stringlengths 2.07k
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<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1.5 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">120 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This Is a Special Drug
It was my first summer in college, and really my first extended time away from my family, a distant but love filled father, and loving mother and sister. It was a beautiful thick hot fourth of July night in Tallahassee.
A cohort from my dorm, with whom I had recently been spending slack time with(pretty much all the time) said he would get me some acid for the fourth of July party at his older friend's house. He did, and he showed me it in the bathroom of her house. It was black with little computerized fractal swirls. We both started chewing and sucking on the paper straight away.
My friend would ask me if anything was different, I didn't think so. We sat on a couch outside in the night, the spinning flower fireworks were erupting on the driveway, surrounded by shadows of laughing kids. Then I looked into his eyes, and they were suddenly cat's eyes, the pupil carved down the middle, his big nose wrinkling in a knowing smile. I also smiled and I said we should go somewhere to talk.
We went to the swing set in the side grass alley of the house. Flying out and back in that rusty seat, I was aware that my view of the receeding trees was new. It could have been trails on the swaying green leaves, but let me say it was more of a feeling that I had never looked at this simple things properly. I was very happy.
Now the party wore on, and I found myself sitting alone at a small table between the kitchen and the folks in the living room. I looked at my arm, my forearm, and thought of those horror stories where kids go off seeing bugs all over themselves, I wondered if that could happen to me. I thought hard about it and I supose I pushed myself over that wire with my own curiosity, because now throbbing little 'Spiderman' bugs were searching beneath my skin. I don't know if this ability was always inside of me, but know I was aware that I could drive myself into a flurry of panic If I only wished it. I know now that Poe takes about man's nature of the perverse, of how we torture ourselves better than anyone else could, but at that time this possibility of scaring my own wits was like a big red button just dying to be pushed. Of course I pushed it.
The rest of the night was filled with glorious views of nature, and distant street lights. Music was(especially Cars Trucks and Buses by Phish) a visible bouncing ball of light, bending to my conducting hand. We were back at the emptying house, and someone on the floor exclaimed that they don't trip the way I was tripping. That made me proud, but soon after I felt like an attention hogging fool. I was bein g honest in my travel, but now,(granted it was a harmless remark) I felt showy, and distant. I didn't speak much after that and just sat on the couch staring up at the black light placed in the ceiling fan. Distance can cause trouble for me in a group setting. There was a couple on the floor nearby. A nice chubby faced boyfriend and girl friend. I felt at once attracted to her, and at the same time embarrased by my inability to control sexual desires(Because we should control them, right? :)) and the song in the room was now...'My friend my friend hes got a wife....' The coincidence was startling, and I drew in further as not to be found out for my desire to connect with the girl on the floor.
The purple light in the ceiling was drawing me in. It was a game. I needed to release something in order to move on to the next level(perhaps I just needed to lay a fat kiss on that girl's cheek), but I was in my head and there I stayed. I relaxed every muscle, moved up, I released every notion, moved up, I rolled back my eyes, moved up....I pissed myself...Stood up.
Needles to say that was the end of paradise that night, and I felt awful(later) for having urinated all over this strangers couch. A few of the guys there took me home to the dorm, the car ride was a cartoon of looming white stars on a navy blue city. Back in my room I stripped completely, not caring that they were right behind me, almost relishing it. I could not sleep. No, sleep would definetly not come. My room mate chatted with me for a bit, but soon he had to knock off, he was tired but still interested in what had happened to me(but more tired than that).
I continued to push my big red button alone by myself, and even fancied being sucked full body down the drain of the common bathroom. Painful. I had to piss alot(apparently I didn't get it all out on the sofa) and the bubbles in the bowl were a crowd of sumo wrestlers smiling at me with slanted eyes. I waited through the sunrise until my friend from across the hall, the one who supllied me, returned. He did return. He was chiding me for the incident with the piss and all, and I was head bowed and shamefull.
As the day wore on, he told me he felt weird the whole night, and that he was sorry for giving me so much acid on my first time. I didn't really care what he had to say, I just wanted to ride my bike and get some breadsticks at an Italian fast food joint. We did. Then we rode to the house of the party and I apologized to the stranger who owned the couch. He said OK.
It is seven years later and I do think about that night almost every day. It was hard to shake it at first, but time goes on, and time is very strong. I don't speak to the kid across the hall anymore, but the guy with the pee stained couch is one of my good friends.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 1996</td><td width="90">ExpID: 20020</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 7, 2019</td><td>Views: 1,016</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=20020&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=20020&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Sex Discussion (14), Various (28)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">120 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I would just like to say that I used to have the time of my life when I went to parties and took LSD and/or MDMA, but it is not like that anymore. I had tried MDMA for the first time when I started dating a DJ at the age of 19. I had never done any drugs before that time and I was open minded about all of it and it was just a 'I will try it someday' sort of thing.
Well it is completely different now, two years later. I am a completely different person from my experiences with drugs. If I could take it all back I would in a second. The first few times I tried MDMA it was the most amazing experience of my life. I felt so much love, fun, I had no fear about life. Then I tried LSD. It was fun, so I started doing it more often. Then it happened... the first time I tried candyflipping. LSD and MDMA together. From my own experiences and I have done all drugs, candy flipping is the best drug experience<!-- you can--> I could have. I trip just like I would with solely LSD, but I am also rollin and I am just lovin everything I see and am doing. Well when I candyflipped my first time I ended up feeling so intensely invigorating, so loved and beautiful and free-- these feelings I can't describe. Anyways, it was amazing. It was TOO amazing. I ended up having no clue who I was and I just felt so much love I ended up cheating on my boyfriend who I loved, I really did (and still do). Knowing this, my comedown was crazy. It traumatized me, and so did the next couple of months. I was so ashamed of myself that me and my druggie friends (that I no longer speak to or have any contact) fled out of state and had a summer of drugs in Pittsburgh. I do not believe I slept or ate food at all from late June to the end of July.
After the day I had such an intense roll, every time I took drugs I could not feel what they used to feel like. Everything was an adverse effect. I ate so much MDMA and LSD and I remember almost every trip. Because every trip was horrifying and every roll was horrible. I tried and tried to feel better by taking these things more and more and more but they never gave me the same feeling they used to. I had so many bad trips I was known as 'tweaked out' girl on the couch all the time. I lost the ability to feel good completely. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I lost the ability to feel good completely.</div></div> I moved back with my mom after July and cleaned up for a while.... but when I came back to reality, I was no longer the same person. I was legitemately TRAUMATIZED. The bad trips I experienced and the things I did when I rolled haunted me and I gained so much anxiety all the time from them. The events, the hallucinations kept repeating in my head, and my heart was still broken. After that summer I tried overdosing myself two different times because I was ultimately depressed about my ex and about how everything turned out. I consumed a bottle of tylenol pm and a time with sum alcohol. I do not know to this day how I am still alive, but I am grateful, for at least I am not that stupid enough anymore to try to kill myself. The dying feeling is very scary. I lost complete mind control, totally forgot I was supposed to be dying. I had no memory and I could not even talk. I remember talking to my mom and not making sense at all. I said very strange things out of nowhere that just didnt make sense. She didn't know what was wrong with me and didn't take me to a hospital, even tho she should have, but at least I am alive.
Anyways, after that phase of my life I got my stuff together a bit, but noticed a difference in who I was, and my thinking... and who exactly was in side of my mind. I realized for the first time in my life I gained a lot of anxiety. Then I started realizing I had different people in my head, different moods. I was unable to control my thoughts. I had become confused all the time. I started isolating myself. My family was no longer in my life. I have no friends anymore because I am unsure of how I am supposed to talk to people. My brain is so clouded with anxiety and depression and terrible thoughts and depersonalization that it takes me time to transfer what people say into my brain and to actually think of an answer is almost impossible sometimes. I was never like this before. I used to be extroverted, a party girl. Now I live in a basement with a minimum wage job because I am afraid of people, afraid of myself. I literally have not a single friend, and it is sad. I wouldn't want to be my friend either, honestly. I became so weird, and I know it.
I still consume MDMA every once in a while, and I still do LSD once in a blue moon, and shrooms. But <!-- the moral of my story is that I wanted to tell you all, that--> I do not feel the effects of MDMA anymore, it is almost like taking aspirin. It has absolutely no effect on me anymore, because of my lingering fear of how feeling that good can hurt me. And LSD whenever I do it I only have bad trips. The last time I actually felt something good from either LSD or MDMA was that night at the rave... two years ago. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">The last time I actually felt something good from either LSD or MDMA was that night at the rave... two years ago.</div></div> I'm basically done with the drugs I mean I do them maybe once a month or something but I am condemned with bad trips for life. I keep doing them hoping I will have a good trip or roll, but it is always terrifyingly bad. But I am used to bad trips so I can handle them. I've seen the worst and felt the worst of trips and I know what it is like.
<!-- Drugs can really mess you up. -->I believe I've just been traumatized from drugs, because they are not something to take lightly. They are out of body experiences, something I cannot imagine sober. My brain is fried and it is sad. I am so confused all the time. From the past two years I have gained depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder, depersonalization, obsessive compulsive tendencies, and schizophrenia. It is just sad because two years ago before I tried anything I was so innocent and healthy and bright and smart and had goals for my life and had never done drugs. Now I am here.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2008</td><td width="90">ExpID: 82372</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 20</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 11, 2019</td><td>Views: 765</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=82372&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=82372&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Cannabis (1) : Glowing Experiences (4), Post Trip Problems (8), Relationships (44), Combinations (3), Rave / Dance Event (18)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/amanitas/">Amanitas - A. muscaria</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(tea)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis - Hash</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 drops</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis - Hash</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(edible / food)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">110 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Well I start at the beginning, and stop at the end.
I came to humboldt state university for school a few months ago, and the first time I have ever dropped acid was maybe 2 months ago. Since then I have tripped another 14 times, and I could not be more pleased with the results. Yesterday I decided to christmas flip (how I refer to acid and amanita combination) for the first time. I have tried amanitas only once before, 4 days ago at a cypress hill show in arcata (SO SMOKED OUT!), and took roughly 6-7 grams dried, ate them, and had an awesome time.
Yesterday, however, was when I planned to fully trip. I took maybe 20-25 grams of dried amanita muscaria, boiled it on low for an hour, and 2 of my roommates and I split it 3 ways. I took a slightly larger amount, being the only one who has tried them before, but we just eye-balled it, so I do not have precise amounts.
From there, we proceeded to jam out to cream and the dead, smoked hash bowls with the tastiest humboldt greenery, and jam out to the dead more.
At this point it has been about 3 hours into the trip, and every hash covered hit of chronic is like climbing up another notch of the cosmic latter, higher, higher, higher.
And then the call came, the call we were all waiting for, LSD! CHRISTMAS FLIPPING!
So a couple drops later and I am on my way, somewhere. At this point ice cream became my purpose in life. I needed ice cream like I need a haircut! So I went and got some ice cream. (actually I do not remember the order that all of this happened, but rest assured, it did all happen at some point last night. So ice cream. Got some tasty ice cream, walk outside, and my roommates are talking to this one guy.
So this was pretty weird. This guy they were talking to so was so, unbelievably cross-eyed! And he was talking about really weird stuff, something about religion. All I knew was I had ice cream.
And so much other random stuff. Something about alice in wonderland, hash cookies, many, many more bowls, blah, blah blah.
And then, in the midst of the awesome intensity of it all, I had the most wonderful idea! My 2 roommates and I (one of which also dropped with me after the amanita tea) were going to each take a different pipe, each with nice bowl, and we were each going to wander into the forest on 3 different trails. Basically, the forest alone, dark, night, rain, mushrooms, acid, and then we would each smoke a bowl, get in touch with exactly how we are, and then meet up and talk about what happened over a couple more bowls.
So I have had a bad experience in the forest alone at night on acid, and I was pretty nervous about walking straight back into the chaos, but I was there and I tripping out of my mind and it was amazing!
So instead of heading straight back, I walked around until I met up with some of my other friends. They were actually heading into the forest I just came out of, so I joined them and ventured back in.
This time we walked quite far into the forest, especially considering it was at least 2 in the morning and raining like there's no tomorrow. Smoked out in the forest, somehow made it back out alive and in one piece, and decided to head back to my room. Met up with my roommates, talked about what happened over a couple bowls, and chilled out.
As I am sitting there after all this, I feel the cosmic tension for the first time that night. I had my hands folded in front of me, when I suddenly could not hold them there. I needed to put my arms to my side, to open up. And I found myself in the void. Everything was open, no secrets, no hesitations, no holding back.
And then I left my room and ended up watching spongebob squarepants with this one girl. It should be noted that I have tripped with this particular individual before, and somehow she never fails to say EXACTLY what I need to hear. It is just unreal. I could not stop smiling for the world. That was where I wanted to be.
Sometime later that night I ended up back in my room. More weed, more hash, more wonder.
And then I woke up in my bed at 9:30, got up, and went for a nice 4 mile run in the slightly-less-menacing forest. So enjoyable. And now it is 3:00 of the same day and I feel like someone pushed my happy button and never took their finger off.
Now I am sure you nosey bastards want to hear about what I learned as well, my revelations. I have been reaching astounding psychological, metaphysical, existential and transcendental revelations on a daily basis, probably due to the fact that I have eaten close to a third of a sheet of acid in 2 months. In either case, I still have much to think about on that topic, and I need to keep those to myself until I can better understand what I am doing.
And this is where I say 'good day,' catch you on the flip side<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2006</td><td width="90">ExpID: 58030</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 24, 2019</td><td>Views: 1,177</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=58030&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=58030&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Amanitas - A. muscaria (70) : Combinations (3), Hangover / Days After (46), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">140 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
A brief history of my drug past would consist mostly of ecstasy and a lot of pot. I first started smoking pot in 2006 after a near fatal car accident. After multiple reconstructive surgeries I had no pain medication anymore they just stopped it abruptly. Over the past few years, only two things seem to be timeless. One is the pain, the other is through music!
Its november 2010 and I decided to venture into taking 2 hits of LSD. I began listening to a song called 'all around the world' by ATC, a song that has always been a favorite of mine in the techno realm. Suddenly I was at parties again, listening to that song while trying to keep my best friend afloat during her struggles in life, singing it karaoke that one time I was really drunk... This song has been in my life since before drugs were. To look at history using that song brought me back to the real world again. The friend I was helping through her struggles is having a baby in 2 weeks. One of my high school friends, who was extremely excited about her upcoming wedding next month, got dumped by her fiance tonight. These 2 friends both at times somewhat relied on me as their 'therapist'. <!-- On top of these 2 friends, another that I shared a lot of drug experiences with a few years back is having a baby this month. Her name is... Well we will just call her O.-->
Earlier in the night I actually had first taken this acid in the hopes it might take away some pain. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I actually had first taken this acid in the hopes it might take away some pain.</div></div> While over the past couple years pain flare ups have came and went, I have NEVER had one so bad. I couldn't sleep I had been awake for nearly 2 days.
Now, 4 hours into my trip, I feel as if that pain may have been conquered for a while by the powerful psychedelia of LSD. As if my body finally decided to move on. I was fully planning on going to the local ER in the next 2 hours if that pain didn't go away. Now I'm pretty sure the ER trip has been put off until I finally get medical insurance at the end of the month. All because of 3 simple letters: LSD.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2010</td><td width="90">ExpID: 88111</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 22</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 13, 2020</td><td>Views: 819</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=88111&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=88111&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/doc/">DOC</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 24:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/doc/">DOC</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 28:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/doc/">DOC</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">55 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
<span class="erowid-warning">[Erowid Note:
A substance(s) in this report might be identified incorrectly. Erowid reviewers question the author's identification of the drug described. Although the report is included in the collection, the substance might be something other than the author believed it to be.]</span>
<!-- Thursday 13th June 2013
-->After tripping on DOC the day before, Rob and I still had small effects trickling down. There was a big apartment party happening that night where there would be a buffet of Class A’s, alcohol and women. I had 2 of the small 5x5mm tabs left. I wanted them both to myself to try a stronger experience for the night to get some actual visuals from DOC instead of the usual mild twists, but being the only one tripping feels isolated and it would be selfish. In the end I gave my second tab to a girl, Chloe, who had never experienced anything more than marijuana. I called up my dealer to get 4 more tabs so we could both have one more each and I’d save the last two. We took the first tab at around 2PM.
We wandered with the others for a couple hours before feeling the effects. They seemed quite weak to me. It may be because I had already had a tab the day before. We enjoyed the weather, visited rivers and went to many wildlife areas before picking up another 4 tabs. We took these the moment we got them, at 6PM.
The effects of these tabs were noticeable within 20 minutes. Doubling the dosage gives triple the experience. DOC goes through phases of sobriety and then phases of massive pleasure (‘rushes’ or ‘waves’) and then phases of hallucinogenic happiness. The ‘waves’ would almost make me tear up, I would be in unbelievable euphoria, unable to focus on what was going on around me, only thinking to myself how happy I am to be where I am, who I’m with and what’s going on. I was completely focused on my happiness.
Hallucinations were noticeably improved. The usual small twists on surfaces were not small anymore, and not focused on individual surfaces, instead they were everywhere. I was in the toilet waiting for my friend to finish getting changed, staring into a full-figure mirror. At the time I had dressed for drugs, and was wearing a psychedelic twisted patterned shirt under my jacket. I looked at myself and noticed my shirt writhing and twisting under my jacket. It was amazing. It was obviously only a hallucination, but it was amazing and for the rest of the night if I wanted entertainment I would just look down at my shirt sleeves.
After a few more hours of strolling through the city we headed out to the party to get into it. We decided its best to arrive late when it’s already in full swing instead of being one of the first there during the awkward period of time where people have quiet conversation above quiet music. We get there after a small walk at around 9PM. The party was in swing, and I’d bought a loaf of bread in the hope there was a toaster. There was a toaster, but unfortunately it was hanging from the light bulb so no luck there.
The night went on and I had various experiences. To name a few:
The carpet wobbled and shook and I had to get off it, so I sprinted toward the door to get out and I swung it open and hit a girl in the face with it. Luckily she was too far gone on MDMA to notice.
The walls began to get covered in cobwebs. They spread all over the place.
Outside the apartment all the walls seemed to be engraved with writing (like Unitologist’s writing in Dead Space) so I came to the conclusion that the writing was the Devil’s work.
Light changes were interesting, so we used loads of kitchen appliances to make some sort of pendulum on the light bulb in the bedroom so it was constantly moving and changing the light levels in the room.
I found a spray and sprayed it on my hand not realising it was a corrosive until I checked the bottle. Whoever brought a corrosive grease cleaning liquid to the party was a wanker.
A map later in the evening started breaking apart into each country and arranging itself on the wall.
During the night I met loads of people and it was great. I spent time watching my own shadows, intrigued at the strength of the bass on the speakers, loving music. After the effects of Bromo-Dragonfly (I recommend no-one ever takes this) taken a month before this, my heart has never been the same and I have a lower blood pressure, and it has difficulty catching up with my movement so I get extremely dizzy every time I stand up. My friend Oli went into a wardrobe and closed the doors. I followed him to the doors, but after standing up I found myself completely dazed by colours and unable to think at all. You know the rush you get when you stand up? Because of my bad heart I had got that very strongly. I wasn’t on a ‘rush’, but the mix of DOC and head-rush from standing up made me into a stumbling, no longer autonomous pleasure animal. I was stuck in a state of happiness that I don’t ever believe I will ever reach again in my life, whether it means winning the lottery while on cocaine at the point of orgasm inside Keira Knightly. I was crying and laughing, and the walls were swirling and twisting. The whole room was going upside down, yet we were all defying gravity. The cream coloured walls were turning into a multitude of different colours that made me feel like I was the spectrum personified. By the time I had come out of this state that felt like 10 minutes of pure beauty and pleasure I realised I was leant up against the doors and Oli couldn’t get out from the wardrobe.
The night ran smoothly and beautifully. It was extremely enjoyable, even when being threatened by a chav I stayed in complete euphoria and watched his face twist in funny ways. I slept in a bed with other people so I didn’t feel isolated and have a short bad trip before sleeping.
1-2 hours: Nothing
3-6 hours: Above average happiness, increased confidence, pattern recognition, colour vibrancy.
7-14 hours: Massive peak of beauty, colours, happiness beyond explanation, euphoric feelings, increased social activity, lack of sex drive &amp; hunger, senses improved – especially touch, movement feels weightless and easy.
15-30 hours: improved temperance, happiness above average
After effects: For 2 weeks Rob, Chloe and I all felt a strong appreciation for beauty and had increased awareness. This made our lives much happier and appreciative for this period of time.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2013</td><td width="90">ExpID: 100679</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 17</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 16, 2020</td><td>Views: 2,101</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=100679&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=100679&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), DOC (357) : Large Group (10+) (19), What Was in That? (26), Glowing Experiences (4)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">130 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">176 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This was written after I had experienced the last of a series of three LSD trips, the second one heavily compounded with psilocybin. This period, spanning from the months of August 2019 to December 2019, was preceded by a period of deep depression, which I had tried to self-medicate with psychedelics. It was also my first true experience with psychedelics.
I also happened to feed daily on recordings of Terence McKenna, at the time.
I wrote the following poems as I emerged from a quite lucid dream, following my last LSD trip, and possibly the last I will do. I heavily questioned at that point which reality was the truly lucid one, our truly awakened state.
W o r l d Of F u n k
It was to be 8 o clock,
But fractal waves still rock,
And once again,
Time dissipates
And elates.
I woke up, feeling drunk,
From this world of funk,
That felt familiar yet alien,
In which I thrive,
To live the jive.
But suddenly I realize:
In which awakened world,
Do I fail to grasp the size,
Do I fail to fantasize,
Under the blazing marigolds
Of this Shadow?
‘Cause at Night it seems,
When seams blend,
I can make amends
With my own Rights.
While in Day,
I live the dreams
Of others.
I n c e p t i o n
a fine paradox
a dichotomy of sorts
between fractal wounds
of minds and the such
this breeze which reminds you
of things but not,
the things you thought
revived memories of you
but they seem not much,
these scant full moons:
they wither, of sorts
in this fine paradox
V<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2019</td><td width="90">ExpID: 113994</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Not Specified</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 30</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 30, 2020</td><td>Views: 838</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=113994&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=113994&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Dreams (85), LSD (2) : Unknown Context (20), Depression (15), Poetry (43), Retrospective / Summary (11)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco - Cigarettes</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">250 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
<!-- It was about 8am when my buddy, Greg, called and said that he was ditching school and coming over. He was bringing by some money that he got for the acid that I gave him to sell at his school. I took a shower and got ready for the day.
After my friend shows up, gives me the cash and I resupply him with doses, we both drop some blotter tabs. I take two because I'd tripped the previous weekend.
Another friend of mine, Mick, calls the house, says that he's skipping the school day and that I should come over. I tell him that Greg's with me and ask if it's cool to bring him along. It's cool. Ok, be there in about 30 minutes. I have to drive, seems that I always have to do the driving when 'we're' tripping.
By the time that Greg and I get to Mick's house, we're tripping at a good clip. -->Mick offers to get us high, smoke a bowl. We decline, letting him know that we've dropped some acid and are just starting to peak. So we hang out and shoot the shit, smoke some cigarettes while passing the time.
There's a bowl of fruit on Mick's kitchen table. We're all chatting away as I pick up a golden delicious apple out of the basket. I'm holding an apple, leaning against one of the kitchen counters, just hanging out.
I'm handling the apple now, it feels good in my hand. It's solid, firm. It's got little black pinprick spots all about its skin, as apples do.
I'm looking at it really good now. The apples skin is getting waxy. The black pinpricks change, get longer, like fine hairs or whiskers even. Neato, I've got this hairy, wax apple in my hand.
Wax apple? Is this a wax apple? The fruit in the basket is wax? We don't keep fruit, in a basket, on the table at my house. Of course we keep the bananas out, but anything that'll keep in the fridge is kept in the fridge. I reckon then that this must be a wax apple. It's a shame that this pretty piece of fruit is wax. Because though it's hairy, I want to eat it.
My mind is racing, I'm slap in the middle of my peak, the bestest part of a trip. I go to ask as to the legitimacy of the apple, wax or real. My tongue is thick. I have a mouthful of pennies taste happening and saliva nigh dripping down my chin. I dribble out some question that's half understood as, 'is this apple real?'
Mick assures me that it's real. I'm sure he misunderstands my question. Of course it's real, I'm holding it. But I'm wondering if it might be wax.
You see, If I bite into this apple and it's wax, then I'm going to look like an idiot. Any idiot would know not to bite into wax fruit. But if I don't bite into it, thinking that it's wax, then I'm going to look like an idiot for being 'afraid' of an apple.
My mind goes into a continuous loop of 'wax on, wax off'. I have to know, but I can't figure it out. I try to rephrase my question to get an answer as to the apple's edibility. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text"> I try to rephrase my question to get an answer as to the apple's edibility.</div></div>
Whatever question I posited must have come out as complete and utter gibberish. Both of my buddies were like, 'what?' Tongue so thick, slobbering drooly mouth not making cogent syllables. Can't speak clearly enough to communicate my misgivings about this damnable plastic piece of fruit!
Even I'm not sure what I said. I try again, spouting off some more. Mick wants to know if I'm ok, asks if I'm tripping too hard, perhaps having a 'bad' trip.
Brain kicks into overdrive. Is this a fake apple? It's still hairy too. Through this whole episode, I've been staring at this apple. The hairs have been weaving and flowing as if they were kelp moving with an ocean's current. They're growing and receding too. They're out and in, to'ing and fro'ing. Moving and living on this waxy surface.
If this is a real apple and I'm convinced that it's wax, then my friends'll think that I'm a fool. If it's fake and I try to consume it, then my friends'll think that I'm a fool. This is flashing in my brain, taking up all of my brain's abilities. This thought loop has even drowned out my ability to speak, communicate. Everything that I'm trying to say is coming out as caveman gibberish, mouth is full of saliva and I feel like I'm drooling. I feel that I am the picture of a drooling idiot.
There's only one thing to be done. It has to be done, the decision is made. Caution is thrown to the wind.
I bite the apple.
My mouth is flooded with the sweetest juices that any golden delicious apple has ever produced. I must say that was, and still is, the tastiest apple that I have ever eaten.
With that one bite, my dilemma resolved, I come back down to earth. Brain activity returns to normal, I can speak again. Relief!
Those few minutes were the closest that I've ever come to a 'bad' trip. I was locked inside my brain for a spell, it had completely taken over. The uncertainty and fear were all consuming entities, nothing else existed. I couldn't communicate. I couldn't act. The brain locked me down with doubts about an apple's reality and the resulting impact of my peers' perception of me. I was afraid of doing something stupid and ended up looking nigh retarded anyway. I have an excuse though, I was tripping balls!<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 1990</td><td width="90">ExpID: 103678</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 20</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Mar 25, 2020</td><td>Views: 639</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=103678&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=103678&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 cig.</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">135 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
My drug use tends to consist of marijuana and alcohol. However, I have experimented with other drugs. I have tried LSD twice and yes I believe the experience has permanently changed the way I think but it seems to be more positive than negative. I used to have very little to say and now I am more outgoing and able to form closer relationships. I also became more impulsive from it. I am also more orgasmic now. This is going to sound weird because I have never heard this mentioned when reading about LSD but it left me slightly turned on with a tingly sensation in my crotch. This has helped me enjoy sexual experiences more than in the past. The experience has also left me more aware of my soul and not just my body.
Now I should mention here that their were initially adverse reactions. I was so nervous about what to expect the first time I tried the drug that I had a panic attack which made the initial part of the trip scary. The attacks did come back here and there but I was able to talk myself into staying calm because I knew I wasn't really dying. It has dissipated anyway over time.I never needed medication for this because I just needed to train myself to stop thinking about it. I was also a little uncomfortable with the change in my thought processes for a little while but once I got used to it I was able to see the benefits. Occasionally I see a transparent shade of blue in the upper part of my visual field but I find it comforting.
I guess the result of the experience is up to the individual. I could have freaked and said 'What has happened to me?' However, people can change from doing marijuana too.<!-- especially if it is laced with pcp and some strains are.--> I think psychedelics are beneficial but I am careful about abusing them because they are powerful.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2002</td><td width="90">ExpID: 18446</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Mar 31, 2020</td><td>Views: 930</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=18446&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=18446&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), First Times (2), Retrospective / Summary (11), Sex Discussion (14), HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Unknown Context (20)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:29</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">120 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I was chilling with my friends when I was given LSD for the first time, I was kind of nervous to try it. I've had bad anxiety with a lot of drugs in the past. I took my hit and looked at the clock which read the time as 8:16. Feeling nothing at 8:45 I decide to take my other hit I had boughten.
By 9:00 I was coming up. I felt stimulated and paranoid. I started to move around a lot. I wasn't sure how to calm myself down, not being in the right state of mind and all. All my friends were tripping at the time. I look over to my best friend and the more I looked at her I started to observe her face. Her face started to become slowly distorted as I watched her eat a fish. Which actually wasn't there. After a while I started to feel unsatisfied and uncomfortable so I went on my quest to find a bed throughout the place. Forgetting where I was every other step I watched my feet fold out in front of me, wide mouthed and slid onto the ground where I found myself feeling noxious and anxious. I kept telling my friends I didn't like the feeling. I start to look around, but I didn't know what exactly I was looking for. Before I knew it I was outside the place, wondering how to get back in. Instead of trying to open the door and walk in I walk to the store hoping maybe i'll find what im looking for, when there wasn't any specific thing. I walk into the store and the bright lights turn on all my senses as I walk through, I keep seeing things fall from shelves. Thinking I was the one that pushed all those items off I look towards the ground hoping to pick them up without the man behind the counter noticing. I was shaking, or thought I was when he came up to me and asked what I was doing. 'Just picking up something I dropped' I replied I looked at the ground saw nothing had fallen in this first place and I could have sworn I was just talking to that man across the store, but as I looked up he was behind the counter, not in front of me. I wasn't sure if I had actually just spoken to him or myself. No question about it I walk towards the door in a rush. I soon found myself behind to convenient store and closed my eyes.
My friends found me later around 2 am, I had been enjoying my closed eye visuals for the past 4 hours. What a trip.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2008</td><td width="90">ExpID: 73064</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Mar 30, 2020</td><td>Views: 717</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=73064&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=73064&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : First Times (2), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 carts.</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">inhaled</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/nitrous/">Nitrous Oxide</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">180 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I had the craziest trip on the GASID the other night. I had 500ug around 8PM by 10PM I am peaking good, was pretty hard to see with the lights on. Everything was bendy fractals. We tuned into TRUTH's Deep Dark and Dangerous Quarantine party live stream and got our smoke on. After the first headliner played our friends and I wanted to get into the nitrous.
I walked back to get the gas and had a strange sensation about it, like I knew I was gonna get stuck in the back of my mind. I grabbed the gas anyway and brought it out.
I started with 1 and it increased the intensity of my visuals mildly. I was pretty underwhelmed expressing this to my GF. We waited about an hour and the second headliner came on I decided to get into the gas again.
This time I loaded 2 as I was holding my second lungful in I attempted to unthread the cracker I couldn't, I attempted twice, and three times.
On the third attempt to untwist the cracker, I got a strange epiphany that the cracker was meant to get stuck this time. That my whole life had lead up to this single moment in time if the cracker did not come off it meant my whole life had been a dream and I did not exist. I tried to confirm this by turning to my GF and said "It's stuck, can you fix it?" She couldn't figure out what I was trying to communicate because apparently I stuttered.
Since she couldn't open it I was sure I was fucked at this point and I wasn't even real. I got the sensation that my universe was fading rapidly and all of my life memories flashed before my eyes.
I guess I looked pretty distraught and started to get vocal because I was ripped back down to earth by my GF saying "It's ok bby you took nitrous!" while planting herself in my lap to keep me from physically freaking out.
Once I was somewhat grounded I started crying that I was in fact real and my whole life had not been a dream. I hugged my GF and told her I loved her so much and said thank you.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2020</td><td width="90">ExpID: 114221</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 30</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 4, 2020</td><td>Views: 966</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=114221&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=114221&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Nitrous Oxide (40) : Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">inhaled</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/nitrous/">Nitrous Oxide</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">145 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
My husband and I are on Day 3 after a quarantine shelter order was put in place in our state. We have been trying to live or lives as normal as we can from home. Both of my jobs are closed until April 7th (at least). My husband's school is closed as well with his job slowing down greatly. We have been needing about covid-19 for days. We feel scared, but we also know we will get through any health or financial burdens that come our way. We had ravioli for dinner and shortly after wrapping that up we went to our room to decide our dosage. We have about 50 whipped cream charges to do throughout the night.
We took our doses around 6pm. By 7pm I feel the electric tingles in my brain. This is normal for me. Between 7pm and 8pm I feel pressure in my ear almost, but it's like a pulse on the right side of my head. This distracts me from being able to concentrate on conversation. My sinuses (after days of congestion) finally allow one side to open and is completely dry. While the other is a goop mess all closed up. I can feel my smile growing. I feel a little uneasy as I do my best to settle in for the ride. "Was this a a stupid decision?" The world around me is melting. I'm forgetting about my worries for a moment. That quickly ends.
As my husband and I converse, naturally our worries start to pour over into the conversation. We are both emotional this doesn't feel toxic or bad. This may not be what I wanted my trip to revolve around, but it's what needed to happen. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">This may not be what I wanted my trip to revolve around, but it's what needed to happen.</div></div>
We are sitting. Talking. I'm having a hard time with words. My thoughts just won't piece together to form a sentence right now. My husband says something which I can't recall, but it was sad and I told him, after I sucked in half a whippit, that "one day it will be okay". This look came across his face. A look of relief. A look of bliss. Suddenly the energy in the air was strong. I saw behind him a vision of white flowers growing, the light behind that was bright, a family was walking with their child. The cold ran out of the light and jumped into the air. The happiness was so radiant! I looked at my husband tears pooling at the corners of my eyes. "I just saw your thought." I said softly. I was so confused. I was crying. He was crying. It isn't the first time I've had a vision. I've had many since being with him.
The first one I remember was off of a whippit, no other psychedelics involved, I saw his spiritual form. It reminded me of the characters from the movie Avatar. The second time (on acid 2 doses) our basement turned into a jungle. We turned into these spiritual forms. I could feel the texture of my skin be different. Almost like wax. The third time, on mushrooms, my bed turned into my little mushroom house and sunk into the ground.
This experience was so different. I've never seen thoughts before. About ten minutes later my husband is in the kitchen while I'm still in the bedroom. My music on my Google home turns off. I hear music coming from the other bedroom we have. Playing is "calling in the air tonight" I walk out to use the bathroom and ask my husband if he turned it on. He says "no" suddenly the music in my room turns back on. The occurrence is strange. I don't know if there is meaning behind it or where to go on from here. One thing I do know is that for the rest of that trip I was extremely turned on and couldn't escape the desire to have playtime with my husband.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2020</td><td width="90">ExpID: 114227</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 26</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 12, 2020</td><td>Views: 711</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=114227&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=114227&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Relationships (44), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 3:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 bump</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ketamine/">Ketamine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 3:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">vaporized</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(extract)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">0.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">0.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">160 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
First Major Psychedelic Experience
This was my first time doing acid, I've done ketamine probably about 7 times, and I'm experienced with cannabis in really high doses. I've also done like, 15 lower doses of DMT at around 20mg.
My girlfriend was tripsitting me, she ate about a gram and a half of mushrooms, did a dab and some ketamine at one point in the night although I don't remember when that was. We stayed in my apartment the whole night just chatting. She wasn't feeling great emotionally at the time which definitely concerned me while tripping. I don't think I'll trip with her feeling that way again.
I dropped the half tab at about 8:30 pm I wasn't really expecting much and I was right. Slight visuals, the normal stuff I seem to get on psychedelics (glass looks smoother, normal things are more notable looking) slightly giggly. Really not much going on but it was enjoyable. I peaked about 2.5 hours in and just listened to music and talked to my girlfriend she definitely got a mood boost from the mushrooms.
The whole time I was wishing I took a bigger dose so about an hour after I peaked I decided to do a bump of k. It was nice and weird as k usually is. But it still wasn't what I was looking for so I decided to do a dab. I grabbed my nectar collector and took a decently sized dab. Right after the dab, my girlfriend grabbed me and we started to make out. I wasn't even thinking about the outside world and by the time we stopped I realized I was tripping much harder than I was expecting. (I'm not sure what I expected lol) it was incredibly euphoric, and was mind-blowing as I came up hard. I laid down in my bed and closed my eyes. I felt my consciousness expand and I realized I was perceiving the outside world, my inner consciousness, and some 3rd thing. They all felt very distinct spatially. In this 3rd space of my perception I was feeling/seeing a infinite 3d grid with spherical points where the lines intersected. The space and lines in between the points were expanding infinitely and uniformly like the universe does, with no specific center of expansion. I kept falling in and out of this mind state, occasionally retuning to the real world and looking around the room. Although I wasn't ever stuck experiencing this mind state, I just didn't see a reason not to. I had some slight visuals at this point, nothing major though. My girlfriends face changing in the dark, my flags on the wall looked slightly "tiled". I laid in bed in euphoric bliss experiencing this and talking to my girlfriend for the next few hours slowly coming down.
It was very enjoyable. I definitely didn't expect any of this, although I probably should have. <!-- Apparently weed+acid is some powerful stuff. --><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2019</td><td width="90">ExpID: 113679</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Not Specified</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 21</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 13, 2020</td><td>Views: 813</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=113679&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=113679&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Ketamine (31), Cannabis (1) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">125 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This was going to be my first experience with acid. I had done many weeks of research online, as well as getting physically prepared for the experience by ridding my mind and my life of any negative influences. I was well rested, my mind was ready and I had recruited one of my best friends, more like a brother to me, to help me with my first acid trip. He had been using acid for a few years and I wanted some one I could trust who could guide me through my experience.
We had decided on dropping the acid in the early evening. We met up around six pm on a Friday and headed out in search of a campground. Around eight pm, we decided we had to settle down and find a place to drop the acid, so we rented a hotel room.
We both took one hit around eight thirty pm. Around nine pm, we took our second hit. It was about this time we decided to go for a walk and get some pop to drink. We went to the hotel store and I started to trip out around this time.
We then headed to what I believe was a farmer's property. It was a long winding path and completely dark. The sky started to transform. The clouds turned purple and green and I knew I was really starting to trip out. We then found our way to a body of water, which looked amazing. As we were admiring it, two skunks came along. My friend had to stop me from trying to pet them =) The stripe on their tails was changing from green to purple and I felt no harm in petting them. This was when my friend decided it was time to go back to the hotel room.
Once there, we sat facing each other for what seemed like forever. I was watching his beard turn to fire, then to water. The whole setting was quite strange, the wall paper was very strange looking and so was the carpet. I was focusing too much on it and it consumed a large part of my trip. Eventually my friend snapped me out of it sometime in the morning. From this point on everything seemed like it was energy. My friend was a mere outline of blue and red and there was a green vibe to everything. The usually color changing and strange shadows were there as well.
It was now early morning and as I lay in bed I remember tracing the designs of the wall paper. Finally the sun was beginning to come up. This was when it started to get very beautiful for me. I stepped outside to smoke a bowl of ganja, and everything was amazing. Every blade of grass, every leaf. I remember looking down as I was getting ready to toke and it hit me how amazing all this was. I had never seen colors so bright, I had never seen colors or trees or grass in this way before. It changed my view of the normal things we take for granted in life such as the beauty of nature. What a beautiful gift we have all been granted. This to me, was the reason I wanted to try LSD. My eyes were now open.
My friend and I decided it would be nice to head to the beach to check out the view. We left the hotel and the drive was also amazing. I could feel the music we had playing, like REALLY feel it. There were little sparks of energy on the power lines that coincided with the music. The colors were still amazing and I felt truly happy. When we arrived at the beach, It was quite amazing. I felt like I had panoramic vision and could see to the side of my head. It was something I will never forget, it was beautiful.
We now decided it was time to go home and get some sleep. When I got home, I was home alone. With every step I took, it seemed like there was vegetation growing around my foot, quite beautiful looking. I then took a shower; I have never in my life felt every water droplet hitting my skin, it was very amazing. I then went to lay in bed and could not sleep because of the visuals every time I closed my eyes. I could see diamonds and other geometric shapes.
LSD has opened me to what the human brain is capable of and what we all seem to suppress on a day to day basis. It was nice to take some time out of life to 'stop and smell the roses'. It has completely changed my life in a way no other psychoactive ever has. It has made me very passionate about nature and its beauty. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">It has made me very passionate about nature and its beauty.</div></div> It has given me a new appreciation for art and music and has made me much more aware of myself as a human being. It has also sparked a great interest in the human mind and how we all function. I am forever grateful for these gifts I have been granted and can only wish for every one to try this at least once in their life, so that we may all see what we are truly capable of . =)<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2007</td><td width="90">ExpID: 79956</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 15, 2020</td><td>Views: 819</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=79956&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=79956&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Beer/Wine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">20 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/2cb/">2C-B</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(ground / crushed)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
The date is March 23, 2020. The world is at a standstill due to coronavirus, and I am gifted with boredom and much time to kill. I am writing this report through my best recollections, of the earth shattering and life changing trip I took, when I was 18 years old Every person I have ever told this story to concurs that it’s an epic story. Many find it funny, despite the fact that I nearly died…. Honestly, now at almost 10 years later…so do I.
NOTE: All timestamps posted are rough estimations. I remember that day very well. When I left the house, and when I got home from the hospital are still clear in my mind.
It was very early in May, and we had recently hit a dreadful cold-snap, where it was -8C the night prior. However, May was beginning to take hold of the season. The buds were forming on trees, the grass was green, and small amounts of foliage were springing to life once again…. That day turned out to be the first very hot day of spring. And somehow, over the course of 48 hours, the temperature had risen to be at least 27c. It had just stormed like crazy, so the humidity was quite extreme.
gender: Male
Age: 18
Weight: skinny, I’m guessing like 160lbs
Height: 6’3”
Prior drug experience: Cannabis, hash, LSD, Mushrooms, 2cb, speed, meth, ketamine, cocaine, MDMA, MDA, hydromorphone, PCP, morphine, codeine, alcohol, tobacco, diphenhydramine
Drug use prior to the trip: I was a regular cigarette smoker, chronic pothead, and loved psychedelics. I was on a serious bender where I was abusing speed and barely sleeping for at least 4 days <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I was on a serious bender where I was abusing speed and barely sleeping for at least 4 days</div></div>, and less than 48 hours prior was out all night getting drunk at an MDMA party… very sleep deprived.
Stomach: empty
T-7:30am: I had barely slept the night before, and was not ready to start recovering from the rager of a party I attended. Neither was my friend Sean, he invited me over right at the crack of dawn. I didn’t have much money and got the bright idea to bring some LSD and 2c-B I was saving.
I was about to head out the door wearing a T-shirt and jeans, when I remembered how fucking cold it was. I opened the door and noticed it was only 1 or 2 celsius; spitting rain and howling wind. I quickly retreated, and changed into black jeans. I put on an undershirt, followed by a t-shirt, and put on a black hoodie over top of it. I got 5 steps out the door and the wind bit right through me, so I put on a leather jacket and a black toque.
T-7:40: (He lived literally 5 minutes from my house) I let myself into his house, which reeked like old bong and cigarettes, and he greeted me with a beer. He played some gangsta rap while we started to crush our way through his 12 pack of Budweiser he had. I remember the beer was warm. This fucking guy was a slob. His whole family barely cleaned or tidied anything. He never put his beers in the fridge despite having a beer-fridge, and he never changed his black-syrup excuse for bongwater…. I changed the water as per usual. Afterwards I put on some punk and metal as we cracked jokes, and proceeded to rip disgusting poppers out of his bong. (a popper is Ontario slang for a piece of a cigarette in a bowl-stem, with weed packed on top)
Some time had passed, and I drew his attention to the drugs I had brought over. We loved tripping and were both very excited. I had NEVER mixed 2cb with acid, but it seemed like a great idea at the time. We had roughly 2 tabs each, as well as roughly 20mg of 2cb (pills which we crushed up into parachutes…for some reason)
T-???: The drugs were hitting us HARD, I was sweating bricks, and found communication very difficult. Waves of anxious chills began to wash over me. I became very distant and I began tripping harder than I ever had in my life. We decided we needed weed, because we were both freaking out. Sean says he needs to shower to calm down and abandons me in his basement.
I begin levelling out, but his basement is gross, messy, dirty, dark, and cold. 30 minutes later he comes down in a full tuxedo (he was saving it for our senior prom). He had a red necktie and an Elvis Presley haircut, so I made some joke about him being Agent 47 from Hitman’s gay cousin. We both seemed to plateau to a less chaotic place, but one thing was certain.. we NEEDED weed.
T+10:30- My best friend was in deep with the Hells Angels, and was trafficking unbelievable amounts of pot for a kid his age; we’ll just call him E. He arrived and made fun of us for seeming so high; we got stoned and bought our weed.
E proposes to take us out for Tim Hortons, and drive us around while he made some drops. This offer had me ecstatic, because I hated being in that dark, shitty-smelling basement. My stomach was beginning to eat itself; and I could see through Sean’s only window, that the sun was out. The 2c-B was kicking in very hard and I needed to move before my trip went south.
~NOTE: All time between now and when I came home from the hospital is a complete blur (I accidentally left my phone at Sean’s house). Little did I know I was about to reach the darkest, most depraved depths of insanity and physical agony one can fathom.H.P. Lovecraft would eat his heart out if he knew the revolting horror about to be unleashed on my psyche. This event was life changing, and fucked me up for MONTHS afterwards…. I indefinitely have permanent brain damage as a result.~
We quit stalling, and decided to hit the road. I did not even realize how high I was, until I started moving. I had a weird sense of vertigo, and an odd sense of underwhelming anxiety. I started to ask myself if I bit off more drugs than I could chew; but I didn’t want to feed into that silent dread building up in me. I found comfort in knowing that we would soon be in a different environment.
A sudden wave of electrical energy took over me. My field of vision was now made up completely of hallucinations and fractals. My thoughts started to loop themselves in nonsensical ways. “Fucking awesome”, I thought to myself. At this point, I have absolutely no idea what went through my mind. I became one with the fluctuating machinescape of an environment before me. My friends’ voices became an electronic jumble of cacophonous sounds. A sudden dissolution of my thoughts occurred. I knew we were getting ready to head out the door, but from this point on I began running on autopilot. At some point between the basement, his stairs, and his front hallway, my ego died. I forgot my own name and everything else about my life.
Little did I know, the high humidity and sun had elevated the temperature outside drastically. I had all my layers I left my house with, and I had my shoes on. Silently without saying anything, I headed out the door. I dismissed myself from my friends without saying a word. Not sure what went on in my head when I did this, but I just started walking…and walking.
My friends were getting into E’s car and noticed I continued to walk down his street. Repeatedly they tried to get my attention, but I silently just faded into the distance. Sean laughed and said “he’s too high, probably just gunna go chill at his house” and they left me to it.
The sun was evaporating the water from the storm; creating a beautiful mist that was weaving through the intricate geometry. I know I was sweating bricks; I had been for a while. Everything was beautiful, almost as though I was in a land of nirvana. I continued to walk, completely and utterly lost in my own neighborhood; for what seemed like eternity but was most likely around 4 hours. I did not realize this spike in temperature all around me. My clothes were drenched in sweat, and I was becoming nauseous and dizzy.
Eventually, I found myself deep in the forest beside my old house from when I was a child. I haven’t live in that area for roughly 3 years at that point. And from here my trip took a very dark turn. I had no idea where I was.
