stringlengths 2.07k
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">250 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ketamine/">Ketamine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">250 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
My name is mike, I’ve had allot of expiriences with mind altering substances thus including, cannabis,ecstacy,heroin,various pharmaceutical's (xanex,adderal, oxys...etc), lsd, coke, and the list goes on but my memory is shot.<br>
I get a text from my dealer telling me he's got some kitty (ketamine) for 40$ a half gram. So being as adventures as I am and with just one day before the new years I decided to buy it, along with 3 hits of really good LSD. I’ve done K before this time but it was in a extreamly small dose and I felt the minor effects of it and I liked it.<br>
So I called up my friend T and told him I had all this shit and he was down to get fucked up with me that night. So we get to T's dads house at first I honestly was not sure on how much to pour out so I poured out a little, let T snort his then I did mine, but then for some reason I just dumped the whole bag out and just said fuck it. BIG FUCKING MISTAKE. after me and T snorted the entire bag of K we both dropped one hit of LSD. A this point all I remember was me sitting on the couch next to T mumbling words and yelling WHERE THE FUCK AM I!!<br>
Now from what I remember I had the most tunnel vision I ever expirenced in my life I can relate it to moxy if u guys know what that is..( foxy moxy anyone??..heh) but anyways time felt like it last for hours and hours on end I was laying on the couch yelling random incoherent things at some of my friends, one of my best buddy's girlfriends was there baby sitting us and I was asking her to fuck like a million times, at this point my friend big T came down to see what the fuck was going on. I was surrounded by faces, they looked stretched out out, and extreamly bubbly, everything in my world was bubbly, I had absolutely no control of my body and apparently T's father came down and I started swinging my fists at him and I was calling one of my best friends rude names, like fuck you your a dick go die in hell...shit like that. I was such a fucking wreck I had to have my friends pull my pants up because they came down some was the most embarrassing thing I ever experienced <br>
I was fucked up to the maximum, my original plan was to do all of this K on new years but that would've been good thing I got it over did I get home??<br>
T, the one I did this K with was driving my car while M, my friends girl was driving behind us to make sure were safe...when sitting in the car. <span class="erowid-caution">[Erowid Note:
Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. <a href="/chemicals/show_image.php?i=dmt/dmt_contraindications1.gif">Don't do it!</a>]</span> I felt like I was in a fucking space ship..EVERYTHING was strecthed out swirling in circles.. I could see every fucking detail of the entire world my hands looked like mickey mouse and I thought I was going to die by the end of this night because it would never end.<br>
We got to my apartment complex, my friend M helped me walk up to my door and opened it for me and I got to my one was home so I went straight to bed.. I was so fucked up I just could not believe it.<br>
This was the most intense ketamine trip I’ve ever expirenced...I almost lost all of my friends, punched my friends dad in the face while his 8 year old brother was there and all in all I just lost sense of everything I ever knew...<br>
I dont think I’m going to do Ketamine for a very long time after that is new years eve. 2012 is coming very shortly and I’m gonna go get drunk.. HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE...just be safe and know your dose…because I was fucking stupid.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2010</td><td width="90">ExpID: 94272</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 25, 2012</td><td>Views: 16,039</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=94272&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=94272&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Ketamine (31), LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Bad Trips (6), Overdose (29), Train Wrecks &amp; Trip Disasters (7), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">155 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Ever since grade 9 I've been into mind altering substances. Of course it started with weed, then drinking, then mixing the two and after that the inevitable happens, you move up the drug food chain. I've tried a variety of different drugs, I thought the best one was e's, but....I was wrong.
About a month and a half ago a buddy of mine said he had a sheet of acid, I was immediatly intrigued by the news because I've always wanted to try it, reason being is that everyone I've talked too that's done it says it's the best high they've ever had. They were right.
It was two days before Halloween and I wanted to get some before that day just in case he was busy or inaccessable. So I went to his house, did it up and went home pleased knowing that I had something to trip on. About an hour after that he called me saying he got some booze and that he didn't want to drink alone and that he'd give another half hit if i went over. Of course I went. After I got to his house I said 'fuck it' and dropped them both. About 45 minutes went by without feeling the effects and I was starting to get discouraged but he kept saying don't worry, it'll kick in soon enough. Out of nowhere he just gave me another hit and kept saying dont worry man, it'll kick in, dont worry....he was right!
It was roughly 11:00pm when I started getting trails. I've experienced trails before on a couple other things like e's, shrooms and a few other drugs. My buddy, lets call him 'Nick', had finished his beers and k.o.ed because he had school the next day. So there I was, alone and on 2 1/2 hits for my first time in his basement just when the good things were starting to happen. I had so many expectations of what was going to happen. Like I thought that I was gonna see wierd things walking past me or other weird things like that, but what I learned is that acid isn't like that. It fucks with your head. Out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw his dog so I called her name and looked over and she wasn't even there.
Alot of shit like that happened, however, the thing that got to me the most was the wallpaper he had. It was a simple white paper with lines running down, and man, it mesmerized me for along time. It was going 3D then shifting back and forth and too much other weird shit that ya can't explain. After that, I think I trippin on the wall for maybe 45 minutes then needed a smoke. The rising smoke was doin alotta weird stuff, it would rise fast then slow down and so on. TV looked so fake, not the program itself but the back ground, again I can't explain it. Late night TV blows. I was watchin the old Spiderman, dont ask me why, and some other shows when I just got this idea to watch a trippy movie to go along with the trip. It sounded feesable but after a while it went to shit.
I had a little weed on me so I grabbed Nick's pipe and bunned some. Weed isn't a big thing for me, it's practically second nature, but it did me good. As I toked I looked up to the stars, it was a clear night, I marveled and the absolute clarity of everything up there and, in that instant, everything made sense, I don't know why or how, but it did.
I was feeling really good after I came back inside but I couldn't just stay inside and trip, I had to walk around in the dark and trip. I think it was about 4 or 5am when I left and I just walked, mainly staring up to the sky, thinkin about crazy shit, and I noticed the Moon had a greenish colour to it the whole thime I was outside. I kept getting really cold chills every 2 or so minutes and my clothes were bugging me alot, I still don't know why. I kept going through smoke after smoke, too. I was close to my house when just as I looked up I saw a shooting star so I took it as a good omen.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2001</td><td width="90">ExpID: 11022</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Oct 29, 2012</td><td>Views: 4,099</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=11022&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=11022&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Cannabis (1), LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Nature / Outdoors (23), Combinations (3), First Times (2), General (1)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 2:15</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Beer/Wine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 7:20</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">30 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/2cc/">2C-C</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 12:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Beer/Wine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
A friend of mine, J, needed to go to a museum for a class, so J, S, and I decided to go to the Eastern State Penitentiary museum and take a tab and a half of LSD. Prior to taking it we got lunch and picked up some craft beer. I got a sixpack of Abita Strawberry and another 6pk of a random assortment of mostly fruity beers.
3:30 - We take the acid and walk to the bus stop. We have a 10 minute bus ride, then a six block ahead of us. By the time we get to the penitentiary it is about 3:50 and the acid is starting to work.
4:00 - The tour is a self-guided tour of the old prison. We have a map and a set of headphones with Steve Buscemi narrating. When we get in, its starting to get hard to read the map and we aren't really sure where the tour begins so we follow another group on the tour so we don't have to stand around looking like idiots.
4:15 - Listening to the audio tour is getting difficult. Visuals aren't noticeable, but its also getting hard to read. My friends are having a blast, not minding the crowds. I'm a little more cautious at this point but I do better than expected. Eventually the tour splits away from the other group and there is plenty of room to walk around by ourselves. Anxiety settles a bit and conversations are goofy and funny. Definitely a lot of neat stuff to look at both inside and outside.
4:45 - We do two short guided tours of specific parts of the prison. Talking to the tour guides is difficult and awkward, I'm not really sure how to make eye contact while they are talking to me. My friends have no problem with this and make jokes that are very awkward. I feel like I'm hanging out with Larry David.
5:00 - The penitentiary closes and we set out to walk the 6 blocks back to the bus. We stop at rite aid and buy drinks. Interacting with the cashiers is easier than expected. I guess I have enough experience with LSD at this point, and it's not my first public outing. Plus, the hit and a half isn't very strong compared to what I normally take. The weather is 50 degrees F and overcast, and we make jokes about how it's such a shitty day. At this point the visuals still aren't noticeable. J makes a comment about how even though we aren't tripping hard, at least the acid makes everything a little funnier and more enjoyable. I add that it also makes everything a little bit more difficult and they both agree.
5:15 - We end up missing the bus and taking the subway. The subway is hot but my skin is still cold from outside. I have a headache which feels like my head is being compressed. This is sometimes typical of acid for me, I'm just usually tripping too much to care. This is just kind of annoying now and I'm not looking forward to going back to J's apartment where his sober roommate and his girlfriend are.
5:45 - We get back to J's and interacting with his roommate is weird. I'm too high to be normal with them like usually, but not really high enough to ignore them. We go into J's room and hangout and it's a little better, but at this point I'd rather be sober since I'm not tripping hard and it's just becoming an annoyance. We decide to drink some beer to add to the experience. I'm so glad I got the beers I did. Easy to drink and very flavorful.
We drink for a few hours, listen to music and joke around. As it gets dark, we put in party bulbs (red, blue, and green). These get adjusted all night to just 2 bulbs because all three is too bright. Red and green, and blue and green seem to work best. As the night goes on, we wish we were higher.
7:30 - J and I go to my house to feed my cat, and S goes home to shower. My cat was napping and is very relaxed. I hug him for a bit, feed him, then we go back to J's and drink more. Drinking is going slowly so we aren't getting an extra buzz that we notice, so we go back to my house to get my 2C-C.
10:50 - At this point, we are on the comedown from the acid and have been for a while. The only visuals we had at this point were noticeable on my computer screen as I changed music throughout the day. S doesn't wanna do the 2C-C because his girlfriend is around and wants to see him. He doesn't wanna see her, because she doesn't know of his drug use, bit he thinks she might try to see him and he doesn't wanna explain why he will ignore her texts if he takes it. Eventually, it seems like she will be out for a while drinking, so he decides he's in the clear and will join us. We each take 30 mg orally and his girlfriend texts him right away saying her plans changed and she wants to come to J's. She calls and they get in an argument and he leaves to see her. J and I are nervous about the situation bit there is nothing we can do at this point. After 20 minutes, they both arrive at J's. He has told her everything and she's pissed. It's awkward and J closes his door so they can argue in the living room; this has nothing to do with us. Eventually she storms out. He's upset and we try to comfort him.
11:30 - Visuals are setting in. Tracers are intense and the colors are amplified. This is exactly what we needed the acid to be like once we were out of the public eye. There isn't much breathing happening, but there is an odd smokiness type visual. I was this last week when we took 25 mg 2C-I (my only other experience with a 2C). Fortunately for S, there is no real effect on thoughts besides a shorter attention span. I'm rambling a lot but I can't really just attribute that to the C. It could be equally the alcohol or LSD.
The rest of the night goes on with us listening to music. S eventually feels fine and decides he'll worry about his situation in the morning when they are both sober.
1:30 - The visuals are still going on, but we've gotten so used to them that we think we've come down. We having and keep testing our tracers. It's weird that there isn't much mental effect. Last week's 2C-I trip was similar in that it wasn't confusing like LSD, but I was definitely way higher on the I than the C.
3:30 - It's been 12 hours since the LSD and 4.5 since the C was taken. The visuals have mostly subsided and were drinking more again. Overall I drink all but two of my beers and get a good buzz finally. We stay up chatting until 7:30 am. I go home and feed my cat and get to bed. I'm tired as Hell, but it still takes a good 20 minutes to fall asleep because I'm restless and it's light out.
I slept till 12:30 pm the next day. Not exactly enough sleep. I could've slept longer but my cat was being annoying. I eventually got a nap later, but the day was slightly confusing. Nothing more than the confusion felt after drinking beer the night before though, so it could've been anything.
Can't wait to try the 2C-E that I have and compare.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2010</td><td width="90">ExpID: 95894</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 22</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Nov 26, 2012</td><td>Views: 4,824</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=95894&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=95894&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">2C-C (262), LSD (2) : Various (28), Combinations (3), General (1)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I dropped acid last night. 1 hit. 1 strange cylindrical tablet that tasted exactly like a sweet tart.
My friend had called me last night and asked if I wanted some. I knew that with the scarcity of this unique compound, this may have been my only chance to acquaint myself with such a strange edible device.
I told him, yes, but I only have 10 dollars. No problem I'll spot you the other 10, we'll go out and have a blast.
A blast he said. That was some fucking understatement. A blast might come from a pistol firing off...or my dad when he's taking a shit. But this...this was a night that didn't just blow up. I felt like I had imploded as well. Talk about stomach bloating ugghh...but that's another issue completely.
I was randomly walking outside to ease my anticipation when my dealer's car roared in the countryside. Traveling at 50 miles per hour, his jet black chariot from hell stopped inches from killing me. 'Other side, man' he said as I put my hand on the shotgun side of the car.
I get in, and I see most of my friends there as well as a bully from high school I remember from before. I ignore the bully and greet my comrades before embarking on an adventure that lasted roughly 13 hours and 2.5 nano seconds.
We approach the gas station off the side of the road as my hungry friend (who is already tripping) had informed us he was going to steal munchies and drinks. That's fine, I needed a moment to properly assess the situation as well.
I am miles away from home without a designated driver, with parents that cry at the mention of marijuana, and not only that, possessing the title of a son who had been grounded for quite some time now. It is 2:30 in the morning so I decide to say fuck it. This will officially be my going away party before I move out and and send a post card of my middle finger to the town and home that had fucked with me for so long.
My friends outside the store are pelting a girl sitting on the park bench with questions. 'What are you writing?' said one. 'A letter to your editor?' 'Your boss?'
Meanwhile my thieving friend approaches our direction with an arm full of food and a shit-eating grin on his face.
We leave and go to one of their houses. Its out in the country and the night is more beautiful than I ever imagined it would be. We smoke weed and I do my best to ignore the bully's accusations that I was gay.
I start to feel it. We all decide it's a fun time to go walking in the woods. We approach a house with an American flag flapping in the wind. It looks so strange to me. I see human body's form out of the flag having sex. In the night moving objects had taken on a more abstract presentation than the day time I assumed. I thought, 'how can I express this to my friends in the least weird way?'
'That flag looks like a porno.' I manage to utter. For some reason talking makes my mouth feel good so I proceed to describe the 'American flag' porno flick that played in my mind. '...the stars are a blond...the stripes are a brunette.' this causes the whole group to burst out laughing. The bully tells me that I talk way too much. Surprisingly I am actually unable to feel agitated, sad, or bad in any way. The night that unfolded was pure bliss. Besides, I kept reminding myself, I successfully consumed all his weed.
Other than the constant complicated question (how was I going to get home without a ride?) that occasionally bombard day mind, I was fine. I had chalked it up to only taking 1 hit. The next time I do this I will have to make certain that I am safe and already out of my parents house.
Anyways, back to my story.
The bully leaves on account of being 'too fucked up dude.' I think about him getting into a car crash and giggle to myself as we walk further up the road.
'Let's chill at my house', one of my friends said. We go to his place and proceed up the driveway. For those of you not in the know. Most country driveways are treacherous paths that are unpathed unsafe and most definitely a tripping hazard.
It was here that I had my second visual. As we walked it was getting increasingly difficult because I was charged not only with walking, but with carrying my friends xbox 360 too.
It gets darker the more into his driveway we get. The rocks are taking on new shapes. Rock shaped lizards and crocodiles merge from the ground. This makes it harder to walk as I am trying my best to navigate through the shifting sea of animal rocks.
I don't know how I managed to get out of there without tripping and falling (no pun intended) or dropping my dealer's xbox. But we made it to my other friend's house.
And then we stop short of his garage and sit on the side. I proceed to play with the rocks, dirt and sand like an infant on his first day outside.
I played in the dirt for what seemed like 3 hours and I looked at my cell phone and found out it was only 30 minutes. 'What the fuck is going on?' I asked before laughing stupidly. That is the one forbidden question to ask, my dealer says. 'What?' I respond. 'It's because to ask what is going on is to relinquish the content of our present situation and future to fate and not acknowledge the greatest gift, or curse, we have: choice.'
'Dude,' I stammer, 'that is the smartest thing you ever said in my whole life, man.' We all laugh at my comment.
We go inside to play video games. At this time I am out of my mind. My friends had nicknamed me little yoda because of all the weird as shit that I kept saying. Once inside I found myself sprawled across possibly the most comfortable couch in the universe with a curious looking pillow.
The pillow had orange, baby blue, and pastel green stripes. It was the prettiest thing ever, every once in a while I would put my mouth on it when I felt no one was watching and I found the taste of the cloth to be amazing.
I proceed to watch my friends set up the game system as I hug my pillow as if it were a care bear. 'Why are you sitting like that and hugging his pillow?' 'Because I feel really cute when I'm hugging this pillow.' 'Are you sure you aren't gay?' my dealer asked jokingly.
At this time the game system is finished being set up. Let me just tell you that halo2 is the most bizarre fucking video game ever. I find it hard to concentrate due to all the colors. I am close to having a full blown seizure. This is soooooo fun. I had thought.
2 hours later
His mom is home at this time and we are forced to retire to my friend's room. This room, let me tell, you is the coolest ever.
I had no idea my stonner friend was a music enthusiast. All over the floor is equipment. A kaoss pad, turn tables, microphones on stands and a huge 88 key yamaha motif.
'Wwwwooooooaaaahhh.' I am blown away at his gear. 'Can I play with it?' I ask. 'Sure.'
I start to play for my friends a few Regina Spektor songs I knew. My coordination is not ideal due to the drugs at that moment but my friends enjoyed it none the less.
At this point my friend takes over the instrumentation. He is skilled at piano let me tell you this. As he plays the most psychedelic music I've ever heard we all lay on floor staring at the ceiling staring at the glow in the dark stickers of stars and moons.
The night simmers down, and my friend gives me a ride home.
Luckily my dad is on the couch laying down and I greet him 'hey dad, I couldn't fall asleep, so around 5 o'clock I took a walk outside, you're right the morning is really pretty.' My dad tells me he is thankful I was quiet last night.
I am off the hook and safe from being in trouble. I get on myspace and some random girl posts a survey on the bulletin board. On a whim I send her this reply:
<blockquote>Ill be honest me and some friends tripping on acid stumbled on to this and its blowin my mind how easily you can create a bulletin at 6 am and not expect to see an insurgence of annoying questions. Why is she awake and how is that acceptable might come to mind. As a sorta just in case methodology developed recently by us 3, we came to see results to proved that you without a shadow of a doubt must be unreal. Yes its true. You might say, well I maybe busy posting bulletins but you're a crazy amped up man blowing his mind on a crazy concoction as LSD. Let's keep in mind 3 things as we go to sleep and free ourselves of the tyranny of dreaming backwards in order to grasp straws at a meaning that has already been revealed right here. That 1. I am responsible for you to have burned 1.345 calories to click aprox. 8 times with your mouse. 2. You are actively seeking a similar response from your other friends since we all have received the same bulletin the moment you had decided it was a decent and proper time to click post. 3. We are all angels who met in a dream and this bulletin is nothing more than another insipid thought of mine forced into creating a detergent for this thoughtless and scary night.</blockquote>
I am impressed with my email. I also wrote this in wordpad:
<blockquote>Holyshit im same whoa who would have thought it was a make of something Ive never quite succeeded at avoiding to annoy. Im safe and insane thanks to sterling and Ive had the initiation of james vershoyle to tank along with any not so sober inquiries his dad must be making of him at this momment. Questions such as where am I and why cant I find a place to sleep are as foriegn to james as it is to me. We cannat leave the world alone unless we feel its safe enough to blow up and blow in completely in the sactitiy and privacy of your own room. But a room must be perfectly spiff and permed for, not an upheaval, but as to serve as a suitable spot to relax and release in.</blockquote>
What is what and what is ending up as a sentence born way too fast. I've had it without a shadow of a doubt. I've seen it more than any would or should ever want to try. Of what is the what in that previous sentence you ask. It's as trivial as an itch but still slightly more engrossing than a staple left lain on the table. Undone, unripe and unsuitable for use a a resting zone for these cute little musings. And musings are nothing more than just a generic brand of Draino for the endless churning and debacle of a perfect and neatly manicured home.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2009</td><td width="90">ExpID: 81591</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 26, 2012</td><td>Views: 4,658</td></tr>
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/mushrooms/">Mushrooms</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(cookie / food)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">140 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Pre-Experience: MDMA/Ecstasy 3 times. LSD 2 times. Alchohol, drunk like 5 times (I don't really enjoy it very much), weed smoked quite a bit, but recently quit for a month or two.
Setting: This whole experience happened at a rave at a camp site, which lasted at total of 4 days (music was on for 3).
Day 1 (no music yet)
My friend had asked me to go to this rave festival with him. I was a little skeptical about it being my first rave ever. So I thought on it and decided to go with him.
The night we arrived it was a little sketchy at first but funny in the same sense. I was greeted by my 'Mom and Dad', my 'mom' with a big hug as soon we pulled into the camp site and she blasted 'I'm your mom for the weekend and Mic is your dad!' Mom was very drunk by this point (I was under-age and I needed somebody over 18 to ensure I'd be okay) and she soon says, I can do drugs but I just have to be safe about it (water, rest, food etc). She guided my friend to his parking spot for the weekend which was hilarious, she was yelling and bossing C (my friend) to basically have the perfect park job!
Then Mic ('dad') came to the site of my passenger door where I was sitting. He shook my hand for like 10-20 seconds, which seemed like a very long handshake. He had been trying to intimidate me for fun I believe. I was a little sketched out but in the end he was one of the nicest people I've ever met.
That night I met everybody. I'm a rather shy person so I didn't say much to them. My friend and I tried to set up the tent ASAP because night was starting to fall and I needed a place to sleep. After struggling and failing for about an hour, night finally fell and we decided to just give up and that I would sleep in the van for the night.
I just marinated at the epic camp site for the rest of the night. The campers had set up basically the greatest decorations in all of the festival. So colorful and beautiful and just down right perfect!
Chilling on the lawn chairs with a bunch of my fellow campers who I soon became acquainted with. They seemed like the chillest down to earth people I'd ever met. My friend soon went to go to bed in the van while I stayed out and talked with my friends. My new friend R, packed a hookah and told me to start smoking, so I did. Later we eventually put hash into the bowl and it was great!
I was sitting beside this girl (who goes by the name of Dragon) who asked her, I think what was her boyfriend, 'is your world looking straight and narrow?' he replies with 'no'. Dragon replies with 'not a good answer'. So she pulls out this white powder with a little spoon like thing and takes out a little powder on it and holds it out for her BF to snort. At this point I was like 'wtf is going on here?!' in my head. Somebody soon asks what was it and she replies 'ketamine'. I'd never even heard of it before so I asked asked and it sounded intense.
One of the DJs had been camping with us (I didn't realize til he was on stage) and he was asking for drugs from anybody. Dragon pulls out the ketamine and the DJ asks if he can have some. She pulls out a hit for him and he smells it like a flower. He soon replies still snorting with his nose 'What was that by the way?' I thought that it was crazy and hardcore that he didn't even know what he had done til after. I soon went to bed after.
Day 2 (Music festival starting up)
First thing in the morning my friend and I finally set up the tent. I had brought two hits of acid and planned on doing one of them later in the day and my friend C would do one as well. We went to where they were setting up stages and just sat in the shade for a long time. My friend was trying to make me take my acid early (it was 2PM) and I wanted to do it at about 5 or 6 so I would be able to be awake all night no problem. After arguing for about 30 - 60 minutes about when to take it I told him I took it at about 2:30 (I didn't take it yet). He said he would take it an hour and a half after I did. We walked back to camp, I was pretending to be feeling it a little. Then eventually headed back to the music.
On the way to the music we smoked a bowl of weed and that's when I snuck the LSD into my mouth (about 3:30 pm? I had no track of time this whole thing so I'm guessing). He then took his about 30 minutes later. We walked down to the little pond thing and crossed the bridge.
We were reunited with some of our fellow campers and a bunch of others. I told them I was on acid and they were all like nice, we have to get some for ourselves too. This is where I started to trip balls.
I had packed about 2 more bowls and passed it around. I felt a shift in atmosphere but I couldn't put my finger on what exactly was changing. Eventually we left the people I didn't really know and it was the campers and I. We moved closer to the music and some went back to camp to look for LSD.
They all came back saying they took their acid and we just marinated on the grass by the main stage, staring at things, intrigued with how everything looked more beautiful and how everything had been starting to melt.
It was eventually just a girl and I together somehow and we just lay by each other, discussing everything we see and what's happening in each others minds. This seemed to be one of the most epic things and I felt really connected to this girl. We laid and stared at trees. Things had seemed to be blooming. Trees would grow outwards and then blossom with flowers on the tips, and then those flowers would slowly blossom towards me!
We eventually went and sat on the the other side of the pond thing where we were pretty much secluded from everybody but could still see everything. We still lay and sit there chatting about the usual.
Soon later, my friend K, had run up to us with a water gun and two kids about 7 years old who both had water guns. They started chasing us and shooting us with water guns. This was a little irritating considering I was not in the mind set to deal with kids. But it took a quick turn around. It soon felt like I was a kid again, it was exactly like playing tag when I was in elementary school! Being chased around by the 3 people was one of the most coolest experiences to happen at the festival.
P (the girl I felt connected with), C, and I started to book it back to the campsite which had to be about 3 or 4 football fields away. The kids were still chasing us!! And they managed to keep up some how. I was outstanded, thrilled and a little scared too. These kids were on a mission and it was to get us wet!
The kids caught up to us and <i>finally</i> used up all their water after about an hour! It was a terrific accomplishment finally being able to sit and just enjoy.
By now I was just starting to peak and I had been tripping out so hard! I sat by my new friend R, who was giving me advice on how to take an acid trip. While he was explaining I remember just looking up at the trees, and things changed color and texture for a brief about 5 seconds. In this little while I had forgotten who I was. R is one of the smartest people I know and have met! He has the <i>best</i> advice anybody has ever given me. It's unbelievable!
I had experienced a bad trip before, and I told him I experienced an 'ego death' which he later told me was 'Ego Freedom'. He was saying stuff like, if you start to have a bad trip just remember, that its like sitting in a canoe going down a river. All you need to do is tell yourself that and you'll be fine. What ever you see going down that river will eventually be behind you and don't let one bad idea spiral into a nightmare. He also said that LSD is a big head game with yourself, sure you can be with other friends but when it comes down to it, its just you, within your mind! I was so stoked on how smart R was and how great of a friend I made him this festival!
He eventually went to the stage where I just laid on the blanket outside on our site and just tripped out for awhile. Trees and other nature were still blooming and blossoming before my eyes. As well the world had began to feel like I was a cartoon living in a cartoon world. Nothing looked, or seemed real in the slightest. My reality was shattered. Later heading back to the music where I met up with P again. Night had fallen I believe. It's hard to remember everything - I was tripping balls. Then I seemed to lose everybody but P, so we were together the entire night.
We started to dance and I was loving it. She soon says she doesn't want to dance so I said we can go for a walk and chill. The both of us walked and went on an adventure on a random path.
I held her hand on the way there. She looks at me and says 'what're you doing?' (Something like that, I'm unsure.) I apologize instantly and realize she doesn't want anything. While walking she eventually grabs my hand about 10 minutes later. I was surprised and didn't know what to think.
Ends up we walked around the whole camp site and ended back up at the main desk/pond. We found a really nice spot to lay down and look at the stars and the ravers in the distance. She tells me how it's weird, she said she's usually one of the ravers just going to the music.
P and I still relaxing on the grass. Enjoying the music and the comfort of each other, gazing into the stars. We realize dark clouds are slowly drifting on top of us. I suggest that a storm may be coming possibly.
Everything had become very calm, cool and still. It was the calm before the storm. The storm seemed like a hurricane on the prairies! I've never seen so much rain fall in my life. P and I decided to go sit under a tree thinking we could wait out the storm, but it just got worse and worse. The storm was raining through all the trees and we were getting soaked!
We decided to go up the stairs by the main office where it was dry. While on the way up to the stairs we found L, a friend/camper! He had done acid for his first time and was also very drunk, he was hysterical! Upon walking up the stairs, which had literally looked like a water fall now, flowing like niagra falls.
At the top, soaked. L says 'so is the party over' I couldn't hold back but to laugh! He was standing in the rain, in a puddle, under a gutter!! He could not have gotten anymore wet, he was using the gutter as if it were a shower and was dancing in the puddle.
The storm had eventually passed and we went to go check the aftermath of the storm. The main stage had been demolished. I was super bummed! It was such a dope stage! We eventually went back to the spot where we had been sitting. And there was an enormous tree branch that had fallen as well as many other small ones! Just about 2 meters away, that is crazy!
P and I go to sit on the big stair by the pond and star gaze again. We see a star that looks significantly different from all the rest. Both of us begin talking, suggesting that its a UFO, P starts to cry out of joy and confusion and amazement. I feel incredibly connected to her. We were both in the same mind set, thinking we were seeing one of the wonders of the world. After about an hour or 2 of watching this star. We finally come to the realization that its a planet and it looks so different because its reflecting the sun!
Feeling kind of tired, I tell P and she says she has MDMA we could have. I thought that it was a great idea so we headed back to camp. The stage was working now, but there was no visuals at the time. We grab a bunch of MDMA. 3 of us snort some of it (my first time snorting it). K also snorted some (friend/camper). We had also grabbed some alcohol to drink.
Finally arriving at the main stage, about an hour or two from sunrise, we begin to dance. I see a lot of familiar faces on the dance floor. Such as R! He had a 7 foot stick with an inflatable heart at the top of it. This looked so fucking epic and awesome! I loved it.
I had entered a trance where there was no way I could stop dancing! Soon doing more MDMA. My memory is a little foggy after this. But I remember I danced till sunrise.
4 others and I headed back to camp to grab a blanket and go to the pond to watch the sun rise. Quickly coming to the realization that we are all tired and want to sleep. We went back to home (camp) and slept.
Day 3
Not too much happened during the day. I talked with everybody about last evening. There was now an awkwardness between P and I for some unknown reason which remained the rest of the festival.
Also I took R's heart he had on his stick and held it to me, later suggesting that it would be cool to tape it to my chest! Which we instantly did, I felt like I belonged there now. The heart symbolizing connection between everyone which is how I felt the festival was!
That day I talked about shrooms to everyone and was unsure if I should try them as I had not done the before. I asked R for advice and he said I should try them. So I went and got 1 gram of Chocolate covered mushrooms.
By this point I was shit-faced! Shortly after, I ate the mush. It put the entire thing in my mouth. It was way too much to handle in one bite, but I managed to chew it down anyway. It was a thick dry milk chocolate and you could taste the mushrooms very slightly, it was although it was eating chocolate with nuts in it.
We headed to the dance floor. I was feeling a slight shift in my reality. Once again, I couldn't put my finger on what it was! We walked as a big group down. I was walking beside R. I was chatting with him saying how he's so smart and gives the best advice! I asked if I could call him my shaman, as that is how I felt about him, anything I wondered or needed to know, he knew! Even when I didn't ask. He replied with yes and I was super stoked!
On arrival I drink a bit of my alcohol that I brought with me to the dance. I was definitely still wasted and now tripping a little bit from shrooms. After losing almost everybody except C I was bummed out and decided to sit by the pond. I felt like passing out; I was not having a good time.
I pretty much sat around for an hour or two alone until the alchohol wore off so I actually felt amazing after! Colors simply looked out of this world. It was like I had been color blind and I was seeing colors for the first time ever, colors were simply beautiful! I also has a huge body stone, which felt a bit like MDMA but my body felt more numb. I was still once again looking for others! I could not find ANYBODY! I did not know what to do and I was panicking a bit. But soon came to the realization that I can always meet new friends and just enjoy life! They had also redone the stage and it was as good as new! The stage once again looked phenomenal!
This concept was a bit difficult for me usually as I am a shy person, but when I was on mushrooms, drunk, and high from weed. It came as though it was a natural gift I soon possessed. I went to the very front of the speakers and started to dance. I had practiced shuffling before, but once again! It just came naturally now.
I was having the best time of my life! I had become the music. I felt as though everybody was my family and that we were all at harmony! I danced for a couple hours till I finally found some people I knew from camp.
I had not had water the whole time and I was soaking wet with sweat! I saw R and one of the first words that came out of my mouth was, water! He reacted as fast as he could to get my water. I was amazed at this simple but yet amazing gesture! I soon told him what was happening and he said we should go sit down and relax as I had been over heating. We had very intellectual conversations. He was telling me how he used to have a drug problem and how he is as a person.
He said he's terrific at helping others out with their problems but when it comes to his own, sometimes he struggles deeply. I was shocked as he was one of the smartest and nicest people I've ever met. He told me that J had been his shaman, like he was to me (a girl who we were camping with). He was trying to say I understand what you're going through and I'm there for you bro. R eventually says that kids usually fuck up with drugs, but I can handle it really well and that he wants to go into big brothers big sisters. I felt incredible for him and I encouraged him to do it! Even I wish I could have him for a big bro. He wants to show kids that fuck up with drugs that you don't need to take 9 pills to have a good time or 12 grams of shrooms. It just takes a little.
After out heart to heart talk, he had the brilliant idea that we should put the inflatable heart on my back and not my chest because it gets in the way of dancing , especially dancing with girls.
Soon after doing so I started dancing again. I asked him for tips on trying to find a girl there as I couldn't find one I was attracted to! Once again, it came as no surprise, he gave the greatest advice ever!
R told me to just go find a spot where I was comfortable, close my eyes and just let the music do its part, just lose myself within the music. And when I open my eyes, I'd lock eyes with a girl and everything would be great.
Oddly enough, I did exactly as he said, and guess what!? I locked eyes with a girl and we soon began dancing with each other! She was one of the cutest girls at the whole thing, a little raver girl wearing a mini skirt, furry boots, bikini top, and a cat hat that looked really sexy! I was shocked at how good of advice R gives, like, it's insane!
I was feeling euphoric for probably one of the first times ever. It felt like absolutely everybody was my best friend and that there was no ice to break. This was a little odd to me because I'm a shy timid person around new people, especially adults. It was the greatest feeling I've ever felt! I cannot even explain how terrific this felt. Just feeling the love of everybody, at complete unity and peace with one another as human beings! I'd smile at somebody, they'd smile back. I was shuffling and almost instantly I found other shufflers around me, shuffling with me! It was incredible and unreal. I almost could not believe this was happening. I was shuffling in sync with others and we would take turns, I truly discovered what it was like to lose your ego at this point. I didn't care what anybody looked like but only the connection we shared. It legitimately felt like everybody was at one huge family at a reunion!
After dancing the night away, most of the crowd had disappeared into the fog of the night. I told J (the girl I had been dancing with) that I was tired. She instantly concurred with me and I asked if we should head back. We started to head back and I asked what she did tonight. She had done acid and smoked weed which was cool and would have been a blast as well.
We got to my tent where we went in to the tent and there was no way we were going to sleep. After dancing with her all night, I felt connect and incredibly attracted to her, there was no holding back. I soon found us having sex! The sex was incredible. It's inevitable to explain how great everything was. I didn't have a single worry in the world and I could not be happier!
Day 4 (final day of music)
Later that morning I saw J leave but I was still asleep. I woke up later that morning thinking to myself I'd never see her again and I was kind of bummed as she was from the same city I was and I thought we could have been friends.
I had bought more shrooms for the night today and I still had an entire vial of MDMA. Not too much happened during the day so I'm going to skip to night.
That night I took the mushrooms and took about an eighth of the MDMA which isn't a lot but it seemed to do wonders! I'd like to start off by saying I have never been higher in my life.
I took the mushrooms and right after parachuted the MDMA. I didn't really know what to expect as this was the first time I had ever 'hippie flipped'. I started to feel a shift in reality as usual.
I had arrived to the dance floor and everything began to look amazing. The lights looked mesmerizing. The bass from the music became my heartbeat. My body was feeling numb but at peace. I had the giggles like I want a young baby and I felt butterfly like feelings inside my stomach which in turn made me smile and I couldn't stop! Things started to look like they were from a 3D pop out book. I remember I walked by this tree a ton and it just looked more and more different every time. It just seemed to POP out at me! This had been the greatest I have felt in my entire life! I don't remember a point in the night where I was not smiling. I was the happiest person in the world!
Dancing for an hour or so. I began to wonder if I would see J again that night. I asked R what I should do and he said something like 'Don't fuck a different chick man, make her your temple'. As he had never given me bad advice, I had no choice but to listen! He had also told me to go up behind her and smack her ass and say 'damn I had a good time last night' and walk away. It would've been hilarious to do that, but it was too vulgar for me.
After a quick water break with R, my eyes finally spotted J on the other site of the rave. The colors still looking magnificent and everything seeming surreal, I strutted my way across to J not knowing what to expect. I came up behind her and was greeted instantly with a huge grin, with a big bear hug. I was stoked that things were going really well!
My 'parents' had soon come to us and they stole J from me like a bunch of ninjas. They only took her a couple meters away, but I could hear what they were saying. They told her they were my parents and she had the most confused look on her face I've ever seen! She was absolutely clueless. While D (a guy from another camp, who had tried acid for the first time) had given me an enormous hug and said 'man, I fucking love you!' This was fucking great! Euphoria is really indescribable but this is one of the closest examples that had happened there! That night he had been going up to everybody he knew and did the exact same thing to them, he had even tried to kiss 'dad'! Anyways. I was reunited with J after having a big group photo, which seemed like a family portrait! I haltingly explained that they weren't my parents and that they were just saying that because they assumed responsibility over me. She kind of understood but I re-explained it to her later.
We continued to dance like our lives depended on it. I literally had people from my camp running up to me to give me water and gum. I loved how they were so concerned for me, it made me feel like the greatest person in the world.
A little while after, J asks me if I want to smoke a bowl. I yelled 'sure!' On the way out of the dance area, I saw R, and I have him an epic high five. It was so epic it seemed like it had created a shock wave. We went to the big open field where lazers and trippy images on the screens were. We smoked and I offered J and her friend some MDMA because I had more than plenty. Her friend said no because she had to drive tomorrow. I loaded the MDMA onto a Kleenex for J. We had still been passing the pipe around smoking like chimneys. I was incredibly high. The music was incredibly different and sounded like it was the best thing my ears have ever listened to. As well as colours just looked a lot more vibrant and incredible! She took the MDMA and said 'thanks for the MDMA'. We then sat there for about 20 minutes. During this time, we had begun cuddling in the middle of the field, soon leading to us kissing, and then making out. Soon enough we were going all out. I had even started to touch in inappropriate places, she then said something which I'm unclear of but all I know is she wanted me to stop.
We soon went back to the music and dancing again. Still feeling incredibly euphoric and all the effects as before, if not even stronger than before. I felt really connected to this girl, as if she was my girlfriend. After dancing for about 30 minutes or so. We went back to sit down.
Sitting for a little bit I turned to J as we were cuddling and said 'I'm tired' because I started to get tired and my legs were KILLING me as I had been dancing for hours and hours every day. She replied saying 'me too'. I then raised the question 'do you want to head back?' and she said 'sure'. It was still dark out and I'm thinking this was about 4 am in the morning.
We arrived at my tent which was about a ten minute walk and both went in comfortably. This is the latest I had arrived to my tent all weekend and I was kind of excited to go to sleep early. Little did I know, I soon found us having sex. It was the best sex I have ever had in my life. I could definitely still feel the effects of the drugs. I could literally feel the bass from my tent, which gives you an idea of how loud the music really was. Touching felt AMAZING and sex, well, I can't begin to explain how great it felt!! It was ten times better than usual! After going at it for awhile and getting comfortable. I realized that it is very difficult to orgasm while on ecstasy/mushrooms, I knew this because I had noticed the sun was coming up and the music turned off (music turns off at 6 am) and we were still having sex, while she finally began to orgasm around this time. We had eventually stopped, not because of one another having an orgasm, but instead because we were really sweaty and exhausted! After soon falling asleep together too tired to put clothes back on.
That morning I made sure I had her number and I had walked her back to her campsite and gave her a good bye hug and kiss.
All in all, this weekend was a true, spiritual experience.
I have had an epiphany that life is too short to be shy and timid. I now have conversations with strangers everyday, without any awkward pauses or anything! It's great and I think I may have lost my ego this entire weekend and it has yet to return.
J and I are still talking everyday and everything is going super well.
This was my first rave, and definitely is not my last!<!-- End Body -->
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<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2011</td><td width="90">ExpID: 92325</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 17</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 5, 2013</td><td>Views: 6,611</td></tr>
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<tr><td colspan="2">Alcohol (61), Cannabis (1), Mushrooms (39), LSD (2), MDMA (3) : Festival / Lg. Crowd (24), Relationships (44), Multi-Day Experience (13), Sex Discussion (14), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), General (1)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">230 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Ok, Before this happened I had taken LSD maybe 10 times and they were all good, had a great time and had alot of fun. I cut school with a couple of my friends because it was close to the end of the school year and we weren't doing anything there so why not. We went over to my friends house and sat around playing video games and talking, normal stuff.
My one friend I'll call him R, suggested we take some LSD and have some fun. I thought to my self why not I have nothing to do. We decided to just get one hit each, we didn't want to go completly crazy. It was just me, R, and my friend B. They were $5 a hit so R called up the guy who had it and he came over to deliver the goods. I had some doubts before I took it, it was just a weird feeling in my stomach I couldn't explain. We took the hits and waited. The acid started kicking in about a half hour later and we just played video games and watched TV and enjoyed it. We laughed alot and had some fun talking about weird stuff.
Then 3 of my other friends who weren't tripping said they wanted to go to Pizza Hut, me and B had to go with them because they were our ride and we had no other choice but to go. We all got to the car and packed in there. It was a little Ford Escort and it was me, B and my other friend Rob in the back and Zack and Jeff in the front. We made our way to Pizza Hut and it was cool no problem there. When we got to Pizza Hut we went in and sat down. I don't knwo about other people who have tripped but Me and B couln't eat anthing so we just got Iced Tea.
Me and B were sitting across from each other and I don't know if it was the drugs or not but an extemely weird looking person walked by us. Me and Brad saw her and we just started laughing our asses off. Our other friends told us to calm down or go outside. So we took off outside and laughed for it seemed like an hour even though it was about 5 minutes. Gradually our friends came out and we all got back into the car and Zack told Brad he was going to drop me and him off at Brad's house. We had no problem with that because its the best place to trip because he lives on a farm and there is plenty to do.
As we were driving to his house and ominous feeling came over me. I quickly noticed that all the windows were up and the radio was off and no one was talking. Complete silence, which to me is the worst thing ever. I couldn't say anything so I looked over to Brad and he had this look on his face that scared me even more. He looked at me and I could tell by his eyes he was saying HELP. I was saying the same thing to him but I couldn't talk but since we have tripped together so many times he could read what I was saying. I looked up to the front seat and it looked like Jeff and Zack were dead, then I looked at Rob and he looked dead.
Me and Brad went through this for what seemed like forever. All we wanted to say is put down a window or turn on the radio but our vocal cords were paralyzed. My leg muscles started to spasm and Brad looked at me and I can truly say I was more scared at the moment then ever in my life because we and Brad were tripping our balls off but we couldn't say anything to better out situation.
We slowly got to Brads house and as soon as we got out of the car the feelings of dread and death lifted away from me. I don't even think we said goodbye or anything. We like ran into the house and into Brad's room. We both asked each other if we were ok and we both were. Brad explained to me that when he looked around in the car everybody was bloody and dead. He said he felt like there were nails being driven in to his hands and he was in complete hell. I told him everything that happend to me. We played video games until I had to go home and tried to supress the horrible thing that happend to us.
I have taken LSD since then and it had all been good. I never had another experience like it and I hope I never will again.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2001</td><td width="90">ExpID: 24196</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Feb 28, 2013</td><td>Views: 3,910</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=24196&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=24196&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">140 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
We took off at 7pm on a Friday evening. There was me, and the other members of the Explorer’s Club, that is S, J, and L. We began our night in my apartment, where our non-partaking roommates had deserted, understanding that there would possibly be four deranged individuals doing “the Acid Drugs”- probably imagining us shooting pure LSD into our carotid arteries and trying to jump out windows or cut off our hands. Nothing of the sort happened of course, because this is real life, and not an episode of Dragnet.
Anyway, Hearing that this was good shit, I had decided to start with one and a half hits,with the other members taking either more or less, depending on their confidence in their ability to hold themselves together. I had attempted to make our setting as pleasant as possible- colored lightbulbs, blacklights, cool artwork, Pink Floyd and Flaming Lips records were prepared. There was also a music visualizer playing on the TV, and we had some bubble-blowing toys and some colored tissue paper to play with.
After a while of letting our tabs soak sublingually, and without noticing any strong effects, I was not hesitant about taking another half a hit, taking me now to two hits.
Started to feel like something was beginning, so we tore up the colored tissue paper into confetti, and started throwing it at the air conditioner, which would blow it up into the air in a messy Easter-colored tornado. We were beginning to feel that slight squirmy electric feeling crawling all over our beings, when the outside roommates made their way in. They drank some water, and stared on in horror as they saw four young adults writhing around in colored paper shreds on the floor, quoting spongebob, blowing bubbles, and handing them gifts of small fabric pot leaves.
After they left, we began questioning why we don’t always play with confetti. Why don’t we always blow bubbles? Or jump in piles of leaves? ... An idea took hold...
Soon, we were out in the cold October night, standing in piles of leaves, which was most satisfactory.
Later, we were up on an elevated platform on top of some buildings on our campus. We had gone there expecting to see lights from the buildings pulsating, geometric patterns in the dark sky, and the platform itself stretch out for miles as it had on our previous trips. This trip, it was doing none of those things. I began to wonder if we were even tripping at all. There was just a sense of childish playfulness, not a cosmic awakening as I was half-expecting (again, based off of prior experiments).
“I’m afraid I might have left the strip out too long- the sun might have diminished it’s potency”, I said.
“Ah, dude.”, said S.
“I don’t know... this is kind of nice, like, I don’t know”, said L.
J said nothing, but chewed on a blade of grass for quite some time.
“I have an idea. Let’s go back to the apartment, take another half a hit each, drink a lot of orange juice, and smoke a lot of pot. We wanted to get high tonight, so lets try to get as high as we can”
The Explorers Club agreed.
We cut up the remaining two tabs, and took them with some Sunny D rip-off swill that declared itself “100% Vitamin C”. (this brought me now to two and a half hits)
“Flavor be damned” I thought, “It’s those vitamins that will do us good”.
So we all took our seats in the bathroom, and pulled out our bong, “The Space-Time Continuum” and proceeded to smoke the most I have ever seen anyone smoke in my entire life. I took no less than seven full rips before we ran out. The room was lit green, and we had some incense burning, as well as The Flaming Lips’ “At War with the Mystics” playing from an iPod dock. By the time “Free Radicals” came around, I noticed that in the dark parts of the room, there was color that should not have been there. My mind was projecting imaginary but brilliantly colored lines radiating outwards form the edges of objects in the dark. The ambient psychedelic music blended well, and for a few brief moments, the room seemed to turn into a rainforest, trees beyond my field of vision, exotic animals lurking, and everything gaining a layer of warm tropical moisture.
I have no idea how long we spent in there, but at some point we walked out, and sat on the couches of the living room. It was difficult to understand what sort of state we were in. It was like I would change from feeling entirely sober, to really high, to tripping, to tripping and high, then back to sober again.
“What am I right now?” We all seemed to be thinking.
And almost as though it heard us, it was like at that moment the acid said:
“You want to know? You want to know what two and a half hits of acid and an uncountable amount of bong rips is like? Well, here you go, shithead. This is what you bargained for.”
S asked “Are we tripping?”
I thought about it a little, then looked at the kitchen. I made my observations and promptly screamed:
I had never been this far gone in my life before, and it was a little unnerving to say the least. The vibrations seemed to be turning on me, I thought. The pink lightbulb cast forth eerie shadows from oddly undulating cabinetry in the kitchen, where i sat, perched precariously on a leaning barstool, spending years slathering Nutella on a slice of one dollar white bread. Though I was not necessarily hungry (Lucy had seen to that), there were certain food rituals I have become accustomed to (thanks to Mary). And perhaps I was just looking for some sort of way to come to terms with and feel some level of control over this insane world which had never made it’s presence know to me before, at least not to this magnitude. This was especially difficult when I found myself wondering the ulterior motives of my non-partaking roommates: “are they doing something in secrecy? Is this some sort of jealous and perverse attempt at a one-upping?” All of this was made worse when Joe began circling the room, dressed nearly all in black, and his mirrored trip glasses reflecting the green glow of LED Halloween decorative Spider-lights, gave him the appearance of a vulture. “The spirit of judgement!” I thought, “And of death!”, My mind recoiled in fear as I smeared another layer of chocolate-hazelnut spread on my mattress-sized sandwich. I thought, “this is LSD. You do NOT fuck around with LSD. Who the fuck do you think you are, taking two and a half hits of this stuff and not expecting THIS to happen? You might have been fucking around before, but we’re not fucking around now”.
Things were really wild. Flat images seemed to be made of a series of floating layers, some of which moved ever so subtly. All objects had some sort of sound, and I was pretty certain I could hear electricity flowing through the strands of electric lights. Time was gone. Logic was gone. Proportion was gone. Distance was gone. No objects were set in place, and they could freely change size if they needed to, and sometimes things would “breathe”. Faces and animals were appearing in the pile of confetti, and I felt it was my artistic duty to make the image of a squid eating pink and blue things from these paper shreds.
Even though we as a group could not scrape together much more than the sentiment of “What are we doing?” we had decided to take a second exodus outside. Which may or may not have been a good idea- J was headed in a downward spiral. He had fallen very quiet, and I had noticed that he had put his right hand on his face, and had not moved it for perhaps an hour (and he would not move it for the rest of the night). On our long and confusing journey, he would often ask us to slow down, or remark that he was “unable to get a hold on” which dimension his existence was in. We couldn’t help, seeing as the only thing we could say was “What are we doing?”
So we returned to our apartment again, and sat amidst the now wrinkled and sad confetti bits with our minds absolutely blown to bits. My mind was a blank slate, and I couldn't think of a damn thing to say. But this whole trip was like a metaphor for life: starting off fun and playful (childhood), moved on to exploration of the world (teenage years), then violently thrust into a strange world, with no other options but wander around wondering what we were going to do next (adulthood), until we got tired and wrinkled and eventually fell asleep (death).
Overall, it was a cool experience, but I would have appreciated a bit more of a come-up, and the ability to reflect afterwards.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2011</td><td width="90">ExpID: 93816</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 18, 2013</td><td>Views: 4,039</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=93816&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=93816&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/amt/">AMT</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/amt/">AMT</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/amt/">AMT</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 9:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/alprazolam/">Pharms - Alprazolam</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 9:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 9:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Hard</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">165 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Well good lord my friends, what a story I have to tell, or what I can remember of it that is. A friend was coming into town and supposedly he had 2 AMT pills, which we purchased from him. Another friend of mine came up to college to stay the weekend with me as well and he brought some xanax and some lsd. The AMT was a white powder in a gel capsule. We weighed it out but our scale was not very precise, so it just said .3. Well obviously it wasn't that much AMT, it must have been mixxed with something else.
But we trusted said friend, so we ate about half of the pill at first by parachuting it around 6 o'clock. We took a hit of some decent acid around 7 o'clock. We started to feel a bit sped up from the AMT and then we decided to smoke the AMT. The acid was also beggining to come on. When you smoke AMT you certainly feel a rush of psychedelic tripiness and a rush compared to taking a hit of decent meth. We smoked a small amount, then snorted the rest between the two of us. The acid was fully kicked in and the AMT was more or less also. The visuals were very pretty from the combination. Patterns, colors of course, just looked so beautiful. I just wanted to smile the entire time. I ate some jalapenos and the spiciness was so trippy and delicious, even though I had no appetite from the AMT. We smoked some very high quality marijuana also. This just helped everything out even more. The visuals were amazing and my mind was definitely running in over-drive. Some reason I said some very random things such as 'I hate it when my coke tasts like markers.' This sentence made no sense, and I had no idea why we said it. We all just laughed. We also kept getting sidetracked as most trippers do, but we all had so much good positive energy. Eyes were dialated a ridiculous amount, no blue could be seen in my eyes at all. I sweated a little bit. The nausea was not very bad from the AMT at all. I loved this drug, and this combination, the trip was beautiful and amazing. You dont feel apprehensive at all, you just feel trippy as hell. The trip lasted so long that my friend and I became accustomed to the AMT so although we were still seeing cool visuals we were just chilling with our non-tripping friends too. It is definitely a social drug. You relate well to others and your very friendly, its just that you look like you are on a ridiculous dose of MDMA or Acid.
