_n_secondary_ff1, rst_n_secondary_ff2; reg [31:0] rdata_buff; always @(posedge secondary_clk_i) begin if ((gnt_ack_ff2 && !gnt_ack_ff3) || !rst_n_secondary_ff2) gnt_in_flight <= 'b0; else if (req_ff2 && secondary_gnt_i && !gnt_in_flight) gnt_in_flight <= 'b1; end always @(posedge ctrl_clk_i or negedge gnt_in_flight) begin if(!gnt_in_flight) gnt_ack <= 'b0; else if(!rst_n_ctrl_ff2) gnt_ack <= 'b0; else if(gnt_ff2 && !gnt_ff3) gnt_ack <= 'b1; end always @(posedge secondary_clk_i) begin if (!rst_n_secondary_ff2) begin gnt_ack_ff1 <= 'b0; gnt_ack_ff2 <= 'b0; gnt_ack_ff3 <= 'b0; end else begin gnt_ack_ff3 <= gnt_ack_ff2; gnt_ack_ff2 <= gnt_ack_ff1; gnt_ack_ff1 <= gnt_ack; end end assign secondary_addr_o = ctrl_addr_i; assign secondary_we_o = ctrl_we_i; assign secondary_be_o = ctrl_be_i; assign secondary_wdata_o = ctrl_wdata_i; assign secondary_req_o = req_ff2 && !gnt_in_flight; always @(posedge secondary_clk_i) begin if (!rst_n_secondary_ff2) begin req_ff2 <= 'b0; req_ff1 <= 'b0; end else begin req_ff2 <= req_ff1; req_ff1 <= ctrl_req_i; end end assign ctrl_gnt_o = gnt_ff2 && !gnt_ff3; assign ctrl_rvalid_o = rvalid_ff3; always @(posedge secondary_clk_i) begin if (secondary_rvalid_i) begin rdata_buff <= secondary_rdata_i; end rvalid_buff <= secondary_rvalid_i; end always @(posedge ctrl_clk_i) begin if (!rst_n_ctrl_ff2) begin gnt_ff3 <= 'b0; gnt_ff2 <= 'b0; gnt_ff1 <= 'b0; rvalid_ff1 <= 'b0; ctrl_rdata_o <= 'b0; end else begin gnt_ff3 <= gnt_ff2; gnt_ff2 <= gnt_ff1; gnt_ff1 <= gnt_in_flight; rvalid_ff3 <= rvalid_ff2; rvalid_ff2 <= rvalid_ff1; rvalid_ff1 <= rvalid_buff; if (rvalid_ff2 && !rvalid_ff3) ctrl_rdata_o <= rdata_buff; end end always @(posedge ctrl_clk_i) begin if (!rst_ni) begin rst_n_ctrl_ff2 <= 'b0; rst_n_ctrl_ff1 <= 'b0; end else begin rst_n_ctrl_ff2 <= rst_n_ctrl_ff1; rst_n_ctrl_ff1 <= 'b1; end end always @(posedge secondary_clk_i) begin if (!rst_ni) begin rst_n_secondary_ff2 <= 'b0; rst_n_secondary_ff1 <= 'b0; end else begin rst_n_secondary_ff2 <= rst_n_secondary_ff1; rst_n_secondary_ff1 <= 'b1; end end endmodule
module obi_demux_1_to_2 #( parameter port1_base_addr = 32'h00001000, parameter port1_end_addr = 32'h00001fff, parameter port2_base_addr = 32'h80000000, parameter port2_end_addr = 32'h8000ffff) ( input clk_i, input rst_ni, input ctrl_req_i, output reg ctrl_gnt_o, input [31:0] ctrl_addr_i, input ctrl_we_i, input [3:0] ctrl_be_i, input [31:0] ctrl_wdata_i, output reg ctrl_rvalid_o, output reg [31:0] ctrl_rdata_o, output reg port1_req_o, input port1_gnt_i, output wire [31:0] port1_addr_o, output wire port1_we_o, output wire [3:0] port1_be_o, output wire [31:0] port1_wdata_o, input port1_rvalid_i, input [31:0] port1_rdata_i, output reg port2_req_o, input port2_gnt_i, output wire [31:0] port2_addr_o, output wire port2_we_o, output wire [3:0] port2_be_o, output wire [31:0] port2_wdata_o, input port2_rvalid_i, input [31:0] port2_rdata_i, output wire illegal_access_o ); reg [1:0] addr_sel, resp_sel; always @(*) begin if ((ctrl_addr_i >= port1_base_addr) && (ctrl_addr_i <= port1_end_addr)) addr_sel = 1; else if ((ctrl_addr_i >= port2_base_addr) && (ctrl_addr_i <= port2_end_addr)) addr_sel = 2; else addr_sel = 0; end always @(*) begin case (addr_sel) 1: ctrl_gnt_o = port1_gnt_i; 2: ctrl_gnt_o = port2_gnt_i; default: ctrl_gnt_o = 1; endcase end always @(*) begin port1_req_o = (addr_sel == 1) ? ctrl_req_i : 1'b0; port2_req_o = (addr_sel == 2) ? ctrl_req_i : 1'b0; end assign port1_addr_o = ctrl_addr_i; assign port1_wdata_o = ctrl_wdata_i; assign port1_be_o = ctrl_be_i; assign port1_we_o = ctrl_we_i; assign port2_addr_o = ctrl_addr_i; assign port2_wdata_o = ctrl_wdata_i; assign port2_be_o = ctrl_be_i; assign port2_we_o = ctrl_we_i; wire accepted; assign accepted = ctrl_req_i && ctrl_gnt_o && !ctrl_we_i; always @(posedge clk_i) begin if (!rst_ni) resp_sel <= 0; else if (accepted) begin resp_sel <= addr_sel; end end always @(*) begin case (resp_sel) 1: ctrl_rvalid_o = port1_rvalid_i; 2: ctrl_rvalid_o = port2_rvalid_i; default: ctrl_rvalid_o = 1; endcase end always @(*) begin case (resp_sel) 1: ctrl_rdata_o = port1_rdata_i; 2: ctrl_rdata_o = port2_rdata_i; default: ctrl_rdata_o = 32'hdead_beef; endcase end assign illegal_access_o = (addr_sel == 0) && ctrl_req_i; endmodule
module obi_demux_1_to_4 #( parameter port1_base_addr = 32'h00001000, parameter port1_end_addr = 32'h00001fff, parameter port2_base_addr = 32'h80000000, parameter port2_end_addr = 32'h8000ffff, parameter port3_base_addr = 32'h20000000, parameter port3_end_addr = 32'h3fffffff, parameter port4_base_addr = 32'h10000000, parameter port4_end_addr = 32'h10001fff ) ( input clk_i, input rst_ni, input ctrl_req_i, output reg ctrl_gnt_o, input [31:0] ctrl_addr_i, input ctrl_we_i, input [3:0] ctrl_be_i, input [31:0] ctrl_wdata_i, output reg ctrl_rvalid_o, output reg [31:0] ctrl_rdata_o, output reg port1_req_o, input port1_gnt_i, output wire [31:0] port1_addr_o, output wire port1_we_o, output wire [3:0] port1_be_o, output wire [31:0] port1_wdata_o, input port1_rvalid_i, input [31:0] port1_rdata_i, output reg port2_req_o, input port2_gnt_i, output wire [31:0] port2_addr_o, output wire port2_we_o, output wire [3:0] port2_be_o, output wire [31:0] port2_wdata_o, input port2_rvalid_i, input [31:0] port2_rdata_i, output reg port3_req_o, input port3_gnt_i, output wire [31:0] port3_addr_o, output wire port3_we_o, output wire [3:0] port3_be_o, output wire [31:0] port3_wdata_o, input port3_rvalid_i, input [31:0] port3_rdata_i, output reg port4_req_o, input port4_gnt_i, output wire [31:0] port4_addr_o, output wire port4_we_o, output wire [3:0] port4_be_o, output wire [31:0] port4_wdata_o, input port4_rvalid_i, input [31:0] port4_rdata_i, output wire illegal_access_o ); reg[2:0] addr_sel, resp_sel; always @(*) begin if ((ctrl_addr_i >= port1_base_addr) && (ctrl_addr_i <= port1_end_addr)) addr_sel = 1; else if ((ctrl_addr_i >= port2_base_addr) && (ctrl_addr_i <= port2_end_addr)) addr_sel = 2; else if ((ctrl_addr_i >= port3_base_addr) && (ctrl_addr_i <= port3_end_addr)) addr_sel = 3; else if ((ctrl_addr_i >= port4_base_addr) && (ctrl_addr_i <= port4_end_addr)) addr_sel = 4; else addr_sel = 0; end always @(*) begin case (addr_sel) 1: ctrl_gnt_o = port1_gnt_i; 2: ctrl_gnt_o = port2_gnt_i; 3: ctrl_gnt_o = port3_gnt_i; 4: ctrl_gnt_o = port4_gnt_i; default: ctrl_gnt_o = 1; endcase end always @(*) begin port1_req_o = (addr_sel == 1) ? ctrl_req_i : 1'b0; port2_req_o = (addr_sel == 2) ? ctrl_req_i : 1'b0; port3_req_o = (addr_sel == 3) ? ctrl_req_i : 1'b0; port4_req_o = (addr_sel == 4) ? ctrl_req_i : 1'b0; end assign port1_addr_o = ctrl_addr_i; assign port1_wdata_o = ctrl_wdata_i; assign port1_be_o = ctrl_be_i; assign port1_we_o = ctrl_we_i; assign port2_addr_o = ctrl_addr_i; assign port2_wdata_o = ctrl_wdata_i; assign port2_be_o = ctrl_be_i; assign port2_we_o = ctrl_we_i; assign port3_addr_o = ctrl_addr_i; assign port3_wdata_o = ctrl_wdata_i; assign port3_be_o = ctrl_be_i; assign port3_we_o = ctrl_we_i; assign port4_addr_o = ctrl_addr_i; assign port4_wdata_o = ctrl_wdata_i; assign port4_be_o = ctrl_be_i; assign port4_we_o = ctrl_we_i; wire accepted; assign accepted = ctrl_req_i && ctrl_gnt_o && !ctrl_we_i; always @(posedge clk_i) begin if (!rst_ni) resp_sel <= 0; else if (accepted) begin resp_sel <= addr_sel; end end always @(*) begin case (resp_sel) 1: ctrl_rvalid_o = port1_rvalid_i; 2: ctrl_rvalid_o = port2_rvalid_i; 3: ctrl_rvalid_o = port3_rvalid_i; 4: ctrl_rvalid_o = port4_rvalid_i; default: ctrl_rvalid_o = 1; endcase end always @(*) begin case (resp_sel) 1: ctrl_rdata_o = port1_rdata_i; 2: ctrl_rdata_o = port2_rdata_i; 3: ctrl_rdata_o = port3_rdata_i; 4: ctrl_rdata_o = port4_rdata_i; default: ctrl_rdata_o = 32'hdead_beef; endcase end assign illegal_access_o = (addr_sel == 0) && ctrl_req_i; endmodule
module obi_mux_fp_2_to_1 ( input clk_i, input rst_ni, input pri_req_i, output wire pri_gnt_o, input [31:0] pri_addr_i, input pri_we_i, input [3:0] pri_be_i, input [31:0] pri_wdata_i, output wire pri_rvalid_o, output wire [31:0] pri_rdata_o, input sec_req_i, output wire sec_gnt_o, input [31:0] sec_addr_i, input sec_we_i, input [3:0] sec_be_i, input [31:0] sec_wdata_i, output wire sec_rvalid_o, output wire [31:0] sec_rdata_o, output wire shr_req_o, input shr_gnt_i, output wire [31:0] shr_addr_o, output wire shr_we_o, output wire [3:0] shr_be_o, output wire [31:0] shr_wdata_o, input shr_rvalid_i, input [31:0] shr_rdata_i ); wire pri_accepted, sec_accepted; wire sec_posession, gnt_masked, available; assign sec_posession = ~pri_req_i; assign available = shr_rvalid_i || !(pri_read_outstanding || sec_read_outstanding) ; assign gnt_masked = shr_gnt_i && available; assign pri_accepted = pri_req_i && pri_gnt_o && !pri_we_i; assign sec_accepted = sec_req_i && sec_gnt_o && !sec_we_i; assign sec_gnt_o = (sec_posession ? gnt_masked : 0); assign pri_gnt_o = (sec_posession ? 0 : gnt_masked); assign shr_req_o = sec_posession ? sec_req_i : pri_req_i ; assign shr_addr_o = sec_posession ? sec_addr_i : pri_addr_i ; assign shr_we_o = sec_posession ? sec_we_i : pri_we_i ; assign shr_be_o = sec_posession ? sec_be_i : pri_be_i ; assign shr_wdata_o = sec_posession ? sec_wdata_i : pri_wdata_i ; reg pri_read_outstanding, sec_read_outstanding; assign sec_rvalid_o = sec_read_outstanding ? shr_rvalid_i : 0; assign sec_rdata_o = sec_read_outstanding ? shr_rdata_i : 0; assign pri_rvalid_o = pri_read_outstanding ? shr_rvalid_i : 0; assign pri_rdata_o = pri_read_outstanding ? shr_rdata_i : 0; always @(posedge clk_i) begin if (!rst_ni) begin pri_read_outstanding <= 0; sec_read_outstanding <= 0; end else if (available) begin pri_read_outstanding <= pri_accepted; sec_read_outstanding <= sec_accepted; end end endmodule
module obi_mux_fp_3_to_1 ( input clk_i, input rst_ni, input pri_req_i, output wire pri_gnt_o, input [31:0] pri_addr_i, input pri_we_i, input [3:0] pri_be_i, input [31:0] pri_wdata_i, output wire pri_rvalid_o, output wire [31:0] pri_rdata_o, input sec_req_i, output wire sec_gnt_o, input [31:0] sec_addr_i, input sec_we_i, input [3:0] sec_be_i, input [31:0] sec_wdata_i, output wire sec_rvalid_o, output wire [31:0] sec_rdata_o, input ter_req_i, output wire ter_gnt_o, input [31:0] ter_addr_i, input ter_we_i, input [3:0] ter_be_i, input [31:0] ter_wdata_i, output wire ter_rvalid_o, output wire [31:0] ter_rdata_o, output wire shr_req_o, input shr_gnt_i, output wire [31:0] shr_addr_o, output wire shr_we_o, output wire [3:0] shr_be_o, output wire [31:0] shr_wdata_o, input shr_rvalid_i, input [31:0] shr_rdata_i ); wire pri_accepted, sec_accepted, ter_accepted; wire sec_posession, ter_posession, gnt_masked, available; assign sec_posession = ~pri_req_i; assign ter_posession = ~pri_req_i && ~sec_req_i; assign available = shr_rvalid_i || !(pri_read_outstanding || sec_read_outstanding || ter_read_outstanding) ; assign gnt_masked = shr_gnt_i && available; assign pri_accepted = pri_req_i && pri_gnt_o && !pri_we_i; assign sec_accepted = sec_req_i && sec_gnt_o && !sec_we_i; assign ter_accepted = ter_req_i && ter_gnt_o && !ter_we_i; assign sec_gnt_o = (sec_posession ? gnt_masked : 0); assign ter_gnt_o = (ter_posession ? gnt_masked : 0); assign pri_gnt_o = (sec_posession || ter_posession ? 0 : gnt_masked); assign shr_req_o = ter_posession ? ter_req_i : (sec_posession ? sec_req_i : pri_req_i) ; assign shr_addr_o = ter_posession ? ter_addr_i : (sec_posession ? sec_addr_i : pri_addr_i) ; assign shr_we_o = ter_posession ? ter_we_i : (sec_posession ? sec_we_i : pri_we_i) ; assign shr_be_o = ter_posession ? ter_be_i : (sec_posession ? sec_be_i : pri_be_i) ; assign shr_wdata_o = ter_posession ? ter_wdata_i : (sec_posession ? sec_wdata_i : pri_wdata_i) ; reg pri_read_outstanding, sec_read_outstanding, ter_read_outstanding; assign sec_rvalid_o = sec_read_outstanding ? shr_rvalid_i : 0; assign sec_rdata_o = sec_read_outstanding ? shr_rdata_i : 0; assign pri_rvalid_o = pri_read_outstanding ? shr_rvalid_i : 0; assign pri_rdata_o = pri_read_outstanding ? shr_rdata_i : 0; assign ter_rvalid_o = ter_read_outstanding ? shr_rvalid_i : 0; assign ter_rdata_o = ter_read_outstanding ? shr_rdata_i : 0; always @(posedge clk_i) begin if (!rst_ni) begin pri_read_outstanding <= 0; sec_read_outstanding <= 0; ter_read_outstanding <= 0; end else if (available) begin pri_read_outstanding <= pri_accepted; sec_read_outstanding <= sec_accepted; ter_read_outstanding <= ter_accepted; end end endmodule
