1 value
1 value
bro hole
man, i hate jerking off, time to call up that bro hole
when a girl has sex with group of friends back and forth within a period of time
"man, i hate jerking off, time to call up that bro hole" What is the definition of "bro hole"?
bro hole
i'm not gay, i was only using his bro hole
a hole which is to be used only by your best friend, in times of need
"i'm not gay, i was only using his bro hole" What is the definition of "bro hole"?
yeah dude, she's totally an ambulocetus
an ambulocetus is an incredibly fat person
"yeah dude, she's totally an ambulocetus" What is the definition of "ambulocetus"?
did you see that ambulocetus who waddled into the store the other day? she must have weighed 400 lb
"literally "walking whale", it's a mean-spirited way of describing an obese person
"did you see that ambulocetus who waddled into the store the other day? she must have weighed 400 lb" What is the definition of "ambulocetus"?
yeah dude, she's totally an ambulocetus
an ambulocetus is an incredibly fat person
"yeah dude, she's totally an ambulocetus" What is the definition of "ambulocetus"?
did you see that ambulocetus who waddled into the store the other day? she must have weighed 400 lb
"literally "walking whale", it's a mean-spirited way of describing an obese person
"did you see that ambulocetus who waddled into the store the other day? she must have weighed 400 lb" What is the definition of "ambulocetus"?
girl, your amfro is fierce
the mysterious 'fro created at the back of your head and nape of your neck while sleeping
"girl, your amfro is fierce" What is the definition of "amfro"?
that stupid ass hole is a fucking cotthead
(n): a person who is high on [cot]
"that stupid ass hole is a fucking cotthead" What is the definition of "cotthead"?
ben ran from the boodoggle next door
a unclean,or dirty person
"ben ran from the boodoggle next door" What is the definition of "boodoggle"?
getting a bug bite on your bendentation can be very irritating when doing a lot of walking
the other side of a bendable body part (ex: elbow/knee) which does in fact have a real name but most do not know what it is
"getting a bug bite on your bendentation can be very irritating when doing a lot of walking" What is the definition of "bendentation"?
dank nuggets
i would rather smoke dank nuggets than [schwag]
high-grade marijuana, usually in tightly packed bud form or sometimes moistened or hydroponically grown marijuana
"i would rather smoke dank nuggets than [schwag]" What is the definition of "dank nuggets"?
dank nuggets
dank nuggets
"dank nuggets" What is the definition of "dank nuggets"?
dank nuggets
i would rather smoke dank nuggets than [schwag]
high-grade marijuana, usually in tightly packed bud form or sometimes moistened or hydroponically grown marijuana
"i would rather smoke dank nuggets than [schwag]" What is the definition of "dank nuggets"?
dank nuggets
dank nuggets
"dank nuggets" What is the definition of "dank nuggets"?
i was certain i failed that calculus iii course, but thanks to the powers that be, i was blessed with a c-
the majority of one's transcript should they opt into their local college of [engineering]
"i was certain i failed that calculus iii course, but thanks to the powers that be, i was blessed with a c-" What is the definition of "c-"?
dude pass me another c-
slang for coors light beer
"dude pass me another c-" What is the definition of "c-"?
hey, get away from that tree, you bananapatrol
a word commonly used to describe someone who guards a banana tree
"hey, get away from that tree, you bananapatrol" What is the definition of "bananapatrol"?
condom game
lachie won the condom game because the granny purchased them
thisis a game that can have as many or as little amount of players as u want
"lachie won the condom game because the granny purchased them" What is the definition of "condom game"?
i am currently cannonballing the entire first season of breaking bad
in relation to television viewing
"i am currently cannonballing the entire first season of breaking bad" What is the definition of "cannonballing"?
i am currently cannonballing the entire first season of breaking bad
in relation to television viewing
"i am currently cannonballing the entire first season of breaking bad" What is the definition of "cannonballing"?
black haze
black haze and tupac may be the same person? wow
"tupac died in sep 96 but some people think that he faked his own death
"black haze and tupac may be the same person? wow" What is the definition of "black haze"?
omg, what a [banging] chyawn this is
like [choon]it is a slang word for tune
"omg, what a [banging] chyawn this is" What is the definition of "chyawn"?
diddle wizard
don't leave your kids at the thompson's; i heard jerry is a diddle wizard
"don't leave your kids at the thompson's; i heard jerry is a diddle wizard" What is the definition of "diddle wizard"?
she tied me up and used the flogger on my body
an implement usually used in bdsm, it is made up of a handle and several straps which are attached to it
"she tied me up and used the flogger on my body" What is the definition of "flogger"?
