1 value
1 value
bitch nigger
robert patterson is such a bitch nigger for trying to steal bella from taylor
one who hates someone for no reason and slams down hate and tyranny
"robert patterson is such a bitch nigger for trying to steal bella from taylor" What is the definition of "bitch nigger"?
bitch nigger
caleb poulter is a bitch nigger
a nigger who acts like a little bitch like caleb poulter and wh sucks ass and can'dt fight or do anything right like a low life piece of a shit
"caleb poulter is a bitch nigger" What is the definition of "bitch nigger"?
bitch nigger
robert patterson is such a bitch nigger for trying to steal bella from taylor
one who hates someone for no reason and slams down hate and tyranny
"robert patterson is such a bitch nigger for trying to steal bella from taylor" What is the definition of "bitch nigger"?
bitch nigger
caleb poulter is a bitch nigger
a nigger who acts like a little bitch like caleb poulter and wh sucks ass and can'dt fight or do anything right like a low life piece of a shit
"caleb poulter is a bitch nigger" What is the definition of "bitch nigger"?
bitch nigger
robert patterson is such a bitch nigger for trying to steal bella from taylor
one who hates someone for no reason and slams down hate and tyranny
"robert patterson is such a bitch nigger for trying to steal bella from taylor" What is the definition of "bitch nigger"?
bitch nigger
caleb poulter is a bitch nigger
a nigger who acts like a little bitch like caleb poulter and wh sucks ass and can'dt fight or do anything right like a low life piece of a shit
"caleb poulter is a bitch nigger" What is the definition of "bitch nigger"?
don won
paco is a don won a what? a seducer of young vulnerable women <check the movie across the universe>
a seducer of young vulnerable women
"paco is a don won a what? a seducer of young vulnerable women <check the movie across the universe>" What is the definition of "don won"?
beat my meat
nick h: hey rossi what r u doing when u get home rossi: i'm going to beat my meat while wacthing xxx
beating of ones meat by one also known as jacking off
"nick h: hey rossi what r u doing when u get home rossi: i'm going to beat my meat while wacthing xxx" What is the definition of "beat my meat"?
beat my meat
i beat my meat for hours last night, it was super hard
to play meat boy or super meat boy
"i beat my meat for hours last night, it was super hard" What is the definition of "beat my meat"?
john 5
jimmy: did you hear john 5 quit manson? mike: he didn't quit you fucking dipshit, he got kicked out
"one of the greatest guitarists ever
"jimmy: did you hear john 5 quit manson? mike: he didn't quit you fucking dipshit, he got kicked out" What is the definition of "john 5"?
john 5
john 5 is the musical equivalent of climaxing in an old person's crutches
former guitarist of [marilyn manson] and current lead guitarist for [rob zombie]
"john 5 is the musical equivalent of climaxing in an old person's crutches" What is the definition of "john 5"?
john 5
john 5 and manson split because of creative differences, nobody was kicked out or quit
a kickass guitarist, best know for wielding a wide array of classic fender telecasters, as well as many custom john5 tele's
"john 5 and manson split because of creative differences, nobody was kicked out or quit" What is the definition of "john 5"?
did you see madsen get bonnerfied with that crossover?
when an nba player gets owned by spurs forward matt bonner
"did you see madsen get bonnerfied with that crossover?" What is the definition of "bonnerfied"?
chelsey tilson
she is so chelsey tilson
is an amazing person is gorgeous
"she is so chelsey tilson" What is the definition of "chelsey tilson"?
don't let cuntcy over there see you on the urban dictionary during work
"anyone named "nancy" who is, well, a cunt
"don't let cuntcy over there see you on the urban dictionary during work" What is the definition of "cuntcy"?
a gizi
aphrodite is cool, but is also a gizi
a pathetic manchild who pretends to be a female on the internet
"aphrodite is cool, but is also a gizi" What is the definition of "a gizi"?
dude, that place was almost as good as the time we went to visit the l.s.h. headquarters other guy: dam str8
legion of super hookers
"dude, that place was almost as good as the time we went to visit the l.s.h. headquarters other guy: dam str8" What is the definition of "l.s.h."?
keera spells her name weird
a female name
"keera spells her name weird" What is the definition of "keera"?