I felt like I was just a baby. With no way of knowing what is going on, confused, afraid, and just about ready to shit and puke simultaneously. Suddenly my tongue went completely numb, with pins and needles. I was struck with this sudden sense of urgent fear. I knew something was very wrong and I started to snap out of it a little bit. I’m in the middle of a scary fucking dead forest and have no idea where I am! I’m overwhelmed by a nauseous migraine, and I need to get home because I feel like I might die out here.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NOTE: I am extremely arachnophobic~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Panic started setting in. I don’t know how to describe this feeling any better, but there was this feeling like I was being watched (hunted… think Evil Dead). Something was out to get me. Suddenly, all I could smell was the putrid stench of feces and rotting flesh. I puked violently, and noticed the entire ground I was walking on, was swarming with creepy crawlies. Centipedes, snakes, and tarantulas were crawling everywhere. Underneath every dead leaf on the ground were trap-door spiders, they kept popping out in attack position and receding. I had completely forgotten I had taken drugs earlier that day. I was petrified in fear and began to cry. Sobbing uncontrollably like a little child, the stench was overwhelming and growing stronger, and my chest was pounding like I was about to die.
I vomit again, this time in a very painful way. It felt like my eyeballs and prostate exploded from pressure. The pain dropped me to my knees, and when I dropped on the ground it was game over. All at once, each and every trap-door spider on the ground (I’m talking hundreds maybe thousands), leaped all over me. Crawling all over and devouring me. I could hear them crawling and hissing, I could feel them covering me underneath my clothes. I was covered in pins and needles, and tarantulas were crawling on my balls. I panicked, violently thrashing around on the ground. I began screaming as loud as I could in sheer terror, and frantically ripped off all my clothes. I got ass-naked, and started throwing my clothes around; smacking them against trees, and using them to defend myself from these evil spiders. It was too late, the spiders had infected me underneath my skin, crawling beneath my flesh and feeding on me. They made their way up into my brain, which must have been in rough shape, because my migraine had become scalding and unbearable.
These spiders had all conglomerated into one big, evil fucking spider. Go on Google Images, and look up a funnel web spider. It looked just like that. To this day, I am almost certain I opened some sort of metaphysical gate into the unknown; and this thing was in fact, a malevolent autonomous entity, that was trying to take my soul. I could see clear as day, right in front of me, all the damage this spider was doing to my brain. This must have been a minds-eye hallucination, because it was so vivid and real. The stench was still present, and all I could taste was a bitter, metallic flavour. I vomited again, this time effecting great pain throughout my gut and I popped a hemorrhoid in my ass. This spider was crawling all over my brain, pulling apart at my wires with its fangs, and inflicting horrible pain. Each time it bit me, brought a new intrusive thought. These thoughts were horrible, unspeakable things. Everything from necrophilia, gore, torture/mutilation, to PTSD flashbacks of me being raped as a kid.
It felt like I was being brutally raped and force-fed shit. All the while, this evil spider was screaming at me in this dark alien language, comprised of hissing and clicking… it was transmitting telepathic thoughts… telling me it was only going to stop inflicting such pain and torture, if I killed my loved ones.
Needless to say I fucking lost it. I screamed harder and more hysterically than I have ever screamed before. I started sprinting all over with total disregard to the paths around me through the woods I was lost in. My heart was POUNDING. Eventually I broke through the bush into a new path and came across a man walking his dog. He must have heard me coming for miles, only to behold a naked teenager screaming and sobbing hysterically, begging for help.
I saw him, and pitifully collapsed to the ground, begging for him- “PLEASE FUCKING HELP ME OH GOD PLEASE MISTER PLEASE HELP ME!” screaming in hysterics…. this fucking guy… avoided all eye-contact… hushed his dog closer, and COMPLETELY ignored me. He must have been fucking terrified… this wasn’t a hallucination; there really was some old man and his dog that just walked right past as I was writhing on the ground. I vomit again in front of him, dry-heaving painfully and shat all over myself and the ground. I rolled all around my poo like I was on fire; while this spider penetrated deeper into my soul, and infected me with evil. The stench was unbearable now. I screamed helplessly and pleading this old man as he just walked right past me. As he walked past, his head turned all the way around like the exorcist and began rotting away as it formed a devilish smile.
I was trapped in hell, and this spider was raping my soul. I felt death closing in, so I picked my ass off the ground and began running and screaming again. I was sprinting off the path, and eventually came across an area that was made up of bramble bushes, entangle in vines. The sun was shining through the other side of them. So I booked it as hard as I could, trying to get through them…. Low and behold I got tangled in that mess. Now there was an entirely new level of pain being inflicted on me, as these bushes and vines were very thick.
It was almost impossible to get through. While these thorns wrapped their way around my naked body, cutting me underneath my armpits, my legs; you name it. The more I fought them the more entangled I became.
Trying to run through a fucking bramble bush while naked, is an exercise in futility. I came back to that same spot weeks later, and the fucking path leading out of the forest was RIGHT BESIDE WHERE I WAS. These thorns were slicing me up all over. They ripped at my scrotum and I got sliced right at the trip of my dick-hole. I had cuts dangerously close to my jugular… eventually it came to a point, where I was literally suspended. almost upside down. I was trapped in this spiders web of despair… literally suspended and COVERED head to toe in sweat, shit, vomit, blood and tears. Crying painfully and blinded by agony as this spider began to feed on me. My eyes felt like they were bursting out of my skull.
FINALLY, I broke free! I crawled my way out of that mess, into the open sunlight. The sunlight paired with finding myself outside of the never-ending forest, seemed to burn the spider away. The sun was bright and not helping my migraine, but it seemed to kill this evil spider; almost like it was a vampire. I saw a familiar busy road with cars, which began honking at me. I was still ass naked, and covered in blood and shit and vomit. I looked down at my bleeding dick and noticed something truly amazing.
THIS ENTIRE TIME, my hoodie and jeans were locked into my hand. Death-gripped like I was clinging to them for dear life (I was). Thank fuck, I thought to myself. I frantically put my pants and sweater back on. Put my hood up and realized I wasn’t very far from my house.
I was still crying hysterically, sobbing like I had been raped (I may as well have been raped by pure evil) and began making my way home. I was crying so hard and stumbling with blood all over my face. Everyone doing their yard work slowly started to notice me. This freaked me out, because they looked at me like they knew exactly who I was; it was my neighborhood after all. They definitely had seen me walking around before.
I was almost there; I came to the top of the hill, on the road my street was off of. I could almost see my house. At the top of this hill there was a white church. “I made it, I’m alive” I thought to myself as I passed the church.
As I was passing this church though, about halfway, I vomited yet again. This time was very different. The pain I vomited forth was INDESCRIBABLE. I dry-heaved blood, as it felt like my stomach and entire digestive track had folded itself inside out in my esophagus. My eyeballs popped (I had huge red spider web veins across my eyes for a few days) and my prostate felt like it had been ripped out of my ass. It didn’t stop there. My whole body was drenched in pins and needles, and it felt like I was burning alive. Like every nerve ending was simultaneously being scalded. This pain dropped me on the ground and caused me to scream so loud it, felt like it broke my voice-box; making the pain ten times worse. I lay on the ground convulsing and may have shat myself again. I cried out for help but nobody was outside. I screamed for my mother, for god, for my girlfriend and anything to save me.
My attention then turned to the church. In the field was a very fat lady on a riding mower, while little children played behind her as she drove; with butterfly nets, trying to catch little bugs. I saw the sun shining behind the crucifix on its roof. “God, please save me!! Sanctuary!! oh god help me please god!!!” I thought, as I limped as fast as I could towards the fat lady. I vomited again and the pain was worse, I collapsed no less than 4 feet behind them all; screaming bloody murder for them to help me. I shit my pants.
The thing about these kind of lawnmowers…. Is they are very loud. Not one of them heard me, even though they were literally just out of my hands grasp. “WHAT THE FUCK GOD!?” this felt like I had been completely forsaken. “FUCK THIS!!” I picked myself up off the ground and limped away from the church towards the rows of houses. I made it to the first house, and began banging on the door and frantically ringing the doorbell; screaming that I needed an ambulance. I must have been there for 3 minutes. The house was empty, I went next door and did the same thing… also empty. I went to another house and did the exact same thing….also empty! Now I started believing that I had never escaped. That I was just a spectre of pain and agony, doomed to live forever in that state of torture…. The hissing of the spider was back, and laughing demonically.
I went to the next house…ALSO EMPTY…I’m guessing a lot of people were still at work… if I had to guess the time I would say 4pm. I finally broke down crying more painfully than I had in the forest. Sobbing like a baby, whose mother abandoned him in the snow and left him to die. I screamed with all my strength a final time. If I wasn’t already dead and in hell, I gave up and accepted death.
Suddenly I heard my name being called from a distance. Low and behold was the head of student council at my high school (Kareem), with a total smoke-show of a girl<!-- , named Taylor;--> walking towards me. This caused a new found surge of adrenaline to course through me. I was not ready to die! I frantically got up and made it to them as fast as I could, before vomiting even more pain. I began convulsing, they were terrified. Apparently they heard me from inside their house, many houses down the block; and followed my screams. They knew something horrible was wrong, and Kareem was holding a bottle of water. He immediately jumped to my aid, and started feeding me water from the bottle.
It felt like my stomach was being stretched past its capacity trying to drink it. I definitely needed that. My throat burned. They were pleading with me to tell them what was going on. I told them I did drugs and frantically tried to explain what had happened in the forest. Kareem was a nerd but he still did drugs. He tried to calm me, telling me it was going to be okay and I shouted “NO IT’S FUCKING NOT GOING TO BE OKAY” and started screaming and crying hysterically. I shit my pants violently, right in front of them.
The girl's mom came outside very alarmed, and tried to help me as well. She asked what drugs I did. I told her acid… her reply was like, “LSD? Don’t worry I’m from the 60’s! I can help you brother!!” This would have been very calming, but the level of pain I was in was astounding. They force-fed me ice-water, and it made everything worse. I was still screaming and rolling on the ground. Destroying her front lawn and ripping at all the grass.
I had attracted a very large crowd at this point. One other lady knew I was on drugs (maybe she was also from the 60’s), and started shewing people away. Her mother and the lady decided they had to get me out of public…. So they had the bright idea OF TRAPPING ME IN THEIR FUCKING SWELTERING HOT CAR. They locked the doors and started frantically discussing what to do with me. This heat was unbearable. I was burning alive, and my heart was beating out of my chest. I vomit in her car and started panicking and trying to kick my way out. They pulled me out of the car and got more water. At this point she had had enough, and called the police. They showed up around 5 minutes later, and began rough-handling me into handcuffs. I was blacking out due to fear. These were not cops; these were minions of the spider, trying to gang-rape me. I did not comply; they called for back-up.
The amount of fight-or-flight adrenalin coursing through me must have given me the strength of 10 men; because it took 6 officers to apprehend me. They pepper sprayed me and kicked the shit out of me. Somewhere in this scuffle, I threw an insult at an officer and grabbed his gun. They proceeded to stomp the living hell out of me, soak my eyes in mace, and taser me. This was so bad that the mom who called the police, started screaming at them to call an ambulance. I said something to one of the cops, who proceeded to empty an entire can of pepper spray on me while I was cuffed on the ground.
Now, after this point, I truly went to hell. It was like I had been erased from history and existence. And banished to a realm of pure darkness…. I don’t mean close your eyes and see static sort of darkness, just sheer blackness. I was damned to float through the void, for all of eternity; experiencing pain beyond the human spectrum.
At which point the ambulance arrived. According to paramedics I was screaming up bubbles of blood spatter. They poured water on my eyes, strapped me to a stretcher, and they shoved me in the back of the ambulance…. I had regained some of my vision just in time to see the malevolent, torturing demons cutting off all my clothes, and shoving catheters into my arms. Completely apprehended, they hooked up something that was reading my pulse. Holy fuck that thing was counting fast, my heart really was beating out of its chest. This sound made everything worse.
I remember one paramedic forcing a mask on my beaten up face in a painful manner; and flexing oxygen into my lungs. Each time he was SCREAMING for me to “Breathe! Breathe!! Breathe!!”…. obviously this did not help my panic…. It actually made it 10 times worse. I could hear my heart rate rising to excessive levels before I almost died of fear. It began causing palpitations and going back to concerning speed. Something was injected into me and it returned to normal. A wave of calm washed over me. At which point I was able to breath, and collect myself enough to tell the paramedic shouting at me to fuck off.
They noticed I stopped trying to break free of the restraints, and eased up a little. One of the police officers was lying on top of my legs. I sobbed pathetically and begged them not to kill me. The cop who was previously beating the shit out of me, must have had some change of heart. He started slowly rising up off my legs.
“It’s okay buddy, we’re not…gunna hurt you”… as soon as I got one leg free I kicked him as hard as I could in the face (broke his nose), and my feet just started flying. The last thing I remember hearing was “SEDATE HIM!! SEDATE HIM!!!” and subsequently, a hypodermic needle was put into my temple.
I came to, many hours later in a hospital bed. I woke up like Neo in The Matrix. There were tubes all over me. A tube down my throat, in my arms, and a tube up my bloody dickhole. In a confused panic I pulled out my feed tube and started tearing out the things in my arms. I pulled off the suction cup thingies reading my pulse, and at once a doctor came sprinting down the hall. “if you pull out that catheter there’s gunna be blood!!” he shouted “whats a catheter??” I shouted as I proceeded to rip the catheter halfway out of my dickhole by the bag it was attached to. There was air in this bag and I shoved a bunch of it up my dickhole. The pain was scalding! It was like giving birth, out of your dick!
He was angry with me, told me to stay put until he got a nurse to speak with me
“are you god??” I asked him, still clearly high as a kite.
He did not answer; shortly after a Nurse arrived with a clipboard. “Are you god?” I asked.
“No” she replied, visibly flustered. She then proceeded to tell me how I ended up in the hospital, and it all came back to me. I was plagued with this overwhelming shame and embarrassment. She told me all the drugs she found in my urine, I had to explain what 2c-b was to her. She then told me my internal organs were literally cooking inside of my skin, and I was going into cardiac arrest. I had almost died of heatstroke and dehydration. According to her, almost every patient who goes in like me ends up dying; and they almost lost me.
I had to wait hours, before they got a hold of my parents to pick me up. Boy fuck, were they ever mad. The same nurse went up to me and lifted up my gown with no warning, and proceeded to grab my cock by the shaft. She explained she was taking out my catheter so they could send me home. She said it wouldn’t hurt, and that it was just going to be a little pinch. She lied, obviously. I think it ripped a bit of dick-scab with it cuz my cock was bloody afterwards. Very painful would not recommend….. My parents picked me up. They dropped me off at Sean’s house so I could grab my cellphone. I barged into his house wearing nothing but a hospital gown, with my butt-cheeks expose. I walked past his very alarmed mother, down into his basement. As I walked in I saw Sean, as he was pulling a popper through his bong; still in a classy tuxedo. He looked at me very perplexed, with that sort of face you make holding in a fat bong rip. His eyes widened, “What the fuck happened to you man?” “I went completely insane, got raped and tortured by spiders before cops beat the living piss out of me and stole my weed”, I replied.
“Jesus fucking Christ buddy, want a bong toke?” Of course I did. He had some nugs of weed on his cluttered desk. “I’m taking these” I said as I scooped them up. He busted out laughing, “are you sure you don’t want your cellphone?”
I then noticed my phone was right beside me on the table. I took my phone and left without saying anything. “What the fuck happened to you??” said Sean’s mother, as my horribly cut up ass-cheeks walked out her door.
T+9:30pm – I arrived back home, and ate scrambled eggs. I was still hallucinating, my throat felt like I swallowed razor blades, and I felt very weak. I remember walking upstairs to shower. I took a very painful piss, which ended with dick-farts bubbling out of my penis. “Holy fuck” I thought to myself.
I hopped in the shower and cried. I then crawled into bed, turned off the lights, and cried. I called my girlfriend and told her what happened. She was upset I didn’t call her; I cried. I tried to sleep but nothing came.
For almost 2 weeks I felt braindead, completely depleted of energy. And shame and depression plagued my mind. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">For almost 2 weeks I felt braindead, completely depleted of energy. And shame and depression plagued my mind.</div></div> I realized things I was avoiding due to how they made me feel, and all my prior depression seemed meaningless. For almost a month I could get phantom pains just thinking about it, and the spider’s image of itself eating my brain, was fresh in my mind. I became scared shitless of everything. I quit all substances, and focused on my school. Crazy how going to hell and back, can really change your perspective on life eh?
Many months - almost a year down the line, I attempted to trip acid again with my girlfriend. It was a great time. I have learned many lessons from this experience. I do not regret it, nor would I wish this experience on my worst enemy. Never doubt the power of these drugs, or be as irresponsible as I was. You may end up losing your life, or even your soul.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2010</td><td width="90">ExpID: 114237</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 18</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 16, 2020</td><td>Views: 3,336</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=114237&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=114237&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">2C-B (52), LSD (2) : Various (28), Entities / Beings (37), Train Wrecks &amp; Trip Disasters (7), Bad Trips (6), Combinations (3)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2.5 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 bowl</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">160 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
A Trip to LSD Land
My friend had just got back from harvestfest with 50 bomb doses, blotter. I went over his house and we ate the doses at about 9 pm. We had split a 5-strip in half, so about 2.5 doses each.
No one we knew had ever tried this batch before, we were going to be the first. 30 minutes after consumption, I could feel the L coming on very strong as I would notice some movement in my peripherals.
After smoking a bowl of marijuana, the L came on full force and started to woop my ass. I done L only a couple times before this and I can assure you, this time was nothing like the other ones.
I became paralyzed and glued to my friends bed. I lay there motionless experiencing an incredible false reality with everything moving to its own personality. Surfers on posters were riding huge waves, shag rugs danced uncontrollably, everything morphing in its own uncontrollable manner. Amidst the heavy, heavy visuals were incredible colors, which I can best describe as colors one would see on a sweet blacklight poster.
Everything seemed almost cartoon-ish. Very beautiful.
Intense anxiety, jaw and muscle tensions were overwhelming. I had been clenching a lighter in my hand for over 3 hours and didnt even realize it!
Long story short, the entire trip lasted over 16 hours and I didnt get a blink of sleep until 12 pm the following day.The after effects lasted a couple days.
It was the most intense psychedelic experience I've ever had, and I dont think I would trip that hard again if I had a choice. I've tripped since this occasion several times, but again, the effects of all those times were nothing compared to this one experience.<!--If kids only knew how far L can go, they'd have a bit more respect for it these days. (not everybody, but alot of people)--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2006</td><td width="90">ExpID: 76784</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 20, 2020</td><td>Views: 627</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=76784&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=76784&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Hangover / Days After (46), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/2ci_nbome/">25I-NBOMe</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(extract)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">120 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
<span class="erowid-caution">[Erowid Note:
Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. <a href="/chemicals/show_image.php?i=dmt/dmt_contraindications1.gif">Don't do it!</a>]</span>
Navigating 25I
<!-- You know that mood you get in? The one where you just want to go on a wild adventure into a alternate dimension? -->Mood: I just want to go on a wild adventure into a alternate dimension. What a wild ride that night was...
It all started by taking 2 pretty potent hits of 25i it was very bitter and disgusting tasting which is pretty typical from 25i (exact mg is unknown). After about 45 mins I started to get sick. It was definitely coming on and coming on fast. Another 20 mins goes by and 2 more friends showed up to join me and my friend. They brought a vial of liquid LSD that had no taste at all to it. It was the cleanest L I have ever tasted. Obviously I wanted to do a hit.
Now to my understanding you don't mix 25i and LSD... But at the time I was unaware. An hour goes by we are driving around taking dabs laughing having a great time. Then I started looping and looping bad. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I started looping and looping bad.</div></div> The next thing I can remember is my friend on top of me pouring a cherry flavored liquid in my mouth and me spitting it back at her. After I ran away I thought she was trying to kill me. I got confused after that. I was covered in a sticky substance trying to break into a car (I thought my friends were in) earlier in the night we were parking and getting out running around and getting back in the car. I was lost in the loops. Anyway I wandered into a bar and laid on the floor. Just straight up laid on the floor. I went outside and jumped on a car, which happened to be an off duty police officers car. He called the cops who came down to see what was going on. They asked me my name and I told them my name was the 'Navigator'. They asked me what I was doing to which I replied 'navigating these mean streets' and then asked what I was covered in. I replied 'I don't know it tastes like cherries get it off'. Apparently my friends called my friend who told them to give me benedryl to make me sleep. They got liquid cough medicine. I got put into protective custody, and they eventually brought me to the hospital. At the hospital I thought I was in some sort of alternate reality. I remember asking the nurse who drew my blood if she could teach me how to do that then I started crashing and crashing hard.
Total duration about 9 hours
<!-- my advise never mix 25i and LSD. -->I am a pretty experienced drug user, and I have never experienced what I experienced that night. If it could happen to me it could happen to anyone.
Be safe,
Love the Navigator--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2014</td><td width="90">ExpID: 105966</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 22</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 28, 2020</td><td>Views: 1,059</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=105966&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=105966&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), 25I-NBOMe (542) : Various (28), Train Wrecks &amp; Trip Disasters (7), Combinations (3)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
<!-- Bicycle Day 2013-->[This was written before the experience.]
Today is my birthday!!! I am an entire thirty-four years old today. It seems weird. My birthday is always weird. I never think of myself as being of any particular age. I guess I feel timeless until something, like my birthday or the wrinkles on my face, reminds me that I am living in a body that experiences entropy through time. How weird. As I look at the date at the top of the screen, it shows my birthday and it seems so weird because, every other time there has been a date up there, it hasn't been my birthday. Of course, this seems obvious, but there is a really interesting feeling about it that I guess I just can't explain<!-- , but it will make sense next time you look at the date and see your own birthday-->.
I am going to do some chanting in a few minutes. I think I am going to chant the Gyatri mantra one hundred and eight times. That should give me a good spiritual start to the day. Maybe the date trips me out because today I am going to open the doors of perception and walk through them. I guess I am trying to formulate my goals for this trip and, quite frankly, I am seeking enlightenment. I don't care if people say that you can't or at least that you shouldn't use entheogens to reach the state of enlightenment. I realize that I can't follow anyone else anymore, not that I can't learn from them, but that I am at a point where my path diverges towards the One and I am growing away from the physical conformity of this world, while drawing closer to the spiritual oneness with all living beings. It is at this point that I realize that only Gaya Herself can teach me because I am close enough now to hear the Teacher for myself. So my goal is to listen intently to the Teacher and walk further down the path, not that I want to force this, but I would like to open myself to the possibility of such a thing.
I would also like to know what the connection is between my love and me, but that is less important than enlightenment itself. I'd rather know nothing of my past lives and have enlightenment than learn about every one of my past lives and be stuck in the past instead of the now. I don't think any true spiritual experience is in anything but the now either, except that maybe all time converges eventually into the same thing. I am glad that I am choosing to chant and meditate first today. I just know today is going to be awesome! <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I am glad that I am choosing to chant and meditate first today. I just know today is going to be awesome!</div></div> It looks like it is going to be extremely windy today. I want to fool everyone into thinking that I left and went to work and then I'm going to close the blinds and sit here meditating all day, with the usual breaks for using the restroom and eating. I have to remember to call my mom before I get started with too much of this so she can sing me happy birthday. I might call my best friend too. I just know today is going to be amazing! I am finally getting what I want for my birthday and that is to have some peace and quiet in spiritual bliss on my birthday! Now I can think of some other things that I am seeking today, which one would hope would be included in enlightenment, but I want to specify them anyway. I would like to be more loving and more kind. I know we are all interconnected and even that we are one, but sometimes I dissociate from this reality. God only knows why. I also want to seek my true direction in life. Am I banging my head up against a wall going down the path I'm on to become a doctor? Or is it just a matter of being patient and waiting? Should I try to find a graduate school that is specifically doing cannabis research so I can continue my own research? Or should I just study something distantly related so that I can get out of destitution while I wait for medical schools to be sensible enough to take me? What do I do? I hope the wind does not disturb me. It is supposed to be pretty fast around here and it makes an incredible sound.
[This was written during the experience.]
Happy birthday to me, I'm frying on really great acid. I can hardly read what I am writing in some senses and, in others, it is as clear as day if you can ignore all of the weird shapes spiraling around everywhere. I thought this was going to be more of a spiritual trip, but I guess I should be glad it isn't a bad trip what will all the wind out there. Oh my goodness! :-D
OM isn't a sound; it's an existence. I feel like I am typing from there to get to here, which is also there. I know this sounds funny, which is why I typed it. I am having the hardest time drinking anything or doing anything, but staring at all the weird things in front of my face. It's a wonder that I'm such a good typist, when everything is on swirling psychedelic paper all the time. I guess I'd rather watch it than describe it. Perhaps I won't be any more help than anyone else who has tried to document this stuff. It just must be tried... and tried... and tried... Okay, the wind is blowing, making all the words look loooonnnngggeerrrr. MInd=blown. Sometimes I wonder, has everyone been listening to me laughing to myself for the last two hours. It's 1:28pm, whatever that means, and my temperature is around its usual: 98.1 F. What is difficult is typing, but it's not because I can't do it, it's because I'd just rather pay attention to the background.
<!-- Something is telling me four and a half generations is how long. She doesn't recognize me now in this life, which is what she was trying to tell me when she was calling my name and I didn't recognize her voice. It had nothing to do with this lifetime; it had to do with our eternity together or, as it seems it has been, four and a half generations.
-->Everything is the coolest thing I have ever seen! I can see the words here, but they are outlined by the same shape, but in color. I have a hard time not watching the color form on the words as I type them. There are also a few words that seem to be melting. Oh well. At least I can still read and type on this stuff. I think all these things were too intense on mushrooms. I just thought my plants had all blown off my patio and I had to open the blinds a smidgen to check on them. There are psychedelic squiggles behind all the words that I'm typing right now. My cats aren't even alarmed this time. They've seen their momma tripping before. Now I'm starting to hear trippy sounds. Oh, I guess it's just more wind. It seems like all the keys I am hitting on the keyboard are lit up and that's part of why writing this is so psychedelic. Oh, this has just configured the eyes to see like prisms. I wonder if these aren't just the shimmerings of another dimension. These other dimensions are always here, but the normal eye is unable to see them. They are the visible connections between all living beings and they are peace and beauty. Everyone really wants both peace and beauty.
This is what I'm doing here now.
I just saw green university lettering but, for some odd reason, I couldn't make out what it said. It was something I saw written on the screen! Man, I love this stuff! Here the wind is blowing at ridiculous speeds outside and I am in here seeing writing on the fucking screen! I hope they are canceling school for the day. What? Do they want all the students to blow away!?
The candle is saying, 'I am fire! I am fire!' Don't worry though because only the candle is on fire. The wick is weird in a Moses'-burning-bush way weird because it looks like it is on fire, but not getting burnt up. I wonder if Moses got himself into ergot?
There's just something special about this screen. Even when the other screens don't seem to have all these rainbow patterns on them, I always find them here. I wonder if this will continue. I wish it would. I have now written as much tripping as I did whilst still sober. This should make an interesting comparison. It looks like the icons on the computer are dancing and the dance must be called the wave.
The candle looked like God to me and I felt bad because I wasn't paying any attention to it. I didn't have to feel bad though because I don't have to be paying attention to hear God since God can speak to the core of anyone's being. In fact, God is always speaking to the core of people's beings so how can any of us not listen? People go far and wide looking for God, but there is nowhere to go but within.
I think some of the effects are diminishing although there are still trippy colors surrounding my typing and it is still mesmerizing, as is proper spelling and grammar. Naturally. :-D The wind also seems to be slowing down.
Now I hear a bunch of random sounds and, instead of seeing trippy colors behind what I am writing, it looks hazy. It's as if I am hearing some kind of foreign language and, although there is a pattern, I can't quite write it down. I guess it's because it starts out with honks then uberland boing ching. See, now that only barely approximates it. It is so true that some things can't be put into words.
So I guess some of it's wearing off, because it is much easier to see what I am typing now. Here's what it says, 'milk oil orange juice uberland boing ching.' It's as if I am hearing that, but I'm perfectly aware that it's inside of my mind. All of these things have been inside of my mind and I have just been sitting here all day. I guess what's happening now is that I'm hearing all the past noises, but in random snippets or something. Many of the words are discombobulated (amazed that I spell that correctly the first time!) versions of two or three words. I am hearing them as the sound track by which I will eventually become sober once more, just like I previously had a background of trippy colors.
I was looking at the wind map and I saw the Wind Goddess. She is beautiful. I guess the effects are just shifting. I almost wish life could be like this, but I'd never eat anything and that will eventually be necessary. I wish I felt like I could light a decent fire. Maybe the wind calmed down enough for me to light a successful fire. I'll have to think about that.
I know what all the random sounds are. Instead of the usual blah blah that goes on inside my head all the time, the sounds have been transformed into randomness which is not nearly so distracting. The thoughts usually try to grab and possess the experience, but now they are a part of the experience. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">The thoughts usually try to grab and possess the experience, but now they are a part of the experience.</div></div> What's valuable about the psychedelic experience is that it makes the demarcation between the true self and the surroundings apparent, even though one's true self is one with everything else.
I just lit a fire in the fireplace easily and it's beautiful! I guess I'm going to trip out on the fire for a while. I am still feeling it, seven hours after it began! Wowie!
I am still experiencing lingering sensations and visuals at 7:06pm, over eight hours after the experience began!
8:18pm and it's still not totally over. I have burned all the wood and the rest of the Corona box. I am thinking of getting in the tub to end things out nicely. I think the effects are mostly over, but I still feel an altered sense and very deep relaxation. There's no lying; I'm a psychonaut.
I saw trippy patterns from the ripples of water in the bathtub. I didn't add soap to my bath, so it was not there to interfere with the viewing of the ripples. I also saw a pattern of little cannabis leaves covering the walls of the tub. This was right before 9:30pm.
At 9:30pm, I finally got hungry and ravenously so. I only brought chocolate to the bath with me and I finally held myself back because I didn't want to get a stomach ache from it. Now, nearly 10pm, eleven hours later, I am finally eating my pizza.
11pm, twelve hours after the whole adventure began, the effects have *almost* completely worn off. I think it's time to go to bed. Hopefully, my neighbors will cooperate.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2013</td><td width="90">ExpID: 105813</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 34</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 28, 2020</td><td>Views: 726</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=105813&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=105813&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Meditation (128) : Personal Preparation (45), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:45</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">135 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
So a friend and I had mail ordered some Acid, and were planning on doing it over Spring Break, however we decided to give it a test run when it arrived. Both of us had taken LSD once prior, and were certainly excited to give it another go. There was very little planning given to this particular trip, as we didn’t realize we would have the Acid until about 2 hours before actually taking it. My friend, T, and I took one tab (orally) at around 8:45 P.M. and proceeded back to our dorm in order to be in a controlled environment for the come up.
He began to feel the effects before I did, however I realize now that I too was tripping pretty hard at around 45 minutes after ingestion, I just didn’t realize it at the time. This brings me to the first thing I realized about this particular substance: LSD tends to morph the world around me so subtly that I almost don’t realize I am tripping out until after the experience. Anyway, it was about this point that we remembered we had some spare Ecstasy after the last rave I went to, and decided we should make the night into a “candy flip” (something I had wanted to do for some time). We ate a pill each, then left to explore our wonderful college campus.
Never before in my life have I felt so energized and giggly, everything around me was both fascinating and wonderful at the same time. I didn’t have any true hallucinations but was instead treated to an enhanced version of things I had seen before. The ecstasy gave me the energy I needed to walk about campus and the surrounding city while the LSD made me want to keep seeing more. T and I had many fascinating conversations throughout the experience, which took us on a 5 mile+ walk through suburban culdesacs and bustling Greek Life.
Overall this was one of the most positive drug adventures I have embarked upon. I did have some difficulty sleeping when we finally called it quits at around 6 A.M. the following day, but the adventure leading up to it worth it.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2009</td><td width="90">ExpID: 77881</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 20, 2020</td><td>Views: 777</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=77881&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=77881&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), MDMA (3) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">130 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
<!-- I am now fairly certain that Pablo Picasso gained inspiration in part from an LSD trip.
August, 2012. -->I let two tabs of LSD on blotter paper dissolve under my tongue. I was the appointed 'spirit guide' for a first-time tripper. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I was the appointed 'spirit guide' for a first-time tripper.</div></div> We went for a walk, waiting for it to kick in. It took much longer than usual, and I began to think it was bunk.
Shortly after a cigarette break, we went back inside to play guitar. I was starting to feel the body-high but still no visuals or enhanced colors. For a few minutes, I had uncontrollable giggles. Mid-song, I looked over at my friend's fingers on the guitar. The strings began to curl off of the guitar, and his fingers started to dance of their own accord. I was reminded of an experience from when I was younger, watching a television show in which a person's hands were portraying full people.
I knew the trip was starting. I laid down on my bed and looked out the large window. The leaves of the tree outside against the blue backdrop of sky began to twist into kaleidoscope patterns. I saw nothing but patterns in everything around me for nearly an hour. I could hardly move or speak.
The next thing I noticed was how strange my friend's face looked. His eyes were huge, skin was green. Most of his face appeared to be facing toward me, but his nose and half of his mouth were in profile. It looked much like a cubist painting, or something done by Picasso. I remember wondering if Pablo had taken LSD- at this point my thoughts were mostly cognizant, but I was seeing a completely alternate world.
The whole world was moving. It continued this way for several hours. We went to visit my neighbors, who were also tripping. While sitting on their couch, I was convinced that I could hide completely inside my hat.
When the LSD began to wear off, it was dark. We sat on my porch and had a very enlightening discussion about what our minds had taught us over the past few hours. It was a very intellectual phase of the trip.
Once it had entirely worn off, I felt exhausted. My spine and back muscles ached from the tension of not being able to move earlier. I fell asleep quickly, and do not recall any strange dreams.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2012</td><td width="90">ExpID: 98665</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 20, 2020</td><td>Views: 629</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=98665&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=98665&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">4 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco - Cigarettes</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">65 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
My experience is great, and it was during a festival in France, a huge one with a lot of people and a lot of different bands, atmosphere and music. It was a long time I did not see one of my best friend living with me in Canada, and we planned to meet this summer and this festival was just the perfect time and place because we were both just near it!
Se we met at the festival, and we remember the time we have taken LSD in Canada. It was such wonderful time and we absolutely wanted to reproduce that again, but in a better way : The most craziest (and securiest) way, in a festival with thousands of people and a lot of cool music and atmosphere.
We have just bought LSD from our kind neighbour festivaler, we have bought 5 each, we look at the blotters, and we began to take only one of them.
We wait, wait, and wait, and BOOM, it's growing up, we just look at our face, and the effect begin, it was great sensation of happinness we laugh a lot, and we felt connected as always, but we wanted more, so we decided to take the 4 blotters we each left.
We took them, and now the universe was gonna be open to us. I feel a vibration growing up in me such powerful way that I was thinking I was losing my legs and arms, everything around me is blur, there is a concert just in front of me, but I cannot listen to it, I only listen to wind, and to people speaking and laughing, I'm conscious that right now I'm totally losing the control of my spirit, I'm feeling very very fucking high, so high that I can fly just above the people, a girl speaking to me, her face is turning everywhere and here eyes are like suns, I just walk around and around, and try to get back my body and my spirit but its impossible, I'm to far away. I follow my friend, he look at me and I feel a feeling of love, and happiness, we finally decided to buy some sweets.
I just stand in front of the colourful sweets, and this is an explosion of taste and smell and sweets began to dance, the man just try to ask me what I want to buy, but I cannot answer I cannot talk actually, my body is physically here but not...
Now, I began to listen the music, OH MY GOD, it's awesome, I feel a big power rising up in me, and I dance, I jump, I run, I cry, I'm feel an extreme sensation of moving my body, I WANT TO EXPLODE!!! It's so good! The music stop, we smoke cigarettes with my friend and we decided to look at our face, we sit down for a while , I dunno how many time exactly a long time maybe, and I see a thousand faces in his faces, we don't speak we just 'experiment' LSD, I'm deeply going inside of his mind, I reincarnate into multiple things, his eyes are green, blue, shining, glowing, it's fantastic...
The sensation of losing my mind and body smoothly goes away, I feel I'm getting back to reality, I'm feeling much better than before, I can feel my body, I can talk, and I'm feeling very calm but with a lot of energy, after this great travel it's time to dance, and enjoy the music and I know that now it will be for a couple of hours before I'll sleep so lets dance. Me and my friend, we dance a lot, we just enjoy the music, I totally recover my ears and eyes, but everything is more intense than usual.
After a big session of dance, we sitting back again and we look our faces, now it's mystic and shamanic, his face is dark and very hairy, I like this, his eyes going everywhere in his nose, in his ear. We finally decided to go back to the car, we walk for a while in the town, we lost ourselves, but we enjoy, we stop listing to frogs, and we began to dance again (yeah frogs on LSD is very very funny).
We go back to the car, we cannot sleep, it's now 11AM, its warm, and I'm not feeling tired at all, we just chill out all the afternoon, and suddenly, the night is coming, I'm feeling very very heavy, broken, tired, exploded totally dead, I'm feeling asleep. I slept very very good and woke up the next morning at 2 PM. I'm feeling tired again, and physically destroyed, I drink a beer to make the trip come back and its work, now it's more calm and smooth I'm feeling good, I dance I speak to people and after that the story goes to its end.
What I can say, is that, it was on of my favourite experience, I share a lot of thing with my friend, and I really enjoyed the festival and people, it was spiritual and deep.
The first hours I was feeling very weird like totally in another dimension, but it was so intense, a little bit freaky because there was a loud music and I cannot listen to it at all, but it was not a bad trip it knew that I was under a lot of LSD and that I experimented a deep introspection of my mind and body. But after, when I get back to earth, it was soooooooooo good.
LSD is powerful, but LSD is more than a drug, LSD is an open door to the infinite and to hidden universes.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2013</td><td width="90">ExpID: 100651</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 27</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 30, 2020</td><td>Views: 632</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=100651&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=100651&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Music Discussion (22), Glowing Experiences (4), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/salvia/">Salvia divinorum</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(extract - 10x)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">10 glasses</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Beer/Wine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(gel tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:45</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/salvia/">Salvia divinorum</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(extract - 10x)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">215 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I started off the night by trying the salvia alone to make sure that my preparation worked right. After taking 2 hits, I immediately felt the changes all around me. The floorboards in my friends attic all separated into a void and I remember walking aimlessly around his house. After that, we had a night of heavy drinking at a friends apartment. My roommate and I decided to drop one hit each of some pretty strong gel tab acid after drinking more than ten beers so we could enjoy watching some DVDs I just purchased. After the acid started to kick in (about 45 min), I remembered I had some more salvia and decided to pack up a bowl. This time, we could not stop laughing but the trip was nothing crazy. About an hour after that, I was started to trip really hard off of the gels and decided to pack up one last hit of salvia for myself. Not realizing my roommate passed out already, I take a rip of the salvia...and that's when it all went wrong.
I began to panic and call out my roommates name but there was no answer. Of all the movies to have on put at the time, Akria was the one that we chose. I heard a voice say, 'Kill him, c'mon and kill him already' and as I looked at the screen I saw a character get shot in the head and fall out of the TV screen. Then, at the same time, I had this pulling sense of gravity and tunnel vision made up of couch and a piece of my friends face. I got up, turned off the TV and went into my room to lie down in my bed. All of a sudden, I was trapped inside a cage and thought I was a rat. Reality sudden hit me and I remembered I had smoked salvia and began to laugh uncontrollably. By far one of the most intense experiences I have ever had.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2006</td><td width="90">ExpID: 61580</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 4, 2020</td><td>Views: 733</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=61580&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=61580&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Salvia divinorum (44) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">212 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I was out with my friends when all of the sudden we decided to try somthing new. I had never done LSD at the time and I heard it was a lot of fun, so we gave it a go. We went down town to our regular dealer (weed-man), to see if he could help us in our search for acid. Sure enough, HE HAD SOME. We were so excited to finaly try some that we didn't even think about how much that we were supposed to take, we just took 2 hits a piece.
About 30 mins. later, I was sitting next to my dead grand mother, listening to trance music and singing, all at the same time. It was intense! Later that evening while we were still on a trip, we decided to play with a 'wege-board,' now, this was probably not smart... It really messed with my mind. I started seeing little demons running around my house and satanic voices in my head. They were saying 'kill your self, do it come with us...' I got down into the fetal position and began to think of other things, I put my head-phones on and in trying to find a good song on my ipod, I stubled accross 'The Turtles - So Happy Together,' it was like the 60's all over again. I saw flowers and trees, it was great.<!--I highly reccomed lisening to clasic 60's music if you are ever on LSD! --> After the wonderful experience I had the first time, I have done it many times since then and it dosen't appear to have any real effect on my brain so far, other than the flashbacks. Yes, the flashbacks. Honestly, I like them...A lot of people find them to be a nusence and rather scary, I seem to enjoy them.<!--Would I recommend LSD to anyone? NOT UNLESS YOU HAVE DONE OTHER DRUGS! You also should take moral dilema and guilt into consideration.--> I have had many a friend want to kill themselfs and have to go through counseling cause they could not handle the effects of LSD. All in all, I really enjoy it :)<!-- and I hope you have found my message worth-while. : )--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2003</td><td width="90">ExpID: 49608</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 4, 2020</td><td>Views: 633</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=49608&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=49608&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Music Discussion (22), HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">200 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
My Dance With Lucy
It was a Friday night during the summer, I was watching my aunts house and I've been wanting to do acid for a little while now.
I've tripped on mushrooms 3x prior to this and I felt like I was ready. I had about 6 kids over and we ate the acid around 10:30 pm. They all went outside to smoke some pot and I just wanted to feel the acid so I didn't go outside.
At about 11:15 I saw a cop car roll up and my friends tried to run but they rounded us all up. Because I was the homeowner (none of the pot or the pipes were mine) I was the only one handcuffed. This is when I started to feel the effects. After this they rounded up all the weed and pipes and called all of our parents and my aunt who was away in new york. I got a lashing from my parents and her and I had no idea what to say as I was tripping sack at this point.
I eventually got home to my room after being horrified for 2 hours talking to police and my dad. I was happy at this point and surprisingly had a great trip. Everything in my room looked so foreign and mysterious. Everything seemed to be bubbling or breathing. It was really cool. I found myself up all night laughing hysterically at nothing by myself. I was watching a lot of TV and music sounded so beautiful no matter how shitty it was. When I was watching discovery channel animals looked crazy and there were patterns going through the tv. The people on tv’s faces were stretching and there voices sounded like they were lagging.
I also had a lot of auditory hallucinations like people calling my name and just things on TV sounding different. The greatest hallucination I had though was when I was fixated on my ceiling light, it morphed into what looked like a nipple, then an eyeball then a demon face. That was the one scary thing that happened but I pushed it away and wasn’t affected by it. After that, it was swirling like the designs on it and coming at me.
This was a night that could have been disasterous but ended up being quiet fun. In hindsight, it was defiantly worth it and someday I might dance with Lucy again.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2008</td><td width="90">ExpID: 72828</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Not Specified</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 4, 2020</td><td>Views: 1,196</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=72828&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=72828&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Police / Customs (60) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Families (41), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">130 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
5 Hits
Ok, there was a night in the summer when I was just driving around with my neighbor and he pulled out some acid and I took like 3 hits. Then I asked if I could take the other 2 so I did. About 25 or 30 minutes later I started to just wig out. When I got in his basement his carpet had likes little minature towers and there were like red laser beams coming out of them. Then I sat down in the chair, and the wall just started spining and melting and shit and the t.v started to get that slow echoy pitch to it. 20 minutes later I was seeing spining hexes when I closed eyes. Then I left his house and got lost in the woods. So I was freaking out and crying. I finaly found my house cause I got lucky. So I went up stairs and the stairs were like moving and they were wavey. Then it was pitch black in my sisters room so I just layed down there. I was seeing all of these cool Like hexs and things from like windows media player, like the graphics they have on it. Well I was staring at the ceiling for at least 2 hours and then played guitar. Couple hours later I had to go to summer school, and my trip started to just get worse. I couldnt write my name or anything. I remember saying to my friend nick 'I'm trippin my balls off', and he just laughed. Then there was this tile in the school that was just spinning and coming out at me and shit, it fuckin amazed me. After I got home I stopped seeing things but still had the anxiety and shit.
Welp yep that sums up my story<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2005</td><td width="90">ExpID: 52171</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 4, 2020</td><td>Views: 741</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=52171&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=52171&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance">Unknown</td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">70 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
About me: regular marihuana and tobacco consumer since age 14, long interested in psychedelics but no trips until trying blotters sold as LSD at age 28.
About this report: I took them three times over 1 year, a blotter a time, and this report is a retrospective of all three. Instead of chronological detail, it will discuss a) a rough account of the various effects it had on me, b) how I quit smoking after my third trip, and c) the possibility of it being DOB (or DOI?) instead of LSD.
My welcome into the world of psychedelia was utter beauty. We were sitting in a nice spot full of flowers in a park in Beijing. It took almost 2 hours until we felt something; the come-up was gradual and first felt like a weed-high. Suddenly I grew fully aware of the flowers surrounding us: I saw every single plant individually, simultaneously, moving slowly in the wind, alive. It felt like seeing the real world.
All three trips were extremely long, with hallucinations persisting for 20+ hours, and another 10h of mental exhaustion. Impossible to sleep for 40 hours. In all three trips, I experienced all of the following, very different, mental states/images/perceptions:
- fractal-like moving visual distortions, particularly on tree barks, walls, edges etc; many other mild visual effects
- synaesthesia in the sense that I strongly experienced moods that had both a color (e.g. An incredible blue), words, sounds, a texture (e.g. Felt, cotton), and a distinct taste or mouthfeel. Usually attributes I associated with my childhood in anthroposophic environments
- deep awe for nature, deep compassion with the weak and suffering, very warm, 'organic' feelings.
- on the other hand, very cold, industrial feelings, thoughts of post-apocalyptic life, full of pollution, medication and machine noise.
- at nighttime, spooky witchwood-like thoughts, as I would imagine from Nightshades or Toadstool; e.g. The whole house is alive, little sounds and lifeforms crawl everywhere; weird madness; no panic, just like a feverish dream
- emotionless abstract braingames; e.g. An awareness of the extremely fast 'mathematical' processes in my brain, accompanied by the sound similar to computer processors (tssssshh..tsrrriiii...); the feeling that these processes are working fractal-like algorithms. Sound imagination like playing with an oscillator and echo effect, with a little broken jazz. Or just geometrical forms drifting quietly in space.
- Feeling of responsibility for the group, like 'were just a bunch of little children and do no harm, but we have to take good care of one another in this big frightening city'
- if needed, a calm, sincere and direct mindset. I could be still, go into my memory to look for the past; or clearly articulate my thoughts and feeling about a certain issue when somebody talked to me.
I stopped smoking cigarettes, because my third trip, on a wonderful beach in Lantau Island, Hong Kong, was particularly emotional. I cried about 2 hours into the open sea, just letting out so much stuff that was buried there. Much of the emotion was mourning; mourning for my dead grandparents; for my ageing parents; for my girlfriend being crippled by burnout; for the forests destroyed so recklessly; our food system so hostile to life; life is so beautiful, so extremely precious, we should celebrate and mourn - look how long it took that tree to grow so nice! Look at the water buffalo, this gorgeous calm being! Look and all those little crabs! - and I grew aware of how respectlessly I treated my own precious body, smoking so many cigarettes and exposing it to so much industrial shit. I felt intoxicated, had fits of coughing until the bile oozed from my mouth. I imagined how it's like to be old, when you're not so strong anymore, with a wrecked lung, coughing, and there's just nothing you can do about it. You're thoroughly polluted and slowly die. That was so sad it made me cry even more.
