stringlengths 2.07k
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">200 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">78 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
LSD Parklife
This experience happened to me about a year ago, March of 2017. I was young and stupid, and I had been experimenting with lots of different drugs at the time. This was the third time I had ever consumed LSD, and very stupidly so I did it in a park in broad daylight.
I had managed to pick up about two 100ug tabs off of a very nice dealer that I used to know (he's dropped out of the business unfortunately), and I intended to drop them in the middle of a park, ride it out and go home later that night. My reasoning for doing this at a park was because I couldn't really afford to drop it with my parents in the house (again). I still to this day have no idea why I couldn't have just waited for a better set and setting, and do it with a friend that I trust. I have ADHD, so my naturally impulsive behaviour may play a role in my quite frankly stupid decision making at the time.<!--For those of you reading my experience, DO NOT TAKE LSD IN PUBLIC BY YOURSELF UNLESS YOU ARE AN EXPERIENCED TRIPPER. You could seriously hurt yourself or someone else.-->
So I popped the two tabs under my tongue, did the usual 'if it's bitter it's a spitter' routine. No taste, seemed to check out fine. I managed to find a nice quiet spot in the middle of a park to relax, and just have a good time. I waited in anticipation for the acid to kick in (Roughly 40-45 minutes for me). It was a really sunny day, the birds were singing their songs and I generally just felt quite pleasant.
Effects (The Interesting Part):
So the first thing I noticed was that the clouds in the sky started to morph, and I managed to interpret some cartoonish faces. After the LSD had entered my system the effects were quite acute and sudden in terms of onset. I managed to sit up and observe my surroundings in the park. The ground seemed to move in waves like an ocean, with the grass changing into a multitude of different colours and patterns. It was like I was in an ocean of pure bliss. The sky and ground seemed to move as one, sort of like a conjoined entity. I saw a couple walking in the distance, and felt like I could connect to them both emotionally and experience the love that they have for each other. Now at this point, I realised what I had gotten myself into. This was getting pretty intense for me, due to the fact that my sense of reality had already started to distort. I managed to find a tree nearby, and sort of telepathically connected to it. Asking it for guidance without words (in a way). Now, this tree seemed to tell me that I needed to go home and sit this out in my bedroom (Which to be honest seemed to be quite a sensible idea, tripping balls in a public space like that could have gotten me in serious danger). Rather than make me panic, I managed to retain myself and wandered to the entrance of the park. At this point everything was warping around me and it's probably a miracle that I managed to make it home unscathed. The concrete below me was 'breathing', and I sort of felt interconnected with everything. I stumbled onto a bus and hitched a ride home.
I instantly ran into my room as soon as I got home, stripped myself down naked and just completely lost control of my body. I collapsed into my bed, and proceeded to melt into my bedroom. I felt this sort of spiritual energy flowing through my room and me (almost a bit like the force in star wars), and essentially let go of my consciousness and let it fly away from my body on this 'wave', like an ocean current. I had some sort of higher being connect to me telepathically again, but this time it seemed to tell me the language of the universe. It made me see and understand how the world works, and that all of my worries and regrets were complete bullshit. It taught me that the world and all of the crap that comes with it is merely a social construct. When it comes down to primal instincts, none of it matters. It transported me through a galaxy of wordless philosophies. Things like this are only explainable when one actually takes the substance.
Towards the end of my trip, my mother walked into my room to find me without anything on, tripping balls and seemingly unconscious. She called my father and a paramedic, fortunately I was coming out of my journey at this time. When I came to my senses, I had never felt more ashamed of myself, at how stupid I was. How could I disappoint my mother like that? Nevertheless, it wasn't a bad trip at all. It's just the disappointment I experienced afterwards.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2017</td><td width="90">ExpID: 111719</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 18, 2018</td><td>Views: 775</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=111719&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=111719&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Mystical Experiences (9), Music Discussion (22), Entities / Beings (37), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">6 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">vaporized</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/dmt/">DMT</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">180 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Me and my friend has spent all of the previous evening tripping off of some of the best acid I have ever come across. That however is another trip report. My writing today focuses on what I consider to be the most profound experience I have had using various entheogens.
(all events from here on take place between 6 am and 7 am)
Anyways we are in my buddies car, listening to music and watching the trees shift and swirl about in the way acid tends to make everything fun. He says that it's time for a blastoff, and we make our way inside. I load up the pipe and we hike to a bluff near my home. We decide on a spot that overlooks a field and forest and I proceed to take the initiatory hit. It is the smoothest vaporization I have had yet, the acid synergizes so well with the building up and rushing of DMT, and as I exhale the two compounds make their combined presence known.
I pass the pipe to my friend, and have my vision start to waver. The cars parked in the parking lot start to shift in and out of focus, and I let it all wash over me. A machine appears, and start to chew apart the universe (I do not know how else to describe it). right before the last bit of exsistance is annihilated by this machine, budda appears and the machine blinks out of exsistance (when your job is done you go home I guess). All that happens from here on out is a blur. Budda faces me and I face him, and no words at all can form. He sits their meditating just as I was before I vaporized the DMT, and the only thing I can muster is that I am so humbled that I was given an audience. As the effects fade away I come back down to a dramatically altered world. Every single fundemental particle, each and every blade of grass, mound of dirt and small furry (and non furry) mammal has a dmt entity trying to burst through it into t he collective reality. All around me I can see hyperspace pushing through into the 'real world'. I speak to my friend who did not have quite a profound journey as myself, and he sees it all to. The trees have alien faces within them whispering to us indecipherable but hauntingly beautiful messages. We converse a bit till we are both just back to acid space, and enjoy the sounds of the awakening world.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2011</td><td width="90">ExpID: 90510</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 21</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 18, 2018</td><td>Views: 968</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=90510&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=90510&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), DMT (18) : General (1), Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">.5 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/heroin/">Heroin</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">115 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I was bored one night so decided to take half a tab of acid, just for fun. Half a tab isn't enlightening or anything, it just makes me smile and laugh. I encountered some heroin dealer who lives nearby and snorted a line. I just layed down on his bed and melted. Then there he came with a bong full of really good weed. I had never smoked before, and I took a deep inhale. It hurt so much! I coughed my brains out and needed water. My throat just BURNED. I made the guy turn on 'Downtown' by Petula Clark because I love that song. Supposedly I took another hit of the weed ( I don't remember this, but oh well) and I closed my eyes, and there I was. Downtown. The lights were bright, I was on the sidewalk surrounded by tall buildings. But everything was a bright whiteish shade, as if the sun were illuminating everything.
I had no concept of time. When I opened my eyes I was back in this world, downtown no longer. I continued doing heroin throughout the night, every hour or so or whenever it would start wearing off the slightest bit.
7 hours passed and I had to go to class. It felt like maybe 2 hours max.
It was an interesting experience though, but I don't think the acid really had anything to do with the effects.
Afterwords I ran to class (without sleeping at all) all sweaty and itchy, but the high lasted surprisingly longer than usual before the craving came on. I went to 2 out of 4 classes and during the skipped ones, I just relaxed on the grass basking in the sunlight. It felt SO great.
Later I stumbled to my friends frat and crashed for 6 hours. I craved heroin a bit the following days, and I had scratches all over my neck and stomach from the itchiness. My leg muscles were painfully sore for about a week after and walking was a bitch.
But, the overall high was incredibly long and I think that might've had to do with the drug combinations, though I'm not sure.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2007</td><td width="90">ExpID: 66796</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 18, 2018</td><td>Views: 4,066</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=66796&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=66796&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Heroin (27), LSD (2), Cannabis (1) : General (1), First Times (2), Combinations (3), Hangover / Days After (46), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 carts.</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">inhaled</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/nitrous/">Nitrous Oxide</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(gas)</b></td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Well I've had alot of interesting experiences as a psychonaught. I've spoken to a tree about parrallel dimensions under the influence of Salvia Divinorium, I've visted spirits and spoken to demons too. I've achieved oneness with everything and become God on a number of seperate occassions, but this is by far the most amazing experience I've had to date.
I'd been raveing all night, and had managed to score some trips at the rave, which I'd been trying to do all week. We journeyed back to my friends place and I dropped two as soon as we walked in as well as a pill. About an hour later I dropped another. Now for my friend it was his first time tripping, so he only dropped one over the entire mourning. But eventually we cracked open the nitrous, and as always they were amazing.
At some point during the day my freind sucked down two nitrous bulbs, and just as he was comming out of it I slapped his had. As I did so I felt something come through his hand into me and my reality shuddered; kind of like a shockwave, the weird thing was that was exactly what happened to him when I hit his hand as well. Well we thought this was quite unusual, I'd recieved his vision simply by touching him.
We then began to wonder what would happen if we both had a bulb at the same time. We sat down together we two seperate bulb machines and started to suck them down; all of a sudden there was a moment in time that was just ours, we were seperate from everyone and everything else, and then I was inside his body, looking out of his eyes, feeling what he felt, but at the same time I was still inside my own body too, seeing out of my eyes and feeling what I felt. This lasted for about thirty seconds to a minute (at least thats what it felt like, but it was in acid and bulb time so who knows how long it truely was), then I was back in my own body and we were both jumping around screaming 'Holy shit how was that possible, HOLY SHIT! We just had a shared experience!'
After we calmed down a bit we discussed in detail what we had experience, and it was exactly the same for both of us. Somehow our consciousness' had existed simultaneously in each others bodies. This has once again proven to me that my consciousness is not limited by own body, I realise that as a being I have so much potential and so little limits, and am once again convinced that my bodily death will most certainly not be my end. Not many people believe me, but it doesn't matter, I know what I saw, what I felt, what I experienced and I am certainly a better and happier person because of it.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2002</td><td width="90">ExpID: 19906</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 18, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,300</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=19906&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=19906&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Nitrous Oxide (40) : General (1), Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Mystical Experiences (9), Relationships (44), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Beer/Wine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">0.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 2:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/hbw/">H.B. Woodrose</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(tea)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 4:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">0.5 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 4:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/hbw/">H.B. Woodrose</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(tea)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 5:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">inhaled</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/nitrous/">Nitrous Oxide</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(gas)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 5:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">0.5 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">11 st</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Right, this is my first experience with pills (ecstasy) and LSD, and am going to try and piece together this amazing, yet quite simple experience.
Set: Just finished first year at art college, had difficult 3 months previous to say the least, but in a very happy state, feeling really free for the first time in AGES!!!
Setting: Stonehenge, UK, Summer Solstice
Time: Started intoxicating my self at 11pm, immediate effects finished about 8pm next evening, yet mental effect (tiredness, confusion, awe, very mild depression) still with me 45 hours on.
Substances: LSD, Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds, Pills- pink stars (ecstasy), Cannabis, Alcohol (cider), Nitrous oxide
11pm: As soon as we arrived at Stonehenge, I gathered my substances together and rolled a joint, drank some cider, and ate a pill, my first ever.
T+15 mins: I feel a warm body sensation and find myself feeling more and more relaxed. I start wearing a smile a little larger than the Cheshire cats and needing louder and louder music. I'm so excited about how I am about to feel. The cannabis relaxed me and the cider, well its cider so a bit of drunk head feeling.
T+30mins: I'm definitely coming up from the pill, and well high, I wack out my LSD and have about ½ a blotter. First ever acid trip. I'm not nervous at all, unlike all the other times I have had this opportunity. Washed back with more cider, I want to get involved with the party. People have said that this could be a bad place, and plus I'm driving home in the morning! My friend is brewing a Baby woodrose tea up.
We walk off to the stones, feeling rather happy to say the least, with some of my best friends, feeling really secure smoking more joints. I'm taking loads of photos, which is going to be the case for the whole night.
T+1 ½ hours: I am feeling a little “different” and I think this is the acid kicking in! My thoughts start to speed up, and I feel slightly distant from my friends. To counteract this I start taking loads of photos of them, and start talking to them more. Then, very quickly, I feel like I can talk to anybody in the world <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">very quickly, I feel like I can talk to anybody in the world</div></div>, and start talking to loads of different people, genuinely interested in what they have to say, and start feeling my (awful) hehe, sense of humour come back to me, after it completely vanished about 3 months ago. This is definitely the best thing that has happened to me for absolutely ages. Bloody hell I'm relieved!
T+2 or 3 hours: My friend passes me some woodrose tea, and I have the equivalent of about 5 seeds. Not sure this is a great idea, but who gives a flying F**K ey? I'm feeling very comfortable wit a group of friends (about 5 of us) just chatting laughing. Then I decide to stand up and we go and play poi. My body is feeling super floaty and I have a huge grin and I'm talking in what must be a language close to tongues! My mates are laughing hysterically, and when I try play poi I just fall about in ecstasy. Everyone is so HAPPY! I'm not getting much visuals at this point, more like my mental energy to take photos and chat to different people.
T+4 hours: I have another half pill to keep me going, drink more cider, and smoke more cannabis. I'm starting to fly now, I am so happy and talkative. People look like they are made of ice, because the floodlights are blue coloured. The drums and instruments are really loud, I just sit and relax more. I also have another good drink of the Woodrose tea.
T+5 hours: I buy a nitrous oxide balloon. This I the first very weird part of the night. I breath in, out, in out, in out, until I feel my eyesight being removed. My hearing goes tinny, I feel like I am coming up on about a gram of MDMA!!! I dance like a total freak, my body is spasm, my mind in ecstasy. (I think I scare someone, oh well!). This feels like about 2minutes time, but have no clue at all. When I come out of it I just grin and grin and grin! Another half pill is available and I eat that too, then smoke more cannabis (probably!!!) The world looks so real, so incredible. When I look at someone, I see a story of their life as well, I am so interested to see different kinds of people and look at their lives. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">When I look at someone, I see a story of their life as well, I am so interested to see different kinds of people and look at their lives.</div></div> I take 200 photos on film in about the next hour, snapping away at everybody. Everything I see looks like that illusive perfect photo! I just want to capture that story I see in my head.
T+6 hours: SUNRISE!!! Its cloudy, so we miss it. Everyone starts to disperse but me and a mate stay and chat, exploring the area. I think I'm sober. We walk back along the path to the car park, and push a massive hari Krishna cart with other people to the car park, in return I get free food! I do anything for free food! But then I cant really eat it, so I give it away to someone. Not sure that was relevant really but everything relative.
T+7 ½ hours. Back in the car, my mate rolls a hash blunt. I am driving home in about 5 hour, but not bothered. We smoke it, and all of a sudden my mind explodes. I see my and my dad with lasers for eyes, making incredible light shows and patterns. My patterns explode again and they are classic shapes, but so fast, so hard, so much more than any previous mushroom or cannabis visuals. I want to sleep but cant. I'm too scared. I freak out about driving home and have a daydream about the police testing me for drugs and getting very very much in trouble. Then I lose comprehension of objects. I think the acid must have been masked by pills, and now it is sooo strong. I have to sit bolt upright looking at things and speaking out what they are, so I remember where I am and gain awareness of the world I inhabit. No use. I have to do this for 3 or four hours and walk around to work out if I am ever going to sober up.
<span class="erowid-caution">[Erowid Note:
Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. <a href="/chemicals/show_image.php?i=dmt/dmt_contraindications1.gif">Don't do it!</a>]</span>
T+11 ½ hours: I have to drive home. I manage to drive the hundred miles back, with only 2 hallucinations… one Fat guy jumping outta a tree and one soldier jumping from a tree (I guess it was a branch swaying). I get home and feel very fragile, but happy I had the experience I took photos of the event. That was amazing and I am proud of myself for working throughout the trip.
T+ up until now: I am still trying to understand everything, and really want to try acid sober, yet I think my mental state I a bit to fragile to use it for a couple of days! I drove 200miles today and it was very tiring. I need loads of people around me right now, but also starting to realise that I can be happy and in my own company (something that I am very bad at). I am not satisfied yet though. I need another pure acid trip to really go to the stage that I think I am ready for at this stage of my life.
I am not sure what I gained from this experience, but I think I know I gained more confidence talking to people I don’t know. I also, for the first time did something without thinking it through heavily before hand. Maybe it was irresponsible but I'm not sure I should worry about it too much, as I survived it. I hope!<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2007</td><td width="90">ExpID: 63890</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 27, 2018</td><td>Views: 790</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=63890&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=63890&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">MDMA (3), LSD (2) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">150 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 2:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 cig.</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco - Cigarettes</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 3:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3.5 g</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/mushrooms/">Mushrooms</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 8:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">170 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Fuzzy Trip
5:30: T: Me and five great homies drop tabs, some taking smaller doses than others. I had shrooms on hand but did not initially plan to take any.
T+1:00: Minor visuals begin, anticipation of the trip and body load increase. My jaw begins clenching harder and harder as I prepare for the trip.
T+2:00 We go walk around and I smoke a cigarette to calm my anxiety a bit. The come of of acid trips always make me anxious. We walk back to my apartment building and explore every floor. the stairwell feels like portals between worlds and I begin seeing faces all around in the walls and floor.
T+3:00 (MUSHROOM DOSE): As the trip gets more intense I realize I wanted to go deeper. I got out my shrooms and took 3.5gs (pill form) and hopped in the shower. The shower felt so good and I felt myself getting closer to peaking.
T+5:00: Some great shenanigans go on with all my buddies as we get closer to our peak. We bust out a big paper and begin drawing. Dots on the paper looked like ants, marching around. I begin peaking in bed and feel wonderful. I begin thinking hard about what I want to do as a career.
T+6:00: The acid peak has passed but I feel the mushrooms coming on STRONG. My walls begin breathing and my bed feels cozier and cozier. Me and my buddies get really deep talking about the future
T+8:00: We hotbox a car with 2 joints. The weed BLASTS off my mushroom trip. My friends become more and more foreign looking and the car feels like animal technology. Im convinced I have a new sense like touch and taste. After the second joint of boxing I cannot recognize my friends and go back inside and lay down.
T:8:30 I lie down and turn off the lights. The blankets swallow me up and I feel pure bliss. Very very vivid images of people I care about are around me and my face feels very strange. I think really deep about life.
T: 10:00 Im on the come down of both trips. Learned a lot and spent a wonderful time with my friends. My bed still feels ridiculously cozy and I actually fall asleep at about 4:00AM.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2017</td><td width="90">ExpID: 111125</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Not Specified</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 23, 2018</td><td>Views: 966</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=111125&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=111125&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Cannabis (1), Mushrooms (39), LSD (2) : Unknown Context (20), Combinations (3), General (1)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/chlorpromazine/">Pharms - Chlorpromazine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">125 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I took 1 1/2 hits of acid. I waited 30 mins, then took 1 more hit.
After going to the bar, I started to go into my trip.
It started out rough and I knew there was no way I would be able to handle this while in the bar I was in.
(I have never done that much before)
So I was dropped off home and I calmed down a bit.
Wacthed 'finding nemo' and enjoyed my trip.
A big fear overcame me , the feeling of dying or going insane.
I knew it was the drug and ran out and calmed down,
I got fresh air.
My girlfriend came and she never done acid before.
Barely handling it myself (stupid des.) I gave her 2.5 hits for her first time.
It hit her in less than 15 min.
After 40 min of experiencing the nice mood elevation, wall vibrations and tracers.
She went into a full blown bad trip.
I never seen one. I was def. Scared because I didn't know what to do.
It began with her looking at her skin and then she started to freak out.
It kinda sobered me up even though I was still in my trip.
Her skin scrawling, with bugs, she would get often naked and say that she was bleeding from her vagina.
She would also jump on me ask for me to fuck her then immediately run away and yell their on me.
<span class="erowid-caution">[Erowid Note:
Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. <a href="/chemicals/show_image.php?i=dmt/dmt_contraindications1.gif">Don't do it!</a>]</span>
I didnt know what to do.
My only hope was to find her friend to help me calm her down.
2am in a college town with a naked girl screaming and punching the windshield of a car I was driving while still triping is not a good idea to say the least.
I get to her friends house, she wakes them up and runs around etc. I explain to them what happened. I get some pills and I took her home
The pills were thorazine (to treat imbalance in the brain/ bipolar etc.)
I give her one and in 20 mins she beginsa to calm down.
And I give her another one.
I also take one
It feels
Like eveyrthing is slowing down.
My heart stops racing, I feel calm.
I feel light and my mind is tingly and feel really nice. Like taking pain killers
She eventually fell asleep right after wards.
So thorazine (great for bad trip)
<!--Have some handy for first timers.
2nd never do alot of something if you never done it before, thats just stupid.--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2006</td><td width="90">ExpID: 64188</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 3, 2018</td><td>Views: 2,865</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=64188&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=64188&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Pharms - Chlorpromazine (318) : General (1), Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Sex Discussion (14), Second Hand Report (42), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Various (28)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 drop</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">160 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
For about a year now I've been experimenting heavily with mixing LSD and different types of meditation such as kundalini meditation and astral projection.
A friend got me a really good batch of liquid LSD and at around the same time I'd been using an audio entrainment called 'Meditation Mastery Activations' for Higher Self communication.
So of course I decided to mix the two.
I was staying in a friend's cabin in the Californian redwoods and she was away at the time - perfect. The acid was really smooth, I was sitting out in the sun looking at the trees and could see them breathing. The trunks were pulsating in and out. I could also clearly see the trunks radiating a bright green aura.
Clearly things were kicking in nicely so I put on my headphones and started the Higher Self meditation.
Seconds, minutes, hours later? I don't know. I behind closed eyes I could just see white light getting stronger and stronger. I began to hear a beautiful hum and I started getting visions as if I was traveling at light speed.
All of a sudden I felt myself burst into some kind of dimension. Where all this light was coming from. I was floating, flowing, soaking in it. I could see inside my body and I saw it being filled with these streams of light. Things would slow, then speed up amazingly fast and I couldn't keep up, but at all times it was ecstatic.
I had the strongest feeling that I was floating inside my Higher Self somehow. I just knew. I didn't need anything here and I didn't want for anything. I must have been here for a few hours, because when I came out the sun had changed a fair bit in the sky.
It's taken me a lot of time to process this experience and there is so much I just can't put into words.
This was one of the most profound experiences that I've ever had.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2007</td><td width="90">ExpID: 65847</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 5, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,119</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=65847&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=65847&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Meditation (128) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Mystical Experiences (9), Nature / Outdoors (23), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 drop</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">20 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/2ci/">2C-I</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">230 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
First experience with 2C-I
I consider myself a somewhat experienced, yet pretty young, user of psychoactive. One tradition I have is to take LSD for New Years. Well this year (2010-2011) my friends had something called 2C-I. I’d heard about it before, but I never decided to take it because of the danger of research chemicals. So I did some studying on the subject. Having done Psilocybin, LSD, MDMA on previous occasions I decided to experiment with the 2C-I.
So my friends pulled out this small baggie of an off-white powder, they explained it could either be ingested or insufflated. Me never have been a big fan of snorting things decided to put it in a napkin and swallow it. My friends snorted their dose. Within in minutes they were complaining about their nose burning, and their eyes were watering. One began to get dizzy and almost vomited. That lasted about 5 minutes for them. I didn’t feel any of that.
After about 20 minutes I did begin to feel sort of as if I was lifting off the ground, the same way I feel on MDMA. So before I started to actually feel anything from the 2C-I I dosed with 1 hit of liquid LSD, approx 50 micrograms. Before the LSD hit me the 2C-I really started to kick in, I started see small swirls and vortexes spinning on things, the show on tv began to get sorta wavy. That is when the LSD kicked in, I felt they complimented each other very well. The 2C-I is in itself a very powerful hallucinogen, and mixed the LSD I began to see colourful fractally shapes crawling on the carpet slightly. At one point I did feel as if I’d just taken a large dose of MDMA, I was incredibly happy. I could easily tell the different feeling of the 2C-I and the LSD. Although I do want to try it on it’s own, because it is in itself very powerful.<!--I do recommend this to anyone who has the chance to do it, although it is a research chemical.--> I don’t take any prescription drugs, so I don’t know of any negative interaction. For me it doesn't have any negative reaction to THC or LSD from my experience.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2010-2011</td><td width="90">ExpID: 89072</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 18</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 7, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,109</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=89072&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=89072&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">2C-I (172), LSD (2) : General (1), First Times (2), Combinations (3), Various (28)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">.5 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:15</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">.5 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">155 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
So! I didn’t think it got any sweeter, but it most certainly does. My trip last Saturday went so well that it seems impossible, but I’m still not positive that LSD-25 is what was on that mysterious white blotter.
I mean, fuck... where to begin? After we each ate half a tab (cut from a long, unperforated strip) at 8:30 PM, we walked through a nearby park and watched the sunset. After that, we played basketball until 9:45. We got back to the house and each ate another half, doubling our original dose, but it still took until 10:45 or so for things to feel trippy and for a while I was disappointed that we had taken bunk acid. By 12:00 AM, I was probably as fucked up as I’ve ever been.
My favorite part was when I could taste the red, blue and green lights that spun like a hurricane around our tiny room. They tasted like Jolly Ranchers or Air Heads, it was that super-sweet to the point where it’s almost sour taste. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">My favorite part was when I could taste the red, blue and green lights that spun like a hurricane around our tiny room. They tasted like Jolly Ranchers or Air Heads, it was that super-sweet to the point where it’s almost sour taste.</div></div> As they danced endlessly to the music we kept on shuffle, it seemed that I was witnessing perfection. The euphoria that coursed through my body was very warm and relaxing, something almost comically unexpected given that most of my past acid trips were bursting with powerful, sometimes jaw-clenching stimulation.
It was hilarious. We laughed a lot, usually at nothing at all. It was a really genuine laughter too, the kind that boosted our moods higher and higher. Once we were ‘there,’ in that unmistakable headspace that seems to escape my vocabulary, I immediately knew I was on the same acid as last time I’d tripped, and it filled me with a strange nostalgia.
It was a different flavor of “fucked up” than my last trip, but undeniably the same substance. Now that I’ve done it twice, my whole concept of it is much more solidified, especially given that everything went so well. During the day I casually meditated on whether or not I should go back down the rabbit hole. It seemed like a good enough idea, but naturally, I was nervous.
Once we were “there,” and we stayed “there” from 12:00 to 6:30 AM, it felt like time had completely halted. It didn’t fast forward or rewind uncontrollably, it just... Stopped. We wondered if the sun was ever going to come back up. When it finally did after what felt like days, we stopped tripping almost immediately. The come down was so smooth that by 8:00 AM we happily drove to McDonalds with no signs of intoxication other than a beautiful afterglow.
It was unbelievable. My body and mind are usually exhausted at the end of an intense trip, but for once I felt as though the acid had given me life and energy. It’s been a few days since the trip and I still feel incredible! It’s been very easy for me to integrate the experience into my life, which is surprising given how profound it was. It intrigued to me to think how impactful a positive psychedelic experience like mine could be on so many of the people I know that haven’t tried these drugs yet, but I can see why they’re so timid about it. For me, tripping feels like the most “adult” thing one can possibly do. It’s heavy metal, it’s alien, and if one does it right, it’s the ultimate ecstasy.<!--Not everybody is ready for that.
Those of us that are, salute! I’ll gladly be returning to Candy Land soon.--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2018</td><td width="90">ExpID: 112086</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 8, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,011</td></tr>
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Hangover / Days After (46), General (1)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 2:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">60 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
A friday in september of 2003, me and my friend, R, decided to drop some acid. We got a hold of 4 hits of blotter acid and headed for the hills.
We each started of dropping one hit.
The weather was beautiful and the temperature was comfortable. (Being a norwegian living on the west-coast, this is not always the case, so we learn to appreciate the few days we get.)
We were fooling around the mountainside enjoying the woods, waiting for the effects. Nothing apart from the familiar tingling and some mild giggling. This lead me to believe that the hits we had got, where low in quality. This was not the case.
As we decided to take to the top of the hill, a thick fog came upon us. We figured that even though we were not off our heads, we decided to go back down. (It is very easy to get lost in these hills, being covered with quite dense forrest.)
It was now about an hour and a half into the first hit. (T+1.5h) We figured it was about time to drop the last hit, feeling it safe based on the first one.
When we got back into town we went back to R´s house, dropped the last two hits and sat on his porch for a while. We were still feeling a slight tingle from the first hit, but we were both hungry for a slightly more profound experience. Suddenly R points out that we had nothing to smoke later on, so we headed over to a contact of his, to buy some hash. When we got there we told him (R´s contact) that we had dropped acid, just to clarify, in case the second hit should be stronger than the first, and we would start to act weird.
It was now T1+2.5h, T2+1h.
We were sitting in the apartment of this friendly couple smoking some bongs and just having a nice time. We had both nearly forgotten about the second hit.
It struck me hard! I was suddenly overwhelmed with strong visuals. I informed R about it and that I thought it be best if we got going. He agreed and the host couple totally understood. I did not want to lose control in the home of strangers, no matter how friendly they were.
We got out on the street and headed for R´s house. I could feel the acid really coming on in strong waves. I was new in town and not so familiar with the part of town my friend lived. I explained to him that I had no idea where we were. He assured me that we were on the right way.
By this stage I was experiencing total confusion and I relied on my friend to get me to 'safety'. Even though it is only a 3 minute walk, it felt like forever. I was getting more and more paranoid, not able to shake the sinister feeling that R was not what he seemed. We were pacing along. R was probably a bit stressed to get me back to the apartment, so that we could lay back and let the acid have its way with us.
At this point I lost all confidence in R.
This happened as we came to a playground that was just about 100m away from his apartment! This place looked so alien and when I looked at R he looked more like a joker, with evil intentions. His eyes were completely black and his smile was pure evil. The paranoia caused my confused mind to 'shut down'. Everything turned white and I can still remember shaking my fist at the sky demanding answers as to what the HELL was going on. R was still trying to pull my arm and get me to safety. A this point that was completely impossible, as I was convinced he had evil intentions.
From here on I must have been wandering around. I can recall moments of clarity, when I could navigate. Identifying a sign for a bakery which I headed for. It was only about 50m away, but it felt like an eternity. I felt like I was trapped in a loop and that I had been striding the same block for ever. I could not tell if I was alive or if I had gone to hell, and it being a state of eternal repetition.
After this I can not recall anything but short glimpses of my way home.
I came to in the middle of the night, having been rolling around my bed for a few hours. I felt really bad about abandoning R and got in touch with him. He had been really worried about me. We sat down smoking some joints talking about what we had experienced. He had not been tripping as hard as I, but me flipping out and he worrying about me probably ruined his trip.
I think that if we had just gotten back home before the big wave hit, it would have been an awesome trip.
For me this experience made it clear how important it is to be in a 'safe' area. Most of the times I´ve dropped acid it did not matter where I was. Being in control of my self. But some times the stuff really hits and its important to have a retreat/safehouse.
Even though it was a rough trip, those are probably the most educational and I would not change it for anything.
Did I mention it was on friday the 13th?
Keep humble, keep dreaming, keep loving!<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2003</td><td width="90">ExpID: 60233</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 13, 2018</td><td>Views: 846</td></tr>
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[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">5 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco - Cigarettes</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Beer/Wine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">195 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
My friend and I were experienced in taking psychedelics (mushrooms, acid, etc) but decided to really explore the great unknown and take a lot more than we'd previously done.
We decided to go to the tip of Cape Cod, <!--Provincetown -->on this fine summer day and with our dual headphones, we'd listen to some psychedelic music on a walkman. Although <!--Provincetown-->this town is a haven for people of the gay persuasion, as far as I know we're both straight and went for the natural beauty that is the town's<!--Provincetown's--> dune -filled Race Point on the ocean.
So, just before we got there by car, we decided to take 5 hits of blotter acid each, which according to descriptions and effects of one to two dose hits, which we'd tried earlier that summer, I'd say these were 80-100 mic tabs (even one hit caused noticible distortions and synthestesia effects and a full 12 hour trip) After only about 15-20 minutes the effects started (that weak, trembling rush) and I noticed that the music from my friends car stereo was dancing off the dunes and clouds aboove as we drove on. A hawk flew by and left an orange, blue, green trail behind as it passed by my field of vision.
We decided we needed to stop the car immediately and find a place to trip in comfort and private. No sooner had we stopped at a parking lot at Race Point, that it seemed we could barely stand. This was going to be strong and having read a lot about this, we knew we must 'run' for cover.
We managed to 'float' down to the bottom of a dune and basically said 'goodbye' to each other, knowing that although we'd be laying just next to each other, that we'd barely be able to communicate. I let out a grunt and waved bye bye.
All of a sudden I looked up between the branches of the tree I was under and all around the branches were electric lines tracing the outline. I started melting into the sand. I still felt weak because I hadn't settled in and closed my eyes. I saw the familiar checkerboard pattern behind closed eyes spiraling down. I gave up to the spiral and followed it down. Although I surely can't recall all my images and feelings, I remember seeing beautifully clear still images of friends and family laughing and loving. I remember chuckling and saying to myself how much I love these people. I distincly remember seeing a stuffed elephant toy from my childhood in beautiful technacolor.
I could hear people playing at the beach up and over the large dune and it was wonderful. I followed the circular sound of a plane flying overhead and followed it for what seemed like eternity till it faded.
After hours and hours (although it seemed like one single moment in time) of taking in this sensory wellspring, we started communicating in 'caveman' It was decided we'd put the Yes album 'Relayer' into the walkmen and donned our headsets. Immediately, upon hearing 'The Gates of Delirium' the trip took on an unbelievable quality full of energy, plays of shapes, beautiful colors emmanating and radiating off the clouds and dunes. Geometric pattern fired off and filled everything in the visual field. Say what you want about Yes but that album 'Relayer' is perfection when tripping and guides you wonderfully through the psychedelic voyage.
After a while we were able to get up, talk, walk to the beach and with the sun setting decided we could party now. We smoked some weed, drank some beer and smoked cigarettes. Later on we got out the boombox and listened to various Beatles, Pink Floyd and other albums. We had a great life-affirming day and although we are both successful family men now who live thousands of miles apart, we often discuss that one day and the wonder of it all. LOVE<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 1990</td><td width="90">ExpID: 51693</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 15, 2018</td><td>Views: 818</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=51693&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=51693&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">100 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco - Cigarettes</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">110 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
'Painting Realizations: 10 Things I Learned From My First Trip'
Before starting this report, I’d like to explain who the people involved in my life that will be mentioned are.
I’ll refer to myself as Len. I’m an international student who has recently moved to New York City to attend college. I don’t want to disclose too much, but I’ll tell you I used to live in Europe. I’m currently studying Communications, though for some time I have wanted to switch to Music Business. I am not very happy with my living arrangement within the University - I live with 11 other girls in a loft, which is always dirty, as they don’t clean up after themselves. I feel disconnected with them, and I am not too comfortable in that environment.
I have shared this experience with two other girls, who have now become my Acid Sisters. The first is my closest friend here in New York, Summer. Summer and I have been friends for almost a year now, and we have a lot in common spiritually, which I was aware of even before the trip. The other girl is Dianna. She’s been friends with Summer, also for a significant amount of time, but before this experience we weren’t awfully close - nevertheless, I did like Dianna a lot.
We were sober-sat by Louise (though she prefers sober-played-with), and her sort-of-boyfriend Frey, who I went to high school with. Louise is Dianna’s suite mate, who shares the apartment in the dorm with her, and she was there as we dropped in Dianna’s room. We were meant to originally do it in Summer’s room, but her roommate (who isn’t too fond of psychedelic substances) was there, and Dianna’s place was bigger anyways.
Another thing I should mention is that at one point in this story, Dianna’s current sort-of- boyfriend, Mark, stops by. I am not too fond of Mark for two reasons. First, the only time I hung out with him, Summer, and Dianna, during the previous week, he seemed somewhat pompous. He would recite textbook-like phrases, and I’d stand there, high as a kite, watching as Dianna wrote it all down. It almost seemed like the Mark-cult, which I was definitely not eager to join.
The second reason comes in handy, because it also provides some backstory for some of the things that I saw, and felt, during the trip. Earlier on the month, I’d began a sexual relationship with this guy called Seth. I, stupidly enough, fell head over heels for him. I think everyone around me realized that he didn’t care for me... except for me. Don’t get me wrong, I had reasons to believe that wasn’t the case, but I was somewhat blinded by other convictions as well. When we tripped, I hadn’t seen Seth for about two weeks, and we were no longer involved, as he had ‘ditched’ me accidentally one night, and I had decided I’d had enough, so I deleted his number and texts from my phone. Summer had run into him, and he kept claiming he was going to reach out to me, but when I contacted him and was ignored, I decided to let it go and give up. It wasn’t easy, and I kept blaming myself for it, seeing Seth as a special, wasted opportunity I had thrown away. I was simply unable to move on, or realize better would have come along eventually. Because both Mark and Seth were film students, they shared a lot of classes, which brought about a certain hostility between them. Mark despised Seth, and claimed he was extremely pretentious and aloof (which is true enough, but save the aloofness, also applicable to Mark himself). That very same night we hung out, he declared ferociously “Fuck Seth!” to which I amicably replied, “Hah, been there, done that”. He was visibly irked out, and said to me, “Wow, I’m sorry you have to live with yourself, after that.” I didn’t feel particularly insulted, but rather undermined and skeptical about this guy’s supposed ‘caring, gentle, spirit’. I just didn’t see it.
Now that everyone has been introduced, let’s begin at the beginning.
This whole venture began about five months ago, when, before meeting in person, Summer and I decided we wanted to explore psychedelic endeavors - she proposed eventually taking shrooms and listening to Lou Reed (who is a somewhat mythical figure to me), which I was all in for.
We felt ready around the beginning of October, back when I met this kid called Dylan West - whom we all just called West. I’d describe him as a fuckboy junkie extraordinaire; he’s the kind of guy who’s currently trying to grow pot in his dorm room, dabs indoors with the smoke detectors all over the place, trips almost on a bi-weekly basis, and has a penchant for smoking up with steamy showers in the bathrooms indoors. As soon as I decided Seth was a no-go, I had ended up West’s world. I slept over at his place for the entire weekend, two weeks before tripping, and we eventually hooked up at one point. I knew he was the right person to ask for a hookup.
Predictably, New York City drugs are expensive. West recommended one gram for each of us as a threshold dose (both Summer and I are 5’2’ and about 110 lbs., so it typically doesn’t take a lot for us to be affected), but his dealer’s prices would have forced us to spend ti50 on it, which he said wasn’t worth it. Earlier on the week, a friend of mine, Remy, had taken shrooms, and was only able to trip on 2g. This would have brought the total of our supposed expenses to $100, which I just could not spend on drugs (yet I have probably already spent it on cigarettes, go figure). West then recommended us just going with acid instead. I was reluctant, since I believed shrooms would have been a better initiation, as they were more ‘natural’, and I wasn’t too eager to put such harsh chemicals through my body. West claimed it wasn’t much of a difference, and that he had started with LSD anyways. That wasn’t enough to convince me, since one of West’s go-to catch phrases waking up in the morning was “I need to get fucked up before breakfast. Sobriety is overrated.” I didn’t wish to end up like that, so I checked in with Summer and she was okay with acid instead of shrooms. I was desperate to begin my career as a psychonaut, so I gave in at my best friend’s request.
We met West’s dealer three days before tripping, and paid about ti45 for two tabs of, supposedly, ‘pure-ass acid’ that we placed in a fire-engine-red Italian Sicilian Orange Tic Tac box. Turns out, it was a great container, as the red filtered out most light from the substance, and acid is best kept in a cool, dark environment. Summer and I had planned to trip on Saturday night, but we had decided to head to a frat party on Friday, where she didn’t have a great experience, and needed one day to recover.
On Sunday morning, I was very upset. My room in the dorm was so messed up from me attempting to re-organize it that my bed was entirely covered in plastic bags, so I decided to sleep on the couch of the common area. My roommate hadn’t noticed me, and accidentally locked me out of our room, before leaving for her hometown for fall recess break. Because this wasn’t the first time that this had happened, I flipped out. There was outright screaming on my part in my native language, and I am not ashamed to say I talked to myself as a means to release stress. I had to go downstairs with the previous nights’ makeup, my pajamas and no shoes, so I felt extremely embarrassed. To add to that, Summer called to let me know that Dianna was going to join us, and she had decided to split her tab with her. I felt abandoned by her, and unwilling to accept it, (I now understand that this is definitely none of my business to control and decide).
I definitely think that that freakout was one of the best things that could have happened. Back when Summer confessed to me that she didn’t want to trip on Saturday, she was particularly shaken, which brought me to have negative feelings regarding the Seth situation. Releasing all of my stress and anger put me in one of the best mental places for the trip, and I felt powerful and reinvigorated. I ran some errands throughout the day, and met Summer around 7 PM. We went to our respective homes, so that she could pick up the Tic Tac box, and change into more comfortable clothes. On our way back to Dianna’s, we saw Frey and Louise, and they told us they were going to swing by later, which I was happy and excited about.
We briefly saw Mark outside of the building of Dianna’s dorm (Summer and I lived in the same complex - which I will refer to as Blue C - while Dianna lived in Square Hall), as he exited, and told him about our subsequent plans. He wished us well, and we walked in the building.
As soon as we saw our trip location, I was positively satisfied. It was a dorm apartment, so it wasn’t enormous, but definitely bigger than Summer’s. There was a small hall and a living room area with a round circular table and a couch, as well as a decent bathroom and average-size kitchen. Dianna also said we were welcome to go to her room whenever, since her roommate wasn’t home, but we remained in the common area for the initial part of the night. One of the reasons why we had also decided to do it at Dianna’s was because she had prepared endless tubes of acrylic pigments and large poster-size paper for us to paint on.
I read a list of precautions and possible acid-induced negative thoughts that we might have had, so we could prepare for the worst in case of bad trips. We all turned out to have had designated tasks: I was the well-read expert, Summer had to physically take care of the stuff, and Dianna was more concerned with preparing activities to keep ourselves occupied during the night.
Summer placed four different pieces of blotter paper on the table. One of them was a small 100 microgram square, which was for me, and two were tinier half pieces. There was also a little extra bit that Dianna and Summer also split. All in all, I’d say they had about 50 micrograms each as their ultimate dose. (One of the reasons I was initially opposed to them splitting the other blotter was because their doses would have been significantly lower than mine, which I thought would have put me on a whole different level of experience, and I didn’t want to be alone. Luckily, this didn’t turn out to be an issue for any factor, besides duration of our trips, but I’ll get to that later.)
We were all pretty unaccustomed to acid consumption, so we placed the blotters underneath our tongue and waited, as I’d read was the most traditional and effective mean of consumption. This was about 8 PM.
For a little bit we just chilled out and talked, then Frey and Louise came back with their takeout food. We chatted up with them for some twenty minutes, and I discussed music with Louise. I was very reassured, as she and I were passionate about similar artists and genres, and I immediately thought she was going to be a brilliant DJ for the night. Summer then suggested us grabbing dinner, since we hadn’t had much food (we both don’t eat a lot... I’d been so upset I was mostly hunger-less the whole day, and had only had a couple of slices of bread and a Special K bar, along with my coffee, as breakfast). We briefly stopped by CVS, before the acid started to hit us, and I picked up some sushi, while she opted for veggie dumplings.
We went back to Square Hall, at Dianna’s, to eat, and immediately after I was done, I felt my muscles tensing up. I had a specific tense spot between my shoulder blades, which had me lifting and narrowing them. I immediately announced to Summer I was “tensing up”, and she nodded saying she also started to feel physically different (she mentioned something about not being able to feel her left arm and leg tension). I don’t remember Dianna being particularly affected by that point, but she decided to sit on the floor, and began painting.
Summer mentioned the blotter not dissolving yet after about 30 minutes of having taken it (she ate afterwords) and Louise recommended switching location to the rooftop of the mouth - this is possibly something to keep in mind for the next trip, as it immediately dissolved afterwards. I had accidentally swallowed my blotter earlier, which was probably one the reasons, along with the larger dose, why my trip was somewhat ‘delayed’ when compared to theirs. Dianna was a true trooper, who kept the blotter underneath her tongue until it dissolved - and it took a long time: about an hour, but she began coming up immediately after it was absorbed.
I had previously recommended us performing an activity while waiting to come up, as I’d read it was much better to casually notice we were tripping, rather than waiting for tell-tale signs. I joined Dianna on the floor, and began to stroke swirls in an abstract manner (regardless of my background as an art student, I’m not much of a painter.)
About an hour after we dropped, I began to feel different. The muscle tension increased, and as I was prompted to look at my hand, I realized it felt disconnected from my body. It wasn’t like a phantom limb, where I didn’t feel it - it just felt foreign and far. As soon as I looked up at my surroundings, I realized everything felt slightly foreign and far. The circumstances were weird, and I asked myself what was so peculiar about the reality I was in. “This feels weird,” I said. Louise looked up at me with a concerned look, and asked, “Bad weird?”. I considered, and had a hard time deciding: my feelings, thoughts, and emotions, were getting hazier and confused, “Not really... not bad and not good, just weird”. This sense of weirdness persisted throughout the whole trip and well-into the next day. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I considered, and had a hard time deciding: my feelings, thoughts, and emotions, were getting hazier and confused, “Not really... not bad and not good, just weird”. This sense of weirdness persisted throughout the whole trip and well-into the next day.</div></div> I later realized it was this weirdness that caused me to dissociate from my immediate reality, and re-evaluate the world around me.
My painting style was then forced to become different, as my movements became more erratic as a result of the growing muscular tension, and I decided to instinctively pick up colors, and just ‘throw them around’ on the paper. Instead of swirls, I began to shade, mix, and create shapes of various sizes and forms. I disrupted the harmonious green-teal-gold scheme I was working with, to add traces of red, peach, yellow, and navy. I felt euphoric and inspired, as if I’d just had two pops of Adderall or Ritalin (I sometimes take ADD prescription meds - despite not having ADD - as a way to concentrate on studying, and stay up all night). Dianna began talking, and I found everything she had to say extremely funny. Her, Summer, and I were laughing loudly at the most random comments made by each other, Louise, or Frey.
Louise’s roommate, whose name I forget, was at the apartment too, and prepared brownies. I wasn’t particularly hungry after the sushi, but decided to try one, as they looked very good. Unfortunately, I think she baked them with the wrong ingredients, since they tasted like garlic. The smell was so strong, I didn’t even want to be next to the batch. Neither Louise, Frey, or herself seemed to notice any of this, or chose not to say anything, like Dianna. Summer and I both agreed they were really bad.
The sense of weirdness slowly pervaded everything around me, and it evolved into an inability of my brain to properly process, and make sense of, my surroundings. It wasn’t like I didn’t understand anything anymore, but more like my immediate reality just didn’t compute. Why was I there out of all places? Why was Frey, whom I went to school with, there? Why were he and Louise involved now? That was all so random. I couldn’t justify any of it, and was very bothered by the fact.
Acid attention-span is notoriously limited, so I shook my worrisome thoughts away, in favor of a deep desire to leave the room. Dianna and Summer followed me, as we headed to the floor’s hallway to look at the traffic and cars through the window. That was the only part of the trip where I felt extremely energetic, and I had a deep desire to release this energy by running around. Dianna, Summer and I ran around the stairs, laughingly numbed down. All across the stairway, there were signs up, which depicted an apple and a cigarette with a red cross over it. Summer remarked that it was the most messed up ‘no-smoking’ sign she’d ever seen, and I explained that the apple represented New York City, the Big Apple, so it did make sense. I realized that if I concentrated, and really looked at something, I could make sense of it, so I got very excited. We were about to run further down, when Louise came back to get us, and lead us back into the apartment.
When Dianna, Summer, Louise, and I went back to the apartment, the weirdness continued. Sitting back down was difficult; I felt so hyperactive, but I let my movements guide me on the canvas, continuing my shading. Immediately, when I looked over at her, I noticed Dianna wasn’t as keen on keeping herself as grounded, and she began to giggle all over the place again. I can’t really remember how much time had passed while we were like that, but before I knew it, I noticed Dianna asking Louise to paint her feet.
Louise picked up a clean, fine brush, dipped in purple paint, and began drawing steady swirls all over Dianna’s feet, who felt giddy and excited. She laughed and waved her long arms in the air, as she announced how liberating it felt. Suddenly, Dianna was so into the whole painting experience, I noticed her taking off her t-shirt, revealing a sports bra. I asked her whether she felt cold, but she was way too exhilarated to answer, or care, probably. She began painting her own tummy in a dark teal color, and at every stroke, she felt more enthusiastic and free. It was beautiful for me to watch that, and I felt like I was seeing all of Dianna expressing her artistic nature - (Dianna is currently studying screenwriting, but in her spare time she sings, acts, and plays the trumpet. She defines herself as a full-fledged artist.)
“This is what I was meant to do!” she continued to exclaim, “this is just what I needed! I’m releasing all of my artistic energy, and this is wonderful. It feels so right!”. Upon seeing her so relieved, about something as, supposedly, trivial, as splashing paint on her bare tummy, I felt envious of Dianna for a split second. She was like a little kid, rediscovering the joy of colors all over again, and I wished I could feel like that about paint too. I wanted to find something to also feel liberated and lightheaded. All of a sudden, Summer, who had been sitting in a corner, blasting out some dank tunes, got up and demanded Dianna to paint her calves. Dianna picked up the navy brush I’d been using, and began drawing patterns on Summer’s calve.
Now, I really don’t remember how what happened next initially developed, but I suppose it spawned out of a conversation I wasn’t paying attention to. I was extremely concentrated in identifying how I felt, and settling down the weirdness. I think I spent a significant amount of time staring at Frey and Louise, who were also playing a drawing game (they were attempting to construct a character, by each drawing a head, torso, and legs in turn, and then comparing the result). I was really trying to spot the ‘little things’ that made me think of them as a couple: sneaky kisses, graceful grazes, and just overall looks. I found it fascinating.
But back to what I missed, as soon as I turned around, I noticed Dianna had written ‘Fuck Misogyny’ on Summer’s tiny calve. I laughed very loudly, which prompted them to laugh more with me. Dianna then realized she “wanted more paint!”, and went to change into shorts. I started to feel a sense of extreme euphoria: I wanted to laugh, I wanted to paint, and I wanted to feel everyone around me on a deeper level. It was a strange sensation - something I thought as more akin to MDMA (which I haven’t tried, but am intending to soon).
Dianna raced back in a pair of short shorts, and I still wondered how she wasn’t freezing, since we were all wearing hoodies but her. She looked down at me, and asked, with a huge grin on her face, “Len, write ‘Fuck Misogyny’ on my thighs! In red! I want it to look ginormous and aggressive!”. I found the request hilarious, and agreed immediately. My muscles were still tense, and I felt strangely antsy (similar to the Ritalin-antsy I feel when I cruise), so the result wasn’t the best. Not to mention, I accidentally misspelled ‘Misogyny’ and had attempted to correct it, making the letters even more daunting and bolder-looking. Dianna was, nonetheless, very pleased with the result, as it wrapped around her back, and she had the last syllable visible only from behind. It was at that point that she said, “You need some color in you!” and sprinkled my hair and forehead in lavender.
Something you must know about me, I am extremely paranoid about my hair. I need to constantly straighten it every time I wash it (it’s naturally frizzy/wavy), and I’d just done that for the occasion, earlier on the day. Having paint in my hair would have made it crusty and dirty, so as soon as I saw it there, I exclaimed, “Dianna! Not my hair!”, still laughing, of course. She conceded, but didn’t let go of my face, “Okay, but you still need some more color”. At that point, Summer came up from behind, and began painting the back of Dianna’s legs, who then sneaked up on me, and stroked a huge red line on my face. I hadn’t even realized it, but a painting battle was ensuing. Dianna was so into it, she began painting both herself and us, by squeezing the tubes directly on our skin. She recommended Summer and I both change in shorts and sports bras, so we could all paint each other.
I am not the kind of person who typically agrees to this kind of stuff. I am not entirely comfortable with getting down and dirty, but I thought to myself, ‘I’m on acid, might as well!’ and as soon as I had mentally accepted the fact I was going to get painted all over, I felt extremely ecstatic. I wouldn’t say my emotional responses were slowed down or delayed, but rather amplified: I processed everything with intensity, and was determined to survey my stance on every event that took place. Obviously, because of the confusion and haze of weirdness, I didn’t reach very promising conclusions. It was very basic business - either something made me very happy, or very confused.
When I went to Dianna’s room to change, I realized I didn’t even care about being nude with the door open. I have always been very confident and at ease with being naked, but it was always with people I knew. In this case, in order to put Dianna’s clothes on, I needed to go full topless for some seconds, and Frey was right there in the living room, which was directly adjacent. I found myself so contented in my own skin that I wouldn’t have minded being full-on naked and dancing. Still, I did realize that it wasn’t an option, because of our hosts.
This is something worth mentioning: when I was on acid, I was perfectly able to put myself in the shoes of a sober person. I could immediately imagine how Louise and Frey, and even Louise’s roommate, must have felt seeing that weird spectacle, and I initially apologized for it. Thankfully, Louise happens to be incredibly awesome, so she simply smiled at me and said, “Len, you’re on LSD, it’s bound to get weird. Stop apologizing.”
Our acid-uniform was extremely revealing, but it was absolutely perfect for the incredible amounts of paint we were about to pour on each other. I was wearing brown lipstick, and immediately realized it couldn’t stay on. I needed to be fully naked, fully raw, so I quickly went to the bathroom to remove it. It was laborious, but entertaining; I tried to use tissues and water, but it smeared a red stain all over my chin - which only made me laugh more. Most people say mirrors aren’t a good idea on acid, but I have to disagree. I loved looking at myself so happy and carefree.
Eventually, I realized that Dianna actually had makeup-remover wipes, and attempted to use them to remove the red smear on my face. I was somewhat successful, but at one point I remembered I was about to get paint all over it anyways, so I just left and ran back out. The sight I was greeted with was peculiar, to say the least: both Summer and Dianna were dipping their hands in paint, and plastering each other with it. I immediately joined, with black and gold
palms, but as more paint accidentally got in my long, blonde hair, I felt even more uneasy. Louise, who was watching from a distance, offered to put my hair up in a top knot, and I thanked her endlessly. I remember thinking that she was being like a little guardian angel for us.
And, like that, we drifted into another dimension. We painted our cheeks, our bellies, our chests, our legs, our arms... and it was beautiful. I wouldn’t say that for me and Summer it was as liberating as it must have been for Dianna, who is much more connected to painting than us. Yet, it was something filled with beauty. We were in a daze of colors and easygoing uneasiness - it was weird, but it was okay! That’s when the perception of time went out of the window. I frankly don’t remember for how long we painted each other for, but it was like a sacred ritual, so it was worthy of being timeless.
At that point, an RA knocked on our door. It was Sunday night, and starting 11 PM, all halls of our university force us to turn music and voices down for ‘quiet hours’. I hadn’t factored time in, so I immediately jumped to the conclusion that this person clearly knew we were on LSD, so I ran to Dianna’s room. She saw me and smiled anxiously, “Len, you can’t hide! This doesn’t even look suspicious... they can’t know! What would they write us up for? Being fucking weirdos covered in paint? Isn’t that what college is all about?”. For someone on acid, that was series of very logical arguments.
Sadly, I couldn’t be as logical as Dianna, so I still felt worried. Louise answered the door, and, like we suspected, the RA only wanted us to turn the volume down a bit, to which she agreed, and he, supposedly, left. I don’t think he paid attention to, or saw, the three of us. I stumbled upon the mirror as I walked back to the living room, for what I thought was going to be round two of paint, and everything changed.
As soon as I saw myself, I was shell-shocked. My face striped in red and gold, my legs scribbled in teal and navy, and my tummy yellow and purple - I felt so feral, so animalistic, so wild. I felt like a ferocious version of me. Summer and Dianna turned around to tell me how beautiful I looked, which only fueled this sensation more. Summer’s face was half-black and half-teal, and she also seemed real and majestic... and Dianna? Dianna’s face was green! She looked like mother nature! I felt connected to the two of them on a deeper level, like we were a tribe of painted Indians (I’m pretty sure that if I’d taken two tabs - like we plan to do soon - and felt a more intense high, I would have started to do some powwow dance shit. Summer had been dancing all night already, as she has had dancing training background, and was so in-tune with the harmonies that played, I loved watching her).