After we just got bored of tripping so long, id say around 3 or 4 AM we took 2 xanax and proceeded to smoek quite a bit and drink the everclear. This is where it becomes hazy obviously. I eventually passed out, but my partner in crime was apparently awake till 10 am. He said he was just living in a world of craziness and visuals, as he might have taken more acid, but he simply can't remember. We slept until 10 PM the next night. Then we woke up and proceeded to start drinking heavily as we wanted to get some sleep. I was worn out badly fromt he AMT gbut I Loved it! I had so much fun and I reccomend it. Parachuting is a good way, snorting isn't that great, smoking it is fun as hell. 1 hit of acid with AMT can make it so much more interesting and I reccomend it. Xanax and alcohol for the comedown aren't bad either, so easy and happy. I loved it my friends, and I hope that if you try the same thing you will too.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2004</td><td width="90">ExpID: 31630</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 16, 2013</td><td>Views: 4,354</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=31630&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=31630&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), AMT (7) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/citalopram/">Pharms - Citalopram</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 glass</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Beer/Wine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">125 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/2ci_nbome/">25I-NBOMe</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 3:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/diazepam/">Pharms - Diazepam</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 3:15</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">8 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/diazepam/">Pharms - Diazepam</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 5:15</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 line</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ketamine/">Ketamine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">175 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I started the night off at my girlfriends house where I drank one can of Thatchers Gold. I already had 1.5 tabs of acid and 0.5g of MDMA, ready to take when we were heading out. Before we left I took 0.125g of MDMA orally.
We arrived at the venue at around 11:00pm, and I took the tab and a half of acid whilst we were in the queue. Once we got inside I bought a bottle of water.
After half an hour or so, the MDMA and the LSD began to hit me at roughly the same time. I felt wonderful (as one could imagine) and was enjoying dancing and my trip was getting greater and greater. About half an hour later I bumped into my friend and he had this nasal spray in a bottle. My girlfriend didn't do it, but I sprayed once into my nose. I didn't know it was 25I-NBMOe, this was the first time I had done a drug without researching it extensively.
The effects from it were almost instant and for the first half an hour the euphoria was <i>incredible</i>. The visuals were beautiful and dancing felt effortless. The lasers looked amazing and things seemed to be teleporting and twitching around. It was like looking through a kaleidoscope. There were trails from everything, like everyone was moving around so fast that I could see them behind them. I began to feel wobbly and was stumbling around slightly. It felt like the best experience ever and I told my girlfriend that she should try it.
My girlfriend suggested that we go outside so I followed her outside, tripping and stumbling and bumping into door frames, which seemed funny at the time.
1:00 AM: We found a different, female friend who had also taken the same thing and she was also equally messed up from it. It was then that I quite literally couldn't see anything but blurry faces nearby due to the colours and patterns in my vision.
1:15 AM: I felt my hand start twitching, then my arms, then my head, and I managed to say to my girlfriend 'I'm twitching, I'm twi...' I was panicking, then time seemed to freeze for me. I felt stuck in this position but everything around me had also stopped. Literally like time had frozen but I was still conscious. I thought I was dead.
This is what my girlfriend said happened to me: my twitches got violent and aggressive, I fell on the floor flat on my back, then I started having a seizure where my body was having full convulsions and my head was shaking really violently. I somehow got my head under a bench, but two men grabbed hold of my head to keep my head safe. I started choking. She was on Acid so she could see blood coming from my eyes. It lasted at least 5 minutes and then my body relaxed and I was led like a dead body on the floor. I was trying to get up, but couldn't. I was dripping with sweat and my face was bright purple.
The next thing I remember was being ushered out the front door by a security guard and I sat down on a ledge out the front of the venue. I didn't want to be there and wanted to run away. I had overwhelming paranoia. I couldn't speak, every time I tried to run away I just stumbled and had to sit down again. We had a friend come pick us up and take me back to my girlfriend's house. In the car I thought there was like 15 people was confused as to how I was going to fit, but there was only 2. I then got in the car, but <i>needed</i> to get out. I tried to escape the car, desperately trying to climb out the door.
2:00 AM: Once we got home, my temperature was all over the place, shivering to sweating, to taking all my clothes off and sitting on the front door step.
We sat there for a while and I tried to be sick out the front door but I stood up and walked into the kitchen where I was sick all over her kitchen floor. I then went upstairs, got in bed and took two Valium. Didn't fall asleep. Took two more, didn't fall asleep. I only fell asleep after 10 Valium then woke up two hours later. Once I woke up I did a line of ketamine which seemed to straighten me out and relax me a bit.
It was <i>easily</i> the worst drug experience I have ever had. I am never doing 25I-NBOMe again. I have done LSD and MDMA together numerous times and never had a problem.
I later spoke to the man that gave me the spray and he said that it doesn't mix well with anti depressants (the citalopram) so maybe that was part of the cause of it.
Thanks for reading and stay away from 25I-NBOMe. Not only was it the scariest experience of my life but it was for my girlfriend as well. Apparently seizures from this drug can cause death, so if you do try it, be <i>extremely</i> careful with dosage.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2013</td><td width="90">ExpID: 99903</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 29, 2013</td><td>Views: 16,203</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=99903&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=99903&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), MDMA (3), Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199), Pharms - Citalopram (227), 25I-NBOMe (542) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Health Problems (27), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
In late 2012, after my third or fourth experimentation with what I understood to be blotter LSD, but may have very well been 25-I or 2CB without my knowledge, I began to experience visual disturbances which I later discovered matched those of HPPD sufferers. They started a couple days after the last hit of blotter I took.
I commonly experienced a visual skipping and resetting of things in motion. I would watch. Car drive 10 feet in one direction but I would watch it move forward 4 feet skip back one foot, move foward another 6 feet and them skip back a foot, and continue forward. This, as well as a heightened awareness of floaters and peripheral disturbances, plagued my vision for close to 3 weeks.
While attempting to sleep I would occasionally experience the feeling of having something very large very close to my face and then something very small very far away, this feeling would oscillate but was never intense enough to keep me awake.
As I began to pay less and less attention to the disturbances they generally became less frequent and by the start of the fourth week they had completely disappeared.
Four to five months later, I tried psychedelics again. Since the visual disturbances stopped, I've experimented with various hallucinogens including LSD, 25i, 2CB, and MDMA, and no symptoms have returned or made any apparent reappearance during, before, or after a trip. I hope this info helps<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2012</td><td width="90">ExpID: 101394</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 17</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Sep 25, 2013</td><td>Views: 13,015</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=101394&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=101394&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), 25I-NBOMe (542) : Not Applicable (38), What Was in That? (26), Health Problems (27)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">0.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:20</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">0.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:50</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">120 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
October 4, 2009 at about 10 o clock I awoke from the most intense night of my life, not able to remember the last 6 hours of my life, I felt empty and as if something had left me. I couldn't grasp any normal thoughts, my mind felt like pudding and it seemed that I needed to mold it into something new.
I woke up on October 3, 2009 just like any other day, my friends parents were out of town and there was going to be a party that night. We had to pick up one of my friend's brothers, so we drove with his other brother and began smoking in the car. I was feeling pretty comfortable, and we continued smoking after we picked his brother up. We were driving around until about two and came home about two thirty. We hung out for awhile and then around four we went out and smoke with a guy who was selling some bud. We sat and smoked casually for awhile. Then at about 6 a guy showed up with a bong, two giant jugs of liquor, about 300 dollars for weed, and acid. Me and him smoked for about an hour talking about weed and how he had taken six hits of acid, it made me a little uncomfortable at first but I became fine with it. He promised to match me for whatever he smoked, and offered me a cigarette and acid. I declined both but told him I would talk to my friend about the acid, and I might take him up on it.
On October 3, 2009 around seven to eight o clock I took three hits of acid which was red on one side and white on the other. The first hit my friend and I did together when we where at a party and a kid offered it to us. My friend had been wanting to do acid for awhile, but I was apprehensive because I had read about it and knew how it could fuck people up. I knew about how people could get bummer trips and how they saw people decompose and thought bugs were eating them and under their skin. My friend eventually talked me into it and we took the hit in the bathroom, the kid had left two hits beside the candle. We ripped the small piece of paper in half and stuck the other half in out bags of weed.
About 20 minutes later we decided to take the other half hit. Then maybe another twenty to thirty minutes we asked the guy who had brought the acid for another hit, we had no idea what this entailed. He told us to chill and wait for the trip to come to us but we were too impatient by that point and insisted on another. He gave it to us.
After an hour and a half or so of smoking massive amounts of chronic I begin to feel a slight tingling around the edge of my vision and mind, I take no real notice of it and just think it is the many bowls of chronic that I have had. The guy who had given us the acid was sitting across from me and we were discussing about him matching me for what he had smoked with me earlier. Everyone thought I got a little too much but he was fine with it and we continued to smoke. Ten minutes later the guy was pretty messed up because he had taken six hits of acid and was really aware of anything. His little folded up gold foil that held his twenty five hits or so of acid was right in front of me. Everyone was extremely high and no one was paying attention to me so I unfolded it and took out another hit and stuck it on my tongue. After a few minutes of trying I got my friends attention from the opposite side of the table and stuck out my tongue to show him the little tab. His eyes bulged and he tilted his head and gave me a strong look, questioning where I got it from. I asked him if he wanted one and he smile and nodded. Another poor decision on our part.
We continued to smoke ridiculous amounts, I was clearing bowls in 3 or 4 hits which were massive and I am still unsure how my body and lungs were able to keep up. My friends and I continued to smoke one of the older guys who had also dropped acid I remember talking to, his eyes were buggy and completely dilated. I remember talking to someone else and he was just watching me and I could tell he didn't approve of me taking the acid. My friend's older brother thought we were idiots but didn't do much of anything else. The kid who actually gave us acid got lost in the kitchen for about an hour, and the kid I was talking to began to have a conversation with one of the dogs.
I began losing track of time and I don't really remember much more around this time, this is when the world I was currently was peaking and the magic was getting strong. I sat down with the older kids, ate some pizza and they began to leave and go home.
Finally the party wound down and it was just me and my friend, things were picking up now and I could see and feel the magic of the world around me. My friend was just staring into space while we were smoking and kept repeating 'I have no idea what is going on right now'. This was just the beginning though, I had no idea what the night had in store for us. My friend and I went to finish up the weed. When we were smoking all of a sudden we burst out with hysterical laughter and I dropped my favorite piece, the brown bubbler that I have bought in Mexico. When the piece shattered to the ground I felt like part of me was lost and all of my memories getting high with my close friends were gone. Part of me fell to the ground and broke that night along with my bubbler. My friend gaped at me and just said, oh no you didn't just break your bubbler. I was extremely disappointed but I was willing to accept the fact, and felt like it was a good time for it to end and I would get a bong soon to show my experience with smoking. I cleaned it up and chucked the remains into the woods.
I told my friends what had happened but there wasn't much of a reaction from them because of the gratuitous amounts of bud that had been consumed earlier, and they weren't heavy weights like my friend and I. I didn't really have a clear emotion or reaction about it at the time either because I wasn't sure what I was thinking now. I planned on going to bed soon, because it was around twelve and had been tripping for several hours. When I was walking down the stair to try and fall asleep my friend asked if the acid was all weird and fucking with me. I responded no and he became tense and said it is with me. I told him to just try and sleep it off and he went into a closet full with blankets and tried to sleep. I slept outside on the couch for a little but I was worried about him and his words were starting to get to me.
I got up and asked if he could sleep. He said he wasn't going to be able to sleep and asked if he got a bummer and if he was fucked up and if he was a fuck up. I tried to find his older brother who had some experience with acid. I took me five minutes or so to realize that he wasn't home. We went up into his room and lay down and I tried to make sure he wasn't going to do something stupid like jump out a window.
This is when the transition period began, right around two o clock. I felt like I was being nudged out of this world and was stuck in between planes. It was although the world around me was like the black and white static roar when you turn on a tv with no antenna. My friend was still acting strange and uncomfortable. He seemed pretty immobile though so I left to try and sleep in the closet. His word of 'am I a fuck up' kept ringing in my head as I sat in between two strange worlds. I went back up to check on him and he was still scared, I laid down and acted like everything was fine to try and calm my own nerves.
I remember getting up and looking at my friend in the dark room and then the acid turned on me. It was only for a few seconds, but my friend grew fangs and claws and seemed to snarl at me, his flesh decomposed and I saw bubbles under my skin like something was underneath them. Some survival instinct took over and shut it down before I could react though, I remember reading about how fucked up people got on bummer trips and I think that implanted whatever saved me into my brain.
I laid down beside him and told him we need to just roll with it, he replied after a few silent seconds of tripping 'this sucks.' I am not sure how much time had passed, I think it was an hour of so, but even when I closed my eyes I could still feel the static around me. It was like the craziest party that you could ever imagine and it was on a roller coaster.
Finally I emerged into the passage to the other side. It was being flown along with thousands upon thousands of images and sound and scenes from the world. Knowledge was being poured at an astounding rate into my brain it felt like my eyes were wide open and everything the world had to offer, all experiences, weather they be painful, miraculous, or boring, flowed into my mind and remained branded there. I saw everyone I have ever cared about, know, or loved. My entire life was dissected before my eyes and shown to me from a different view point. During this time, the trip had become so intense that I clung to the side of the bed and had to tap it to remind myself I was still really in this world. I became an individual who was able to understand everything and was granted access to the other side. I remember a world around me with mountains to my left and a stream to my right. Then I was running through the world exploring as much as I could with my limited time. The other side is impossible to describe in other words, it is the essence of peace and beauty, I can see why some find it so enticing and want to go back but at times it seemed eerie and surreal.
I remembered my friend and the thought threw me back into the static dimension which allowed me to come back and grasp reality for a few brief moments. His breathing was ragged and sounded awful, it scared me a little but he seemed to be okay now. I glanced over at the clock I am pretty sure it read four-twenty one. I moaned and looked out the window and saw a light cresting the horizon. I looked back at my friend and he hadn't moved. I decided to crawl back downstairs and into the closet.
Before I closed the door though I remember my vision became swirly and certain colors were out of place. I remember looking down and saw that the blanket that I had over me had morphed with my body. The fabric of my being had combined seamlessly with this blanket, my skin, muscles, bone structure, had all been changed and I became a unique creature. I wasn't able to tell if I was uncomfortable with this or awe stuck by it. When I went back to being displaced in the limbo static world, the time I was there decreased each time I went to the other side; I had to put my hand on the nearest wall so I would know I was still real. Then I shut my mind down and re entered the other side, not sure if I would be able to make it back or not.
Six hours later my mind snatched a brief moment of opportunity for thought and heaved itself back into the real world. I felt as if I had been reborn and had a second shot at life. I went up and woke my friend, he didn’t say much.
Later that day I went to a baseball game, I had about four hours to examine and lay out my life, try and mold who I am, who I used to be, what part of me got left behind on the other side, and who came back.
I realized that I had to be an extremely emotionally strong person to endure the 6 hour trip in the closet, I thought I should slow down on the drugs, stop smoking until I get my bong; let my crazy high tolerance go down. It seemed like the right thing to do.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2009</td><td width="90">ExpID: 81907</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 14</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 9, 2013</td><td>Views: 3,991</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=81907&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=81907&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Cannabis (1) : First Times (2), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 drops</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 drop</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This was the second and possibly last time i took LSD. I say this because i dont think any other Psychedelic or drug related experiencene could ever top this one.
Me and a few close friends went too an illegal rave in a castle in december, the people there were completely alternative, there where no idiots there trying to sell coke or anything. Obviously there were some insane people there, combining alll sorts of things and getting wasted to the point of no returjn, but there always is.
This wasnt a flaw tho. This njust enhanced the experience for me, it was incredible. WE got there early and had a few drinks, and i brought some salvia and pipe which made a few friends to start with! a couple of my mates took mdma fairly early so me and a few other mates went hunting for acid. Of course i now knpow what people mean when they say that You dont find LSD, LSD finds you. This all seemed alot like someone who had spent too much time on LSD, but it makes sense now.
If you look for it i imagine you'll find it in an uncomfortable place to take it, but if you wait and go somewhere like this, it'll be readily available. Me and my friend took too drops of liquid, which we were told was very weak (we later realised that there is no such thing)
This didnt kick in immediatly so we wwent for another drop which we bought for £5. The trip began slowly, and we had a bit of fun. There were typical wall pulses and things, and we had a dance to the awesome psy trance that they were playing. At about 10 o'clock the organisers of the rave brought us a suger cube laced with the stuff, which i was reluctant to take at first, cos i didnt wanna push it. but once my friends had taken it, i felt i wanted to be on the same level as they were.
It was strange at first becaus eit was my mates first experience with psychedelics, or any other drugs for that matter, and i felt i had the responcibility to look after her. So i sat with her in our dorm for alot of the time, talking and walking around, it was perfect, she was fine and we both said alot of things that we needed to say, i was happy here. This was what i wanted from my trip, to really sort out my head cos i was in a bad way with alcoholism, and acid alwys gives you the thinking you need to tackle your problems in the non-psychedelic realm. And it helped her i think too. We bonded that night, we went around the castle grounds and got frightened, inspired, wiser and became better friends for going through this together.
Id taken acid before, but a much lower dose. Which is why i thought i was at my peek at this point,i was wrong :)
When it really began to kick in, it became a little uncomfortable but still, there wasnt enough time to be frightened of this experience, your mind was working too quickly, there was too much to take in at the time. AT the highest point of the trip we went for a dance in the bottom room where they played the harder psychedelic stuff, and this is where i had the most perfect moment:
After dancing for a while i began some sort of ego death, in which i was omnipresent in this room full of otheres who were on the same level as i was, there was no predjudice, just an unconditional brotherhood amongst these people i didnt even speak too, these people id never met, iy was perfect. I felt out of control of myself, and that we were all one in control of eah other. Ive heard of people seeing god on acid, but i felt like i was god. It was perfect.
After this i went to the ambient room, and sat and watched the drapes hanging from the ceiling, covered in paper butterflies which moved there wings gently to the music, it was a perfect moment. The dimensions of the room where beyond comprehension, there was a girl near me juggling or something, my memory betrays me, but it was the most beautiful thing.
We then went back to the dorm, because my mdma taking friends were coming down hard, and so we all sat in the dark listening to pink floyd dark side of the moon. I had some great closed eye visuals here, the visuals just played around the song and held relevancy in them, one part i remember was watching rainbow dollar and pound signs fly by me as the song 'Money' was playing. It was fantastic. Another point i remember was listening to my friends in the bed furthest from me (They are a couple) giggling and laughing with each other, only to realise that it was just the drum beat of the song, and tha id interpreted that in my head that it was the two of them chatting. It just reminded me of how powerfully mind bending LSD is.
I know, this is just another typical trip report, but for me it was perfect. And i conclude that having a bad trip is impossible if you can just find the right place and do it with the right people. And make sure your in the right frame of mind else it could go wrong. But its also an important experience in life, to realise that there are other dimensions that your senses cannot comprehend withot lsd and psychedelics. lsd illegal? The world would be a better place if it wwas compulsary.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2007</td><td width="90">ExpID: 68313</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 18, 2014</td><td>Views: 3,214</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=68313&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=68313&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Rave / Dance Event (18)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance">Unknown</td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Let me start by explaining that, in retrospect, I was in need of having a bad trip when this experience happened. I was only 16 years old and I had been very reckless with psychedelic drugs. I would take a couple hits of acid at school quite often and only feel the LSD equivalent of being stoned. This is how much tolerance I guess I had built up from tripping all of the time.
If I wanted to actually “fry” I would often eat more like 10 or 15 hits and although the hallucinations would be intense, I could act “normal” in front of my strict parents who always made me come home at night. When I was in this abusive mindset I was also taking Zoloft (anti-depressant) and this may have been weakening acid and mushroom trips.
I had previously had a psychotic breakdown triggered by mushrooms but more due to anxiety, insomnia, and depression. After being heavily medicated on Haldol and losing any sort of self esteem or confidence. I became rather self destructive and obsessed with hallucinating. My psychiatrist and parents were convinced that I was a person who couldn’t even smoke pot without becoming delusional and paranoid. Needless to say they were full of shit. This became especially apparent when I would here these lectures while tripping balls and nod my head in fake agreement.
On the other hand they had a good point. If I cared about my self at all I would be smart enough to abstain from psychedelics at least until I was very comfortable with who I was. In addition to the psychiatry visits, I also was getting drug tests from my parents and usually testing positive for cannabis. To try and pass these tests I would often try to stick to drugs that wouldn’t show up on drug tests like LSD and mushrooms.
It was a beautiful spring day in Northern California. I had bought some 40 hits of white blotter acid. It was on very heavy blotter paper which leads me to believe today that it may not have been LSD as it could fit doses of less potent drugs. As far as me knowing whether it was 25I or DOB or 3cpo or R2d2 whatever the hell... I have no idea. Anyway it was kind of cheap and I was told it was really strong which every acid dealer would tell me. My plan was to take a few (4 or 5) to gauge the strength and then dose hard later at the show. I don’t remember exactly how much I took and I may have touched it too much. It went something like this...
00:00 I’m at my friend K’s house with many of our friends. Many of the people there are in my punk rock band and we don’t always get along. I tear off a few (4 or 5) hits of the thick white blotter and chew them up. It tastes very bitter, I usually only taste paper.
+00:20 A strong speedy buzz is coming on while I’m playing the guitar on a sunny deck. Instantly there is a pixilated spiral on the pavement and helixes rising up the redwood trees. I note that it is kicking in rather strong and very early. I promised K that I wouldn’t do the acid until we left his house as he was tired of me tripping and using his house as a safe house due to his much cooler parents. Especially since he had had a bad trip long ago and quit dosing. I felt a rush of guilt as the “acid”? was beginning to manifest itself in a way it never had even on strong trips in the past.
+1:00 We leave the house to score a sack of weed. I am still able to maintain control and act “normal”, however the high is not comfortable or all that fun at this point. Oddly the visuals are milder than they had been when it kicked in.
+1:30 We arrive back at K’s house with a sack and everyone is now aware that I am tripping as the visuals are strong and I can’t help talking about them. They are much sharper and pixilated than previous acid trips I’d had. LSD always had a twisty sort of oily texture to everything. These visuals were more like what I experienced much later in life smoking DMT. My friend K is semi-annoyed but not angry with me.
Another “friend” of mine (the drummer in my band) is gleefully fucking with me. He tells me my hair is on fire and I start smelling it burning. I feel hot fire burning my scalp. I ask everyone around if it’s really on fire. K’s mom sees this and looks worried but just looks me in the eye and says that my hair is not on fire. She is a very open minded woman and would probably not call my parents if it wasn’t an emergency so I wasn’t that worried but I still played it off and told her I had lit a cigarette and smelled burnt hair. I doubt she bought it. Things were spiraling out of control.
2:00 After people become aware and concerned that I am having a bad trip. I retreated to K’s room and lay down. I have tripped many times and only had semi-difficult shroom trips where I could lye in the fetal position for half an hour and then come down a bit and feel great. This was different, lying down only made everything more intense. I saw demons angry at my carelessness and ready to punish my feeble brain. I felt the sun piercing into my pupils and I felt long, thin needles going through my pupils and into my brain. At this point a female friend who I did not have any sexual tension with, came in the room and hugged me telling me it was going to be OK. This helped immensely and the embarrassment that my ego would normally suffer was non-existent. I wanted to cry but I’m really bad at doing that.
+3:00 Three of my friends and I went to a nearby park to take the possible situation away from K’s mother who has asked many times for no drug drama in her house. I was not in terror mode as I had been before but I was pretty much peaking and totally out of my fucking mind. I would beg for a cigarette and then light it, take a few drags and throw it away only to beg for another a minute later. I punched one friend randomly and sent him flying into a tree. Keep in mind I was 150 pound and couldn’t throw a punch to save my life. I would run screaming, not out of fear but out of simple lack of self control. Strangers were asking if I was OK. My friends felt they had to do something or I would most likely end up getting picked up by the police.
+4:00 and on My friends have me contained in a ditch. I’m cold and it’s getting dark. They told me they had a friend coming to pick me up. “I’ll be damned, I’m coming down” I thought. Things were finally mellowing out a bit and I was going to be OK. They told me our ride was here and I got up out of the ditch and saw my uncle standing near a phone. “&amp;*^$^”he said, “are you OK?” I thought I must have been wrong about coming down because my uncle was standing there and talking to me in the dark. Then I saw my father looking worried but playing it cool.
I looked at K. “You mother fucker” I thought. “You narced me out and now my life is over” The sobriety intensified as I was now in the company of my oppressive family. I tried to play it off as though they were misinformed and I was totally sober. I arrived at my house to see my mom crying and my aunt consoling her in the living room. I tried to make normal conversation but couldn’t quite cut it. I took a shower and sobered up to a normal LSD trip which I could easily handle. At this point I knew there was no way out of being in trouble. I was fucked and my friend set me up. The strange part was that the after effects of whatever the fuck I was on were helping me keep from dwelling on how screwed I would be the next day.
+6:00 My Mom comes in my room and explains what happened and that I should let her know if I started to freak out again. Yeah like I would go talk to my freaked out Mom to help myself calm down. I was now only experiencing pleasant after effects and the not so pleasant reality of the situation.
The Next Morning: “@%^%%* get your fucking ass up here! Your Mother and I want to talk to you” My only thought was “why didn’t my friends just ditch me in the woods?” I had a huge paper to write that Sunday and that was all I did that night other than almost knock my dad out for trying to strangle me, then get thrown out of the house in pajamas only to get picked up an hour later. K called me and apologized. I totally understood his choice to call my parents, although I do think that his parents being so cool and understanding helped him choose that decision. My parents now thought he was the greatest kid when they had hated him before. For some reason this pissed me off.
That night other parents called and accused me of distributing acid to all of my friends. One of them H who was bi-polar had totally flipped and cut himself while so tranced he didn’t recognize his own mother. He was put in 4 point restraint and taken to the hospital. Police were involved but I was never officially fingered. The truth was that I had given the rest of my stash to a girl and told her to flush it down the toilet or whatever. She turned on like seven people, one of them being H. He had had previous trouble with acid and was on meds for bi-polar disorder (very very dangerous!). I was blamed by everyone including my parents. My other friends who took it with him never really vouched for me because they thought I was a great scapegoat and I was known to be the druggy.
One thing this experience taught me was that I was not like H. I had psychological problems, not neurological problems. Everyone reading this please recognize the difference. Brain Chemical imbalances are serious and require a different attitude towards drugs, Especially psychedelics. That is not to say that I was not incredibly stupid to treat these powerful tools without respect. I didn’t touch LSD for several years after that and ended up a much stronger and self respecting person.
As for my parents, I feel a debt of gratitude for what they went through both before and after this experience. To them the thought of they’re disturbed son having a bad trip on LSD was far more frightening than it was for me. They had seen me totally delusional and catatonic before. I did not respect them at all until after this experience. I never ended up with any mental problems after high school, and I almost find myself strengthened by temporary mental fatigue. As for H, he still has serious problems that require a strict lifestyle of not drinking or drugging and diet exercise etc.
There is no doubt in my mind that if he never tripped he would be doing a thousand times better. So please don’t give me that LSD can’t hurt anybody crap. It is neutral, it can help a lot of us and destroy others. Tripping is great, but sanity is WONDERFUL.<!-- End Body -->
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<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 1995</td><td width="90">ExpID: 69139</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 17</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Sep 18, 2014</td><td>Views: 5,864</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=69139&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=69139&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Pharms - Sertraline (88) : Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
The way someone would most likely describe me would be ‘Hippy’. Good, bad, I take is for what it is. I love the Earth, animals, and the sense of deeper and subconscious learning. I’ve had past substance experience with (approximately):
Mushrooms 25+ times ; Ecstasy 10-12 times ; LSD 8-10 times ; Extensive pharm experience ; Habitual Marijuana use over the last 3 years ; Ether for a few weeks;
GHB 3 times ; DXM 20+ times ; Cocaine 6 or 7 times ; Salvia twice ; Diphenhydramine once ; 2C-(B or E) ; Morning Glory ; DMT: a resin rip with subtle effects.
Looking for something as inconsistent as LSD can be a deterring factor in the continuation of the search, But when the storm is right and the road to psychedelic enlightenment is paved, you have Bliss and a baby’s head.
‘Yeah man I have a friend who can get that, its ridiculously pure though, so it’s gonna be $15 a hit.’ ‘Oh I see, How about if I buy 10?’ ‘Same thing’ ...
After debating, I figured I trusted the kid enough for him to deliver on his word, and after all acid is quite the commodity. After the usual long waiting and anticipation of pre-trip, my friend called, setting a meeting place where we could pick this wonderful magic up.
At last, a baggy filled with 10 Sweetarts that set me back 150 big ones. Oh well, I was excited. Before I go into each trip/experience I always give myself a few minutes to reflect on what the upcoming event could hold in store for me, and try to induce mental clarity. At around 10:30pm I ingested the first piece of candy along with 4 other friends. Slightly metallic taste, hoping it was stronger than its taste had suggested. I still felt confident.
I noticed the first effects about 30-45 minutes in, nothing profound or too extreme, just mild color distortion and a slightly fuzzy head. Driving, looking for a place to burn some trees the acid was coming on nicely. Before departing from the car to partake in the sweet embrace of Mary Jane, we each take a second hit. It’s about 12:00.
<span class="erowid-caution">[Erowid Note:
Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. <a href="/chemicals/show_image.php?i=dmt/dmt_contraindications1.gif">Don't do it!</a>]</span>
On the walk down the dirt path to one of our favorite smoking spots Im struck dead in awe staring at the moon. Watching it as it slowly descends toward the mountains only to watch ascend once more. I pointed out the moon to my friends, and there we all are, stopped dead in our tracks staring. The moon had finally reached all the way to the mountains creating an epic lunar show, where the moonlight would reflect off the mountains in a series of bright patterns. We continued to stare in disbelief of this cosmic event until the moon had completely disappeared behind the mountains.
We had eventually made it to the bench to smoke. After we did everything of less-than-bright quality had temporarily gone from my vision. Seeing only an array of streetlights and stars. We got back into the car (not sure the intent of this was, if any) We were driving, bumping music, late at night, on Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, in Utah nonetheless, yet there was this sense that nothing could go wrong, like I was protected from harm and any other terrible event that could befall on me, other than my own psyche I guess. While in the passenger seat of my friends car, I had let out a loud gasp of terror as I clutch my mouth in horror. And pointed at this terrible thing as it lay in the road. Landon (the driver) exclaimed ‘ You saw it to?!’
I couldn’t speak, I was at a total loss for words. My friend had just seen the same morbid, disturbing image I had seen, without knowing that I had even seen it. All I did was nod my head.
‘You saw that baby’s head in the road to?’
It was like he’d ripped the words from my mouth. As we approached this decapitated infants head, it had turned back into what its true form had been, a brown lunch-bag twisted at the opening to create a spherical bottom with grease stains down the sides, looking like bloodied hair. Such an elaborate trick my mind had played on my vision, it was too real for such a awful image. What I took out of this, is that the immensity and realty of this substance can create structures in the worlds beyond infinity. Its power should not be taking lightly. It is a sacrament.
To the park was our destination. Swings! What an idea! Back and forth I go with my face cocked towards the stars zoned out to Floyd(as with most of the night) with a grin bigger than the Cheshire cat.
At a different park (not sure why), my brother comes to buy a sack from my buddy. He comes over talks to me for a bit. Leaves, then I hear him calling back at me with a sort of excitement in his tone. He runs back over to show me some pictures of some newly budding plants he’d been working on. I must of got the excitement from his vibes. I immediately have this huge smile on my face as he explains his photos. I could feel the light from the phone on my skin, and it was as though the light being reflected on me was exuding from my every pore. With a body high of nothing I have ever felt.
We continued on up into the wilderness section of this park late at night. I remember the lure of a wheat field, I had to go spin in circles with my arms stretched out from my sides, brushing my fingertips against the many plants. My friends got a good chuckle out of this, but it just felt too right not to!
Reaching higher and higher in the park we settle near an old bench. Staring out at the skyline, just staring. And it happened. The line that separated the foliage from the sky and all the colors switched on me. It was almost as if things had gone into ‘Negative’ vision.
Still zoning to Floyd, I take a seat on the bench just beginning ‘The Wall’. My eyes are closed with my forehead resting on the edge of the table. ‘The Thin Ice’ comes on the child crying gives me a little scare, and I pop open my eyes as result. Not 2 feet from my face underneath the bench, this hideous child with eyes wide as saucers is staring at me while simultaneously I hear it crying through my headphones. It was there as plain as day. My heart stopped. It was too real not to be.
The night continues on at the same park, and in a wide field we all notice a giant pole sticking up from the ground. We all look in wonder, until one of us starts running over to it, with the rest following close behind. Turns out it was a telephone pole (Go figure!). I was barefoot during this whole ordeal (Hippy nature I suppose) as well as most of all last summer. I felt this soothing, soft, almost perfect scratch against my feet. I would pick up handfuls of this sand I was standing on, and just let it slowly drain from my hands. During this repetitive action the thought kept running through my head of there being as many planets in this existence as there are grains of sand on this Earth. Staggering realization when you feel like you can actually put somewhat of a tab on the possibility.
It had become early(5-6am) and the LSD was subsiding. Mostly now was the left-over self-reflection period where you’re usually are making a lot of conclusions about life and trying to interpret what you had just seen. The bridge back to reality.
We had watched the Lunar light show of the moon dropping behind the mountains, and now here we were watching her counterpart, the sun, bring light and life to the world around us. I had seen the cosmic systems workings for a night. Absolutely stunning. Truly the work of design.
We had made our way over to a Harmons(?). I had made the comment while looking at a bushel of roses, that it would be considered quite peculiar for me to go and start smelling all these different flowers. The thought invoked the action, and there I am at 7am smelling the flowers out in front of a grocery store.
It sounds really(10x) corny, but we all need to stop and smell the roses every once in while, and truly take in what has been given to us in this beautiful (mess of a) world.
We cannot grasp existence because we have no means to describe it.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2010</td><td width="90">ExpID: 88733</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Sep 18, 2014</td><td>Views: 3,256</td></tr>
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[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/nbome">NBOMe Series</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">140 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Mixed Experience
My experience with this drug was very interesting. A friend of mine who I was very close with called me. It was either the second or third day of spring break and for some odd reason it was STILL snowing outside. Anyways my friend had called and she was going on and on about how she needed me to be there, and then finally explained that she and a bunch of our other friends were doing (what they thought at the time was) acid.
I initially was supposed to be a sober baby sitter. So I got there and all 5 of them were going on about how weird I looked. Apparently it was because I was sober. My friend that called me was rolling on the carpet and walls talking about gravity. Everyone else was laughing and didn't seem to have such strong effects as her. Anyways they all BEGGED me to take a tab, and I did. I wasn't sure what to expect seeing as the only things I had done before has been marijuana and alcohol. It was bitter and I left it in my mouth for a lot longer than everyone else had.
My mouth was numb and it took about an hour to get any effects. The ceiling was moving around and I remember a friend stopping me from googling acid, he said it would just freak me out. We all decided to go to the store not too far away to get gum and get rid of the taste. It took me forever to put my shoes on because I was really feeling it at this point. It felt like I had just walked out the door and we were somehow teleported there. My friend who initially invited me was laughing and I couldn't stop laughing. It was great at this point. We walked down aisles and actually lost each other IN THE SAME AISLE. My friend's boyfriend was freaking out about how everyone was strring. He just kept yelling at us to shut up and saying 'LOOK, NOW EVERYONE HERE KNOWS.' I started to feel really threatened by him, but the way things were stretching and moving kept my mind off of him and his paranoia. We got the gum and headed back. Everything was blurry. I was holding onto my friend and could barely walk. I'm not even sure how I safely crossed the street. There was a bit of snow on the ground and it was moving and changing colors.
We got back to the house and everyone was sharing about what was happening for them. I couldn't really talk. My mind was racing. Everyone else had taken it an hour before I had since I got there late so the effects they were feeling weren't as strong. I remember the person who had gotten the acid was the guy who was paranoid for the whole trip. He kept telling me to not look in the mirror. For some reason I was SO tempted to, I think because of his constant reminder not to. I went into the bathroom to 'pee' and just stared at my reflection for a long time. It was melting and I thought it was so great. I eventually went back into the living room and layed on the couch. There was a painting of an Indian woman above me and I stared at it for a long time. I remember thinking that that painting was MADE for acid. It was changing colors and at first I thought it was an electric painting haha.
I kept wanting to join into the conversation but I couldn't understand it. It was almost like they were speaking another language that I had taken a short class in. Like I knew key words of what they were saying but not enough to make up even a sentence of it. I felt a little excluded but my mind was so confused and jumbled that I couldn't focus on my feelings for long. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I felt a little excluded but my mind was so confused and jumbled that I couldn't focus on my feelings for long.</div></div> I do remember feeling that all of my friends looked very happy and revived though, and that I looked very scary and abnormal in comparison. I eventually walked to the mirror in the living room and stared at myself. In between my eyes on my nose my skin was swirling and everything else on my face was melting. I kept laughing at it, and eventually felt like I could not stop laughing.
It seemed harmless but I started to get a very weird vibe. The trip was about half way done with but it had been so long already. I decided to tell a very close friend about what I was doing because I felt very guilty for excluding him. He got angry with me and my trip spiraled. My weird vibe, along with barely being able to talk and understand what my friends were saying, my friend getting mad at me, and my friend who was there on it with us and paranoid had all caught up with me and I started to cry. I eventually calmed down. As soon as I was calmed down, my friend who had initially invited me said she was going to go to her boyfriend's house and stay the night. She was leaving me all alone on a drug I had never done before in her house, with her not-approving mother who was to be arriving home at any minute. This made me cry again and I begged her to stay but she left. The girl she left me with was also on the drug but I was getting a weird vibe around her. I felt like she was out to get me and that she was a demon.
I was now able to speak again but ignored the girl at all costs due to the weird feeling. Everything that had happened next was a blur. I remember waking up in the middle of the night, looking around, and realizing that I was still tripping. I barely had gotten any sleep.
Since then I had very hard times whenever I wanted to smoke. Whenever I got high I got the 'bad vibe' feeling. Certain noises would give me the 'vibe' and certain places. I have dreams involving acid and it really had gotten out of hand for a while. Although I think I'm over it now I had insomnia for a long time afterwards too. It's been almost a year and I get the 'vibe' whenever I'm alone, or talk about the experience. To be honest I have the vibe now.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2012</td><td width="90">ExpID: 102079</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 16</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 18, 2016</td><td>Views: 1,569</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=102079&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=102079&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">NBOMe Series (539), LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 1:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">200 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">IV</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/meth/">Methamphetamine</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">112 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Hi I wanted to come here today to write about an expirence I had a few months ago but before I do I'll give you a little background. I have used almost every common drug and I am very expirenced the only thing I was new to at the time was speed / meth. I am clean now because the expirence I'm going to tell you about changed me forever.
I started using meth about a year ago everything was fine I started smoking it. Things were cool I would stay up for days at a time and still feel great till the come down. About six months after I started smoking speed I went to shooting up. This were things change. The first time I put the needle in my arm I get my vein on the first try. I push the plunger down and 5 seconds later WHAM. I feel a very very warm and comforting feeling come over me followed by a rush it was the most comforting feeling to me. I get a little but of visuals from it but not that overpowering I continue to use and shoot up for few more months. Then one night my life changed for ever.
I go to purchase some LSD from a good friend. I go back home to get in the shower. I come home and have a needle already loaded with some speed inside it 200 mg to be exact. So before I get in the shower I take my hit of acid at 7:00 pm it's 300ug. I put it on my tongue and wait a half hour and get in the shower. The visuals are starting to kick in already. I also take my loaded needle with 200 mg of speed in it with me. I start the shower and stand for a min letting the acid kick in. I then take my syringe at 8:00 pm fill it with water to the 60cc mark and hit my vein. Mind you I took acid right before this. I push the plunger down and BAM my ears are ringing like you won't believe. The rush is stronger then ever before the visuals from the acid are intense. My heart is going the fastest it has ever gone. I get out of the shower. I noticed I am shaking a bit and I am a bit cold. But I don't mind of it. I go to my room and lay down. I play some drama live mix. Then this were things take a turn.
<pullquote>As I'm laying down my ears are ringing so bad I get nervous. The acid is very intense combined with the speed. I notice my breathing and heart rate are so out of whack I panic. I panicked because my heart was beating so fast I couldn't keep track of it. It felt like it was beating out of my chest. But my breathing seemed too normal for that heart rate. My body feels so tight it's hard to walk. I get up and go tell my dad what I have done and tell him I need an ambulance and to go to the ER. He calls 911. I'm sitting there hanging on to my dad's girlfriend for dear life because it feels like I'm going to loose consciousness any minute. Screaming god please don't let me go. The ambulance arrived and they helped me walk out the door. They hook me up to the heart monitor and good thing I got help. I read what the monitor said my blood pressure was 190/130 pulse was 230bpm.
It only got worse. I got to the hospital. Some pieces get foggy but I remember trying to speak and my words were so slurred I couldn't understand what I was talking about. I couldn't really see because the visuals were the most intense I have ever expirenced. So here am in the hospital there were cops asking me where did you get these substances at etc. I told them I don't know. The went through my phone and Ipad. They wait for my blood pressure and pulse to go down. The nurses give me lorazepam and send me home that helped a lot I get home I am still tripping absolute face. I lay down no music because I am still a bit anxious.. I didn't sleep all night.
In the early morning the Extreme heart beat returns again for some reason. I get nervous again. This time I have chest pains. I call the ambulance because my dad is in bed sleeping it's morning I've been up all night. This time they keep me a couple days in the hospital. Everything was ok I just needed sleep. Now the first time I went to the hospital I indeed took too much methamphetamine. My body just can't handle it I have learned a lot.
From this expirence I am now clean to this day since that incident. The reason this also may have occurred is that I have kidney disease I have had it since I was 2. Years old. I got a transplanted kidney at 2. It went bad in May of this year 2016. So please take this into account and be very very carful what drugs you mix.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2016</td><td width="90">ExpID: 108899</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 18</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 28, 2016</td><td>Views: 6,452</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=108899&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=108899&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Methamphetamine (37) : Alone (16), Overdose (29), Health Problems (27), Combinations (3)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</pullquote></div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance">Unknown</td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ketamine/">Ketamine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">vaporized</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(extract)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">175 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I was back on the east coast visiting some friends, the timing of my return happened to line up perfectly with a small music festival in the area that my friends and I used to enjoy going to. It's a small festival with some shady undertones, a lot of local jam bands, and a completely unregulated drug scene.
So its the second day of the festival, its been fun so far until my friend J and I decided its time to dose on my favorite drug LSD. So off into the woods we go to find one of J's friends who has these beautiful gel tabs from the west coast. We find him and for whatever reason I decide to be cheap and buy his WoW paper, never had a bad experience with his WoW so no cause for concern. I get 10 hits and eat 5 hits right off the bat. (I'm a heavy dose tripper) We then walk back to our camp site to give everyone else their acid and wait for ours to kick in and go watch some music.
We get to our camp and start doing lines of ketamine while were waiting, I start to think that it doesn't feel quite right (Iv'e been reasearch chemicaled before but it always tasted like chlorine, this was tasteless WoW) Now the trip is starting and it feels all wrong, there aren't any colorful visuals, it's distorting sound in weird unpleasant ways, no feeling of sunshine or beautiful imagery.
At this point I keep it to myself as to not concern any of our friends who are tripping, some of whom are on real acid a few of us ate the paper but no one ate as much of the paper as I did. I'm waling with 2 of my friends and the drug is starting to come on, it's alien, at this point I tell my friends that this is not LSD and we got ripped off/are now guinea pigging some new research chemical.
If it stayed like this it may have been fun, but I started to get tension in my back and neck muscles, it starts slow but soon becomes apparent that I should be at least somewhat concerned (my friend J is experiencing the same pain) we decide that this absolutely sucks and we as experienced trippers will just go to the tent, keep an eye on each other, and ride this awful drug out.
As we are hanging in the tent my back becomes much more painful, like battery acid was feeding into my muscles while on the most delirious trip of my life. We decide to walk towards the paramedic tent just in case cause J is having cold sweats, looks very pale, I could see the veins in his face and not just because of the drugs. We keep walking away from camp then returning a minute later to get more warm clothes (it's like 80° out). While J is in the tent I'm standing outside with a couple friends. I black out for a second and J is in front of me saying we need help. I realize all the people I had been talking to had left and I had no idea when.
Ok time to get serious, as we walk to the paramedic tent we are discussing the festival, life, what we're going to do when this horrible trip ends. We make it close to the tent and J starts to lose it, his body is attacking him, he is delirious and pale, and we have no idea what we took <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">we have no idea what we took</div></div>. J gets looked at by the paramedics and I explain everything I can to the EMT, that it is a new tasteless research chemical, it's not 25i or and DOx chemical, since J is stable they prioritize a few overdose victims before him. We are sitting in the paramedics tent, tripping on the worst drug I have ever taken (just imagine all your least favorite parts of tripping all in one drug and you just ate 5 hits of it). One person we saw was getting carried away on a stretcher, staring into the sky with a look of bliss on his face, stripped down to only his boxers, screaming with pleasure and grabbing his dick, he didn't look like he even knew he was on his way to the hospital... one of the worst things I've seen in my life.
Finally J's ambulance arrives, I watch as he is loaded into the ambulance and tell him that I love him and that he will be ok and he is in professional hands. The ambulance leaves and the EMTs start asking me a couple questions to make sure I'm ok enough to go back to the festival. I go hang out in the chill tent and talk with some of the volunteers until I decided to go check on my other friends and see how there doing/find any girl in my group and convince them to massage my completely fucked back muscles. I find my group and everyone else is ok, my friend N took the same thing, had the muscle pain so he just rode the trip out in the tent. I decide only drugs I'm taking are ones to make my back feel better so I do a dab, eat an indica medical candy, then do some K while getting a massage and explain what happened to my friends. I'm done for the day and to try to sleep off the pain in my tent to no avail. Around 2 am (I think) my friend J pops into my tent and said they just let him ride out the trip at the hospital then he took a cab back to the festival...what a champ. Glad to see he is alive we take it easy for the rest of the event.
Overall I decided I'm not doing acid on the east coast again, I've guinea pigged to many research chems looking for beautiful real acid, and I was disappointed in myself that I let it happen again. But if your taking acid make sure you know your source, I'm not even sure the kid we bought it from knew as it most likely tested as LSD being a lysergic knock off? Even though that experience sucked some positive reflections came from it and next time I take acid it will be from a 110% trusted source <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">next time I take acid it will be from a 110% trusted source</div></div>. Thanks for reading and stay safe, doing drugs and having a good time is great n all but not worth risking everything for.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2014</td><td width="90">ExpID: 106344</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 20</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Sep 5, 2016</td><td>Views: 4,218</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=106344&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=106344&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Unknown (120), LSD (2) : Difficult Experiences (5), What Was in That? (26), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">140 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
It happened once before too, I get an early period when I take LSD. I was experiencing cramps a couple days after taking LSD although it wasn't due my period; and my period is usually on time. So I got worried and got a ultrasound test to look at my ovary and uterus and they told me everything is normal but it seems like I'm having an early period.
Another point: the first time I took LSD I put it under my tongue for 30 minutes and then spit it out, and it lasted for 10 hours. but this time I swallowed it after 15 minutes, and it lasted for 36 hours and we couldn't go to sleep; we missed an entire night of sleep. It's normal. I didn't panic and if it got tiring I just distracted myself with playing a video game or something. It happened with my other friend too, he swallowed it and it lasted much longer compared to other times with the exact same dose.
Although taking two hits was a lot, and for a while we had a bad trip, it was worth taking it. I can look at different aspects of my life more clearly now. I had an amazing trip last time when I took one hit, but I think this time at the peak it got so unfamiliar that we got worried for a sec, but it went away, and we enjoyed it. Also, becuz it lasted so long we were getting worried if it is gonna go away. but it did :)
I like to enjoy the day light, to go outside and enjoy the beauty of the sky and nature. and of course, music. Wine is soothing and relaxing when I'm coming down.
This time when we were coming down we smoked weed and I think it intensified the panic, and brought back the acid trip after we already came down from it.
<!--Love to you all, and if you're a tool fan listen to tool and spiral out <3--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2016</td><td width="90">ExpID: 109141</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 26</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Sep 10, 2016</td><td>Views: 1,681</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=109141&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=109141&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Retrospective / Summary (11)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">185 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I think health side effects should be kept on record for any psychedelic drug even if not everyone experiences it.
For myself I had done LSD in the summer of 2015, purchased from a reputable on-line vendor from [darknet], and a few weeks previous I had done some mushrooms, so that may have contributed to the negative effect.
I began tripping around 11am and walked around a forest near my home. Initially the visuals were nice and there was a feeling of curiosity mingled with excitement.
I did suffer from a few negative effects from this LSD and I was in a state of LSD cross-tolerance, which I had from a mushroom trip two weeks previous, which I believe contributed to these pains, i.e. if I had some more time in between to return to a mental baseline I think the trip would have been superior.
In any sense the two most common health complaints during the trip was, a dull-headache that felt like my entire brain was being mentally stimulated but without consequence. This dull-ache lasted for a good four hours after it began about 3 hours into the trip. This may have been exacerbated by a lack of water which I tried to rectify once I arrived back home. Needless to say this was mentally and emotionally exhausting.
Secondly due to the stress endured during the trip my stomach was undergoing some muscle strain at the general location around my esophageal sphincter. For me to have stomach pain is very uncommon and this muscle pain lasted for minutes at a time and then for months after the trip. It would occur occasionally when I ate, before I ate, or just randomly throughout the day.
As well I tend to become easily paranoid and that sensation was definitely a feature during the second half of the trip. At one point I passed the police while walking back home and began to fear that the musings aloud that I had done earlier in a park was overheard and the cops had been called. This fear persisted for a good two hours afterwards until I went to sleep.
Overall I think it would have gone better if I had not had that cross-tolerance and I am disappointed that my first LSD trip featured more negative moments than good.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2015</td><td width="90">ExpID: 109212</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 26</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Sep 27, 2016</td><td>Views: 1,601</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=109212&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=109212&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Alone (16), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/">Vortioxetine</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">170 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
LSD and Vortioxetine Withdrawal
Background info:
I am a college student that struggles with anxiety and depression. I have taken various anti-depressants over the years, and am currently coming off of vortioxetine as I feel it is not having much effect on me. It had been 5 days since I had completely tapered off, and I was starting to get pretty severe withdrawal symptoms from the vortoxetine (including “brain zaps/shocks”, anxiety, depression, and mild suicidal thoughts).
In the past, LSD has mediated my anxiety and depression symptoms, making them fade away for the duration of the trip. I was feeling rather desperate for a release of these symptoms, so I decided I would take 110ug of LSD to try to mediate the symptoms and to have a good night. I also figured that LSD, being serotogenic, could possibly reverse the withdrawal symptoms. I have taken LSD 4 times before this, all of them being good trips.
The trip:
I smoked .3g of cannabis out of a bowl prior to the trip. About a half an hour from the ingestion of LSD, I started feeling the effects. I decided to take a walk as the come-up on LSD tends to be a little harsh on me, especially the vasoconstriction. I went back inside my home and about a half an hour afterward I suffered from very severe panic attacks about 2-3 hours into the trip. At this point I wanted out of the trip very badly, and was freaking out. These panic attacks went away after about an hour. After this experience, I decided I would meditate to try to calm myself down, as I was having anxiety that another panic attack was coming.
At this point, I decided I would take some of my leftover vortioxetine to try to calm the unbearable anxiety. This ended up somewhat muting the rest of my trip, but I still had mild visuals along with the LSD headspace.
I should have known that taking LSD in the midst of my mindset was a terrible idea <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">taking LSD in the midst of my mindset was a terrible idea</div></div>. It ended up being a very powerful learning experience in the end, with many insights into my psychiatric diagnoses. <!--I would highly recommend abstinence from LSD if you are undergoing any major changes in psychiatric drugs.--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2016</td><td width="90">ExpID: 109263</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Not Specified</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 20</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Oct 24, 2016</td><td>Views: 3,499</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=109263&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=109263&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Depression (15), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Alone (16)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 drops</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">180 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
It was time again. Every couple of years Tom felt, he would tell his closest friends, 'acid calling'. Wondering whether these intuitions were the product of self-hypnosis/delusion or just some cultural hippie norm he had picked up subconsciously, he got into the car with with two of his traveling companions to drive a few hundred miles to a contact of theirs. Being of the persuasion, that there are essentially two kinds of acid, the acid approaching purity produced with a lot of care and the mediocre nonsense that he had found to be of less worth than the piece of cardboard it had been dropped onto, he didn't care as to whether this belief was factually true or not. He just found that procuring a bottle of Acid in an alcohol solution from a specific contact was 'appropriate in effect' for the circle he found himself experimenting with in that time. Better in subjective experience than the blotters and sugar cubes even after an expert had maintained 'acid is acid, man... it either works or it doesn't'. It was a pilgrimage to procure the bottle, with battles and problems that had to be confronted or laid aside along the whole route: traffic jams, stormy weather, route changes and adjustments as well as no place to stay at their destination. All this trouble and stress to procure a little bottle of madness juice.
