for (new i = index + 1; i < maxents; ++i) {
if (pev_valid(i) && (pev(i, pev_field) & flags) == flags)
return i
return 0
stock Float:fm_distance_to_box(const Float:point[3], const Float:mins[3], const Float:maxs[3]) {
new Float:dist[3]
for (new i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
if (point[i] > maxs[i])
dist[i] = point[i] - maxs[i]
else if (mins[i] > point[i])
dist[i] = mins[i] - point[i]
return vector_length(dist)
stock Float:fm_boxes_distance(const Float:mins1[3], const Float:maxs1[3], const Float:mins2[3], const Float:maxs2[3]) {
new Float:dist[3]
for (new i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
if (mins1[i] > maxs2[i])
dist[i] = mins1[i] - maxs2[i]
else if (mins2[i] > maxs1[i])
dist[i] = mins2[i] - maxs1[i]
return vector_length(dist)
stock Float:fm_distance_to_boxent(entity, boxent) {
new Float:point[3]
pev(entity, pev_origin, point)
new Float:mins[3], Float:maxs[3]
pev(boxent, pev_absmin, mins)
pev(boxent, pev_absmax, maxs)
return fm_distance_to_box(point, mins, maxs)
stock Float:fm_boxents_distance(boxent1, boxent2) {
new Float:mins1[3], Float:maxs1[3]
pev(boxent1, pev_absmin, mins1)
pev(boxent1, pev_absmax, maxs1)
new Float:mins2[3], Float:maxs2[3]
pev(boxent2, pev_absmin, mins2)
pev(boxent2, pev_absmax, maxs2)
return fm_boxes_distance(mins1, maxs1, mins2, maxs2)
// projects a center of a player's feet base (originally by P34nut, improved)
stock Float:fm_distance_to_floor(index, ignoremonsters = 1) {
new Float:start[3], Float:dest[3], Float:end[3]
pev(index, pev_origin, start)
dest[0] = start[0]
dest[1] = start[1]
dest[2] = -8191.0
engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, start, dest, ignoremonsters, index, 0)
get_tr2(0, TR_vecEndPos, end)
pev(index, pev_absmin, start)
new Float:ret = start[2] - end[2]
return ret > 0 ? ret : 0.0
// potential to crash (?) if used on weaponbox+weapon_* entity pair (use fm_remove_weaponbox instead)
stock fm_kill_entity(index) {
set_pev(index, pev_flags, pev(index, pev_flags) | FL_KILLME)
return 1
// if weapon index isn't passed then assuming that it's the current weapon
stock fm_get_user_weapon_entity(id, wid = 0) {
new weap = wid, clip, ammo
if (!weap && !(weap = get_user_weapon(id, clip, ammo)))
return 0
new class[32]
get_weaponname(weap, class, sizeof class - 1)
return fm_find_ent_by_owner(-1, class, id)
// only weapon index or its name can be passed, if neither is passed then the current gun will be stripped
stock bool:fm_strip_user_gun(index, wid = 0, const wname[] = "") {
new ent_class[32]
if (!wid && wname[0])
copy(ent_class, sizeof ent_class - 1, wname)
else {
new weapon = wid, clip, ammo
if (!weapon && !(weapon = get_user_weapon(index, clip, ammo)))
return false