I can confirm the enormous therapeutic potential of psychedelics, to treat addictions, to do memory work, to confront suppressed issues, to turn reckless assholes into compassionate humans etc... Fantastic drugs! Albeit a bit of a long march. -
Now, although much of what I experienced fits descriptions of LSD (as what it was sold), the drug I took may well have been a phenethylamine. The bitter blotter, the long come-on, the looooong trip, and some of the body load (coughing in the third, plus utterly poisoned feeling and nausea in the second) most closely matches descriptions of DOB.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2013</td><td width="90">ExpID: 102698</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 28</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 8, 2020</td><td>Views: 1,797</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=102698&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=102698&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), What Was in That? (26), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">20 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/4_ho_mipt/">4-HO-MiPT</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(capsule)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">5 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/etizolam/">Etizolam</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(capsule)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">5 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/etizolam/">Etizolam</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(capsule)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">280 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
<span class="erowid-caution">[Erowid Note:
Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. <a href="/chemicals/show_image.php?i=dmt/dmt_contraindications1.gif">Don't do it!</a>]</span>
I was working a half shift counting parts in the warehouse of a millwork company with a coworker, Dave. We hadn't known much about one another, but over the course of the 5 hour shift we got to talking about drugs in general when I mentioned I'm a tripper by rote and had a few compounds back at my...compound. He asked if I had any Acid, which I always kept a bit of in those days. When I answered in the affirmative, we made plans to meet up after the shift and perhaps indulge a bit.
I barely knew Dave, which I hadn't factored into the evening we had planned. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I barely knew Dave, which I hadn't factored into the evening we had planned.</div></div> I've had a fair number of uncomfortable Acid trips though, and thought the worst that could happen was I would have to abort with a benzo if it got too heavy. It did.
I got to his apartment around 7PM and while Dave was not only practically a stranger, he had also invited two of his friends over who I was totally unfamiliar with. They freaked me out, I don't mind saying, I knew enough about Acid to know better, but took a blotter anyway. The perferation wasn't perfect or swelled closed from the soak, because two came off the strip when I tried to pull a tab off, so I just took it. As did Dave, but when I offered some to the two strangers, they refused. At first this didn't bother me, if they weren't comfortable I'd rather they decline than try to play it cool and wind up catatonic. I cemented this by dropping on of two 20mg Miprocin capsules I had made. I liked this combination and it was nothing new to me, the crowd however (Dave included) had never heard of 4-HO-MiPT (Miprocin) or any other research chemical. They had no idea what I had just taken and the apprehension in the room silently turned all the way up.
I offered the other capsule to Dave or one of the strangers as a lighter trip than Acid, all declined and seemed wildly concerned about my combining LSD (the most powerful psychedelic any of them had ever tried) with any drug but weed (the worst thing you can take while tripping on LSD, in my opinion). They were plain scared of the off white powder and my long winded explanation that I kept trying to sum up with "It's just like Mushrooms...", but then continue to ramble on in my layman's chemistry terms. This only made things worse as I felt myself talking too fast on a subject I had already lost the audience's ear on, I felt the worst trip I'd had in awhile starting to fire up and that panicky rat every psychonaut of good standing knows all too well began chewing on the wires of my brain. Totally hypothetical terrors were bubbling up in my mind, quite without thinking I took a 5mg Etizolam capsule (my usual dose in those days), which actually drew a quiet gasp from the onlookers who were trying to just go with it, but I was scaring them and Dave took me for a walk as he noticed the stand-off building. We walked around outside his apartment smoking some weed, and out in the cold with Dave it felt alright, even the gas-on-the-fire of Cannabis didn't seem to alarm me like it usually does on LSD, and soon Dave convinced me to go back inside and try again, to which I agreed.
We got back inside and as soon as I made eye contact with the terrified strangers, the panic came back and I knew I had to leave for sure. I tried to simply relax but no one was saying anything and I felt like a vampire in the room, soon simply relenting and heading for home, telling Dave away from his friends that I just can't get comfortable. He asked if it was related to any of the weird stuff I had taken after the Acid, to which I disagreed, but wasn't up to arguing about drug safety with someone who didn't know RC's even existed. People like this worry me, as they are prime targets for counterfeit drugs. I eventually hooked up with Dave again, by ourselves, and explained some of the basics of analogues and homologues, to which he seemed satisfied, even curious (we would try 4-AcO-MET a week or so later: Winner and one of Dave's favorite psychedelics), but on the night in question he just thought me a doped up lunatic.
Now the cautionary part; I drove home. Don't do this, on anything, but really not with two blotters of Acid spinning your disc and a cap of Miprocin backing it up, throw a high powered downer like Etizolam on top and you've got rolling death on four wheels. I lived minutes away, but the ride was still filled with moments of fading or sliding awareness of my actions. I made it home gratefully (the whole ride was maybe 5 minutes in all) and put on a familiar movie to try and come back to zero. Between the strangers and the ride I was thoroughly fucking mortified, I rolled a joint and went outside to try and recapture the respite I had gotten at Dave's when we went for the walk, but I got my atypical response during bad Acid trips and the whole thing got worse. I took another 5mg cap of Tizzle and waited for the dawn in a distracted, fearful way that almost inevitably makes me reconsider psychedelics...then the next weekend would come, and I'd get right back on the horse. Bad trips are par for the course, and etizolam has aided me greatly in the worst of them! It's just not such a good idea to drive, no matter how shook up <!-- you are-->I am nor how desperate <!-- you-->I may be for escape.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2016</td><td width="90">ExpID: 114120</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 31</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 15, 2020</td><td>Views: 980</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=114120&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=114120&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), 4-HO-MiPT (342) : Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 cig.</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco - Cigarettes</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 2:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 5:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 cig.</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco - Cigarettes</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 8:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/diazepam/">Pharms - Diazepam</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">65 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
310ug fluff 9:30pm (1st @ 9:30) (2nd @ 11:30)
30min in - no real noticeable effects
90 min in - euphoria, had to stop playing cod keep forgetting I’m playing a live game. Going to start watching midnight gospel after a ciggie, emerging patterns feeling niiiice
120min in - drop another hit hooked on midnight gospel, it’s just mind blowing how FUCKING ON POINT the writers are. Blowing my mind.
*from this point on I’m writing from memory
Got lost in 8 episodes of midnight gospel
It just spoke to me and I honestly learnt the way of the world
Puts us at roughly...
300mins in (5 hours) - stop watching tv, just getting too much for my brain, so just turn it off, quickly and quietly emerge from what I have turned into my acid palace (my bedroom at my parents house) to have a quick cigarette.
After the cigarette I came back and just layed down in bed... No lights on, just complete darkness. Honestly I have been extremely lost lately, finding my place in the world and knowing what I truly want. And tbh during that time I was laying there in the darkness I figured out, love was the answer. Love from everyone and everything and giving love to everyone and everything. There’s a little part of us inside every single living thing on the planet. Treasure each other, for we are all one and we are all in life together... For every passing moment you may not get another chance to do so.
6.5 hours in - Still having some pretty cool visuals just enjoying them under my led lights patterns are full of colour constantly morphing and I’m just feeling so content with what I’ve managed to ponder and really figure out.
8 hours in losing myself in my thoughts, decided I would have a Valium (I always have a benzo handy especially if I'm embarking on a solo adventure.)
8.5 hours everything’s less jaggered and a lot smoother, almost similar to a mushroom trip I’ve had. Everything was slowly coming to an end sitting around 6:30am suns up, and it’s time for me to rest my brain.
Woke up around 10am, not much sleep at all, but have a complete new lease on life, I’ve managed to work through my own head and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.
<!--Thanks For reading--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2020</td><td width="90">ExpID: 114505</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 23</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 15, 2020</td><td>Views: 644</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=114505&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=114505&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Alone (16)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">175 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Keep this theme in mind: It's not the words that matter; it's the experience. It may not make sense to you now, but it will at the end. I promise.
In the middle of the trip, I wanted to try something I had learned from my grade school teachers during a brainstorming session. It went something like this:
okay. just type out everything and anything you think of:
Except that doesn't appropriately fit this scenario right now. Let's modify the constraints a bit:
Type out everything and anything coherent and meaningful that you think of.
Okay. Go:
Quite frankly, anything beyond 'soft' marijuana is hard psychologically. Coke, meth, heroin--those are the easy ones to identify. But we also have a whole underappreciated, unrecognized class of drugs: psychedelics.
LSD induces a thought pattern not unlike that of shrooms, which in itself isn't unlike that of a schizophrenic's mind--I suppose acid is our gateway to their minds, as subjects on acid display brain activity akin to that of a schizophrenic's. Therefore, I find it important to savour our short trip into their minds, and take note of the symptoms while it lasts, for we cannot aid those we cannot understand.
In fact, at times it's not about translating into words that matters--as I am, right now--but experiencing the symptoms, since there are many things that cannot be expressed with words; for example, we don't have a vocabulary that can convey internal experiences appropriately to others (I forget what the word is, I'll look it up when I'm sober). The point being: our observations, no matter how minuscule, cannot be adequately described with words.
So here we are, 3:16 AM, Eastern Standard Time, and I'm sitting half-baked on my half-baked, half-assed laptop on half my ass, tripping on acid. I'm writing about this experience not for myself, necessarily, but for others too, so as to shine some light on this subject. Yes--I have considered writing about this later while sober, but that wouldn't have properly conveyed my point; for example, can we really compare a 21st century, brand spanking-new, farm-fresh history textbook to the 20th century, squalid and dilapidated, soot-covered original memoirs of Anne Frank? The answer is obvious: things written in the moment carry more weight.
So here we are, 3:34 AM, Eastern Standard Time, and I'm sitting upright on my upright, tight laptop on my upright ass. As I find it more and more difficult to take this experience--to seize this epiphany and squeeze it into our pathetic English lexicon--but never mind that, I'll try.
Try to imagine this: you're sitting at a park. It's any other day really--sunshine here and there, your daily contacts bugging you about daily things, and whatever else there is. A little boy, perhaps four or five years old, but definitely of walking and talking age, comes up to you, and he asks if you would fancy a treat that he holds hidden in his fist. You smile at this little, precocious boy--not because you enjoy his presence, necessarily, but as a social obligation, as he's just another annoyance in this world. You smile at him, and you say:
'Sure, I'd love to have a look at that.'
He stares at you, frowns and pouts, and says, 'I know you're faking your feelings.'
That takes you by surprise, of course--why would a little boy have such complex thought processes capable of understanding theory of mind? And so you inquire:
'Why, what? I--I would never!'
'It's okay.' He closes his eyes and smiles and opens his fist. 'Try this, I think you'd like it.'
As you peer into his little hand, you find that it's just another peppermint candy. You push the crazy thought of his brain having the capacity to--whatever, that isn't important. You take the candy, fakely smile back to him, and he walks away, humming some arcane tune kids hum these days.
But--here's where the most vital part of understanding what an acid trip is like comes in--as you take the confectionery and begin to put it in your mouth, you suddenly, quite suddenly realize that he was your grandson, and--for a split second--you realize that you had been repeating for a decade the act of smiling at your own grandson, being surprised by his response, and taking his candy. One decade! You demented old bat! How could you not remember your own grandson, the one you cherished and loved and held in your arms as he was born? Come to think of it, he's not that young--I mean, he has a beard and all--and he comes by every Sunday at 3:00 PM to ask if some doctor is treating you alright and if you've taken your daily multivitamins. And for that moment, you realize what your life has become, and for that moment you understand your whole life--just long enough to shed a single tear.
Pop--the candy goes into your mouth. So it was peppermint, just as you had thought. You take one glance at the kid, sigh, and go back to your day off. Oh, perhaps you should go home soon, because it may've begun to rain--your cheeks are a bit wet.
Back to reality. It's 4:15 AM, and I'm finding it more and more difficult to stay awake and think coherently. What I tried to convey using that rather protracted story is that acid is about that moment where you just--you know, know. Likewise, I don't think it wise that you waste your time reading some intoxicated user's garbage about some silly drug. Go ahead and try acid. Just try it--for the sake of knowing.
Oh, and did you remember what I said at the beginning? ;).
4:24 AM, Eastern Standard Time. Lights out.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2014</td><td width="90">ExpID: 104147</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 15, 2020</td><td>Views: 648</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=104147&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=104147&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Alone (16)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 6:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/lorazepam/">Pharms - Lorazepam</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Best LSD Trip Ever
After having much difficulty in procuring pure LSD locally, I managed to find a reputable EU dealer on the dark web, ordered 5 tabs just in case and thankfully it arrived in 2 weeks. <!-- This is my detailed trip report that I managed to write -->
+0 hrs: took 2 tabs (total 440ug) at around 845pm, waited till around 915pm before spitting the tabs out. Tabs had absolutely no taste except for a little ink so can confirm its LSD and not a DOx or Nbome.
+1 hr: nothing much to report. Colours becoming super orange like a sunset. Body and head getting slightly heavy, which is a little uncomfortable. Also my eyes were getting super sensitive to bright lights.
+1.5 hrs: friend A decides to light a joint, I puffed a couple but didnt smoke much since I just want the weed to potentiate the LSD high and not give me horrible anxiety and paranoia.
+2 hrs: laughing fits. I'm literally laughing at every fucking thing, maybe its the weed. We’re all watching Taylor Swift’s music video for some weird reason and now she looks like a monkey/cavewoman in her music video and we just cant stop laughing. Friend B is literally talking rubbish which is probably why I cant stop laughing.
+3 hrs: both of them decide to mind fuck me and play some G-Eazy on the tv. At this point I kept thinking its some turkish parody of the song Me Myself &amp; I, when in actual fact its the real music video. My visuals also start to change colour and vibrate. My body and head is getting even heavier every minute too.
+3.5 hrs: I can literally see the tv move like the bass is coming out from the tv and its making it move, weirdly the main music that's not the bass seems to be coming from the walls behind. (Synaesthesia?)
+4 hrs: the music and lights from the tv made me super disoriented so I decided to go and sit in the bathroom and literally felt like my body is joined with the bathroom like some conjoined twin. I stared at the bathroom floor and I saw geometrical shapes moving very weirdly, almost like a cartoon and if I focus on them, they intensify.
+4 hrs 20 mins: sounds become super echoing to the point where I keep thinking its beside me but actually its the background sound like trains passing by. My mind is scattered, I feel like every atom in my body is dispersing but at the same time there's this invincible magnet that's slowly pulling them back together to keep me sane.
+4.5 hrs: my brain is hurting like a bitch now. Shades of colours keep going from light orange to hues I'd see in 3D images. I stare at myself in the mirror and the longer I stare, half my face is sliced and split like a reflective mirror.
+4 hrs 45 mins: I bravely switched off the bathroom lights leaving just a small gap so some light from outside creeps in and took a good look in the mirror. Next thing I know I wasnt staring at my face anymore, my face became a background and what was behind me became my face.
+5 hrs: I decided to take a quick shower to snap back to reality but I suddenly began tasting pastel colours. (Synaesthesia again?) It wasnt my soap since I use body wash and I havent even begun to wash my body in soap, also it tasted more like pastel crayons with a slight hint of bar soap which puzzles me since I don't use bar soaps nor have any in my bathroom.
+5.5 hrs: I played some Linkin Park and I almost had a breakthrough but I stopped myself because I wasn't ready. The music hits me so hard I literally could feel the lyrics to the point where I had to stop before I start crying.
+6 hrs: Could feel myself coming down since I'm no longer hallucinating and I can think clearer. However, my head feels so fucking heavy like someone put a ton of bricks on my head. I took some muscle relaxant and benzos to relax me so I can sleep.
+6.5 hrs: I didn't manage to sleep until almost about 7 hours into the trip. I tossed and turned, one moment I felt super cold the next I was sweating, which is probably why I couldn't sleep because I was so annoyed. Eventually managed to sleep after the 7 hrs mark because of the benzos.
10/10 for this trip since I didn't expect LSD to hit me this good considering my high tolerance for psychedelics. Expected it to last for at least 10 hrs but I guess my body and mind was too exhausted to continue so I killed the high because I felt I wasn't enjoying it anymore.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2019</td><td width="90">ExpID: 114614</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 26</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Aug 7, 2020</td><td>Views: 784</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=114614&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=114614&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/herbs/mugwort/">Mugwort</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(dried)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">70 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Despite some investigation I haven't found any reports of the combination of mugwort and LSD. I'm trying to find which plant guides I want to use when tripping with acid, and I don't want to use cannabis for my own reasons. I've been having some fun investigating mugwort by itself, enjoying the very mild psychedelic effects and the lucid dreaming. I've also felt that mugwort combined with cannabis gives me a more clear minded high, and in my own understanding it's like the mugwort is 'guiding' the trip. More to be said about this another time, but I thought I'd combine it with the acid.
As there weren't any experiences that I could find I decided to essentially microdose the mugwort, seeing as we don't know how they interact. As mugwort is able to cause lucid dreaming just being in the room with me, I decided that I would do the first attempt just smelling and touching it in order to make sure there's no immediate reaction. So:
Context: Walking in the woods with a friend
Substance, Dose: one tab acid (We surmise ~100mcg) and Mugwort which I am smelling regularly and rubbing on my skin.
Mindset: I'm in a good mood, with a good friend who we trip regularly together. Been doing a lot of self work lately, but this feels likely to be just a little fun.
We take a tab each as we arrive in the woods. Once the effects are kicking in, I take out the mugwort to smell and feel in order to see what I think about it intuitively. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">Once the effects are kicking in, I take out the mugwort to smell and feel in order to see what I think about it intuitively.</div></div> I enjoy the smell and don't feel any disinclination. My friend does not use the mugwort. I take it out and smell it a number of times throughout the trip.
We have a beautiful day wandering around, we sit and picnic and try foods and talk about things. I feel fairly clear minded. Nothing really exciting tbh. The only observation is that I have a much lighter trip than my friend, but they take an extra half tab somewhere along the line, so it might be that. The day continues like a fairly standard acid trip. I sleep very well that night helped by a little alcohol and an antihistamine, and no lucid dreaming, no dreaming at all remembered.
Mugwort is subtle at the best of times and on top of the acid it's not really easy to tell whether it has any effect. This was more of a first time to see if it was safe. Next time I'll brew a tea and drink that<!-- and report back-->.
Conclusion: No immediate contraindication to taking mugwort and LSD together. No clear effect from mugwort, higher doses may be required to see any effect. No negative side effects. A pleasant day had. Further research needed.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2020</td><td width="90">ExpID: 114654</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 30</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Aug 13, 2020</td><td>Views: 1,312</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=114654&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=114654&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Mugwort (292) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">165 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This is what occured the last and final time I took LSD.
It was a typical Friday night in early Febuary. Only this time we had happened to have come across some LSD and I had my one MDMA pill saved specifically for this occassion. We sat around a friends house for a while before heading over to another friend's who would be tripping with us. We'll call him A, I guess. Along with me were B, C, and D, B being the only female. So, anyhoo, we arrive a A's and take our doses. Everyone took four except me and B, who took two. I ate my ecstacy at the same time as the acid.
About an hour later things start getting funky. Everything started to melt and sway. We had A's blacklight on with all of his trippy stuff lying about: beads, posters, blacklight responsive toys, and what not. It was awesome.
(Little side note: B and C were playing chess as the trip set on and, god damn, if you wanna see something hilarious, watch tripping people play chess. It was funny, B kept saying she was winning even though she wasn't and C kept asking which colour he was.)
About three hours into the trip, A decides that B needs to go home. Why he decided this, no one really knew, but B obliged and said she would. Now, her neighborhood was adjacent to A's. The problem was that the only person who knew how to get through the woods and into the next apartment complex was A, who was tripping so hard that he really had no idea what was going on (he kept giving verbal instructions on how to play and be good at a video game that hadn't even been released yet, which was pretty funny).
A decides that he will accompany B and myself (who went along to insure nothing bad happened) to her complex. We make our way down the road and into the woods. Here is where the funniest thing I have ever seen tripping happened. A stopped at the entrance to the woods to light up a cigarette. <!--Everyone, I'm sure, knows that when you're on acid, -->When on acid, any excursion outdoors is an adventure of epic proportions. So, when A lit his Camel he had contorted his face in a way that reminded me so much of some action hero in a testosterone driven war movie that that's what he became to me. It only lasted for the briefest of moments, but when the lighter illuminated his face, I saw war paint suddenly streak his cheeks and the clothes he was wearing turned to camo gear. He even donned a backpack all of a sudden. He face was DEAD serious in what he was doing, like he was on a top secret mission for the CIA to infilrate an underground Viet Cong tunnel and rescue POW's or something. A phrase came to my mind and it was one of the most hilarious things I've ever thought. It was: 'Dear God...I'm in the company of a Jungle Commando!' It was so funny to me that I almost died laughing. A just looked at me and smiled.
We eventually made it to B's apartment, where her mother was still awake watching TV. So, we convinced A that B going home wasn't such a good idea after all. He agreed and we went back to A's to finish our evening.
On a serious note: I knew that that time would be the LAST time I ever tripped. Despite having a good night, it wasn't all that fun. Acid never has been to me for some reason. I couldn't tell you why I did it so often in the first place. I ALWAYS have to talk myself out of wigging nuts at least once during the trip. Sometimes, more than once. I did that last time too. I was just sitting in A's room, playing with some beaded necklace when all of a sudden, that bucket of sheer terror got dumped in my head just like always. I don't see why that happens. I'll be having a wonderful time and then, out of no where, my body becomes engulfed in terror, my heart will start pounding, and I'll sweat like a madman. It's so bizarre to be perfectly in control of every thought but still feel like I'm taking a panic bath. Every fiber of my being will be trying to send me over the brink of self awareness and into that pit of darkness known as a 'bad trip'. I'll have to get up and go outside, or turn on a light or something until I can regain control. Maybe it's because I have so much trouble letting go. I'm always fighting the acid every step of the way and I'm pretty sure that might just be the issue. <!--Anyway, I'll quit rambling and end on this quote:
Whoever fights monsters should see to it
That in the process he does not become a monster
And when you look long into the abyss
The abyss also looks into you
- Frederick Willem Nietzsche--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2001</td><td width="90">ExpID: 21647</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Sep 28, 2020</td><td>Views: 652</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=21647&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=21647&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">MDMA (3), LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 5:24</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 ml</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/14b/">1,4-Butanediol</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">160 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I'm a 22 year old male in good physical shape, except for the typical bashing my soul/body has taken from 2 decades of abuse.
This morning I decided to take a hit from my little 10 strip stash in the fridge. I usually take a few hits, but I wanted to see the effects of just 1 with no other drugs (well at least until I got a good feel of just how tripped I would be, then I'd get to the 14B and my dro).
This next paragraph is only for those who give a shit about various other things that may/may not be in my bloodstream- So, I'm on no prescription medications. The last substances in my body were last night, 15mgs Valium and booze of course, smoked plenty of bud... got a good bit of rest<!-- , despite my neighbors younger bro who started calling me at 9am almost exactly on the hour every hour after because he was bored and on Adderall and wanted me to come smoke him out. hah. What a little shit-->.
Anyway, I dropped the hit around 11 40am, knowing this particular shit seems to take longer than usual to kick in. Well I'd say I started to peak around 2, it's now 2 30. I started to feel that tingly body high when I'm coming up about an hour after I took the hit, it was all good. I had nothing planned for today except the usual- a scientist experimenting with his body. I started to talk to my ma, she was irritated because of one of these 'vacation packages' that she had signed up for but wanted to cancel it. We started talking about it and I was like shit, I might want to buy it from you. I was thinking me and my homeboys and maybe my blood-bro would be able to go on this week-long trip to Orlando, FL USA. So I'm getting excited about this, coming up from the acid and all made me more excitable. I was in a great mood. I go to call one of my best friends J first to see if he wanted to go on this vacation with me. Right before I hit CALL to call him, I get a call... from him. So I pick up- His mom is on the other end. 'J is in ICU'. About this time I start to realize, maybe I shouldn't have taken any LSD today... and I am REALLY glad I only took 1 hit. <!-- From the situation she told me, he has fluid in his lungs and is on a breathing apparatus until he can breathe on his own. I'm sure he will be fine but -->DAMN IT, I only take acid when I KNOW FOR SURE that I don't have to deal with anything emotionally straining. Well, here is one of those 'oh shit what are the odds' situations. How come I can't win the damn lottery or something? Why are all of my 'what are the odds?' situations always BAD. Fuck.
<!-- Well at any rate so J is asleep right now, his mom is there with him and others will be soon. There is a brother from our church there also. -->The additional stress from this on me, being of course that since J is a brother to me I have to go see him when he awakens. But people from church and his mother (who just as well be my Mexican mother, I always call her mama and she calls us both mijo) will be there and I know my eyes are dilated. I'm sure I could act quite reasonable. But is it a risk I'm willing to take? It would be completely disrespectful if his mother found out I was tripping at such a serious occasion. Well okay, the acid is peaked. I don't even want to get high right now but... I want something to keep me from feeling so edgy. So, I'm going to take a hit or 2 (dro) and mix a drink with some 14B.
2:57pm - I just now got around to taking a puff<!-- , after having a female try to convince me not to smoke (you'd think they would realize by now that wouldn't work) though I can admit that her cute ass distracted me for much longer than intended. And she seems pleased at that. haha, bitch-->... Ok now for my drink.
3:06pm - <!-- Hmm V, a friend of mine and J's just called me. I almost picked up, but considering A) I'm jamming and B) I am enjoying my trip and not in the mood to have to explain myself to a killjoy.. I just silenced. I'll call her soon enough. -->Next toke, then enjoy more music... I'm really surprised that it is so easy for me while tripping to overlook the situation with J in ICU. I certainly hope everything is okay, but at the same time I know I'd be more prone to over-react right now than anything so I should probably just wait to ponder things until the chemicals in my brain are once again at normal (uhh for me normal is definitely abnormal, but you know how it is) I'm really glad I didn't take more hits though, in fact this is the only time I've ever taken only 1 hit and I'm really enjoying it (I've only tripped about 20 times in my life from LSD) I'm not having visuals, other than slight distortions and infrequent 'waves' etc. But I definitely feel great, I've always gone at tripping with a 'more is best' attitude but this is almost better.
3:20pm - These updates are so much more frequent than neccessary, which just left me with a BIG SMILE... but anyway, everytime I leave the computer and come back it feels like I've been gone a lifetime. In reality the clock tells me 10 minutes. Liar. Who defines time, anyway? It's a good thing I choked a nice hit of that dro. Makes it easier for me to relax (slightly, but I'm still bouncing my leg around like it's a damn pogo stick.. that's how edgy I am, I guess from the cid).
3:44pm - Ok, damn it. V called again and I allllmost had the sense not to pick up but I decided I wanted to talk to her. What are the fucking odds that the first thing she says is 'I just got in a car wreck!!!!!!' I cut her off before she could say anything else and said something like 'DAMN IT you people can't FUCK with me like this right now' because 2 of my friends in a row have called me with fucked up shit that I don't need to think about while tripping. <!-- I explained to her what happened with J and where I am currently as far as my state of mind. She gave me an earful as usual about taking more cid. And then she says she wants me to bring her Valiums since she got in a wreck. She asked if I could drive... my exact reply after thinking a good bit about it was '...define drive' haha. So she closes tonight and I might go see her but her insurance people called on the other line so for now she got off the phone. Thank the lord, I hate being on the phone. I pay 45 bucks a month to have a leash around my neck, interesting phenomena. Ok so, don't think about these things. J will be just fine, and at least I talked to V so I know she's not hurt that bad. --> I do not appreciate the vibes that today has given me, it's such a gorgeous day outside... I could be enjoying things much more but I can't pick myself up to actually do anything right now, not that I'm in a bad mood because I'm actually in a great mood. But that's the thing even when bad things happen and I maintain a good trip, I still have to wonder in the back of my head... should this particular thing be bothering me more? Should I actually deal with it right now, is it irresponsible to put it off and is it just an excuse that I'm on a substance? My answer is no. And I box it up, and set it aside until I'm sober-minded. Then I will open that box, and deal with whatever may happen to be inside. So, let's do that. Another toke, and wasn't I saying something about a drink of 14b? I've felt too good to even get up except to pace tweakingly around the room while talking to V on the phone.
4:18pm - Music, as usual is pretty much holding me glued to this chair. Except for my head-bobbing and jumping around to the music, and singing. But that can't be helped. Okay damn it where's my drink which I still haven't made?! <!-- Why isn't there a cute female here to make the drink for me?!?! Ain't that about a bitch. Oh well smoke a little more... Ok so V is saying if I bring her a Valium at work, she'll suck me off. That sounds great, but fuck I've known her for so long it would be weird for us to do anything even when I'm not tripping, we've talked about it and how we are like bro/sis and we couldn't do anything. But damn I'm very tempted to do this, either way it will have to wait until later.-->
4:30 - I can barely remember what I've been doing the past 30 min, but apparently just sitting here listening to music... but looking out the window, I see a beautiful day so I need to go take a shower and go out and try to enjoy it. Ok, now I'm going to smoke a little more. Mix my damn DRINK FINALLY.<!-- I'm not lying this time. heh and then shower and possibly abandon this post of mine for any given period of time.-->
5:04 - So I just got around to drinking that drink. But I've just been enjoying music and jammin out for the past 30 min or so in my own little world. I took 3 ml's of my 14-B which,<!-- if you're confused about the varying reports about this substance--> my personal opinion is that it is an INCREDIBLE chemical. Just like anything else, it just needs to be used responsibly. <!-- If you are debating whether or not to try it before it becomes illegal, I urge you to obtain some now. Just remember, please use RESPONSIBLY. We don't need any ignorant folks causing rucus with the laws and end up getting this shit outlawed. But-->I make sure to MEASURE DOSAGE accurately<!-- , for any of you younger more adventerous/stupid types (like I was). I recommend not taking more than 3 or 4 mLs your first time, but 2 is in my opinion THE BEST STARTER DOSE-->.
5:24 - <!-- This is a pretty badass CD for those of you who know of it. I think the album is called Loud Rocks or something, it's like one of the first popular albums of it's kind (at least that I know of) where 2+ artists, one of which is a 'rocker' and the other a 'rapper' are put together either making new songs or sometimes re-making older songs. Not just 2 songs being 'mashedup' but actual 2 artists combining their art- I find it very enjoyable. ANYWAY I'm ranting as I'm listening to Cypress Hill- Roll It Up. hahaha FRIDAY- oh shit. Watch that movie, do it NOW. But no I still haven't showered, but I will smoke some more. 'smoked it and I STILL got faded!' yeah this is 1 of my many toking songs. One of those songs where when you hear it, no matter where you are or what you're doing you want to fuckin smoke a fat blunt.--> I'm starting to feel the 14B slightly, and the bud/acid combination at this point in my trip is absolutely splendid. (I don't <!-- reccommend smoking-->smoke too much bud until after the first few hours of my peak, unless something throws me into a bad trip or something<!-- but that should be RARE anyway.-->. I've had some straaaange trips on straaaange substances, but I wouldn't consider ANY of them 'bad') Though I do have Valiums and booze if things get ugly, heh. That was more of an un-funny joke than anything, but it's true.
5:30 - <!-- I'm starting to become very glad that T didn't give me any Adderall yet... because I know that I would have taken some. I can't say that it would be a bad mix, because -->I feel GREAT right now and can't even imagine any other drug fucking this up.<!-- But I'm just glad because I don't care to be unneccessarily twacked unless I'm feeling extremely lazy or some shit. -->This low dose of acid has given me a nice little energy boost so I don't need any damn uppers. <!-- Hmmm but cocaine would be orgasmic I'm sure right about now... damn. Why did I have to think the C word??? Fuck me. Now I'm going to most likely end up buying Coke today. Damn it. haha. which means I'm going to have to feel really good, and then feel really bad after. Notice- this doesn't deter anyone from doing cocaine. It's just like some small side effect compared to the stimulus of your pleasure centers, that is until you're coming down and then you hate everything about everything. Ok anyway, enough about cocaine. I'm ridiculous these days, when is enough enough?!?! I feel just FINE without it. Now if only 1 of my friends was here who would convince me out of obtaining it. Not that I'm trying to now, but I just know that if I'm feeling good already and I think about cocaine... I will end up buying it before the sunsets. And it's already 5:38! heh.--> By the way just for the sake of purity of this record, I have been toking a hit or so every 5 min for the past half hour or so. What else could explain why I've been listening to Cypress Hill for more than 10 min straight? haha... and I mean that. <!-- But you gotta love this shit when you're high man... 'I wanna get high' fuckin sweet song when you're as fucked up as I am. And fuckin Ghetto Boys, damn.
5:53 - Just got chewed out by my pops for having music too loud, kind of funny cuz I had my music so loud that I couldn't hear him yelling at me through my door, and when I did hear him I thought I was just hallucenating. But yeah banging eventually becomes apparent. Damn it. He's always so aggressive, I don't understand it. And he equally doesn't understand why I'm so lax. Nor do I, for that matter. But fuck it. 'Feel no shame for what you are' as Jeff Buckley said it. RIP you unequivicably talented bastard. Ok wait STOP... it's shower time.
8:47 - So, I got a shower and T ended up convincing me to go smoke with him and his chick friend down the street. He also asked if I could hook up a 60 of coke for her friend. I said yes, made a call and by the time I walked to the back alley they said they didn't need it anymore. Come on fuckers. But anyway as it turns out I'm going to get an 8ball in a bit. Bah I knew it would come to this. haha, oh well. 'Buy the ticket, take the ride... no sympathy for the devil.'
As far as summing up this report, -->
I had a badass day except for I still am not sure what happened to J I have to call him and see. Overall I'm still feeling good, just starting to get slightly drained feeling.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2007</td><td width="90">ExpID: 62225</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 22</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Oct 13, 2020</td><td>Views: 540</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=62225&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=62225&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Cannabis (1), LSD (2) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">300 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">175 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Setting: First, some TV until I felt the effects coming on. Later, in bed with headphones.
My past trips with this substance have been relatively "so-so", a bit scary and nothing I really want to remember. I'm happy to report that confidence has been restored, at least somewhat. I'm not as scared of it as I was before.
Now, I'm not saying that this is the right kind of setting to be in. Just that it worked this time.
This is a little hard to explain with words. It was like some advanced aliens were to show me a little of what is possible in the mind. Musical experience. Tones and details of the music became alot more pronounced Closed-Eye Visualizations were very vivid and beautiful.
Strings of tones came flying and were split into piano-like sections. Sometimes they moved in circles, other times up and down. In all ways imaginable. Inside head 3D examination, up/down, looking into different areas of the brain or whatever, to find problems. Inside ear drum ? Some hair barnacle or something ? Seemed like time was at standstill. The music sort of paused, I was in control of it. Problem here ? Nope, no problem ! (lol) So I just shifted the attention and figured I should just continue listening to the music.
Inside some very advanced factory for electric cars or whatever. Gears, cogs, motors, robots. Hissing sounds, fast-moving. Really cool.
Playlist. Hard to concentrate. If I didn't have a playlist I thought I would be seriously lost. It was a little hard to select the tunes I wanted to listen to. The music captured my soul. Suddenly, it was not blissful and melodic but rather dramatic and weird-sounding. I think the lyrics were "I will catch you .." so I thought "haha yeah what a load of bs, I don't need to listen to this" Then... oh, wait, what's happening ?
I felt being dragged downwards, it was hard. Visualizations took the form of snakes or lizards. For some reason I went to look in the mirror which is usually not recommended but I did that anyway. Said some weird things, etc. Getting old or gray hair coming ? Something else ?
I remembered that someone at some party smiled at me in a certain way. I used his/hers smile and felt a little better
I needed to really focus on the baseline beat in the music, the cornerstone of good music. A strong, powerful, melodic beat/bass that really drives me. Without driving you nuts (haha..)
I felt this also as a triangular "3 sides"-visualization with good energy. There's a game about building bridges and the thing I learned from it was the thing about triangles. They are very strong and can carry a lot of weight, so it is used
extensively in many construction projects. That is not to say that other forms are not as strong, just that the visualizations were like that in this experience.
Once we got that baseline beat going, music can build. Different elements can come in. It can rise and become really euphoric.
Open-eye, I saw the rain on my window in all the colours of the rainbow. These colours extended into my apartment in a cool way.
Club. I remembered that special place, dancing, having a good time, feeling really good about myself and other people, youthful feeling. Smiles from people and the way we all could feel the music. I remembered the feeling from MDMA and it was almost always a good one.
After having listened to the music for a good few hours I saw the moon appearing behind the clouds, it opened things up and I could see all the different cloud layers and stuff.
These strong, powerful, melodic beats lasted inside my mind throughout the entire day, whenever I felt it was needed in my day-to-day work. This sort of afterglow I have never experienced before.
I went to sleep (with some sleep deprivation) and dreamt about (or it just came to me) beautiful synthesizer tunes,
coupled with mild visualizations, really mellow and melodic, anyone could like it. Backwards, forwards, up/down, in circles, morphing into other tunes
It felt like I had tapped into or unlocked some far away energies. I just hoped that this would never fade away because it was really good<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2017</td><td width="90">ExpID: 114842</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 29</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Oct 18, 2020</td><td>Views: 572</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=114842&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=114842&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Music Discussion (22), Unknown Context (20)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 2:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">190 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Before my first trip on acid, the only real 'trip' I'd had was on dxm. I am also a regular toker and have tried coke once. A friend of mine got a hold of me saying he had access to 4 doses of 'cid that were described as being 'pretty decent' so I sprung at the chance to try this heralded drug.
My friend, we'll call him A planned on each taking one hit that night and saving our second hit each for another time. We took our first blotter at 8pm and waited for it to hit. After 2 hours we still felt nothing and were thinking it wasn't the real deal, so we said what the hell, we might as well take the second one and see if that puts us over the edge.
About 45 min after consuming the second dose, I noticed a guitar in the room was morphing in size ever so slightly but enough for me to realize that my trip was beginning. We decided to go on a walk through some heavily wooded trails. Walking down the trail with trees all around me was pretty cool. I could see the trees and bushes getting closer to me as if they were trying to hug me, but it was all very subtle. There were no interesting colors or anything but I noticed that even though we were on a dark, secluded trail, I kept feeling like there was a car behind me in the distance with it's headlights shining on my back. It seemed like some sort of lighting was coming from behind me. After walking around on the trail for a little longer we decided to head indoors and listen to some music and mess with some candles/lighting. It had been about 2 hrs since I had initially started seeing the guitar morph and I was having visuals here and there but they were very subtle. I believe the doses we took were very weak. As the trip went on I saw less and less visuals but staring at my friends face while he talked was the trippiest thing. My friend's face was actually the only thing that was morphing and his face would morph into various halloween mask-looking faces for a split second and then into something else. All the visuals were creepy but since I knew I was on a drug it was more entertaining than scary. We spent the rest of the night just exploring the outdoors and indoors with very minimal results. This whole time however, my mind was racing and I was thinking very deeply and philosophically and picking myself and trying to discover who I was. This was the most enjoyable part of the trip as A and I spoke about psychology and philosophy for hours. This entire time I was tripping I felt completely sober and that I could easily function at work or school on the dose I was at. After 12 hours all effects had worn off completely and I was left feeling like I hadn't quite had a real acid trip but it was still mildly enjoyable.
I hope to do acid again sometime in the future where I can get a hold of some better quality doses. Also, we were out of weed that night so smoking a bowl or two may have helped bring out more visuals.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2009</td><td width="90">ExpID: 81614</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 22</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Oct 26, 2020</td><td>Views: 529</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=81614&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=81614&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/4_acetoxy_dmt/">4-AcO-DMT</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">100 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/4_acetoxy_dmt/">4-AcO-DMT</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">140 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Its early Tuesday, I have my dog with me, and I'm at my friend's house. His girlfriend is going to be there later. We roll a couple blunts with a little wax and take some acid. I take three, so does he. We sit talking for a while and smoking weed, while waiting for it to take effect, I have 0.10 grams 4aco in a gram baggie waiting for me.
'The leaves are getting bigger.' He says, looking out the window. You wanna go outside and start a fire?'
Sure I think, I get the 4aco, and fill the baggie with water and choke it down. Taste kinda like shrooms... But I didn't get all of it so I fill it up again and make sure its empty. We decide going outside alone is a terrible idea so we wait for his girlfriend. He put in a dragon ball z movie, and he remembers he has to sell some weed, so I plop on the couch because suddenly I can't move. I could feel my body getting heavy, a different kind of high I knew was amplified by the LSD. The whole world was spinning acid style and dragon ball z kamehameha waves are going through the TV into the walls. The OEV were much more intense and colorful than usual (just LSD).
Everything starts getting bigger and more defined. Blue is suddenly 50 different shades that make up that particular color, etc. Black has a depth that stretches to infinity. His friend comes over and they are joking about us tripping, but its so far away. Suddenly a bunch of dolphins fly into my view, and orcas. It looks like everything went underwater! A coral reef with fish pop up and I swear I'm seeing kelp or seaweed. I'm even seeing bubbles and stuff and I'm tripping balls at that point thinking
'Its not real, its part of the show something happened...'
And my glasses break. I'm blind without them, and I'm just about to drown in whatever mindfuck I'm in, my friend says I was rolling around on the couch. I could hear a kind of whooshing sound or a quieted roar. I could still see everything, but it was really blurry. I kept fixing my glasses and then breaking it again when I put them on. I was also twisting my body in weird directions. I felt everything ripple, like rocks thrown into a pond, and then the underwater scene disappeared and my friends appeared, asking me what was up. All I could really do was hold out my glasses, thankfully his girlfriend had arrived and she was able to quickly fix my glasses. After that we got ourselves ready and went outside to start a fire.
As soon as we get outside I plop in the chair and I close my eyes. I start seeing lights (think 2001: space Odyssey where the guy goes into the monolith) and hearing strange intermittent sounds. In between the sounds I hear a loud and clear voice. It seemed to know everything about me and made predictions about my life. This voice only really came when I had my eyes closed for more than a few seconds, but it was persistent. The clouds are so detailed, I can see vapor trails moving and making the cloud appear as if it was slowly crawling across the sky. The clouds were very opalescent as well, new and different colors in the sky. I lose my dog and have to go find him tripping balls, the neighbor brings him back before I get too far and scolds me for not tying him up. I put him next to me and he falls asleep. My friend waits for his daughter to get home from school at which point his girlfriend goes inside and fixes a light snack before they take me home. I'm still seeing basically rainbow Rorschach blots when I close my eyes and heavy wavy colored distortion when I open my eyes. The usual acid OEV but I'm still too fucked up to go home, I manage to get them to stop by the store first before they take me home.
We get to the grocery store and while shopping I pick up a Kale, because I'd never tried one, and it felt like such a good idea I pulled a leaf off and ate it before replacing the kale. Needless to say my friend was pretty mortified so they kept me closer to the cart as I had to mentally remind myself not to go touching everything (the textures were so vivid and bright I really wanted to) so I bought a juice and drank it, and it was very good tasting.
I got home and spend the next hour outside playing with my dog and looking at the trees. Mainly looking at the trees. Because they have a breath of their own I just saw it as they wiggled and swirled in my still full blown trip. I was coming down but a lot slower than usual. After I went inside I ate the most delicious dinner I remember that and I helped my mom clean up and all the other little things I don't usually do when I'm not tripping, soon after that I went to bed so no one would see how fucked up I was, but it took a long time to actually get to sleep. I had an amazing afterglow feeling that lasted a couple of days too, and felt a very strong sense of connectedness and love. It felt like a cross between very strong mushrooms and DMT. Except the DMT feeling lasted for around 2 hours.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2014</td><td width="90">ExpID: 108132</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 29</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Oct 29, 2020</td><td>Views: 838</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=108132&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=108132&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), 4-AcO-DMT (387) : Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:25</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 24:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">0.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">0.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">175 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
“I’m so glad we didn’t take three”
I’m going to try to remember the series of events that happened in Ocean City, Maryland after taking two of the strongest tabs of LSD I’ve ever taken. First a little background, we had a condo about 20 minutes from the boardwalk. I’ve been looking forward to tripping on the beach for quite some time. My friend picked up a strip a few days before leaving, the only slight issue was the people we were staying with weren’t the most LSD-friendly group to be around while tripping. At the time we didn’t know the potency of these particular tabs, for the sake of privacy I’ll use just initials, myself R and M were deciding whether to drop two or three tabs, I had a decent amount of experience with LSD so I was considering three, I believe R and M both taken LSD a few times each before and we decided on two due to the fact we were walking the boardwalk and had to remain somewhat composed. R, M, and I dropped two tabs each around 8:15 pm and started to roll some blunts for our adventure to the boardwalk.
T+00:35- We decided to take a bus to the boardwalk, it ran all night so at the time we thought we would be good to find a bus stop, and get the bus back to the condo. Little did I know that would be next to impossible once the LSD took control. I’m talking to R and M and started to notice the bus being extremely bright, I remember saying “There’s no way this is kicking in already, do you notice everything is getting decently bright?” The bus took about twenty minutes to get to the boardwalk, but it felt a lot longer than that.
T+00:55- We get off the bus and start walking to the boardwalk, everything looks normal but I started to feel almost anxious, it might have just been excitement for the incoming trip but I remember saying something about it. We get to the boardwalk and R wanted to stop and get some water, we walk up to a ice cream stand, the guy working the stand asks if he can help us, and R and M start laughing so I started laughing and the only word that was spoken to the employee was “water” in between bouts of laughter. He started laughing, handed R her water and we were on our way. Our next stop was the bathroom at dunkin donuts, we used the bathroom with no problems, but this will come back into play later on as a major issue.
T+01:25- After walking on the boardwalk for a little while, I start to notice more and more effects, everything is extremely bright and vibrant, all the lights look like they are breathing, so we decided to walk along the beach and find a place to smoke one of our blunts, after walking for about ten minutes, we reach the pier where some amusement park rides are starting to shut down. We turn around, walk about a hundred feet and sit near the water. At this point I noticed I’m sweating way more than should be, that combined with the wind coming off of the ocean, made me feel so cold, I remember wishing I brought a long sleeve shirt with me. We started smoking and I remember looking into the water and not be able to distinguish the sky from the ocean. It all seemed 2d almost like a painting. The sound that the ocean would make, was way louder than it should have been, every time a wave crashed, it reminded me of a cymbal on a drumset.
T+01:55- We finish smoking and start talking about when the beach closes. We saw people driving down the beach and started to think it might already be closed. As we’re leaving the beach, walking over the tire tracks left by whoever drove. I remember R saying “Those tracks look just like railroad tracks” and we all broke into laughter. We finally get off the beach after what feels like an hour of walking though the sand. When we make it back to the boardwalk, I don’t know who first mentioned it but someone said “I really need to use the bathroom again” we all agreed and set out to find the nearest bathroom.
T+02:20- After checking about ten different places along the boardwalk, no one would let us use a bathroom. Everyone said there was public bathrooms on the boardwalk but all of them were locked for some reason. We ended up going back the next day and all the bathrooms were open until midnight, I still don’t understand why they were locked so early. This was a major issue for the next two hours. Now the LSD is coming on strong, tracers everywhere, every time I turned my head, it felt like reality had to catchup. I had a hard time reading signs, everything was blurring together. The trip started getting intense at this point.
T+02:45- The bathroom hunt continues, we ended up walking to the very end of the boardwalk where there’s just about nothing, no stores, just darkness and the random hotels littered along. We turn around and start walking the other direction. Now we are talking out loud about how we’re feeling, “Holy shit! I can’t even read, all the lights have shining halos around them!” I recall noting quite loudly, drawing the stares of the semi sober bystanders around us. I can’t even imagine what we looked like, the three of us aimlessly walking, laughing as our pupils as big as our eyes, clearly not trying to hide the fact that we were fucked up, In between bouts of laughter we reminded ourselves we need to find a bathroom. In the distance we see a building off to the left side, as we get closer we realize it’s a bathroom! We sprint to the doors but to our dismay they’re locked. The sign said 10am to midnight and it was probably around 10:30-11:00, but regardless it was locked. We set off in search of another, hopefully open bathroom.