On the journey back home the three of them had decided to visit a botanical garden that was displaying a rare carnivorous plant in bloom. As Julia was a plant person, this stop was mandatory and the botanical garden was rewarding and what Andy liked to call 'authentifying'. At the entrance however, the group was told that the flower had just fallen. The bloom lasting only around two to three days, the plant's flower had finally given way to gravity about an hour before the arrival of the returning pilgrims. 'It's clear what happened here... the acid did that' was Andy's response 'It dissolves everything, even this monster flower at a distance, so when we approached with the bottle...'. The day was one of those breezy summer days and the botanical park around the greenhouses was filled with strong old trees; the kind that have character and beards of moss that are softer than mattresses when they aren't too wet or too dry. The place was relaxed, beautiful, and quiet enough to tolerate a session on the part of this group and so a toast was made to the security guards; their ability to stay out of sight was a skill that the so-called guardians, protectors and police people of our society could learn from. Tom hoped that no 'hooligan druggies' would ever find this place to necessitate more security and trash cans and coke machines and fast food stalls and that kind of what he considered to be consumerist crap spoiling nature's performance.
Only 20 minutes after a glass of Mango juice with 2 drops out of the bottle, Tom found himself wrestling with the day's first issue. In his late twenties, a part of himself had always thought his career would pick-up sooner and was hurting him. An impatience was brewing inside of him with all the compromises he had made and all the concessions his art had to suffer in the process. Instead of studying music and working for diplomas in teaching, he felt he should've just went for it and become a full time singer-songwriter. He blamed himself for being a typical hypocrite coward to walk the 'safe route'. Then the mp3 player jumped to his Playlist with songs by Charles Ives for piano and voice. The turning point in this episode was remembering that Ives had actually become an insurance executive instead of trying to live of his music. The reason for this was simple: Ives didn't want to be in a situation wherein he was forced to sell his baskets. Instead, he made money in business and bought his own freedom along with helping many young composers feed themselves and live. When he was free in this sense, he was able to write the most original, experimental, and courageously beautiful songs. He was not the bitch of any audience or crowd and he didn't have to accept pay from idiots that knew less about music than children know intuitively.
Beauty to Ives was not simply prettiness, sweetness, darkness, coolness or any other limiting aesthetic criteria and it certainly could not be adequately grasped by language. But most of all it was something that we don't really know.
Tom had always felt jealous about not being popular enough or people not recognizing his passion and had thought that success in a commercial and career sense was something admirable and something absent from his life. Acid on that particular day changed that negative emotion. Instead of successful singer-songwriters and famous bands and musicians deemed to be excellent, he saw a bunch of empty idol worship. After all, Pavlovian research had shown 100 years ago that all that is needed to like a song is repetition and 'getting used to it'. People can be hypnotized to like any crap as long as you repeat it often enough; just look at how people vote or believe the news that they see on the net or on TV. The problem here to Tom is overly reductive thinking: when people reduce themselves to liking certain styles, or genres and keep rationalizing that with 'everybody's taste is different, you can't argue about taste' and that 'this music/band is part of my personality' they deceive themselves in that they think they know what it is they want or seek. At this very moment, Tom felt, a person goes blind. What they perceive to be openness for a style, an artwork, a book, or a music is inversely the closed-mindedness towards everything else. A truer openness is constantly shifting, probing, fluid, and at the same time strong, with integrity. An open aesthetic person makes bad aesthetic judgments and adjusts accordingly. Beauty and truth not as some formula that you know and that is part of your style; but as a wild animal that requires a lot of chasing after, a lot of seeking, a lot of questioning, purifying and readjusting of your methods and strategies.
For the first time in a long time, Tom felt happy about choosing the Ivesian route or at least he believed his own lie without cynicism. Hollywood and signed bands are for the masses to which he said goodbye and spoke a chant ending in something like: 'I love you guys, but I know better than to open my mouth when you don't want to listen and for this reason my stage, music, creativity is reserved for my loved ones. There is nothing I want nor care to prove to strangers.' To Tom, in his delusional intoxicated state, the mango juice had removed a huge weight and with his mischievous grin he said he was gonna make some serious cash and become as fucked-up as everybody else. His next toast went to Ives.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2008</td><td width="90">ExpID: 73122</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Nov 17, 2016</td><td>Views: 1,274</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=73122&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=73122&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Music Discussion (22), General (1)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/clonazepam/">Pharms - Clonazepam</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/library/books_online/pihkal/">Methallylescaline</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco - Cigarettes</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">200 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I was at a party with my trusted friend M and before he had came and picked me up I had taken seven or ten milligrams of Clonazepam.
The reason for this party was that it was the last day that my cousin E was going to be living at his Dad's before moving out. So of course, to celebrate, what else do we do other than have a good drunk lousy night? I had already began to feel the effects of the clonazepam before we arrived and I was feeling 'normal' more social as I have a high tolerance to benzodiazepines. After a while of drinking, smoking, and talking my friend M motions me to come over to him.
'Hey man, want to put this drug inside you? Haha,' I smile at him, drunkenly, 'Of course I would love to. what is this drug called and what does it do?' He told me it was methallylescaline, a test chemical with a feel between molly and mescaline. I was wary of the drug telling him I had doubts about it. He quickly reassured me letting me know that he himself, and others had taken it and were on it currently. He also told me I didnt have to 'accept the free drugs' he was giving me if I didnt want to.
Of course, this made me want to ingest it more. So I did, he cut a threshold dosage of the strange chemical and put it on the surface of a book. It looked like cut cocaine, but yellow-ish in color. He had told me to only take it orally though, not to snort it because it was crystalline so I slid my tongue across the surface collecting all methallylescaline of the top and gulping its pharmaceutical taste down with a swig of beer.
I have extreme social anxiety, often, but after a while when the methallylescaline began to start working I felt hysterical. Laughing at every human folly present in the room. I noticed a girl, in the corner of my cousins room. She was alone (she was alone but not lonely looking), but was evidently really interested in the book she was reading. 'God' forbid I ever begin a conversation with a cute girl sober. I walk over and crouch right next to her and ask what she's reading. She smiles at me, obviously pleased with my interest. She begins explaining she was just skimming over poems. She reads a few select to me, they made me want to cry. The words were so heavy. So real, I could feel them, they gave me goosebumps. I found all of them delightful and amusing at the same time though. Talking to that girl about poetry (I, being a reader myself) felt extremely content with the fact that she, and poetry existed.
As it begins to get late my mom calls me and asks if I need a ride. Arriving with my friend M I asked him if he wanted to leave (Everyone was passing out by this point even though it was only about seven o'clock) He said yes, he had things to do tomorrow Saturday. On the ride home I felt happy and sleepy, I had put in my favorite black flag album and just mostly had on and off conversations with my mother and friend. This is when I recall during my fucked up escapade at my cousin's house I had bought 3 hits of acid off of my friend R. I felt them in my pocket, protected by a small thin layer of aluminum foil.
My friend was dropped off, I was home, and the drugs I had taken that day began to wore off. Surprisingly the methallylescaline had no hangover-like effects afterwards. I went home, put on a boring movie and fell asleep peacefully. (best sleep ever)
When I woke up I remembered the three hits I had in my pants pocket. I was overly excited to trip that day (alone because both friends I had wanted to be sitters or partake could not make it to my house) so I immediately got up and got fully dressed for it was heavy winter and I had planned to go to one of my favorite places, the woods. I read a few trip reports and blared some music while I packed my backback with blankets, water, headphones, a snack, and a good book, as well as my phone and some really tasty djrum clove cigars. I took two hits initially and decided to take the third while peaking. I had done acid before, but only one hit so I did this to 'test the waters' Which I shouldnt really do with acid I know, but at the moment...No fucks were given.
I tell my mother I am leaving and I'll be back soon I give her a kiss goodbye and walk out the door dressed just enough to fight off the cold. Everywhere I looked. Snow. Dead trees. It was already beautiful enough on it's on that day. I start playing Portugal. The Man's album Satanic satanist and begin walking towards the secretive trail in my woods having to lift my foot nearly a feet off of the ground to make it to the entrance through the snow.
I felt very drunk and stoned, as well as lucid. I continued on walking. The snow in the woods was no longer very tall. the trees had protected the paths and made them somewhat clear. I went to one of my favorite spots running like a wild man. It felt so good to breathe and to feel my heartbeat as I ran. I stopped peering over the edge of a wall of dirt I used to call the cliff as a child. It had a running creek beneath it that caused it to form. I sat and I just stared at the water Playing tricks with my eyes. I felt as though the tree sunken underneath the water was going to rise any minute now. The snow beneath me was not cold. underneath it looked as though I was standing on top of snow covered ice masquerading an underwater current.
I crouched down and pressed the surface of the ground and I could see and feel water leaking out of cracks of ice. this amused me. very much. I would jump all around watching the 'water' under the ice seep through the cracks I had made. I can't remember very much afterwards. So many thoughts. I loved hallucinogens, but the thought racing always made me hesitant to ingest them. I figured I had circled the woods twice, somehow replaying every song I listened to initially again in the same order. It was as if I lost my mind in a time loop. I felt like a wandering homeless man. I decided it was time to turn back. I headed deeper into the woods towards a bridge I often frequent to get back to a road so I could walk home faster. On my walk back the side of the road and the actual road were separated by great length and waving and it was very hard to maintain balance and normality in my strides. Cars were slower than usually and I could feel the stares from many drivers as I walked towards my house (This being a road leading to an interstate) I couldnt wait to get back home and do something interesting that would play with my senses.
Walking back, a cop pulled next to me and told me that a few people had called in and said a suspicious person was walking near their house. His face (typical cop, typical cop stache) was growing larger and smaller coming at me and receding and so were the frames of his driver seat window. I told him nonchalantly, 'Of course I look suspicious I've been walking these roads with a backpack on and a bandanna on my face to keep the wind.' He replied, 'Oh yeah of course well see you later now,' 'Have a nice day!,' I replied with a fake smile as he drove off. I was angry, yet so thrilled I did not have to come in contact with anymore officers. It almost enraged me. It made me feel robbed of my privacy and rights. I thought 'What? Can people not fucking walk around anymore in un-designated areas? Fucking Cop, Pig, Bitch.'
Such rude thoughts made me happy. As I got back home I decided to cut through a cornfield to avoid sight and the road since I was now beginning to trip really heavily.
As soon as I arrived home my mom was outside taking my two puppy huskies outside<!--, Luna, and Nietzsche-->. I was more than happy to take them off her hands. They were so cute it made my brain feel like it was taking a warm bath. Like the girl interested in poetry I was also glad that cute animals existed.
I went inside afterwards exclaiming to my mom that nothing really matters and I was laughing hysterically. I told her she should have dropped acid with me and she just laughed at me and said to go to my room. I told her I didnt want to. The confined space. I told her I wanted to talk to her. She was laughing (My mom having done this before a lot and also being open minded about drug usage and is an advocate for marijuana and also very trusting of me). She told me she loved me and hugged me and it felt so good and correct. She said that it was about to get a lot more intense though and I needed to be somewhere away from my Father <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">She said that it was about to get a lot more intense though and I needed to be somewhere away from my Father</div></div> (Head of the house, bible thumper, hypocrite type o' man). So she called my dear friend M and had him pick me up. Everything felt as though it was 'Going according to plan' I gave him a hug when I saw him and and just simply said hello and off we drove, talking like normal. He didnt know I was tripping so he was planning to take me to a party at his friends.
Staring out the window of the car watching the clouds play with themselves I really didnt even think much of it at all. We went back to my cousin E's house and picked him and his friend R up to accompany with us. We stopped to get some food at Taco Bell and as I went inside I immediately felt kind of sick and like I didnt belong so I went outside to smoke a djrum clove cigar. It tasted wonderful and smoking was so pleasurable, it felt nice to get away from the interiors of taco bell and the people within it. I watched the traffic from afar on the main road. All the cars driving back and forth were so boring so...stupid looking. Like a majority of monkeys driving 2,000 lb machines of death. We left to continue towards the party something I had completely (constantly) kept forgetting about. It was also the super bowl (the reason for the party) which everyone seemed to remember during through intervals as well.
Looking out the window watching the clouds I began to feel extremely intense. Anthony Green's song Dear Child I've Been dying To Reach You was blasted in my friends car and I was peaking HARD. I had to grip the seats of the car as if I were on a rollercoaster. The roads ahead would break off into different roads like they were from different areas of the worlds. One tall and snowy the other low, dusty, desert like, used. My friend would always follow these roads though. To him he was just simply driving, To me he was some sort of rock I was holding on to that knew exactly what was happening and why. I felt like something big was going to happen. Like a nuclear weapon was going to set off and we were all going to die. If we did I thought to myself many times I would be perfectly okay with it. Still peaking, He put in a Tchaikovsky cd and it got REALLY INTENSE I felt every movement of the song. Like first, beautiful calm, then BAM war tunes! Battles! The clouds were changing to the musics emotion! It was INCREDIBLE. I saw vines grow back and forth on trees and the ground and I saw Snow cover the land and then recede. It left me speechless.
We arrived at the party, Bam, OPEN.
Door opens. A cute girl greets me and hugs me and I realize how disparate I appear and that I had mud and snow on my clothes and a crazy look in my eye. Everyone was staring at me. I just walked over to the corner of the room and set my backpack and shoes down and took a seat. Everyone there was drunk and high and watching them was strange. I felt like a wallflower not really interacting with anyone. What could I possibly say anyways? 'Yeah man I'm fucked up on some L right now, good shit,' No I actually was really coherent when talking to people. I myself, am an awkward person and to have to be social is terrible, and being social on the most acid I've ever ingested was even worse, but I got over it and I feel as though its helped my anxiety today... Anyways as I was there I had super man lungs and enjoyed everyones ridiculous conversations. Every time I was offered pot I would clear the owners bong at least four or five times in a row everytime it came round to me, but I could not get high at all off of the weed.
There was a girl there dressed as a 1920's esque prostitute and she showed everyone her ass. I didnt want to look though I was indifferent to most of everything at the party. There was a girl there though. She looked so insecure. she had really big eyes and was unbearably cute...I fell in love with her. Well I actually didnt, but I looked into her eyes and felt like I did. It felt so good. I went out to their balcony for a smoke as I did not want to socialize or drink. She came outside and talked to me briefly. She didnt know I was on L, but I made her laugh a lot and it made me really happy. As everyone was passing out I couldnt sleep and she gave me a pillow and for the rest of the time until my cousin woke up for the drive home I laid awake half tripping playing with my faded tracers listening to music.
My LSD experience was speechless. It was beautiful. It was a good clean memorable trip. I'll do acid soon again and have a little more fun knowing what to expect at higher doses.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2014</td><td width="90">ExpID: 102589</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 16</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 2, 2016</td><td>Views: 3,281</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=102589&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=102589&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Methallylescaline (586), LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Various (28)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/dmt/">DMT</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">buccal</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/dmt/">DMT</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
When my payday came around, I decided to do something different than my usual routine, which was getting stoned and occasionally rolling on molly. So, after work I picked up some pretty good quality regular weed and 3 hits of DMT.
I had planned on doing the DMT with a friend in a soccer field by a river (a very peaceful spot and a favorite for drugs), but he didnt get off work til past 1am. I was impatient, so I decided to take my hit.
I loaded the yellowish-white powder on top of a bowl of weed and set up a pool chair in the backyard so I would have a good view of the sky. I lit the bowl and tried to get as much of the powder as possible and held the hit for as long as I could. When it hit me, I laid back and closed my eyes. I saw beautiful patterns and colors, much better than my previous DMT trips, but it seemed like something was blocking me from really entering another world. This was probly because my brother and his friends decided it would be cool to watch someone trip on DMT even though I repeatedly said I did NOT want an audience.
Later that night, I was smoking blunts with a friend/dealer of mine, and I told him about my trip. He offered me a free hit of acid straight from the vial and I accepted. I was a little nervous since I had never done acid and my last 2 shroom trips were terrifying, but I let him drop it on my gum and popped it into my mouth anyway.
In about 30 minutes I could definitely feel the acid and my nervously turned into excited curiosity. Colors seemed brighter and more detailed, my body felt very light, and I was loving the tracers I was getting.
I got back home and noticed everyone else had gone to bed. I didnt really care, I had never tripped alone and it seemed like a relaxing experience. After I smoked another blunt to myself, I noticed I was getting slight color distortion and better tracers, but after about 2 hours nothing really increased. I played some Skyrim, which was trippy and intense as fuck, but grew annoyed at the lack of intensity I was expecting. I decided to smoke some more DMT.
I loaded a roach into the pipe (I was out of fresh weed sadly) and topped it with LESS THAN A 3RD OF A HIT OF DMT. I went back out to my chair in the back and hit the DMT. As soon as I inhaled, I knew I was in for something. The acid feeling quickly intensified as I felt the flood of DMT rushing to my brain. Things got very intense and visual, more OEVs than DMT usually produces. As I exhaled, I prayed to God thanking him for the beautiful trip I was having. After I said the prayer, I heard myself say 'I AM MY OWN GOD' for no obvious reason at all. This is what fucked me. As soon as that came out of my lips, everything started to disappear. My reality was turning into NOTHING right before my eyes. I sat up and tried to shake the nothingness and my vision returned. But what I saw wasnt the pretty night sky and my familiar backyard, it was an angry world that I was not supposed to be on. I saw God's hands come down from the sky, literally wiping away everything I knew as reality. I felt as though God was telling me 'If you think are your own God than this is my reality! Where is your reality!?' I got up and ran into the house and tried to wake my friend, who was also an amateur psychonaut. He didnt wake up but I was feeling the DMT wearing off so I sat down and tried to play more Skyrim to calm myself down.
When I felt like I returned to reality, the effects of the acid was amplified very much so. I thought about what I had just experienced and actually trembled and teared up. I had been having mixed feelings about religion lately, (thinking more of a 'God is what you make it' thing than traditional religion) and I feel like God was telling me that I was WAY off. Remember the acid wasnt very strong and it was a very small amount of DMT.
I tripped on the acid for the rest of the night, falling asleep around 5am. The next day I took another hit of the same acid with my friend, who took 2 straight to the tongue. I convinced him to hit DMT while peaking from his acid and he did, taking a much larger hit than I did. He said it was the most intensely beautiful thing he had ever experienced but didnt report anything close to what happened to me the night before even though he was on twice as much acid and took a much larger hit of DMT.
This was the most powerful trip I have ever had. I have a new respect for DMT and a new curiosity about LSD. I learned that psychedelics can be very helpful and healing to the mind and I intend to take what I learned seriously.
Before this trip, my psychedelic experience includes mushrooms, DMT, salvia, LSA, and ecstasy (heroin, speed, and meth based tabs, MDMA and MDA 'mollys') as well as being a daily marijuana smoker. I had also experimented with synthetic cannabis, kratom and had a summer full of vyvanse, alcohol, and 'lean.'<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2012</td><td width="90">ExpID: 97667</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Mar 8, 2017</td><td>Views: 2,171</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=97667&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=97667&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), DMT (18) : Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 drop</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">ocular</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">200 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
<!--Our mission tonight was to buy and consume ALD5, the bigger brother of LSD25. ALD52 is the original 'orange sunshine LSD' that was what coverd the counterculture streets of the late 60s
-->Walking down dimly lit streets up to our dealer's appartment we rendezvous with a group of people who were heading to the same appartment, for the same reasons. Business is booming in the wonderfuck world of acid, I suppose?
So were sittin in the dealers living room with some of his friends, hitting the bong, waiting for him to lead us into his kitchen to complete our purchase. Finally he does and my buddy M takes a drop as the dealer tells us how he enjoys taking the drop to his eye? The way he explained it, I could tell he wanted to perform it on one of us, yet neither of my friends were willing and I was moneyless. My other friend J just buys his tab to save and JUST before departing J asks me 'hey man, I'll buy you a drop if you want one?'
As soon as the sentence kissed my ears I knew what had to be done. I looked that dealer straight in the face and said 'fuck it, gimme a drop to the eye.' His eyes lit up like a kid on christmas morning as he dribbled a bit right on my Eyeball. I knew he was begging for someone to take his challenged. It burned a bit and as my eye watered he had my wipe up my acid tears and eat them for full effect... OH. DAMN.
20 minutes after dosing: felt 'stoned' no visuals but could definitely feel more than just the weed at this point.
45 minutes: visual distortion, check. High off my acid ass, check. Uppity speedy feeling, check. I was well on my way, though at this point I thought it wasnt going to get much more intense for it had almost been a full hour and I wasnt feeling TOO trippy... Alas, I was wrong.
1 hour: dear lord am I high! We smoked before heading into my friend Cs house (he was our sitter along with J). But this high was much more than the bongsmoke could get me. Things are shifty and vibrating and I am finally at a level well worth taking a hit to the dome. But it didnt stop there, I was still heading straight up to the peak!
1.5-2 hours: drawing was very difficult as the lines I drew kept shifting around, making it difficult to add on to my artwork, M was in his own world, listening to music and zoning out. This is when I knew I'd peaked. A face was smirking at me from the corners of the room and occasionally it would jump out and float around, on its teeth 'AcidAcidAcid' was written across in purple lettering. The face would change into different people I knew and sometimes even me, always keeping that same, malevolent smirk. Walls took on the consistancy of jello and I could see every single blue, purple and green vein in my arm when I looked at it long enough. Wtf you doin cid?
3 hours after dosing: it was now about 2am and my trip showed no signs of letting up, save the occasional drop in intensity <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">3 hours after dosing: it was now about 2am and my trip showed no signs of letting up, save the occasional drop in intensity</div></div>, its almost as if my brain is taking a break from the madness, I've come to enjoy the drops almost as much as the peaks. I layed across the floor with my eyes closed, experiencing visions. Me and M concluded that acid was able to delve into the deep, egoless depths of the human imagination. Virtually an imaginitive playground of potential. My visions had no bias, I went from falling down a tunnel of skulls to witnessing devils and angels fighting for control of the heavens. At one point I witnessed an image that inspired a drawing of mine, it was a silhouette of me blowing smoke, the smoke covered my face and in the smoke you could see eyes and mouths that made up a rather creepy version of my face. I experienced kaleidoscopes, tunnels, and other such images. Auditory hallucinations were also creeping in as whispers. It felt as if someone was whispering sorts of acid propaganda into my skull? I got a laugh at the creepy vibe.
5 hours after dosing: 4am and I can finally say it's letting up. Me and M are laying on Cs floor in a dark room. I enjoyed tripping in the dark on 2C-P, as I felt it coaxed out the more realistic, mescaline side of the visuals, yet on acid it lacked vibrance; but Cid never fails to entertain. We spoke nonsense and laughed through the night. At one point I got up to go to the bathroom and as I reentered the room my vision tunneled into complete darkness for a good 30 seconds! In knew it wasn't my eyes adjusting to The darkness because as it happened I was looking down, watching where I stepped and my friend's computer charger's LED light was in the center of my field of vision and it simply disappeared... Craziness!
8 hours: I'm pretty close to sleep and coming down, finally. The dealer told me dropping in the eye makes for a more intense peak but doesn't last quite as long. I'd say that's pretty damn accurate. And as I reflect on my trip I picked up on how illusive and spontaneous acid is. Infinite potential. Normally my trips carry a theme to me but acid was all over the damn place. From controversial propaganda to religious visions of death and glory. My first trip on LSD came up very disappointing. It just seemed visually and spiritually bare. This experience let me in on a bit of his true power.
<!--ALD52. Truly a great substance!!!--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2011</td><td width="90">ExpID: 94191</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 18</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Mar 8, 2017</td><td>Views: 1,796</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=94191&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=94191&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/mushrooms/">Mushrooms</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">120 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I can't find any info anywhere to help me out with reoccurring symptoms with LSD as well as psilocybin. <!--My fellow Psychonauts, I need your assistance.-->
To give an idea, no other substances have been mixed beforehand and water/food is plenty, especially the last few times the symptoms were experienced.
Brief explanation of symptoms:
Runny nose (usually down throat instead of of external)
Watery eyes (steady streams)
Paralyzing/numbing sensation on right side of face - usually starting at sinuses, continuing throughout the cheek down to underneath the jaw line to underneath the ear lobe and throughout the right side of neck.
Skin sagging (seeming to be loosening of tissues - skin tautness is almost none existent, very stretchy skin)
Grey tone of skin
Skin touch sensitivity almost non-existent, seems numb all over
Drying of skin (regardless of how much water intake: 40oz - 1gal)
Muscle displacement (biceps higher or lower or in a bunch compared to normal placement)
Bloating in the higher abdominal area, diaphragm/stomach area
Slight diarrhea (though no signs of nausea or dizziness or general sick stomach)
Blemishes that are normally skin tone become red and much more apparent than normal daily appearance.
Lips become darker (almost as if veins/capillaries are shown through the lip tissue)
Hives from normal skin allergies flare up much more than everyday symptoms (couple different types of existing Urticaria - pressure, sweat, and metal allergies)
These symptoms last from 3-5 hours
Research done last night found that both LSD and psilocybin cause histamine release. There are already significant sensitivities to histamine release in my body normally which leads to believe that this is the issue but there is absolutely no clear defined info to be found to counteract the symptoms caused with LSD and psilocybin in the system.
At first experience with these symptoms, water was taken to hopefully relieve a possible dehydration issue. This is definitely not the issue considering how much water was used to counteract at last experience.
tl;dr: Possible histamine reaction to both LSD and psilocybin (in different settings, months apart). <!--Any solid information regarding how to get rid of symptoms in the list above would be very useful. -->This is not a dehydration issue.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2012</td><td width="90">ExpID: 95720</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 23</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Mar 25, 2017</td><td>Views: 2,882</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=95720&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=95720&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Mushrooms (39) : Health Problems (27), Unknown Context (20)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/dom/">DOM</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 2:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
For the last half year I have been using psychedelics more so than I have in any part of my life. Which led me to find out about DOM. Boy was this intriguing. Half because of the long duration of it, half because my own name is Dom. Now the last reason isn’t too good a reason to try any research chemicals, but after doing as much research as my mind could hold, I decided it was one of the safer RC’s I could try. So after finding some of the best DOM I could fine, I was just waiting for the right time to do it. Along came yesterday when one of my buddies came over, wanting to trip.
10:00am - Now originally I was going to just take a 2.5mg tab of DOM which I took at exactly 10:00am, but I ended up deciding on 5mg. I tried to put it under my tongue like a regular tab of LSD but come to find it's super bittery and metallic which makes me try to swallow it right away. I didn’t crumple them in my mouth at all which cause them to get lodged in my throat right before my stomach. This irritation caused me to throw up just a tiny bit which worried me, thinking the tabs might've came out. I ended up calling my buddy after this to see if he wanted to come over when he told me that he wanted to trip along with me when I told him I just took some DOM.
10:45am - Starting to feel that something is in my body, very slight psy effect.
11:30-45am - My friend arrives and at this point I’m definitely starting to feel the effects and get very slight visuals, but I would say I was only at a ¼ to the peak. Originally my friend was going to just trip on LSD. But then we both had the stupendous idea to trip on both 5mg of DOM and LSD and compare the buildups because he would hit the peak of DOM after the peak of LSD and I would be hitting both peaks around the same time.
12:00pm - I take my 150ug tab of 99.8% pure “sacred geometry” LSD and he takes his 5mg of DOM and and his tab of 250ug.
12:15-1:00pm - One of my roommates called me upstairs to discuss some matters about our house, which, boy was I lucky it happened before I hit peak because I would’ve never been able to follow any of the conversation that was had. It was snowing at this point pretty bad so I decided to get a head start on shoveling the driveway. This was a weird and fun experience, definitely the most fun I’ve had shoveling ever. The visuals were starting to get slightly more intense as I was seeing bunches of spiderweb looking fractals in every shovel of snow I grabbed. Pretty soon I got pretty sweaty and hot and decided to give up on just half the driveway because my clothes were practically drenched from the falling wet snow and from sweat.
1:30pm - I get back inside and in dry clothes and start talking to my friend about my shoveling experience. Halfway through telling him about it and just shooting of ideas and thoughts, he tells me he’s starting to feel nauseous. I go to grab him my garbage can and seconds after I give it to him he spews out what little contents were in his stomach. But boy did it sound bad. I wouldn’t be surprised of my roommate who lives 2 levels heard it! But immediately after letting it all out, he says he feels so much better.
2:00-4:00pm - After talking for a bit we decide to venture off on our own little adventures, so I shut off the lights, plug in some multicolored christmas lights, put on my headphones and listen to my trip playlist. Music is more wonderful than I’ve ever heard on any other psychedelics and I would say almost better than MDMA! I can feel the bass flow through my body from my ears to my toes and am trying to visualize every song I hear. Now usually I don’t get too hard of visuals on any psychedelic I’ve tried, except for DMT haha, but this was different. I was seeing tribal patterns all over my skin, the diagonal patterns on my couch were not only flowing, but spreading out onto the flow almost like a movie depicts a trip being. I LOVED it.
4:00-4:30pm - Try to play some Halo 5, do pretty badly of course, but man was that a trip. Anytime I would move the stick to adjust my aim the whole TV screen became a series of tracers, which was goddamn amazing.
4:30pm-1:30am - We try holding a conversation many times and talking about what we were experiencing but this is a huge struggle. Almost all of the conversations ended in either “I don’t know” “shit!” and “what did you say again? I forgot” also tried watching some things on netflix and smoked a couple bowls off and on.
1:30am - My buddy heads home and I head to bed for the night
All in all, we both say this is by far the best trip we’ve both ever had the pleasure to experience. Never once can I remember a bad point of the trip, which is very rare to happen for me. I can’t wait till the next time I try DOM because I already feel a special love for this beautiful drug, alongside DMT and mescaline. Thank you all for your time and hope you enjoyed the read!
Just a side note, had alprazolam readily available in case either of us couldn’t handle our trips.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2017</td><td width="90">ExpID: 109819</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 22</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 12, 2017</td><td>Views: 3,348</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=109819&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=109819&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">DOM (20), LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(extract)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco - Cigarettes</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">110 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I took my 175ug tab at 10:15 pm. I was sitting on a chair on the back porch surrounded by my old pals that I hadn't seen in months. I let the tab sit under my tongue and swallow it after about 15 minutes. I thought swallowing the tab could decrease the intensity if this were a dose I couldn't handle. (I was probably wrong but I felt safer this way).
I just sit and watch my bud play DJ hero and have some laughs. After about 35 minutes I find myself on the ground mesmerized by the carpet. I notice the fabric move around almost like worms (take with a grain of salt).
Now I'm an hour in, and I head outside for a cigarette. I'm starting to come to terms with how the chemical feels. I lay on the ground with music on and watch the stars slightly fall before me. I head inside and just chill while they watch videos and smoke dabs. Though I know trip sitters should be sober, I made this exception, seeing as I too had taken just 2 small dabs. The feeling now was almost strictly bodily, like I was completely sunk into my comfy chair. I make small talk with my close friend's brother. I have one more smoke and head into my friends basement at 3am.
I get behind his piano and fiddle around, really try to get my pent up music energy out. At this point I understand this 'at home' feeling I've read about. Every other moment feels welcoming, like a new perspective has brought me warm hospitality. Now close to 4am I lay on the couch in my friends basement while he rest on the couch a few feet away. I put on some of my favorite music including bedroom pop like Starry Cat and some Explosions In The Sky. Visually, I found myself lost in the album covers on the tv screen. It was like one still frame was a whole psychedelic masterpiece. if I notice a certain pattern, it tends to be repeated and repeated. I can somewhat control where my visuals take me.
I learned a lot of information on acid. Lots of answers to questions without thinking too hard, answers seem to roll off my head. Like art. Art was one of the most important realizations during this trip. I realized that life was created somehow, just as art is, simply created, making universal consciousness art itself. I realize that the mind is the most sincere form of art.
Another effect from the trip was out of control bodily movements. I lay on the couch for hours letting my mind shut off the best it can and my arm moves high across my cold face. I tend to be moving and rubbing my clothes a lot. This movement keeps me grounded throughout the duration of my experience. This lead me to become connected to the universal pulse that moves within us, in our hearts. The music playing from the TV definitely amplified this 'pulse' idea. For awhile I trick myself into thinking if I wasn't moving I'd have bad thoughts, though this subsides. Other visual aspects included staring at the little specs and glares on the sink and having them completely cover my visual field. On the couch I trace and draw on the fabric for over an hour, with the light from the TV shading the room, while crib mobiles hang from the ceiling.
The hours that followed were somewhat zombie-like. I presumed this to be the 'comedown'. I woke up my friend to ask if I could go watch the sun rise on his back porch. The screen doors were left open so I was welcomed with fresh air and a chilly temperature. I wander around viewing the rising sun and just explore around in his backyard. I head back inside and wrap a big blanket around me on the couch. I let the hours pass as I feel a bit burned out and sweaty, fairly aware of my altered mindset. I concluded that Acid can really hurt my brain if I try to gain control, it's like my conscious will try to push Lucy out of the driver's seat and it will disturb her greatly. Every time I thought 'I'm on acid right now?! I didn't really need to do this did I!?' I'd feel a pinch in my brain and readjust myself.
This substance is made for people who can easily watch life go by without worrying or putting in maximum conscious effort. I see now why meditation is an important skill to have. Overall this was a pleasant and somewhat enlightening experience. Though the comedown the day after is difficult to overcome. Still slight feelings of disconnection and numbness but definitely a more open mind and a better acceptance of my outer and inner universe; especially now after puffing some grass.
I plan on using this substance only few times in my life, because now I'm aware of the beneficial yet overwhelming at times chemical.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2017</td><td width="90">ExpID: 110268</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 18</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 14, 2017</td><td>Views: 1,383</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=110268&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=110268&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">160 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This experience happened about 4 months ago. I had only tripped on LSD twice, both times around 2 tabs worth, so I was still pretty inexperienced with psychedelics at the time. My roommate on the other hand has dropped dozens of times with absurd amounts. I believe the most he took at one time was around 1400ug. I'll refer to him as M. We both got a little more than we were asking for.
It was a Monday night at my home and my roommate had picked up some LSD tabs from a pretty reliable source. He cut roughly 3/4 of a tab and tested it with a reagent kit to ensure it was legitimate, and then ate it. He asked if I wanted a tab, and I said no at first as it was a Monday night and I had classes the next day. After about 20 minutes, I thought about it again and decided to take it, since I wasn't sure when the next time I was going to have an opportunity to drop again.
Both me and my roommate sat in the living room waiting for the come-up. Maybe 20 minutes after taking the tab, M looks at me and says “I've never tripped so hard in my life!”. At first I thought he was joking. He hadn't even taken a full tab, and I assumed it probably lost a lot of potency with the reagent kit. He then goes into his room, and I turn on the song Echoes by Pink Floyd. At some point during the song, I started getting extremely intense visuals. The wrinkles in my jeans suddenly turned into a wavy ocean. I was both amazed by how a substance could do something like that, but also fucking terrified. I only had gotten tracers and some mild movement on my 2 previous acid trips. The music was able to keep me calm for a while, as it is my favorite song of all time. If you've ever heard echoes, you'd know that it gets extremely dark right in the middle for about 4 minutes. This is when things started to get really crazy. The whole room went dark and began changing shapes; the walls were warping and I started trying to hold on to anything that I could use as a reference to real life.
I eventually had enough intellect to turn the song off. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I eventually had enough intellect to turn the song off.</div></div> At that point the vibe became a lot brighter, but not any less intense. I eventually went to my roommate's room hoping that some company would help me keep some sort of grip on reality, but it really didn't help at all. Every time I looked at him, I saw dozens of rainbow fractal versions of his face, but they weren't really visual. It's almost like I was halfway in my head dreaming about this, but still seeing it at the same time.
I then lost touch with reality completely. I have no idea how far in the trip this occurred, as I had the thought process of a 2 year old at that point. If I wanted to fly to another part of the room, I could do it. I would be lying on the couch, but in my mind it was an extremely vivid feeling of flying to the other part of the room. My thoughts and imagination were differentiable. I honestly thought I permanently went insane.
I started to finally get a grip on reality again after some time. I started remembering things from my physics class, and I knew that laws of physics can only exist in the physical world. At first, I lifted my hand up and let gravity take it down. I slowly started to establish what was real and what wasn't real. I started feeling the couch, recognizing that it was a physical thing and not something I made up in my head. This went on for a while until I was completely grounded again. I still had intense visuals, such as seeing shifting in brick walls and objects warping, and this actually went on through the next day. M said the same thing as well.
I've tripped multiple times after this, with my highest dose being ~350ug, and that trip didn't even come close to the intensity of this one. I asked other people that had taken the same batch, and they all had similar experiences from just 1 tab. Moral of the story- don't underestimate 1 tab. It could be VERY overlaid.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2016</td><td width="90">ExpID: 108662</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 17, 2017</td><td>Views: 1,790</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=108662&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=108662&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Music Discussion (22), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance">Vitamins / Supplements</td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">170 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Bout my 30th time doing acid, never had any bad reactions before (few bad trips, but I consider myself pretty experienced).
Last night I dose (about 200 micrograms), wait about 2 maybe 3 hours, and find myself very twitchy and unable to relax. The acid seemed very pure and did what I expected it to do, however my body was being utterly uncooperative; I was extremely twitchy and weak in all my muscles, I could hardly grip with a third the strength I normally could, and I legitimately had to try to stay conscious. I got heat flashes and extreme dizziness and almost passed out a couple handfuls of times. This was bad about the 3rd to the 5 maybe 6th hour of my trip, then I just felt weird and lightheaded until I went to bed, about 10 to 12 hours later.
I had plenty of water that night, ate a well-balanced meal, and even took vitamins to ensure that wasn't the problem. Also I showered and laid down for an hour, neither helped me out of this feeling. I woke up this morning a tad weird, and after a meal and shower I was perfect again. No symptoms all day long. I am soo weirded out<!--, any info would be wonderful-->. Going to a hospital tomorrow to get checked out.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2012</td><td width="90">ExpID: 97947</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 20, 2017</td><td>Views: 1,465</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=97947&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=97947&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Difficult Experiences (5), Unknown Context (20)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">7 st</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Over the past three years I have experimented with various drugs but only delved into the world of acid this year.
My first ever experience with acid was fairly tame as I think the tab was not very potent but I felt very euphoric and had good visuals.
It wasn't until my second acid trip that I truly felt the power of this crazy paper magic. I dropped the tab with two friends around 7pm summer time so it was still going to be light for several hours however I anticipated that I would want to stay inside so we chilled in my friend's bedroom. Almost as soon as the effects kicked in around 30 minutes later I felt an immediate need to go outside. Only one of my friends wanted to join me so we went for a walk and this was absolutely amazing. Everything danced and formed patterns, I felt elated and mesmerised by all the colours I could see over everything and the earth looked as though it was breathing.
Things stayed pleasant and amazing for a while until we returned home. My friend's house is filled wit ornaments, toys and crazy wallpaper which all wriggled and changed colours. Being inside at this point was very overwhelming and I had to leave again. We all went outside and things started to get weird. I slowly began forgetting who I was, where I lived, what I do in life, what me and my friends were doing and I was obsessed with knowing where we going even when we had chosen to sit and relax.
I forgot I was on acid, I felt like the same people kept passing us as we sat on a park bench and I struggled to see if things were really close or really far away. I knew something was weird but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I felt like I was in some dreamy state, I couldn't talk and I couldn't really get my head around what other people were saying. I could understand each individual word but the whole sentence sounded like jibberish.
It was actually quite stressful and overwhelming until I finally remembered we were on a drug <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">It was actually quite stressful and overwhelming until I finally remembered we were on a drug</div></div> and that this crazy weird feeling would stop and suddenly my trip returned to being blissfully happy and entertaining.
As I started coming down I took a second tab and went home. In my room, I listened to music and laid in the dark with my eyes closed enjoying the closed-eye visuals but annoyingly I fell asleep about 3 hours later. I don't really know how, I just suddenly woke up in the morning and felt like I had wasted the tab as I barely reached the second peak!
I have done acid a few times since but have yet to experience any spiritual awakening or reach any great epiphanies which was my main goal in doing acid but I think I will try two tabs in the future.
From my experiences, bad trips are easy to trigger but equally easy to avoid and easy and easy to turn around. I think I just needed to do it a couple times to be able to know what to expect and how to control a seemingly out of control experience!
I am planning on doing LSA Morning Glory seeds soon for a second time and LSD in the near future.<!-- so those reports will be coming soon but until then, what are your opinions on shaping your own trip?--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2016</td><td width="90">ExpID: 109057</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 21</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 29, 2017</td><td>Views: 1,532</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=109057&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=109057&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 7:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 capsl</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(capsule)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/opium/">Opium</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">inhaled</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/nitrous/">Nitrous Oxide</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(gas)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
On October 25, 2008 I took my second acid trip, I also took a variety of other drugs throughout the day and night. Today is Thursday, October 30 and I still feel like I have not completely returned to reality. I have been drinking and smoking marijuana since 8th grade but until college the only other drugs I had tried were adderall and a failed attempt at a morning glory trip. I tried acid quickly after getting to college and had a very positive first experience. I waited about a month before dropping acid again and decided to do it during the day before a very large party at my school. The party is gauged towards people rolling (on ecstasy) and I planned to take some later in the night once my trip was winding down. My school is small and the feeling on campus that day was one of building excitement. Most of the school was planning on rolling that night so everyone was pumped and it made for a great atmosphere to be tripping in, lots of positive energy. I decided to trip with a friend, A, and three of her friends: E, M, and S. A and E were planning on trying 2-ce for the first time while E, S, and myself were each going to take one tab of acid.
We all took our acid/2-ce at 3:00pm and sat around on M’s dorm room floor anxious for the drugs to start kicking in. Outside there were people setting up for the big party. Our friend L came by right after we dropped and starting drinking so she would be fucked up while we were tripping. After half an hour I started to feel a tingle up my spine and got excited because I knew I would be tripping soon. We went out on to M’s dorm balcony (her room is on the 2nd floor) where there were lots of plants and we could watch people walk by and set up for the party.
An hour after dropping I was definitely starting to trip and I marveled at how beautiful the sky way. It was a perfect shade of blue and the clouds looked like the most gorgeous pastel landscape paintings. I knew I was really tripping when I started to see waves of colors, mostly oranges and purples, move across the sky. I had lost all sense of distance and looking down from the 2nd story I thought I could touch the ground. At this point A and I started looking at all the little plants in pots on the balcony. We got really into it and decided that we wanted to live on this one little cactus with tiny white balls instead of spikes. We also decided that if we went to live there we would want to take one of the other plants with us and we picked a really pretty green leafed plant with purple edges. After talking about plants A took out her iPhone and gave it to me to play around with one of the applications that changes the screen color when you touch it. After a few minutes I was so overwhelmed by the beauty of the colors and my ability to change them just by tapping the screen that I started to laugh and then cry with joy. Everyone came over to play a little and we all laughed until we cried.
M and S decided that they wanted to go swimming and we all decided to go to the campus pool. When we got there we were tripping pretty hard and it was fairly obvious to the three other people at the pool. However they all started laughing hysterically and told us that they were tripping too. Everyone laughed about this for a long time and then spent a while talking about how nothing was more beautiful than the way the sun was hitting the pool. I laid back with my feet in the pool and admired the sky, I remember feeling extremely blissful and wishing I could go and walk on a cloud because I was still seeing them as landscapes in the sky. Nothing could ruin how incredible I felt even when one of my professors walked through the pool area while we were all face down on the concrete laughing uncontrollably.
My campus is set on the water and it makes for the awesome sunsets on the waterfront. At 5:00pm we decided to walk down to the waterfront so we could watch the sunset. We always have to leave ourselves about 2 hours to get to the waterfront when we are tripping because its easy to get distracted by everything on the way there. I go to a very progressive hippie school and on saturdays everyone who is on drugs goes to see the sunset. This is so cool because when you get to the waterfront you get to hang with lots of people on drugs. When we finally got to the waterfront there were about twenty other people on acid hanging out. At this point we smoked some weed so that we would be tripping really hard for the sunset. I wish I could describe what I saw while the sun was setting but it was too overwhelming to put into words. After the sun had disappeared A and I spent a little while talking about numbers. We decided that eleven was a very round number and spent some time saying eleven over and over again.
The sun had set and darkness was settling in so we decided to head back to the dorms. We had all sorts of conversations on the way although I don’t remember any specific one right now. We got back to the dorms around 8pm and people there were starting to drink and get in the party mood. We went back to M’s room and smoked some more weed but also smoked a little opium. This made me feel very relaxed and calmed down by acid filled mind. I also started to perceive things as dropping but I really liked this and it did not last longer than 20 minutes. We went out to hang out with people for a while and nothing especially exciting happened until 10pm.
At 10pm, seven hours after dropping, we decided that it was time to take our ecstasy. Most people on campus had taken theirs between 9 and 10 and were out and about starting to party. My friend who had not tripped came up to me when he started to roll and kept saying that he felt REALLY REALLY good. We kept just wandering around and hanging out until we really started to roll. At that point we went into the Techno Room at the party which was a crazy experience. People were raving everywhere and the lights were mesmerizing. Ecstasy just makes you feel really good and everything you do is really good and the only way I could describe the experience is that it was really good. Warm and fuzzy but with a desire to dance and fuck. Everything I touched was the greatest thing every. I was still tripping and seeing colors change and closed eye visuals.
I went off with some other friends who were rolling to this girls room where we did whip-its. I cant describe the pleasure of lying down and being raved over right after doing a whip-it. We continued dancing in the Techno Room and wandering around until about 3am when we all started to feel like we were coming down from our roll a little bit. Then we smoked a lot of weed and when we got high it felt like we were rolling again so we enjoyed that for an hour or so. Finally it was time to come down and go to sleep. My come down lasted from 5am until 6:30am when I went to sleep. It was a very strange period of time. I felt like I was coming down from rolling, tripping, and being high all at the same time and it was disorienting and depressing. I stayed with my friends and they helped by being compassionate and talking about all the wonderful things that had happened in the last fifteen hours. Finally I passed out and slept very soundly.
That was the most drugs I had ever done in a 24 hour period and I experienced almost every emotion. Although the come down was harsh the experience was positive and I learned a lot about myself. I hope to take some more acid this Saturday and sort out some of the things in my head that bothered me last Saturday. I felt clear headed on the MDMDA, and that I made better choices than I would have if I had been drinking. I felt very in control of myself the whole time.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2008</td><td width="90">ExpID: 74718</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 8, 2017</td><td>Views: 1,160</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=74718&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=74718&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">MDMA (3), LSD (2) : Large Group (10+) (19), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 3:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 4:15</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 cig.</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 bowls</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">130 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
It was the week of my Spring Break during my junior year of college. Early in the week, I had stocked up on acid tabs purchased from a local bloke for $10 apiece; I had a nice one-tab experience on the Tuesday night that I bought them (despite getting comically lost in the “woods” briefly). The experience in question, though, took place the Saturday of that same week, the penultimate day of my Spring Break, at home (do mind that I had been living at home with my folks and one of my best friends/roommate when this went down). I awoke, ate breakfast, and did a few chores, then ate lunch as per usual. Around 15:00, I rather spontaneously decided to spend the rest of my day in a solo psychedelic meditation, huddled snugly in my bed with music and a pad of paper for drawing, and, as such, I took one tab of the seven or so I had left. Soon after I set the blotter in place under my tongue, my mom, having no idea I do psychedelics, let alone having just took a tab of acid, surprised me with the inescapable prospect of finally moving my roommate—whom I will refer to here as Mickey—into his own room, our guest bedroom. So, I, soon to be engulfed in the lysergic thrall, and not being able to refuse the request for assistance, accepted this challenge.
The onset was gradual, though short. Within an hour I was peaking. I recall sitting splayed-legged amidst a bedframe that was too small for the queen-sized box-spring, defeated—along with my mother, step-father, and Mickey—by this conundrum. I avoided eye-contact with each of them as my pupils were coals ousting the blue irises from my eyes—they had no idea what was going on in my head. My step-father eventually hammered out the ends of the bed frame to accommodate the box-springs. At that point, I began feeling the trip more intensely, as demonstrated by my insatiable need to stare aloof into the backyard where the colors of the foliage and bricks of other houses were saturated with the wetness of 18-hours’ worth of rain. The whole scene was brilliant; the greens were exceptionally lush and fertile-looking, and the bricks were as blood. After helping Mickey move some more boxes in, I was finally able to retire to my contemplative solitude. Or so I thought.
The trip was not as strong as I would have liked, clearly a result of the tolerance that I acquired having done in five days prior. So I took another tab. At this point—around 18:00—I became aware, rather uncomfortably, that my mom was making dinner; again, an irrefutable obligation. Dinner being imminent, I swallowed the tab, because who wants to eat with a bitter amide dispersing throughout your mouth? Plus, I was unreasonably uneasy about the blotter somehow leaping out from under my tongue and blowing my cover! Shrimp over noodles with salad was the course of the meal, and I sat down rather excitedly as the idea of experiencing food-based synesthesia. But this never happened. Instead, I drenched the salad in honey Dijon mustard dressing, and scarfed it like a noobie stoner. I suddenly lost my appetite half-way through eating my shrimp and noodles, which got me paranoid, wondering if my sudden loss of appetite was suspicious. It also didn’t help that I got terribly, childishly excited talking about politics or movies or something—I can’t recall; the point is, the talons of lysergic paranoia dug slightly deeper as I waved a big red flag around. I felt uneasy and sought the solitary silence that was I was supposed to have been basking in all this time anyway; I fled to my room.
Circa 19:00 or so, my friend—to whom I will refer as Cooper, the Acosta to my Thompson (or vice-versa, it’s impossible to say because we’re both white and crazy)—hit up my phone, asking me if I wanted to chill. Naturally, I obliged because acid makes one overly impressionable. It was around this time that I noticed how utterly beautiful the colors in my room were. My red sheets were like fresh pussy, the multi-colored fractal carpet was like a saturated military fatigue, pulsing ever so slightly, and my golden, patriotic “Don’t Tread On Me” shirt was as fiery as the sun. The second tab was rushing on, and my skin because to feel electrified as it tends to do while on psychedelics. This made me slightly uneasy for a while, but finally Cooper showed up. So we stayed in my room, smoking the dankest medical bud from California, joking to the point it was like my whole body was bleeding elation itself from every pore; I recall being sprawled out on my bed, laughing myself to tears over some jokes that fail to be recollected (I can safely presume they were leftist humor / anti-Reagan [because fuck Reagan]). In the midst of our tearful lollygagging, we decided to shoot rude music videos for out god-awful noisecore side-project. This involved me fighting a knife-wielding Cooper with my bass guitar. (We have an odd tendency to pull knives on one another, or threaten each other with general corporeal harm while on psychedelic drugs.)
The rest of the night entailed a car-ride through town in the rain, which I found high enjoyable, more pot smoking, and various personal catharses. We ended up poring over Netflix-induced screenings of 'Videodrome' (great movie) and 'Tetsuo: The Bullet Man' (avoid at all costs). In sum, the day was odd as all fuck. If you haven’t engaged in various recreational and non-recreational activities with your family in the throes of psychedelia, I do recommend it, though be sure to conceal your black hole pupils and giddy infant laughter.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2012</td><td width="90">ExpID: 95477</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 20</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 10, 2017</td><td>Views: 1,391</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=95477&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=95477&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Relationships (44), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Beer/Wine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">60 kg</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I remember the first time this happened to me. It was a night of madness. We all ate the acid inside the house and waited for it to kick in. then we continued smoking marijuana like crazy, as we were doing before, the whole afternoon, and drinking beer, hanging out.
Man, it was the strongest trip everyone had ever had. As I was the most drug hungry, I took twice more than them. It was sometime at night already, and we were being very noisy with the music playing really loud and everyone screaming to talk to each other. The new sensations and thoughts we becoming more apparent and we perceived quickly that something was changing. We were all going mad. At some point I forgot I had taken the drug.