We had never looked so beautiful, to me, but the more I scrutinized my appearance, the more I came to the realization that the paint had to come off. I looked at Dianna’s tummy, the first body part we had painted, and noticed the previously moist pigment had now solidified, and seemed fibrous and hardened, like it was about to crack at any minute. The paint was now a fraud - a courageous cover hiding my true self, and I had to let go of it immediately. My soul had to be completely naked for the trip, and this paint was covering it! Sure it had been fun, but like all things it had to end.
As I began to scrape the hardened paint off of my chest, I realized what I just thought. I realized how immersed into my own thought process I was, and I slowed down. I rubbed my skin slowly and, frankly, it became even a little painful after a while (when I looked at the mirror, the peeled parts were all visibly sensitive-looking and reddened). It didn’t matter though, because I was letting go of what covered me to reveal my true self and begin my trip - and there was no better come up. Feeling my flesh through my flesh was almost like a paradoxical surreal experience: my sense of touch was confused as to which surface was actually part of my own body, and which simply encrusted it. I gave myself warmth and protection; I suddenly felt very warm and cozy inside.
The more I embraced myself by rubbing it all away, the more these thoughts seemed to have appeared. I thought about feeling at one with me - about wanting to keep hugging and touching myself; about nourishment. In particular, the nourishment of my soul, and how much feeding it must have been doing through my endless turbine of volatile, airy emotions.
At this point, I’d crossed the event horizon. The thoughts about spirituality, and communion with the self, clouded up my mind at every dazzling fingertip motion I made on my surface skin. This is the moment where I truly realized I was very high. My trip had actually commenced, and there was no going back now!
On an important note: I wasn’t impeded. I feel like movies, television, songs, or even just people’s verbal or visual descriptions and portrayals of being high on LSD are very much different from what you end up feeling, at least from what I ended up feeling on my dose. I wasn’t ‘totally fucked up!’, like I could have never stepped out of it. In fact, I’m sure that if I had been given some sort of fairly easy task, I would have been able to complete it (obviously nothing that required lots of creativity, as letting the mind run wild is what ultimately tripping is all about, and would definitely stimulate it.) Basically, I could have kept my cool, no problem there.
The problems seemed to arise when I let myself zone out: my intellect drifting in and out of reality, and its metaphysical formations. Whenever I retreated into my own little world, I saw what was around me as a fraud - as a metaphysical landscape which, despite striving fearlessly, was definitely not the actual truth that I was exposed to on a daily basis. I was stuck in this dream-like haze, absorbing everything else around me, and soaking it in my melted brain’s acid- juice. Still, I’d like to stress how much mentally hampered I wasn’t. I was on drugs, sure, but when drunk, or stoned, I’m usually less likely to be at a complete cognitive loss. I mean, nothing goes on, as far as brain functions go, when I’m on those substances. Acid was much more like there was too much going on.
Speaking of, everything was too much. This particular state caused me a lot of what is commonly known as ‘distress’. I’m saying ‘commonly known’ because the word closest to describing how reality affected me at that point was ‘distress’ - yet it holds a really negative connotation. I want to highlight the fact that the distress I was feeling wasn’t entirely negative, oh no. This goes for anything else that might follow in the report: even if it seems like I’m describing negative emotions, they most definitely weren’t. Most of my trip was tainted by euphoria, wonder, and confusion - but overall, it was a very neutral experience, which made it much more complex, and interesting.
So, back to the distress. I believe it was caused by the fact that everything around me was too much to handle. I looked over at every single random object around, and it amazed me. It wasn’t like it seemed new, or I was seeing it through new eyes - no; I knew exactly what everything was, but I couldn’t register it. I couldn’t compute or understand it. Everything seemed to have a point, and objects just didn’t. They just lied there, and the fact that they did was baffling me. It was funny, and, as always, confusing, at the same time. Everything sparked a whole new trail of thoughts and observations, so when I was forced to just look at things, I couldn’t. I had to sit back, and actually observe them, considering them in the most holistic way possible.
This, in turn, prompted me to think of acid as a little lens that zoomed into my feelings regarding everything. The intensity of emotions I felt was incredibly amplified, and I mean, I don’t consider myself as particularly apathetic on a daily basis, but I’m not very in tune with what I feel either. As I kept peeling scrapes of paint off of my belly, I was trying to identify how I felt - but I felt so much. At the same time. And I couldn’t break it apart, no matter how much I tried, all I could do was just sit there and feel it, soaking it all in, like a little sponge.
Dianna and Summer, who were definitely more socially engaged with each other by that point, just kept peeling, until one of them (I honestly cannot remember who it was) suggested to hop in the shower. Dianna thought it was a magnificent idea and, with a cheshire-cat worthy grin, sprinted to the bathroom to get the water running. Summer followed her with excitement, but I wasn’t as joyful, all of a sudden. The feeling of weirdness from before had settled in with extreme intensity, and my inability to process my immediate surroundings sent me mentally far back to civilization. I thought about the concept of a shower - and how that involves getting hair wet.
My hair was still in that top knot Louise had solidly pinned up in place an hour before, (I actually have no idea how much time had passed. Dianna had devised a system where she would give Mark a call every hour, in order to keep track of time, but had given it up after the first two calls, as we had decided to succumb to acid and lose ourselves in its timeless dimension), but it wasn’t going to save much from the furious dorm-room nozzle sprinkling Dianna’s bathtub was equipped with. In the real world we could have found a way for me not to get my hair wet, but thinking systematically about real-life practical solutions seemed like a removed concept. No, I knew that if I stepped in that tub, my glorious straightened locks would have turned into the unruly lion’s mane I was born with.
It probably seems a little weird to you that I’m making such a big deal out of... well, hair. But it defined me. It still does. My hair is one of my favorite things about me, and I love to have control over how it looks, styling it to my liking. Getting it wet made me fearful and anxious, but I felt even more fearful and anxious, as soon as I realized my friends had left me in the living room. I’m sure Louise and Frey were caught up in their own little romantic game to mind my uneasiness, but I still decided to join Summer and Dianna in the bathroom, instead.
I saw them immediately hop in the tub, and turn, the shower on. Dianna took off her bra, and did her arm-wave thing again, her eyes squint-shut and her mouth wide open, soaking in the warm liquid droplets all around. Summer kept her top on for a little while, as she tried to only wash the paint off of her feet, but Dianna pushed her right below the water. She looked peaceful and exhilarated, letting out a loud, genuine laugh. It was so nice to see the two of them so happy. It warmed me up inside, when the rest of what was around me seemed cold and meaningless.
They were somewhere else, but I wasn’t with them. I was caught up in figuring out a way to get the paint off of my body without getting my hair wet. I sat by the tub, in front of the sink, with knees up to my nose. I found that I still couldn’t help but touch myself, I needed to feel my body there, with my mind. I was afraid that if I didn’t, everything would have disconnected. I stared at my legs a lot, but I wasn’t exactly ‘tripping’; I mean, by that point I still hadn’t felt extremely visually engaged by the trip. It seemed a little like weed, the colors looked nicer and brighter, but I hadn’t seen.
I wasn’t thinking about that at the present moment, I wasn’t thinking about anything in particular. Dianna and Summer pulled the shower curtains over, so that the water wouldn’t have gotten me wet, and that prompted me to shut the door of the bathroom. I stretched my legs and decided to look at what was ahead of me, for a second. Oh man, was it complex. The little tiles squared off every single centimeter of that wall, compressing the whole white thing in small little grids. And the more I heard Dianna and Summer laughing, the more the tiles seemed to reflect that - they were the manifestation of those timid little shrills and squeaks that occasionally escaped from their vocal chords. And that’s when I saw.
I looked down at the mirror, and then at the sink. I was particularly fascinated by the the lower part, as I’d never previously even paid a single mind to it. I wasn’t looking at the pipes either, it was just the lower part of the sink container, as I saw it from ground level, that astounded me. I noticed it was white porcelain, and that it had tiny holes at the side. I kept staring at them in amazement, those holes were beautiful: small, delicate, circular, and harmonious with the rest of the design. The beauty ended quite rapidly though, as the smallest of the holes began to slowly expand, and then diminish in size again. Yeah, the sink was definitely breathing.
I edged closer to stare at that spectacle, and watched carefully, as the hole, which, by that point, had definitely become the sink’s mouth, opened and closed ever-so-steadily. But it wasn’t a calm inhale and exhale... it was gradual, but by no means relaxed. It was frantic, lonely, and bleak. I heard Summer calling my name, wondering why I hadn’t jumped in, but Dianna quickly explained to her that I was “gone into my world”. Then again, I totally understood everything, I did hear them - I just chose not to care; the sink seemed like a such a bigger deal at the moment.
And that’s when I had my first realization, as I stroked the cold porcelain, I felt out of breath myself. It’s the loH, I thought. That loH is making me suffocate; this sink is just as much me as I am breathless, and it. I kept studying the respiratory patterns of the sink, and noticed it slowing down even more, to the point of stopping. As soon as that happened, I opened up the shower curtains, and with what I assume was a terribly bewildered look on my face, I announced, “I need to move out of that loft.”
Summer smiled open wide (because of a previous incident, which is definitely a story for some other time, Summer really wasn’t fond of my loft mates, and had always been favorable to the idea of me looking for somewhere else to live in), and her eyes lit up even more, “Come on in!” she encouraged me, nodding off to the tub.
After having suddenly realized that it was the loft that had made me feel toxic all along (not talking about the trip here, just my state of mind during the day), I felt the sudden need to be clean. To wash it all away, and screw my hair! Yet, I wasn’t fully convinced.
“But, my hair!” I complained, “It looks disgusting in its natural waves.”
Dianna grinned, “I have a straightener,” she said, “It’ll be fun. Come get clean, Len!” And like that, as she spritzed water onto Summer, who sat there and took it all in with her eyes closed, I realized I had to do that: I had to get clean. I took my top off, stepped into the tub and felt the water on my skin, so warm and comforting. As I rapidly undid Louise’s top-knot, I felt even more liberated, “Girls, this is my cleanse,” I announced boldly.
Once I sat there, there were few more moments where I embraced and rubbed my flesh. I don’t know whether it was because I felt vaguely cold, or because I wanted to get all traces of paint out, or just because I wanted to keep experiencing the touch of my own skin, but it was effective for all three of those reasons. I cannot tell how much time I spent in my own little tub cocoon: it could have been seconds, minutes, hours, or even days. I remember, at one point, commenting on how it even felt like weeks.
Sitting there wasn’t as euphorically entrancing as it looked, by the way. As soon as I settled, I just thought... again. I loved to fall into pensiveness, but the more I came up, the more thoughts I had. I couldn’t really concentrate on one single thing; everything induced me to question it. I was so removed from the reality around me that everything was overwhelming, and arising simultaneously. But instead of staying separate and going nowhere, it was like all of those questions united into one big reflection - and, after reaching such a promising conclusion on my living situation, I began evaluating other aspects of my life. All of it, all at once.
As my mind grew heavy, I noticed that Dianna was right, and I was in my own little world. I couldn’t be social at that moment; I mean, it’s not exactly like I couldn’t, more like I really, really, didn’t want to. Not through words at least.
I evacuated my mind to look at my fellow trip members, and they seemed to be just as engaged as me. Dianna sat at the end of the tub, lying with her arms spread out on its edge, while Summer had her legs crossed to my right. The more I watched them, the more I felt like I wanted to be in their heads. I wanted to feel what they were feeling, but I couldn’t bring myself to say it, so I chose actions to portray my words.
I reached out to them, and embraced their shoulders. They moved closer to me, and we stood there like that for another timeless while. I gripped their wet arms and bodies in shower-soaked glory; feeling their entities in there, in the same position, in the same place - both mentally and physically - was wondrous. We were naked, in every sense of the word. We were all experiencing so much, and the more we touched each other, the more we felt it all around us: our adventures slowly merging together, in one moment of shared acid communion. It was magnificent.
That’s when we realized that there was no going back, that after this experience, we would have been bonded for life. It wasn’t just about dropping, and experimenting, with friends anymore. It was about acquiring a new, elevated connection, with each other. I loved them; probably more than I loved my thoughts - and they became my thoughts, as the force of their love and attachment overcame me. I loved love, and I loved to love. So much love.
Summer, then, decided to head out. I asked her, “Aren’t you finding this paradise?”, to which she just looked at me and remarked, “I was like that two hours ago!” with a big smile on her face. She thought she wasn’t affected by the substance anymore, but I didn’t believe her. I let her go, since I figured she probably wanted to be alone for a bit. Dianna and I both agreed that we needed to be warmed up a little more before leaving.
Dianna leaned her head back on the edge of the tub, and we both retreated back into our own respective dimensions. I was still in a haze of confused emotions, running one after the other, and often together - but all were tinged by love now. I thought about people that had left my life back when I moved here (before leaving, a bit of a mess happened with my old friends in my so-called hometown, and I had been alienated from my social circle) and then, it hit me that I still loved them. But not in a way that was holding me back, in a way whereby I thought of the good times we had had, how much they made me grow, and how thankful I was for all those experiences. I realized life was a constant running course, but that the feelings associated with particular moments would always be there, and I could choose to bring those back, as opposed to the hostility that subsequently overcame our relationships. That didn’t matter, because it was a negative emotion, and I loved too much to feel it.
My sea of feelings was briefly softened by Dianna, whom I realized I was lying on top of, only when she put her head up again, and attempted to explain, “Oh I was on such a good trip Len... I was on a spaceship... but then I became the ship... and I was flying, oh it was beautiful!” and I could see it. And it was. Picturesque. But I couldn’t talk about that now, no matter how much I wanted to be visually engaged, I just needed to share emotions.
“I feel so much love right now,” I communicated casually. My tone seemed almost sleepy and uninterested, but I figured I was simply physically consumed, and mentally overwhelmed, by the experience. “Don’t you?!” Dianna asked excitedly; she seemed to definitely relate, as her eyes lit up. “There’s so much love in this apartment now, I couldn’t be any happier!” she exclaimed. I simply smiled. Smiling was weird, tense, but so natural. I remember back when we were painting, I couldn’t help but smile - like I had to tense up my muscles, and do it. But as I grew more pensive, I felt a decided separation from the come-up to the actual trip. The come-up was happiness, the trip was love. I separated them, deciding that, while happiness was beautiful, this was so much more engaging. Experiencing that much love didn’t make me want to smile. No, it just made me more of a sponge, and I just kept absorbing it all around me.
“And the fact that there’s so much art in here!” Dianna added, “I just, I just think this is what I’m meant to be doing, you know? Like all of this art is my calling... all of this art and love”. I would have spoken, but articulating a response took too much effort. (Honestly, I probably did, I just cannot remember what I said... I cannot remember how this particular conversation went, sadly, so I’m probably paraphrasing what exactly was said. I remember that I just kept going on and on about feelings, while Dianna expanded upon her affinities with art).
“You’re such an artist though, like, you actually are!” valley-girl speak was what was most articulate of me. I thought in very complex terms, but I was only able to express them in condensed form. If I attempted to exposed my theories, as I thought them out, I would have not made any sense whatsoever... but more about that later.
Dianna smiled, “So are you”, she said. And it was true: we were all artists, because we were all lovers. We were one and the same. Everyone. It was such a universal discernment, that I was sure, no, I knew, that she just had had the same thought. Dianna’s blue eyes immediately widened, her smile grew wider, and with a startled look on her face, she declared, “Oh Len, I just realized something, listen to this!”
I knew that was cue for me to turn around and sit directly in front of her. She spoke animatedly, and eloquently elucidated to me my second realization:
“Love is art, Len. Love is the abstraction of everything behind art.”
That made sense! I chimed in, “Yes because we communicate what we hold dear to us, what we’re passionate about!”
She nodded, “Yes, exactly! And art is just the tangible expression of love. The physical in what connects us and makes us feel. And it’s just so powerful, you know?”
This may sound like gibberish to you now, but it still makes perfect sense to me. To put it more fluently: art is a tangible manifestation of what arouses feeling in us, and regardless of what those feelings are, love is usually involved, as we create work based on things that we actually care about; while love is the conceptualized notion of all that’s behind artistic creation. See, it is an intelligible theory.
Immediately after reaching that enlightening conclusion, Dianna felt at a good mental place and got out of the shower. I knew I needed to stay for longer, alone, and trip a little bit. I thought that acid was going to transport me places randomly, but I had complete control on the level of immersion I wanted to experiment with, and now it was the time to dive. I leaned back and assumed Dianna’s old placement, but probably didn’t look as majestic (my arms and legs are about half her length’s!)
But instead of being richly involved into another world, I remained in the dimension of feelings I’d been previously exploring, until i closed my eyes. Closing my eyes was interesting. I’d say I wasn’t Tripping hard!!!1111,, but I definitely had compelling closed-eye visuals. It was mostly mandalas, and typical LSD-esque tubular designs, moving around in teal, golden orange, and this iridescent purple/magenta color. All the shades were extremely vivid, but the shape of what I was looking at exactly seemed unclear. It was all relatively dark, and I had to dig deep to let it fully overtake me. All in all, I thought that I hadn’t taken enough of Lucy’s juice to be actually optically enthralled, but boy was I wrong.
I decided I’d had enough of looking for an outer body experience, to then end up finding spiral patterns. I felt weirdly jealous of Dianna, and how, even with just half a blotter, she was able to feel and envision so much more than me. Maybe a change of scenery would have helped, I considered, so, with the little dexterity I had left, I turned off the shower and got up, determined to go out...only to realize my clothes weren’t there.
“Dianna!” I called out.
I heard her laughing, “Yes?”
“I think I left my clothes in your room... can I borrow some PJs, or something?” I asked. I sounded very normal, which was strange. Was my trip already over?
“Sure, one minute!”, I heard her exclaim from afar. She sounded so far, all the way in another room. Another room was another dimension... and I kept feeling bizarre: I wasn’t high anymore, I told myself. Yet, the feeling of peculiarity and weirdness was still there. The whole reality around me was uneasy, and standing there in the cold, topless and in soaked shorts, didn’t make things any un-uneasier. I decided to act sober, so that the trip would have further diminished, despite it had seemingly died out already.
Again, time was confusing, so I don’t know how much of it passed, but I stood there, like that, for a significant amount. I remember thinking how Dianna was taking forever, and I wanted to have some clothes on my body already! “Dianna, can I borrow a towel, at least?” I finally asked.
“Oh RIGHT. I’m so sorry Len, this has all ben so confusing!” I heard her, afar again.
Her steps edged closer, with a tense kind of grace. She seemed to float amidst gravity, her euphoria lifting her up, as she opened the door.
“Here,” she handed me a large white t-shirt, you know one of those they hand you somewhere you’ve actually been to, along with a pair of checkered pink and black bottoms. They were a little large on my small frame, but it was comfortable. Actually, it felt amazing. Like every inch of the fabric was cuddling my body. A pajama acid hug. The whole thing was so pleasing that I didn’t even mind my wet, long hair looking especially brown and curly in its state. I’d stood there so long it wasn’t even dripping anymore, just a little damp. Not to mention, my underwear had gotten soaked with Dianna’s shorts, from before (we never took our bottoms off, in the shower) and so I was having my first, and painfully necessary, college-commando experience. Even letting my lady parts breathe helped me calm down.
When I realized I was done dressing up, and had to head to Dianna’s room, I committed myself to keep what ended up being my sober-façade up. I can be completely unaffected by all of this, if I choose to, I reminded myself. So, one step after the other...- this is so weird.
As soon as I opened up the door, and saw Louise sitting there with Frey still, I knew this wasn’t over. It was too weird to be over. Too unusual. Too peculiar. My steps were fragmented, and tentative, and everything seemed suddenly extremely uninviting. The kitchen didn’t look like a kitchen, the common room didn’t look like the common room we’d been hanging out in, and Dianna’s room was another dimension. The dimension where my sisters and I had to step and be together in, immediately, I thought. I needed someone that could relate to what I was experiencing as soon as possible.
I walked in, to Summer’s velvety voice greeting me with gusto, “Len, wazzup!”
I felt myself frowning, despite not wanting to, “This is so weird,” was all I could say. Summer grinned, her blue eyes trying to perceive exactly what my state of mind’s valence was: good or bad weird? As if I’d just read her mind, I added, “Good weird, but still weird”. She nodded, and returned to whatever it was she had been doing on Dianna’s bed.
I think I should mention there were two beds on the room, positioned parallel to each other, with a vast walking space in the middle. I sat on the left side, on Dianna’s roommate’s bed (whose name I forget, as she wasn’t there that night), while Summer had been chilling on Dianna’s mattress, which was so messy that I think part of it might have been exposed. Still, not any messier than my mattress.
“Maybe it’s the SSRIs, you know? I read some people can’t really trip on those,” Dianna said, as she restlessly walked around the room. She kept stepping back and forth, while scratching and caressing her body. I was past that phase, but I still stroked my cheeks and chin way too much for my own good.
“Yeah, I don’t know. It’s not like I’m not feeling it, just not really anything too intense. I’m not affected by it.” Summer said. I connected the dots, and realized that Summer had probably lamented not being high, while I was still in the shower. I related to that, since it was just what I’d been thinking of, but things were about to change. Plus, quite frankly, Summer has a high tolerance when it comes to substances, albeit being even a couple of pounds less than me, and roughly the same height. I knew my girl, and I knew that merely half a blotter wasn’t going to, necessarily, be life-altering for her.
Me, on the other hand... I was a different story that was about to turn to its climaxing page. I am known to be moody, and it isn’t unusual for my state of mind to shift rapidly from hour to hour, depending on the circumstances. Acid really didn’t help with that. Its little lens zoomed in that shift, and before I could even process what my name was, I was back in the feels-dimension.
I felt everything. Everything that was inside that relatively small dorm room was transmitting some sort of energy that I absorbed in subtle, but extremely potent ways. Every single entity in the room, be it Summer or Dianna, a sweater on the floor, a sham-less pillow on the bed, or a picture of an asian little girl, was feeling with me everything. No, I guess a more accurate description would be that every single entity contributed to characterizing the room’s feel, and that feel in turn affected me, as the setting was pivotal to the experience. I was the room, or better, I was what I felt like in the room.
I looked around me, and the weirdest part was that all of these feelings came about on a purely superficial level. It wasn’t like I had immersed myself in the details surrounding many of the times thrown all over the place. Just by looking, just by simply noticing one, tiny little thing, the whole feel became different. It became richer, it expanded and grew inside me, until I couldn’t process it anymore.
I chose to focus on illustrations and decorations, since they were mere replicas of reality, and everything seemed like an unauthentic copy at the moment. Dianna had decorated her side of the cream-colored wall with a series of Keith Haring-themed designs, but one of them particularly stood out to me: it was a blue faceless stickman (his typical shapes) standing on a huge marine-mammal looking yellow creature. Its eyes were widened, just like its mouth, and it seemed like it was suffering from the weight, or perhaps the supposed motion, of the person on top of it. It made me very pensive.
At first, it sparked within me very literal thoughts. I imagined humans, and how terrible our relationship with animals really is, despite how much we pride ourselves in being the ‘protectors of the sea’, which made my vibe drop significantly. I thought about a particular instance in Sixth Grade, when one of our Middle School Orientation teachers had forced all of the grade in the our auditorium to view a then-recent video of seal violence in the arctic. I remember how disgusted and appalled I felt, but that only translated into resignation - not even sadness, just a desolate feeling as I decided that it was in human nature to be cruel, and not every animal could be free.
It was in human nature to be cruel. Like Seth. Seth had been cruel to me. And he always popped up. I don’t know why I had some sort of notion that I was over him, or that drugs would have made me over him, because despite the deeply-felt heart-to-heart I’d had with Summer the previous day, he was still there! Still monopolizing and dictating me and making me wonder, what had I done wrong? Why had I lost him. Why didn’t I see him anymore. Wait. I was the one not seeing him anymore, not the other way around!
As I still stared at the blue stickman, I realized I was it. I was the stickman and Seth was the little seal, because I had always been on top of him (technically, in more ways than one, but I’m trying to be serious here, so I’m keeping it on a strictly emotional level). Yes! I thought to myself, yes, yes! I was the one with the power, and he was just a tiny little fragment of my life.
And that’s when my third realization hit me: nothing really mattered. Everything seemed extremely small and insignificant, all of my relationship problems, I mean. Seth didn’t matter anymore, he was just another guy. A guy I’d been heavily infatuated with, granted, but at the end of the day just another stupid, socially impaired guy. He was going to be part of my journey through life, of course, and he had changed a lot of me within this journey - but he was just a part. A preLy short-lived part, at that.
And soon, everything in the room became scarily meaningless.
Now, I’ve mentioned in various other parts of this report how meaninglessness was a crucial component to most of what I felt... but now, it had become extremely so. Not only was I unable to process the inner meaning of everything, but it ceased to have a purpose altogether. Everything was nothing, at the same time.
I’ve always been a bit of a nihilist, but I never realized how much frustration this could have ended up costing a day-tripper me. I looked at the Keith Haring designs, all of them, and they bothered me because they were so open ended, they meant so much, yet nothing at the same time. The conflict my mind was feeling, in searching for a meaning that was everything and everyone, and nowhere and nobody, simultaneously, made me feel so irritated that I had to engage with humans.
I hadn’t realized it, but Summer had approached me, while I was feeling the empowerment (I think I mentioned to her how I was the blue man, and Seth the seal, my seal). She smiled really wide, and, I don’t know why, but my vision chose to fall somewhere it never does: her nostrils. I kind of noticed how Summer had particularly big nostrils at that angle - she was looking down at me - and the blackness of her nostril was just spooky. The shape of it, weirdly angular, and her flesh so pale around it... it just made me feel gloomy and odd, and I perceived a macabre presence. The macabre presence of death - of the endless blackness in her little nasal holes.
“I saw death. In your nostril!”, just like that. Fragmented sentence escaped day-tripper me.
That made her crack up big time. Summer quickly erupted in a long, loud string of laughter that made me feel, all of a sudden, warm inside again. The human presence, the human spirit, or humanity in general - they all reminded me that we weren’t robots, that we weren’t programmed to be cruel, to loathe, to hate. That was another instance where Lucy reminded me to love more, and hate less. Even Summer’s death-shaped nostril deserved some love, because it was part of my best friend, in the good and the bad.
And love was quick to wrap me up in its arms again. Love was quick to take me in, with all of the wonderful other stem of heart-warming emotions I’d associated with it. I thought about my reality, and how much love I felt in this new place, a new place I’d moved to in a whim, surrounded by people I didn’t know, and how they did love me already, and how I loved them. I felt far, again.
I was far away from my sassy mother, from my hot-headed father, from my sweet doggie. I was far away from the incidents with my friends... but what got me going was the fact that I was so far away from the friend I loved the most: Lorence. Back in my home country, I’d met Lorence about a year earlier, at my former best friend’s party. Lorence and I quickly bonded over music, and subsequently became bandmates. Throughout the year, our relationship had tightened, and
he was (still is) one of the people I cared to keep up with and carry on in my life. He had been close friends with Frey as well. And it all connected - the meaningless meaning was meaningful again. I realized how much I loved him, and how much love there was between us despite the distance: what a beautiful friendship - he is my brother.
And that, that’s what made me break down in tears.
Summer had been making some videos of us, (she still saw herself as the ‘sober one’, and Dianna was sitting in a corner, still in the grip of the mysterious ants that had made her manically break down in laughter) so that we could watch them afterwards, sober. I have seen these videos numerous times, and, according to the footage, I was laughing initially.
Something happened along the way that prompted me to fall into thought (this is probably when I looked over at the Keith Haring sticker), and there is a pretty disturbing moment where I hit my fist repeatedly against the bed, while moaning in frustration. I think that’s when the lack of sense of reality got really intense, and everything felt like ‘too much’, so nothing it meant was ever enough. I think that was my release of the weirdness. After that fisting session is where I break down and cry. You can also hear Summer, and her lovely voice, singing to me a kind of lullaby, and exclaiming, “Wow, you’re having a revelation, aren’t you?”
I nodded, and, apparently, felt very uncomfortable at the fact that she was filming, since I exclaimed, “Stop looking at me! Stop filming me! Stop fucking filming this!” as I wiped a tear away from my eye. Summer is Summer, so she obviously didn’t. I looked straight at the camera for (what I realized later were) several seconds before resuming the tear-fest and, with Dianna- like wavy arm motions, announced “I’m letting it go; so much.” And I was. I let go of Seth, I let go of the drama, of glorifying nostalgic pasts that had never existed in the first place. And it was beautiful.
The video appeared to end right when we all began to laugh at my hideous gospel-like intonation. I remembered we laughed extremely loudly, to the point where I think Louise and Frey must have gotten scared at the door. Or maybe not. Probably not, no, they probably knew even better than us.
So, I just told you what I was experiencing at the moment, and what I was physically doing. Notice how different those episodes and reflections seemed? On acid, progression and synchronicity don’t really exist. A thought flows into the other, which flows into the other, and it all melts together in reactions and feelings. So, while this was going on, I still had the ‘we’re all so small!’ realization fresh in my mind, which made me cry even more because I saw our reality as perfect, as little, as functional - when compared to the space and solar system. Because no matter small, it was still all love and beauty.
Unexpectedly, (by now, at least) I don’t know how long the crying went on for. I don’t think it was that much, the tears were quick and cold, but it was so intense it slowed down. I cried every single happy feeling I had ever had in my entire life... or so it seemed like I was doing. It was like every happy moment in my life, which had caused me to feel happy in the past, was uniting in a explosion of euphoria and fulfillment. Through the tears I was releasing all of it: I was crying my life away.
The emotional liberation I partook in had definitely drained my mind, and I was ready to lean back and trip it out. I sprinted to the living room, and, with shaky hands, picked up my laptop and headphones. Back in Dianna’s room, she was lying back on her bed, making funny faces and giggling as she stared at the ceiling. I decided to do the same thing, but with probably much different music.
What to listen to became an overwhelming dilemma. I had awaited this moment for so long, that when it actually came, I was extremely conflicted. Since thinking about all of the possibilities overwhelmed me, I decided to let my thoughts melt into my one catchphrase for the trip, “I’m so far”, I whispered, sighing. Immediately, I knew that I had to put on Spring Hall Convert by Deerhunter, as the lyrics of the outro clearly sing out, “So far away...”.
I remember once reading, when I was fourteen, on the lead singer’s blog, about the origins of that song. There was a bright picture to go along with it of a girl; she was spreading her palms open wide below her chin, letting her long fingers frame her face, as a light shone directly on her peaceful expression. She had her eyes closed, and a soK, serene smile. According to the singer, Bradford Cox, that song was actually about states of consciousness, and morphine, (he has Marphan’s, so he wrote it at the hospital, while he was very sick) - but the picture was taken during an acid trip. During my own trip, all of those elements linked together: the peacefulness, the serenity, the pink shining light, the states of consciousness... that was the quintessential acid song, and if you ever trip yourself- I urge you to listen to it. It’ll enhance the experience, no doubt. I mean, it’s preTy amazing to me on its own, and it’s very amazing to me on weed... but on acid? It was fucking incredible. It was auditory LSD, it was auditory art, it was auditory love.
As I was transported through my hearing into another dimension, I decided to let sight join me in my venture. Turns out, visuals were much easier to attain once I just looked for them. The ceiling above us was this textured, off-white-yet-off-cream color, but the various granules of shadows that hit it transformed into shapes in no time. They began waving around, enlarging and retreating, a little like the sink before. It didn’t take too long for them to become mitochondria-like pieces of paisley, and then little snakes! They had a very specific green-yellow- purple color scheme, which I found wildly entertaining: why would I remember color theory while tripping out? Because this is a magical substance, my friends.
The shapes kept vibrating and moving around to the rhythm of the music, and I was in heaven. I was away. I was so far. They put on a real show, not too long after that. They spun, circled, and jumped at a steady and wondrously syncopated pace. It was like they were putting up a performance especially for me. They danced for me and my mind only. For the benefit of my entertainment, there I was. And there were them. Even though I thought I was the only person to see them, they didn’t feel like they were part of my mind. They felt like something else. Utterly and entirely disconnected with my cervical perception. And looking for them was strenuous. Strenuous, but amazing, and well-worth the effort. Truly mind-blowing.
We remained like that until I had to change the song, and that’s the first time I had access to a clock ever since we dropped. After calling Dianna, who had still been staring at the ceiling and enjoying herself quite a bit, on her bed, by tapping her feet, I felt like I need to let all of my sisters know, “Girls... my digital clock here says it’s only ti AM. It’s only ti ftUYS!”. I’m not sure what I was expecting, probably some sort of insane time vortex to swallow me, and let me out when it had passed through normal perception. It felt like the whole night had passed. Like a thousand nights had passed, actually. How could it only be one?
My question wasn’t really answered, as Mark stumbled upon the door of Dianna’s room, opening it loudly, “Dianna!” He exclaimed, reaching out for the bed, “You have no idea... I was editing the footage for the, um, the movie... then, then I decided to smoke up a bit before coming over. So I got the munchies, and I raided my suite’s fridge for something to eat... I found these cookies, and they were so good... I had like three of those, man. But they were edibles... so I’m about to pass out...” his speech wasn’t upbeat as usual, but lethargically entranced into the dimension of sleep.
I could imagine what being high and sleepy on weed would have been like, but I was so far! I was on acid, and that sight just saddened me. Weed seemed to be dull and boring, while I was in that state. Don’t get me wrong, I would have gladly smoked my way out during the come down, but all the euphoria and inspiration I was feeling on acid would have been dulled out at that point, and by then I realized that this trip wasn’t about enhancing visuals (which weed would have definitely aided me in), no, this trip was me exploring the realm of feelings. A realm I don’t feel incredibly comfortable with on a daily basis.
Because I’m not particularly attached to Mark, and because I definitely didn’t feel like I could confront repressed feelings in front of him, I knew, as soon as he lied on the bed and Dianna sat next to him, that I had to leave. I couldn’t be in that room with Mark.
Everything that was beautiful became corrupted. All the feelings of peace and empowerment were wiped out by anxiety and weakness. Mark’s energy wasn’t my energy, and I wanted to leave immediately.
“I...I have to go. Now.” I declared, clumsily grabbing my headphones and my laptop, and heading straight out of the room. Summer decided to leave the lovebirds alone, and followed me back into the common area. I read up that whenever the trip takes a sudden, negative turn, it was a good idea to change my surroundings. I headed out in the hallway, in my pajamas. I had made the smart decision to ‘borrow’ a blanket from Dianna’s and wrapped myself around it.
I went back to the spot where we looked at cars, sat on the railing by the balcony, and realized Summer had followed me there. She sang such a beautiful melody, I can’t recall what it was, but her voice was beautiful and it made it sound... so far. I was far. I was far from her. I was far from singing. (I should mention, I used to sing too... in New York I still haven’t goTen the opportunity, or the balls, really, to go for it, and her nonchalance while exposing such talent brought me to a ‘realization’ - the use of the quote marks is pivotal, in this case).
I teared up at the thought, and then attempted to present it audibly, “I know my calling,” I felt the speed at which the cold tear dripped down my cheek, “I’m a messenger; I’m not an artist... I just wasn’t meant to be” I repeated bitterly. Summer frowned, “What? What makes you say that?” she asked. She seemed visibly startled, like I’d just asked why it was wrong to commit murder.
“I’ve been a sponge for this whole trip. I’ve just been absorbing so much, and you girls produce! You and Dianna, you guys are so talented, and I just want to know people as talented as you. My talents, well, they don’t really come through. I quit them, because they didn’t fit in my life, and it means they’re not important to me. I’m a messenger, I hold a voice, not the voice”, yeah that should be close to what I said. I wasn’t really explaining myself, as much as I was giving her excuses on my artistic laziness. To this day, this remains one of the most daunting moments of my life. I was so sure my future and destiny would have led me to a longing for creativity myself, that it scared me. Forever wishing, forever absorbing, and never creating.
Summer was not convinced at all by my argument, but had probably realized how so far I was, that she didn’t have the strength to prove me wrong. We theorized on the nature of direction (“Why do cars even move?”), the meaning of light (“Why are lights on, why are lights on...!”), and the altitude of New York City (“Imagine jumping...!”), before heading back inside. I was much more inquisitive than Summer, who, at every question, decided to wisely admit she just “didn’t know!” with a smile of sincerity painted on her face.
Once we were back in, I noticed Frey and Louise had put up some of our creations from earlier on during the night. They also showed us the results of their drawing game, which were interesting, to say the least! They were fun to look at, although they made me feel weird. As always, the acid-kind of artificial unsettlement in a reality that did not compute. At all. Louise then began to critique and comment them in a way I found so bizarrely formal, “I like the negative space up here!” she said, pointing to the white part of the swirls that I’d been working on right after dropping. I hadn’t even realized I’d left a space... “We should hang it up!” she suggested. Summer seemed to think it was a great idea, but to me the painting was mediocre, and I laughed at the thought of someone wanting to look at it everyday.
We then stumbled upon other swirls I’d made, on another piece of cardboard, which looked weirdly familiar. “Oh my god, this is definitely a thing... like a person, look at the face. It’s cool” Frey added. I inspected the lines and the strokes, then seeing that yes, it was someone. I don’t know whom, but someone indeed. A blue face on a sea of red and gold features. Picturesque. Too bad I don’t know where that one ended up, that one was the only one worth looking, I thought.
Immediately after that, Louise and Frey adorably followed through their nightly routine of sleeping. Frey was going to sleep with her in her bed, and they were both going to crash. I was comforted that no normal people were going to be awake now. I needed to retreat into acid, after that intense hallway calling. Summer and I sat on the couch, and with shaky hands, began to type out our feelings. Me by pressing fingers, on this very same keyboard I’m currently pressing fingers on, and her by tapping her phone’s screen. She came up with a magnificent poem, of glistening quality. Me, on the other hand, I did.. well, I did this:
I guess that was an attempt at explaining the fourth realization of the night, which dawned upon me as I was pressing said keys! I realized that on a day-to-day basis it was only what I had to define me, not who I was. It wasn’t about my qualities, or my personality traits, no, it was about my clothes and my nail polish and my makeup and... it couldn’t be that way. Not anymore. This experience was way too spiritual for me to deny my existence as a spirit. As a formerly incredibly nihilist-absurdist person, - I find comfort in chaos - I just couldn’t accept meaninglessness anymore, no I had to build up my soul and believe in something greater than me. Something intangible. I needed to be more.
Back in Dianne’s room, we could infer what was happening from the noise. She was clearly trying to get a quickie on with Mark, “Please, please, please!” we heard her tender voice beg, but it was to no avail. Mark was braindead on the sleep-syndrome, and not much fun was to be expected from more time there. She then walked out and came to check up on us. She looked visibly less literally ‘antsy’ and euphoric than she’d been all night. And that’s when I had the most sparkling, brilliant idea of the night, “Let’s go out,” I proposed.
Summer, who wrote a play called Insomnia: The Musical, was clearly in for aimless walking at night on acid, and Dianna agreed on the premise that we were going out to pick up food for her. Since I hadn’t had anything since the sushi, and had to keep my motor running for the trip, I agreed. We quickly went back to Dianna’s to pick up our clothes - we all gave up on bras... or other soaked underwear by that point - and put them on. I wasn’t the least bit impaired, nor did I have trouble putting my clothes on, but I was still so far. I was still in an impossibly weird, nonsensical, and removed abysmal world of non-realities.
I looked at the first ‘paining’ I’d made, as soon as I had my beanie back on. My way-too-material heels squeaked on the ground, and my way-too-material brown lipstick was thoughtlessly re- applied by me, with ease. This was almost automatic to me, and that’s when the painting spoke.
“Len,” it called me. Now, it’s not like I could hear the painting as a specific person, I knew it was mostly me doing the talking... but it seemed to come from the direction of the painting. So I aTribute the conversation I had as a conversation with a painting.
“Len, you made me!”, it reminded me, “You made me. You created ME. You can create. You can be!” that was true. Dianna and Summer had noticed my affinity towards the painting, and called my name numerous times as I headed over to touch the paper, “Summer is right. You’re wrong” yeah, yeah I was! Just because I was experiencing so much, and forced to absorb it, it didn’t mean I was never going to be able to produce artistic material ever again. Much on the contrary...
“You can do an be whatever you want! You’re here. If you made it here, you can definitely make anything. Stop trying to stop yourself. Quit qui^ng...” the voice of the painting grew fainter, and as I kept stroking it, it has said whatever it had to say, and quieted down in my head.
I looked back at the girls, who were still attentively watching me, “The painting just spoke! It spoke to me. The painting spoke to me! It told me that you were right, Summer, you were right and that messenger shit is stupid. I can be and do what I want” I declared my fifth realization, happily. If I have enough inspiration to produce, I will. Eventually.
“THANK YOU!” Summer conceded loudly. And now, it was us against the City.
This might, perhaps, get a little repetitive, but once we had made the decision to go to food (yeah, that was our destination), we felt, preTy much, sober. This might have been because, once you go back to a place of lucidity and intelligible, non-crowded thinking, it is hard to accept you might fall back in the trip.
The type of hunger that we were feeling, by the way, was very unlike standard munchies from Mary-Jane. Lucy’s hunger was more along the lines of knowing that we were going to be awake for a long time, and having to keep our bodies running, in order not to fall asleep.
Throughout the whole day, I’d only had a Special-K Bar, coffee and the sushi from before, so I wanted to fill myself a bit. Just a quick snack: not like I needed food, but I wanted to nourish my inner self.
When we headed downstairs, I remembered how I, originally (before the trip commenced), felt extremely worried at the idea of going out, or even having to sign myself in and show my face to the guards, high. My pupils were as wide as saucers, and I was still very physically tense and jittery. Thankfully, going out was actually painless. I tried to use my University ID to walk out, only to be reminded by Dianna that I didn’t need it to exit... yeah, still very much not sober, am I?
As soon as we went outside, in the cold breeze of early October, the wet tips of my hair tingled, and I felt almost like a sphere of energy forming inside me. It was regenerating, and it made me immediately fall within the trip again. I looked at cars, and how their bumpers looked like faces. I smiled and waved at them. Cars were like domestic animals: they reflected the people inside, so if I made friends with the cars, I would have made friends with everyone inside them.
My childhood memories were back in the prime-time periphery of my mind. I remembered, back when I used to play this game, when I was in grade school, where I waved at drivers in the highway. Sometimes, they thought it was cute, you know? They smiled and waved right back. Others, just ignored us. Luckily nothing ever obscene happened (let’s thank the innocence of my home country for a second here). Anyways, the cars were the owners. The owners were people. I was a person. They were like me! They were like me, and they also lived in my world. A sense of belonging in Union Square suddenly washed up over my body, and New York City had never felt more like my home. I was that little kid on the highway again, seeing everything, and recognizing it as new. I suddenly wondered, what would smoking be like?
I picked a cigarette from my fresh pack of Marlboro 27s (oh, Europe thank you for making me smoke), and lit it up. Let me just say, even sober, I have a peculiar relationship with smoking- time. Some cigarettes burn away within the shuffle of one song when I commute home, while others seem to take ages to ash out as I walk through avenues and avenues. This one, to my amazement, was a strange example of the laTer category.
It lasted forever. Maybe it was because Dianna was in a hurry to get to CVS - the closest destination to pick up some quick snacks at - but I felt like I stood there, huffing and puffing out in the middle of the night, for a very long time. Smoking always mellows me out significantly - I mean I’ve been smoking for almost a year now, and sometimes, I still feel dizzy and lightheaded from cigarettes. Drifting in philosophical endeavors was calming, and as always, a given, as soon as I was mentally solo.
Any activity I performed by myself encouraged me to re-evaluate my relationship with others around me, and as soon as Dianna and Summer began to walk around and observe the city lights without me, I just kept studying my cigarette and asked myself, “What the hell is the point of smoking anyways?” I might have said it out loud, but I can’t remember. I smiled ironically, realizing how helpless I was in determining the answer to that conundrum.
I walked over to Summer, and, holding my cancer stick, declared amusingly, “This is the most meaningless act someone can ever perform”. She smiled and raised her shoulders. What I loved about Summer is that she never had forced me out of my habits: here she was, completely relating to what I said, even if it was un-relatable for her. Nevertheless, it was pointless for something to be pointless on acid, so it suddenly came to me.
The packs of Lucky Strikes that Lorence and I had ‘split’ (he bought them, and basically picked a couple up and leK the rest for me, that bastard), social cigarettes over beer outside in the cold winter, nights of post-joint chain-smoking all summer long... it was all in my past, and it all shaped who I was. It was a stupid habit, yeah sure, but one that I could not shake. A little passport of memories that had impacted me just as much as my clothes, or ideologies.
Summer still stood silent, and I smiled at her, even more abused when I added, “But it does have meaning... for me,” She looked back and raised her eyebrows, “Really?” she asked. I couldn’t tell whether she was actually interested, or in her own world, faking it, but I thought it was important to respond, and present my sixth realization, “It keeps my home alive, within me. That’s what habits do. Habits are just our ways to remind ourselves that we’re our own home. They’re familiar, and keep a bridge between all the change... they just don’t change.” Obviously I was speaking for myself: a lot of people have found health and benefits in stopping to smoke, or whatever nasty thing they might have been doing. But I am not planning on it, I need to remind myself that I have a home within me, one that won’t change no matter where I go.
When I was finally done, we were ready to walk inside CVS and get something in our tummies (honestly, smoking has never made me feel less hungry, if I really wanted food), just as we were stopped by a young woman wearing a maxi-skirt and a brown leather jacket. She stopped us when she heard Dianna discussing the possibility of going to a more traditional restaurant, where we could sit down and be served.
“Oh girls, if you’re looking for somewhere to eat you could go to the Cafeteria” she said. I’m sure whatever the name of the place was, it wasn’t Cafeteria. Something along the lines of that, though. Dianna smiled and Summer responded, “Oh we were just there earlier today, it was great!”
“Ah, shucks!” she said. She was holding a large tote bag, which she pushed over her shoulder. I observed her quietly, my first stranger on acid! She looked so quintessentially human, and in that basic humanity, I found an endless sense of peace and beauty. It was almost artistic, and art was love, so I quickly started to feel an overwhelming rush of love for that woman, “You’re beautiful” I remarked, interrupting the conversation she was having with Dianna, which was probably normal and boring anyways.
“Oh wow, thank you!” she said. I don’t think I’d make the same observation in a sober state - this girl had crooked teeth, unruly frizzy hair, and was slightly short and stubby. Yet she was perfect, naturally effortless in her harmonious self, and I couldn’t hold it in from her. As she walked away, she recommended some website for...something? Like a natural-remedy doctor, I think. I didn’t know, neither did I care too much. I kept watching her small feet stumble through in heavy, dark boots. How could I tell her how faultlessly she moved? “Your color is green!” I announced as she headed in the subway. She frowned, and was probably a little weirded out, “Ah. I guess I’ll keep that in mind!”, she said skeptically. Maybe she thought I was stoned. Maybe she recognized my condition!
Dianna laughed loudly as soon as the girl was gone. “And your color is teal!” I said to Summer. This color assignment wasn’t really based on anything more than my personal state of mind. I don’t normally think people have ‘colors’, and nor do I ‘see auras’ or anything... everyone simply had a color that communicated their personality.
How I came to those conclusions, I wouldn’t know. It was some trippy synesthetic association I embraced, not much more to explain.
The girls agreed with me, and quickly jumped on the bandwagon, “What’s my color, Len?” asked Dianna. I looked at her, her big, welcoming smile and tall, yet delicate, frame. “You’re like, a light... light blue.” She nodded slowly, probably trying to envision herself as a light blue, “Yeah!”, she acknowledged my judgment. “I can see that too”, Summer added. Dianna suddenly looked at me and emphatically remarked, “You’re definitely red. Like an intense, blood-red.” I smiled, “Crimson” I translated. I stroked my leK wrist, where my King Crimson-themed Larks Tongues on Aspic taToo lied. Man do I love that band.
Then, finally, we walked inside CVS to get something to eat. Lucy’s distractions were entertaining, but we still had a goal. Humanity pulsed within that store, which I never notice on a daily basis. I always thought that CVS, Walgreen’s, or Duane and Reade were very plastic- looking places, sterile conglomerates for munchie-related needs. But in that moment, it definitely wasn’t. They were still places for our needs, of course, but they were human, and life flowed within them. The music that played, some sort of 80s female-sung pop, was being chanted by a human, for humans. The magazines I looked at depicted humans, and other humans read them. CVS represented the mirror to my little human reality - a small corner on the small universe we inhabit. Tininess was incredibly comfortable, and incredibly human. Yet, not many of the commodities in the store made sense to me; in fact, I was still having a hard time processing the point and reality of objects around me, but I was still connected to this world. Undoubtedly so. Sadly enough, Dianna immediately realized that she the food was barred: “Guys, the food is barred down. Let’s go up” she proposed, running towards the escalators. I knew the chances of us finding food upstairs were slim - the second floor mostly stocked up drugstore beauty products and pharmacy-related health items. But I wouldn’t have missed the escalators for the world. Only the one going upward was properly working, and it felt amazing to be basically lifted up; so different from the everyday, almost chore-like, feeling of upward escalators - I was ascending.
As we thought, upstairs was just makeup... and I had already too much of that, so we went straight down. Going down wasn’t as magical as going up, since I actually had to use my legs. It was heavy-handed and slow. As I tiptoed my black heeled mini-boots on the pavement, I felt like I was a mammoth approaching. Yet, we’d just crossed another bridge on our quest... it was taking us somewhere else, which made me thrilled and excited.
Time was not one of our concerns on acid, so Dianna suggested us heading to Grand Central Station. I think she had some sort of asian or indian food craving, and told us that they had all kinds of restaurants inside. Off we went, just to ‘check it out’, first and foremost. My friends and I like to keep our options open when we go out: we rarely make plans or agree on timing, but in that moment, it seemed like we had all the time in the world, to see all it could have offered us.
We entered the subway with dwindling conviction. I marched onwards, assertively leading the way, while Dianna followed in a haze of longer steps, but Summer seemed to hesitate behind us. As soon as we arrived underground, she stopped to look at us in the eye, “I don’t have my phone,” she remarked. Dianna smiled, adding “Neither do I!”
Summer turned to me, “Len?”, she called. I had considered taking my phone with me to blast some trip tunes as we walked along, but it felt unauthentic. So far, acid had warped the reality around me in a way that I had never experienced before, and I wanted to see what it could do with the natural sounds and rhythms of the city street-life. Reality needed to bend itself, in order for me to be legitimately surprised by it, and if I was listening to music, I would have altered the process drastically. So, in answer to Summer, “Nah, no phone on me”.
“One of us should have a phone. I think I’ll just go get mine from upstairs. It’s also a good idea to let Louise, Frey, or Mark know that we’re going out” she said. Her argument seemed reasonable, but I was able to tackle it, for the sake of our destination, “Frey and Louise are probably asleep, and Mark totally crashed on that bed, though. Do you think we really need to wake them up? We’re just going to go to Grand Central, grab a bite, and come back.” I made it sound so easy, and it was... for people not on psychedelic drugs.
What followed was the most lingering moment of the Trip, the most annoying part of it all - climbing the stairs up, and down, up, and down. Dianna and Summer could not, for the life of themselves, make a sensible decision over whether to get the phones or not. I wasn’t going to go, regardless: I’d made my decision, and I needed to progress and move the night forward. What frustrated me about them two, in that moment in particular, was the fact that they were messing with the flow of time and events. They kept going back, and forward, wasting precious minutes, and unable to decide upon a direction. Thankfully, under my council, we decided to all ditch phones and embark on our little technicolor adventure.
If I had to choose one single adjective to describe sitting in that subway, I’d pick climactic. This is interesting, since taking public transport is one of the most bland things we do, on an everyday basis, or so I thought. I mean, if I were to take the subway today, I’m preTy sure I’d still feel preTy bored with the experience, but there is something undoubtedly fascinating with sharing space amongst strangers - united by the need for a destination. The subway appeared to me as a metaphor for my trip. It was a very paradoxical and meta-moment.
I looked around, wondering how frightened or foolish I looked, as I couldn’t help but feel extreme amazement: American trains were so different from the ones in my hometown. The digital destination maps, the clear lights, the improvised ads... it all made me curiously compelled... because, yet again, none of it made any sense, or mattered. The subway was a powerful metaphor, of course, but I still couldn’t process it in terms of its separate components. I remember, particularly, how startled I was by the mechanics of transportation. It seemed like such complicated subject matter that I felt a deep respect towards whomever was in charge of taking care of it.
On a more personal level, I suddenly started to stare at the two middle-aged men sitting in front of me: one of them looked Hispanic and pensive, while the other was a sleepy Asian. Such different people, probably with different lives, and different destinations. Yet for a few moments, they sat next to each other - closer than they must have goTen to the ones they actually longed for. We were all heading somewhere - to progress, to paTerns, to dreams. Their destination was just the same as mine, fulfillment.
I honestly cannot find the missing link between this consideration, and what then evolved to become my seventh realization on acid. I immediately knew, the more I looked at those men, that I wanted no more secrets in my life, no more games, no more lies. I just wanted to be clean, out in the open with all of my feelings and emotions (something I’ve always kind of struggled with). Secrets seemed like such an immature and trivial convention, with their scope being solely to prevent bonding, and deeper connections, with others. The only way to form these relationships was by being raw, and true to myself. To all of me. And that made me smile a lot.
I thought about the mess that took place back home, before I leK, and once again, I felt surprisingly good about it. Originally, I was apprehensive and almost threatened by the possibility of that incident enticing bad thoughts, but it really didn’t. I felt clean about it, because I had come clean for what I did. I had confessed and stated the truth, and I was so happy that it had actually taken place, because it gave me a chance to realize who my real friends, through it all, actually had been. I felt lighter, more genuine, more real.
Once our stop was up, we exited right at Grand Central. No surprise to me, the station was closed. “Oh crap!”, Dianna exclaimed, “I forgot it’s 3:30, and it closes at 3!” she added, looking alarmed. But just as we were about to lose our peppy, wheat-blonde torch to light up our night’s attitude, her sunshiny smile came right back up on her face, “Let’s go to Times Square!”
Without a word, Summer and I both knew that was exactly where we had to go. The premise of being in the most famous visually appealing place in the world, on the most famous visually appealing substance in the world, was alluring the three of us in the same exact way. And, at that point, we also had a similar level of lucidity within us, which made it very easy to find the right way towards midtown, just some twenty blocks away.
I can’t even begin to explain the satisfaction of reaching such a fun, bright-looking, spectacular part of New York... mostly because I was unable to process it myself. I was back in sponge-mode, taking in and absorbing all the feelings I could take in and absorb. Visually, it was a really heavy part of the trip - not because of any hallucination, but because the colors were so rich and vibrant that they made the city look alive. Another bit and trace of human soul, of human visibility, and humanity itself. Every single color told me a story, and transmitted a feeling. (I wish I could make more clear associations between colors and moods, but I never wrote any of it down, so I’m afraid I have forgoTen exactly what ‘vibes’ I got).
A highlight of our ocular tour downtown was the enormous and flashing Desigual store. Some animations were being displayed on giant LCD screen panels; nothing fancy, just color blocks flashing and alternating - an epileptic’s nightmare. The shades were all neon, and all kinds of them appeared, but one particular succession that stayed with me was red-yellow-green, which filled me up with hope and happiness. I guess I do remember one of the associations I made, green = hope. Forever and always.
When we got close enough to see the actual clothes, I was stupefied. On a central, headless, white plastic mannequin was placed a 60s-cropped dress, embellished by an optical illusion checkered black-and-white print all over it, which seemed to shake at every movement of my pupils. That dress was the staple definition of my old Literature teacher’s style, and I was sent back in my memories, as a cold tidal wave of old experiences washed over me.