T+03:20- Some of these times might be a little off, I just remember laughing about everything and commenting that “I couldn’t feel walking anymore, it was just like my legs were taking me were I need to go.” M suggested that we leave the boardwalk and try to find a bathroom in the city. We walked off the boardwalk where it was slightly darker, and the tracers were way more intense than before, every time a car passed us all I saw was the blur of it’s headlights. We checked a few more places for a bathroom including a 7/11 to no avail. All the streets looked the same so once we were a block or two from the boardwalk, we just walked around each block a few times hoping to find any kind of bathroom. We stopped people on the street asking if they could point us in the right direction, but everyone suggested that we just find a bush and go there. None of us wanted to take the risk of being caught by the police, considering we had a few blunts and we’re tripping harder than ever. We ended up finding a random vending machine and were all decently dehydrated so we get a water. It sounds pretty easy but it was so complicated, I couldn’t understand what to do, the whole machine was bouncing around, R and M had to help me work this basic vending machine. At this point I realized I was tripping way harder than I originally thought. We continued our journey to find the elusive bathroom.
T+03:45?- Now the fact that we absolutely need a bathroom is dawning on us. We decide to head back to the boardwalk after wandering through the blocks of Ocean City for I don’t even know how long. We make it back and find another one of the public bathrooms but just like all the other ones, it’s locked too. I suggest that we just head back to the condo, but had no idea where to find a bus stop back. After getting almost lost in the city we decided the best course of action, was to just order an uber back. We realized we couldn’t head back yet, we needed to stay a little while longer, everyone at the condo was still awake. This whole time, the trip is getting more and more intense, It felt like I would say something important and meaningful, then 2 seconds later completely forget what I said, it was next to impossible to hold a conversation with anyone. It almost felt like I was lost in my thoughts.
T+04:00- I decided to try to call my brother, and tell him what happened, he knew we were dropping the tabs, just not when, he said everyone was going to sleep and it was cool to come back. I hung up and tried to order an uber, but my phone looked like everything was vibrating and I couldn’t find the uber app, I gave my phone to R and she helped me order the uber. The uber driver was only about 3 minutes away. The uber arrives and for some reason I made a comment about how “I drive for uber when I’m not fucked up” we all end up laughing and kept laughing, the driver said “Let me guess you guys dropped LSD” we all started laughing hysterically. We said yeah and told her all about our quest for a bathroom and she said something that threw us all way off. She said “Sometimes I don’t wear underwear and wear a skirt, so I can just squat and go anywhere.” I’m pretty sure she was joking, but on LSD it literally freaked me out and we all got decently quiet. Finally we got out of her car, and made it back to the condo.
T+04:25- We made it back to the house and everyone was asleep except for R and M brother. After a few min of talking, we go out on the balcony and smoke another blunt. R and M brother B came outside with us and asked us what we were on. Decently nervous at this point, we told him, he started laughing and said he was going to bring down some shrooms but changed his mind at the last second. He stayed outside and smoked with us, but since we were tripping and he was only drunk, needless to say it was decently hard to carry a conversation, especially after smoking a blunt or two. I kept getting lost in my thoughts, I would thing of something, say it, and wonder if I was just thinking or if I was talking. We decided to go inside and put on a movie. We picked Planet Earth two and watched the first episode. It felt absolutely crazy, the way all the animals acted, and communicated, the cutthroat world they live in, and us humans are watching living and dying, while messing with the chemistry of our brains. It was mind blowing to me, so mind blowing I was getting decently nervous, just thinking about how we could die at anytime, just like those animals on Planet Earth, at this point I didn’t talk too much, I was preoccupied trying to keep my thoughts in order.
T+05:25- B went to sleep and I’m so exhausted, I only slept for maybe two hours the night before, and now it was catching up to me. Every time I closed my eyes I would see a Kaleidoscope of colors, bending and flexing in and out. R and M put on a sci-fi series on Netflix and the last thing I remember from that night, is turning my head and listening to that Netflix series. I must have passed out very soon after that.
T+09:30- I wake up to nursery rhymes on YouTube, my brother asks me how I’m feeling and I just responded with “I don’t know” I took note of everyone in the living room, looked at the ground and it’s still wavy, I was still tripping decently hard. I walked across the condo and took a shower, trying to sober up a little bit. While I was in the shower the water felt amazing, almost like I can feel every bead of water, I was just having a hard time breathing due to how hot it was in there, I got dressed and went back out into the living room. I asked R and M if they wanted to smoke, they agreed and we go out onto the balcony. We roll a blunt and I started to tell them how I’m still tripping. They both didn’t sleep at all and are still tripping too. I remember looking down from the balcony and all the grass looking just like water, flowing back and forth. As we finished the blunt, I started getting lost in my thoughts again. I tried explaining it the best I could, but kept forgetting what I was saying. We headed back inside and decided to go with everyone else to the beach.
T+10:45- After swimming in the ocean, and hardly talking to anyone. I wanted to head back to the condo. I was getting bit by flies and just not feeling the best, the cool visuals that kept happening started to become more of a nuisance. I just wanted to relax and maybe smoke again. I’m pretty sure R fell asleep on the beach, and M and I walked back to the condo to smoke. We roll another blunt and discuss how we’re still tripping decently hard, at this point my visuals are fading and I’m starting to get hungry. M is still full out tripping probably from the lack of sleep combined with the LSD. Everyone else makes their way back to the condo and we all go out to eat.
After we ate my effects were just about gone, R wasn’t really tripping anymore after she woke up from her nap on the beach, but M didn’t stop tripping til she went to bed that night. Around 8:00pm we started researching about LSD lasting 24+ hours and <!-- for some people the LSD more or less gets stuck in their serotonin receptors and--> I’ve read reports of people tripping 18-36 hours. That freaked me out, I don’t know what I would do if I was still tripping 36 hours later. We all went to sleep decently early that night.
We woke up and decided to buy some blunt wraps and head to the beach. When we set up at the beach, R mentioned she had the tabs on her. We were deciding whether to trip again or not, it’s been a day since we last tripped and decided that half a tab each would be perfect. R and I dropped half a tab, and another half tab later on but that’s a story for a different time. In a nutshell, we didn’t trip nearly as hard, but it was the perfect amount of LSD to make the day better. This all just happened a few days ago and I wanted to write this for two reasons, First I wanted to better relate to the experience and make sense of it, and second I wanted this experience to be documented, as it was one of the best LSD experiences of my life.<!-- Thanks for reading! --><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2019</td><td width="90">ExpID: 113578</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 30</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Nov 11, 2020</td><td>Views: 937</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=113578&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=113578&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53), General (1)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(edible / food)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco - Cigarettes</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">900 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance">Pharms - Lithium</td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">100 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/bupropion/">Pharms - Bupropion</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">175 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
LSD and Lithium: Seizure
March 13th: I was hanging out with Ralph, Ignatius, Wilson, Autolycus, and Penelope in Ralph and Ignatius' dorm room. Quite unexpectedly, we were all offered LSD by Autolycus, who had come into it that same day. Although I had not had any prior experience with psychedelics, I was convinced that I would be fine due to my frequent use of DXM and IV opiates/cocaine. What was a little acid?
Since I was broke, I scurried back to my room to get some methadone to trade to Autolycus. On returning I saw that it came in the form of shock-tart candy, on which were visible the dried imprint of the LSD. I ate three of the candies, took a quick hit of marijuana, and waited for the effects.
About 30 minutes after ingestion, the visuals hit me harder than anything I had seen before or have seen since, including 1200mg DXM and 5 grams of cubensis. Absolutely nothing was stationary, every particle of the room was darting around in little circles and occasionally widening with bursts of color. Yet I already felt very uncomfortable and kept assuring myself that it was just a new experience to immerse myself in. I was very antsy and suggested that some of us go to get cigarettes from Ralph's car. So Ralph, Ignatius and I went to get them. Leaving the room, I was immediately aware that the normally faded carpet in the hall was shockingly bright and pulsating up and down the length of the hall. It felt good to be out of the room and we went down the parking lot without incident.
As we were walking up the car, a car alarm went off in another car just behind us. The strident, piercing noise terrified me and I saw with horror that in the rear window of the car a demonic panda bear was grinning maniacally at me. I was at the end of my wits and thought it was an ambush meant to kill us. Evidently it was just some sort of key-interference from the remote lock device. Still very scared, the three of us were returning to the dorms when we heard inhuman screeching sounds from the adjacent forest. Scared shitless, I mustered the last of my waning confidence to tell them to fuck off or to come out. It was six or seven of our friends, Wilson among them, who had decided to have some fun with our trip. To this day I cannot understand the mindset behind fucking with people who are tripping. In any event, we returned with cigarettes to the dorm.
When we got back, the five of us decided to go outside for a smoke. Throughout the experience I was scared and uncomfortable, but it was nothing I could not suppress at need. As we smoked, however, the voices of my friends sped up. They sounded unmistakably like Alvin the Chipmunk.
Apparently at that point I whirled around and fell violently on the pavement and proceeded to seize. The next thing I remember is being loaded into an ambulance with all my friends looking on in disbelief. The ride was hellish. Everything was so very white and unnecessarily loud, and they strapped me down and stuck IVs in my hand! Why on earth would they not go for the elbow-crook veins?!? I was also convinced that the whole affair was like a level in Super Smash Brothers Brawl and that it was the game that caused my seizure, for which I would be the legendary downfall of Nintendo.
The next morning, I was told that I had almost died as a result of combination of LSD, Lithium, and Bupropion and that I had been seizing and then babbling nonsense for the entire night.
<!-- So do a quick bit of research before you combine prescription medications with psychedelic drugs.--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2008</td><td width="90">ExpID: 72012</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Nov 16, 2020</td><td>Views: 580</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=72012&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=72012&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Health Problems (27), Combinations (3)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">220 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I had been imagining what it would be like to trip on acid for a few years when I had finally had the opportunity. I would not have considered myself at all experienced in hallucinogenic drugs, having had small dose trips on mushrooms, and a few crazy salvia trips. Acid turned out to be much different than my other experiences.
I had just gotten back from home for winter break, just settled back into res when I hear of acid. I immediately get as much as my financial situation allowed me (3 tabs) and chucked them into my safe... For you know, safekeeping. Anyways, fast forward a few days, me and some friends are sitting around bored as hell, I have class in a few hours but figure I'll probably just skip and decide to drop a tab of acid.
So I get the stuff out, my buddy tells me I should take 2, I agree and place em on my tongue and let them sit for a few min then swallow them down. That subtle little bitter taste assured me that there was some form of chemical on those little pieces of paper.
Now it is important to keep in mind that I was the only one who was tripping, everyone else was otherwise just stoned off good pot.
About 30 min after I dropped the acid, I get this intense, sudden fear that I had done something horribly stupid, that I didn't want to trip in the middle of the day by myself, I was freaked out. I went to the bathroom and stood there wondering if it was too late to puke out the stuff (of course it was). I had an argument with myself and decided that I would just go with it, and went back to my room.
But that was not the end of it, I was still panicking, and my buddies had left for class.
I don't remember exactly how long I was just sitting around in my room alone but it could have not been any longer than an hour. When finally my buddy comes back, he is the only other guy who has done acid before and I demand to know if it is possible to abort an acid trip. He has no idea and starts to mess with me telling me that once you take acid, its in ur system for good.
Skate for PS3 is a pretty trippy game to watch, this was about 2 hours or so after dropping the acid and things are starting to groove good. I'm seeing streaks of colors come out from all over the place on the tv, and the floor looks like its projecting a second image of itself a foot up, like I'm walking through the floor.
Before I was really tripping I remember going to the bathroom, my pupils were huge. On the way to my room I saw my buddy standing outside in the hall then walk back to my room, immediately I knew what was up, they were putting my last tab of water in my water. I walk in screaming gibberish and they are saying I'm crazy but there it was. I did not want to take it so I kept the bottle with the tab in it. (That bottle still is sitting around and built quite a nasty colony)
I remember I had a big bag of pot at the beginning of this trip and by the end of it, that would change. I had my buddy on joint rolling duty, and basically, once I had lost all perception of time, I had to rely solely on joints as a reference of time. I understood that once it was time to stand up and walk outside for joint, roughly 45 minutes to an hour had passed.
Now this being January on the east coast of Canada, its pretty fucking cold out. But I'd just burst outside in my tshirt and once I flung that door open it would be like BANG whoa its like another world out here man. One point I remember standing in the parking lot smoking a joint, and looking down at the potholes and cracks in the pavement, and the snow outlining the holes started to glow then look like lava, I was standing on the charred surface of Mercury and lava was pouring out at us I concluded. Oh we finished that joint already? Time to go back inside.
I remember walking back to res and seeing some guys moving in, one guy tossed a ball to the other, but I had to ask if they were throwing coconuts around.
I jump back onto my bed, such comfort and warmth. After listening to some music for a while I start to imagine myself out in the middle of the ocean. My blue sheets the endless sea, my green blanket the island I am sitting on. I could feel the wind and the sun, but then I snapped out of it when a bunch of friends burst in with beers.
Before I know it we are all sitting around watching 2 guys playing NHL 09. Watching the game with all my friends standing around me started to get pretty intense. I was sitting on the floor and they were almost standing all around me behind me, it felt like I was in a stadium, then before I knew it, my friends became the walls of the colosseum and I am sitting in the middle of it and I can hear the chants of thousands. I snap out of it.
Now I had dropped the acid at 12 noon and at this point the sun was down, my buddy suggests we watch a movie. He puts on the Royal Tenenbaums, a movie that I had never seen before. Now if I were to try to explain this movie to you I would have a really tough time because this movie did things to my mind that I didn't know were possible. I could not follow anything at all and for a while would just focus on the staging and symmetrics of the background.
After a while everyone went off to do their own thing, and I was left alone for the night. I decided to watch a favorite, nacho libre. Holy fuck that would mess with me further. I could not figure out the DVD player for a while and watched the main menu, finally I started the movie. Now I cannot really understand what happened and I assume it was the drug but I have some doubt. Midway through the movie I decide to close my window, and as I do the movie pauses and repeats. This happens 3 times when I was standing there, the first time was 100% because I hit my PS3 controller, but I remember picking it up and placing it on my chair, I cannot explain the 2 other times, and I remember at that point I became distressed. By the 3rd time I saw the scene happen I begged god for it not to happen (I am not at all religious) and sure enough the movie continued, I was relieved. I followed the story of nacho and felt like I was alongside him the entire time.
Throughout the entire night I was watching funny things on youtube, the internet rocks but you gotta be careful not to click the wrong thing, I would freak myself out so many times by going to those shock videos, it wasn't as scary as I thought it should've been considering my state of mind, but it does not help my joint rolling abilities when a scarred up zombie face pops out at you.
One strong visual I had was when I was rolling a joint. The way my fingers were moving so delicately back and forth my hand started to morph into a spider and it looked like it was spinning a web, my thumbs the spinnerets. I could not get my eyes off the arachnid, its glare caught mine, I was truly terrified. But then I snapped out of it and went out to enjoy the night.
In summary I dropped the acid at noon and I would say the effects started to wear off by 5 am. Compared with shrooms I'd say I could handle myself better in a situation where I had to converse with sobers and I didn't have that CRAZY OUT OF CONTROL feeling that I would get eating an eighth of shrooms. However I didn't get anything mind shattering that salvia gave me.
All in all it was a great time and I look forward to my next opportunity.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2009</td><td width="90">ExpID: 81742</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 20</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 31, 2020</td><td>Views: 643</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=81742&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=81742&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">20 g</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/nutmeg/">Nutmeg</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(ground / crushed)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 drops</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
<!-- There doesn't seem to be much out there about nutmeg in combinations, so I thought I might relate my experiments.
Some time ago I dosed 20 grams of nutmeg and ventured to a friends house. When I arrived she offered me some acid, I thought about the nutmeg that was beginning to come on and I said I just take one. Which was actually two drops of good old lsd 25 on a sugar cube.
I took it, waited, and prayed that I had not just doomed myself. Well about twenty minutes later it hit me, rather it kicked me in the testicles. I was completely blown away, I'm not really sure what was more present, but if I had to guess I'd say it was probably the nutmeg. Every thing had a more real feeling to it, as for hallucinations, they weren't rigid and 'fake' like that of acid. And every thing was huge, the room grew and twisted, my arms seemed miles long, and noises were hollow and echoed for eons. Well eventually (four hours, maybe) things calmed down and I was able to some what function again. This is where the really long acid trip came in, I had dosed about 4:30 that afternoon, and it wasn't until 6 the next morning that I started my descent. Once I was completely down, I had no hangover at all, other than being moderately tired.
The next time I mixed nutmeg was with melatonin, this resulted in vivid images. One that I still remember is a large dragon above my bed, scared the shit out of me, I opened my eyes and there's a huge fucking dragon plain as day! I have since repeated this experiment, and thats the only thing melatonin seems to add, vivid hallucinations.
Resently I had the opportunaty to try mushrooms on top of nutmeg, both amanitas and psilicibe (not at the same time though). This was a big mistake, my body wasn't in much danger, exept for the posability of my heart stopping in terror. It was truly a frightening experience that I'm not going to talk about, I wouldn't recomend this one.
My last note worthy combination was with sanpedro, I was already fully enveloped in the nutmeg, when I desided to smoke some cactus. After finishing a couple bowls full of skin and flesh, the nutmeg was totally gone, not to return again. It seems something in the cactus completely nullifies nutmegs effects. I was kind of pissed but I learned something that day so I guess it's ok. --><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2001</td><td width="90">ExpID: 12036</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 4, 2021</td><td>Views: 1,060</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=12036&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=12036&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Nutmeg (41) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3), General (1)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:10</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">0.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:40</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">0.5 joints/cigs</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 6:40</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 8:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 cig.</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">86 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
<span class="erowid-caution">[Erowid Note:
Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. <a href="/chemicals/show_image.php?i=dmt/dmt_contraindications1.gif">Don't do it!</a>]</span>
Totally Different Second Experience
During my school days, myself and a fellow friend - 'G' were always fascinated about psychedelics, their effects on the brain, and how different everyone's experience on them is. Before this experience, I had only done LSD once, and even this was a small dose (half a tab<!-- of 200ug LSD-->). G has done half a tab of LSD as well as 1g of Psilocybin Cubensis. During my first trip on LSD, I didn't get many visuals, bar ripples in my vision, as well as colours appearing brighter, and objects in my peripheral vision occasionally blinking different colours.
Myself and G decided we want to trip on LSD again, after having an enjoyable experience the first time round. We tried to source a local dealer, unfortunately, where we live, LSD is few and far between. I'd known about the deep web for a while, and would consider myself fairly educated on it, as well as currently studying for a Degree in Computer Science, my existing knowledge put me in a good position to order from the deep web whilst keeping it as safe as possible.
On a thursday night, I psyched myself up to finally purchase 25x 120ug Albert Hoffman blotters from the deep web. They came whilst I was working on Saturday. I had already planned to smoke a spliff with G, so I brought the tabs along with me, as a surprise, because he didn't know I had ordered them. We were in a position where we shouldn't really take the tabs right now, because G had commitments later on during the night, with his girlfriend. However, we decided it would be a good idea to drop the acid anyway, and just roll with whatever happens.
T + 00:00 - The time was 17:54, and we dropped 1 tab of acid, the acid was consumed sublingually, kept under our tongue for around 10 minutes.
T+ 00:10 - We were speaking about our first experience on LSD, and decided we wanted to guarantee that we got more from this experience than we did the first one, so we dropped another half tab.
T+ 00:40 I drove us to a local park where G rolled up a spliff and smoked it whilst we walked around the perimeter of the park. We both started feeling the initial effects of the LSD, I myself started feeling a floating sensation where I couldn't feel my legs. We carried on walking, which was beginning to feel very abstract. The world started to become stranger and stranger and I began to feel slightly nauseous.
T+ 01:00 We carried on walking through the park, where I realised I was experiencing tremendous comeup anxiety, my stomach was aching massively, and I felt overwhelmingly nauseous. We sat down for a moment and appreciated how bright the lights were looking, and that we were just free to walk around, appreciating nature. Leaves on trees began to look blurred, and it was difficult to focus on signs. I felt good. Sitting down and watching the world helped my anxiety, I was starting to relax.
T+ 01:35 After some more walking, and being generally appreciative of our surroundings, G needed to get his phone charger from my car. We started walking back to my car, which was a 5 minute walk away. Along the way, we got distracted and sat down next to a bridge. We were watching the river flow for a while, and 2 people walked past. We found it absolutely hilarious that 2 people walked past and they didn't know we were tripping. The laughter lasted around 5 minutes, and after we focused on the our goal which was to get to my car.
T+ 01:50 After the procrastination, we got to my car. We were looking at the acid in this little baggy, when people walked past and turned around for a second look at us, I won't forget the look on one ladies face, it was strange. We decided it'd be a good idea to leave that area and grab a couple of bottles of water. I drove to the local supermarket and this is where I really started to notice visuals. Whilst driving, it looked like the houses and people in my peripheral vision were being fast-forwarded, I felt calm, but my thoughts were racing. I had to manually think about what to do whilst driving my car, telling myself to indicate when necessary, etc.
T+ 02:00 We parked up and psyched ourselves up to go into tesco, we had a game plan - to look normal and don't let people know we're tripping. As soon as we entered, I looked at the ground and it looked as if it was breathing, rippling back and forth whilst the dotted pattern waved around. I said nothing of it to G as we were in public, we purchased the water and left.
T+ 02:05 We walked back to my car, and it felt like my brain couldn't compute what was real and what wasn't at this point. It felt like I was flicking in and out of reality, where I could act and think completely normal, but the next minute I'm getting lost in my thoughts and confusing myself. G's girlfriend rang him and wanted us to pick her up for a bit. I was incredibly apprehensive of this, had a disgustingly bad feeling about the situation, I had only met his girlfriend once before and the thought of her knowing I was on LSD terrified me, thinking that my world would spiral out of control once she knew, thinking that I had made G take it too. Nonetheless, we drove to G's car and picked up his girlfriend.
T+ 02:30 My memory starts becoming fuzzy at this point. G's girlfriend was talking a lot, and I was listening, but never really following. A lot of the things she was saying discombulated me, and I found myself having to give myself a few seconds to catch up and reply, time and time again. I noticed that G was feeling similar, as he kept forgetting what we were doing, repeatedly asking 'What are we doing again?'. This worried me as I thought for sure she would foil us at any moment. We ended up getting her a McDonalds and driving to the local fair.
T+ 02:45 We arrived at the fair, there were police officers everywhere, keeping the peace, although it felt like the fair was empty.. Not many people there bar packs of police officers. During the drive there, there was a police car with its lights flashing blue and siren wailing, this both made me and G visibly shaken, and his girlfriend said 'What? It's not coming for us, whats wrong with you both'. This made me even more paranoid than I already was.
T+ 03:00 I wasn't really enjoying the fair. It felt like everyone had their eyes on me, and that I was making incredibly poor decisions. Walking around a lot of police officers with 2 grams of weed on me made me feel very uncomfortable too. We walked to the local tesco to go to the toilet.
T+ 03:10 I was getting intense visuals by this point. Everything in my vision was flashing different colours, mainly green and purple. The floor was waving around, and it felt like my arms were numb. Whilst we were on the escalator, mine and G's old business teacher happened to be behind us, Mr Allen. We think he didn't recognise us, thankfully, but it made us slightly nervous, although I started uncontrollably laughing.
T+ 03:15 We finally started walking to the toilet after what felt like an eternity, walking in front of us, however, was a Police Community Support Officer, I thought for sure he knew what we were doing. I started sweating profusely, but G turned as I was following him and gave a reassuring look. I went to the cubicle and released my wee, while G had a wee stood literally next to the PCSO. It felt like an eternity went by, I couldn't help but feel anxious at what might happen next. Eventually, I left the cubicle and G was looking in the mirror. I did the same as I washed my hands, and I looked uglier than I ever have before. My face started melting away slowly, while my eyes stayed still and turned black. We left the supermarket, and fair, where I decided that this was enough, and that the fact that I couldn't embrace my trip for what it was because his girlfriend was here. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I couldn't embrace my trip for what it was because his girlfriend was here.</div></div> I said to drop me back off at my car where I would go home and we would all rendezvous later at a mutual friends house after he finishes work at 12.
T+ 03:35 I say my goodbyes to them both, and enter my car. I sit down for what felt like a couple of minutes but I think 20 minutes went by. It looked as if cars kept going past behind me, similar to when a car is behind you and the headlights infect your car. That was the only way I could describe it. Everything was wobbling. I felt euphoria in my body, however. Intense euphoria all through my nerve endings. I started the car, and grabbed the steering wheel, deciding that I should go home now. The steering wheel in my hand felt like it was upside down, and felt alien to me. I spent a few minutes looking at it before I departed home.
T+ 04:10 The trip home wasn't bad. I felt like everything was moving around me, taking me into account because I was tripping. Environment kept changing colour, and I couldn't read anything. When I pulled my phone out, the keyboard letters started floating around, and the text began to get smaller and smaller to the point where I couldn't read it. I walked inside after preparing myself mentally to avoid my parents. I pretended to be on the phone, and it was incredibly difficult to pretend to have a conversation with someone. I couldn't think what to say.
T+ 04:25 I spent about 25 minutes in the bathroom, unloading a poo and realising I was tripping. I watched the visuals go by and forgot things in my short-term-memory often. Most notably, my white bathroom was flashing a light green, and the towels looked like they were flowing, like a river. I looked at myself in the mirror (I have eczema) and decided that I was disgusting, and that I should sort myself out after I had finished tripping. Then, an uncontrollable urge to scratch all the eczema I could see came over me. I started bleeding a lot. I was panicking at this point, realising it was only the drug that was doing this I went to my bedroom and lay in bed, changing my clothes for something more comfortable.
T+ 05:25 During the time in my room, I got lost in my thoughts watching videos, thinking that they were talking to me, most notably 'Strawberry Fields Forever' by the Beatles, especially the 'Nothing is real' line. This made my mind race, one thought led onto another, and before you know it I was texting G this exact sentence 'When you think about it, us being awake, being conscious is just the presence of electrical impulses in a fleshy computer, our body.' and another one 'When we're seeing things, all we're doing is looking at lines and seeing patterns in them, interpreting them as environments, seeing something in what is essentially nothing'. I felt like I was reflecting a lot by this point and was enjoying most of the thoughts.
T+ 06:00 The time came to pick up W from work, I was still having some visuals at this point, but not nearly as intense. My mind was still racing, however, and I found myself getting lost in thought loops again. This didn't alarm me, I felt calm, almost in bliss.
T+ 06:20 It felt good to see W again, I had told him the general story of the night, and how amazing LSD is, and that I'm finally getting visuals from the drug. We make plans to take it together with G soon. We arrive back at W's house, where his neighbours cat resides sometimes. The cat made me feel very on edge and anxious. I didn't trust it.
T+ 06:40 G and his girlfriend were here too. We sat in the garden and smoked a couple of spliffs. It felt good to calm down a bit. G kept making inside jokes regarding the fact that we had taken LSD, including writing ACID on the condensation on a glass table outside, as well as saying puns such as blotter, using the word trip often, etc. I found this hilarious. I felt still calm, and bliss, and that everyone was enjoying themselves. It felt good to be with my main guys, one of which I literally grew up with. It felt like everything was right.
T+ 07:40 G and his girlfriend stayed for a little bit, and we had some deep conversations regarding conspiracies, and other topics that evoke thought. I was truly enjoying myself, G and his girlfriend left, and we said our goodbyes.
T+ 08:00 I stayed with W for a while. I smoked another spliff where this hit me hard. I started getting visuals on the house adjacent to W's garden. It was blinking different colours, and the bricks were morphing together and snapping back into line. It looked strange. W's garden was fucking beautiful. It had a perfect view on the night sky, and it was a refreshingly clear night. We sat together and appreciated the stars and vastness of space for a while. All the while I was getting many visuals on the stars, it looked like they were all twinkling at me, like they were telling me something. At one point it looked like they were all coming down to touch me.
T+ 08:40 Things took a slight turn for the worse. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">T+ 08:40 Things took a slight turn for the worse.</div></div> I was looking at the side of W's head as he was looking up into the night sky and he started transforming into a stone gargoyle that was sucking the life out of space. I quietly said his name in hopes that he will turn around and snap out of it. Thankfully he did, this was relieving. We went back inside to chill for a little before I left. The pictures all around his house of him and his brothers were so strange. They were morphing around and they all looked like the same person, this was concerning but I enjoyed looking at them, reminding myself that I'm still likely tripping.
T+ 09:00 I started getting paranoid, I'm not sure what at, but I thought and felt that I was in a TV show, and there was a camera crew following me around. This made me super anxious and I started seeing eyes in everything, and looking at sunglasses made me uncomfortable as I didn't know if there were eyes behind them or not. This is pretty much where the experience ends, I went home and fell to sleep easily, and blissfully. I felt emotional the next morning, but reminiscent of yesterday, I had thoroughly enjoyed it, and spent some good time with my good friends, whilst doing what I enjoy most, talking about thought-provoking topics.
Overall, I had a good second experience with LSD. There are bits and pieces that I don't remember from the night, but I certainly managed to think deeply about some topics that mean a lot to me, including some problems going on in my personal life. Next time, I don't want to feel like I have to hold back the trip, by acting normal around G's girlfriend. I also think that cannabis during the comedown of an LSD trip will make you begin to trip again, from my experience - definitely going to do some research on if there's a correlation between the two drugs or not.
<!-- Thanks for reading.--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2017</td><td width="90">ExpID: 111280</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 27, 2021</td><td>Views: 518</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=111280&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=111280&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53), Combinations (3), General (1)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1200 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance">Pharms - Lithium</td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/clonazepam/">Pharms - Clonazepam</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 cig.</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco - Cigarettes</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/zolpidem/">Pharms - Zolpidem</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">215 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This trip happened last friday night. I have very recently been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and prescribed lithium carbonate. I read a lot of reports of very negative experiences with lithium and LSD and I also noticed that most of those experiences involved people taking large 4+ hits of LSD. I took the risk of having a seizure to prove a point that lithium and LSD can be taken together safely when I take the proper precautions. I knew that if the trip got too intense I could always abort the trip by taking two ambien and falling asleep, but I also kept the Clonazepam handy in case I was getting too overwhelmed.
I took the LSD at about 7:34 and me and my friend who took two hits were expecting it to kick in as usual in about an hour. So after an hour of waiting and mixing music we still felt nothing but I insisted that I felt something and I was right.
<span class="erowid-caution">[Erowid Note:
Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. <a href="/chemicals/show_image.php?i=dmt/dmt_contraindications1.gif">Don't do it!</a>]</span> We got in the car and drove just around the corner to his house and immediately when we got in to his house the lights and colors were insanely vibrant and he kept saying he wasn't feeling much so I told him to drink some water to push it into his system. We put on a movie and smoked some herb and the movie was hilarious but the visuals were getting too intense for me so I took a Clonazepam and we went and smoked a cig. We came back and drank some soda and the sugar in the soda made everything come to life it was like everything was moving and flowing. I definitely felt like I was ten times higher than he was and I was only on one dose. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I definitely felt like I was ten times higher than he was and I was only on one dose.</div></div> So after another good movie he drove me home and when I got back I was still tripping HARD and decided to just try and go to sleep so I took my ambien and laid in bed with my eyes closed tripping my balls off for like a half hour and then finally fell asleep.
Woke up four hours later, took my next dose of lithium and the weirdest thing happened. When the lithium kicked in it felt like my trip started up again, clearly the LSD was still in my system but it was only 18 hours later max.
<!-- I just want to warn people that taking LSD with Lithium involves a risk but it is a calculable risk. It will increase your-->It increased my trip approximately 500% or 5x's meaning <!-- if you take-->taking one dose <!-- you are-->was in essence taking five. <!-- If you take 4 you are in essence taking 20 so be careful. And keep some xanax or another pharm capable of easing you into the trip or else your mind will go into overdrive and you will black out and have a 'siezure'. If you dont have self control you shouldnt be on a medication as dangerous as lithium in the first place. --><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2010</td><td width="90">ExpID: 93681</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 23</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Feb 11, 2021</td><td>Views: 1,039</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=93681&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=93681&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Pharms - Lithium (91) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">60 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/paroxetine/">Pharms - Paroxetine</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 6:20</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 8:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco - Cigarettes</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
A Heavenly Experience
LSD Observations
Took 60mg of Paroxetine at 4.30am for Panic Disorder/Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
1 x 160ug dose
Taken at 10.50am 1/12/15
Began feeling acute effects at around 12.00pm. Increased colour perception, enhanced sensory perception as well, increased interest in music and outside. More interest in smoking cigarettes. Currently very pleased with dosage, haven't noticed any hallucinations/disturbances as yet. High feelings of happiness, love and increased awareness.
Update 1pm - Feeling similar effects as earlier but alot stronger. Feeling spaced out and chilled :) Smoke some nice Marijuana and feeling even more spaced and chilled.Having a lovely experience compared to last time.
Update 3pm - Maintained a healthy and happy trip, still experienced major noticeable changes in perception, thinking and vision.
Update 4.30pm - Feeling more sober and as if the comedown has started, still had a great experience today and hope to again!
Aftereffects - Virtually none, just general tiredness. Still had no known hallucinations or disturbances.
To summarize, I had a very nice trip and impacted my day and mood severely, I think LSD could be the key to maintaining
a healthy mind and to alleviate the extremities of major mental illnesses. <!-- I recommend LSD to all, just to make sure you
don't overdose!!-->
First time I tried LSD I took two 115 microgram tabs and after 1 hour experienced the beginning of the LSD experience but felt it wasn't as a strong as I had expected and so I took another 2 tabs and this completely ruined the experience. I had no sense of time and had many open eye hallucinations and hearing delusions. <!-- So yeah, I recommend beginning smaller dose, say 1 or 2 tabs to begin with! This lets you experience the feelings I described throughout this report without the m-->Major anxiety and grief of a bad trip<!-- which I experienced previously-->.
<!-- Once you begin to experience the full force of LSD then you can taper with dosages to your own preference, so make sure
you respect yourself and your drug!
- Xenon--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2014</td><td width="90">ExpID: 107458</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 18</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Mar 1, 2021</td><td>Views: 563</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=107458&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=107458&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">60 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/paroxetine/">Pharms - Paroxetine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 3:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">30 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/2ce/">2C-E</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">4 bowls</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">135 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
My boyfriend, my friend and I decided to take an acid trip a few days ago. I'm on Paxil (Paroxetine) for a research study, but a quick search didn't find any problems with the two interacting. My friend brought over 3 hits, along with 3 2C-E and some weed.
We all took the acid at 5:30 or so, and by 7:30 both of them were starting some visuals and getting noticeably more giggly. By the time 9 rolls around I'm still not feeling much, just a little more impulsive. My boyfriend and I both popped the 2C-E, and before long his visuals were setting off even more and he was clearly tripping, while my friend was well on his way. At 10 or so they decide to go for a walk downtown, and I decide to stay home and call a friend. Within a few minutes of talking to my other friend on the phone, slight nausea is setting in and I can feel my mood changing. I got off the phone in a hurry and ran to the bathroom, puking up the contents of my dinner. I then called my two trip buddies to tell them to come home, just in case this was a bad reaction. I am unable to stop myself from crying, but I do not feel that scared or upset. Oh, and I've had a cold this whole time! So I'm rubbing my nose raw.
They got home shortly and after this, the trip is becoming increasingly strong, and I was able to stop my head from leaking (that's what I said, at least) once we were finally able to purchase some weed. Conversation between the three of us became stifled and sort of awkward, and it seems like we keep going around in circles repeating the same pattern over and over. We were up until about 5, then we finally were able to fall asleep.
I don't know how much of the trip I finally felt was acid or 2C-E but the Paxil definitely decreased my trip noticeably, normally I'm the first to go and I don't trip often. The visuals from the 2C-E continuing, though it lessened, until we fell asleep.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2009</td><td width="90">ExpID: 81676</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 20</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Mar 1, 2021</td><td>Views: 579</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=81676&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=81676&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), 2C-E (137) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">20 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/paroxetine/">Pharms - Paroxetine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 cups</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/mushrooms/">Mushrooms - P. semilanceata</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(tea)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Paroxetine and Tryptamine
I've noticed a lot of people are wondering about the interactions between SSRI's and hallucinogens. I've been taking Paxil (Paroxetine) at a dosage of 20mg a day for about 2 years. Before I started using Paxil I was a daily Cannabis user and consumed hallucinogens like Shrooms and Acid on the weekends. I thought they the absolute best drugs ever. They were very cheap and produced LOTS of laughter, visual and auditory hallucinations. It was very enjoyable. After I began the Paxil I found that the psychedelics had lost their magic for me. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">After I began the Paxil I found that the psychedelics had lost their magic for me.</div></div> One time I ingested 2 hits of Blotter LSD. It kicked in after about half an hour but I just wasn't the same anymore. The body feeling felt the same as it used to but the hallucinations were diminished as well as the euphoria. It just wasn't as fun.
Another time in the fall of 2008, shroom season was upon me again. I live in Newfoundland, Canada and Psilocybe Similanceata (Liberty Caps) grow in abundance late in the fall. I picked a shit load of 'em and boiled myself a cup of shroom tea. Typically, I use about 50 decent size undried, fresh mushrooms per cup of tea. This used to get me real fucked up before the Paxil but this time around I just couldn't get to where I wanted to be. I felt the body feeling and felt more emotional but that's it. No hysterical laughter, hardly any entertaining was just dull. I drank 2 more cups of potent tea but it just wasn't working for me. It seems the neutral or negative effects were present but the positive, sought-after effects were seriously diminished. Of course this may not be the same for everyone<!-- , so I wouldnt recommend taking large doses of Shrooms just because you started taking an SSRI-->.
The point of this report is that, for me, Paroxetine has had a negative effect on how I experience LSD and Psilocybin. Its seems to have no effect on Marijuana except that I don't laugh as much on it, but that may just be because I smoke it so often.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2008</td><td width="90">ExpID: 79225</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Mar 1, 2021</td><td>Views: 644</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=79225&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=79225&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Mushrooms (39), LSD (2) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">160 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
It was the summer of 96 in Calgary AB. I had a group of friends I often tripped with, and there were a few girls my friends were trying to pick up.
Evrything started off like a typical trip: at randy's apartment wich was a lsd friendly place;good music good visuals good vibes.
Like most trips I have to go outside and explore, so we went to princes island park, a fun place to be stoned.
We smoked a few fattys at the top of the hill you go down to get to the park. Funny how much smoke fits in my lungs on acid.
There was a great view of the city skyline at dusk. I noticed I was kinda being excluded so I tried to get in the conversation. This girl mandy was tripping out on how everything looked square, I tried to tell her yes, but all the light are round. She was like ooookkk. This didn't bother me too much.
So we started down the never ending staircase down the hill, about halfway down I saw mandy sitting on a bench with her eyes closed, about a foot away from her head was the biggest pure black spider I ever saw in my life, it was really really big. So I asked mandy if she had her eyes closed because of that spider? Mandy got all weirded out and was all like what spider your trying to fuck me up, my buddy jason who was rather sketchy said he saw the spider too, mandy freaked out and ran away from me. I thought that was kinda fucked up.
Then my mind started spinning a bad way, and I thought that spider was the devil, and if I told anyone I would die.
But I had to tell my best friend dave. When I tried to tell him my delicate situation our companion jud,(this guy was raised in a hardcore christian home but now he is crazy, like he thinks he's jesus crazy)anyway jud is all like what you have to say? Want me to write it down? Pulls out a pad of paper and a pen. I'm all like ahhhh what to do... So I just walked away, feeling distant from the group again.
I was sitting alone on the grass watching the rookie girls make fools of themselves. They were all talking random shit and laughing very annoyingly, doing cartwheels and gymnastics. I musta been feeling kinda down at this point, getting all self conscious n stuff. Thats when dave showd up and showed me how fun running over the rolling hills can be.
So now I'm running around, I knew I was close to the river, could hear it but not see it. When I suddenly saw a porthole to another dimention-It looked like a pure black rectangular door and there where ripplpes being radiated from the edges. I stood in awe a thousand acid thoughts went thru my head, should I go thru? Where does it go? What the fuck?
Then my eyes focused and I was standing no more then two feet from the river.
I sometimes feel like I did enter a parallel universe that night. For one acid was never fun anymore for me, and my friendships with my two best friends began to decay, and I went thru the worst time in my life.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 1996</td><td width="90">ExpID: 32380</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Mar 5, 2021</td><td>Views: 742</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=32380&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=32380&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/buprenorphine/">Pharms - Buprenorphine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">500 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/benzodiazepine/">Flubromazolam</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">75 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">vaporized</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance">3F-PCP</td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 bump</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance">3F-PCP</td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/buprenorphine/">Pharms - Buprenorphine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
The night started with philosophical conversations between me and my girlfriend, beautiful and amazing alone, she had been doing 4fmph. Running a research chem supply, I have access to strange gems of legal and illegal chems at all times, but I tend not to dabble too much.
The night started with me packaging orders for "scientists" to ship tomorrow, and I took a dose of flubromazolam as I'm currently on the tail end of a suboxone taper (lifelong opiate addict, Vicodin at 12, pill habit by 15, snorting heroin at 17, robbing people at gunpoint for heroin funds at 18 19. Kratom and subs saved my life I'll leave it at that) but tonight I felt I would be interested in dabbling in some psychedelia and dissociatives. So I started eating the little scraps of mushrooms that had been laying around. Realizing my previous benzodiazepine dose would reduce this psychedelia I was desiring so I quickly went to the fridge and pulled out the acid that has been sitting for a few weeks, and tore off a hit. Placed it on my tongue and swallowed it, and did the same to my girlfriend.
Then onto the main focus, 3-flouro-PCP, started vaping off of foil, eventually tried a bump (wouldn't recommend) its added a nice cozy warm dissociation to the night, almost energetic, separate, shiny. It felt lovely. Still does. The sun is up. And I believe this was a worthwhile night of psychedelic dissociation for my damaged body mind and soul and now as the others are wearing off and the shrroms and acid are still strong, I'd like to remind everyone of their importance, even in their most down trodden states of homelessness, drug addiction, physical or mental abuse. Those experiences are important, as are you, adding to the collective experience of mankind as a whole. Much love -mrperinold<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2021</td><td width="90">ExpID: 115300</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 23</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Mar 22, 2021</td><td>Views: 787</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=115300&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=115300&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
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<tr><td colspan="2">3F-PCP (918), Mushrooms (39), LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">160 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Most of my hallucinogenic experiences have been deeply spiritual, with to exception to this one. I have always felt like an american indian on a quest to meet the ultimate, even though I am of Irish decent. I am remembering this experience from 10 years ago +/-. As we came into view of the large rock that protrudes from the earth, known as table rock state park on the border of north and south carolina the lsd was starting to take the initial effects. The face of the rock has large cellestial patterns on the face of it; one of a triangle that seemed faintly familiar and the other of a bear. How did these images get there? I was with 2 friends and they saw it too; remember this was only 1 hour in the trip.
We parked the car and decided to camp on the top of the mountain. We went straight up the side without following a trail. We smoked a some weed and climbed. We were in a mad rush when I uncovered a nest of very large wolf spiders, CRAAAZY which let out a high pitched scream that I heard the rest of the night. We reached the top before sunset. I saw a sugar maple tree in full red fall color, incredable. It was glowing flourescent yellow at the thickest part of the trunk. I wanted to drink its sap. I charged the tree and stabbed my knife in the center of the essence. Consequently I got no sap and had to break the tip off my knife to get it out.
Several hours into the trip the sun went down. I was feeling like a god. I was becoming one with the ultimate. I started striking a tree with a large sapling, like a giant drum. Every time I hit the tree a sound would blast in all directions on the valley a thousand+ feet beneath us and reverberate off the adjacent mountains in an echo. As the echo would hit me I would strike the tree again in rhythmic fashion- ddduuuppp-ddduuup-bububbup and on to infinity. I felt like all in the universe could hear this, like a calling that 'here I am'. The next part gets foggy. Shortly/sometime later we hear a sound that sounds like a hilicoper. It shines its light down on us like the alien abduction movies. The craft is just above treeline and we feel some turbulence. The machine leaves after a quick inspection. I next tried to start a fire by smashing rocks together to no avail but some sparks. I didnt sleep any that night because every time I tried to lay my head down I could hear the screaming wolf spiders. I had a funky dream half awake near sunrise. I drempt I opened the door of a teepee to see the devil with slick red/black muscular skin talking to my brother. On the way down the hill I jumped in cold creek water, very refreshing, like babtism. It turns out we never climbed table rock but the hill next to it. We could still make out the rock images on the table rock we saw earlier. I asked my buddies if they saw the craft too. One said he saw the craft speed off in a blip? It sounded like a hilicopter to me, maybe a government craft. This is what happens when you rip open the envelope-we rouse the attention of those monitoring. Peace and happy sailing.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 1995</td><td width="90">ExpID: 43464</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Not Specified</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 11, 2021</td><td>Views: 581</td></tr>
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Nature / Outdoors (23), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">250 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">300 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 cig.</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">400 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance">Changa</td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">vaporized</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/dmt/">DMT</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">180 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I’m experienced with psychedelics, principally LSD and MDMA and have had countless, regular experiences for many years. I was recently introduced to DMT via changa and while I had enjoyed the insane Escher-style visuals and really increased sense of ego disconnect, I hadn’t broken through until last night.
After a month sobriety as a brain/integration break, and my birthday imminent, I decided to set out to have a more intense trip. I candy flipped (I always do the MD first then 90 minutes in take the acid, it is so much more profound!) and then at the start of the comedown from the most intense visual effects, I made a pure cannabis joint laced with Changa.
After a few inhalations the effect was immediate, the most intense visual hallucinations of my life but still in this world. It’s the first time I’ve taken DMT on LSD.
Everything around me started to separate into jigsaw shaped pieces, infinite in number - the more I stared at pictures around my room the more insane and warped they became, entirely new complex patterns morphing in front of me. It looked exactly like cartoon Aztec patterns and covered everything, not obscuring things but creating complex evolving beauty.
I then took three big hits from the DMT vape pen and things went completely insane. I didn’t have any kind of journey through a tunnel, I didn’t seem to break through a membrane, I seemed to descend into a Nintendo game from the year 2500. Large flashing cards descended into my view, shimmering in infinite impossible colour. Insane symbols like cartoons started to appear increasingly fast in front of me - chef’s hats; emoji muffins, cartoon fruit and strange automobiles that made no sense - then a stream of strange faces that seemed to be implied through geometry.
It seemed like without words I was being told ‘Ready? Ready? Go! Go! Come on!’ From the most insane positive energy. Suddenly moving all round me were weird autonomous balls of kinetic energy with long arms, that seemed to buzz round my body, a digital but really pleasant bell sound tweeting and squeaking as it looked at different parts of me. I can only describe it as feeling like I was being recalibrated.
The whole time I was distinctly aware of my mind saying ‘I can’t believe I’m seeing emoji muffins and cherries’ and it felt like I had fallen into a machine. I couldn’t speak when I came quite abruptly out of it all and it took a few minutes for me to even realise what had happened. I didn’t have any conversations with discrete entities, but I felt like a billion parts of a weird cartoon machine were intensely bothered about me being happy.
Easily the most profound experience of my considerable psychonautic adventures. Literally felt, still feels, like I fell into a self generating Nintendo game that I have no concept of what it means but adored the experience. I am very very eager to go there again!!!<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2021</td><td width="90">ExpID: 115359</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 35</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 22, 2021</td><td>Views: 556</td></tr>
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[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 g</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 7:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">80 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/dmt/">DMT</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">145 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
The day started out at 12:00pm when a group of friends and I had planned to take some LSD. We dropped at lunch and then went home to enjoy the effects.
+0:30 I can start to feel a slight difference in headspace
+1:30 Noticeable visual effects start to take place. The wood grain on the floor begins to move naturally and colors appear spontaneously.
+2:00 This is when the acid starts to peak. The doses given were most likely lower than advertised, because the effects were not as strong as times when I had taken a lighter dose.