I went to the kitchen and became fascinated by Portuguese tiles on the wall! Oh my, were they beautiful! Patterns of interlocking rings of the most vivid blue, each one slowly turning, clockwise and counter-clockwise. My resting right hand melted against my forehead, and the Pink Floyd album playing on the background was my only reality. “What are these weird and exquisitely beautiful noises?!” I didn't even remember who they were, or that there was any way out of that sound. And that was just the first wave.
After that, my friend asked me to roll us a joint and I couldn't really recognize his face, only stare at it. It was so beautiful and expressive! Midway rolling the joint, I caught myself wondering where did that green thing come from and what was it for and why they were so eagerly waiting for it. I couldn't finish the joint and handed it away to my friend.
I felt the whole house we were in was alive. Everything breathed. I had no concept of me. I had no idea who I was. I tried at some point to hang on to the memories or places or duties that were familiar to me, whatever I thought would made me, me, because I was terrified. All in vain. I was gone.
When we all went out the backyard to have the smoke, one of my friends commented that soon it would be the break of dawn. Only then, I realized time was split into daylight time and nighttime. I didn't even remember that! Then, my friend handed me some bread and I just stared at it. He said: Eat it! Do you know how to do it?!” Haha! I got a kick from it, because indeed I had forgot we human beings eat! And that reminded me that we are all animals.
So much had been experienced that I was getting exhausted of everything and was wondering a way out of that. All that existence. I thought, “Maybe if I sleep, I’ll be able to rest from all this...” But then I realized there’s no way out. Sleeping wouldn't satiate my need. I needed a break from existence.
Then we heard the cops siren! Everyone went crazy. We all started running nonsense and they shouted from the outside: “Stop right there!” Man, that was the rush of my life! So I froze right there at the corridor, totally frozen, and waited. One of my friends went up the stairs and saw through the balcony a police car and two cops arresting a shirtless man on the street. On our street. He came back and told everybody it was going to be okay, that they weren’t raiding the house and we wouldn’t go to jail or get killed.
After that, we chilled a bit, and I came down very fast. The sun shone and two of my friends went to the bake house and bought us all some orange juice and freshly baked bread for breakfast.
Fin.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2010</td><td width="90">ExpID: 97458</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 21</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 16, 2017</td><td>Views: 1,016</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=97458&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=97458&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">185 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This trip happened at a huge music festival. This was my first time that I tripped really hard and it was overall a very positive experience. My and one of my friends took 2.5 hits at about 1 PM. We sat around and talked for about a half hour, and when we both started to feel some initial effects come on we started walking to the festival area. We decided to split up from the rest of our friends that were with us so we could be free to go off and adventure without being tied down to a big group.
By the time we got to the festival area we were both starting to feel very upbeat and giggly. After walking all the way there we sat in the grass near one of the stages and waited for the show to start while we checked out the schedule and planned our day. We cracked some jokes and were laughing really hard. When the show started, we went up to the front. The band was awesome and it felt great to move to the music.
After a few songs, we figured it would be a good idea to go see one of the crazy side-shows going on at one of the tents. By the time we got there we were starting to trip pretty hard. We sat down in the tent and waited for the show to start. We had a really interesting conversation with someone near us about how crazy the whole festival experience is. I felt like I was speaking really profoundly and me and my friend were both cracking up. There were decorative chandeliers hanging from the tent that seemed to sway back and forth. The show began and it was immediately very visually appealing. The opening act had 3 women dancing in golden clothing and they were waving around golden cloth that seemed to shimmer. The colors, lights, and music were all very vivid and spectacular.
We left before the show ended and we both felt like wandering around and just watching all the people around. It felt amazing to walk and my legs felt a little rubbery. I noticed I was sweating and the water felt very strange on my skin, and I loved how slippery it felt on my forehead and between my fingers. I couldn’t hold back a huge smile from my face! We started talking to some drunk girls at one point and we were both laughing because they had no idea what we were experiencing. Conversation was difficult and required a lot of thought, but I felt I could still get a point across normally with some added effort. I felt like I could walk forever. We ended up going all the way to the main stage and caught a couple songs from the band there.
As we walked to another stage to go to a show that was starting soon, we randomly ran into the rest of our friends. When we saw them, they looked very different to me and it was very surreal. We talked a little bit with our other friends, but conversation was becoming more and more difficult. I felt like I wanted to talk with my friend who was tripping about what we were both experiencing, but it became more and more difficult to put things into words. My reality was starting to fall apart a little bit and I noticed that all of my normal judgments about things were suspended and I could think about them in a different way.
It was liberating and confusing at the same time because I was starting to realize the complete subjective-ness of all experience and my brain had nothing to grasp as solid ground. This is an extremely difficult feeling to put into words, and it really opened my mind to different possibilities and ways of thinking. I also thought about how awesome and free the whole music festival scene is, with so many people into so many different kind of things, all having radically different subjective experiences and mindsets. It made me realize how true it is that there is no objectivity when it comes to human experience and behavior. I realized how deep down we’re all so different from each other, and that it’s not only just o.k. to do your own thing but it’s also amazing!
We walked over to another concert nearby and arrived right on time. The band started to play, and after a minute I realized they weren’t playing any real songs and were just improvising. They were really gelling and were playing some very spacy, atonal music. I was hearing how they kept subtly surprising each other and exploring different tonal areas seemlessly. If I focused my attention, I could hear great intricacy in the way they played every note. We left after about 30 minutes to go catch another show. We sat down towards the back and had a conversation with this really bubbly, free-spirited girl who I think was also tripping on something. Her voice was very calming and I enjoyed the conversation, though speech was still difficult. After she left, I laid down in the grass and stared up at the sky. I was getting very intense visuals looking at the clouds and they appeared to swirl around and I could see waves go across the sky along with the music. I told my friend to do the same and offered him my sunglasses. We laughed about the common experience and how it made absolutely no sense to our logical brains but nonetheless it was very real in our minds. This was a strange duality to me of being completely out of my mind, but yet still present, collected, and completely able to communicate!
After that concert ended, we walked along a trail that goes through a small forest with really cool looking trees. There was a man doing sound therapy for donations there and we laid down nearby to take some time to recharge a little. The sound of the gongs he was using were calming and I felt deeply at peace. Laying down in the woods and staring up at the trees swaying in the woods was blissful. I wanted to stay there forever, but my friend wanted to go see the next concert and we had to leave.
We went up to the very front at the concert and found our other friends who were there. It was very crowded and I felt uncomfortable. Shortly after, the concert started and I was really enjoying the music for the first few songs. One of my friends sparked up a joint and passed it to me. I was feeling really good still and I figured it would be a good idea to hit it, but I turned out to be way wrong. The next song the band played was a very heavy, aggressive song, and it freaked me out a little bit and I started to feel bad vibes. After the song, the band started smoking a blunt on stage, and then threw it into the crowd near me, and one of my friends caught it. Instantly, it was a frenzy for everyone around to get a hit off of it, and I just felt caught in a vortex of bad vibes. My friends all passed it around our own circle and smoked most of it before passing it to anyone else around us (which I thought was a huge dick move). I passed on it, not wanting anything to do with it. At that point, I just wanted to get out of there, but it was so crowded that I was pretty trapped. I couldn’t get into the music after that, and my mind was getting very negative. I was pissed that I had smoked and that it was giving me a bad trip. That’s when I had a huge revelation that I don’t even like smoking anymore, even though I’ve smoked regularly for years, often daily. I realized that it has always just brought me down more than anything, making me paranoid, self-conscious, and lazy. This was a very liberating discovery to me, and felt like a weight off of my back, even though I was still not having a good time.
I was so glad when the concert was over, even though it was a band I normally like. My friends couldn’t stop talking about how amazing the show was, and I was having a hard time explaining exactly why I didn’t enjoy it. I was able to put it behind me, though, and I enjoyed the rest of the day. It started to get dark and there were now brilliantly colored lights all over the place to check out.
I was no longer peaking but definitely still feeling effects. We went back to our campsite later and I had a blast just improvising on my guitar. I felt like I played more rhythmically and creatively than I ever have, which was cool. I started playing the rhythm guitar part for “Dark Star” and jammed on it with one of my friends and it was a blast. All in all, it was a really great trip and I felt like I benefited from being able to see the world through a different lens for a day. I was able to more objectively look at my life and my personality, and I feel that was of great value. I feel like there is so much more that I could write about it, but it’s so hard to put that type of experience to words. I think music festivals are perfect settings for doing acid I look forward to doing it again some time down the road.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2008</td><td width="90">ExpID: 72407</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 18, 2017</td><td>Views: 1,047</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=72407&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=72407&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:15</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I took the first two hits around Midnight at a local park in my subdivision. About 15 minutes later, I began to notice the streetlights looked a lot brighter. It looked as if there were spiked rainbows coming off of them. If I looked at them, I felt myself 'fall' into them. It seemed like they would put me in a trance. I began to feel really introspective and didnt talk much. This state lasted for about thirty minutes, but nothing really 'trippy.' I figured it was because the acid was weak, so I took a third hit.
About 20 minutes after that, I started to feel really awkward. The best way to explain this feeling was that my arms were really long, and my legs were really short. My thoughts began to race back and forth, I couldn't focus on anything for more then about 10 seconds. I began to lose grip with myself. I could no longer remember who I was or where I was. I felt disconnected from everyone and everything around me. The only way I could really hang on to my ego was by talking to the people I had around me (we'll call my friends 'A' , 'J' , and 'W'). This feeling scared me alot.
I kept wondering if the acid I had just taken was turning me into something different, and no matter how much I tried to stop thinking about this, my thoughts kept coming back to that. I tried to tell myself, it is only the acid, I'll be back to normal in a little while, but how long would a little while last? I turned to W to ask him what time it was, and how long had I been on the acid, he told me 'Its a little after one.... and you've only been on the first two hits for about 45 minutes.' I almost had a heart attack! How could this be? Only 45 minutes? It had seemed like eternity. How could I go on like this? I don't know if it was me panicking, or if it was the acid taking full effect, but I began to see airplanes in the sky. They were shooting each other down, then diving towards the ground where I was laying. A told me to 'blend' with these things, to make myself one of them and take part in the fighting. How could I? How could I fly a plane when I couldn't even stand on my own two feet? Everything was horribly out of proportion, the houses around the park seemed massive, the cars that drove by seemed like ants.
I asked W what time it was, he replied '1:15'. I was stuck in a hellish nightmare... after his response, I blacked out into what seemed like a dream. I could look around and see nothing except a black space. From out of no where, I saw what I thought was myself (thinking back on it, I think it is what I perceived my soul to look like at the time) I was horribly disconfigured. My arms were attached to my waist, my neck seemed very long and protruded up from my waist rather then my shoulders (my shoulders were non-existant), and my legs seemed short and stubby. I could see above the image of myself the word 'Me' with a question mark above it. I broke into tears and couldn't stop crying because I couldn't think of who I was.
This lasted what seemed like days. (Later I talked this whole event over with W and I was laying face down in the grass crying for about and hour.) After waking up from this horrible dream, I asked everyone around me what had just happened and they told me I had just rolled over on the ground and cried for about an hour. This answer (for some reason) satisfied me, and I began to feel better (but at this time, better just meant I wasn't fearing for my life). I was still very paranoid and I felt a spinning feeling in my head. W and A decided to drive me back to A's house (which was right inside the subdivision) to try and get me to calm down and enjoy what was left of the acid. The drive (needless to say) was horrifying. Everytime we'd speed up, I felt myself falling into the seat and through the car. When we finally got back to A's house, A and W smoked some marijuana and I sat there, very mellow and watched. I began thinking really hard about who I was, what kind of morals I held, and what kind of person I want to be. I finally found myself after about an hour of hard thought. I was still hallucinating, but at that point in time, it seemed so normal that the things I was seeing didn't bother me at all. I went back inside and started feeling warm and glowy, and stayed up writing and drawing things I had seen in my trip.
All in all the acid trip gave me a better insight of who I am. Before this, I never thought about my actions and what kind of consequences they could bring about. Now, I'm a lot more concerned about my actions and how they will effect other people or how other people think of me.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2005</td><td width="90">ExpID: 49117</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Sep 2, 2017</td><td>Views: 1,103</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=49117&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=49117&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(gel tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">115 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This was my first real experience with LSD. I acquired a strip of geltabs from a strange man I came across. I have had much experience tripping with Dxm, Mushrooms, Salvia, Ketamine, Morphine etc... I knew that I was mentally prepared for whatever may come during this experience.
It was about 11 p.m. on a saturday night, I had just finished a long work week and had the next day with no responsibilities. I broke 3 pieces off the strip and put them on my toungue until they dissolved. About an hour later I joined my crew. They were all excited about going on a journey.
I started tripping around 12 a.m. I couldn't stop petting this dog that had a mane and resembled a lion. The next thing I knew we were following these strange people we met to a place they called the 'Land of Moses'.
We arrived at the Land of Moses around 2 a.m. It turned out to be a graveyard in the middle of Nowhere Indiana. By now I was tripping very intensely. There was a strange woman guiding us the whole way. Her name was Carrie. We walked throughout the graveyard and made it to a giant statue of a man holding a sword. Carrie spoke of the Statue never facing the same direction. We watched as the lights around it flickered violently. Some sort of electrical Fury. I could feel an intense energy that defied any other trip I'd ever had. Soon Carrie's stories had my girlfriend so scared that she was in tears. The look in Carrie's eyes was so mesmerizing. She looked like she was on LSD as well, but I knew that she was not. She spoke of possessions and figures in the graveyard. Several of the people with us saw something walking in the distance and became frightened. The energy was so strong.
The next thing I saw was the peak of my life. A dream I had previously had kept flashing through my mind. Deja Vu was so strong. I grabbed my girl and held her as close as I could and felt her heart touch mine. At that very moment and train ran by less then 30 yards away from us. It was so bright and loud. I knew that this was the highest peak I'd ever reached. Complete chaos. The train was running by, so bright. Every star in the sky swirling, tree branches moving like life-like limbs. Utter insanity. I cannot describe my emotion.
Soon the train passed and Carrie led us to a bridge. We parked on it, and I realized that it was 3 a.m. There were 3 cars parked here, each containing 3 people. Carrie spoke of 3 being the death hour. This did not frighten me. I felt like something had just been tapped into. Some kind of peak that's so hard to explain.
Minutes passed and Carrie parted ways with us, She gave us directions back to old Fort Wayne (home), and we were on our way. I spent the rest of the trip in complete awe, just absorbing the memory of that moment when the train ran by. This was definitely the highest experience of my life.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2006</td><td width="90">ExpID: 51225</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Sep 3, 2017</td><td>Views: 1,080</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=51225&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=51225&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">120 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This experience I am writing about was the first time I tripped on acid. As a background, I am a 120-pound female, quite petite, and at this point had experience with copious amounts of alcohol on a daily basis, lots o’ weed and coke, a variety of different painkillers, DMT, shrooms, molly – to me, it only seemed fair that it was finally the right time to do acid.
I will start off by most likely not recommending what I did: tripping in the presence of two strangers, even though I was also with two of my buddies who I was somewhat close with. You will often hear people say they don’t enjoy tripping with people they don’t know – I, however, consider this my most memorable, favorite trip, and it involved strangers. I found that to be odd.
Anyways, my good friends, we will call them Zach and Max were roommates. I hung out with both of them a lot, originally knowing Zach from high school and staying friends as we entered our freshman year of college. Max’s friend, we will deem him Alan, was visiting for the week. I was introduced to Alan that day, who I immediately liked, even pre-trip. Zach and Max’s two other roommates were also present. To this day, I feel an extreme bond with ALL of the people involved in this experience. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I feel an extreme bond with ALL of the people involved in this experience.</div></div> It is a very ethereal connection that I can’t explain.
We were all hanging out in Zach and Max’s dorm room when suddenly the topic of acid came up. Alan had bought some acid online – to this day, I really do believe it was real L, REALLY strong L because I have never had a trip quite like this one. Me, being spontaneous and pretty impulsive, was delighted to find out that Alan had acid on him, and I challenged everyone to go on a trip. This is exactly what ended up happening. I will do my best to provide a time sequence, although time is quite an illusion, especially on L.
6:00pm – We all take the tabs. Zach, an experienced tripper, takes two tabs, and Scott (the other roommate) takes two to match him. Max, Alan, and I just take one. The last of the roommates, Austin, doesn’t take any acid. He is just kind of there.
6:30pm – Everyone splits up for their own reasons. I walk back to my dorm room with Max to get my purse so we could grab something to eat. I was uneasy about this for a few reasons: one, I was starting to feel kind of weird. I felt a strange body high that sent tingly sensations through my arms and legs. It was almost as if I smoked some shitty weed and wasn’t as high as I should’ve been. Secondly, Max and I had slept together a few times when we were absolutely wasted, and I was about to trip balls at any given moment. I was worried I would feel uncomfortable around him. Nevertheless, we walked into my dorm, talked a little bit, I grabbed my purse, and we got into his car around 6:50ish.
<span class="erowid-caution">[Erowid Note:
Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. <a href="/chemicals/show_image.php?i=dmt/dmt_contraindications1.gif">Don't do it!</a>]</span>
6:50ish – OH, fuck. We are in the car. This is the weirdest and blurriest part. Max is driving and I do NOT understand how. I could not have possibly fathomed driving in my state. It was like I was in a dream. I couldn’t really say anything because it was so hard to talk. I just stared at the road, as we seemed to FLY at the speed of light. I remember saying to Max that he was going kind of fast. He didn’t say anything – he was probably out of his mind, too. He got his food and stopped in the parking lot for a little. From there, I remember waiting for him and staring at the trees. The trees were waving at me in the dark, literally. They were beautiful and I could see them expanding and breathing -pure, gorgeous life. It wasn’t a creepy wave either; it made me laugh because it made me so happy. Max came back in the car and we drove back.
7:20pm – We get back to campus. In the parking lot as Max is about to park, we see Scott walking around, looking really confused. We started busting out laughing, because Scott was out of his mind kind of just pacing around the parking lot laughing. Max asked Scott what he was doing, and Scott replied that he was looking for his car. I suggested he not drive and come back inside with Max and I. We all walked back into their dorm.
7:30-11ishpm – As soon as I walk into the dorm, I know I am peaking. Zach is on the floor playing guitar singing, his fiery red hair VIBRANT and INSANE! I laughed and told him he looked like the Devil. After I said that, I felt very strange. Zach didn’t seem to respond well to that comment.
At this point, Max pretty much left for the entire night because his ex kept calling him. I hop on the bed awkwardly and observe my surroundings. Zach starts to eat, and I think to myself how disgusting and primitive humans look when we gorge ourselves with junk food. I stop looking at him eat because I am uncomfortable. I then notice Alan. He is absolutely freaking everyone out – he is laying down on Max’s bed, but his body is shaking. It looks like he is convulsing. We all keep having to ask if he is okay, and he keeps responding that he is fine and just needs some time. He does this for a long time, and it makes me wonder what he is going through and why. The only thing I felt was both peculiar and at peace, although I could barely talk. It was as if my thoughts took the usual place of my loud voice, and my voice became simply just loud thoughts in my head, if that makes any sense at all. Zach kept asking me trippy questions to fuck with me and see how I was doing – sometimes I could only respond with laughter. It was somewhat frustrating, because I wanted to make intellectual conversations and dwell into philosophy with my friends.
I had so many thoughts. Why did Alan appear to be convulsing? Why are humans so full of desire? Is the way I’m feeling on L a “truer” perception? Is it a godlier perception? God is not real. I am God. We are all Gods. Maybe Alan is convulsing because he is soaking up our god-like energies and he in fact is the true motherfucking GOD! I just didn’t know. I didn’t know anything. And somehow, it felt like I knew everything.
Out of nowhere, Austin, the sober roommate, came into the room and started really fucking with us. He is the reason Alan stopped convulsing. He appears to march in the room and all of a sudden pulls down his long curly hair and starts shaking it around. Everyone starts to laugh. He just looks so funny. He resembles a large lion, but in a human body. He screams obnoxious shit like, “I am tripping absolute asshole!” and proceeds to act…well, kind of like us. At this point, all of us were peaking and pretty retarded. Alan finally gets up because Austin starts to fuck with him and dance around him. Alan is cracking up now. I start to feel more comfortable and playful.
12amish-4am – We decide to go outside. On a college campus, there are only so many places a group of freshman tripping ballsack can go. So naturally, we head to the volleyball courts. At this point, I am absolutely speechless. I feel tranquil and warm on the inside. The stars are unreal: there were so many out, and they seemed to glide across the sky, lightly touching and bouncing off one another and sparkling brighter than anything I’d ever seen.
Zach urges me to be “line leader”. I am kind of mortified at this term for some reason. I felt like I was leading a caravan of rebels across our corrupt home country’s land. I led my caravan across the volleyball courts, only to lead them to a fence because I was so fucked up, I had no idea where I was going. I finally lead them inside the courts. We trudge through what seems like miles of sand: I am in the fucking Sahara desert. I need a camel to continue my journey. I am a beautiful nomad with a squad of men behind me – I am the alpha female.
We finally got past the volleyball courts and entered the basketball courts. Zach was longboarding across the court. I tried to longboard but totally failed and almost ate shit. I decide it is time to lay down on the court and look at the stars. Scott, Alan, and I lay down closely to each other, staring at the sky. I will never forget the radiance of the stars. We are listening to Daft Punk, one of my favorite artists in the world to this day, and our eyes our glued to the sky. We say nothing. Nothing needs to be said: we are finally at peace.
All of a sudden, we spot these two strange-looking people, a young dude and a girl walk onto the court. At this point, it is around 2am. We decide to talk to them. For some reason, I was convinced they were both on acid, but I am now pretty sure my theory was wrong. When I am fucked up, I am notorious for believing everyone around me is also fucked up. I fear this is an egocentric tendency and attempt to not think this way anymore.
“Are you guys livin’?” I say, smiling.
“Living?” the guy replies. He is Indian, with a very heavy accent.
“Yeah, man. We’re livin out here” I say happily.
The two people look kind of fearful and I’m wondering why.
“Are you tripping?” Scott asks them jokingly.
The Indian guy looks especially nervous, as if he has something to hide. He asks, “Are you guys undercover cops?”
At this point I wanted to drown myself in laughter, but I couldn’t. I had to keep up with this.
“Yeah, we are. We’re just making sure no one’s up to any funny business around here.” I say. The guy and girl look mortified and I end up telling them I’m messing with them. All I really remember about them leaving is that they hopped the fence instead of exiting the court a conventional way. I had a fleeting though that maybe they were trying to look for a fun place to have sex.
My friends and I then go to sit again, and begin talking, as we are finally able to verbalize minimally. I remember mostly listening to Alan and Zach talk, until Alan made a comment towards me that made me kind of upset. He told me I look like a pornstar, and Scott laughed an absurd amount. It made me think that was how they viewed me and I began to overthink.
We eventually all came together again back in the dorm and decided to attempt to sleep. Zach gave me a light show and we bumped some tunes until an upset Max, who had been on the phone all night with his girlfriend, was attempting to sleep. Zach and I slept in his bed, Max slept alone, and Alan slept on his air mattress on the floor. Zach and I cuddled and fooled around a little bit quietly, even with Max and Alan in the room, just for shits and giggles, and we couldn’t stop kissing. It felt too good. We cuddled until we fell asleep, which felt like hours later.
My first trip was beautiful. I couldn’t possibly capture everything in this experience. It is just something one needs to understand firsthand. Being with good company, it makes it all the better.
Peace.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2015</td><td width="90">ExpID: 111087</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 18</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Oct 17, 2017</td><td>Views: 1,203</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=111087&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=111087&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">112 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">112 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">74 kg</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I've always been fascinated by psychedelic substances for their power to change human perceptions acting on simple receptors, but for all my life I've never experienced a full trip – it doesn't mean that I haven't tried anything, but that the drugs I took before never worked. After 3 years, I finally gave them a try: I bought 5x 225ug LSD blotters and slowly the moment to try has come.
Set: Although I've never experienced a psychedelic trip I was very confident: I passed years and years researching and I was (and am, also today) curious about psychedelics. I was extatic and so peaceful! Nothing in my mind could have led to a bad trip.
Setting: I realized after that I took acid in the best setting possible for me: my summer apartment in the Italian Riviera Ligure and the city itself with four old-time friends. We all took LSD that day so we sitted each other; everyone described that day as the best of their life.
Shortly before 1PM we cut the tabs in halves and put one under our tongue at 1 o'clock. After 20 minutes the little paper stripe completely dissolved and I felt pretty light-headed, but I think that was placebo.
After 40 minutes we all were kinda high: we were laughing our ass off for everything and were kinda giggling. One of my friends said “man this is not different from a big weed high”. No visuals.
We decided to go outside walk in the little city: I felt my musculi masticatorii very contracted and everything was like an HDR photo.
First I experienced a “yellow wave”: every yellow detail (chairs, houses, swimwears, an old Vespa and so on) hit me so the world was yellowish and the other colours were blurred. Then I had a “purple wave” and a “blue wave” too. We came home and we had no psychedelic effects since then, so one hour and 30 minutes after taking the first half, we decided to redose.
30 minutes later we all were peaking from the first half we took – and yes, there were psychedelic effects!
I was laying on my bed listenig to Pink Floyd (I REALLY understood their music later in the trip) and Neil Young and I noticed that the spheric chandelier was wavying and distorting. Shortly after I began to see a smooth pattern moving on the white ceiling; the I moved my eye to a blue towel I laid on a chair and I noticed a bas-relief-like effect on it, of the same maya-like pattern. I felt incredibly excited! I waited for that moment for 21 years and I was finally tripping!
Damn, I've been so lucky! My house is full of different patterns on the floor, walls and furniture, and there are a lot of paintings and photos too, so at that time of the trip everything was moving and transforming. At 4:20PM, in the middle of our psychedelic madness, we thought of rolling a joint but we decided to keep the trip just lysergic. I wrote down that sentence: “it's not how do you expect that, but it's exactly as expected”. Then we sat down struck by Van Gogh's Houses At Auvers: I saw the windows lighten up from the inside and we together realized that the secret of life and the answers to all the questions MUST be inside of that house. We passed 20 minutes talking about that and also that there's no difference between a man and a fish, because everything is made of matter.
After exploring the house some more, we all decided to walk out but we felt like a mental force that doesn't let us go: the thought of going out itself was preventing us to get out. After fighting that force, we finally got out.
For all the time we stayed home, we had the feeling that there was someone else, and we realized that we were not five but seven, but we couldn't find the missing two people!
We took a tunnel to the city center instead of walking the promenade: some of the ceiling's old bricks are dirty of white painting squirts, and on acid those squirts became a huge maya-like pattern. The lights, which painted the walls of orange and teal, gave that tunnel a sense of dark sacrality which fascinated me. The tunnel then become opened on one side, and on a pillar I found written that sentence, that struck me: “man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains”; now I know it's by Jean Jacques Rousseau, and on acid I understood perfectly what the philosopher was meaning.
We got out that tunnel and started walking on the city center's seafront next to the beach huts. While young and middle-aged people were normal, old people had their faces morphed and melting. As soon as we arrived to the central square we decided to eat something (5:45PM circa) so we went near a little bar. Outside of it there were a old man sat down smoking a cigarette: he had white mustaches and livid face, which reminded me a walrus. I got in and took an ice cream; the old waitress had livid face too. I paid, trying to not laugh and went out. That ice cream was delightful.
Three of my mates wanted to eat some focaccia so we moved like 100 meters to the baker's shop. Me and the 5th guy sat outside of it waiting for them, and we laughed our ass off when a red car with a bald old man crossed our way.
Then we decided to come back home, and this time we walked the promenade.
One of my friends was kinda aggressive, so we tryed to contain him. That gave me an unpleasant feel and I became a little paranoid. Farther our walk I had the feeling that everyone was staring at me (us) and judging, so that paranoiac sense grew until arrived home like one hour after.
We sat on a bench on the promenade and started talking. One of my friend took off his mobile and started reading his ex-gf texts; he started crying because (he said) he learned why she left him. We saw a lot of people passing by, and again we felt that everyone was staring at us.
Along this time I've always seen the same pattern on the floor – either made of asphalt, or concrete, or paving stones.
Then we moved a little more along, and we sat on the marble banister: the little erosions made by decades of drops of marine water on the marble were moving and merging in an intricate pattern.
While there a girl made an astonished face at us: she recognized one of my friends as a schoolmate of her. They started talking away while we were sat on the banister chatting; suddenly she turned around at us with an amazed face: he told her that we were on acid. We all became paranoid (also because her face was greenish), but she told us that we acted completely normal and she couldn't recognize that we were doped. That reassured us and the paranoiac sense of oppression of being stared by everyone stopped at all.
After talking to her we moved to another bench on the promenade, but far from the majority of people. We sat there and started looking at the gravel beach, the sea and the sky: the footsteps on the rocky sand started moving like fishes out of water, and the clouds made awesome patterns. The landscape was truly amazing: trees and palms seemed more detailed than usually and seemed to me to have a subtle deep-dream effect on.
One of my friends needed to piss, so I walked him home; I sat on the wc and the tiles on the floor started composing a wide range of rotating patterns while I was pissing: I stayed sat, looking at the floor, for 10 minutes.
Then we walked out again to rejoin our friends, and as we met them they wanted to came home, so we came back again.
We arrived home at 7PM, and we started to feel hungry, so, after 30 minutes of chilling, “fighting the force” and searching the two immaginary guys, me and another one went out to gather some food at the local shop. As soon as we got out, my friend said: “why don't we take some pizzas?”, and that sounded to me like the best idea ever! We walked to the nearest pizzeria, ordered five take-away pizzas and waited half an hour inside of the pizzeria. The floor made of black granite with white stripes and the radio broadcasting an unknown '70s psychedelic song gave me a full psychedelic experience while waiting for the pizzas; my friend said that I had on my arms lines reminding the Nazca lines.
After paying for the pizzas and some ice tea we came home; oddly I wasn't hungry anymore, so I ate just half of my pizza, but it tasted incredibly good with some peach ice tea.
At 9:10PM we decided to get out again, so after walking around, we headed to the beach.
We went down the stairs and walked on the sand in order to find some deckchairs to sit on; some men were fishing so we felt a little paranoid and moved away. After 50 meters we found some deckchairs under a portico and we sat there. The sky was dark and the clouds hid the full blue moon that was in that day; the wind blowed away the clouds and exposed a magic moon which flooded us with its light.
Thoughts were running faster and faster in my mind, and as my friends told their skeletons in the closet, I realized that – although I am sometimes cynical – I have a great respect for people around me.
One hour and forty minutes after, we decided to come back home.
I felt very tired and sleepy, and I was surprised about that: one friend of mine, very experienced with psychedelics, told me that LSD gives an amphetamine-like effect and causes sleep deprivation.
I laid down on the bed while my friends were outside on the balcony and started texting with my gf and thinking about my dead granpa; the wave of emotions took me by surprise and I started crying bot of joy and sadness. I've been thinking and thinking until 1AM, then – my friend laid down too – we shut off the light and tried to sleep. One of them told us that when he closed his eyes, he's seen a lot of shiny eyes moving very fast against him and panicked. I also was a little frightened of the dark and I saw something unpleasant with my eyes closed, but I fell asleep shortly after.
I remember that I dreamt that night, but I can't remember what. I slept very very well and the morning after I was happy and full of energy.
Through the whole trip we never lost our cognitive integrity and we could act normally in the presence of strangers.
I realized why LSD has been used by so many talented people over the years and why so many art has been made under the influence of LSD.
I can truly say that it has been one of the best days in my entire life and I am able now to understand the potency of that fantastic substance which takes the name of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2015</td><td width="90">ExpID: 109579</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 21</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Oct 26, 2017</td><td>Views: 1,100</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=109579&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=109579&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 carts.</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">inhaled</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/nitrous/">Nitrous Oxide</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(gas)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">62 kg</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
To set a background, I have previously experienced LSD, but never before this much, I have also inhaled a fair deal of nitrous. but never before both. I'm only going to detail the joint experience where I was peaking on my acid trip, and inhaled the nitrous.
The Tv was on, everything was wavy, I could see the bass vibrating off the walls. I inhaled the first bulb, and quickly screwed on the second before it got too strong, I breathed out again and inhaled. Immediately after putting the dispenser down I collapsed into the couch.....
The next thing that iIremember
Baboom - wow I am alive
Baboom - Is that my heart beating
Baboom - Wow thats my heart beating
baboom - Breath outwards - wow time is going slow i just breathed
babo..m.. I'll have to breath outwards soon
I'm in a loop, the same moment is going over and over..
breath inwards.
I turn my head to the left, I realise I can control my body. But how, had i lost control of my body? Yes briefly I had. I turn my head the other way, this is the only control I have. Control and perception increases, I start to realise I am human, I want to please myself, in the short term, and the long term. I am awakened, it is as if I was born again with all the knowledge I already have.
The Brain Reset.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2005</td><td width="90">ExpID: 44340</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Nov 1, 2017</td><td>Views: 1,552</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=44340&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=44340&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Nitrous Oxide (40) : Unknown Context (20), Combinations (3), General (1)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
<span class="erowid-warning">[Erowid Note:
Some authors report suspicions that their cannabis has been 'laced' (adulterated), in some cases, presumably with PCP. While this is possible, readers should be aware that idiosyncratic response to the effects of cannabis (usually higher doses) can lead some users to presume their cannabis has been 'laced'. There is no way to know if the cannabis in the report below was adulterated or not. Reports of plant material and cannabis laced with powerful synthetic cannabinoids and other psychoactive substances became more common starting in 2007.]</span>
I had met a beautiful boy at a music festival show. We hit it off via body language and knew we could possibly hang out, considering we both felt mysterious and appeared alone in a very massive crowd. An experienced LSD user, I am, this was his first time trying it. After the show, we walked along, finally speaking to each other and agreed to stick around as buddies the remainder of that night. I would tripsit while looking for wares with him, possibly finding us more.
After a good hour of hanging out and walking around, we finally found my dosage with a confused man on the field. I bought two, having been conned several times prior, and ate those. After walking around indecisively some more, waiting for things to kick in, he saw a show he looked interested in to which we made our way over to. Standing at the back, watching glowsticks and beachballs etc fly around, I heard him say 'wow, I wish we were closer!' I said 'why can't we be?' and we began to make our way through the packed crowd and dust.
After 20 minutes of being near the stage and dancing, I saw two men with camelbacks on who we made small talk with between song pauses. Eventually, the dust got the better of us and I inquired some water from the man's pack next to me. He cheerfully gave both of us a sip and went back to dancing wildly. As soon as I swallowed the water and watched my friend swallow his, I realized how metallic it tasted. I thought for a second that maybe it was the dust sludge making its way down my throat, but then it hit me- the water was heavily laced with something. In this case, it was more acid, which we were already on and I was not afraid of. After a while longer, keeping calm and getting into the music with my new friend, the men in front of us handed us a bowl between songs. I gladly obliged, as weed would calm me down, I thought. We each took two rips off the bowl and went back to talking with the other guys and each other.
The music began and I started dancing. After about five minutes, I took a pause and looked around. The air looked very cloudy and I realized that the dust was beginning to get the better of me. Then, after looking upwards at the rafters above the stage, I took notice that everything was beginning to shift back and forth with a silhouette of 9 after it. Everything seemed intense and I tugged at my friend, signalling to leave. The next half hour was spent in a disassociative daze, partially scared out of my wits and searching for water and partially trying to consistently calm my nerves and figure out what other substance I was on that was causing this. After a while, I noticed that my new friend was even more disassociated than I was and brought this to his attention. I asked him if he still knew that he was on acid and he managed to finally reply 'this feels different than earlier.' This confirmed it and we realized that even with a larger dose of LSD, this was not normal. I eventually managed to find drinks and figure out that the bowl passed to us earlier wasn't full of weed after all, but rather- PCP. One of the substances I always promised myself never to try.
For a good two hours, we tried our hardest to find our way out of the festival and back to our tents in what I could only consider to be 'movie trippy'. Voices distorted to slow-motion pitches and everything trailed pinks and purples. After a second or two of sitting under a tree, trying to figure out how not to go towards the direction of the brightest object in sights, a ferris wheel, but rather in the opposite direction of it, a very strung out man came right up to me. After a second or two of trying to figure out what he was asking me, I noticed that he was making a heaving motion, getting ready to puke right on me. His face looked monsterly and I completely realized that he was going to hurl and motioned him away from me, shocked at the fact that this substance impaired my ability so much that I would've let myself be puked on. This flared the trip for me and I went into 'bad trip mode'. I grabbed my friend by the hand and told him 'we need to GET OUT OF HERE.' he obliged, still out of it.
After explaining to a few security guards that I distinctly needed help finding my way out of there, one figured out how fucked up we were and explained very detailed on how to go out, making mention to -not- go towards the ferris wheel. I thanked him profusely and he let me do a straightshot through VIP rather than the half-hour+ it would've taken to go around it, to get back to my campsite. When we finally arrived, my friends I came to the festival with greeted us and we all conferred that it wouldn't have been as bad if I had the courtesy of at least knowing what I was on. Thankfully, I've read enough <!--erowid experience vaults etc in the past -->to know what effects were taking place and how to avoid something horrible from happening.
The rest of the night was more of an apology to my newfound friend than anything else. I persuaded him to not steer away from lsd in the future, assuring him that it was the pcp which made me into an unusually bad time, not the other kindly substance which we had both remembered to treat us so well in the beginning. He took my heed and departed and to this day, I realize that if ever given the chance to try pcp again, I wouldn't object considering I know its effects firsthand and find them only disagreeable when immersed in a completely unfamiliar experience, setting, and company.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2007</td><td width="90">ExpID: 66662</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Nov 8, 2017</td><td>Views: 2,653</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=66662&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=66662&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Bad Trips (6), What Was in That? (26), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">6 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 bowl</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 2:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 glasses</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Hard</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 3:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Hard</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 5:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 bowls</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">170 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
During the Winter of 2005 I came across some good quality LSD. I had only tripped on the substance twice before, but I am very experienced with other hallucinogens. LSD is tough to come by in Northern Virginia where I live, at least with the few connections I have. So I purchased 8 hits and took 2 the weekend before to test it out. I tripped a little bit and got a lot of morphing and coloration changes, but no visuals, leaving me a little disappointed. The LSD was relatively cheap so I had planned to go into school to take a test and then go home sick right after and chomp down all six of my remaining tabs.
I woke up excited next morning, eager to begin my trip. It had just begun to sprinkle snowflakes on this beautiful Virginian morning. I arrived to take my test at 8:00 AM sharp. I brought the LSD with me and had decided that I wanted to be tripping when I got back home, so 15 minutes into my 45 minute examination, I ate my tabs.
T 0:00 - At precisely 8:15 AM, I ate all six tabs, then hurried to finish my test.
<span class="erowid-caution">[Erowid Note:
Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. <a href="/chemicals/show_image.php?i=dmt/dmt_contraindications1.gif">Don't do it!</a>]</span>
T 0:30 - By the time I finished my test I was coming up strong. I handed in my test, and scurried out of school. It was strange leaving, the patterns on the floor began morphing. I decided to walk into the bathroom to check myself and take a piss before hitting the road. My pupils were very dilated and I had the appearance of someone high on drugs. It was still snowing when I got out to my car, so I hopped in, popped some good tunes in my CD player, I think it was United States of America, good stuff, and proceeded to make the 30 minute drive home.
T 0:45-1:30 - The snow has lightly dusted the grounds on the highway that I travel on and the wind is blowing the snow around, giving the road the appearance as though the ground was moving. Also, I would like to clear one thing up. The trees are covered with snow, which reminded me of Narnia. I felt blissful and tranquil, eager to get home and rip out my bong.
T 1:30-2:30 - I arrive at my house and greet my dog, a shaggy, black-haired dog who is always around me. He has smoked with me on a lot of occasions and I believe he enjoys the habit. Whenever I arrive home from school, I always take him outside and rip a bowl before my mom gets home. He sits right beside me and looks up at me, eager to get a shotgun. It is now snowing very hard, and I look outside to see that my car is completely covered, so I decide to take my bong out and box it up. My dog is terrified of the snow, so he wouldn't come along. I enter my car and put in some Grateful Dead to back my trip. I proceed to smoke at least an eighth of pot, and by the time I exit my vehicle I am tripping exceedingly well. I decide that it's such a nice day, so I should go for a walk. I grab my iPod and go walk around my neighborhood, which is a truly gorgeous piece of land, with tall trees, nice houses, and woods surrounding it. I walk around for about thirty minutes but decide to go back inside cause I was cold.
T 2:30-3:30 - There is a hill beside my house that is pretty steep that has since been developed on, but ever winter my brother and I make a ramp at the top of it and jumps at the bottom. The ramp is solely used to collect speed. I grab my snowboard and go out and mess around for a little while, though I am physically inept at this point and can't land a thing. I walk back inside and make a few cocktails and watch a movie, the Doors.
T 3:30-5:30 - I'm still tripping delighfully hard. My own trip experience completely correlated with the movie, which I only realized until after the movie. I'll admit it, I am an alcoholic, so I found many parallels between me and Oliver Stone's inaccurate portrayal of Jim Morrison. I was tripping almost at my peak when the band goes out into the desert to do acid. As I am making more and more drinks and getting a little drunk, Morrison breaks away from his band and starts doing cocaine and drinking to excess, just as I am now doing. By the end of the movie I'm still tripping, but not nearly as hard as before.
T 5:30-7:00 - I go to smoke a few more bowls to try and get back up. It works surprisingly well. I decide to make a fire cause it was getting chilly in my humble abode. As I look into the fire, I see tremendous colors, brilliant and vibrant colors, colors that I didn't know existed. The flame turns solid gold and I am absolutely enthralled by the whole experience. I watch a little while longer then retreat to my room to play guitar.
T 7:00-12:00 - My trip comes to a close in these hours. All in all it was a great experience, that lead to the creation of my new motto when it comes to hallucinogens: trip hard or don't trip at all.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2005</td><td width="90">ExpID: 45974</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 7, 2018</td><td>Views: 867</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=45974&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=45974&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Various (28), General (1)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">125 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
It was a Monday evening after school when my buddies G and N told me that they just got word from our dealer that he's got
A great deal on some Storm-trooper acid tabs. My buddies and I were all experienced trippers (so I thought). I tripped around 8 times, N around 10 and G about 7. This time I wanted to take 3 I've only taken 2 at most in the past which I thought was the
Perfect dose, but N said I should at least just experience 3 one time, so I did. My buddies and I drove up to meet our guy to get the tabs, I got my 3, N his 2 and G his 2. I wanted to wait and trip with my other buddies D and A on the weekend coming up but it was a Thursday morning when I ended up staying home 'sick' I thought it would be the perfect time.
On that Thursday morning I made a dumb decision, I popped the 3 in with a positive but also slightly nervous feeling. I sat on my computer reading through some articles about news and listening to music, 25 minutes in I felt it, I realized then what I was
In for. It was 6:35 a.m when I took the tabs. Once I really started feeling it I decided to relax in bed and watch the new X-MenDays of Future Past, and boy was that something...the color's were unbelievable, the feelings were amazing this in my head.
Was the coolest experience I've ever had. After the movie was done I got up and just starred out my window looking at the sky, the trees, my pool, the cars passing behind my house. I was astonished by everything I was seeing, and a weird thought
popped into my head. I thought about some of the people I knew and how they had to grind for what they have. I know people who have barely anything with crazy screwed up parents, no money, barely a roof over their head, but me? Well I had everything my parents were still together, I had money, I had a roof over my head, I was spoiled. All those thoughts just clicked in my head and I started bawling my eyes out harder than I ever had before because I treated my parents like sh*t even though they did everything for me and I realized how lucky I was. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">All those thoughts just clicked in my head and I started bawling my eyes out harder than I ever had before because I treated my parents like sh*t even though they did everything for me and I realized how lucky I was.</div></div> This was the life changing part in my trip because after this, I treated my parents with so much more respect and rarely ever talked back to them...they had no idea that LSD was the change to that.
Now on to where my trip went from excellent to terrible in the matter of was 7 hours into my trip, I was texting my buddy D and telling him about it, he then replies with 'Bro, how are you still tripping that hard? You should've reached your peak by now?' After reading that text I thought for some reason my brain was fried for the rest of my life, I thought I would be tripping forever...And even though in the middle of the trip I knew that it was just the Acid I couldn't control it...I was freaking out. I lost my mind, I would go from my bed, to my computer chair, to walking back and fourth repeating my name...address...middle name just to keep myself from thinking I'm crazy...At that point I just wanted to talk to someone, I NEEDED someone. My brother, and dad were home BUT I knew if I were to say a word to them they would think I'm crazy, and to me at the time I thought I would just stay in my perpetual loop and end up in a mental institution. It was finally 2:45 p.m when D got home I made him get on skype to talk and help me. D would ask me questions and I couldn't even respond or barely comprehend what he said...I kept trying to explain what was happening but I couldn't even remember train of thought was obliterated. Eventually I realized I was stuck in my first acid loop that I remembered reading about. D looked it up and just told me that I had to relax. After a little over an hour my mind was once again stable. After that experience I've never touched drugs again.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2014</td><td width="90">ExpID: 109688</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 16</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 14, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,733</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=109688&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=109688&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Bad Trips (6), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">140 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
One Hit of Acid Can Do Alot of Damage
I am 34 years old and took LSD the last time when I was 18 years old. I smoked marijuana at the time and had taken mushrooms just twice and acid a hand full of times. The last time was different, in the middle of dosing I looked up into the corner of the room and all I could see was static everywhere. I completely freaked out, but wasn’t so high I couldn’t get a grip on what was going on so I thought I’ll just ignore it and go to sleep and it will be gone by tomorrow.
The next morning I woke up and the static was still there. All I could do was cry. I knew I had to tell my parents at some point if this did not go away. I waited for a couple more days and the static was still there so I told my parents. My Dad completely freaked out because he said he had just seen on some television show some people who never came down off of acid and the after effects they had. I became very anxious, had panic attacks, became very agoraphobic because I did not want to go anywhere and have anyone see me in that condition. I was a pot smoker beforehand and it always calmed me down so I decided to smoke marijuana thinking it would relax me and make the symptoms go away, but I was wrong. They got worse, I started seeing the walls crawling, things would move and I knew they were not really moving, my heart would pound so hard I thought I was going to pass out.
In the next few months my Dad took to me to every eye doctor in town and of course no one found anything. I had panic attacks for a year and half straight some would last ten hours a day. I suffered and still do suffer from anxiety since then. I see tracers off of things that move, I get that depersonalization feeling from time to time, strobe lights make me crazy and I see halos some of the time around lights. In solid white rooms and dark rooms all I can see is static.
I drank for years to make these symptoms go away <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I drank for years to make these symptoms go away</div></div>, I would pass out and in the morning I just thought the static was worse because I was hung over, the alcohol also helped my anxiety at the time. I quit drinking 3 years ago and my anxiety level went out the roof. I started to have panic attacks again after 12 years, the static which is the HPPD I suffer from was so intense. I had never researched what was wrong with me. I never told anyone because I thought they would think I was crazy and there were days I thought I would end up in an institution because I had a bad trip. I went to a doctor for my anxiety after I quit drinking and she prescribed me Lexapro, I took it for four days and all I could see were halos around everything. No matter where I went it looked like there was a strobe light in every room, including outdoors so I stopped taking the Lexapro because I knew the symptoms were caused from the LSD I had taken 13 years before. I finally researched it on the internet and found out I suffered from HPPD from one hit of acid. I now can’t take any drug that affects the serotonin in my brain.
I take 1.5 mgs of Klonopin everyday just to help my anxiety and it helps with the HPPD. I have actually been diagnosed by a professional with this. I went from being very social, a lot of friends, to very anti-social and scared of everything. Social situations terrify me now and I am not the same. I was a recreational drug user, never touched white drugs in my life and I am cursed with this condition. It wasn't worth it.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 1993-2009</td><td width="90">ExpID: 80381</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 18</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 15, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,244</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=80381&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=80381&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Unknown Context (20), HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Health Problems (27)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Hard</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">130 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I think the story I wrote at the time, inbetween puking up (my last ever) McDonalds says it best. Please don't think I'm an asshole - you know what an ego acid gives you!
Friday night - I was feeling pretty fucking pleased with myself. Smug as a bastard, totaly made up. It had been one amazing week where I'd managed to impress just about everyone I'd met, acheived things I never thought could be possible and was generally feeling extremely excited and optomistic about the future - for what a future it was going to be!
Anyway, dizzy with power - and indeed the large amount of vodka I'd drunk, I hought to myself 'How can I top this? What's next - surely a woman of my talent &amp; charisma can't just turn in at 12pm onto a bed of smugness'
It was then to my delight I remembered my boyfriend had gone to a music festival that weekend and had left a cupboard full of drugs - in that cupboard was alot of acid (a drug I hadn't taken since I was 16 and had very little recollection of its effects)
YES - how fitting I thought as I took just half a tab, that I should end this week being up all night on acid having some sort of amazing inner journey.
Well. I was certainly up all night. THROWING UP. ALL NIGHT. AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN.
Retching into the bath like a great big mistake - I noticed how clear &amp; pure my sick was. The thought then occured to me that I was puking up my own sense of self satisfaction. That really, I had become TOO smug - and my body was reacting in this unholy fashion.
I immediately realized the poetry of this situation &amp; what a great story it would be. A great monologue I could tell at some party that had yet to be organized.
I threw up again and again and again. My self importance now becoming discoloured.
I sit here now, very weak with terrible pains all over my body - shaking through hunger and tiredness. I can't even keep down a sip of water and I am so terribly thirsty.
(end story written while high)
Although this sounds like a BAD experience, the next day was wonderful! I didn't sleep that night and I still had a huge ego all the next day. I found life very easy &amp; beautiful that day. I laughed so much at one of those home movie shows I had to go and lie down!
Although I may not repeat this combination for health reasons, I did have an amazingly long and perfect comedown, right up till bedtime!<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2004</td><td width="90">ExpID: 36289</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 18, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,026</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=36289&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=36289&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Alcohol - Hard (198), LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">180 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Before my first trip I had experimented with many drugs. I felt like I had explored the vastness of my mind to the extreme. While having many a high time, I had given up on drugs having the ability to take me to new realities. Shortly before my trip my life was in chaos. I was gaining weight, jobless, self indulgent, and utterly wasteful. My mindset was that of a curious 15 year old, yet I was 21. So this being my reality, a close friend procured some blotter.
I took the hit with an open mind. within an hour my friend and I felt as if we were reading each others minds. Barely having to conjure up words to express emotions. The sensation was all mental with an intense body buss. Soon however, I was in the grips of my own inner demons. My fears and thoughts were out on display for me. I realized how pathetic and immature I had been. Careless and selfish, disgusting. I changed forever that night. I realized I was a man, I had a healthy body and spirit within begging me to allow it to thrive and glow. Begging me to become a man. since this experience my life in general has improved a great deal. I exist in a new, enlightened reality. The trip is over, but just like a trip to the Grand Canyon, it's greatness will always be a memory within me. If I loose faith, I remind my self how strong I am. I believe this experience has probably been shared by many people, We are united through this...we understand.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2006</td><td width="90">ExpID: 54801</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 18, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,009</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=54801&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=54801&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">100 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ketamine/">Ketamine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">11 st</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
While at a recent forest party I took 3 drops of liquid acid, waited about 30 mins and then snorted about .1g of K (possibly a bit more). I find that this time delay means that I come up on both drugs at roughly the same time. The sun was just beginning to rise so my trip began with the changing of light which accompanies the predawn and daybreak.
My vision became incredibly acute and clear while my sense of balance became fairly erratic although I never felt like I would fall over. My sense of perspective changed and judging distances accurately was difficult but only with objects a reasonable distance away. People walking the trees seemed to walk behind one tree but emerge from behind another.
I've been reading quite a lot about quantum theory and waveforms recently, - in particular Lyall Watson's 'Supernature' - which has remained fairly firmly in my mind recently. This explains (or tries to) the relationship between objects and entities as a function of their wavefunctions.
I then got to thinking that if we all exist as a wavefunction then why can we not extend the wave/particle duality of light to other waveforms. This naturally led to the thought that maybe I was both a waveform and a particle but, due to quantum uncertainty, I was unable to decide which.
This realization led to a great feeling of elation and a feeling of discovery which I enjoyed immensely although it faded as the ketamine wore off leaving me to enjoy the rest of my acid trip in a fairly normal frame of mind.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2006</td><td width="90">ExpID: 55528</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 20, 2018</td><td>Views: 911</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=55528&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=55528&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Ketamine (31) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">160 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
The first time I tripped was with 3 of my close friends and we all took one hit. This particular blotter acid was a (spider-man) and, obviously had a little picture of the face of spider-man on it. This was a wonderful experience and I felt a sense of closeness to my friends, and it was during the day, cause we had skipped school, and the sky was so big, BLUE, and beautiful. We walked through the woods for a hour just looking at plants and picking flowers and buds off different plants and bushes; I felt a real respect for the beauty and naturalness of nature. Then we came up on a railroad track, and it just so happened that a train came by at that time, and it was loud as hell. And I could feel the ground shaking. But this isn't the bad experience.
