What'd Ned say?
L-lies... at first. About how you was just passin' through and didn't nobody... an' Little Bill kept askin' questions, mixin' him up, catchin' lies... an' then he'd beat on Ned an' Ned would cry and lie some more an' then... then...
L-lies... at first. About how you was just passin' through and didn't nobody... an' Little Bill kept askin' questions, mixin' him up, catchin' lies... an' then he'd beat on Ned an' Ned would cry and lie some more an' then... then...
Then... what?
Then... what?
A cowboy come in sayin' you killed Quick Mike in the house at the Bar T...
A cowboy come in sayin' you killed Quick Mike in the house at the Bar T...
An' Little Bill killed Ned for what I done?
An' Little Bill killed Ned for what I done?
Not on purpose. But he started hurtin' him worse... makin' him tell stuff. First ned wouldn't say nothin'... but Little Bill hurt him so bad he said who you was...
He said that, huh?
I'm a killer myself, only I ain't killed so many as you because of my youth. Schofield Kid, they call me.
I'm a killer myself, only I ain't killed so many as you because of my youth. Schofield Kid, they call me.
Schofield? You from Schofield?
Schofield? You from Schofield?
On account of my Schofield model Smith and Wesson pistol.
On account of my Schofield model Smith and Wesson pistol.
Well, how about it?
Well, how about it?
About what?
About what?
Bein' my partner. I'm headin' North up around the Niobrara in Nebraska. Gonna a couple of no good cowboys.
Bein' my partner. I'm headin' North up around the Niobrara in Nebraska. Gonna a couple of no good cowboys.
What for?
What for?
For cuttin' up a lady. They cut up her face an' cut her eyes out, cut her ears off an' her too.
For cuttin' up a lady. They cut up her face an' cut her eyes out, cut her ears off an' her too.
Thousand dollars of reward. Five hundred a piece.
What the are you pissin' about, I'd like to know?
Well, what were you lookin' at anyhow?
Well, what were you lookin' at anyhow?
Lookin' at?
Now hold on, boys, hold on. Now, Kid, you kin see fifty yards, can't you?
Bet your I kin see fifty yards an' I kin shoot this sonofabitch...
Bet your I kin see fifty yards an' I kin shoot this sonofabitch...
Easy, Kid, easy. Now, you hear that, Ned? The Kid can see fifty yards fine, hear?
Say, Bill. That business in Jackson County... did that really happen? I mean how they say it happened?
What business?
What business?
An' how there was two deputies up close pointin' rifles at you... had you dead to rights... an' how you pulled out a pistol an' blew them both away to an' only took a scratch yourself. Uncle Pete told me he never seen nothin' like it, shootin' your way out of a scrape like that.
An' how there was two deputies up close pointin' rifles at you... had you dead to rights... an' how you pulled out a pistol an' blew them both away to an' only took a scratch yourself. Uncle Pete told me he never seen nothin' like it, shootin' your way out of a scrape like that.
Well... I don't recollect.
Well... I don't recollect.
You don't recollect!
It's gonna get riper yet.
You still think he's in there?
You still think he's in there?
Yeah, he's in there.
Yeah, he's in there.
Well, he's holding on to his like it was money.
Well, he's holding on to his like it was money.
He's in there.
He's in there.
Tell me right off if you see him.
Tell me right off if you see him.
You... you ain't gonna shoot him yourownself?
You... you ain't gonna shoot him yourownself?
You can shoot him.
Take a drink, Kid.
Oh Ch-ch-christ... it don't... it don't seem... real... How he's... DEAD... how he ain't gonna breathe no more... n-n-never. Or the other one neither... On account of... of just... pullin' a trigger.
Got used to my bed. Ain't gonna feel to home out here.
Well, it ain't just the bed I'm gonna miss. I'm... Billy, I'm sorry. I didn't mean...
Well, it ain't just the bed I'm gonna miss. I'm... Billy, I'm sorry. I didn't mean...
It ain't nothin', don't fret it. She don't like it much, you goin' off with me.
It ain't nothin', don't fret it. She don't like it much, you goin' off with me.
She gave me the evil eye.
She gave me the evil eye.
It's just... she's a Indian an' Indians ain't... overfriendly.
It's just... she's a Indian an' Indians ain't... overfriendly.
I ain't blamin' her, Ned, I ain't holdin' it against her. She knew me back then... an' she seen what a no good sonofabitch I was... an' she won't allow how I've changed. She just don't know how I ain't like that no more.
I ain't blamin' her, Ned, I ain't holdin' it against her. She knew me back then... an' she seen what a no good sonofabitch I was... an' she won't allow how I've changed. She just don't know how I ain't like that no more.
Well, she...
Well, she...
I ain't the same, Ned. Claudia, she... straightened me up, got me clear of the whiskey an' all. Us goin' to do this killin'... that don't mean I'm back to like I was. I just need the money... for a new start... for them youngsters. Remember that drover, the one I shot in the mouth so's the teeth come out the back of his head? I dream about him now an' again. I didn't have no reason to shoot him... not one I could remember when I sobered up.
I ain't the same, Ned. Claudia, she... straightened me up, got me clear of the whiskey an' all. Us goin' to do this killin'... that don't mean I'm back to like I was. I just need the money... for a new start... for them youngsters. Remember that drover, the one I shot in the mouth so's the teeth come out the back of his head? I dream about him now an' again. I didn't have no reason to shoot him... not one I could remember when I sobered up.
You was a... a crazy sonofabitch.
You was a... a crazy sonofabitch.