(had been smoking cannabis sporatically throughout the day. Last time smoking was about +6:15 into the day)
+7:00 The peak of the LSD is definitely over but is still enjoyable and visuals are noticably reduced. At this point we had been talking about one of my friends smoking DMT and proceeded to load a lightbulb with 80mg of the chemical. My friend was a bit nervous about smoking so I went before him. I have had a few traditional experiences with DMT previously, but because of the LSD I wanted something different. I asked one of my friends to play Thunderstruck by ACDC and turn up the volume. The song started, at which time I began to smoke the DMT.
Three hits is all it took for me to break through. I was transported into space on a floating crystal stage with lights coming from nowhere shining on me. The song had taken over the entire universe and seemed to also be apart of me. This was the most intense experience of my life. While on the crystal stage, I was playing lead guitar for the song, with myself as the supporting band behind me. The audience was filled with infinite amounts or crystalline floating stages that looked exactly like mine, each one emitting unfamiliar colors and light. The craziest part of the trip was the end. The song was dying down and finished with a single chord and I immediately woke from my trip. The 7 people in the room all were astounded at the timing of me waking.
Afterward, I felt energized and awake for the duration of the night.
+12:00 I went to bed and fell asleep almost immediately.
The next day didn't give me as much of an LSD glow as usual but I felt very awake with no hangover effects whatsoever.
Summary: This was the most intense experience of my psychadelic exploration. I would definitely try it again.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2017</td><td width="90">ExpID: 110020</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 18</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 23, 2021</td><td>Views: 577</td></tr>
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[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), DMT (18) : General (1), Combinations (3), Music Discussion (22), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Beer/Wine</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">14 st</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This experience was nearly 10 years ago now and I've always wanted to write about it. I'm extremely nostalgic about this experience, as I've thought it about it just about every day since and it changed my perceptions of the world forever.
I, nowolfcanknow, male, English, 22 at the time, took acid in my friends flat. For over 24 hours I was more unsober (not a word, run with it) than I'd ever been (and it still holds the #1 spot) in my life.
It started when I got a text off my friend, for the purposes of this I'll call them Chris, one night that simply said "Hold tight, got some acid. Wanna do it with me?". I still have that message saved in an old phone I've lost the charger for.
Now I'd been wanting to do it for years and I so jumped at the chance, I texted back in the affirmative and we set the date for a couple of weeks later. The setting would be a house warming party at the flat in town that he was moving into, owned by another friends father who is a huge hippie.
The setting. A large front room, with a window at one end, amazing art on the walls, two comfy sofas, a bean bag and a semi broken CRT TV. We hooked my laptop up some speakers. There was a standard ceiling light in there, and also a really bright and hot red light. We decided that we would trust in my music folder and shuffle. There were two of us doing acid and smoking weed, and about 7 others who were drinking and smoking.
We dropped around 19:00 and the anxious wait began. Would it work? What would it feel like if it did? What if it didn't work? Would either of us freak out if we had a "bad trip"? What even constitutes a bad trip anyway?
We talked our way through the anxiety, each had a spliff and relaxed.
It took about an hour for me to feel any different and as I've indicated, I was high anyway. Truth be told I resigned myself to the fact that the acid was a bunk and it hadn't worked and just accepted it, a little disappointed. But I had an 8th of really good skunk and a beer that a friend offered me.
Then it started. And it hit me like a tonne of bricks. I could not believe what I was feeling.
At first I just felt a tingly feeling somewhere in my midriff that travelled throughout my body. I looked at my hands, they looked interesting. Then I was struck by a feeling that I don't know if I'd ever felt before: I felt powerful. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I was struck by a feeling that I don't know if I'd ever felt before: I felt powerful.</div></div> I looked over at Chris while this was going on and he looked up at the same time. We simply nodded at each other, acknowledging that yes, we were both feeling "something".
The powerful feeling was joined by joy. Joy that made me laugh out loud. I couldn't believe how happy I felt. It reminded me a lot of the come up to ecstasy, only much more intense. If this was all acid was, I was content. I felt incredible.
Then I looked up and in the general direction of the red light that we'd forgotten to turn off. The red light was pulsing, and the light spread out over a corner of the room, along the walls. All I could see was red, but not just 'standard' red, by that I mean the red you'd see in a traffic light or the hated red of a Manchester United home shirt. I could see a whole spectrum of red, shades that I didn't know even existed. These red colours dominated my vision and eventually I had to look away. I laughed a little at this, and accepted that yes, things had changed now.
Then I noticed the walls. They were breathing? Pulsing? They were definitely moving. In the years since I've often thought about those walls and what I was seeing. I think I was seeing the atoms of the solid wall, and they were vibrating, as atoms are wont to do. At this point I just laughed again and another friend, who was decidedly NOT on acid, asked if I was ok. I simply nodded and said "You wouldn't understand mate". I cringe as I recall that. But I don't think anyone who hasn't done LSD or another hallucinogen could understand. The fucking walls, and I'd always taken walls for granted, were alive and there was nothing I could do about it. There was nothing I wanted to do about it either, it was fascinating watching them do their thing.
While I was looking at the walls, I suddenly became aware of music again. I had kinda tuned out whatever was playing, enraptured by the sight of things. But now I heard music again, and as it was my music folder that was being played (on WinAmp I believe) it was music that I liked. The song that was playing when I first became aware of the music was an Interpol song, Pioneer to the Falls. I love that song when I'm normal. I don't really have the words to describe how it felt to hear it at that moment. But I'll try.
The guitar was very sharp and it cut through all the conversation in the room. All I could really hear was the guitar and the bass, I didn't really hear the drums until a few second later. If you've heard the song you might understand, the guitar is very important to the overall sound and it has a very distinct sound to it, all Interpol songs have the same kinda sound. Kinda like Joy Division guitar sounds.That Post-punk tone, whatever. Sorry, I'm really shit at talking about music, I wish I'd paid more attention in music class and not played cards so often during the lessons.
The guitar and the bass merged into one sound, and then the singer started singing. At this point things went to another level. And not just this little experience I was having with the music. EVERYTHING shot up a level. I'll post the opening of the lyrics from this song, because they're quite significant to me: "Show me the dirtpile. And I will pray. That the soul can take three stowaways". I related to this and in my head I tried to break it down into what it MEANT. I don't know what the writer intended, but it was clear to me that the dirt pile was the Earth, and the stowaways were the parts of the mind, the id, ego and superego. I'd always been interested in psychology (and in subsequent years psychology would take over my life, as I entered therapy and underwent Compassion Focussed Therapy and Cognitive Analytical Therapy) so I thought I knew what that meant at that time.
That song eventually ended. It felt like it went on forever though, and I was fine with that. It's a really good song. Throughout the rest of the recollection I'll mostly be mentioning songs and lyrics, because music is the primary thing that I remember from the trip. It was that powerful. But I'll try not to focus on that too much as I know music is so subjective.
Now at this point I'd say things were out of control. I looked at one of the pieces of art on the walls and became incredibly aware that it was framed and covered in glass. I think if I were going to have a "bad trip" this was the point that it would have happened. I thought the art was trapped and couldn't get out. Now at the time I didn't think about art that much, even when I was reading my beloved comic books (I'll come back to them later to use them as a metaphor), the art was a vehicle for the writing. But in later years I became very interested in art, and now, in 2021, it's my primary hobby and way of relaxing and even communicating ideas that I have.
But that art was trapped on the wall in a glass prison and all I knew was that I didn't like it. I'd read enough to know that at this point I had a choice. I could either accept this, or I could change my setting. Now at this point another friend of ours who was there suggested we go out on the roof as a group. We all agreed and out we went.
It was pretty cold, but I had a hoodie on so I didn't really notice. I know that walking felt decidedly strange, but I felt like I could walk for hours and hours and not get tired. Luckily for me I didn't have to walk far, and the roof area was pretty small. Enough size for all of us to gather in two little groups. As we went out on the roof I decided I would stick next to Chris, as I was a little worried that he would wander off and fall off the roof. That lasted a couple of seconds, as after a few moments (could have been seconds, could have been hours) I looked up.
The stars were strange. There were dim suns in the sky surrounded by a red dot, and that dot was circling the centre sun and leaving a tracer. They looked exactly our representation of atoms in secondary school science textbooks. I had never, and still haven't, seen anything more fascinating than the stars on acid. I couldn't look away, and I'll never forget that sight. I'll be on my deathbed and I'll still be thinking about the stars on that night.
I could still hear music at this point. One song I remember from our time on the roof was a drum and bass song by Netsky, and because of what followed I suspect (give me a break, it's been nearly ten years) it was Secret Agent. Now when I'm sober I love this song enough. In this altered state it effected me in ways I didn't think were real, I didn't really believe in hallucinations, not the kind I was about to experience. Secret Agent is a very "videogamey" sounding song, I've often described it as being a lost Sonic the Hedgehog level song. Now at this point, I thought I was in a videogame.
Behind and to the left of the building there are some trees. I looked at those trees, managing to tear my eyes from the stars, and they looked like they were from a videogame. They were very dark (it was probably about 22:00 by now), but oddly pixellated and distorted. If you've ever played the original MediEvil (as it's since been remade) from 1998 the you'll know exactly what those trees looked like to me. Think the forest in that game and you're dead on. This was the moment that I fully accepted that yes, I was tripping balls, and by God I liked it. This was what I wanted when I decided to take acid. I wanted to hallucinate, and wow was I hallucinating at this point
I looked to the right at the block of flats that were poking above the building (they're across the road from the building) and they were BATHED in multi coloured light. I most vividly remember an orange and a yellow, but there was this green and Manchester City blue there too. The flats looked inviting, and let me assure you in the cold light of day they're anything but.
We went back inside at some point, and a bunch of the friends left at this point, whittling us down to just 4 or 5, and a song that I didn't want to listen to was starting. It was a hip hop song, I can't remember which one but I'm certain it was a Wu-Tang Clan song. Chris grabbed me and asked me to change it. I agreed with this course of action as I don't think it would have been a pleasant experience. The Wu-Tang (though they are for the children) are too violent, too on top, for this experience. I went over to the laptop and after a few hilarious seconds searching for the digital button I hit shuffle and something else came on. But at this point I became aware that I could choose any song I wanted.
Before the night I had wrote down a list of songs I wanted to listen to on acid. I had that list in my pocket and I found it at that point. I took it out and looked at the list, it wasn't very long, about 20 different songs, and I asked Chris if I could start choosing songs rather than letting shuffle decide for us. He agreed, and then I went back to the laptop (for some reason I went across the room to ask him in a hushed voice, as if I were conspiring murder or something and didn't want to be overheard) and after another few moments I found the song of choice: Black Mountain Side by Led Zeppellin.
It was at this point that one of my friends decided that he wanted to play a videogame, and luckily someone had bought their PlayStation 2 over and hooked it up. I was fine with this, so was Chris, so were the other people in the room. The chosen game was Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.
Now that's my favourite game of all time. And I was hyped to see it be played. I was hyped to see the cutscenes and see if I could still follow them. I was helpful to, lets call him Robert, and pointed out a ration location at one point, at which Chris asked how I could possibly remember that right now. I don't know how I remembered it. I doubt I could have told you my own name at that point (about 4 hours after dropping the acid). But I knew where that ration was, and I still know where it is.
In MGS2 you get a tranquillizer gun and can use it to knock the enemies out. At the conclusion of the opening of the game, what's known amongst fans and even in game as the Tanker section, you have to sneak into the hold of the tanker, and there are rows of enemies. If you knock one out with the M9, they fall asleep standing up. But if you knock them all out with the gun (so they're all alseep standing up) and then run up to them and knock them out with your hands, by doing the punch punch kick combo, they fall down into one another. One after another.
Robert did this trick, I'm not kidding, at least ten times in a row. At first it was funny. Maybe more funny than anything I had seen at that point in my life Then it quickly became annoying. Like really annoying. It felt like how it feels to have a house fly in a room with an open window. My favourite part of the game up to that point was right around the corner, maybe 3 minutes of gameplay away, but he refused to progress. He simply did this trick over and over and over again. I begged him to stop but he simply laughed.
The non-acid people left at some point and we were left alone. We had two couches all to ourselves. At one point I found myself lying on top of one of them, on the bit that sticks up and I remember being blissfully comfortable. I remember Chris had these dissolvable vitamin C tablets that you drop in water. I had one and disaster struck, I knocked it over and the liquid spilt everywhere on the floow. We simply flipped the rug over. And he was kind enough to prepare another one for me. It tasted delicious, revitalisng even.
Now in the kitchen of this flat there was a plant (and still is, I believe). After going in to fetch some water I became enraptured with this plant. It was sp green, so alive with energy. The leaves of the plant merged into one mass and I could see the vines of the plant. They looked so strong. I started talking to the plant, soothing it as best I could as I felt like I was disturbing it, like how you come across a cat that you don't own but still want to pet. Chris came into the kitchen and asked who I was talking to. I just pointed at the plant. Chris looked at that thing longer than I did.
Now I decided to ask Chris if HE wanted to choose a song. He agreed, but asked if I could do the labour of putting it on. I don't remember which song it was, but he picked a mewithoutYou song. Now at the point they weren't my favourite band on the planet yet, repeat listenings over the years have since turned them into such. I decided to just put one of their albums on as it would be easier and more satisfying to do than picking one song. The album was called Catch For us the Foxes. I remember reading the title and understanding it for the first time. The fox is a metaphor for a person. We're the fox.
MewithoutYou are a very religious (or perhaps spiritual) band. Their lyrics primarily deal with God and faith, and the struggle of keeping faith in a faithless world. Now Chris was the one who introduced them to me when we lived together. The song that I first heard is the first song on that album, it's called January 1979. At this point I urge you to open ip YouTube or Spotify or something and listen to it, because this was the point that things got truly profound. For me at least. Up to this point acid was a great laugh. It was as trippy as they came. But now it seemed I turned inward and truly started thinking.
"January 1979, I heard a terrible crash (and I couldn't help but laugh). My ear pressed against the past like a glass on a wall in of a house in a photograph My forehead no longer sweet. With holy kisses. Worthy of your fiery lips. I was floating in a peaceful sea Rescued by a sinking ship".
Now even when I'm sober I find this set of lyrics deep and meaningful. At that point on acid I felt I understood them. It's about birth, in my opinion. The terrible crash is being born into this world. The peaceful sea is the amniotic sac. The sinking ship is the mother.
Now as I said, at this point things became more profound to me. The whole night and experience took on a philosophical tint. I thought about being born, I thought about my parents (and at the time I did my utmost not to think about either of them,having let down my mother by failing at university, and still being estranged from my father) and how they had made me.I started wondering where my soul was (and by this point I accepted that yes, I was a soul. I was simply inhabiting a body) or at least my awareness was before I was born. Nowhere, is the answer. I started thinking about death, and felt strangely comforted by the idea of becoming nothing once more.
The powerful feeling from earlier took over my being again. This strange feeling of confidence is the one thing from my LSD experience that I wish I could replicate on a daily basis. I'm not a very confident person at all. But on acid I felt like Alexander the Great. I felt like I could accomplish anything. The hallucinations were fun, but that confidence was addictive, and truth be told I don't think I've ever felt more free or in control of my life than that night.
The album continued, and eventually ended. By this point it must have been deep in the early spring morning (I didn't mention what time of year this was all happening did I? Well I'm reasonably sure it was late spring) as the sun was rising. We decided to venture out onto the roof again.
We lay down outside on the roof (a strange decision as it's fucking filthy out there) but both of us were beyond caring about a little dirt. Before I did I grabbed a brush that was out there and sweeped up a bit. We had bought Chris' iPod outside and some portable speakers.
Out there on that roof I properly listened to The Beatles for the first time in my life. And it's true what they say, there's parts of those songs that you can't hear unless you're on acid. I distincly remember Strawberry Fields Forever and Help!. We also listened to blink-182, The Red Hot Chilli Peppers, a little more mewithoutYou and Moby. We were simply lying beneath the warm sun, singing and laughing like loons.
Eventually we went back inside, and I asked Chris when this would end. Now I wasn't tired at this point, in fact I wouldn't get truly tired until the next morning (and remember, we're now on another day. At least 12 hours have passed since we dropped the tabs), and I was what I'd term a drug veteran at this point, well used to the rigours of drugs like MDMA or ketamine, where I'll stay up far longer than I'm aware of. He said he didn't know, but had been told the acid that we had taken was strong enough for 24 hours worth of tripping. That was find for me, except for one detail, it was the weekend (now... Saturday? We took it Friday night) and I was due in for work experience on the Monday. Suffice to say I called in sick that day.
At this point in my story I'd like to thank you for sticking with me. I know the music thing is annoying to read through. Hell, the whole thing is annoying, especially if you haven't taken LSD yourself.
Back inside I went back to my laptop to change the music, and I chose Another Chance by Roger Sanchez. Chris suggested we watch some wrestling, as he had a DVD and we were both wrestling afficionados (in fact it's probably one of the reasons we became friends in the first place). Here's a tip for any wrestling fans who take LSD. DO NOT WATCH WRESTLING. Especially WrestleMania X-Seven. It's terrifying, it's uncomfortable to watch, and it's utterly baffling. We made it through maybe one match before we decided that watching anything wasn't really going to happen.
So we talked. We talked about everything and anything that came to mind. I confessed some of the things I had been thinking to myself about, and he responded in kind. We both agreed that we were now aware of connections between small things around us. We talked about the setting of the trip, and how lucky we were to have such a place to do the drug in. We laughed a lot.
Hanging from the window was a crystal. I saw this crystal at one point and was enraptured, I beckoned Chris over to look at it and we stood there for at least half an hour looking at it. It seemed infinite, and it was reflecting light in multiple colours. I tapped it and it started moving, and the light went with it. I can still see that crystal now if I close my eyes, and I'm grateful that it was there.
Now I'm a huge Star Wars fan, and I have been my entire life. And it just occurred to me that you might be one too. I mentioned small connections just now and I don't really know a better way to describe what I mean than to say this: THE FORCE IS REAL. It surrounds us, it binds the universe together. What you do matters.
I'm gonna wrap this up soon as it could become repetitive, as there's at least another days worth of similar experiences. When I said 24 hour acid I meant it, and remember, we each took two hits.
On the Sunday night Chris eventually announced to me that he had to go home. He was tired (and so was I. Exhausted really. If you've ever heard I'm So Tired by Fugazi you'd get how tired I felt at that point). Now you've gotta remember, I don't live there. He does, but he wasn't fully moved in yet. I was scared by this information, scared for the first time since I noticed that painting trapped on the wall. It must have shown in my face as he quickly moved to assure me that I could stay the night there, just to try and leave before his housemates got there in the afternoon on the Monday (the same Monday I was due to start my work experience in a charity shop) but as I knew the other guy, it didn't really matter if I was still there when they got there. Just that it would be optimal if I weren't, as they were moving in that day. Chris called a taxi, and asked if I would go outside with him to wait for it to arrive. I agreed of course (and truth be told I wanted a look at that block of flts from earlier in the cold evening) and out we went, me standing in the doorway to stop the door closing. The taxi arrived, and off he went to his childhood home.
So there I was. Alone. Still tripping balls, but now with an element of tiredness to contend with. I decided that I would leave the next day before the friend got there and managed to set an alarm on my phone for that function, one that would give me plenty of sleep but still get me out of there long before they got there.
Alone now, I relaxed and listened to some of the music on that list I mentioned. And you know what every acid user says about music, how you perceive it differently? That happened on another level than it had earlier. I sang along to every word that I knew. I cried a little when certain songs came on.
Eventually I went to bed, taking my laptop with me to put Planet Earth on. It took a long time for me to fall asleep, but sleep I did. And I got out of there before they arrived.
The next day was extremely peaceful. I tried writing down my thoughts but couldn't get them out. I simply thought about things, and that was enough.
Thanks for reading.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2012</td><td width="90">ExpID: 115410</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 22</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 4, 2021</td><td>Views: 582</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=115410&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=115410&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Music Discussion (22), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 - 3 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/dob/">DOB</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 13:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">220 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ssris/">SSRIs</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">140 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
+0:00 roughly 2.7mg of 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-bromoamphetamine taken orally
+0:30 slight chills?
+3:00 slight visuals seem to be manifesting, motor skills slightly impaired
+3:21 strangely feel sober, bus as I type I can tell that is not the case. My movements seem to lag behind my thoughts, almost imperceptibly so. Open eye visuals starting to become more apparent.
+3:30 OEVs can be described as shifting or breathing, like a film on top of what is being viewed
+5:20 nose is a bit cold, noticed clear OEVs on a white background while unfocused. The visuals remind me of the reflection of light against water, or an oil sheen on top of liquid. I was also watching a video on fractals, which incorporated themselves into the imagery.
+13:26 feel pretty much back to baseline, still a bit of a slight body buzz and shifting/breathing visuals.
+13:30 decided to add 220ug LSD to the mix.
The rest of the night I just enjoyed the slight visuals and body buzz I was getting. I spent some time staring at the night sky, appreciating the patterns that form in the darkness between the stars. Back inside, I noticed mosaic-like patterns on the blank backgrounds of the websites I was browsing. They looked like rounded triangles of various colors organized into circular shapes. Reminds me a bit of Aztec artwork.
Eventually after nearly 23 hours the stimulant effects of the DOB/LSD were not enough to fight off my tiredness, so I went to bed.
Overall I would say it was a nice experience, but very mellow. I never found myself caught up in immersive experiences. I think the body component of the chemical was more apparent to me than the visuals, which only really presented when I made an effort to see the. I think possibly it is due to some built up psychedelic tolerance, or perhaps that I had been taking an SSRI.
I plan to come back to DOB at a later time and do another experiment, with hopefully a more powerful experience<!-- and a more detailed report-->. <!-- Thanks for reading!--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2021</td><td width="90">ExpID: 115426</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 29</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 11, 2021</td><td>Views: 786</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=115426&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=115426&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">DOB (19), LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">400 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">93 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Hathini kund is actually a lesser known trekking point near the Nahargarh Fort, Jaipur, India. I'll be more descriptive about the place as it is necessary to be descriptive when <!--you explain-->explaining psychoactive substances such as LSD.
Hathini kund is actually a water fall during Rainy seasons and a stagnant water reserve in other seasons. You reach there by defeating 3 valleys and for directions there are red scarfs are tied on the tree branches. Hathini kund was a place where king used to hide his weapons (as it was near Nahargarh fort) and there was Shiv temple which is still present with sage of the family that served the king. Now The entire jungle area around the Nahargarh fort is the part of the Jhalana Leopard Reserve which means 3 Leopard families and a Tiger family can be easily sighted at Hathini kund because it was a water reserve. I had to be descriptive with the situation because these information had impacted my Trip greatly. Also it was my first time to Hathini kund and my first Deep Jungle experience. I was there because my friend had invited me for the new Gamma Goblin tabs he got.
So Due to some personal problems we reached Charan Mandir (from where the hathini kund trek starts) a little late than we expected. We parked our bikes and dropped the acid, the trek was not long it was around 45 mins to reach Hathini kund from Charan Mandir. (Temple) We expected to be there at 1 pm afternoon but actually got there by 4pm. Let me explain our group, I'm Vishu being there first with my best friend AD and two of his college friends Chomu and Manthan making us a team of 4 stoners. We actually smoked 3 joints on our way to charan mandir and before our acid kicked. Once we got there we washed ourselves, pay my respects to Mahadev and again to smoking weed in a chillum with the sage there. Chomu knew the place very well. To be honest He was the one who introduced Hathini kund to the friend circle but he was not too good with acid.
Our acid was making us shiver now and after those chillum hits it all started melting. Hathini kund is a beautiful place surrounded by deep valleys and the time of sunset, places which are lesser known by humans are silecnt and peaceful. Sage also served us some lemon tea. I cannot Dive into all details but it was one of the best feelings I've ever had. Everything was going fine and then the sage asked if we were staying for the night, at which we refused because we had Judo (AD's doggo) waiting for us to feed him. Sage then asked us to leave before dark and told us that he spotted one of those leopard early in the morning and since its gonna be summer soon, they'll come to the kund often for the water. To which Chomu, Manthan and AD shared their past experiences when they spotted a leopard too.
Anyways we still had our bag of weed and we continued smoking about 4 or more joints out of it listening to pink floyd on they upper valley till it got dark and our peak has merely started. We decided to trek back (at 6pm) to charan mandir in the dark.
On our way back I had my one of the strongest bad trips ever. So as we started in moving, due to dark and to be conscious enough to walk we all were not talking at all. All three of them knew the place very well and got a little ahead of me. Now LSD also have symptoms like constant fear and paranoia. Since I was the last of us four people I could hear some footsteps behind me and due to the peak stage, my thoughts started escalating quickly. Many concepts started overlapping each other. I Asked myself why are we walking so fast? Why do I hear footsteps in the back? Is there someone walking behind me? I'm also walking last, since I'm here first time I can be lost. And suddenly I was reminded by those discussions about the leopard and how I could get lost and can be devoured by the leopard. Now this thought was impossible for me to get out of my mind. I was having an adrenaline rush and was taking deep breaths. I asked my friend to walk with me to which he said he could too hear the footsteps behind. You can Actually think or feel someone's thoughts on acid. Believe it or not I experienced that on that day. LSD also <!--magnify your-->magnified my thoughts and I was unable to think anything else than there can be a leopard walking right behind us.
<!--Lesser known by the That -->I was not the only one having a bad trip there. Chomu who was in the front was actually making thought loops that as we are trekking we are getting back to the same spot we had started. So now when Chomu has walked 20 steps and he looked at us confused and saying that we have come to this place. Seeing Chomu getting confused actually helped me coming back to my senses. Now Chomu was making many loops on the way you could say, was turning at every twenty steps and was looking back at us saying we're stuck. <!--Making more 2-3 loops -->Chomu started crying. We tried to gain his senses and asked him to keep walking. Chomu was so messed up in his head that he could not even pay attention to the bigger landmarks. For like there was a well in our path to which we reminded Chomu that we're walking on the right and this is not a loop but still after some steps Chomu had completely forgotten about the well (landmark) and was caught up in a loop. Walking restlessly I was literally praying to get out of there. At last we got out at Charan mandir, hydrated ourselves and were getting back to our senses. I checked the time it was 6:36 pm only half an hour had passed but it felt like I was there for like a whole night. All of us were safe and now laughing at our experience but Chomu was still quiet and confused. He said he was very threatened by the fact that he was caught in a loop at a place where big cats roam freely. He didn't even ride his bike. We had to call an Uber for him.
Overall Hathini kund Experience was very bizarre for me. Even though it scared the shit out of me, It is still one of my dearest trips.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2021</td><td width="90">ExpID: 115438</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 21</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 20, 2021</td><td>Views: 521</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=115438&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=115438&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Difficult Experiences (5), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">130 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
A Day with LSD in The Sun
I am a 18 year old male who has been smoking marijuana almost every other day for three years. I have done LSD four times, phenethylamines (2C-I, 2C-E) ten times, mushrooms five times, MDMA four times, N,N-DMT about 25 times, vyvanse twice, and mephedrone once. I would say I have good experience with psychedelics; I believe I have had ego death once before, while on a high dose of LSD. I am moderately physically fit and run irregularly.
My friend, we'll call him O, had never tried LSD, but had done marijuana, mushrooms, and N,N-DMT before. We obtained two hits of high potency LSD and planned to meet in the morning of the next day.
0:00 At 10:00am, we each took one hit and wait for a while in the sun. We eventually started skateboarding at a elementary school park.
0:50 I had eaten more food for breakfast than my friend, and I was feeling euphoric while skating, while O was describing his open eye visuals.
1:30 Two more friends of mine arrived at the park, we'll call them C and T, and I start to feel the first wave of the acid. We start to walk to C's house because we can't drive while tripping. The walk felt insanely long and the rocks in the cement on the ground started to dance around. It was an extremely hot Texas day and I was seeing crazy heat waves. O is tripping very hard as well.
2:00 At 12:00pm, we arrive at C's house and we walk into his living room where he has a large television. He turns on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, a show I usually watch, but I could not understand it at the time. The carpet started to form faces and persian carpet fractals. O was deep into strong visuals he saw in the carpet. A Wendy's commercial came on and O and I both felt disgusted. We got out of the room and our friends went to smoke a bowl while we just watched. We did not want to mix the marijuana high into the acid trip until later.
2:45 We begin to play video games and it feels really strange on acid. At many times I zoned out into the visuals from the screen, and video games felt extremely strange. I began to think about why people play these games, why do people do anything for fun, and why people exist. The only interruptions to these thoughts were the conversations with my friends. O is still tripping hard.
3:00 Around 1pm, C and T went outside near C's pool to smoke out of the bong while we watched. It was getting extremely hot and watching dragonfiles land on the water created ripples that seemed strangely intensified and crisp like sinusoidal waves.
<!-- 3:20 After sitting in the heat for a while, T said he had to be home soon but he could come back later. C then informed us that everyone had to leave when T left but could come back later.
-->3:30 <!-- We went back inside and since it would be difficult to smoke outside of C's house, if we wanted to later, -->O and I decided to smoke one bowl out of his amazing bubbler.
3:45 For the first time ever while on LSD, marijuana actually made me stoned as well as tripping. Whenever I had done so before, it only changed my trip into a more introvertive with strong mentally fueled CEVs. O said he was just tripping really hard and did not feel stoned.
3:55 T says he has to leave now, and C tells everyone to leave. Walking outside makes the high much more noticeable as O and I begin our walk back to the park. We were walking through allyways, and seemed to be acting very sketchy whenever we saw someone. I laughed at the fact that we were obviously intoxicated on hallucinogens, but no one would ever think that.
4:30 We arrive at the park and call another friend, we'll call him R, to chill at his house; we can go over but we are incapable of driving at this point. We decide to sit under a tree very near by a major neighborhood road.
4:35 Around this time, the strangest thing happened to me and although I will try my best to explain it, I never will be able to fully explain it. I watch a car pass by on the street, but I lost all ability to control my focus on my vision. As my eyes seemed to start to cross and make double images I felt warped out of normal reality. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I lost all ability to control my focus on my vision. As my eyes seemed to start to cross and make double images I felt warped out of normal reality.</div></div> I had a strong overwhelming sense that my consciousness fell into a warp hole to another dimension. I did not want to look away because my vision resembled 'Datamoshing'<!-- (>. The second I turned my head a slight degree, my vision came back to completely normal. 'Woah!' I exclaimed. I tried to explain what I just saw but I could not make sense of what I just saw.
4:40 We kept talking about how we could get a ride, and all the sudden I felt a strong urge that I could easily drive. Acid gives me a strong feeling of empowerment usually. We get in my car and then all the sudden I lose myself in my trip; it becomes extremely apparent to both of us that neither of us can drive. I turned the A/C in my car anyways and we sat in there.
4:45 I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster in my car and get the urge to move to a new location. We sit around outside aimlessly again.
4:50 I pull myself together and focus hard on trying to drive to R's house, so I take us for a test drive in the parking lot. I feel myself spacing out and not focusing while driving so I park and wait some more.
5:00 I start to drive again, this time I go straight on to the main neighborhood and I find myself in disbelief I am actually driving. By looking directly straight in front of me at the lines on the road, I made sure to slowly drive straight in the lane. Once I finally got up to the light out of the neighborhood, I pulled up too far and did not notice until later. Everything seems to be taking longer while driving on acid. When we were almost to R's house, I felt like I warped into the 'datamosh' again for a second and asked O if he just felt that too. He said he had no idea what I was talking about.
5:20 We chilled at R's house, and they played video games. I was having extreme difficulty on making decisions on a project we were working on at R's house, even though I felt certain I knew what we should have done the day before.
6:00 C called us and told us we can come back over, so we have R drive my car to C's house. I felt like I was not tripping very hard at all then, and I was psyched to smoke more.
6:15 At C's house, we smoke at a lot more and when we start to use the vaporizer, O says he is starting to trip again. Whenever I closed my eyes, I would also begin to trip with the strangest CEVs I've ever had. They were extremely bright and vivid like a DMT trip, but were also fueled by my every thought like a LSD trip. I saw the name of an ex-girlfriend with bright flashing lights around it like a Las Vegas casino sign and repeated across my vision diagonally; it then proceeded to change to many other names. My vision faded away and reappeared with a buddha like figure outlined and symmetrical from top to bottom, with cursive letters from some foreign language wrapped around him. I opened my eyes and it all goes a way. The visuals were the most concrete and cartoonish CEVs I've ever had.
6:25 O is tripping extremely hard and does not want to smoke anymore, I'm starting to get the same idea, but we eventually smoke a little more as usual.
9:30 After a long exhausting day of tripping, I finally head home at 7:30pm and when I arrive home a lot of my family was there. Conversation between them was strange and tried to get away from everyone as soon as possible, in fear of them smelling the marijuana or noticing I'm high.
14:00 I try to pass right out into sleep around midnight, but when I close my eyes for an extended amount of time, I would get minimal dark CEVs and these visuals disable me from sleeping.
15:00 The CEVs eventually end, and I pass out eventually.
One should not attempt to drive on psychedelics.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2010</td><td width="90">ExpID: 91934</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 18</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 26, 2021</td><td>Views: 519</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=91934&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=91934&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Cannabis (1), LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">130 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This was the very first time I'd taken Acid. It was only 100ug and a single tab. This was an effort to treat my drug resistant Depression. Which psychedelics seem to work miracles for. At the same time, this drug fucking took me into another dimension. I loved everything, everything was so fucking colorful, music felt like the audio was melting from the speakers and distorting in thr best ways. I smoked lots of weed during the trip. I had bought an Ounce of Acapulco Gold prior to the trip and was smoking the entirety of the trip which really just enhanced the sensation of it and I was able to feel vibrations bouncing off everything, I picked up my cat and she nuzzled me trying to figure out if I was doing alright, Which I was having the time of my life. Vibrant colors melted and drifted on every screen. Everything was made so clear and nothing was painful anymore. Life had purpose and I realized that family is most important at the same time I wanted to take Psychedelics out of curiosity and explore my own mind. I had previously been addicted to Dextromethorphan and this chem saved my ass.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2020</td><td width="90">ExpID: 114970</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Not Specified</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 3, 2021</td><td>Views: 415</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=114970&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=114970&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Cannabis (1) : Alone (16), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Depression (15), Combinations (3), First Times (2)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">15 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 24:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">38.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(extract)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(extract)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco - Cigarettes</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">220 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
<span class="erowid-warning">[Erowid Note:
The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]</span>
I had 38 and half tabs of acid over the course of 4/20 - having done 15 tabs for bike day I figured hey why not! Just gotta say that we all have the spark of The Monad, The Source, God, Allah or whatever you like to call it inside us, and for the atheist, well you have it too with your intellect, a gift form above or your genes. I've admitted my darkest sins to my closet friends and feel liberated, and for the friends I wronged I'm already actively helping to fix the problem. I feel so connected to everything and everyone, well because we are - like a webbing of all our memories connecting together into some collective Akashic record. We can access this at anytime, through meditation, prayer, and yoga or psychedelics!
I want to preface this by saying I've started taking psychedelics at 16 after discovering cannabis, and found out about Morning Glory Seeds, and oh man did I have fun with those. I soon moved on to DXM and sadly fell in love with it. While some mock it for being a "teenagers drug" I find it to be a very, very powerful psychedelic dissociative, and yes I say psychedelic and dissociative<!-- as it acts on the 5H2T-A receptors like all the classic psychedelics, along with NDMA receptors, like PCP, Ketamine and most RC dissociatives-->. Having over 100+ experiences over the course of 8 months, some beautiful and a lot horrifying. Leading me to a really dark place, and really destroying my mental faculties - especially thanks to the heavy drinking involved towards the end of the DXM daze.
I stopped in August of 2017, and experienced hell for months after, but things got better and better with exercise, a good diet, nutrition and some friends, even though I was barely able to speak correctly for months after. But by May of 2018, I had obtained some Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark and Syrian Rue, but it had been sitting around for awhile because I was afraid for whatever reason. But after a night of heavy drinking I decided to make a strong brew and flood dosed my self, I was 18 at the time. I went on to experience high doses of Mescaline a few tim1s between 18 and 20 and finally quit for a couple years, and here I am now 22.
I have recently had experiences with 80 grams of mushrooms throughout the summer of 2020 and quit again for a few months after a bad break up. I happened to get my hands on a gram of some great white powder DMT in 2021 and blasted off a couple of times, and also decided to snort it as I knew it was synthesized in a lab, so I figured it must be more pure than what's extracted by ourselves? Heh, who knows but obviously I like to live a little bit on the edge of humanity, but I sound stupid saying that, oh well - the gram didn't last long with me.
<!-- Anyways as for a trip report? Well -->I've been living pretty shitty for awhile with a lot of my life decisions weighing on me, and I had recently gotten half a sheet of quality onion tested LSD-25 and tripped on a couple and a few tabs here and there, but was still feeling pretty damn shitty wonderful, each note created and CEV that faded away as the next note came to replace it in the chaos. I had a hot chocolate with 1000mg of D8-THC ready to drink, and slammed it at this point.
I had your usual acid visuals but they we're super enhanced, and I was losing a bit of grip of reality. I decided to start talking to my schizophrenic friend on discord voice chat to the best of my abilities, and everything he was saying just made total sense to me, and everything I said to him made total sense to him, there was synchronicity between my background music's lyrics and what he said while talking, and saying exactly what the singer just said. For a couple hours he and I just talked and felt a deep bond, a bond I still feeling heavily while writing this.
After our conversation I decided to confront some demons, and contacted an old friend I had wronged, telling him what I had done and what I was on. Apologizing with my heart and soul, and offering to make it right and he forgave me. That was one of the worst things I've done, and it'd eat me up all the time and to finally be able to make it right is so freeing. By now it's 3am and I've just smoked a bowl of cannabis with a bit of D8-THC distillate sandwiched in the bowl and it kick started things even more to my liking.
I decided to just lay in bed and listen to music and think about my life, and all the people I've hurt and all the wrongs I've done, just everything... All my traumas, all my fears, today at 11:20pm as I write this, I still feel it heavily, though I just smoked some d8-THC and an American Spirit cigarette. But life is going to be alright, I'm young and have so much ahead of me. I don't know what else to write, wish I could tell you all about some crazy visuals or something, but that's not my story to tell.
<!-- Much love to you all, hope your bike day and 4/20 we're fantastic, and let's hope that everyday beyond them are just as good. Sorry for the novel, but I've got the raging flames of Lucifer within me!
TL/DR: Life man, some of us are born into worse hardships, but mankind perseveres. Create your own reality :)--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2021</td><td width="90">ExpID: 115405</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 22</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 7, 2021</td><td>Views: 496</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=115405&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=115405&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Unknown Context (20), Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">4 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">8 glasses</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Beer/Wine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 g</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/smarts/phenibut/">Smarts - Phenibut</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">8 g</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/kratom/">Kratom</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/dmt/">DMT</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">180 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Meeting Entities on LSD and DMT
I've had literally hundreds of psychedelic trips under my belt prior to this experience, but I wanted to go deeper. One night, after taking 4 hits of invader zim LSD tabs, I decided to break out the freebase DMT and wanted take it to another level. I was extremely experienced with LSD but relatively new to DMT and had only done it a few times before this, by itself, in lower doses.
I also had about 8 beers, weed, 8g of kratom and 2g of phenibut that night, so I was pretty messed up <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I also had about 8 beers, weed, 8g of kratom and 2g of phenibut that night, so I was pretty messed up</div></div>, but I had high tolerance to these substances at that point. I don't think they affected this experience that much, if anything dulled it.
I was peaking on the LSD and then loaded up a bong with 30mg of DMT (weed sandwich), a pipe with 30mg of DMT (weed sandwich) and then 20mg into a meth pipe/"oil burner" (80mg total - smoked). I was absolutely tripping at that point on the LSD, but again, wanted to take this to a new level.
I take the first hit out of the bong. Things start feeling weird, my vision starts vibrating and my body starts looking like I gained 200lbs and lost 2 feet in height. I was stumpy and fat.
I take the 2nd hit out of the pipe. Things starts popping off at this point. I start hallucinating vividly. I glance over towards my closet which was filled with clothes and random other objects - which has now been replaced by a dancing cactus with flailing arms, covered in esoteric Christmas lights. I glance towards my RGB gaming keyboard which was set to a rainbow color shifting pattern. The keys were no longer English but some insane alien language. That's weird, I thought.
I was having a hard time focusing and reaching my goal of that 3rd hit. I was alone and had nobody to help me (always have a trip sitter). I pick up the meth pipe with the remaining DMT, I smoke it and my entire reality just melted away. I looked to my left, where I had a sexy woman poster in a bikini on my wall. I start blasting off at this point. I was staring at this poster, really just looking at her breasts, and suddenly her breasts started multiplying. 2 became 4, then 8... then 12. I was shocked. How could this happen? I suddenly became extremely horny, then a second later I completely forgot what horny means, what sexuality is, what sex itself is. I became even more shocked and worried - as a man this was hard to comprehend.
I closed my eyes and was at "level 2" as McKenna described it. The "chrysanthemum" or the waiting room in his words. Seconds later a roaring rush of cackling energy invaded my ears and I started to feel as if I was falling through the earth at a great speed. Butterflies in my stomach. I SMASHED through this wall/doorway.
Next thing I know the hallucinations suddenly stopped. My closed eyes observed blackness again. I was suddenly struck with that eerie feeling that you are no longer alone... that someone is watching you. Out of the corners of my vision these small fractals, like Tetris blocks, started flying into the center of my vision from every angle forming this strange face that I will never forget. In retrospect I believe I encountered the entity of Heyoka. When his face fully formed he started telepathically saying to me, repeatedly, "I told you so! hahahaha. I told you so! hehehehe".
I was so amazed and stunned I didn't know how to react. After what was probably 20 seconds of communicating with him I started flying backwards at great speed. I was shocked. I said out loud several times "HOLY F*CKING SHIT".
I was flying backwards through this insane universe of hallucinations. I opened my eyes but could no longer SEE anything. I was looking at life through these glass bricks which distorted and bent light which were covered in flames (best way I can describe it). I gave up trying to see things and closed my eyes again.
I was greeted by another entity. It never spoke to me, but it looked exactly like an Aztec god. In an Aztec god art-like pose it was surrounded by what looked like the Aztec calendar. Hundreds of foreign alien symbols. It's one of the most beautiful things I've ever witnessed. After a minute, this faded and was replaced by this shining like 3d cube which made out of marble and carved out of random alphanumeric characters which were constantly shifting and the block was rotating like a rubik's cube.
I open my eyes again and still cannot see anything. My vision was blanketed with rainbows of color and symbols. I started coming down shortly after that. I kept thinking and saying out loud to myself, again, "HOLY F*CKING SHIT". It's the only thing I could think of into rationalized thought at that moment.
Suddenly, as I was coming down, I realized that I was listening to music. Tool - Third Eye to be precise, and the realization that I could hear music again was comforting as I slowly came back down over the course of the next 5-10 min.
Then I just enjoyed the rest of the LSD trip. I will never forget that experience and it will stick for me for life. Crazy shit! I tried DMT dozens more times over the years but never in combination and a lower dose. I feel like taking this combo is feeling like someone comes up behind you on a bridge and slaps a bungee cord to your foot and pushes you off with no warning. I might try it again, if I feel the need for it, but for now I think one experience was enough.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2017</td><td width="90">ExpID: 114475</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 27</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 10, 2021</td><td>Views: 635</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=114475&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=114475&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), DMT (18) : Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1.2 g</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/herbs/sjwort/">St. John's Wort</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(capsule)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">185 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Experience Is Universal
I had tinkered with weak acid in high school a few times and knew that LSD was a powerful, powerful substance, and I knew how beautiful an experience can be. However, I had yet to indulge in the powerful larger doses and stronger doses in general.
As is routine before a psychedelic experience, I spent time meditating to ambient music while incense burned. I cleared my mind using breathing exercises. My intentions for this trip were to finally experience the altered mind and hopefully become enlightened by a life changing experience.
On Halloween Night I dropped two doses of strong LSD-25, I would embark alone, with five friends to keep me company. At about 5:30 PM I turned on. We smoked the bong and the steamroller an I waited for the onset. After 50 minutes, the buildup was beginning to peak and I thought to myself “here we go”, and I started tripping. We smoked some more and then left my friend (T)’s apartment and headed back to our dorm.
It was just me and my roommate (B) in the room when the trip peaked. I laid on my bed and thought. My thoughts looped uncontrollably. With hope of calming my mind a bit I asked B to play Touch of Grey, by the Dead. He put on my entire dead playlist and it certainly calmed me down, which I was very relieved about. During the next hour and a half my trip teetered on the edge between good and bad, but for the most part stayed positive. I remember my thoughts running a million miles a second and my surroundings overwhelming me. The school pennant over B’s bed rippled, the walls and desks breathed with me and my covers threatened to engulf me. The television looked like a thermal camera. The ceiling rippled in large waves, which upon longer observation morphed into hands that tried to reach out and touch me, I reached up and delicately caressed a hand. Just as all of the goings-on around me would become too much, I would regain control and remember that I was human before slipping back into wonderland.
We decided to leave the dorm and go back to T’s place to smoke some more and listen to some music. Upon leaving the dorm I called and ex-girlfriend and talked to her about... whatever it was we talked about. <!-- We had to cross through a parking deck on the way there and it was busy and loud in there.--> My trip had decreased a little in intensity, but I was certainly still vulnerable. As all of the sights and sounds of Halloween streamed through my head all at the same time while I was still on the phone. Evidently, too much was happening at once and the car that I was walking behind started and I jumped out of my skin. After the initial shock, I gained control and B and I laughed about it. Arriving at T’s, I ended my phone call, none of which I remember, and we sat outside and waited<!-- for T and our other friends to get back from dinner-->. <!-- We were sitting on a stoop outside of his apartment complex on the main road in out city. The road was closed to traffic because of all of the costume parties and open bars. As you would imagine, all-->All of the costumed people made for quite a fun waiting period. I watched and watched intently as all sorts of characters walked by us. I remember everyone looking old and then young again. I stared at the tree across the road and the branches twisted and wriggled around each other and my entire view was projected in monochromatic color schemes that looped over and over. A sound came from the football stadium where a game was in happening. It sounded like a train horn and it was very loud to me. It engulfed me and I thought it would never end until it finally trailed off in a long echo.
When the guys came home and we got inside I took a seat and zoned out into my own world. Everything was so alive. Time would fly by for a few minutes, and then seem to stop altogether. We smoked up the rest of our teenth and chilled there until about two a.m. We left <!-- T’s because he had a party to go to -->and went back to the dorm. We were there until about 5 a.m. I did random things around our hall in these hours. I talked with friends on the hall and played music. I watched about half of Alice In Wonderland and decided to leave the dorm and go for a walk.
I was starting comedown by now with subtle visuals and audits. I put on my favorite trip music and walked. I don’t know for how long I actually walked, but it must have been about three hours. I specifically remember finding a hill, a hill that I have still never found again. I walked down this hill and it was very steep. When I reached the bottom, I looked behind me and the hill looked like a wave about to crash over top of me.
I finally came back to Earth at about 8 a.m. And enjoyed the afterglow with a cup of tea and a cigarette.
Overall, my trip lasted about fourteen hours before I fell asleep. I enjoyed this experience more so than anything I had previously done. It is a beautiful experience and so enlightening. <!-- I cannot recommend LSD to anyone because it is a decision that must be made by the individual, but -->I certainly enjoyed it and will most definitely be experiencing more in the future. <!-- Happy Tripping.--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2008</td><td width="90">ExpID: 75272</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 10, 2021</td><td>Views: 575</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=75272&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=75272&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">140 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Alright, some friends of mine had some acid that they were selling for 7 bucks a hit. I'd never tried it but I knew of 3 or 4 other people who had tried this same acid batch and they had told me that it was pretty good so I bought a tab. It was on a little piece of paper about 1/8 of a postage stamp or maybe even smaller than that, with a little blue dot on it. I put it on my tongue and swallowed it after about 10 minutes. I had heard you felt some of the effects immediately and was anxious to see what would happen. 5 minutes passed... Nothing. 10 minutes... Nothing. 15 minutes... Began to notice short term memory loss as if I had smoked weed. For the next hour, the only difference I noticed was that my memory was definitely affected - I wasn't able to determine how long it had been since I had just done something so I continually was asking for the time. Nearly 3 hours after taking it, I was convinced that this shit was fake and was some other drug with minor side effects. Man was I wrong...
