What about the blood?
Someone goes to Walmart, gets some buckets, brushes, mops, and Span, the works.
Someone goes to Walmart, gets some buckets, brushes, mops, and Span, the works.
Have you ever done this before?
Have you ever done this before?
The reality is, you take away the horror of this situation, take away the tragedy of the death, take away the moral and ethical implications of all the you have had conditioned, beaten, into your head since grade one. What are we left with? What? A 115 lb. problem. 115 lbs. that must be moved from point A to point B. Now, a straight line in the shortest distance but we are denied the luxury of a visible straight line. But that line exists and I see it.I see that line. Trust me. Adam. Trust me...I can take care of this.
How do you figure?
According to Jewish law, the blood and limbs are considered to be part of the human being. They must be buried together or their souls won't rest in peace.
According to Jewish law, the blood and limbs are considered to be part of the human being. They must be buried together or their souls won't rest in peace.
So that's what we're doing.
So that's what we're doing.
No we're not. The bodies are all mixed up. We can't do this to them.
No we're not. The bodies are all mixed up. We can't do this to them.
She's Asian. They don't have Jews in Asia.
She's Asian. They don't have Jews in Asia.
That is absolutely not true.
That is absolutely not true.
Well what the are we supposed to do?
Well what the are we supposed to do?
Open the suitcases, unpack the body parts and reunite the limbs.
Now I am the last to say that we have done here is a good thing. It's not. It's not a good thing. But it was, given the circumstances, the smart play. We did what had to be done. And...well...I'm proud of us. I'm proud of each and every one of us. We performed. Under the most complex and nerve shattering of situations, we stood fast and we delivered. I feel proud.
We are all going straight to Either or prison, whichever comes first.
We are all going straight to Either or prison, whichever comes first.
Wrong. That is flat out wrong. is for cowards, for hypocrites who fear to live by the strenght of their own convictions. This is war. Given the circumstances, and given the fact that we are alive and they are not, we have chosen life over death. Two wrongs don't make a right. So our conviction and execution would only mean more death here, not less.
you Boyd!
Any time boy!
You got some mighty fine bad timing Adam. We got a rehearsal situation here.
I don't give a
I didn't do anything! I'll turn your pathetic in!
Adam! Calm down.
Adam! Calm down.
I won't calm down. I can't do this. We can't do this. It won't work. It will not work.
I won't calm down. I can't do this. We can't do this. It won't work. It will not work.
It has worked.
It has worked.
I'm talking about DNA samples, fiber optics, search parties, they got infrared scanners, FBI scientists. They figure this out. They always figure it out.
I'm talking about DNA samples, fiber optics, search parties, they got infrared scanners, FBI scientists. They figure this out. They always figure it out.
They won't figure it out.
They won't figure it out.
I got children. I've got a life.
Honey, go in there and get some Starbursts.
They're screaming for Starbursts.
They're screaming for Starbursts.
They're screaming like monsters and it's giving me a headache. Go get some Starbursts.
Where's the candy?
There is no candy!
There is no candy!
What do you mean? It's it's a Mini-Mart?!
Have you thought about what I said?
Jesus Adam, can we not get into this now please?
Jesus Adam, can we not get into this now please?
I got a migraine like a little monkey kicking in the side of my skull, Mike Tyson with a sledge hammer trying to crack...
I got a migraine like a little monkey kicking in the side of my skull, Mike Tyson with a sledge hammer trying to crack...
I got you.
I got you.
Where's the bathroom?
Oh This is insane.
What's insane is the fact that Micheal here put a girl's head through a toilet. That's insane.
That is a load of Personal power has nothing to do with any of this. Tony Robbins has helped me to unlock energy and see my options more clearly, yes, but to give him credit for this, for all of this...Well that's just more than the man deserves.
I think we should say some words over the grave.
I think we should say some words over the grave.
What kind of words?
What kind of words?
I'm talking about prayer.
I'm talking about prayer.
Go ahead.
Regarding what?
Does she sound scared, hostile? Did she mention the police?
Does she sound scared, hostile? Did she mention the police?
No, but she's definitely and hostile. And she's clearly starting to think that's something's not right.
This is a situation that defies judgement. We have acted and showed courage that is not of a kind known by most.
I'm getting really tired of your
I'm getting really tired of your
My what?
My what?
You've got a warped thought process. Your brain doesn't function properly.
You've got a warped thought process. Your brain doesn't function properly.
You care to add a little specification to that slanderous accusation?
You care to add a little specification to that slanderous accusation?
I'm talking about some bad, bad, very bad things. Bad things! Those are bad things!
I'm talking about some bad, bad, very bad things. Bad things! Those are bad things!
Okay fine.
Okay fine.
Fine? Fine what?
Fine? Fine what?
