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Stanley Moss, Ladeesngennlmen... And she says... | Is she saying this in Albanian...? |
Is she saying this in Albanian...? | <u>Yes</u>: she is saying this in Albanian, <u>but</u> she's doing it not to be uh... But because, she explains, that is the only way it can be understood by her Aged and Sainted Mother, who is standing there with her, dressed in her Traditional... |
Oh, Lord.... | ...those ... <u>turncoat</u>... I <u>thought</u> they let us out of there too easy..... |
...those ... <u>turncoat</u>... I <u>thought</u> they let us out of there too easy..... | War's over, Pal. |
War's over, Pal. | Gloria -- sell the House. |
What one has to do, Mr. Moss. Is to fight a holding action. | ...holding action. THEY'RE GOING TO TEAR THIS GUY TO <u>Shreds</u>. |
...holding action. THEY'RE GOING TO TEAR THIS GUY TO <u>Shreds</u>. | If we can hold the break-in-the-dam for ten days, til the election, we... |
If we can hold the break-in-the-dam for ten days, til the election, we... | Yeah, hut you can't hold the dam. How the n'nu'n', I don't get what you want <u>me</u> to ... |
String a few together. All I need's eleven, | How you going to stretch it? This won't hold for eleven days. Guy a twelve- year-old...whadday're gonna do to hold that off? |
How you going to stretch it? This won't hold for eleven days. Guy a twelve- year-old...whadday're gonna do to hold that off? | What do you think would hold it off? |
What do you think would hold it off? | Uh, <u>nothing</u>, oh, <u>nothing</u> ... uh... a <u>War</u>, uh... You're kidding. |
Uh, <u>nothing</u>, oh, <u>nothing</u> ... uh... a <u>War</u>, uh... You're kidding. | I'm a Jew in Show Business. Why come to me? |
I'm a Jew in Show Business. Why come to me? | I'm gonna <u>tell</u> you why... |
I'm gonna <u>tell</u> you why... | Here's the Short Course: Fifty-Four, Forty or Fight. What does <u>that</u> mean? |
Here's the Short Course: Fifty-Four, Forty or Fight. What does <u>that</u> mean? | Uh, it's a slogan. From, uh... |
Uh, it's a slogan. From, uh... | Remember the Maine... |
Remember the Maine... | That's from the ... it's got to be from the... |
That's from the ... it's got to be from the... | Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too! |
Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too! | ...uh ... No, that's... |
...uh ... No, that's... | We remember the slogans, we can't even remember the <u>wars</u>. Y'know why. Cause it's <u>show business</u>. That's why I'm here. girl, covered in Five marines Raising the Flag, Mount Suribachi. Churchill, V for Victory, Y'remember the Picture, fifty years from now, they'll have forgotten the war. Gulf War? Smart Bomb, falling through the roof. 2500 missions a day, 100 days, <u>One Shot</u> of One Bomb. The American people bought that war. M'I getting through to you? War in the Balkans, don't mean nothing, till some G.I. flyer, went down, Eating Snakes for Ten days. N'then It's show business, Mister Moss. That's why I'm here. |
Mmm... | You do your job right, nobody should notice. |
You do your job right, nobody should notice. | Mmm. |
Mmm. | S'only when you up, everything gets full of Do you think we could line him up for the Peace Prize? |
S'only when you up, everything gets full of Do you think we could line him up for the Peace Prize? | Hey, our job ends at the Finish Line. |
Hey, our job ends at the Finish Line. | Yes, but I, well, <u>you</u> know... |
Yes, but I, well, <u>you</u> know... | Just for the Symmetry of the thing...? |
Just for the Symmetry of the thing...? | ...that's right. |
...that's right. | If they can give Kissenger the Peace Prize, I wouldn't be surprised to wake up and find I'd won the Preakness. |
If they can give Kissenger the Peace Prize, I wouldn't be surprised to wake up and find I'd won the Preakness. | Well, yes, but the guy <u>did</u> bring Peace. |
Well, yes, but the guy <u>did</u> bring Peace. | Yes, but there wasn't a War. |
Yes, but there wasn't a War. | All the greater accomplishment. |
Against...who could be aggressor....Help me out here...Units of 303, the Defense Department confirms, early this morning, Albanian Time, stormed a mountain hideaway, near the city of -- help me out here -- and freed a tired, but happy William Schumann, Suffering no casualties. His condition is reported as Guarded, and his route to the US has not been disclosed, but a high White House source confirms he is expected in Washington tomorrow, that's for the wire service. Moss's working on Big Bird's Inaugural. Nine A.M...? Nine? Miss the commuters, but... | ...we'll gettim in their cars. |
...we'll gettim in their cars. | Yeah, we'll gettem in their cars. I'm slowing down... No, no. Look, lookit: I think it's a mistake, well, I'll <u>tell</u> you why: you got'em by the balls, <u>Squeeze</u>. Because Schumann's the Shark. He's ...<u>Jaws</u>. You have to <u>tease</u>'em... You don't puttem in the first reel of the movie... Bring'em back <u>slow</u>, the President... No, no, put him on. Put him on. President wants to reveal Scbumann before the election. |