About 3 and a half hours after placing the tab on my tongue, I began to trip HARD and I mean out of NOWHERE. One second I was pissed about it being fake and the next I was standing in a giant coliseum with wind rushing past me and a red sunset (despite being in a concrete pavilion at 11:45 PM). I was elated that it was real and began telling everyone. I layed on the ground and looked at a cloud moving in front of some stars that began to have a grid-like pattern move through it and then break into pieces like ice. I looked at a house and was completely sure that I was the guy in the mask from Scream - scared the shit out of me but I kept looking back over there because I wanted to see him again. After 7 hours or so, I finally came down but could still feel some effects up to 12 hours later.
All in all, great experience.<!-- I only would advise being with good people and having a non paranoid mindset because it completely depends on your mental outlook before the trip. Hope this helps some of you!--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2003</td><td width="90">ExpID: 22643</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 13, 2021</td><td>Views: 552</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=22643&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=22643&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : First Times (2), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 drop</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">175 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
<span class="erowid-warning">[Erowid Note:
A substance(s) in this report might be identified incorrectly. Erowid reviewers question the author's identification of the drug described. Although the report is included in the collection, the substance might be something other than the author believed it to be.]</span>
Before this night I had used LSD a few times, as well as had one or two good rolls. I'm 18, male, about 175lb. Usually one pill doesn't do much for me, but I find that my LSD experiences are just as intense as everyone elses.
Skylab 2007, just outside Denver. It was a rave with about 10,000 guests, indoor/outdoor, good old school vibe tons of space to chill, and amazing music. I knew about a dozen of my frinds would be there that night.
I started off the night with a pill of...well i can't say what exactly, but it was pretty good because as I was asking around to find some dose, I could definitely feel things picking up. finally I find what I'm looking for and pay $10 for a guy to drop some liquid on my hand. before things start really picking up I pop another pill, find my friends, and bring them back to the guy with the acid and buy them a dose.
At this point i'm definitely rolling, I feel amazing, my mind is buzzing, and suddenly I notice the visuals. I look up at the stars, and then down at the gravel, which for some reason.. is paisley. Everyone looks amazing, their clothing is writhing around them, every pattern is a living organism.
I'm lounging around with two of my friends talking to EVERYONE that pops a squat. Meeting significant people, having significant conversations, only as things go on, I find myself less able to communicate, until my conversations are reduced to 'Hi, are you having a good night?' 'I'm doing just, amazing!First time candyflipping erh....' and I'm drawn again to the ground, the half dead grass looks like a Jackson Pollock, greens, brown, yellow, white. Finally I realize that I have barely danced since my friends' arrival, and I'm missing Armin van Burren. 'Guys let go dance! Like, NOW!' they agree and we begin the 400ft trek to the main stage. However, being on a different planet than I was they just started talking to every single person we passed on the way. We would all stop, at first I tried to talk, but after the sixth or seventh time we stopped and weren't even half way there I realized I was just walking around them in circles like a satellite waiting for forward progress. Eventually I told my companions I'd see them later, and rushed to the stage.
I've never danced that hard, and I'm definitely not a dancer. Only at raves. I danced until everything ached and I was drenched in sweat, my own, and others' and then I danced some more. This was definitely what I needed, and was the best part of the night for me. It was the ultimate audio visual and physical experience.
<span class="erowid-caution">[Erowid Note:
Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. <a href="/chemicals/show_image.php?i=dmt/dmt_contraindications1.gif">Don't do it!</a>]</span>
I drove myself and a friend there, and I was our ride home. I was definitely stimulated, during the drive, but thought i was just rolling a little bit. When I got back to my room and on my bed, I realized that my walls were crawliing/melting.
I'd say that was my strongest roll and definitely my strongest LSD trip up to that point. I had strong visuals until about 2pm the next day and ingested the acid before midnight.
Overall, it was amazing, and I look forward to candyflipping at an event like it in the future, though, I'll probably be more concentrated on doing my own thing.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2007</td><td width="90">ExpID: 67694</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 10, 2021</td><td>Views: 662</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=67694&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=67694&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), MDMA (3) : Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Hangover / Days After (46), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)</td></tr>
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<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">40 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/oxycodone/">Oxycodone</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(extract)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">145 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Recently, two friends and I attended an electronic music festival in Miami. Over the course of the night, I consumed 40mg oxycodone, 3 hits of LSD, ~200mg of MDMA and a substantial amount of weed. I am very experienced with LSD and MDMA, both together ('candyflipping') and alone. This was only my second time taking oxycodone &amp; my first time combining it with anything other than weed. The combination of LSD + MDMA + oxy seems to have potential to be good. This time unfortunately was a bad trip, but I don't think it was the fault of the combo itself, more the apprehension of trying a new combo with minimal reasearch (always research your drug interactions BEFORE you do them, be safe!).
2:00PM EST: Once we get to Miami, I dissolve 4 perc-10s (40mg oxycodone) into a bottle of Gatorade. This was only my second time taking any type of opiate, so 40mg hit me hard. Fast forward 30 minutes and I was in a state of complete bliss. Nodding out, music sounded great, nice warmth and floaty feeling. One of my friends (call him 'A') took 20mg and my other friend (call him 'T') didn't take any. We rolled and smoked three blunts between us, and then split a gram of edible dabs.
3:00PM EST: We check into our hotel in Miami Beach and immediately order an uber to the festival. I was slumped out in the backseat the whole ride, nodding heavily. The dabs start to kick in as well and seem to potentiate the oxy. I'm having trouble staying awake and following conversation. We got inside the festival around 3:30pm, the whole group dropped acid. These tabs were extremely potent...with (supposedly) 200ug on an each blotter. 'T' and I take 3 apiece; while 'A' only takes 1. 'T' and I also take ecstasy at the same time. The particular pills we had (blue and yellow IKEA press) were reported to be very strong, containing around 210mg of MDMA. 'A' had taken them before and advised 'T' and I to only take half, but we each took a whole because our tolerances at the time were very high.
4:00PM EST: In 20 minutes, I'm already coming up on both the L and MDMA. It struck me how fast and intense the come up was - I was already seeing large green blotches in the sky and getting some tracers. I've done high doses (up to 7 hits) in the past but never felt a comeup this fast and intense. The music became louder and the air was shimmering like it was heated. At that point, any effects of the oxy or MDMA were overpowered. 'A' and 'T' were also coming up strong. We wandered around a bit, trying to figure out the layout of the festival and where the different stages were. We decide to go to the mainstage first. As we were walking there, I suddenly start to feel funny, a sense of dread and that something was deeply wrong. The loud music &amp; huge crowd felt overwhelming. I feel a tremendous body load in my chest, my vision darkened and everything took on a red hue. I felt like my halter top was strangling me, and my mouth was dry as a desert. I turned around to find 'A' and ask to use his Camelbak, but he was gone, along with 'T'. I started to panic and look around for both my friends and a water stand.
At this point, I couldn't read any signs and couldn't easily recognize faces. The crowd looked like a throng of black spiders against a red backdrop. The MDMA was also starting to really kick in, as I felt surges of energy going through my body. I went up to a woman and asked her for water, but instead of directing me to a water stand, she freaked out and told me to go to a medical tent. I told her that that I didn't need medical attention (only water!) but she grabs my arm and tries to force me to walk over there with her. At that point, I start to believe that I might actually NOT be okay, and that I could die if I didn't get medical attention. At that moment, 'T' reappeared and grabbed me away from the lady. I told him that I was going to die if I didn't go to the hospital, he reassured me that I was going to be okay but it was too late. At this point, I was rolling hard, but the bad acid trip was overwhelming my roll. Instead of feeling light, my feet felt heavy and I was sinking into the ground. Dancing was impossible - even though I partially wanted to, my body just wouldn't cooperate. I couldn't walk in a straight line and the mostly red &amp; black visuals were terrifying &amp; overwhelming. I tried to enjoy the festival, wandering around from stage to stage but I was too freaked out to enjoy the music. Eventually couldn't take it anymore, so I curled up into a ball on the ground, hugging my own knees.
5:00PM EST: 'T' made me get up and walk to a quiet area until I calmed down, but once I calmed down I began to realize that I was still nodding from the oxy. Every time I nodded, it felt like a 10 minute blackout. I'd 'come to' with no idea where I was or what I was doing, I couldn't remember my name or who I was. By the time I recalled that information, I'd nod again and the cycle would repeat. This went on for what seemed like hours, and I was seriously freaking out 'T.' He kept asking me if I was sure that I was okay, which worried me back into thinking I was dying again. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">He kept asking me if I was sure that I was okay, which worried me back into thinking I was dying again.</div></div> In between nods, I kept getting strange numbness and tingling all through my body. At one point, I lost feeling in my whole right side. The sides of my head and my sides would tingle periodically, almost to the point of discomfort. Since I didn't do any research about the interaction of MDMA + oxy beforehand, this was seriously disturbing. With T's convincing, I decided to wait it out and see how I felt once the oxy wore off.
8:30PM EST (?): At this point, the oxy had mostly worn off and I'd calmed down a tiny bit but I was still scared. I looked at my phone screen to check the time, but the numbers didn't make sense to me. Time was meaningless. Everything was backwards and spinning. I was convinced that I was going to die but was also rolling the hardest I have in my life. Thus, I kept hugging random people and objects, telling them I loved them and then asking them to take care of me. Someone in front of me collapsed and began having a seizure. In my mind, I thought that they were me and I was witnessing my own death. When the paramedics came and hauled him away, I was fully convinced that they were taking MY dead body and that my soul had been separated and left behind. At this point, I turn to 'T' and ask him if I had just died. He was tripping equally hard, so he just responded 'maybe, I don't know.' I closed my eyes &amp; only saw a huge IKEA-press pill rotating slowly and ominously. I took this as an affirmation that I had just overdosed and died, and had been separated from my material body.
9:30PM EST(?): At this point, 'T' and I accidentally wander out of the festival and into the streets of downtown Miami. The ground was rotating and warping, and I felt like I was looking out of a fisheye lens. There are people everywhere but I'm convinced that they cannot see me, as I am merely a floating soul. 'T' remarks on how 'fucked up' we are, and I respond by yelling about how I was fucked up 'before I died.' This leads to an intense feeling of grief, like I was mourning my own death. I end up somehow calling my father and leaving a crazy voicemail about how I 'ate a whole IKEA', got too fucked up and died. (I didnt remember this until I had to deal with the aftermath the next morning.) Eventually 'T' and I realize that we had left the festival grounds, and spend the next two-ish hours pacing up and down the same street block trying to figure out which way leads back inside. At this point, I am still convinced that I no longer have a body or being. Every time I try to speak, too many thoughts go through my head at once and all I can make is an odd screeching noise. I feel as if I'm going crazy and have lost control, as I cannot make a noise other than a screech.
11:30PM EST: By this point, we've sobered up enough to find our way back inside the festival. We catch the final set and reunite (luckily) with 'A' who has been wandering around, lost, the whole time. I'm still fucked up but nowhere like before and no longer rolling. I come to the realization that I am in fact alive and have a material body again, which brings me immense comfort. The festival ends shortly thereafter at 12am &amp; we leave as a group.
12:30AM EST: 'T,' 'A' and I are wandering around the area around the venue, trying to figure out a ride back to our hotel. Nobody can remember the name of the hotel, and everyone's phone is dead. We sit down on a park bench and try to come up with a solution, but nobody has a phone charger and we're in a fancy area of Miami. Considering that we're all fucked up and dressed in our rave outfits, people were staring at us. We spend about 3 hours trying to figure out what to do, but I can't keep the same train of thought for more than 30 seconds. I 'realize' that our phones are dead upwards of 20 times, only to forget again half a minute later and suggest again that we call an uber. At this point, it's getting really late and some strange people start approaching us, asking if we're from Miami and asking us for drugs. One man in particular was acting very strange and spooked me out. Afterwards I kept hallucinating and seeing his face hiding behind bushes and at one point right behind where 'A' was sitting. Around 4am we manage to convince someone to get us an Uber for 10$ and head back to our hotel. The visuals have basically gone at this point and an intense mental fog and fatigue sets in. I pass out within minutes of getting in bed, which is unusual for me as I usually cannot sleep for a few hours after coming down off acid.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2017</td><td width="90">ExpID: 109950</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Sep 8, 2021</td><td>Views: 1,582</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=109950&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=109950&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Oxycodone (176), Cannabis (1), MDMA (3) : Bad Trips (6), Combinations (3), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">90 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I put a square piece of paper measuring 0.5cms by 0.5cms on my tongue. I kept it there for forty-five minutes and then I spat it out. After no more than 15 minutes I started to feel the effects. The paper was a blotter part of a grand blotter with the design of a man on a bike commemorating the first voyage by Albert Hofmann, the science wizard. He hit the nail on its head with this substance. It’s not like ecstasy, it is purer, it is better. It is holier!
It was Monday 5th July 5 AM and I found myself fully awake and shirtless on a sunny island in the Mediterranean Sea. No sleep, no hunger, no sadness, some anxiety. My mindset was spiritual. I wanted to spend time with my invisible friend Jesus who allegedly rose from the dead. The drug provided me with the stamina to pursue my adventure as otherwise, I’d get bored just after some minutes alone. It's tricky: while admitting that I was physically alone, I was spiritually trying to make contact with the risen Lord which is not easy because you can't see him, you can't hear him. You can only imagine him. But the drug provided me some change in perspective. Just clear perception and unclear sight as everything appeared out of focus. But since I was not driving, I didn’t mind as I could still roughly see where I was although it didn’t matter so much. The details were unreal.
I knew I was in a quiet area next to the sea in a place where no one could see me. All I had were headphones tuned in to Djs Yotto and Lutteral on some epic set and a bottle of water. I was out for five hours. I kept trumping or walking focussing on my shadow. Walking and walking never stopping apart to do some dancing. I was walking down an alley leading to other alleys by the sea. I stopped and danced. At one moment a song came up with the lyrics ‘’Your love is all I need… Your love is all ever wanted’’ I Opened my arms and closing them in a celebration of joy. Everything made sense now. I was sure I’d go to heaven at the end of my life-long journey. I knew victory was on my side even though I was a sinner because Jesus loves me. St. Augustine’s thought came in my mind “You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in You.” I cried and laughed at the same time. A laugh that resonated on the walls of the cliffs ahead of me. It was not a silent laugh! I knew I was under the effect of this powerful hallucinogen, yet I couldn’t attribute what I felt to a mere drug. Was I rash in assuming there was something else? Could LSD really be considered a sacrament?
The colors were distorted as well. The sky was pink, the horizon was not a straight line. There were patterns on the walls that moved in circles or in straight lines like a herd of ants or insects but that did not scare me, rather it amazed me. And the feeling didn’t last for less than five hours. I couldn't ask for more! The peak was five hours and if you add it with the comedown it means that I tripped for more than eight hours on that day. I walked down the tarmac road leading into other tarmac roads in the countryside. It was the afternoon. The best time of the day and shadows were created by my figure in front of me. Me and my shadow. That’s all I needed there and then. I missed everyone but did not feel lonely as my invisible friend, Jesus was with me. To whom else could I attribute this moment of divine love other than the Word of God made flesh who rose from the dead? I was sure that he loves me. I am now sure that Jesus always loves me.
Thanks to the time invested with him and a drug that enabled this change in perspective.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2021</td><td width="90">ExpID: 115624</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 38</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Sep 27, 2021</td><td>Views: 403</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=115624&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=115624&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">180 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I had been wanting to try acid for a long time. After a few years of no luck, I got a chance. I took 3 hits, and started messing around on my phone. One thing I noticed was how colors tend to contrast and you become so immersed in them on acid. I was messing with a game and each proceeding level was a different color, each level was color coded. Each color blended into the next from level to level, I most likely stared at the screen for who knows how long, scrolling from one color to the next, pausing, and taking in orange, or yellow, or aquamarine. This gave me great joy, and a sense of boredom at the same time, the boredom coming from not knowing whether I was high, or anything was happening.
I turned on music, and this kept me feeling better inside, if people were around, I would feel more nervous and confrontational, and confronted at the same time, this made socializing difficult. I didn't try to socialize much, even though I was around people, and they seemed to find whatever I was doing humorous to them and their friends, I didn't find it that funny.
The strange thing about acid for me was how I would be somewhere alone and feel like laughing for hours on end, but around people that good feeling and humorous side would disappear and be replaced with a bitter resentment toward other people. I enjoyed being outside, not necessarily in the woods, but being outside and being able to look at the trees, and the stars especially. On mushrooms, I feel like going deep into the woods, on acid I'm content with being near the woods, but the stars and the sky become phenomenal. I also feel like I could take a stroll through town, and spend a day examining architecture, being around people, not necessarily interacting. Music is also much more extraordinary on acid than just about any other drug, even weed, or perhaps it's not better than listening to music high on pot, but a different kind of great. The major difference from pot is I feel like listening to a variety of music, from country to jazz, and appreciating each note in each song, and the musicians who made it, understanding why, and how much effort they put into sharing what's inside. It's a different level of detail than being stoned and wanting to hear good music, but feeling lazy and laid back and not wanting to change up the genre or artist because you just feel good listening to what's playing. Acid has a religious side, and an artistic side, any art from music to visual art to film becomes interesting on acid, and I want to try it out, and see what I produce, even if it's my inner kindergartener playing with crayons. I also relearn how not to take life as seriously all the time.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2014</td><td width="90">ExpID: 107979</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 26</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Oct 12, 2021</td><td>Views: 620</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=107979&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=107979&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Various (28), Music Discussion (22), First Times (2), General (1)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/dmt/">DMT</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco - Cigarettes</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Ozzy's Psychedelic Christmas
For a number of years, I have had an on-off love affair with psychedelics of all kinds. Most of my experiences have been extremely enjoyable and have given me an overall better outlook on life in general; but there have been several bad experiences to remind me to take a break once in a while and let my mind cool off. This particular experience was easily one of most ridiculous states of intoxication I have ever found myself in.
It was Christmas Day 2009. I had spent most of the day at a family member's house with my loved ones, nothing too spectacular but enjoyable nonetheless. At around 5 pm, my cousin 'K' asked me if I wanted to leave the house to go smoke some tasty blueberry buds; needless to say, I couldn't turn down the offer. We proceeded to say our goodbyes to the family and made our way down to the nearest gas to pick up a wrap. On the way there, I got a call from a local connection and friend of mine 'A', asking if I wanted to buy 5 liquid hits of LSD for 30 dollars; his 'Christmas Supersaver'. I decided to take him up on his offer; as I had no other plans on that particular day. K and I headed over to meet him at my friend 'H's house. We smoked <!-- with A and his brother 'C'--> upon arrival<!-- ; after which we headed into H's house to hang out for a bit. About 40 minutes passed before K decided to head back to her house-->.
At this point, more people began showing up to the house; this is the point at which things began to pick up. Another friend of mine <!-- who was with us, 'N',--> handed me a capsule of pure MDMA and wished me a merry Christmas. I thanked him several times before emptying the white powder onto a table and sucking it into my nose, after which I was feeling fairly good. At this point, several other people in the house began their quest for inebriation; a cue for me to pop the 5 hits, which were neatly placed upon multicolored Sweet Tarts. I proceeded to walk into H's room where I saw his hash/DMT pipe sitting on his dresser; the inside completely caked with resin. I asked H if I could try my luck with it; he told me to go for it. I proceeded to heat the bowl gently with a flame and watched as gray vapors began to fill the inside. I took the first hit, which had the faint flavor of burning rubber and made my tongue numb; I didn't feel much. I then took a second hit and suddenly felt a strong head change, prompting me to take several more, light and colors intensified. Before I knew it, surfaces were warping, the walls were breathing, and I felt absolutely fantastic.
Had I not taken anything else, this would have ended after a few minutes, but it began to get more and more intense; my trip had been kickstarted. It was at this point when most of the people in the house began leaving, until it was me and 4 other people: H, N, A, and C. They all began to partake in various psychedelics in large quantities while my reality began to shift into another dimension entirely. Everything began to look as if it was covered in watercolor paint, the carpet looked as if it was infested with mice that were scurrying around in circles furiously, a plate covered in ashes was swarming with hundreds of tiny ants, and it was extremely difficult to hold a conversation that made any sense. At this point, we began smoking what would eventually turn into a ridiculous amount of marijuana, hash, and honey oil; all the while my friends continued to consume the remainder of the MDMA, somewhere in the neighborhood of 2.5 grams, between 3 people. Casual conversations now consisted me trying to decipher nearly inaudible mumblings from whoever I decided to talk to.
Suddenly, almost within an instant, I completely lost track of my thoughts and most of my memories prior to this night. Words lost meaning, no object I perceived had a name to speak of; everything simply 'was'. This normally would have bothered me, but then I took another look at the world around me and remembered that I was anything but sober. C asked me if I wanted to have a cigarette out back with him, I told him something drawn out along the lines of 'yes' and proceeded outside. The conversation that followed consisted of me mentioning how cold it was outside and him agreeing with me several times until we finished our cigarettes and proceeding back inside.
Upon reentering the house, I saw everyone was sitting in the living room watching a movie<!-- I don’t recall the title of, all I remember was that there was a weasel talking to someone about something-->. At this point, A sat down next to me and offered me a proposition; for 10 dollars he would give me the remainder of his liquid, the wash from the empty vial, and another wash from an empty vial in his car. Not being one to pass up a bargain like that, I agreed. He proceeded to empty the contents of the vials, along with the washes, onto my tongue and I was shot into an entirely more ridiculous plane of existence within 20 minutes.
At this point, my thoughts began to become more and more confused. Anything I thought about would bring me to the same conclusion, that there was absolutely no point to anything and the overall law of existence was complete and utter chaos <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">Anything I thought about would bring me to the same conclusion, that there was absolutely no point to anything and the overall law of existence was complete and utter chaos</div></div>, that time is a comical loop that repeats itself over and over due to the inability of most people to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors, and that I should enjoy reality and perception while I can and live my life in the way that best suits me. The confusion stemmed from the fact that every single thought that popped into my head would lead me to this conclusion; it was a nihilistic view of the universe that I was not prepared at the time to accept. Surfaces didn’t just warp, they imploded into an infinitely dense point of space and expanded back into their normal size. Tiny insects swarmed around my head and made high pitched buzzing sounds, I proceeded to swipe at them until I realized that they didn’t exist from the strange looks everyone began giving me. Despite all this, I was infused with pure euphoria, everything became so ridiculous to me that I couldn’t stop smiling and laughing at just about everything I was witnessing at the time; I had completely lost my mind and I was enjoying the hell out of it.
After a few hours of sitting and watching movies, everyone migrated back into H’s room. I was in such a state that I lost track of time completely and passed out. I came to several hours later not tripping quite as hard, but feeling like every neuron in my brain had been fried out. The 5 of us decided to drive down to the local Starbucks to grab a coffee and discuss what we could remember of the night before, which is to say not a whole lot. After enjoying coffee and cigarettes, A and C drove me back to my house. I immediately walked into my room and collapsed in my bed, thoroughly exhausted from what I had just experienced. I slept well into the next day.
In retrospect, this was probably one of my most enjoyable psychedelic journeys. Though not much travel had been done outside the walls of that house, the state I experienced was unlike any other and changed my perception of the world around me for the better; but I would only recommend a dosage of the magnitude I consumed to experienced psychonauts, I was barely able to keep my head together through the entire thing and only managed to do so because I was in a safe environment surrounded by very close friends. Goodbye and a very Merry Christmas to all.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2009</td><td width="90">ExpID: 87744</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 18</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 25, 2021</td><td>Views: 592</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=87744&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=87744&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">MDMA (3), LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">180 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I was so nervous to see acid in person. It's minuscule and not intimidating at all. I didn't expect it to be that way but it's just so not noteworthy, especially for such a powerful thing. The original sheet of blotter had an image of a Pink Floyd album.
Physical effects:
My hands were very warm and clammy, kind of gross. I was almost shivering I felt extremely hot when I felt my forehead even though I was actually pretty cold. My temperature was 96.5, normal for me. I had a very weak pulse and low blood pressure. My friend BC, who didn't trip with us, tried to find my pulse for what seemed like 10 minutes. He was boggled. I had a very hard time getting comfortable, especially with my legs. I felt very nauseous too.
I've been interested in psychedelics for many, many years. I always had a feeling that I would try it once. I had no idea what to expect, regardless of how many experienced I'd read. LSD comes with such a crazy connotation. I talked to a few people personally that have used too and the reactions were mixed. Some loved it, some thought it was horrible, some preferred mushrooms because they are natural. When Friday came, I was so extremely anxious for it. I thought about how maybe I would have one of those life changing moments many people talked about.
The beginning:
A and I took two hits at 8:15. I started to feel mildly drunk about 30 minutes afterward. I just seemed a bit off and different. I started to get really disappointed because I wasn't feeling anything except for that subtle effect. I was really, really anxious for something to happen. We all (me, A, D, BC, and J) played Rock Band for a while, switching instruments and turns. I seemed to be pretty good and that surprised me. I opened a page on a community website I'm on to see if anyone had experienced nothing after taking LSD. BC went to go pick up some pot. Smoking pot while taking LSD seemed sort of wrong, unpure. I agreed to smoke though since I started to feel like the acid was bogus. Maybe it got wet or someone touched it? J had taken some from the same sheet and vouched for the potency. Oh well, live and learn, right? We sat at the dining room table and smoked that for a few minutes.
Afterwards, J mentioned watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Everyone agreed so I set the movie up, putting it on pause so we could start it easily once everyone got into the living room. I think I did that and went back to the dining room; I'm not sure. I look at the TV and see Jon Reep and then freak the fuck out. 'OH MY GOD THIS IS THAT GUY WE SAW IN HAROLD AND KUMAR. REMEMBER REMEMBER?!' I run over to the living room and restart the show. This comedian is one of my favorites and I've seen that episode many times. Comedy was just the key to unlock my anxiety about when the acid was going to kick in. Obviously, it had affected me but I didn't notice it. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">Comedy was just the key to unlock my anxiety about when the acid was going to kick in. Obviously, it had affected me but I didn't notice it.</div></div> Two hours went by before I turned on this show and I had no idea where the two hours disappeared to. So A and I are watching Jon Reep and he turned into the funniest thing I've seen in my life. I don't think I've <i>ever</i> laughed sooo hard. The entire house kind of gets pissed at me for being so loud, 'Can the rest of us watch the show?' Hah, whoops. No visuals yet.
Everyone settles in the living room and we start Fear and Loathing. The acid is definitely kicking in now full force. I couldn't understand <b>anything</b> that was happening. Things that seemed like they should be funny weren't and things that weren't funny were to me. The scene in the hotel with the dinosaur characters absolutely destroyed me. It was the scariest thing I'd ever seen. I shook my hands and said 'I don't like this at all.' After that scene was over, I calmed down. By now, it was probably 10:45. BC left shortly after the movie started, I thought it was because how I was being very annoying. In reality, that probably wasn't it since he was there for several hours.
The movie seemed to go on and on for eternity. I thought 'When is this going to end?' I wasn't really paying attention to it but it made me uncomfortable at the same time. After that, D, A, and I watched a few videos on Youtube: Devin Townsend, Meshuggah, and Faith No More. I normally find Meshuggah annoying and never listen to them but I thought that particular song was enjoyable for its aggression and rawness. The video was also pretty funny. The Devin Townsend one sort of triggered all my introspective thoughts. I was thinking about how nice Devin seemed and how it was like he was talking directly to me. I had a thought, something about how all souls are one entity in different parts and that's why I felt so connected to Devin Townsend. I came to the conclusion that there definitely was no god but perhaps souls do exist. That could explain some kind of phenomena. Perhaps the soul exist in all of our cells, like some organelle and used for a function and purpose. I don't even know. I'm not spiritual at all; the whole subject pretty much gives me the heebie-jeebies but maybe this experience opened my mind a bit. Mike Patton was also probably the sexiest person on the planet to me then.
I got on the internet and saw where I started to write about how I wasn't feeling anything on IAM. I promptly wrote 'Oh, fuck. I came to this forum while I was doing LSD for the first time. I was about to type 'this shit aint working' but it seriously is now. hahah what the fuck.' A and D (who was sober) talked about music for a while and then came another introspective thought. I was thinking about how I do love D even though we don't get along too well, how he seemed to really enjoy A's company, and how the definite end to our relationship would be good for him. <!-- D mentioned something about how it seemed like I was jealous of him talking to A. I wasn't, honestly, I was just bummed because he has never talked to me like he was talking to her and how I'm holding him back from fully enjoying life. That includes having a romantic partner he can share his biggest passion with completely which is music. I love music (minoring in it, of course) and love singing but not on the level he does. D sometimes talks down to me about it, saying stuff like 'you have no idea what it is and I can't explain it to you,' or something when I ask him to explain some music theory ideas. -->
I realized how much I resented D for a lot of things, some of which wasn't really his fault and I certainly contributed to a lot of it. Things like how negative he is is linked to how unaffectionate I am. Before that night, I couldn't tell you the last time I said 'I love you,' or gave him a hug or kiss without him initiating it before sex. That started from getting pissed at him for his extreme anger, for example, on top of my own stressors. I shut down (this began to happen several years ago) and then he spiraled into even a more negative state. This was one of my realizations. <!-- I hope when he reads this, he'll think about things clearly. I love him, obviously. I want him to think logically about everything.--> I really do feel like if we aren't together, we would be great friends and we honestly can be friends still. We just are not right for each other and that's fine!
Now it's after midnight and D's mom was still not home. I decided to call to check up on her. The 4 rings to get to her voicemail seemed to stretch on for ages. I got to her mailbox and said in my mind 'Hey K, it's Nilsine. I'm just calling to make sure you're okay.' Of course, it did not come out that way at all. It seemed like I had no control over my voice, the pitch or volume or words. I said something like 'K?! It's Nilsine! Are you ok?! Why aren't you home?!' I called back a few minutes later but I had to scrunch my face into the wedge between the phone base and the wall. I started to see shadows dancing around me, like someone was circling behind me and through the wall. I don't know how that message went since I don't remember. I know by then I was acting pretty erratic. K came home about 30 minutes after I called her. She rolled a very horrible joint.
We started to watch The Darkness, just flipped it on in the middle of the movie. Every time the movie returned from a commercial break, I seemed to always get a lightbulb in the head affect and remember we were watching it. It was like a forgot once I wasn't looking at the screen. The movie didn't scare me at all except for a few times. I was mainly confused. After that movie was over, I turned on What Dreams May Come. That movie became the most depressing, loathsome thing in existence. I sort of cried to myself. I just couldn't imagine going through Hell to find my lover or experiencing the emotion Robin William's character felt. At that time, I felt like I was feeling exactly what he was, how devastating it must have been for him.
After that, A and I chatted for a bit. I'm not entirely sure what else happened or what we talked about. Time didn't exist. All throughout the night, A wrote on sticky notes. Whenever she wrote something, nothing in the world existed but the sound of the marker going across a page, it was 'the loudest thing in the fucking world.' When I would go to the bathroom, I could make out naked bodies in the wallpaper pattern. The linoleum floor looked like extremely clear glass with flowing water underneath. Lights, especially in the bathroom, were extremely bright and blue-tinted. Once time, I closed my eyes and I was in Iowa in a sunflower field, flying. I don't know what that was about.
When the sun rose, I realized I had to clean up the place before D's mom woke up. It took me forever to get motivated and it was very hard to me to organize my thoughts and the process of cleaning seemed so arbitrary. I cried a little bit over the dishes about how I felt about D, how I do love him but how I think we're heading for our separate ways, possibly soon. I thought about how I'll always be his first love of his life and we'll both be okay. I cut up an apple since I realized I hadn't had anything to eat but pizza earlier that night and a banana that morning. My jaw was so tired and it took me so long and so much energy to eat it.
<b>The beginning of the end:</b>
The time came when A had to leave to head back to Orlando, a good 45 minutes away. Walking outside to her car made me feel like I had just been in a war for 10 years. The world seemed so strange and different. We talked about whether or not we would take acid again, and we both agreed that we would. The whole world seemed so beautiful at that moment, literally and emotionally. The sky was <i>so</i> clear and blue. Taylor woke up and asked me if I was high. I said 'I took LSD.' The look on his face was hilarious, like he was devastated. He said 'I didn't know there was acid in this house,' then went out the garage door. I said 'It's not like fucking heroin!' and laughed.
I went back in the house and listened to music, mainly Katatonia. Jonas's voice seemed so clear and right. I also watched a video with Mike Patton and Bjork. Bjork was speaking Icelandic and at that moment, I felt like I could understand what she was saying without reading the subtitles. K asked me to the get the mail when she woke up so I gladly agreed so I had an excuse to go outside. That was 12 hours after the first hit but I was still definitely tripping, no doubt about it. After I turned to corner to the main road, I saw the biggest turtle of my life. Not a big surprise since we live in front of a lake. I was absolutely frozen, thinking that if I moved, it would jolt up and poison me. I then made the decision to scuttle across the road and just not think about it. The walk to the mailbox took so long. The dirt is turns very soft about 10 feet before you hit pavement. It seemed like I was walking in mud even though it was dry. I could hear sloshing and the sound of my feet hitting puddles. The world seemed absolutely strange. When I got home, I felt like I needed to confess to K what was going on. She was shocked, then laughed and told me about how she took mushrooms when she was 17 and she thought her car was brand new.
I went on the internet for a bit but it looked too bizarre and off so that activity lasted only a few minutes. I got a nosebleed and let it drip on my shirt. I was just fascinated at the color of my blood. I've <i>always</i> been like that. I mean, what can I say? I love the visual of blood and I'm not grossed out by it at all. I love it. Wow, I sound ridiculous.
I went to bed. This was about 3:00 PM. It took me forever to fall asleep. I could not get comfortable at all and I was hot and cold at the same time. I ended up sleeping about 15 hours but waking up every hour or so. That sucked.
It was extremely worth it. I always tried to grasp the idea that LSD is life changing and I definitely experienced that, especially with the outlook on my relationship with D. It was absolutely amazing but I'm not sure I can write anything that could convey that.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2008</td><td width="90">ExpID: 71554</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 12, 2022</td><td>Views: 569</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=71554&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=71554&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), Personal Preparation (45), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/methylphenidate/">Pharms - Methylphenidate</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">51 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I think the reason things have become messed up in my mind, is partly due to the fact that I was on Ritalin for 2 years. (For ADD and Narcolepsy.)
I first started taking Acid around 5 years ago, but never over-indulged, never taking more than 2 LSD blotter-hits or 2 Ecstacy pills at a time. I knew my limit, and I enjoyed myself thoroughly for 2 years, frequency: about twice a month. I experienced all kinds of settings, from the raves, clubs, to being with 'normal' people in a secluded setting - in the middle of the bush with animals - (I live in South Africa) even being all alone in a room by myself. And I WAS FINE.
Yes, they've been fantastic trips, yes I've had some difficult ones (never turning into full-blown bad trips). I always had a handle on it, and understood the concept of surrendering to the drug, and having a deep respect for it. I even helped talk a guy who was having a bad trip out of it. I always had a good relationship with entheogens. Particularly LSD and Ecstasy. (But not much of a weed smoker.)
At some stage during the last 5 years I was put on a course of Ritalin to combat my ever-sleepiness and inability to concentrate. (2x a day) I also experience mild narcolepsy now and then. Being on Ritalin felt great. Always on top of things. I continued tripping during this period.
My last trip 2 years ago was slightly uncomfortable, but still great. As above, I had my Ritalin that morning. We candyflipped, went to a local spot that we regularly go to (so the setting was familiar), and I had 1 LSD &amp; 1 Pill. Everything was going fine, but I started becoming extremely tense, for no known reason. I kept thinking the same stuff over and over again, and tried to reason with myself that everything should be ok, but it was not. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I kept thinking the same stuff over and over again, and tried to reason with myself that everything should be ok, but it was not.</div></div> I started getting this overwhelmingly strange feeling that I was VERY FAR Away from Home. (?????)
Eventually we went home and watched a bit of TV, and finally I fell asleep. Woke up the next morning, feeling fine, and quite allright. (I never had bad comedowns or hangovers). Day went on as normal. A week passed. The next weekend: We went out that Friday night, and had to drive far to a friend's place. A song was playing, and suddenly I had this overwhelming urge to jump out the car. As if I had to get away from something bad. It actually felt like my muscles went into shock or something. My brain was buzzing, and I couldn't think straight. I was sweating profusely and felt like something TERRIBLE was going to happen. Heart pounding. I had to switch off the radio, tell my boyfriend to stop the car and I got out and stood there looking at the sky. (Which seemed to big, overwhelming...)
This happened again later that night, I would be panic stricken for no apparent reason, and couldn't handle certain situations that were never a problem to handle before.
To cut a long story short, it is now 2 years later, and I have not been able to ingest anything that I believe may be intoxicating. I've even cut out alcohol &amp; cigarettes! I've developed some irrational phobias, for instance a fear of driving too far in a car. Some nights before going to sleep, I will hear conversations being carried out in my head. Not under my control, as if someone is standing there yakking away in my room, without my permission.
I miss being able to trip, but I don't know if it was the Acid or the Ecstacy that set this off. (or the Ritalin) I finished the course, and felt much better after coming off it though..
I've read some reports, and maybe I had a bit of a break with reality, but otherwise I'm fine. I've got above-average intelligence, have a steady relationship, good job &amp; income, great friendships and the rest of my life is pretty normal... I just get these incredibly debilitating thoughts going through my mind sometimes, and I wonder if I'm not going mad? And I can't bear the thought of being in an 'altered state' of mind again....<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2002</td><td width="90">ExpID: 32939</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 15, 2022</td><td>Views: 695</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=32939&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=32939&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), MDMA (3) : Post Trip Problems (8), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">188 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I first started smoking cannabis and drinking alcohol at age 15, and experimenting with other substances followed not long after. My first hallucinogenic experience was unknowingly smoking cannabis laced with PCP. It was not an enjoyable experience and I have not used PCP since, although I probably would if it were offered to me for free.
My second hallucinogenic experience was with brugmansia. I drank about 5oz of a tea brewed from 16 flowers. It was a stereotypical brugmansia trip, complete with hallucinations, cops, and hospitals OH MY!!! I have tripped on LSD twice, once in the 100ug-150ug range and once on a 300ug tab. LSD taught me what the point of life is and possibly even saved me from killing myself, but that's a story for another time. Unfortunately LSD is also what contributed most to my HPPD.
My first experience with a psychedelic was not with LSD, however, but with shrooms, or rather a single 1g shroom. I have tripped on DXM three times, once in the first plateau, once on the second, and once in between. I used mescaline once on a very low dose, around 40g of peruvian torch powder. It didn't give me a 'full' trip, maybe about half as intense as would be desired - at most. I have also used brugmansia twice since the horror story mentioned above. Once smoked along with cannabis, and I once ate two flowers. Respectively they produced an odd weed high with visual distortions, and an uncomfortable body high with odd, almost imperceptible, visuals. There was also twice when I experienced visuals after combining cannabis and MDMA. This could be because I combined the two or because I already had HPPD at the time.
My HPPD is not as intense as it was in the 3 months or so following my second LSD experience, when it was most intense. I constantly see 'static,' which is probably the most serious of my HPPD symptoms. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I constantly see 'static,' which is probably the most serious of my HPPD symptoms.</div></div> Just a few days ago I tripped out in school because it was raining outside and I interpreted the static as rain coming through the roof. I get afterimages fairly easily, and sometimes objects and/or my entire field of vision seem to shift around. I also sometimes see wierd 'nothings' that disappear as fast as they appear. The wierdest thing about these 'nothings' though is that they are the same color as whatever they appear in front of, have no outline, and no depth, so I don't even know how I can see them! The last HPPD effect that is still with me is closed eye visuals. These are typically a deep blue but I have also seen them in emerald green. Usually they form a rippling wall or shifting blob similar to some of the screensavers on a windows computer.
In conclusion, my HPPD is annoying, notably the constant static -- which is usually only noticeable at night or in the dark - normally I only see it at day if it is cloudy or if I think about it -- but not serious. I even enjoy some of the visuals I get, especially the CEVs. I plan to continue using hallucinogens, particulary LSD - which I love for the reasons in the first paragraph - but always with months in between each time. I also plan to cut back on cannabis smoking since I find it potentiates HPPD, and I will look into if there are remedies for HPPD out there. I will not go to a doctor since my HPPD is not serious and I don't want to hear a lecture about how drugs are evil. And I would like to add, since I've read mental disorders greatly increase the risk of HPPD, that I almost certainly have neurosis and/or depression and/or bipolar disorder and/or something else although I have never been diagnosed since I have never been to a psychiatrist. Also, I have type 1 diabetes and take insulin but I doubt that would be a contributing factor.
<span class="erowid-warning">[Erowid Note:
Some authors report suspicions that their cannabis has been 'laced' (adulterated), in some cases, presumably with PCP. While this is possible, readers should be aware that idiosyncratic response to the effects of cannabis (usually higher doses) can lead some users to presume their cannabis has been 'laced'. There is no way to know if the cannabis in the report below was adulterated or not. Reports of plant material and cannabis laced with powerful synthetic cannabinoids and other psychoactive substances became more common starting in 2007.]</span><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2008-2010</td><td width="90">ExpID: 87902</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 17</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 20, 2022</td><td>Views: 388</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=87902&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=87902&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance">Unknown</td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/nbome/">NBOMe Series</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">160 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
At the beginning of the second semester of college, I wanted to celebrate coming home from a bad vacation by taking my first dose of LSD in a long time. The dosage was lower than last time, but I didn't mind until I took the paper.
The paper was more bitter than I expected, and I immediately knew I was ripped off. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">The paper was more bitter than I expected, and I immediately knew I was ripped off.</div></div> I did not spit it out later, however, because I just wanted to know how fake acid, or how I like to call it, "Solaris," felt.
After ingesting, I started to experience green and purple aberrations after 30 minutes. Rainbow smoke started to drift across my computer screen, and the green and purple aberrations stared to become every color of the rainbow. Admittedly, it was beautiful, and listening to music added to the experience, as the drugs enhanced the music experience.
Soon, I felt a metallic taste in my mouth at around two hours. My face went numb, and my motor skills slowly declined while I was drinking soda as I felt like I could start a nosebleed any second. Intense stimulating euphoria washed over me, as well as panic, and I smiled devilishly whenever I walked over to my suite's bathroom mirror.
Looking deep into my eyes, I could see that one pupil was larger than the other, and I felt like I had to clean my room and set up my desk microphone to keep myself busy, as advice from other people failed on how to calm myself down, as relaxing activities did not fully stimulate me. Also, my libido was incredibly high, and I felt murderous.
After having a disturbing fantasy during my climax, I tried to take a shower and get some sleep, as I was incredibly tired, hungry, and coming down from one of the worst trips I've ever had.
Trying to sleep, I had closed-eyed visuals and even audio. I saw millions of futuristic lights, beautiful things, sound-tracked by various excerpts of human speech, digitally altered to create lush ambient music. I would expect people in 2040 to be taking this drug more, admittedly, and after reading Wikipedia, "Solaris" sounded like a good name for this drug to me.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2022</td><td width="90">ExpID: 116060</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 18</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Feb 3, 2022</td><td>Views: 1,148</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=116060&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=116060&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Unknown (120), NBOMe Series (539), LSD (2) : Alone (16), What Was in That? (26), Bad Trips (6)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 3:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">200 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This is a trip report for the time I accidentally took an undetermined amount of liquid LSD. It was the last time I ever took acid, but not the last time I’ve taken hallucinogens.
The trip took place in the winter of 1998, shortly before new year’s. I was 20 years old at the time and I am a male. About 5 of my friends and I went to a dance club in Hollywood and my friend brought a vial of L with him to sell. All of us took 2 hits each and a hit of X each at around 11pm and had a blast at the club.
The club closed at 2am and I caught up with my friends who had all taken 1-2 more hits each, so I asked my buddy for the vial…I went to drop one on my tongue but nothing came out. My friend who owned the vial said “just take off the cap, chew on the cap and fill the vial with water and drink that.
Now I should mention that at this point I was not an amateur when it came to psychedelics. I had started taking LSD at age 16 (kids, don’t try this at home. Your brain is still developing and I don’t recommend starting at such a young age) and at this point I had done LSD over 200 times, mushrooms like 50 times and mescaline (microdots) once. So I figured I could handle a couple more drops. (Turns out, it was WAY more than a few drops)
We heard about an after party going on a few miles away and decided to check it out. We got to the after party and headed inside and that’s when things started to turn.
We walked to the back of the club where there was a balcony with seating and we all wanted to sit and chill for a while. There were two staircases leading up the the balcony, one on each side. One side had 4-5 huge steps that you had to basically crawl up, and the other had like 100 tiny steps that you could barely fit half of your foot on. I still don’t know to this day if that was real or part of the trip as I’ve searched for a club that has those stairs but never could find anything on it.
So as we were sitting on the balcony, I was watching the crowd and I noticed a man by the entrance on the opposite side of the building, staring at me. He began to weave his way back and forth in the audience, the whole time getting closer and closer and never breaking eye contact. The man looked exactly like Paul Bearer, The Undertaker’s Manager.
I had a huge wave of paranoia and told my friends that I needed to get some air. Two of them came with me because they could tell I was not in a good place. We crossed the street and sat down against a wall. We sat there for maybe 10 minutes and my visuals were getting heavier and heavier so as a last resort I asked if we could go get some milk somewhere.
We got up and started walking down the street towards a McDonald’s that was 2-3 blocks away. As we were walking, the bricks in the sidewalk were popping up to about 3 feet in the air and then popping back into the sidewalk. Kind of like a whack-a-mole. It took me forever because I was trying to dodge the bricks. All the times I had done LSD before had been 1-3 hits and I had never had visuals that weren’t actually there.
We finally walked up to the door at McDonald’s and it was closed. My friends pounded on the door until one of employees came to the door. My friends explained the situation and the employee was nice enough to let us in so we could buy a milk. We walked up to the counter and as my friends were paying, I had the feeling of something watching me and slowly turned around to find that the restaurant was full of diners, and they were all silently staring at me. This was at around 3:30-4 am and there were definitely NOT any diners in the restaurant. I told my friends I’d be outside and noped right out of there.
Once my friends were outside they gave me the school sized milk and we began to walk back to the club. As we were walking back the carton slipped out of my hand and fell at super slow mo speed. It took about 10-15 seconds to hit the ground, and then the milk splashed out, also in slow motion and hit the sidewalk 4-5 times. Also, the whole time this was happening, cars were driving by at normal speed.
As we walked up to the club there were several ambulances outside and we sat across the street. My logical explanation for the ambulances were that everyone in the club had taken bad drugs and we had all died. I panicked and got up running down the street yelling that I needed to say goodbye to my parents before I died. I lived about 15 miles away and I had no idea where I was. Luckily, my friends were able to chase me down and convinced me to come back somehow. We got back to across the street from the club and we sat down again. The ambulances were gone. My friends were trying to comfort me by telling me I just took a little too much and that I’d be fine in a few hours. The thing was, that’s NOT what I heard them telling me. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">My friends were trying to comfort me by telling me I just took a little too much and that I’d be fine in a few hours. The thing was, that’s NOT what I heard them telling me.</div></div> In my mind, and to my ears, they were saying “You took too much man. And you candy flipped?! You are probably gonna die,” and things similar to that.