keera you are an animal
a beautiful girl, and a poplar irish name that means lord
"keera you are an animal" What is the definition of "keera"?
omg is that banas with carson yea theyve been together since 2
someone who is loyal to carson is in love with him and team c
"omg is that banas with carson yea theyve been together since 2" What is the definition of "banas"?
this shit is banas
"something that's really dumb
"this shit is banas" What is the definition of "banas"?
omg is that banas with carson yea theyve been together since 2
someone who is loyal to carson is in love with him and team c
"omg is that banas with carson yea theyve been together since 2" What is the definition of "banas"?
this shit is banas
"something that's really dumb
"this shit is banas" What is the definition of "banas"?
omg is that banas with carson yea theyve been together since 2
someone who is loyal to carson is in love with him and team c
"omg is that banas with carson yea theyve been together since 2" What is the definition of "banas"?
this shit is banas
"something that's really dumb
"this shit is banas" What is the definition of "banas"?
omg is that banas with carson yea theyve been together since 2
someone who is loyal to carson is in love with him and team c
"omg is that banas with carson yea theyve been together since 2" What is the definition of "banas"?
this shit is banas
"something that's really dumb
"this shit is banas" What is the definition of "banas"?
"hey, did you know the number dirf comes after 5? teachers don't teach you about it until you get into algebra, but it's there
1) n
""hey, did you know the number dirf comes after 5? teachers don't teach you about it until you get into algebra, but it's there" What is the definition of "dirf"?
"ha ha, dude that was an epic dirf
a failed drift
""ha ha, dude that was an epic dirf" What is the definition of "dirf"?
"ha ha, dude that was an epic dirf
a failed drift
""ha ha, dude that was an epic dirf" What is the definition of "dirf"?
12345 dirf 6789
a new number made by the nation math league released in 2009
"12345 dirf 6789" What is the definition of "dirf"?
br0 i d1d a mad dirf int0 the kurb g
when one attempts to 'drift'
"br0 i d1d a mad dirf int0 the kurb g" What is the definition of "dirf"?
you fag go dirf
when a person cums into their own mouth and swallows it
"you fag go dirf" What is the definition of "dirf"?
his dirf was hairy
"the space between the ball sack and the asshole, in other words th "gouche""
"his dirf was hairy" What is the definition of "dirf"?
roger smith of big o begins to develop autonophilia over the course of the series
a sexual attraction to [androids] or robots
"roger smith of big o begins to develop autonophilia over the course of the series" What is the definition of "autonophilia"?
sara graduated from d.a.s.h. and became a famous fashion designer
design and architecture senior high school, in miami florida
"sara graduated from d.a.s.h. and became a famous fashion designer" What is the definition of "d.a.s.h."?
sara graduated from d.a.s.h. and became a famous fashion designer
design and architecture senior high school, in miami florida
"sara graduated from d.a.s.h. and became a famous fashion designer" What is the definition of "d.a.s.h."?
crisphy nanos
when you've sniffed all the stink off of the panties you have to gnaw off the crisphy nanos
dried coochy boogers, the yellow/white crust left on skanky nikkers
"when you've sniffed all the stink off of the panties you have to gnaw off the crisphy nanos" What is the definition of "crisphy nanos"?
crisphy nanos
"hey did you see that girl's face in the yearbook class photo? "yea dude, i'm not gonna miss crisphy nanos
a derogatory term describing a young black individual, usually in the form of a fake yearbook name
""hey did you see that girl's face in the yearbook class photo? "yea dude, i'm not gonna miss crisphy nanos" What is the definition of "crisphy nanos"?
crisphy nanos
when you've sniffed all the stink off of the panties you have to gnaw off the crisphy nanos
dried coochy boogers, the yellow/white crust left on skanky nikkers
"when you've sniffed all the stink off of the panties you have to gnaw off the crisphy nanos" What is the definition of "crisphy nanos"?
crisphy nanos
"hey did you see that girl's face in the yearbook class photo? "yea dude, i'm not gonna miss crisphy nanos
a derogatory term describing a young black individual, usually in the form of a fake yearbook name
""hey did you see that girl's face in the yearbook class photo? "yea dude, i'm not gonna miss crisphy nanos" What is the definition of "crisphy nanos"?