module wb_to_obi ( input clk_i, input wb_rst_i, input wbs_stb_i, input wbs_cyc_i, input wbs_we_i, input [3:0] wbs_sel_i, input [31:0] wbs_dat_i, input [31:0] wbs_adr_i, output wire wbs_ack_o, output wire [31:0] wbs_dat_o, output wire req_o, input gnt_i, output wire [31:0] addr_o, output wire we_o, output wire [3:0] be_o, output wire [31:0] wdata_o, input rvalid_i, input [31:0] rdata_i ); reg read_outstanding, write_completed; wire read_accepted_a, write_accepted_a; assign read_accepted_a = (req_o && gnt_i) && !wbs_we_i; assign write_accepted_a = (req_o && gnt_i) && wbs_we_i; always @(posedge clk_i) begin if (wb_rst_i) read_outstanding <= 'b0; else begin if (read_outstanding && (rvalid_i && !read_accepted_a)) read_outstanding <= 'b0; if (!read_outstanding && read_accepted_a) read_outstanding <= 'b1; end end always @(posedge clk_i) begin write_completed <= write_accepted_a; end assign req_o = wbs_stb_i && !read_outstanding; assign addr_o = wbs_adr_i; assign we_o = wbs_we_i; assign be_o = wbs_sel_i; assign wdata_o = wbs_dat_i; assign wbs_dat_o = rdata_i; assign wbs_ack_o = write_completed || (read_outstanding && rvalid_i); `ifdef verilator wire _unused; assign _unused = wbs_cyc_i; `endif endmodule
module logo_svg (); endmodule
module test_sys_ctrl ( input pclk, input presetn, input psel, input penable, input pwrite, input [31:0] paddr, input [31:0] pwdata, output reg [31:0] prdata, output reg pready, output reg pslverr ,output reg[0:0] sys_ctrl0_pdc_use_arm_ctrl ,output reg[2:0] sys_ctrl0_l2c_strip_mode ,output reg[4:0] sys_ctrl0_smmu_mmusid ,output reg[0:0] sys_ctrl0_mem_repair_en ,output reg[6:0] sys_ctrl0_mem_repair_done ,output reg[3:0] test_reg_test_field0 ,output reg[1:0] test_reg_test_filed1 ); endmodule
module image_write(input clk, input [7:0] r,g,b); parameter width = 512, height = 512; parameter length = width*height*3; integer fd; integer count; initial begin fd = $fopen("mlam_out.txt","w"); count = 0; end always @(posedge clk) begin #1; $fwriteh(fd, r); $fwrite(fd,"\n"); $fwriteh(fd, g); $fwrite(fd,"\n"); $fwriteh(fd, b); $fwrite(fd,"\n"); count = count + 3; if(count == length) begin $fclose(fd); $finish; end end endmodule
module majority(a,b,c,out); input a,b,c; output out; assign out = a&b | b&c | c&a; endmodule
module image_write(input clk, input [7:0] r,g,b); parameter width = 512, height = 512; parameter length = width*height*3; integer fd; integer count; initial begin fd = $fopen("mlam2_out.txt","w"); count = 0; end always @(posedge clk) begin #1; $fwriteh(fd, r); $fwrite(fd,"\n"); $fwriteh(fd, g); $fwrite(fd,"\n"); $fwriteh(fd, b); $fwrite(fd,"\n"); count = count + 3; if(count == length) begin $fclose(fd); $finish; end end endmodule
module image_write(input clk, input [7:0] r,g,b); parameter width = 512, height = 512; parameter length = width*height*3; integer fd; integer count; initial begin fd = $fopen("mlam3_out.txt","w"); count = 0; end always @(posedge clk) begin #1; $fwriteh(fd, r); $fwrite(fd,"\n"); $fwriteh(fd, g); $fwrite(fd,"\n"); $fwriteh(fd, b); $fwrite(fd,"\n"); count = count + 3; if(count == length) begin $fclose(fd); $finish; end end endmodule
module image_write(input clk, input [7:0] r,g,b); parameter width = 512, height = 512; parameter length = width*height*3; integer fd; integer count; initial begin fd = $fopen("mlam4_out.txt","w"); count = 0; end always @(posedge clk) begin #1; $fwriteh(fd, r); $fwrite(fd,"\n"); $fwriteh(fd, g); $fwrite(fd,"\n"); $fwriteh(fd, b); $fwrite(fd,"\n"); count = count + 3; if(count == length) begin $fclose(fd); $finish; end end endmodule
module image_write(input clk, input [7:0] r); parameter width = 512, height = 512; parameter length = width*height; integer fd; integer count; initial begin fd = $fopen("mlafa_3333_3333_lenna_grey.txt","w"); count = 0; end always @(posedge clk) begin #1; $fwriteh(fd, r); $fwrite(fd,"\n"); count = count + 1; if(count == length) begin $fclose(fd); $finish; end end endmodule
module majority(a,b,c,out); input a,b,c; output reg out; always @(*) out <= a&b | b&c | c&a; endmodule
module collision ( output [5:0] out, input [5:0] in, input rnd ); wire a, b, c, d, e, f, ad, be, cf, triple, no_rnd; wire cha, chb, chc, chd, che, chf; wire aout, bout, cout, dout, eout, fout; assign a = in[0]; assign b = in[1]; assign c = in[2]; assign d = in[3]; assign e = in[4]; assign f = in[5]; assign ad = ( (a & d) & (~(b | c | e | f)) ); assign be = ( (b & e) & (~(a | c | d | f)) ); assign cf = ( (c & f) & (~(a | b | d | e)) ); assign triple = ( (a ^ b) & (b ^ c) & (c ^ d) & (d ^ e) & (e ^ f) ); assign no_rnd = ~rnd; assign cha = (ad | triple | (rnd & be) | (no_rnd & cf)); assign chb = (be | triple | (rnd & cf) | (no_rnd & ad)); assign chc = (cf | triple | (rnd & ad) | (no_rnd & be)); assign chd = cha; assign che = chb; assign chf = chc; assign aout = a ^ cha; assign bout = b ^ chb; assign cout = c ^ chc; assign dout = d ^ chd; assign eout = e ^ che; assign fout = f ^ chf; assign out = {fout, eout, dout, cout, bout, aout}; endmodule
module m10k_1000_8( output reg [7:0] q, input [7:0] d, input [18:0] write_address, read_address, input we, clk ); reg [7:0] mem [307200:0] ; always @ (posedge clk) begin if (we) begin mem[write_address] <= d; end q <= mem[read_address]; end endmodule
module mem #( parameter addr_nbits = 9, parameter data_nbits = 12, parameter mem_size = 480 )( output reg [data_nbits-1:0] read_data, input [data_nbits-1:0] write_data, input [addr_nbits-1:0] write_address, read_address, input write_enable, clk ); reg [data_nbits-1:0] mem [mem_size-1:0] ; always @ (posedge clk) begin if (write_enable) begin mem[write_address] <= write_data; end read_data <= mem[read_address]; end endmodule
module propagation ( output [5:0] out, input [5:0] l_up, l_n, l_down, r_up, r_n, r_down, n, input [3:0] wall ); wire a, b, c, d, e, f; wire a_in, b_in, c_in, d_in, e_in, f_in; wire w_u, w_d, w_l, w_r; wire nw_u, nw_d, nw_l, nw_r; wire aout, bout, cout, dout, eout, fout; assign a = n[0]; assign b = n[1]; assign c = n[2]; assign d = n[3]; assign e = n[4]; assign f = n[5]; assign a_in = r_down[0]; assign b_in = r_n [1]; assign c_in = r_up [2]; assign d_in = l_up [3]; assign e_in = l_n [4]; assign f_in = l_down[5]; assign w_u = wall[3]; assign w_d = wall[2]; assign w_l = wall[1]; assign w_r = wall[0]; assign nw_u = (~w_u); assign nw_d = (~w_d); assign nw_l = (~w_l); assign nw_r = (~w_r); assign aout = (((nw_r & nw_d) & a_in) | (w_d & c) | (w_r & f)); assign dout = (((nw_l & nw_u) & d_in) | (w_u & f) | (w_l & c)); assign bout = ((nw_r & b_in) | (w_r & e)); assign eout = ((nw_l & e_in) | (w_l & b)); assign cout = (((nw_r & nw_u) & c_in) | (w_u & a) | (w_r & d)); assign fout = (((nw_l & nw_d) & f_in) | (w_d & d) | (w_l & a)); assign out = {fout, eout, dout, cout, bout, aout}; endmodule
module rand63(rand_out, seed_in, clk, rst); output wire [15:0] rand_out ; input wire clk, rst ; input wire [63:1] seed_in; reg [4:1] sr1, sr2, sr3, sr4, sr5, sr6, sr7, sr8, sr9, sr10, sr11, sr12, sr13, sr14, sr15, sr16; assign rand_out = {sr1[3], sr2[3], sr3[3], sr4[3], sr5[3], sr6[3], sr7[3], sr8[3], sr9[3], sr10[3], sr11[3], sr12[3], sr13[3], sr14[3], sr15[3], sr16[3]} ; always @ (posedge clk) begin if (rst) begin sr1 <= seed_in[4:1] ; sr2 <= seed_in[8:5] ; sr3 <= seed_in[12:9] ; sr4 <= seed_in[16:13] ; sr5 <= seed_in[20:17] ; sr6 <= seed_in[24:21] ; sr7 <= seed_in[28:25] ; sr8 <= seed_in[32:29] ; sr9 <= seed_in[36:33] ; sr10 <= seed_in[40:37] ; sr11 <= seed_in[44:41] ; sr12 <= seed_in[48:45] ; sr13 <= seed_in[52:49] ; sr14 <= seed_in[56:53] ; sr15 <= seed_in[60:57] ; sr16 <= {1'b0,seed_in[63:61]} ; end else begin sr1 <= {sr1[3:1], sr16[3]^sr15[3]} ; sr2 <= {sr2[3:1], sr16[3]^sr1[4]} ; sr3 <= {sr3[3:1], sr1[4]^sr2[4]} ; sr4 <= {sr4[3:1], sr2[4]^sr3[4]} ; sr5 <= {sr5[3:1], sr3[4]^sr4[4]} ; sr6 <= {sr6[3:1], sr4[4]^sr5[4]} ; sr7 <= {sr7[3:1], sr5[4]^sr6[4]} ; sr8 <= {sr8[3:1], sr6[4]^sr7[4]} ; sr9 <= {sr9[3:1], sr7[4]^sr8[4]} ; sr10 <= {sr10[3:1], sr8[4]^sr9[4]} ; sr11 <= {sr11[3:1], sr9[4]^sr10[4]} ; sr12 <= {sr12[3:1], sr10[4]^sr11[4]} ; sr13 <= {sr13[3:1], sr11[4]^sr12[4]} ; sr14 <= {sr14[3:1], sr12[4]^sr13[4]} ; sr15 <= {sr15[3:1], sr13[4]^sr14[4]} ; sr16 <= {sr16[3:1], sr14[4]^sr15[4]} ; end end endmodule
module computer_system ( hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_tx_clk, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_txd0, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_txd1, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_txd2, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_txd3, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_rxd0, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_mdio, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_mdc, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_rx_ctl, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_tx_ctl, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_rx_clk, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_rxd1, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_rxd2, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_rxd3, hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_io0, hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_io1, hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_io2, hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_io3, hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_ss0, hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_clk, hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_cmd, hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_d0, hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_d1, hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_clk, hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_d2, hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_d3, hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d0, hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d1, hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d2, hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d3, hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d4, hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d5, hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d6, hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d7, hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_clk, hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_stp, hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_dir, hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_nxt, hps_io_hps_io_spim1_inst_clk, hps_io_hps_io_spim1_inst_mosi, hps_io_hps_io_spim1_inst_miso, hps_io_hps_io_spim1_inst_ss0, hps_io_hps_io_uart0_inst_rx, hps_io_hps_io_uart0_inst_tx, hps_io_hps_io_i2c0_inst_sda, hps_io_hps_io_i2c0_inst_scl, hps_io_hps_io_i2c1_inst_sda, hps_io_hps_io_i2c1_inst_scl, hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio09, hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio35, hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio40, hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio41, hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio48, hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio53, hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio54, hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio61, m10k_pll_locked_export, m10k_pll_outclk0_clk, memory_mem_a, memory_mem_ba, memory_mem_ck, memory_mem_ck_n, memory_mem_cke, memory_mem_cs_n, memory_mem_ras_n, memory_mem_cas_n, memory_mem_we_n, memory_mem_reset_n, memory_mem_dq, memory_mem_dqs, memory_mem_dqs_n, memory_mem_odt, memory_mem_dm, memory_oct_rzqin, system_pll_ref_clk_clk, system_pll_ref_reset_reset, vga_pio_locked_export, vga_pio_outclk0_clk); output hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_tx_clk; output hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_txd0; output hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_txd1; output hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_txd2; output hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_txd3; input hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_rxd0; inout hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_mdio; output hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_mdc; input hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_rx_ctl; output hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_tx_ctl; input hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_rx_clk; input hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_rxd1; input hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_rxd2; input hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_rxd3; inout hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_io0; inout hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_io1; inout hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_io2; inout hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_io3; output hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_ss0; output hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_clk; inout hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_cmd; inout hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_d0; inout hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_d1; output hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_clk; inout hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_d2; inout hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_d3; inout hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d0; inout hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d1; inout hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d2; inout hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d3; inout hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d4; inout hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d5; inout hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d6; inout hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d7; input hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_clk; output hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_stp; input hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_dir; input hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_nxt; output hps_io_hps_io_spim1_inst_clk; output hps_io_hps_io_spim1_inst_mosi; input hps_io_hps_io_spim1_inst_miso; output hps_io_hps_io_spim1_inst_ss0; input hps_io_hps_io_uart0_inst_rx; output hps_io_hps_io_uart0_inst_tx; inout hps_io_hps_io_i2c0_inst_sda; inout hps_io_hps_io_i2c0_inst_scl; inout hps_io_hps_io_i2c1_inst_sda; inout hps_io_hps_io_i2c1_inst_scl; inout hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio09; inout hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio35; inout hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio40; inout hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio41; inout hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio48; inout hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio53; inout hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio54; inout hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio61; output m10k_pll_locked_export; output m10k_pll_outclk0_clk; output [14:0] memory_mem_a; output [2:0] memory_mem_ba; output memory_mem_ck; output memory_mem_ck_n; output memory_mem_cke; output memory_mem_cs_n; output memory_mem_ras_n; output memory_mem_cas_n; output memory_mem_we_n; output memory_mem_reset_n; inout [31:0] memory_mem_dq; inout [3:0] memory_mem_dqs; inout [3:0] memory_mem_dqs_n; output memory_mem_odt; output [3:0] memory_mem_dm; input memory_oct_rzqin; input system_pll_ref_clk_clk; input system_pll_ref_reset_reset; output vga_pio_locked_export; output vga_pio_outclk0_clk; endmodule
module computer_system_parallel_port_in_axi ( clk, reset, address, byteenable, chipselect, read, write, writedata, in_port, readdata ); parameter dw = 31; input clk; input reset; input [ 1: 0] address; input [ 3: 0] byteenable; input chipselect; input read; input write; input [31: 0] writedata; input [dw: 0] in_port; output reg [31: 0] readdata; reg [31: 0] data; reg [dw: 0] data_in; genvar i; always @(posedge clk) begin data_in <= in_port; end always @(posedge clk) begin if (reset == 1'b1) readdata <= 32'h00000000; else if (chipselect == 1'b1) begin if (address == 2'h0) readdata <= {{(31-dw){1'b0}}, data_in}; else readdata <= 32'h00000000; end end always @(posedge clk) begin if (reset == 1'b1) data <= {(dw + 1){1'b0}}; else if ((chipselect == 1'b1) && (write == 1'b1) && (address == 2'h0)) begin if (byteenable[0]) data[ 7: 0] <= writedata[ 7: 0]; if (byteenable[1]) data[15: 8] <= writedata[15: 8]; if (byteenable[2]) data[23:16] <= writedata[23:16]; if (byteenable[3]) data[31:24] <= writedata[31:24]; end end endmodule
module computer_system ( audio_adcdat, audio_adclrck, audio_bclk, audio_dacdat, audio_daclrck, audio_pll_ref_clk_clk, audio_pll_ref_reset_reset, av_config_sdat, av_config_sclk, clock_bridge_0_in_clk_clk, ebab_video_in_external_interface_address, ebab_video_in_external_interface_byte_enable, ebab_video_in_external_interface_read, ebab_video_in_external_interface_write, ebab_video_in_external_interface_write_data, ebab_video_in_external_interface_acknowledge, ebab_video_in_external_interface_read_data, hex3_hex0_export, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_tx_clk, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_txd0, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_txd1, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_txd2, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_txd3, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_rxd0, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_mdio, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_mdc, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_rx_ctl, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_tx_ctl, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_rx_clk, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_rxd1, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_rxd2, hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_rxd3, hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_io0, hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_io1, hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_io2, hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_io3, hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_ss0, hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_clk, hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_cmd, hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_d0, hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_d1, hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_clk, hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_d2, hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_d3, hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d0, hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d1, hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d2, hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d3, hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d4, hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d5, hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d6, hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d7, hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_clk, hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_stp, hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_dir, hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_nxt, hps_io_hps_io_spim1_inst_clk, hps_io_hps_io_spim1_inst_mosi, hps_io_hps_io_spim1_inst_miso, hps_io_hps_io_spim1_inst_ss0, hps_io_hps_io_uart0_inst_rx, hps_io_hps_io_uart0_inst_tx, hps_io_hps_io_i2c0_inst_sda, hps_io_hps_io_i2c0_inst_scl, hps_io_hps_io_i2c1_inst_sda, hps_io_hps_io_i2c1_inst_scl, hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio09, hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio35, hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio40, hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio41, hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio48, hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio53, hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio54, hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio61, leds_export, memory_mem_a, memory_mem_ba, memory_mem_ck, memory_mem_ck_n, memory_mem_cke, memory_mem_cs_n, memory_mem_ras_n, memory_mem_cas_n, memory_mem_we_n, memory_mem_reset_n, memory_mem_dq, memory_mem_dqs, memory_mem_dqs_n, memory_mem_odt, memory_mem_dm, memory_oct_rzqin, pushbuttons_export, sdram_addr, sdram_ba, sdram_cas_n, sdram_cke, sdram_cs_n, sdram_dq, sdram_dqm, sdram_ras_n, sdram_we_n, slider_switches_export, system_pll_ref_clk_clk, system_pll_ref_reset_reset, vga_clk, vga_hs, vga_vs, vga_blank, vga_sync, vga_r, vga_g, vga_b, vga_pll_ref_clk_clk, vga_pll_ref_reset_reset, video_in_td_clk27, video_in_td_data, video_in_td_hs, video_in_td_vs, video_in_clk27_reset, video_in_td_reset, video_in_overflow_flag, audio_clk_clk, sdram_clk_clk); input audio_adcdat; input audio_adclrck; input audio_bclk; output audio_dacdat; input audio_daclrck; input audio_pll_ref_clk_clk; input audio_pll_ref_reset_reset; inout av_config_sdat; output av_config_sclk; input clock_bridge_0_in_clk_clk; input [29:0] ebab_video_in_external_interface_address; input [1:0] ebab_video_in_external_interface_byte_enable; input ebab_video_in_external_interface_read; input ebab_video_in_external_interface_write; input [15:0] ebab_video_in_external_interface_write_data; output ebab_video_in_external_interface_acknowledge; output [15:0] ebab_video_in_external_interface_read_data; output [15:0] hex3_hex0_export; output hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_tx_clk; output hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_txd0; output hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_txd1; output hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_txd2; output hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_txd3; input hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_rxd0; inout hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_mdio; output hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_mdc; input hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_rx_ctl; output hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_tx_ctl; input hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_rx_clk; input hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_rxd1; input hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_rxd2; input hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_rxd3; inout hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_io0; inout hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_io1; inout hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_io2; inout hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_io3; output hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_ss0; output hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_clk; inout hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_cmd; inout hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_d0; inout hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_d1; output hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_clk; inout hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_d2; inout hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_d3; inout hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d0; inout hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d1; inout hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d2; inout hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d3; inout hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d4; inout hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d5; inout hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d6; inout hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_d7; input hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_clk; output hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_stp; input hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_dir; input hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_nxt; output hps_io_hps_io_spim1_inst_clk; output hps_io_hps_io_spim1_inst_mosi; input hps_io_hps_io_spim1_inst_miso; output hps_io_hps_io_spim1_inst_ss0; input hps_io_hps_io_uart0_inst_rx; output hps_io_hps_io_uart0_inst_tx; inout hps_io_hps_io_i2c0_inst_sda; inout hps_io_hps_io_i2c0_inst_scl; inout hps_io_hps_io_i2c1_inst_sda; inout hps_io_hps_io_i2c1_inst_scl; inout hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio09; inout hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio35; inout hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio40; inout hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio41; inout hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio48; inout hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio53; inout hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio54; inout hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_gpio61; output [9:0] leds_export; output [14:0] memory_mem_a; output [2:0] memory_mem_ba; output memory_mem_ck; output memory_mem_ck_n; output memory_mem_cke; output memory_mem_cs_n; output memory_mem_ras_n; output memory_mem_cas_n; output memory_mem_we_n; output memory_mem_reset_n; inout [31:0] memory_mem_dq; inout [3:0] memory_mem_dqs; inout [3:0] memory_mem_dqs_n; output memory_mem_odt; output [3:0] memory_mem_dm; input memory_oct_rzqin; input [3:0] pushbuttons_export; output [12:0] sdram_addr; output [1:0] sdram_ba; output sdram_cas_n; output sdram_cke; output sdram_cs_n; inout [15:0] sdram_dq; output [1:0] sdram_dqm; output sdram_ras_n; output sdram_we_n; input [9:0] slider_switches_export; input system_pll_ref_clk_clk; input system_pll_ref_reset_reset; output vga_clk; output vga_hs; output vga_vs; output vga_blank; output vga_sync; output [7:0] vga_r; output [7:0] vga_g; output [7:0] vga_b; input vga_pll_ref_clk_clk; input vga_pll_ref_reset_reset; input video_in_td_clk27; input [7:0] video_in_td_data; input video_in_td_hs; input video_in_td_vs; input video_in_clk27_reset; output video_in_td_reset; output video_in_overflow_flag; output audio_clk_clk; output sdram_clk_clk; endmodule
module accumulator(input clk,input [3:0] in, input acc_en, input reset, output reg [3:0] acc_out); always @(posedge clk) begin if (reset) acc_out <= 4'b0000; else if (acc_en) begin acc_out <= in; end end endmodule
module adder_1bit(input a,b,cin, output sum, cout); wire sum_1; wire carry_1, carry_2; assign sum_1=a^b; assign sum=sum_1^cin; assign carry_1=sum_1&cin; assign carry_2=a&b; assign cout=carry_1|carry_2; endmodule
module data_memory(input clk,rst,write_en,input [3:0]data_in, input[3:0]address, output reg [3:0]data_out); reg [3:0] memory [0:15]; always@(posedge clk or posedge write_en) begin if (write_en) begin memory[address]<=data_in; end else begin data_out<=memory[address]; end end endmodule
module input_ports(input d4,d5,d6,d7,output reg signal, output reg [1:0]pin_in); always@* begin case(d4) 1'b1: begin pin_in<=2'b00; signal<=1; end 1'b0: begin pin_in<=2'b00; signal<=0; end endcase case(d5) 1'b1: begin pin_in<=2'b01; signal<=1; end 1'b0: begin pin_in<=2'b01; signal<=0; end endcase case(d6) 1'b1: begin pin_in<=2'b10; signal<=1; end 1'b0: begin pin_in<=2'b10; signal<=0; end endcase case(d7) 1'b1: begin pin_in<=2'b11; signal<=1; end 1'b0: begin pin_in<=2'b11; signal<=0; end endcase end endmodule
module instruction_decoder(input [7:0]opcode_in,input clk, rst, output reg [3:0]opcode,operand); always@(*) begin if (rst) begin opcode <=4'b0000; end else begin opcode = opcode_in[7:4]; operand = opcode_in[3:0]; end end endmodule
module output_ports (input [1:0] pin, input [3:0] signal, output reg d0, d1, d2, d3); always @* begin case (pin) 2'b00: d0 <= signal[0]; 2'b01: d1 <= signal[1]; 2'b10: d2 <= signal[2]; 2'b11: d3 <= signal[3]; endcase end endmodule
module program_counter(input clk,rst,output reg[2:0]program_counter_out); reg [2:0]temp; always@(*) begin if(rst) begin program_counter_out<=3'b000; temp<=3'b000; end else if(temp<3'b111) begin program_counter_out<=temp; temp<=temp+1; end end endmodule
module program_memory(input clk, rst, input [7:0] address, output reg [7:0] data_out); parameter mem_size = 28; reg [7:0] memory [0:mem_size-1]; initial begin memory[0] = 8'b1111_0001;memory[1] = 8'b1101_0001;memory[2] = 8'b1111_1000;memory[3] = 8'b0001_0001;memory[4] = 8'b1101_0010; memory[5] = 8'b1111_1111;memory[6] = 8'b1101_0011;memory[7] = 8'b1111_0111;memory[8] = 8'b0010_0011;memory[9] = 8'b1101_0100; memory[10] = 8'b1111_1010;memory[11] = 8'b1101_0101;memory[12] = 8'b1111_0011;memory[13] = 8'b0011_0101;memory[14] = 8'b1101_0110; memory[15] = 8'b1111_1111;memory[16] = 8'b1101_0111;memory[17] = 8'b1111_0011;memory[18] = 8'b0110_0111;memory[19] = 8'b1101_1000 ;memory[20] = 8'b1110_1000; memory[21] = 8'b1011_1011; memory[22] = 8'b1111_0000;memory[23] = 8'b1101_1111;memory[24] = 8'b1111_0101;memory[25] = 8'b1001_1111; end always @(posedge clk) begin data_out <= memory[address]; end endmodule
module sub_1bit(input a,b,b_in,output diff, output borrow); assign diff = a^b^b_in; assign borrow = ~a & (b^b_in) | b & b_in; endmodule
module flowcontrol( input wire management_allowinstruction, input wire stateexecute, input wire requestinginstruction, input wire instructionbusy, input wire requestingdata, input wire databusy, input wire pipe0_active, input wire pipe1_active, input wire pipe2_active, input wire pipe1_shouldstall, input wire pipe2_shouldstall, output wire steppipe, output wire stallpipe, output wire progresspipe ); wire fetchbusy = requestinginstruction && instructionbusy; wire loadstorebusy = requestingdata && databusy; wire stepblocked = fetchbusy || loadstorebusy; wire pipeactive = pipe0_active || pipe1_active || pipe2_active; assign stallpipe = !management_allowinstruction || pipe1_shouldstall || pipe2_shouldstall; assign steppipe = stateexecute && !stepblocked; assign progresspipe = pipeactive || management_allowinstruction; endmodule
module programcounter( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire[31:0] resetprogramcounteraddress, input wire management_writeprogramcounter_set, input wire management_writeprogramcounter_jump, input wire[31:0] management_writedata, input wire state, input wire progresspipe, input wire steppipe, input wire stallpipe, input wire intrap, input wire[31:0] trapvector, input wire pipe1_isret, input wire[31:0] trapreturnvector, input wire pipe1_jumpenable, input wire[31:0] pipe1_nextprogramcounter, output reg[31:0] fetchprogramcounter, output reg[31:0] nextfetchprogramcounter, output reg[31:0] executeprogramcounter, output reg stepprogramcounter ); localparam state_halt = 1'b0; localparam state_execute = 1'b1; always @(*) begin if (rst) begin nextfetchprogramcounter = resetprogramcounteraddress; stepprogramcounter = 1'b0; end else begin nextfetchprogramcounter = fetchprogramcounter; stepprogramcounter = 1'b0; case (state) state_halt: begin end state_execute: begin if (intrap) begin nextfetchprogramcounter = trapvector; stepprogramcounter = 1'b1; end else if (pipe1_isret) begin nextfetchprogramcounter = trapreturnvector; stepprogramcounter = 1'b1; end else if (pipe1_jumpenable) begin nextfetchprogramcounter = pipe1_nextprogramcounter; stepprogramcounter = 1'b1; end else if (!stallpipe) begin nextfetchprogramcounter = fetchprogramcounter + 4; stepprogramcounter = 1'b1; end end endcase end end always @(posedge clk) begin if (rst) begin fetchprogramcounter <= 32'b0; executeprogramcounter <= 32'b0; end else begin case (state) state_halt: begin if (!progresspipe) begin if (management_writeprogramcounter_set) fetchprogramcounter <= management_writedata; else if (management_writeprogramcounter_jump) fetchprogramcounter <= executeprogramcounter + management_writedata; end end state_execute: begin if (steppipe) begin if (stepprogramcounter) fetchprogramcounter <= nextfetchprogramcounter; if (!stallpipe) executeprogramcounter <= fetchprogramcounter; end end endcase end end endmodule
module csr_readregister #( parameter address = 12'h000 )( input wire csrreadenable, input wire[11:0] csrreadaddress, output wire[31:0] csrreaddata, output wire csrrequestoutput, input wire[31:0] value ); wire csrreadenabled = csrreadaddress == address; assign csrreaddata = csrreadenabled && csrreadenable ? value : 32'b0; assign csrrequestoutput = csrreadenabled && csrreadenable; endmodule
module pipefetch ( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire run, input wire pipestartup, input wire steppipe, input wire pipestall, output reg currentpipestall, output wire active, input wire[31:0] currentinstruction, output reg[31:0] lastinstruction, input wire[31:0] fetchprogramcounter, output wire addressmisaligned, output wire[31:0] fetchaddress, output wire fetchenable, input wire fetchbusy ); reg[31:0] cachedinstruction; reg instructioncached; reg usecachedinstruction; always @(posedge clk) begin if (rst) begin currentpipestall <= 1'b1; lastinstruction <= ~32'b0; cachedinstruction <= 32'b0; usecachedinstruction <= 1'b0; end else begin if (steppipe) begin currentpipestall <= pipestall; if (!pipestall) lastinstruction <= usecachedinstruction ? cachedinstruction : currentinstruction; else lastinstruction <= ~32'b0; usecachedinstruction <= 1'b0; end else begin usecachedinstruction <= instructioncached; if (instructioncached && !usecachedinstruction) cachedinstruction <= currentinstruction; end end end always @(negedge clk) begin if (rst) begin instructioncached <= 1'b0; end else begin if (steppipe) begin instructioncached <= 1'b0; end else begin if (!fetchbusy && fetchenable) begin instructioncached <= 1'b1; end end end end assign active = !pipestall; assign addressmisaligned = |fetchprogramcounter[1:0]; assign fetchaddress = fetchprogramcounter; assign fetchenable = run && (pipestartup || !usecachedinstruction); endmodule