Nobody liked me... none of the boys. They was scared of me... figured I might shoot 'em out of pure meanness.
Nobody liked me... none of the boys. They was scared of me... figured I might shoot 'em out of pure meanness.
You ain't like that no more.
You ain't like that no more.
Eagle... he hated my guts. Bonaparte didn't like me none.
Eagle... he hated my guts. Bonaparte didn't like me none.
Nor Quincy, I guess.
Nor Quincy, I guess.
Quincy, he was always watchin' me. Scared.
Quincy, he was always watchin' me. Scared.
You ain't like that no more.
You ain't like that no more.
no. I'm just a fella now. Ain't no different from anyone else no more.
Some fucker's shootin' at us.
He hit you?
He hit you?
Naw. I bumped my head fallin' off of my horse.
He ain't shootin' our way no more. He's shootin' over that way. Who's he shootin' at over that way?
Beats the out of me.
Beats the out of me.
You suppose maybe we're in somebody's field?
You suppose maybe we're in somebody's field?
I didn't see nothin' planted.
I brung this for when we had to them fellows. I guess we could use some now.
Not for me. I don't touch it no more.
Not for me. I don't touch it no more.
it, Bill, it's rainin'.
it, Bill, it's rainin'.
I know it's rainin', Give the Kid a drink, why dontcha?
Me an' the Kid, we'll head over to the ranch an' as soon as we find him, we'll shoot him. Then we'll come back an' the three of us pick up the money an' head South together.
Supposin' he don't go to the ranch?
Supposin' he don't go to the ranch?
I'll bet anything he won't go to town nor he won't ride out on the range. Right off he'll hole up at the ranch.
I'll bet anything he won't go to town nor he won't ride out on the range. Right off he'll hole up at the ranch.
I ain't waitin', Bill. I'll look in on your youngsters when I get back.
I ain't waitin', Bill. I'll look in on your youngsters when I get back.
Ned, don't pay no mind to what the Kid said about the money. I'll bring your share along, hear? The Kid's full of hear?
You was right to change your mind, Kid.
I'm a good shot. See that hawk up there? I could that hawk with one shot.
He's gonna die, ain't he?
Well, suppose he does?
Well, suppose he does?
We'll bury him.
We'll bury him.
That ain't what I mean.
That ain't what I mean.
You mean, am I gonna help you them cowboys?
You mean, am I gonna help you them cowboys?
I can't spot 'em myself but you could. That red-haired one, you could spot a half-mile off, I bet.
I can't spot 'em myself but you could. That red-haired one, you could spot a half-mile off, I bet.
An' if I spot 'em?
An' if I spot 'em?
I'll ride up close an' shoot 'em!
I'll ride up close an' shoot 'em!
Just like that?
Just like that?
I told you I'm a killer. I done it before. I'm more killer than him.
I told you I'm a killer. I done it before. I'm more killer than him.
Not dope. Something else. Some what?.. He doesn't what they were buying. But not dope... people.
<<I'll tell you everything. I'11 even say it slow enough for you to understand it. Just tell this man I want protection. Real protection.>>
How many times have you been in a line- up? It's always you and four dummies. The P.D. pays homeless guys ten bucks a head half the time. No way they'd line five felons in the same row. No way. And what the is a voice line-.up? A public defender could get you off of that.
So why the was I hauled in and cavity searched tonight?
So why the was I hauled in and cavity searched tonight?
It was the Feds. A truck load of guns gets snagged, Customs comes down on N.Y.P.D. for some answers - they come up with us. They're grabbing at straws. It's politics - nothing you can do.
It was the Feds. A truck load of guns gets snagged, Customs comes down on N.Y.P.D. for some answers - they come up with us. They're grabbing at straws. It's politics - nothing you can do.
I had a guy's fingers in my tonight.
Everybody I ever worked with, did time with.
They know everything.
It's This guy could be L.A.P.D. I think it's a setup.
The way I hear it, Soze is some kind of butcher. No pity.
I know you. You don't think I know you're on the take. This whole precinct is dirty. You don't have a leg to stand on.
Hockney was just a bad Good with explosives. Mean as a snake when it mattered .
What the do you want?
I wanted to talk to you. The other guys -
I wanted to talk to you. The other guys -
I did you a favor by standing up for you last night, but don't think we're friends. I'm sorry, but I have other things -
I did you a favor by standing up for you last night, but don't think we're friends. I'm sorry, but I have other things -
They're gonna do a job. Three million dollars, maybe more.
Don't hurt me.
Hurt you, you sonofabitch? I could you.
How are they going to do it?
McManus wants to go in shooting. I said no way.
McManus wants to go in shooting. I said no way.
Fenster and Hockney?
Fenster and Hockney?
They're pretty off. They'll do anything. Now I got a way to do it without killing anyone: but like I said, they won't let me in without you.
They're pretty off. They'll do anything. Now I got a way to do it without killing anyone: but like I said, they won't let me in without you.
Three million?
Three million?
Maybe more.
Maybe more.
No killing?
No killing?
Not if we do it my way.
with what?
You know well, dead-man.
You know well, dead-man.
Hey, that was your mistake, not mine. Did you ever think to ask me? I've been
My employer requires your services. One job. One day's work. Very dangerous. I don't expect all of you to live, but those who do will have ninety-one million dollars to divide any way they see fit.
Who's your boss?
Who's your boss?
My employer wishes to remain anonymous.
My employer wishes to remain anonymous.
Don't me off. We all know what this is. You don't work with me if I work with you without knowing who I'm working for. Now let's cut the Who's the man?