Let me explain, for a second. This teacher, whom we’ll call Ms. Potter, to make life a little bit more interesting and magical, was never particularly fond of me. I have never been famous for my native-language literature abilities, but the exam grade I received, at the end of my two years of IB Program, had definitely proved her wrong and exceeded my every expectation. But it wasn’t in hatred that I thought of her, no. It was because, one particular afternoon of early 2012, when I was an overweight, fifteen-year-old brunette, as she was explaining the way humans relate to one another, she had advised us, “If you want to learn how, and what, things you say can affect the meaning of what’s being understood by those around you, you should study Communications, like I have”. The topic had never particularly intrigued me, but Potter had a very considerable amount of knowledge on a vast array of interesting subjects. Unknowingly, I realized I had followed her footsteps, and I was studying Communications. Me, the now-skinny, eighteen-year-old blonde had demonstrated her that she had misjudged me, and that I did have a lot to offer. I felt complete - almost to the point where I wanted to send her an email when we went back to Dianna’s. Eventually I smartly decided against it, since my last aTempts at prose were pretty horrifying.
Dianna, Summer, and I eventually found a deli that was open, and seemingly low-key. I picked up a box of hummus and pita chips, Dianna a croissant and a burrito, and Summer didn’t get anything, since she claimed “to have been eating cookies all night long”. I knew that wasn’t true, but I respected her decisions and well-being, so I let her be in harmony with herself. Really, the food and eating it turned out to be the most uneventful part of our commute back through the subway. I noticed that Dianna was studying the jelly texture of her brioche incredibly amusing way: she would squeeze it up in a nut-like shape, and then turn around to me while giggle-whispering, “Doesn’t it remind you of a vagina?” (which yes, it totally did, by the way).
Once we were back in the Union Square subway, Dianna paced up her walking and straightened her face with a pensive thought, “Sometimes I feel like I’m not doing anything here...” she wondered out loud. This one hit me, like a slingshot in the back of my brain, and I had a brand-new weapon to argue against her: my eighth realization.
“That is absolutely not true. You’re doing so much, all the time. Even now, you’re walking, you’re breathing, you’re talking, and thinking! That’s a lot, and it’s all simultaneously. It’s amazing how much we can do, without realizing. We’re constantly doing something, moving, accomplishing, progressing. We can’t help but do.” I definitely wasn’t that eloquent when I commented, but in a nutshell that was my thinking. This is true, sometimes I still take for granted the amount of things I do - reminding myself that every action, every process, every succession is important, fundamental for my sanity and well-being.
Despite the fact that mine was a response to Dianna’s complaint, the person who was most impacted by what I said was Summer. She seemed visibly shocked - her eyes widened, she shook her head, looked over and proceeded to thank me for saying that. I, like a good old snarky asshole, simply smirked and encouraged not to thank me for saying the truth. I liked my newfound wisdom, it built in me solid confidence and strength.
On our way out of the station, we saw an elderly woman, who wore an all-black outfit consisting of leather pants, a cowboy hat, and cowboy boots. Her straight red hair was up in a tight ponytail. She noticed the giddy looks in our faces, and immediately smiled back, telling us, “You three look beautiful together! For how long have you been friends?”
I don’t know why I felt entitled to answer that question the way I did, I let my soul speak, “Forever”. I knew that that experience had made Summer and Dianna think the same, so, in their discrete laughter, I sensed newfound comfort in our friendship. I loved how at ease and in- sync we finally were.
She smiled, small, golden teeth emerging from thin, purple lips, “How long has that been? Seventeen, eighteen years? Nineteen or twenty?” she asked. Dianna smiled and confirmed, “Yes, more or less our whole lives!”
“Well, you do look pretty young! How old are you?” she asked again, but before Dianna could say a single word, the woman went on, “No, wait! I’ll guess it. Wait!” I found that woman hilarious; we hadn’t even moved ever since she’d stopped us! She began to close her eyes, rubbing her palms together, and followed by asking Dianna a series of questions regarding her mountainy preferences, to then suggest a series of unlucky guesses, “Is it Novembah? Octobah? It’s gotta be late-Octobah-early-Novembah!” her New York accent came through with its full force on the last desperate guesses, “No, not really, I’m sorry!” Dianna added. Like it was her fault.
She, then, moved on to me. One penetrating look, with her almond-shaped, glassy brown eyes, was enough to declare, “Oh you girl. You girl, LOVE a camera. And the camera loves you”. I wonder why she didn’t even aTempt to guess my birthday, which is what she immediately moved on to try with Summer. I didn’t catch what she asked, because, as Summer was supposedly beginning to answer back, we felt the cold, aseptically artificial breeze of a new train racing by. “Oh that’s my train. I will see you, girls. Stay friends! Please stay friends!”, the woman said goodbye to us and ran downstairs, her small legs shaking furiously along with her frantic exposed tongue.
We leK it unspoken, but all of us felt that was another sign, one that indicated how helplessly we’d been bounded through this experience. Who that woman was didn’t matter; the fact that she was terrible at guessing birthdays didn’t matter; what mattered was the fact that we heard it from another voice: Stay friends! Please stay friends! And we were going to. And we are going to. Besides that, that interaction was just funny - it was just so obviously spiritual that it made me automatically take acid less seriously, as I nonchalantly commented, “Damn. That lady was tripping harder than us, guys!” Dianna smiled and asserted, “Oh next time, we’ll have some of what she’s been playing with”.
By this point, both Dianna and Summer were coming down. Dianna still seemed preTy out of sync with reality, and I could see the cloud of acid-weirdness still dissipating over her mind. Her movements were still a little racy, and she was restless, but didn’t seem to be too involved with herself anymore. Summer was a little more complicated to figure out, because her accounts of the story differ. In an upcoming part, I will provide evidence to support the fact that she was still pretty high, but throughout the whole trip, and while reviewing her experience in its entirety, she generally claims to have not experienced much, visually at least. I’m not sure how true this is, but this report focuses on my story, my feelings, and my observations - so I will note my inferences.
On another note, two half-blotters weren’t guaranteed to be particularly powerful, no matter how expensive and pure the acid we got, presumably, was. We were looking at about five hours of tripping and two of comedown on first-time users, like Summer and Dianna. I had had a full one, on the other hand, so I was nowhere near being done. Oh no. I was about to explode.
When we came back, everyone in the suite was asleep. Summer and I sat by the living room, while Dianna was determined to wake up Mark, and test sex on acid. I was beyond thrilled to finally get to my snack - and am happy to report that eating with Lucy makes it even more fun! Even a pre-packaged and uber-processed hummus treat was heavenly, mostly because of the creamy texture. I was fascinated by how the crispy, hard chips mercilessly drowned in the dense sauce, and I moved it around multiple times, just to watch it dissipate. Eventually, I ran out of chips, and proceeded to dip and feel the sonftess of the chickpea-flavored condiment hands on - oh yeah, I used my very own index finger to ravish anything leK in that plastic box. Food was meant to be eaten and enjoyed, and I oughted to appreciate every last bit of it.
Deciding we weren’t sleepy just yet, Summer and I turned the lights of the common area back on, and pulled out my laptop, to relax on the web a little bit. I was still convinced we were all coming down, so I visited a website off of my saved Reddit thread of cool links to check out while on LSD. The first one brought us to a remarkably trippy interactive visualizer, made up of retro-pixelated blobs of vanishing colors. As I moved the cursor, the particles of turquoise, bright yellow, and green hues would break apart in tiny red and pink ones, something which totally astounded me. I felt like my brain was melting as I stared at the screen, completely lost in those visuals. I guess that the thought that made me realize I was still feeling the acid was the simple fact that I was being entertained by that one single animation for too long, and a bit too intensely (I’m usually one of those tab-whoring, three-hundred-miles-per-second, avid multitaskers, and have a hard time focusing on only one webpage, when I’m at the computer).
I tried a few songs to accompany the visualizer, but nothing was weird enough. I wanted something fucked up - something so completely uncanny and off-sounding that I could have rejoiced at its peculiarity. Summer gave me a few suggestions, but everything sounded too conventional. “No, I need avant-garde shit!” I said. And as soon as I did, I knew a record that was uncomfortably smooth enough: Tim Buckley’s Lorca. I remembered it because of a particular comment on its Rate Your Music page, along the lines of ‘I’ve heard stranger things before, but this is the one Tim Buckley people will frown at you for playing at a party’, and I really wanted a party of heavy frowns, right then and there.
We stayed like that for some time - again, I can’t tell you how long precisely, but it was quite consuming. The blobs on the visualizer began to look like lilttle faces even more than usual - I have extreme pareidolia on any kind of substance: I see faces in everything and everywhere, except for people’s features, where, ironically enough, they should actually belong. All the colors were turning into separated units of light and expressions. It was a kind of ordinarily divine, but I still assumed it was the end. It was very similar to feeling really stoned... nothing too out of normal highs.
When the album ended, I found myself at a loss of what to do. The visualizer had been entertaining, but I’d had enough. In the mean time, Summer had been writing haikus and lyrics, which made a lot of poetic sense, and I felt very jealous of her ability to create things that were so beautiful. I shook it off immediately, and invited her to sponge-out with me, “Have you ever heard of ODDSAC?” I asked.
“Nope,” she answered, facing the screen. I smirked, “Oh you’re in for a treat. It’s this movie made by the members of Animal Collective, a few years ago... it’s like a visual album. They even screen it here in the city, sometimes”. As an avid AnCo fan, I knew about the short film, but I’d never considered watching it while high. I knew it was weird enough to do the trick though, so we tried it.
It’s not my place to describe, or figure out, what exactly is going on in ODDSAC. It’s a glorious mesh of visual, and hypothetical, scenarios that I recommend you check out for yourselves - so I will not spoil the surprise. I think we were about ten or fiKeen minutes in, when a very giggly Dianna and a tired-looking Mark emerged out of the room. For the movie, we’d turned the lights back off, and their tall shadows announced to us they were going to be taking yet another shower. Summer decided to take a nap, as she felt very sleepy, and I was ready to follow her.
We lied down in the dark of Dianna’s room, in her roommate’s bed. Summer was quick to settle into sleep, but, as soon as the lights were back off, I was in another universe. The springboard darkness gives anyone tripping is formidable, to say the least. When you’re voided, your brain just works to fill it all back in with visuals. My dose was preTy weak, so that’s why I think I was able to maintain my cool for so long, when out in the open. There was no chance I was immersed in complete darkness at any point before that part of the trip, and as I had already noted, closed-eye visuals were much clearer than open-eyed ones in the light.
It all started with little sparkles of rainbow light, flying around in front of me. I didn’t realize they were hallucinative in nature, at first. I just thought that it was late, I had been up and running for a long time... this must be some sort of trick my eyesight played on me, after brain had been processing information for a long time, which does happen sometimes. The truth, preTy literally, slapped me in the face approximately ten seconds, when the sparkles began to move... tiny little freckles of multicolored, intangible rain.
And the more I looked, the more concrete they became. From sparkles, they became hairs, then wires, and then threads. I saw the colors flowing within them, pouring pigment sliding from end on end - it was all extremely hypnotic, I mean, I felt like I probably had this staggered look on my face, as I saw everything flying, and turning, and twisting. It was mesmerizing.
They kept getting thicker, and thicker, until they turned into little pencils. They broke apart, and turned into classic B orange pencil-shaped rockets, which launched across the room in constant takeoff. As soon as they were in flight, they’d disappear, and new ones would form and fly. It was a spectacle, and it made me understand that I had taken acid, and that I was tripping, pretty badly, too.
My stimulation prompted me to experiment with closing my eyes again, and my lord, am I glad I did it - it was insane. At first, I got the same hazy, dark fractals from before, but they seemed much more detailed. Still hazy, but detailed. They didn’t stick around for too long, as the mandala I saw broke apart, and turned into a tunnel I was catapulted into. That’s when I got why they call this ‘tripping’. I thought I was in the front row of a roller coaster, which would take me to different sights, and stop at certain locations for a few seconds more.
One of such stops was a discotheque. Not a club, not a bar, not a venue, but a disco-disco. There were bright magenta lights, and I saw a gorgeous african-american woman dancing. She had long, smooth legs and a sick, huge afro. She definitely didn’t match my initial expectation of what I imagined Lucy must have looked like, but is now the most concrete envisioning I have of her - she was the acid!
The roller coaster took me closer to her face, and as she waved her body from leK to right, I saw her big, velvety lips becoming larger, and larger. Then I radically turned leK and saw even more lips. There were lips of all kinds appearing before me: illustrations, animations, the Rocky Horror lips, my friends’ lips, the Flaming Lips... just so many mouths smiling and frowning, smirking and crying, through their teeth. Surrealistically majestic splotches of red and pink light bathed the scene with spice and gusto. It was great.
Then, it all got really dark again. The roller coaster took me to a lot of spooky sights. I saw multiple devils, and interpretations of what the word ‘demonic’ meant. I saw pure evil, and all that it embodied, but I wasn’t affected. All of the skulls and skeletons (which, let me tell you, I’ve been terrified of in the past), and smiling crows, and dolls turning their heads... they just didn’t affect or scare me, at all. They were just inevitable. It was like, ‘oh yeah, there’s bad stuff in life’, but it is part of life itself, so I couldn’t avoid it. Nor did I want to. I wanted to face my evils, like I knew I was supposed to everyday, in reality.
At one point, Summer leK to go talk to Dianna and Mark, who were out of the shower, and chatting in the common area. I was too immersed in my trip to care to hang out with others, so I just stayed in the room. I went back to the rocket-pencils and threads of light, which were now all happening at the same time, and it was glorious. They were joining together and spinning in circles, creating rainbow ferris wheels that circled at 3000 miles per second.
Unfortunately, I, yet again, wasn’t really paying attention to fact that an outer world existed, so when Dianna stepped in, announcing Summer was going to return to Blue C, I wasn’t too thrilled. Summer encouraged me to stay and take a nap, but Dianna reiterated how worried she was about the possibility of her walking back by herself. We were just three blocks and half a street away, but I sensed that I was being kicked out.
“Yeah, I’d definitely feel better if you went along with her” Dianna said. “Sure, no problem” I responded, wide-eyed.
I went back to the common area and picked up my boots again. Putting them on wasn’t exactly challenging, but I definitely made no sense. I was overwhelmed by the reality of objects once more, and everything amazed me, in a way it never had. This state was probably reflected on my face, as Dianna brushed by my shoulders and asked, “Len, are you okay?”
“Wa-wa yeah!” I responded, feeling like a little kid. I am a child, I’m a lover being born, my mind sang lyrics, and my mouth clipped sounds. I was feeling fried, “Girls, I don’t think I’m done
tripping just ye-et!” I announced excitedly. Dianna and Summer looked down at me with worried looks, and, as Summer helped me up, she spoke the words I could have never, “No, you’re definitely not.”
Summer seemed tired as we made our way downstairs again. My little computer of a mind was trying, more or less helplessly, to process the elevator, the exit, the cooler air outside... but still, nothing made any sense. As soon as we were in Union Square again, I asked Summer how she was feeling: “Are you still tripping?”
She gave me a smirk, “Nah, I was done for hours ago!”
The fact that she was in a post-trip mindset, and knew I was still way up, made my shield of vulnerability weaker, and I put down my guard to tell her exactly how I felt. I was scared I wasn’t going to remember it, and would never be able to share it with her again in the future. That moment was all that mattered, and I needed to get emotional immediately, before I would have been European and proud all over again.
“Summer, I... I... I... I just love you so much. You’re just so important to me; you’re like my soulmate, and after this, but, but even before, really, nothing is going to keep us away from each other’s lives!” I addmitted, excited.
Her eyes lit up, with an acid-enhanced glimmer, “Oh stop!” she requested, flattered, “I’m so thankful and happy that you’re here, and that we did this together... you know what it is? I’ve been trying to find it for a while, and now I know. You bring color, that’s what you do in my life, you bring colors,” I’m aware this sounds like acid talk, but trust me, for Summer that is the most natural and effortless thing to say.
She continued, “Especially with your hair all curled up like that, you remind me of Penny Lane from Almost Famous!” she remarked again. I was just as happy and hugged her tiny self. Wrapping my arms around her, I felt my bulky headphones weighing down my handbag: music. I needed music again!
After a five-minute long, heartfelt embrace, I excused myself, and plugged in the headphones to my phone - which is my main source of music streaming. I was still way up there, so I conceded myself an artificial, soundtracked, short walk back to Blue C. I decided to play some traditionally acid-y modern music, so that it wouldn’t have felt en[rely out of place and touch with my times.
In terms of processing reality, this was the most intense part of my trip. As soon as “Why Won’t You Make Up Your Mind” by Tame Impala, began playing, nothing made sense. Nothing made sense on a whole different level, a level so overwhelming and so intense that I just had to accept it, and succumb to my mental impairment. Trying to find an explanation on the most everyday - or, in this case, everynight - elements that I encountered down the street just was too much.
I immediately recalled seeing one of West’s friends, about two weeks earlier, on magic mushrooms. He kept mentioning how reality seemed like “too much”, but I wasn’t able to understand what he meant by that. Now, I definitely did. The paradoxes and problems with everything seemed all-too clear, and shapes and sizes uniting together made everything even more complicated.
The intensity of those sensations was so heightened that I had to vocally express it, like when I was back in Dianna’s room, slamming my fist on her roommate’s bed. I released my energy by spinning around, twirling down the street, delightfully exhausted. As I saw cars passing, I felt even safer seeing the world continue running, and never stopping. This was my world, and I belonged, and knowing that was all I needed to entice an overwhelming wave of happiness, that, coupled with the phazed-guitar of the song, turned off my mental intelligence completely. I began expressing that sense of comfort with very loud, strange noises. They sounded like moans of pain, the ones we make when we’re stressed out and need to release stress. I mean, I definitely felt all-too relaxed, if anything, but my brain was so puzzled by what was around me that I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t hold it in, “MMMMM... AAAAAAAAAH....MMMMM!!!”
As we reached the market in front of Blue C, and I noticed some workers moving around, carrying grocery stocks in large, metal carts, I smiled at them, and at the blaring lights of the store preparing to open. A new day was dawning, and it was beautiful for me to witness it. Looking back, I guess I’d recommend acid for people with depression, or whoever feels tired and useless with the world they live in. It is such a revelatory experience for all that we take for granted. Even a store opening up just didn’t make sense, as a whole: it was all made of small parts - the connection between every single task was what made us able to perform activities. I was never an existentialist, but in that moment, I understood entirely what the philosophy entailed, and it was the truth.
Acid has changed me in that sense: I can’t be the nihilistic, life-is-just-a-giant-absurdist-salad thinker I used to be. Sure, I still love Camus and Nietzsche, but I regained so much more belief in human relationships and connections. Especially in terms of how much we all need each other to carry out our lives, and this assigns meaning to our actions and activities - our motivation to deepen the affinities between us, and others.
When we walked inside Blue C, Summer made sure I had my University ID prepared at the entrance to enter in the building. Yet, yet again, I wasn’t impaired. Tapping the card and pressing the digits that represented my birthdate wasn’t difficult, it was natural, it was all that I needed. I remembered my birth, and where I was now, and the recurring thought of how far I’d come from my Nowhereland made my knees weak with joy.
Quite literally, seeing as, as soon as we entered, Summer felt the need to sit at the columns that supported the three massive towers of Blue C. It was our courtyard area, and despite the air getting gradually cooler, as fall grew harsher, I wasn’t bothered by being outside. No, I was glad I was. Summer was sitting in front of me, her knees in her hands, her head resting on the wall. She looked at the cloudy moon we were having that night, and I thought about how her round, pale face was a moon of its own. It was all I could focus on, and as soon as I set my eye-spotlight on it, all the posters and signs that were up started to melt again. My brain rejected anything
that I wasn’t intently making the object of my attention, I observed. My reality was too intense and complicated, and I couldn’t even focus on it anymore.
Because of my state, Summer offered me to go to up to her suite. I accepted eagerly, seeing as the loK, which I clearly didn’t belong it, was most definitely not where I had to be. When we stepped in, Summer’s suite mate, Amaya, was still awake, video chatting with some of her Indian friends. She was originally from Mumbai and oKen missed on sleep to keep in touch. We asked her what time it was, and she replied, “It’s six thirty AM now, I might go to sleep soon!”.
For some reason, seeing a new person and a new environment revamped my acid-minded state, to the point that all I could see of Amaya was her radiant beauty. She emanated a sense of well- being and my eyes widened as I stared at how regal she seemed: her tan skin, large brown eyes, and rich black hair made her look like an Indian goddess. I remembered how once, when I was telling her about Seth, she told me that I was “actually perfect,” and that I needed to find someone who would appreciate it. In that moment, she was the one who was perfect and beautiful, and I felt like I had to tell her. So I did.
“Amaya, you’re so beautiful!” I said, in an unusually high-pitched singsong voice. Just like everyone else, on acid, she had a color, “Your color is like an amber orange gold. You’re so beautiful!” I repeated, startled at my sight. As I spoke, I paced back and forth all around the suite. A place that I was so used to seeing seemed so different, and I thought that if I explored it all through I would have regained the familiarity. Amaya, initially amused, looked, to an extent, concerned and said, “Oh my gosh, you’re drunk, aren’t you?”
She helped me into her room, “Sit, sit, you’re drunk. Sit!” I wasn’t surprised she misunderstood what substance I was on, mostly because Amaya doesn’t really give into the outer-wordly, psychonautic ventures we partake in. She quickly introduced me to her friends on the other end of the globe through her large computer screen, and I waved excitedly, “Guys this is Len, she's drunk... she’s a little off, but she’s fun!”
“Nah, May, I just dropped a tab of acid” I remarked nonchalantly. I had never been in Amaya’s room, so a new place helped me settle down. Immediately as I said, I heard a loud collection of delayed gasps coming from her computer, “WHAAAAT!” her friends exclaimed in unison with her. “Why did you do that?!” she asked. I smiled calmly and said, “I don’t know, it seemed like a fun time. It’s great, really” I awkwardly responded, looking around all over her small dorm.
Summer briefly walked in to inform me that she was going to sleep, as she had to take a train to Long Island to see her friend Lola, later in the morning. I decided to follow her, but as soon as I asked her whether I could crash there, since her roommate was absent, I had the horrible sensation she wanted me out of there immediately. I kept insisting I had to leave, and that irritated her to no end. She finally exploded on me and accused me of “acting like a bitch!”
It was just a split second of rage, but it was a kind of rage I had never seen on her soK features. Immediately after the release of her emotions, she apologized, affirming she had been consumed by what had overtaken her. I didn’t care much of it, since the room was dark and I was distracted by the visual patterns that were forming on her pale face. Her bed, which was positioned way up, was hard for me to reach, so she helped me up, and we sat watching her roommate’s polka-dot comforter change into a variety of shapes.
They melted and moved downwards, falling into the endless ground, and breaking apart to regenerate again. They were black, and the rest of the baby pink blanket formed a series of tubes that would connect rainbow pipes from dot to dot, sparkling as they moved. The beauty of that vision had me entranced.
“I’m so glad we listened to West and decided to take the acid instead of the shrooms,” I said. That prompted Summer to ask me a vaguely unrelated question, “Would you ever do West again?”
I thought about it, but it was hard to come to any sort of long-term conclusion on casual relationships on acid. Deep within me, I knew my relationship (and I don’t mean romantic) with West was more or less meaningless; it was something I had thought about while I was sober. Yet, on acid, I had no opinions, no desires, no sense of what made sense and what did not, so, I ended up repeating “I don’t know” at least fiKeen times. Yet again, I was a neutral sponge.
That was when my ninth realization washed upon me: everything fluctuates, especially moods and feelings. Nothing had remained the same, and nothing ever would. Life was about bonds being formed and destroyed; people bridging out into our lives and then leaving, often without a physical trace. No single thing ever really stays, it all becomes something anew. From the bed, I looked to my hands, and my chipping nail polish, and I saw beauty in it too. The beauty of breakdown and decay, the beauty of the real end of everything. Not because it revealed my naked nails and prompted a new canvas, rather the decadence itself had a particular fascination about it. I was intrigued by life running its course, tangibly and emotionally.
I was overtaken by emotion and found myself retreating within, so I leK Summer alone to get her sleep and walked over to the mirror. The last time I’d seen myself was before we’d leK for Times Square, so I wanted to check on how my lipstick and wild hair had been doing. It seemed amusing to me how people don’t recommend looking at their own reflections in the mirror on acid, yet I would have been way unhappier with my appearance if I’d been sober: my hair had fluffed up significantly, and all that was leK of my dark brown stain was a dry-looking line along the outer edges of my lips. I looked so different than I used to on a daily basis.
My pupils were almost occupying the entire rim of my iris, and one could barely tell what my eye color was. The more I looked through that thin stroke of hazel-brown, the more I penetrated my soul and saw within me. The trip I took inside myself helped me better articulate my fourth realization, turning into my tenth. My essence, now displaced and unfamiliar, seemed absent from my reflection. I could be without my body, because all I needed was clothes and accessories to define my iconography, as opposed to my soul.
It was an ebbing sight and feeling, to know that my commodities seemed more representative of my persona, rather than my character. I knew what the purpose of my trip had been, right then and there, I needed for my soul to be sole definitive factor of me. I needed to feed my spirituality in order for that to become the only nourishment that mattered.
I kept breaking through the surface of that mirror: fucked up hair, barely any makeup, no underwear... and I saw the truth beyond me; everything I ever meant and represented, and it had never been any clearer. I was just there, as myself, as the one, true me. And I could only see it through, and because of, acid.
After that, I was ready to let my mind hallucinate me to sleep. The paTerns that I saw would have been my lullabies, I thought. I went inside Amaya’s room, in order not to disturb exhausted Summer. She was preparing to sleep too, and, seeing as her roommate Maria wasn’t there, invited me to crash on her bed. I readily accepted, and watched as she turned off the light. I looked around myself, saying goodbye to my acid-sight, and ready to feel it all falling back into everyday place.
Obviously, it’s not like I had tremendous amounts of control over what I perceived, and Amaya did have a night-light, or some derivative that reflected light, and the room wasn’t pitch black. I was able to see her Suits large poster hanging off the wall: it showed two shadows of tall men wearing suits, both black, blurred out silhouettes, against a purely white background. I saw them melting and morphing in front of me. I felt like I was watching an optical illusion, as they blended and harmonized with such a contrasting, solid, backdrop.
I kept my eyes open for a few more moments, and as I listened to Close Chorus by A Sunny Day in Glasgow, I saw the threads of light return, and become little nals, that flew around all of us and made me feel peacefully, dizzy. They began to quietly explode, becoming fainter and fainter, until I had to squint to properly see. They were the sleep-inducing fireworks of the night, a perfect way for me to finally close my eyes. At that point, I saw magenta-pink and black fractals, nothing too generic, and always dark... until I lost myself into sleep, consumed by the fantastic trip I’d had.
I estimate that I fell asleep about an hour after I arrived at Summer’s, at 7 AM. Considering we dropped our doses at 8 PM, I was really satisfied with my eleven-hour-long acid ride. Especially if we factor in that it was just one tab, it still gave me a rich, but not-too-intense experience, a great introduction into the world of psychedelics.
At about 9:30 AM, Maria came back. I don’t really know much about her, but she seemed nice as she requested me to sleep on the couch, which I was more than happy to do. I had a horrible headache, so I was excited to continue my resting phase. When I got up, I could tell I’d definitely come down, and there were no more visuals or intense feelings, but the world still didn’t make much sense. There was something just off about the world, at that moment.
I actually woke up at 1:30, with a deep desire for a rich brunch. Not really because I was hungry, but the idea of scrambled eggs seemed familiar enough to stimulate a link back from the off- world. I said goodbye to Summer, who lamented being extremely tired and still having to visit her friend in Long Island, and joined Amaya downstairs to get a meal in me. I am not going to lie: I was [red. I was exhausted. I could barely process what the next day was going to involve.
I was definitely down by that point, but I still struggled in processing everyday furniture. I don’t know why objects were so tough on me, but they just looked complex. As we prepared to head to the cafeteria, we passed by the courtyard which had circular tables and benches all connected to each other, and those still seemed weird to me: why; what does this mean? What does it represent? It doesn’t make sense, I concluded.
Eating was peaceful enough, and as Amaya met up with some other Indian friends, I leK to go back to my loK and do a reading. Concentrating without falling asleep was hard, and at one point I saw the words wave and dance around a bit, but it was all tiredness and brain chemistry feedback from LSD. I decided to pick myself up and have dinner with Remy, as we were supposed to exchange psychedelic stories. It was raining faintly across the sky, and it was that rain that represented my spiritual growth.
As I’ve mentioned, I’m very sensitive about my hair. Not only was I rocking my wavy locks, but I noticed the raindrops were soaking me - and I didn’t care. Their delicate texture reminded me of the threads of light, and as my phone screen got wet too, I saw the drops becoming rainbow- colored on the screen, a totally regular, everyday thing. Yet, to me, it became something more. A flashback to my unforgettable experience: it made me want to cry; it reminded me of happiness, and belonging within the universe as a part of the human population.
Now, whenever I think about being on acid, my heart thumps and drops a little bit, as I struggle to remember what feeling all of that love was like. I want to learn how to love more, and hate less; how to incorporate this richer knowledge and peace into my life. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">Now, whenever I think about being on acid, my heart thumps and drops a little bit, as I struggle to remember what feeling all of that love was like. I want to learn how to love more, and hate less; how to incorporate this richer knowledge and peace into my life.</div></div> It was a life-changing first, and definitely not last, experience with LSD.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2014</td><td width="90">ExpID: 105058</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 18</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 28, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,205</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=105058&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=105058&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), General (1), Mystical Experiences (9), Sex Discussion (14), Guides / Sitters (39), Relationships (44), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 cig.</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco - Cigarettes</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">250 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This trip occured approximately 3 days ago on June 22, 2008. This is the day I felt enlightenment in my grip. I felt it in the tips of my fingers and under my eye lids.
I had been planning to trip for a few days but things kept coming up and ruining it. I'm fairly new to LSD, this trip being accounted was my 3rd time using the benevolent Lucy (as she will now be reffered to from here). Even tho I have only used Lucy a total of 4 times as of right now (June 25, 2008) I know her power and I respect her benevolence, teaching, and knowledge. I am currently reading the Teachings of Don Juan and as it teaches to be a Man of Knowledge you need an Ally and I have chosen Lucy as mine, or should I say she has chosen me.
Anyhow onto the good stuff. I had 2 good size triangular doses of Lucy wrapped in foil in my wallet. I decided to walk the backroads to a bicycle/walking trail near my house that runs along a river. I had with me; my doses, a pack of smokes, the Daodejing, a bottle of water and my cell phone. However I forgot something crucial to this trip which was my zune. This was not a completely fatal mistake but however.
I began walking at about 1245 because the walk to the trail on the back roads was a decent mile and a half. I dont walk very fast so I figured this would be a good time to leave. I had recently been drug tested by my parents and came up completley clean, despite have dropped acid the day before. Standard drug tests dont test for Lucy so I wasnt worried. As I'm walking outside my dad is working on the yard and I tell him I'm walking to the trail. And he says', your not like going to drop a hit of acid and walk around and stuff are you?'
'I'm just going to the trail' I answered.
'okay' he said
I began walking looking at the trees and the sky feeling refreshed and revitalized. It was a perfect day out, high 84 and the sun was shining and there was a ever so gentle cross breeze blowing. Anyways I began walking up my neighborhood and out onto the back streets. I came to some wild flowers and looked at them and was reminded of Hofmann saying that we need to come back to the roses, the plants, to mother nature. I brushed them with my fingertips and smiled. I kept walking and as I came to about 100 yards to the trail I looked at my cell fone and it was 1:07, the time I was planning to drop (military time its 13:07, my two lucky numbers :). I took out the first one, un folded the foil it was in and placed it on my tongue. I moved it around, pressed it to the roof of my mouth for a few minutes, took a small sip of water to make sure it went down. Then I repeated it with the second dose.
I came to the entrance of the trail and began walking. It is approximately 2 and a half miles down and back once. This however seemed like it took an eternity.
I started walking and felt the rising vibes of it and began texting my friend Luke who was tripping on an eigth of cubensis mushrooms that day. This whole time we texted eachother and kept eachother updated on our trips. I began walking and saw a nice place to meditate near the river. I walked down and saw a rock and pulled out my Daodejing and began reading. As I began reading I didnt like the Daodejing as much as I had the past few days I had begun reading it. It made me feel blank, like I was just another spec on a spiderweb. I kept reading hoping I would feel more blissful but this blank feeling just exacerbated the further I read. So I put it away and lit a cigarette. I sat watching the water sparkle and run over rocks puffing on my cigarette. When I was finished I got up and began walking again. I felt blank, almost like an ego death. This was a small dose but for the next hour or so I felt I had experienced an ego death. I wasnt feeling any emotions and I wasnt percieiving anything other than how it was. I didnt like this, most people would like this feeling saying this is how we should percieve the world. I beleive however, that everything has a spirit and is symbolic of many different things.
I kept walking and this acid was coming on rather slow and I just kept walking singing to myself. And finally I was texting luke and said that I wasnt feeling the intensity of the doses as I expected, I wasnt feeling the threshhold and that I had no music. He shuddered at the fact I had no music and suggested going back. At this point I was at the end of the trail and was about 3 miles from home. I told him I was bummed and that I should have saved Lucy for later that night and meditated. He said not to be mad and just enjoy the trip. I agreed and kept walking back. Eventually I began to chant Om(inhale) Ah(hold the breath) Hum(exhale) to calm myself because I was somewhat of becoming anxious that I had wasted Lucy. I eventually found a different place by the water next to the remanints of fires. I sat down in a cross legged position and began chanting, om ah hum yet again and closed my eyes. Lucy was taking me to her threshold at this point and I saw waves of particles under my eyelids, waves of the water washing in and out over the rocks that were in front of me but that I could not see having my eyes closed. I continued meditating fro about 15 minutes until luke texted me again and I got up and began walking back. I was back at the beggining of the trail this time. And I as I was walking I looked at the plants next to me and realized that I came to be the same way they did. I realized I am everything because I have come to be the same way everything else has. I was the trees, the plants, the sky, the water, the birds, the squirrels. I also realized I saw all the stages of life laid out in front of me. I passed a baby, a toddler with its mother and father. I passed a young couple in love, and middle age couple in love. An older middle aged man pushing an elderly man in a wheelchair. I saw the order that my life will come in and I saw everything I am. I am everything and I always will be. I walked home smoking cigarettes and smiling at the sun. I went home made myself dinner spent time with my family. Sat in the grass near a fresh patch of mushrooms in the dying sunlight. I felt the best I ever will. I was real and I knew I was. I was everything and knew I was. I will be everything and knew I will be. This was without a doubt the most spiritual and knowledge gaining trip I have experienced so far as Lucy being my ally. Thank you Dr. Hofmann, may you rest in peace and may your spirit soar.<!--I reccomend Lucy to anyone that has respect for her. Anyone that wants to learn and anyone that wants to be knowledgable of the world around you. If your looking for just another high, please leave her alone. She is more than just a high, she is existence, she is everything.--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2008</td><td width="90">ExpID: 72119</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 22, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,141</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=72119&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=72119&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Families (41), General (1), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">185 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This experience was my first time ever taking LSD and it transpired as follows:
So at the time this experience occurred I was still serving in the Military and as is the typical routine of the military member alcohol was consumed every day and everyones lives pretty much revolve around that. It just so happened that on one such night a friend ( we will call him jack) arrived back on post from leave (vacation) and began to drink with us. He had brought back a strip of LSD from vacation and informed me and a mutual friend (we will call Ted) of this to see if we would be interested in taking it later that night. By 4am pretty much everyone had gone and passed out somewhere so the 3 of us cleaned up the party and then ingested the LSD. Jack took 3, and gave 2 to me and Ted. Our game plan was to watch 'A Clockwork Orange' until the sun came up then we would go on 'adventures' in the outside world. I was a little nervous about strolling around a military post on LSD since I had never taken it and didn't know what to expect; however, Jack and Ted had a good deal of experience and I knew I could trust them THATS IMPORTANT!!!
The first signs that I felt I can only describe as a warmth and happiness radiating outward from within but this was very subtle. Then I noticed that anything I stared at would rise and swell and fall as if it were alive and breathing. I was digging this so far.
BAM BAM BAM BAM, someone was pounding very hard on the door of the room we were in, we peeked out the peep hole and none of us knew who this guy was or why he would be POUNDING on our door at around 5:30 on a weekend. We answered and he explained that he was trying to wake up someone he knew was a friend of ours to get him to the airport on time for his flight which was military business related NOT WHAT YOU WANT TO MISS, but that our mutual friend was completely drunk still from the night before and wasn't having it. So we all went over there and beat on him till he woke up and we packed his bags for him and made sure he had all his military paperwork on hand. By the time he was ready to go there were around 6 more people had shown up who were all going to the airport together. They were a little suspicious as to why me and my 2 friends were awake this early on a weekend knowing that we drank every night. We told them that we hadn't slept and they went their way and we went ours. Keep in mind that through all of this that the first waves were coming on and we had to keep this under wraps.
Back in the room we all breathed deeply and had a little laugh about the craziness of our ordeal and then we got the idea that since the sun had risen we should wander over to the golf course on post and go fishing in the ponds on it. ....yup
While we were walking over to the pond the LSD was really hitting me hard and I felt an extreme joy at the crispness of the morning air and the birds singing and all of nature for that matter I had perma grin something terrible it was grrrreat! So we all went down to the pond and began to fish and watch all the golfers out on the course who we made funny observations about. It was the typical crowd of 40 to 70 year old officers and retired military and I felt a slight tinge of fear at being on LSD in their presence and doing something that we were not too sure if we would get in trouble for or not. I was peaking hard and the thought of talking to Military police on acid didn't sound good to me. My friends calmed me down real quick by pointing out that all these squares that are golfing and up and about on post at this hour do not even imagine such things are taking place therefore just chill and we'll be fine. So I sprawled out on the bank of the pond relaxed and stared at the clouds, I saw a giant Chinese dragon doing a dance and it reminded me of a national geographic article I loved as a child, next in the clouds I saw I Zigorat whose stares I was ascending reluctantly but continued on at the urges of some man ahead of me who kept encouraging me.
Just like everyone else out there I have always seen stuff in the clouds and spent a good deal of time doing this as a kid but on LSD it is a whole different level it was like watching real time video almost.
'Yeah try not to look too suspicious ya damn hippy' Ted said who was standing by me reeling in the line. He pointed out that I was wearing a bob marley t-shirt and was sprawled out and quickly spiraling into my own world and brought me back down to earth. We walked back to our barracks and decided to go to Wal-Mart and observe capitalism at it's present finest incarnation ha ha. As we walked around me and Jack mumbled about everything to one another under our breath, we were making hilarious observations and were definitely on the same mental brain waves. Ted however was extremely hyper active, harder to control, and was spinning and dancing around the isle holding up a small hanna montana dress on its hanger up to himself shouting 'Hell yeah I think this looks good on me, what about you guys?' He was having a good time but was not on the same mental plain as us and was attracting too much heat in public so we decided to leave before something bad happened. Our Wal-Mart trip lasted 3 min at most.
Next we went to a gas station for cigarettes, energy drink and such, I volunteered to go in and get the stuff. I felt like a 4 year old again who was pure energy and innocence wrapped up in a little ball just darting in whatever direction looked brightest, I realized this when I found myself stuck just staring at an isle end display of colorful snacks, I don't know how long I was standing there but when I got out to the car my friends mentioned I had taken forever. We drove back through security and on to post (fun fun) and wandered around and had many more adventures and fun that day, but what I still find more intriguing to this day is the long term positive effects that the experience had on me. I have never had near as high of an opinion of alcohol since then and reduced my drinking after that to nothing for periods of time and for the most part (ahem) in moderation since that summer.
Once a week after that I would go sit by that pond and have an hour or so of peaceful observation of nature and overall relaxation. I began to sleep outside in my sleeping bag and loved waking up with the sunrise and feeling the breeze blowing. I grew up playing in the woods and lived out in the country but somehow LSD raised my level of understanding, and overall appreciation for nature, or maybe it just reawakened all those emotions and the positive observation and understanding of the world that I had as a child but had almost lost sight of. And I cannot tell you how many times I have used perception gained from such experiences in every day challenges.
CLOSING REMARKS<!--I would encourage anyone who is considering taking LSD or some other drug for the purpose of having a psychedelic experience to please stay away from the ( let's get out of our minds wasted) mentality and instead treat the whole ordeal and the drug itself with respect. If you do this you are bound to take away something from it you can keep with you and use for good for the rest of your life.-->
We were all very foolish by driving around and taking all the chances that we did. I highly recommend brain storming before such an incident and having a plan A and B and so on to stay safe. ~peace~
Quote ' Some people never go crazy, what truly horrible lives they must live' - Barfly 1987-<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2008</td><td width="90">ExpID: 80978</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 23</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 22, 2018</td><td>Views: 753</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=80978&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=80978&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Nature / Outdoors (23), First Times (2)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">175 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
It didnt take much to convince me to try Lsd. I'm not exactly a novice when it comes to drugs I've tried pot, triple c, and the occasional cocaine. I had known Andrew for about a week and all he had to do was talk about his experiences on it and I was sold.
When I told him that I wanted to try it the next time he did he was really excited. He told me it would change my life for ever.
So the following Saturday he picked me up at about 11am. Thats when we took our first hit. My hands were shaking I was so nervous.
We went back to his house I watched V for vendetta for a bit until he decided it was time for us to take walk. It was about 1230 so we took our second hit. It seemed like we had walked forever before we got to the nature trail, Andrew said that when we got to the end of the trail he would buy me a surprise from rite-aid. For some reason we decided that we needed to find clues in our surroundings, our first clue was this oddly shaped rock, for some reason it just meant so much to the both of us. We walked and we walked and we walked and the leaves seemed to wisper at us but we couldnt make out what they were saying.
When we finally got to rite-aid he headed straight to the ice cream area. He told me to pick out anything I wanted and the only think that looked good to me was the rainbow sherbert. He said that that was because it was the most intense and would play the most tricks with my mind. It got to the point where I couldnt even look at the ice cream because it just seemed so real.
Slowly we made it back to his house where he put on some music and watched the pictures on his dresser dance around. I started to get freaked out and asked if we could go outside. We walked around his neighbourhood for a bit and climbed trees, I felt at one with nature as if I knew what all the plants were feeling. The whole day seemed incredibly random. A house even fully caught on fire when we were walking around. As it started to get dark my paranoia grew, I felt that everyone knew what was going on and that they all knew I was crazy. My mind was exhausted and would not let it take over my mind any longer. We drew pictures to pass the time and the ideas just seemed to pour onto the paper. Andrew started to draw this fetus and as it started to take shape it became more and more real. After a bit we didnt know why we had created it and that it was a sin against nature to have something like that on a piece of paper. It was festering... Which is how he ended up with the name Fester the Fetus.
I couldnt take the intensity anymore and decided to go home. When I finally got there sleeping became a task in itself.
Everytime I Closed my eyes these awful images would appear.
I dont know if I'm ever going to try it again because I dont know if I can take the insanity of it all.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2006</td><td width="90">ExpID: 60885</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 24, 2018</td><td>Views: 838</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=60885&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=60885&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:35</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I regret the day even now, but it was only 2 months ago.
I was home alone, all by myself, my house is fairly large, and is really scary if your home alone. It was a stormy night, and I was talking to a friend about LSD on the internet, and I told him I had some, he told me I should try it, and that it is completely safe, he was an experiences tripper and could guide me safely through the trip.
5.00PM I trusted him alot, and decided it was a good idea, my parents werent going to be home for along time, so I decided to slip one in, and my friend gave me instructions on my first, It was fine, and he later told me it is only dangerous if I have more.
5:30PM Still no effect, my friend was beggining to say I was jipped and had Purchased 'Blank Blotter' so he insisted I tried another, just to make sure, so I did, but it was different this time, and I felt it beginning to kick in.
5:35PM All was good, I was explaining my trip Blankly to my friend, and he said its all good fun, and was encouraging like a good friend was, but he then insisted that I was taking a low dose, and the blotter was proberbly half dipped, and Not as Strong, without telling him, I slipped in another.
5:45PM The high hit me like a wall of bricks, I was messed up, and alone, I explained to my friend I had another, I couldnt even type, and I fell to the floor Cluching my Chest, as it Began to Rain extremely Loud.
6:00PM My friend explained I should go hard, or have none at all, the image constantly hit my head, I heard voices telling me to have the other, and I think the last tab was what braught me to insanity, so I had it, and I was ripped.
6:10PM For 10 minutes, I constantly struggled around the house, I was scared, everything was comming at me, I heard Voices, voices of my parents, screamming and yelling, I ran into my room and lied down trying to sleep it off.
6:15PM I was lieing in my bed for about 20seconds before I forced myself to get out, I was sinking inside, like I was struggling to get back out, I rolled out of the bed and hit hard on the floor, I thought I was going to die, I continously rolled over, I didnt care what I did I just wanted to get out of the trip.
6:30PM I constantly ran around the house, trying to exhaust myself to try and get rid of it as fast as I could, I heard ringing and screaming, I picked up the phone after I heard a ring, and continuesly shouted HELP! FU**ING HELL HELP! IS ANYBODY THEIR?? I couldnt hear voices, or nothing, the phone clutched around me like it was stuck to my neck, I ran around trying to wear it off.
6:50PM The trip was in its full force, I was crawling around in a dark corner of the house, moving and screaming, I saw thousands of things moving, I clutched myself deeper inside, trying to shake out of it, but it was no use, I was going to die.
7:20PM I couldnt take it, I tried to ring friends but the phone numbers vanished, and moved around, and I couldnt remember them, I was braught to my knees with the phone in my hands, and collapsed.
My tripping days were over.
4:30AM Horrible, I woke up on the kitchen floor, with the phone in my hands, I had the immediate recognition my parents had seen me in this state, and just left me their, the trip was wearing, I could feel it, but it may had been a dream, I read the clock, and it was stable at 4:30AM, the trip had gone, and as much as I can say I was fine, I went back to the computer, to see about 500 messages from my friend, trying to talk, and getting worried, it is alot better to know now, that I feel like I was not truly alone on my trip.
I should have never taken LSD alone.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2003</td><td width="90">ExpID: 23701</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 24, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,431</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=23701&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=23701&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Alone (16), Guides / Sitters (39), Bad Trips (6), Difficult Experiences (5)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">128 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Last weekend, a friend of mine calls me up and asks if anyone I know would like to test a hit of acid that night to test the potency of it. I immediately jumped on this opportunity and had him come pick me and a couple of friends up from our dorm. We're all pretty experienced in mind-altering substances. My three closest friends here had all tripped on DXM with me, we've all done shrooms, 3 of us tried LSA; in fact, between the 4 of us, there were few popular drugs out there that we hadn't tried. A week or two prior to this event I had gotten some 5meo-dipt from the same guy who was asking me to test the acid, so I trusted him and took the hit. He said his friend had just bought it off some hippie and warned that it might just be a piece of paper without any LSD on it. So I took the acid and waited.
A week ago I had mistaken a caffeine pill for Foxy and actually sold a few hits of it, and did some of it myself. Due to our habit of being stoned all the time, the placebo effect actually had me fooled for a while. I didn't want tonight to be a repeat of my gullibility so I was determined to be as skeptical about it as possible until I totally tripped out.
We played xbox for about an hour and then my friends started asking me about the acid. I was pretty stoned at the time so I told them I wasn't sure. A few guys told me that it should take about 45 minutes to hit me, so I became skeptical of the authenticity of the tab I took. We continued to play X-box for another hour until I started to realize that I wasn't just stoned. A poster on top of the TV looked slightly distorted but I couldn't point my finger on how exactly it was distorted. And then the people in the poster started look very real, like a window into another world. The poster did not become animated but I made note of this visual and told my friends I was beginning to feel something.
About 10 minutes later, I was sure I was tripping. My friend took me into his room and played some techno and trance for me and let me watch his winamp visual on his computer. The visuals completely captivated me. They colors were more brilliant than normal, and at times the screen looked like it was bubbling and the glass was being melted off. Pieces of color looked like they were about to pop out of the screen. At this point, wasn't having any difficulty organizing thoughts in my head and the body load was no where as strong as when I take shrooms. My mind was clear, and I was able to function pretty normally for the most part.
After a while, I got tired of the winamp visuals so I went outside to play more X-box with the guys. It was at this point that I started feeling the inebriating effect of the LSD. I wasn't able to concentrate on the game, and Halo seemed so complicated and confusing. Then all of a sudden, I look on the screen and I see my friend's cat running around in the level being chased and shot at. Nothing else interesting happened after that and I began to come down soonafter.
Overall, it was a good experience. However, the potency of the acid I took was less than satisfactory. I may have to take 2 or 3 tabs next time.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2004</td><td width="90">ExpID: 31034</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 24, 2018</td><td>Views: 952</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=31034&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=31034&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">145 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Title: A Head Full of Acid in Class
Date: March 30th 2006
Well, I got a sweet acid hook-up~! I bought 5 tabs for myself and went to my girlfriends place as soon as I could get there. We said we would trip together... The situation is this:
I've done acid once before, plently of experience with mushrooms...
...she has done mushrooms twice before, not the best experiences.. Never done acid. She lives really close to her university, and has her own place.
It's 3:30 and we decided to pop the tabs. We have 1 each. She has class at 7 at night, we thought by then the acid would start to leave us... We were very wrong!
Upcoming buzz was minimal to nothing, couldn't feel the acid working at all. I thought it was bad stuff, and we almost took another hit 2 hours after nothing had happend.
It wasn't until 3 hours after we took the hit when we started to feel the effects... At this point I was biking my girlfriend to her class, which I said I would attend... It's a lecture room with about 200 other students. The class was for sociology.. Anyways, by the time I'm in her class and sitting down I'm starting to trip out.
I couldn't help but notice all the patterns... Each brick was perfect, the layout of the lights, everything in the room was tripping me out. I didn't have very many visuals however, they were kept to a minimal the whole time. Though, I could feel the acid working ...
I can't believe my girlfriend had to sit through the whole class taking notes, I was tripping harder and harder as I thought about what I was thinking about. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I was tripping harder and harder as I thought about what I was thinking about.</div></div> I then realized I was in control of the acid. The harder I wanted to trip, the harder I did. A video was put on the wall for the class to watch, it was 40 minutes long... There was a point where I was watching the doctor speak... And his face would slowly start morphing into a frog, I shit you not. It was incredible... Then all those bricks on the walls began dancing a bit, forming straight lines that went into the ground. That is where I hallucinated the most.
The whole class was 2.5 hours long.
During the lecture I put my headphones on and tripped out to Mars Volta ... Listened to the whole CD, without a clue to what the teacher was talking about.
There were times where I thought my girlfriend could read my mind, and her friend who was sitting to my left could hear me when I was whispering... I also came up with 'Acid is the key, and your head is the car. The key can turn the car on, but you have to be the one to drive it.' ... I had many many many thoughts in my head, and I could hardly contame them all.
Once I got out of the class I felt like I was free... At times I was sitting in the same spot for so long, I would begin to wonder when the last time I had moved my body was... There were many bricks that had intense designs and patterns I really wanted to look at... But iddn't have much time to. The bike ride home was awesome, I felt like I was floating..and could bike VERY fast without it feeling like I was pedaling at all.
At home my girlfriend and I spoke about our trips...hers wasn't all that exciting since she was taking notes the whole time. I wouldn't shut up about mine... Was smoked a bunch of bowls and watched the family guy movie. It wasn't until 4:30 am when I started to feel tired...
All in all it was a really good and fun acid trip... Though we are gonna dose again this coming saturday with 2 or 3 friends and take at least 2 tabs each. We have a hospital nearby and a few fun places to check out while tripping.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2006</td><td width="90">ExpID: 53355</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Aug 3, 2018</td><td>Views: 760</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=53355&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=53355&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Various (28), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">65 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
My boyfriend (22) and I (21) been talkin about takin acid for a while now, he did it few times before and I convinced him to let me try it.
It was friday, we were at his place. At 21:00 we each took 1 hit.
After an hour he said it's starting to affect him, I felt nothing, but he said it'll take longer for me cuz it's the first time. Time passed by, it was hard for me to feel it working, cuz I didnt know just what am I suppose to feel. Slowly but surely I began feeling happy, I was laughing for no reason, it was hard to remain calm. I felt energized, had the urge to go somewhere, do something. Music sounded so alive and great.The playlist was on random, some songs were amazing, I heard them like it was for the 1st time, different sounds, different beats, other songs which I usually like-sounded awful. The sound was affected by the mood. also the taste, we drank some cranberry juice and I was amazed at how perfect it is. Felt every drop runing down my throat. Then we went outside to get some fresh air, and it was the best air I ever tasted. So fresh and sweet.Came back inside. (still laughing non-stop)I looked at the clock, it was 23:20 but it seemed like so many hours have passed. Time just didnt move. my bf wanted to smoke, but said it'll make him feel sick, so I suggested he'd just hold the ciggi in his mouth. He did. But for some reason there was smoke coming out of his mouth (even though the cigarette wasnt lit).
Then I noticed that the 2 bottles of juice on the floor were moving. One of them was leaning toward the other one, like trying to touch it. We layd on the bed.for some reason my legs went numb. I tried to move them-nothing. But he calmed me down and said that if I'll really want to move them- I will. Then we we began having sex.It was probably one of the most intence expiriences ever. Every touch was so vivid, every tongue movement, every fingertip on every skin cell. The breating seemed really loud, every movement was very very intence, could actually feel him inside me, but in a totally different way.
We fell a sleep at 08:00. And slept for 8 hours.when we woke up we felt like after a night of drinking, tired and weak. But nothing more.
The whole expirince was nice, everything was intence, more vivid, more alive. But it's not what I thought it would be. I heard people looking at walls and seeing red dragons and blue fairys- didnt see anything like that. No odd colors, just few weird movements, vivid taste, vivid sex and a lot of laughs.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2004</td><td width="90">ExpID: 34149</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Aug 3, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,277</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=34149&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=34149&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), First Times (2), Music Discussion (22), Sex Discussion (14), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">4 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/meth/">Methamphetamine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 g</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
My friend Lisa moved back to town after being away for more than a year. It was the first time I had seen her since highschool grad. When I go to her place the first thing she does is shove a crack pipe in my mouth, tells me its crystal meth, and lights the crystals in the pipe. There was no taste to the drug, the effects were immediate though.
The palms of my hands began to sweat and my body began to feel waves of adrenaline. I sat on her pleather yellow couches while she began to tell me that she also brought back LSD to deal in our small town. Her boyfriend at the time, Steven figured we should all drop a few hits to celebrate our reunion. So we did just that. I dropped the two hits of acid they gave me. What the hell, how could I refuse free acid.
The effects of the acid were felt within 20 minutes. She had posters of frogs on her walls. Pretty soon those posters didnt even resemble frogs...just blobs of colors on the walls. A few hours into our trip Steven began to have a bad trip. He kept saying he was dying, he was sweating and you could really tell he was afraid. Lisa took him into the bedroom to calm him down.
I ended up sitting on her couch watching informercials and smokin weed to settle my nerves. I was a bit twitchy but I was having a great time. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I was a bit twitchy but I was having a great time.</div></div> Several hours passed before she came back into her livingroom and said they were going to bed. I stayed up all night tripping by myself.
I ended up being awake for 36 hours. When I came down from the drugs everything was surreal. The night slowly came back to me. I couldn't understand why Steven had a bad trip when mine was awesome. I've never had a bad trip in my life. I was always able to keep a somewhat right state of mind to tell myself that it's only the drugs playing with me. I never got high with Steven again.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2001</td><td width="90">ExpID: 24735</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Aug 9, 2018</td><td>Views: 2,528</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=24735&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=24735&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Methamphetamine (37), LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Various (28)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">100-150 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 4:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">50 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 8:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">20-30 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance">Mitragynine</td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">200 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Mitragynine is know to have antagonistic properties at the 5ht2 receptor. For this reason I suspected it might be a useful tool to help comedown at the end of a long LSD trip. Not only would it reduce after trip muscle pain but also help quiet the mind to bring sleep sooner.