cockroach crawl
billy: whats up? toxic: nothin, what did you do last night billy: after choking on my fathers chode, i did the cockroach crawl into his asshole
cockroach crawl is when you crawl under a random object slapping your hands on the ground like a fucking maniac
"billy: whats up? toxic: nothin, what did you do last night billy: after choking on my fathers chode, i did the cockroach crawl into his asshole" What is the definition of "cockroach crawl"?
douche chills
watching facts of life gave me major douche chills
the feeling of nausea one is overcome by, when witnessing a completely embarrasing situation
"watching facts of life gave me major douche chills" What is the definition of "douche chills"?
douche chills
i got douche chills watching someone completely bomb making unfunny/inappropriate jokes in front of crowd
an overwhelming feeling of uncomfortable embarrassment brought on by watching someone make a fool of himself
"i got douche chills watching someone completely bomb making unfunny/inappropriate jokes in front of crowd" What is the definition of "douche chills"?
douche chills
hearing someone else get credit for that term just gives me douche chills
"originally from the howard stern show in the 1980s, when robin described friends of hers experiencing a shiver while cleansing their vaginal palette
"hearing someone else get credit for that term just gives me douche chills" What is the definition of "douche chills"?
douche chills
the lady i work with was on the phone and was being such a douche to the person on the other end that i got the douche chills
when someone is being a douche bag so bad you get the chills
"the lady i work with was on the phone and was being such a douche to the person on the other end that i got the douche chills" What is the definition of "douche chills"?
douche chills
watching facts of life gave me major douche chills
the feeling of nausea one is overcome by, when witnessing a completely embarrasing situation
"watching facts of life gave me major douche chills" What is the definition of "douche chills"?
douche chills
i got douche chills watching someone completely bomb making unfunny/inappropriate jokes in front of crowd
an overwhelming feeling of uncomfortable embarrassment brought on by watching someone make a fool of himself
"i got douche chills watching someone completely bomb making unfunny/inappropriate jokes in front of crowd" What is the definition of "douche chills"?
douche chills
hearing someone else get credit for that term just gives me douche chills
"originally from the howard stern show in the 1980s, when robin described friends of hers experiencing a shiver while cleansing their vaginal palette
"hearing someone else get credit for that term just gives me douche chills" What is the definition of "douche chills"?
douche chills
the lady i work with was on the phone and was being such a douche to the person on the other end that i got the douche chills
when someone is being a douche bag so bad you get the chills
"the lady i work with was on the phone and was being such a douche to the person on the other end that i got the douche chills" What is the definition of "douche chills"?
douche chills
watching facts of life gave me major douche chills
the feeling of nausea one is overcome by, when witnessing a completely embarrasing situation
"watching facts of life gave me major douche chills" What is the definition of "douche chills"?
douche chills
i got douche chills watching someone completely bomb making unfunny/inappropriate jokes in front of crowd
an overwhelming feeling of uncomfortable embarrassment brought on by watching someone make a fool of himself
"i got douche chills watching someone completely bomb making unfunny/inappropriate jokes in front of crowd" What is the definition of "douche chills"?
douche chills
hearing someone else get credit for that term just gives me douche chills
"originally from the howard stern show in the 1980s, when robin described friends of hers experiencing a shiver while cleansing their vaginal palette
"hearing someone else get credit for that term just gives me douche chills" What is the definition of "douche chills"?
douche chills
the lady i work with was on the phone and was being such a douche to the person on the other end that i got the douche chills
when someone is being a douche bag so bad you get the chills
"the lady i work with was on the phone and was being such a douche to the person on the other end that i got the douche chills" What is the definition of "douche chills"?
dude lets go to the bikepark and do some sweet grinds
a park similar to a skatepark made for bikes
"dude lets go to the bikepark and do some sweet grinds" What is the definition of "bikepark"?
brittany was half a virgin* when she met tyler but she went full-blow into a creamy facial nonetheless
"more than the typical [fellatio] experience, but less than atomic [oral] abuse, going "full-blow" is a hardcore, rhythmic, deep-throating onslaught of a man's [cock] region
"brittany was half a virgin* when she met tyler but she went full-blow into a creamy facial nonetheless" What is the definition of "full-blow"?