The second time I tripped I really messed up. It was a week later from the previous first trip of my life, and I had gotten 3 of these (spider-mans), and from what I had heard from experienced trippers was that these spider-mans were good, and I agreed considering my first trip. I bought 3, one for me, my best friend who I hadn't tripped with and his brother. We had planned to do it on a saturday night. Unfortunately, my parents had planned to go to a nascar race early the nest morning and I had to be there real early at like 5am,so I could watch my little sister. SO I was at home alone, cause my parents were in bed sleeping, and my friend corey and his brother had decided to go to a club since we weren't tripping. I stayed up late that night watching t.v. Cause I was bored and at 12 started to watch 'Space Cowboys', and I was bored and wanted to have some fun and took one spider-man, after and hour into the movie I felt as if it wasn't really effecting me, and being a unexperienced user of acid; not knowing the power of it; and still questing for that true trip, like in the movies and stuff where u have alot of visuals. So wanting more effect I took the other 2. So now I have 3 spider-mans in me and I'm watching 'space Cowboys', I first started to notice that Clint Eastwood's face looked real weird and sort of twisted, and in the movie they're working on this satellite in outer space that is supposedly this Russian communication satellite. But in the movie its a conspiracy, and the satellite is actually this nuclear warhead satellite still up in space from the cold war. Now when this things goes into attack mode, I felt like I was in a dam I-max theatre, and this thing was giant, and I was like ok I'm tripping now, so I turn it off and go to my computer and start to play a computer game called Counter-Strike, but I find myself just staring off into the screen and like breaking down every pixel on the monitor, so return to the television but only to flip through the channels, and note this was only my second time tripping and the first time I didn't have any real visuals, but this time I was in for some.
I turn on the T.v. And start to watch ESPN and they have a male aerobics contest. Except I cant hear the announcers no matter how hard I concentrate, I never knew acid could effect the hearing. The contestants are jumping around on stage, moving real fast, but he scary part was all their heads were shaping into demons, and they were growling, so I flip to ESPN2, this one is sportscenter, and as they were showing the highlights all the games were in total slow motion to me, no matter how hard I tried it wouldn't stop moving in slow motion, and then I flip to HBO where they were playing 'Lake Placid', the one with the giant killer crocdile, and the peoples' faces kept shifting, and there skin would peel back off their face into another shape, and I saw some scary scenes that I can't really remember, but now at this point I have this deep dark fear, and not being able to handle it I decide to try to fight it and just goto bed, so I go upstairs and lie in my bed, I remember just lieing there playing with my hands, and looking at feet which seemed to be a mile away at the end of the bed, I felt a fear that I wouldn't come out of it cause I had taken too much and remember thinking that over and over that I was going to go into a permanent trip, and when my parents got up to get ready for the race I was still tripping lieing in my bed tense and frozen like a stiff dead person trying to pretend I was asleep as my mom came in to my room to say by, but she skipped across the room; and I couldn't even understand the words she said, and as she left I thought about how much I loved her and how mad she would be if she knew of the stupid shit that I do, and my little sister came in and layed with me after my parents left and this was like 7 in the morn, and she noticed that I was wide awake, and she asked me what was wrong and I just began to cry and told her she would never understand, then I got up at took a shower, when I got out I felt so cold and body felt like crap so I layed in bed again, and just went into a daze and I don't know if I fell asleep or not but at like 11am I came to my senses, and got up and was delighted to notice that I wasn't tripping anymore, and my eyes weren't dialated and I could actually think. I swore that I would never trip again, but I have many times since then, but nothing ever close to that night.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2001</td><td width="90">ExpID: 10726</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 20, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,056</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=10726&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=10726&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 3:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">100 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mda/">MDA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 3:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">100 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mda/">MDA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">170 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
To clear up some obvious questions regarding experience and to establish a semblance of ethos, I have had many experiences with psychedelics and MDXX. Enjoying both thoroughly, I decided relatively spontaneously with two friends of mine to buy tickets to Gramatik (a dope hiphop/soul/electronic producer) and partake in some drugs. To a certain extent, none of knew which we were going to want to try and whether or not we even wanted to put our brains through that strain (considering that we didn’t know the artist allll that well and had no idea of what he would be live). We made the best decisions of our lives (in hindsight) and all agreed that we would candyflip. I had no real experience with the combination but was in no way nervous about the combo due to reading testimonials and hearing friend’s anecdotes.
My friend, lets call him Lez, came over with 6 hits of Lucy. Two were consumed by Lez, my buddy “Caso” and me. I asked my buddy lez whether he wanted to go to a nearby heated yoga studio for their free Friday class. He replied that he had never done yoga before but was not opposed to the experience. I insisted it would be difficult but that I couldn’t imagine a better way to start an acid trip: to struggle both physically and mentally through the come up and then to break through into a sense of relative calm (I usually get clearheaded but my body just feels on edge during most LSD trips). We consumed the hits around 6:30 and arrived for the 7 o’clock class basically baseline. We left our other friend Caso back at my apt because he did not have the clothes nor does his personality really mesh with the athletic/hippy/zen nature of yoga so he just stayed and listened to pretty lights in my living room. Once I was seated and mediating before the class commenced, I noticed a slight buzz through my body and began to feel the usual uneasiness in my stomach. The class was extremely strenuous, yet, the acid allowed me to focus my mind, even though it was physically demanding, to overcome what the brain perceives as “pain.” The yoga instructor obviously didn’t know that we were tripping, but his encouraging words throughout the class gave me the peculiar thought that he was guiding our trip. I just remember him saying something so incredibly profound that I will butcher as I paraphrase but something like “Life is not about the destination, really the journey is the destination.” While it might sound trite, it resonated with my sentiments about Acid trips because really, I was looking forward to the end destination of the night (the concert) but yet the concert itself was the journey. We both left, drenched in sweat, and feeling amazing.
Lez and I arrived back at my apartment around 8:10 and found Caso greating us with a huge smile and we all realized we were going to have a great trip. After an extremely gratifying and cleansing shower, we watched some “Goodneighbor Stuff” youtube videos and laughed our ass off. We were considering whether or not we even wanted to take this sass because we were feeling so good already, and quite honestly, on LSD I sometimes cringe at the thought of putting those chemicals in my body and ergo my brain. Plus, Lez was starting to get kinda loopy and out of it, claiming that it was some of the strongest acid he had done in a while. Caso and I talked him down and repeated earnestly that it was all fine and that he should be ready, because we were about to fuck shit up that night (in a courteous way of course). They parachuted two points of some really good sass mda and I took one of these firefly tabs mda based around 9:30 pm. Caso and I also decided that since we had come this far, we might as well eat the last two points of sass we had, so we split up even lines and snorted. I was nervous to do so on acid because of the many instances of molly burning my nose so badly I would tear up, yet, this was different. As I railed the line with a crisp dollar bill, all my sinuses were cleared and the smell of lavender filled my senses and nostrils. It didn’t burn one bit. On the contrary, it was therapeutic. After this line, both Caso and I looked at each other and in unison stated that that was a harbinger that tonight was going to be a MAGICAL night.
We started rolling pretty hard around 10:30 , but not the flooding, loving feeling. Really the synergy of the two substances made me forget that I was rolling and more made me just realize how warm and content I was. It was extremely nurturing and comforting. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">the synergy of the two substances made me forget that I was rolling and more made me just realize how warm and content I was. It was extremely nurturing and comforting.</div></div> That feeling and the presence of my boys was enough to make me feel confident that we could do anything we wanted that night, even talk to cops if we had to. We walked to the concert giddy and cracking jokes, eager to hear some dope beats. We got to cut the long as line that stretched around the corner because two of our fraternity brothers were there waiting near the front. I handed them two of my firefly tabs for free because I was in such a blissful mood. In line I started to notice and comprehend how people have distinctive energy. The people you know well and like radiate the most, the ones you don’t know but seem like genuinely decent people provide a nice atmosphere and trip circumstance. However, there was this one weasel kid offering molly and coke to people in the line and he had terrible energy. Made me made and uncomfortable because he would repeatedly ask people who already told him to get lost and one could safely assume he had some bunk shit and was trying to take advantage. But I digress. Anyhow, we walk upstairs and seriously the stage, the lights, the artists selling their artwork in the back made me so confused because I thought to myself “What have I just walked into? Is this heaven?” Literally I was so astounded by the vibes and visuals I was getting that I thought I had stumbled upon some paradise, some place that God designed just for me and my candyflip. I was taken aback but quickly got immersed into the music and started dancing a lot. I am not generally a goofy roller, I kind of get serious but have a blast and just am really kind and sensitive to other people. Yet, the LSD MDA combo made me straight up goofy, best way to put it. Tongue hanging out, messing with friendly strangers beside me. I was in HEAVEN.
After the concert, we walked back to my apt and talked till sunrise. Conversations ranged from the deep talks about trying to tell one of the trippers that he needed to cut out opiates and the occasional use of heroin to the jovial banter that guys are known for. We talked in depth about God and how he works in our lives but how we have the unfortunate free will the push him away. We delved into how suicide is quite possibly the work aspect of life and also how much of a baller God must be (our rational was that everything funny in the world and cool and beautiful was because of God).
All in all, an amazing experience.
<!--For legal reasons, this is all fiction ;)--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2010</td><td width="90">ExpID: 94453</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 22</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 29, 2018</td><td>Views: 2,296</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=94453&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=94453&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">MDA (34), LSD (2) : General (1), Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Rave / Dance Event (18)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">52 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Of all the times I tried LSD, this was truly one of the most beautiful trips.. Where psychedelics were beyond..way beyond...n u all know what I mean when psychedelics take over your mind...
It was 31st night 2005 on a beautiful beach in goa at a trance party , 11:25pm, when I did my first drop of LSD n nothin happend for about 30 mins so I said might as well do another trip... This time it was a blotter a red heart... 15 mins into it and I was on another plane, cos both trips hit me and came on at the same time....both intensely potent I'd realised...
Wow n wow ...dats all that I could say ... My vision was that like I was looking through a fish bowl, all blurred, into million dimensions, fairies n pygmies dancing among people, stars shooting millions of them...then came the mad hatter to dance...n it well indeed a mad dance...colours flashing across...the earth and sky were one...I didn't know where I n time seemed infinte...
I've written a poetry on this beautiful trip...dat I'd like to share...
Beautiful Madness
Take a little,
My mind to run and race
To the heightened sounds of music,
To a beautiful face
Blue and green all mixed up,
Spirals of light
Liquefied is the world,
My sense my sight.
The stars have come to say hello,
Come to say goodbye
No time no space, leaves have gone up,
No earth no sky
My mind is slipping, slipping away,
U don’t fall
It’s slipping and then u hear it,
Have u heard the call?
Drown myself in its beautiful madness,
A long road ahead
Different colored faces, voices keep calling,
Too much has been said
Only to find myself in the puzzled ball of energy that binds us
Where dances of the unseen
And visions of the unknown,
Have all flown to dust....
Well n like all other trips it came to an end after a long 15 hrs too beautiful is the drug LSD...these colourful memories r the beautiful things I have stored in my head...a sense of completenes...a sense of infinte lives in this energy ball we all live in.....
<!--Have a good trip!!!!-->
Fiona <!--Fernandes--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2006</td><td width="90">ExpID: 51907</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Feb 3, 2018</td><td>Views: 884</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=51907&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=51907&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Poetry (43), Unknown Context (20)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">140 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I had a pretty traumatic experience with acid about 3 weeks prior to writing this. I had tried LSD once before that but it must have been weak or bunk because I didnt feel much. Anyways, the setting was my friends house, just me and him. I took 1 tab at first, and then another an hour later.
The effects of the first tab were just setting in: I was feeling detached from reality and giggly. At about an hour and a half after taking the first tab, I started getting this feeling of intense anxiety. The feeling got worse so I went to sit under his deck and calm down. I thought looking at the trees and nature would help me out. The anxiety became more and more intense as I sat in the chair and I felt completely helpless. I became paralyzed by a feeling of fear. It wasn't about anything in specific but I felt very afraid and anxious. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I became paralyzed by a feeling of fear. It wasn't about anything in specific but I felt very afraid and anxious.</div></div> I had some very intense visual distortions as I looked at the trees. At about 3 or 4 hours after taking the first tab, I started getting hallucinations. I saw a monkey dancing in a tree and a cartoonish type of coyote smoking a cigarette next to me. They were only in my periphery though and would disappear when I tried looking at them. I was paralyzed in this one chair by the feelings for about 5 hours. I couldn't bring my self to get up. I wasn't scared by the hallucinations though. If anything, they distracted me from the overwhelming emotions. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I wasn't scared by the hallucinations though. If anything, they distracted me from the overwhelming emotions.</div></div> When the trip died down at about 5 1/2 hours, I was left with the anxiety. I didn't think much of it at the time, I thought it would wear off.
<span class="erowid-caution">[Erowid Note:
Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. <a href="/chemicals/show_image.php?i=dmt/dmt_contraindications1.gif">Don't do it!</a>]</span>
I then went inside to take some bong hits and then drove home. When I got home, I couldnt sleep at all that night. I was so anxious and begining to feel extremely depressed and thought I was loosing my mind. For the next few days I experienced intense anxiety constantly. Prior to this experience, I had never experienced anything close to this level of anxiety. I experienced a vivid flashback several weeks later where I felt like I was tripping again. The intense part lasted only a few minutes but I had a detached kind of feeling for aboout an hour.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2007</td><td width="90">ExpID: 66686</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Feb 3, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,004</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=66686&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=66686&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Bad Trips (6), Hangover / Days After (46), Post Trip Problems (8), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 cig.</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">132 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
It started out a fun night, then the sh*t hit the fan...
My best friend and I were going to go to a party one friday night. Right before we left we popped our tabs (I had blue dolphin) and rolled a joint. About the time we got to the party my roll got kicked off. I was feeling great. I danced around and started to feel hot. I didnt want to dehydrate so I quickly sat down and started sipping on water. My head started killing me. I went to the bathroom and vommited. I told my friend that I had to go lay down, so I went to the back room and collapsed on the bed. when I woke up about 3 hours later, I was in a cartoon. I didnt know what to think. I thought that I had always been in the cartoon and just didnt notice. everything look like it was drawn. I studied my new surroundings until the thought hit I even existed? Am I someone's creation? I couldnt remember anything of my past life and I wasnt worried about the furture. I lost all perception of everything. I began to walk around and found myself in a room of wet paint being smudged together. I was scared that I would become mixed in with the wet smudge so I quickly left the room. As I entered the living room, demented creatures quickly turned and looked at me all at once. They had swords, axes, maces, spears, and all arrays of medeval weapontry. I was completely frightened. I went to the room were I came from and locked the door. As I turned around I fell into nothingness and came to the conclusion that my creature erased me from existence. I went deep into thought. I could still hear my friends talking to me so I figured that I was on another page then they were. Finally, after life changing thoughts and ecceptance of an eternal nothingness, I went to sleep. I woke up to my friend shaking me. He told me that I asked a dude for some acid and took it and started tripping out. It all come together. My world began to come back together.
It's been 3 months since my experience and I still havent fully recovered. I've been having frequent flashbacks that send me back to my horrible doom. Acid has scarred me for life.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2005</td><td width="90">ExpID: 45115</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Feb 3, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,410</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=45115&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=45115&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">MDMA (3), LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Bad Trips (6), Large Party (54)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">4 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">5 joints/cigs</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">160 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
It all started on a may night. I had wanted to trip hard on acid but was not at all ready for what would come. I ingested four blotter tabs of LSD and smoked approximately 5 joints. I was prepared for the intense hallucinations, this is why I had wanted to try LSD again. The first time I had 2.5 hits, it seemed like nothing. I had a nice body high and hallucinated for a little, I liked it so much I couldnt wait to try it again. I did and at first it was great. Then crazy thoughts entered my head. Around 4 hours after I had consumed the LSD I thought the apocalypse had come not only that I thought I was at the beach, I thought I won tickets to a concert, I thought a friend of mine was related to the grateful dead. I also thought Bill Gates controlled my head through an electronic chip in the acid. I also at one point thought I could go to the playboy mansion through a portal in the mirror and find and fight this kid through the tv.
What scared me the most was that the apocalypse had come, that all good had left me and everyone was trying to strand me in this basement. I then grabbed a lamp and hit this kid with it. I was convinced they were trying to strand me since I thought I was the only one left suicidal thoughts and depression engulfed my brain. I remember thinking about killing myself. The night could have gone completely wrong I could have killed someone or been killed. I cant explain why my body reacted that way, if my brain wasnt prepared or I just react that way to acid. I personally think the first acid I took was weak and I was not prepared for the voices I would hear. Im never trying acid again, something terribly wrong could have gone. I now view life differently I dont know how I think it was because of the suicidal thoughts I had and the depression that occured during that night. I will forever stay away from acid because my body reacted in such a horrible way. <!--Just remember all bodies react differently.--> Acid was the worst experience of my life. I remember thinking I was melting and dieing and I wanted to live. I had crazy thoughts in my head and was probably capable of committing a horrible crime. I just thank God nothing bad happened.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2005</td><td width="90">ExpID: 43465</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Feb 3, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,030</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=43465&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=43465&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Unknown Context (20), Bad Trips (6)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 2:45</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/salvia/">Salvia divinorum</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(extract - 5x)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">125 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Its been almost 4 or 5 months now, and now I think I'm really able to look back and see what all this has meant.
I had been kind of down for a time before, as if I were running out of options for myself, even though I'm really supposed to be at the prime of opportunity, being in college. Anyway, I'd just gotten a fresh batch of 5x salvia extract, and I had some lsd lying around, so why not go at it? So I dropped it.
After about two hour and a half to three hours of the usual coming-up and peak phases, I packed my pipe, and took a deep hit. About 20 seconds after, as I closed my eyes, I saw myself flying, zooming next to a wall in some ancient mayan courtyard, with all sorts of brightly-colored glyphics, and then I took a second hit and held it in until I felt myself shift '90 degrees' out of our current 3-dimensional world, and into another reality, another copy of myself, and I decided I should probably get in bed. I didnt want to be wandering around like this.
Thus followed 3 or 4 hours of the most intense entheogenic experience I have ever had. I would constantly [physically] roll around, which would then launch me into a [extradimensional] shift into a new version of myself. Always in the same room, but constantly shifting realities. All the time, there was the though that I would never make it back again. It was the closest I've been to feeling the direct presence and possibility of death, not in the negative, denying aspect, but in terms of release from this stuckified construct which we all take as reality.
But through tremendous effort, I was finally able to catch my last reality in, and I came back to 'normality', with the introspective part of the acid trip ahead of me to try to figure it out. And what I've come up with is that at every moment, every decision we make, every action that occurs sets up another parallel universe of possibility, that our reality is not static, that there is an infinite number of lives one can lead, and that all too often we get bogged down in the details and dont take time to appreciate the wonder of it all. That was certainly true in my case.
Anyway, I defintitely think this is not something to be taken lightly - its like nothing I've ever done before, but<!-- if you take the care,--> it is well worth the trouble.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2002</td><td width="90">ExpID: 23034</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Feb 11, 2018</td><td>Views: 983</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=23034&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=23034&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)</td></tr>
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<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 bumps</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ketamine/">Ketamine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:45</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 3:50</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 g</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/mushrooms/">Mushrooms</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(tea)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 5:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 bumps</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ketamine/">Ketamine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">110 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
The time was 7:00pm on a friday night, the location was my appartment. Me and a couple other friends had purchased 8 hits of purple blotter, 2 vials of ketamine and we had some left over shrooms, around 3 or 4 grams. Like all the previous drug experiences, we set up my appartment as best as we could. Dimming the lights, choosing appropriate music, getting everything organized, and to top it off, put David Bowie on the t.v screen. Once that was taken care of, the ritual was about to begin.
7:00: I suggested we get the night started with dropping the acid first. But, my friends insisted on ketamine, since they had never experienced it. I agreed, and set up 8 small bumps (2 bumps each). The K burned, like always, and it took around 4 minutes to kick in. When it did, it was a huge difference in my state of being. I was very disoriented, it was difficult to focus on one thing. Every time I turned my head it sent me into a dizzy twirl. At some points I felt completely weightless, at other, the exact opposite, like I was glued to the couch. It was a difficult thing to experience, sometimes I was so out of touch with my body that I wanted to vomit. Two out of four people vommited from that K, they got up quickly and it sent them right to the toilet.
8:45: The K had finally worn off (thank god). It made me paranoid, it felt like every bump I did totally fried my brain. Anyway, now with the K out of the picture, some Acid was next on the agenda (we didn't plan on doing one drug after another, it kind of just happened that way). So we each popped in 2 hits of acid. While we were waiting for the effects, we played some guitar, walked around outside for a bit, and prepared a big mug of shroom tea, incase anyone wanted a sip. Nothing too exciting happened during this time, I just became really anxious, as if something huge was about to happen. To my suprise...I was right.
10:00: The acid had kicked in full blast, exploding colours, morphing walls and Jimi Hendrix turning into shapes on the T.V. I was extremly content just sitting there with my friends. It was really relaxing, the opposite of most acid experiences people have told me about. I was in complete control of my body and voice, no screaming or anything like that, no frightening images, just a relaxing time.
10:50: the shroom tea was getting kind of cold so we decided to take some sips. Not the best tasting tea, but once it was down, it was all good. The giant mug was finished off by my friend, who insisted on eating the sludge at the bottom of the cup. We agreed he could have it, I wasn't about to force that slime down my throat. The mushrooms definatly had a big effect on the experience. The visual patterning of mushrooms was full blast, with the trailing of lights from the acid well behind. It was exactly what you would expect, I felt every effect of each drug. Quite possibly, the most enjoyable moment of my life.
12:00: Everyone was still feeling the effects. I was enjoying myself, nothing could go wrong...or so I thought. My friend decided to bust out some of the left over K to get us to a new point. I was against the idea, seeing as how I didn't want to ruin what was going on. But my friend had some twisted way of convincing me, that I dont recall. So I prepared us all a couple bumps, and WHAM. The Ket hit so hard, I didnt need to wait even a minute to feel it. It came on right away. I felt so out of touch with everything around me, I saw everything, I heard everything, but I couldnt understand any of it. It's a really hard feeling to explain in words. I was out of my body, thats for sure. It felt like I floated to the top of the celing.
3:00: After a long night, or what seemed to be a long night, it was time for some sleep. But, no sleep this time. I was awake until
8:00 the next morning, it was so hard to fall asleep. All in all, a good experience.<!--I wouldn't suggest the ketamine to anyone though, its like when you inhale nitrous to go into an operation, a very nastey feeling.--> Im out.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2005</td><td width="90">ExpID: 41061</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Feb 16, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,121</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=41061&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=41061&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Mushrooms (39), Ketamine (31) : General (1), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
lsd is a cure
I suffer from cluster headaches. It had started about 3 weeks prior to the trip. My friend had brought over some acid so I figures why not. Note that I didnt even know this was even possibly a cure for the headaches. Therefore there could be no placebo effect. Anyway, I started the trip and noticed the usual effects. I noticed that about 1/4 of the way along, my headaches which were quite severe that day, had completely gone away. I was astonished to feel better. Never would I think that this is a cure for anything, but it helped tremendously. The good thing is that since that day, I havent gotten any sort of cluster headaches since. Thanx cid!<!--I SUFFER FROM CLUSTER HEADACHES. IT HAD STARTED ABOUT 3 WEEKS PRIOR TO THE TRIP. MY FRIEND HAD BROUGHT OVER SOME ACID SO I FIGURES WHY NOT. NOTE THAT I DIDNT EVEN KNOW THIS WAS EVEN POSSIBLY A CURE FOR THE HEADACHES. THEREFORE THERE COULD BE NO PLACEBO EFFECT. ANYWAY, I STARTED THE TRIP AND NOTICED THE USUAL EFFECTS. I NOTICED THAT ABOUT 1/4 OF THE WAY ALONG, MY HEADACHES WHICH WERE QUITE SEVERE THAT DAY, HAD COMPLETELY GONE AWAY. I WAS ASTONISHED TO FEEL BETTER. NEVER WOULD I THINK THAT THIS IS A CURE FOR ANYTHING, BUT IT HELPED TREMENDOUSLY. THE GOOD THING IS THAT SINCE THAT DAY, I HAVENT GOTTEN ANY SORT OF CLUSTER HEADACHES SINCE. THANX CID!--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2008</td><td width="90">ExpID: 70097</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Feb 21, 2018</td><td>Views: 821</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=70097&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=70097&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), First Times (2), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">100 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">9 st</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I remember wanting to have sex on lsd to see what effects it would have on me and the visuals. So me and my bf has sex and everything seemed normal visually. However, sensually was a different story I could feel everything, every bump, graze and glide. The colour around started to get brighter and move faster and as my orgasm built up so did the visuals. The colours became more vivid and the shapes became more structured and fixed together. Like a perfect puzzle. The closer my orgasm came to be the more shapes would appear and colours that I didn’t even know existed tarted showing up around me. And I shit you not at the climax it was like a firework display going off around me. Each shape exploded into what looked like pixie dust, it was all so bright and overwhelming tbh. It took me a while to come back around. I sat there for ages just gazing at the ceiling understanding what had just happened.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2017</td><td width="90">ExpID: 111641</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 18</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Feb 21, 2018</td><td>Views: 935</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=111641&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=111641&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Sex Discussion (14), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:45</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(edible / food)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">113 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
LSD on a Plane
I went to go visit my brother in Phoenix, and he slings some shit from time to time. He had a full sheet of acid, and a shitload of liquid, and asked if I wanted to try any, knowing I had never done it before. I figured why not? I know when you do shit like that you're supposed to be with someone you completely trust (I completely trust my brother, obviously) and in an environment you're comfortable with (I love his place, so it wasn't an issue at all). Even though I'm a pretty small girl - I weigh less than 115 pounds, I tend to have a really, really high tolerance for drugs... so I started off with 2 tabs, and he took 3 and a sugar cube.
He said it'd take a little bit to kick in, like 45 minutes at the absolute most, so we waited for a bit. He had taken a lot more than I had, so I think he started feeling it at around 20 minutes. When 45 minutes hit, I was starting to see things move - you know, walls breathing and shit. But nothing like what I had expected. I said fuck it again, and decided to take some more. He placed two more drops on a sugar cube and I popped it. No more than 15 minutes later I was fucked.
The walls were breathing, I could barely recognize my brother, when I went to the bathroom, I couldn't stop staring at the towels because their fibers were SO god damned mesmerizing. Looking into the mirror was SO bizarre - I knew I was looking at my face, but I couldn't recognize myself. And I wanted to touch literally anything that was soft - his cat, his dog, his couch, his pillows, his carpet... I tried touching his bird, but that pretty clearly didn't work out too well. It was intense, to say the least. I also started to get really emotional. My brother and I have been through some serious shit with our parents growing up (they're literal pieces of garbage), but he's been my protector our whole lives, so when I sat down next to him I just started to sob uncontrollably. I don't think I've ever felt love so pure in my life. I couldn't even express in words how much I appreciated everything he had done for me growing up, how he took beatings for me, how he'd taken the blame for things I had done because he wanted to protect me from all of the abuse our parents would have put me through. Literally all of these emotions just flooded through me as if a dam had broken <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">all of these emotions just flooded through me as if a dam had broken</div></div>, and there was no way for me to stop it. I cried for almost two hours, telling him over and over how sorry I was and how much I love him. It wasn't a bad cry though... I was crying because I had never before experienced love in that capacity. Not for my parents, that's for damn sure, not for any boyfriend I've ever had, not for my best friend, not for anyone. And in those hours it was SO important to me that he understand how much I love him. Emotions were running high to say the least.
It got to him too, even though he fries all the time. He broke down and started crying. He let me know that I was his little sister and he'd do anything and everything to protect me, no matter how old we get, because that's his job as a big brother and he can't function in life without knowing I'm safe and happy. He sort of alluded to the fact that since our parents aren't actually PARENTS, I'm his responsibility to take care of - and that's not something he takes lightly, or will ever give up.
We both cried for a while longer, and then out of nowhere, looked at each other, and fucking burst into laughter like no other. We were dying. I have no idea what the fuck we were laughing at, but it was the kind of laughter that makes you lose your breath, and leaves you just slapping your knees or the table while you gasp for air and tears stream down your face. We must have gone on like this for another hour straight - my ribs and cheeks were killing me for the next two days.
I had a flight the next morning (which he reaaaaally should have thought of, considering it was my first time, that idiot), and when I got to the airport I was feeling fine. We said our goodbyes, got sad of course, but I was still okay. It wasn't until I got onto the fucking airplane that all hell broke loose. I saw a guy who looked eerily like my brother (okay, yeah, it was probably the LSD) and I realized that I wouldn't be able to see him again for at least another 4 months. I sobbed the whole flight back to Georgia, and just as deeply as I had felt those emotions the night before, that's how deeply my heart broke. As if that wasn't bad enough, I started tweaking out about an hour into the flight and it lasted the whole way back home. Cold sweats, getting really fucking twitchy, unable to sleep, and when I went to the bathroom my pupils were MASSIVE so I'm sure if someone had paid close enough attention they would've been able to tell I was strung out.
I guess all in all, it was a really fun experience. Personally, I wouldn't do it again, but I see why others do. The visuals were pretty insane, but as far as the overwhelming emotions go, I think I'll pass. And who likes feeling tweaked out? Yeah, no thanks.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2018</td><td width="90">ExpID: 111615</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 24</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Feb 22, 2018</td><td>Views: 2,830</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=111615&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=111615&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : First Times (2), Hangover / Days After (46), Families (41), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">.5 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:15</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">.5 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">165 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Obviously there are a million things to be said right now but what I want to talk about it the effects of yoga after having tripped pretty hard for about an hour (which included a bus ride home) I came home. My mom is a yoga teacher and my basement is half childs playroom half yoga studio. I asked her if we could do some yoga, I blamed it on being stiff and tight but I soon learned that muscle and your body are all finite ideas. Anyways we go down to the studio. All of the lights are off except for the mood lighting. There was chill music. What really hit me about the yoga was feeling inside my own body. All that bullshit yoga teachers always say stuff like 'pinch your shoulderblades back and feel your spine melting' I actually feel it and the ways that the yoga teacher describe things to me make perfect sense. Things that dont make sense to me normally like 'lengthen your spine' make sense and I can feel it.<!--I recommend yoga if you have the chance--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2010</td><td width="90">ExpID: 89126</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Feb 25, 2018</td><td>Views: 829</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=89126&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=89126&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Various (28)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 bowl</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 line</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ketamine/">Ketamine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 5:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">120 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This was my second encounter with acid, however the first time I did 2 hits of three year old acid that was deterirated and only gave me a mild shroomy trip. I was anxious to finally experience the full-blown LSD experience.
I came to my friend A's house at about 11 pm, where me, A, and A's roommate B all had our hits. The blotter was so small that I didn't even notice when I dropped it on the carpet, prior to eating it. My friend also had brought some K so I knew it was going to be a crazy night.
The onset lasted about an hour. It was much more sudden than the first time I had done acid. It started with en electric tingle that crept all the way from my toes to my head. Me and A and B smoked a few bowls at this time.
I was good friends with A for many years, but it was his room mate that I didn't trust. He was a very sneaky, lying person. The acid had made me see it much more clearly.
About an hour and a half into the trip, B had started getting 'the fear'. One minute he'd be saying how high he is, and the next cursing the guy who had sold it to us. This was extremely irritating to me. But it even got worse, when he started asking me about the guy I got it from and how well I knew him. B's paranoia was starting to rub off on me.
Soon enough we were all tripping hard. We set up some speakers with B's laptop and played some trance while staring at WinAmp visualizations. This was definetly the peak of the trip for me, with intense closed and open eye visuals.
At this time A and B had decided to do the K. They broke it up on a CD and each did about 3 lines. I didn't think it was a great idea... so i only did one line. The K had made me hallucinate a lot more and really intensified the trip. I'm glad I only did one line, because after 3 or 4 lines I saw A slapping himself on the head while saying 'Too much!
Aaaahh I did too much!'.
About half an hour later after laughing non stop for what felt like eons, I began to observe A's behavior. He was laughing continuously while rolling around on the floor. He soon became tangled in a web of wires from the speakers and laptop, unable to untangle himself. I just laughed and observed... very similar to seeing a fly get caught in a web. B couldn't stop sneezing from the K... he looked really fucked up, and sometimes would just burst cursing the dealer again. For some unknown reason, A also had really bad gas from the acid, and he wouldn't stop farting. Every time he would do it, I would spark a lighter to try and burn out the gasses. After a while I gave up and threw the lighter at A, causing it to spark on his arm (this was a strange accident, but not a hallucination because A saw it too). We then had a good laugh, while B remained in his own world.
About 5 hours after ingestion I could feel the high wearing off. We smoked pot and watched some TV, unable to fall asleep for a while until finally passing out around 6. The next day we had gone tabboganing while I was still feeling very perma-friend from
the night before. B said this was not great acid, however I can't really judge it because I had not done acid since. I know you're supposed to trip for longer than 5 hours though, so it probably wasn't that good.<!--I do not recommend mixing K and acid, because I can only imagine how harmful it must be. If you must do it though, don't do more than a line. And do it with someone you trust, not some paranoid fuck with violent mood swings. Peace.--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2006</td><td width="90">ExpID: 52312</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Feb 25, 2018</td><td>Views: 899</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=52312&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=52312&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Ketamine (31) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance">Pharms - Aripiprazole</td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance">Pharms - Lamotrigine </td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance">Lisdexamfetamine</td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">6 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">220 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
<!--Used -
LSD (experience 1) - 3 Hits (~390 micrograms)
(experience 2) - 6 Hits (~780 micrograms)
Marijuana - varied (both experiences)
-->I am a very experienced psychonaut and have explored every psychoactive I can get my hands on. LSD is not a new drug to me. I explored it several times while I was in college but I was excited to get my hands on some again for the first time in nearly 10 years.
Other things to know about me is that I am diagnosed with bi-polar and add and take Abilify, Lamictal and Vyvanse daily.
I figured the Abilify would dampen the effects of LSD, so of the first night I took 3 hits and settled in to watch a movie. Over the course of 7 hours I took several bong hits and never felt like I was going to go past a threshold experience. I was right, too. I didn't trip at all; no visuals, no deep self-examination, nothing that I would expect to come along with the LSD.
I began to think the LSD may be bunk, so I waited about two weeks, didn't take the Abilify a couple of days before the planned trip and on the day of the trip I took 6 hits. This time my wife was with me and she took 4 hits. She managed to trip like crazy. She said she had a cleansing experience and I was jealous because I again felt little to nothing after the first two hours.
<!--This entry serves as a warning to those who may take drugs like Abilify and Lamictal. If you are taking these medications daily, your -->My psychedelic experience was greatly diminished.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2013</td><td width="90">ExpID: 101294</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 33</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Mar 9, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,194</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=101294&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=101294&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Various (28)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">215 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I was looking through the experience reports and came across something known as hppd. I had never heard of this before so I did a little research only to discover that this was a condition that I think I have been suffering from for almost a year now.
it was early on in my initial romance with psychedelics while attending a weekend music festival. At the point before going to this festival my only experiences were with pot which I smoked very heavily, mushrooms which I had maybe 3 good trips at this point, x which I had tried once but with a weak pill, and salvia. I went a little wild at this festival and think that I may have taken 5 x pills and close to 10 hits of acid as well as smoking over an ounce of bud. At sometime during this hazy weekend is when I developed the hppd. What led me to believe it was this weekend that caused it was that the first day in my normal life I noticed the visuals they were exactly the same as the visuals I has seen dancing through the sky that weekend. The vision was of millions of sky blue circles dancing and interweaving in the sky. I'll admit that I welcomed the chance for that visual to resurface because it was beautiful.
since then I have noticed visuals at various times throughout the day everyday. They are especially strong while smoking weed and also taking 5-htp. The visuals are always around if I look for them. Mostly it will be colored floaters in the air usually made of purples and greens. They usually look like a triangle made of three circles. When I close my eyes after seeing these they will still be there and are even bigger brighter and stronger when I open my eyes.
another thing that I have noticed is that it feels like I have the ability to see every little bit of air that is between me and any object that I look at. This is very hard to describe in written word but I had never noticed this before hallucinogens. The last sign of hppd that I have is that a lot of times especially in dark room when I'm tired the room will appear sort of staticy and full of more color than it should be, object seem to always be playing tricks on me in my peripheral vision and some very occasionally objects shift.
I haven't tried to get rid of this. I actually think it is ok to live with, it does get annoying because looking into the sky not only causes a ton of floaters but my eyes seem overly sensitive to light now. I still use hallucinogens very often and the condition seems to lessen but not very quickly. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I still use hallucinogens very often and the condition seems to lessen but not very quickly.</div></div><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2007</td><td width="90">ExpID: 72892</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Mar 14, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,221</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=72892&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=72892&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), MDMA (3) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Not Applicable (38)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">160 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This is not a trip report, I've read <!--Erowid--> trip reports and they've all been really interesting. People take note of the details, or see the larger picture in a new light and they can write it out clearly so everyone else can (to an extent) understand what they did. When I try to write about my trips, the experience is lost in translation. Therefore, I will talk to you about my experience with HPPD.
'HPPD comes in two different forms. One hallucinogen user, while not currently intoxicated, may occasionally notice a spontaneous LSD-like flashback, which will go away after a short time. On the other hand, another user may experience constant, irreversible, LSD-like perceptual disturbances that persist 24 hours a day; they can continue for the rest of their life.' -from a website<!>
I have eaten LSD in large quantities (at least 300 micrograms per trip) around 80 times, with lower dose trips (usually around 100 mics) counting up to about 10. This was spread over a year period, with the majority being toward the end of the year.
Of the two forms of hppd, I most definately have the latter. Early in the morning I wake up and can see patterns in the white paint in my room. This occurs on mornings where I don't smoke, drink, or do any drugs the night before. When I smoke pot, the feeling is similar to eating around 150 mics of dose. This has continued for the last year of sobriety. Most of my friends are suprised that I don't trip anymore, but there's no need. I handled it all, I've had bad trips, but I never freaked out. I could always handle myself while tripping, and I think that's part of what allows me to handle myself now. While on an LSD trip, I could talk to whoever and usually do whatever needed to get done. It's the same way now, only I don't have a current LSD catalyst.
My mind has seen where lsd can take a person. I'm still sane (or at least mostly so) but my vision and experience of life will not be the same. Of acid, it's a great drug in low frequency.<!--I would advise it to people who have researched it and are ready to try it, but to anyone who reads this, please take my advice seriously. --> LSD can and did change my perspective.<!--it's just a matter of how much you eat that decides how permanent that perspective change is.--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2005</td><td width="90">ExpID: 45741</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Mar 14, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,146</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=45741&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=45741&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Retrospective / Summary (11), HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Not Applicable (38)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco - Cigarettes</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">180 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I used to live on the Gulf Coast in Mississippi, and psychedelics are seldom available save shrooms. I had tried shrooms before eating several ounces, but my results were lackluster. I did not know what to expect, and was taking them for the notoriety of having taken them more than the experience. When I first encountered LSD it was unlike anything I had ever run across. When you hear about something called acid you would expect it to melt your brain, but it does not, not in a literal sense anyway. A friend of a friend had come back from the Bonnaroo music festival with window pane acid and was selling it for cheap so I bought some. I had tried acid before and was amazed at the superficial visuals and the sounds that seemed to come out of nowhere, but after awhile I began to consider myself a professional tripper.
I began to delve into what made it tick, and why if the drug was so strong in small amounts, why it made any difference at all if I took one more than everyone else (Which I did for bragging rights, “I pushed myself even further than everyone else, durdur!”). Started to wonder where the time went, and what I was left to, where I went when I was away. In the height of this particular trip on the window panes I found myself in deep contemplation while I watched Robin Williams on Broadway. The things he said did not seem as funny as they did true. Why was everyone always blabbering on about Atomic weapons? Because they were afraid of them, but why should they be afraid of them if no one will ever use them again? They should not. I found myself sorting through my fears, encountering repressed thoughts ( child abuse and the like), and looking at my friends as human beings instead of these fabricated dolls I had created in my head. I realized how accountable I had been for every action I had ever taken, and how much of my life was up to me. Before this moment I do not think I had really been conscious of my freewill. I don’t think I had ever thought or felt anything genuine. Then I realized something potentially life shattering , this was not the drug, but my mind playing tricks and running in circles. I began to consider what life would be like seeing it from this perspective all the time, and I asked myself if I wanted to go back to living in that stupor or continue to feel this way forever. The friends who I was watching the program with realized something was wrong with me so I suggested that we go outside for some fresh air, and so that we could smoke some cigarettes ( because we were so fucking cool).
Outside beneath a large I told them of my revelation…that the drug was not real. They were not surprised. One of them told me he had figured that out several months before, and another aid that he had speculated that to be the case, but that he was not quite ready to believe something like that yet. Then there was a third friend who asked me if I wanted more acid, then he asked me if I wanted to travel to bourbon street, and all kinds of other weird things like that. I told him no each time, but he persisted as if he had not heard anything I had said. It got to the point where I felt like reaching across and punching him, but then I had another idea. Me hitting him was exactly what he was trying to get me to do. I decided to forgive him for his absurdity rather than giving into some animalistic urge. Then he broke down and cried. He told us that his Mustang meant he was cool, and then he asked us if we thought he was cool too? We went along and told him that we did. He cried more and ran through a list of things that made him think he was cool. Finally I decided I would like to go for a walk and stretch my legs in this new world I had discovered. The friend who was not ready to accept stayed with the one who would not, and the two of us began walking down a long road toward some water at the end of my street.
I told him that I wanted to tell other people about the way I felt. Told him that I had been living in bullshit for so long, and now everything made sense. He began to tell me about Christianity, which I was familiar with, but I had long been agnostic. The trip had not changed my agnosticism. It just made me think that I had been tripping on life, and now I was tripping on death. I had made up my mind to stop tripping period by this point. That was until he began to tell me how Christ had died for my sins and all these bible stories. He said after his BIG TRIP ( the one like I was having) the Bible helped him keep his sanity. I thought that he had felt alone after his trip, and the Bible gave him something absurd he could cling onto, but my newfound innocence got the best of me. I began to believe him about God ,Jesus, and Christianity. For months afterward I claimed that what I had experienced was salvation. My soul had been cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ! People noticed a drastic change in me.
I had been selling pounds of pot just days before, and now I was striving to be a good Christian. It was not me, and as things do that are not, my religion eventually faded, and I found myself in a greater darkness than I had ever encountered. I felt that my friend had unknowingly betrayed me. Religion had kept him from feeling alone with the universe, but throughout my life that was all I was ever looking for. That feeling made me feel whole, and now because of this implantation of Southern Baptist doctrine I was lost again….cut off from myself in every sense. Tabula Rasa, a blank slate. Now two years later I’ve managed to put myself back together not as much as I would like nowhere near as I ha that night, Substance abuse has re entered my life, though I do not find myself placing the faith in the substances as I did before. LSD on the whole has never brought me that close to something again.<!--my advice to newbies is to trip ina a kick ass environment that you are familiar with, and open minded friends that you could spend eternity with.--><!-- End Body -->
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<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2007</td><td width="90">ExpID: 77218</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Mar 19, 2018</td><td>Views: 839</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=77218&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=77218&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Mystical Experiences (9), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">75 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Three friends and I decided to go bush and take what had been described as very strong clean LSD-25. Prior to taking it I did about an hour of awareness meditation.
The LSD took about half an hour to come on. I sat watching the river for a while and became immersed before going out to the old growth forest to watch the trees. I had never seen this before - they were pulsing and bulging in and out and I could see green auras around them. I became aware of my primate side, the side that knows instinctively how to connect to the earth - the side that knows how to survive if everything fell apart tommorrow. Funnily enough it made a lot more sense when I had all four limbs on the ground like an ape. I definitely had a better connection with the earth when my hands which I know so well were literally connected to the earth.
About 2 hours into the trip I saw what I can only describe as dna sigils interweaving themselves along my arms and hands. They flowed along perfectly with the contours of my normal physical body. I also saw slightly different sigils on the face of my girl friend. These visuals were constant for about 4 more hours.
The visual state and my mental state seemed to be in unison during this time and the feeling was as if I was connected to the earth not as an ape as before, but as a human, but a human who could move and live on the earth in a way that I have never done before. My posture and presence actually felt different - like another being - but it was definitely me, just me in a way that was unified with the earth. There was something childlike, but there was also adult and animal, and throughout it all I was aware of the choice to be what I want to be.
I have a fair amount of experience with LSD but have never experienced anything quite like this.<!-- End Body -->
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<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2004</td><td width="90">ExpID: 39747</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 4, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,140</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=39747&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=39747&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Nature / Outdoors (23), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 bowls</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">205 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I smoked a couple bowls before I headed over to my friend's dorm room at about noon. When I got there, I already knew I was going to drop three tabs of acid. This was extremely stupid given how strong the tabs were and that it was only fourth time on the substance. I remember taking them and my friend taking one.
I knew of the spiritual and mind-changing possibilities if LSD but hadn't truly broken into an ego-death experience I was about to have. The real reason I was taking the acid that day was not one someone should be taking a dose of acid like that for. I was taking it to have fun and 'trip balls' for shits and giggles. I don't remember it kicking it in and don't remember being aware of existing in reality until a little after four PM. During this time, all I can reoccur is seeing photon-light particles of all colors, way more colors than exist not on LSD, fanning out in every direction from what I later figured to be the Big Bang. As I was drifting in and out of even being in the present moment of reality, there was this kid in the dorm-room who was sober and thought it would be keen to mess with me, at least I thought.
I couldn't recollect anything I knew about anything and everything I knew about real life seemed like it was fake and a far-off concept. I would remember things like my name and where I was, that I was a physical object and existed with everyone else and take those thoughts as grand realizations. A pattern started to arise in my statements, 'But when'? All of time, and I mean infinity, every phenomenon that has happened or will ever happen was happening right then. I then connected the Big Bang I had envisioned earlier that day and thought I was experiencing a separate Universe, an entire Big Bang sequence that I would ride to expansion and come back the next day. As the day wore on and we were hanging out with people, they started noticing I wasn't talking much. This is because I was deep in the halls of introspection and participating socially wasn't really on the docket. By around midnight I was still tripping nutsack.
I ordered an Uber home and watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and then 'Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia' until the morning. The issue was that I had dosed almost 24 hours ago. I had work at noon. I was still disoriented and definitely mildly in the trip. Time took forever to go on at work. And paranoia took over. I thought for sure I was permatripping and I was trying to figure out a way to tell my family I needed to be checked into the mental hospital. I held it together on the surface the whole time, but I was extremely confused at work and was seeing things differently, I could smell a distinct smell that I figured was the trip. When I went home, I still couldn't go to sleep. I smoked and that had my thoughts racing even faster. The last I could remember was thinking about how I now had to live with Schizophrenia and how to deal with my psychosis.
After over 30 hours tripping I had finally passed out. I woke up once and was still a bit confused. I wasn't tripping when I woke up again but the paranoid thoughts are very consuming. The second time I woke up it was with the sunrise and I knew the trip had worn away. I turned on Pink Floyd's 'Time' and cried with urgency and gratefulness.<!-- End Body -->
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<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2017</td><td width="90">ExpID: 110817</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 18</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 11, 2018</td><td>Views: 979</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=110817&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=110817&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Hangover / Days After (46), Multi-Day Experience (13), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 cig.</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Seventeen years ago I was in Harrow, north London and had just finished college and heading home. I was on the bakerloo line carrying a tab of acid that had been in my wallet for some time. I'd done this before as it gives an excellent dreamlike trip that can be very intense and rather divine.
I was in a decent state of mind and thought the trip would fit quite nicely into the night. I stuck the tab on my tounge and got philosophical, deciding to light up a reefer as there were very few people aboard. The underground train had loomed onto the open and being seven o clock and dark the reflections on the window paralell in front of me were merged with whats reflected on the one behind, so I could see front, behind and my own reflection. As a realised this I also realised I was starting to feel the effects, strange feelings began coursing through my body and I started sniggering conspiritorially.
About ten minutes later the fellow sitting near me began singing while listening to his cassette player, singing the blues and clicking his fingers. I began laughing out loud then suddenly stopped. I thought if the man saw me laughing this way at him he might do somthing nasty like smash my nose or whatever. I managed to contain my hysteria and was feeling quite good about it, the weed giving me a glowing buzz all inside now. I felt a new sensation now, flowing inside me, still watching the guy singing totally care-free of what other people thought as if they weren't there, really in your face like. All of a sudden I burst into a fit of laughter, I couldn't stop for like five minutes but when I did I decided for some odd reason to pretend to be really drunk to explain my weird outbursts that could be taken badly.
I hung my head and kept shutting my eyes, letting my body rock with loud sway of the heavy old London train. When the guy that was impossible not to notice did get off I sat up and noticed things felt totally different now he was gone...only another two stops and twenty minutes till harrow wealdstone my destination.The train sped up again and I began to trip very weird, the reflections outside that I described began to look really trippy like watching four T.V's at once. I felt like I was one some kind of space race hurteling along to the finish. It was like I was blundering along in a senseless, confusing journey like in the film Brazil with Robert de Niro directed by Terry Gilliam.
When I got to the end of the race the station it was seven fifty. My legs felt rubbery and the orange lights were really bright and intense, I decide on a quick random drink at the old bastards pub, 'The case is altered', a pint of Gordons gin with lemonade perhaps. When I got to the pub at the end of the road I stared back at the clock tower at the station and coludn't even tell the time. The face of the old beast with those roman numerals was morphing and bending the more I stared at it. Its hard to describe the feeling not being capable, totally, of telling the time. It was like looking at your own face in the mirror and not recognising who it was.
When inside, which felt like ages later I stood at the bar sipping a beer, the only thing I could remember how to order. I felt so exposed when the old red nosed drinkers stared at me. It felt as if I'd just done somthing really odd like whip out my dick and piss on the carpet in front of me. In fact it took a long time to realise where I had been before coming to the place, there was somthing very strange that had happened. Turns out it was that weird scene on the train with the singer.
''whenna sum pretty woman comes a walkin past a me, brings that feelin all inside a me, start breakin down yeah start breakin down, blue moon risin oh yeah''.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 1989</td><td width="90">ExpID: 57089</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 12, 2018</td><td>Views: 773</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=57089&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=57089&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">5 bumps</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ketamine/">Ketamine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 bumps</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ketamine/">Ketamine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">59 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I have spent many years searching for something in the psychedelic realm. Many false starts have come and gone. Yet finally in these days the answer is felt to have come. Over the years LSD has reared it’s head unfulfilled. Other less famous substances have stated their case. Yet the answer has come loud and clear from one true prophet unforseen. My lately toils with DMT had proven primarily tormentative. Of that much lauded scion I had found little enlightenment. Yet in these days, much unlooked for, the light did shine.
There had been 367mg of Ketamine laid out upon a surface. Somehow, few among us found much bounty in that splendor. But yeah I supped of it with vigor. That there had been 2 hits of acid within my system may have been of some consequence, yet I lay all authority at the door of the many bumps. It took some time.
But as I gave way to my 5th bump of K things began to happen as never they had before. As my companion passed me the headphones – for we were sharing the Dubstep so as not to disturb the other trippers who were averse to such sounds – something began to brew. As I swallowed the music with abandon I looked into his eyes and the world became clear. We were listening the world into existence. Of this, there could be no doubt! Such majesty and glory I had never perceived before. The sounds themselves seemed to come from beyond, but our connection, our reality, our humanity, came from within that room, and by virtue of our eyes. I was elevated and enraptured. All was good. I beheld the perfection of my existence, and his, and all within miles.
In that moment I had no doubt that everything was going to be alright, not only within my proximity, nor as far as the eye could see, but across all time and space. No suffering or malaise was of enough substance to seem as anything next to the certainty that I perceived that it would all be good in the end. How could it not be? For I willed it so! As I came off of that boil, I felt the day was done, and that the peak had been reached – perhaps even an all time high for myself. Even so, my companions had not been so keen on the K as I, and when I faced the surface many of the 16 bumps I had prepared for us 3 were lying dormant and potentially wasted.
An interval ensued, involving a bible reading of “The Song Of Solomon”. This was not planned, but our religious friend who chose to undertake it nailed it. It was like an incantation. Catholic and atheist alike were spellbound. A heart-felt reading of poetry or verse while under the influence – it is most striking.