I have several times used it to good effect this way. Other that a very slight immediate increase in visuals trip would soon subside after smoking the mitragynine as early as T=6hr.
In March of last year a friend of mine came to visit and we dosed together. One drop each of what was reputed to be "Pharmaceutical grade Sandoz LSD smuggled in from Europe". <!--(Yay Reedies lol). -->Anyway, about 4hrs in we split 100mg of rather pure mdma crystals.
At about 8hrs I was really feeling ready to sleep. So I decide it was time to kill the trip as I had in the past with some purified kratom alkaloid (97% mytragynine alkaloid extract). Upon smoking it I felt a distinct boost to the trip. I decided that was enough and went to bed.
The most intense closed eye visuals of my life set in! *Vivid* dream like moving scenes of color and activity. Places and people I knew and creatures and kingdoms I did not all in the most brilliant swirling colors. At the same time I was filled with and intense psychotic and overwhelming paranoia! I was deeply and thoroughly convinced my dear friend of several years was a federal agent sent to bust me <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I was deeply and thoroughly convinced my dear friend of several years was a federal agent sent to bust me</div></div> and that any moment as I lay there the feds would come storming through my bedroom door to apprehend me.
Well eventually after about 2.5hrs of this I finally crashed and woke the next day in good spirits, paranoia and extra mostly gone.
I recently became aware that I am not the only one to <a href="">notice the effect of this combo</a><!-- (Increased Visuals. LSD, Amphetamines (Adderall) & Kratom. By BBB)-->, and considering the result I was expecting compared to what I got I figured this knowledge might benefit others. ;)
Be safe and enjoy life.
Therapeutic CDXX<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2008</td><td width="90">ExpID: 74990</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Aug 18, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,360</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=74990&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=74990&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Mitragynine (417), MDMA (3), LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Bad Trips (6), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ketamine/">Ketamine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">4 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">128 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Before I get to my experience I would like to point out that I am eternally grateful for reputable harm reduction sites<!--that the vaults --> exist, indeed so are many of my friends, it is a comprehensive and up to date and non biased recourse that people who are either going to use or would like to know about psychoactive chemicals can view information without being subjected to propaganda and bullshit about how all drugs will kill you every time you use any of them. The dosage sections of drugs alone has probably saved countless lives compared to talk to franks life saving ability of... Well yeah anyways to my report...
Sometime in late November I had just taken acid for the first time, I had eaten 4 fairly weak tabs (in comparison to other acid I have since sampled) and the trips had begun to subside (or maybe I had grown used to objects warping and bending and colors flashing past me) and what can only be thanks to the favor of a god someone I knew had just come into possession of some very special K and agreed to help me out with 4 of his finest grams, one of my friends wanted one so I obliged...
About 20 minutes after meeting the K man I walked to meet my friends in town in order to go to the house that I was staying at for the night, during this time we decided we all needed to go and sample this K and so being the gracious and sensible law abiding fellow I decided to (I must add I had no tolerance at this point) crush up a gram still in the baggy on a nearby bench whilst still in town, I then stuck a snorter in the bag and sniffed about 2 3rds of the contents, after about 5 minutes I was walking like a legless fool, the noise of the metallic sea came back and washed over me with the usual waves of numb euphoria which is why I so love lady K...
Somehow me and my 4 other walking K holed messes of friends managed to stagger across town to a nice secluded area (the local cycle path) where one of my friends proceeded to spray a large 'tag' on the ground, as he moved his arm with such precision and passion it looked to me as if he didn't even have a spray can which to me looked magical as the letters began to take shape and the paint began to glisten and shimmer, the colors flashed and danced around on the asphalt, my friend appeared to me to be a warlock, a mystic, creating a portal to a new universe with his paint... It was truly awe inspiring as for that small portion of time all other movements ceased and the world stood still in my view just to watch this portal open...
After about an hour of tripping around, we met my friend 'the warlock's' mother who was giving us a lift to the house (me warlock and music man) the 3 of us then proceeded to meet the acid man and get music man a tab, after he consumed his and more psychedelic tom foolery began to transpire we began K snorting, slowly consuming the remaining 2 and 1/3 g's until about a gram in a very very strange group trip took place, both me and warlock lost control of our bodies, our minds were still aware of what was happening but we began to move around the room in a robot like manner whilst yelling 'what the hell is going on' this experience was one of my most fond memory's of hallucinations I have ever had...
After yet more tom foolery we decided to bed down for the night around 4am and decided that as we were not going to get to sleep due to the acid in our brains, we needed to polish off my ketamine in 2 mighty lines (as music man didn't want any) and did the usual ritual of listening to the song 'soon we'll be dead' by leftover crack while we insufluated these 2 tickets to the k hole, I then stuck zeitgeist 2 on and laid down ready for a journey I would never forget...
The area around the bottom bunk of the bed I was on began to change from pitch black to the areas described in the film, everything I saw was in black and white, the there were people in suits standing around having conversations about the subjects in zeitgeist and with every word I sunk deeper into the k hole, after the subject of money was dug through my brain felt as if it was leaking out of every hair follicle but as it exited my head I felt it warmed my scalp with an almost electric buzz of energy, I felt as if my eyes could see more than they could handle, the black and white universe around the bed kept morphing, vibrating, imploding and then exploding again as if everything was being recreated multiple times every minute of time that passed...
The power on the laptop I was watching the movie on ran out just as the narrator said something along the lines of 'we can then move forward' and everything in the universe went black and I drifted out of the reality I was in and came back to this terrestrial realm and then fell asleep...
I woke up the next morning with moisture around my nose and mouth, and the same moisture around the area my face was on the pillow and bed, it was a combination of saliva and snot that had leaked from my face whilst I was in the other universe... Bizarre indeed!
In conclusion this was one of the greatest nights of my life, and by putting it into one sentence I am not doing the things I learned from it justice.
Thank you for taking the time to read my report
Peace.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2010</td><td width="90">ExpID: 93234</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 16</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Aug 20, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,425</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=93234&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=93234&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Ketamine (31), LSD (2) : General (1), Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2.5 drops</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(edible / food)</b></td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
The end of Dec 2017 I decided I was at a point in life where I needed something to take me outside of myself and depression. I needed some sort of proof that there was still beauty in the world because as it stood my faith was pretty much shattered. My boyfriend had always been into psychedelics whereas I had never done anything. I told him I felt ready and asked what I should try. He said lets go all the way down the rabbit hole and do acid. He was experienced in it and knew what to expect. There was no way to prepare myself for what was to come.
We grabbed a pizza and ate a few hours beforehand and stocked up on water/Gatorade and anything else we may want because he was like once we drop we arent leaving the house. I dont recommend eating pizza because it caused upset stomach after taking the acid. Unfortunately I'm unsure of the actual dosage but it had been put on sweettarts. We both ate 2 1/2 of them.
After about two hours I started to think 'man this isnt real this doesnt even work'. I got up to use the bathroom and when I looked at the shower curtain I noticed it was 'breathing'. Slowly moving in and out. This got me excited so I ran out and by that time he was already looking at me smiling and asked 'Starting to feel it?' of course I was. The come up was slightly annoying in the sense that my jaw kept tightening and my actual teeth hurt. I chewed some gum but it didn't help. We also noticed that we were getting warm off and on. This overall good feeling started kicking in and I knew it was about to happen!
We decided to look at some art books but weren't really having the full effects yet. Now I know this is going to sound crazy but hear me out. At this time I saw him yawning but my mind thought it heard a car with screeching brakes. I couldn't tell whether I had heard a car or him yawn. I started randomly giving him this theory that when the human body stops to yawn its the same thing as a car hitting the breaks. Its life's way of telling you to stop/slow down. He laughed and entertained my theory but I was so certain I had unlocked some secret lol. We walked outside and it was freezing cold. I looked up to see the top of a tree that was best described as popcorn...the leaves were just bubbling over &amp; spilling over themselves. It was incredible. Every time the wind would blow you could literally hear each branch it was creaking.
We go back inside and began listening to Ravi Shankar and Indian sitar tabla music. We both were just in awe of how amazing it sounded. I swear the auditory perception was truly amazing on acid. The only way I can accurately describe it is like I could hear so many layers of notes just pouring out of the speaker. It was like falling down a never ending spiral but through sound. It was the most beautiful music Id ever heard in my life. When the crowd would cheer I was literally hearing each individual person clapping! We tried listening to our regular fav bands but they were so weak compared to that Indian music. Its crazy. My hearing was on another level. Whenever the central heat would shut off, I kept saying how I could hear each individual blade coming to a halt!
At this point into the trip something else funny begins to happen. I start looking at pictures on my phone of winter scenes. The trees in those pics are moving and breathing. Everything was alive. Still photos, the blinds on the windows, the music, even taking a clear plastic wrapper off of a peppermint sounded amazing <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">Everything was alive. Still photos, the blinds on the windows, the music, even taking a clear plastic wrapper off of a peppermint sounded amazing</div></div>! The color white was just out of this world for some reason and oddly enough white is normally such a bland color ya know? I walked out front and it looked like the concrete was covered in ice. It wasnt tho really. We also found that the music was in some way making us both feel like monkeys. Now, trust me I know that sounds crazy but its so hard to describe. We felt like we were back to basics in the jungle running and communicating with each other with the music. We are laughing at how amazing it all is. My face was legitimately hurting from smiling so big for so long. Whenever I looked into the mirror the pores on my face were shifting and swirly. Every time I thought it was over it wasnt and we would peak again! This went on all night into the next morning. He was able to sleep after but not me. My mind was so blown from everything that I literally could not sleep. I immediately want to share with anyone who would listen what I had experienced.
I absolutely LOVE acid and cannot wait to trip again. It helped me so much and its a shame its illegal. My mind is definitely open now to try other psychedelics.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2017</td><td width="90">ExpID: 112089</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 33</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Aug 23, 2018</td><td>Views: 779</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=112089&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=112089&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Depression (15), Music Discussion (22), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">inhaled</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/nitrous/">Nitrous Oxide</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(gas)</b></td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This trip report is actually not really going to be so much on the effects of something I experienced as a new type of high, but rather the same high I've already been used to but in a new perspective. Because of this there is a prelude to the experience, but I think it sets up the trip very well, certainly making it more meaningful than it would be to just skip to the meat of it anyway.
I've always been one to enthusiastically research many different things about the drugs that I'm putting into my body, and in the last few weeks particularly one of my biggest focuses has been dissociatives, especially nitrous oxide and ketamine. I've never been overly interested in the class in general outside of these two substances, and until recently didn't really have any experience with either aside from one time with ketamine; lately though, I've been using nitrous a lot when I trip. I've never really found it to do a whole lot for me otherwise. It certainly feels good and all, I just don't find it really that fulfilling of a high on its own. But, it was enough for me to warrant further research.
I think dissociatives in general have proven to be pretty revealing for me as far as looking into drugs goes; I suppose from what I had heard from people beforehand and just from the attitudes I heard expressed I had assumed that at least ketamine and nitrous oxide were probably pretty 'clean' NMDA antagonists pharmacologically speaking, unlike their 'dirty' relatives (no negative connotation given whatsoever) like DXM and ibogaine, for instance. This however turned out to be false, and while searching deeper with ketamine I quickly came across evidence for activities as dopamine reuptake inhibitor, kappa-opioid receptor agonist, and muscarinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist, as well as other things which surprised me to a lesser extent.... In my last trip report I expressed a belief that the kappa-opioid activity of ketamine might be why my one experience with it, on top of 2C-I, is really the only thing that I can completely compare to combining salvia with a psychedelic, and which nitrous and DXM for me have some but not all of the qualities of. Even when I was learning these things about ketamine though, in the back of my mind I still thought of nitrous as the clean high, the more pure drug. But then, I started to become suspicious of that as well.
It was easy to find information about nitrous which was similar to other inhaled anesthetics.... Its activity as a GABA(a) PAM, 5-HT3 and nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist, and so on. Considering what had interested me about salvia and ketamine though, I wanted to know more. I had definitely thought that the way that nitrous causes ego loss, and its general architecture for producing death experiences, was similar to salvia even if it didn't quite have all of the visuals that ketamine did, and in that way I thought it compared to very high doses of synthetic cannabinoids, and so I found myself wondering if it wasn't still at least causing a release of dynorphin or something, like cannabinoids do, thinking that maybe it just came down to a difference resulting from endogenous vs exogenous activation of kappa-opioid receptors. I was able to find some old studies which didn't exactly nail anything down, but did show me that there at least seemed to be a preference for kappa- over mu-opioid receptors in the analgesic effect of nitrous, and it was thought to be at least in part if not in full mediated by a release of endogenous chemicals in the brain. That had me satisfied for a minute, but then I thought to myself: what if I'm just overlooking something because it seems *too* easy?
When I was at work earlier today and had little more than time to waste away, I decided to see if any research had been done in any way linking nitrous oxide to the endocannabinoid system in the brain. All of these things I had read about nitrous so far were interesting, but there's still something unique about nitrous compared to other dissociatives that I had yet to feel I had quite gotten to the bottom of yet, and I wanted to know what it was. What I was able to find it first wasn't really anything too earth-shattering - there was a study saying that nitrous oxide increased the pain-killing effect of THC; yeah, who could've guessed? - but then I found something which practically made my jaw drop. (Given, I am a big neuropharmacology nerd.) What I came across was a recent study by Zhang, et al. entitled 'Involvement of endocannabinoid mechanisms in the antinociceptive effect of N2O in mice'. For those who get particularly intrigued by such things I would suggest looking it up, but to sum it up, it basically said that the pain-killing effect of nitrous could be partially reversed by inhibiting cannabinoid CB1 but not CB2 receptors, but yet that its activity didn't seem to be significantly altered by simultaneous administration of drugs which either blocked the reuptake of endocannabinoids or inhibited their metabolism. It suggested further research be done, but for me, one potential implication was clear: nitrous oxide could be working in some way to more directly stimulate CB1 receptors to cause its effect.
Recently, I had decided to stop using cannabis. I had made this decision once before in my life, or at least once that I was actually able to stick to it for as long as I wanted to; I have made countless failed decisions to do so. In my time getting to know the lovely Mary Jane, along with many of her synthetic cousins, these are some of the key things I've learned about myself in relation to cannabinoids: 1. cannabinoids make me feel much more 'high' in a sense of being separate from sobriety in relation to level of actual intoxication than any other sort of compound I've ever put into my body; 2. taking any amount of time for a break compared to my all day every day weed smoking, even if it's just one day off, makes my next dose of cannabinoids drastically more intense and deeper-feeling; 3. when I convince myself to stay away from cannabinoids for any considerable amount of time but then return to them before my body and mind have really had a chance to *completely* readjust to sobriety, even if I've been totally content without them in that time, there is a very recognizable pattern of de-stressing that I go through on multiple levels as soon as a cannabinoid again enters my system; and 4. I have always been one to be more prone to the more psychedelic effects of cannabinoids on a psychological level, even more so than with serotonergics not uncommonly, and high doses of cannabinoids give me a very emotionally intense trip which can be much deeper on a delusional level (distinct from delirium) than any other type of trip I've experienced. For this last point, I have just a couple of anecdotes to offer up as evidence.
My most intense experience to date on any cannabinoid, natural or otherwise, had come from smoking a big rip of the strain Sour Diesel, my personal psychedelic favorite, out of a friend's four foot bong, and after smoking mostly mid-grade weed for a couple of weeks. The result was the heaviest coughing session of my life, followed by the most difficult trip I had ever experienced on any hallucinogen, period. As the effects kicked in, I was filled with a growing dread and devastation. At the time I was actually experiencing a lot of panic attacks from smoking weed, and this was actually why I initially successfully was able to quit smoking for a while, but after half a year I had started working my way slowly back up into it, and what I found was that by attacking these fearful experiences head on I could come of these trips feeling like a much stronger person, and after that I would be able to be at least that high without any psychological worries. Generally my panic attacks were centered around impending death, and I'll admit that I had probably started to get sort of a big head about how well I could now handle those experiences. This, was completely different. There was no worrying about death or physical health; no, something much worse (to me) entered my mind....
At this time in my life I had actually been making a lot of progress toward accepting myself as a transsexual and making positive change in my life, but I admittedly still was nagged in the back of my mind by an insecurity I had held with me from a young age from back when I first started trying to figure myself out, the thought that maybe I was 'wrong' about my gender identity, and I was actually just crazy or unfixable. What this trip did was make that insecurity a reality. In that moment of devastation, I felt that I had just finally realized the truth, that everything was sliding into place, and I was indeed wrong all along. Everything that I thought about myself, the identity I was finally starting to become so comfortable with, and everything in my life that I had come to know and love, was a lie. This 'realization' was the most soul-crushing thing I have ever in my life experienced, before or since. It was far worse than any impending doom trip I could possibly have imagined. If I had not been prepared for an experience like this, it easily could have done some serious damage to me which would have taken quite a bit of work to recover from. Thankfully for me, however, a second of lucidity blessed me with one thought: what if I'm just tripping? In that moment, I knew... I had to hold on, to remind myself of who I am, of everything that I've accomplished and overcome in my life. It was a rough ride, especially physically as strong weed trips tend to be for me (lots of tremors, just really uncomfortable feelings which makes seizures on synthetic cannabinoids seem totally believable to me), but I came out of it... and like I had with previous weed trips, I felt stronger than ever before. That trip was a very significant milestone in my life.... It's the experience that washed away those old insecurities of mine enough to prevent them from standing in the way of me chasing my happiness any longer.
My second strongest cannabinoid trip to date, and my other anecdote to offer, came shortly after I had started smoking DMT again, and not yet using any other psychedelics, since I had also quite those when I had quit weed before. I was smoking with a coworker, and I forget what the strain was now, but it was out of his gas mask, which I was using for the first time. Wow, that thing hit HARD! This particular coworker was a high school senior and I'm in my mid-twenties at this point and had just headed over for a bowl after work so I wasn't exactly expecting to hang out all night or anything, but of course I planned to stay for at least a little bit to be friendly and just chill on the high before calling it a night. He just started playing some Xbox game and talking about some of the stuff in his daily life as of late, and I was acting pretty outwardly calm form it, but in my mind I was tripping hard. This was around the point in my life where I had started to realize how much psychedelic experiences in general can all be linked back to 'letting go', and now it was this thought that was filling my mind as an absolute truth for everything in life, and it had the same intense, for some reason devastating emotional impact that my previous strong weed trip had had as well. I knew in that moment that the only *rational* thing to do would be to start going completely insane and flinging stuff all over the room (the only time I've ever had any compulsion to do that from any hallucinogen), but for the sake of not alarming my coworker, I forced myself to keep my cool. I carried on the casual conversation as well as I could for a little bit, and then told him I was tired and ready to head home for the night. I thanked him for the smoke out, then walked back to my car, where I basically just ended up sitting because I was in no shape to drive; I was even getting slight open-eye visuals in the darkness outside. I thought to myself how lucky I was to have had my previous strong weed trip, because I really didn't know how well I would be handling that high otherwise.
When I first found the study suggesting a cannabinoid action of nitrous oxide, these weed trips, which were ancient history for me, were the first things that suddenly popped into my mind again. Something about the uniqueness of nitrous oxide just clicked into place so easily for me: the emotional intensity and delusional mindset I get on high, fully psychedelic doses of nitrous is literally the exact same one that I have so far gotten exclusively on cannabinoids. I even described my experience with it in previous trip reports as giving me a feeling of coming into some knowledge that could destroy everything I've ever known and loved, if I could remember what it was while sober - it was literally *exactly* the same as my strong experiences in the past, just more emotionally detached, and physically relaxing instead of uncomfortable. I started to think about it theoretically as how it could be that nitrous, by being a stronger NMDA antagonist than CB1 agonist, is actually allowing for a deep and thorough exploration of extremely powerful cannabinoid trips by forcing you into submission and reversing the physical discomfort and even danger that a cannabinoid would normally cause through its dissociative and anesthetic properties. If this were the case, it would also pretty well explain why my ketamine and DXM trips lacked this quality, despite being strong and often delusional in their own sense. Needless to say I was intrigued; I could never say anything definitively without having the actual binding studies done for me of course, but I was already starting to become pretty convinced from a combination of the study I found and personal experience that there could at least be a definite connection between nitrous and cannabinoid receptor activation.
So, at this time it had been about a week and a half since my last time smoking weed, which was at the beginning of my previous LSD trip and when I had finally resolved to quit again for the time being, this time purely for overuse, emotional abuse, and the tension headaches it was causing me to be super baked all the time. I had felt no remorse at all for this decision and actually was noticing all kinds of wonderful effects: increased clarity of thought, motivation, and even frequent and very controllable lucid dreams, which I had also trained myself for during my last long break from weed but which had sort of disappeared after my return to regular use. But nonetheless, I was certainly intrigued by this new potential for nitrous. I already knew that I liked nitrous with psychedelics more than weed; it enhanced my trips in a very similar and similarly sexual way, but at the same time it didn't leave me feeling robbed of lucidity quite the way that weed did, even though it could take my far deeper into the experience than weed ever could. It felt stronger, but less demanding of focus. I started thinking to myself that this could just be due to its shorter duration and the fact that its anesthesia was blocking a lot of body attention that cannabinoids normally give me, rather allowing for a fuller exploration of the psychedelic mindset. Again, all just theories, but they fascinated me. I had only used nitrous one time since quitting weed, with 4-AcO-DMT, and only once in a very small dose to stave off nausea. To me, this whole area still seemed pretty unexplored.
I had actually been expecting to trip on 4-HO-MET the previous night, but had decided against it at the last second. As I was preparing for that trip, it just occurred to me that I really wasn't tripping for any reason other than because I could. The psychedelics are plentiful, and it's been about a week since my last trip so tolerance wouldn't be a major issue. With that in mind, I just called the whole thing off. Back when I had started smoking DMT again I went through a phase of smoking it almost every day for a couple of weeks, and I quickly learned that using it every day rapidly becomes pointless. It starts to shut me out, and the only experiences that really stand out are the ones where I either wait for it to find me or decide to do it because it feels like the absolutely *perfect* time to, and not just because it's available. When I followed those guidelines it was always a powerful and beautiful trip, so I had adjusted my behavior for it. Now, last night, I was starting to think that it was time to apply that mindset to other psychedelics as well.... I had had my fun with being super excited to start tripping again, and getting even further with it than I ever had before, but now it was time to start treating my psychedelics with respect and getting the most out of them that I possibly can. I resolved to see how I felt during the next two days when I had time off, and to just see if any perfect moments for tripping found me. The very next day, today, I ended up hanging out with a close friend with plans for him to crash at my place overnight, and I had just recently had a wonderful LSD trip with this same friend, so we decided to dose together again for the night.
My friend, who is not a regular tripper, decided to just take one hit and see where it got him (he later expressed wishing he had taken two, but wasn't disappointed by the effects). The last time he and I tripped we had each taken four hits, and at that time what I found was that those four hit me *way* harder than I had expected, in several ways even stronger than my LSD trip prior to it which had been on three times that dosage. With this in mind I decided to go with three hits this time and see how I faired, and, finally getting to the experience, I dosed at 7:25 PM, our T+0:00. This particular friend is still a regular weed smoker and knows that he's more than welcome to continue smoking in my presence, but I have to admit that sometimes it does make me feel a little bit left out. This time, however, I was prepared. I had plenty more nitrous than I would even need for the whole evening just in case I felt like using it, which I'm currently trying to do on a 'if it feels right'-only basis with psychedelics, to not overdo it. When my friend was smoking plenty of weed around T+1:00 though, I figured it was time to join him in a ritual of furthering my intoxication in at least the closest way that I could approximate. I had already been feeling considerably stimulated from the LSD at the time, much more than I would have expected from that dose. I definitely felt as though my weed break had made a significant impact on my psychedelic sensitivity, but, even with all of the nitrous as a cannabinoid thoughts that had been going through my head, I didn't think to adjust for this when preparing my balloon (refer back to point 2 of key things I have learned about myself and cannabinoids). I ended up using one taunting charger on a balloon that I only afterward realized had a hole in it, so I didn't get a whole lot out of that, but I was ready for more. With a new balloon in hand, I started loading eight chargers.
I had put on a sexy song that I liked listening to on a significant LSD trip of mine in the past to show my friend, and just to have as a background for the nitrous. Honestly, I'm not sure I can even remember getting through the first half of the balloon, and I certainly don't remember anything beyond the very beginning of the song. In fact, I barely remember anything at all, other than that I was having the most emotionally intense and far removed from reality trip I've ever had in my life. Everything in this reality and this life had been completely left behind me, and I was genuinely shocked to find when I suddenly sat up that this world I'm familiar with still even exists to begin with. I expressed this to my friend and he asked for more details, but I was already starting to lose most of it beyond just a heavy remaining feeling of dissociation. By the time I sat up the song was already over, and apparently I had been rolling around laughing and curling up in a ball on the floor while out in the ether. But, as intense as I recall that trip being, what interested me *far* more is what had come immediately after it. If you'll refer back to point 3 of key things I've learned about cannabinoids and myself, you'll recall that there is a completely recognizable behavioral pattern for me which characterizes a 'relapse' on to a cannabinoid after a short to moderate break, which so far nothing but a cannabinoid has ever been able to cause in me (for common sense reasons). What I had found upon my reentry into this reality is that nitrous has caused this to occur, in its complete and utter entirety. The feeling that I had, in terms of subjective high, felt to me practically indistinguishable from smoking a massive amount of strong weed all at once after a decent tolerance break. I know what feeling baked feels like, especially on LSD, and I was BAKED. I even had the giggles, which also made me think about how that laughter stands out for me as unique to nitrous among dissociatives (in my experience anyway), just more things to think about.
Normally nitrous tends to fade away very quickly for me, but on psychedelics it sticks around for a little while, and this time was no exception. It started to dawn on me very strongly how much this weed-like activity I was getting from nitrous was probably normally just flying under my radar because of the fact that I had a lot of cannabinoid tolerance and I was always high at all times anyway, so it becomes hard to distinguish a difference. I was also amazed at just how powerful that balloon had been, but that's when I sort of started to realize that if there was this significant overlap with its effects then I probably just used way more than I needed right now because my cannabinoid tolerance is low, pushing myself into amnesiac territory but leaving myself with some strong lingering effects. At that point it started to occur to me that the way I was using nitrous was not the only right way to do so. When I had first started using it with X she always loaded big balloons for herself and I, and I just kind of took that as the thing to do, because I was treating it basically like a straight to ego death hallucinogen. But now I was sort of realizing that, if I wanted to, I could actually load much smaller balloons and sort of chill on them for a while, basically just bringing myself up to about the level of what I would for a weed high and then letting it sink in before taking another hit. Since I tripping with my friend who would be smoking weed for the duration of the experience, I figured that there was no better time to test this practice out than by just matching him, balloon for bowl, whenever we felt like upping our trips a little bit. Not constantly, just every now and then.
Most of our night doesn't require too much description.... We mostly spent it just listening to music, watching trippy videos, going out back to enjoy the night sky and fresh air, talking about friend things, and other psychedelics activities. The whole time, I felt utterly fantastic. I was definitely becoming more sensitive to the psychedelic state as of late, and now that I don't have my huge weed tolerance holding me back either, I felt that I could probably get as far as I wanted on even two hits next time, which is a pretty revolutionary change for me. I got lots of good tryptamine-style stretches in, which felt almost so good that I felt like I could be having the most incredible orgasm of my life right then and the feeling of release still wouldn't be enough, I just needed more!! The nitrous, in the meantime, was doing its job beautifully. It was enhancing my trip in literally every way that smoking weed would do for me, including making it even more sexual (which I've noticed DXM actually blocks for me) and even giving me a bit of an appetite after I had done it enough. With the new way I was using it, it basically felt exactly like smoking weed for my trip, only, as I've said before, without pulling the focus to my body, and without robbing me of lucidity, as I could at any time easily just wait a few minutes for it to dissipate back into my clear LSD mindset, even though things such as the visuals would still be strengthened. I was having a truly blissful trip. At one point when we were out back, the first and so far only time I've ever done nitrous outside, I even nearly cried while laughing because of just how immensely, incomprehensibly beautiful and awe-inspiring this life and our consciousness are. My thoughts frequently drifted to wishing I could be with X, and just thinking about how much fun it will be when we can have these kinds of experiences together more again.
After a while my friend and I decided to snack to satisfy our munchies, and I ended up eating some delicious leftover stuffed crust pizza that had been in the fridge. Like I said I actually felt that the nitrous had made me hungrier than I would normally be on LSD at this point (some time around T+3:30 I believe) but it also wasn't enough to make me want to just stuff my face like weed does, which I also thought was nice. After our meals we ended up watching the whole first season of Bravest Warriors (for the first time on LSD - hilarious! as expected) and then some anime while he continued to smoke weed and I continued to sip from my balloons, and then not long after I finished off my first case of 24 chargers, I decided to call it quits for the night and head into my bedroom while he took the living room. I wanted to get some rest before tomorrow (now today as of this writing, I can hear the sounds of morning beginning outside), but it's not urgent, and I knew that there was no way I'd be falling asleep right away after taking LSD and not having weed to help with insomnia, at only around T+6:00. That's when I decided to start typing up this trip report, which became a much more engaging task than I really expected it to, and so now here I am still wide awake and feeling a little bit psychedelically altered, though mostly just filled with afterglow energy. Hopefully I'll at least be able to get a little bit of sleep once I finish up here! A quick bathroom visit not that long ago welcomed me with the sound of my friend snoring in the living room.
Now, what am I left with? Of course, there's no way that I can prove that nitrous oxide has significant cannabinoids effects at the moment, but I personally feel just about as convinced as I could ever need to be unless the day comes along that some scientific study tries to sway me into thinking otherwise. As far as I'm concerned, nitrous fulfills all four of my 'cannabinoids and me' criteria fully and completely without fail <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">As far as I'm concerned, nitrous fulfills all four of my 'cannabinoids and me' criteria fully and completely without fail</div></div>, so at the very least, to me there is no difference anyway.
I had recently started to become concerned that maybe nitrous wasn't as deep as I originally thought when I started using it, but now I'm thinking that I just needed a little bit of attitude adjustment. I've always found that the weed trip tends to be pretty much the same for me conceptually every time I do it too, and it's just the context that makes it different, even at those delusional levels. That's what I had been thinking about nitrous, but now I see that maybe I was just creating a self-limiting environment for the nitrous in this way by constantly pushing for the complete dissolution of self, which hardly allows for varying contexts at all. Rather, the way I used it the way I used weed before seems much more meaningful and useful to me for the kind of trip I was having this time, and is likely the way that I'll use it in such cases from now on. However, I have to note that I'm also fascinated by the amazing versatility that nitrous has to offer me. I can go slow with it and treat it like smoking weed, or I can just go all out at once, basically having a full on weed-like trip only at synthetic cannabinoid overdose complete ego death breakthrough kinds of levels, but without the overdose factor. This is a wonderful thought for me, because the only time when I would ever break out of my normal weed smoking habits was when while tripping very hard, like at a visionary level, in which case I would just smoke more and more weed like my life depended on it to take myself as far out as possible, as those visions alone were enough to create their own context even with the high being that strong, so it was always deep and interesting no matter what. With everything that's happened here in mind, it just makes me think that nitrous will substitute even for this, and do far better than weed alone ever could have done for me. This thought makes me very, very excited; I truly cannot wait for the first time I get to try nitrous with an already visionary psychedelic experience, as it has yet to happen so far.
So, that should about wrap things up. It's about time I got myself some rest; I have a lot of things to think about later when I wake up, and just about life in general. In the meantime, I'll send all fellow psychonauts who have gotten this far all of my love; I am wishing the very best for you all in your lives and future travels! But for now, I bid you adieu.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2014</td><td width="90">ExpID: 103522</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Aug 27, 2018</td><td>Views: 2,023</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=103522&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=103522&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
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<tr><td colspan="2">Nitrous Oxide (40), LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">150 seeds</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/morning_glory/">Morning Glory</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(ground / crushed)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:45</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:45</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/sinicuichi/">Heimia salicifolia</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(dried)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:45</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/salvia/">Salvia divinorum</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(extract - 10x)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 7:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/">Pharms - Cetirizine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 7:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">4 capsls</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/kratom/">Kratom</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">130 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I’ve been high on weed for the better part of 2 years, it helps keep my depression and anxiety in check. I smoke roughly a gram every day or two. I have constant naturally occurring OEV and CEV, and have for as long as I can remember, the most change I have ever seen from hallucinogens has been some patterns organized in ways specific to mushrooms, though I have noticed I hallucinate less on LSD/Morning Glory seeds than I do baseline (go figure). Some of my first experiences with weed were also with Salvia, though I wasn’t really aware what that meant at the time.
I am not a spiritual person and do not expect such experiences with psychedelics. My main intent is to alter my consciousness, preferably in my house, where I can float between being in my room alone and being around people. Tonight I plan to finish typing up my first book of poetry. I’ve been smoking Sinicuichi by itself and with weed multiple times a day for the past week.
It’s been a long week at work, it’s Tuesday (my Friday), and I’ve just worked 8 hours, barely eaten all week (stress and a dirty house makes it hard for me to eat, it’s not uncommon for me to eat a banana and a donut and nothing else in a day, though it is not the norm), and am in the process of moving for the 15th time in 5 years, after some negative interactions with a roommate (and my being in this house only being temporary anyway), I’ve been in the process of finding a place to move for the past few days.
It’s 7:30 and I’m in my car, I place the tab<!--, 800mg LSD-->, under my tongue, and start to head home. My co-worker/future roommate flags me down and we smoke a bowl before I head home, LSD strain, telling him I’m in a rush to get before the LSD hits (which he agrees is a good idea), and I’m off at 7:38.
I get home around 8, noticing the effects of the LSD starting to come on, and one of my roommates has been cleaning all day, so three of us dive into the fridge and throw out anything suspect. The roommate I’ve been tiffing with is watching Salem (which I have seen and love, especially as a history student). One of my roommates comes home (there are 6 of us total), and we start accusing him of being a witch (everyone else in the house is sober), until he accuses us of being witches and on drugs.
I know that I took my dog for a short jog at some point in this time, and noticed that my natural OEV were almost unnoticeable.
At around 9, after another successful Great Purge, I ate ~150 (pre-counted) Heavenly Blue Morning Glory Seeds, ground lazily in a mortar and a bit in a food processor, in a single serve applesauce. (For context, this is my 4th time on LSD in 5 weeks, and period, and 6th time with Morning Glory seeds, also in the same time, and my second time combining them.) I’m full into the LSD peak, explaining to one of my roommates everything that is going on in Salem, both the show and their real life counterparts, as he hasn’t seen the show before.
At about 9:15, I go into my room and sit in front of my typewriter to work on a poem I’ve been writing for almost a year (at this point it’s just typing it up as a whole), but get bored and decide to try writing something else. I’ve been playing Tegan and Sara’s “Sainthood” most of this time, and’ve been bouncing between writing and dancing. I decide that, since I smoked my last nug at work, I’d pull together what bits of weed I could, enough for a single small hit, and toss it into my grinder with a hearty pinch of Sinicuichi (dry herb) and maybe an 1/8th as much Salvia (10x extract). The mixture was mostly Sini.
More context: I’ve been smoking Sini to cut down my weed smoking <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">More context: I’ve been smoking Sini to cut down my weed smoking</div></div>, grinding them together, I’ve noticed that I feel far more sharp than I do without smoking the Sini, my memory and dreaming have been better (I’ve lucid dreamed most of my life, but the weed cuts down on that, but smoking Sini, I’ve noticed a return in the intensity and my ability to remember dreams).
So I pack a very small bowl of this stuff, as I generally only microdose Salvia, especially when on LSD or Morning Glory, and clear it, holding my breath a while. I place my bong on the ground and unintentionally fling my lighter onto a nearby shelf. I’ve been sitting on my mattress on the ground, and I exhale, and suddenly I realize this is more than I bargained for, and lay down immediately.
When I opened my eyes, I was the only wall of a blue barn made of squares with mouths, with eyes where the windows might’ve been. I was watching myself in 3rd person. There was bright green grass, this made up of smaller squares, but otherwise not animated. (Note: My pillow is blue and my sheets are green, which accounts for the colour scheme.) I became aware that music was still playing, and I realized that I was the song that was playing. And that this whole thing was a music video for the song (I’m not sure a music video even exists for this song), and repeatedly heard the line “It’s all so silly to me now” and began to sit up, which I watched as a flat barn wall raising by itself to a vertical position. At this point, I could see my closed bedroom door at the end of my bed, and the line “I’ve got the cure for you” played over and over, and I realized leaving my bedroom and being with my roommates would make reality exist again, and opened the door a little harder than I normally would, and, sweating profusely, scittered across to my roommate, transforming from the Dadaist hell of my bedroom into the gloom of the Manson played Salem theme song, my dog and two cats running behind me into the room. My roommate gave me a look off almost horror (I assume because my convenient timing with the theme song and dramatic entrance), and I asked him how many times this has happened, to which he, confused, said “what?” and I began to laugh uncontrolably. For the next few minutes, as I came down, I walked between two couches in two rooms with two roommates and chatted to them as they watched Salem/played Call of Duty.
By 10:20, the salvia had completely worn off, and I asked the same roommate if he thought the grocery store was still open, to which he said “yeah, of course it’s still open. How high are you?” “very much so”.
I walked a few blocks to the grocery store to buy juice (as I do every time I take LSD) and spaghetti sauce. The weather was very mild, so I took my time and watched the stars as I went.I remember wanting to smoke a bowl of weed so badly, but didn’t feel like bothering anybody to get it illegally (being too late to go to the store). I got home, made spaghetti and meatballs, did my dishes, and watched Fraiser with a few of my roommates for a while, before returning to my room.
I started listening to Spirit Desire by Tiger’s Jaw and sifting out some of the salvia my my grinder. Packing mostly Sini bowls at this point (I had stupidly dumped almost all of my Sini in the original mixture), I could still feel a small bit of Salvia in each hit. I kept typing and dancing, typing about a 3rd of the poem (of a page long poem) without any mistakes, and decided to add two lines, finally ending it in a way I was happy with. I read up on Ergot, due it being in related vaults to LSD, and learned about its possible connection to “witch” trials in Europe (I’d heard a non-descriptive version of this theory before).
At this point, my roommate and I take my dog for a walk, It’s probably about midnight by now, and the LSD is coming down, and I can feel the Morning Glory seeds sedation a bit, the heavy limbs and all, and we tell stories about weird/bad experiences with cigarettes.
We got home and talked for a while longer, before I went back into my room to get ready to sleep. It’s 2:00 at this point, and I turn off my bedroom lights and lay down. I’ve very bad seasonal allergies, and laying down often means only breathing through one nostril. Generally on Morning Glory seeds, my brain won’t let me get to real sleep for a while, since my breathing is slowed such, and I’m lose awareness of my sinuses, which makes me think I’m not breathing, so I float between sleep and reality a while, focussing on my breathing (I don’t actually fear my breathing stopping, as it doesn’t, I only feel that way due to allergies). At ~3, I decide to take my Zyrtec D to help my breathing, and 4 Kratom 00 pill capsules to calm me down, and read for a bit before settling into a gentle, lucid sleep.
I woke up to my 7 am alarm, but slept for a few more hours, waking to my many alarms scattered across the morning, before sitting up and finishing the poem I had been working on, remembering exactly the lines I had decided on the night before.
I microdosed my mixture a few more times while cleaning my room, before sobering up a bit and driving to the store for a gram of Blue Dream Skunk. I noticed some residual Salvia effects, and realized I was less attentive than normal. Once I noticed, I was able to compensate, but was still uncomfortable. I got home, smoked a bowl, realized I had forgotten to take my mixture out of the grinder before adding weed, and had a lowkey Salvia high for a few minutes, stronger than my normal microdoses (these usually are enough for 2-3 min of feeling light and wavy, with minor merging into my surroundings). At this point I threw the mixture into a bag for a later date when I’m feeling brave (and may even add some tobacco, too) and smoked a clean bowl, rinsing my bong and wiping the bowl piece clean, to avoid any residual Salvia, and smoked a few bowls while I finished cleaning.
All in all, it was a pretty pleasant experience, and by far my most intense Salvia experience. The merging with songs bit is now extremely interesting to me, and means I’m going to pick my playlist very carefully next time I full dose Salvia, and will be doing so knowingly. I probably will hold off on the Salvia for a bit, though. I got everything I wanted out of the night and got to know one of my roommates a lot better.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2016</td><td width="90">ExpID: 108313</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Not Specified</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 23</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Aug 31, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,922</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=108313&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=108313&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Heimia salicifolia (150), Cannabis (1), Morning Glory (38), LSD (2), Salvia divinorum (44) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Depression (15), Combinations (3)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">125 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Just recently I had an experience that I will never forget in my entire life. A couple friends and I decided to take LSD on new years night, my friends will be labeled as friend A,B,C. We had all been very excited through out the day to take our sugar cubes with two hits of liquid LSD in them. We had been jamming all day at friend B's house and we were going to spend the night at A's house.
So we arrived latter that night at 10 o'clock and took our hits at around 10:20. Everything was running very smoothly we had started to come up very quickly. We were all sitting in A's room listening to the album Gamehendge by Phish which was extremely amazing in all aspects. The visual and physical effects of this trip were beyond anything that I have experienced before.
After listening to music we had decided to go chill in another room and let ourselves drift off completely. At this time a weird vibe had started to flood the room and everyone could feel it. An friend C wanted to watch Alice and Wonderland witch would have been a glorious idea if the only working dvd player wasn't right near A's fathers room. C couldn't get his mind off it and it was extremely annoying because he kept saying 'Want to watch Alice,' and we told him we were going to at 1:00 to get his mind off of it. We were all tripping insanely hard more than I had ever before.
After a while A gave into C's demand and took him down stairs to watch the movie while me and B chilled upstairs. Me and him were disusing that this entire situation was completely fucked and the vibe was so weird. We said that we didn't want to be there. From what I was told by A, C was being to loud downstairs so they came back upstairs and that is when things went into a spiral of horror.
C was making a lot of noise in the room and we were all telling him to be quiet. We all thought he was tripping to hard to control himself. But that was the weird part because we were also tripping so hard but could handle it completely. C started making absolutely no sense at all with random remarks of insanity. C started throwing everything he could get his hands on, even his own stuff that he just started demolishing. Everything thing he said wasn't making any sense. We were all tripping out of our minds also, but just wanted C to chill out before he woke A's dad and that was something that we just didn't want to deal with. We couldn't even smoke our bud because it we had to literally babysit C. Because he was FAR from himself.
After about three hours of trying to keep C silent we decided something was incredibly wrong so while me and B tried to sit in the room an calm C down, A went to get his dad. A told his dad that C was freaking out and we didn't know what to do. We had told his Dad that C had taking LSD without us knowing and we did not. When A's brother came home he had to man handle C down to A's basement so C wouldn't brake anything. As we sat there watching C literally go insane and talking complete gibberish, A's dad called drug control and they told him to call a ambulance because we had no idea wat he was capable of.
While the ambulance had arrived A's brother and the paramedics were carrying C out to the ambulance, C began to vomit not a lot mostly dry heaving and urinate himself. After he was restrained in the ambulance we had to talk to the police while still tripping very hard. We had told them that after dinner C went to bathroom for a good ten minutes and came back out, and hour latter we couldn't control him so we decide to contact some one and here we are now.
When we had removed C we were all still tripping very hard, and we were at the same time relieved that we had gotten rid of C because we didn't know what to do. But we were also happy that he was safe and controlled.
One last thing is that C's actions were something beyond him even in his normal state of mind he would never have done. It was not him at all. C was completely out of his mind. Also its not like C was this random kid from our band he was a friend that we had known for most our lives. Another thing this was not our first experience with psychedelics. We had all done LSD before even C. C one night had eaten more than an eighth of mushrooms and was the best person to trip with.<!--Just overall with hallucinogens you have now clue what will happen.-->
C is fine now but is grounded for a very long time and I think its going to be a very long time before I try hallucinogens again. That night was so fucked up. I had tripped harder than I ever had before with visuals and realizations beyond my understanding but I think its time to stick to the ganja and having and old fashion good time. After this is was all and done with, now we need a new fucking bassist for our band.<!--Also just saying be careful not just with the people you trip with but yourself cause C was a normal kid before. This was something I don't want anyone to go through.Just be aware of yourself.--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2008-2009</td><td width="90">ExpID: 76050</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Sep 11, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,489</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=76050&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=76050&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Police / Customs (60) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Train Wrecks &amp; Trip Disasters (7), Guides / Sitters (39), Second Hand Report (42), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/amphetamines/">Amphetamines</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">100 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 5:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">25 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/2cb/">2C-B</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">72 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Basically my fantasies and then some came true. I was lost for words after this happened. If youve had sex on speed and the speed comedown, you might know it as the king of physical sensation. But this, oh my god, the king of mind sex right here.
No tolerance to any tripping substance before this. Over 1 month since last trip.
(did some amphetamine sulphate before this, maybe 200mg total over 6 hours)
T+0: 100ug LSD
T+5: 25mg 2CB (Bananaflip? Weird name...)
T+6: sexytime
When the 2CB started to come on, we get the usual sexual tingly sensations. This is now 6 hours after the LSD was dropped.
We move to the bedroom, start off missionary, and I get the feeling we are some ancient cavepeople. Something like adam &amp; eve, the first people that existed, just in a caveman/woman form. I also get the feeling that we are really huge, big as mountains. This caveman thing happens pretty often when I'm on shrooms or 2C-B. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">This caveman thing happens pretty often when I'm on shrooms or 2C-B.</div></div> Its really cool, a bit weird. Not like we are populating the earth, just ancient people enjoying sex.
We continue with me on my back, my GF going down for a BJ. Wow. She transforms into this incredibly beautiful fairy with wavy rainbow-colored hair. She uses a dildo on me simultaneously, making this so so kinky. Its was like watching the greatest porn of all time. Think Rule 34 with some anime fairy.
After a while (still on the BJ), she blurs out, blends into the air. This part kind of resembles the sexual scene in ghostbusters.
Looking at it, it looked like I got a blowjob from the fucking UNIVERSE. It was the most amazing feeling. Magical. She told me that when doing this, she zoned out, she felt intense pleasure from sucking me.
Back to missionary. Her face changes into different women. All of which is indescribably beautiful. (No familiar faces, just imagination). No need to say this is awesome. I'm fucking the most beautiful women POSSIBLE for my mind to imagine. (It was the same for her, I became maximum good looking.) After 5 mins or so, we look deeply into each others eyes. This is the most INSANE part. It felt like we were FUCKING EACH OTHERS BRAINS. WHAT THE FUUUCK. I just wanted to ejaculate inside the middle of her brain. She felt the exact same thing, like she was fucking my brain too. And it was the most amazing feeling, so connected. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">it was the most amazing feeling, so connected.</div></div> (Cried after, of happiness. WTF is this.<!-- You will know if you have experienced the same thing-->.)
She goes back to sucking me. (She wanted to see if she got the same pleasure as previously.) This time it seems like some weird fantasy is coming up. Like a memory from my childhood. She looks like a mother I dont know. It feels like she is the mother of one of my neighbours back when I was a kid, like 7-8 years old. Its a weird fantasy, it goes something like; she calls me in from the playground, then just sucks me off. It felt like being rewarded for being bad, doing something utterly taboo. It was amazing amazing amazing.
TLDR: Fucking as mountain-sized cavemen. Getting BJ while getting dildoed by a kinky fairy. Getting BJ from the universe. Fucking inside my GF's brain. Fucking the most beautiful women my mind could imagine. Getting BJ from a neighbours mom, as a child which just started to feel his sexuality.
<!--That is all. Try this combo if you can! You might be amazed.--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2015</td><td width="90">ExpID: 107005</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 32</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Sep 12, 2018</td><td>Views: 2,085</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=107005&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=107005&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), 2C-B (52) : Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Sex Discussion (14), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:20</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">IV</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:15</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 4:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 bowls</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/salvia/">Salvia divinorum</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(extract)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 7:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 bowls</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/salvia/">Salvia divinorum</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(extract)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 7:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/alprazolam/">Pharms - Alprazolam</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 11:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/alprazolam/">Pharms - Alprazolam</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">155 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
<span class="erowid-warning">[Erowid Note:
The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]</span>
T+ 0:00 - LSD, 1 hit, blotter
T+ 0:20 - LSD, 1 hit, blotter
T+ 1:00 - LSD, 1 hit, intravenous
T+ 1:15 - cannabis, 0.5g, smoked
T+ 1:30 - LSD, 2 hits, blotter
T+ 4:30 - salvia divinorum 20x, 1 bowl, smoked
T+ 7:00 - salvia divinorum 20x, 1 bowl, smoked
T+ 7:30 - alprazolam, 1mg, oral
T+ 11:00 - alprazolam, 3mg, oral
My roommate and I drove half an hour to another friend's house to procure seven hits of LSD. He got two, I snagged five. We picked up yet another friend and headed back toward campus. The remnants of a recent, particularly strong hurricane were just beginning to pass over our city, and the weather was a total mess. I dropped the first hit as we were leaving the house, and tasted that familiar taste...acid. I had a good feeling going into this trip, like it would be an earthshattering experience.
When we entered the dorms, I ate a second tab, and the guys who I rode with decided to go meet another guy and drive around. I later learned that they spent the night riding with someone around town, watching transformers explode with a weird green flash and seeing the wind blow away the world. I proceeded to my room to attempt injecting a hit intravenously. I entered, set up several beat-sensitive neon lights, a blacklight, the playlists for the night, and then started Winamp visualizers. I prepared the shot by folding a square and placing it in the barrel of the syringe. As, LSD is water-soluble, I drew up 60 units of sterile, isotonic water and shook the hell out of it. After letting it sit a minute, I saw the water glowing under my blacklight, and said to no one in particular, 'It's time.' I found a vein and began. I quickly learned that injecting it too quickly burns; it had to be done at a very slow pace. About halfway through the process I was in a full-blown trip - and everything went dark. Apparently a tree fell on a transformer and took out the power. With some difficulty I finished the injection and stretched out on my bed. The visions were incredible, as the IV hit brought on an immediate peak. Being a rather experienced psychonaut, I felt comfortable enough to get up and go out into the hallway. It was still lit, the backup generators just didn't power individual universities. Everything around me glowed green, except certain people, who were pink. I wandered downstairs and outside to smoke a cigarette. In doing so, I ran into three other friends.
These people had no idea I was tripping, and invited me to ride with them and smoke. We got into the van and left campus to smoke in the wind and rain. I informed them of my level of intoxication and consumed the last two hits. They put on some music, and I became lost in went around and around, in and out, through me. We smoked a couple grams of dank between four people, and this amplified the LSD.
We made our way back to campus, marvelling at the power nature was displaying. When we arrived, I was hitting one of a series of peaks, feeling like an insect crawling upstairs to my room. Being unable to find my own room, I followed the other guys to one of their rooms. I collapsed on a bed, stuck in the corner, and found myself lost in the molecular structure of the ceiling. It is obscenely difficult to explain to someone who has never eaten a high dose of LSD what this was like, but I tried nonetheless when my friends were asking. This seemed to go on for hours, but in reality probably lasted thirty minutes.
The guys figured out some way to power a laptop and lamp, I think from some massive backup battery supply, and put in a Simpsons DVD. I just stood and stared at colors I had never seen before, out of the visual color spectrum. I am usually an avid Simpsons fan, but I was so distracted I am completely unable to say what episode we watched, or even what characters were involved. At some point here I received several 1mg alprazolam tablets. Shortly after this, I and one friend managed to get to my room --- next door.
When in my room, I loaded up a bowl of 20x salvia extract into a glass bubbler. With the assistance of my friend, I prepared to take my trip to yet another dimension. I took one massive hit, then another, and after one more the bowl was cashed out. BANG! I exploded. The sensations were indescribable. I saw bright blue laughing demons in the room, outside the window, in the walls. A few minutes later I came back to reality -- at least, the reality that was LSD. I put on headphones and lay down on my bed as my friend loaded a bong. He took the green hit, then passed it to me. I rolled over and took a hit. I was gone. I let him smoke the rest of the ganja and we chilled a while. Eventually he left and I was left on my bed, stuck, wandering through the world in my mind.
The rest of the night and the next day is just a blur, but i know i ate 1mg alprazolam after smoking some more salvia, then three more before my film class the next day. It was the morning after that day when I returned to baseline. I apologize for the end of this report being fairly weak, but i wrote the first part early after the trip and am just now finishing it to post.<!--[The following is a work of fiction.]-->
r007ph07oN<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2005</td><td width="90">ExpID: 50355</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Sep 12, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,203</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=50355&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=50355&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Combinations (3), Various (28)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
It was a perfect day, great mood and was hoping to get drunk tonight. A buddy of mine told me he couldn't get his hands on anything what so ever(he was 17) but he knew a friend who had some real shit. I had $30 to spend so I said just get me something good, 2 hours later anxiously waiting upon his arrival he comes into my room with a blue star pill and a piece of tin foil. I was a bit nervous and asked if it was E and well, it was. But I was completely lost questioning myself what the fuck is in this tin foil. Before I cracked it open I took the roll and proceeded to unravel the tinfoil, there it was 2 small square pieces of paper. Craig told me it was LSD, told me to keep 2 of them under my tongue for 20 minutes then chew them and swallow.
About a hour later my eyes start to get a warm tingling sensation, my body temperature slowly rises, and my mind starts to become very placid. Felt as if nothing could ever bother me, nothing could ever make me mad, I was in a complete calm state. I was laying down on my bed and just dazing off into my Pink Floyd posters and my tripy 10,000 Days Tool poster. I started to get kaleidoscope visuals and colors seem to be very bright, everything I touched felt amazing and the water I had in a spray bottle felt incredible when I sprayed it on me.
I stared at my ceiling poster of Good Fellas and the letters kept swapping in and out of places and the guys where shaking hands, laughing and waving to me. Right next to that poster was Bruce lee in a fighting stance. He was swaying back and fourth and his hair flew off then his head started to turn into a cone like a alien. Now that I reflect back, I don't know how I wasn't freaked out. As I think to myself, each poster I look at is a whole different experience.
My next poster was a Guinness(Alcohol) cup, not much from it but the foam started pouring out the sides and flow on to my floor, then leak up my Simpsons poster that has all the characters which where popping out of the wall. When I went to go sit back down I had this huge burst of happiness and laughter. I laughed and had the biggest smile on my face for a good amount of time(30-45 minutes). After that happened I started to peak and I knew I was going to be in for it, So I popped in my Pink Floyd cd on my surround system and layed back. I had a flash back of the movie Woodstock when he takes the tab and goes outside to see the crowd flow like waves.
I opened my eyes and everything was like a huge wave going back and fourth, still calm as hell and feeling spectacular. I got up and it was still flowing all around me, the walls where wobbling and melting. I thought it'd be cool to look in the mirror at this state so I flew into the bathroom and glanced into it. My eyes where drooping out of my sockets and flowing back in, then they where being duplicated all over my face. I was laughing hysterically as my face turned red and looked very odd(unexplainable). I was told on my down come of the LSD was to smoke pot, which I did and stayed in my happy state for about 2 more hours then I fell asleep very calm.
In Conclusion: Candy flipping was a extremely great time and changed my aspect on how wonderful life can be fulfilled by a small drop of liquid. I was very thankful to every get my hands on it and would love to do it again.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2004</td><td width="90">ExpID: 87963</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 15</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Sep 21, 2018</td><td>Views: 910</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=87963&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=87963&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), MDMA (3) : General (1), First Times (2), Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Unknown Context (20)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">100 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 g</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tea/">Tea</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(extract)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 2:45</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">150 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This was my first time 'candyflipping.' I first took 100ug of LSD at 7pm along with 2000mg of green tea extract and about 500mg of magnesium chlorate. I had take this blotter a few times before and found the dosage to be below the visual range but substantial to induce deep mental thought patterns and meditative breathing.
My wife and I chatted together for about an hour. I played a game of chess online and felt a sense of spaciousness.