"whenevera flogger talks to another in fotolog: "hey gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalll?
floggers are part of a teenage movement, parallel to the [emo] movement
""whenevera flogger talks to another in fotolog: "hey gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalll?" What is the definition of "flogger"?
their punishment is as just as it is inevitable said the flogger
"their punishment is as just as it is inevitable said the flogger" What is the definition of "flogger"?
you're a pure flogger by the way
someone who has stayed awake after all others have gone to bed
"you're a pure flogger by the way" What is the definition of "flogger"?
look at that flogger with the porno
one who pumps the pole
"look at that flogger with the porno" What is the definition of "flogger"?
go listen to your korn cds you goddamn flogger
a nu-metaller
"go listen to your korn cds you goddamn flogger" What is the definition of "flogger"?
a prostate exam is a pita, but having diarrhea is a messy poota
"a play on pita, poota means "pain out of the ass
"a prostate exam is a pita, but having diarrhea is a messy poota" What is the definition of "poota"?
i'm not going to debate you any further if you can't tread on facts, instead of poota statistics
acronym: pulled out of the ass
"i'm not going to debate you any further if you can't tread on facts, instead of poota statistics" What is the definition of "poota"?
"*reading a menu* caeser salad clab
the most amazing thing in the world
""*reading a menu* caeser salad clab" What is the definition of "clab"?
that dude is such a clab
"that dude is such a clab" What is the definition of "clab"?
apg managers
apger:help, my cat just died apg manager: *deletes* apger: show your face managers apg manager: *delete* apger: fxxking apg managers
the managers for the club [askpaulinagirls] on stardoll
"apger:help, my cat just died apg manager: *deletes* apger: show your face managers apg manager: *delete* apger: fxxking apg managers" What is the definition of "apg managers"?
bryndall is an awesome name
someone who is very trustworthy
"bryndall is an awesome name" What is the definition of "bryndall"?
damn bent
person1:so you like that nerd hey? person2:oh yeah, damn bent
meaning the opposite or damn straight
"person1:so you like that nerd hey? person2:oh yeah, damn bent" What is the definition of "damn bent"?
blumkin berries
dude, i just got mad burn with the blumkin berries on angela
"you start with numorous insufficent wipes of the anus
"dude, i just got mad burn with the blumkin berries on angela" What is the definition of "blumkin berries"?
"dogg pound and mack 10 collabo - "nuthin' but a cavi hit" cavi (crack) is one of the most potent and addictive drugs around
another name for crack (rock) cocaine
""dogg pound and mack 10 collabo - "nuthin' but a cavi hit" cavi (crack) is one of the most potent and addictive drugs around" What is the definition of "cavi"?
"if he had a job today, robin leach's slogan would be, "kristal wishes and cavi dreams""
high quality
""if he had a job today, robin leach's slogan would be, "kristal wishes and cavi dreams""" What is the definition of "cavi"?
dat rich-ass loc gots ta be tokin them cavi greens
somfin lil half dead say
"dat rich-ass loc gots ta be tokin them cavi greens" What is the definition of "cavi"?
omg today to you are acting like a loserino
"on special and rare occasions, someone by the name of brent is given the nickname "brentino"
"omg today to you are acting like a loserino" What is the definition of "loserino"?
when the ticket agent advised that she was 5 minutes too late to check a bag she summoned her bonkiki
"when the ticket agent advised that she was 5 minutes too late to check a bag she summoned her bonkiki" What is the definition of "bonkiki"?
christmas ornament
guy 1 well i fucked amanda up the ass guy2 how was it? guy 1 good until i got a christmas ornament
a peice of shit hanging from your penis after giveing anal
"guy 1 well i fucked amanda up the ass guy2 how was it? guy 1 good until i got a christmas ornament" What is the definition of "christmas ornament"?