Yeah, we'll gettem in their cars. I'm slowing down... No, no. Look, lookit: I think it's a mistake, well, I'll <u>tell</u> you why: you got'em by the balls, <u>Squeeze</u>. Because Schumann's the Shark. He's ...<u>Jaws</u>. You have to <u>tease</u>'em... You don't puttem in the first reel of the movie... Bring'em back <u>slow</u>, the President... No, no, put him on. Put him on. President wants to reveal Scbumann before the election. | Big mistake. |
Big mistake. | yes, we're, we're on our way to get him now. No. Lookit: it's like a girl with her virginity, y'understand... |
yes, we're, we're on our way to get him now. No. Lookit: it's like a girl with her virginity, y'understand... | Guy says he'll respect her tomorrow, he <u>might</u>, but why take a chance? Hold out til after you're married. That's... that's.... looky, we're offering'em Schumann, make em <u>vote</u> for hhhh.... psychologically, they will understand that that's the bargain. Make them pay for him. Make... that's right, the price is their vote. Now, we bring him home, the President announces he is flying <u>home</u>, he's <u>here</u>, he's <u>there</u>... f'there the election, TA DA, here he is. Have him say it like I wrote it, It'll be fine. Thanks. Labor, five bucks an hour. If you <u>watch</u>, <u>ten</u> bucks an hour. If you <u>help</u> ... if you <u>help</u>, a <u>hundred</u> bucks an hour. |
Guy says he'll respect her tomorrow, he <u>might</u>, but why take a chance? Hold out til after you're married. That's... that's.... looky, we're offering'em Schumann, make em <u>vote</u> for hhhh.... psychologically, they will understand that that's the bargain. Make them pay for him. Make... that's right, the price is their vote. Now, we bring him home, the President announces he is flying <u>home</u>, he's <u>here</u>, he's <u>there</u>... f'there the election, TA DA, here he is. Have him say it like I wrote it, It'll be fine. Thanks. Labor, five bucks an hour. If you <u>watch</u>, <u>ten</u> bucks an hour. If you <u>help</u> ... if you <u>help</u>, a <u>hundred</u> bucks an hour. | Hey, lcokit: <u>any</u> business... |
Hey, lcokit: <u>any</u> business... | Ain't <u>that</u> the truth. |
Ain't <u>that</u> the truth. | Whattaya gonna do when this is all over? |
Whattaya gonna do when this is all over? | What am <u>I</u> gonna do? I'm gonna "Fade Away." What are you gonna do? |
What am <u>I</u> gonna do? I'm gonna "Fade Away." What are you gonna do? | Well, I'll be damned if I <u>know</u> ... you know... doing this <u>thing</u> ... You know what the worst word is, in the English Language? It's ïretirement." What the was I thinking of? I used to... | what I ...look: get me a ...hello...? Hel...? I'm going to need an <u>ambulance</u>, we take him, the last moment, right from the, <u>we</u> land, we puttem <u>in</u> the ambulance. Air force jet lands, we take somebody <u>else</u> off <u>that</u> jet...what the do <u>I</u> care? Somebody in a Hospital gown. And we need a ......hello? Hello...? | Cause I don't think <u>this</u> dog is gonna hunt.... |
Cause I don't think <u>this</u> dog is gonna hunt.... | He's going to be fine, aren't you boy...? |
He's going to be fine, aren't you boy...? | Yeah, well, perhaps... Speaking of which: I have a <u>prescription</u> here, I'm going to give you the <u>number</u>, I need you standing by with a <u>crate</u> of the stuff.... it's ... what is it? |
Yeah, well, perhaps... Speaking of which: I have a <u>prescription</u> here, I'm going to give you the <u>number</u>, I need you standing by with a <u>crate</u> of the stuff.... it's ... what is it? | An anti-psychotic... |
An anti-psychotic... | It's an anti-psychotic, the num... the number...hello...hello... |
What the do <u>we</u> care? | Eh? I'm like the Rest of America. I don't <u>care</u> -- I'm just <u>addicted to it</u>... |
What the did you <u>mean</u>, "What kind of stuff?"? | ...this is nothing. This is nothing. D'you ever shoot in <u>Italy</u>? Try three Italian starlets on Benzedrine, this is a walk in the park... |
...this is nothing. This is nothing. D'you ever shoot in <u>Italy</u>? Try three Italian starlets on Benzedrine, this is a walk in the park... | ...who <u>are</u> you? Who <u>are</u> you sonofabitches... |
Just want to take a nap. | He's not dead, Ronnie. He's just a little understandab1y, <u>fatigued</u>. Let's get him to some help... |
He's not dead, Ronnie. He's just a little understandab1y, <u>fatigued</u>. Let's get him to some help... | ...gimme some help... |
...gimme some help... | That's right, we'll take a nap. We'll get you to Washington, we'll get you Back to your Buddies, and... |
That's right, we'll take a nap. We'll get you to Washington, we'll get you Back to your Buddies, and... | ...just want to Get Back to the Beans... |