At 9pm my wife drove us to our night out. We danced a little drinking cranberry juice and green tea and eating bananas. I enjoyed conversation and reading a small part of 'war of the worlds.'
At about 10.45 I ingested 150mg of MDMA. By about 11.30 the effects started to come together. A prior MDMA experience I found dancing to be very repetitive and devotional, where now there was the same spiritual experience but more freedom of movement, also my body clock seems to slow down and become very fluid.
Later I played some music, drums and guitar, unusual time signatures such as 5/4 and 7/8 felt very natural and I felt I had a great aptitude to listen to others to really want to empathize with them as human beings.
By about 2am I was sitting down and feeling very open. I had the constant need to hold everybody's hand when they wanted to leave I understood, but instantly asked someone else to hold me hand or little finger. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I had the constant need to hold everybody's hand when they wanted to leave I understood, but instantly asked someone else to hold me hand or little finger.</div></div> I had no sexual desire and felt my mental age had diminished to about a 7 year olds. People felt like parents to me. I listened to their advice and life stories in earnest. I was very fortune to be in such a loving environment and managed to experience such a loving and fulfilling experience through the night.
At no point did I want to be alone, it reminded of when I was a child and I could not settle to sleep, or when I was a young teen and was so afraid of being alone. But tapping back into this experience in this environment the love I had always sought I had found through the magical setting. In regards to my mindset I have often approach LSD from either a mantra-like devotional space or from a 'clockwork orange ' type of psychological rehabilitation space. I tried to delve into any addictions or issues I had but instead found that love was curing all I needed.
The comedown was non existent in fact the delicate nature that was present after the cracking of the cosmic shell of the roll was very enjoyable, I found myself enjoying the freedom of cosmic time. I have made at least 3 new friends which I intend to develop and feel a lot less burden by financial worries.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2015</td><td width="90">ExpID: 107373</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 40</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Oct 19, 2018</td><td>Views: 835</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=107373&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=107373&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), MDMA (3) : Music Discussion (22), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">175 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
It was at the Renaissance Festival... The first time I did acid when me and my friends thought up this idea. Halloween trip.
As time progressed after my first acid trip, I decided that I would take two hits on Halloween during my senior year of high school. But no! Halloween 2008 fell on a Friday!! Therefore I was forced to take the acid at lunch while I was in school! So yeah, thats what I did.
12:00 PM
I hit up my dealer, who was my best friend at school and I got 2 hits of LSD off him for 29 dollars ((4 of which were my lunch money) and yeah acid is really expensive around here). I popped both blotter hits in my mouth and sat in the back seat while my friend took me and my other friends out to lunch I didn't notice any symptoms, but I knew that not eating anything would make the acid kick in faster than normal, which was cool because I needed my lunch money for it anyways.
When we got back to school it had been about 15 minutes since I had taken it. Some people I knew who were also into LSD asked me if I had taken any at lunch. I replied that I had, and that they shouldn't tell anybody about it. I heard a bell and decided it was time to go to class... So I did. I sat neatly in my chair. The class was a literature class, and we were studying Bram Stoker's Dracula. We were about to watch a version of the movie in our class... Little did I know how horrifying it would be.
I first felt the effects about 50 minutes to an hour after I'd ingested the drug. I noticed in the opening scene, where Count Dracula denounces Christianity (I thought he was a bad ass for it ;)) that they took a sample from that movie Dracula (The one with Keanu Reeves (lololol)) to put into the song Torn by Into Eternity. This made me feel happy. My trip began.
I Looked in front of me. A large kid in a dark blue shirt. I mused that it looked bluer than all of the oceans in the world... I realized I was tripping, and giggled to myself about it. I looked up to the TV monitor. I don't know if you've watched the Dracula movie with Keanu Reeves, but its really sick and downright disgusting, especially on acid. Therefore, I was sort of uncomfortable. I kept looking at the backs of friend's shirts, watching the designs dance and move on their backs.
I looked at the woodgrain table... It rose up from the and formed a visible 3D small mountain range on the table. It was layered. I closed my eyes and stuck my hand in one of the layers and it traveled through solid matter.
Dracula was still disgusting as hell.
The hour FINALLY ended and we got up out of our chairs and somebody flicked on the lights. JESUS CHRIST I'M TRIPPING! Everything looks NUTS! I stand up and try to keep my cool. I picked up my backpack and walked to the back of the room to chill near the door until class ended. The teacher was saying something but I was definitely ignoring it. Apparently she had said that she had candy for all of her students because it was Halloween (I found out only moments later). I picked out some Smarties from a bag of candy she had for us. I ate them all quickly and began to exit the room. I saw one of my friends dressed up as Waldo (you know? From the Where's Waldo books?) and I began to laugh out loud. It was even funnier to me because he knew I was tripping. I walked out the door and went quickly down the stairs like a robot to Wilderness Survival class (where I had my insightful visions).
I don't remember what the insightful visions were... I however now realize that they were part of my 'Atomic Existence' theory which states that all life lives through their atoms which are recycled into the universe no matter what after death and are turned into new things. We were watching a film about people stranded out at sea (Oprah from the 80's (my teacher noted her girth)). I somehow related to it in my altered state of mind. I felt that I too was lost at sea on a raft, by myself in a vast sea in day to day life.
Thank Christ that ended. I FINALLY walked relieved through the door. It was officially a Friday night, and I was trippin out. I met up with my friends, who had also taken acid in school and asked them how they were doing and shared my own mind blowing experiences. We were to go hiking at a local park near my house. I drove straight there with my friends from school. We hiked through the park and examined the large lake there. We all loved the nature of it and continued our walks.
We did a bunch of stuff there, and then we went over to our good friends house that was just out of rehab. I was very excited to see him, so we all went there. We watched a movie that I thought was hilarious, and then I went home for the night and ate a bunch of my Halloween candy that my parents got me (they're nice folks).
Thank you.<!--So in conclusion I reccomend LSD to everyone on the planet.--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2008</td><td width="90">ExpID: 75399</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Oct 4, 2018</td><td>Views: 986</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=75399&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=75399&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), School (35)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">10 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance">Pharms - Escitalopram</td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/clonazepam/">Pharms - Clonazepam</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 10:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Beer/Wine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">84 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I have been taking 10mg Escitalopram (aka Cipralex, Lexapro) and 2mg Clonazepam (aka Rivotril, Klonopin) per day for about 4 months. It has had great results for my social anxiety disorder and panic disorder and my psychiatrist is thrilled with my progress (and so am I!).
Over the past few months I have been experimenting with microdosing LSD. I was very scared about possible interactions with my medicines and with my panic disorder, so I took only 10μg to begin with. I hardly noticed anything. Likewise with 20μg.
One Saturday afternoon at 5pm, I took 30μg sublingual, again calm and really expecting a repeat of 'not much' or at most some mild effects.
An hour or so later (~6pm), I found myself intensely interested in online video lectures about chemistry, particle physics, string theory and some maths videos. I was able to focus without pausing the video or getting distracted. I felt like a sponge that simply could not take in enough information. Never before had I been able to focus this solidly and for this long. But again, I did not think very much of this and I doubted it was the LSD.
Then at 11pm everything suddenly changed. I started clenching my jaw very hard and staring at the wall. I was sweating, overheating, rushing and buzzing in a way that was very similar to MDMA. I couldn't focus much on the videos anymore, and instead my attention turned to staring at the wall, the carpet, the roof, and just daydreaming and drifting away with my imagination. It was incredible. Words cannot describe it. Yet I was not anxious nor scared.
How this could possibly happen on such a low dose of LSD I am not sure. All the literature I have read (and there's not very much out there), indicates that SSRIs and Benzodiazepines are more likely than not to _diminish_ the effects of LSD rather than strengthen them.
I was able to sleep at around 3-4am in the morning with the help of a couple of beers. Tiny bit sketchy and confused the next morning, but 100% fine by dinner time. Would definitely do it again but not soon.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2018</td><td width="90">ExpID: 112488</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 31</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Oct 24, 2018</td><td>Views: 4,380</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=112488&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=112488&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Pharms - Escitalopram (304), LSD (2) : Alone (16), Medical Use (47), Combinations (3), General (1)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">7 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(gel tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">110 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I was 15 years old. I had taken lsd about 35 times previous to this halloween. The first time I took it I kinda enjoyed and kinda didn't. But I always looked forward to doing it. So, on halloween me and my friends decided to trip because it seemed like it would be fun. This was before I had a good understanding of powerful drugs like lsd. There was about seven of us. And we all bought light blue geltabs. And a few of us got some dark purple ones. Unknown to me the purple ones each had two doses in them. I'm a very small guy for my age, and had never had a bad trip before. I also have bi-polar 2.
The night started off with alot of other people buggin us to get them some geltabs(it was from a semi exclusive source) and this ended up injecting 5 more people into the mix, and they weren't close friends. So we all took our acid, I ate a light blue and a 2 purple ones, but I thought I dropped one of them out of my mouth so I took another purple one. And we started smokng alot of weed out of a bong. We were chillin in my friends neighborhood in someones garage who we didn't even know. It was just getting dark and people were just starting to trick or treat. After about 5 bong bowls I started to feel real fucked up and I was feeling extremely uncomfortable with everything. I couldn't take bein outside anymore. My good friend noticed and suggested we go to his house for a little bit. So we did that.
We sat in his room for a little bit. It was there I was starting to get schizo of the lsd. In his room I started to feel like I was in a moving spaceship and I couldn't get comfortable. Then our friend who was 21, tripping as well, showed up. We all considered him our drug mentor as it were. He came by to get us out of the house, he was worried about me. Right around the time we left I was feeling more fucked and confused than I had ever been. We went back down to the neighborhood, everyone I saw trick or treating was getting to me in a bad way. After we got back down there I layed on the grass just staring up. I was really starting to hate how I felt. My behaviour was getting erratic by now. I didn't want to be outside so I went home.
I was at home flipping out basically. I tried to fall alseep at one point, I tried taking a shower, I was trying anything that popped in my head to get sober somehow. I contemplated calling my dad and telling him I fucked up bad, good thing I didn't. So after a while of my running around whacked out of my gourd, my friends came back by. They knew immediately I was having a bad trip. I thought I had the secrets of the universe figured out and everytime it was on the tip of my tongue it would go away and I was very confused, but I seriously believed this. And I kept thinking about x-3 whatever that is. At this point I was not me and I can't even explain what happened next. Too fucked up for words.
My friends saw a bottle of my medicine sitting out and thought I overdosed on them, which I didn't. Then they dragged me out of my house and I made an ass out of myself in front of alot people on the street. My friends didn't handle the situation right at all, they were slapping me and stuff like that. Later on I ended up coming down, but still thought they were doing magic tricks and things like that. I've left out a good deal of what happened because I can't even explain it.
I ended up learning alot of things from it. Lsd isn't a 'fun' drug. For the right person it makes a good shaman tool. It doesn't make your body feel good at all. The only thing enjoyable about it are the hallucinations, but for that I have to eat too much. I haven't tripped in 5 years, and never will again. I did trip again after that a few times. Lsd is stupid in the hands of a kid.<!--My advice for people who wanna try it, learn about it before you do it, and that knowledge cannot prepare you for something as powerful as lsd. Isn't that ironic?, well true--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 1998</td><td width="90">ExpID: 16365</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Oct 30, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,013</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=16365&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=16365&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Various (28), Bad Trips (6), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">170 ug</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">150 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">28 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/2ce/">2C-E</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">135 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I took 28MG 2C-e, 170Mics of LSD and 150MG MDMA.
I had never had a pure psychedelic experience like this, I experienced ego death.
The first signs of effects came on quickly, I noticed the walls shaking, and an overall feeling of well-being. I began to stare at a vent on my ceiling, it looked like the mouth of some deep-sea creature, but flashing and colorful fractals where dancing around the vent.
After a while, I kept blacking out ever 15 minutes or so. But when I would come to, I'd have revelations about the world, and humans, my self, and my purpose in life.
There was one point, where I was in a room with 3 other individuals, they welcomed me, and said that I am the chosen one, and I will be a major influence in the spread of psychedelic experiences. They told me, that I know them in the real world, but I have no idea who they really are, but they said they will see me again, in due time.
It's like they were the king/queens (They had no gender) of psychedelia.
At one point I completely forgot whom I was, what gender I was, where I was from, who I know, EVERYTHING.
I also experienced the 'loop', after awaking from my psychedelic induced passing out, I felt like I was right back in the situation, doing the same thing, it was very Deja vu like.
All-in-all, it was the best introverted experience of my life, and I can honestly say that when I woke up the next day, I knew I was a new person. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">it was the best introverted experience of my life, and I can honestly say that when I woke up the next day, I knew I was a new person.</div></div>
Psychedelics have changed me in such a profound way, and I will always be willing to do them.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2011</td><td width="90">ExpID: 93757</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Oct 30, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,067</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=93757&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=93757&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), MDMA (3), 2C-E (137) : General (1), Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), Hangover / Days After (46), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Unknown Context (20)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Adventures with LSD
LSD marked my culmination with hallucinagetic drugs. Beginning in my earlier days with marijuana I soon grew bored and used mushrooms. It wasn't long after that I did a little research through reputable websites<!--Erowid --> and other reliable sources. LSD seemed safe enough so long as one is in control of one's emotions so I tried it. I slipped a little piece of paper under my tongue for a few minutes, and then I took a few bong hits.
I really wish I hadn't smoked because it blended the onset effects of the LSD. I am not sure when the LSD started and the weed took effect, and when the weed wore off. Within twenty minutes of administration most of my decision making capabilities were eliminated. For nearly an hour I sat listening to music and watching music visualizations trying to experience what sound could look like and what colors could sound like. It is a blending effect. Needless to say if my friend didnt encourage me to take a walk I would have been content to sit on that couch for the entire trip. I could not pick a game to do, or decide on something to watch. In fact it took every effort of my body just to read the 15 titles of my dvd collection to my friends. Just like high doses of marijuana LSD had my mind racing uncontrollably. I would think of one thing and then get sidetracked and think about another. That is why I believe it is called a journey. I got tired from all the thinking (about nothing coherant) but couldnt turn it off. Hallucinations did presist. I never saw anything that did not exist, but things were moving. Doors gained a curved shape, and lights seemed to have tails.
After six hours, following onset, the effects subsided but insomnia pursued. I could not fall asleep no matter how much I needed / wanted to. There were not aftereffects aside from fatigue.<!--For those interested in LSD, my advice is to have a sober sitter, plan to spend a day and half on the trip and recooperation. Have fun, learn, and know your limits.--><!-- End Body -->
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<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2004</td><td width="90">ExpID: 32929</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Oct 30, 2018</td><td>Views: 683</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=32929&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=32929&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco - Cigarettes</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">135 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Acid and Halloween
Let me first start out by saying that I am was 17 years old at the time of this trip and I am no stranger to LSD and its effects on the body and mind. I've tripped several times, but this is the most vivid experience I've ever had with this chemical. I've also done almost every other drug that you've heard of.
It was Halloween night, and me and the girl of my choice at the time (we'll call her Ally) really want to trip. She had never tripped before so I explained to her that this could really fuck with her mind. She was still intent on dropping so we called up a buddy and had the acid to us within a half hour. We purchased 2 hits for me and 1 for her. This was around 9:30 that we dropped. I had about 9 people in my car at the time so I needed to get them all home. I didn't want a car crammed full of people when we started tripping-things could go very bad. I've drivin' on every drug I've done including LSD and I've never gotten pulled over or had a ticket, but I just didn't want to take any chances.
Around 10:00 P.M. I get everyone out of my car except for Ally and two other of my friends (Zee and B). We headed over to my other friend Ari's house to see whats up and to see if he wants to hang out for a while. He is deathly afraid of LSD so he opted not to take a ride with us. We go over to Zee's house and on the way there the effects are kicking in farely well. It's around 10:15 and I'm getting very good tracers and I'm feeling very euphoric.
Around 10:20 we get to Zee's house because that's where we thought we were staying for the night. We all stood out in the driveway while Ally and I were tripping and we all had a cigarette. Ally isn't saying much, but I sure as hell am. B grew up in a bad part of town and is pretty ghetto. I start yammering on about how he's a white trash piece of shit, and that I'm going to kick his ass. B is a guy you don't want to say this shit to. He realizes that I'm just tripping and he doesn't get too pissed off. By they way I don't mean anything of what I'm saying to B even when I was saying it. I just say stuff like that to get a rise out of my friends and that night was feeling good about myself.
Around 10:45 we head inside after the cig and go to Zee's room. Zee's room is full of vibrant colors so this was amazing. Ally and I just layed on the floor staring at everything in amazement. We kept on staring at the rug on the floor that had streets all over it like a little kids play rug. The roads were moving all over the place and the tracers were intense. The euphoria was kicking in to high gear and we were both happier than ever. I knew what was going on and what to expect so I wasn't sayin much about the hallucinations. Ally kept talking about the roads on the rug and how they are moving. After awhile I was finishing her sentences. She would start saying 'Just look at how they..' and I would end with 'Dude I know.'
<span class="erowid-caution">[Erowid Note:
Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. <a href="/chemicals/show_image.php?i=dmt/dmt_contraindications1.gif">Don't do it!</a>]</span>
After about a half hour of that Zee was farely drunk off of some liquor as well as B. Then Zee's dad woke up and realized that there were more people than expected in the house and all he wanted was Ally out of the house. I couldn't just let her walk home so I had to split as well. Which was really good because we could not stay in that place much longer. We wanted to be around people and we already thought that the night was coming to an end at that place when we just started tripping about an hour ago. And Zee and B would not let me drive but now they had no choice but to let us go. Ally and I hopped in my car and lit a cigarette. We just kept watching how the cigarette burns and how great it looks while it does its thing. We didn't know where to go after that so I pulled over at a grocery store parking lot. I Say to myself 'it's fucking halloween night, there is deffinetly a party somewhere.' I phone up my buddy A and he was already plastered from the massive party he is having. He yells at me for tripping and not being at his party, so we head on over to A's house.
By the time we get there it's around 11:30 and almost everyone there is trashed. People are dressed up in outrageous costumes and it's completey tripping us out. We automatically become the life of the party because everyone there is only drunk and we are tripping balls off of this amazing acid. Everyone starts talking to us and it's an amazing conversation. We decide to play some pool, but not really. We kinda just head over to the pool table and shoot a few and that got old fast. So I'm on one side of the table and Ally is on the other. When all of the sudden this guy C goes behind her without her knowing and acts like he's smacking her ass. This really pissed me off for some reason and I just start pointing at him yelling 'What the fuck is wrong with you!?' He comes up to me and gives me a high five and from then on all is well, or so I would think.
Everyone was completely fucking with me the whole night after they found out I was tripping. One guy kept on walking behind me making weird noises thinking that I would thinkg that it was just in my head. Most of there bullshit didn't work. It was what they weren't thinking of doing which really fucked me over. They were arranging themselves in defferent ways all the time and I thought this whole party was a practicle joke for me. My mindset was cmpletely fucked and I didn't know what to believe anymore. I thought I had seen some video of what they were doing on youtube before, but I couldn't put my finger on it.
I can't tell you what time this is all happening in because I didn't look at a clock the rest of that night. I decided I needed to get out of that house for a little while to cool my thoughts. So we head out to one of my friends cars to go smoke a bowl. My buddy and I both smoked down one bowl and that calmed me down. We went back to the party it went back to just how it was before. Everything in there was fucked and I was the only sane person in the room. When really it was the other way around. I talked with C to get things straight and he assured me that he wasn't fucking with me. Which he really was the only one who wasn't fucking with me that night. Then I realized I was having this complex over this little detail about C from the trip. This happens sometimes but never happened to me before so I wasn't ready for it.
I think it's around 2:00 A.M. and people start passing out from the booze so it's less people to fuck with me which is good. I decide I just need to go in my little corner and just think. Acid is the most amazing drug to think on because when you start thinking about things, you can solve any problem. I get into this argument with myself about the beginning of time and the meaning of life and everything about the universe. When Ally comes out of where ever she was and wants to know what's wrong. I tell her that there are just too many things going through my mind right now that I can't even begin to tell her the most subtle detail of what I am contemplating right now. She kinda wigs out and then suffices with a smoke outside.
After the smoke we head inside and there are so many questions running through my head the only 2 phrases I said for the wrest of the night were 'what the fuck?' and 'what is going on?' and maybe the occasional one word answer to someone. A decides that I'm wigging out too bad and takes me up stairs and throws me in a bed. The only problem is that I can't sleep. You can't sleep when you're in that deep of thought. I go back downstairs telling myself that there has to be more to this night.
The buddy who smoke a bowl with me is playing guitar hero so I sit and watch him for a while. Due to the weird and almost traumatic experiece I am not really paying attention to the screen but from what I remember the colors were amaand moving very rapidly and stretching out into space. It's nearing the end of the party where everyone is passed out and A is still awake along with 2 others. Ally and I decide to walk over the conversation. I am still only saying to my self 'what the fuck' or 'what is going on' and everyone decides to ignore me. Ally is almost at the end of her trip and I'm just finished with my peak, but was just in awe of what just happened I can't stop thinking about if everything is fucked or I am. I start thinking that I'm insane, but I keep it to myself because I don't want others to think that I think that I might be insane.
Ally takes me over the the couch and just sits with me and we fall asleep together. I only get a few hours of sleep and am recapping all the went along the following night. I am still getting a little tracers going along and think that I might be in a perma-trip. Then I say no that can't be possible, I'm just coming down it's all good. The whole car ride back to Ally's house was weirder than hell. I wasn't hallucination, I just felt all weird and tingly. After all the of passed drugs I have done I start twitching sometimes. So now I am twitching very weirdly and Ally is wondering if I will make it to her house alright.
We get to the driveway and realize that we are safe. I apologize to her for wiggin kinda bad but she didn't really think I wigged out. Maybe it was all in my head. So anyway we start making out and she gives me a hand job and she takes off. I drive home and then have to mow the lawn and clean the gutters while still semi-tripping.
While many would call this a bad trip, I do not. I have never had a bad trip out of all the many times I have tripped. The experience was just very vivid and weird to me and something to learn from. The visuals were amazing. Especially when driving the yellow lines in the center are awesome. And the deep conversation I had with myself was one of the most intense things ever. I am a weird guy in the fact that I know I will never have a bad trip. You just have to be in the right mind set.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2006</td><td width="90">ExpID: 62393</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Oct 31, 2018</td><td>Views: 747</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=62393&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=62393&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3-4 g</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">155 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I was introduced to acid by a good friend in 2016 back when our marijuana dealer had informed him he had some blotter, It was a plain white sheet nothing special we saved it to take it at school which in the process I stored incorrectly and ruined my hit (we both bought one). I also think our dealer was storing it incorrectly as well. That led to my friend wanting to really experience it so he searched for a year to find some.
Fast forward to April 2017 he had miraculously found himself on probation so he couldn't smoke anymore but luckily for him and unlucky for me he had found someone who got quality acid off the dark web which I was suspicious of. My friend seemed to love it he even began selling it so I grew to trust his source as my friend told me more and more about his experiences. Now a bit of context 2017 was a horrible year for me my girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me on new years day and left me for one of my 'friends' so I was going through a rough patch in life. So I finally decided to try acid and my friend was happy to let me we went to his house and he had a sheet that had superheros on them. He pulled my two hits off and told me to take them both (he said no balls so me being the person I am immediately put them on my tongue). I think I had the head of the hulk and half of iron mans leg. Now this is where I messed up. I had done ZERO preparation and had no idea what I had gotten myself into <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I had done ZERO preparation and had no idea what I had gotten myself into</div></div> (a really big no no on my part). As it was dissolving we rode bikes to a nearby park it had started to kick in when we got there around 6:00pm.
As it started to get darker our other friend who I'll call James showed up. My friend I got the acid off had to leave because of his probation curfew so me and james headed to my house. James was sober and wanted to smoke weed and I thought it would be harmless for me to smoke as well (boy was I wrong weed seems to intensify acid from experience). So we had decided to go and get weed and see if our dealer wanted to go by this smoking spot down by a creek down the street from his house. It was about 10pm now and we made our way down through the woods to the spot, I was tripping hard at this point and none of the following helped my situation.
It was pitch black and I was in my head not speaking to James or our dealer. I had fun though laughing when I would talk to them. We had smoked a fat blunt that was probably 2 grams and we smoked a half gram out of my new blubber I had brought with us. I remember thinking something about growing up and how my friends were bringing me down and keeping me from 'growing up'. I dont know why I thought that but it had some truth to it but I kept going with it and thinking about it as I was riding my bike home. My mind was thinking faster then I could debunk what I thinking. I got home not even worrying about anything else I just kept thinking and going deeper which led to me thinking I had found the meaning of life (that would be funny to me if the night hadn't taken such a sharp turn so quickly). I started to write down all these crazy idiotic ideas I had in my phone thinking I was going to be praised for my discovery. But somehow I went to my deleted notes on my phone and I thought that god was telling me these thing through the acid and had deleted everything I wrote (in my mind I thought holy cow god just spoke to me). So after I thought my discovery had just been deleted I started thinking of ways to bypass god and prove I was right, so I decided to write on my wall 'why can't I get money and smoke weed to' (why that phrase I wouldn't be able to tell you its the dumbest thing about this). I decided to show my mom so she wouldn't ask what happened in the morning. By this point I was starting to lose my grip on reality and I didn't even know it.
I decided to go to bed so my masterpiece would stay their till the morning everything seems logical to me. So off to bed I went for some reason I decided to sleep in the dark which I never do I always sleep with the tv on. But my ps3 was off so its red light was beaming through my room. This is when it got bad the red light on my ps3 started to take a pattern and formed like a wire-frame elevator lowering me into what I thought was hell. I remember thinking the elevator was jolting but that was probably just my body shaking from such an intense feeling. When the 'elevator' stopped I sat up and saw a upside down cross that was red above my door. That is what sold it for me and I stood up and said 'I'm ready for you' thinking the devil was going to appear in a cloud of red smoke like a cartoon. By this time my mom had started to wonder why I was making so much noise cause it was 1am at this point.
So get this my mom comes and opens my door and shes wearing a blue shirt and her phone was illuminating blue all around her so right away I think shes god and I walk out of my room to see what god has in store for me. I don't remember what made me think I was dead but at that point I was more worried about being in hell forever. Everything felt like it kept repeating I'd leave my room go in her room then be back in my room at the blink of an eye which really disoriented me and made everything worse. I got really angry with god for sending me to hell and I was pleading with her to save me cause I didn't want to go to hell. I told her I was dead and got on my knees and started saying everything one would say in the face of god to try to sway his (her in this case) decision and save my soul and I look up and she was crying. I thought god was disappointed in me and I hurt her for the way I lived my life but she was crying cause she thought her son was dying a horrible death. Once I realized pleading won't work I somehow came to the conclusion that I needed to kill myself so I can die without a soul (which makes no sense at all but shows you how fast I was thinking and how real it felt). So I decided I was gonna kill myself so I thought of the most practical way to do it and decided to go grab the toaster from the kitchen then ran into my room and started ripping the extension cord from my wall while my mom was screaming at me 'what are you doing' and all I yelled back was 'don't you fu**ing care about me' luckily something made me forget I was going to kill myself and made me move on to growling like a bear and pounding on my stone table with my fist.
At this point I was blacking out every 5 mins and would regain control for split seconds as if I needed to see the chaos I was creating. This is the part I don't want to admit to myself but I remember coming back from blacking out and my mom was crying and said 'why did you hit me'. I have never felt so low in my life I know it wasn't me I'd never hit my mom I'm glad I don't remember hitting her but I know that she remembers. I don't know how she can say she loves me anymore. But after that I blacked out again and came to in the kitchen with a knife in my hand then I stabbed it into the fridge. I wasn't thinking about killing my mother but I really do believe in this state of 'possession' I was in I would've if I hadn't regained control long enough to get rid of the knife and that really haunts me that in a couple seconds I could've destroyed everything I've ever loved just because I didn't educate myself about what I was doing and how I wasn't in the right state of mind to be experimenting with something so potent.
Before I knew it it was 5 am and my uncle was on the phone. I talked to him. He told me to take a shower and said something about something getting hot so hung up because I thought he was the devil messing with me. I started to comedown after the phone call and just kept saying whoa every 5 minutes because I thought I had figured it out but nothing ever changed it was just my disturbed mind mixed with acid and a whole lot of negative energy.
The next day I woke up and felt drained of all my energy I couldn't think straight for a week and when I did I went down a psychosis induced rabbit hole trying to find god and save myself from hell. This lasted until I think I built up so much energy from waking up everyday thinking of killing myself and having a hatred towards god for not helping me like I thought he would. So I just pleaded 'send me a sign I can't do this anymore what do you want more do you want from me'. God didn't answer but something else did in the form of a number, the number was 23. It lead me on the path to happiness and positive thoughts and a new way of thinking. I think the universe sent me that sign (or I'm just crazy I accept the facts) but overall this experience will be one I will never forget not only because of the horrifying feeling I had but because I learned a lot about myself and life. If I could go back in time and stop myself I wouldn't because "you learn the most from the worst things in life". <!--But the moral of my story is always do your research before even thinking about doing anything you dont understand cause it will kick your ass and probably make you crazy.--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2017</td><td width="90">ExpID: 112460</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 16</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Oct 31, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,213</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=112460&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=112460&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Hangover / Days After (46), Train Wrecks &amp; Trip Disasters (7), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">225 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/venlafaxine/">Pharms - Venlafaxine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">215 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I recently read a report that someone had put up concerning the combination of venlafaxine and LSD. His report blamed the fact he did not trip because of his effexor, which is absolutly true. I am prescribed 225 mg of effexor a day. The same day I read 'F's' experience, my phone rang with the good news that silver was in town. I decided to not take my medicine for five days before I dosed. HALLELUJAH!! I finally had my first REAL trip in almost a year (about the time I began my medication).<!--Like F said, this no reason to go off tour meds, but --> Personally I will avoid my meds for at least four days before dosing OR ingesting mushrooms.
Thanks for Reading, I hope this helps someone.<!--Mr. Leary would want people to know.--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2005</td><td width="90">ExpID: 42405</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Oct 31, 2018</td><td>Views: 2,236</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=42405&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=42405&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Pharms - Venlafaxine (191), LSD (2) : General (1), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance">Vitamins / Supplements</td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 2:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">120 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 3:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">30 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/oxycodone/">Oxycodone</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 4:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">120 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 11:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">30 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/oxycodone/">Oxycodone</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">120 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Trip Report: 165ug LSD, 120mg MDMA and 30mg Oxycodone. Copied from wordpad I wrote and written to express things best as possible.
So on the 27th on Saturday, I decided to get back into LSD again after not using for 3 years as I've been experimenting with other things (Oxycodone, Heroin, Methamphetamine, Dextroamphetamine, MDMA, Benzedrex,Ketamine, 3-meo-pcp, etc).
I tried this to attempt to overcome PTSD from child abuse, family pointing guns at me at age 6, having nightmares of exactly this, but my own father doing it. <!--In the exact same fashion. -->
I was planning this for like a year <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I was planning this for like a year</div></div>, I always thought of the idea of stopping bad trips before they happen by forcing my brain in a extremely euphoric heavenly state as LSD amplifies current mood, so I obtained all the things needed for this experiment. I wanted the purest drugs possible and I won't mention the source but I am sure purity is a minimum of 90% and is uncut. I acquired some 10x 165ug tabs and MDMA, Oxycodone from my mom who has cancer.
So woke up at 8am, took a shower, ate breakfast.
10:30am I Double dosed up on things to block neurotoxicity, NAC, Alpha lipoic acid, Selenium, Vit C, L-Theanine.
11am I took the 150ug acid, I then waited 2 hours for the peak before I introduced the other 2 so I could feel the headspace and insights "Shift over".
1:30pm I am peaking on LSD, chewed up a 30mg blue roxy that my mom gets for cancer, she just hands it out to me without me even asking to "Deal with the stress of losing her". Mom gets 60 30mg blues a month so there is enough for me and her. Drank some juice, 30 minutes later I feel like the light is pouring out of me, everything has this beautiful glow that I can't explain, the visuals were more shiny, I felt totally at peace with everything.
2:30pm used my trusty GEMINI-20 and weighed out a single chunk of 120mg of uncut, pure 4-MethylenedioxyMethamphetamine (MDMA) I swallowed it whole, 30 mins It kicked in and peaked in 1 hour, me and my mother who has Stage-4 cancer went to the park who I wanted to spend time with as she is dying but still fully functional for now.
I suggested that she drive because I was under the influence. We took my truck, first car I ever got and still have it, 1996 F-250 7.3 V8 diesel as I've always wanted a diesel, love the sound of the engine, the smell of the exhaust, as weird as it may sound. <!--For those interested in what it looks like, picture I took at the park of my truck.>
at 3pm I was peaking on everything. MDMA, Oxycodone, LSD. All at the same time. Since I was going out I up dressed like a hippie because I felt that it would match my heavenly mental state, that it looks good. I wore a tie dye shirt, 2 inch diameter and 3/16 thick silver peace symbol pendant, polished to a bright mirror finish, a pair of "John lennon style sun glasses" and the tie dye headband. I have very long hair, I didn't care what others in public thought of me as I had no fears. Like taking a magic eraser to all the flaws of my mind. Mom thought I might get some flak from people in public and I said "It'll be alright" which is true. Normally I wouldn't dare dress like this sober in public. We went to the park, and to my friends house in in the middle of nowhere, so I could walk around in nature.
I brought 2 120mg of MDMA caps, 2 tabs and 5 Roxys in a small container in my pocket to give to my friend as I wanted him to experience what I was currently and Oxy to redose when my trip winds down. I told him in a soft tone "Everything is going to be... Ok." He's no stranger to drugs but never tried this combo. I suggested him take half a blue, half a tab and the 120mg MDMA cap. He never tried Opiates or LSD, only weed, booze, dexedrine, crystal meth. Mom sat at my friends place and relaxed.
I was in a state of the beautiful world of a trip, The Ecstasy and Oxycodone forced good vibes onto me regardless of the set and setting, It felt like my brain was breaking free out of handcuffs, fears, It set me free. I had these feelings of Warmth, Of release of inhibitions and apprehensions. I felt reborn, like I was on a blessed plane of existence in a world of paradise. I brought my phone and headphones and had a playlist of my favorite music the whole time.
The day was sunny and warm with a breeze. The sun was poking its way between the houses and lightly waving trees of the neighborhood where I lived. It was seemingly the most fantastic day since the creation of the universe. I had dropped acid several times in the past and had a lot of meaningful, spiritual trips before, but with Oxycodone and Ecstasy, it felt like one of those trips, but without the feeling or the grittiness that LSD trips carry. Everything was smooth. And perfectly OK. Beyond OK. I was a perfectly functioning, well-oiled part in the big machine of life. I thought about the entire world, the good, the bad, the highs, and the lows-all of it. I could easily accept every part of it without the slightest bit of a negative gist. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I thought about the entire world, the good, the bad, the highs, and the lows-all of it. I could easily accept every part of it without the slightest bit of a negative gist.</div></div> This was one special day.
I thought about the stresses of daily living, of running around trying to meet deadlines and the tension of ritualistic living as being a part of today’s humanity requires. I wondered how it would be if everybody in the world could experience what I was enjoying right now. There would definitely be no aggression or fighting. People would tend to be more empathetic and understanding of each other and would be more willing to help one another. It doesn’t make sense why something such as LSD, Oxy, MDMA, Meth, which can bring so much joy, is regarded as a definite no-no. I guess big brother feels that we don’t know how to take care of ourselves adequately, to limit what we do when it comes to ingesting Nature and Man-made gifts of pleasure inducers. I was happy just contemplating all of life.
At the park, there was a school, being age 21, I felt like I was 8 again and played with the younger kids and got on the swings. My childhood was destroyed due to abuse and trauma from my dad and bullying in school. I felt like I was in childhood mentally before my mind was shattered and scarred. The kids were playing, some running, others just lulling along with their books and backpacks. I thought about all of these kids and their lives and the twisted world in which they had to learn to function as they matured. I wished there was some type of way for them to grow up into a state of being not unlike one that I was living right now. I’m not wishing children to start using drugs but just to feel as I was. I felt so free and part of, but yet away from, all of these various aged children and assorted parents.
I could literally feel the kindness and delight coming from the younger children I was very empathetic when others were near. A group of older kids on bikes and skateboards were screwing around, darting in front of traffic, and carrying on. They were yelling various smart-ass things to me due to how I was dressed but I was light years away from the point where I would have to be in order to get upset at them. I was just smiling and joking around right back at him and the others. The buzz I had felt like more than a buzz. It felt like I was literally more “alive” than living. I felt as if I could do no wrong and my choice in word usage was the absolute paramount selection of what could be used in my communication. I encountered other adults and although I didn’t feel intellectually advanced to anyone, I felt like I was in a superior place where any one of them could go if they wished.
It was more like a necessary time that existence itself needed for recharging.
We then went to my friends house, on the road with the super loud 7 liter diesel engine in my truck sounded pleasant. Cars whizzed by, some louder than others, and an occasional semi blared by with their super loud engines (Louder than my 7.3). I thought about the necessity of purpose of these trucks and I remained peaceful. In the state I was in, I was rationally able to see the fact that there needs to be negative factors in the world, no matter what the case may be, that the final result is always intended to be positive. I watched all the different people drive and I smiled, knowing that some of them are contently happy just going about their business, whatever that may be. I also thought about the ones in negative moods, and then I silently said a prayer, asking God to give each of them just a small part of what I was experiencing. As high as I was, a minuscule fraction would be sufficient to brighten even the most pessimistic person’s day.
I hold my friends hand as we are gently pulled along. It feels as if I am gliding along on a cushion of air and the Oxy and Ecstasy keeps me from feeling the sorrow of daily life. Oxy, as a painkiller, is superior to any that I have taken. my friends black lab dog somehow darts back and forth, zigzagging as we were walking, smelling and inspecting every possible thing along the way. Humorously, I pictured myself doing the same thing.
All in all, our little trip in the woods about 45 minutes or so for whatever reason. I felt as if I had accomplished something fantastic. As if I had just made my first journey outside the womb and was discovering a new world. The same world that I knew, and a brand new world, both at the same time.
My mom came out of his front door and commented on the nice time we were having. I responded by agreeing with her, I had to be careful in what I said, as I felt that I could freely discuss whatever topic come to mind. I had experienced this “free form” mode of communication in the past, so I was experienced enough to not disclose anything damaging. But I still had the feeling that I could say anything my heart desired.
My mom started talking about about being hungry so I made her a bowl of cereal. At this time I was intently watching her when a euphoric, amazing sense of awe came over me. I was very deeply realizing that she created me and damn it, She said I was the best thing that has ever happened to her and the son she always wanted unlike the first son he had who is a fuck-up. I started crying and quickly walked away as I didn’t want her to worry, as she does if it appears something is wrong with me. I had an incredible sense of pure gratitude as I sat in the living room contemplating what to do now. I realized that it had been a while since my last dose of Oxy. I redosed 30mg. And it was 10pm, I took off my shoes I lied down in the grass starring at the milky way my friend asked if I wanted to smoke weed with him which I said no thanks as I was already in a perfect mind state. He smoked some even after taking 3 of the things.
Sitting in the grass in the field where he lives, talking about everything. Meaning of life, why I am "me" and not someone else, why is my mind not in his body and vice versa, everything. Saying that he will never forget this moment.
Conclusion, Oxycodone, MDMA and LSD was a life changing experience how amazing it is to be alive and breathing, the gift of life, and that forcing good vibes is totally possible and works. The Opiate adds a peaceful feeling to the trip that is missing with just LSD or MDMA+LSD. I am seriously careful with Opiates, they're VERY fucking addictive. I prefer to save them for special days such when taking LSD or Ecstasy. I lectured my friend on how seriously addictive Opiates are and the shit can ruin your life if you let it. I will not sugar coat any of this. MDMA can be bad too if you abuse it and fry 90% of your Serotonin systems. Everything in moderation.
Stay safe and good vibes to everyone. Peace &amp; Love to you all.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2018</td><td width="90">ExpID: 112549</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 21</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Nov 8, 2018</td><td>Views: 3,457</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=112549&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=112549&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Oxycodone (176), LSD (2), MDMA (3) : Various (28), Families (41), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:45</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(pill / tablet)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">160 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
The idea to try acid came up when my parents were going out of town. My friend and I, I’ll call him A, decided that since we had the house to ourselves nothing could go wrong.
We arrive at the dealers house which is A’s old friend. We hangout for a bit, get the two pills of ecstasy and one hit of acid each. We put the acid on our tongue as we leave and drive home.
Once we get home about 45 minutes later we can both slightly feel the effects of the acid so we go up to my room, lock the door, and chew both pills. We decide to go outside for a smoke and a short walk. A and I are walking down the street and a car pulls up waiting for us to pass their driveway. For some reason I think it is a purple Lamborghini and that Bam Margera is inside it. This is when I know I’m starting to trip.
We continue to walk passing trees on both sides, A points out that all of the trees are spirits and are alive just like him and I. We arrive at a small hill and decide that it is a great idea to climb to the top. So we do and decide to call up a couple of girls B,C,and D. We climb to the top of the hill and lay down waiting for the girls to arrive. As I stare up at the sky I can see the Northern Lights of Alaska (I live in Southern California so I know I‘m hallucinating). I look over to my right and see a giant Kimodo Dragon and freeze. I tell my friend and he assures me that it is just a rock but that if im seeing it it is a spirit and it is watching over us. Once the girls pull up to the street we get in the car and listen to some Metro Station, we are al in the mood to party. So we drive back to my house and the girls start drinking.
We all hang out in my kitchen talking, A and I are having a blast everything is more enjoyable while on acid. Once we go outside the cold air is breath taking. The girl B and I had some sexual tension from the night before since we spent the whole night drinking and cuddling so I ask her if she wants to go out back and see the horses. We get down there and start kissing . It was too cold outside or I would have tried to go all the way. The ecstasy was making me really horny.
I go inside with B and we go up to my parents room. I turn on the light lay on the bed with her and just stare at the ceiling watching it breathe. We cuddle some more then go back downstairs to watch Juno the movie. After Juno I go outside again only to see the Kimodo Dragon again. This time I can make out his shape in the dirt and know that I will be safe.
The Ecstasy has worn of by now and I’ tripping acid only. Colors are swirling together and the walls are still breathing. We plug in RockBand and begin to play some of our favorite songs. We are about 6 hours in to the trip and it is starting to fade. I can tell that A and I will not be sleeping anytime soon though we are still wide awake. So we pop in another movie, This time it is American Gangster. B comes and sleeps in my lap which I adore. I realize that the ecstasy was making me sweat so I go jump in the shower. Once the warm water hits me I go right back into my trip. I stare at my body and I begin to change to a shade of green then orange. So I freak out a little and scrub my skin with soap and a rag.
I go lay with B in the bed and we cuddle some more and make out a little then she falls asleep. So I decide that since everyone besides me and A are sleeping it would be a good time to clean up the house. Cleaning sobers me up and after I am able to fall asleep. I wake up with an afterglow. My mind is on one track and I still have a really intense body high. It wears off after a couple of hours and that is the end of my trip.
All in all I think candy-flipping was a great experience and I am definitely going to do it again with a greater dose of acid maybe three or four tabs.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2009</td><td width="90">ExpID: 81668</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 17</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Nov 17, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,062</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=81668&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=81668&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), MDMA (3) : General (1), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">80 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Went up to the country with my friend 'andy' who I met this year, to his house with two of his friends, and one of my friends. None of us knew each other too well, but we all wanted to take LSD, were very naive, and had an intense time to say the least. We had four doses of LSD, in sugar cube form, two of them were three hitters (about 210 mics) and the other two were two hitter (about 140 mics). I was unaware that the doses were like this until just before we took the stuff, which meant that I pretty much was forced to have 3 hits, when I was only expecting to have 2, which made me more nervous and worried than I already was, not a good way to be when I'm taking lsd.
Andy had the other three hitter, and the girls took the 2 hitters. We had another guy there, who was our tripsitter (and thank god for that). The effects started for me and andy a bit quicker than for the girls, I'm guessing because of the higher dose. About 20 minutes in, I remember getting the giggles, and was nibbling at an experience which was about to become full-blown and extremely intense.
The first hour or so was absolutely amazing. I cannot put into words how mind bending this stuff was. My friends became cartoons, up became down, I ceased to exist, I started rambling like a madman and couldnt stop, I was continually posing questions of what must have been nonsense logic, and answering them immediately after. Basically my mind was not only doing backflips, but was doing them at light speed.
Initially the trip was very visual- I was focussing on patterns (the rug was of great interest to me) and everything became totally stimulating. Just looking at a table or even more TOUCHING it! Such things became absolutely overwhelmingly brilliant. Of course, as any acid tripper will know, there' not much point trying to describe the feeling to someone who hasnt been there, because it gets misinterpreted. People imagine that LSD is just visual distortions, but fail to realise that it is a total shift in the way one perceives AND comprehends. I did at one point believe that I had died without dying, and that I was feeling oblivion.
Anyway, as the trip got very very intense, it started to overwhelm me. I dont know the exact order of events, but at some stage, I felt like I was trapped, and had to get out and that nobody was listening to me, and that I had to be heard. I started yelling at the top of my lungs, and threw a wine bottle at my friends tv, smashing it. Basically it was all downhill from there. If that was bad as I got, I would not give a damn, but I got a hell of a lot worse. I had what I think is called 'LSD mania' which as the name suggests is where a person feels godlike, and can act on compulsion and do shit that no-one in their right minds would do. Basically I was on the verge of what became close to 'worst case scenario' I started getting aggressive, and the fact that my mind had gone through so many bizarre rationalisations, like 'people dont exist' and 'the world is best summed up as a set of pixels...' all sorts of craziness, didnt help me in making rational decisions. At this stage my memory weakens, but I remember distinctly feeling as if I was no longer steering myself. It was as if I had taken the back seat to my impulses, and had absolutely no control whatsoever. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">At this stage my memory weakens, but I remember distinctly feeling as if I was no longer steering myself. It was as if I had taken the back seat to my impulses, and had absolutely no control whatsoever.</div></div> And this is where it gets ugly - my friend Jess became the object of my impulsive behaviour, and apparently I had to be pulled off her by force because I was groping her madly, and basically trying to have my way with her a number of times. She was needless to say traumatised, and after I calmed down, I couldnt understand the accusations that were being made against me. I had no idea what I'd done, and I couldnt handle the situation at all.
I remember the next period very well, it was the most distressing thing in my entire life - I felt like time was repeating itself, going in a cycle of what must have been a few minutes, but felt like eternity. I really feared I was never going to see another day, and that I was trapped in this minute forever. I kept checking my watch, and time had dilated in my mind so much, that when I looked, expecting to see an hour having passed, it turned out to be about 1 minute. It was extremely distressing. And even though every time I saw my watch the time had moved a bit, I was still totally convinced that time was circulating, and I was trapped in a circle of time. Anyway, I spent the next 10 hours or so totally distressed and unable to sleep, extremely paranoid, and feeling like I'd never be able to be the person I was before. The next day I had my actions explained to me, and I was in such a state of shock (still reeling from the trip also) that I could barely bring myself to eat, and spent most of the day lying on the couch bewildered at myself.
Basically my trip is a testament to just how much care I should have taken when planning to do acid.<!--Do it with VERY good friends who you are totally comfortable with in a familiar place. Have at LEAST one tripsitter (more than one may be required to physically restrain someone) and DO NOT take a large dose the first time. I would say 2 hits maximum, because this stuff is miles apart from any other drug you may have tried before it. Do not be arrogant or careless with this baby, because it can really fuck you up if you're not careful. Also, try to approach it calmly. The stuff that will be going through your head is more emotionally, intellectually and perceptually profound than anything you will have ever experienced before, and such profundity for such a long time is almost bound to overwhelm you.
Enjoy yourselves--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2007</td><td width="90">ExpID: 66812</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Nov 17, 2018</td><td>Views: 916</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=66812&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=66812&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 cig.</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco - Cigarettes</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">120 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
OK, the reason I decided to write this post is to give the most detailed report I can about my first time dropping acid. Keep in mind though that while all the things I’m describing are INCREDIBLE, it doesn’t really do this amazing substance justice. I can’t even put 1% of what it really does to me into words.
First off, I’m the crazy one out of my friends when it comes to drugs. I’m always the one still ripping bong hits while the rest are flagged. I lick the bag clean when I eat shrooms. Anyway, everyone is telling me to only do one tab my first time. Fuck that I said (;p). I got two blotter tabs of acid from a dude who was known to sell STRONG ass acid. So one night I decided I had a good mind-set and enough time to trip. I was by myself.<!--(never trip by yourself u are SUPER confident and experienced, and even then proceed with caution).--> I sat on my couch, turned on ‘The Universe’ (I love outer space:)) and put the tabs under my tongue.
11:00- I start feeling lightheaded and a little funny so I put my headphones in and put on The Beatles (amazing idea btw).
11:30- Definitely feel something, sort of like when shrooms are kicking in. The second hand on the clock was starting to wave around and move back and forth. The walls were getting wavy and starting to ‘breath’. I noticed a metallic taste in my mouth, sort of ‘electric’ almost.
12:00- This is where things got interesting. In a split second, the acid just overtook my mind, kind of like a wave crashing down on the shore. I closed my eyes and saw my first acid CEV. It was 3d red and yellow squares moving in opposite directions. Suddenly they parted and a smiling sun came out from between them. Its expression comforted me and its sun rays washed a warm and comforting light over me. I fell back on the couch and looked at the ceiling. It turned 3D and started morphing into kaleidoscopic patterns. I was amazed! It felt like I had a car battery hooked up to my spine and felt waves of electricity pulsing through my whole body. I still had the acid in my mouth so I swallowed it and started laughing like a maniac. I got up and ran into the bathroom to look in the mirror. Now, if I had never tripped before, this probably would have freaked me out. But it was awesome! I looked like an alien, my pupils were HUGE, and my face kept morphing and changing shape. I stared in the mirror for a while.
12:30- All of the sudden, I wanted a cigarette. So I went outside and, holy shit, it was in-fucking-credible! I had complete night-vision and saw everything. The starlight all blended together to form a neon blue and yellow sky filled with patterns, flowers, smiley faces, and peace signs. They were all flowing around in the sky like there was a current. The moon was covered in geometric shapes and suddenly exploded into a flower with a super peace sign in the middle. A yellow brick road opened up in the sky and beckoned me to continue on my journey. I lit my smoke up and called my friend ‘D’ up since he had tried it for the first time recently as well. He was totally baked at some party and I ended up talking to like 10 people I didn’t know. I was trying to explain what I was experiencing but with little effect. I could barely talk!
3:00- I stayed outside running around in the grass for over 2 hours. I went back inside and was still tripping BALLS. Crosses, peace signs, smiley faces, flowers, and shapes where showering out of the walls. The walls themselves where distorted and morphing like they were melting or made out of water. Time was so fucked up at this point that I didn’t know if a minute passed or a whole day. I just sat on the couch and tried to play Modern Warfare 2 with little success.
4:00- I decided to go into my room. I made it upstairs and went into my room. My bed, which is blue with patterns, looked like the ocean. Waves were moving through it like the shore at the beach. I continued to see crazy patterns coming out of the walls, sometimes even flying past my head. I just put on some Beatles, laid back, and watched the CEVs flowing around in my head for the next few hours.
The next day was very bizarre (on top of that I didn’t fall asleep) as I had to go to my stepbrother’s kid’s birthday party. I was still wigging out and seeing shit. I still tasted metal in my mouth and was twitching a lot.
I went on to do LSD a bunch more times. It was amazing and I’ve never had a bad trip on it. If I'm in the right mind-set and prepare for my journey, Lucy will take my hand and fly away with me into her sky that’s filled with peace, love, and diamonds.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2010</td><td width="90">ExpID: 91041</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 16</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Nov 17, 2018</td><td>Views: 831</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=91041&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=91041&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">6 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">140 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
For a time from mid-summer 2007 to September of that year I went on an acid binge where I would trip every weekend on at least two hits. This was without a doubt a life changing experience; I felt that I learned more about myself and my niche in the social network I had been creating the past 20 years. I had tripped on acid 2 times before the summer binge and upwards of 25 times on mushrooms prior dating back to 11th grade. So I guess you could say that my classroom acid experience was the culminating event/day of my very memorable summer binge.
The night before, a Tuesday evening, a friend was able to find some acid and sell it to me. Promptly thereafter I proclaimed that I planned to eat it the next morning about half an hour before my American Literature class at 11 a.m. I would mainly attribute this impromptu reaction to my friend’s ability to sell me acid very late into the night before the class to my lack of acid the previous 2 weeks.
Anyway, I wake up at 10:30 a.m. the day of this class, have sudden apprehensions, but take the hit almost instinctively soon thereafter. I dressed, smoked probably 2-3 hits out of my bong, and got all my stuff ready for college feeling great that I’m about to accomplish a goal I had set for myself roughly 2 years earlier. I did not eat breakfast. During the walk to class I felt no effects of the dose. However, upon arriving at the lecture hall and seating myself (in the back of course) I began to feel the stomach butterflies that usually accompany the rise of any trip. Also during this period, brush stroke-like bands of pinkish-red began to form around some things like the screen the projector projects on. Also, my depth perception went out of wack and concentration lessened, which I had anticipated. Also, I was having a hard time controlling laughter. I felt crazy because I knew that no one in the class knew I was tripping at the time. It really was a great feeling though; it was like I had a huge super secret all to myself. I believe this secret is what led to my feeling of extreme giddiness. Anyway, I trip very hard the entire class; time seems to drag on for a while as I attempt to concentrate, but fail in doing so. Class lets out at 11:50 a.m.
Upon leaving I feel quite elated knowing that I have a whole day (for usually when I trip, as long as I get up once, I feel the drug until I fall asleep; either a gift or a curse, I assume the former) to trip on acid. I ponder what to do, and maybe due to the literature based topics I just listened to for the past 50 minutes, I decide to go home and write poetry; something I hadn’t done for many months and had been meaning to get back to doing on a regular basis. The walk home, which is roughly .75 miles, seems half as long as normal for I am lost in my own thoughts, cool visuals, and overall sounds of College Park, Maryland.
So I get home, whip out my notebook and pen and begin to write my, as of now, favorite poem which I believe holds the most truth:
Our Lives Depend On
circles in the sky with lined paths of
billion-year-old light; doth display
constancies, here, on this sphere, lay a knife
used to cut, the fruit of knowledge and learning
with seeping clear juices to drop into eyes
After these lines, which my mind seemed to vomit onto the paper, I began to laugh out loud. Tears came to my eyes and I was completely overcome with joy and again I reminded myself that I had an entire day to trip and have fun; after my next class at 2 p.m. of course. Time flies between classes and the poem; I do not particularly remember, but I estimate that I ingested about 5-7 bong hits during this time.
My next class is with one of my good friends; he had no idea I was on acid, but I showed him the poem I had written earlier; he couldn’t read my handwriting. Class started and, maybe because I was in the front row this time, I started to feel like I was going to be called on and put on the spot in front of everybody. I couldn’t shake the feeling, especially since I had not read the required material for the day. This developed into a sort of paranoia, which I believe I was only able to pull myself out of because I am very experienced with psychedelics.<!--so only do this if you are experienced and in complete control of yourself.--> At times I felt like running out of the classroom; I was truly scared. Anyway, I was better able to comprehend what was going on during the duration of class, but I could not write the notes as well in my notebook; I would later use them to study and I found them to be comparatively, to the other class days, sub-par. Class ends at 3:15 p.m. and not a moment too soon for I was tired and just wanted to chill for the remainder of my trip. Which I did, and ended up having a tremendous afternoon and evening.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2007</td><td width="90">ExpID: 67651</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Nov 18, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,294</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=67651&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=67651&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : School (35), Poetry (43), General (1)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">4 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">175 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
LSD awareness
LSD...One word AMAZING. The stuff is amazing. It's fantasy, mystery, bliss, and OBLIVION, all dropped into one.