omg did you see that chanchburger eat that whole carton of mayonaise
fat/obese/disgusting women
"omg did you see that chanchburger eat that whole carton of mayonaise" What is the definition of "chanchburger"?
im going to chanchburger your mom tonight
"to stick your face around and "eat" out of a woman's vjj"
"im going to chanchburger your mom tonight" What is the definition of "chanchburger"?
that was the most dlang film in history
a perfect entity
"that was the most dlang film in history" What is the definition of "dlang"?
bronson rock
that guy can fix anything with a bronson rock and a [smokewrench]
"any object, such as a rock, stick, shoe or butterknife used as an emergency or field-expedient tool
"that guy can fix anything with a bronson rock and a [smokewrench]" What is the definition of "bronson rock"?
"ha ha dude, i smoked so much weed last night my brain was coma-toast
what happens when you smoke too much good weed
""ha ha dude, i smoked so much weed last night my brain was coma-toast" What is the definition of "coma-toast"?
"ha ha dude, i smoked so much weed last night my brain was coma-toast
what happens when you smoke too much good weed
""ha ha dude, i smoked so much weed last night my brain was coma-toast" What is the definition of "coma-toast"?
aaron sweeney
my name is aaron sweeney and i, am a douche bag
a huge asshole that makes your work place hell
"my name is aaron sweeney and i, am a douche bag" What is the definition of "aaron sweeney"?
cheese poof
that is so cheese poof
a gus word, not meaning poof of cheese
"that is so cheese poof" What is the definition of "cheese poof"?
1) i met this totally great guy last week - such an alvi 2) hey alvi, how's life? did i mention your just so damn cool, you know?
"a name meaning "one who is heavenly/ of the heavens
"1) i met this totally great guy last week - such an alvi 2) hey alvi, how's life? did i mention your just so damn cool, you know?" What is the definition of "alvi"?
1) i met this totally great guy last week - such an alvi 2) hey alvi, how's life? did i mention your just so damn cool, you know?
"a name meaning "one who is heavenly/ of the heavens
"1) i met this totally great guy last week - such an alvi 2) hey alvi, how's life? did i mention your just so damn cool, you know?" What is the definition of "alvi"?
belgian chocolate is dharmanshu
"belgian chocolate is dharmanshu" What is the definition of "dharmanshu"?
barry chebs
aye, barry chebs
nice tits
"aye, barry chebs" What is the definition of "barry chebs"?
pickle prod
"rachel used the pickle prod to awaken her
electorshock erotica tool
""rachel used the pickle prod to awaken her" What is the definition of "pickle prod"?
none of the bets i made today paid off; i blame my nojo
(attributed to adam carolla) the opposite of mojo: when you can't seem to get anything right
"none of the bets i made today paid off; i blame my nojo" What is the definition of "nojo"?
alabama hayride
suzy is dating a guy that looks like he was in zz top, i heard one night he offered to give her an alabama hayride
when you braid your facial hair into a dildo and proceed to use it during sexual intercourse
"suzy is dating a guy that looks like he was in zz top, i heard one night he offered to give her an alabama hayride" What is the definition of "alabama hayride"?
i was having a great time with her, until she brought out the buldo
"i was having a great time with her, until she brought out the buldo" What is the definition of "buldo"?
wtf, why did those chicks back out? we got bogusized
the verb tense of the word [bogus]
"wtf, why did those chicks back out? we got bogusized" What is the definition of "bogusized"?
trans fat
while some foods like bakery items and fried foods are obvious sources of trans fat, other processed foods, such as cereals and waffles, can also contain trans fat
short for trans fatty acid: an artery-clogging fat that is formed when vegetable oils are hardened into margarine or shortening
"while some foods like bakery items and fried foods are obvious sources of trans fat, other processed foods, such as cereals and waffles, can also contain trans fat" What is the definition of "trans fat"?
trans fat
[omg], chris put on so much trans fat after having her [bottom surgery] to transition [mtf]
like the [freshman fifteen], the weight put on by a [transgender] after transitioning to the opposite sex
"[omg], chris put on so much trans fat after having her [bottom surgery] to transition [mtf]" What is the definition of "trans fat"?
trans fat
whoever said trans fat is bad for you?