As I sat there full of existential dread, guess who decides to come out of the front doors to the club. That’s right! Paul Bearer! He slowly crosses the street as cars zoom by him and he stops a foot away from my friends and I and just stares at me for what felt like 15 minutes without saying a word or my friends acknowledging that he was there, then he turned around and went back in the club. After a while my friends saw a Mercedes pull up in front of the club and my buddy said it was his X supplier and we needed to go with him into the car. Afraid to leave my friends I had no choice but to comply. We got in the car and the dealer was visibly upset. He told my friend he needed to pay him what he owed soon or there would be consequences. Then he turned to me and offered me a hit of GHB. I just shook my head no and he kept insisting and I kept refusing which made him mad. My friends were explaining that I was having a bad trip and I didn’t want to take it. He finally, frustratingly agreed to let us out with a final warning to my friend.
We went back into the club and found our way back up to the balcony where the rest of our friends were. We sat there for a bit but I was still having a bad time and I asked if we could go home. They said “Yeah, but we don’t have enough room in the car for everyone. You’ll have to ride in the trunk.” I said nope, I’m not riding in the trunk. My friend said “Well it’s either the trunk, or you have to go home with this guy.” I looked to my left and wouldn’t you know it, Paul Bearer is standing next to me. I quickly agreed to ride in the trunk and we left the club.
When we got to the car, everyone got in the car and I stood at the back waiting for them to pop the trunk. After a minute or so, the driver popped his head out and said “What are you doing man? Get in the car.” I told him I was waiting for him to pop the trunk and they all laughed. “What are you talking about?! Man you are REALLY fucked up huh?” This is when I came out of the main peak, but I was nowhere near finished tripping. I had never tripped so hard I had visuals that weren’t actually there, let alone auditory hallucinations where I was hearing something completely different than what they were saying.
We drove home and the visuals were EXTREMELY strong still and would be for several more hours but I was at least somewhat back in reality now. When we got home I had my friend buy me an 18 pack of beer and over a few hours I drank most of them trying to quit tripping so hard. All that accomplished was my mind was totally sober (aside from the acid) but my body was DRUNNNNK. I stumbled around the apartment for several more hours and finally fell asleep in the late afternoon.
I stopped the acid after that and it was several years before I would try another hallucinogen. I’ve done shrooms maybe 10 times since and DMT twice.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 1998</td><td width="90">ExpID: 116085</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 20</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Feb 3, 2022</td><td>Views: 630</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=116085&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=116085&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), MDMA (3) : Combinations (3), Bad Trips (6), Various (28)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">inhaled</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/nitrous/">Nitrous Oxide</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(gas)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">105 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I have done plenty of acid, and plenty of whippits in my lifetime, and quite a few times done both concurrently. However the experience I had a few nights ago was nothing like I have ever experienced, and left quite the impression on me.
I had dropped 2 doses of LSD on sugar cubes while waiting for my friend to come meet up with me. While waiting, I walked to my local sex shop to pick up a box of 50 whippits to share. Once my friend arrived, the acid had kicked in quick and hard, and she also dropped two tabs. We both did two double whippits before going to our next destination, a small warehouse rave. Those were fine, fun kaleidoscope visuals.
Once I began peaking, however, that changed. We were sitting outside of the rave, doing plenty of whippits and having as much of a conversation as two people tripping really hard could. However, the more whippits I did the more I lost touch with reality. I have a hard time explaining what I experienced, but I wanted to share it so I'm going to try. Often I ended up somewhere dark, with a woman next to me. I'm not too sure what she said or what happened, but it definitely scared me. I also had a hallucination that I was in the midst of a large crowd, and a man next to me told me "look at all those people, you'll never find your friend. Wouldn't you rather go with me?" to which I said yes out loud.
The next hallucinations were even weirder. In one, everything got dark and I look over to my friend. She's covered in black tar, and my balloon becomes a tar like substance covered in flaking pink paint, my chair also covered in tar which I'm sinking into. She says "the world is fucking dying", and I feel like it's being taped. I truly believed in that moment it was actually happening and it was truly disturbing. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I feel like it's being taped. I truly believed in that moment it was actually happening and it was truly disturbing.</div></div>
Another hallucination involved gnomes pushing me around, throwing dirt in my face and restraining me while holding a match under my face.
The most common one was somehow being the unwilling test subject to some strange, scifi projects. Like I'd lean into an invisible barrier and into a strange world, and it turns out to be some wild thing someone is testing. Or I'd feel an invisible force vibrating around me until I moved into a certain position. Typing this out I realize how hard it is to explain what I saw. But at the time I thought it was 100% real and I was very confused and scared when it happened.
I spent the rest of my trip afraid I would slip into another fake world, without inhaling any gas. I was afraid people would appear out of thin air with cameras. This paranoia did not cease until I got some sleep, which was only after an 8.5 hour shift at work.
From here on out I will be very hesitant to mix those two again. Being transported into a 100% real-feel hallucination like that, where everything is confusing and terrifying, was honestly not fun and made me feel kind of insane. Especially considering my friend didn't report anything nearly as wild while doing the same thing, though I feel she wasn't holding it in quite as long. I read through the other experiences with this combination and didn't read anything like this so I figured I'd try to share.
<!-- Safe tripping, fellow psychonauts. --><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2019</td><td width="90">ExpID: 113474</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Not Specified</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 21</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Feb 9, 2022</td><td>Views: 398</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=113474&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=113474&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Nitrous Oxide (40), LSD (2) : Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Hard</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">260 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This was my first experience with acid. My cousin, my roommate, my roommates younger sister (over 18) and myself all took 2 tabs of acid one warm summer night. For the most part it was very warm, I couldn't stop laughing as we told stories and took a couple shots.
There was a point, where I was alone in the kitchen, sitting at the table. I was wiping the sweat from my forehead and leaned forward and put my face in the palm of my hands for a brief moment. Without warning, I slipped into a crease in my palm and began descending into a seemingly black and empty infinity.
After some time falling, but not feeling like I was plummeting, I gently fell into the caress of a large shiny black, almost plastic looking hand. Cradling me in a cupping gesture. Like a newborn puppy. Slowly swaying back and forth. I look up. I am in an endless sea of these large shiny black hands, like waves in water.
Their only source of reflection, the crease I fell into my palm, still torn asunder in the sky. Soft white light. I lay back and close my eyes. The light is warm. It feels amazing. I feel weightless. I feel at peace. This is a place of serenity, not fear.
I opened my eyes and suddenly I was sitting in my kitchen again. I'll never forget that endless sea of black hands. How it made me feel. When I close my eyes, I can almost go back there. Maybe one day.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2020</td><td width="90">ExpID: 116637</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 28</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Sep 16, 2022</td><td>Views: 245</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=116637&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=116637&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Alcohol (61) : Poetry (43), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">220 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">135 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Around 9 AM, I place 220ug of LSD under my tongue and walk to the woods by my house. I have a little spot up there with an altar I perform chaos magic and smoke weed at. I've packed a bag full of food, water, a jacket, and paint pens. I put on Their Satanic Majesties' Second Request by The Brian Jonestown Massacre. A friend suggested them and I think today is perfect for it. The sun is out, peering through the trees, birds chirp in the branches.
On the 20ish minute walk there I don't really feel anything yet. Perhaps a little happy but not much. Reaching the spot I sit down on boards placed on rocks serving as makeshift benches. Sitar plays through my big headphones and I close my eyes. A distinct elevation in mood occurs. I smile wide and genuine. The acid has really hit me now. I close my eyes, meditating before stimulation becomes too intense. A quiet calm fills me. Normally I'm unable to be still for very long but this fills me with wonder and curiosity.
The birds are more active now, fluttering about and calling to each other. They blend perfectly with the music. Waves of giddy laughter come over me. I've never felt so happy before. Color becomes much more than before as is the case with psychedelics and I notice some light trailing and warping. What a beautiful day it is.
It has been about an hour and a half by this point, most certainly on the come-up. I am very giddy now. Brian Jonestown Massacre has finished. I put on Panic! At The Disco's Pretty Odd for a vaguely similar vibe but distinctly more poppy. I take out some paint pens and walk over to a large rock. I draw fractals and aliens along the side of it. I notice more visual distortions, the rock seems to be warping and shifting. I become intimately fascinated with it, attempting to replicate the distortions with my paint pens. I keep drawing for a while until I decide to move. I dance along to the music, clicking my heels together like some strange Victorian street urchin from Mary Poppins. I twirl around looking at branches. I sit down for a moment getting another paint pen before going to draw on a piece of aluminum siding that someone dragged up here long ago. I draw DMT's molecular structure and other ramblings before noticing much more intense visuals.
Open-eye geometry has formed. I wander down a hillside and watch more birds before returning to the boards. I'm almost tired in a way. I lie down on one and see much more heavy closed eye visuals. Lotus flowers drawn mathematically like a very elaborate spirograph. One line infinitely tracing many many patterns, changing over and over again. I am in awe, lying there for perhaps an hour or so. Time loses meaning as I gaze deeper.
I decide to go walk home now, relax in my bedroom. I check my phone briefly, no texts from parents, friends checking in on plans for tomorrow. I try my best to get an idea of what's going on before walking the rest of the way home. I put away the paint pens in the basement before going upstairs to my bedroom and putting on The Doors. I scroll through Tumblr, very confused and then decide to just lay around.
The walls are getting interesting as my parents come home around 2:00. Has it really been 5 hours already? I continue laying about until I am told to walk the dog. The day is beautiful and the short stroll around the block calms my nerves. She’s an absolutely wonderful pet and I’m glad to have her. Occasional visuals present themselves, swirling clouds, rainbow fractals in the sky, CEVs of triangles iterating over and over. Some of this may be placebo. A friend checks in on me, I say it's going well.
Getting home I am growing bored, scroll through Instagram and Tumblr more. I become almost disgusted. Social media seems so fake. Everything is manufactured and wrong. Nothing is correct. I am destroying myself somehow.
I am called to dinner and have a relatively calm meal as the peak has definitely faded now. I keep thinking about a Black Angels lyric "Nothing's the same after that yellow elevator". LSD's certainly been an elevator of some kind. Now I must descend. I grow somewhat depressed after the meal. I was spun out tripping all day when my family was out. No work was done at all. My dad should be yelling at me about college or something similar, God knows I have things to do for that, housing requirements and all. What a lazy fucker I've become. I hate what I am. Nobody enjoys me. I am a rambling, drugged out, nervous wreck with nothing to offer.
I should stop existing or become more useful. I ask a friend about this who immediately refutes these things. I talk to her for a while about music and other such nonsense. Something about that calms me down, how accepting she was, how calm and nice. It’s very stabilizing
I take a bath and am disturbed by my reflection in the mirror. I always am on LSD. My body looks other but not as other as my first trip. The soak helps some although looking at my body still makes me uncomfortable. Every time I take psychedelics this happens <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">looking at my body still makes me uncomfortable. Every time I take psychedelics this happens</div></div>.
I go back to my room and watch video game and film critiques until midnight when I fall asleep. Everything seems so fake and wrong when I start watching but I come to something of a realization near the tail end. Watching a review of Ingrid Goes West it hits me. Meaning is derived from the self. We do not need to base our opinions on what others think of them. While this is rather trivial, in my altered state it certainly helped me calm down.
I wake up and feel somewhat depressed and tired. Something's changed but I don't hate myself as much. I'm going to be okay. People don't hate me.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2018</td><td width="90">ExpID: 112590</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Sep 30, 2022</td><td>Views: 267</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=112590&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=112590&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">25 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/amphetamines/">Amphetamines</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 9:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/">Pharmaceuticals</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 9:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">20 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance">Pharms - Ziprasidone</td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 9:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 11:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 11:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">185 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ketamine/">Ketamine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">155 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I normally trip on my day off during the night. Earlier in the day, I took an adderall 25mg XR to help me focus with a study. About 9 hours later, I figure it's time to trip. But, I had not taken my antidepressants and geodon for 2 days, so I thought I might as well take it and blast off on 600ug LSD. <span class="erowid-note">[Erowid Note:
Claims of measured microgram dosages for LSD are usually unsupported. Quantitative measurements for LSD are very difficult to do and cannot be done casually. Without further detailed information about how the measurements were derived, it is reasonable to assume that most statements of microgram dosages of LSD on blotter or in microdots are either misinformed or overstated.]</span>
I place the blotter under my tongue, and an hour and a half passes... Well, I'm not tripping. Like. At all. Maybe this trip in particular is a late-bloomer? I waited for another half hour before realizing something is wrong. I went outside to smoke a partial blunt I had leftover, hoping that would, "kick-start," the trip. <!-- After doing some research, I figured out the Geodon blocks the very same receptor which LSD binds to, rendering the drug useless.--> It was a huge bummer, but I was not about to let that ruin my night. I had prepared myself for the trip, after all. Mentally and physically. My intention was to grow as a person, like usual. Without that experience happening, I figure I might as well do 185mg of Ketamine (insufflation).
I snorted the thick line of powdered Ketamine and powered through the burning in my nostril. About 10 minutes later, I started to, "feel funny." I was hoping that the Ketamine would, "kick-start," the acid trip as well after the weed failed to do so. I thought that's what was happening, but that was not the case...
What happened 10 minutes later was, at first, terrifying. But after a few minutes, as I sunk deeper and deeper into the K-Hole, I started to get very comfortable in my bed under my weighted blanket. I stared at my bedroom walls, watching the outlines of objects like the door frame morph into various smears of off-white colors with my open eyes as I listened to music.
Listening to hip hop was probably my biggest mistake. The messages portrayed in the songs that my Spotify shuffle featured weren't exactly the most uplifting. Somehow, in my incapacitated state, I managed to remove my headphones, and just sat in bed to think, leaving my headphones turned on beside me so I may hear when the song changes.
I honestly thought I was going to die at first. My mind began racing: "What if the mixture of antidepressants, Geodon, Acid, Adderall, and Ketamine kills me, or damages my brain irreparably."
I felt like a brain, piloting a meat-vessel that wasn't even my own. The experience was surreal and almost jaw dropping. I say almost, because a lot of what I experienced quickly faded from memory, which is unfortunate.
I solidified the fact that I need to quit my job though, as I have been thinking about it for quite some time now, but could never find a good enough reason to leave other than hating the place, and myself for being there in the first place. I'm hoping that future Ketamine use will cure my depression, but I highly doubt it.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2022</td><td width="90">ExpID: 116092</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Not Specified</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 27</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Oct 5, 2022</td><td>Views: 398</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=116092&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=116092&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Pharms - Ziprasidone (353), LSD (2), Ketamine (31) : Depression (15), Combinations (3), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">120 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This is a trip report from way back because due to a trip I took AFTER this one, I stopped using LSD entirely. I was going to write about that horrifying trip, but this one is much more interesting.
I was with my boyfriend and a group of friends that I partied with all the time, and the trip took place in our apartment. The first hint of much strangeness to come was the acid itself. They were purple and green pyramids with an eye on them, but somehow they were evil looking, and they were STRONG. I think we all took 2, and this trip came on quick, no hour wait with these guys, I felt it in 20 minutes and knew I was in for a heavy trip. I'll probably reference this more than once in my report but this stuff was SPEEDY, and the entire trip had this crazy manic edge to it. So our plans for the night were to psych out our friends by watching the Manga "legend of the overfiend " which at the time, in the mid 90s was the most evil and fucked up thing we had ever seen! Basically it's about these demons that are trying to take over the world and it is GRAPHIC. There are too many tentacle rape scenes to count, it's gory as hell, and just feels like the ultimate evil, in a manic cartoon colored way. Well, we watched this thing while peaking and it freaked us out, obviously, but not in a bad trip kind of way, it just made me hyper aware of how much evil there was in the world and I was trying to figure out what exactly was WRONG with the creator of this atrocity! I was tripping balls and we for real, were living in a haunted house, there had been a murder suicide there years back and the house itself was scary to live in and it was freaking all of us out. We had adapted a sort of buddy system where we went nowhere in the house alone, even the bathroom which was the freakiest room in the house.
Suddenly my boyfriend says "we're tripping so hard that someone could come up here and murder us and there would be nothing we could do about it!" Now this spooked the hell out of me, and made me even more paranoid than usual when on acid. There was this one scene in the movie where a demon embodies a girl that was just slaughtered and then her face melts off and I could not look at anyone's face for the rest of the night because I kept thinking everyone looked evil and I was really afraid that I would see their faces melt off too! Our weed guy came over to hook us up but refused to stay because we were freaking him out from being so manic and obsessed with evil at this point. Naturally I looked at myself in the mirror and looked like a demonic cartoon, imagine that! I remember being more fascinated with the concept of evil than scared of it, and THAT thought alone freaked me out too! This went on all night and as the sun was starting to rise, we were all looking out the large front window of our second storey apartment and there was this guy walking down the street looking very weird and we were talking about how "off" he looked when he suddenly stopped and looked right at us! He had black holes for eyes and a demonic grin on his face and started to cross the street and approach our house! I remembered what my boyfriend said about someone coming up here to murder us and I flew off the couch to check all the locks while my friends grabbed baseball bats and knives just in case. When I went back to the window, evil dude was just gone. I was convinced he was going to break in and kill us all, but as time passed, I realized that was highly unlikely.
This trip lasted for about 15 hours and was evil the whole way through. Even though, I did not consider it to be a BAD trip at all, just manic cartoonish evil. It still sticks out in my mind almost 25 years after the fact.<!-- End Body -->
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<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 1995</td><td width="90">ExpID: 116244</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 23</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Nov 8, 2022</td><td>Views: 278</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=116244&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=116244&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">9 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">135 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
It was New Years Day and I decided to celebrate New Years Eve on New Years Day because I had friend that could not make it to my house on New Years Eve. I had a friend come over and dose us both for the occasion. We decided we had 40 min until we were going to trip so we went to go see Lord of the Rings at the movie theater. As we got to the theater 20 minutes late, we had missed the movie and were deciding on were we were going to go instead.
Well, I had started to trip really hard which was weird because I trip a lot and it usually is not that hard at 20 minutes in. I started to feel a little overwhelmed and I just wanted to go to sleep; but, my friends wanted to go to an arcade and I'm a really nice person. So I said okay but someone else had to drive. As we got to the arcade that was 10 minutes from the movie theater the feeling of tripping was over and I had nothing going on in my body no buzz or visuals at all.
I told my friends I just wanted to go home and go to bed and they said alright. Well, I arrived at home and it had been approximately 40 minutes since I dosed and was going to lay down in my bed. I had 6 people in my room and one person was on my laptop as I started to fall asleep. Then I realized no one had a ride home. So I had my roommate drive everyone home and I was left with the neighbor across the way in my room on my laptop. This is when everything started to go crazy because it had been an hour and a half since I dosed and was ready to fall asleep.
This is really hard to explain but as I fell asleep I could still hear things that are going on and the neighbor was asking me for a smoke and I couldn't move at all. I wanted to say I don't have one but for some reason I felt like I was being sucked into a black hole. As things started to get faster his voice echoed and all I heard was "Oh shit!" As it echoed I was thrown into another world. I really had no base of time but I would have to say it would have been two hours since I dosed. While I felt like I was thrown everything turned black and I seen a spiral coming towards me. It was a filmstrip starting at the point I was born and it was spiraling very slow at that point and it started getting faster and I seen all of my favorite points of life. As it reached the end it started swirling really fast. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">It was a filmstrip starting at the point I was born and it was spiraling very slow at that point and it started getting faster and I seen all of my favorite points of life. As it reached the end it started swirling really fast. </div></div>
I felt like I was being thrown back into my body. As soon I felt myself again everything was still. My neighbor wasn't moving while on my laptop his hands were stuck in the air and I had really thought I died at that point and began to freak out a bit. I just wanted to be alone. I began yelling at the neighbor telling him to get out, but he still was not moving so I grabbed his legs and tried to drag him off my bed. As soon as that happened he disappeared. I sat and thought to myself. Everything was still so I had no realization of time.
I figured I would walk outside and see if anything was happening and nothing was. As I thought since nothing was happening I might as well get comfortable so I got completely naked. I don't know what was going on at that point. Well, while naked I started seeing rays of light that I could touch and as I touched them I would be able to control what they were. I felt like I had the ability to see how I could have seen how my life would have been if I would have did things differently as I touched these rays of light. I played for a while with them and saw everything I ever wanted of my life if I was with this person that person and so on.
I realized I was butt ass naked in my parking lot outside of my parking lot as my car pulled up and beeped its horns and heard laughter. One of my lady friends came back with my roommate and was laughing very hard and then I was thrown back into reality and realized I wasn't dead and everything would be okay. Afterwards, my lady friend got me dressed and I realized I wanted so much more to life. I feel that without having that one experience I would not be at peace with myself and would love to hop aboard light rays if possible. In any case, it's all just a big film.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2004</td><td width="90">ExpID: 30079</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 24, 2023</td><td>Views: 265</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=30079&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=30079&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Various (28), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Mystical Experiences (9), Glowing Experiences (4), Difficult Experiences (5)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(gel tab)</b></td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I was not at all an experienced drug user. It was my freshman year in high school and I had been smoking weed for approximately 2 years and I drank, but that's as far as my drug use went. Well, I had been wanting to try harder and better things for a while and then my friend gave me 2 geltabs (I cannot recall what kind, but someone I know who has tripped over 120 times told me it was very strong!). Well, it was after school and I was alone so I decided not to take it.
The next day in school I realized I still had the 2 tabs on me. I was really bored and it was right after 2nd period, 10 am. I told my druggie friend what I had and she told me to take it. I thought it sounded like a good idea since I figured she could take care of me if something went really wrong, and I was really bored. Well, I popped both in my mouth. Not much later, I started feeling crazy and out of control. Everything looked really funny. They took me to the locker room in the gym and I sat there and started bugging out. They knew it was a bad idea for me to go to class, so I just sat there. I started seeing all sorts of crazy things, even though none of it was there. I was really scared and I realized I was fucked up badly. The teacher came in to yell that we couldn't just sit there, we had to go to class. I saw monkeys dancing around and a dog on the floor.
My friends realized that if an official saw me they would know I was fucked up. They tried to take me out of the locker room but I was too busy crying that the dog couldn't come with us. They picked me up and dragged me out of there. They decided to bring me to lunch where I could sit and relax. But the walls in my school were really curvy and there are like a million turns. I kept feeling as though the walls were going to get me and hit me. Then I finally got to the stairs and they totally bugged me out. I refused to walk and began to crawl up the stairs. Then they heard the dean start to come to scream for us to get out of the hallways and into class. They knew they couldn't have the dean see me crawling up the stairs so they brought me to the bathroom. I started bugging out in there.
They decided to bring me to my bio lab class and I could sit there because the teacher already knew me and my friends were druggies, so we knew he wouldn't care. I sat at my table just staring at it, thinking there were all sorts of colors even though it was white. The teacher just ignored me. Then I got real hot and went to the window. I was so hot I stuck my whole body out the window and almost fell out. Then the dean came into my class and said they had to speak to me. I was so scared. I left the room and said I wanted my friend that was with me in class to come with me. So they said she could come. They brought me to the bathroom and started questioning why I looked so funny. I said I had been sick and vomited and also had an asthma attack. They said ok, they were going to go get the nurse and to stay there.
Now, I wasn't really seing crazy things as much, but I was so scared and nervous and paranoid they would figure out what was wrong. My friend kept trying to calm me down but I just started crying and couldn't stop. Then the nurse and the dean came back and they were like, what's the matter, are you okay? Why are you shaking so much? I said I just didn't feel well and that after my asthma attacks I start to shake because I get myself so worked up and scared, and that I would be fine and I wanted to go back to class. They said no and took me downstairs. They said my friend had to go to class, though. I really didn't want her to leave and started crying again. They took me to the office and made me call my mom.
I told her I just hadn't felt well and I would be fine and she was like, you want me to come pick you up and bring you to the doctor? I was like nooo, because I knew a doctor would figure it out. Well, to make this very long story end, they let me go and suggested to my mom that I get drug tested. After that I was fine and felt better the rest of the day. I learned a lot from that day. I put myself in a bad situation. You should not do something where there is a chance you can get in trouble around a lot of officials and school is not a place for drugs.
If you want to try something or do drugs, don't do them in school. Also, I should have learned more about the drug and the effects and I should have been more prepared for what could happen. I have since done acid again many times and have now done many other drugs as well. I have never again had a bad trip or any other experiences or problems like that and have never come so close to being caught again. That was the worst experience of my life and it taught me a lot of life lessons. It prepared me really well for the drugs I have done since then.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2000</td><td width="90">ExpID: 1534</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Not Specified</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Mar 5, 2001</td><td>Views: 9,271</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=1534&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=1534&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Large Group (10+) (19), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">200 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
It all started off innocently enough. I was going to St. George, Utah, to pick up a friend and go to Vegas for a fun filled weekend of smoking weed, cruising the strip, and a Phish concert. Prior to this trip I had never even considered taking acid.
Friday morning we left St. George and headed for Vegas. We smoked some shwag on the way down the canyon and jammed to the Doors, and talked nonsense till we got to Vegas. When we got to Vegas we met up with some mutual friends, one of which attends UNLV and lives in the dorms, which is where we slept. Friday night everyone found tickets to the Phish show, so we all went and had an awsome time.
Saturday morning we woke up late and sat around reminiscing about how cool the concert was. We all decided we would try to get tickets to the Saturday night show. Then my friend D pulled out a little bottle and smiled at me. He asked me if I wanted to do some acid. It was a very interesting thought, I had never really considered it before. I had only smoked pot about three times before this trip. I asked everyone what it was like and about all I could gather from them was that it was 'crazy,' 'intense,' and that I would be a different person after. I thought for about fifteen minutes and decided to go for it. D put two drops from the little breath freshener bottle on my tounge. I rubbed it around my mouth and swallowed. 'That's it?' I asked. 'Thats it,' D said. The friend I drove down from St. George also took one hit.
I asked why no one else was doing it and they explained that you develop tolerance and they didn't want to have to do twice as much to get the same effect. I had no idea the night before that they were all tripping. At first I had the feeling that nothing was going to happen. They just told me to hold on and it would work. About a half hour after taking the acid, things started to happen. The first effect I noticed was that a blue chair in the room seemed much more blue. It was strange but not alarming. Then I laughed my ass off as I watched my friend B roll a joint. It was so funny that he had these finely tuned 'joint rolling skills.' Then we set off on what would be the strangest journey of my life.
As we set off across the parking lot the sun was high and hot, about 1:00 in the afternoon. I could sense things much better. I could feel the heat from the pavement and the sun was brighter.
There was quite a while before the show, so we decided to just chill and walk around the parking lot amongst all the Phish heads. We picked a nice grassy hill partialy in the shade and by a big 'friendly' rock. This is when I started to peak.
I sat among my friends, on a small grassy hill, partly in the shade of my friend the pine tree, and by my friend the rock. I looked around and the trees started to dance and the grass seemed to flow like a gently, peacefully, rolling stream. All the people relaxing around me were very beautiful. It was one of the happiest moments I've ever had. Everyone and everything were happy to be there sharing in each others' company.
Someone suggested that we go exploring and I was happy with doing anything. We walked around all the campers and busses and did some people watching. It was a very surreal experience. Walking around thinking crazy stuff, all the dealers wispering 'acid, shrooms, extacy' at us. Then it happened: I was lost. Four hundred miles from home, tripping balls, and I was lost. I tried to stay calm and was fairly successful. I just remembered I was on drugs and they would go away sooner or later. Finally I found my friends without incident and we went back and chilled on the grass which was very relieving. We didn't find tickets to the show but I was content for I had had my own little 'show.'
I think I will definitely do acid again some time. It is quite an experience, but do some research before you try it.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2001</td><td width="90">ExpID: 5307</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Not Specified</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Mar 5, 2001</td><td>Views: 12,211</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=5307&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=5307&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Festival / Lg. Crowd (24), First Times (2), General (1)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">130 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
The last trip was a few months ago. Instead of going into the details of my trip, I would like to offer what I've learned about my experience.
The unconscious becomes awakened to the conscious self. All the person's hopes, dreams and life in general can come rocketing out of the sub-conscious. This leads to a sense of joy and euphoria. Later, this turned negative when I was confronted with the harsh realities that life doesn't always go as I would like or plan. This was due to my actions and responses to what my hidden fears are and what I know to be reality. I admit that this was disturbing to me at first. I felt as if I was falling (not literally, but in the general sense) and it became difficult for me to get on with the rest of my life. Recently I turned to meditations and Tai-Chi in order to 'get a grip' on the way that I am and to move forward. Luckily, I found some spiritual people and fellow acid heads to guide me through the mess that I thought I was creating for myself. (In truth I was creating a mess without really knowing it and what to do about it.)
Now, I am developing a greater understanding of 'who I am' and 'where I came from.' Each time I meditate and perform the steps that I know are necessary, a greater sense of myself deepens and grows.
There is some truth to the dangers of tripping. The proper context, setting and timing are very important. What happens to a person when they come down can be troublesome if you're not careful, as I discovered. It doesn't matter how well-adjusted you may think you are. People who are 'loopy' to begin with probably wouldn't even notice the difference.
I will recommend to anyone to at least try the drug. I myself used it 5-7 times in the last 12 years with only 1 trip that had mixed results. The others were a lot of fun. Tripping does nothing to a person that isn't already there. Those who are fearful or unhappy will discover why, as opposed to those who are always happy and joyful. Those who blame the drug for whatever it is that they became later, after they had a bad trip, never took the time to stop and think about who they are.
So, if you have a bad trip and you think you're a bit off base or off track, for god's sake don't panic. This only makes matters worse. Never try to rationalize away anything. I don't believe in 'talking yourself out of it.' You are only pushing the dirt under the carpet, so to speak. It will only creep up on you later. Take a deep breath once in awhile and try something new. You only live once. The most powerful drug in the world can never change the way that you are. If anything it can give you a chance to have a look at yourself and let you decide what you think and if you don't know, ask questions.
So what did I discover about myself? That I think and worry too much.... Oh well, live and learn. I can't say that I am proud to have this experience but at least I learned something.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2000</td><td width="90">ExpID: 4150</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Mar 5, 2001</td><td>Views: 10,520</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=4150&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=4150&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Various (28), Retrospective / Summary (11)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">300 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/venlafaxine/">Pharms - Venlafaxine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">200 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance">Pharms - Fluvoxamine</td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">40 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance">Pharms - Ziprasidone</td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(edible / food)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 7:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 shots</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Hard</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Anti-Depressants and Halucigenics
[might be worth adding the pharms... I find reports of combinations like this interesting. your call, tho. --scruff]
I've always told myself that if I were to use drugs, it wouldn't be something light like marijuana, it would be hard-core, maybe acid or coke. I have never been big on drugs, but I am a psychadelic girl.
Not too long ago, I was in the hospital for depression and anger. The result: 300 mg of Effexor, 200 mg of Luvox, and 40 mg of Geodon each day. Keep in mind that I am making a complete hypocrite of myself by being on all these medications. A couple of guys, who I had met at a party, and most of which have criminal records, calle me up and asked me if I wanted to trip off acid. After serious contemplation, I agreed.
On a Sunday, at about 10 AM, I took a hit of LSD, on a sweet tart (supposedly 2 regular hits, or two drops, as if it were 2 blotters). My trip was very diminished due to my medications, and I am thankful for that <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">My trip was very diminished due to my medications, and I am thankful for that</div></div>. At about 5 PM, I was taking shots of whiskey, I had about 3. Drinking on LSD was great. If I thought I could feel a body buzz before, I was ignorant. I had read as much as I could, but in the end I wasn't prepared. At the end of the night, I was wigging out. I was convinced I was going to get raped within a month, that everyone hated me, and that I was dying from what I called 'seperation of the wrist'. I was frightened. I voluntarily set myself up for yet another mental collapse.
To this day I do not know how pure the drug I took was, and what other than LSD it contained. All I have is the damage, which are diminished coordination, head rushes, poor adjustment to heat, etc. Studies need to be done on the effects of other drugs in combination with anti depressants and anti-psychotics.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2001</td><td width="90">ExpID: 7973</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 10, 2001</td><td>Views: 2,448</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=7973&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=7973&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Pharms - Venlafaxine (191), Pharms - Fluvoxamine (297), Pharms - Ziprasidone (353), LSD (2) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Depression (15), Post Trip Problems (8), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">180 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I love tripping. I love the mind games, the visuals, the feeling of being electronic, the ideas, and I especially love how close it can bring two people. I've done LSD probably a hundred times in my life, and I never once had a bad experience until this day in June 2000.
It was a few weeks after the second most amazing acid experience of my life, which I should probably document one of these days. R. came across a new guy who sold acid, and we were all incredibly excited to take it this weekend. R. and his girlfriend, A., came over Friday night, and had split a sugar cube. A. was tripping pretty hard, while R. hardly felt anything. Obviously A. got the good part of the cube!
We (G. and I) got our hits from R. and decided to save them for the next day. G. loves tripping in the daytime, while I'm more of a night tripper. While I love the trees and patterns in the grass during the day, I can't turn my back on my good friends, The Lights.
Saturday, around 4pm, we each took our sugarcubes in G.'s apartment. We watched TV for about a hour in silent anticipation, but didn't feel a thing. We decided to take a walk across the street to the drugstore to purchase some agave cactus snapple (mmm), and we both started to feel slightly silly while crossing the intersection. Nice timing! We got to the store and roamed around, playing with the stuffed animals, etc. We were definitely not tripping nearly as hard as we could have been.. I kept thinking back to high school, when I used to eat acid every day and I'd need to take several hits in order to feel anything more than the 'i just took an unidentified drug' feeling. I was afraid it was going to be like that again.. I decided to wait it out, and so did G.
We walked back to his apartment and sat down on the couch once again. It had been 1 hour and 45 minutes, and we still did not feel as though we were full-fledged tripping. This was only G's second time tripping, so I had to try to assure him that it's definitely possible for it to take this long to kick in, though I was definitely having my doubts.
We decided to drive over to R. and A's place to see what they were up to. They ate two cubes as we walked in the door, but I felt the need to warn them about their lack of potency. It was hard for A. to believe, because she was beyond fucked up the night before.
We went out and came back and sat around the living room. It had been 3 hours for G. and I, and we were still hardly feeling it. R. and A. were not feeling it at all at this point. We smoked a little weed to get our spirits up, and it definitely did the trick. Slowly but surely, I started feeling it more and more. I was beginning to see the electronic outlines of everything.. everything seemed to vibrate very fast, and eminated the color of acid (you know exactly what I mean! that beautiful color that you've only seen while tripping!). It wasn't intense, but it was there.
Come to think of it, I think that's what the problem with this whole trip was. I knew I took acid, but I was so obsessed with the fact that it wasn't strong. It just made me miserable. I kept smoking more weed to make up for it.
When R. and A. started feeling it, we watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. It was interesting to watch in this condition, as I'd imagined it to be. The fact that I was able to concentrate on a movie really upset me. I wanted to be tripping, full on. So did everyone else. We decided to take some MDMA (highbeams - SUPER fucking speedy).. each of us taking one pill. We hardly even rolled! We took another, and had a minimal roll. Our minds were too cloudy to appreciate it, though candyflips in the past have been amazing.
I knew how uncomfortable G. was. I felt it. We kept making eye contact, and I noticed that we were definitely talking to each other without words. We knew exactly what the other wanted, and it was starting to scare us.
Sure, that's happened to me before - you're tripping, and you're on the exact same wavelength as the person you're with. You feel attached. You feel like you are the same person. That's how we felt, except our thoughts were horrible. We started to scare ourselves. We couldn't talk about it because nobody else was thinking that way. We looked at each other and both needed to get out of there. We got in the car and G. started to drive away. Not a word was said for a few blocks.
'What's happening?' he asked me. I was so glad he asked me that, yet totally petrified to face the answer, whatever it was.
'I don't know. I'm scared.' I told him. He told me he was scared to.
'What do we do in this situation?' he asked. I told him I didn't know, and that we shouldn't think about it. Obviously, that wasn't going to help.
We went into his apartment and set the lighting scheme to a comfortable one. We paced around the apartment, trying to articulate what exactly was going on. Something horrible was happening, or going to happen. We both knew this. I was afraid to start crying because I didn't think I could stop. I have never been so petrified in my entire life. We kept telling each other and ourselves that there was nothing weird going on, and that this was in our heads. The thought of this being 'just in my head' was the scariest thing of all, though. I started to think I was going crazy. I KNEW I was going crazy. I started hearing screaming in my head. I didn't know what was going to happen, but I knew it involved me dying of fear. Is that possible? The whole time this was happening, we kept talking about how we were so petrified about the fact that we could read each other's minds. We knew how much this meant to each other, but at the same time it was just such a BIG concept to grasp. Too amazing to handle. I couldn't comprehend it. I should probably thank the MDMA making me not understand anything that was going on.
I tried to stay strong for G., who's second trip was just looking terrible. I kept making excuses for why this has never happened to me before. I had to make sure that we were going to recover. We talked about everything going through our heads, and we knew exactly how the other felt. I couldn't get over how the weakest acid I've ever done gave me such a horrible trip. It was kind of laughable at this point, but we were still so scared. We laid on the floor and held each other until we decided to try to sleep.
I've tried to sleep while tripping before. It's not a good idea. We bought sleeping pills earlier in the day, and I decided to take the recommended dosage (2 pills). Tried to sleep for 2 hours, didn't work. I took 3 more sleeping pills (don't try this at home kids- it's a really stupid idea, and i was so fucked up i just wanted to fix myself) and that also didn't work. Eventually, I took 4 valerian root and drank a whole lot of water. That put me to sleep, finally.
The next day, I felt incredibly anxious and uneasy. My body ached, but I felt like I played a really intense mind game. I felt like my brain got excersize.
But I'm still scared. I've been scared for a really long time. I have a real problem with being afraid of everything, and this made me afraid of LSD, my favorite thing in the world besides my cat. I know that this was really shitty acid and that all of the factors mentioned above contributed to my shitty trip, and I know that I'd jump at the chance to do more in a second, but I still have that fear that I'm afraid won't ever go away.
...But I feel better now that I've written this.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2000</td><td width="90">ExpID: 2656</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Nov 9, 2001</td><td>Views: 18,499</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=2656&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=2656&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), MDMA (3) : Combinations (3), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:45</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:59</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">30 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/citalopram/">Pharms - Citalopram</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">200 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I recently took a dose of liquid LSD while on Celexa, a prescription antidepressant. I have been taking 30mg of Celexa daily for about nine months. Celexa is an SSRI, and 30mg is a fairly low dosage, especially for my body size.
This was the first time in approximately 4 months that I had used any psychoactive drug. For me, the 'speedy' feeling with LSD begins about 30 minutes after dosing, with very obvious muscle tensing and the onset of visuals occuring at about 45 minutes.
I took an initial dose of what was equivalent to approximately one tab. This time, however, after 45 minutes I felt slightly giddy, but otherwise felt none of the normal reactions I have to acid. A friend of mine who dosed at about the same time (who does not use antidepressants) reported the same thing, at which point we both had another dose each.
After another 30 minutes my friend began experiencing his normal reaction to acid, however I still remained relatively unaltered. The giddy feeling remained, a sensational vaguely similar to GHB but muted. After about 2 hours I felt almost normal.
After consulting some knowledgable people, it seems that my reaction was a normal interaction between hallucinagens and SSRI's.
An addendum to this report is that, three days later, I intentionally skipped my daily dose of Celexa (which is fairly harmless at such a low dosage) and ate ~3-4g of mushrooms. I felt very strong disassociation and intense visuals.
In conclusion, it seems that even a very small dosage of Celexa can dampened or cancelled an LSD trip entirely, while skipping one dose resulted in a normal mushroom trip. Again, I take a small dose of Celexa, and I do not know if skipping a larger dose will have other side effects.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2000</td><td width="90">ExpID: 2891</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Nov 24, 2001</td><td>Views: 27,983</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=2891&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=2891&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">20 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/5meo_dipt/">5-MeO-DiPT</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:20</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 2:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:59</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">10 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/5meo_dipt/">5-MeO-DiPT</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">215 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I'm a respectible young lad, expanding my horizons and such, but sometimes I go the extreme to see what the edge is like. This experiment was aimed at bringing the final Highlander movie to complete and total life.
Having recently been brought into contact with a li'l foxy methoxy, my buddy S. and I decided that we were going to do things right and view the 'final' part of the Highlander series while visually, audiolly (is that a word?), and mentally open to suggestion. Here goes..
Started out the night with a portion of a joint, always gets our mindset relaxed and ready. I weigh out the 20mg for me and S. as accurately as my poor old scale will let me. I was close enough for me in any case. Down the hatch, mixed with some coke-type sode. In case you're wondering, this is some foul stuff. UGH! I didn't like putting pure powder directly in my mouth, it tasted like crap for a long time. ANYWAYS. I digress. Still haven't slept.
After this, we took off to the movie theater. In the parking lot, while feeling the effects WHOOSH on (15-20 min to start, rises for a long time), mr. S. exclaims that he is very tripped out and needs to have some fresh air. So we sit outside the truck for a little while and I drop my first 3 hits of some very, very happy paper and we go in. Buying tickets was an adventure, people are so slow in line, and then getting some $2.50 sip of bottled water. UGH. Water is very good for you though.
So we make it to the theater, S. is totally fried and totally blown away, leaving it to me to figure out the seats. Easy task.. Empty theater. The movie starts off slow enough (not going to do a review here) but the beginning parts are a complete blur of coming up and intensity. There were many-a-time when I wanted to get up and leave and hide in a corner because the visuals and audio were so intense inside that movie theater. Plus, if you know anything about Highlander, you will understand visuals. In the theater, this is one of the most trippadelic movies I've seen. WOW. Needless to say, S. was just barely hanging on to his sanity and refused to give in to the 'cid, so I dropped his 3 about 15 minutes before the movie ended. POW.
One thing I have to say about Foxy is that it is an intense body rush. Very hard to describe. From my experiences (having a few now), it's kinda like X + LSD + turbo unleaded. It just keeps going and going. I've tripped many times, and foxy'd several times and this was an interesting combination in these quantities. NOT FOR THE WEAK OF HEART. My typical trip dose is 5 hits (gels, paper, etc), and this keeps me out on a limb. <!--If you have a good grasp on your sanity, I recommend the movie + the psychadelics for a soul moving experience. --> I think I'm going to be taking up Tai-Chi now just because of that movie. So intense. Highlighted by the acid, taken into overdrive and my soul by the Foxy. After the 2+ hour movie, the drive back home was quite an adventure. <!--Pick a theater close to home, unless you aren't faint of heart with driving and I really don't recommend it because -->During my insane peaks driving wasn't the most fun thing I could be thinking of doing. :)
Finally got home, tripped for a long time and smoked a few joints, decided to try a bumper, took that extra 10mg with some OJ (good combination) and kicked back into overdrive. That was around 4am or so I think and I'm still wired right now. Golly!!!
Be careful with this one. Very interesting, very, very powerful.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2000</td><td width="90">ExpID: 3157</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 3, 2001</td><td>Views: 9,501</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=3157&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=3157&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">5-MeO-DiPT (57), LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Have you tried LSD?
Have you had a bad trip on LSD?
Have you ever experienced flashbacks?
Do you feel that the bad trip and the flashback were connected?
not sure
I have taken LSD, maybe 30 to 40 times, in a 2 year period. This was about 5 years ago.
The last time I took LSD, I saw my friend take a running leap off a 3rd story balcony. Needless to say, this quickly turned into a bad trip. Even hours after the ambulance took him away, I could hear his voice calling my name and asking me to help him. This went on until I started to come down. I've also had other, more mild, bad trips. Most were intense feelings of paranoia and fear. I could usually bring myself down from these.
A few days ago I had the 3rd of 3 experiences that I believe were flashbacks. I was coming out of a rest stop restroom and suddenly started to feel dizzy. Everything around me started to look like a photo negative. This was a common hallucination I had when I took LSD. It was coming in and out everytime I blinked. Then, I would lose my vision completely for a few seconds. The whole time I was feeling dizzy and could barely walk. Then, I started to have tunnel vision along with the negative images and the darkness. I found myself crawling towards the front doors hoping my friend that was waiting outside would see me. Thankfully, it was late at night and no one was there to see this.
After laying down on the concrete for a few minutes it went away. Another experience was similar to this. The other was a tile floor that kept changing its pattern, but that only lasted a few seconds. To me the feeling is way more intense than an acid trip. Maybe it's just because it took me by suprise.
I don't really feel that these flashbacks were direct results from bad trips. But, 2 of them felt like bad trips. They were very confusing and exhausting.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2000</td><td width="90">ExpID: 3194</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 16, 2001</td><td>Views: 9,247</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=3194&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=3194&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Various (28), Post Trip Problems (8), Difficult Experiences (5)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 drops</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:59</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 2:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">inhaled</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/nitrous/">Nitrous Oxide</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(gas)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:59</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 bowls</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/salvia/">Salvia divinorum</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">175 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I began my trip with two drops of LSD on my tongue around 4pm on a Sat. I had slept all day and had planned the trip the night before. I knew I wouldn't start to peak with good visuals until around 5:30 pm. I did not expect anything with this trip and did have some trip toys present. I had a black light and a red lava lamp in a white painted room with a surround sound stereo. The music was techno rave type music. As soon as I noticed a shift in my senses I smoked a party bowl of weed and became very stoned and did not recognize any heightened LSD effect. I had small pattern visions at this point and did see them move and form with the beats in the music which had seemed to slow down and make sense for some reason.
At about 6pm. I started in on my favorite drug nitrous oxide, inhaled in balloons. The first balloon I pulled I noticed that I seemed to come out of my trip into normal reality. I thought that this was strange and continued to inhale and exhale the nitrous back and forth into the balloon. I suddenly became aware of the music and then closed my eyes as I felt myself drift into someplace so strange and extremely fast. I had wonderful closed eye visuals and started to loose myself into each beat of the music. I opened my eyes and let the balloon wizz from my fingers. The sight I saw is hard to describe but it was as if the room I was in and had become shapes of liquid that would shimmer with every very slowed down beat. I had to think for a minute to realize that this was not real and was part of the trip. Soon though it faded back to the same old patterns and the beat seemed to pick up even though I knew it wasn't. I repeated this same process with the same but varying results with the nitrous.
After about 15 nitrous cartriges I decided to give the salvia a smoke test. I was pretty well tripping and did not care or think to look at the clock at this point. I fumbled to get together two bowls of the salvia because I new that I would want another one to prolong the trip with in the trip I was about to have. I had never smoked salvia and tripped before at the same time so I really didn't know what to expect with this combo. I smoked two big lung-fulls out of a bong and didn't realize a change until the third lung full. I didn't even realize a change until I looked up from the bowl and exhaled. My eyes were open I know but they were not seeing anything that was real. I am not sure of what I saw but it was so real to me I didn't realize it wasn't until I came down and the room came into focus. I did the same thing with the second bowl and remembered right afterward what I saw, Again hard to explain and even hard to understand but the music was alive with color and I could hear the colors morphing. They made sense of something but I couldn't catch what it was, nor could I comprehend it. It was DIVINE in all parts of the word so beautiful and so blinding that I feared that if I understood this that I would know the key to life on a spiritual level.
To me after I came back to the room I had seen heaven. From then on though the trip seemed so peonish and totally human. I kept thinking though about the divine vision and now I see things different and do believe I will for all my life. Not a bad different but a more respecting different. I know hold a new reverence for the salvia plant than I did before with the visions of past use. The visions given to me after I smoked it were not of anything my mind could think of...almost as if I tapped into the heavens if only for that vast instant.<!-- End Body -->
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<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2000</td><td width="90">ExpID: 3050</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 17, 2001</td><td>Views: 16,768</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=3050&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=3050&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Nitrous Oxide (40), Salvia divinorum (44), LSD (2) : Alone (16), Mystical Experiences (9), Combinations (3)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">0.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:15</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">0.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:35</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">0.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">125 kg</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I'm not much of a partygoer. A couch, a TV, a bong and thou... Bear I am named, and bear I am.
I'd had acid a few times before, noting massive quality disparities from one batch to the next, and E's about three times... and was disappointed every time. (E in Australia (Sydney) is massively expensive and hence it's not safe to buy from anyone you don't know/trust).