Riding on a high, I could not let that lie, and helped myself to 2 more bumps – after all, there were now 7 in my system and the day was long. For myself, I had already had a peak experience. But what came to pass blew the minds of those present even more so than it evidently blew mine. The last thing I remember is making a gesture towards the room that could be best described as an Asian welcome gesture. From here on out there are 2 version of what happened.
According to the people in the room I then embarked on a precise and determined “kata” – a sequence of movements and gestures that could be described as practiced, understood, and communicative – and, probably not me. Then I proceeded to grab each friend by the hand and stare them in the eyes at point blank range for a few minutes at a time – this I’m told was very certainly NOT ME. One friend said that he felt that I were and insect for this period. Another likened me to the creator figures in the movie Prometheus. It was unnerving, but, ‘really fucking awesome’. The people in that room had a very pronounced and convincing kind of entity contact that day – they know me well, and I was not me. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">The people in that room had a very pronounced and convincing kind of entity contact that day – they know me well, and I was not me.</div></div> Each of these things lasted 5~10 minutes. After which I face-planted on the bed for over half an hour.
For my part, when I made that ‘welcome’ gesture I was actually bidding my friends farewell as I proceed on a protracted journey through the multi-verse exploring the intricate possibilities of the present and the future. It was a lot to process, but if I had to summarize it I would say that experience that day itself and the centuries proceeding it from a multitude of perspectives. History moved and, with or without my friends and I. And it was all laid bare in Eternity. And ye, none of it really mattered any more than any other fragment of itself.
About 1 hour after gesture I finally emerged. My exact words as I raised my head and then sprung up upon the bed were
“I’ve been gone a while. Bring me up to speed!” Truth be told, I was in shock. I could barely process what was being said to me.
And it was the better part of an hour before I could articulate what I had been through. I was a quivering mess after the initial bravado of emergence.
Exactly how to explain this sequence of events I don’t know. It was my 1st time doing LSD and Ketamine together. It was also my 1st time doing over 100mg of Ketamine (approx 200mg over 2 hours) What I do know is that I left everything in the dust – 5 acid, 1000mg DXM, plenty of DMT/5-meo-dmt, 220mg X. Nothing else has ever laid me bare like this day did…
The 1st wave in and of itself was Earth Shaking, I beheld a staggering intensity to reality that I had never fully apprehended before – I call this Divinity. The 2nd wave was the comprehension of Eternity. I have caught glimpses of Divinity and Eternity in trips before, but this day bombarded me with them in a relentless fashion.
I had no idea.<!-- End Body -->
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<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2013</td><td width="90">ExpID: 99565</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 35</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 16, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,197</td></tr>
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<tr><td colspan="2">Ketamine (31), LSD (2) : Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">140 lb</td>
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<!-- Start Body -->
I Report on a Specific Danger
I, Wodin-One-Eye, still believe that LSD offers a unique avenue for Lamarckian human evolution: changing one's own DNA to an improved form. This property is (IMHO) unique to LSD and is not shared with the other major psychedelics. However, the process involves a specific danger: when the first stage is accomplished, which is marked by a “cosmic trip” of a particular character, a waiting period (which I estimate at one month) is required before taking more LSD. Failure to observe the waiting period (that is, taking more LSD the next day) resulted for this user in a trip to “Plastic Fantastic Land”, an extremely undesirable result. This is probably the “bizarre psychosis” mentioned in some of the stuffy and uncomprehending literature written by idiots in white coats. I recount my experience of Plastic Fantastic Land and offer some observations and conclusions. It seems to me most important to warn younger users of the specific mechanism by which I stumbled into Plastic Fantastic Land (where, I assure, I would not desire to go again).
Experience: LSD Day One: I see God.
I was a musician from infancy. When in 1974 I discovered that listening to music was enhanced by LSD, I determined to learn to play music on LSD. Over the course of a half-dozen trips in 1975, I was led by Spirit to choose a set and setting of a week alone (November '75) in a remote family cabin on a lake. After several days alone I took 500 micrograms (?+-) on the Thursday, before dawn, some 30 hours after the lunar eclipse (lunar phase, I believe, could be a factor influencing trips) and four weeks before the winter solstice. <!--It is probable that the LSD that I took also contained some methamphetamine, but I cannot say in what proportion; I bought it as LSD. -->
As I sat in the kitchen waiting, the morning sun came over the horizon; across the lake somewhere someone started a bulldozer motor, and the vibration of the sound entered my left big toe and vibrated my body and lifted me to my feet. I grabbed my guitar and rushed outside to sit on the porch in the sun. My eyes crossed and I entered a complex hallucination in which I heard an orchestra tuning. When the vibration was at maximum, a bee flew from right to left across my field of vision, and my right eye followed it, turning 90 degrees to the left into my nose where it remained. My left eye remained straight ahead looking at the fingerboard. I began to play. In my right eye, a hallucination formed: God, the angels, and all of my male ancestors stood and listened. At my left, I saw my deceased mother being carried down to the lake in her coffin. Also at my left, I heard the Goddess moving (not speaking, not visible). I momentarily broke the spell to look to my right and see if anyone was really there – there wasn't. I snapped back into the hallucinatory space and continued to play for perhaps hours?? and learned a great deal about music which I was able to retain, although it took many years to work out the details. I will not dwell on the many beautiful details of this few hours in Paradise. Toward the end, I got out a music stand and some sheet music. Then a Wind came and blew the sheet music off the stand, and said, “Now!” I put the music and the guitar away and went out in the sailboat.
The cabin possessed a styrofoam sailboard about 10 feet long. The rudder attachment was broken, and on the day before I had crudely repaired it and taken it out in a mild breeze. Now, the Wind blew, and I took the boat out again. Not a sailor, I did not know to tie a loop in the rope which held the sail (1/4” nylon twine). I held the rudder with right hand and wrapped the rope around my left hand. The Wind took me rapidly out into the lake, sailing against the wind. The rope cut into my hand. It became very difficult to hold on, and so, I quit. I had the thought, “I should go practice music some more!” I turned the boat around. At this moment, embarrassing to recount, I had a sexual release and wet my pants. I could no longer control the boat, and was blown about for the entire rest of the day by the Wind. At the end of the day, at sunset, the wind died when I was 50 yards from shore near the cabin, and I paddled in.
Experience: Day Two: I visit Psychedelic Hell
The next day, I understood that the Wind had intended to take me somewhere. So, I took another two LSD tabs, same as the day before. But it was pouring rain. I sat in the kitchen and played the blues tripping. Then I thought, “this won't do!” and I went outside. Suddenly the Wind came back and blew the clouds away – and, bingo, I was in Plastic Fantastic Land (to be described below). I got the boat out again and went out on the lake. The wind and waves were rough and shortly the rudder broke off and the boat capsized. When I righted it, the mast and sail came loose and sank. I paddled to land miles down the shore. I was barefoot, and it took me the rest of the day to walk home on the dirt shore road carrying the boat. During this walk, my head was divided in half: two separate entities inhabiting my brain, and not too happy with each other. My left testicle seemed to be painfully pulling away from my body. I got home at evening and wept.
Plastic Fantastic Land is attested by two sources known to me: a series of drawings by Robert Crumb published in Zap Comix in the early '70s shows the visual imagery: trapezoidal interlocking acid patterns inhabited by reptilian humanoids, completely hallucinatory and non-living. The state is also accurately described by Marty Balin's Jefferson Airplane song, “Plastic Fantastic Lover”. Although Balin dodged the question of its meaning when asked, it appears to me that he and his lover had a cosmic trip together, probably making love, decided to take more LSD the next day, and went to Plastic Fantastic Land. It is not a nice or desirable place. My experience matched the elements of these two artistic renderings of PFL, leading me to believe that this has been a common experience, which arises because of this hubris: wanting to have the same trip again, which I now believe to be a serious spiritual error. No matter how cosmic the trip, taking more LSD the next day (although often reported to be useless due to tolerance) after such a cosmic trip, may lead to Plastic Fantastic Land. What it definitely won't do is recapture that cosmic trip.
In Plastic Fantastic Land, my brain felt divided into two separate entities. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">In Plastic Fantastic Land, my brain felt divided into two separate entities.</div></div> This was clearly related to the eye-crossing state of the day before, and to something involving the relation of right- and left-brain via the corpus callosum. In retrospect, I believe that I had on the first day re-organized the structure of both my brain and my chromosomes or DNA. (Cf. Barbara McClintock's work on spontaneous chromosome rearrangement in maize.) However, on the second day, the created structure of the day before was simply melted and destroyed by taking more LSD. It is my belief that I would have consolidated the gains from this experience by waiting for some time (a month or more: maybe a year?) before tripping again, and that I could have built on the experience. <!--This may have to do with the necessary myelinization of new brain connections.--> I don't believe that there is any permanent brain damage from PFL that is not recoverable through rest, exercise, good diet and meditation. However, the psychological effect of a visit to Plastic Fantastic Land is devastating, and this is also a challenge to recovery. Sadness at Paradise Lost stayed with me for many years, and I never again was successful in achieving a set and setting that would support another such experience. For months to follow, whenever I smoked cannabis, I flashed back to PFL.
The following spring, I had an unfortunate experience: severe mercury poisoning. This was unforeseen, and from an unexpected source – I will not say more about this so as not to generate controversy. It was a private tragedy. I was brain-damaged, and lost much musical ability as well as the ability to play chess well, and many other lesser details. My family, needless to say, blamed LSD, as the mercury poisoning was invisible and unrecognized. It took many years to recover, and during this time I also blamed LSD for this sudden dysfunction (which took several months to develop to its maximum), although I was at a loss to explain the mechanism. It took me 40 years to (a) recognize my symptoms as those of mercury poisoning, and to (b) unravel the difference between the effects of LSD and mercury poisoning. This I finally achieved by taking more LSD in my old age, which allowed me to definitively say, LSD did not cause this-and-this particular type of dysfunction. However, I admit that this is a subjective opinion. On the other hand, I believe that hidden mercury poisoning is quite common and may be responsible for some symptoms blamed on drug use. For instance, before that, I never had “reefer madness” style hallucinations, but afterwards I had them whenever I even smoked cannabis. In the event, I was compelled to stop taking LSD: I entered a yoga ashram and stayed several years.
<!--I will be brief. LSD has the capacity to stimulate a living human being to try to achieve some Ultimate True Humanity, becoming, as it were, Evolution's End in this moment, and in the process, I believe, it burns all the neurotransmitters in the body and brain in one glorious bonfire (just as do speed and cocaine, but one would hope to a more constructive end). To what degree this burnout may have been an effect of the possible methamphetamine component of the drug I took, I cannot answer. My research into this question indicates that neurotransmitters are constructed from saturated fats. -->After such a cosmic trip, a recovery period is necessary. Good diet (including saturated fat! IMHO!), rest, meditation and hatha yoga appear to be beneficial. Lacking a coherent recovery program at that time, I became a burnout, but this, I believe as stated above, was seriously complicated by mercury poisoning, and the effects of that lasted so many years that I was unable to pursue these questions any further. In sum, I believe that the “cosmic trip” is an evolutionary opportunity for both the individual and for mankind, but that it involves necessary learning processes for such ignorant young dummies as I was, and that these learning experiences must be repeated in order to learn how to ride that tiger. There was an immediate pitfall which I fell headlong into, which was not to sensibly wait before taking more LSD. If one could avoid that dumb trap, it might be possible to build on a series of learning experiences and find out what Spirit really wants to offer us. I have also taken, later in my life, mushrooms and ayahuasca, and I find no hint that they offer the same unique DNA-shaking and DNA-changing trip that LSD did on that occasion, but then, neither do they lead to Plastic Fantastic Land, making them much safer. I also consider it highly probable that some of what I experienced with LSD may have had to do with stage-specific brain developments in late adolescence, which no longer occur or can no longer be stimulated in older people such as I am now.<!-- End Body -->
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<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 1975</td><td width="90">ExpID: 111456</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 19, 2018</td><td>Views: 807</td></tr>
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Music Discussion (22), Post Trip Problems (8), General (1), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">25 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">175 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Rare LSD Effects
<!--It was in the ‘70s when many had access to high quality street hallucinogens that could be sampled with more safety from ruination in today’s overstuffed prisons. -->As always, my LSD sojourns into visionary experiences receiving so much praise by others evaded me. In the past, absurdity itself dogged my mind/body interpretation of all sorts of experiments that gave others what was expected, from Budweiser to Slivovitz, from Leper Weed to Ecstasy. Even so, I was surprised by the unexpected skull crushing sensations on my first LSD trial and the writhing during later trials into floor positions with muscles graced with astonishing energy. Soon, I learned from Dr. Grof himself, that the alarming skull pressures ascending from the roof of my mouth, moving into the maxilla, climbing across my nasal bone and shearing my forehead in opposite directions was a birth memory of one born by “Twilight Sleep”, an obstetric procedure abandoned thirty years after I was born. My initial resistance to this interpretation finally gave way to the unmistakable correlation between the LSD memory and what the fetus would feel as the doctor’s first two fingers drag the baby out of the birth canal by the roof of its mouth, producing obvious distortions of the skull in the expected sequence. This was a real memory, it was resurrected by a very small dose (25ug) of LSD and it happened only once, disappearing totally after several days of exact encores in the form of “flashbacks”.
Later trials with higher doses (100-250ug) of the same street lot of LSD produced effects of an entirely different kind, in which a two-minute spike of heart rate, blood pressure and oral temperature was followed by several cycles of twisting into fetal positions with intense flexing of all skeletal muscles.
A glorious change came over me in the following two or three days, in which I was highly aware of my surroundings, as if they were new. This was accompanied by a new state of relaxed movement without any sign of fatigue, reminiscent of the ease in which a lion or leopard walks, confident in ability. More LSD trials produced the same stages of LSD effect and I reached unaccustomed levels of ability in sports activities. This blissful state would not occur unless I fully participated in the muscular work during each session. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">This blissful state would not occur unless I fully participated in the muscular work during each session.</div></div>
What does one make of this? To a biochemist, the idea that a tiny amount of drug just sufficient to cover the head of a straight pin would elicit an unforgettable nine-hour trip was, to say the least, impressive. The temptation to account for the birth memory and for the struggles in later trials was irresistible. A hallucinogen started a process to open a memory site for release of its contents into conscious awareness after &gt;four decades of hiding. <!--How this could happen is described below with citations for well-documented interactions between the raphe nuclei and their reticular nuclei within the brainstem. Measurements and observations of the second series of trials conform to observations made routinely in obstetric practice today and represent the first reporting of LSD as a conventional pharmaceutical in an adult. These neural controls by LSD are equated to those by our natural hallucinogens as factors in human birth, in understanding trauma and in the putative healing role of REM sleep. As a large body of scientific literature was reviewed, a story began to unfold from the appearance of clues as in a mystery, which are consistent with the hypotheses formed from data on just one individual. Full documentation of the arguments can be accessed in Although what follows is in scientific jargon, the “Afterword” page in this website contains the suggestion that all of us use hallucinogens each night in effortless spiritual practice as we sleep. Here, only a summary of the larger dissertation is presented.
LSD, Birth, Trauma and REM Sleep: The Biological Roles of Hallucinogens.
By Bruce McConnell, PhD
Abstract and Detailed Summary
The Holy Inquisition was correct in disallowing Galileo’s Copernican Heliocentric theory, as it was not a proof, but only an interpretation based on planetary position.
A tentative model of interactions between specific nuclei within the brainstem is suggested to account for newly perceived biological roles of endogenous hallucinogens in human parturition, in the control of trauma and in REM sleep. The model and the roles for natural hallucinogens are hypotheses derived from two relatively rare LSD effects that exhibited completely different modalities on the same individual. As discussed in Part 1 (see, the first modality was a conscious re-living of physical sensations unique to a long-abandoned obstetric procedure, called “Twilight Sleep”, in which scopolamine and morphine were employed to induce amnesia and semi-conscious anesthesia for the laboring mother. This LSD birth memory recall was followed spontaneously by a series of exact encores or “flashbacks” that diminished with time until further recall was not forthcoming. The properties of these flashbacks suggest a naturally scheduled process of removing noxious memories during REM sleep.
The second modality of LSD effect, occurring repeatedly in subsequent LSD trials, is presented in Part 2 of These took the form of effects in three phases during each entire session: 1) A short-lived “spike” of autonomic activation, measured as large simultaneous ßincreases in heart rate, blood pressure and oral temperature, followed by, 2) Pleasurable urges to undertake repeating cycles of prodigiously strong and energetic movements into various body positions the fetus might take during the mother’s labor contractions and 3) a one to three day “recovery” period, remarkable a drastic existential departure from the subject’s normal chronic, anhedonic depression. This aftereffect appeared as wholesome mental and physical integration with confident and pleasurable relaxation, increased awareness and much higher levels of athletic prowess. As these three phases were reliably reproduced in many subsequent LSD sessions, it is concluded that LSD acted as a conventional pharmaceutical, in contrast to its present reputation as an unpredictable drug. The suggestion follows that a pharmacological target was activated by LSD, acting as a surrogate to fetal endogenous hallucinogen(s) during normal birth for activating the secretion of supportive hormones and consolidating fetal memory. For the subject, it is proposed that the full function of this pharmacological target had been interrupted and remained incomplete as a developmental deficit.
These two distinct modalities of LSD effect, i.e., memory recall and fetal activation, are accounted for by the effects of scopolamine at birth and used as prima facie evidence for re-stating these hypotheses in detail as amenable to testing in the laboratory and clinic. They are as follows:
Hypothesis1, the Model. A neuro-molecular model of specific functions within the brainstem accounts for the first result of LSD release of hidden memory and its flashbacks. According to this model, binding of LSD to the brainstem 5-HT1a receptor inhibits the firing of serotonin neurons to suppress normal activity of raphe (Ra) nuclei. This process removes normal inhibition of a proximal reticular nucleus (RN) to liberate impulse flow from cerebellar storage into the cerebral cortices that interpret these as re-lived pain. Called the RaRN model, it is bi-directional: RN activation opens a memory substrate that can both release or consolidate memory.
Evidence: Intense skull sensations, free of psychological components and released from long-term memory by LSD, conformed in precise order to the pain and pressure a fetus would experience from the obstetrician’s efforts made according to the protocol of Twilight sleep. The pristine physicality of these events suggests subcortical storage.
Cited Evidence: 1) The well documented inverse relationship between the activities of raphe nuclei and the reticular formation, 2) The preference of indole hallucinogens for serotonin receptor subtypes, 3) Recent success in PTSD treatment with the use of MDMA, acting (hypothetically) as a 5-HT1a agonist and 4) the relative success of serotonin congeners as re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in treating posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) .
Argument: The RaRN model provides a biological definition of “trauma” in the requirement of raphe 5-HT neuron suppression for opening substrates that receive or liberate noxious memory. Thus, the model clarifies many possible misconceptions in PTSD and hallucinogen therapy pertaining to the persistence of flashbacks, thus far considered to be negative symptoms of “injury”. Here it is proposed that flashbacks are signs of the organism’s stepwise attempts to resolve or eliminate noxious memory (trauma).
Hypothesis 2, the Basic Idea. It is proposed that adult re-living of a birth memory and consolidation of this memory at birth occur from the same RaRN brainstem condition, the former initiated by LSD and the latter involving fetal and/or maternal endogenous hallucinogens (EH). Both the mother and the fetus are under the influence of the endogenous hallucinogen, identified as N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) and/or its congeners (DMT+).
Evidence: It was an indole hallucinogen, LSD, that triggered a process of re-living a kind of memory that remained hidden for 45 years. The proposed similarity of adult and fetal brainstem conditions and the inclusion of DMT+ are based on the continued spontaneous appearance of flashbacks as exact encores of the first recall.
Cited evidence: LSD and endogenous DMT+ are N,N-substituted indole amines that bind strongly as agonists to the inhibitory 5-HT1a and excitatory 5-HT2a (serotonin) receptors; the 2a receptor mediates the powerful hallucinogenic effects in the prefrontal cortex.
Hypothesis 3, the Pharmacological Target. During normal parturition a pharmacological process is activated by DMT+ to: 1) stimulate fetal (and maternal) skeletal muscle in support of the mother’s contractions, 2) activate the hypothalamus for secretion of hormones stimulating the fetus, supporting newborn development and supporting the mother. For the adult subject, LSD acted as a true pharmacological agent, producing these effects as a surrogate to fetal DMT+.
Evidence: Subsequent trials with larger doses of LSD began quickly with the onset of autonomic activation, measured as short-lived simultaneous “spikes” in blood pressure, body temperature and heart rate. After these measurements returned to normal, repeating sequences of (fetal) body positions began, culminating with prodigious force and energy to dominate the rest of the session. At the end of each session the “recovery” period was notable for the remarkable and wholesome physical and mental integration in the next two or three days. Attempts to ignore the energetic urges in the muscular phase led to a 'hangover' of mental and physical irritability with lowered stamina.
Cited Evidence: 1)Early spikes of the same duration in fetal heart rate are used in contemporary obstetric practice as markers of fetal readiness. 2) Some of these effects mirror similar hormonal and physiological measurements of volunteers injected with DMT (Strassman and Qualis, 1994). 3) These effects, in addition to hallucinations, appear sporadically in cases of serotonin toxicity produced by large amounts of serotonin in the blood.
Hypothesis 4, Scopolamine. Used in the subject’s birth, scopolamine accounts for the pristine physicality of memory re-living in the first trial, the repeated fetal activations in the second series and the freedom from PTSD in the decades following birth. It is proposed that the adult subject as a fetus was seriously hindered in sensing or responding to critical developmental sensory information during his mother’s labor
Evidence: Early LSD effects in of the first trial included the “stoned” feelings of anesthesia and catalepsy. The pharmacological effect in the second series of trials was notable for the continued repetition of fetal responses in each new LSD session, i.e., the lack of 'resolution' of LSD-induced fetal activation.
Cited Evidence: 1) Scopolamine is a powerful M3 anticholinergic agent that prevents consolidation of new information into memory by the hippocampus. 2) As an anticholinergic it interferes with relay function in the hypothalamus. 3) Scopolamine potentiates catalepsy induced by morphine and hallucinogens as well as morphine anesthesia.
Hypothesis 5, Fetal development. At some critical time during the mother’s contractions, the fetus must receive and store the wholesome sensory feedback associated with its strong muscular efforts. Born with a scopolamine protocol, the fetus is unable to provide this effort and lacks this supportive memory. As a newborn, the subject was in some distress, having missed the “recovery” period following the expulsion phase.
Evidence: The “recovery “ period of each LSD session in the second trial series introduced the adult subject to a drastic existential departure from his ordinary life of chronic depression and anhedonic symptoms. The new experience of relaxed self-confidence, increased overall pleasurable awareness and elevated athletic ability for the following two or three days was totally dependent upon participating fully in the intense muscular work during the entire session.
Hypothesis 6, REM Sleep. REM sleep is a nightly process of healing noxious memory by opening memory substrates according to the same RaRN mechanism that operates to produce spontaneous flashbacks. DMT+ secretion accompanies REM sleep.
Evidence: 1) The appearance of flashbacks in the first trial during the time after awakening from a nights (REM) sleep and later at some specific times during the afternoon. 2)Their reflection of memory erasure as a natural spontaneous process.
Cited Evidence: 1) REM sleep exhibits certain key physiological characteristics that are earmarks of hallucinogen inebriation. 2) REM sleep deprivation results in decreases in cognitive ability, irritated behavior and sleep disturbances, which are reversed only by REM sleep 'catch-up'.
Supporting claims: 1) Resolution of the controversy over the role and origin of REM dreaming by introducing the special character of RaRN-controlled memory. 2) The Crick-Mitchison theory (1983) postulating the same healing role for REM sleep for removing memory traces, in agreement with the previous work of Gaarder K. (1966) Arch. Gen. Psychiatry 14, 253 and Newman EA and Evans CR. (1965) Nature 206, 534. 3) The progression of dream issues reported in the work of Carl Jung and 4) The success of Francine Shapiro’s EMDR therapy.
Hypothesis 6a, REM depression. Some types of chronic depression are a form of PTSD.
Argument: Noxious memories remaining unresolved during REM sleep qualify as trauma according to the RaRN definition.
The full documentation for anatomical and molecular-biological development for these hypotheses has been published in
U.S. Copyright application has been made (Registration No. 1-205590251)
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<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 1975</td><td width="90">ExpID: 79486</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 19, 2018</td><td>Views: 950</td></tr>
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">61 kg</td>
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Hello to all conscious beings out there. I am relatively new to Psychedelics but I was always interested and I have read almost everything related to drugs and it's effect on the body. I am an occasional cannabis user and tried LSD 2 times in the past. I have had experiences with toluene (not proud of it), datura (very mild quantity), nutmeg. I am currently studying computer science engineering as my major and I totally love it.
About the set and the setting: I was with my friend Sandy whom I met recently but our frequencies matched almost instantly. He got us 2 blots of LSD and we decided to use it inside the campus of the organization where we are doing our internships. The campus is really beautiful and there are lots of calm places to sit down and relax. So we popped one blot each around afternoon time. Sandy has many experiences with shrooms and one time with LSD. But the evening we were about to experience there is no word that can describe it. My mood was very eager and excited. We had stocked up with food before our trip so that there would be nothing to worry about. After 15 minutes of taking the blots, we rode our bikes to our respective rooms so that we could change to something comfortable.
It was when we were about to go outside to our intended place that the first effect manifested itself. My body felt heavy, not drowsy or anything, but I could feel almost all my movements at a highly aware level. Mild euphoria flowed though my body. We had just watched the animated Hoffman LSD video and how the acid kicks in on his bike ride home. So I told my friend how we will be in Hoffman's shoes as we have to take a bike journey towards our destination. It was one of the most enjoyable bike ride I ever had. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">It was one of the most enjoyable bike ride I ever had.</div></div> When we reached our destination, we found ourselves near a big tree. There was a smoking area nearby where employees could come and smoke. It was a simulated wood area and the stone pathways had lights lighting up the way. It was indeed beautiful and so peaceful unlike anything I have felt in my adult life. We sat under the tree for 6 to 7 hours talking about everything. And I mean everything! From the molecular level to the endless space that is the universe. I never talked with so much intensity and desire. The visuals were always there, not much dominant but tracers here and there.
To summarize, I tripped for like 20 hours almost. The visuals were gone by 8 hours into the trip but the effects were there. I never felt so motivated and so alive. I felt so connected with Sandy on a higher level on the contrast that I just met him a couple of days back. LSD is a very potent substance and it can renew me into something I never thought possible. Just important to be in a safe environment with a happy mindset before the trip and keeping a goal of what I want to gain from the journey. If I have the right questions, LSD will make my mind reveal the answers. Stay safe and stay happy.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2018</td><td width="90">ExpID: 111785</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 22</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 19, 2018</td><td>Views: 719</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=111785&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=111785&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">175 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I had done LSD four times before this trip, but the most I had ever taken was two tabs. I had some money and a urge to have a huge trip with one of my best friends, so I bought six tabs. My guy said they were really potent and to be careful with them. I ended up taking three and my friend who had never done acid took one. About an hour and a half later I started feeling really fried and started seeing some of the strongest visuals I have ever felt.
We were at my friend's house smoking some weed when my little brother called me at around 8:00 PM. He sounded worried and said that our dad was supposed to pick him up for basketball practice but wasn't there. I told my brother to walk home and that I'd be there soon to check on my dad. The trip started going bad at this point. My friend and I had to walk through a very sketchy area at night surrounded by crack heads and goons. We were pretty creeped out but we had to see if my dad was okay.
We made it to my house and it turns out my dad had just gotten drunk again. My brother got home and was railing against our alcoholic father for forgetting that he needed to pick my brother up. I started really tripping in the next room and felt really embarrassed.
My friend went home and I felt like the night was ruined. I was the highest I've ever been in my life and everything was moving and changing colors very rapidly, and I couldn't stop thinking about the problems in my life. I closed my eyes and I started hearing this old Chinese flute music, and all of a sudden I was in this beautiful place full of colorful trees, rolling grass mountains and a river at the center. The river had rocks in the middle and I could hear the water flowing, it was all very detailed and felt real. All of a sudden I felt some type of presence. I looked to my side and I saw a young Bruce Lee. This kind of creeped me out but made me happy at the same time, because Bruce Lee is a huge inspiration to me. Then I started speaking to him.
I said 'Damn, Bruce. My life is all types of messed up. I have an alcoholic dad, we're losing our house soon and my friend just had to see all the shit that just happened.' Then Bruce looked at me in the eyes and then pointed at the river. He said, 'Your life is just like this river. There may be rocks and obstacles in the way, but it keeps on flowing just as you will. You are 17, you will be an adult soon and all will be well.' Immediately after he said that my eyes flew open and it was like a huge realization moment. It calmed me down so much and after that the rest of my trip went very well.
To this day if I start getting stressed I think of that place and moment and it calms me down greatly. It was the most rich psychedelic experience I've ever had.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2018</td><td width="90">ExpID: 111468</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 17</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 19, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,222</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=111468&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=111468&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Difficult Experiences (5), Families (41), Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance">1P-LSD</td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco - Cigarettes</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">140 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
The night started out great, I was with a few friends and one of them got a text from D asking if they wanted to buy some acid. We were hanging out in my friends driveway, smoking and talking. D shows up and we all buy our tabs, I bought two, my friend R bought 3, and my other friend L bought 1. The tabs were different than I’ve ever seen, they were WoW but they were bigger than tabs I’ve bought before. I didn’t think anything of it because they had no taste, no numbing, and they glowed blue under a black light. We took them at around 12 am, smoked a bit more and hung out. We were all having a great time, everyone was laughing and I couldn’t stop myself from snorting constantly.
The time came when we had to leave our friends driveway, we said our goodbyes and we hopped in D’s car, not knowing where to go or what to do. At this point I was feeling the acid intensely, and I felt pretty good. Throughout the entire experience I was chain smoking, sucking down cigs like they were air, and I think this really calmed me down, considering later events in this night. We parked on the side of the road (not sure how we got here or why we were here, memory is a bit foggy) and we started walking down the local bike path. Everything was pitch black, visuals weren’t noticeable at this point because of how dark it was. We got to the point where we just wanted to chill and stop walking for a little bit so we sat behind an ice cream shop that was right next to the bike path. This is when things started going bad for R.
We looked over, and there was a police car parked right next to us, with its lights shining right onto us (I completely forgot about this part and was only recently reminded of it by R, I think the trauma of this night may have played a role in this). We got sketched out and decided to walk back to the car. We drove around for a bit, everyone was having a good time except R, although I don’t know for sure how she was feeling, she still isn’t very open about this night. We went to a small and local sports field near us that was right in the woods.
When we got to the parking lot, R started yelling “No!” over and over until we left. She was obviously in a state of panic but I wasn’t fazed by it, I was having my own intense experience in my head, but I don’t remember the emotions I was feeling at all. We drove down the road to a different point in the bike path, parked the car and started walking down it again.
R seemed to be experiencing complete ego death at this point. Running back and forth and yelling. I was under the impression that she did this out of panic but recently she told me she was actually having an alright time at this point. Everything seemed good. I was still chain smoking, I would constantly forget about my cig and it would burn almost all the way through on its own. The ember was changing to green and blue, but eventually it stayed blue, not changing at all. I had a fun time drawing with the ember and making pictures in the air only I could see.
We caught up with R and she needed us to remind her of her name. It took us a few minutes but eventually she understood that her name was R. Everything after this went bad very fast. A cop car pulled into the parking lot we were next to, police lights on and everything. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">A cop car pulled into the parking lot we were next to, police lights on and everything.</div></div> He asked what we’re doing out so late and could tell that R wasn’t sober because she couldn’t stand up and she was unsure who she was. My mind shut off, to this day I don’t think I experienced any emotions that night. I was a zombie who couldn’t feel happiness or sadness, maybe my brain was trying to protect me.
L was the only one in the group who had the courage to talk to the cop and tell him that R was on LSD, hoping it would help her out in the end, but the cops didn’t treat her any differently than a druggie who took too much of an illegal substance. He called his other cops friends (ridiculous, we were 4 teenagers with no weapons and we were completely compliant), and about 5 more cop cars, at least 2 fire trucks, and a few ambulances, basically almost their entire on duty force considering I live in a kinda large but mostly suburban/rural town where not much happens besides the occasional weed bust.
They took us aside and talked to us all separately. He asked me if I took any LSD and I said no. The entire time I was talking to him the ground behind him was moving like an ocean, huge waves of land moving up and down. He asked me a few questions, making me spell out my name and address, and all the usual cop questions. When they were done collecting information from us we sat down as R was strapped into a bed (not sure what they called, with the wheels) and put into an ambulance. She was screaming like someone was about to stab her, the sound still haunts me to this day.
My mom came, obviously pissed, talked to the cop (only funny part about this night, “I could tell he didn’t take any LSD”, thank you police man) and I hopped into my moms car and went home. When I got home I felt like I was a giant, everything around me had shrunken. I went right to my bed and put the tv on. My mind was completely blank, not a single thought. My walls disappeared and in their place I could see trees. I was transported to a mystical, foggy forest. My bed and tv were the only things that remained. I was surrounded by trees and I felt very at peace but at the same time I couldn’t feel anything.
The next few days were hell, they consisted of constant crying and the deepest depression I’ve ever experienced.
This experience really shows how important set and setting is, without proper precautions and a safe environment psychedelics can go south fast. If you ever plan on taking a mind altering substance like this one, make sure you will be comfortable and safe for the entire experience, or you may end up regretting it.<!-- End Body -->
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<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2017</td><td width="90">ExpID: 111764</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 18</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 19, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,511</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=111764&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=111764&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Police / Customs (60), LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Second Hand Report (42), Hangover / Days After (46), Depression (15), Train Wrecks &amp; Trip Disasters (7)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">120 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I used to do acid whenever I could get my hands on it in high school. (Generally every weekend). I loved it and always had a great time for about the first 2 years of doing it. I never really had strong visuals, but would come to meaningful conclusions about the world and have powerful realizations. I also enjoyed laughing my ass off at the insanity of the human race. After a while something changed though. I began to have bad trip after bad trip. I would get paranoid and had trouble trusting the people I was with. I thought that they were laughing at me and staring at me, wondering what was wrong with me. I also developed anxiety problems. I'm not sure what changed but I can no longer handle acid anymore and I'm kind of sad about that, but well, there's always mushrooms.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2000</td><td width="90">ExpID: 20389</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 19, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,895</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=20389&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=20389&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Not Applicable (38), Addiction &amp; Habituation (10), Bad Trips (6), Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/sertraline/">Pharms - Sertraline</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I was using LSD between 1990 to 1996, about once every three months, always alone. First to deal with bipolar disorder and the depression, then to change my life path, later for pure recreation. A mirror was very helpful initially.
LSD visual residue effects were very evident until two years ago when I went on Zoloft for six months. The LSD residue visuals were minor coloring of shadows -purples greens and pinks, very fine speckle red dot patterns overlaid on my vision and occasional peripheral vision motion sensing. When I had extreme stress, hunger or exhaustion the visuals would appear, lasting about 5-10 min, very subtle and never distracting.
Zoloft was prescribed for stress at my request in 2001. Initially after taking Zoloft I had very vivid hallucinations, only when closing my eyes. Green wavy thick moss that could form to any image I wished. This lasted two weeks along with sleep disorder, the images were that distracting. I have since been free of all LSD visual residues and feel my brain chemistry, while permanently changed, has stabilized.
It is my thought that LSD affects the weighting of the brains neural nets, possibly logarithmic. I believe the visual residue is a clue to where and how LSD molecules affect primary neural tissues. The LSD residual visuals can be permanantly(?) negated with temporary use of SRIs.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 1990-1996</td><td width="90">ExpID: 24580</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 19, 2018</td><td>Views: 951</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=24580&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=24580&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3), Not Applicable (38)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">160 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I dont know why I am posting this, I really feel I have no need to, but at the same time I also feel as if the experience I had must be shared.
I am a semi experienced LSD user, I have done it multiple times, and it has always been a very enlightening experience. This time was different, It was not a bad trip, but what I felt was that I had somehow come to an understanding of the world, and that the understanding had somehow slipped away. I dont know how to explain it, so i'll just go over the night.
I took 3 hits of liquid acid on the toungue at about 930PM. We drove back to my friends house and went inside and began to listen to music and hang out. I had not spent much time with these people, they were new friends, but they were very nice and they all made me feel very comfortable.
I began to feel the initial effect about an hour after injesting.
The sence of anxiety, of knowing whats going to happen. About 2 hour into the trip, I began to get some very detailed and fascinating open eye visuals, I went into my friends bathroom, and stared at his shower wall, I felt like I was swimming in the sea, no sailing the sea, the acid ship was at my control.
Later we went over to another friends house and I sat and played video games for quite a while, I was really enjoying myself, everything was funny as hell and the video game, super mario cart for gamecube was trippy as fuck.
At about 5 Oclock AM, the effects were still very stong, but something began to become strange. I was the only one awake at this point, and I was now just sitting and staring into space and thinking. And thses thoughts kept coming into my head. As I looked around the room, I see all these people, just passed out from a night of doing drugs and partying, and I looked at myself, and I felt this overwhelming sadness, I felt like nothing more that a junkie, a knew that thats all I was, all I am.
I went outside, and started at the city and the now lightening sky, and thought about how insignificant I really am in the whole perspective of the world, and an overwhelming sadness came over me. I then knew that I needed to do something, that I needed to change my life around.
I would have to say that LSD has helped me realize things about myself. The unfortunate thing is that I wish I had realized more, I feel like I missed something big.
LSD is a powerful drug, used wisely, it can do a great deal of good, but it can also be a monster, and destroy.<!-- End Body -->
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<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2006</td><td width="90">ExpID: 52630</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 19, 2018</td><td>Views: 778</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=52630&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=52630&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">200 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">140 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
<span class="erowid-caution">[Erowid Note:
Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. <a href="/chemicals/show_image.php?i=dmt/dmt_contraindications1.gif">Don't do it!</a>]</span>
It was a beautiful day and G, R and I had just bought a strip of “Dragon Ball Z” acid the previous day. We called it this because or plug only sold LSD on sheets with the DBZ logo. Due to the weather, we decided it would be a perfect day to drop and we each took one tab of 200ug strength. We then drove around the city and pulled endless gb’s as we waited for the acid to kick in, (don’t drive on acid we are stupid). At about 30mins in I began to feel the familiar warm euphoric glow and I knew I was in for a great trip. Another 30mins had passed and we headed back to G &amp; R’s apartment as it was really starting to kick in for G and R but for me the warmth and euphoria had only grown stronger and I had yet to experience and visual. This was odd as I usually begin to experience visuals early on into the trip. Overall 2hrs had passes since I had first dropped the feeling of warmth and euphoria was still steadily building and had become so intense that it was almost overwhelming.
Then suddenly while lying on a couch in the living room I felt a “pop” and it was as if reality went through a paper shredder and those strips of reality were sucked away into the top right of my vision. Those strips were replaced with complete blackness that eventually gave way to a mystical “dimension” void of space and time. While I was there I lost everything that I had always perceived as “me” all I was reduced to pure tranquility and I can vaguely remember vibrant reds, yellows, oranges, and purples. I don’t remember much about this place other than this. I’m not sure how long I was gone but while I was there it felt like eternity. I returned to “reality” with a wide grin, G and R asked me what happened and it took me a while to gather my thoughts all I could do was just smile and laugh like and insane man. I eventually gathered my thoughts and told them what had happened. They didn’t seem to believe me as they had never experienced anything similar on acid. I believe this to be my first ego death experience.
After I was able to collect myself I walked over to the mirror in the room and stared at myself for a while. At this point I was tripping sack and was curious what would happen. At first I looked normal, slowly, my skin became pale, eventually grey, my eyes turned a deep black, and my hair was moving as if it was alive. This startled me at first as I was not expecting to morph into a foreign being, but although eerie the being standing before me did not appear to be menacing. Since this first experience I have continually perceived myself as an “alien” looking entity. As the acid began to slowly ware of I saw fractals of lessening intricacy and vividness as I eventually returned to baseline, and was greeted the next day by a lovely afterglow. Sadly, I have yet to experience anything like this since though, I have tried to return on multiple occasions but to no avail.<!-- End Body -->
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<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2017</td><td width="90">ExpID: 111114</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 18</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 20, 2018</td><td>Views: 848</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=111114&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=111114&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Mystical Experiences (9), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">150 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">140 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Last summer, I was 20 years old. My friend and I road-tripped a week down to my other friend, who got us the acid. The three of us dropped together, and kept up such a strong positive vibe the whole time. Since then, I listen to music better. I 'get' it now. Music is the purest expression of the existence each of us manifests, and I had to take LSD to realize how to enjoy that.
It was almost surprising how stereotypical the effects are. Bright kaleidoscopes and sense of oneness. But this really is just the way.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2016</td><td width="90">ExpID: 108767</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Not Specified</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 20</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 20, 2018</td><td>Views: 937</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=108767&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=108767&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Mystical Experiences (9), Music Discussion (22), Unknown Context (20)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">9 st</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
<span class="erowid-warning">[Erowid Note: Unconfirmed Serious Injury Report. This report of a serious injury was submitted without verifiable details or contact information. Erowid is choosing to publish this report to invite public comment and to allow anyone who knows about this event to submit details that we can verify.
Neither this report nor any report of a hospitalization should be considered reliable without details that can be verified through hospitals, police reports, family members, or news reports. If you have information about this incident or other experience resulting from the use of any psychoactive substance we cover, please contact sage at]</span>
Me and a couple friends had been wanting to do acid for a while and we finally found a supplier. We decided to buy some and were told it was 100ug. We took the acid and were filled with excitement and anticipation for the journey we were just beginning.
30 mins - we started walking towards the canal but to get there we had to walk along a main road. At this point I was seeing altered colours. Everything seemed unfamiliar and amazed me. I saw the college that I attended at the time and remember it looking purple with a greenish sky above it. Even though it was an ugly building I still thought it to be beautiful.
60mins - At this point we were at this abandoned place that was filled with graffiti and trees. My friend that wasn't on anything asked what the graffiti looked like and according to him all I did was hysterically laugh at the fact that he asked a question.
This was due to me at this point having a mad revelation about how life was a series of questions with no meaningful answers. So I just laughed that the first thing said after this revelation was a question. At this point I was stood up and talking to my friends about what was going on in life with family and school. Then I faded out of the conversation and began looking at the ground which seemed so far away. I had to sit down because of this as it made me feel more 'grounded'. I wasn't scared of standing I just felt more secure and happy sat down I couldn't actually explain why.
90mins- at this point I begin fading in and out of reality. According to my friends I would just walk with my eyes closed and sometimes say a few words with no correlation. I dont remember what I was actually thinking about at this point but I do remember an overwhelming sense of achievement and realisation. It was like I had been stuck on a question for so long and finally found the answer. It was that sense of relief and achievement but ten fold. I'd never felt so glad in my entire life.
120mins - I slipped back in consciousness at this point and my bros were all rolling up some doobs. So I offered to roll one but I can't normally roll. I made them aware of this and for science purposes they allowed it. Whilst I was rolling it was weird. I had complete focus on this paper and nothing was happening around me. I went into a zen mode and just happily rolled away. When I finally completed it after about 10 mins I looked at it and thought it was bent and pregnant. So I told everyone to wrap it again. They all disagreed and said it was a sick roll. I told them they're clearly trippin as it seemed bent. But again they all disagreed and later told me that it was the cleanest roll of that day but I was seeing something completely different. Although it took 10mins to roll it came out perfect this made me think about time and how much I had yet how little I was doing.
150mins (at this point the times start to become jumbled as I was not in the real world) - I was still tripping about time except at this point things had gotten a lot deeper. I was living out happy moments in my life such as random days at school and holidays. All the moments were happy ones. Then I started seeing moments from what I assumed was the future and were all still happy. Until I realised I was growing older and older in these images and at some point had to die. Which is when I saw my self in a car with friends and we swerved off the road into a brick wall and I was just getting mauled by every flip that the car did. I tried to fight to stay alive but it was like I had to die as the more I fought it the more the car flipped. So I got to a point of acceptance and the car stopped. At this point I saw myself from above just lying there dead. I just looked a myself for a bit and felt every emotion you could think of all at once in that one moment. It was the most upsetting yet happy part of my life realising that I had to die.
After going through that I saw what I can only describe as a circle of life. Then I realised that circles are continuous and it happened again. I was reborn and started again.
I finally regain consciousness after dying numerous times and see a claw reach out and grab me. I was in no way scared by it as I had just experienced and accepted death numerous times. I then black out and wake up again and see a wolf with glowing eyes wearing a beanie carrying me. I black out again and wake up to a random man prodding me in the neck and asking me questions. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I black out again and wake up to a random man prodding me in the neck and asking me questions.</div></div> I looked around a bit and saw I was in an ambulance and thought I had actually been in a car crash but like before I accepted it. I then fully regain consciousness in the hospital and my mom is there asking me why I did drugs and telling me off. I wanted to seem bothered but I couldnt stop thinking about all the shit I just went through.
I was told by my friends later that during my trip I was freaking out and unresponsive. Apparently, I kept on screaming as if I was getting killed. So I'm assuming that was when I was dying in these many lives. Also they had to pin me down as when I was freaking out I kept throwing myself about and hitting my head. Which explains why I had a concussion.
As well as that, the next day my friend gets a message saying not to take the tabs whole as they are 250ug not 100ug. He replied 'too late'. 250ug was definitely not the amount I wanted for my first time doing acid.<!-- End Body -->
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<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2017</td><td width="90">ExpID: 111820</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 16</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 21, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,585</td></tr>
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : First Times (2), Train Wrecks &amp; Trip Disasters (7), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">70 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This happened in 2015 on a beautiful day in November (it's 2018 now). I live in a place far up north, so there was plenty of snow. Prior to this I had tripped on LSD once, taken MDMA once and I smoked weed regularly. The one LSD trip I had under my belt had been really frightening and I thought I was going to die, so I was nervous as fuck when the day of my second trip finally arrived. The guy I was going to trip with was a friend that I became friends with at the school we were attending, a school where you sleep, eat food and play music all day for a year. We were both 19 at the time. My friend, who we are going to call V, had tripped on acid twice before and had the best time of his life both times.
So to the day of the trip. It was a sunday morning and I woke up at 9 a.m. and went to have some breakfast. I made myself a huge plate, thinking I wasn’t going to eat for the next 10 hours or so. I tried to keep myself calm, but I couldn’t get rid of the thought that I was going to have a bad trip, like last time. I sat down beside V’s roommate, too nervous to even say hello. After a while I blurted out ”a beautiful day, huh?”. V’s roommate looked at me and said ”why the fuck do you care, are you going fucking skiing or something?” He had no idea.
After eating I went down to my room and texted V, asking where the hell he was. He said he was almost ready, and would meet me at my room in 10 minutes. That was the worst 10 minutes I’ve had in a while. I thought i was going to have a panic attack. And I was sure as shit that there was no way I wasnt going to have a nightmare trip thinking this way. V finally showed up. He didnt give a fuck about breakfast so we went outside right away. As we were walking to the little forest where we were going to drop the blotters, V managed to calm me down a little bit. He also mentioned that his roommate had autism. We found a sweet spot, and V took out the blotters, handed me one, and I put it under my tongue. The dosage was 150 micrograms. The nervousness came back and once again i thought I was going to have a bad trip. V asked if we should smoke a joint. I declined at first, thinking that that was the cause of my first bad trip. But he lighted it anyway, and I took a few hits. This turned out to be a great decision! After just a few minutes my nervousness faded away, and I was calm again.
After about 30 minutes we decided to go buy a pack of cigarettes. I started to feel the acid creep up on me. After walking for about 10 minutes we turn around a house, and BAM: we see the ocean. It was really beautiful. There was a few pine trees there too, and the way the sun was shining through made it all look like a scene from a movie. I giggled and said to V ”I think I'm feeling the acid”. Then we stood there for a little while, laughing like idiots.
We arrive at the gas station. I remember it was a funny feeling coming inside. It sort of made the trip more intense. We stood inside for a while, not knowing what to do exactly. We started laughing again, and I began to wonder how fucked up we looked. I suddenly remembered why we were here, so I went up to the desk and said ”give me a pack of cigarettes”. For some reason this was hilarious to me, and I really tried hard not to laugh my ass off. I got the cigarettes and payed, and we walked outside. I felt a little embarassed.
On the way back we walked over a bridge, with a river from the ocean running below. We stopped and my jaw dropped. Some of the river was frozen, and it looked like the ice was moving. As I stared at the ice I could se stars and planets, and it looked beautiful, like the universe. I explained to V what i saw, and he agreed completely. I also stated ”theres no way in hell that ice isnt moving!”. Of course it didn’t.
We went back to the school, and I decided to have a shower in my room. This is were the acid peaked. As I was standing in the shower I started to see some weird shit on the shower curtain. I saw a beaver, standing on his hind legs with a crown on his head. I found out he was a king, and that his army was going to war against an evil lion. It was like seeing a movie. Suddenly I came back to myself again, and thought to myself that I was really tripping. I tried to focus on the shower curtain again, and this time I felt like I was in a space ship. I had the feeling that I was racing through space with an enormous speed. It started to feel a little too real, and at one point I thought I saw some aliens behind the shower curtain. I became scared and turned off the shower and layed in bed for a while.
I began watching a movie, but it seemed so fake to me. The only thing I could think of were how much the actors humiliated themself playing such stupid characters in such stupid movies. And how our society glorifies and look up to these clowns. I’ve never watched a movie in the same way since.
It was about 5 hours since we took the LSD when V texted me, asking if I wanted to jam. I said yes, so we went over to the building with all the rehearsal rooms. I play guitar, and V got behind the drums and started laying down this really groovy beat. I felt like I was playing like a god, and that we had an almost telepathic connection: every time I began playing a different melody or riff, V got the mood I was going for immediately. I felt like Santana at woodstock, that the guitar was a snake I had to tame. I could really feel the music, and one time we both started playing slower and slower, feeling like time became warped and we entered a different dimension where time didn’t go as fast as here on earth.
After jamming for about an hour, the effects of the LSD really started to diminish. It didn’t happen much more worth writing. During the trip, there were times I felt safe and comfortable, and other times I felt really fragile and scared. But at the end I really felt like I had accomplished something, that I hadn’t let the fear win. So all in all a good experience, which we repeated a few times, and eventually got kicked out of the school, but thats another story! Hope you enjoyed the read, and stay safe!<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2015</td><td width="90">ExpID: 111846</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 25, 2018</td><td>Views: 837</td></tr>
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Music Discussion (22), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">250 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">170 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
A Mystical Experience
Concerned about a planned high dose (250 mic) LSD session with Malcolm (who had never taken a high dose of a psychedelic before), I threw the I Ching. The hexagram that came up was:
TEXT Though he treads upon the tiger's tail, it does not bite him. Success!
COMMENTARY The tiger does not bite the man who has trodden upon its tail because it is joyous and responds to heaven's will. The man enjoys success. Blamelessly setting foot in the place of the Supreme Ruler denotes glory.
SYMBOL This hexagram symbolizes a body of water lying open to the sky. In hexagram 6, water in a pit beneath heaven symbolized conflict; it was as though the watery pit was trying to emulate heaven's dome (NOTE: hexagram 6 was the very hexagram I received before an earlier high dose psilocybin trip - K'an the Abyss - with corresponding results*). But here the flat stretch of water lying open to the sky was a favourable meaning, all the more so as the lower trigram has the secondary meaning of joy. Whereas K'an, the watery pit, always has an unpropitious significance, Tui is a favourable omen. The superior man consults both high and low and thereby steadies the people's will. (*I should note that the the K'an the Abyss mushroom trip had a deeply profound resolution, in which my resistance was revealed to be nothing but curling emanations from the Void.)
LINES 9 for the top place: If they watch their step and heed the omens, sublime good fortune will be theirs. Immense felicity!
6 for the third place: Though a man has but one eye, he can still see; though he be lame, he can still walk; but he who treads upon the tiger's tail will get bitten - disaster! The warrior undertakes things for his lord; this is a time for obedience - no time to stand up to our superiors. The one-eyed man does see, but not clearly; the lame man can walk, but not keep up with the others. Disaster suffered by the man who gets bitten. The superior man undertakes his lord's affairs because the latter is strong of will. (Interpretation: the ego, though substantially diminished, will still have some power and must be surrendered totally.)
TEXT Resolution. When a proclamation is made at the court of the King, frankness in revealing the true state of affairs is dangerous. In making announcements to the people of his own city, it is not fitting for the ruler to carry arms. It is favourable to have in view some goal. (Interpretation: Do not go around telling others of your psychedelic insights. The purpose is your own and no one else's.)