module memorycontroller ( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire[31:0] coreinstructionaddress, input wire coreinstructionenable, output reg[31:0] coreinstructiondataread, output reg coreinstructionbusy, input wire[31:0] coredataaddress, input wire[3:0] coredatabyteselect, input wire coredataenable, input wire coredatawriteenable, input wire[31:0] coredatadatawrite, output reg[31:0] coredatadataread, output reg coredatabusy, output reg[23:0] localmemoryaddress, output reg[3:0] localmemorybyteselect, output reg localmemoryenable, output reg localmemorywriteenable, output reg[31:0] localmemorydatawrite, input wire[31:0] localmemorydataread, input wire localmemorybusy, output reg[27:0] wbaddress, output reg[3:0] wbbyteselect, output reg wbenable, output reg wbwriteenable, output reg[31:0] wbdatawrite, input wire[31:0] wbdataread, input wire wbbusy ); localparam local_memory_address = 4'b0000; localparam wb_address = 4'b0001; localparam source_none = 2'h0; localparam source_instruction = 2'h1; localparam source_data = 2'h2; wire instruction_enablelocalmemoryrequest = coreinstructionenable && (coreinstructionaddress[31:24] == { local_memory_address, 4'b0000 }); wire data_enablelocalmemoryrequest = coredataenable && ( coredataaddress[31:24] == { local_memory_address, 4'b0000 }); wire instruction_enablewbrequest = coreinstructionenable && (coreinstructionaddress[31:28] == wb_address); wire data_enablewbrequest = coredataenable && ( coredataaddress[31:28] == wb_address); reg[1:0] localmemory_source = source_none; always @(posedge clk) begin if (rst) begin localmemory_source <= source_none; end else begin case (localmemory_source) source_none: begin if (instruction_enablelocalmemoryrequest) localmemory_source <= source_instruction; else if (data_enablelocalmemoryrequest) localmemory_source <= source_data; end source_instruction: begin if (!instruction_enablelocalmemoryrequest) begin if (data_enablelocalmemoryrequest) localmemory_source <= source_data; else localmemory_source <= source_none; end end source_data: begin if (!data_enablelocalmemoryrequest) begin if (instruction_enablelocalmemoryrequest) localmemory_source <= source_instruction; else localmemory_source <= source_none; end end default: begin localmemory_source <= source_none; end endcase end end reg[1:0] wb_source = source_none; always @(posedge clk) begin if (rst) begin wb_source <= source_none; end else begin case (wb_source) source_none: begin if (instruction_enablewbrequest) wb_source <= source_instruction; else if (data_enablewbrequest) wb_source <= source_data; end source_instruction: begin if (!instruction_enablewbrequest) begin if (data_enablewbrequest) wb_source <= source_data; else wb_source <= source_none; end end source_data: begin if (!data_enablewbrequest) begin if (instruction_enablewbrequest) wb_source <= source_instruction; else wb_source <= source_none; end end default: begin wb_source <= source_none; end endcase end end always @(*) begin case (localmemory_source) source_instruction: begin localmemoryaddress = coreinstructionaddress[23:0]; localmemorybyteselect = 4'b1111; localmemoryenable = coreinstructionenable; localmemorywriteenable = 1'b0; localmemorydatawrite = 32'b0; end source_data: begin localmemoryaddress = coredataaddress[23:0]; localmemorybyteselect = coredatabyteselect; localmemoryenable = coredataenable; localmemorywriteenable = coredatawriteenable; localmemorydatawrite = coredatadatawrite; end default: begin if (instruction_enablelocalmemoryrequest) begin localmemoryaddress = coreinstructionaddress[23:0]; localmemorybyteselect = 4'b1111; localmemoryenable = coreinstructionenable; localmemorywriteenable = 1'b0; localmemorydatawrite = 32'b0; end else if (data_enablelocalmemoryrequest) begin localmemoryaddress = coredataaddress[23:0]; localmemorybyteselect = coredatabyteselect; localmemoryenable = coredataenable; localmemorywriteenable = coredatawriteenable; localmemorydatawrite = coredatadatawrite; end else begin localmemoryaddress = 24'b0; localmemorybyteselect = 4'b0; localmemoryenable = 1'b0; localmemorywriteenable = 1'b0; localmemorydatawrite = 32'b0; end end endcase end always @(*) begin case (wb_source) source_instruction: begin wbaddress = coreinstructionaddress[27:0]; wbbyteselect = 4'b1111; wbenable = coreinstructionenable; wbwriteenable = 1'b0; wbdatawrite = 32'b0; end source_data: begin wbaddress = coredataaddress[27:0]; wbbyteselect = coredatabyteselect; wbenable = coredataenable; wbwriteenable = coredatawriteenable; wbdatawrite = coredatadatawrite; end default: begin if (instruction_enablewbrequest) begin wbaddress = coreinstructionaddress[27:0]; wbbyteselect = 4'b1111; wbenable = coreinstructionenable; wbwriteenable = 1'b0; wbdatawrite = 32'b0; end else if (data_enablewbrequest) begin wbaddress = coredataaddress[27:0]; wbbyteselect = coredatabyteselect; wbenable = coredataenable; wbwriteenable = coredatawriteenable; wbdatawrite = coredatadatawrite; end else begin wbaddress = 28'b0; wbbyteselect = 4'b0; wbenable = 1'b0; wbwriteenable = 1'b0; wbdatawrite = 32'b0; end end endcase end always @(*) begin if (rst) begin coreinstructiondataread = ~32'b0; coreinstructionbusy = 1'b1; end else begin if (localmemory_source == source_instruction) begin coreinstructiondataread = localmemorydataread; coreinstructionbusy = localmemorybusy; end else if (wb_source == source_instruction) begin coreinstructiondataread = wbdataread; coreinstructionbusy = wbbusy; end else begin coreinstructiondataread = ~32'b0; coreinstructionbusy = 1'b1; end end end always @(*) begin if (rst) begin coredatadataread = ~32'b0; coredatabusy = 1'b1; end else begin if (localmemory_source == source_data) begin coredatadataread = localmemorydataread; coredatabusy = localmemorybusy; end else if (wb_source == source_data) begin coredatadataread = wbdataread; coredatabusy = wbbusy; end else begin coredatadataread = ~32'b0; coredatabusy = 1'b1; end end end endmodule
module core_wbinterface #( parameter address_width = 28 )( input wire wb_clk_i, input wire wb_rst_i, output wire wb_cyc_o, output wire wb_stb_o, output wire wb_we_o, output reg[3:0] wb_sel_o, output reg[31:0] wb_data_o, output reg[address_width-1:0] wb_adr_o, input wire wb_ack_i, input wire wb_stall_i, input wire wb_error_i, input wire[31:0] wb_data_i, input wire[address_width-1:0] wbaddress, input wire[3:0] wbbyteselect, input wire wbenable, input wire wbwriteenable, input wire[31:0] wbdatawrite, output wire[31:0] wbdataread, output reg wbbusy ); localparam state_idle = 2'h0; localparam state_write_single = 2'h1; localparam state_read_single = 2'h2; reg[1:0] state = state_idle; reg[31:0] readdatabuffered; always @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin if (wb_rst_i || (wb_error_i && state != state_idle)) begin state <= state_idle; readdatabuffered <= ~32'b0; wb_sel_o <= 4'b0; wb_adr_o <= 0; wb_data_o <= ~32'b0; wbbusy <= 1'b0; end else begin case (state) state_idle: begin readdatabuffered <= ~32'b0; wbbusy <= 1'b1; if (wbenable) begin if (wbwriteenable) begin state <= state_write_single; wb_data_o <= wbdatawrite; end else begin state <= state_read_single; wb_data_o <= ~32'b0; end wb_sel_o <= wbbyteselect; wb_adr_o <= wbaddress; end end state_write_single: begin if (wbenable) begin if (wb_ack_i) begin state <= state_idle; wbbusy <= 1'b0; end end else begin state <= state_idle; end end state_read_single: begin if (wbenable) begin if (wb_ack_i) begin state <= state_idle; readdatabuffered <= wb_data_i; wbbusy <= 1'b0; end end else begin state <= state_idle; end end default: begin state <= state_idle; wbbusy <= 1'b1; end endcase end end assign wb_cyc_o = state != state_idle && wbenable; assign wb_stb_o = wb_cyc_o; assign wb_we_o = state == state_write_single; assign wbdataread = readdatabuffered; wire _unused_wb_stall_i = wb_stall_i; endmodule
module memorypage #( parameter address_size = 24, parameter sram_address_size = 9, parameter page_index_address_size = 4, parameter index = 0 )( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire automaticpaging, input wire automaticpagingchanged, input wire manualpageaddressset, input wire[manual_page_address_size-1:0] manualpageaddress, input wire pageselected, input wire pageloading, input wire pageflushing, input wire busenable, input wire buswriteenable, input wire[address_size-1:0] busvirtualaddress, output wire[sram_address_size+1:0] busphysicaladdress, output wire[sram_address_size+1:0] cachesramaddress, input wire cachesrambusy, output reg pagevalid, output wire wordready, input wire qspi_enable, input wire writeenable, output wire[23:0] qspi_address, output wire qspi_changeaddress, output wire qspi_requestdata, output wire qspi_storedata, input wire qspi_wordcomplete, input wire qspi_initialised, input wire qspi_busy, output wire pageaddressset ); localparam page_number_address_size = (address_size - page_data_address_size - 2); localparam page_data_address_size = (sram_address_size - page_index_address_size); localparam page_data_counter_address_size = (page_data_address_size + 1); localparam manual_page_address_size = (page_number_address_size - page_index_address_size); localparam state_empty = 2'b00; localparam state_loading = 2'b01; localparam state_loaded = 2'b10; localparam state_flushing = 2'b11; reg[1:0] state = state_empty; reg datadirty; reg pendingaddresschange; wire[page_index_address_size-1:0] pageindex = index; reg[page_number_address_size-1:0] currentpageaddress; reg[address_size-1:0] loadaddress; wire [address_size-1:0] nextloadaddress = loadaddress + 4; reg[page_data_counter_address_size-1:0] cachedcount; wire[page_data_counter_address_size-1:0] nextcachedcount = cachedcount + 1; wire[page_data_counter_address_size-1:0] cachedcountfinal = 1 << page_data_address_size; wire[page_number_address_size-1:0] targetpageaddress = busvirtualaddress[page_number_address_size+page_data_address_size+2-1:page_data_address_size+2]; wire[page_data_counter_address_size-1:0] targetsubpageaddress = { 1'b0, busvirtualaddress[page_data_address_size+1:2] }; always @(*) begin if (automaticpaging) pagevalid = pageaddressset && (targetpageaddress == currentpageaddress); else pagevalid = pageaddressset && (targetpageaddress[page_index_address_size-1:0] == currentpageaddress[page_index_address_size-1:0]); end wire invalidpage = busenable && ~|busvirtualaddress[1:0] && automaticpaging && !pagevalid; assign wordready = qspi_enable && qspi_initialised && pagevalid && pageselected && (targetsubpageaddress < cachedcount) && (state != state_flushing) && !invalidpage && !pendingaddresschange; reg[page_number_address_size-1:0] currentpageaddressloadaddress; reg requireaddresschange; always @(*) begin currentpageaddressloadaddress = {page_number_address_size{1'b0}}; requireaddresschange = 1'b0; if (automaticpaging) begin if (busenable && ~|busvirtualaddress[1:0] && invalidpage && pageselected) begin currentpageaddressloadaddress = targetpageaddress; requireaddresschange = 1'b1; end end else begin if (manualpageaddressset) begin currentpageaddressloadaddress = { manualpageaddress, pageindex }; requireaddresschange = 1'b1; end end end assign qspi_address = { currentpageaddress[address_size-page_data_address_size-2-1:0], {page_data_address_size{1'b0}}, 2'b00 }; assign qspi_changeaddress = pendingaddresschange && (pageloading || pageflushing) && !qspi_busy; reg memoryoperationpending; always @(posedge clk) begin if (rst) begin memoryoperationpending <= 1'b0; end else begin if (memoryoperationpending) begin if (!cachesrambusy) memoryoperationpending <= 1'b0; end if (pageloading || pageflushing) begin if (qspi_wordcomplete && cachesrambusy) memoryoperationpending <= 1'b1; end else begin memoryoperationpending <= 1'b0; end end end reg pendingload; reg[23:0] pendingloadaddress; always @(posedge clk) begin if (rst) begin state <= state_empty; datadirty <= 1'b0; loadaddress <= 24'b0; cachedcount <= {page_data_counter_address_size{1'b0}}; pendingload <= 1'b0; pendingloadaddress <= 24'b0; end else begin case(state) state_empty: begin if (requireaddresschange) begin `ifdef sim && debug_cached_memory $display("changing base address of cached memory page 0x%h to 0x%h", pageindex, qspi_address); $fflush(); `endif state <= state_loading; datadirty <= 1'b0; loadaddress <= qspi_address; cachedcount <= {page_data_counter_address_size{1'b0}}; end end state_loading: begin if (automaticpagingchanged) begin state <= state_empty; end else if (!pendingaddresschange && (qspi_wordcomplete || memoryoperationpending) && pageloading && !cachesrambusy) begin if (nextcachedcount == cachedcountfinal) begin state <= state_loaded; cachedcount <= nextcachedcount; end else begin loadaddress <= nextloadaddress; cachedcount <= nextcachedcount; end end if (busenable && ~|busvirtualaddress[1:0] && buswriteenable) datadirty <= 1'b1; end state_loaded: begin if (automaticpagingchanged) begin if (writeenable && datadirty) begin state <= state_flushing; pendingload <= 1'b0; end else begin state <= state_empty; end end else if (requireaddresschange) begin if (writeenable && datadirty) begin state <= state_flushing; pendingload <= 1'b1; pendingloadaddress <= qspi_address; end else begin `ifdef sim && debug_cached_memory $display("changing base address of cached memory page 0x%h to 0x%h", pageindex, qspi_address); $fflush(); `endif state <= state_loading; datadirty <= 1'b0; loadaddress <= qspi_address; cachedcount <= {page_data_counter_address_size{1'b0}}; end end else begin if (busenable && ~|busvirtualaddress[1:0] && buswriteenable) datadirty <= 1'b1; end end state_flushing: begin if (!pendingaddresschange) begin if ((qspi_wordcomplete || memoryoperationpending) && pageflushing && !cachesrambusy) begin if (nextcachedcount == cachedcountfinal) begin if (pendingload) begin state <= state_loading; datadirty <= 1'b0; pendingload <= 1'b0; loadaddress <= pendingloadaddress; cachedcount <= {page_data_counter_address_size{1'b0}}; end else begin state <= state_empty; cachedcount <= nextcachedcount; end end else begin loadaddress <= nextloadaddress; cachedcount <= nextcachedcount; end end end end default: state <= state_empty; endcase end end assign pageaddressset = state == state_loading || state == state_loaded; assign qspi_storedata = state == state_flushing; assign qspi_requestdata = state == state_loading; always @(posedge clk) begin if (rst) begin currentpageaddress <= {page_number_address_size{1'b0}}; pendingaddresschange <= 1'b0; end else if (qspi_changeaddress) begin pendingaddresschange <= 1'b0; end else if (requireaddresschange) begin currentpageaddress <= currentpageaddressloadaddress; pendingaddresschange <= 1'b1; end else if (pendingaddresschange && automaticpagingchanged) begin pendingaddresschange <= 1'b0; end end assign busphysicaladdress = { pageindex, busvirtualaddress[page_data_address_size+1:2], 2'b00}; assign cachesramaddress = { pageindex, loadaddress[page_data_address_size+1:2], 2'b00 }; endmodule