At the time of last ingestion I was 19. A buddy and I, experienced trippers, went up to the lake for a night of chillen and trippen. The whole evening went as planned. A fire for comfort, outside for peace of mind, and acid for the show. Each hour melted into another and before the millionth thought had melded with the ten millionth it was light. Time to head back to life and town. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">Each hour melted into another and before the millionth thought had melded with the ten millionth it was light. Time to head back to life and town.</div></div> We paused to look at the sand under the water and ponder just how all the little valleys and towns had formed below the surface...very interesting at the time. Out of nowhere,(I say nowhere because the night had gone so well), blickity blam...........the sickest feeling in the world hit me. It was despair, fear, and evil rolled into one thought and then injected into my soul. I turned and looked at my bro.....his eyes reflected the same intensness that I was feeling. Before I could ask him he said ' Something is you feel it?'.
<span class="erowid-caution">[Erowid Note:
Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. <a href="/chemicals/show_image.php?i=dmt/dmt_contraindications1.gif">Don't do it!</a>]</span>
We ended up driving up into the mountains (which I had always enjoyed) but the feeling of 'evil' or 'despair' still plauged us. A literal 'shadow' was cast upon everything our eyes looked at. Very intense. We swore never to injest this chemical again....and nine years later neither of us have.
It took quite a few years to 'recover' from the effects. For what seemed like a lifetime (6 years) I still saw spinning wheels in front of my eyes during my awake hours. The clouds would be full a faces at night. While <!--For anyone that still is -->affected by these persistent post trippen signs, I had to have faith and peace. I had to remember I was still in control of my life and mind. I could achieve whatever I determine to put my mind to. Since those younger years, I have married, had children, and acheived. I have still had an occasional momentary trip, but who cares.<!--Life is a trip so don't let anyone define it for you. Peace and comfort to all.....and one word of advice....if you trip, take time to learn and let your mind recover from its visitation to the other side. Peace.--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 1995</td><td width="90">ExpID: 21485</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Nov 27, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,097</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=21485&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=21485&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Post Trip Problems (8), HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 2:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">vaporized</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis - High THC</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(extract)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">240 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I had spaced out two tabs (took one waited two hours took the other). This is my usual dose and I was having a really good trip. Sitting in my basement I was watching the wood grain on the wall start to stretch and crawl, letting thoughts fully flow in and out without restraint.
I decided to take a dab. I took a very large dab which usually grounds me and slows the thoughts. My thoughts slowed down and the visuals intensified and got stranger and stretchier. I disappeared from my room as I knew it. At this point I hadn't made any noise for several minutes and was enjoying the silence. As I realized this, I whispered, 'wow.' That word echoed in my head a million times. Like throwing a marble around a concrete room. When that echo faded, I had no thoughts at all. Not even the thought that I was having no thoughts. My mind was more blank than I have ever experienced ever. I said wow again and it echoed again, scaring me. I was scared because this was such a foreign alien echo. It sent me outside, trying to hang on to who I was. I realized I couldn't, and experienced very real ego death. Afterward, I realized how quiet my mind could be. Scarily empty and quiet.
I wouldn't call it a bad trip or experience, simply something so new it took me by surprise. I feel as if I reached a goal I've been trying to reach in meditation for years.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2016</td><td width="90">ExpID: 109370</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 21</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 13, 2018</td><td>Views: 724</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=109370&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=109370&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/paroxetine/">Pharms - Paroxetine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">6 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Selective 5-HT Re-uptake inhibitors and LSD
This is to personally confirm that Anti-Depressants SSRI's e.g (Paxil, Prozac, Effexor ect) do neutralize hallucinogenic effects of ergot derivatives e.g. (lsd-25, LSA). <!--Ergot hallucinogens are believe to act by stimulating Serotonin secretion in the brain, and thus causing more Serotonin to be uptake and re-uptake and confusing the brain. SSRI's Block the re-uptake of 5-HT (Serotonin thus keeping more of it present at the transmitter sites, rather than being metabolized where the apparent Hallucinogenic action of Ergot Alkaloids takes place. -->
I take Paxil for depression, and fearing that this was the case, I stopped taking my Paxil 2 months before I attempted to Ingest. This wasn't enough. I took 6 hits of Blotter which others did trip on and had NO euphoria whatsoever. This year during before my yearly partaking, I'm going to give it 90 days. <!--The Germans have developed a drug called bromo d-lysergic acid diethlyamide that is being researched as a lsd-25 alternative for the treatment of Cluster Headaches. The researchers claim that bromo-lsd has all of the headache medicinal attributes without any hallucinogenic or euphoric.
I am wondering if this substance has Selective 5-HT Re-uptake inhibition properties. As a lisc Psychiatrist I have recently inquired to the researchers if this has been looked into and am awaiting their reply.-->
Summery: SSRI's will waste LSD!
- a licensed Psychiatrist<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2008</td><td width="90">ExpID: 84153</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 28</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 13, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,422</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=84153&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=84153&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Pharms - Paroxetine (148) : Unknown Context (20), Depression (15), Combinations (3)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">140 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
On this last weekend, my friend said that we may have an opportunity to get acid from Michigan State University Campus. We live about an hour away, so this was going to re-define the word 'trip'. I had wondered about acid before, and was lucky to have experienced it with two friends who knew what they were doing. Having never gone outside of cannabis prior to this, I was expecting wild hallucinations and an intense high. I also previously believed that an acid trip depended mainly on the setting.
While these may be true for higher doses of LSD, the common acid we took yielded some things I would not have expected. I still had an amazing time, but I realized, along with my friends telling me, that things will just work themselves out beautifully. I felt like I could enjoy being around people, speak my mind, and have an excellent time anywhere we went. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I felt like I could enjoy being around people, speak my mind, and have an excellent time anywhere we went.</div></div> Not to mention I felt a comfortable 30% body/70% mind high. I feel that LSD helped me break through boundaries between myself and others, my mind, my personality, my interests, etc. I also believe that LSD played a part in helping with my insomnia problems, because after this weekend I noticed that I have been able to get to sleep fairly quickly; in 10-30 minutes as opposed to 1:30 to 3 hours before I took acid.
Over all, my first experience with acid was a great one, and I look forward to becoming more involved with LSD in the future. Now when I listen to “Are Your Experienced” by The Jimi Hendrix Experience, I can finally answer “yes”.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2010</td><td width="90">ExpID: 87501</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 16</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 13, 2018</td><td>Views: 699</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=87501&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=87501&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
<!--Have you tried LSD: Yes
Have you had a bad trip on LSD: No
Have you experienced flashbacks: Yes
Did you feel that the bad trip and flashback were connected: No
-->I have done acid only once. I took two hits (the second an hour after the first), and my experience was really great. Nothing went badly and I felt AWESOME! I smoked weed multiple times that day while I was tripping. Everything felt very intense and I clenched my teeth a lot. At one point, I had been walking outside and once I got inside, got really hot and had to take off some clothes. But, two days after my trip I smoked weed and started getting these crazy muscle twitches/strange feelings in my abdominal area. I got really hot/sweaty, my palms were sweaty, and my vision faded in and out. I smoked again a few days later, and still got the weird feelings.
I went to the doctor and they said I had acid reflux (I have never EVER had stomach problems before this <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I have never EVER had stomach problems before this</div></div>). So, I took a month break from smoking and drinking, but am now back on the wagon. But smoking weed will never be the same again.
I'm not sure how or why, but after doing acid, I get a really intense kind of body high. I almost feel sick. Most of the time it is so much that I have to lay down. My fingertips get sweaty. The feeling in my upper stomach is still there and just lingers with me all the time. I kinda sorta wish I never would have done acid, just because of how it makes marijuana affect me now.
<!--Does anyone know if what I experienced is a flashback? Or what it means? Has this happened to anyone else?-->Is what I experienced a flashback? What does it mean? I just wish I could get high like I used to :(<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2010</td><td width="90">ExpID: 88052</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 20</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 13, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,104</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=88052&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=88052&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Cannabis (1) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Hangover / Days After (46), Post Trip Problems (8), Health Problems (27), Unknown Context (20)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">60 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I have a reasonably extensive experience with serotonergics, cannabinoids, and somewhat eclectic experience with various other assorted psychoactives, with honorable mention for dopaminergic stimulants, which I currently do my best to avoid. By the time of this experience, I have developed a relatively high long-term tolerance for psychedelics, although my short-term tolerances are currently low.
I had been sipping tea prepared with roughly fifty micrograms of LSD for about an hour [had taken 25 micrograms, approximately], while doing organic chemistry homework; and once I was alone in the classroom, I turned on some music. The music was played from a single speaker, located inside a desktop computer about half a meter from my head, on my right side. I've been slightly congested in the recent weeks, due to the onset of winter, but could currently hear the music clearly from both ears.
This experience occurred less than a minute after checking the credits on the recording, while wondering at the exact nature of work done to earn those credits categorized as engineering rather than performance.
Without significant physical sensation from my left ear, the following two changes occurred simultaneously: a high-pitched noise began to my left, reminiscent in timbre to white noise with the lower registers muted, without any noticeable attack; and the subjective location of the music panned sharply rightwards. Within the next minute, the noise faded almost out of perceptibility, while the source of music retained its new subjective angle. Throughout this experience, the computer playing the music was entirely in my field of vision, so I was consciously aware that it had not moved.
After a few minutes of reflection, I recorded the above experience, and returned to my work.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2018</td><td width="90">ExpID: 112660</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 27</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 14, 2018</td><td>Views: 706</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=112660&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=112660&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/calea_zacatechichi/">Calea zacatechichi</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">170 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
One weekend my friend and I decided to try LSD for the first time. I had quite a bit of experience with MDMA and mushrooms previous to this decision and I felt confident that I would have an enjoyable and fun experience.
We took 1 hit of LSD each at about 11 at night. We waited an hour and a half and still felt nothing so we decided to smoke a bowl of weed with one gram of calea zacetechichi (dream herb) on top of it. I took the first hit and a couple seconds after my inhale I got hit with an intense feeling of giddiness and a rushing feeling. I blew out the smoke and looked up at my friend to see that his face was entirely changed into the perfect image of another person that I know. Visuals continued to shock me. The stars were swirling around outside and my lattice fence was expanding into a kaleidoscope of geometric shapes and vibrant colors. Then I went inside and laid on the couch. I went into a sort of dream state and was having intense closed eye hallucinations. Eventually I had a vision of my soul lifting out of my body. I would experience an insanely intense euphoria through my whole body. This euphoric feeling was incredibly strong. It made my high dose MDMA euphoric states look like nothing. This feeling would get stronger and stronger as my soul was leaving my body but then right before my soul completely disconnected, I would feel sick and my soul would suck right back into me.
It was the most insane and unexpected experience. <!--I have never done LSD but -->I did not think that one hit could really send me out of this world like that. I was wondering if the dream herb had anything to do with it. I also found it very strange that my trip started exactly when I inhaled the dream herb and marijuana.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2013</td><td width="90">ExpID: 99846</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 18</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 15, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,382</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=99846&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=99846&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Calea zacatechichi (97) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Hard</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">130 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Thank You, LSD
I'm writing this because it's been one year since my first acid trip and the change of my life, and also for anyone who thinks that illicit drugs have never benefited somebody's life.
I made it through my first semester at college. (Champagne!) In typical college fashion of an early flight the next day, I stayed up all night so I could pass out on the plane. (Which I did.) I got home later that night and I went out to see all my friends, and I was asked if I wanted some acid. I'd always wanted to, so I jumped at the chance. Me and three friends did it the next day at about noon. About one hour after putting two little squares of paper in my mouth I felt the something-not-quite-right feeling. About half an hour later we were tripping balls. That day included a journey to a chicken wing place, our favorite headshop, and then another friend's house where I drew some songs on her bedroom wall. (She let me.) Followed by a return to my house where we partied in my room, still tripping. I smoked some weed and drank some grain alcohol that night, but there was no drunk or stoned, just acid trip. Much later that night I went to my friends house, still tripping, to smoke his hookah. I think I got to sleep at about seven or eight in the morning.
The visuals were amazing. To this day I don't look at water the same way. My favorite aspect was that I could read people's faces. I could tell exactly what they were thinking, what they wanted, just by their facial expression. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">My favorite aspect was that I could read people's faces. I could tell exactly what they were thinking, what they wanted, just by their facial expression.</div></div> I have not been able to replicate that feat since.
I think that day I found God. He is inside me, inside every human, I just needed acid to find it. For the first time I felt complete, like I knew what direction I wanted my life to go in. Acid revealed to me what I wanted. Looking back, it seems now that my whole life before I never knew or did what I truly wanted.
One year later, I have since changed my major to chemistry, started my own business and have about two hundred pages written of my book. Lysergic acid diethylamide changed my life. So many of the things I love would not have been possible without it. I am so thankful for being given that experience.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2003</td><td width="90">ExpID: 38734</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 15, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,028</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=38734&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=38734&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Various (28), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), General (1)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">4 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Beer/Wine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">180 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Introduction to LSD *FUN*
I found it easier to list all I did, then sum up with my mindset etc at the end.
I had gone out to the bar with some friends and upon returning grew rather bored. I had been wanting to try LSD for some time now and a friend had gifted me with about 16 hits of blotter a few days before. Now I didn't know what a standard dose of blotter looked like *it was all in one strip* and I figured I might be alone for my trip so I asked a pal to deal me out what he thought would be a very light dose. He cut roughly four hits off of the strip and I placed them under my tongue at about 2:45am. I then started playing Madden 2k5 with a friend.
The drug took maybe 45 minutes before I noticed an effect after which I swallowed the blotter. I felt a mild euphoria and grinned alot. Madden became more and more difficult to play. I began experiencing interesting visuals, but nothing overpowering (objects shifting very slightly, things taking on a 'glow'). AFter what seemed like a very long time *but in retrospect was likely only 15 minutes or so* I became convinced that because of the low dose this would be the extent of my trip. *The day before one of my friends who'd never tripped before took 8 squares with the guy that gave them to me and thought this was a good beginning dose. I am now glad I started with 4!* I wasn't dissapointed and resolved to try a higher dose the next time I was with my friends.
This feeling went on for probably another 15 minutes before I began to experience more powerful hallucinations. I could no longer play madden as the floor kept distracting me with it's movement, patterns, etc. At this point I bid the only guy still awake goodnight and went back to my apartment. Upon entering the hall I saw an array of rainbows being cast from the hall lights and clearly remembering saying to myself, 'This fucking rocks!'. I believe I may have stayed in the hall staring at the pretties for quite awhile though I'm not sure. I went into my apartment feeling just a little bit nervous about tripping for my first time alone. However I felt confident in my ability to keep myself level and began to play guitar. Or attempt to play guitar. I found my fingers reacted very sluggishly and could play nothing even remotely complex. After giving this up with some reluctance *I REALLY wanted to play, had some great ideas just couldn't get 'em out* I caught sight of myself in the mirror. Things were a little bit wierd here as I was able to change the way my face looked by consentrating on it. I made the images of an old man, satan and an alien appear. I noticed also a hypersensitivity to my appearence. I noticed every pore, every whisker, every fault with my face. I remember thinking to myself that I should never break up w/my girl because I'm an ugly fuck and how the hell could she stand sleeping with me? This caused me to want to shave. &gt;8D I found this difficult because I kept getting distracted by shit. I then took a shower and the tactile sensations of the water hitting me became very unbearable. I also spooked myself a bit when I caught my reflection in the faucet.
After this is when the trip starting going...not bad per se, but not totally enjoyable. I attribute this to my being alone, bored and tired. Wasn't panicky or scared or anything, I'd just run out of ideas and was kinda lonely. I began to think that this was, while an interesting drug, a sterile one. I felt 2-dimensional and like I'd lost my connection with earth/life/nature/etc. Really all those things wrapped into a word I don't think exists. I believed this to be the case because it is a man made chemical and thus unnatural. Music was going through my head and for a split second I saw in the swinging blinds a pendulum composed of spinning sawblades mowing through a field of corpses. I thought this was really cool, logged it in my thoughts and then continued my introspection. Time stretched and I wallowed in bed for awhile. I kept seeing in my head a really cool purple cloud that said LSD. I tasted purple. I STILL can taste purple though it is like the memory of a dream. Again this wasn't so much enjoyable as it was interesting. I wanted my trip to end, wanted to go to sleep. I stopped hallucinating to any strong degree at about 7:30-8am. I watched the news and felt an intense loathing at the fakeness of the program. They would giggle and fake laughter about a parade of santa's, then turn somber and dark to talk about a soldiers death, then happy again as a kitten got adopted. At 9am my trip had stopped completely though I still felt a bit...funny. Went next door to my friends and banged on the door yelling 'Dude! I need to talk to a human, man! A HUMAN!' For the next several hours I was a bit overheated and felt a kind of sizzling/popping sensation. Felt good though. I forced down some chinese food later though I wasn't at all hungry and felt totally normal at around 4pm.
I would like to note that though I had caught a buzz at the bar I was totally sober by the time I dosed. I went into this with physical and mental acceptance and eagerness. I was very confident and in positive state of mind. I did not go into this expecting spiritual revelation and I think because of this, recieved none. I looked at it more like a science experiment. And one I will try again. I was never really scared, though sometimes I would spook myself with my reflection and wander off to do something else before coming back to play in the mirror. I never once during my trip regretting taking acid and look forward to doing it again soon. I've also found that while writing this account I have been able to better understand some of the things I was feeling/thinking at the time of my trip. Also, I THOROUGHLY researched the physical and mental effects of LSD. I read trip reports, both good and bad. I read about how people coped with a bad trip and how they, with positive thinking, were still able to turn their trip into a positive experience. Simply put I was well prepared. <!--This is a POTENT goddamn chemical and not something to be taken lightly.--> With that in mind, I hope this account has been useful to anyone considering tripping for the first time. The next time I trip I will be with friends and hopefully do it during the day. Yup, can't wait!<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2005</td><td width="90">ExpID: 50818</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 17, 2018</td><td>Views: 917</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=50818&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=50818&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), First Times (2), Music Discussion (22), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 4:15</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">0.5 joints/cigs</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 4:15</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Hard</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">130 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
LSD Microdosing Movement
I’ve had a small cap of 100ug LSD (it was mixed with sugar and put in an empty pill capsule) sitting in my refrigerator for a while. Being interested in microdosing, but was unsure how. After a long internet search, decided to put the full cap in 100ml of vodka. Wanted to wait for 24hours before having some, but that same day I was going to be part of a Contact Improvisation JAM (a space for movement improvisation either alone or with more people), so I was very interested on how would touch feel with microdosing.
I left the cap to dissolve for around 2 hours before taking 0.6ug before heading to the event (around 18:15). While on traffic (I was not driving) (around 18:50) songs sounded in loud and amazing, had to do a full karaoke moment. Usually I’m really nervous while on traffic since where I live you can get mug in that situation really easy, but I felt really calm and with no anxiety in my body. I was more focused on the singing part.
Got to the I.C. JAM around 19:05. Movement and touch felt the same, but I laugh more than usual. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">Movement and touch felt the same, but I laugh more than usual.</div></div> We did like 2.5 hours of full moving on our own and with partners. I did not feel interested in doing lifts or more complex stuff, I was more interested in playing and improvising with the music. I was sweating a lot! (more than my usual and more than anyone else) Drank 2 glasses of water. There was some food, but I was not hungry at all.
Finish activity at 22:30. I was feeling energetic, so decided to head to a dancefloor. On the way there, had half a joint. This made me feel spaced out and relaxed. Got to the club and order 1 rum&amp;coke with a looooot of ice. That drink, plus one glass of water, got me dancing up until 1:30am. I was not feeling super excited but more like if I’ve had a great nap and could just keep up for a long time. Decided to leave the club of a responsibility aspect of actually getting up the next day, but my energy could have kept me longer.
When I got home (2:00) I got right to bed. Sleep really well and was able to wake at 7:30 for work. Work that day went by with me feeling happy and carefree. I even got a lot of painting done that night after work, still feeling inspire with every song that came up and all the color palette.
First impression is that micro dosing gave me the energy I’m usually lacking to get things done and enjoy present moment.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2017</td><td width="90">ExpID: 110619</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 21, 2018</td><td>Views: 893</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=110619&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=110619&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Various (28), Performance Enhancement (50), General (1)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">.5 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 2:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">.5 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 5:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 bump</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ketamine/">Ketamine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 55:45</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 bump</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ketamine/">Ketamine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">12 st</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Background info:
I've done LSD once before, in a tent in a storm, was insanely good!
I've done ketamine quite a few times.
The person I bought both off of is one of my best friends who I introduced to weed 2 years ago or so, and he now can get anything I want lmao. He works in the same place as me, I got him the job there.
So I go to work on the saturday and meet my friend in the morning, let's call him X. I met him on the bus as usual and we went to work, him telling me about this sheet of acid he just got in. So I arrange to get a few hits and a tenbag from him the next day at work. He has been selling them for £5 a hit, but sorted me 3 for £10, along with a basically 2 gram tenbag. 2 of the hits I'm saving for me and my gf, so I decided to take half of a tab just to test it.
I finish my dinner and head up to my room, rip half of a hit off and leave it under my tongue until it falls apart in my mouth. Little tab with a blue star on it. After this I get a very strange feeling in my head. I feel sort of nervous, but it's natural with what I was hoping to experience.
I feel very anxious, somewhat nervous and very excited.
Still anxious and nervous, but not very excited now.
Anxious, nervous, angry because it seems like pure placebo, I take the other half to give it a try.
Slight distortions in vision, slight thought racing, slight feeling of anger still, arguing with girlfriend.. Awkward while tripping slightly.
Feel very held back tripwise, sorted it with gf and she went off of msn to go to bed, so I figured I'd go to my bed too. This is where it gets fun
Lying in bed, tried going to sleep yet that seemed to just throw me into a trip. I can see people in white and black checkers when I close my eyes, and with my eyes open my lampshade keeps dissapearing and the small lights from computer keep joining together and glowing so bright. I think about the argument me and the GF had...
I've reached the point of acceptance.. I decided I couldn't care less where my life goes on alot of aspects, as long as I try and take it where I want. If I fail in going where I want, it wasn't meant to be and I can carry on from another perspective. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I decided I couldn't care less where my life goes on alot of aspects, as long as I try and take it where I want. If I fail in going where I want, it wasn't meant to be and I can carry on from another perspective.</div></div> I realise I'm tripping on my close friends 6 month anniversary from when he killed himself.. I think about him too...
I have been thinking about my friend who passed away, it sucks, but I sort of see him in my head, I feel almost like I'm communicating with him and he's telling me he is fine, I realise this acid is better than I thought.
Tired, want to sleep, it's 2:30 AM by this point, I walk across my room and pour out a bump of ketamine and snort it, then return to my bed.
The ketamine has hit me well now, everything is distorted and everything has insane trails, everything is moving so slowly, how strange. My legs feel numb and I'm so relaxed, but everything is distorting, walls are pulsating slightly and touch feels very strange.
3 AM, ketamine has worn off.. I did another bump halfway between writing this and the one before, I layed back down after doing it and was thrown into my own head, my eyelids got very heavy between the tiredness and the ketamine and when I closed them, I could see kaleidoscope patterns, friends faces, patterns, allsorts of strange thins, but that only lasted 30 mins or so
4 AM, by this point I fell asleep.
Next day I wrote this:
It felt strange being on this combination, I did SO much thinking, and the LSD kept making my spine twitch slightly, very strange sensation. I kept thinking about life, the universe and everything. I thought alot about losing people, gf's, friends, family etc. And thought about how we grieve, and feel nothing will ever be better, then it suddenly is.
It was strange because I was thinking about bad things like that some of the time, but not having a bad trip in any shape or form. Not even when arguing with girlfriend.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2008</td><td width="90">ExpID: 73435</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Dec 30, 2018</td><td>Views: 1,021</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=73435&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=73435&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Ketamine (31) : General (1), Combinations (3), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">190 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
First, let me tell you a little about me. I'm 17. I've smoked pot for years, done ecstasy enough times, explored the effects of DXM, popped many type of pills, but I never did acid. Main reason: hard to find. But one night, about 6 months ago, I did get some....
It all started one Saturday night, when I decided to spend the night over at Daniel's house. Two other friends, Kevin and Sean were also staying over at Daniel's house, too. Daniel's older brother, David, was also staying there. Sean came and picked me up and drove to Daniel's house, even though Kevin and Daniel weren't going to be there for about another two hours. Once we got there, we just watched T.V. with David. A co-worker of mine (at that time) called me and said he had some acid for $5 a hit. So, I decided to buy six hits. That's two for me, two for Sean, and two for Franz (another friend of ours that wasn't spending the night at Daniel's house). After purchasing the acid, we drove to Franz's house to drop off his two hits. When we arrived back to Daniel's house, I examined the acid: small, white paper blotter with a red triangle in the middle.
Sean and me didn't think that these little pieces of paper could do anything. So, Sean and me carelessly put our two hits in our mouths. After thirty minutes, with no effects, I started to doubt if it was even real acid. But fifteen minutes after that I felt it's first effect. I was sitting on the couch, with Sean and David, and a just started laughing and giggling. Then Sean started doing it. David just thought we were acting like fools. I specifically remember me and Sean turned upside down on the couch and started 'walking' on the ceiling. I, then, realized that we did indeed get real acid. Daniel and Kevin soon came home and we told them that we were tripping our balls off. Kevin knew some knowledge about acid and he said we would probably be tripping for the next twelve to sixteen hours. I never thought acid lasted so long. Sean and me got worried, because we both had to work the next day at ten in the morning. Daniel had a dime-size joint, so we walked outside and started smoking it. Daniel started joking around, saying 'Whoa dude, your tripping' and 'You getting any visuals'. Daniel was also acting like he was going to hit me. That was when I started to feel the anxiety and nervousness that acid gives you. Almost like you have a sense of false security.
We got back inside the house and David, Daniel, and Kevin decided to go to bed. That was when Sean and me started peaking. My mind felt like it had million of questions, statements, thoughts, images, and colors racing threw it all at the same time. I found very simple things to be very amusing. Like staring at the ceiling, watching T.V., or playing with a cigarette. Sean had a pair a glow sticks and he soon began to wavy them around in different patterns and shapes. I found it very fascinating to look at them. Time only seemed to creep by. I remembered that Franz had also taken two hits and that he had to work the next day at eight in the morning. I didn't call him because I was so paranoid from the acid.
Everything that I looked at had an extra sparkle, even if it was dark in room. I began to worry if I was going to be able to going work, letting the acid get the best of me. But it was now six in the morning and I was still tripping, along with Sean. We watched cartoons for a while, and drank some milk. I walked over to the window and glanced outside. The sun's rays were just starting to come up. I was dazzled by the sky. It looked like someone littered the sky with watercolors. Then colors would change rapidly.
We soon realized that we were going to have to go to work tripping still. I wasn't getting visuals still, but I could still see tracers, and I'd still see things in multi-colors. So did Sean. On our way to work I can still feel the nervousness that acid give you. Sean dropped me off, and told me that he'd call me later.
At work, I'm a cashier. So, I had to interact with people a lot. I didn't like that idea. You could tell a difference in the way a talked to people. I'd try to avoid people, customers, and employees. My manager said I looked tired. I told her that I was out late last night. The effects completely whore off over the next couple hours at work.
Acid made me look at life in a new way. To explore my boundaries. If I could do acid again I would. I think it's amazing how acid makes you see and think about things. Oh ya, Franz tripped that night for his first time, too. Only he was alone. Now that would be weird.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2001</td><td width="90">ExpID: 13450</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 17</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 6, 2019</td><td>Views: 838</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=13450&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=13450&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), First Times (2), Hangover / Days After (46), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">140 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
One beautiful July evening, two friends and me decided it was a prime time to eat some acid. I was giddy with excitement so I called up my dealer and bought six hits, two for each of us. As soon as we got our hands on it, we put the vinegary paper on our tongues and began walking towards the beach.
As we arrived at the beach, the effects began slowly creeping upon me. I was light, and felt as if I were floating like a fairy. Everything I looked upon began to get that familiar halo-like outline to it. We passed through a huge crowd who were watching the Fourth of July fireworks.
We came to a large patch of grass with tall trees all around and decided we should lie down there. This is when I began to come up. My body started to feel electrically numb. The fireworks and stars were breathtakingly fantastic. We noticed a large group of alpha-male types having a vicious circle fight right near us so we got up and moved on.
At this point I was aware that time had gone out the window. My mind became flooded with rapid-fire thoughts. I was dumbfounded when I looked up to notice the grass and dirt beneath my feet waving like a liquid ocean. I walked up to a tall evergreen and put my hand on it. It was as if I could feel the tree exuding some life force onto my hand.
One of my friends ran into two friends of his and we followed them to one of their apartments. When we walked down the apartment hallway, I hallucinated massively. As I walked down the hallway, black paisley patterns would be magically painted onto the walls in my wake. We arrived at the apartment and all sat down on the couch to roll up a fat joint or two. Every time I closed my eyes a brilliant shimmering curtain of rainbow colored flower petals would dance about.
At this point in the trip I experienced a level of awkwardness difficult to even describe. I couldn’t keep eye contact with anyone because I felt they were reading my thoughts. When I glanced up at my friends buddy he appeared to have four eyes and an elongating stretching chin. A little freaked out but nothing to worry about, just a side effect of the drug. However, throughout the entire trip I was laughing and giggling on and off.
When the joints were rolled we proceeded outside into the night and climbed on top of the restaurant my friend worked at. Up there on that roof we watched the town below and smoked joints. On the way down I almost stepped off the roof due to a lack of being in my body. This scared the shit out of me and I slapped myself back into it and climbed down the ladder.
Later one friend left to catch the bus home so my one friend and me left wandered aimlessly around the dark streets of our small town. We walked up some round grassy hills and then lied down on the top. This was one of the coolest parts of my trip. I was literally leaving my body and flying into the complex cosmos of stars. We lay there for an immeasurable amount of time.
Eventually, I became exhausted and decided to go home. Bad idea. When I got there I lay naked on my bed in the fetal position. My mind began working overtime and hyper-analyzing my life and future. This was mentally exhausting and I was still slightly tripping when the sun rose the next day.
Overall, a very positive experience and it will not be my last.<!--Highly recommended, but be safe!--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2008</td><td width="90">ExpID: 80843</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 18</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 12, 2019</td><td>Views: 933</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=80843&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=80843&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">71 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
In this report I'm going to be writing about an acid trip I had this summer that ended with me in the psych ward. Btw this my first time writing some sort of trip report, but I felt that I had to share this, and I’m hoping someone is going to learn from my mistakes and not use such a powerful and heavy drug as irresponsible as I did.
It all started with my mother and my siblings visiting my grandmother (she basically lives on the other side of the country). I had been planning an acid trip for a while and this looked like a pretty good opportunity because I had the apartment all by myself for about a week.
I wouldn't really call myself experienced when it comes to LSD, but I had dropped acid about 4-5 times before, but I never had a bad trip. That was about to change however.
There was nothing wrong with the LSD, I bought it from a guy I trust and I had dropped the same acid before with the same dose. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">There was nothing wrong with the LSD, I bought it from a guy I trust and I had dropped the same acid before with the same dose.</div></div>
At around 17:00 two of my friends came to my house, I'm going to call them S and M. It was around that time I dropped my acid (155 mics). My friends had recently bought a relatively large amount of hash, and we decided to bake brownies. I wasn’t planning on using any cannabis or any other drug for that matter because I was being drug tested, and I also wanted pure acid trip, I feel like cannabis has a way of ruining a trip.
Around 18:00 we went to the store to buy baking ingredients. About this time I started to feel the acid kicking in, this made me feel a bit paranoid because I felt like I was going to meet my mom’s friend or something in that fashion. I started to feel somewhat anxious and stressed which kind of built up during the trip.
When we arrived at my apartment about 30 minutes later my friends started to cut up the hash bar to smaller pieces, and because of my heightened senses, the entire apartment smelled like a fucking dispensary. When we actually got to the baking point I forgot how to use my oven and got really uncomfortable and paranoid.
Sometime later after we finished baking my other friend L came to my house, if I remember things correctly he was unaware that I was tripping but I think he found out eventually, which was very relieving because I felt like he treated me weird at first. After a while we went outside and they smoked a few joints, we were sitting by some thorn bushes and they made me extremely uncomfortable, I felt as if there was a dangerous animal behind me and I could feel its breath in my neck. I also made the terrible mistake of sitting in moss, because it got stuck on my legs and arms and I thought I had hundreds of ticks all over my body, I could also feel my eyes and fingers turning to some sort of mossy sand, however S reassured me that it was just a hallucination. I started to feel these disgusting rotten green tentacles ensnaring my entire body. This was when things started to get really horrifying.
I think my friends noticed me getting uncomfortable so we went inside. I remember that the window was open and I felt the energy of the evil forest. Every time I looked through the window I would feel the tentacles slowly ensnaring me again.
About 22:00 I got a call from my mother, and for some unknown reason I decided to answer, and she noticed something was off with me. I have no memories of the phone call, my short term memory was pretty much nonexistent at this point <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">my short term memory was pretty much nonexistent at this point</div></div>. I think that my friends left me because they didn’t want to get in trouble, I don’t blame them though.
The next thing I remember is my dad knocking on the front door, and for some reason, his friend was there too, and he had lots of tattoos which in my brain meant that he was a Nazi. Suddenly I was in my dad's car. I think I started talking to him about Nazism, and I think they were joking with me, but my brain decided that they were threatening me about taking me to a concentration camp.
All of a sudden my dad stopped the car immediately and I almost flew out of my seat, which triggered flashbacks from a car accident I was in when I was younger. He also played a song in the car that made me think my best friend had died. I think I had a memory loss because all of a sudden my dad was driving a tractor and he looked like Adolf Hitler. Then he drove into the psych ward, and all the houses were white red and black, confirming my concentration camp theory.
I was unable to walk out of the car because of an extreme pain in my legs, for some reason I was also bleeding from my head. I think I had to be carried by my dad and a nurse who also was my English teacher except he was Danish (I’m going to call him J). I had another memory loss, and suddenly I was in a room on a bed with my dad and J. I had no idea how I got there or why, so I assumed it was a nightmare, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t wake up. I was stuck in a horrible nightmare and my only wish was to wake up, but I couldn’t.
J took my blood pressure with those bands that go around your arm, and it felt like the life was squeezed out of my arm. I was being tortured by my English teacher. After practically killing my arm he asked me to take a shower, however, when I entered the bathroom there was no shower to be found. I suddenly realized I was about to be gassed to death, J tried to close the door and I started hearing an unpleasant horrendous agonizing sound that I don’t think is possible to explain in any human language, imagine hearing the end of your life and everything you love in audio, it sort of reminded me of planes bombing a city with air raid sirens in the background, but way more complex and horrible. I forced myself out of the bathroom in fear of my life. My dad and J were mocking me because I didn’t have the guts to die. I tried once again for some reason to enter the gas chamber, once again I heard that horrifying sound of the doors closing. I noticed a mirror, shaking of fright I tried to look in the mirror, I saw a glimpse of a brown suit with a red band around the arm. In my reflection I saw Adolf Hitler. I was certain that my life was about to end, but yet I refused to accept it. Once again I ran out of the bathroom. This time there were more people outside, they were all laughing at me. At this moment I felt nothing but misery and total hopelessness.
I think I repeated that process a few more times. It felt like I deserved it for not having the guts to end my own life, I felt like the world would be a better place without me, I despised myself for having the courage to take my own life to make the world a better place.
I have no idea how I got out of that situation, but I was put in a room. When the door closed I saw a sign saying “you are at the hospital”. My entire body was filled with an indescribable amount of relief. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">When the door closed I saw a sign saying “you are at the hospital”. My entire body was filled with an indescribable amount of relief.</div></div> Everything slowly started to come back to me, I didn’t even have the energy to worry about the consequences, my only worry was how worried my friends had to be, I didn’t get the chance to contact them until the day after.
This is probably the worst experience I’ve had in my life, and it could have been avoided just by turning off my phone and not going to places that made me uncomfortable.
Even if this was a nightmarish experience, I learned some very important things. I think most of the people that use psychedelics are aware that psychedelics should be treated with respect, and that you shouldn’t take them just to see some “pretty colors”, but I also think that a bad trip is almost necessary to really understand the astronomical amount of respect that is needed to safely use psychedelics. I also learned that if I have even the SLIGHTEST doubt before dropping acid, I shouldn’t do it. <!--Psychedelics should only be used at the right moment and in the right surrounding, otherwise, you're likely going to have a bad experience.--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2018</td><td width="90">ExpID: 112628</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 17, 2019</td><td>Views: 1,300</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=112628&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=112628&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Bad Trips (6), Train Wrecks &amp; Trip Disasters (7), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 g</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/mushrooms/">Mushrooms</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(dried)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 2:45</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">50 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 4:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
A little bit of introduction: I have a long history of drug use and I've had a large variety of them- Marijuana/Hashish, Amphetamines, mescaline, mushrooms, LSD, LSA, 2c-I, Ether, Opiates, Salvia and many pharms. After experimenting with different combinations I decided to combine a small dose of some strong mushrooms, a hit of LSD and about 50 mg of MDMA. Here's what happened:
22:30pm:T +00-- I first took the blotter and proceeded to chew the mushrooms right after.
23:30pm T +1:00-- feeling the first wave and starting to see crawling surfaces and auras around objects. Geometry of everything started to shift as usual- blinds waving, walls breathing, lights became almost unbearable and color of room became unrecognizable beyond the swiftly changing hues of yellow, orange, geen and purple.
This seemed like a nice starts, nothing unusual tho. There seemed to be a lack of the paranoia that creeps up on me with LSD and slowly the effects seemed to become less and less visual, shifting towards mental.
00:45: T+2:45 The decision came to insuflate a line of MDMA tablet I've been saving for a couple weeks. I knew the mdma was of good purity from same batch. I figured that a low dose might be good, just to see if there will be a noticeable effect, along with other two substances. What happened was that the euphoria from MDMA was there, but the psychedelic and shifty fassion of LSD and mushrooms was barely noticeable.
02:30am T+4:30 After feeling some discomfort in the jaw, I decided to go to a friend's place and smoke some weed and see if the other psychedelics will come back to their initial strength. The only thing left now was the feeling of stimulation, no more euphoria or the wild visuals. After I smoked a couple joints I felt relaxed enough to to back to my room and start getting ready to go to bed. This is quite unusual for a mushroom or LSD trip. Even though I can go to sleep after taking a single hit of acid or a dose of mushrooms, I can only do that about 8 to 12 hours into the trip, no earlyer. This time was different.
03:45am T+ 5:45-- I was almost back to baseline and could not believe my own eyes-- not for the usual reasons. It was over, it came and went like a storm, a fast one that lacked the wind. I do not know what was the reason for such a short trip, but I think it may hasve something to do with LSD and psolocybin cross-tolerance in vivo. I was then able to go to sleep and woke up next morning rested, but feeling out of place.
In conclusion, i think that this was an interesting experience to see how combining two very likable substances turned out to be less effective than taking them separately. MDMA also played a role here, but I was also expecting it to make the trip more euphoric and vivid instead of diminishing it.
Previously I have combined a large dose of mescaline with a couple grams of psilocybin mushrooms and that turned out to be a very long 17 hour trip where I was able to see into the future with my eyes close and open, so to say ,).
I am sure that in the future there will be many other opportunities to try this combination, perhaps at higher doses. Overall it was a good experience, but I don't think it is worth repeating if the results will be the same.
Uncl3 Sam<!--I wish every psychonaut out there good luck with their exploration-- the human experiment will not end untill the ultimate ++++ will be reached.--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2006</td><td width="90">ExpID: 53966</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 23, 2019</td><td>Views: 1,025</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=53966&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=53966&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Mushrooms (39), MDMA (3) : General (1), Combinations (3), Various (28)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">179 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
9:30 PM:
I pick up two blotter tabs of Acid and take them there. My brother was driving, and my wife and I took the acid. We get to the movie theater around 10:00, and I could definitely feel myself coming up as we bought the tickets for a 10:30 showing.
The previews come on, and I go to get popcorn. I tried extremely hard to appear normal, and it seemed to be working. I was coming up, and harder than I ever had before on a hallucinogen. I bought popcorn and a drink, and began to see the sparkles in the theater's floor start looking like stars in the distance as I walked. From here, I was tripping and things got unusual.
I'll try to explain as best as possible. We were seeing 'Where the Wild Things Are', based on the children's book. We were not counting on this being a terrifying, dark and depressing movie. To make matters worse, my experience watching the movie was essentially me being the character. I now fully understand what it feels like to be another person. I felt this kid's emotion, and better yet, I could smell every scene, feel everything. I smelt water at the ocean, I was cold when it snowed, I felt snow fall on my face. I was terrified at times, happy at others.
I had to tell myself that as long as I stayed in that chair, I would not die. At times, I couldn't even feel the chair. I would grab onto my wife's hand, and she felt like my only tether to reality.
All in all, the movie felt like it lead me into a fantastic trip the rest of the night. Like it was guiding me through it almost. It felt as if the movies was years long, but was over before it started. The rest of the night was amazing as soon as I got home and felt safe. However, watching this movie allowed me to fully think and feel like a 6 year old, fully understanding that i was only imagining everything, yet still actually seeing these fucked up adults as fun, brutal monsters. It may have been a masterpiece of a movie, I may have been blown, or it was both.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2009</td><td width="90">ExpID: 81795</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 20</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 25, 2019</td><td>Views: 907</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=81795&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=81795&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 line</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ketamine/">Ketamine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 line</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ketamine/">Ketamine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 line</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ketamine/">Ketamine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
So I guess ill start by saying I've been doing Harder shit for awhile now. Its been like 2 years since it all started. A couple months since a Coke Overdose.
I've been obsessed with Ketamine, I always studied it before the trip ever occured. Something about the word 'K-hole' just like drew my intrest big time. Not too mention my closest friend/relative feels the same way, but once again, Who can blame us?
So the night started out like this, bought a gram of extremely good quality K, we normally Re-up in the city every week.
As I was saying, I then bought 4 hits of acid, I thought 2 would be enough for a decent trip but thats all I've been taking the past couple of weeks.
Took the first one around 5pm, Always over excited for the trip to begin at this point.
5:30 I took the other hit, then smoked two blunts with a few of the other people at the party, they took some Acid and K, but not as much. We had a newcomer along for the ride too, but we didnt blast him off into the K-hole.
So it was set pretty much, the acid had me keep the biggest smile on my face coming up, I thought of my reality. I was with my sister and brother in law so I was safe, we had Shpongle playing in one room, and Tiesto in the other. Before hand we ran to wal-mart. Bought a fuckton of christmas lights and then set them up around the entire house, hanging from the sides of the ceiling, one room was entirely darkness, with the christmas lights matching differently for each room, one was green, the other blood red, the Shpongle room blue. And the Tiesto room purple. Of course we had a visualizer going. The music started to get more appreciation from everybody. The one guy could not stop laughing like Peter griffin from family guy (Its just how his personality was I guess). But he just kept laughing like that, and all of us in the other room were just busting up because it was borderline agitating and borderline hilarious for how many hours it kept on like that.
Anyway, As I was saying I busted out a nice huge Rail of K, rolled the 100$ up perfectly and of course, 'Fucked Katherine' as we call it.
10 minutes in, the normal K expierience, everything seems alittle bit more slow. My reflexes borderline between super slow and super fast. I cant remember much of coming up from there. But I remember my friends asking me if I was okay, and all I could say was 'Some kind of K-hole!' In like a robotic voice, we seem to always talk from high pitch to mid pitch to low pitch when were on K, its like our own personal language I guess. So everyone kept laughing, But as people were talking, and I was sobering up, I did another line.
When people spoke, It was like certain letters triggered certain K-holes throughout the night. The visuals from the acid kept it super crazy. I picked up some green glow sticks and of course started just raving out. 2 others started doing the same. Pretty soon I saw the visualizer just flood my vision occasionally. Then I'd walk back into the visualizer room and just chill there for a bit, then get back up and start dancing with Katherine again. I took another hit of acid. Thats when reality and my world kinda seperated more then ever (As it always does every weekend).
Pretty soon my vision was blurry, if anyone has played Assassins Creed for the 360, The way that game focus's was how I was seeing things and people. I had the weirdest conception the people around me were in Different K-holes. But I was here because like someone hired them to watch me, When I concentrated enough on going deeper in the hole, I saw a dark shadow squirm across the floor, it was random each time. But it would climb onto the wall and jump into someones body, thats when I thought I could hear there thoughts (Even though it seems farfetched now, it seemed so real when it was happening.) The night went on for quite awhile.
As I was coming down sorta off of the acid around 10 or 11, we were so surprised how early it was, and how everyone was running low on K already even though we baked an ounce the night before. I didnt want to leave the hole yet though, I didnt care what the acid wanted to do. So of course, another rail to keep me in that awesome hole. I sat down watching the visualizer. My back against the floor and my head against the corner of the wall propped up by a pillow. I felt like I was moving toward the visualizer. But my visuals and trails and patterns were all pulling me out of my body. Through the corner of the floor. I felt and saw as though my head was real close to my knees. But I was still laying down. As that hole was closing up I saw a golden light from behind the wall. It almost felt like another entity or being, I couldnt really explain it even if I tried harder then this. Pretty soon the visualizer and music in itself gave me a weird concept. If these things speaking in the music was actually how Demonic forces connected with us. The concept in my head was an outside party, with a gigantic fountain of color changing water, and a demon morphing straight into the water, The sounds I heard that night were so other-worldly. So throughout the entire night the doses were 6 blunts, 3 bowls. 3 pieces of paper. And of course a gram of my greatest friend, Katherine.
These expierences are priceless, and they always will be remembered that was as long as I live. Life seems to keep reminding me its more and more delicate as I get older, so never take it for granted, And always keep my head on the right way and never let anyone tell me who I am supposed to or should be.
You can call me J, I am an expierienced K-hole traveler.
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2007</td><td width="90">ExpID: 67501</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jan 25, 2019</td><td>Views: 1,003</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=67501&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=67501&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
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<tr><td colspan="2">Ketamine (31), LSD (2) : General (1), Combinations (3), Music Discussion (22), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">.5 joints/cigs</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
<span class="erowid-caution">[Erowid Note:
Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. <a href="/chemicals/show_image.php?i=dmt/dmt_contraindications1.gif">Don't do it!</a>]</span>
I have had one bad trip. I took an unknown dose on a cube in the woods with my friend. It was dusk when it set in, and it was fairly chilly. I was prepared for the weather, but my friend was not. We enjoyed ourselves for a bit, but everything went down hill after we smoked a joint. All that either of us noticed after the joint was that our ability to concentrate had vanished, therefore destroying any chance of a stimulating mental experience. Soon after the joint my friend began to worry about the cold, although he could not feel it. He worried that he would become hypothermic and not realise it in time. Unfortunately for us, we had no where 'safe' to go, or so we thought, so I ended up driving him around for about 7 hours, until we were both way down and I was about out of gas. Driving, needless to say, was not pleasant. Possibly out of a desire to concentrate, or for some subconscious reason, I talked without more than 30 seconds of interruption for the entire drive. Imagine what that must have been like for my friend. Luckily there was little or no panic; it was more like time had become a skipping record, repeating over and over without our knowledge. Slow torture.
Later my friend admitted to me that while we were still in the woods he was having deja vu, the setting reminding him of dreams which he had had predicting the day of his death. I still don't know whether he had those dreams in reality or not, but I'm quite thankful that he had the consideration not to tell me about it at the time, because surely I could not have helped and we would have spiraled into terror together. I'd like to believe that he was not already there.
I believe that if we had both been properly prepared for the weather this may not have happened, but I think the joint was quite detrimental. Our minds were much more lucid before the pot. Lesson learned.
Never had a flashback. Just wanted to tell my story.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2000</td><td width="90">ExpID: 14706</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Not Specified</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Feb 5, 2019</td><td>Views: 1,021</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=14706&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=14706&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Cannabis (1), LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Nature / Outdoors (23), Bad Trips (6), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">0.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance">Various</td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">78 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
[Substances mentioned in this report: amphetamine, 2ce, methamphetamine, cocaine, thc, MDMA, MDA, 2ci, 2cd, 2cp, LSD, LSA, DMT, 25i-NBOME, Nitrous Oxide, Alcohol, 2ct7, 2ct2, 2cb, DOM, DOB, DOI, 5-meo-dipt]
The short summary...
PART 1: Innocence
Let me begin by saying, that is has taken me tens and tens of years to earn even some kind of respect from the powers that open up us from such small molecules that we ingest in our body. Fortunately the more respect with them, the more respect they show us. Some should left behind, some come in handy, but can you control it? Do you know your limits well enough? How does it all go down hill? When did it happen?
When I tried LSD for the first time, boy was that fun, picture this, "me", your friend is thinking he is dreaming and thinks that since it's a dream nothing would matter. I was driven be my wonderful university friends back home to my mother, whom I told everything, I could never keep secrets from loved ones.
There is was, by first trip, it as 1/2 an LSD tab of a Hoffman. Never heard anyone else having a similar experience before or since. You see, I dind't think things were real. I had the same sense as I would in a lucid dream, I am in control of all preceived reality, as it's not corporeal. But alas, my experience WAS in the corporeal world.
Lesson No 1. : Karma exists in dreams, be wise of the choice you make there, for they are the same as if you did them waking.
Before LSD I actually had this natural urge to try things, to drink this or drink that, to smoke this or that. It was a boundless couriosity who's sole aim what was to be explored, what was to be tasted, understood. I woldn't have know the pain I caused so many young women in high school had I finally not had it done to me. Although I felt regret, it quickly passed, the pain of my own shame continued for eight years. The shame of always looking for something new, nice, fresh, never ever was I one to settle. A nomad from my young days of immigration. Here, it is the crux of that curiosity. I would sniff, chew the leaves of gums, read books on native plants and their constituents. Before that, video games were a great to to learn the world, but so limited and this I took out more to nature.
At 17 In my first Job I heard to DMT which following my endless exploration of the internet I discovered the association between the source good desert spirit music coming from Israel and the festive energy of the coasts of India. The two formed an incredible symbioisis world wide (but that is another story). It was at this point, decided. I want to know, what is this experience they talk about on DMT? My fascination with dream at a young age drove me to learn more and more. On everything from Ginseng to Kava to San Pedro to Acacia Trees and Phalaris Grasses. I even had a go at smoking some grass (to no avail). I was ever any chemist, other than the cookpot dishes for a monthly dinner. Nor was a business man, as I would have picked up the Rave Trend and seen the explosion of late cocktail night parties. Providing the foundation of Feel Good/Connecting energy that will forever sit with in nostalgia.
I was never a weed smoker, I tried it a few times but it lacked little purpose other than a pleasent drift off to sleep, I have never had problems sleeping, and the THC anxiety never helped.
So as University drew on, the work was there, the school was there, the friends, money and parties all in one. Sooner or later I met my second best friend Tom. A truly inspiring human being I always admired in his artistic talent, sometimes envied, but I chose the more business path, so I was proud of his contribution to our music ensemble. During this period I delved even deeper to the community evolving our mind altering substance. Discovering the Great Terence McKenna and Alexander &amp; Ann Shulgin. I feverently read their books, and although I found Terences postulations were quite out there. Pihkal felt close to home, relatable, personal and friendly.
And so, without any idea of the laws regarding our chemical importation market. I made a friend in China, who is a state factory, could build anything for a "Price".
Now, since I did not care too much for the responsibility of excess material possessions, money wasn't really that important, I always had enough to survive, and as a nomad, it's a good living.
So, looking at the top of the list of Shulgins creations, I picked out 2ct7 and 2ci to bring into Australia, long before I even heard of the analog laws. I called the TGA, they said quote "If they are not listed on the federal schedule list there are no import controls" So there you have it, on of the first vials of 500mg of 2ct7 arrived at my door by a friendly FedMan. Those were even better times! We just or were finishing uni, getting out of our parents places, making lives for ourselves, making lasting friendships and being in love.
I remember is sort of started when four of us walked the streets in a delighful daze of 2ci, one of my original favourites. I never realised how quickly these experiences would spread, how the joys, awe and wonder inspired under the influence were so much more fluid, clear and insightful than any of the mainstream intoxicants <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">the joys, awe and wonder inspired under the influence were so much more fluid, clear and insightful than any of the mainstream intoxicants</div></div> like Coffee, Alcohol or Marijuana.
But with that certain sense of the kindness and goodness in the universe, we were yet to go through its opposing side. As excess drew closer, as we began to exhalt in our arrogance of knowledge and how we as simple 20 years olds knew the answers to all that was.
Well, can you imagine the horror, pain, anguish that ensued as we learnt our lesson on how powerfully these medicines intertwine us with ourselves, our kin and the people around us. How careful we should be with them, the respects that need to be paid.
Many incredible close calls, visits to the hospitals, panic attacks and horror inducing experiences. Then it took a culmination of everything, with further exploration into the endless, pointless euphoria of smoking crack cocaine and the pressures of life, brought it all crashing down in 2008. But even before that, we where smashed with the dangers of potent psychedelic amphetamines, resulting in a hospital visit. The shame never leaves you, but perhaps the lesson stays on.
We couldn't count the close calls. The excess... where and why did it ever come to a point that this was our behavior <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">The excess... where and why did it ever come to a point that this was our behavior</div></div>. At no point at the start of my 20s did I think I would be getting a car door smashed into my face.<!-- by a -->
Even with the full source of "literary" knowledge. Slowly a certain wisdom creeps in, after so many close calls with death, with so many potentially fatal outcomes based on stupid decisions. One grows a little bit more respectful, and this is where prohibition fails. It fails to see the innate need for each human to experience their own journeys, just like a rollercoaster. All the people I explored, 2ce, methamphetamine, cocaine, thc, MDMA, MDA, 2ci, 2cd, 2cp, LSD, LSA. DMT, 25i-NBOME, Nitrous Oxide, Alcohol, 2ct7, 2ct2, 2cb, DOM, DOB, DOI, 5-meo-dipt. These were simple some direction posts of what the mind is capable. For really, everything is all mind, and to explore within us its possibilities.
And such as we have mostly, as a people grown to have a few wines or beers in a while, there will be a few of us who need to keep away real pain.
Such as these aforementioned tools and medicines.
And it is on this note, that after 30 years of exploration, 25mg Amphetamine Sulfate and 1.5 DOM help provoke an appropriate telling of a true story.
If I could have asked for one thing through my exploration of the mind, it would have been to have a mentor to help guide me.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 1998-2019</td><td width="90">ExpID: 112831</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 38</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Feb 10, 2019</td><td>Views: 1,272</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=112831&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=112831&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Various (136) : Various (28), Addiction &amp; Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 g</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/mushrooms/">Mushrooms</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">200 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This is a report of what I believe to be symptoms of HPPD caused by irresponsible use of LSD and mushrooms.
It was Thursday<!--, November 9th of 2004--> and after my friend had returned from out of state. He had quite a bit of real, quality acid. It came on a yellowish notecard with lines like graph paper constituting the doses. I had bought a five strip for $25 dollars (I sold 1.5). I had never had LSD and I only had one strong mushroom trip. I had been smoking cannabis regularly for four years prior to that.
November 9th was an exciting day for me, as the sequel to my favorite video game had come out, and I had real acid. I immediatly took one hit at 6pm. Throughout the night I ate about 1.5 more hits, as I kept cutting small slivers and eating them.
I had work the next morning, and I wasn't prepared for the night. I can't remember much of the night, as I did what I normally did (just with a head full of acid) and didn't embrace the trip. I did smoke a bowl in a dark room listening to '60s garage rock and at points the walls flowed with color, melted, I saw silouhettes of naked women moving in very seductive ways and the music (particularly the guitars) would slow down. The music slowing down also caused a spiraling effect on my brain, increasing hallucinations.
At 12am I tried to go to bed. Not happening. I get out at 2am and go downstairs. The entire kitchen is vibrating in a rainbow of color and I am still tripping. Eventually at 4am fall asleep, only to wake up at 7am extremly fogged.