...just want to Get Back to the Beans... | Come on, you you think this is tough? Try show-business. 1970-1990, n'ybody I worked with, y'could of bottled their n'sold it in the <u>ghettos</u>... Come on, Pal... |
Oh, | Susie? Susie. Are you alright...? <u>Susie</u>... |
Susie? Susie. Are you alright...? <u>Susie</u>... | Lemme talk to him. Will? Shoe? |
Lemme talk to him. Will? Shoe? | SUSIE...? Are you alright...? |
SUSIE...? Are you alright...? | Lemme talk to him. Shoe? Shoe...? You in there...? |
Who the hell's out there? What are the arbs saying? It's gotta be a big hitter. | They don't know what's going on! |
What the | Anacott Steel. Buy it. |
... looks like you grown another inch... but you don't look so hot, getting bags under your eyes, starting to look old like me. | Ah, I had a tough day. Some D.K'd me and I gotta cover his loss. |
Ah, I had a tough day. Some D.K'd me and I gotta cover his loss. | Speak English will ya. |
Speak English will ya. | D.K. -- didn't know -- who I was when the options he bought took a bath. He reneged on me. |
D.K. -- didn't know -- who I was when the options he bought took a bath. He reneged on me. | I told you not to go into that racket. You could've been a doctor or a lawyer, |
I told you not to go into that racket. You could've been a doctor or a lawyer, | Coulda been a contender. |
Coulda been a contender. | you coulda stayed at Bluestar and been a supervisor in instead of going customer relations by now, 'stead of going off and bein' a salesman. |
you coulda stayed at Bluestar and been a supervisor in instead of going customer relations by now, 'stead of going off and bein' a salesman. | Look Dad, I'm not a salesman. How many times I gotta tell you I'm an account executive, and pretty soon I'm going to the investment banking side of the firm. |
Look Dad, I'm not a salesman. How many times I gotta tell you I'm an account executive, and pretty soon I'm going to the investment banking side of the firm. | You get on the phone and ask strangers for their money, right? You're a salesman. |
You get on the phone and ask strangers for their money, right? You're a salesman. | Dad, it takes time. You gotta build a customer list. I'm doing it. I could make more money in one year as a broker than five years at the airline. |
Dad, it takes time. You gotta build a customer list. I'm doing it. I could make more money in one year as a broker than five years at the airline. | I don't get it, you get a scholarship to NYU, you get 35,000 the first year, and 50 last year, where the is it? |
I don't get it, you get a scholarship to NYU, you get 35,000 the first year, and 50 last year, where the is it? | 50 K don't get you to first base in the Big Apple, Dad, not any more. I pay 40% in taxes, I got a rent of 15,000, I got school loans, car loans, food, park my car costs me 3 bills a month, I need good suits, that's $500 a pop, shoes... |
50 K don't get you to first base in the Big Apple, Dad, not any more. I pay 40% in taxes, I got a rent of 15,000, I got school loans, car loans, food, park my car costs me 3 bills a month, I need good suits, that's $500 a pop, shoes... | So come home and live rent free, 'stead of that cockroach palace you live in. $50,000 Jesus Christ, the world is off its rocker. I made $37,000 last year and you... |
So come home and live rent free, 'stead of that cockroach palace you live in. $50,000 Jesus Christ, the world is off its rocker. I made $37,000 last year and you... | It's Queens, Dad and a 5% mortgage and you rent the top room--I gotta live in Manhattan to be a player, Dad. There's no nobility in poverty anymore, y'know. One day you're going to be proud of me, you'll see... |
It's Queens, Dad and a 5% mortgage and you rent the top room--I gotta live in Manhattan to be a player, Dad. There's no nobility in poverty anymore, y'know. One day you're going to be proud of me, you'll see... | It's yourself you've got to be proud of, Huckleberry, how much ya need? |
It's yourself you've got to be proud of, Huckleberry, how much ya need? | Can you spare three hundred? Pay you back next month, promise. |
...same, pain in the bless her, talks too much... gonna take her to Florida next month... west coast, near Tampa, like to get out for good, but can't afford it. | ...Work okay? |
...Work okay? | ...this drug testing is driving my guys nuts. I got flagged for my blood pressure pills. The only good news is, we just met with the comptroller over some union stuff...'member that crash last summer? and the investigation? Well, the FAA is gonna rule it was a manufacturing flaw in the door latch mechanism. I kept telling 'em it wasn't maintenance, it was those greedy manufacturers out in Cincinnati. And I was right. |
He's got your in his back pocket, son, and you're standing in the display window of Macy's. He's using you. Only you're too blind to see it. | No, what I see is a jealous old machinist who can't stand that his son's become more successful than himself. |