August 5, 1984 - 15 hours after ingesting 250 mic of pure LSD-25
Today I gave myself up completely, entered into the blinding light of absolute, complete Identity: At-one-ment, from which infinite bliss radiates inexhaustibly, forever, sat-chit-ananda (being-awareness-bliss). All God required of me was one thing: to let go of myself and my life totally, absolute surrender. With that act I saw that I am Gaia, the one will a trillion eyes and mouths, penetrating and permeating the entire universe, everywhere forming stars, galaxies, planets, life. How silly of us to get caught up in our trivial ego games. For today's eternity was the One and Only, the Everlasting, God, Brahman, Vishnu, Atman, Buddha, Tathagatha, Tat Tvam Asi! (That art thou!) The True Self of blinding Light, the radiant core from which the entire Cosmos arises in all its glory, infinite source of bliss never-ending. I saw the True Self for the very first time. The I Ching was right on: there is God, there is Truth, today was of inexhaustible merit.
LSD exploded with thermonuclear fury in my brain, and now the past is forever behind me. My past life is lost, gone, left behind in Infinity. What to do now? Where to go? <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">My past life is lost, gone, left behind in Infinity. What to do now? Where to go?</div></div> Trust, faith, acceptance: we'll see. Something cracked wide open under LSD's intensity, and through every pore, every sensory channel, came gushing a torrential flood of LIGHT which wiped the mind-slate clean, opening the gate to that Absolute Self of before birth, after death, and within life. I foolishly attempted to grasp the ecstasy as something that had been experienced - but of course this led, unaccustomed as I am to acknowledging the True Self, back down into ever lower states of clinging and grasping, confusion and pain, only to release myself once again to Gaia's Bliss never-ending. Indeed, no other choice was possible. Ego emerged from Gaia as an attempt to hold on to the ecstasy - a mistake soon rectified by further surrender. There never was, is, nor shall there ever be, a separation from God. Such is only imagination, the way of ego. We were never parted to begin with.
A billion years and a billion pages would not begin to describe one second of what I experienced for Eternity today. But words are man's slavemaster. Thus I felt I must set down some as markers in this territory of the True Self.
August 5, 1984 - morning after
Gaia Day for me was August 4, 1984. Today, August 5, everything expresses Gaia; or, as the Buddhists say, even the most mundane event expounds the Dharma.
The LSD mystic (re)union was more akin to Hindu conceptions than Buddhist ones, the latter so firmly rooted in everyday life (Zen in particular). Thus Indian music (Ravi Shankar) provided an added propulsive thrust at the beginning, with its insistent rhythms and religious chants turning into the very dance of Shiva himself, propelling us into the very heart of Reality, the radiant core around which all life, all matter, all form, all planets, all suns and galaxies dance endlessly, all pouring forth from the Source of inexhaustible merit, the glowing fire, God himself. And somehow, though it does not make any sense, He is me! I am but one of His innumerable eyes and mouths. Chapter 11 of the Bhagavadgita manages to put it into words; I cannot. The revelatory power of LSD is the power of the whole Universe: Awesome, immense, thunderous, unimaginable.
After the Indian music record finished we lay in the womb of the Cosmos for about 5 hours (earthtime) without being able to speak or move. By 8 hours a few words were expressed, but both Malcolm and I realized how absurd words really are in our fumbling, futile attempts to express the Ineffable. Indeed, I despised words that evening, after 12 hours still being unable to say anything that reflected even a fragment of the 'experience' - except to say 'I saw God,' which both of us did, and we both understood what this meant in all its implications. After 15 hours it was very late, the trip having begun at 10:20 a.m. August 4. But I still managed to write a little, despite the fact that LSD was not entirely finished with us yet.
All God required of me was one thing: To give myself up completely. When I did, there poured forth a bliss of such extravagant, indeed Infinite proportions that it seemed I would be burned to ashes by the fiery radiance which poured in through every sensory channel, blinding me, destroying me completely with an inner Thunderclap - yet simultaneously the entire Cosmos screamed out its eternal, one Identity with myself! There was never any separation to begin with! Every sound, every image, every sensation from around me - including sounds of hive-activity coming from the other apartments -were all interconnected, were all expressions of the one titanic world-organism, my own True Being. Death is no longer feared; there are no beings who suffer, only suffering. All my fellow creatures are but extensions of myself - or rather of the True Self whom I met yesterday. We must strive to eliminate suffering; Gaia demands this of us.
This experience was the culmination of intense meditative preparation and absolute openness. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">This experience was the culmination of intense meditative preparation and absolute openness.</div></div> Without the ability to die consciously, the power of such a large dose of LSD could send a fragile ego straight to Hell. Psychedelics cannot be used to further ego-games. The past is annihilated, left behind forever, and all thought-activity must cease its arising for the Pure Self to bestow infinite bliss. As the I Ching had warned, if you tread upon the tiger's tail, you will get bitten! But if you are like a stretch of water lying open to the sky, you can be led to the Supreme Ruler, the source of immense felicity. The I Ching's advice was God's advice to me. Every creature's selfless love is Gaia's love, every caress of another is a caress of Gaia, every love for another is love for Gaia. Truth is truth and stands supreme. Swirling, radiant fire! Monumental, inexhaustible, ineffable core! Love and bliss never-ending. Let it never be forgotten! Every wonder, every glittering sun-speckled afternoon ocean, everything Beautiful, all emanating from Gaia's Heart of Love. This world is Infinite, as it should be, as it always was, but only now do I see. Yesterday was the culmination of the Quest for me. I am full of wonder, awe and gratitude. At one with the Highest; everything revealed as God, there never was any separation; yet He plays with himself by losing himself and finding himself. The former is the pull of the world, the latter is the pull of God; yet they are one and the same. On August 4, 1984, God saw himself in two mortal beings.
But what now?
Zen master Seccho wrote: 'You may exert all your efforts to fetch him, but he will never show himself again! We are left alone for ages to come, vainly thinking of the irrevocable past. But stop! Let us not think of the past. The cool refreshing breeze sweeps all over the earth, never knowing when to suspend its work.'<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 1984</td><td width="90">ExpID: 18994</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 27, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,184</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=18994&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=18994&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Meditation (128) : Personal Preparation (45), Mystical Experiences (9), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">180 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Lsd gone wrong
My first experience. I did not know the standard dosage nor did I care, I just want to see what I’ve never seen before. At the time I was used to doing shrooms at least every other day with the dosage at least a half oz of blue caps at a time so I wanted to try something different. My best friend and I happened to get a hold of a guy and we ended up getting what we wanted. He was two years older than I was and the same body weight. We took the tabs then drove back to my house.
Expecting it to hit us roughly 10-20 minutes after we got there because it wasn’t that far. At first we were in my room when it started. We both could see the walls pulse but as soon as we tried to explain what was going on it made a different pattern. Then we turned on my occulting fan and we could see the wind blowing, we looked around and started to see the posters melt along the wall. My closet door was open and some of the coat hangers got smaller while others got larger. Some were flipping around one way while others the other. All this was simultaneously happening. Light couldn’t be perceived correctly. It came and went like my eyes didn’t know the direction or origin. I could see demon figures on my walls. When I got to paint my room I wanted bright lime green because colors have an effect on your mind and I wanted my mind to be active. Wrong choice. With weed or alcohol I could talk myself our of being impaired, but not with this. I couldn’t get myself sober nor could I hide it. I told my mom what we were going to be doing before because she was a hippie growing up and we felt like we needed someone experienced to be around. Worst decision ever. She was messing with us and put on a scary costume thinking it was funny. It wasn’t. We freaked out and ran outside. Even worst decision. It was a full moon and me neighbor was playing, what sounded like some demonic ass music. We freaked out even more as we started to see the trees surround my house sway back and forth touching the ground leaving holes in the ground where demons came out. We saw flashing lights so we thought the police found out and came to arrest us. Lucky it was my brother headlights but at the time we didn’t know and sprinted back inside. For the next few hours I can’t tell you what happened or what I saw because nothing was real.
Before we took it I told my mother and my brothers so they would know and my little brother ended ups recording us for a bit. The reason I can’t tell you is because I don’t even know myself. I watched the video over and over again and I still can’t remember what I was seeing but it didn’t look like I enjoyed it. Eventually he left and my dog came into my room. I think that saved me honestly. She was the only thing that didn’t change and it felt amazing to pet her. And she’s a kisser so she just kept licking us and it tickled so much that we couldn’t stop laughing. After my mom found us back in my room she escorted us to mu little brothers room, which had blue walls, and brought us a glass of water, which me immediately spilled. It engulfed the whole room and at that point we stripped down to our boxers and we started swimming. We put on tv and everything that was on had to do with life or death. For a solid 30 minutes we flipped over 300 channels on direct tv until we called it quits. At this point we thought we were going to die. Can’t tell you what happened the next few hours because its still a blur. We hit a couple bong rips to help mellow us out but I feel like it only made it more intense.
<span class="erowid-caution">[Erowid Note:
Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. <a href="/chemicals/show_image.php?i=dmt/dmt_contraindications1.gif">Don't do it!</a>]</span>
Next thing I remember we were driving his car because we wanted to go get milk shakes. I’m not sure what happened but that was the best part of the trip. For some reason it was a terrible trip for me. I was having a great day before hand, and leading up to the event I was in a great mood. I’m just not sure if its how much I did or the type, which I heard theres different types after the fact, but overall I didn’t enjoy it. I still did shrooms after the fact but I was scared of psychedelics so I didn’t do more than a gram. It ruined it for me. I tried a couple times after that with half of what I did and it was worse, than the third time I did lsd I did an 8th of what I did the first time and it still made me have a bad trip. So after that I started to get little spurts of the walls breathing or the ceilings pulsating but only for a split second. Three years down the road and if I stare at the ceiling ling enough it will condense real quick then go back to normal. Now, near the end of 2017 the only thing I’ve done since then is drink and blow maybe twice a year. For some reason I can’t even smoke anymore.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2014</td><td width="90">ExpID: 111297</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 4, 2018</td><td>Views: 810</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=111297&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=111297&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">50 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/dimenhydrinate/">Dimenhydrinate</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">250 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">.5 g</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/mushrooms/">Mushrooms</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(dried)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">200 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">200 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ketamine/">Ketamine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">10 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/2ce/">2C-E</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">51 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
So I had a pretty decent trip combining 250 ug LSD, 0.5g Shrooms, 200mg MDMA, 200mg Ketamine and 10mg 2C-E and experienced something that I have experienced once before and was curious about what it is. I try to write a small trip report, but can't write much about it, because of amnesia.
T+0h (10:45AM) I dropped a pill of 50mg DMH (Dimenhydrinat) to prevent nausea afterwards.
Chatting with my friends on Facebook and IRC with my laptop in my bed, mainly just killing some time.
T+0.30h Dropping the LSD and Shrooms.
I was a bit tired because of the DMH, but nausea was no problem anymore.
T+1.00h Dropping the MDMA.
I am still writing with my friends and I already felt, that there is something coming up. I started to listen to music. I like trap music the most because it sounds just gorgeous on drugs.
T+1.30h I felt the MDMA creeping up with immense euphoria, so I had to get up and snort the Ketamine that I cut with 2C-E when I prepared the stuff.
From one moment to the next, the reality that I used to know disappeared and I could literally feel, how all these substances raped my thought back and forth. Ego loss at its best. My hallucinations where indescribable. The music made me feel like I am on an oversized festival where I was standing in the spotlight and just party the shit out of me - it was amazing. The unlimited amount of euphoria unfolded, when the drop smashed into my ears. I felt like this is some kind of God mode.
T+4.20h (03:05AM) I came back from my hallucinated world and started to see stuff again. Music was still on and reading was nearly impossible because of the ketamine. Typing was still quite fine though. I felt thirsty so I took a big sip from my water bottle, felt pretty refreshening. I experienced that 2Cs through the nose are completely different from oral consume. Nasal I get crazy OEVs/CEVs, but the duration is only like 2-3 hours.
Spent a full hour just being rekt, to come back to earth and being able to read again.
t+5.20h Memory gets cloudy, I start to hallucinate things like they were like gum. I experienced that only once before on a Jediflip when I started to smoke weed. I felt like im getting delirious. When I didn't focused to stay awake, hallucinations begin to morph and I feel really weird and start to panic attack. Audio hallucinations underlined everything. It sounded like something would break together, but I can't tell what it exactly is. When I focus again, it needs some time for the hallucinations to get back. It seems like they build up faster than they go away. This is gross. This is the moment where I can't decide if stuff I did or have done are real or imagination. I tried not to panic, but chill. Only waiting helped, so i tried to do a mix of IRC and sleep.
T+10.47h (09:52) I woke up still pretty rekt from the night before. I felt happy. Inner peace and outer peace at its best.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2014</td><td width="90">ExpID: 103051</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 4, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,557</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=103051&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=103051&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), MDMA (3), Ketamine (31), 2C-E (137), Mushrooms (39) : Combinations (3), Mystical Experiences (9), Music Discussion (22), Hangover / Days After (46), Unknown Context (20)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ssris/">SSRIs</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">13 st</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Cluster Headaches and LSD
I have suffered from episodic cluster headaches on and off since my early 20s. Naturally, because of the intense pain, I was interested in finding a way of disrupting or completely stopping the cycle. It came to my attention that psychedelics such as Psilocybin and LSD were beneficial to cluster headache sufferers. I should point out that I have used psychedelics over the years – initially recreationally – but more recently as tools for exploring consciousness.
Consequently, during a cycle that occurred in August 2012, I procured a microdot dose of LSD. Having heard that a sub-psychedelic dose can be sufficient to disrupt a cluster cycle, I opted to crush a small amount of the microdot and ingest it. I experienced a slight elevation in mood and brighter colours but this was short-lived. Later I had another headache and took the remaining microdot as I felt the original dose had not worked.
I am currently on SSRI medications for depression and anxiety so the effects of the trip were somewhat diminished. I did not experience any patterns or colours – just the appearance of carpets, wall and curtains ‘breathing’ and an urge to draw and be creative. I found it impossible to sleep during this period.
After recovery and sleeping the entire next day, I was blessed with a week-long respite from my cluster headaches but sadly, they returned after this. The cycle only ended in mid-October.
One thing I have learned from this is that it is possible to disrupt a cluster cycle through the use of a psychedelic but more research needs to be done in this field.<!-- I believe that there are currently tests being done for a ‘hybrid’ of LSD which can abort a cluster cycle – but without the hallucinatory effects.--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2012</td><td width="90">ExpID: 101616</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 43</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 9, 2018</td><td>Views: 939</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=101616&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=101616&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Not Applicable (38)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">155 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
My friend had acquired six tabs of acid around the middle of October, while we were looking and failing to find magic mushrooms. I’ve been smoking weed on a weekly basis for about a year, my friend having smoked since attending college in 2011, and we, along with my girlfriend, had decided that we wanted to have a psychedelic experience. My friend, ‘Todd’, had already taken a dose about ten days prior, and was excited to do it again. So we texted about doing it over the weekend, but my girlfriend wasn’t feeling it when the time had come, and didn’t want us to do it. We said we wouldn’t, and she took a nap. Todd and I were both disappointed.
I had been researching the drug the week leading up to taking it, and made sure to do some basic things before taking the plunge (stay positive, look for signs that it isn’t really LSD, etc.). Still, I was hesitant to take it, mostly because I knew my girlfriend didn’t want me to right then. Todd and I talked about that, and we reached the conclusion that I shouldn’t let her control me, so I went against her wishes. At 5 o’clock, as she was taking a nap, I popped it in.
The tab was on a strip of blank paper, kind of like cardstock, and tasted like nothing, which was a good sign. We were playing Cuphead while we waited for it to kick in.
As the first hour passed, I felt this growing anticipation in me, kind of like the excitement I would get before a job interview or another important event. My friend was getting a little goofy before I was really feeling it, and he decided to take another tab. Todd and I were feeling like going for a walk, and he wanted to get a fidget spinner for some reason, so we walked down the street to Walgreens. While we went down the sidewalk, I was thinking about how many other people had occupied the same space as we had, and how there must have been thousands of other people who had been in that same space over the years. It was beginning to kick in.
Once we reached the parking lot of the store, I was struck by all the different vibrant lights around. The red Walgreens logo, the yellow street lights, the green traffic lights, they all looked very beautiful. My friend wanted to make a short video of himself doing a Seinfeld impersonation in front of Walgreens, so we shot that for half a minute before going in. We meandered into the store, and couldn’t find any spinners, so we left after goofing around a bit. I was feeling pretty funny by then, and suggested that we head back to my apartment, but Todd wanted to find a spinner, and he convinced me to keep on moving towards downtown in our search.
Next we stopped at 7/11, where we found no spinners but picked up two water bottles. Todd insisted on buying water, saying that it was really important to drink a lot of water while doing what we were doing. I wasn’t sure if he had heard that you were supposed to stay hydrated while tripping or if he was just making it up, but the idea sounded logical. We moved on towards the inner city.
While waiting for a crosswalk, we were laughing really hard and joking around as a cop car stopped at the intersection. My intestines turned to ice, and I thought to myself that this is how a frog in a field must feel when spotted by a cat. Then the crosswalk light came on, and we strolled past the police, focusing only on looking natural. Once we were out of sight of the car, I asked Todd if that frightened him too, and he said that as long as we appeared to be going somewhere, the police wouldn’t have any reason to stop us. That made sense, so we laughed and drank from our water bottles.
By now we were beneath the highway, and I told Todd how weird it was to be in a space that I’ve only ever experienced from within a car. The smell of the area, the copious amount of pigeon droppings, the trash and feathers and bird carcasses were all totally unknown before. There were a lot of crosswalks to deal with here, and we made a rule of obeying every crosswalk sign. Todd never had his driver’s license, so I was curious about how he experienced his world as a pedestrian, where I nearly always travel in a car, event to places within a mile of where I live.
After crossing a bridge, we were beginning to get to the heart of my city. The smells were very strong, and the lights and people milling about made it seems like a fair. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">The smells were very strong, and the lights and people milling about made it seems like a fair. </div></div>Todd wanted to hit up a bar and get wasted, but I was against that. We were beginning to walk near other people, and I really didn’t want to deal with anyone else in my state of mind, thinking that it would be abundantly clear what was going on with me. So we walked down Elm Street, chatting, when we entered a spot near a park where a few homeless people had settled for the night. I wanted to turn back and head home, and we began to, but Todd had convinced me to keep going downtown after a few minutes, so we came to that homeless person camp again.
My worst fear then happened: someone approached us. A short, dirty, middle-aged man began to speak at us, asking if we were from around here. I was trying to be oblivious, and felt safe being with another person, but Todd engaged with him and said that yes, we were from around here. The man began saying that he was a former marine, pulled down his shirt neck to show us a tattoo, and said that he was locked out of his car and needed money to hire a locksmith. Todd, upon hearing that, immediately said that we could only help with directions, and we both swiftly walked away from the man.
I realised how much better off one is to travel in a group rather than alone, because even being in a group of two makes you so much harder a target than being solo. Todd and I talked about this for a bit, and he said that he wasn’t ever really worried about that guy.
We were both pretty hungry, but I didn’t want to deal with a sit down restaurant, so Todd and myself decided that we would go to this weird fried chicken restaurant that we made fun of all the time for looking very dingy but had never eaten at, thinking it would be a fitting barrier to break. As I stared at the menu above the cashier, I realised that the images of the food were beginning to blur, and I told Todd that we shouldn’t eat here, that we should order a pizza instead. He agreed, and we kept walking.
Around this time I got a text from my girlfriend, asking where we were. I saw it was 7, only an hour since we left my place, which was surprising: I thought our walked had been going on for several hours, not just one. I managed to type out “Out for a walk, be back later!” and send it to her. Guilt consumed me: I had taken a serious drug against her wishes while she was asleep, and was a good deal away from home while as high as I had ever been. Thankfully, I was able to convince myself that if I dwelled on that much longer I would spiral down a very bad path of thought, and I immediately began making jokes with Todd. I was also able to get Todd to start walking home.
Here is where I began to realize how much more intense the trip was becoming. Todd mentioned how he wished he was hungrier so we could go out to eat, which we both laughed at for being such an American thought. I began to think of the basic things living things needs, like food and water and shelter, and how Todd and myself have those things secured, but most animals don’t. We’ve begun to feel like we needed those things again even though we have them, like life is always trying to accomplish those things, and once it has attained them it resets to another state of need, wanting better versions of them. Musing about what we would seek next after we achieved them, I thought about how you can take that concept backwards with the individual, about how an egg is safe (has shelter), has all the food it needs in its yolk, and doesn’t want anything more, but once it has grown and has all those things it hatches into a baby, which then needs those things it once had. Egg growing into baby, into adult, into energy, into universe, and then back into the egg, cyclical.
We found ourselves in front of mural of bright, bold colors, patterned in cubes and and bars and shadows from the street lights. Yellow, blue, and red were its primary colors. Tessellations undulated before my eyes, and I asked Todd what he saw in the mural. “Yep, I do believe the painting is pulsating,” he said. Two words were written in the top left corner of the mural: “The Loop.” My mind erupted: That’s it: The Loop, egg into animal into star into egg. And The Loop, the loop we’re walking from my apartment to Elm Street and back again. And The Loop, the squirming wall painting. And the loop, this thought process. And the loop… It was hard to convey this to Todd, who thought I was talking about predeterminism, but did manage to get it through eventually.
Elm Street became a cabinet of curiosities. People’s faces became incredibly interesting and beautiful, and I wondered about who everyone was. Electric signs shone like combusting magnesium. The spatial volume of the environment was very clear. We mused about the reason some space was left open, while other, seemingly inutile spaces were developed. There were reasons, but know one knew them anymore, so were there reasons still?
Thoughts of my girlfriend waiting at home for us began to bother me again, so I figured to get her a donut as an apology. We sauntered into Dunkin Donuts on our trek back.
It’s October, so the coffee store is decked out in the most tacky modern Halloween decorations ever made. Paper skeletons, spiders, and pumpkins dangled from the ceiling, and fake cobwebs covered each wall. The first thing I noticed here was that an Elvis impersonator was standing at the counter. Todd and I made eye contact. I wanted to laugh and fall down and cry at the absurdity of the situation (my city is pretty small, and seeing something so weird was really out of the ordinary), but managed to hold it together. “You go first,” I said to Todd. As he ordered his food, I looked over at the pickup counter, and this very large banner of a realistic skeleton sitting in the lotus position over a dungeon background. It was too much, and I was beginning to think I was seriously hallucinating, between Elvis and that. The cashier was having trouble finishing Todd’s order because the machine ran out of paper, so that was also confusing, and it felt like a long time before they were able to take my order.
I had been rehearsing it in my head: two chocolate glazed donuts and a medium iced coffee made regular. At the counter, I couldn’t make eye contact with the cashier, noted she was wearing a pentagram necklace, but ordered two ‘wicked chocolate donuts’ (I couldn’t remember the regular name of what I ordered, and they changed the name of that for Halloween) and my coffee, paid with cash, and left. Elvis was talking to some old men near the door.
My sense of proprioception began to change. My mouth felt like it was beneath the exact center of my head <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">My sense of proprioception began to change. My mouth felt like it was beneath the exact center of my head</div></div> rather than near the front, and I brushed the straw against my teeth and lips. I began to feel filthy, as I had not showered that morning and possibly not the day before, and my face felt very damp. Finally, we reached home.
Todd immediately went upstairs to use the bathroom, and I went to find my girlfriend. She was sitting on the couch wrapped up in her blanket. I gave her her present, which made her happy. She made a face at the donut she took out and showed it to me. There were little chunks of it missing. The glazing on the treat combined with the dark brown pastry to remind me of an elephant’s grey anus. She handed it to me, which made me uncomfortable, but I ate it anyways. I didn’t tell her immediately what was going on, and she didn’t seem to notice anything weird. I went out to the kitchen to heat up some leftovers and broccoli for me and Todd.
I put on some ‘of Montreal’ music and sat at the table with Todd as we ate. The broccoli was incredible; I’ve always known that broccoli is a fractal plant, but it was so incredibly apparent right there in front of me, and I remember the different sized fractals becoming distinct in a flowing pattern. I showed Todd some of the zine I was working on, and the music we were listening too was different than normal; the tempo of the song would seem to change at random, making it seems as if time was slowing down and speeding up. “My day has been really strange,” my girlfriend sighed as she did some dishes, which made Todd and myself burst into laughter. I’m pretty sure that tipped her off, because soon after that she asked me what was going on. “I’ve been bad,” I giggled, and she looked at me. I told her we were on acid. She stared at me, then went to take a shower after asking a few questions. I was pissing a lot, and remembered looking into a mirror and thinking how dirty I looked there, all my dead skin and scraggy 10 day beard and sweat. I could see my pupils were enormous, the right one slightly bigger than the left. My nose was running.
As my girlfriend showered, <!--Todd asked me if he could move a magazine with Goku from Dragonball Z on it, and I said yeah, Goku was a tough guy and probably wouldn’t mind. We talked about how our parents perceived the things their kids liked, and talked about how our dads kind of thought that Pokemon, Mario, and Dragonball Z were all the same thing. I drew a diagram mapping that out, with a figured labelled ‘You’ looking at a book and thinking ‘Pokemon,’ ‘Goku,’ and ‘Mario,’ while a figured labelled ‘Dad’ looked on, thinking ‘This is all Goku.’ W-->we talked about how people who only have a vague knowledge of broad, related topics can sometimes categorizing the whole group as one specific part of it. <!--I told Todd that our dads also had a Goku, a thing that their parents and authority figures knew about their interests but thought it was all one specific thing. We decided that it was probably The Rolling Stones. -->
I decided to do a thought experiment with my friend. I had a silly drink coaster of a dia de los muertos skull, which my girlfriend had drawn a Frank Zappa-esque moustache and eyebrows, and I wanted to know how it appeared to him. “Here’s what we’ll do,” I said, “I’m going to point to some things and you’re going to tell me what they are.” Todd agreed. I pointed to a cup. “Cup,” he said. Then, to a book. “Book,” he replied. I went through a few more objects, then finally came to the coaster. Without missing a beat, Todd said, “The devil.” This was both hysterically funny and horrifying to me. I couldn’t look at the coaster, and set it face-down on the table. I kept asking him why, why he saw the devil in that coaster, but he just laughed and laughed and brushed it off.
Todd then went upstairs to smoke some weed and I was drawing, when my girlfriend came out of the shower. She said that she wanted to get some stuff for us, and brought me a bunch of colored pencils and paper. That made me really happy, so I went to go get Todd. He was laying on the carpet, one of my cats next to him, and I asked him how he was doing. He wanted to move the hangout up here, but I told him my girlfriend was getting us stuff down there. <!--I asked what he thought of my cat, and he said that she kept looking him in the eye, which I thought made sense, that my cat and him had a deep connection for whatever reason. -->
Downstairs we kept drawing, me with the colored pencils and Todd with pen. Todd said he was drawing some “fucked up shit,” a lot of lines turning into crude representations of sexual organs and lumpy mounds. I was making a pattern of an eye with arrows and squiggles radiating from it, with symbols for thoughts, statements, energy, and other individuals woven into it, with repeating colors and shapes. I told my girlfriend about The Loop<!--, and she said that she had heard a theory that the universe by nature wanted to expend energy, and that’s why life happens. I believed that this was absolutely true, and that The Loop was all about spending more energy, from egg to baby to adult, and that towns and cities were the next part of the loop, and the world would eventually be one big city, that that was our role as humans, the apex animal capable of expending the most energy. I began to think that once we populated the whole universe, we would have to create a new one, ‘giving birth’ to a baby universe to spend more and more energy. God could maybe be some infinite source of energy. As we talked about this, Todd kept trying to connect to things Noam Chomsky said or things he read for school, which I thought was bull. My girlfriend thought that the goal of life was not to spend energy, but to breed and continue, which was at odds with the goal of the universe. She said that humans might be better for the universe’s goal than life’s goal. Interesting…-->.
I said that I was very sweaty, and they both asked if I was hot. “No,” I replied, “I’m just sweaty. And I’m not cold, I’m very comfortable.”
As I was drawing on the table, the light in the kitchen flashed, and I wasn’t sure if I was imagining it or if it was real. Then the lights went completely out. We moved to the living room, where we drew some more. <!--Todd kept asking about what Goku could mean and was trying to write about it, while m-->My drawing became more and more frantic and disorganised. My precise pattern had dissolved, and more random arrangements emerged. My girlfriend was shimmering in the light, and we listened to Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, which my girlfriend and I thought was very cliche, but Todd insisted “we should lean into it.” I agreed. I felt very serene and childlike as we sat there, very perceptive to everything around me. I imagined I was a child but with the experiences I’ve gained as an adult. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I imagined I was a child but with the experiences I’ve gained as an adult.</div></div>
My girlfriend needed to get some laundry from her mom’s, so we headed over there in her car. It was around midnight by this point. As we drove through through town to get to her mom’s place, I thought of why specific areas become population centers, why people didn’t just live evenly spread out. We grabbed a bite to eat at her mom’s place, <!--leftover buffalo mac and cheese, -->and I went to use the bathroom. I had the urge to look at my phone, which I hadn’t since being high, but there was a disgusting, plastic looking photo of Harvey Weinstein’s face that grossed me out and I had to stop. I believed that in this state, I was able to detect all touch ups in photos, and that probably most photos of celebrities we see are very heavily edited. I looked at myself in the mirror again, and felt very dirty. After I went back to the kitchen, my girlfriend showed me a picture her sister had taken of herself, wearing way too much makeup and grimacing instead of smiling. Like the picture of Weinstein, it was disgusting, and her skin rippled in waves. I had to look away.
<!--We really wanted hot dogs on the way home, so we stopped at the Shell on the way home, but they didn’t have any. I saw that they had a carwash, and I thought that it would be cool to go through the carwash stoned, so I convinced my girlfriend to do it. She had never used one before, so she was a little nervous about it, but I assured her that it would be okay. It was pretty fun. Todd brought up how he thought that people who put yellow ribbon stickers on their cars were doing a shitty thing by supporting war.
-->By the time we got home it was between one and two in the morning, and I could tell that I was starting to come down. <!--We settled down on my couch and put on Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, upon Todd’s request. I spent most of the movie drawing with red, yellow, and blue colored pencils, doodling flames and beasts and whatnot, relaxing. -->We watched a bit of TV before deciding that it was time to go to sleep.
My girlfriend and I talked for an hour in bed, and I felt extremely close to her, like I wanted us to turn into smoke and blow out the window together, commingling forever. She asked if I was still high, to which I said I didn’t think I was, or that at the very least I was definitely coming out of it. She said that she felt like I broke her trust by doing what I did, but that she ended up having a good time being our trip guide, and that everything was okay right now. I apologized.
At 6 in the morning I was still awake, finding it very difficult to fall asleep. I knew that insomnia was a side effect of the drug, and I still felt like I had this static charge throughout my body. As I lay there, I began to have some minor intrusive visions. I saw a group of naked, misshapen people on a grassy plain participating in hellish activities; one of them pulled his lower lip down over his knees and inflating it like a balloon before jumping off a tree, and another was stuffing severed human legs into his long mouth. I forced these images away by visualizing colorful pulses of light pushing them out of my mind, which I had to do several times before they went away for the night.
I awoke at 8:30 that morning, and couldn’t manage to get any more sleep. I wasn’t tired, though; I had this energy in me. So I went downstairs and read for a bit, waiting for Todd to wake up and get ready to go. My girlfriend had to go to work at 3 PM, and I was hoping that Todd would be ready around 10 so I could have some alone time with her, but we ended up leaving at noon.
For that entire day after I felt very different. Once my girlfriend had gone to work, I picked up some groceries for us, and decided I would do some cleaning while she was gone. But once I got home, I felt incredibly lonely; I had been looking forward to having a day to myself to decompress and meditate on what I had gone through <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I had been looking forward to having a day to myself to decompress and meditate on what I had gone through</div></div>, but I found myself overcome with sadness. Tears were running down my cheeks as I thought of how much I missed my girlfriend, so I put on one of her hats to feel closer to her. I completely cleaned out my car (I’m a bit of a car hoarder), and moved on to clean up the kitchen a bit, when a wave of melancholy overtook me and I had to just sit on the couch and relax. I texted Todd, who was also feeling this weird sadness hangover. I wasn’t able to get anything else done that day, and ended up playing some video games until my girlfriend got home.
Overall I feel like the experience was positive. I wish I had not been so hasty to do it, and doing it behind my girlfriend’s back was wrong, but it was fun, incredibly interesting, and I can see how one could use it as a tool for viewing things in a new way. I want to do it again someday, but I’d want to do it with more daylight, and with either more activities ready to do or a safer place to wander around.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2017</td><td width="90">ExpID: 111925</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 25</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 10, 2018</td><td>Views: 681</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=111925&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=111925&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Relationships (44), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">60 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/ssris/">Duloxetine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">5 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/diazepam/">Pharms - Diazepam</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/nicotine/">Nicotine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">110 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
<!-- I find a lack of how drugs interact with antidepressants on this website, so I figured to add in some input. -->This report will include results of experience of anti-depressant effects on LSD-25, as well as information on a micro-dosing experience.
I am currently on: CYMBALTA 30mg/2x daily, VALIUM 5mg/daily, KLONOPIN 0.5mg-1mg PRN-- usually 1mg per day. (I've been switched between multiple anti-depressants- including Prozac, Escitalopram, Citalopram, Wellbutrin, Remeron, and more- and they all seem to show the same results regarding trips). Also NICOTINE mg?/day.
Personally I have taken LSD too many times to count, but each experience I've been on an anti-depressant. I have NEVER had a bad trip- I am not sure if it is due to the anti-depressants but I view it as positive because I've heard horror stories of bad trips and am glad I've never experienced one. I usually don't take my meds the day I plan on tripping because anti-depressants make the trip 'dulled' so I've heard. Low doses (160µg's-200µg's) seem to produce the psychedelic feeling unique to the drug class and a decent trip lasting about 6 hours with a sort of uncomfortable comedown that feels like trippy waves that weaken over time.
The highest dose I have taken was recently, and was 450µg's (blotter) which exhibited the same feelings as lower doses but with more euphoria during the come-up and slightly more visuals. I exhibit the same traits as described in other reports but with less of a 'magical' aspect and more of an altered sense of reality. The visuals aren't overwhelming, very subtle closed eye visuals, colors and lights are brighter, the carpet seems to be shifting in an indescribable way. Small details get the classical psychedelic trippy twisting movement. Light tracers and a feeling of overall joy. Deeper music connection and I seem to text more/ become more interactive while tripping.
As for micro-dosing, the recommended dose was about 20µg's as I've read, but that didn't do anything for me most likely because of my meds, so I doubled it to about 40µg's over the course of about a month every other day. I noticed I had more room to think, a more clear mental process, but it just wasn't for me so I discontinued micro-dosing.
OVERALL: Anti-depressants definitely reduce the effects of LSD in comparison to how my friends who are not on prescriptions reacted to similar doses. During a trip I am usually in a trippy state but still able to 'act' sober around others- although I prefer to trip alone.
Also would like to note that this also seemed to apply to Molly, as I did about 200mg in one night and it simply felt like Adderall with a slightly more floaty feeling. However it still caused me to stay up all night. I did not notice an extreme depression after rolling on molly despite what I have read (especially because I have clinical depression I was worried), It was simply a sort of numbed out dull next day.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2018</td><td width="90">ExpID: 111894</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 18</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 11, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,305</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=111894&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=111894&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Depression (15), Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mda/">MDA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ketamine/">Ketamine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/dmt/">DMT</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">vaporized</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(extract)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">120 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
My adventure began friday at approximately two o'clock. The trip the report is written to detail actually occurs saturday night/ sunday morning, but it is important for the reader to grasp my mindset in the lead up to the experience. While biking over the [bridge in the UK] I encountered a friend who offered me two key bumps of MDA (approx .1 of a gram). I gladly accepted and after exchanging a few more pleasantries, continued on my way. I got some pretty nasty drips right off the bat, generally I prefer taking M in parachutes, but who am I to be picky, after all I had just received free drugs.
By 2:30 I was definitely starting to feel warm and fuzzy, my phone screen was looking very wavy (I find MDA much more hallucinogenic than MDMA) which was a bit problematic as I am a bike courier and have to sort trips on my screen, but I was able to make due and managed to float my way through the day without any screw ups, I even noticed my routing was improved by the drug, although that may have just been false confidence from the M.
By 430 I was feeling tired and had a headache, I decided to ingest a 150ug lsd gummie. As the acid kicked I convinced my girlfriend to come on a bike ride with me. As we biked through the park near my house all the trees were twirling into peacock feathers, and the feathers were forming fractals. My mind traveled down the usual lsd thought loops which seem to me to be my own deeper reflections brought up by the drug. I ponder the reason energy vibrates, and how anything is really vibrating if everything is energy and therefore vibrating. We get home and my girlfriend has to study, I go upstairs and stare at the roof, a spinning light bulb casts geometrical patterns in red, blue, and green. The stucco under the light writhes and melts into fractals more comlplex than any human could ever have created by anything but chance. I think about how the stucco is more beautiful in its randomness than any art ever created with conviction. This continues for several hours. I consider smoking some DMT but opt instead for some K, the world spins. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I consider smoking some DMT but opt instead for some K, the world spins.</div></div> I head downstairs and then I sleep.
I wake up saturday and have that usual day after glow, I postpone dinner with my parents in order to go on a group bike ride. I take another 250 ugs of lsd about .2 of a gram of mdma and .2 of MDA. I meet up with everyone and we somehow end up at a beach, we light a bonfire. I stare into it and watch it crackle. I think about how the flames are as important as any manifestation of ego, by which I mean unimportant as in the end it is just part of the whole. I Light up a DMT joint which has .15 of a gram in it, I share it with a friend, the port across from me fades into pastels. It leaves me craving more, but I contain myself for now and settle for endless key bumps of MDA alternating with MDMA. After an hour and maybe 10 key bumps I realise this is ridiculous and take a large bump of K which settles me for a while and gives sick visuals. Everyone else ends the party pretty early which is rare.
I end up alone in my very trippy living room with a large bag of drugs, a trippy rotating geometric light and nothing else of interest. I do .1 of K in two lines, I am knocked back and watch as the lights begin to pull me with them on their rotation, by watch I mean it feels as though I am watching this occur from next to my body. I sober up enough to robotically prepare another 2 lines of K (an advisory to be careful with K, unlike most of the drugs I play with it can be lethal) and clumsily dump the rest of my dmt into my pipe. I do one of the lines and go rolling off into the k hole. I experience a trance like state and have no idea how long I am floating in the void.
I come back and blast the dmt, I puff the pipe until I drop it (I don't remember but it was on the floor). I enter hyperspace, everything glitches to black and white, and then like a barcode, and then comes into focus as my living room but very much not, the colours and textures are altered. I look to the side and see a jack o'lantern which anthropomorphizes into a man with a body, it grows tall, the head spins. I am jarringly back in acid and M space. I feel sober in comparison though. I take the line of k .05 I have remaining and enter the K hole almost instantly. I watch the lights, the dance of colour is unlike anything. I grasp the totality and unity of everything, I transcend that and view time as a line segment and then as liquid. I come back. I take at least 40 dabs and then go lay down next to my girlfriend until she wakes up.
The next day I convince her to take M for our date to a local science center, she readily agrees and I make her a parachute mix of MDMA and MDA .2 of a gram in total. I take the same and a small bump of K, we get there and watch an imax. I am still having wild visuals, I take some key bumps of MDA, and a big line of it (maybe .2 of a gram) and then head to my parents for dinner.
Wild weekend.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2017</td><td width="90">ExpID: 111266</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 21</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 22, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,508</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=111266&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=111266&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), MDA (34), MDMA (3), Ketamine (31) : Multi-Day Experience (13), Combinations (3), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">17 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/2ce/">2C-E</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:10</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">300 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">145 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
6:00 PM - dosed ~17mg 2ce orally
7:10 PM - dosed 300ug LSD sublingually
8:00 PM - astounding visuals at this point
8:14 PM - Surroundings begin to vibrate and morph at astounding rates
8:20 PM - Listening to Trance/Trap and everything gains a red hue while morphing in synch with the music
8:55 PM - still peaking and beginning to wonder if I dosed too much
9:40 PM - switched music to Tycho because Trance/Trap is too trippy for me (can not perceive individual objects from the visuals at this point)
9:43 PM - say in skype chat “thank you lord I can still see at this point.” Friend responds, “If it’s anything like my experience you won’t be able to pretty soon.”
10:00 PM - Visuals have come off of surfaces into the open space in the room and are slowly “collapsing in” on my eyes to where I am beginning to go blind. At this point I put a hoodie over my eyes so I would not see my friends faces distort into pure visuals as I believed at the time this would freak me out in my fragile state of mind.
10:05 PM - I realize at this point that as my vision was fading, time was distorting to astounding rates. It had earlier seemed that when I placed the hoodie over my head I would be blind in a matter of minutes. It was now apparent that as every minute passed the next minute would be exponentially longer. This is when the thought loops started.
10:10 PM - At this point my roommate had told two of our closest friends what was happening and they came over as a crisis prevention squad.
10:15 PM - By this time I was on the 10th episode of my thought loop since it had started at 10:05 (what seemed to be somewhere around 2x2x2x2x etc [ 2^10 ] minutes in my mind, with a thought loop 2^10 times deep.) The complexity of this thought loop is nearly impossible to explain, but my friends were having conversations with me to keep my mind occupied and in my mind conversation was good but unfortunately I was almost incapable of carrying on this conversation. So what happened was I wanted my last thought before I went blind to be, “family, music, alive.” The thought of these three items made me believe that I could survive the temporary blindness <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I wanted my last thought before I went blind to be, “family, music, alive.” The thought of these three items made me believe that I could survive the temporary blindness</div></div> and make it out of the trip without going into a full blown panic attack. In order for a thought loop to end I needed to repeat the phrase, “family, music, alive.” Although this seems easy it was not at the time. I would say the phrase and the music would get louder and I could hear my friends voices once again. We would carry on a conversation and then my brain and body would begin to hurt and that’s when I would start deconstructing the conversation all the way back until the first conversation we had until I remembered to say, “family, music, alive.” The longer it took me to repeat this phrase and the deeper into the thought loop and deconstruction of our conversation the more I would hurt. It was as if my body and mind were being crippled and the pain would become so apparent that I would begin to laugh hysterically and mumble gibberish until instantly I would remember the phrase again.
This thought loop continued for what I thought to be a life time condensed into 30 minutes since my roommates still had not taken the hoodie off my head. Apparently they forgot to take the hoodie off or thought it was better left on and in reality this thought loop had lasted over two hours. During this process I believed that I had ruined the process by forgetting the phrase too many times and I believed I had crippled my body completely. During this temporary blindness I had an out of body experience (staring down at my body on the couch) and seeing myself slowly become crippled.
When I regained vision and came to I woke up covered in my own urine. My friend led me to my bathroom where I was still rambling the phrase “family, music, alive.” I continued to take a shower and during this time I thought this was the final part of my thought loop where I would take a shower, go to my bed, and then my roommates would carry my existential body to my perception of my body that I had taken form of. I thought the final step was to reconnect the two forms of my body, fall asleep, and wake up in the afterlife, as at this point I truly believed I had failed the process and died.
I laid in bed still tripping until 6:00 AM, went to sleep, and woke up the next morning to write this report, alive and well.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2015</td><td width="90">ExpID: 105851</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 20</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 22, 2018</td><td>Views: 865</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=105851&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=105851&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), 2C-E (137) : Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">0.5 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">0.5 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">160 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I am a 21 year old female with very little drug experience. I've smoked pot and hash for 5 years now, and just recently started introducing Shrooms and Acid. This experience is about the second time I had acid, the first time was really not so intense or worth documenting on here, and the second is still fresh in my memory.
The evening began with the intentions to do shrooms and go to an all night drive in with one of my best friends K. K had called her dealer and realized he could only get LSD, so I we decided to get it anyway and see where it took us. We bought 2 hits of Acid and went back to her house with some pot, the film Waking Life, and my paints and canvases. We couldn't make it to the movie so we were having a night in. I took half of my hit at 9:30 and listened to some music, waiting for our other friend to show up. He had a car and was not on anything and wanted to go in to the city to get fast food. We listened to music and waiting for our friend S to show up. It was 10:30 when I took the other hit, and just kind of forgot about it as we went for the drive in to BK.
Like the first time on Acid, everything was positive up until this point. We were laughing about everything and I remember having such a warm fuzzy feeling all over. My face actually hurt from smiling so much. I did start to come down slightly when our friend dropped us off, as we realized it was 1am and we were alone on Acid in her room. We had paints and the movie to distract us. For about 2 hours we played around with the paint and watched the film which was mind blowing, I've seen it many times but never on Acid.
The reason I am actually writing this experience comes down to the point where my friend fell asleep and I was left there to fall asleep. It was 3am and I was probably at my peak. I tend to worry a lot and have been on meds previously (I went off paxil 2 years ago) for depression and anxiety. I am a lesbian and have not come out to my parents so I lots of emotional baggage, which I was quite aware could end in a disaster for my trip. The exact opposite of a disaster is what I experienced. I rehearsed what I was going to tell my parents, I worked out problems with my love life, I consoled myself and actually formed some self esteem. I felt like I was someone else viewing my life and reassessing it, I realized that so many problems I thought were so bad actually were quite fixable and small. I cried, I even threw up and saw eyes in my puke. The visuals I had were amazing, I stayed and layed in my friends spare bed from 3am to 9am when a repair man came to fix her water tank, where I fell asleep to the sound of him banging away at metal. I didn't want to fall asleep knowing he was going to show up early, but as soon as he did I was actually soothed by the loud noises. My friend woke up at 11am and had an intense headache which lasted far in to the evening. I think it probably had to do with the fact that she didn't have the brain activity that I did, I'm sure if my brain tried to sleep as it was so fucked up I would have had a headache too.
I know I will only take half next time I do it, as the visual and nausea was not very pleasureable. I did like the therapeautic affect the LSD had on my mind, It really helped me throught my problems. I know that it is dangerous to use drugs when mentally unstable but sometimes it helps you see your life in a different perspective.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2005</td><td width="90">ExpID: 43369</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 31, 2018</td><td>Views: 813</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=43369&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=43369&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/cocaine/">Cocaine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">300 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/cocaine/">Cocaine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3.5 g</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ketamine/">Ketamine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/amphetamines/">Amphetamines</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I'm someone who will take pretty much any drug or combination thereof. I don't buy into the kind of propaganda that follows the lines of 'substance X will ruin your life in this specific way regardless of anything else.' Some drugs are worse than others, sure, but I've done the 'big three' - heroin, crack, meth - and although I've gotten into some terrible situations I've never become a stereotypical down and out addict staggering around with a can of special brew and asking strangers for 28p for the bus at all hours of the day. Nor do I entirely buy into the idea that drugs can act as a catalyst to mental illness. These things certainly happen, but they aren't set in stone.
What I have had are some awful acute experiences. Blowing nearly £700 on cocaine in a couple of weeks. Necking handfuls of xanax and coming to a few days later with no recollection of the interim. These things are horrible, and they make me reconsider my drug use, but they didn't profoundly alter my life like in the dubious stories you hear about - 'my uncle's friend tripped on acid 20 years ago and he still thinks he's a glass of orange juice!'. Well, I haven't lost all functionality after this experience a few weeks ago, but it has left me with profound psychological damage.
The night started at home. Snorting line after line of quality coke on my own. In retrospect, that in itself is indicative of huge problems. For whatever reason, I was not feeling high. I felt like I was on speed, not coke. So I did more and more and more, until finally I ate my last .3 grams. Note that this was over the course of 6 or 7 hours, so although I was in a pretty bad state I was not close to death.
Even though I was still lacking euphoria, I was incredibly high to the point of psychosis. I convinced myself that the police were aware of what I was doing, that they were outside ready to arrest me. I tested this theory by throwing a few legal substances out of my window. Nothing happened. Obviously they were just trying to put me at ease. So I tentatively step outside. I see a black SUV parked up the street that I could not remember seeing before. I looked up the registration plate. Wow, it's done a lot of miles ... it's an undercover cop car! I'm going to prison! So I dash back inside. I have a stash of drugs. The only thing I want to do is get rid of them. But how? I can't burn them because the police would surely burst in and arrest me. So I decide to wrap them up into paper and walk down to the river and throw them. I walk out of the door with tons of ketamine, speed, LSD in my mouth and an eighth of trainwreck in my pocket. Shit! I can hear a police helicopter. FUCK! That's a police van in that alley! (I later realised it was a delivery truck; note that it was around 4AM at this time).
I would have looked so high and sketchy at this point that I would have been arrested on the spot if a police officer passed me (I reasoned). And why waste drugs? So I suck out everything from the paper in my mouth then chew and swallow the paper. I take the 3.5 grams of weed out of my pocket and eat it. Then I wonder around disposing of drug-related paraphernalia.
After 10 minutes, I start feeling it. I can't remember exactly how it felt, but mainly a stimulant effect. My heart was getting faster and faster and faster. I genuinely thought I would die. I ran over to a taxi and paid him generously to take me to A&amp;E. I get in and start shouting at them about everything I've taken, convinced I was dying. The staff and patients look at me like the pathetic human being that I am. I refuse to give them my name for a while. Eventually I do, they take me to a bed and hook me up to some sort of monitor.
This is where my journey to hell began. Everything kicked in fully. I was completely psychotic, entering a nightmare hell that I would not leave for 10 hours. I could feel my heart going faster and faster and faster, faster than a hummingbird. I heard what I assumed was a heart rate monitor beeping erratically. I knew I was dying. I started shouting at everyone in the room (doctor, nurses, some other patients) to please look at me and if I was going to die just give me a sign. This went on for what seemed like an eternity. I then thought I was dying at that very moment. I somehow convinced myself that depending on my last words I would go to heaven or hell (note that I am not normally a religious person). Eventually, a security guard came over. He waved at me, and I took this as a sign that I had really and truly just died. I thought I was dead. I thought I was in hell. Some more nurses came and moved me to another ward. They talked to me, and I was expecting some horrendous torture to start at any point. I was looking out of the window at my hometown which I knew well and I thought it was all some hellish copy. My mother came to visit me and I thought she was simply a copy of my real mother, a citizen of Hell.
I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. I tried to get up and leave and was forcefully carried back to the bed. I couldn't sleep, but I just lied down completely hopeless and preparing myself for the real hell to start.
This carried on for a few hours. There was no real resolution, no sudden moment of sober clarity. Eventually they told me I could leave, and I walked back home. I laid down and slept for about 12 hours. I woke up and still thought I was in hell. The belief slowly dissipated over the next few days, but it comes back every single time I do LSD. I am not the same person I was before then.
As to how much danger I was in of physical death or other problems, I don't know. But mentally, that was the worst experience of my life. And it's not a particularly uncommon one.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2017</td><td width="90">ExpID: 110692</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 21</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 6, 2018</td><td>Views: 8,231</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=110692&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=110692&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Cocaine (13), Amphetamines (6), Ketamine (31), LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">.75 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">100 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(capsule)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">100 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(capsule)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">100 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(capsule)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">100 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(capsule)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">.33 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 bumps</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ketamine/">Ketamine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">73 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Keta LSD and too much MDMA
Some background info is I had used LSD 4 times, MDMA in ecstasy pills 9 times, ketamine 3 times, 25I and 25C a couple of times, and speed once, most experiences were mixing these drugs. I also smoke cannabis daily and have had my fair share of alcohol. fairly confident tripper.
So at about 10:30pm, we had just gotten off the train at southern cross station, we were about a five minute walk from my favourite nightclub, so I dropped ¾ of a tab of LSD while my friends and I were at the station toilets. I’m already in a good mood because I love this nightclub, as I’ve had so many great times there.
We were waiting in line till around 11:10, and I swear I can feel it already. I know that if I’m feeling it so soon then it’s going to be a strong trip, so I went straight to the toilets as soon as I was in cloudnine and dropped 100mg of MDMA in a capsule, because MDMA helps combat the anxiety from LSD (at least for me anyway).
It’s crowded. It’s one of the clubs biggest nights of the year. I am thinking about how strict the bouncers are going to be tonight, on people going into the toilets to take their drugs. I am thinking that it’s going to be quite an effort to drop later on, and I’m not really feeling the 1st cap of MDMA yet. THIS IS WHERE I FUCKED UP. I thought, “Okay, what’s the time?” I took a quick glance at my phone and saw the digits 1, 5 and 0. My mind being all trippy and shit, tells me that these numbers mean 1:50pm, so I ducked into the toilets again while I saw my chance, to drop another cap because I’m feeling a little awkward while dancing and want to get rolling.