It was a good experienced and I don't think it would have permantly effected me if I hadn't been so irresponisble a week later.
On wedensday the next week I didn't have work and I decided to take my last hit. I ate it at noon and smoked a bowl 45 minutes later. Within 15 minutes of smoking the bowl I was really stoned, and started to trip. I went outside to smoke a cigarette and looked at the grass. After a few seconds I saw the same brown leaf on grass pattern tile for infinite; I would not of been surprised to hear the drone of a sitar. Minutes later a military C-130 transport plane flew over extremly, and I ran into my house. For some reason I didn't go back outside for a very long time.
Hear is the beginning of when things go wrong. I wanted to get more pot because I was out, however, I couldn't drive in my current state. I asked my friend who got out of work if he could drive me, and he said he would after he smoked a blunt with some people. For some reason I thought that was a bad idea, but I wasn't going to tell him not to smoke it and sound weird.
It should have taken him an hour at the most and he wasn't there. I called his phone repeatedly for what seems like hours, he never picked up. He is a good friend so he wouldn't not pick up for a reason, so I was worried. I figured he was arrested.
I was right. It was the worst thing that could have happened. There I am with a head full of acid worried that my best friend is getting arrested, and it turns out he is. I was tense for hours.
Two days later I ate 2 grams of mushrooms. All I wanted to do was smoke weed, I was stressed, but no one had anything. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">Two days later I ate 2 grams of mushrooms. All I wanted to do was smoke weed, I was stressed, but no one had anything.</div></div> I bought mushrooms and stupidly ate them instead of saving them. They didn't do anything. Later that day when I was gettin a ride home we got pulled over and the cop said it smelled like weed in the car, his words 'The more I stand here the more it fuckin' smells like weed.' We hadn't smoked in the car. I wasn't feeling anxiety during the stop, and luckily he didn't search us. But when I got home, I was gripped with tension and anxiety.
For a month afterward I saw fractal patterns, heard a strange noise when I watched tv (I watched a lot of tv while waiting for my friend to call back not arrested), and had a huge anxiety. Also I had a profound fear of being in a car with anything illegal, basically I turned into an extremly careful paranoid person.
The anxiety still persists, the social fear is not as great anymore. What sparked me to write this whole experience is this:
I was just reading 1984 and smoking a bowl of rather good pot. I noticed after a few hits that my wall had a row of lines, like the design of my sheets. going horizontally across my wall. When I close my eyes, I see lines of text with a green background. I am feeling a little tension. Beside me are two yellow post it notes on the wall. I am looking forward but I see them in my vision, strangely darker and floating on the wall.
I smoke more and I am overcome with a tension in my body. I close my eyes and see a lot of letters, no words. A tension is going through my body and I feel like I did that day waiting for a call.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2004</td><td width="90">ExpID: 44055</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Feb 14, 2019</td><td>Views: 1,672</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=44055&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=44055&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Police / Customs (60), LSD (2) : Various (28), Hangover / Days After (46), Combinations (3), First Times (2)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 g</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/mushrooms/">Mushrooms</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(dried)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2-3 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(gel tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">170 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
LSD Mushrooms and Ufos
Though my report title is funny this is no joke...
One day me and my best friend ate a dime each of shrooms and had a great trip, we were young, so one dime was at the time, less interesting, less intense, though more visual than acid. Lots of mind games, time dilation, many uncommon sources of laughter, and all with massive visuals.
Later that day we took 3 good hits of what we felt was a more serious and mind blowing hallucinogen, LSD (we may have been wrong about It being more serious though). We ate 2 gel tabs (of real acid or 'good' acid) and sat on the playground at the school we went to when we were young. We had never mixed the two drugs before. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">We had never mixed the two drugs before.</div></div>
The mind-games became serious and almost scary. We were reading each others subconscious cognative influences within the confines of the fine archetectures our conversations produced (occupying each others minds). We were weird and articulate kids far beyond our years, however if I did this dose today, the experience would be at least 3 times as intense, and far too much.
It was really weird and felt like the winds and the visual phenomena that followed were alive and talking to us everytime we met with silence, because of the conversations that required such silence and contemplation at the time. Without the wind we would feel the same intense, heart-palpitation inducing visual and auditory rushes as if the intellect and vision was closely intertwined between the two of us. We then saw something in the distance. We had experienced some weird things but this......
There was a forest in our line of sight that had a new feature in it that we had never seen before, a giant disc of light, we looked off and saw it at the same time, for the same reason (or seemingly, as it had been the theme that night). It was like a giant neon-lit disc that was either hanging by a broken night post or a string in the sky, as it wavered back and forth. There were no lights in that forest preserve; we thought this to each other without saying, yet another primal joke between us but there was no laughing this time. The amount of light that it emitted was enough to give us (seniors in high school) goose bumps. We watched it as our conversations became dominated for the first time by another (seperate of the anomaly and eventually returning to it), one that spoke the truth, it was even funny at times and knew better than we did where we were going in the conversations. There is no reason people at our age should have been able to finish a complex thought with the intriquet and twisting flick of the wrist/hand just to have fun with the idea of experiencing the only telepathy that we knew of. It got more and more intense as the light moved quietly to the south untill the light disappeared. We were special, smart, but not crazy.
What follows could have been real or an expression of the archetypal mind coming in and checking on us or allowing us to use it, I dont know, my friend seems all the more confused about it 4 years later. By the way this acid as far as I know doesnt exist anymore, it does somewhere, but usually not in the realm of people who deal drugs (other kids we 'sold' it to, agreed or had rather extreem and hard trips). <!--Even the most visual/auditory acid is usually not real lsd-25, but if ya know the guy who can get that stuff, its a start. Those people takeing 10-20 strips of paper or gel, dont often have real acid or even good acid. --> Anyways, We got cold and uncomfortable and the conversations met a stand still, a stand still of the sort that never happened to us, all disappeared including the light. As we got up to leave our 'spot' we got to the end of the school where the street begins and saw something he and I will never forget.
A triangular craft flew right over us and hung there in the sky, equiped with three greenish-white 'neonish' lights about 10-20 feet above our heads for some time, and then we ran like hell into the street that lead to my friends house. This wasn't fun and I'm not kidding, nor were we seeing shit because we were anxiety stricken, if anything we had elevated heart rates.
At the time my friend was not 'in shape' and lagged behind a bit as I called to him. I was tearing up as I ran cause I knew something then, better than I do now. I was not crying though, just ready to die, but not entirely and was just happy to be confronted like this. We reached my friends liberal household after about a quarter of a mile, and have only talked very little about it since, it was mainly talked about right after the experience, but still very little ever after, I was always willing to talk, he was not.
Whatever this was that we both saw scared us alot. My friend was ready to have a heart attack after running such a distance on acid, pot, and shrooms. This thing, whilst under it, was massive and was accompanied by the most intense audio I had ever heard on these drugs <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">This thing, whilst under it, was massive and was accompanied by the most intense audio I had ever heard on these drugs</div></div> (it takes about 3 grams of morning glory seeds nowadays to hear something that is so complex that it does not belong to me, in a way). I was a musician, and became a very serious musician because of the things I heard that night as it has lived on throughout my life. A musician who, though had already been very involved in music, has to tune peoples instrements (annoys other musicians but sounds the best on recordings) because my ear is better than any tuning devise and I only care cause I can hear it and cant stand anything other than it. This probably has to do with the fact that these devises dont take into consideration the metals and their different tonal features.
This 'thing' though, was the beginning of something even greater for me, something that I dont even talk about unless asked. Still, I cant give the whole story cause I cant trip anymore (many thereafter but not anymore), and dont want to taint the message, yet I see the message every day, not since the UFO, but since I disected that world later in life. Though in some way, it started there.
I feel like some genetic mutation.
None the less or more, what we saw would have scared anyone shitless. Thats why us two grown boys saw it, and ran like hell. By the way It was gone after about one eighth of a mile, we were running too fast to see its exit, yet we kept running.
From then, in later trips, we looked into the skies to see where we were going, and it helped us cause we saw strange things, but it died off gradually, and our group experiences ended prematurely because of a heart rate phenom. that I only experienced when with him at first, and always from then on.
Ive had many even more mind blowing experiences because I always wanted to be alone on all trips soon there after. The ufos only came on a blue moon, so they say.
This shit was real and valid even if it didnt exist, or wouldnt have been seen by sober onlookers. This was an increadible event. The only thing I've ever heard about such things is in T Mckennas book, 'True Hallucinations'.
I will always know what it is we saw (without alluding to the real info), whatever it was though, I hope it interests some people about the subject of true hallucinations and ufos. This thing was bigger than ourselves as people. It was also special.
Even if you think I'm talking about spacecraft (or not), this really happened.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2000</td><td width="90">ExpID: 47867</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 17</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Feb 18, 2019</td><td>Views: 1,132</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=47867&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=47867&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), General (1)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">125 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
The other day I took acid for the first time ever. My trip started at around 7:15 am with me rolling a blunt. About half way through the blunt, I went to ash and my hand had a trail behind it.
Once I realized I was tripping I started to dance around my house and have some fun. At one point I remember thinking, 'man I couldnt work like this' and this thought freaked me out. I began have a small panic attack which made me decide to meditate. I laid on my bed and began to meditate, now without knowledge I was doing so, I actually placed my hands in the formation and placement meant for third eye chakra meditation, whilst chanting 'om'<!-- which is also the third eye chant-->.
Not long after I began meditating I remember all of a sudden I was out of my body, like floating above myself. There was two versions of my body, which I conclude to be my brain and my actually physical body. All of my chakras were lit up and there were three circles. A small one representing me, a medium one representing the outside world, and the third I presume was for life itself. Then the circles all collapsed together within my body and I rapidly zoomed in through my neurons into the electrical impulses, through some type of endless binary code type world to a simple rotating three dimension box, which I knew was life itself.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2012</td><td width="90">ExpID: 97660</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Feb 20, 2019</td><td>Views: 754</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=97660&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=97660&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Meditation (128) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">150 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">150 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mdma/">MDMA</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">170 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
First, some quick things about me. I am a tall skinny guy with a very fast metabolism, I am a tobacco smoker, and I have had experiences with these substances: Cannabis, Psilocybin Mushrooms, LSD, MDMA, various pharmaceutical opiates, cocaine, DXM, DMT, 2C-E, Mescaline, and alcohol.
It is mentioned in the description that I was on MDMA and LSD while I did the DMT, but this experience log focuses on the DMT.
Myself and a buddy of mine, we will call him Joe, decided that we were going to go to a rave out in the woods in California, I am a semi-consistant raver and definitely know my way around MDMA and LSD. We didn't purchase and substances prior to getting to the party. After an absolutely ridiculous journey to the rave, Joe and I decided to find some MDMA (at these functions it is exceedingly easy to do so.) After about 20 minutes of splitting up to try and cop, (this is a small rave considering what popular belief sees them as, maybe 300 people total) we met back up having both found 0.3 grams of MDMA each. We walked back to his car to take it.
+00:00- Snorted about half of the MDMA I had procured after lightly crushing to rid the powder of any large shards.<!--(I do not recommend snorting anything over 0.1 grams to first-time users.)-->
+00:05- Made our way back to the dance floor to dance a bit and get the blood pumping, feeling a bit light and happy.
+00:25- I am up. Feeling the signature giddiness and all over body euphoria. The dubstep the DJ is playing is incredible and I can feel the bass dictating my body-high.
+01:00- Joe got some LSD as a trade for the rest of his MDMA, 4 hits. I am peaking on my first dose of MDMA and I feel glorious, empathetic, super friendly, and I cannot help but rub my hands on my corduroy pants. Joe tells me to open my mouth, so I do. (normally this is a no-no, but he is my best friend) He puts 2 hits of high grade LSD on my tongue. I swallow the remainder of my MDMA after chewing it up in the small baggy it was in.<!--(I recommend doing this to everyone who doesn't want to feel the burn of snorting MDMA whilst already rolling.)-->
+01:30- I am dancing again, the LSD is starting to kick in and I can literally see the bass flowing through the dance floor. The MDMA is still going on strong, I feel like the playlist was created just for me.
+02:15- Holy shit. I am in another world. My vision has become a myriad of colors and pulsations. My body feels like it is soaring across the universe at light speed with no intentions of stopping. Joe is in a similar place, we can't seem to stay together at the party, but will run into one another every once in a while and bro-hug, in one of these instances he tells me he can see EVERYTHING. I can barely understand him so we just laugh, really hard.
+02:30- I run into a person, he tells me he has some DMT and nobody to smoke it with. I happily tell him I will smoke his drugs with him.<!--(I highly recommend NOT taking DMT on ANY other substances other than cannabis for your first time. I had done DMT twice before this point.)--> This would be my third time trying DMT. We step to the back of the dance floor, the music is still incredibly loud and incredible sounding. He passes me the 'meth pipe' which is loaded with enough DMT to get us both high twice over. I heat the bulb and quickly start taking deep inhalations of the vapor. In, out, in, out. After I start to feel the sudden rush, I quickly pass him the pipe. Blast off. I am no longer attached to my body, I am a insignificant piece of the eternal energy of the universe. I 'white out,' meaning total sensory overload. I am in the matrix loading screen, a flat, impossibly white expanse of infinity. There is no longer any music, just myself in my purest form, with a deep understanding of everything, or so it feels.
+02:37- I can feel my spirit coming back to my body, I can hear bass again, I slide seamlessly back into myself calmly and happily. After this process, I feel incredibly dumb, like if you're dreaming of flying and wake up to find out you've lost the trick to it. I am very much on LSD and slightly feeling the body high of the MDMA.
I won't divulge deeper into the rest of my night on LSD, is it isn't conducive to this report, it was a cookie cutter LSD trip.<!--This is not a trip for a first timer of any of these three substances. But to an experienced tripper, I highly recommend this cocktail for a very spiritual and enlightening trip.--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2012</td><td width="90">ExpID: 98672</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Mar 1, 2019</td><td>Views: 1,669</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=98672&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=98672&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">DMT (18), MDMA (3), LSD (2) : General (1), Combinations (3), Music Discussion (22), Club / Bar (25)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 cig.</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco - Cigarettes</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 cig.</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco - Cigarettes</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">140 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
The day was young and I was at my home pondering what could come for the weekend ahead of me. Before I knew it a family friend had brought over another one of my buddies,who had just taken a hit of acid. Since we had been interested in LSD for a while now and our dealer had obtained some what better time than now to do it.After he tripped in my brothers room for about 20 minutes and we had gone out to smoke a cigarrette and then piled into the Justins car and drove to his apartment.I walked in and our dealer was watching a movie on with his lady friend.The anticipation was killing me,with all this talk about tripping balls from my friend vince who was the one tripping in my brothers room.At first I was unsure about doing it,but there was no stopping now.
After an hour or so,when the movie was done we walked over to my dealers apartment.I patiently waited as he cut the acid for me,after handing it to me I had put it on my tongue and thought to myself 'well there is definatly no going back now,what ever happens happens'.We walked back to Justins apartment and I eagerly awaited the acid to crash over me.
Time had passed now and I was staring at a candle to see if anything would happen,and before I knew it the candle started to move and I decided to move to another seat and see what else would trip me out.My focus had slipped onto Justins coffee table,the rings from his coffee mugs had begun to form a stack of skulls,and from that spawned a whole grave yard pulsing different colors.I studied his table for about 20 minutes and decided I would probably have more visuals if I shut my eyes,when I did that all the sounds in the room composed a song with visuals dancing along.After this we decided to have a cigarette.
On a balcony now,tripping about as hard as I've ever tripped before,eyes fixed on the sky waiting for it to crash down on me or something like that.Suddenly a cloud began to take form of a skeleton warrior riding a dragon straight towards me,oddly enough I wasn't frightened,I was just happy about what I was seeing.Soon my brother had arrived with his friend and they watched as me and Vince tripped balls laughing freely.
After a while Justin drove me to another friends house after taking Vince and me off roading for a little while.When I arrived at his house I was just about to peak.Everything in his house took part in this pychodelic extraviganza taking me for a ride.The spirals upon his pipe began to spin,designes and symbols around the room spinning or doing something else unorthodox,his carpet turned to sea below me and the designes on them began to spin.By this time everythign was going great for me,untill I made the mistake of going on the interenet and posting a bulliten on myspace about me peaking on LSD,and of course my girl friend read this and was not happy at all,in fact she was about to break up with me,and even with all of that going on it did not affect me in the least.I would have expected that experiance to send me into a burning downward spiral straight into a bad trip,but it did'nt.
Being there for a while now and beginning to feel unwelcome it was time to go home.My brother had driven me home and the drive home was just as intense as anything.After saying good night to my mother,me and my brother decided to go in the hot tub and smoke a bowl(after smoking alot earlyer in the evening,which I had forgot to mention).When we got in the hot tub I noticed things where still tripping me out and I was still in fact tripping,because I had thought I came down before I got in the hot tub.We spent a while in the hot tub listening to music,and then I decided to go to bed.Of course before going to bed I had to listen to Tool,because,one I was one acid,Two Tool is good music,3 Tool is good music especially when you're high so why wouldnt it be great when you're on acid.After falling into tool for a while I finally made my way to bed.At first it was nice and peacfull,a nice vision of a well in the middle of forest blanketed by a purple haze with creatures strewn about.All of the sudden the vison became very bright and it was hard to sleep but I eventually fell asleep.
Acid was one of the best times I've had,the visuals where very interesting and have had me wondering for a while,trying to dissect just exactly what they could mean,because to me they where there for a reason,I believe drugs simply tap into different places of the mind by releasing certain chemicals.<!--,and LSD is certanly a good idea if your looking for one of the wildest rides and enlightenment of the hidden realms inside your very own mind.--> All though I promised my lover I would never do it again,but I have to say if I had the chance again I would most likely do it.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2006</td><td width="90">ExpID: 55123</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Mar 13, 2019</td><td>Views: 994</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=55123&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=55123&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Relationships (44), Various (28)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">4 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/dmt/">DMT</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">80 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I had been a regular user of DMT for around 1 year when this experience changed my outlook on if we are alone in this universe.
A few friends and I got hold some tabs and decided to get a bit messy one evening. The LSD was a lot stronger than I expected, that saying we had a great night. It was around 10 am and I told my mates R and P that I was heading in to my room for a hit of DMT [0.3 herb mix]. I have always done DMT by myself, no distractions, I feel this is the way the DMT wants me too, just one on one. So as I sat on the edge of my bed wondering if I could make a real connection with this drug, if I would ever get past those geometrical patterns like I had heard so many people speak about.
I smoked my cone, I layed back on my bed and nothing happened, no feeling, no visuals, I did no what to make of this. So I sat up and packed another cone. As I took the hit I layed down and the scariest 10 seconds of my life was about to hit me, it almost felt like something shot down my throat, I could not breath, my wind pipe was completely closed, I sat up starting to panic, I proceded to try to clear what was stopping me from breathing. All of a sudden I discarded the phlegm which was blocking my throat on to my hand and thats when my life changed.
In the corner of my room appeared a energy, but every time I went to look at it, it would move behind me, this went on for about a minute back and forth. Then my hand which had the phlegm on it looked like it had detached from the elbow down and started moving faster and faster, picture a clock face it would move from 12 then the 9 then the 6 then the 3 and so on, by the time it stopped the phlegm was gone nothing was left on my hand at all.
Then this energy put its head against mine and I was travelling through a valley of visuals, eyes open through this whole experience, this lasted around 1 minute and then the energy was sucked back in to this vortex that was spiraling above me and then it all ended.
That was 5 years ago. Since then I have found out who she was and where she was going in this ocean of chaos and yet the question still remains. How deep does this rabbit hole go????<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2008</td><td width="90">ExpID: 96561</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 27</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Apr 11, 2019</td><td>Views: 760</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=96561&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=96561&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), DMT (18) : Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">160 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
LSD was my favorite drug, but I had to learn that too much of anything is bad. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I had to learn that too much of anything is bad.</div></div>
I tried LSD last in my quest to try all the popular street drugs, excluding heroin because I don't approve of using needles. LSD in a way scared me because I had heard the horror stories about it. However, after trying magic mushroom and doing that alot, I felt experienced enough to try LSD.
I bought 5 my first time and took them all because my friend said they were probably not very strong. I had an amazing trip and my eyes were finally opened to the truth. Funny how tripping on LSD made me come to the realization of how life really is, and allows you to see what is really happening, and how obvious it is<!--, but others don't see it because we are all blind until you open your eyes-->.
I've taken over 400 hits now, and I can't take anymore. Ever. Again. Constant hallucinations, and 2 foot long tracers that last over 5 seconds on everything that moves. Oh and everything is always moving. Permanant. Be careful.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2012</td><td width="90">ExpID: 101236</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 20</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 2, 2019</td><td>Views: 835</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=101236&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=101236&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Health Problems (27), Post Trip Problems (8), HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">10 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">10 st</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Always looked forward to tripping and usually did it amongst friends or solo. Hadn't eaten much food for a couple of days and had been active not sleeping much. Took ten fresh blotters all together.
At 15 years old in 1969 I took my first lsd trip and from then up until the middle of the 90s I took lsd whenever it was available. When it was available I would take it weekly which meant I could be taking it for a month or two or just a couple of weeks before it became less available again. Sometimes years passed before it was available again so it was always a bit of a buzz when I came across it again.
Anyway it became available to me one more in the middle of the 90s. I got hold of a couple of microdots to begin with which were always my favourite and a guaranteed 6 hour trip. Then some paper trips became available but I found the strength of them to be a bit weak and I was taking at least four at a time to get anything near a decent trip.
Anyway one night a friend turned up with some papers fresh off the boat and wanting to make sure I had a good trip I went for the big one and took ten. It knocked my socks off and I went on the most amazing journey I had ever had on lsd. Every trip I had before this one I had been in control of no matter how strong the hallucinations were I could always control them. This trip was completely different though because not only did I lose control I lost my sense of everything around me and went completely subjective. The first thing I remember is popping right out of my body which I could see lying on the floor against the living room wall. I dont remember everything about what went on but I do remember some really heavy stuff like the death of ego where it felt like every thought or idea I had ever had was being ripped out of me like having a limb ripped off and having the pain to go with it. And being aware of all the mistakes I had made in life and having this overwhelming urge to kick myself for every time I said yes when I should have said no and vice versa.
At another stage I found myself in the past surrounded by a bunch of those ancient greek philosophers and watching the world being formed out of atoms. Then I found myself in what I can only discribe as a victorian classroom sitting at an old desk and looking at a blackboard that had some kind of formula written on it and I had an overwhelming feeling of the world being made out of wood and everything being all creaky. And in what seemed to be a dungeon where a guy was strapped into a chair and two guys in white coats were saying that he was mad and the guy was thinking to himself if they were experiencing what I am experiencing they wouldnt be thinking I am mad. There was something about being in outer space as well where I was watching what seemed to be a galaxy of stars swirling about and in the motions of the stars I could see things that happened on earth like a man and a woman making love.
Finally, or what I recall as being the last part of this trip, there was nothing but blackness and my mind and two other minds. I had to remember something but every time I did the other two minds already knew what I had remembered so I had to remember something else, something new. I finally came back to my senses repeating the word 'forward' over and over until I realised where I was.
Although that trip blew me away a couple of weeks later I took another one, my last, just to make sure I still had a good grip on reality and to prove to myself that I wasn't frightened to go there again.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 1996</td><td width="90">ExpID: 103576</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 42</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 6, 2019</td><td>Views: 595</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=103576&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=103576&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">250 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/mescaline/">Mescaline</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:45</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">220 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
<!--I was looking at erowid to see if there were any trip reports on LSD combined with mescaline and -->I realized that I had never written down my own experience report of this combination. This took place last year so the memories are a little fuzzy but I want to write down what I remember as best I can just so it's here in case others are looking for information on this combination.
250 mg mescaline sulfate+2 hits of moderately potent blotter acid. I'm very experienced with psychedelics but this was my first time with this combination.
I took the mescaline first and then the acid about 45 minutes later. I barely felt nauseous and within an hour was coming up fairly fast. The body load was minimal and I felt very much imbued with an electric energy flowing through my body. The combination was different than either of these compounds on their own but I remember thinking they weren't wildly potentiating one another--more like complementing.
I was at a really nice party with friends and found conversation to be quite easy for a few hours but as I ascended towards the peak of the experience I began to lose it a bit and was really tending to experience wild hilarity at the slightest provocation--so lots of laughing to the point that I was sort of failing at conversation (or maybe people really were being hilarious?).
I did dance, enjoyed that a lot. The body energy was great for that. Visually things weren't too crazy and mostly involved colors being very intense and a sort of freeze frame or strobe effect in my visual field like when I blinked there were strong after-images of reality inside my eyelids. Mostly there wasn't too much patterning or persian carpet overlays.
Overall, this dosage of these 2 compounds together was actually pretty moderate in terms of deepness (for me) and next time I take them together I would likely double the mescaline dosage and perhaps take a bit more acid as well. It did last pretty long, about 14 hours in total and it was rather hard to get to sleep. <!--If you have mescaline to spare I would give this one a go but -->Perhaps it's a more productive use of a rare compound to just take mescaline alone at a high dosage and have a deep experience with this amazing substance.
One thing I want to say about mescaline is that I'd call it very impressionistic. Both times I have taken it I feel like I am perceiving the world like an impressionist painting...sorry, can't describe it better, it just makes colors so saturated and meaningful and my thoughts become disjointed like fast-forwarding a film and then suddenly stopping and fast-forwarding again so that the stopped moments stand out starkly and form my idea of the narrative flow of time.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2011</td><td width="90">ExpID: 91832</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 30</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 7, 2019</td><td>Views: 1,324</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=91832&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=91832&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Mescaline (36) : Combinations (3), Large Group (10+) (19)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">.5 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/diazepam/">Pharms - Diazepam</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">160 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
This particular trip happene when I was 24. I had previously taken LSD, Native Australian Psilocibin Mushrooms and DMT. I have taken LSD 12 times in my life and the last time was pure hell.
Having moved to a new city and without a house, I was staying in a hotel, I took 1/2 a tab of LSD and went to see Avatar in 3d. Which kicked ass, but when I got back to my hotel room I took another whole tab of acid. I had always wanted to trip balls on acid. I had taken 7 mushrooms once and tripped so hard it was like an avalanche. I loved it.
But on acid I had never gone to the next dimension. Now I had to chance it. However, my nervousness at doing it built and built until I was lying on a bed crying.
People say you should change the music, go for a walk, call a friend or anything else to turn a trip from bad to good. But trust me, when I was tripping balls and waves of panic and fear were rushing through me, I didn't remember these things.
I was thinking of suicide when I called the ambulance. I had never even considered suicide before that, and in all fairness I know now that I would not have done it, but the thought just raised my stress and fear level.
I was taken to hospital where they gave me valium, which by the way kicked the trip into hyperspace. Waves of exileration rushed through me and I felt fantastic. I realise this was partly a placebo effect. I was afraid and hospitals are safe places where you can be looked after.
However, after about 4 hours they sent me home. This was about 7 hours after taking the second tab of acid. The valium knocked me out and I woke up stressing again. It wasn't brought on by the LSD, it was post traumatic stress. It has taken several months for me to feel normal again, but I know I can never take psychedelics again without the fear. Because I know that a small fear will always be there for me.
I wouldn't wish the experience on my worst enemy.<!--and PLEASE heed the call for set and setting. --> I should have paid more attention to set and setting. I should have been in a SAFE place with people I trusted and loved. Alone and in a strange place = hesitation, fear, panic and finaly psychosis.
Stay safe.
Peace<!--The bad trip experience is comparable with the psychosis from schitzophrenia.--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2010</td><td width="90">ExpID: 84886</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 24</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 7, 2019</td><td>Views: 779</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=84886&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=84886&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Post Trip Problems (8), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Bad Trip?
Well I sort of suck at writing shit down, but I had the most fucked up trip ever. When I was fifteen me and my friends discovered this great drug for five bucks a pop, that would get us off for hours.
We did acid for a year straight (not every day of course but as often as we could). Doing as much as six hits at a time. Never once did I experience any dragons flying through the sky or mickey mouses trying to kill me. Nothing but good times, hard-core laugh attacks, fun hallucinations, and mind fucks. After awile it became scarce, because I'm from a small town in Ontario. During six months of no acid, me and my family started fighting all the time, because my parents were into church and I was into drugs. I lost my best friend over something stupid, and I was trying to pretend like nothing was wrong. I was trying to forget about everything by not thinking about any of my problems.
Acid came back to town. Me and four friends decided to drop, so we each got a hit. Then we walked through a blizzard back to my friends place. As soon as we walked inside and the warm air hit us we started to trip. We went up-stairs in an attic bedroom and started to trip with two other people, who were just smoking weed.
The first thing I noticed when we sat down was a red line coming out of Sam's head, going into Pam's head (they were going out). The image of lighter popped out of his head traveled across the red line and into her head, she pulled out a lighter and lit his smoke.
The line and the lighter both looked like the red lines in a 3-D book when your wearing the glasses. My first feeling was excitment, but when I questioned them they didn't know what I was talking about. I can't clearly remember everything after this because it was so fucked up, but I will try to explain it as best I can.
Everything was very spiritual. Native American spiritual. I kept seeing their thoughts, thinking that it was only us doing it out of the 7 people that were there, thinking that the reason they denied it was, that if they talked about it, it would make them crazy. Then the excitement left when I realized every one could do it. I felt like life was a big conspiracy and I was the only one that didn't know. Every one looked like they had war paint on, but the main one was a fox over my friend Sam's right eye. It was a spirit, telling me riddles and I had to guess them or I would go crazy. I don't remember the riddles, but I do remember feeling every emotion as the trip went on. They would come like a beat. I would feel proud for a certain amount of time then it would change to humiliation for a certain amount of time so on and so forth. Until every emotion was felt, then it would go through them again except faster, by the end of my trip I felt every emotion in about 5 seconds. back to the beginning. The scariest thing about it was that it felt like a big dejavous(I can't spell). It felt like I went though this all before and when I died I would be born again into the same life because I royaly screwed up, and there was nothing I could do to change it. It felt like all my friends really lived in a spirit world where every minute could be an hour And I was the only one living in my world my untill I did it right. I was left in the dark.<!--I would like to write more but I have no time right now please email me I would like to talk to someone who might know something about this type of thing.--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 1998</td><td width="90">ExpID: 13891</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 7, 2019</td><td>Views: 693</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=13891&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=13891&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
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<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">.5 g</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">.5 g</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 4:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 5:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">.5 g</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">155 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
T+ 0:00 .5g Smoked Marijuana
T+ 0:30 .5g Smoked Marijuana
T+ 4:00 3 units sublingually LSD
T+ 5:00 .5g Smoked Marijuana
Medications: None
I had the evening off at one point over the summer, so I decided to go camping with a few of my friends who were already doing so for the week. I drove down, and on the way smoked two bowls, one as soon as I left my house and one when I was almost at the campsite.
When I got there, I was hallucinating. I thought that there were two amish children standing at the far end of the parking lot, waiting to kill me when I left my car, so I ended up taking a golf club with me for protection. Also, the campsite sign said 'Umbrella Fantastic' as I entered, instead of 'Camp *****'. I walked to the campsite by myself, as it wasn't dark yet and I wasn't too disoriented, especially since I had been to this particular grounds many times before.
I met up with my friends, who nominated me to light the fire. Please take note that campfires and being well beyond stoned do not go hand in hand AT ALL, and I ended up with a few 2nd degree bruns on my hand as a result. I ended up giving the firelighting rights to another of my friends and I started telling stories - simple ones that I was familiar with, giving overly animated sound effects and being very outgoing and very loose in telling them. After my second story, I got up and went to stand by the water and watch the moon light up the night.
At this point I dropped three hits of medium-powered strip acid under my tongue and sat back to relax. There was a watersnake going over the water that was at least 6 feet long, something which was backed up by people around me who were sober.
About an hour later, I walked off into the woods, almost getting lost (although I didn't, thanks to the help of one of my sober friends), and I smoked another bowl to help sooth the pain of the burns on my hand, and then lay down on my sleeping bag in the canvas tent that the group was sleeping in.
As soon as I lay down, I could feel the LSD kick in. The music coming from my friend's headphones became louder and I felt as if my soul was struggling to dig in his direction to hear the music better. Soon enough, I could hear it all, and it blended with the crickets and the birds and the wind in the trees and for a few moments I could hear everything around me in perfect detail.
The canvas tent roof above me, a standard army green, began to subtley swirl and reverberate, swaying with the music.
I began to see rose-shaped fractals woven into the dull fabric of the tent, and I could see the weave as more than just the way the cloth had been made - it swirled and spun and linked every fiber together to make a protectorate roofing.
As the fractals and interwoven shapes got stronger and more apparent I began to close my eyes. I began to float, and I could not feel any of my weight acting upon the surface I was lying on. I was weightless. And then I fell asleep.
I slept on my back, which is very very rare for me, and I did not wake at all, which is good seeing as I commonly do.
I dreamed very little that night, seeing only vast black expanses lit by strange glowing shapes, floating around me like electrons in orbit. This went on for infinity, and the only remarkable things about the dreams were that I could feel and perceive everything around me as if I was one hundred percent sober and straightfaced, and also that my mind did not process any thoughts other than those concerning the absolute beauty of the expanse around me.
When I woke up I felt as if I was cleansed, and although my burns had turned to blisters, I could not feel any pain from them. After getting up and packing my stuff relatively quickly, I said goodbye to my friends, and drove home to eat a 'real' breakfast.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2004</td><td width="90">ExpID: 36841</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 9, 2019</td><td>Views: 587</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=36841&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=36841&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Music Discussion (22), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">150-200 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/smarts/modafinil/">Modafinil</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">105 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Guide to Not Doing Modafinil and LSD
I used modafinil for about one and half year to fight some not so serious attention defficit that was troubling me as long as I can remember. I wasn't prescribed any pills and had to rely on online pharmacies. It was annoying since their stock was not always avaible and once or twice I got some really weird stuff that I suspected to contain not enough of the substance. But most of this period I was equipped and on.
While on modafinil I experienced very productive period of super-edge focus, sufficent power-naps for a short break and general mood-lift that had to end someday. I gave up when I noticed that as a blogger, I'm much better substance free, than on modafinil. I was making things 'too synthetic' and people around me started to suspect that I'm more android than human. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I was making things 'too synthetic' and people around me started to suspect that I'm more android than human.</div></div>
So I stopped taking pills, returned to my friends and little habit of smoking weed. Must admit, while on modafinil I avoided pot as much as possible. I was seriously concerned about the effect of the two combined together. I believe no harm was done, beside I took as much as 400x200mg pills altogether :)
Leaving this general retrospection of this substance I want to share one thought about combining it with LSD. I'm not experienced acid user, I took 5 or 6 blotters during last 5 years and last time I did it while on modafinil.
It was rather unpleasant. It was dull and emotionless. I spend the entire night lying on bed and watching some grey, brainfucking electonic saw projections on my wall. The acid reality was tasteless and it is maybe even worse than bad-trip. I consider modafinil as substance that blocks the better part of me and therefore don't care about it anymore.
I'm lazy and goofy again and that's cool.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2012</td><td width="90">ExpID: 98389</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 27</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 13, 2019</td><td>Views: 1,704</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=98389&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=98389&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Modafinil (217), LSD (2) : First Times (2), Performance Enhancement (50), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">160 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
As an age seasoned partier, I often think back to my 20s when acid tripping was a common weekend activity. Often yearning for those happy days. Now my life was work and care filled for my dear wife and other commitments. When an old friend mentioned he scored some blotter, I could not resist a trip after nearly 2 decades of sobriety. My wife was gone for a weekend on a business trip so I went for it.
On a saturday about noon, I dropped 2 hits of the blotter, I turned on the tv without sound and set the stereo to a classic rock station. After an hour of thinking maybe it was bogus blotter. I felt a tingle of excitement creeping over me. As the pattern in the carpet began to dance with the music, I felt warm all over. Like an old friend gave me a hug. I watched the tv characters fumble through their roles. I even began to understand what they were saying despite the music. Everything they did was unusually funny and I rocked with laughter. I never felt so good, I was in complete control of my mind. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I never felt so good, I was in complete control of my mind.</div></div> As the walls shimmered and vivid color patterns danced on the wall to the music, I wondered why I had feared returning to acid land. I was the trip master. I was at the top of the world.
It was now about 3 hours after dropping, and I noticed objects in the room seemed out of place. The picture of my wife was hanging on the wall, but it was on the wrong wall. I struggled to my feet and examined the picture closely, as an average gal it was an average picture. The chrome picture frame glowed brightly, it almost blinded me with its brilliance. As I stared, she morphed into the most pretty girl I'd ever seen like ms america. The she melted into a demon girl, with fangs and blood dripping from her mouth. In horror I stumbled away back to the couch.
The peak washed over me in waves, time had no meaning. The beautiful carpet patterns changed to a dark fearful pit. Paranoid I lost all sense of comfort. As the walls flashed thru colors at a maddening speed the room grew darker. My heart raced, my stomach tightened into a knot. I knew I was dying. The music faded away and seemed very distant. Visions of my life flashed thru my mind. The couch seemed hot and sticky, and I couldn't move. It seemed like hours and hours I was numb and confused. I stared at the wall unable to move, visuals of all shapes seemed to suffocate me.
Finely my mood lifted, the grip acid had on my mind began to ebb. Although I was still tripping, I could stand up. I was hungry, it took me 15 minutes to make a sandwich. When I bit into the sandwich it felt like mushy goo. I threw it into the sink and stumbled back to the couch.
As I lay there thinking 1000 thoughts per minute, I realized I will never trip again. I was too old, I felt ancient. The young party days of the past seemed like a distant memory. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">The young party days of the past seemed like a distant memory.</div></div> I wanted the trip to end, but it dragged on till I felt hollow inside. The dancing walls were fading fast, so I took a walk outside. The fresh air seemed to bring me back. My mood improved.
Although the trips ride up was exhilerating, I went thru 3 or 4 hours of hell. I have no regrets, I knew what I was in for. Over time we all tend to remember the good trips and forget the bad ones. I did them all in one day.
Exhausted I went to bed at 9pm and watched faint patterns on the ceiling until I fell asleep.<!-- End Body -->
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<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2010</td><td width="90">ExpID: 85963</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 40</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 14, 2019</td><td>Views: 762</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=85963&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=85963&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Difficult Experiences (5), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Prime effect from the acid or Lucy as I prefer it be called is the noticeable increase in time depth, but increased contentment with whatever the present mood is. Some think acid is bad or can lead to a deterioration of your mental fortitude, personally I think it amplifies whatever I feel or experience. If it's traumatic or slightly off putting, like bad news or a situation which brings a lot of anxiety, I usually try to understand the "anxiety monster" rather than fight or ignore it. Looking at the monster that anxiety is and recognizing, but moving past it. <!--If you let a situation like washing your hands fill you with anxiety because you may have taken too long, not washed a particular part of your hands, didn't scrub hard enough on an area, or etc. It doesn't matter what your under the influence of, you'll be somewhat destroyed by the anxiety monster in that situation. -->
The best visual explanation I can give is to relate the tripping on Lucy to how the users pupils grow while under the influence of it. Just like the blackness of one's pupils grow, the depth and emotional/spiritual, sometimes even psychic grasp of the situation grows.
When I'm flying in "Sid" even random holes, patterns, and debris on the road everyone drives, walks by, and takes for granted become a masterpiece created by the divine that exists throughout life whether seen, recognized, labeled, or none of the above. Things people say around me are funnier, my focus is more thorough, and I become aware of things like parts of a machine or tools laying around that mostly go unnoticed because they're not commonly used or needed. Common, random things become more interesting basically. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">Common, random things become more interesting basically.</div></div>
First onset effects start after 10-30 minutes usually, at first peaking at about 60-90 minutes after ingestion, then dropping to mild "after trip" effects after about 7-10 hours depending on dosage on 1 paper or gel tab (approximately 9/32 thousandths of an inch).
I can be myself while making the ones I care most about happy, letting them know I care about them in my own way. My system is not a system necessarily, but it works like a system does. I've made similarities between my experience on acid and the seasons of the year, although it changes because my moods and circumstances do, it persistently creates a better environment for me to flourish in.
I on my own time can meditate and call to mind traumatic experiences from the past which still affect how I think, feel, and sometimes act to an extent, understand the experiences better and come away a better person. We think veterans are the only scarred hero's in our society, but we all have scars from the past that haunt us which need our attention in a healthy way from time to time. Lucy helps us remember, deal with, and heal from these past experiences.
I've watched characters like "Roger Sterling" on Mad Men from AMC take it, have a crazy visual trip, and come away much more enlightened, happy, and "in love" with the world again attitudes. For myself it's a lot like that.<!-- End Body -->
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<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2019</td><td width="90">ExpID: 113070</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Not Specified</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 30</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 15, 2019</td><td>Views: 695</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=113070&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=113070&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3.5 g</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/mushrooms/">Mushrooms</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(dried)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">200 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Ok ill put out a little bit of backround on my drug use over the years just to start off. I have smoked weed everyday for the last few years done mushrooms twice before this done e once either a few times oxycontin a few times morphine and opium. Over all I considered my a somewhat experienced drug user.
At the time me and my friend had recently come across a reliable source for mushrooms and acid and very much wanted to drop for the first time. At around 12 pm we went and bought the tabs and went back to my friends house to trip. I forgot to mention the person who sold the acid to us came back to my friends house just to chill since he was cool to hang aorund with anyways. We dropped at 1 pm and soon after I did our dealer offered me some shrooms for an unbeatable price so I couldnt say no. This was around 2 and at first I was gonna save the shrooms for a later date but I said what the hell and munched em down. This was not very pleasant at first because I ended up getting pretty bad upset stomach which is weird because I usually never do, but that went away in a bit anyways.
Here is where things started to get interesting, I started to feel very relaxed and had this huge grin on my face...o yea this was at about 230. I also notice that things that I looked at for more than a few seconds would start to shift around move a little bit, not to dissimilar to a shroom trip. As the trip progressed I noticed that I was getting in a very good mood and how much I like this stuff but that I knew it was only just beginning. About 3 hours after dropping I was noticing that every thing around me was shifting and moving even when I wasnt thinking about it and I remember telling my friend who seemed to be in his own little world that this shit is great haha.
After about 4 hours of this shifting and swirling and great body high it seem to kick into hyper speed and I started thinking about so many things that were around me and what they used to be and how they got here. Basically I started dwelling on every little thought that came into my head. Not that this bother me but it did distract from the other parts of the experience that I liked. I also remember that the color during this period were very bright and vivid and that the music I was listening to was very enjoyable.
The 'hyper speed' part of the trip that I had enter lasted for a couple more hours and slowly calmed down and was a little less over whelming which was nice and actually kind of relieved me. Over the next few hours I slowly headed back towards the baseline and came down very smooth and gently wich was nice. Over all I would say that it was a very enjoyable experience.<!-- and would recomend it to anyone wanting to try acid for the first time.--> The only thing I can say that it entered me into a whole new world which I am definitely going back to some time in the future.<!-- End Body -->
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<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2006</td><td width="90">ExpID: 54708</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 22, 2019</td><td>Views: 870</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=54708&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=54708&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Mushrooms (39), LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3), First Times (2)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">90 mg</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance">Pharms - Lithium</td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
A few months before this experience I was placed on Lithium by my doctor for bi-polar disorder. I took 30mg (and still do) 3 times a day. The lithium really had a positive overall effect on my life, and presented no problem on other psychedelic drugs (shrooms and 2CI). It was my first time trying acid <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">It was my first time trying acid</div></div> and I was completely unaware of the fact that mixing the two is a stupid decision.
30 min or so after taking the acid I was feeling amazing, and seemed to be tripping a little harder than the others I was with, although I had reacted to other psychs quite strongly when I did them for the first time so no one was alarmed. Within an hour though, I was in a totally different world, with colours and shapes that became so intense I could only see the faintest outline of the room I was in. Pretty soon I was not responding to the people I was with whatsoever.
The next part I don't remember, and have had to have it explained to me by my friends. I started acting strange to the point where the sober ones there were worried, and then started to convulse and stop breathing. My face turned bright blue before my friend got me to start breathing again (I'm not sure whether the breathing had to do with the seizure or just me being out of it). They called an ambulance, and I just kept tripping, totally unaware of the situation. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I just kept tripping, totally unaware of the situation.</div></div> The paramedics came but couldn't keep me in one place so police cars showed up to help (must have been a slow night lol). They strapped me down and put me in the ambulance. Luckily I was so high that it not only didn't lead to a bad trip, I had an amazing time.
At the hospital I started coming down, and got more in touch with physical reality, although I couldn't stop yelling things that didn't make any sense. The doctors and nurses were all calling me 'the trip', which I didn't mind. I went home when I was finally sober and am pretty sure I want to try acid again..... once I'm off lithium. It was a good time for me, but seizures are no joke and I guess I was lucky it all turned out fine.<!-- End Body -->
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<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2011</td><td width="90">ExpID: 91145</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: May 23, 2019</td><td>Views: 2,003</td></tr>
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[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Pharms - Lithium (91) : Depression (15), Health Problems (27), Combinations (3), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 2:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/dmt/">DMT</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 2:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">145 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
A good friend and I decided to take a trip, we started with 1 tab of acid each at around 8 o'clock. About 1 hour in while my buddy still didn't quite feel it, I could tell that it was going to come up strong. About 2 hours in and we are goofy, feeling it quite a bit for just 1 tab that we approximated to be about 150ug.
It's now just after 10 o'clock, and we decide that it's time to smoke a capsule of some fine white DMT. There is about 200mg in the capsule. I loaded some high quality purple indica in the bottom of my bowl, put the whole capsule on top of it, then put a little more shake from the herb on top to cover it from burning directly. We play a deep dubstep mix on my stereo that my friend had recorded a few days prior and put psychedelic visuals from YouTube up on the TV screen. Mind you it's 10 o'clock PM, so it's dark in the house and the visualizer is causing the lighting in the room to constantly change.
We begin smoking the bowl, passing back and forth to each other between hits, within 3 hits each we are sufficiently immersed in the presence of a DMT trip. Then everything changes, keeping my eyes closed, I take a 4th hit without thinking about how I'm burning the substance, I puffed it like the iron lung hash smoker I am and instantly the level of complexity of the hallucinations multiplies by what seems like at least 100 times. I am immersed in a world that best matches up with the style of Chris Dyer's art, but on the level of his most complex works, then multiplied in complexity an exponential number of times and put into a video type format, constantly moving and creating all new visuals multiple times a second. I could see beings, entities, worlds, so much I could never understand it all in that short amount of time.
This is easily the most intense visual experience of my life at this point, many times that of my normal DMT trips, which I must say are pretty amazing to begin with. Then a song comes on in the mix with an extremely dark and sinister vibe, all of a sudden this world of hallucination transforms from being represented in many colors to a much more evil vision all in shades of red, orange and black. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">this world of hallucination transforms from being represented in many colors to a much more evil vision all in shades of red, orange and black.</div></div> I see fires roaring and the beings that seemed happy before now suffering in what I laughed aloud at and described as "the most fucked up shit I've ever seen". Only one other DMT trip had shown me such evils before but without the LSD, the visual stimulation from YouTube and the amazing deep mix that one was not nearly on this one's level. This evil, although terrifying didn't frighten me at all, and it was in fact a part of the most intense visual psychedelic experience of my life.
We continued to take hits until the bowl was finished and we stayed in our trips for over 20 minutes before the visuals started to go back to "normal acid visuals", although once I smoke DMT on an LSD trip, the rest of the LSD trip is altered and hallucinations often have much more complexity, so there is no real return to a "normal acid visual" state, I can tell when the DMT itself has worn off.
This experience changed my life and gave me so much hope for future DMT experiences. We decided to eat mushrooms right after that and well, let's just say it was a good night for learning.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2019</td><td width="90">ExpID: 113215</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 23</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 1, 2019</td><td>Views: 868</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=113215&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=113215&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">DMT (18), LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">282 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I'd never had any experiences with psychedelics that widened my perception before the night in question. Unlike Huxley with mescaline, it took some doing before my doors of perception would be opened, and it wasn't cacti that did it for me, it was the synthesis of cereal grain mold we call d-Lysergic Acid Diethylmide, or LSD (an abbreviation of the german spelling). I'd been taking Acid awhile by then, and knew it was capable of weird stuff, but I was young then and had no real compass. It was just another drug, and it stayed that way until Christmas of 2014 when I took more than I ever had. I guess I was a bit down, with it being the holidays and there I was alone eating Acid with the phone off.
This night something altogether different would happen. I'd heard doses over 400 mics could cause some very otherworldly things to happen, I'd taken a pretty random sized square of high potency blotter <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I'd taken a pretty random sized square of high potency blotter</div></div> acid that was likely more like 600mcg, whatever happened when you overdose on Acid, I was going to find out. I was prepared with a benzo and some opiates should it just get out of control, but again, I had never had it happen and might not recognize it if it began. Tonight, it would happen. I would see that other side... I listened to David Bowie's Diamond Dogs at some point during the trip (the record has become essential for tripping ever after, I find it very comforting for some reason) and at some point saw Bowie himself staring down at my supine body (he hadn't died yet)--I didn't remember laying down, but I must have just found my way there in my reverie. This was the last normal thought I remember having, the next got really weird, the kind of stuff that scared Dr. Rick Strassman away from his DMT experiments; a spiritual encounter.
There was a void of pure light with a very simple temple far in the distance, pyramidal but flat topped with no outer inscriptions beyond a rune above the door. I think this was the name of God. I can't remember what we said, but we spoke for a time, and when the time came to return to my body, it felt ravaged. Particularly by drink.
I should mention I'd been a pretty nasty alcoholic up until my night in God's court; 3-4 litres of whiskey a week, sometimes more. I was quite disoriented when I got back from the high dose Acid trip, but one thought was quite clear in my mind; the drinking was over. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I was quite disoriented when I got back from the high dose Acid trip, but one thought was quite clear in my mind; the drinking was over.</div></div> Not 'The drinking will stop soon' or 'I need to moderate my drinking' wasn't like that, I had quit pretty vehemently during my concourse in the light. The smell of ethanol makes me gag, beer smells like farts, and wine like grape juice someone left in the sun. It was OVER, I tell you.
<!--Now understand, I had no idea who Bill Wilson was or how he'd done pretty much the same thing and founded Alcoholics Anonymous based on what he'd experienced while tripping on LSD. He saw things in a way he'd never seen them before and it took from him his want for strong drink, as it did me. -->I've had social drinks since, because fucking-everybody-and-their-gottdamned-uncle drinks and it's hard to avoid, but it's 1 or 2 to be polite and that's all. What transpires next is dismaying and reinforcing at the same time, a room full of people get drunk and I don't, I won't, I can't betray what Thompson called "the Great Magnet", but those who imbibe become shameless. Animals looking to rut or throw up. Disgusting.
<!--The Religious Right got ahold of Bill Wilson's idea, there was a catch though; go figure, it was the LSD Wilson had incorporated into his 12 step program. They didn't think Jesus would approve I guess (awful assumptive of them) and replaced the "LSD Step" with "Finding a Higher Power", by which they mean Christianity. I don't think it would fly if you came in to a $eeting wearing a khufu and stopping the whole charade to pray to Mecca.
So, if ya find yourself bending your elbow a bit too often, fuck those AA people, take as much Acid as you think you can handle, double that, and cure yourself.
Have benzo's handy in case its the Devil instead of God who comes for you. --><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2014</td><td width="90">ExpID: 112727</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 31</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 4, 2019</td><td>Views: 1,458</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=112727&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=112727&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Addiction &amp; Habituation (10), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 1:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(edible / food)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 2:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(edible / food)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 2:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 cig.</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/tobacco/">Tobacco - Cigarettes</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
2 Pot Brownies and some Lucy
Acid…LSD is truly a complex substance to indulge. This entry is about the experiences I had when I did decided to “do” acid. I guess the only way to tell you about it is to start from the beginning.
I am 18 years old and I love to do psych drugs. They open my eyes up into a completely different world and lets you just release your inhibitions. The night I decided to drop acid was during Spring Break and I had nothing going on. My best friend and I (who have both experienced LSD before) decided to take only one hit each because we wanted to have a little fun.
I hate playing the waiting game. The time it took for that 1 hit to finally “do” anything was insane. It took me about an hour and a half before I started feeling it and it took my friend about 2 and a half hours. This made the trip not super enjoyable simply because, I was tripping and the other person with me wasn’t. As soon as I felt the trip beginning I hate 1 brownie with marijuana in it. I knew I had a while before that hit me so I just sat down and waited longer. I got the energy first. I wanted to just pace my living room back and forth but I knew my friend already thought I was wiggin’ so I confide myself to my chair in front of my computer. We spent about 2 hours just listening to music and watching funny videos on you tube. The energy soon ended but I knew it wasn’t over, finally, the visuals started to show up. Colors were looking gorgeous, carpet was growing, and shadows were moving. I was very excited that my trip had begun but I wished my friend’s had began as well.
About an hour after the LSD hit my friend I decided to eat another brownie and go have a cigarette. The smoke was awesome. I felt like the smoke was coursing through my body and it made me tingle. We took the acid around 9:50 pm so, by now it was dark and cold. The clouds looked exuberant and the stars looked like fireflies. After we went inside and started feeling the affects more the first brownie had hit me and it just intensified the experience. We went to my Xbox and decided to play Geometry Wars2 (FANTASTIC game to play if you ever roll or fry). This kept our attention for about 20 minutes although it felt like hours.
The time was now around 1:30 in the morning and I could feel my peak very strongly. My entire body felt warm and tingly while my eyes began to vibrate and distort shapes. We spent time on my couch talking and watching a movie. I lost interest in the movie from the get go. I started to feel tired and disappointed. Once I made up my mind about the movie I knew that if I stayed up I was going to go insane. Scenarios were racing through my head every second. It felt as if when the trip was over I would be considered crazy and put into a home or I was going to die. With this thought, I decided to sleep. In the middle of the night I woke up and realized my dog was sleeping on my legs. It wasn’t a big deal but when I looked back at her, I saw her skin ripping off and her hair falling out. I reached to wake up my friend because I was terrified and told myself, “It’s only a drug.“ and closed my eyes. I was expecting my trip to be better but, I should have figured that only doing 1 hit won’t fuck me up. Waking up the next morning I was extremely tired. I didn’t want to do anything but sleep.
The experience was fun don’t get me wrong, but some of the things that happened made my night not that enjoyable. The brownies were a good idea because it made me actually feel things more than just in my head. This was just one of those trips that could have been better but, oh well, I had fun.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2011</td><td width="90">ExpID: 90531</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 18</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 14, 2019</td><td>Views: 887</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=90531&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=90531&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Cannabis (1) : General (1), Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">150 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
One night I was with a couple of my friend my friend Rob, D, and Jamie. One night Rob hit me up and asked if I could get him some solid acid and being so fortunate to know a guy with some decent cid. I help him aquire enough for all of us but my friend Jamie wasn't taking any just trip watching us. This all happens around 10PM
We take the tabs in my friends jamies car and realized that we had no where to trip at and we didnt not have enough gas to be just driving around. We decided to go to some tunnels inside of a gulf course near D's house. Jamie parks the car and I see my friend Rob get out with a huge backpack. Not asking anything we proceeded into the small opening in the middle of the course.
45 We are in complete darkness. My friend Rob brings out LED flashlight from this huge bag and hands us all some glow sticks. We turn on the light and crack all the glow sticks. At this moment I knew that we were about to start tripping. I look down the tunnel and it started stretching and I kept moving farther and father away. I snap out of it and realize it was all in my head. We start walking down this dark tunnel by flashlight looking at all the graffiti bombings on the walls. Most of them were very well done and the colors of it all was very vivid the red looked red-er, black looked darker then normal if you know what I mean.