Whatever you say Kojak.
Whatever you say Kojak.
I'm serious.
I'm serious.
I'm serious. I'm the serious one here. I'm the one making the play. I'm the Indian Runner. And I want my money.
Blood money. Insurance dollars that you have thus far decided not to tell me about at all. In no way have you mentioned that money. And I find that to be very very offensive.
You're sick.
You're sick.
And if you think you can me, don't. Cause I'm insulated Fisher. Protected. Backed up on floppy. Do you get me? I want my money!
And if you think you can me, don't. Cause I'm insulated Fisher. Protected. Backed up on floppy. Do you get me? I want my money!
Not a prayer.
Not a prayer.
I'm a lifesaver. A lighthouse. Up all night in the rain, in stormy gale force wind, tornado and earthquakes. I stay lit for you. I stay lit. I don't go dark. I never go dark!
I'm a lifesaver. A lighthouse. Up all night in the rain, in stormy gale force wind, tornado and earthquakes. I stay lit for you. I stay lit. I don't go dark. I never go dark!
You need help.
You're a
It's my opinion.
The I did!
The you didn't!
The you didn't!
The I did!
The I did!
You said one in two marriages end in divorce.
You said one in two marriages end in divorce.
I never heard that.
If I'm the king of Israel, I say to myself, King, I say to myself, King... Take a good look around. What do I see?
Israel doesn't have a King.
Israel doesn't have a King.
Then what do they have?
Then what do they have?
They have a president. A Benjamin Yahoo something.
They have a president. A Benjamin Yahoo something.
I say to myself, look at the map. Look what's all around you. People who wish bad bad things for you and your people. For thousands of years the Jews are fighting everybody. It used to be they'd throw rocks, then the iron revolution and they would attack with spears. Then the gunpowder revolution. Now they're shooting fire power back and forth, all day bullets flying, babies getting shot.
I say to myself, look at the map. Look what's all around you. People who wish bad bad things for you and your people. For thousands of years the Jews are fighting everybody. It used to be they'd throw rocks, then the iron revolution and they would attack with spears. Then the gunpowder revolution. Now they're shooting fire power back and forth, all day bullets flying, babies getting shot.
What's your point?
What's your point?
Now if I'm the King of Israel and all these sand are armed to the gills and you know it's just a matter of time ...right? Am I right?
Now if I'm the King of Israel and all these sand are armed to the gills and you know it's just a matter of time ...right? Am I right?
The Israelis can protect themselves. They got the Mossad thing happening. Mossad's for real, man. They scalp babies.
The Israelis can protect themselves. They got the Mossad thing happening. Mossad's for real, man. They scalp babies.
There's my point exactly.
There's my point exactly.
What? What's your point?
What? What's your point?
Take Mexico.
Take Mexico.
Lock up the chickens, dig up the holy dirt, pack up the wailing crying wall thing they bang their heads on all day long, stick it all on a big tug boat. The whole country picks up and takes Mexico.
A little gut check time fellas. A time for some serious self-exploration. How do I function? For real? No more Can I keep my cool when they bounce my bananas? When they won't play my song? etc, etc. Do you get me? Do you get me?
Not really, no.
Not really, no.
Not a problem. Understand not my words, but follow my orders. Follow my orders.
Did you send in all of the deposit checks?
I think so.
I think so.
What do you mean, you think so?
What do you mean, you think so?
I sent a lot of checks, I'm not sure what all of them are.
I sent a lot of checks, I'm not sure what all of them are.
The wedding cake check?
The wedding cake check?
Sent it.
Sent it.
Sent it.
Sent it.
Hotel for my parents, the tent, the band, the Judge...
Hotel for my parents, the tent, the band, the Judge...
I think I forgot the tent.
I think I forgot the tent.
You forgot the tent?
You forgot the tent?
I think so.
I think so.
Why what?
Why what?
Why did you forget the tent check?
Why did you forget the tent check?
I didn't mean to Liz. I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to Liz. I'm sorry.
You can't play around with these tent people.
You can't play around with these tent people.
I'm not playing around. I forgot.
I'm not playing around. I forgot.
What else have you forgot?
What else have you forgot?
How could I know what else I forgot?
How could I know what else I forgot?
I'm working my off here. I've taken care of absolutely everything Keith.
I'm working my off here. I've taken care of absolutely everything Keith.
Because you wanted to. You wanted this to be your wedding not your parent's.
Because you wanted to. You wanted this to be your wedding not your parent's.
Don't you dare.
Don't you dare.
Don't you put this on me. Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it, don't...
I wanted to just take this final opportunity to visit with you. You know, just to be with you, father and son, before you run off and do your own husband, daddy thing. I'm just so proud of knows I didn't always play it right with you...
You did all right dad.