Well, the changeover from 1999 to 2000 was here at last. I never thought it would happen. I always thought I'd die first. I didn't. How could I enrich the experience? Pot was a must. A quick phone call secured a quart of hairy red bud from a trusted source. It was perfect- dry but sticky, dense and smelling fresh and resinous.
I happened to find an envelope in my posession which contained two tabs of cut-my-balls-off-if-it's-not-amazing quality Eccy. Nestled next to that were two anonymous blotters. Yes, they had something printed on them, and no, I (for some reason) can't remember what it was. A shame, as it turns out. The tab was yellow, with sparse light pink and blue speckles. It had the image of a fish skeleton pressed into it. It looked like the graphic for the band Fishbone. I guess the beautiful visual appeal of the tab made me remember those details.
The setting was my first outdoor dance party, New Year's, 1999. Held in a remote location outside Sydney, the evening was spent locked away from the outside world. No media beatups. No up-to-the-second soundbites that swarm the consciousness like confetti before a fan... no way of knowing if the world was dying about us as we visited a unique pinprick in time.
As an outdoor party, lots of different people were there... ferals, ravers, speed queens and (unfortunately) mindlessly pissed Irish backpackers. Each to their own...
I think I represented an unsettling element. I was all in black- jeans, combat boots, a t-shirt making a reference to 'hippie crap' and most unfortunately, a long oilskin raincoat... in miltary cam. I can only say that it was the only rain-stopping garment in my life at the time, apart from yellow vinyl rainpants, and no way was I gonna wear them. Then I went around helping people and being as friendly and open as possible. Helping city kids pitch tents, sharing stories and introductions... the atmosphere was great and I was making a conscious effort to wordlessly remind people not to judge books by covers.
The dance arena by day was awful. I mean the site was good but it looked seriously undersupplied for lights and so on. I was wrong. I don't know what time the music started but it was about 15 minutes after the sun set. People started dancing. My companion of the time (entire identity blotted from memory due to respect for privacy) and I decided to make a start on the chems.
The blots were first, having been conveniently presliced into quarters. Two quarters each. Half an E crushed between teeth (tasting of pepper) about 15 minutes after washed down with gatorade. This was followed by another quart of the blot about 20 mins later. What can I say? I fear few chems and I knew these were seriously guaranteed.
I first felt the urge to dance about 15 minutes after the last blot hit. Not a mad compulsion, just a need to feel active and alive in the cool, moist night air. No pollution, no stale air-conditioner smell, no painful sounds reverbing off walls because talentless losers think volume equals DJ talent. The air felt like pure sex on my lungs after months in the big city.
I found my rhythm in the dance. I saw that the place was transformed by night. Two arenas, one fast and fun, and one cool and trippy. The trees stood like sentinels about us, holding us protectively as we revelled. Light played across their impassive faces and they swallowed our echo. Energy seemed to explode from within us and rush outwards. I saw the feng shui, the dragon tracks, and we were all blazing with a positive light that rushed out to heal the land about us...
Wow. Good acid. Really good acid. I remember it clear as day. My tactile sense was goig mad with sensitivity. My vision was exploding with rippling three dimensional waves of unreality, like cartoon laid over photograph for a split second behind the waves' passage. I was tripping and in style.
The thought made me smile. Time was unimportant. That thought got me smiling too. The next thing I know, it felt like the top of my head unscrewed- I swear, that is exactly how it felt- and a wave of love and joy exploded through me from the centre of my body outwards. The combination was wonderful. I think that the acid had sensitised me to the E, and not a moment too soon.
My soul danced naked and alone in a cool night breeze, while the sensation of connection with the clumsy meat of my corporeal body grew fainter as the music took a hold of my reality. I felt free, unbelieveably free, and positive energy blazed within my soul and consumed me. Every experience, every motion, every remote bit of sensory input, was bliss. I felt remotely connected to my body, but not beholden to it. It was having it's own fun. I was elsewhere.
After however long- it's hard to judge time when so affected- a screen that had been showing trippy visuals all night started a countdown from 500...
On and on the mad dance wound. I remember slipping on some soggy ground and stumbling into a guy next to me and laughing with joy as I babbled apologies. He turned away with a smile...
The time closed upon us. People around me were moving in a syncopation of harmony to the beat of the music and the air around me crackled with light and colour. Little red glowing wrist bands flashed and danced. Headboppers for the 90's rave crowd I guess, but still cool to watch when every sensory input is pure pleasure.
It arrived not with a bang but a laugh. The countdown ended and the film cut to a news braodcast from a well- known global news empire. The reporter announced the arrival of the new year had been witnessed in Sydney, Australia, by the ATM's dispensing $20 and $50 notes at random into the streets. Please remember that at the time, my judgement might have been somewhat impaired, but with no outside evidence I thought that it was true. I mean, the station logo was there!
I smelled a rat when the report went on to state that there were reports of aliens landing near isolated bodies of partying people in the countryside... followed by an animation of aliens cascading down the screen. Then the screen went back to psychedelics, and it all came back in a joyous rush. The dancing took my soul again...
My companion sliced me from the crowd, having tired of dancing. We sat near the floor, holding each other and sharing the closeness of the moment. I felt There was no reality besides herself and I. The joy in feel was still with me and I swear I could feel the waves of our bodyheat where they met in the air about us. We sat until dawn, watching the psychedelic tent, before heading back for a quick sleep.
We slept for a couple of hours and woke up to a warm, sunny day. Spliffs were engineered and a place was taken up in the warm sunshiny shade under a gumtree facing the trippy tent. Said spliffs were shared with neighbours, especially a couple next to us who used a pad and pastels to sketch as we mellowed. I gently massaged my companion's back and shoulders for about an hour, marvelling at how acute and pleasurable tactile sensation still was. I felt calm, joyous and whole. My demons had left me alone with myself and my chosen companions for a while.
The rest of the day was spent coming down. The acid left occasional jangly bursts of unreality. Bud helped. Love was made- far off the beaten track too- and lo, it was good. Mind-unwindingly good. Bear in mind that I'm only talking about my own side of the experience...
Was it good? The only negative aspect as far as I'm concerned is those damn shimmers of acid-effect that kept recurring for a few days. The rest was pure joy, a cleansing and uplifting experience. I won't say that it's resolved any of my life's deeper fundamental problems, but for one night, I got to feel that everything was perfect and that joy and love suffused me like sunfire.
I lost the black film canister with the remaining half-trip in it but after the event, that's not such a bad thing: drugs like this are a very, very rare indulgence for me and taking more would sully the memories I already had. (Except for the sacred herb- the healer- which calms the spirit after the storm of crude, synthetic chemicals. That's a common sacrament around my neck of the woods.)<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2000</td><td width="90">ExpID: 3114</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Not Specified</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 18, 2001</td><td>Views: 11,446</td></tr>
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[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), MDMA (3) : Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Rave / Dance Event (18)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">142 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This was the first LSD experience I had. I was 18. What's kind of interesting is that it was the first real experience with any psychoactive drug I'd had (save for alcohol once when I was 12--different story). I was very straight in High School. I never went to parties, never smoked cigarettes or pot and never drank. I was in good physical condition from working out and running every day... Still, I always loved the culture that seemed to surround acid and wanted to get the inside scoop. An acid fiend I was friendly with gave me a tab which I kept in a little box under my bed which I finally opened one school Sunday. I gathered suggested materials (Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, copy of Yellow Submarine) and set off for my friend's house.
I was a little worried because of my lack of experience. None of the drug veterans could relate to me the acid experience to their own satisfaction, but still I was excited. I wanted to see pink clouds swirl around my feet and obscure the ground like a foot of snow and watch tree trunks turn into tornado funnels.
Anyway, I went to my best friend's (a seasoned acid veteran at the time) and put the tab on my tongue as we sat in the wilderness next to his house listening to Mr. Bungle. I drew a little in my sketchbook. An hour passed and the lack of any effects made me worry that it was a dummy tab, or maybe that I was in such good physical condition that the dosage didn't affect me. Two hours passed and we headed back to his house, I guessed I got burned.
As we ascended the stairway, I looked out the window at the green foliage across the cul-de-sac and felt an inexplicable urge to smile. The image was high-contrast and high-saturation, like the super-glossy cover of some pop album. 'Uhh, I definitely think this stuff is working', I said as I ambled into my friend's room and plopped down next to his bed and watched how the colors were altered and intensified as if under a tinted glass.
Basically it was really fun. At the time I felt bad for doing such a thing to my body but looking back I don't regret it. My friend drove me to a house for some reason where a family was gathered for Superbowl Sunday and I saw the sunset under the effects of LSD: Looking down on the landscape from the hill, horizontal strips of it appeared to be separate and closer than the others, as if the whole image was an illusion concocted inside a stereoscope. Later when I was peaking I saw clouds in the sky turn into trilobytes as Led Zeppelin played on a stereo. Though it was familiar, I perceived passages of music within it that I hadn't before. The comedown was bad but my parents never suspected anything and I had a friend help me through it.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 1997</td><td width="90">ExpID: 4171</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 25, 2001</td><td>Views: 6,106</td></tr>
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[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I took acid on a friend's recommendation. I first took ecstasy with him, which was fun so I thought that I would trust him with LSD. I took 2 dots which are apparently quite strong. After about an hour, objects began moving and things seemed to take on great symbolic value. Although the room was utterly silent apart from the music, I remember thinking that we were all still communicating on an incredible level and having each other's thoughts. Soon though we went on a walk and BLAM, the trip went bad. This was after about 2 hours. Everyone was scheming against me; my parents were about to arrive and get mad, the house was full of slugs, time had stopped and I would be like this forever; worst of all, I had no control over my chain of consciousness or thoughts.
Eventually I got out of the house and I have been having awful flashbacks since. These often come as I am trying to sleep and I have been having nightmares for about 2months now. I feel that the acid has changed my personality also; I cannot get away from the feeling that everyone is plotting against me. Before taking LSD, I think I was friendly and outgoing. Now, though, I have become introverted and neurotic. I find it difficult to meet people (unless I am on ecstasy) and as I have just started at University, this is very bad for my social life.
I do not know what I did wrong; I can just suggest that you think hard about the setting before you take acid. I wish I knew suggestions about controlling the flashbacks or nightmares.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2000</td><td width="90">ExpID: 3667</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 25, 2001</td><td>Views: 6,965</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=3667&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=3667&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Post Trip Problems (8), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">50 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">120 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
A few weekends ago some of my friends and I went to a rave in Austin. I had some LSD to sell and take. I was really stupid about obtaining it becuase I didn't 'try before you buy.' which I normaly do when buying any large amount of drugs. I sold it to about 30 people right away. It turned out that it was incredibly weak. The potencey was about 8=1. I was screwed. People were mad and I had to give out some refunds (I'm a small person and they were large persons)
Because mine was so weak my friend found another dealer and payed for two drops. He held out his hand to get the drops on the back of his hand, but the guy said, no stick out your tounge. He felt a stream pour into his mouth. The dealer didn't notice that he had just poured half his acid into my friends mouth.
It has taken him a long time to remember all of the things that happened that night. He ran up to one of our friends and told him the story rather excitedly. 5 minutes later he was sitting on a chair when I saw him. I asked him if he found any, and he told me the story a little less excited as it was kicking in hard.
About 30 minutes later he was climbing all over people and asking what his name was. At the party he knew 3 sentences: 'Whats my name,' 'this is not reality,' and 'where am I' Our ride was tired and wanted to go home. So we decided to leave. My friend hadn't tried to walk until this happened... We discovered that he couldn't walk or even stand.
The place was crawling with cops for some reason (PMA scare most likely) They kept walking past him when he was on the chair and looking at him funny. We got to the door where two officers were standing. He fell to the ground unexpectedly. The cops looked at us and started talking, then looked back. His girlfriend was so mad at this point that she said to leave him. We put him back on the chair and were going to leave two of my friends to look after him.
I followed my ride out reluctantly. We got in the car and started to pull out. I saw a different friend standing in the parking lot looking very lost. We stoped and rolled down the window. she franticly told us that some one had told the cops what was going on... we know the owner of the venue so he grabed us and ran us back to my tripping friend. There were about 6 cops circleing him and shineing flash lights in his eyes. his girlfriend cryed at two of the cops and they agreed to let us take him home.
We picked him up and started walking out. he put a smoke in his mouth, looked at a cop, said 'shit, dude, is that a cop' and pointed at another cop. The cop said to me 'are you sure you know how to handle this?' I said yes we will get him some sleeping pills.
we took him to the car with all the cops at the place following us. They told us that we should take him to the emergency room to get checked out. They bid us good luck and we set off. He learned to say : I want some pot, I want some coke, and I want a cigarette. on top of the others. we remembered that we had a video camera with us and decided to tape him. not to be mean, but to show him what he looks like when he does lots of drugs.
We got to the store at about 4 am to buy the sleeping pills. we parked in the furthest spot from the store in order to keep my tripping friend away from people he didn't know. I ran into the store and got the pills. When I got back we sat around for about an hour taping him and calming him down. He learned about 10 new phrases during this hour.
We got home, snuck him in, and went to his room. He didnt know what we were saying. He didnt understand what be quiet meant. He was talking loudly. My friends mom woke up and came in. We told her that we came home early and that we were just talking about the party.
That was the scary part for all of us. he remembered his visuals the next day. he said it went beyond acid visuals. he was almost in another demention. when people walked they would melt into the floor, then a line would apear right on the path that they were walking, then if they stopped, they would re-appear. he said that he could not see himself in anyway. things melted onto things and stayed that way for minutes at a time. His body felt normal yet he was totaly in a pschotic state. He also thought that he was gay for two days afterwards.
After seeing this I would never let anybody dose me directly.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2000</td><td width="90">ExpID: 3708</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 25, 2001</td><td>Views: 10,184</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=3708&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=3708&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Second Hand Report (42), Difficult Experiences (5), Rave / Dance Event (18)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">12 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">135 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I started using LSD in 1991. My friends and I took lots of trips. After a year, we were doing it like every four days. It seemed to us the amount of time it took for our resistance to die down. It was always a joke that too much was never enough. We would buy whole sheets and go through it in a month or so (three people). I had many, many good trips. It seems it is all a state of mind when tripping. We were very experienced and could control it. We knew what to do when someone started to loose it; and we would bring them back to earth.
Then one day, I decided fuck it this was it. I was gonna go hardcore. I dropped 12 hits at once. We took amino acids and drank orange juice to pump us up. I hadn't dropped in about 3 months so I, essentially, had no resistance in my system anymore. It was usual, everything was going good. And then BAM, I could feel it wave after wave getting stronger. I lost it. The worst mistake was to get scared. I was frightened bad. I was screaming for them to take me to the hospital. I couldn't take it. It was extremely intense and I was there but no one was in control. I never left my body (though I wish I could have).
We got our other friend who was fine to help me. They took me somewhere else. I lost consciousness somewhere in there. At least mentally (though my friends would disagree). For ten hours I was climbing around, shaking, babbling, screaming, and informing them I was dead or dying. I finally came to my senses though not down after that. I think out of pure exhaustion. I can't describe what it is like to peak for ten hours nor would I try to.
It took me another 36 hours to come down enough to pass as a normal functioning human being. I pretty much just passed out and woke up a little bit better. It sucks to wake all messed up. Whenever we were tired of tripping we needed to sleep. This was the cure. We would wake up and we’d be all right again. Well not this time. My friends made me stick it out, but because I couldn't drive my ass to the hospital nor to the end of the driveway.
It took a week before I felt good again. After that day I took a half a dose (imagine what an idiot). It got almost as intense as that day. It lasted like 8 to 10 hours like normal though.
It now has been over 5 years, and I don't think I will ever get better. I can't even go to a movie theater anymore because when I get up and leave I flip out from sitting in the dark staring at the screen. I can't quit smoking because I get stressed out and start flipping. I don't know how long I can take this crap. It sucks, sucks, sucks.
I have taken college psych twice and they say I should seek out a psychatrist and get meds to control it. I don't have serious flashbacks I just get panicked and start flipping. Imagine just flipping out after five years for no apparent reason. It scares the shit out of me.
I know someday I will end up in the hospital emergency room screaming for thorazine or valium. They won't take me serious and I will have to hurt someone.
I also tell myself it will be better to die then go through that again because I have been to hell and I am not going back. The real heaven or hell has to be better than that.
I am a father now and how am I going to explain to my son that I screwed myself up beyond repair.<!-- End Body -->
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<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 1994</td><td width="90">ExpID: 4040</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 25, 2001</td><td>Views: 6,190</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=4040&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=4040&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Post Trip Problems (8), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Have you tried LSD: yes
Have you had a bad trip on LSD: yes
Have you experienced flashbacks: yes
Did you feel that the bad trip and flashback were connected: no
I have taken many doses of LSD, too many to count. And about 50 or so in the past month. I have been taking LSD on and off for the past 5 years, not so much in the first 4 years thought, it’s hard to find around here. I have had 2 bad trips. The first being the second time I had taken LSD and the 2nd bad trip being only a few weeks ago.
The first bad trip was horrible, I was a freshman in high school and I took the hit at lunch. I was sorta tricked into taking LSD cause I didn’t know what it was but I wanted to be cool. after lunch I was fine taking notes when all the sudden I wasn’t taking notes anymore and was facing the chalk board. I looked down at what I had just written and saw that the end of my last line was nothing but scribbles. Then I blacked out a few more times and once came to standing up, with everyone around laughing. I sat back down and began to draw to keep me occupied. Then class let out and I blacked out a few more times walking down the hall. The next class I laid my head down the whole time, wishing it was over and hearing people say my name.
My second bad trip ocurred a few weeks ago. I was almost down from my trip when sitting at my computer, blink the power went out, I sat in complete darkness. I just sat for a minute and then got up and felt my way to the door. I opened it expecting some light, boom nothing I opened a door and it was just to more darkness, scared the hell out of me. I finally realized I could use my cell phone to navigate the house for a flashlight, which put off a dim green glow. Then I made my way to my garage, didn’t know that my dog was in there, in his cage and he snorted on my leg and scared me half to death. Then I finally realised where a flashlight was, in my truck, parked on the street. I went outside and was scared to death. No lights anywhere, only moonlight, and a strong wind blowing leaves around. I could see no other cars but mine. It was like in the movies when a killer watches his prey from the bushes. I felt like I was being watched. And when I got to my truck I realised that I left the front door open and coulda let someone in the house. I got my mag light and decided it would be pretty good protection, went in, got ready for bed (try brushing your teeth using only a flash light while trippin) any way I got to bed and hid from the shadow monsters and about an hour later got the hell scared out of me one final time as the power came back on and I got blinded by the neon lights in my room. After that expirence I didnt take any cid for about a week. Every other expirence I have had was great, the good times out weight the bad.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2001</td><td width="90">ExpID: 4533</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 27, 2001</td><td>Views: 9,256</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=4533&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=4533&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Bad Trips (6), School (35)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">6 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 lines</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/cocaine/">Cocaine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">185 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Well, I had done cocaine alot before and I knew that drug fairly well. I had also done alot of acid before. I had fairly pleasurable results using these 2 drugs seperately of one another, but I was unable to find a good description of what the synergies of the two would be. So, being the kind of brave(stupid?) person that I am, I decided to take it into my own hands and find out what it was like.
Well I learned pretty quickly that it ain't fun. Tripping is fun by itself. Cocaine is fun by itself. They are even kind of fun together for awhile. But then take the cravings and the darkness of cocaine with the fragile mindset of tripping and something horrible happened to me. My throat became extremely dry and constricted. I could barely breathe. And the more I thought about it the more I fixated on it. Within an hour or two I thought I was dying. I could barely swallow and my breathing was completely shallow. I choked on every other breath and I swallowed fluid just to keep my throat open. My mind was racing and my heart was racing faster. My whole body was numb and I was starting to black out. At a very last resort I came out of my bedroom and let my sister know that I had done something very very stupid and that I may have to go to the hospital. I could barely choke out the word 'Help'. I lay on the ground for a good 2 hours or so barely breathing struggling for life and sanity.
I never made it to the hospital, because my sister talked me out of it. She said that they would most likely pump my stomach and put me into a rehab or something. That didnt sound like something I was interested in, even if I was half-mad on acid and struggling for life. Eventually I calmed down and my throat loosened to the point where I could easily breathe. So there you have it. I didnt die, and I never made it to the hospital, but I sure made a jackass out of myself in front of relatives and I ruined my(and their) weekend. It also brought out in the open my use of drugs, something which I had previously kept private and hidden from them. Its kind of hard to hide something like that when you stumble out of your bedroom in the middle of a regular evening trying to breathe and choke out 'Help!'.
Please post this to inform anyone else who is looking to combine these 2 drugs as to one possible result of their actions.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2001</td><td width="90">ExpID: 4691</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 31, 2001</td><td>Views: 47,957</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=4691&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=4691&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Cocaine (13), LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Health Problems (27), Bad Trips (6), Combinations (3)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">4 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">155 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
On Halloween, my roomate's girlfriend decided we should have a tripping party with some of our friends at her apartment. Upon arriving there, I ingested my hits and sat in her living room waiting for the effects to kick in. Some of my fellow trippers, those that rode with me to her house, dropped at the same time while others didn't drop for a few more hours, when they arrived.
The first 'problems' occured when my roomate's girlfriend's friends came. The amount of tripping people in one room was seven. What I experianced was an extreme sense of deja voo. I thought that the conversations were repeating themselves and this repetition manifested itself as me being in a circle with everyone repeating themselves over and over. Many people would consider this experience a bad trip; however I didn't.
On later trips I noticed a strange effect. The more people tripping in one small area leads to a more intense experience. I feel this is due to the extremely vunerable position tripping puts ones mind in.
Now, later in the Halloween night, a division of the group occured. I noticed that there was an ongoing argument between 3 vs. 4 of the group about whether the lights should be on or off. Some of us wanted to sit in the dark the whole time watching trails or tracers on glowsticks while others, including myself, wished to discuss philosophy in the light so we could see our visuals. The strangest thing about the night happened when one of the Dark Tracers, as we called them, lost a glow stick. They immediatly accused us of stealing it. Every five minutes they would send a 'diplomat' to try to negotiate our return of the stolen glowstick, but we did not have it. They got so paranoid of us and our sinister plans to keep their glowstick that none of them notice in the 50 or so times they walked into the bathroom that the glowstick was sitting on the floor by the toilet. How a person can not notice a glowstick in a dark bathroom while tripping I'll never know.
I came to the conclusion that these events are what people call a bad trip. I did not think the trip was bad, just that the people in the room didn't all know each other and there were disagreements about how the most enjoyable tripping experiance could be attained. I do not think that bad trips bring on flashbacks but I haven't had one so I don't know. I have taken exactly 89 1/2 hits in my life over a period of 3 years and find that I now have the ability to concentrate and induce flashbacks. Is this a strange occurance or do others notice this also? Peace to all who wish it.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2001</td><td width="90">ExpID: 4754</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 1, 2002</td><td>Views: 11,612</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=4754&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=4754&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Relationships (44), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">180 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I've recently read about Trey's experience on mixing <a href="">LSD with mescaline</a>, something about his recollection struck me as to how similar it was to mine, only I had just taken LSD alone. One afternoon myself and a close friend did some acid, and experienced the usual tale of warped images, however approx 6 hours later when I thought that the effects were begining to dissipate, I was astounded to see something which was amazing and uncontrollable - and ultimately emotionally stunning. No matter how much I tried to change my focus on to something else, the things I were seeing remained. These things or thing, was in fact a jelly like sheen which coated my whole body, which I could only detect by sight (at first). It looked like what I imagine a drop of milk would look like suspended in geletine, sort of forming a minute yet complex white misty cloud, it hovered about an inch above my skin (not my clothes) As I began to explore this occurence more closely - by looking at my fingers, I saw fleeting electrical sparks, the smallest I have ever seen, these electrical sparks seemed to be thinner than the finest hair and lasting only a fraction of a fraction of a second.
I later began to feel a strong electrical presence in the room (no sound) just a kind of what I would describe as a 'biological white noise' This white noise grew immense and loud - this is not auditory loud, it's more of a loud silence, maybe the opposite of sound? anyway, I felt it engulf me and take me to the most euphoric place I have ever been, I sensed that this place was unlike the 3 dimensional life that I knew of, but more of a place where everying is purely emotional - purely thought - no mass no space. Whilst in this place, I was convinced that the other presence formed part of me, and alway had been with me. Like Trey I felt that this presence was happy to know that I could finally acknowledge it.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2001</td><td width="90">ExpID: 5223</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 11, 2002</td><td>Views: 5,669</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=5223&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=5223&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">170 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I recently had a chance to find myself switching roles in an experience I had had on LSD. I had some younger friends over, who were relatively inexperienced on LSD. Only two others were on LSD, the other three were just drinking for various reasons. We had acquired the LSD from a reputable source that evening in liquid form dropped onto sugar cubes. The two novices took a double dose there and then another an hour later after returning to my house, which I like to think of as a good chill space. I took one double dose about the time they took their second. I set up a series of music that I knew would be enjoyable and mind bending, particularly in the acid head space (Orbital, Banco de Gaia, etc).
The LSD was very clean and high quality. It snuck up behind us slowly and then wacked us over the head, sucking our brains into the spirals that wouldn't stop for the rest of the evening. When I felt mine come on, I just let myself go. Being slightly off timing of the other two, I settled more into an observer state than trapped into their spirals (tho that would ensue later). I found it quite humorous to see them trapped in the mindset that we (and they to each other) were 'fucking with them'. It was funny to me because I remember one trip I had where, even being somewhat experienced on LSD, I felt like the people I was tripping with (whom I had only known through online communications) were messing with me and we were all messing with each other. In that case as with this, it was never anything malicious or disturbing, but was well summarized in the quote 'Ok, who's fucking with me, is it you or me?'
It just made me realize that one shouldn't always try and define or explain the acid head space. It often leaves one confused. I enjoyed just observing and letting myself go. Having come to many interesting understandings in Aikido recently about spirals, shapes, energy flow, and the like, I was able to fit these same thoughts and identify with the same concepts affecting the flow of the LSD space. The ever elusive point (singularities are a bitch, always gotta remain on the tangent), circular thought patterns, infintite spirals (they're the same whether they are spinning in or out), movement of body, mind, and energy, etc. It was difficult to explain or put them in a rigid framework, so I just let myself experience them as they came and manifest them in whatever form may be at the time, whether it was dance, thought, manipulation of others (like I said, there wasn't neccessarily any fucking with others, often it just seemed like it, but that doesnt mean it didn't happen, cause it's fun when you get it right), or Aikido shapes/forms.
It was just interesting to see the same strugglings that I have been through, evidenced in these two, and to provide the chill space where one could just deal with it. I'm not trying to sound like an elitist bastard (albeit I am one), but I take the lessons from LSD to my heart, and they do help me integrate my reality and how I interact with it. My presence of mind is greatly aided by a dissolution of self and the reconstruction of intent and structure. It was refreshing to see where I had come from, and where my mind and self have developed since then. Not to say it's not possible for me to get caught in the same spirals, they're always there. It was just fun to play the observer.
Beaker<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2001</td><td width="90">ExpID: 5239</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 12, 2002</td><td>Views: 8,086</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=5239&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=5239&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">140 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
One night I hooked up with some friends to head to a rave. We had been bored as can be, eating acid all long. We kept dosing all the way to the party, finally got there and it fucking sucked. There were like 50 people there, and the music was horrible. After about an hour of that non-sense in the condition we were in, we decided to leave. So were chilling in my old mini-van in the parking lot trying to decide what the hell we're gonna do witht he rest of our evening, I had the door open so to let a breeze in. Before I know it some schmuck in plainclothes and a funny hat comes up to the open door and starts shining his damn flashlight around, asking why we diddn't stay at the party longer. Needles to say my dumb ass had a small amount of pot in a baggie in the door cubby-hole type thing, that of course, he spotted. Before I knew it he had drug me ass out the car and was telling me I'd better fess up to anything else I had before he started slashing seats.
I remained calm, until he asked if that was my satchel in the car (which incedentally had a few hits of LSD on sugar cubes within) once he asked if it was mine, I simply said 'I have the right to remain silent, right?' boom I was in the cruiser. They found the remainder of the 'vial' that we had been feeding on all day, and I was off to central booking. Oddly enough, with my permission, they let my friends drive my car home once they were thouroughly searched. The entire time while booking me in, redneck cops were telling me how I was going to be fucked in the ass for the rest of my days and making other lewd jokes about me being a homo-sexual raver who was going to spend the rest of his life in prison being being raped. Finally they threw me in a temporary cell with a few other party kids who had fallen into similar situations that evening. I couldn't eat my meals and was in all around shitty times for the next three days, until I got bailed out. Turns out these idiot cops had left a whole 'nother hundred doses and a bag of my friends pot undiscovered in my automobile.
I ended up going to court, got off with a fifth degree felony, and am on probation to this day. Shot the hopes I had of doing a gap year in Switzerland, and now I am stuck in shitty, miserable, small town, USA, just for one night's worth of fuck ups. In the eternal words of Homer Simpson 'Do-oh!'<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2001</td><td width="90">ExpID: 5573</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 18, 2002</td><td>Views: 20,786</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=5573&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=5573&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Police / Customs (60) : Train Wrecks &amp; Trip Disasters (7), Rave / Dance Event (18)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
well, when i took my second trip, I did 5 hits while walking in the forest, and as i was coming up, and walking over a bridge, i drew the lsd molecule on the railing and wrote 'albert hofmann is my father' as a joke. i'm not gonna go into too much detail on the visuals, because they weren't too much different from last time, and i'm sure anyone who's done acid know about 'em already... mainly mandalas and and peoples faces moving around. I watched trainspotting with my sitter (he was somewhat concerned due to the disturbing imagery, but for some reason i've always found that movie to be kind of life affirming and good), but i couldn't really keep track of what was going on. while watching the movie a made a few realizations:
The first was that evolution is a self anihilating concept, in that the species which becomes dominant inevitably destroys itself, allowing the process to start over again.
The second, which i realized as i pet my dog and was overwhelmed
by the vast amount of pure, unconditional love pouring from him, was that we are all one being, experiencing itself for the sheer joy of it, which led me to the third revelation, that the point of life (or at least mine) is to be happy and to make others happy. which is why i can't stand those who disregard others feelings and only persue their own pleasure.
As my sitter left, we talked a little, and i was nearly brought to tears by his kindness in watching me, and allowing me to be myself. I now feel very lucky to have him as a friend, because he has never judged me and he's always supported me in all my decisions.
Later, I went to take a shower. I looked at my body and realized how ape like humans really are, and i realized that as much as we revel in our physical achievements, and our physical form, we are, as a people, ashamed of our simian heritage, although many of our postures are those of apes, and squatting on my feet, i could almost feel a tail extending from my spine...
overall, it was a very good day, and i hope to repeat the experience before too long, but those 5 hits were the last of the 10 that i got in october and i don't have any money at the moment, so i'll probably end up taking another 3 month stint of sobriety...<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2001</td><td width="90">ExpID: 5673</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 20, 2002</td><td>Views: 11,253</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=5673&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=5673&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">115 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I upset the oversoul during my spring break. I had said that I would give up synthetic drugs (i.e LSD and rolling) for lent this year. I'm not Catholic, (or Christian for that matter), but I like the idea of sacrifice to a higher cause. But...It just so happens that my spring break was during the beginning of lent, so now I'm faced with a dilemma.
I had smoked some home-grown from my older sister's plant; I had about 3 good bowls left, and now my friend has enticed me to eat some papers from the bowling alley of all places. I normally would have resisted, but my friend Jonathon's best friend Randy was tripping for his first time and they needed some stimulation and games. I'm an experienced tripper and love being the entertainer/parental unit of the group.
Randy drove a stick, but was too far gone to drive. Jonathon didn't drive a stick, and that left me at the helm. The whole way I kept thinking of my promise to Jesus. Pretty soon into the car ride, we saw a beautiful church with multiple stain-glass windows. I felt calmed. Soon, however, as we wonder through the streets of Atlanta, we continue seeing churches. As we passed different portions of the city, we continue to see Churches. I told my friends that it was bizarre because the last time I had tripped in Atlanta, I was at a club called The Church, you guessed it... an old church. I had driven around with bad directions, a head full of paper, and vague memories of how to get there. I ended up there that night, and this night in question. My friend Randy said, 'what club? What church are you talking about?' As I pulled up to the red light, I pointed at The Church! (We had taken randomn turns and twists all around, fully unplanned.) We freak out on Atlanta a little more and then start driving home.
We pass some more churches and pull into Chickfil-a for the crackhead sunrise. As I was looking into the clouds being pierced with light, I felt an overwhelming calm. I saw in the clouds a massive migration of people whom I had never met. They looked like western settlers placed on a highway, and they were being ejected from heaven. I don't know what others would say about my experience, or how they would have handled it for that matter. I had a received a spiritual warning. I felt the awesome presence of the Almighty, Muhammed, Buddha, and the general oversoul that connects us to the past and to each other. I can still feel it.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2001</td><td width="90">ExpID: 5734</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 22, 2002</td><td>Views: 9,003</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=5734&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=5734&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Various (28), Mystical Experiences (9)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">8 glasses</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Beer/Wine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3.0 g</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(leaves)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">75 kg</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
From previous experience I now know to take acid in a place were you feel secure, likley to be amoungst friends in a familuar atmosphere. The experience I'm refering to, I did exactly that and yes, I felt 'at home', secure and excited... The acid I took was labled 'Bart Simpsons' apparently well dipped and quite potent. This information was provided by the one I purchased the acid from, so the warning was not taken extremley seriously as everyone wants to buy 'potent' acid. Anyway, I let one and a half tabs dissolve underneath my toungue and waited; filling in the time with the use of weed and beer.
Slowly the effects crept upon me, but however don't hit all at once, I relised I was wasted when I'd already been wasted for at least half an hour. The memory of the experience is not as vivd as what I would like, I think that tends to happen when you take the drug though; from what I can remember the first signs were a pulling tension on my upper check bones and an insaciable urge to grin evil looks at the same spot for what I'm not sure regaurding periods of time. As the night continued the acid released more charges of 'blissful emptiness' which felt incredibly fulfilling in a tripping like way. On LSD it feels so pleasing to be so wasted, I could almost describe it as being totally plastered from alcohol but without the bad side effects; although I feel a little less orientated and a little more scattered... I almost feel like a shady/dark person while strange thoughts rush through my head(being what I usually wouldn't think).
I found myself feeling at some stages anxious and at others calm, my mind was all over the place and I wasn't sure what to do with myself. Sometimes I even felt bored in the beggining but after it kicked in properly I was rushing for hours! Laughing came freely and often, funnily enough the laughing was at nothing; just uncontrolable fits of laughter for no reason(besides acid of course)
Definatley the most potent drug I've tried and to this day my favorite, I suggest to people who hav'nt tried it... don't miss out it's an ensured good(or at least extremley wasted) night!<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2001</td><td width="90">ExpID: 5740</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 22, 2002</td><td>Views: 11,025</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=5740&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=5740&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199), Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">0.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">0.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 2:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">135 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I first tried acid when I was 17 years old. I've never had much interest in drugs. Having smoked pot on several occasions and having never really enjoyed it, I stuck to alcohol. But my best friend, Mary, had tried acid a few times and liked it, and I started to become curious. After much thought, I decided one Friday to cut school with Mary and trip for the first time. I deliberately brought a few toys to entertain us, some water bottles and lollipops (Mary had said she enjoyed sucking on candy while tripping). I also wore comfortable clothes and sneakers, as Mary had said that if an item of clothing is bothering you at all, its annoyance will be heightened while tripping.
I arrived at Mary's house around 11:45 in the morning and we took the tabs at 12 noon. She, having tripped before, took 2 tabs while I only took a half of one (we had been told by the dealer that each tab was a bit strong so to take them in moderation). We waited around in her house for about an hour, listening to music and going online. Hers started to kick in within the hour, while I still felt nothing. I was disappointed that I wasn't feeling any different, but I was also scared to take another tab because I didn't know what to expect. We left her house and I decided to take another 1/2 a tab (one full tab so far, supposedly at extra strength).
We met up with a few friends of ours (who didn't know we were tripping) and drove around in their car with them. I still didn't feel any different inwardly but I became slightly more giggly and my friends asked if we had been drinking. We said yes so they wouldn't wonder what was up. I seemingly lost my inhibitions a bit: I started dancing and singing in front of everyone, and was having a good time. I still didn't get any visuals and all my surroundings looked the same. As this had gone on for about another hour, I decided something. I didn't plan on ever doing acid again (I just wanted the experience), so I figured I should take another tab to ensure that I got the most out of the experience. At this point my friends who weren't tripping were playing a game and Mary and I each took another whole tab.
The second this tab entered my mouth I felt an inward change. I'm not sure if this was the previous tab kicking in or the one I had just taken was really strong. Either way, Mary had the same reaction and said that my head had just 'spun out of control' and that the 'trees were all fuzzy.' I still didn't have any visuals but I definitely felt strange, so we left my other friends and decided to walk around.
I noticed a number of things as the second tab kicked in. Any food I ate had hardly any taste. I couldnt tell how loud I or Mary were speaking. I wasn't sure if we were acting normal or if we were causing a scene. Everyone around us seemed to be speaking a foreign language. We were walking at what we thought was normal speed, but people were passing by us at a rapid rate so we figured we must be walking very slow. It was as if, all of a sudden, we realized that we were tripping and we weren't sure how we had been acting towards people up until that point. In one sense I was worried about this (and I did not want to see anyone that I knew for fear of acting very bizarre in front of them), but in another, I was glad I realized what I was doing and that anything I saw wasn't real.
As the evening wore on (it had probably been around 2 hours since I took the 2nd tab), everything around me developed a blue tint. Colors were glowing, I noticed lots of patterns and I could spot every light around me for about a mile because they were glowing stronger. My body felt mushy and soft, and my fingers felt fat and bloated. I was afraid to look in the mirror because I had heard that you can see your skin melting off of you and I wasn't sure I was ready to handle that. I started yearning to see my mother. One definite realization I had while tripping was how much I loved and needed my mother. I also had a male interest at the time, and my desire for him grew stronger during the trip as well. I kept blessing myself with the sign of the cross, but did not realize I was doing it until Mary pointed it out.
Mary and I walked around for about another hour. At this point it was about 6:30 in the evening and it was getting dark out. We decided to go to my friend Martin's house and sit around until we came down completely. We watched Martin and his friends play Super Mario, and every level moved so slowly that I thought each one was a water level. Martin was also playing the guitar, and the sound coming from it seemed to stick to him and travel wherever he went. Another hour of this, and we left. Now it was raining out, and the rain splashing in the puddles looked like pins stabbing at water balloons. The splash caused by the rainddrops seemed to be leaping out of the puddle instead of entering it. My friends were smoking cigarettes and the smoke was flowing and beautiful.
Mary and I returned to her house at about 10:45 at night. We watched television for a few hours, while the walls in her room were still moving and my body still felt soft and mushy. I tried to recite a few prayers in my head but kept losing my train of thought as I went along.
I went home (alone) at about 2 in the morning. I was still sort of tripping but had come down considerably. It took me about 4 hours to fall asleep.
I had figured the whole time that this would be my only time tripping, because I dislike the feeling of not being able to have control over my surroundings. With acid, you don't know exactly what to expect. I was disapointed that I didn't really get any visuals, which is something that may make me want to try it again. Since having done it, I feel like I have a higher perception of sound and I am more sensitive to rapid movement. Also, I do feel a greater sense of faith (perhaps because God got me through the trip safely). I didn't feel a great sense of happiness while on acid, but I also didn't feel was somewhat neutral with perhaps a few new insights. I wouldn't discourage people from trying it as long as you are not stupid about it: I recommend, for your first time, not combining it with any other drugs and making sure you have a house to be in in case you feel like you need to be indoors.
All in all acid was an enjoyable yet alienating experience.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2001</td><td width="90">ExpID: 5747</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 22, 2002</td><td>Views: 10,274</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=5747&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=5747&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : First Times (2), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:45</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">98 lb</td>
<!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I'd always been fascinated with acid, ever since I was 13 or so I'd wanted to try it. Up until then, my drug experiences consisted of smoking weed, almost every weekend in my senior year of high school, and a few times a month since I was 14. As far as alcohol goes, I'd only been drunk twice prior to that, can't stand the taste enough to get drunk easily.
The friend of mine that hooked me up with acid got 2 cubes, one for each of us, but he decided not to dose, so he let me have both, each one was from a different supplier as well. The night I decided to do it, he wasn't there, but I was in my house with my two closest friends. I was in my room, which I can only say is PERFECT to trip out in.... posters and all sorts of stuff covered every inch of my walls and ceilings. My dad was still awake, but for some reason I decided to take the first sugar cube. About 45 minutes passed, and I was starting to get pissed, nothing was happening. I decided, what the hell, I'm gonna take the other cube. Let me just tell you, eating a cube of sugar tasted like shit. I was almost gagging, but I managed to swallow it down. About 2 minutes after taking the second cube, the first one started to kick in. Oh shit. I'd just taken two hits of acid for my first time.
I immediately started smiling and giggling like mad, my walls had started to 'breathe'. I recall looking at this calendar I had, the picture that month was of a field of red flowers, as I looked at the picture, it was if a wind was blowing through the field making the flowers move.. it was quite beautiful. Kelly, who had tripped 100's of times was trying to fuck with me... but it wasn't working, i was just giggling and talking about all the stuff in my room. My anime posters seemed to be starting at me, but it wasn't frightening, because I knew it was only the effects of the drug...
For the next couple hours I sat around looking at my walls and talking to my friends, at one point I left my room and was talking to my sister and my dad and watching the wooden cabinets swirl... the whorls in the wood had taken up a life of their own. I remember talking to them and in the back of my mind I was thinking 'Whoa shit, the wood is swirlin'.' I'd managed to make it downstairs. I sat on my computer for a while listening to the Beatles white album, Helter Skelter was playing and I was eating canned fruit, the fruit tasted quite normal... but Helter Skelter was a tad bit scary, so I decided to go upstairs again, at this point I was peaking, it must have been around 2-3am...
I talked to my friends until they fell asleep, and around 5:30am, I sat on my bean bag watching the sunrise from my bedroom window, it was intensely beautiful. At that point I felt an overwhelming presence of God. Not Jesus/personal God, but a divine energy sort of 'God'. I felt as though for a moment in time I'd experienced the presence of something far bigger than myself. I just clearly remember sitting on the bean bag, with my 2 closest friends sleeping on my bed, watching the sunrise, feeling this presence.
At that point, I decided to take a shower, my peak was over, and I was feeling the drug wearing off.. my shower curtain was rippling, it felt as though a wind was caressing it... I fell asleep that morning around 6am, a different person.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 1997</td><td width="90">ExpID: 6105</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Feb 13, 2002</td><td>Views: 9,628</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=6105&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=6105&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Mystical Experiences (9), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 3:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">185 lb</td>
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I wouldnt classify this one as a bad trip, just a little too intense. Ive tripped many times in the past, and all have been truly beautiful experiences. But something was different about this one. Maybe it was the fact that 3 or 4 different versions of Satan morphed out of a single cloud in less than a second, Or the feeling of having my brain boiled from the heat of a wood stove (lots of audible bubbling and popping on that one) And who could forget my friend Jeff's foot getting stuck to the floor or the sight of a lake moving at a hyperspeed, previously unfathomable to any of us. Universes collided, personalities were distorted, any tie to reality was severed. For christ's sake, Jim, Our world was vanishing and we all knew it. In a nutshell, things got pretty sketchy.
The night was perfect for a full bore sensory overload frenzy. It was friday the 13th, the moon was full, and we were all in the mood to get downright wacky. The setting was a rustic cabin in the Maine woods, where we had tripped Balls several times. Surreal? Yes, very.
We all took our 1st cube at around 9:00 pm, and everything was just dandy. Lights, colors, multiple parallell dimensions outside, The whole sha-bang you might say. I hadnt felt that great in a long time, and it felt like my best trip yet. We basked in the pail moonlight untill Midnight, then simultaneously extracted our second cubes from their little tinfoil homes and feasted on them like a pack of sugar crazed 3rd graders, hoarding free candy. We then promptly went inside and sucked down a jibber the size of a railroad spike, and blasted off into the ionisphere of our own individual conciousnesses.
I made my way to a couch, collapsed, and began my journey into the depths of my own existance. For approximatly 2 hours, My spirit(Minus my body) seemed to be floating through an endless sea of white foam. I thought about a lot of things in those 2 hours. A LOT OF THINGS!! Eventually, the depth of my thought began to transcend words, and all was subjective. I couldn't see, hear, or feel a damned thing, words didnt exist anymore. I began using raw emotions, and the abandonment of words to navigate through the foam which led me to a level of clarity I've never experienced. I was still up to my subjective ass in foam mind you, but that didnt matter. Everything was different now. clearer. But, the newfound clarity was a double edged sword. I had encountered both the Good and Evil within me and for a short time it seemed as if they were actually stuggling for dominance over eachother. Luckily I managed to maintain a healthy nuance between the two. I reflected on some of good and evil acts I had committed in the past and was able to Identify the forces behind them. Now I'm more aware of what each side is capable of if they go ignored.
As I slowly glided out of the foam, and back into my body, I remember telling myself that I couldnt forget what had happened to my mind. And that things would never be the same. (I was right) I stood up and realized that I was still tripping pretty hard, so I sauntered over to my friend Jeff, who seemed to be calming down as I was. Long story short, we watched TV for the rest of the night,compared experiences, saw Satan a few more times and haulled ass back to our hometown around noon. I tripped until about 6:00pm later that day for a grand total of roughly 22 hours..WEEEEEEEE!
It took me a few days to really break the whole experience down and analyze it thouroughly. I'm positive that I dont remember a good chunk of it. But I did bring back a good deal from that foamy void. The whole concept of thought without words has changed the way I use introspect. It's a useful tool to delve into yourself with and makes interpreting your emotions much easyer (It may be dead wrong for you but what the hell? It works for me)
1. Through deep concentration I can slip into a meditation like state of thought Whereupon all of humanity seems to disappear and I become my own world. This is usually attained by long periods of thought without words. (I've never been able to meditate before this event)
2. If I could end all of creation in one painless 'swooop', I'm fairly certain that I would. (that one frightens me)
3. 50 to 70 percent of all human interaction seems to stem from pneumonic devices. Fake shit like 'How are you?' Strategically placed phony laughter after a friends joke(not really a bad thing). It just seems to me like most people are walking around on Autopilot, Myself included.
4. I realized that all of life is beautiful, but by the same token, equally as vile and repulsive. One of those yin and yang things I guess.
5. For the first time, I viewed tripping, or being fucked up in anyway as the poisoning of your conciousness. A frightening concept, but one that doesnt stop me from getting stoned or sloshed every now and again.
6. There is much that we take for granted. Too much to mention. in fact, we take almost eveything for granted.
7. The Universe is bigger and more complex than the collective mind power of the human race will ever be able to comprehend in a million lifetimes. (That one pisses me off)
8. One thing I thought about was truth. What it means, Is it Universal? Am I truthful to myself. I came to the conclusion that truth is sparse everywhere,completely relative and possibly non existant. and that I lie to myself constantly. Think about it. You do it too.
9. Religion? Christianity? *shudder*
10.Media? Government? *Gakk*
The list goes on and on. I originally had a grasp on Most of what's listed above but the mind warp as were, solidified these concepts And brought them closer to my reach.
In conclusion, I dont plan on using LSD in the near future, maybe even ever again. Who knows? I'll probably do it again. Just not now. I'll leave some words of twisted wisdom From Doctor of journalism and Gonzo extraordinare Hunter S. Thompson. 'When the going gets wierd, the weird turn pro'<!-- End Body -->
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<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2000</td><td width="90">ExpID: 3739</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 25, 2001</td><td>Views: 5,346</td></tr>
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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