(transfered fat) the amount of fat you lose = the amount of fat your friend gains also see [fat displacement]
"whoever said trans fat is bad for you?" What is the definition of "trans fat"?
trans fat
seriously, i have yet to see a product that does have trans fat in it
what food companies say their products don't have to make it look like they have no fat, since trans fat doesn't really exist
"seriously, i have yet to see a product that does have trans fat in it" What is the definition of "trans fat"?
corporate hippie
after having said she'd never work for the private sector, she became a corporate hippie
"a corporate hippie is a person who embraces the "hippie" attitude (peace, love, understanding, diversity, non-violence, the greater good, environmental awareness, etc
"after having said she'd never work for the private sector, she became a corporate hippie" What is the definition of "corporate hippie"?
wow, 2006 was a fucking shitty ass year
an immensely shitty year
"wow, 2006 was a fucking shitty ass year" What is the definition of "2006"?
the winner of the fifa world cup 2006 was italy
the year italy won the fifa world cup against france
"the winner of the fifa world cup 2006 was italy" What is the definition of "2006"?
2006 is just a big pile of paris hilton trying to sing and new douchebags on mtv
the year we are in now
"2006 is just a big pile of paris hilton trying to sing and new douchebags on mtv" What is the definition of "2006"?
2006 kicks 2007's ass
in reality, it's much better than 2007
"2006 kicks 2007's ass" What is the definition of "2006"?
oh fuck, it's 2006
the year after 2005
"oh fuck, it's 2006" What is the definition of "2006"?
two and a half weeks from now is the annicrapary of when i came out to my parents and they made me sign a contract to be asexual
annicrapary: n
"two and a half weeks from now is the annicrapary of when i came out to my parents and they made me sign a contract to be asexual" What is the definition of "annicrapary"?
harry bumwunced sally did you just bumwunce me?
a subtle, sneaky but polite touch of someones behind
"harry bumwunced sally did you just bumwunce me?" What is the definition of "bumwunce"?
bru ha ha
a bru ha ha ensues
a fight or a brawl
"a bru ha ha ensues" What is the definition of "bru ha ha"?
bru ha ha
a bru ha ha ensues
a fight or a brawl
"a bru ha ha ensues" What is the definition of "bru ha ha"?
"adjective: "my friend is so boomchao
adjective: displaying the qualities of awesomeness or being well liked
""adjective: "my friend is so boomchao" What is the definition of "boomchao"?
woman: hello will you participate in sex with me man: boomchao
its boomchao good dam-it!
"woman: hello will you participate in sex with me man: boomchao" What is the definition of "boomchao"?
the ducks feet made a slickerdy sound as they left the witness box
this is the noise a duck's feet makes when it walks across a marble floor, as in a courtroom or sanctuary in a chapel
"the ducks feet made a slickerdy sound as they left the witness box" What is the definition of "slickerdy"?
jew bank
duddddeeeeee i just saw a huge jew bank killing yeezus
[joo bae-nk] 1
"duddddeeeeee i just saw a huge jew bank killing yeezus" What is the definition of "jew bank"?
arachnophobia is to fear of spiders, as autooptopokephobia is to the fear of poking one's own eye out
the fear of poking one's own eye out
"arachnophobia is to fear of spiders, as autooptopokephobia is to the fear of poking one's own eye out" What is the definition of "autooptopokephobia"?
he is so ahmer
pure coolness
"he is so ahmer" What is the definition of "ahmer"?
1st person: that band is so asbo-disco 2nd person: i like bands like this, hadouken
used to describe bands that are electro/techno/new rave etc that promot antisocial behaviour bringing subjects up such as binge drinking, drugs, youth culture
"1st person: that band is so asbo-disco 2nd person: i like bands like this, hadouken" What is the definition of "asbo-disco"?
"dude you excuse me for a minute, i'm brown-capping really bad "i know u are, i can smell it over here for real""
when you have to take a shit so bad that its halfway out of your asshole
""dude you excuse me for a minute, i'm brown-capping really bad "i know u are, i can smell it over here for real""" What is the definition of "brown-capping"?
"dude you excuse me for a minute, i'm brown-capping really bad "i know u are, i can smell it over here for real""
when you have to take a shit so bad that its halfway out of your asshole
""dude you excuse me for a minute, i'm brown-capping really bad "i know u are, i can smell it over here for real""" What is the definition of "brown-capping"?