We finally get tired of walking around in the tunnel and sit down in a spot and just talk and smoke. My friends are just tripping I could tell. I look at my friend D's face and his eyes looked empty like a body with no soul. And Rob was chill he was enjoying himself laughing talking with the group. We get tired of the light and wanted to sit in pitch black for the hell of it so we turned the light off. The OEV were strong things felt like they were flying past me in weird shapes. Out the corner of my eye I saw a light coming from the glowstick but ignored it and that made my visuals spin start moving in all directions.
D had gotten the idea of cutting the glowsticks and throwing the liquid all on the sides of the pitch black tunnel. After he had opened about 4 of them and covering the walls with the liquid we turned off the light again. Stars... All I could think of is stars. I stared strait at 1 in particular start and it didnt move but everything around it was morphing trying to take the star I was looking at but concentrating on it was the only thing keeping it still. I close my eyes and the only thing that changed was the stars were gone.
We all start to want to move to a new spot out side of the tunnels. So we get out of the tunnel and onto the gulf course at about 2 in the morning and walk to my friend D's house to kick it on his porch. On the way out of the tunnel I felt like I was sewer people or something the world outside just looked new and glorious. We walk off and I notice the ground that I was walking on was like cement on a gulf course not so much as hard but as sturdy. We got to his house and sit at the table he had set up in the front.
After about 2 more hours we were just talking and out of the blue a pair of red small lights look at me. I looked back... All I could see was a shadow behind Rob's shoulder with red piercing eyes. I was dumbfounded I couldnt move talk or blink I could only stare. It moved side to side as if it was going to take Rob alive. As soon as he got close to Rob I guess Rob went to reach for something on the table and the shadow collapsed right before my eyes. If you have seen paranormal activity 3 then its the part were the ghost uses the bed sheets and it looks like a person but then the sheet collapses on its own into nothing... Same thing happened. I was in complete shock and my eyes were tearing. I didnt tell my friends about it for some reason. I was compelled not to like if I told them what I had saw I would be releasing a bigger burden onto them so I kept it to my self. After our peek went down enough to look publicly non-intoxicated we went to Jack in the box and talked.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2012</td><td width="90">ExpID: 100211</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 20, 2019</td><td>Views: 658</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=100211&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=100211&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Guides / Sitters (39), Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Hard</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">5 drops</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">160 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
The last time I was fortunate enough to take LSD, I was at home with two of my friends and my folks out of town. I had to work earlier that day, and I spent the entire day on the phone with my friend Justin trying to close a deal on some acid. We were finally able to obtain 10 drops of some liquid on two sugar cubes, five generous drops on each. When I finally got off my shift at work, it was arranged for me to meet Justin's friend to pick up and pay for the acid, which I did. I went home and immediately put the sugar cubes in the fridge to keep the acid 'fresher' for the night's activities. My friend Justin showed up and we went out and got some Chinese take-out to wait for Kyle.
When we got back to my house we decided to make my traditional 'house drink' for Kyle since he wasn't going to be dropping any acid. Basically, my drink consists of a little bit of everything we have in the liquor cabinet, a pitcher of OJ, and a lot of Peach Schnapps and some pure grain alcohol (195 proof!) that my dad had in the back of the liquor cabinet. We pour all the alcohol into a pitcher full of OJ and shake really well. It's surprisingly good, too. Since my parents were out of town for the weekend, Justin and I were both very relaxed and basically stress-free for the weekend, so we both went into the trip with a positive mind-set.
<span class="erowid-caution">[Erowid Note:
Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. <a href="/chemicals/show_image.php?i=dmt/dmt_contraindications1.gif">Don't do it!</a>]</span>
Kyle showed up around 9 p.m., we all had a few of my house drink, and Justin and I dissolved our sugar cubes in our mouths (T +0:00). We all piled into Kyle's car and drove down to the waterfront and the beach to await the coming trip. We sat on the dock for a while and talked, and after about 40 minutes I began to feel tingling in my extremities and in my chest. I glanced over to Justin, who had a big smile on his face, and I knew he was beginning to feel it, too. I looked down and noticed that the grain in the wood of the dock had re-arranged itself into some sort of tribal-looking patterns (T +0:45). We decided to drive back to my place so we could enjoy the trip more (our laughter and comments were beginning to draw some looks), so we got back into Kyle's car and drove back. When we got back, we decided to bring the pitcher of OJ/hard alcohol upstairs and watch a movie on the entertainment system. I popped in Beavis and Butthead Do America and we all sat back to enjoy.
By this time (T +1:15) my trip was really getting going, and I began hearing strange, wondrous sounds in the background of the movie, and all the characters had a different look to them that was hard to describe. I was getting lost in the world of sounds and colors of the movie, and my mind was beginning to wander into an altered state. Then the scene when Beavis eats the peyote in the desert came on. Beavis's trip began, and mine was climbing to a peak. Beavis's trip is pretty strange, especially when I'm tripping as well, and I was getting weirded out by all the sounds and creatures and colors, so I turned the movie off. When I did, my entire TV screen turned blue (as it usually does when you hit stop on the VCR), but I was mesmerized by the 52” of high definition bright blue in front of me. It seemed to envelope my entire being, and the whole universe became nothing but a serene, bright blue. Nothing existed but myself and the blue, and it began to present ideas to me about my life and how I live, and I was able to look at my life more objectively and realize things I had never known about myself and why I do the things that I do. I began to realize that everything and everyone is connected in some inexplicable way, and that the things we do to each other reflect back on ourselves and on the universe as a whole. I realized that many people don’t know this or don’t seem to care, and that this is a shame, but at the same time I realized that I must accept this fact, and that everything, good or bad, is part of a bigger picture and plan and must be accepted. The blue was pulsating with serene light and there were strange, indescribable sounds all around me, and they were a part of the blue, too. The blue seemed to want to envelope me, and I welcomed it, but I was at the same time apprehensive about letting myself go into it completely. I believe now that if I had let this happen, there would have been complete dissolution of the ego and I would have become a part of one huge blue sea of being and one with the universe. I hesitated for some reason I still can’t understand (perhaps just fear of the unknown), and Kyle, who had gotten himself into an alcohol-induced slumber, woke up and turned on Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
I snapped from my trance once the blue disappeared from the screen and decided to go downstairs and put on some music and wash the dishes. I went downstairs, where I found Justin on the back porch in the light rain staring up at the stars. At this point (T +2:45) I was starting to peak, and the outside wasn’t the place to be for me – mainly because the raindrops landing on the hood of the gas grill turned into serpent-like eyes, and then they looked like serpent scales and the grill turned into a huge dragon. I went inside and put some Phish and Grateful Dead in the CD player on random and began the dishes. When the dishes were over, I had just reached my plateau for the night (T + 3:15), and Justin and I went back upstairs to sit in the bonus room (big living room area over the garage with the computer and entertainment system, etc.) and burn some incense and listen to some music and trip our minds off.
Kyle started messing around with the special features on the Monty Python DVD and found some trailers for some really tripped-out movies: Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, some fucked-up movie called The City of Lost Children (“The best visual effects of 1995, 1996, and possibly 1982…”) and another one called Baron Munchausen. This last one was for some reason incredibly hilarious to all three of us, and we laughed our asses off for a good 40 minutes straight. Later, Justin went into my room to listen to music and try to enjoy the remainder of his trip and get some sleep, Kyle had passed out again, and I put on some music and tried to get some sleep. In the total darkness, it was easy for my eyes to convert the blackness to blueness, and I spent the rest of the night (T +4:30 – T +8:00) in a sort of trance, wandering into far-off corners of my mind, all the while being embraced and enfolded by the blue. I guess I nodded off to sleep at some point, because the next thing I knew, it was morning and I had to get up and get ready for another day of work. We all sat around on the floor of the bonus room and ate Cocoa Krispies, shared stories about the night, and had a good laugh over Baron Munchausen. All in all, it was a wonderful night full of new discoveries, and I’ve been looking forward to my next trip into the blue.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2000</td><td width="90">ExpID: 10970</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 21, 2019</td><td>Views: 853</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=10970&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=10970&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Mystical Experiences (9), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">insufflated</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/ketamine/">Ketamine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/dmt/">DMT</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(powder / crystals)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">140 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I was in a valley town of <!--Terra Alta, -->West Virginia for a small scale psytrance/glitch-hop/chillum-smoking-barefoot-hippie-junglist type festival. I had an awesome group of friends with me and a colossal bag of kitties. It was the second morning and I was sitting in a circle of people at our campsite, dazed by K and the night before when my friend, let’s call him A, inquires we all eat some LSD and is met with a unanimous “yeah sure why not whatever”. Pieces of paper are then handed around the circle, each one a big generous strip. I get one that looks like a good 4 or 5 hits and I mean this shit is good. Newbies could split these buggers in half and experience a solid first acid trip.
There were the typical post consumption giggles going around, and that slightly awkward undertone of a collective psychedelic come up. Eventually everything starts to look greener, I see small kaleidoscopes bursting in the overcast sky and my mind starts to bend. It was wet, cold and raining in the Appalachians. I took a bump of ketamine and felt warmer. One of my friends starts to blow up one of these weird alien glow balloon things that he got from a vendor, and as it inflated he would pull it away from his face and look at his progress every so often, and then giggle at the half deflated alien in a state of balls-tripping. This went on for 30 some minutes until there were several glowing aliens hung up around ours and our neighbors campsite. It was hilarious, but my own trip had kind of a weird undertone to it that I can’t exactly explain. I felt detached, but not just from the K. Like I was separated from my peers on a different level than everyone else. After an hour it became more difficult to speak, I could only belly laugh and smile, or answer yes or no questions. I took a bump of K and we went to the first show of the day.
I was watching this chick hula hoop, and she was honestly one of the best hoopers I’ve ever seen. Doing some crazy fucking shit with her body that was really impressive. She just flowed together so well I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I was getting these streamers of light where her hoop had been and they formed geometries making me visualize how well a perfect geometrical shape such as a circle can wrap around the human form. Kind of like how poi forms triquetras and what not. I went under a blanket and did another bump of K, then I lied down. My body melted into the earth and the sky was so many colors, while in actuality it was just gray. After several minutes of the laying in the grass, staring at the sky with the bass hitting my eardrums, I saw the sky start to “tear” with white light. Eventually it opened and I saw something like pic related. The light around it was too bright to see clearly, but it was incredibly vibrant and colorized. What was strange was that it just sat there, it was not like an entity it didn’t try to contact me. It just was. I wasn’t catatonic. I could still walk, and talk if I needed. But there was this great big Mayan sun just accompanying me. If I was slightly crazier I’d have thunk “ALIENS!”
Eventually I said “FUCK IT, I’M WET” and hobbled back to the campsite with two or three others. We sat there in mostly silence, too in awe with the visuals to speak more than a sentence or two at once. My mind started to wander and I began to get anxious. I had to pee but couldn’t fathom how I could get up and actually DO it, you know? So I just sat there. This continues for an hour before we went to the next show, which was Thriftworks. He makes weird glitch-hop. We get to the tent and we all sit in front of the stage, and then my mood goes from “meh” to overwhelmingly negative. Every time someone laughed, it was at me. Every time someone spoke quietly, it was about me. I felt naked in a crowd of people. I didn’t know what to do. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">Every time someone laughed, it was at me. Every time someone spoke quietly, it was about me. I felt naked in a crowd of people. I didn’t know what to do.</div></div> Eventually I realized that I was crying. I go up to friend A, who gave me the acid, and I say to him “dude, this L is WEIRD man.”
He sees something’s up and tells me “no it isn’t man let’s go for a walk” and immediately stands up and motions for me to follow him. Everyone else stayed behind.
As we’re walking I pour my heart and soul into this kid. I tell him that I’m kinda depressed and yadda yadda personal shit, my brain’s fucked up and psychedelics have been amplifying that lately. Giving me social anxiety and extreme paranoia. Borderline schizo. I’m losing it. Eventually I feel a lot better and we go back to the show. Everyone acts super happy to see me and asks how I’m doing, it felt really good. I couldn’t have asked for better company in that state of mind.
After Thriftworks we went straight to Shpongle. I bumped more K and grabbed my DMT from the campsite, and then we waited in the crowd for Simon to come on stage. Shpongle has this amazing ability to start his set without a word of welcome, push some buttons that make the speakers go “DONNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG” and then 60% of the crowd lies down and I’m just standing there like “what the fuck is going on and what is that smell?”
It was around the 6 hour mark of the acid trip, and I had been in a K-hole for two straight days. So I figured as Divine Moments played it was as good a time as any to blast the fuck off. I loaded up my little deem pipe and took three tokes, my vision went somewhere else and all I could see were patterns. The randomness of the visuals seemed oddly allegorical, like a reincarnation pattern or less specifically just a broad representation of chaos. Such is life. I came down like a feather through the air, and found myself grinning with the fruit of psychedelic reassurance. DMT always makes me realize that everything is okay and I worry too damn much. I owe who I am to that compound.
After that it was kind of just a blur of Ketamine and nitrous until I passed out in my tent. Thanks for reading! I doubt that I was able to do this experience justice!<!--, but /psy/ and /dis/ combos are something every psychonaut should experience. Happy tripping! (~);)--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2014</td><td width="90">ExpID: 104694</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 25, 2019</td><td>Views: 2,318</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=104694&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=104694&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Ketamine (31) : General (1), Combinations (3), Bad Trips (6), Music Discussion (22), Depression (15), Multi-Day Experience (13), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(daily)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:40</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">10 - 15 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">vaporized</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(extract)</b></td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
So, to preface this trip report I want to share my drug experience before the one at hand. I had been smoking weed daily for about a year and a half and been dabbling in weed for nearly three. My acid experience only went as far as two prior trips. My first experience with LSD was very intense and eye opening, I enjoyed it so much because of all the new thoughts it brought into my mind after and during the trip (the visuals were pretty cool too :p). However, my second experience with LSD, about three weeks later was... less than impressive to say the least, it was not intense, whether that was due to the strength of the tab or a slight tolerance and familiarity, I'm not sure. And, naturally as an over zealous teen I was really searching for an intense experience <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">as an over zealous teen I was really searching for an intense experience</div></div>.
So, when it came time, about a month later, for me to go into to the psychedelic world for the third time, I decided to spice it up a little. I decided, with caution, depending on my headspace during the come up, that this time I would smoke weed while tripping. I popped the tab while sitting alone in my apartment and got ready for the ride with my trusty glass of water and my speaker. I have found that listening to music while tripping really helps my headspace stay positive especially since every song feels like a new little life during the trip and really helps to set the tone overall.
About 40 minutes after taking the tab my vision became wavy and sort of flowing like water, as I’ve typically experienced, I felt really positive and excited so I decided to smoke. I got my dab pen and took, maybe, 10-15 rips from it, until I was sufficiently stoned. LSD, always gives me a sort of queasiness and overall a slightly uncomfortable body feel, but after smoking, all nausea was gone and my body felt extremely relaxed.
About 20 minutes later ~1hr into the trip, the visuals kicked in, stronger than ever before. From the point of smoking my memory is hazy, no surprise lol, but my visual experience every time prior was more distortion than true hallucination, but this time, large and centered in my vision, a giant Luigi face appeared. Well, Luigi-like. It went from a pleasant face, to a menacing face, to a confused face and all back through over and over. The whole trip was insane, it was incredibly intense and could’ve easily went south to a very bad trip very quickly, but I embraced the intensity, after all, this is what I was after.
It went on with mildly intense visuals for another hour or two and then the come down began. My headspace throughout was like the typical psych headspace, except I couldn’t remember my past thoughts at all, within seconds of having them. I had to handle having no idea what was going on.<!--I would only recommend this combo to an experienced weed smoker, or someone who can handle having no idea what’s going on. If that frightens you definitely stay away from the LSD-Weed combo. Otherwise 10/10 experience in my opinion for those looking for a more intense LSD experience without taking a higher dose. --><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2018</td><td width="90">ExpID: 112827</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 28, 2019</td><td>Views: 870</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=112827&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=112827&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(extract)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">140 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
LSD Ego Dissolution
About two weeks ago I used LSD for my sixth trip. <!--This was only a 250 mic trip and I was pretty used to the dose, my highest trip was a 500 mic a few months prior.--> I was at my home tripping for the first time besides a smaller <!--50 mic--> microdose. I was tripping with a good friend of mine who I had used LSD with on three other occasions. Him and I are quite comfortable tripping at this point and are anxious for what this night will bring.
Upon tripping I began to feel euphoria within 40 minutes. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I began to feel euphoria within 40 minutes.</div></div> Unlike any other prior trip however, I began to feel a greater level of anxiety than ever before. My stomach ached per usual, but I still felt something was just kind of off. My friend and I played some video games for another hour on the come up but once visuals began to hit hard we decided to just watch a show or do something else.
After consuming some THC through dabs as well as blunt, we headed back to the computer to continue our diverging search. This is when things began to feel just weird. I was seeing visuals only when I could overcome the strange anxiety that seemed to plague my trip. While suggesting shows my friend just seemed weird to me. An overcoming awkwardness, very unfamiliar to me and my close friend, just made the trip not seem to go to plan. Less to say I had weird thoughts of if he was gay, as weird as that is to say.
Everything he said just felt weird and an unopened question. Then while tripping I found myself saying the same weirdly interpret-able as coming out of the closet statements. I then realized how weird this was so I decided to overcome the now two-hour long awkwardness and get it off my chest <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I decided to overcome the now two-hour long awkwardness and get it off my chest</div></div> to my friend what I felt like right then. Words fail to describe the over arching anxiety I faced for over two hours whilst internally battling the weirdness that was occurring.
As soon as I did he said he was literally thinking the exact same thing. It was an unspoken conversation that we had, we had both recognized a strange connection/bond that we were sharing and decided to look into it. I stumbled upon the idea of ego-dissolution and was set on the idea. I feel that through the trip me and my friend shared a sort of connection mentally, as crazy as that sounds, and I felt it was my mission to break the awkwardness and strengthen that.
For the continuation of the trip me and my friend sat for the next 5 hours and talked about life and the stress and anxiety we felt. Throughout my 8 years of knowing him, I had never once truly opened up upon so much of my life. We are both extremely similar, high achieving students faced with such similar problems and fears in the world.
I feel as though that LSD truly brought us together as friends more than any other experience as scary, awkward, and just mind-blowing as it may be. <!--I was wondering if anyone could have input on the story or share any similar experiences in ego-dissolution, or if that is even what I faced. Thank you--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2019</td><td width="90">ExpID: 113169</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 17</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jun 28, 2019</td><td>Views: 595</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=113169&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=113169&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Relationships (44), Combinations (3), General (1)</td></tr>
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</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(edible / food)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">4 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Hard</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(liquid)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/dmt/">DMT</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">145 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Beautiful days come and go, but this day was different. It was the second day at a music festival with some friends, at an amazing location in the middle of a forest by a quarry. We had all been recovering from a pleasant LSD trip from the night before, and took the afternoon to relax and get ready for the night ahead.
It was about 2 p.m. and we had stumbled upon some hash food, which we were more than happy to purchase. So we ate our mysterious cookies and brownies and headed out to the lake to swim for awhile. Everything about this day had been perfect, and we finally headed back to the camp site well before sundown to savor four hits of very powerful LSD followed by a bottle of Jameson. We had met some very interesting characters around our camp, and welcomed them to sit around a modest fire. One of the guests had offered us a few hits of Jerry Garcia blotter acid, which we of course couldn’t refuse.
After about an hour I had started to feel incredibly high. I had already begun to feel the energy of the trees mending myself, the wind was gentle and passed through me as I could see all these colors mashing against people that I have only just met, some were neutral, some were terrifying, some just perfect.
As dusk had been approaching, a man came to our site, and it was only me and another friend at this point. He pulled out a small pouch. Opened it and had told us that if we want to see the truth, that we should smoke this. I looked at him and I saw in his huge black holes that he really wanted us to experience this. So free of charge he prepared it for us, my friend was first, and he had taken a very large hit, held it in and lay back in his chair. I watched as this guy had prepared it for me. I looked at him and could tell he was barely conscious. So then the guy lit it up for me and I inhaled the smoke. I held it for a very long time and it was extremely uncomfortable for about 30 seconds. I slowly let the smoke out and I felt every molecule in my body contract.
The sun was halfway over the horizon and I started to lose all connections of the real world. I lost all emotions. It started with a subtle buzzing sound in my left ear. I was focused on this space in between this tree and the sun. Suddenly the tree started to fade away, and I saw what I would compare to stained glass, mostly warm colors like reds, oranges, and yellows. I then felt as if I had risen out of my body and flowing toward this dark space, a crack between the glass. I moved faster toward it, and the darkness began to fill the sky. Then I remember spinning toward it, as if it was a black hole, and soon I saw what I could only imagine as nothing. And then two figures came out of the dark hallway of nothing, specs of light at first. They approached me very calmly. I could only describe them as male and female figures. The male figure, which looked like an oval, spoke, and said in a sort of digital voice, “do you see it yet?” The female figure, which was more circular, repeated more naturally, “can you see it now?”
I was not myself at this moment. I was what I could only describe as nothing, or energy in its purest form. I could not speak, nor was I aware of anything else in existence. I felt alone. I’m not sure if it was death or birth or just a collapse of self awareness, but for that brief moment after they spoke, was the most beautiful moment of my life, there was nothing. I quickly started to come back to reality. The oval figure broke its shape and formed into voices next to me, and the wind, and the trees brushing against each other, and the circle had broke into the sun, and from there I could see everything like it was brand new, like I opened my eyes for the first time. After that sat in the chair for about ten more minutes, and was just okay with everything. The rest of the night was sort of a blur. From then on I have yet to touch psychedelics.
This experience made me so much more appreciative toward everything. And almost every time I fall asleep at night, for what is less than a brief moment, I can see that same nothing, and I can’t help but smile.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2008</td><td width="90">ExpID: 81894</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 2, 2019</td><td>Views: 1,233</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=81894&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=81894&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), DMT (18) : General (1), First Times (2), Combinations (3), Entities / Beings (37), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(gel tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">165 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Before I describe what happened here let me explain my background. I am a 26 year old guy who after having moved to California for 3 years to get sober, currently lives at his parents house attending school at an Oregon University for medical imaging. I also make electronic chill/hop style beats and really lose myself in it. I have a life history of drug abuse (mostly meth), however after a spiritual experience on LSD with some guys I met down in socal (obviously staying clean didn't work so well at first lol) I unexplainably lost the mental obsession to use. This isnt to say that it was immediate but if I were to graph my use you would see that there was a sudden and exponential decrease in use there after that trip, needless to say I credit that experience. That was my 4th time using LSD and the dose was 250 mcg.
At the point of taking this dose I was already very personally intrigued by the drug. This was because I had noticed on each trip that I began to see the same fractal like pattern which seemed to somehow reflect my personality in the pattern. I had asked my friends if they saw it but it didn't seem that they could relate and this very much frustrated me because it seemed to be that EVERY TRIP consisted of the SAME PATTERN <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">it seemed to be that EVERY TRIP consisted of the SAME PATTERN</div></div>. Well when I moved back up to Oregon a good buddy had some remaining DMT and since it was only a ten minute trip I chose to take part. I can talk about this experience later but the main point here is that after one hit smoking the DMT on a bowl of weed I saw the SAME PATTERN, and upon taking my second hit was blasted THROUGH the pattern and into the ego-death absolute mind fuck that is dimethyltryptamine.
A couple months pass and I go back to my buddy explaining how badly I want to research this next realm again. He tells me we can do a DMT extraction to get some more but in the meantime he gifted me a little gel tab (100mcg) of LSD. Obviously I was happy but didn't ever think that I would possibly have the profound experience to come, thus was a little pessimistic......
Fast forward to this morning, I knew I would have the whole day at the house to myself so I prepared a small breakfast, took a magnesium supplement and popped the tab at 10am. For the first two hours I was very disappointed because I was not getting any real trippy visuals. I went on a bike ride to a local park and could start to tell that my senses were being heightened but even then was still pretty meh about it. When I got home from the bike ride things would change for the better.
I decided that the little activities I had set up (coloring book, making music, blacklight in the closet to induce a night trip vibe) were most likely not going to be enjoyed so instead to relieve my anxiety something told me to go to the living room and try to meditate.... best decision ever <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">to relieve my anxiety something told me to go to the living room and try to meditate.... best decision ever</div></div>.
I noticed immediately that when I sat in the criss crossed applesauce thumbs touching middle finger and rocking back to forth that the visuals began to get more intense. I just barely saw that good ol pattern I was all talk about and I was excited but not convinced that this was anything but the progress of the drug finally setting in. When i stopped however the visuals went away and what I was seeing was just the same room I always see with the expected small ambiguity that LSD is of course going to cause in vision. but no pattern UNTIL I began meditating and breathing deeply holding the breath and exhaling. At this point I was catching on and I continued until the pattern exposed the face of my diseased grandfather... I nearly cried.
Bear with me hear it gets more interesting. I remembered someone I met telling me about krishna conciousness which I hardly understood other than the fact that there is a all loving god krishna and that it shares some eastern religion concepts like karma and reincarnation etc. I decided I would try the chant he taught me at this point.
So i started, "Hare Krishna!" I could immediately tell that something changed. The pattern began to get more intense and I felt like my meditation was ascending me vertically like an elevator vertigo type feeling. In absolute awe and now seeing my dog who was sadly put down years previously in the same room I was tripping, I continued. "hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna!" with each chant the rooms colors became more and more vibrant and the faces in the personality pattern I describe were nodding and smiling at me as if to say " those words right there my dear friend, are in fact THE MAGIC MOTHERFUCKING WORDS!"
I am still in absolute awe and feel that I have began the crusade to eternal peace with my loving god, who I'm pretty damn sure is named krishna now. Whewww. My take aways here is that all psychadelics are designed to get people to the same place, an understanding that god is there with you all the time along with the presence of all of your ancestors or something idk its nuts. lol
<!--Sorry not much of a writer but I hope whomever reads this tries what I did and sees the truth.--><!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2019</td><td width="90">ExpID: 113258</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 26</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 7, 2019</td><td>Views: 727</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=113258&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=113258&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">Chanting (456), LSD (2) : Alone (16), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Combinations (3)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">4 tablets</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">140 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I had been trying to get acid for several weeks before, I had finally gotten some real tabs....good tabs supposedly...from a trusted source. I thought I could handle anything...invincible. He claimed that these tabs were pretty potent. I decided to take 4...when I told my friend that he wouldn't let me and I had to convince him I was getting some for a friend. Obviously he knew I wouldn't be able to handle it.
Last year... A saturday it was, I took them. I took all four at about around 6-8pm. I decided the best idea was to just do it by myself, in a familiar bedroom. My parents weren't back til sunday the stage was all set. Within 20 mins I started feeling funny, almost like I was pretty ripped off bong hits or something...then about 10 mins later, I think, I started to trip pretty the usual color changes and brightnesses and everything was moving...I had on Pink Floyd of course which was nuts...but it sounded totally different, yea all the while exactly the same. That was about the end of the fun. I can't say exactly how long that lasted, probably about 20-30 mins.
I then slipped into something I will never forget. Everything became unclear ... So much seemed to be going on all at once...then out of nowhere it all stopped. I was no longer lying in longer in any familiar place. At first I had no idea what was going on....but I eventually figured out that I was standing on Earth. But it was different. There was nothing except for forming if I had been sent back to the beginning of time. I then seemed to watch....and watch....and watch...and watch. I didn't do anything but watch. For what seemed like years upon years I watched Earth develope through the stages of its begginning's. Just like they tell you in science class. I began to realize what was happening...I was living history. But living it day by day......neverending.
What seemed like thousands of years later life began to evolve. I watched this stage ..... Which lasted thousands of years also....It was never ending....I totally forgot that I had even taken acid....I was just watching the Earth develope....nothing seemed odd about it. Humans began to form and civilization began to take over after years and years of nothingness. I experienced many significant events in history....the big bang, jesus christ, pangea forming...and deforming, wars such as ww1. This trip was literally lasting millions of years in my mind. I experienced many other events but it began to get foggy once I had finally reached the end. I began to realize I was tripping and remembered who I was and where I was.
For what seemed about 2 hours I could barely see much or make much out but I could at least tell that I was in my room. I looked at the clock after I began to see 'straight' and it read one thirty the morning. Although I lived history it was really only 4 hours. I couldn't even comprehend what had happened. It still felt like I was stuck in history for thousands if not millions of amount of time which I cannot even think of....and though when I took the tabs still seemed not too distant.....the time in between was an eternity. I don't know whether this would be considered a bad trip or not......but I would never want to experience something like that ever again.....
Since then I had taken tabs numerous times but in much lower doses....and I do enjoy them. However, nothing compares to that first trip. I remembered reading that time can either seem like minutes or hours, even days.....but I had no idea I could go into a trip where I was 'watching' things happen for what seemed like that many years. Even thought I realize it was only a couple of hours...I feel that I have lived for a very long time. Those tabs changed me....for better or for worse. I matured. Matured through the years of the trip. Though I am only 21 I feel I have the knowledge, or more 'experince' of a man a thousand years old. It is hard to cope with the feeling...not that its bad....its hard to explain and I dont think I can.<!--I just want to warn trippers, first time and experienced that this could happen.--> I was never in fear or horror, I wouldnt consider a bad trip even, the more and more I think about it. However, the time lapse seems all too real.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2001</td><td width="90">ExpID: 10878</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 8, 2019</td><td>Views: 636</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=10878&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=10878&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : First Times (2), Mystical Experiences (9), Music Discussion (22), Unknown Context (20)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">170 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Bipolar and the Effects of LSD
I have bipolar disorder which has gone untreated for about 6 months. I was going into a depressive cycle when I dosed. The LSD I took was called Alice in Wonderland and was extremely strong, in fact the trip lasted about 14 hours. I took it at about 7:00 pm and probably had the best trip of my life.
Later that night, looking at the stars was like looking through a kaleidoscope; they were spinning and rotating, and I could see an entire spectrum of color surrounding each of those little white lights in the sky. The trees that surrounded me were these live sentient beings dancing in the night. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">The trees that surrounded me were these live sentient beings dancing in the night.</div></div> The world seemed drawn-- animated-- to me, like a cartoon. I was talking with my boyfriend late into the night on various subjects: the effects of hallucinogens, creation, the existence of a fourth dimension, the existence of God. During this conversation I met the woman that I want to be. She was confident, self-sure, intelligent; she could express herself articulately, and she was happy.
The trip lasted well through the night and into the next morning, which got me worrying-- had I gone crazy? But after a full nights rest I realized it was just lack of sleep and a surprisingly long trip that was dragging me down. The most surprising thing was the depressive cycle that had taken effect well before I dosed up seemed to dissipate, and I was back to my normal mood; neither manic nor depressed. I wouldn't suggest LSD as a mood stabilizer or a medication for Bipolar disorder of any sort. I've taken prescription mood stabilizers, anti depressants and anti-psychotic drugs, and truthfully for me LSD gave me a renewed state of mind and made me feel better equipped to handle a condition that has been without a sufficient solution for years now.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2009</td><td width="90">ExpID: 81315</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 20</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 9, 2019</td><td>Views: 849</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=81315&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=81315&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Depression (15), Glowing Experiences (4), Health Problems (27)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2.5 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">7 - 10 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">vaporized</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(extract)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 joints/cigs</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(flowers)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">165 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
LSD Needlepoint Blotter
THC Oil Potent Shatter Cannabis Flowers
I had a very challenging trip about 6 months ago. It was probably my 100th time taking LSD, and with long-time friends/trippers. The acid came on very strongly, it was a new batch we had not tried yet, and I had foolishly taken 2.5 blotters expecting them to be medium strength. Once the acid set in I began to experience increasingly confusing perceptions of the current situation.
Within about an hour of the effects starting I had completely lost it. I can briefly remember rambling on about following your feelings and doing what makes you happy. Then I had the sensation that some cosmic force was speaking to me directly. My friends were on the same dose but it didn't seem to be completely mindfucking them like myself. They were becoming more and more concerned for me and this was confusing to me, because in my state I believed I was making perfect sense. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I believed I was making perfect sense.</div></div>
At some point, an inner dialogue began between myself and a cosmic force. I visualized the universe reaching a turning point, where all beings would have instilled in them the seed of compassion and unity, and the mental imagery of this dialogue involved a dragon coiled around a shiny white egg, and the dragon uncoiled, and the egg hatched.
After witnessing the egg hatch in my mind's eye, I flipped a switch. I leaped up from the floor and looked around at everyone, laughing/crying. I pointed and told them 'We're getting out of this mother fucker!!!' Then I ran around the room, having the sensation that I was just a spirit, and could pass through objects. I was walking through the wall and in to the bathroom. At one point I floated downstairs without using the steps at all. Later my friends told me I had ran into the wall, then ran down the stairs, jumping down 16 stairs in 4 big steps.
Downstairs is where my memory blacks out. Apparently I ran straight out of the house. I came to in an unfamiliar neighborhood, I was on someone's porch sitting on their steps, bleeding from my foot. It was here that I somewhat realized that I was completely lost. Very shortly after (in the same couple minutes) I began another inner dialogue with that same cosmic force that basically said, 'God is you, you are god. You're the only being in the entire cosmos. The job of God is so lonely. God stretches into infinitudes of form, seemingly becoming multiple entities, but in truth, there is only One.'
Then my memory was gone again, only to return a few moments later as I knocked on the stranger's door. He came to the door, very late at night, and immediately noticed my bleeding foot. He asked if I was okay and this jarred me back to reality just enough and I said that I had just had a terrible dream. Then he realized I was on drugs. He became angry and said 'Who's gonna clean up all this blood off my porch'. I somehow managed to apologize and walk away, although I quickly forgot the situation and sat back down on his porch.
To make a longer story short, I wandered this neighborhood for 3 hours completely lost until the sun came up and even then I couldn't recognize anything familiar. A cop had to take me home after one of the residents called to report a suspicious man walking around. I told him I had gotten really drunk and wandered off.
I ended up with frostbite on both feet and really damaged my personal relationships with my friends. Psychedelics are powerful. Please don't mess around folks. There are so many exciting ways to expand your mind sober. Tibetan singing bowls are a favorite of mine. That space of complete emptiness and bliss that came to define the psychedelic experience for me can be found through entrancement via sound waves. Be kind, be smart, take your time in getting wise. It seems there are few shortcuts.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2016</td><td width="90">ExpID: 110623</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 22</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 31, 2019</td><td>Views: 894</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=110623&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=110623&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2), Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Post Trip Problems (8), Relationships (44), Train Wrecks &amp; Trip Disasters (7), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
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<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
LSD for Treatment of Migraines
I have had migraines all my life; since I was a baby. They have been extremely disabling, causing trips to the hospital, and missed days of school. I had been to migraine specialists, been prescribed various medications, and even tried bio-feedback. None of that worked.
Of all of the over the counter medications, ibruprofen seemed to be the only thing that would make the slightest difference... At first anyway. When I was in middle school I was taking that every single day, as I would get a headache every single day to some degree. Of course by that point, what I was experiencing were rebound headaches. By the end of middle school I was less 'addicted' to ibuprofen, but was still getting headaches daily (not as severe as before). In high school I was experiencing the same frequency of headaches.
In the 10th grade I started to become more interested in drugs, and eventually tried LSD. I had an amazing experience, and several days after the trip I realised I hadn't gotten a headache or migraine at all in that time. I didn't know at the time LSD had any effect on that, so I did some research and found that it can indeed 'cure' migraines for up to several months at a time. That's exactly what it did! 6 months went by and I had not ONE migraine. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">6 months went by and I had not ONE migraine.</div></div> It was spectacular! In all my 17 years of having migraines, trying all sorts of things, this one, unfortunately illegal, drug was the answer to all my problems.
However, my family has a history of schizophrenia and mental illness, and the particular aunt that has it did a lot of LSD when she was younger, which actually brought out the schizophrenia in her. So naturally I did not want to be doing this drug too much, especially considering I'm already bipolar. But after my migraines started coming back 6 months after the first trip, I decided it was time for another dose. This dose felt significantly weaker than the first one I ever took, but still provided migraine relief, just for not as long.
2 months later I had to dose again, and I am currently for the most part relieved of major migraines. LSD changed my life.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2010</td><td width="90">ExpID: 86575</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 17</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 31, 2019</td><td>Views: 791</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=86575&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=86575&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : First Times (2), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Health Benefits (32), Not Applicable (38)</td></tr>
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<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 - 3 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">110 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
It was the 2nd night of a music festival, in the back of the vendor space my friend had set up. It was him (Will), another friend (Jessica), and her friend (Kaitlyn). They all took their tabs, but I was hesitant to take mine, not trusting my subconscious self.
They wanted us all to be on the same level, and I agreed, so I stuck however many tabs it was in my mouth.
There was a body high; a melting feeling. We girls soon went for a walk around the campgrounds. There, I noticed all the artificial lights had rainbow orbs around them. The moon was full and I saw it bounce further and closer.
There were 3 ping pong balls on the ground that I questioned were real or not. I stepped on one and thought it disappeared completely. I enjoyed playing with them in my hands for a bit.
We kept walking, and I did naturally feel somewhat anxious/ insecure. When I closed my eyes, I saw tunnels of patterns and colors. We stumbled upon these 2 other trippers at their tent, building a meshy glowstick wall. We stood there a while staring, talking. And then we made our way back to home base/ the vendor's tent, where we left our water. There, we basically all collapsed wherever we could find to lay down. Jessica fell asleep instantly.
I was laying, facing Kaitlyn for a while. When I'd close my eyes, I'd explore worlds inside myself. I was trying to find my way through the tunnel of anxiety, I think. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I was trying to find my way through the tunnel of anxiety, I think.</div></div> Also, feeling short of breath, I was trying to find my lungs but could barely find my body. I was all in my head experiencing rooms &amp; worlds.
When I'd open my eyes, I'd see Kaitlyn's face right there. Sober or not, this makes me uncomfortable, as I'm scared people will see inside my soul. Her gentle smile morphed into an ugly evil frown, so I closed my eyes again.
The tie dye tapestry in front of us revealed many pictures of many animals. We experienced this together for a while.
After moving from the pile of clothes to the cushion bed sprawled out (w/ Will), I remained deeply anxious, trying to not lose myself, to observe myself. I went to pee a bit later after falling asleep, and instantly was drawn towards music. I walked over to the big tent with an incredible light show, not feeling like dancing. Just standing in the background feeling self-conscious. I came to the conclusion that I can't fake happiness anymore. “Nothing that you don't feel, is real.”
Though my trip was somewhat enjoyable, I wish I could have been able to let go. I was still anxious/ self-conscious into the next day.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2014</td><td width="90">ExpID: 103916</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 21</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 31, 2019</td><td>Views: 678</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=103916&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=103916&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)</td></tr>
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<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">2 hits</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 5:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/pharms/diazepam/">Pharms - Diazepam</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance">Unknown</td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">200 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Recently, my boyfriend and I have been experimenting with different types of drugs, and due to a large curiousity, we found ourselves with four tabs of LSD. My boyfriend took his a week before I did, but something in the way that he took them was off and they didn't work. So, naturally, when taking my blotters, I didn't really expect anything to happen <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">when taking my blotters, I didn't really expect anything to happen</div></div> either.
I was wrong.
I held the blotters under my tongue for about thirty minutes, swishing them around my mouth every one and a while, before I eventually swallowed the tabs. I started to get a slight body high around about an hour and a half in, and it reminded me of the way I had felt while taking Methylone a few weeks prior. I also felt incredibly sexual for a while, but it slowly died down as the high overtook everything.
About two hours in, I was reduced to what I can only describe as a giggling pile. I drew a rainbow with crayons and laughed at the silly names they'd given the colors. At this point, there were no visuals, and it felt more like a very strong weed high than anything else.
Things started changing rapidly, though. I felt sluggish and heavy, and time seemed to be standing still, or going backward and forward at the same time. Minutes felt like hours, and it was hard for me to concentrate on or keep track of anything.
In an attempt to keep track of my ever-changing feelings and thoughts, I began writing a stream-of-conciousness in the notepad application on my computer. I wrote maybe fifteen lines and then stopped, pushing myself against the headboard of the bed as the world began to shift around me.
I first noticed the visuals on my computer screen. The words that I had written began to make pictures, and most of the time, they looked like a giant, beautiful flower. But then it was like they were melting, or blending, or dancing. And then I looked away from the computer screen and noticed that everything was like that.
I continued to watch the words on my computer, laughing gleefully every once in a while when the letters would do a certain dance, or when the room would change colors all around it. As this all went on, I found myself stuck between moments of absolute joy and panic-inducing terror. I remember being afraid of what would happen if the world stayed like that forever, and how things would never be the same for me. But then the words would dance and I would laugh, feeling happy again.
Eventually, I realized that this needed to stop. I had been sitting in the same spot for almost three hours, periodically laughing and completely ignoring my boyfriend, who I could tell was getting weary of babysitting. So, choosing normality over this new, exciting world, I took a Valium and watched the ceiling weave and bleed until the visuals stopped. And then I was just tired, but of course couldn't sleep, so at about three in the morning, I took a sleeping pill and let all the colors fade to black.
I can definitely say that I had a good experience on LSD. I didn't take too much advantage of my altered state of mind to think of any profound thoughts or life-changing ideas. But at the end of the night, I was left with a smile, thinking that from now on I'm going to live life happier, and I still intend to stick to that promise.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2011</td><td width="90">ExpID: 93741</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 31, 2019</td><td>Views: 733</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=93741&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=93741&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 8:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">55 kg</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
The Best Experience of My Life
I don't know why LSD is portrayed as a scary drug that takes you to bad places. The first time I tried it, even though anxious as all hell before I placed the tab on my tongue, was unquestionably the most INCREDIBLE experience I have ever had in my life.
I was at a camping festival with my boyfriend, 2 best friends and a few other close friends and we all tried LSD for the first time. We had all experimented with copious amounts of cannabis but never anything more intense than that. Me and my boyfriend had been speaking of trying acid for a long time and it seemed like the perfect opportunity.
The week leading up to that friday was a long and anxious wait. We dropped the tabs around 12:30pm after we had set up in the paddock where we would be staying for the next 2 nights. I was nervous while I swished the tab around my mouth, but perfectly calm while I was waiting for it to hit.
About 40 minutes after the 4 of us had dropped, the LSD was beginning to take full hold of my mind – and it was amazing. It was just like my everyday reality, but I was finally completely switched on. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">It was just like my everyday reality, but I was finally completely switched on.</div></div> I was using parts of my brain and my senses that I didn’t even know existed. I could see, hear and feel things that I had never felt.
We soon discovered a river just down from where out campsite was and ended up spending what ended up being a good 5 hours exploring. I felt absolutely euphoric; I had never been happier in my life as I was for the 12 hour trip the single tab took me on. The leaves in the river were fluorescent pink, orange and green, a whole colour spectrum under the water. The world was pulsating, the trees breathing and the sky a kaleidoscope of the most amazing patterns. I could feel my heart beating in sync with the universe. The leaves were crushing under my feet, and I could feel the sound that they were making as I walked over them.
There was not a single negative thought in my mind; nothing could change my state of happiness and love for everything around me. The words coming from my mouth were from some higher part of my consciousness that all of a sudden understood that life is meant to be simple.
At about 9:00pm, 8.5 hours into the trip, we decided to smoke a few joints, mainly to get my appetite back due to the cramping hunger in my stomach as I hadn’t eaten all day (the only negative of LSD I can find). This was a FABULOUS idea. Immediately after my first hit, I could feel the trip going right back into its peak, but even more intense than before. The visuals turned right up; shadows on the tent became full colour images constantly changing shape forming new patterns. The tarp above me was like an ocean and the simple game of fruit ninja was like a new years eve firework display.
I was again in a state of complete bliss that lasted me until 1:30am. In this time I also had the most mind blowing sex I have ever had in my life. I lost all concept of where I was in the world and became what felt like a part of my boyfriend.
All in all, I can hardly explain the experience in words… Nothing does it justice! It was honestly the best time I have had in my whole life<!-- and would recommend trying LSD to anyone in the right mind set. Do your research and be in the right moment and you will be a changed person. I have never been happier in my life-->.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2012</td><td width="90">ExpID: 98028</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 19</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Jul 31, 2019</td><td>Views: 711</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=98028&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=98028&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Festival / Lg. Crowd (24), Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), First Times (2)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> repeated</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 hit</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">sublingual</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">125 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
The Less You Expect the More You Experience
The night was very young when my boyfriend came home after work. It was just after dark in late August and the heat of the day had yet to leave the air. Heat has always made me feel tired. The moment he came in the door, he tells me it's time to make myself pretty because tonight is his best friend's birthday.
'Ugh... so don't want to go out tonight.' I think to myself. 'Well, can't say no, and maybe I'll have a bit of fun'.
'Ok. Give me 20 minutes.'
All done up, we leave home to meet at the bar to do the normal birthday thing. A few funny things happened, good friends and good conversation flowed. As everyone starts to realize the number of sober people is getting lower and lower, we decide to move to a place where people won't have to drive for the night.
'Hey! Hey!' My boyfriend was calling me over to him.
'Wass up?' My little drunken self asks.
'Wanna drop some acid?'
At this point in my life, I had tried it once and it was kinda ehh. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">At this point in my life, I had tried it once and it was kinda ehh.</div></div> I knew that it was supposed to be mind blowing so I welcomed the opportunity.
'Yeah! Yes I do!'
After sucking that little paper to mush and leaving it under my tongue for a long period of measured time, I was piled into a car after being told I was being driven by a sober driver to a safe place to enjoy my experience.
The rest of the night was a blur of mind blowing experience there are no words for. In the midst of this blur there were some tangibles. I started to feel as if I was in control of myself from an alternate plane of existence. It was as if my life was like a serious rpg game that was not to be taken lightly. I was human, but not in the sense that I had always been human, or that presently I had to be only human. Almost like my body was an avatar that under normal circumstances, I am unaware of.
I found a comfortable seat and gazed into the pool. There was a reflection of the window above it in the glass still water. I reached out my hand and felt the smooth glass of the window on top of the pool from my seat 25 feet away, and ran my fingers over the wooden cross inlaid in the window. I became aware of these 'touch downs'. They looked like the representation of black holes that NASA or a physicist might use to illustrate how its gravity works on spacetime. They were all over. The house I was in was on the top of a hill looking out over the town, and I could see these touch downs all over the whole city. I knew that those were other people like me, who were human and also in another place. The other thing about these touch downs was that I could hear them. They sounded like a spiraling buzz. My boyfriend found me and sat with me. He took my face and kissed me. He told me he loved me. I told him I love him. We stared and stared until his third eye opened. He saw mine open. We stared.
I woke up the next morning before sunrise. I could still hear the touch downs, but I could not see them. <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">I woke up the next morning before sunrise. I could still hear the touch downs, but I could not see them.</div></div> The horizon was black hills bathed in golden light. A ray of red sunlight pierced the crevice and cast a copper light over the town below. I felt like crap on the outside and like heaven on the inside. It was 7am. My boyfriend was still sleeping. I decided I couldn't just sit there and I wanted to let him sleep.
As my foot placed itself on the driftwood deck, I was aware through my feet all of the grooves. I found my balance and took a deep breath. The air was so clean. I went inside and was in a fairy tale. There was a solid wood stair case in the center of the room. The beams in the ceiling still had all the knots, and the rings made them appear to pop out. The kitchen was off to the left in this giant circular room, and there was an oval door leading off to a circular garden with an apple tree in the center. The smell of jasmine hung in the air like a heavy fog and bathed my senses in a peace I had never known.
I eventually went back inside. I couldn't stop pacing. I wanted to open the glass doors bordering the pool and jump in, but I knew it would be freezing. My boyfriend woke up and we reviewed what we could from the night before and sat in awe with each other remembering what we had shared. Another girl woke up. She happened to have the same name as my boyfriend's ex-wife and we saw significance in that.
The drive home was like a Disney movie. All the houses looked like the Disney animators designed the whole world. Everything was wavy and weird. Or as I said at the time 'weeeeeeiiiiiird' haha. We got home and the whole place looked bigger in some places and smaller in others. We showered. The water was so revitalizing. My mind wouldn't stop and I knew that I had created my entire reality. The sky rippled. The trees each looked different. One looked like it was made of string. One looked like it was made of reptars from rugrats back in the day. One looked like a pathway to Heaven and each branch was a different story along the path. I layed in the hammock and I could see the glowing dandelion seeds blowing in the breeze. I had this sense of how things imagine themselves into existence for every moment it exists. I could still hear the touch downs. For all that it mattered, it could have easily been 1973, 1967 or 2014. It didn't particularly matter. And that was nice.
My boyfriend got a phone call from his ex-wife saying she was on her way over to drop something off for him. I looked a him, he looked at me and we giggled remembering the girl from that morning. I spent some time with my white rabbit (literally) and thought about Alice in Wonderland. He wouldn't leave me alone and kept licking my cheeks. I wondered if he knew what I was experiencing and was happy.
I went inside and tried to draw, but the blank piece of paper showed me an elk' s head that as it moved, turned into a roaring lion. I couldn't concentrate. I decided to join my boyfriend in the bedroom and watched a trip video. A gentle sleep found me and I drifted into the most vivid dreams of my life. The next morning, I awoke and life was new.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2014</td><td width="90">ExpID: 105464</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Female</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 25</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Aug 1, 2019</td><td>Views: 890</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=105464&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=105464&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br></td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> </td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">3 glasses</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/alcohol/">Alcohol - Beer/Wine</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b> </b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">175 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
Beautiful Trip
Not my first time dropping but this experience was the most beautiful, physically, journey yet. I started the night out hydrating myself and having a good meal (tripping zaps my appetite). It also causes some gi discomfort. So some medicine to combat that is taken an hour before I drop.
It takes about 40 minutes for the warn blanket feeling to wash over me, then about an hour in I start the fast climb to my plateau! 1:20 in and the beautiful trails begin with a strong audio reverb. I often get something I call time reverberations sounds repeat with a ratcheting effect. It's the best way to describe it.
2:00 hours in I'm peaking! I love to go out for walks with my dog, this night we go out before the sun sets. 5 minutes in my dog spots some birds playing in a puddle of water, cleaning themselves. As the bird fly to and from the water it's like stop motion film I can see what looks like a trail of birds following each other like a Chinese yoyo. This last a good half hour or so (hard to keep time the trip is quite intense) I always have my camera on me. I always get some photos that the day after bring my back to that moment. Every step I take feels like my feet are sinking into the blacktop.
I returned from my walk realizing I'm supposed to do a photo shoot of a local band. How did I forget, well I put my gear together, called a cab and headed into town. I know the band pretty good so when I walk in and drop my gear one of them comes up to me to go over what they want to do (this is not a paid job). He says 'I see you got started early'. Now I have dropped 30-40 times and never has my wife of friends had a clue! But I was tripping way hard. I set up hit the bar to see if a beer could calm the trip down a bit. It took 3 beers but it took the edge off. The band started (grateful dead cover band). Now I have gone out to live music tripping but never like this! I could almost touch the music, it was almost spiritual. I got lots of great photos that night.
One of my favorite things to do when I'm tripping in public is people watching <div class="pullquote-right1"><div class="pullquote-text">One of my favorite things to do when I'm tripping in public is people watching</div></div>, and I was not disappointed this night! The place was packed full of people from all walks, I found myself focusing on one person and could understand how they were feeling. A bunch of hipsters with two very attractive ladies were acting like total a holes. It's like they didn't care about them. I could see the disgust on their faces! They just looked so unhappy.
6 hours in and I'm full blown speeding! I know it's going to be a long night. I love the energy it gives me feels like my body is pulsing. I sit outside the bar watch cars driving by, the long trails of headlights keep me busy, I decided to walk home and forgo the cab so I can enjoy the summer air. It felt like hours to make it home but I know it only takes 40 minutes to make the trip home.
It's 8 hours later and I'm still tripping nicely. I put on my headphones and sit on the patio with a drink, taking pictures of the moon and any backyard visitors (bugs). I have to get some sleep it's getting late. For me anyway Valium is the best way to drop out and get some sleep I take 6mg and in half an hour I'm slowly drifting off to some awesome dreams I know are waiting!
The day after is such a good feeling, the afterglow lasts well into the day. I look through the photos and for a moment feel like I'm back in time to the night before.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2015</td><td width="90">ExpID: 106686</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: 40</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Aug 15, 2019</td><td>Views: 576</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=106686&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=106686&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : Music Discussion (22), Glowing Experiences (4), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
<div class="report-text-surround">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0">
<tr><td></td><td width="15"> </td></tr>
<!-- DoseChart -->
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#224422" class="dosechart">
<td width="90" align="right">DOSE:<br> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:30</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center">1 tablet</td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">oral</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/chemicals/lsd/">LSD</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(blotter / tab)</b></td>
<td width="90" align="right"> T+ 0:00</td>
<td width="90" class="dosechart-amount" align="center"> </td>
<td class="dosechart-method" align="center">smoked</td>
<td class="dosechart-substance"><a href="/plants/cannabis/">Cannabis</a></td>
<td class="dosechart-form"><b>(plant material)</b></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#444455" class="bodyweight">
<td width="110" class="bodyweight-title">BODY WEIGHT:</td>
<td width="80" class="bodyweight-amount">140 lb</td>
<br><br><!-- End DoseChart -->
<!-- Start Body -->
I had tried to take LSD many times but none had worked and I was beginning to get very frustrated. Most were fake blotter tabs and one was a dilute vile which messed me up but still nothing that would constitute an LSD trip (from what I have heard and read). I finally got a hold of what I think was the real thing at a Rusted Root concert in Albany. I had decided on the way up to the show that I was going to try and find it there and began getting very excited for the night. I was with 3 other friends W, T, and B. W was our driver and decided to go sober for the night.
As soon as I walked through the door I was approached by a rather shadey looking character. He asked if I was interested in some doses and told me to follow him in the bathroom. I was a little skeptical but proceeded anyway. He said it was $10 a hit but told me he could give me 2 for $15. I was planning on just one but felt obliged to buy both because of the offer. I took the first hit and went out to the floor to meet up with my friends. The show began about a half hour later and I decided to take the second hit because nothing was coming on. Another half hour went by and it seemed that I felt something but I wasn't sure if it was the beginning or just anxiety.
I suggested smoking the joint we brought and all agreed. It was a rather large joint and I figured if nothing else I was going to get really stoned. After the first couple rips I could really feel the effects of the LSD. The lights started to swirl and grow very defined rays off of them. The music kept me swaying just as everyone seemed to be. The crowd seemed to be moving together. I began having closed eye visuals that seemed to portray what I thought the music was trying to convey. During what seemed to be the peak of my experience they were starting a song that I was unfamiliar with. They got a little ways into it and a loud boom shook me. I was very startled and the mood of the crowd seemed to go sour. The music was off and the band didn't look very happy. After a lot racket the band started up the same song from the beginning. This settled me down along with the rest of the crowd. They were getting to about the point where the catastrophie had happened before and another very similar noise shook my body once again. I was now very confused and was wondering if I was reliving past experiences, visualizing things that had already happened. The silence of the music lasted a lot longer this time but the crowd made up for the loss of noise. The music finally started back up again and all was well. They played for a really long time, I think to make up for the disturbance.
We went back to W's appartment where we laughed and talked for a long time, all the while I was still getting a lot of visuals. By the end of the night my body was exhausted but my mind was wide awake going through all that had happened.<!-- End Body -->
<br><br style="clear:both;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="footdata">
<tr><td width="700">Exp Year: 2005</td><td width="90">ExpID: 50161</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender: Male</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Age at time of experience: Not Given</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Published: Sep 6, 2019</td><td>Views: 705</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">[ <a href="exp.php?ID=50161&amp;format=pdf" type="text/pdf">View as PDF (for printing)</a> ] [ <a href="exp_pdf.php?ID=50161&amp;format=latex">View as LaTeX (for geeks)</a> ]
[ <a href="#" onclick="expChangeColors(); return false;">Switch Colors</a> ]
<tr><td colspan="2">LSD (2) : General (1), First Times (2), Music Discussion (22), Club / Bar (25)</td></tr>
<!-- <img src="/images/new.gif" alt="May"> -->
</div> |
Subsets and Splits