module dataregister #( parameter width = 32, parameter address = 12'b0 )( input wire enable, input wire peripheralbus_we, input wire peripheralbus_oe, output wire peripheralbus_busy, input wire[11:0] peripheralbus_address, input wire[3:0] peripheralbus_byteselect, output wire[31:0] peripheralbus_dataread, input wire[31:0] peripheralbus_datawrite, output wire requestoutput, output wire[width-1:0] writedata, output wire writedata_en, input wire writedata_busy, input wire[width-1:0] readdata, output wire readdata_en, input wire readdata_busy ); wire[31:0] datamask = { peripheralbus_byteselect[3] ? 8'hff : 8'h00, peripheralbus_byteselect[2] ? 8'hff : 8'h00, peripheralbus_byteselect[1] ? 8'hff : 8'h00, peripheralbus_byteselect[0] ? 8'hff : 8'h00 }; wire registerselect = enable && (peripheralbus_address == address); wire we = registerselect && peripheralbus_we && !peripheralbus_oe; wire oe = registerselect && peripheralbus_oe && !peripheralbus_we; assign writedata = we ? peripheralbus_datawrite[width-1:0] : {width{1'b0}}; assign writedata_en = we; generate if (width < 32) wire _unused_peripheralbus_datawrite = &{ 1'b0, peripheralbus_datawrite[31:width], 1'b0 }; endgenerate wire[31:0] basereaddata; generate if (width == 32) begin assign basereaddata = readdata; end else begin wire[32-width-1:0] zeropadding = 'b0; assign basereaddata = { zeropadding, readdata }; end endgenerate assign peripheralbus_dataread = oe ? basereaddata & datamask : 32'b0; assign peripheralbus_busy = registerselect && ((we && writedata_busy) | (oe && readdata_busy)); assign requestoutput = oe; assign readdata_en = oe; endmodule
module deviceselect #( parameter id = 4'h0 )( input wire peripheralenable, input wire[15:0] peripheralbus_address, output wire[11:0] localaddress, output wire deviceenable ); assign deviceenable = peripheralenable && (peripheralbus_address[15:12] == id[3:0]); assign localaddress = peripheralbus_address[11:0]; endmodule
module wbperipheralbusinterface ( `ifdef use_power_pins inout vpwr, inout vgnd, `endif input wire wb_clk_i, input wire wb_rst_i, input wire wb_stb_i, input wire wb_cyc_i, input wire wb_we_i, input wire[3:0] wb_sel_i, input wire[31:0] wb_data_i, input wire[23:0] wb_adr_i, output wire wb_ack_o, output wire wb_stall_o, output wire wb_error_o, output wire[31:0] wb_data_o, output wire peripheralbus_we, output wire peripheralbus_oe, input wire peripheralbus_busy, output wire[23:0] peripheralbus_address, output wire[3:0] peripheralbus_byteselect, input wire[31:0] peripheralbus_dataread, output wire[31:0] peripheralbus_datawrite ); localparam state_idle = 2'h0; localparam state_write_single = 2'h1; localparam state_read_single = 2'h2; localparam state_finish = 2'h3; reg[1:0] state = state_idle; reg[23:0] currentaddress; reg[3:0] currentbyteselect; reg stall = 1'b0; reg acknowledge = 1'b0; reg[31:0] dataread_buffered; always @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin if (wb_rst_i) begin state <= state_idle; stall <= 1'b0; acknowledge <= 1'b0; dataread_buffered <= ~32'b0; end else begin case (state) state_idle: begin stall <= 1'b0; acknowledge <= 1'b0; dataread_buffered <= ~32'b0; if (wb_cyc_i) begin if (wb_stb_i) begin currentaddress <= wb_adr_i; currentbyteselect <= wb_sel_i; stall <= 1'b1; if (wb_we_i) begin state <= state_write_single; end else begin state <= state_read_single; end end end end state_write_single: begin if (!peripheralbus_busy) begin state <= state_finish; acknowledge <= 1'b1; end end state_read_single: begin if (!peripheralbus_busy) begin state <= state_finish; acknowledge <= 1'b1; dataread_buffered <= peripheralbus_dataread; end end state_finish: begin state <= state_idle; stall <= 1'b0; acknowledge <= 1'b0; dataread_buffered <= ~32'b0; end default: begin state <= state_idle; stall <= 1'b0; acknowledge <= 1'b0; end endcase end end assign wb_ack_o = acknowledge; assign wb_stall_o = stall; assign wb_error_o = 1'b0; assign peripheralbus_we = state == state_write_single; assign peripheralbus_oe = state == state_read_single; assign peripheralbus_address = state != state_idle ? currentaddress : 24'b0; assign peripheralbus_byteselect = state != state_idle ? currentbyteselect : 4'b0; assign wb_data_o = dataread_buffered; assign peripheralbus_datawrite = state == state_write_single ? wb_data_i : 32'b0; endmodule
module localmemoryinterface_rw #( parameter address_size = 24, parameter sram_address_size = 9 )( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire[address_size-1:0] primaryaddress, input wire[3:0] primarybyteselect, input wire primaryenable, input wire primarywriteenable, input wire[31:0] primarydatawrite, output wire[31:0] primarydataread, output wire primarybusy, input wire[address_size-1:0] secondaryaddress, input wire[3:0] secondarybyteselect, input wire secondaryenable, input wire secondarywriteenable, input wire[31:0] secondarydatawrite, output wire[31:0] secondarydataread, output wire secondarybusy, output wire sram_primaryselect, output wire sram_primarywriteenable, output wire[sram_address_size-1:0] sram_primaryaddress, output reg[3:0] sram_primarywritemask, output reg[31:0] sram_primarydatawrite, input wire[31:0] sram_primarydataread ); localparam primary = 1'b0; localparam secondary = 1'b1; wire primarysramenable; wire primarysramwriteenable = primarysramenable && primarywriteenable && ~|primaryaddress[1:0]; wire secondarysramenable; wire secondarysramwriteenable = secondarysramenable && secondarywriteenable && ~|secondaryaddress[1:0]; generate if (address_size <= sram_address_size+2) begin assign primarysramenable = primaryenable; assign secondarysramenable = secondaryenable; end else begin assign primarysramenable = primaryaddress[address_size-1:sram_address_size+2] == 'b0 && primaryenable; assign secondarysramenable = secondaryaddress[address_size-1:sram_address_size+2] == 'b0 && secondaryenable; end endgenerate wire[31:0] rwportreaddata; wire rwactiondone; reg primaryactiondone = 1'b0; reg[3:0] lastprimarybyteselect = 4'b0; always @(posedge clk) begin if (rst) begin primaryactiondone <= 1'b0; lastprimarybyteselect <= 4'b0; end else if (rwactiondone && (wrcontroller == primary)) begin primaryactiondone <= 1'b1; lastprimarybyteselect <= primarybyteselect; end else begin primaryactiondone <= 1'b0; end end reg secondaryactiondone = 1'b0; reg[3:0] lastsecondarybyteselect = 4'b0; always @(posedge clk) begin if (rst) begin secondaryactiondone <= 1'b0; lastsecondarybyteselect <= 4'b0; end else if (rwactiondone && (wrcontroller == secondary)) begin secondaryactiondone <= 1'b1; lastsecondarybyteselect <= secondarybyteselect; end else if (secondaryactiondone) begin secondaryactiondone <= 1'b0; end end reg wrcontroller = 1'b0; always @(negedge clk) begin if (rst) begin wrcontroller <= 1'b0; end else begin if (rwactiondone || !rwportenable) begin if (primarysramenable) begin wrcontroller <= primary; end else if (secondarysramenable) begin wrcontroller <= secondary; end end end end assign primarybusy = primarysramenable && (wrcontroller != primary || !primaryactiondone); assign secondarybusy = secondarysramenable && (wrcontroller != secondary || !secondaryactiondone); wire rwportenable = wrcontroller ? secondarysramenable : primarysramenable; reg rwwriteenable; reg[sram_address_size-1:0] rwaddress; always @(*) begin if (rst) begin rwwriteenable = 1'b0; rwaddress = 'b0; end else begin case (wrcontroller) primary: begin rwwriteenable = primarysramwriteenable; rwaddress = primaryaddress[sram_address_size+1:2]; end secondary: begin rwwriteenable = secondarysramwriteenable; rwaddress = secondaryaddress[sram_address_size+1:2]; end endcase end end assign primarydataread = { lastprimarybyteselect[3] && primaryactiondone ? rwportreaddata[31:24] : ~8'h00, lastprimarybyteselect[2] && primaryactiondone ? rwportreaddata[23:16] : ~8'h00, lastprimarybyteselect[1] && primaryactiondone ? rwportreaddata[15:8] : ~8'h00, lastprimarybyteselect[0] && primaryactiondone ? rwportreaddata[7:0] : ~8'h00 }; assign secondarydataread = { lastsecondarybyteselect[3] && secondaryactiondone ? rwportreaddata[31:24] : ~8'h00, lastsecondarybyteselect[2] && secondaryactiondone ? rwportreaddata[23:16] : ~8'h00, lastsecondarybyteselect[1] && secondaryactiondone ? rwportreaddata[15:8] : ~8'h00, lastsecondarybyteselect[0] && secondaryactiondone ? rwportreaddata[7:0] : ~8'h00 }; always @(*) begin if (rst) begin sram_primarywritemask = 4'b0; sram_primarydatawrite = 32'b0; end else begin if (wrcontroller == primary) begin sram_primarywritemask = primarybyteselect; sram_primarydatawrite = primarydatawrite; end else if (wrcontroller == secondary) begin sram_primarywritemask = secondarybyteselect; sram_primarydatawrite = secondarydatawrite; end else begin sram_primarywritemask = 4'b0; sram_primarydatawrite = 32'b0; end end end assign sram_primaryselect = rwportenable; assign sram_primarywriteenable = rwwriteenable; assign sram_primaryaddress = rwaddress; assign rwactiondone = rwportenable; assign rwportreaddata = sram_primarydataread; endmodule