"dude you excuse me for a minute, i'm brown-capping really bad "i know u are, i can smell it over here for real""
when you have to take a shit so bad that its halfway out of your asshole
""dude you excuse me for a minute, i'm brown-capping really bad "i know u are, i can smell it over here for real""" What is the definition of "brown-capping"?
elounor shipper: omygod louis and eleanor are so fucking cute together
"the "ship" name created by tumblrers and one direction fans to identify the relationship between eleanor calder and louis tomlinson
"elounor shipper: omygod louis and eleanor are so fucking cute together" What is the definition of "elounor"?
hanging sock tits
brenda looks like she has hanging sock tits in that bikini top
phrase used to describe a set of boobs so unattractive that they look like a pair of socks hanging from a clothesline
"brenda looks like she has hanging sock tits in that bikini top" What is the definition of "hanging sock tits"?
dude i gave her blastjobs and it was dripping down her canteloupes
when a dude cums inside a waterbottle and then squirts it on a girls face
"dude i gave her blastjobs and it was dripping down her canteloupes" What is the definition of "blastjobs"?
cock willy
dude, steve just gave lisa a cock willy while she was passed out drunk in the shower
when a guy sticks his penis in someones ear
"dude, steve just gave lisa a cock willy while she was passed out drunk in the shower" What is the definition of "cock willy"?
after turcs and the coach had a few beers they grabbed a seat at the bar and put on their cocknoculars
when you've consumed copious amounts of alcohol and most women, including those who would normally be deemed unattractive start to look beautiful
"after turcs and the coach had a few beers they grabbed a seat at the bar and put on their cocknoculars" What is the definition of "cocknoculars"?
joe: hows my chances with jess? dick: really good dude, shes whore-able
in comparison to the word horrible, means a female who is very open towards casual sexual relations
" joe: hows my chances with jess? dick: really good dude, shes whore-able" What is the definition of "whore-able"?
oh, dean, laura went down on me and gave me a little bunalingus
the fetish of performing oral sex on another persons ass
"oh, dean, laura went down on me and gave me a little bunalingus" What is the definition of "bunalingus"?
man, that guy is an anust
one who posseses properties close to that of an anus
"man, that guy is an anust" What is the definition of "anust"?
an attack of conscience stopped me from having my way with her, as my desires wanted to, but my experience told me that to rush would likely lead to failure
it is collection of dissociated memories of past mental failures
"an attack of conscience stopped me from having my way with her, as my desires wanted to, but my experience told me that to rush would likely lead to failure" What is the definition of "conscience"?
humans about 1 million years ago did not have a conscience
having a mind
"humans about 1 million years ago did not have a conscience" What is the definition of "conscience"?
you have to check your conscience at the door to work for the white house nowadays, simply because the bush administration doesn't have one
a sense of right and wrong, something [neocon]s right-wing republicans, and other garden variety sociopaths do not have
"you have to check your conscience at the door to work for the white house nowadays, simply because the bush administration doesn't have one" What is the definition of "conscience"?
bob :my conscience is telling me, i should talk to her
your heart telling you what you should do, but can listen to your mind instead and not do it
"bob :my conscience is telling me, i should talk to her" What is the definition of "conscience"?
an attack of conscience stopped me from having my way with her, as my desires wanted to, but my experience told me that to rush would likely lead to failure
it is collection of dissociated memories of past mental failures
"an attack of conscience stopped me from having my way with her, as my desires wanted to, but my experience told me that to rush would likely lead to failure" What is the definition of "conscience"?
humans about 1 million years ago did not have a conscience
having a mind
"humans about 1 million years ago did not have a conscience" What is the definition of "conscience"?
you have to check your conscience at the door to work for the white house nowadays, simply because the bush administration doesn't have one
a sense of right and wrong, something [neocon]s right-wing republicans, and other garden variety sociopaths do not have
"you have to check your conscience at the door to work for the white house nowadays, simply because the bush administration doesn't have one" What is the definition of "conscience"?
bob :my conscience is telling me, i should talk to her
your heart telling you what you should do, but can listen to your mind instead and not do it
"bob :my conscience is telling me, i should talk to her" What is the definition of "conscience"?