No, what I see is a jealous old machinist who can't stand that his son's become more successful than himself. | What you see, son, is a man who never measured success by the size of a man's wallet. |
What you see, son, is a man who never measured success by the size of a man's wallet. | That's because you never had the guts to go out into the world and stake your claim. |
That's because you never had the guts to go out into the world and stake your claim. | Boy, if that's what you think, I must've really up my job as a father. |
...this guy who said he was from the Security Exchange Commission, whatever the that is, calls and wants to ask me about that stock I bought... | What'd you tell him? |
What'd you tell him? | I told him I was in the bathroom and I'd call him right back. What the was I supposed to say Buddy, you got me into... |
I told him I was in the bathroom and I'd call him right back. What the was I supposed to say Buddy, you got me into... | Look Dixon, calm down! It's not illegal to buy stock or to be right. And it's not all that unusual to be spot checked on a big buy. Tell him you did your homework and you thought the stock was a sound investment. |
Look Dixon, calm down! It's not illegal to buy stock or to be right. And it's not all that unusual to be spot checked on a big buy. Tell him you did your homework and you thought the stock was a sound investment. | What if he asks where I got the money? |
What if he asks where I got the money? | Tell 'em your father gave it to you. |
Tell 'em your father gave it to you. | What if they call him? |
What if they call him? | They won't. That's not their jurisdiction. |
They won't. That's not their jurisdiction. | You sure? |
You sure? | Yes! Read the Constitution, it's all in there. And remember--you don't know anything, nothing. |
Yes! Read the Constitution, it's all in there. And remember--you don't know anything, nothing. | I don't know anything! |
I don't know anything! | Good. Then call him back. And call me back. Don't worry. |
Know the name? | 'Course. Larry Wildman. One of the first raiders. |
'Course. Larry Wildman. One of the first raiders. | Sir Larry Wildman. Like all Brits he thinks he was born with a better to in... bribed an old secretary of mine to open bar mouth and stole RDL Pharmaceuticals right out from under me. Wildman the white knight. |
Sir Larry Wildman. Like all Brits he thinks he was born with a better to in... bribed an old secretary of mine to open bar mouth and stole RDL Pharmaceuticals right out from under me. Wildman the white knight. | I remember that deal. You were involved? |
Revenge is a dish best served cold... well, it's payback time, sport. ... see that building? I bought into it ten years ago. It was my first real estate deal. I sold it a couple of years later and made an $800,000 dollar profit. It was better than At that time I thought that was all tne money in the world... Now, it's a day's pay ... I had a mole in Wildman's employ. Gave me half the picture, then he got fired... | I don't understand. |
I don't understand. | Wildman's in town. He just became an American citizen. Something big's about to go down. I want to know where he goes and who he sees. I want you, sport, to give me the missing half of the picture... |
Wildman's in town. He just became an American citizen. Something big's about to go down. I want to know where he goes and who he sees. I want you, sport, to give me the missing half of the picture... | Follow him? Mr. Gekko I... It's not what I do. I could lose my license. If the SEC found out, I could go to jail. It's inside information, isn't it? |
Follow him? Mr. Gekko I... It's not what I do. I could lose my license. If the SEC found out, I could go to jail. It's inside information, isn't it? | Inside information. Oh you mean like when a father tells his son about a court ruling on an airline? Or someone overhears me saying I'm gonna buy Teldar Paper? Or the chairman of the board of XYZ suddenly knows it's time to blow out XYZ. You mean that? I'm afraid sport, unless you got a father on the board of directors of another company, you and I are gonna have a hard time doing any business... |
What about hard work? | What about it? You work hard. I'll bet you stayed up all night analyzing that dog you bought. And where'd it get you?... my father worked hard too like an elephant pushing electrical supplies. And he dropped dead at 49 with a heart attack and a tax bill and the bank on his grave and took the house; my mom ended up working in a dish factory... Wake up pal, if you're not inside you're outside. And I'm not talking a $200,000 a year working Wall Street stiff flying first class and being "comfortable", I'm talking rich pal, rich enough to fly in your own jet, rich enough not to waste time, 50-100 million, a player Bud -- or nothing. You had what it takes to let through my door. Next question: You got what it takes to stay...?? |
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