module videomemory ( `ifdef use_power_pins inout vpwr, inout vgnd, `endif input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire peripheralbus_we, input wire peripheralbus_oe, output wire peripheralbus_busy, input wire[23:0] peripheralbus_address, input wire[3:0] peripheralbus_byteselect, input wire[31:0] peripheralbus_datawrite, output wire[31:0] peripheralbus_dataread, output wire requestoutput, input wire pixel_spritemode, input wire pixel_fetchdata, input wire[sram_address_size+3-1:0] pixel_address, output reg[31:0] pixel_data, output reg sram_pixel_primaryselect, output wire sram_pixel_primarywriteenable, output wire[3:0] sram_pixel_primarywritemask, output wire[sram_address_size-1:0] sram_pixel_primaryaddress, output wire[31:0] sram_pixel_primarydatawrite, input wire[31:0] sram_pixel_primarydataread, output reg sram_pixel_secondaryselect, output reg[sram_address_size-1:0] sram_pixel_secondaryaddress, input wire[31:0] sram_pixel_secondarydataread, output reg sram_tilemap_primaryselect, output wire sram_tilemap_primarywriteenable, output wire[3:0] sram_tilemap_primarywritemask, output wire[sram_address_size-1:0] sram_tilemap_primaryaddress, output wire[31:0] sram_tilemap_primarydatawrite, input wire[31:0] sram_tilemap_primarydataread, output reg sram_tilemap_secondaryselect, output reg[sram_address_size-1:0] sram_tilemap_secondaryaddress, input wire[31:0] sram_tilemap_secondarydataread ); localparam sram_address_size = 10; localparam sram_peripheral_bus_address = 11'h000; wire peripheralbusvalidaddress = peripheralbus_address[23:sram_address_size+3] == sram_peripheral_bus_address; wire peripheralbusreadenable = peripheralbus_oe && peripheralbusvalidaddress; wire peripheralbuswriteenable = peripheralbus_we && peripheralbusvalidaddress; wire peripheralbusenablesram = peripheralbusreadenable || peripheralbuswriteenable; wire peripheralbussrambank = peripheralbus_address[sram_address_size+2]; always @(*) begin sram_pixel_primaryselect = 1'b0; sram_tilemap_primaryselect = 1'b0; if (peripheralbusenablesram) begin case (peripheralbussrambank) 1'b0: sram_pixel_primaryselect = 1'b1; 1'b1: sram_tilemap_primaryselect = 1'b1; endcase end end reg wbreadready = 1'b0; always @(posedge clk) begin if (rst) wbreadready <= 1'b0; else if (peripheralbusreadenable) wbreadready <= 1'b1; else wbreadready <= 1'b0; end reg[31:0] readdata; assign peripheralbus_dataread = { peripheralbus_byteselect[3] && wbreadready ? readdata[31:24] : 8'h00, peripheralbus_byteselect[2] && wbreadready ? readdata[23:16] : 8'h00, peripheralbus_byteselect[1] && wbreadready ? readdata[15:8] : 8'h00, peripheralbus_byteselect[0] && wbreadready ? readdata[7:0] : 8'h00 }; assign peripheralbus_busy = peripheralbusreadenable && !wbreadready; assign requestoutput = peripheralbusreadenable; assign sram_pixel_primarywriteenable = peripheralbuswriteenable; assign sram_pixel_primarywritemask = peripheralbus_byteselect; assign sram_pixel_primaryaddress = peripheralbus_address[sram_address_size+1:2]; assign sram_pixel_primarydatawrite = peripheralbus_datawrite; assign sram_tilemap_primarywriteenable = peripheralbuswriteenable; assign sram_tilemap_primarywritemask = peripheralbus_byteselect; assign sram_tilemap_primaryaddress = peripheralbus_address[sram_address_size+1:2]; assign sram_tilemap_primarydatawrite = peripheralbus_datawrite; always @(*) begin if (peripheralbusreadenable) begin case (peripheralbussrambank) 1'b0: readdata = sram_pixel_primarydataread; 1'b1: readdata = sram_tilemap_primarydataread; endcase end else begin readdata = ~32'b0; end end always @(*) begin sram_pixel_secondaryselect = 1'b0; sram_tilemap_secondaryselect = 1'b0; if (pixel_fetchdata) begin if (pixel_spritemode) begin sram_pixel_secondaryselect = 1'b1; sram_tilemap_secondaryselect = 1'b1; end else begin case (pixel_address[sram_address_size+2]) 1'b0: sram_pixel_secondaryselect = 1'b1; 1'b1: sram_tilemap_secondaryselect = 1'b1; endcase end end end always @(*) begin if (pixel_spritemode) begin sram_pixel_secondaryaddress = sram_tilemap_secondarydataread[sram_address_size-1:0]; sram_tilemap_secondaryaddress = pixel_address[sram_address_size+1:2]; end else begin sram_pixel_secondaryaddress = pixel_address[sram_address_size+1:2]; sram_tilemap_secondaryaddress = pixel_address[sram_address_size+1:2]; end end always @(*) begin pixel_data = 32'b0; if (pixel_fetchdata) begin if (pixel_spritemode) begin pixel_data = sram_pixel_secondarydataread; end else begin case (pixel_address[sram_address_size+2]) 1'b0: pixel_data = sram_pixel_secondarydataread; 1'b1: pixel_data = sram_tilemap_secondarydataread; endcase end end end wire[1:0] _unused_peripheralbus_address = peripheralbus_address[1:0]; endmodule
module controllerarbiter ( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire[3:0] request, output wire[1:0] controllerselected ); localparam controller0 = 2'h0; localparam controller1 = 2'h1; localparam controller2 = 2'h2; localparam controller3 = 2'h3; reg[1:0] currentcontroller = controller0; reg[1:0] nextcontroller; always @(*) begin nextcontroller = currentcontroller; case (currentcontroller) controller0: begin if (!request[0]) begin if (request[1]) nextcontroller = controller1; else if (request[2]) nextcontroller = controller2; else if (request[3]) nextcontroller = controller3; end end controller1: begin if (!request[1]) begin if (request[2]) nextcontroller = controller2; else if (request[3]) nextcontroller = controller3; else if (request[0]) nextcontroller = controller0; end end controller2: begin if (!request[2]) begin if (request[3]) nextcontroller = controller3; else if (request[0]) nextcontroller = controller0; else if (request[1]) nextcontroller = controller1; end end controller3: begin if (!request[3]) begin if (request[0]) nextcontroller = controller0; else if (request[1]) nextcontroller = controller1; else if (request[2]) nextcontroller = controller2; end end endcase end always @(posedge clk) begin if (rst) currentcontroller <= controller0; else currentcontroller <= nextcontroller; end assign controllerselected = nextcontroller; endmodule
module id_ex ( input clk , input id_alusrc , input id_memtoreg , input id_regwrite , input id_memread , input id_memwrite , input id_branch , input id_jump , input [ 1:0] id_aluop , input [63:0] id_pcaddress, input [63:0] id_readdata1, input [63:0] id_readdata2, input [63:0] id_eximm , input id_funct7 , input [ 2:0] id_funct3 , input [ 4:0] id_rdreg , output reg ex_alusrc , output reg ex_memtoreg , output reg ex_regwrite , output reg ex_memread , output reg ex_memwrite , output reg ex_branch , output reg ex_jump , output reg [ 1:0] ex_aluop , output reg [63:0] ex_pcaddress, output reg [63:0] ex_readdata1, output reg [63:0] ex_readdata2, output reg [63:0] ex_eximm , output reg ex_funct7 , output reg [ 2:0] ex_funct3 , output reg [ 4:0] ex_rdreg ); always @(posedge clk) begin ex_alusrc <= id_alusrc; ex_memtoreg <= id_memtoreg; ex_regwrite <= id_regwrite; ex_memread <= id_memread; ex_memwrite <= id_memwrite; ex_branch <= id_branch; ex_jump <= id_jump; ex_aluop <= id_aluop; ex_pcaddress <= id_pcaddress; ex_readdata1 <= id_readdata1; ex_readdata2 <= id_readdata2; ex_funct7 <= id_funct7; ex_funct3 <= id_funct3; ex_rdreg <= id_rdreg; ex_eximm <= id_eximm; end endmodule
module if_id ( input clk , input [63:0] if_pcaddress , input [31:0] if_instruction, output reg [63:0] id_pcaddress , output reg [63:0] id_instruction ); always@(posedge clk)begin id_pcaddress = if_pcaddress; id_instruction = if_instruction; end endmodule
module instructionmemory ( input [63:0] pc_address , output reg [31:0] instruction ); reg [31:0] inst_mem[0:1024]; initial $readmemh ("rom.txt", inst_mem); always @(*) begin instruction = inst_mem[pc_address[63:2]]; end endmodule
module capture #( parameter pcount = 1000 ) ( input i_clk, i_rst, input [4:0] i_100, input [4:0] i_010, input [4:0] i_001, output [4:0] o_100, output [4:0] o_010, output [4:0] o_001 ); reg [7:0] r_rst = 'hff; wire w_rst = r_rst[7]; always @( posedge i_clk ) if( i_rst ) r_rst <= 'hff; else r_rst <= { r_rst, 1'b0 }; reg [15:0] r_cnt; always @( posedge i_clk ) if( w_rst ) r_cnt <= 'd0; else if( r_cnt == pcount ) r_cnt <= 'd0; else r_cnt <= r_cnt + 1; reg [4:0] r_100, r_010, r_001; assign o_100 = r_100; assign o_010 = r_010; assign o_001 = r_001; always @( posedge i_clk ) if( w_rst ) begin r_100 <= 'd0; r_010 <= 'd0; r_001 <= 'd0; end else if( r_cnt == pcount ) begin r_100 <= i_100; r_010 <= i_010; r_001 <= i_001; end endmodule
module grey_10 ( input i_clk, i_rst, output [4:0] o_cnt, output o_clk_div ); localparam pzero = 'b10001; localparam pone = 'b00001; localparam ptwo = 'b00011; localparam pthree = 'b00010; localparam pfour = 'b00110; localparam pfive = 'b00100; localparam psix = 'b01100; localparam pseven = 'b01000; localparam peight = 'b11000; localparam pnine = 'b10000; reg [7:0] r_rst = 'hff; wire w_rst = r_rst[7]; always @( posedge i_clk ) if( i_rst ) r_rst <= 'hff; else r_rst <= { r_rst, 1'b0 }; reg [4:0] r_cnt; assign o_cnt = r_cnt; always @( posedge i_clk ) if( w_rst ) r_cnt <= pzero; else r_cnt <= f_next( r_cnt ); reg r_clk_div, r_start; assign o_clk_div = r_clk_div; always @( posedge i_clk ) if( w_rst ) begin r_clk_div <= 'b1; r_start <= 'b1; end else casex({ r_cnt == pfour, r_cnt == pnine, r_start }) 'b1xx: r_clk_div <= 'b1; 'b01x: r_clk_div <= 'b0; 'b001: begin r_clk_div <= 'b0; r_start <= 'b0; end default: r_clk_div <= r_clk_div; endcase function [4:0] f_next( input [4:0] f_in ); case( f_in ) pzero: f_next = pone; pone: f_next = ptwo; ptwo: f_next = pthree; pthree: f_next = pfour; pfour: f_next = pfive; pfive: f_next = psix; psix: f_next = pseven; pseven: f_next = peight; peight: f_next = pnine; default: f_next = pzero; endcase endfunction endmodule
module led ( input i_clk, i_rst, input [4:0] i_grey, output [7:0] o_led ); localparam pzero = 'b10001; localparam pone = 'b00001; localparam ptwo = 'b00011; localparam pthree = 'b00010; localparam pfour = 'b00110; localparam pfive = 'b00100; localparam psix = 'b01100; localparam pseven = 'b01000; localparam peight = 'b11000; localparam pnine = 'b10000; localparam pdp = 'b10101; reg [4:0] r_led; assign o_led = r_led; always @( posedge i_clk ) if( i_rst ) r_led <= 'd0; else case( i_grey ) pzero: r_led <= 'b00111111; pone: r_led <= 'b00000110; ptwo: r_led <= 'b01011011; pthree: r_led <= 'b01001111; pfour: r_led <= 'b01100110; pfive: r_led <= 'b01101101; psix: r_led <= 'b01111101; pseven: r_led <= 'b00000111; peight: r_led <= 'b01111111; pnine: r_led <= 'b01101111; pdp: r_led <= 'b10000000; default: r_led <= 'b01000000; endcase endmodule
module ringd #( parameter pstages = 5 ) ( output o_clk ); wire [7:0] w_rst; reg r_rst = 'b1; always @( w_rst[7] ) r_rst <= 'b0; localparam pdel = 0.020; assign #pdel w_rst[0] = r_rst; assign #pdel w_rst[1] = w_rst[0]; assign #pdel w_rst[2] = w_rst[1]; assign #pdel w_rst[3] = w_rst[2]; assign #pdel w_rst[4] = w_rst[3]; assign #pdel w_rst[5] = w_rst[4]; assign #pdel w_rst[6] = w_rst[5]; assign #pdel w_rst[7] = w_rst[6]; localparam pnum = ( pstages * 2 ) - 1; wire [pnum:0] w_clk; assign o_clk = w_clk[1]; genvar ii; for( ii=0; ii<pnum; ii=ii+2 ) begin wire w_init = ( ii % 4 ) >> 1; localparam xx = ii+3 > pnum ? 1 : ii+3; localparam yy = ii+2 > pnum ? 0 : ii+2; assign #pdel w_clk[ ii+1 :ii] = f_inv( r_rst, w_init, w_clk[ xx :yy], w_clk[ ii+1 :ii] ); end function [1:0] f_inv( input i_rst, i_init, input [1:0] i_pn, i_ppn ); if( i_rst ) if( i_init ) f_inv = 'b10; else f_inv = 'b01; else case( i_pn ) 'b01: f_inv = 'b10; 'b10: f_inv = 'b01; default: f_inv = i_ppn; endcase endfunction endmodule
module mariam_updown_counter( `ifdef use_power_pins inout vccd1, inout vssd1, `endif input clk, reset,up_down, output[3:0] counter, output wire [3:0]io_oeb); reg [3:0] counter_up_down; assign io_oeb= 4'b0000; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if(reset) counter_up_down <= 4'h0; else if(~up_down) counter_up_down <= counter_up_down + 4'd1; else counter_up_down <= counter_up_down - 4'd1; end assign counter = counter_up_down; endmodule