The toilet is interesting, all the textures on the wall, the patterns, even the way the piss has fallen onto the toilet seat was so graceful that I just wanted to look at it for hours, I found this hilarious, the fact that something so cringe worthy still has a beauty to it. But I better keep my shit together because otherwise the bouncer will notice the cubical has been closed for a long time. I left the toilet and met up with my friends.
I told my partner that I just had my 2nd cap. She gave me a surprised, slightly concerned look and says “Already?! How long has it been?” I pull out my phone thinking “Fuck, wait a second, there is no way I have been here for over 2 hours already.” I look at my phone screen. To my horror it is only 11:50. So I am only just about to start feeling the first cap, and I just took my second, that’s when I knew I was in for a ride. I started feeling it HARD. For the next hour or so I was just sitting down getting more and more munted, everything was manifesting so fast and hard I could not stand for too long or even keep a conversation going. This is the most MDMA I have consumed in such a short space of time that I am becoming increasingly worried. It usually only takes me a couple of 70mg hits of MDMA to roll all night. So what if it’s too much? I start to get intense eye wobbles, making visuals go insane, colours were brightening, the music was sounding so good. The ground is breathing. The lights are morphing in beautiful ways. But now my teeth are chattering, I literally cannot stop my jaw from bouncing up and down so fast that it is starting to alarm me. Now my legs are shaking. At this point I am thinking through all the signs of an overdose to try and see if I am about to have one, in case I need to get help. Seizures, freak outs, cold and hot sweats, knees giving way, unable to talk coherently, vomiting. To be honest at this point I felt like I was on the brink of all of the above. But nothing to extraordinary happened and I started to feel better, like I can get up and dance with my partner and friends.
That little trip I had, wondering if I was going to overdose, knowing I was very close to being hospitalised, and thinking about how close to disaster that could have been, scared shit out of me. I felt like I have gained a sort of respect for MDMA, I must treat it wisely and I can have the best times of your life. However if I push it too far, I might take the scariest ride of my life. It was a reminder that when I go out, I usually hold enough drugs in one hand that would kill a man if taken irresponsibly. I find myself concerned about my friends, knowing that they also had a large amount and could possibly overdose if taken recklessly, made me want to go and tell them how careful they need to be. So I did, I asked my friends what they have had and when, to get an idea of what their attitudes were towards being careful with drugs. They all respond with somewhat educated answers. This made me confident that they would not be silly and munt themselves to oblivion.
My concern intrigues me, I think about how I must really be attached to these friends if I find myself worrying about them to the point where I have to make verbal and physical communication with them in order to feel comfortable again and enjoy my night. I think about the reactions they were giving me when I told them that I almost fucked myself up. They were somewhat disappointed with my carelessness but glad that I have learnt my lesson, because they care about me and would hate to see me in horrible a freak out or overdose.
Throughout the rest of the night I had another third of a blotter tab of LSD, two more 100mg caps of MDMA and 2 bumps of Ketamine, This combination is one of my absolute favourites, LSD makes me so happy and makes everything so interesting, and the music sounds amazing, then adding the roll from MDMA that keeps me dancing for hours and when I start feeling sloppy, I have a bump of K to kick things back up. But it's important for me to keep them all in balance.
Overall it was an amazing night but never again will I be so careless on the time of my dosages.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2014</td><td width="90">ExpID: 103827</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 18</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 6, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,278</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=103827&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=103827&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">MDMA (3), LSD (2) : General (1), Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Club / Bar (25)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">60 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
TIME : 7.15pm 02/06/2018
DOSAGE : 2 blots ~350 mics
I have done acid 9 times before this. I have had my experience with cannabis, alcohol, MDMA one time, datura one time. I am a above average college student pursuing Computer science and I am very interested with Artificial intelligence, philosophy, chemistry and science in general.
I made up my mindset before this trip by no one ever could have ever ready me for what I was to experience in the journey ahead. I took 2 blots with my friend who is 2 years younger than me. He took half a blot as it was his first time. My school friends A and F stopped by my home just after I took the blots. I told them to not to give any bad thoughts beforehand.
At about 7.45 pm I felt the acid kicking in. That surge of LSD through my brain rendered me anxious and excited. I started smiling uncontrollably.
At about 8.10 pm my friends left my place and me and R were sitting down in front of my laptop listening to music. The visuals had already begun to take hold. I couldn't place my thoughts in an ordered way so I let myself roam. After about some time, R was taking about this new feeling he was getting that he never felt before. I wanted to guide him properly but I couldn't properly shape the words as per I wanted. We were looking at my abstract wall painting. It has wavy shaped strokes in a ocean blue color. We discussed what we saw in that pattern and turns out we saw the same things, many women were embracing themselves in a protective way. I was baffled by the pattern conditioning pattern and suggestive power of our heads when on self drive. After enjoying the visuals, we decided to go to his place as he had good quality speakers at his place. So we displaced from my place to his.
I had been having temporal alterations at this point. We reached his place and we put on some music. I let him decide the songs as I was still trying to get back control of my mind. After some time, one hour or two, I was starting to get back behind the wheel... the best time in the acid trip. It's when I am still tripping but I can control the trip what so ever. We ate something and talked.
The one thing that hit me very hard was when he told me 'we are all one, and we are all connected'. I realized this thing by my second LSD trip but he got that in the first. I was really proud of him, and I think I guided his trip successfully while tripping myself, The Tripping Trip Sitter. Anyway we talked about life in general, pondered a little about life and death, what lies beyond this realm. We made up a theory about how people get crazy or deemed crazy. It's like there is an astral plane we can't see, but some people due to some inbuilt reasons or drugs, get into this bad negative or the shattered plane and their brains can't process this much 'disinformation', so they are permanently stuck in this plane and cannot get back to the reality plane. This makes them to be deemed crazy and they live through this living plane while their head is still stuck at that plane. Another theory I thought about is there might be a higher intelligent being who formed us and made us experience this consciousness, and what makes us humans human, is something that also made us so that we cannot comprehend what lies in that plane that the being exists. And we humans are coded in such a way that there are this 'bugs' in our codes, and those 'bugs' are the things that makes us human, i.e, unique in different ways. But yet we are all the same and have the same form of energy.
In this search for closure and knowledge, I hope I can at least get near to that higher consciousness. I hope my thirst for knowledge doesn't drive me crazy because my journey has only begun. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I hope my thirst for knowledge doesn't drive me crazy because my journey has only begun.</div></div> There are so many things to experience yet, so many things. This ego of our keeps us drifting through this ordered chaos in the same aforementioned way. Stay hungry Stay happy.
Now, this is about 11pm. This was when things took an unexpected turn. My mom had come from work. I came back from work and I was more talkative than usual. Finally while we were having dinner my mom knew something was not usual. I was also sweating. I revealed that I had taken LSD, and parents being parents, that too my mom being a doctor having an orthodox view about these substances and drugs, lost her cool. She became chaotic and we had our infamous 'fight'. I tried my level best to make her explain that I know what I am doing and I didn't take drugs without doing the prior research. But it was in vain. I also cried thinking about death and how it is approaching my grandparents. But finally I calmed her down and she went to sleep.
I couldn't sleep so I drifted through my thoughts and wandered. In the morning I got myself ready and went to our hospital's new unit's inauguration. I was in an impatient state and to go out in the real normal life while not being so normal, it's hard to keep level-headed. But somehow I made through it. It was ironic that I was on drugs, and I went to a hospital. <!--Psychedelics should be handled with care as too much of it can remove that filter from our heads that keeps us sane or 'normal'. -->But finally, somehow, after what seemed like ages I was back home, and I went off to sleep. When I got up I was still my extra conscious, but I was back to normal self, the old patterns and habits started taking hold. Yet in a certain way, every time I trip on LSD, I change parts of myself in a good way. But we have to be really careful with substances like this, as there is only a fine line between the vast unexplored planes of the consciousness. My next trip will be after a long time. Peace to everyone out there and keep spreading knowledge and information.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2018</td><td width="90">ExpID: 112000</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 22</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 10, 2018</td><td>Views: 812</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=112000&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=112000&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">150 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 2:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ketamine/">Ketamine</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
<span class="erowid-note">[Erowid Note:
Claims of measured microgram dosages for LSD are usually unsupported. Quantitative measurements for LSD are very difficult to do and cannot be done casually. Without further detailed information about how the measurements were derived, it is reasonable to assume that most statements of microgram dosages of LSD on blotter or in microdots are either misinformed or overstated.]</span>
I took two hits of LSD which roughly ranged at 500ug at 4pm along with a 150mg dosage of MDMA.
Two hours along me and a friend sat in a graveyard and visuals and euphoria had started. The grass was flowing in the wind leaving trails of entire color spectrum which would drift upwards and eventually dissolve into the air. My friend's face would morph and age into a skeleton. The euphoria was so intense I couldn’t stop saying how good I was feeling, I just wanted to close my eyes and embrace it. I layed down against a tree and gazed at a tree in the near distance. It was turning purple and morphing, it started smiling at me and waving. This was a rather nice thing to see and made my euphoria even better.
We met up with another good friend of ours and he instantly noticed I was tripping as I had the biggest smile on my face as well as black eyes as my pupils were very dilated. As we walked up a hill the ground was covered in the same pattern in-which I see on every single LSD trip. Its almost like millions of giant snow flakes covering the floor which slowly spinned. (I even sometimes see this when I’m not tripping due to my HPPD). We sat down on a small wall and I would gaze up above at the trees covering us. The leaves would make beautiful patterns and the rays of light would come through which would bend and leave amazing rays of spectrums.
By this time the LSD was only starting to hit its peak. I decided to take a line of crystal ketamine which was roughly 125mg. I started to feel weightless and as if I could fly (which I was [in my mind]). I could see everything below me from a birds eye view as I flew around the area. I then suddenly teleported back to where I was, sitting on a wall, which seemed to be growing in size height wise and lengthwise. It felt like I was on a roller coaster and seemed a bit scary because I thought I was going to fall off from a great height when it was actually only 4 ft high.
Then suddenly it started to snow. I was weirded out by this because it seemed so real, I could feel snowflakes fall on me and everything was turning white. I blinked and the snow had gone. I then sat back on the wall, and what seemed to be my vision was actually just a mirror, I could see myself in front of me, and I got freaked out by this because I thought that I was in the matrix. My vision then shattered into a million pieces and the ‘mirror’ seemed to fall on the floor and disappear.
I then started to get a lot of negative emotions running through me and started to have a rather bad trip as my friends turned into devils. One of them played music loud into my ear which caused me to burst out dancing and everything around me turned into a big giant rave (I literally was warped into a memory of a previous rave I went to) and I saw and spoke to a lot of people who were actually there and calmed me down from my bad trip.
Then they all disappeared as my friend turned the music off. We decided to take another large line of ketamine which was about 150mg. Once it kicked in my vision became half-mirrored horizontally. It felt as if I could see underground which seemed to be fire, full of demons, angels and snow. I thought I was going to fall into it but I shut my eyes and came back to the wall which then began to stretch and go up and down which was quite overwhelming but exciting.
I decided to then go home because everything was getting too intense for me. As I walked home the world around me was changing. I could see aliens with rather large heads turning a handle which would cause the world to morph and change. The trees would disappear and re-appear in different colors and sizes. Alien spacecraft’s would appear out of nowhere which were getting rather close to me. I didn’t like this as I felt that the world we lived in wasn’t real and that everything was just a hologram. I managed to talk myself out of this as I knew I was just becoming delusional from the LSD (which usually happens at large doses with me). Once I finally got home after a long trippy walk I crawled into bed after railing another two lines of ket. I then had a beautiful k-hole which is indescribable so I wont bother trying. I woke up 6 hours later and still getting visuals which were just purple things floating around my rooms and the cheshire cat beside my bed.
Most of the things I saw on this trip are un-describible as one would have to experience it themself to truly know the potential and intensity of what they actually are. I missed a lot of the trip out as I cant put it into words. This trip wasn’t very spiritual to me as I took a lot of everything. If I were looking for a spiritual LSD experience, I would do a low dosage, and no ketamine! This was a mind-blowing ‘out of this universe’ experience.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2011</td><td width="90">ExpID: 91166</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 17</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 8, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,290</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=91166&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=91166&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), MDMA (3), Ketamine (31) : Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">20 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/2cb/">2C-B</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">70 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
The new year was coming, and I decided that I'd start it with a bang.
The first 2 tabs of Lucy were dropped around 10 pm, on the way to the pub in town. When we arrived at around half 10, I was surprised to see a lot of my old mates from school who I hadn't seen for about 3 months since starting at university. It was absolutely great catching up with all of them - seeing that they were all well and happy made me happy. Conversation was fairly fluid as the first effects of the acid started to take hold.
The college campus<!--Oxford--> was looking as beautiful as ever, the acid only making it more so. Walking around <!--past the Radcliffe Camera and -->marveling at its beauty sent tingles down my spine. Even having lived there for so many years, I would still call it one of the most beautiful cities in the world. As we walked towards the venue, and the clock struck 11, I decided that this is when I'd take the 2C-B; around this time, my mates started to take their MDMA as well. When we got into the drum n bass concert at around half 11, Flava D was playing a very good set. I slowly squeezed my way to the front and started raving. By now the LSD was almost in full force. Amazingly animated patterns nucleating from the coloured lights started to spontaneously present themselves against the dark roof.
As it approached midnight we congregated as our entire group near the back to countdown. For the first time in a fairly long time, I felt fully satisfied about my life, and was confident it would improve a lot in the coming times. I had the most amazing and caring group of friends, and could really have not asked for anything more, to be honest.
After a while I could start to sense the euphoric push of the 2C-B, although the extent to which it enhanced the LSD visuals is dubious. Near the front, the blaring music was able to pierce my heart as I felt my entire body completely synergise with it. It is safe to say that I was really really enjoying myself.
When I started to feel a bit warm, me and a few friends went out to the smoking area to cool down. It is always a good idea to cool down and take frequent breaks, especially on MDMA as this reduces the amount of neurotoxicity it can exert. Staying hydrated is important too, even if the water costs quite a bit.
At around 1, I decided I'd take half a bean. Doing this was a bit of a task as it had no split line and I had to bite it off. Luckily though I managed. This one kicked in in a bit under an hour later, when SASASAS were starting their set, and this took me to a new dimension. Normally I would find this dose quite underwhelming on its own, and would not really bother with it, but here its synergy with both of the psychedelics was unparalleled. Euphoria was pouring out of everywhere, and everything looked truly beautiful. All sorts of stimuli were being intensified as my sensory organs were being pushed into overdrive. I heard the lights and felt the music.
At around 3am, we had to leave to catch our taxis. It was quite disappointing leaving, as SASASAS were killing it. All in all, that was one of the most amazing nights I'd ever experienced in my life.
But it does not end here.
When we got back to the house, we rolled some zoots and went to the park to smoke it. As we did, I realised what a perfect moment this was. Everyone was happy and being really lovey dovey from the MDMA. There were lots of hugs, and the most relaxing music was being played on a speaker. I suddenly realised - this is what life is all about.
At that moment, it struck me as to what I'd been truly missing these last 3 months. I'd just buried myself in my education way too much, working for most of the day every single day and barely socialising. Although it did pay off, it was clearly not sustainable and ended up damaging my mental health by the end of the term. This emphasised heavily the importance of stable mental health in being successful. If I compromise it then at some point I will be heavily impaired. I must remember the things important to me that stabilise my mental health - friends and loved ones. Use their support in times of trouble and most importantly, never ever take them for granted.
At around 7 in the morning, it was daylight. I was feeling quite tired by now, although the psychedelic visuals were still up. I fell asleep looking at some wall decorations of alternating elephants and fish, moving and swimming along in single file. What a beautiful way to end the night.
I awoke around midday. To my surprise, I was feeling absolutely splendid. This was one of the greatest afterglows I was experiencing. After watching a movie and lazing around a bit with my mates, I finally leave for home. All in all, this was the best New Years I have ever spent in my 19 years of age.<!--As a final note, I wouldn't recommend inexperienced people to try this combination, and if you did decide to, make sure you have some sort of benzodiazepine or antipsychotic to kill the trip should things go south.--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2016</td><td width="90">ExpID: 109781</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 10, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,760</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=109781&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=109781&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">MDMA (3), LSD (2), 2C-B (52) : Various (28), Hangover / Days After (46), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:45</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco - Cigarettes</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">160 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I was at a party with my friends and we were waiting on E, which eventually never came around, so our buddy offered us acid for $10 a hit. I took my first hit around 9:45pm that night. At around 10:45 I barely felt anything, but had extreme euphoria.
By about 11:00pm, me and my friend 'Jack' decided to take a walk up to the goat farm up the road. We always went up there drunk looking to kill a goat. I took my second hit when we got up there. I got up to a goat and just started to pet it as I looked at 'Jack' and said 'Do I punch it?' We both decided it didn't seem right to do so. About that time we heard a loud crash that started echoing in my head and ran.
Back at the party around midnight we went on the roof and played with the shapes of the clouds. The visuals made it possible to separate them in the sky with my fingers. Back in the house I saw “Jacks” girlfriend walking around like a ghost. The tracers got really intense from then on.
<span class="erowid-caution">[Erowid Note:
Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. <a href="/chemicals/show_image.php?i=dmt/dmt_contraindications1.gif">Don't do it!</a>]</span>
Around 2:00am, me, “Jack”, and “Mark” decided to go to our friend 'Mary's' house. We drove up the road as it swerved left and right. It was coming at me in all different directions. We got on the highway and all the lights were neon streaks. A Maryland State Trooper drove by us so we decided to go left into a parking lot to get away, even though he already drove by. It seemed like a good idea at the time. So for about 20 minutes “Jack” and “Mark” are trying to direct me out of the parking lot as we’re just going in circles. Eventually we exited after nearly going into oncoming traffic.
When we finally got to “Mary’s” neighborhood it was like driving in fairy tale land. All white houses with white picket fences. We pulled into a long driveway and kind of got lost there. We went back and forth. When I realized I was tripping out too hard to back up, we looked for a place in this driveway to turn around. Mind you it’s past 2:30am in some neighborhood we barely know. We thought there was a field to the right I could turn my truck into, but it looked like it dropped off into a cliff. When neither of them would get out to check, I put on the brake and went and petted the grass to make sure it was level. It was, so I proceeded to go through and turn around.
When we left the neighborhood we went to Denny’s where all our friends were. Only 4 of us went in, and that’s where I really started to trip. I sat at the marble table as it seemed to smear and fold all over itself. The hairs on my arm started waving like I was under water. When I decided I’m tripping to hard, I just walked out freaking out hardcore but maintained to keep my cool. When I attempted to drive back to the house with “Mark”, I stalled the truck out twice. Driving an automatic would have been the more logical thing to do.
When we got back, I took another hit and the rest is history. My mind was pretty gone. I don’t know how I was able to walk around at that point. I vaguely remember chewing on my shirt and beating a drum along with staring at myself in the mirror for over and hour because of how crazy my face was changing. My shadows made me look like Jesus and I smoked over 2packs of cigarettes in less than 6 hours. I tripped for a good 14hours.
I recommend tripping if you’re NOT DRIVING. Granted it was the most fun thing I’ve ever done in my life, it was probably also the dumbest. I really SHOULD have died with my friends. DO NOT DRIVE.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2007</td><td width="90">ExpID: 63774</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 17, 2018</td><td>Views: 848</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=63774&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=63774&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Beer/Wine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">80 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Before this I took LSD about 5 times, starting with a microdose, gradually up to 240 ug.
My friend N. Pick me up and I took 3 tabs of Kali Yuga x 110 ug, claimed by vendor at 99% purity, made from the swiss bliss crystal.
T+20 min: I felt that it is going to be the deepest trip in my life.
T+40 min: I was sitting in a car while girls were shopping. The gray fence in my right was dancing like a snake and was my last connection with reality.
T+1 hour: somewhere from a distance I observed our company arriving to a wonderful loft apartment in the middle of the city. N. asked me to take a bag from his car, but I stared into eternity in response.
T+1:30: I remember lying on the couch, as usual, and N. tried to set up music.
T+2 hours: immediately after that I saw him lying on the floor and screaming with a smile: HOW DID WE GET HERE? WHO AM I? as his wife was nearby and calming him down. Then he stood up and asked: How do you like this, guys?
*** there was me, N. And his wife, Also we were expecting D. and his wife S. was already with us. ***
Somewhere at that time I was completely sure that I was dead, I was observing N. having the best time in his life as S. asked me - is this okay? I told her that N. is god now. Then I told all them that I almost could not see them because I was seeing only fractals and eternity. There was no understanding of time, who I was, what was my name and if I was doing something in my life. I understood that there was no point in any fear, even of death, because even if I die, I will be reborn and I will meet exactly these souls in their mortal shells, and we will get whacked as usual. And this already happened countless times. This was the moment I realised that at 330ug we really need sitters, but there was no fear. Fear was pointless.
I saw future and past, I was a god. I was beyond particles, I was energy. Then we all danced in joy, drawn with crayons and listened to our favourite music. Our bodies also needed to eat and to drink. Of course we also smoked weed and drank wine. We were dressed in comfortable clothes, we were shamans.
When D. Finally arrived, he was running to join us, shrefding his suit and jumping into sweatpants as I was crying from happiness that he finally arrived. Than N. waited until D. was hit by LSD and told him:
'D. Remember your worst childhood nightmares and face them' to which D. responded: 'There are none, I am god.' Then we ate pizza and ice cream.
All this looped for eternity as we explored the apartment, revealing new rooms and activities. I was thinking that I wanted my girlfriend to be here with us, but she was not ready yet. I also realised that I love seeing people so happy and I was willing to break law and morals to see people happy. Their tears of joy shined upon my mortal body and cleansed my soul.
Next day 11 in the morning (now tripping almost 20 hours)
I have not slept all this time as sleep was meaningless. When my body felt tired, I just had to shift my attention to my hand that was drawing tantric symbols, as I was trying to compose my personality in silence. N. took his car home, as he then told - he was driving completely safe, his body was just going home automatically.
About 16:00 next day I came home, threw my clothes on the floor, turned on video of guided meditation by Alan Watts and went into a meditation that lasted until 22:00. Then I ate some rice, checked my email and went to sleep, smiling at my future and being so intrigued of what will happen after I die. I knew that the best part is ahead.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2017</td><td width="90">ExpID: 111006</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 29</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 11, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,000</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=111006&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=111006&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">100 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
First of all I've been in love with this substance the first time I tried it about a year ago its absolutely incredible...
This was my second time to trip on lsd... I took two hits with a girl I dont kno and with sum friends that were rolling(x)...we were at my friend M's house which is where every1 usually goes to trip...
So my trip kicked in and I was lovin it of course and my friend M had one of those electric light things when you touch it the electricity moves with ur finger and is all in different colors and some go with the music ur listening to...well me and this girl became absolutely mesmerized in the beauty of this thing and played with it for around an hour or more and watched the lights dance and follow our fingers and we also saw dancing men dancing around the world in it...
After a while of playing with the light I thought of something to do which was start a bonfire outside in M's backyard, M was like hell yea lets do it but I dont have any wood. So we ended up using this wooden dresser that no one used and me and him had to carry it down the stairs outside and got the other girl that was trippin with me (I'll just call her shelly), we got outside and we were still mesmerized with the beauty of everything and we left mark to set up the bonfire while me and her stood and stared at the grass for about an hour and a half...the grass was like a whole new spiraling world of mysterious beauty it was wonderful...
About maybe 4 hours into the trip me and shelly walked back inside to see the 2 ppl rolling sittin in the kitchen me and shelly walked in there for sum reason which I cant recall and I'm sure we forgot anyway but we looked at each other in the eye and started talkin to each other through our MINDS! It was telepathy and we were like holy shit can u hear me and she was like yea I'm hearin u and I was like this is insane!! And she was like omg this is craaazy but this was all said in our heads and the two ppl rolling were looking at us like wut the fuck?! (me and shelly were talkin back and forth with our minds but also using lots of hand gestures and just looking at each other)
Me and shelly continued to stare each other in the eye and read each others minds, our eyes and minds were completely connected it was so weird I dont know how to explain it and when our eyes were connected all we saw were each others warped faces, our faces would stay where they were and I watched her body float up and dance in the air with her head still as it should kinda reminded me of one of those cat clocks, where the cats head stays still but its body ticks
I was sick of being inside I had such a yearning for the outdoors so everyone else stayed inside and I went outside and sat at a table by myself and watched a tree/bush across his yard for a while....the bush started swirling into infinityand it changed into a dragon swirling a few times it was wonderfully beautiful, but after about 1:30 or so I went back inside to socialize...
It was early in the morning and I was starting to come down now, but patterns and colors were still swirling and making their way in my field of vision.
All in all every trip I've had has been wonderful I dont think theres a better drug out there, LSD is magical and purely spiritual...I feel so at home and at place in the world and pretty much all knowing (or at least I do)...<!--lsd is a mind and eye opener I recommend for anyone and everyone(as long as u dont have any present mental issues) but --> LSD is beautiful and should be treated with respect...theres nothing better or a more incredible feeling than being on it...<!--and if you are a first time tripper trip with friends, they are comforting and more importantly a lot more fun to have someone sharing the same experience and going on the same adventure as well...remember there is no such thing as a bad trip! Just be smart the only way you can freak out is if YOU freak urself out...--> Me and my friends have never had any bad trips by keeping open minds and stay happy, no worries, and wel have the most beautiful, amazing, enlightening experience ever!!!<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2006</td><td width="90">ExpID: 52711</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 17, 2018</td><td>Views: 826</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=52711&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=52711&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Relationships (44), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">0.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">123 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I am a female in my early 20s and lets just say I've hit my 'mid-life crisis' about 25 years early. You see, I'm not your ordinary person, though I may appear to be. I used to consider myself 'classy,' however, I've learned to let myself go to an extent and have become more down to earth on my never-ending search for peace of mind. I have no idea what is ahead of me in life, nor do I have a clue what to do with my life. I grew up in an extremely conservative home but have now seen that sometimes grass really is greener on the other side. My childhood was a blessing though sometimes I consider it a curse. I am married and thank god I married a man who has taught me to think and see through the bullshit of our society. I love people, am extremely passionate about poverty, but am stuck in a middle-class society, stuck in college, and feel completely this point I'm such a mess and so confused with things that I may not be of any help to anyone. Its a shame that I am too timid to share my LSD experience with close friends...maybe they are just too damn conservative and would probably 'de-friend' me. As I sat in a design class this morning, I had to bite my tongue to keep myself from telling those around me about my experience.
I had a hell of an amazing night to say the least. Its like my mind opened up and revealed things that I normally lock inside. You see, I can be quite shy and am not one to take such random substances. I used to look down on people for that because I was told it wasn't right. What I did the other night was the best damn thing I could have done for myself. I consider myself in the midst of a depression that I hate. I've been through a lot of shit lately and have watched my husbands health/body deteriorate. I've put up with a lot of shit at my job, have tried to stay in school, though I somehow find myself in the worst of classes, the ones that program me to be a damn robot...not the ones that teach me how to fucking think. (By the way, fucking is a word that one would never hear come out of my mouth back in the day...) Anyway, I've never felt so authentically happy, so real, so alive, and so confident. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I've never felt so authentically happy, so real, so alive, and so confident.</div></div> I've struggled with low self esteem all my life...and my god, this stuff brought out the me that I've always wanted to be. I danced, I sang, I sat on the couch and talked to my husband for hours about things that I would usually prefer to keep to myself. I laughed, I felt relieved....I lived the moment.
I cannot wait for my next experience. I am so excited. Please keep in mind that I've never been one to drink/smoke excessively or take such foreign substances...I've always been that good girl that seemed to be too damn good to really investigate life. LSD was the best damn thing for me and I am so grateful for the wonderful evening that I had with my husband. <!--If I can do it, anyone can...I truly recommend giving it a try. Starting with a small dose is my best advice...No need to over do it. Moderation is key! With love from a lady!--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2006</td><td width="90">ExpID: 57047</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 15, 2018</td><td>Views: 817</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=57047&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=57047&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : First Times (2), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">4 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">125 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
After doing shrooms, and ecstasy numerous times I had been wanting something more intense, something that would change my whole aspect on life. I remembered my dads stories about lsd and when he was my age, and thought to myself I need to try it.
I asked around for months for this substant and know one had any idea where to get some. Until this one day one of my friends told me he had just took some the weekend before that was named Sunshine Acid. My heart instantly started racing when I heard that. That day after school, we went to the dealers house and finally got a hold of it.
Me and another friend took our doses that coming weekend at about 6 o'clock at night, and headed downtown on our skateboards to the skatepark.
One and a half hours of skating had gone by and we had hardly felt anything, so we started thinking it was bunk.
Another half an hour had went by, and I could feel a weird , but good body high come on to me. I looked at my friend and told him we better start heading out....
We were walking by the park which had alot of trees, almost like a forest. The trees started reaching over us on the road and the grass on the ground started turning bright colors. This was still the begining
After another hour of skating town, not knowing where to go, we realized we were way to high to skate, so we decided to head to a friends. When we showed up there, there was loud music being played, Tool I recall. When I got inside the peak hit me. I was zoned out to the walls mealting down to the floor too faces coming out of the wall.
Zoned out to the walls for about a half an hour, I told someone to plug in a movie. They put in chronicals of narnia(crazy on lsd). I had never seen that movie before, and the only thing I remember from it was wolves coming out of no where, and they freaked the shit out of me. After an half an hour of that we decided to get a ride home.
It was now about 10pm, and we were still peaking, heading home in a car. They dropped us off a block from my house, and made us walk in the dark. I remember walking up the street and seeing big cracks in the ground, and orange stuff coming out of the cracks, almost like lava. The trees around us were spiraling up high in the ski, and were white with little color on it. Everything had seemed so detailed. Finally we had arrived in my house.....
I instantly layed in my bed with the lights off and just zoned out. In my head I could see shapes and patterns changing color, and I kept hearing car horns, and other strange sounds. I had then thought I had lost my mind completly. I kept telling myself that I had lost my mind.
After being scared for about an hour my friend asked me if I wanted to play some video games. I usually didnt like video games until I decided to try it out on acid. This calmed me down way more. That and the weed.
We played games until we seen light out side, and decided to go to bed before my mom woke up to go to work. We sat in the room trying to go to sleep but it just wouldnt work. I'm always moving your body around. We ended up pulling and all nighter not getting any sleep.<!--If you are wanting to try lsd, I recomend it. I think that everyone needs to try it, because it did change my accpect of life.--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2006</td><td width="90">ExpID: 57582</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 17, 2018</td><td>Views: 891</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=57582&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=57582&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), First Times (2), Various (28)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance">Pharms - Escitalopram</td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/2ce/">2C-E</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/2ci/">2C-I</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/dmt/">DMT</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">160 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Roughly two years ago I took my last trip with research chemicals. By the time I had got to that point I had done my fair share of research chemicals since I had it in ample supply. I had done 2C-I, 2C-E, 2CT-7, and 2CT-2 all with trips ranging from the boring to the extremely pleasant. I never had had a bad trip or negative after effects excluding fatigue the next day. Besides research chemicals I had done other psychedelics: LSD, mushrooms and 5-MeO DMT with the same results.
The reason I mention this is because by the time I had begun experiencing with psychedelics I had been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized anxiety disorder and had been prescribed Lexapro. The Lexapro actually did wonders for me, curtailing significantly my depression and anxiety to the point where I felt fine. So before I began experimenting with psychedelics I read what possible effects it could have on my mental health. I read that it could exacerbate my depression and anxiety so I started out slow and no such thing happened to me, I felt fine and enjoyed my trips. Usually before I tripped, I would not take my prescribed Lexapro the day before so I could feel the psychedelics more. This was true for about a year and a half of psychedelic usage.
Then one night I decided to take 2C-I, which by then was a common thing, with my friend. I took 25 mg and went to another friends house to hang out. When I got there someone offered me 25 mg of 2C-E and I took it without thinking too much about it. The trip was usual, interesting and fun with lots of visuals until the very end. I started to become a bit overwhelmed by the constant visuals, everything was moving and nothing was staying still. I also started getting a feeling that I was passing some 'threshold' some indescribable place in my mind that I didn't want to go to but I was regardless of what I wanted. I felt uncomfortable but not enough to make a fuss about it.
After the effects went away I got a horrible headache that would not go away and I couldn't sleep for hours but when I finally did I slept the whole next day. When I got up I felt fine. I went into the shower to get ready for school but as I was showering I got a familiar feeling that I had not gotten in a year or so; it was panic. I was panicking about nothing like I had in high school. I started having anxiety attacks. That night I called my cousin to smoke me out to see if pot would calm my nerves. As I was smoking my vision got spotty, black dots began to fill my vision and I almost passed out. I threw up a little when I got out of the car we were smoking in.
From than on, for like 3 months I had to struggle with my anxiety and depression once again. I eventually got it in control but never to the same level I had when I had first started taking Lexapro. I also avoided all psychedelics except for marijuana, even though sometimes it did cause anxious episodes for me but for the most part it calmed me down.
My abstinence of all psychedelics ended two months ago. My friend got a hold of LSD and since LSD was my favorite psychedelic I decided to see if I could handle it. I tried it and once again I had a wonderful trip. It was fun and I enjoyed myself greatly. Unfortunately the next day my anxiety started acting up again and I felt anxious for two weeks to an unusual and uncomfortable degree. I told myself that was it and I had to come to grips that even though psychedelics were enjoyable to me, I could not take them.
That was until another friend offered me DMT. The amount I smoke wasn't a lot at all, I did not have an overwhelming all encompassing experience that I have read about but I did feel it. I smoked what she had left over. That did not cause post trip anxiety but it could have been the fact I did not smoke that much.
Since that I have not done any other psychedelics, excluding the mild psychedelic that is marijuana and I'm committed to not doing them anymore because I don't want to risk exacerbating my depression or anxiety even they have provided me some incredibly enjoyable and beautiful experiences.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2010</td><td width="90">ExpID: 92480</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 20</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 18, 2018</td><td>Views: 6,206</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=92480&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=92480&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Pharms - Escitalopram (304), 2C-I (172), 2C-E (137), LSD (2), DMT (18) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Medical Use (47), Depression (15), Hangover / Days After (46), Not Applicable (38)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/alprazolam/">Pharms - Alprazolam</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 cup</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/caffeine/">Caffeine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 bowl</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">10 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/hydrocodone/">Hydrocodone</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">5 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/zolpidem/">Pharms - Zolpidem</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco - Cigarettes</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Beer/Wine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">10 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/hydrocodone/">Hydrocodone</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">.5 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/alprazolam/">Pharms - Alprazolam</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">120 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I got pretty wired yesterday (3 days ago) I had a pretty difficult experience with LSD. I am a common user of the drug and other psychedelics. First off I would like to clear the air with a bit of personal information-
I am somewhat of a psychonaut, very intrigued by drugs and their different effects and induldge in almost anything recreational. I also have a very addictive personality (which in my case of being a psychonaut can get me in serious trouble) I am already 100% dependent on primarily Xanax. I have been taking Xanax since I was 16 and I am 21 now; I do not use my Xanax recreationally either it is strictly for my 'flashbacks' and morning/afternoon panic attacks and constant paranoia.
I also used to be addicted to smoking &amp; snorting Methamphetamines (from ages 18-20) and am still recovering from the damage dealt to myself while consuming this- and many other substances constantly for several years. I am also prescribed 10mg Hydrocodone for Chronic back pain &amp; use it only when I cannot bare pain. And rarely (like this trip report) I will use more than needed.
My previous drug experience is like hundreds of other reports you will find <!--here-->online, very deep and I might even be leaving something out but to give you a general idea of my experience with drugs- I have willingly ingested LSD hundreds of times (even though to this day I feel the 'magick' of the drug is leaving and becoming futile to me as a spiritual and learning tool) I loved acid more than almost anything and took it everyday with a friend who sold everything from windowpanes, liquids and blotter out the ears. He lived at my abode for over a year and the entire time we were smoking Ice (meth) and taking boatloads of acid.
I have also been a huge fan of Psilocybin Mushrooms, picking them from local fields here in Texas is perfect as it is always humid and this is pretty much Cattle City down over yonder. With LSD &amp; Mushrooms being my primary 'go-to' psychedelics if I want to have a spiritual adventure.
Other drug experience: I smoked Cannabis every day since I was 11, tried cocaine more than a handful of times and hated it, alcohol, GHB, MDA &amp; MDMA, Salvia Divinorum, DOI, DOM, DOB, 2C-B, 2C-E, 2C-P, Ketamine, MXE, PCP, 5-MeO-DMT, MIPT, 25B-NBOMe, 25C-NBOMe, 25i-NBOMe, Nitrous, Synthetic Cannabis, Oxycodone, Morphine (anally), Belladonna &amp; Bath Salts.
REPORT: (will not give times as the day itself was hard to keep up with, plus time was not a necessity for me so I had no way to keep track once the acid picked up)
That morning I took my morning dose of 1mg Alprazolam (my coffee)and smoked a bowl or two of cannabis on my porch. I had also ingested a small dark-green blotter tab. It was a bit thick but did not worry as I have come across pretty much any form of acid from then til' now and was excited to have a little day-trip going soon.
The tabs were not too strong, I could easily take 1 and go about my daily tasks after the first 2 or 3 hours with a lingering bodily stimulation/weirdness and a rather clear head. Great feelings of introspection and reminiscing of childhood. I would reach a ++ once it peaked (after around 2 and a half hours of taking the blotter)
The first effects felt was a cool buzz from the Xanax, generally a feeling of moderate sedation with slight euphoria and a sort of care-free 'I do not give a fuck' kind of feeling. The Cannabis syncs well with this as it replaces the I don't give a fucks with a sensation of something resembling the after-glow of a powerful psychedelic experience. Everything was cool and I was feeling zen as can be. The wind was blowing smoothly and the sun was out, shining with radiance through the trees and the whole street just seemed lit-up with the light of the sun in a way I had never seen before. I usually trip at night and have only experienced day-tripping maybe a few handfuls of times so this was a special feeling.
The acid was kicking in and I noticed the first effects by a moderate feeling of miss-coordination. As if I did not know what I was doing for a second, I found myself going from sitting in my lawn-chair holding onto the arm-rests and crossing my legs frequently as the coming on was hitting. (aprox 1hr after ingestion) After the bodily effects started to become apparent, (mainly a buzzing in the extremities, and a relaxed feeling in the chest, moderate stimulation of the body and mind, my thoughts seemed to pour out all over the place and this made me even more dizzy and uncoordinated)
Things first started getting trippy once I went out to the back yard to sit under a pecan tree with my dog. I was laying in the grass and the grass began to breathe in the distance. Like small hills were starting to protrude and shrink in the distance, the wood grain in the trees started becoming more define and seemed to be drawn by some great-artist.
I was sweating a little and my mouth was completely dry with a lingering taste of some kind of substance (like I had a mouthful of pennies or copper) These symptoms only seemed to get more exaggerated until I was out of it for a little while. I was listening to Riders on the Storm and the wind blew the grass perfectly, I felt the wind go through me as the sun beamed its radiant light down on my body. All I did was give a long drawn-out sigh of intensity and relief at the same time.
Things in my peripheral seemed to be glowing brightly and there were trails behind any movement. I got up and did a dance, but the dance seemed to come from some higher authority that had commanded my body to do such-
I was dancing in circles around a tree and humming to myself, eventually ending in a native-American like chant. I do this often while peaking on psychedelics as it feels great to let go of yourself and let the drug do its work. I was having a Pink Floyd moment, Everything was so alive and beautiful, with a touch of pain and that need to 'Freak out and let go' or as I call it - the acid edge.
The edgy paranoia I get occasionally from acid turns into an episode of letting go of my ego and speaking in the language of what I can only think of is the higher consciousness, and the acid is letting me tune in to it.<!--This is where a lot of people get paranoid because they either 1.) do not know how to handle the contained intensity and excitement, 2.) are too afraid to lose themselves to something that involves both pain and beauty, 3.) they are too far out to do anything but think and be influenced by this authority like figure.-->
There were starry patterns in the grass and they glistened like diamonds and gleamed with colors of vibrant greens, glowing goldish-yellows and some faint hues of red, especially in the trees.
I took a few deep breathes and went in the house after spending around 2 hours outside. I plugged in The Final Cut by Pink Floyd and cried my eyes out to The Turning Away, but they were tears of forgiveness to myself and anyone who has wronged me, I felt slightly responsible for all these things, even things that were completely out of my control. But inside me I felt somehow I could change things and manipulate them into being in perfect harmony. But this was the painful part for me- realizing there are things that are going to happen in my life without my control and I needed to find a way to bare with it, or find a way I can help as many people as possible.
After smiling til my jaw hurt I lay down and called my buddy George who was going to pick me up.
I took 10mgs of Vicodin to dull some pain I was experiencing in my lower back. LSD was giving me a strange sensation of electricity which was cool and reminded me strangely of mushrooms.. I was happy and high. Smoking weed began to become a real chore as I did not feel like fiddling with the utensils and the weed itself as it was a challenge to do this as I am completely awe-struck and already in a perfect place.
I put another .5mg of Xanax in a small baggy with another 10mg hydrocodone. I also took 5mg's of Ambien for no reason what-so-ever. I would save the Hydro and the Xanax for the comedown.
Once George picked me up the acid was almost long-gone. It had only been around 5 hours, I was still tripping very very slightly, the visuals came to a halt other than things seemed a bit four-dimensional still, the colors were still greatly enhanced as well as my mood. George and I were about to head to a friends house to hang out for the rest of the day and night, we picked up 2 12 packs of Shiner Bock on the way with my ID as George has no ID.
The Hydrocodone came on well and relaxed my tense back and legs. We strolled to a friends house (Aaron) and we began to smoke out. We smoked 4-5 bong bowls between 5 people and two joints. We also each took our own 'personal' hit out of Aarons homemade 7 footer bong which resulted in hot nasty smoke and a lot of coughing. I was stoned and relaxed, the edge came back a bit after smoking though but I could speak coherent sentences at this point.
I forgot to mention at this point I had been chain-smoking American Spirit cigarettes. I typically go through about 40 cigarettes when I am on LSD. This is bad too, not only because im smoking cigarettes but the mucous production becomes very, very hard and nasty. Especially by the end of the trip I will be finding it hard to breathe from my nose without trying to cough up a huge mucous ball.
We were listening to Living Out Of Touch by Kingdom Come and I decided to hop on the wagon with my friends who had already started drinking. I grabbed a shiner and slammed it in about 3 seconds before grabbing another and plopping on the couch in Aarons backyard to converse with another friend Dawn &amp; George.
Before we even got there George had been calling around for a gram or two of DMT but was unlucky and decided to take Acid with me, he offered dawn 2 tabs of the same dark green blotter, she put them in her mouth and spat them out after 10 minutes. She did not trip. George had 6 more tabs and offered 2 to his younger brother Kai who abstained from LSD many years ago. He rejected and Aaron had already headed to sleep as he had been awake working 2 days in a row high on amphetamine and nights of consistently slamming beer and smoking reefer.
So George said fuck it its just you and me man as he split the 6 hits down the middle and handed me 3. He took his 3 on the spot, as did I.
At this moment I am feeling:
- somewhat apprehensive of the effects to come
- body is relaxed yet a lingering electric-stimulation
- stoned and high as a kite
- head is a bit cloudy now due to the combo of 4 downers I attribute it to the completely random Ambien dose as it seems to usually make my imagination run wild to the point im thinking myself to death before I pass out from pure mental exhaustion.
- happy and euphoric, kind of messed up from the alcohol and pills
Over all so far I am still sitting at what I consider a +1 on the Shulgin scale, I can still slightly operate but not 'tripping nuts'
After a hour of more drinking and smoking (aprox. 2 more beers and 4-5 more bowls from a glass bong) passed between around 6 people now as Aarons brother and girlfriend had come into the circle.
I began to feel very inebriated. The LSD was becoming very, very apparent and making its presence known to me- and George. George was laying flat out on the ground (looked like he was playing twister, you know, that sexy game for kids) his hands were lopsided all over the place and he had one leg that seemed to be all the way behind his head- he looked up at me and his face was distorted slightly and there were whiskers growing out of his blackheads. He said in a very drunken voice 'They're Fuckin Flatuating' he repeated it 3 or 4 times and I began laughing hysterically at him.
His eyes went into slits and his mouth opened up to a huge smile and he started laughing harder than I. I had a flash of imagination- like a picture of what I was REALLY seeing but it was strangely exaggerated and colorful.
The flash I saw was George, still like he was- but his lips turned into the rolling stone lips and his teeth were elongated like some cartoon character (example: Courage the cowardly Dog) and took up his entire mouth to where I could not see in- His Mexican Afro was curling around and moving freely about the area around his head- there was a green aura highlighting most of his body and blended into parts of his skin.
There were hundreds of moments like this and that is what makes it hard to put time together from this point as I went from nearly sober (in my sense of the word sober) to completely, out of it in an hours time.
The music was shredding through me and I could literally see cartoon guitars and cars, randomly playing and zooming down the road in my imagination as the strings would unwind from the guitar and become some crazy 3D image that resembled an hourglass except there were two eyes on opposite sides and the thing seemed organic and real, alive. It was a very light blue and the eyes were like that of a cat. Yellow ovals with small slits for the pupil.
I was still looking up but focused on the walls, they were breathing really hard and part of the ceiling seemed to be flipping into itself over and over again as my thoughts did the same, my head felt completely clear but at the same time it didn't. I had more imaginative and whimsical thoughts than anything and they were repeating over and over again yet at the same time it wasn't. It was around this time I felt time was spiraling out of control and I became focused on the energy building inside me.
I got more nostalgia of mushrooms in this trip, visuals were similar and the body feel- this was the first time I had taken LSD in a pretty long time (only about 2 months really)
More starry patters, mostly on the white walls and ceiling. Glistening with a confetti like light all over, but they were taking shapes and forming patters. Very detailed and confusing and incomprehensible Persian carpet patterning was experienced with eyes open and closed. More prominent with eyes closed but same could be achieved by staring at carpet or walls for an extended period. It did this at its own whim and I liked the surprises! it happened very frequently in my peripheral, even if I was in a completely dark room.
George was still laying there.. he still had some crazy mickey mouse whiskers coming out of his blackheads.. and we were now just sitting with Dawn, Aarons Mom and Kai.
Kai was wasted, he had drank around 8 beers since he had been there and since Aarons mom came upstairs we all got prepared to get bombarded with tons of Whiskey. She had a bottle of Canadian Mist (Yuck) and was passing the bottle around to us all. Of which I drank around 3 swigs straight out that bottle when it came to me.
Kai and Aarons mom began to make jokes. Which I do not think would be funny if I wasn't fucked up in some way shape or form. I nearly do not remember any of them that were told but all I can say to this is two things- one. we all had a really badass time and laughed til our chests hurt for hours and hours straight and or sang drunk songs (that we made up)
and two.. I actually remember (partially) one of the jokes about Kai's imaginary wife named 'Broomhandle' which is pernounced with a high pitched British accent. And that she is a real pain in the ass, and she fucking loves sweeping...wait that makes no sense really. You should have been there :) This is one of those moments you have to experience and be completely unintentionally immersed in to find hilarious.
I had to piss multiple times and had what I call 'a bathroom experience'
I went into the bathroom and it was completely filthy, toilet paper strung about and spiders in the corners of the room. Colors are penetrating my eyes and I have to blink a few times to get the trippyness off my eyes for a second but it barely works. 'its broken' I announced unheard. I laugh to myself and began to feel mischievous.. It was suddenly completely quiet and very serious.
I couldn't help but blurt out and laugh even though I was trying not to. It was like if a little kid came and peed on the floor over and over again just to piss his parents off, and even though they tried to tell him it was bad and he needs to be more mature- he just blurts out laughing every time.
I was fried. I watched myself in the mirror and my long hair was flattening out and extending like I had two squares of hair on the sides of my head. 'I do not look like that' I thought. Maybe this is how other people see me at first glance. Or maybe this is just someone else. That cannot be me. I looked kind of evil, it doesn't help half the people I know say I look like Charles Manson. My shirt was waving around like a flag and my skin had become a bronze-like skin. I looked Herculean and mighty in a way as well. My aura was completely gold and There were rays of light shining all around me.
Finally I walked to the toilet and the first thing that caught my eye was the afro sized ball of pubic hair sitting on top of the overflowing trash can. 'that's nice' I think. And begin to pull out my penis as I feel the rush of urine begging to be released.
I stared at the wall and it seemed to zoom in like a microscope and I was seeing the wall buldge and move around like the surface of water.
The urine traveled through me with ease, it smelled rank. I was disgusted all of a sudden. First this bathroom, then my looks, and now my pee I think arrogantly. I began to feel disgusted with myself, as if I had defiled the purity of this horrendous bathroom by having out my penis. Why the hell would I pull out my peter in my friends mothers house?? I contemplated the thought for a while and it ended with me laughing all the way out of the bathroom and back to my seat where the thought kept repeating about 10 minutes and I giggled about my 'secrets'
Things were getting very intense and I was a mess, talking was gibberish, I had not eaten in probably 40+ hours and was holding my stomach as it hurt from having nothing but a belly full of acid and brews. My back was also starting to hurt again, but I do suffer chronic back pain and sitting in an abundance of awkward positions on acid can really do a number on your lower back.
I had not taken a drink in around 2 hours and was not really feeling the alcohol too much, I usually can drink like a fish on LSD as it seems to overpower everything for the most part. We passed around 2 more joints and 1 more bowl from a pipe instead of the bong (Aarons glass bong has a small ass bowl it sucks) and there was less people so we could get more stoned.
After a while George and I grew silent other than laughing at eachothers inside jokes and sitting around with Aarons mom and Kai who were getting along real well.
I did freak out at some point but it was only because everything was too alive and strange for a second like I was completely going crazy. It ended after sitting through the feeling for about an hour or so and not telling anyone the way I felt because I had been to busy thinking to myself about it and felt it took long enough just to do so. I had gone through all my cigs too and my mucous was blocking up my sinuses.
I did at this time take my 10mgs of Hydrocodone and the .5mg of Xanax as I looked at my phone for the first time that night- didn't even realize I had it. It was around 10-20 minutes past 5 in the morning and it seemed so- I was pretty exhausted from a long day.
I told George I was walking home (its around a 15 minute walk through a ghetto) and invited him to come with if he wished. He said he was going to drive me home and I declined his offer. I know we would be okay but I said 'Id enjoy walking through the fresh air before I lay my head down' he nodded and asked if I was sure- I said 'nah, im calling it, it's always fun with you man. Love you brother' as I hugged him and he hugged back and said 'Beau it's always good chilling with you too but ima walk with you' (George is twice my size and muscular build, he acts like a bodyguard half the time. good friend to have) I joked about this to him too.
I hugged everyone bye and we were out the door each smoking a cig we received from Kai. I was starting to feel a mild sedation from the combo I took and was feeling ready for laying down comfortably. But I was also in no hurry to go inside as we slowly moseyed down the road. We talked about not too deep stuff on the way back but nearly there.
I was really relaxed and opening my mouth a lot more, I was actually a chatterbox at the time and I don't think George was keeping up with me, but he was trying to listen. We got to my porch sitting upon my pecan orchard and we sat outside with my table and chairs for a while staring into the wilderness before the first shed of light would make its presence. We smoked one big fat joint to ourselves at that time and truly felt stoned.
We were sore and worn out, George also told me at this time that he had also been up already for a whole day on a casual dose of amphetamines (aprox. 30mg Adderall IR)I felt bad for him in a way.
We parted ways and when I went inside, everything was bliss and so beautiful. My house was clean and nice, the furniture was beautiful and the rooms dim- it really fit with how I felt. I made up my own little song while sitting by the window at an ivory table about how there was no place like home and I felt like I was a different person- like I had gone back over 18 years and was truly a kid again who was new to everything. It was all fascinating and loving.
I laid in my bed as the sun came up and I did find it a bit hard to sleep even with all the sedatives and opiate in me. I was comfortable and felt like I could roll over and sleep - and I did, but with some effort. I awoke no more than 6 hours later and still felt a little 'high'
I felt as if I had smoked already that morning. I took my 1mg of Xanax and went on my porch and everything was still beautiful but I was no longer in the depths of a trip. I had transitioned from that point and was now in the grasp of one of the most beautiful afterglows I have had.
The whole day was great and I ate like a horse.
Will write more reports in time on other substances.
Love to all things. Peace to all people.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2014</td><td width="90">ExpID: 104634</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 21</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 18, 2018</td><td>Views: 2,937</td></tr>
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Cannabis (1), Pharms - Alprazolam (98), Hydrocodone (111) : General (1), Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Various (28)</td></tr>
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