module ds18b20_dri( input clk , input rst_n , inout dq , output reg [19:0] temp_data , output reg sign ); localparam rom_skip_cmd = 8'hcc; localparam convert_cmd = 8'h44; localparam read_temp = 8'hbe; localparam init = 3'd1 ; localparam rom_skip = 3'd2 ; localparam wr_byte = 3'd3 ; localparam temp_convert = 3'd4 ; localparam delay = 3'd5 ; localparam rd_temp = 3'd6 ; localparam rd_byte = 3'd7 ; reg [ 5:0] cnt ; reg clk_1us ; reg [19:0] cnt_1us ; reg [ 2:0] cur_state ; reg [ 2:0] next_state ; reg [ 3:0] flow_cnt ; reg [ 3:0] wr_cnt ; reg [ 4:0] rd_cnt ; reg [ 7:0] wr_data ; reg [ 4:0] bit_width ; reg [15:0] rd_data ; reg [15:0] org_data ; reg [10:0] data1 ; reg [ 3:0] cmd_cnt ; reg init_done ; reg st_done ; reg cnt_1us_en ; reg dq_out ; wire [19:0] data2 ; assign dq = dq_out; always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin cnt <= 6'b0; clk_1us <= 1'b0; end else if(cnt < 6'd49) begin cnt <= cnt + 1'b1; clk_1us <= clk_1us; end else begin cnt <= 6'b0; clk_1us <= ~clk_1us; end end always @ (posedge clk_1us or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) cnt_1us <= 20'b0; else if (cnt_1us_en) cnt_1us <= cnt_1us + 1'b1; else cnt_1us <= 20'b0; end always @ (posedge clk_1us or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) cur_state <= init; else cur_state <= next_state; end always @( * ) begin case(cur_state) init: begin if (init_done) next_state = rom_skip; else next_state = init; end rom_skip: begin if(st_done) next_state = wr_byte; else next_state = rom_skip; end wr_byte: begin if(st_done) case(cmd_cnt) 4'b1: next_state = temp_convert; 4'd2: next_state = delay; 4'd3: next_state = rd_temp; 4'd4: next_state = rd_byte; default: next_state = temp_convert; endcase else next_state = wr_byte; end temp_convert: begin if(st_done) next_state = wr_byte; else next_state = temp_convert; end delay: begin if(st_done) next_state = init; else next_state = delay; end rd_temp: begin if(st_done) next_state = wr_byte; else next_state = rd_temp; end rd_byte: begin if(st_done) next_state = init; else next_state = rd_byte; end default: next_state = init; endcase end always @ (posedge clk_1us or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) begin flow_cnt <= 4'b0; init_done <= 1'b0; cnt_1us_en <= 1'b1; dq_out <= 1'bz; st_done <= 1'b0; rd_data <= 16'b0; rd_cnt <= 5'd0; wr_cnt <= 4'd0; cmd_cnt <= 3'd0; end else begin st_done <= 1'b0; case (next_state) init:begin init_done <= 1'b0; case(flow_cnt) 4'd0: flow_cnt <= flow_cnt + 1'b1; 4'd1: begin cnt_1us_en <= 1'b1; if(cnt_1us < 20'd500) dq_out <= 1'b0; else begin cnt_1us_en <= 1'b0; dq_out <= 1'bz; flow_cnt <= flow_cnt + 1'b1; end end 4'd2:begin cnt_1us_en <= 1'b1; if(cnt_1us < 20'd30) dq_out <= 1'bz; else flow_cnt <= flow_cnt + 1'b1; end 4'd3: begin if(!dq) flow_cnt <= flow_cnt + 1'b1; else flow_cnt <= flow_cnt; end 4'd4: begin if(cnt_1us == 20'd500) begin cnt_1us_en <= 1'b0; init_done <= 1'b1; flow_cnt <= 4'd0; end else flow_cnt <= flow_cnt; end default: flow_cnt <= 4'd0; endcase end rom_skip: begin wr_data <= rom_skip_cmd; flow_cnt <= 4'd0; st_done <= 1'b1; end wr_byte: begin if(wr_cnt <= 4'd7) begin case (flow_cnt) 4'd0: begin dq_out <= 1'b0; cnt_1us_en <= 1'b1; flow_cnt <= flow_cnt + 1'b1; end 4'd1: begin flow_cnt <= flow_cnt + 1'b1; end 4'd2: begin if(cnt_1us < 20'd60) dq_out <= wr_data[wr_cnt]; else if(cnt_1us < 20'd63) dq_out <= 1'bz; else flow_cnt <= flow_cnt + 1'b1; end 4'd3: begin flow_cnt <= 0; cnt_1us_en <= 1'b0; wr_cnt <= wr_cnt + 1'b1; end default : flow_cnt <= 0; endcase end else begin st_done <= 1'b1; wr_cnt <= 4'b0; cmd_cnt <= (cmd_cnt == 3'd4) ? 3'd1 : (cmd_cnt+ 1'b1); end end temp_convert: begin wr_data <= convert_cmd; st_done <= 1'b1; end delay: begin cnt_1us_en <= 1'b1; if(cnt_1us == 20'd500000) begin st_done <= 1'b1; cnt_1us_en <= 1'b0; end end rd_temp: begin wr_data <= read_temp; bit_width <= 5'd16; st_done <= 1'b1; end rd_byte: begin if(rd_cnt < bit_width) begin case(flow_cnt) 4'd0: begin cnt_1us_en <= 1'b1; dq_out <= 1'b0; flow_cnt <= flow_cnt + 1'b1; end 4'd1: begin dq_out <= 1'bz; if(cnt_1us == 20'd14) begin rd_data <= {dq,rd_data[15:1]}; flow_cnt <= flow_cnt + 1'b1 ; end end 4'd2: begin if (cnt_1us <= 20'd64) dq_out <= 1'bz; else begin flow_cnt <= 4'd0; rd_cnt <= rd_cnt + 1'b1; cnt_1us_en <= 1'b0; end end default : flow_cnt <= 4'd0; endcase end else begin st_done <= 1'b1; org_data <= rd_data; rd_cnt <= 5'b0; end end default: ; endcase end end always @(posedge clk_1us or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) begin sign <= 1'b0; data1 <= 11'b0; end else if(org_data[15] == 1'b0) begin sign <= 1'b0; data1 <= org_data[10:0]; end else if(org_data[15] == 1'b1) begin sign <= 1'b1; data1 <= ~org_data[10:0] + 1'b1; end end assign data2 = (data1 * 11'd625)/ 7'd100; always @(posedge clk_1us or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) temp_data <= 20'b0; else temp_data <= data2; end endmodule
module lelbc_test_rf(in,key,cnt,result); input [0:63]in; input [0:127]key; input [0:3]cnt; output [0:63]result; reg [0:3] sbox[0:15]; initial begin sbox[ 0]=4'hc; sbox[ 1]=4'he; sbox[ 2]=4'h6; sbox[ 3]=4'ha; sbox[ 4]=4'h4; sbox[ 5]=4'hf; sbox[ 6]=4'h2; sbox[ 7]=4'h7; sbox[ 8]=4'h9; sbox[ 9]=4'h8; sbox[10]=4'h3; sbox[11]=4'hb; sbox[12]=4'h0; sbox[13]=4'hd; sbox[14]=4'h1; sbox[15]=4'h5; end wire [0:63]in1; assign in1[0:31]=in[0:31]^key[0:31]; wire [0:31]temp1; assign temp1={in1[5:31],in1[0:4]}; assign in1[32:63]=temp1[0:31]^in[32:63]; wire [0:63]in2; assign in2={sbox[ in1[0:3] ],sbox[ in1[4:7] ],sbox[ in1[8:11] ],sbox[ in1[12:15]],sbox[ in1[16:19]],sbox[ in1[20:23]],sbox[ in1[24:27]],sbox[ in1[28:31]],sbox[ in1[32:35] ],sbox[ in1[36:39] ],sbox[ in1[40:43] ],sbox[ in1[44:47]],sbox[ in1[48:51]],sbox[ in1[52:55]],sbox[ in1[56:59]],sbox[ in1[60:63]]}; wire [0:31]temp2; wire [0:63]in3; assign temp2={in2[37:63],in2[32:36]}; assign in3[0:31]=temp2[0:31]^in2[0:31]; assign in3[32:63]=in2[32:63]^key[32:63]; assign result=in3; endmodule
module uart_loop ( input sys_clk, input sys_rst_n, input recv_done, input [63:0] recv_data, input tx_busy, output reg send_en, output reg [63:0] send_data ); reg recv_done_d0; reg recv_done_d1; reg tx_ready; reg encrypt_start; reg [63:0] state; reg [79:0] keys; reg clk; reg [23:0] counter; wire recv_done_flag; wire encrypt_end; wire [0:63] result; assign recv_done_flag = (~recv_done_d1) & recv_done_d0; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) begin if (!sys_rst_n) begin recv_done_d0 <= 1'b0; recv_done_d1 <= 1'b0; end else begin recv_done_d0 <= recv_done; recv_done_d1 <= recv_done_d0; end end always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) begin if (!sys_rst_n) begin tx_ready <= 1'b0; send_en <= 1'b0; send_data <= 8'd0; end else begin if (recv_done_flag) begin tx_ready <= 1'b1; send_en <= 1'b0; send_data <= recv_data; end else begin if (tx_ready && (~tx_busy)) begin tx_ready <= 1'b0; send_en <= 1'b1; send_data <= recv_data; end end end end endmodule
module comparator_top #(parameter functional = 1) ( `ifdef use_power_pins input vdd, input vss, input dvdd, input dvss, `endif `ifndef cocotb_sim input `real vinp, input `real vinm, `else input real vinp, input real vinm, `endif output vout ); `ifdef functional assign vout = (vinp > vinm) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; `endif endmodule
module dac_3v_8bit #(parameter functional = 1)( `ifdef use_power_pins input vdd, input vss, input dvdd, input dvss, `endif `ifndef cocotb_sim input `real vlow, input `real vhigh, `else input real vlow, input real vhigh, `endif input ena, input b0, input b1, input b2, input b3, input b4, input b5, input b6, input b7, `ifndef cocotb_sim output `real out `else output real out `endif ); `ifdef functional `ifndef cocotb_sim reg `real dacvalue; `else real dacvalue; `endif assign out = dacvalue; initial begin dacvalue <= 0; end always @* begin if (ena == 1'b1) begin dacvalue = vlow + {b7, b6, b5, b4, b3, b2, b1, b0} * (vhigh - vlow) / 255.0; end else begin dacvalue = 0.0; end end `endif endmodule
module sar #(parameter size = 8) ( `ifdef use_power_pins input dvdd, input dvss, `endif input wire clk, input wire rst_n, input wire soc, input wire cmp, output wire hold, output wire [size-1:0] data, output wire eoc ); reg [1:0] rstn_sync; wire rstn = rstn_sync[1]; always @(posedge clk) rstn_sync[1:0] <= {rstn_sync[0], rstn}; reg [size-1:0] result; reg [size-1:0] shift; reg [1:0] state, nstate; localparam idle = 0, sample= 1, conv = 2, done = 3; always @* case (state) idle : if(soc) nstate = sample; else nstate = idle; sample : nstate = conv; conv : if(shift == 1'b1) nstate = done; else nstate = conv; done : nstate = idle; default: nstate = idle; endcase always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn) if(!rstn) state <= idle; else state <= nstate; always @(posedge clk) if(state == idle) shift <= 1'b1 << (size-1); else if(state == conv) shift<= shift >> 1; wire [size-1:0] current = (cmp == 1'b0) ? ~shift : {size{1'b1}} ; wire [size-1:0] next = shift >> 1; always @(posedge clk) if(state == idle) result <= 1'b1 << (size-1); else if(state == conv) result <= (result | next) & current; assign data = result; assign eoc = (state==done); assign hold = (state == conv); endmodule
module gradient_computation( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire [15:0] in, input wire [15:0] derivative, output wire [15:0] out ); reg [15:0] out_int; always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if (rst) begin out_int <= 16'h0; end else begin out_int <= in * derivative; end end assign out = out_int; endmodule
module forward_prop ( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire start, input wire mmu_ready, input wire [15:0] mmu_data, input wire activate_ready, input wire [15:0] activate_out, output wire mmu_we, output wire mmu_valid, output wire [15:0] mmu_address, output wire [15:0] activate_in, output wire [1:0] activate_ctrl, output wire done ); localparam neuron_data_base_address = 16'h0000; localparam weights_base_address = 16'h0100; localparam biases_base_address = 16'h0200; parameter idle = 3'b000; parameter read_data = 3'b001; parameter read_weights = 3'b010; parameter read_biases = 3'b011; parameter compute = 3'b100; reg [1:0] layer_activation [0:3]; always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if (rst) begin layer_activation[0] <= 2'b00; layer_activation[1] <= 2'b01; layer_activation[2] <= 2'b10; layer_activation[3] <= 2'b00; end end reg [2:0] state; reg [2:0] next_state; reg [15:0] data_in, w, b, neuron_out; reg [4:0] neuron_counter; reg [1:0] layer_counter; reg done_signal; reg [15:0] mmu_address_int; reg mmu_valid_int; reg mmu_we_int; reg [15:0] activate_in_int; reg [1:0] activate_ctrl_int; always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if (rst) begin neuron_counter <= 5'b0; layer_counter <= 2'b0; done_signal <= 1'b0; end else if (state == compute && next_state == read_data && neuron_counter == 5'b110) begin neuron_counter <= 5'b0; layer_counter <= layer_counter + 1'b1; end else if (state == compute && next_state == read_data) begin neuron_counter <= neuron_counter + 1'b1; end else if (state == compute && next_state == idle) begin done_signal <= 1'b1; end end always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if (rst) state <= idle; else state <= next_state; end always @* begin next_state = state; case (state) idle: if (start) next_state = read_data; read_data: next_state = read_weights; read_weights: next_state = read_biases; read_biases: next_state = compute; compute: next_state = (layer_counter == 2'b11 || (layer_counter != 2'b10 && neuron_counter == 5'b010)) ? idle : read_data; default: next_state = idle; endcase end always @(posedge clk) begin case (state) read_data: begin mmu_address_int <= neuron_data_base_address + (layer_counter << 4) + neuron_counter; mmu_valid_int <= 1; mmu_we_int <= 0; if (mmu_ready) data_in <= mmu_data; if (mmu_ready) state <= read_weights; end read_weights: begin mmu_address_int <= weights_base_address + (layer_counter << 4) + neuron_counter; mmu_we_int <= 0; mmu_valid_int <= 1; if (mmu_ready) w <= mmu_data; if (mmu_ready) state <= read_biases; end read_biases: begin mmu_address_int <= biases_base_address + neuron_counter; mmu_we_int <= 0; mmu_valid_int <= 1; if (mmu_ready) b <= mmu_data; if (mmu_ready) state <= compute; end compute: begin activate_in_int <= data_in * w + b; activate_ctrl_int <= layer_activation[layer_counter]; mmu_valid_int <= 0; if (activate_ready) neuron_out <= activate_out; if (activate_ready) state <= idle; end default:; endcase end assign mmu_address = mmu_address_int; assign mmu_valid = mmu_valid_int; assign mmu_we = mmu_we_int; assign activate_in = activate_in_int; assign activate_ctrl = activate_ctrl_int; assign done = done_signal; endmodule
module mmu ( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire [15:0] address, input wire we, input wire [15:0] data_in, output reg [15:0] data_out ); reg [15:0] neuron_data_memory [0:5]; reg [15:0] weights_memory [0:17]; reg [15:0] biases_memory [0:6]; always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if (rst) begin data_out <= 16'h0; end else if (we) begin if (address < 16'h0100) begin neuron_data_memory[address[3:0]] <= data_in; end else if (address < 16'h0200) begin weights_memory[address[4:0]] <= data_in; end else begin biases_memory[address[2:0]] <= data_in; end end else begin if (address < 16'h0100) begin data_out <= neuron_data_memory[address[3:0]]; end else if (address < 16'h0200) begin data_out <= weights_memory[address[4:0]]; end else begin data_out <= biases_memory[address[2:0]]; end end end endmodule