boilin the bunny
man, that girl is totally boilin the bunny crazy
derived from the movie fatal attraction in which glenn close stalks michael douglas and boils his daughter's pet bunny when he refuses to return her calls
"man, that girl is totally boilin the bunny crazy" What is the definition of "boilin the bunny"?
look you have bunnyballs
the way of describing poo in a nappy
"look you have bunnyballs" What is the definition of "bunnyballs"?
look you have bunnyballs
the way of describing poo in a nappy
"look you have bunnyballs" What is the definition of "bunnyballs"?
look you have bunnyballs
the way of describing poo in a nappy
"look you have bunnyballs" What is the definition of "bunnyballs"?
belay slave
frank was my belay slave all weekend til i finally connected the last two moves on that 5
a belay slave is someone you've hired for the day (usually payment in beer, weed whatever) to belay you while you work on a rock climbing [project]
"frank was my belay slave all weekend til i finally connected the last two moves on that 5" What is the definition of "belay slave"?
my digimon collection is now complete, i am now a digimaster
a person who has fully mastered all digimon games, watched all digimon episodes, has every digimon card, and knows everything about digimon
"my digimon collection is now complete, i am now a digimaster" What is the definition of "digimaster"?
cap city
yo cap city got it on lock down at the cotton club
"yo cap city got it on lock down at the cotton club" What is the definition of "cap city"?
cap city
georgetown to anacostia, doin' it cap city style
washington, dc, i
"georgetown to anacostia, doin' it cap city style" What is the definition of "cap city"?
food enthusiast
she is a food enthusiast
someone who loves trying newly discovered foods
"she is a food enthusiast" What is the definition of "food enthusiast"?
bobbins face
"busted are so bobbins face
someone or something that is rubbish
""busted are so bobbins face" What is the definition of "bobbins face"?
ed, edd, 'n' eddy
watching ed, edd, 'n' eddy is kinda like shooting yourself in the face
this is a show on cartoon network that apparently everyone else here loves
"watching ed, edd, 'n' eddy is kinda like shooting yourself in the face" What is the definition of "ed, edd, 'n' eddy"?
ed, edd, 'n' eddy
watching ed, edd, 'n' eddy is kinda like shooting yourself in the face
this is a show on cartoon network that apparently everyone else here loves
"watching ed, edd, 'n' eddy is kinda like shooting yourself in the face" What is the definition of "ed, edd, 'n' eddy"?
baylee samp
my penis is baylee samp tonight i geuss i cant get u pregnant
a penis that cannot cum
"my penis is baylee samp tonight i geuss i cant get u pregnant" What is the definition of "baylee samp"?
i know them hoes in the club they ain't twerkin fo free
when a girl is rubbing her ass up and down or all over a poll
"i know them hoes in the club they ain't twerkin fo free" What is the definition of "twerkin"?
hey bitch, we twerkin tonite?
sexually pleasuring yourself or somebody else
"hey bitch, we twerkin tonite?" What is the definition of "twerkin"?
boy: damn, jimmy has been twerkin it since that porn started 2 hours ago
real definition: jacking off
"boy: damn, jimmy has been twerkin it since that porn started 2 hours ago" What is the definition of "twerkin"?
my mamacita looks adorable over there; she be twerkin
being a very cute, adorable little tweety bird imitation
"my mamacita looks adorable over there; she be twerkin" What is the definition of "twerkin"?
"dude did you see the size of that chick? "yeah man, she was a total chachonka
an extremely fat person, who is considered 250 pounds overweight, and often wears extremely skimpy clothing
""dude did you see the size of that chick? "yeah man, she was a total chachonka" What is the definition of "chachonka"?
there goes brad pitt, he's rocking the otts
an extremely intelligent, sinfully good looking and uber-kind group of people
"there goes brad pitt, he's rocking the otts" What is the definition of "otts"?
you not only gave her a map of vancouver, but recommended a local restaurant and made a reservation for her there? now that's capilanitude
the ideal attitude of a capilano suspension bridge employee
"you not only gave her a map of vancouver, but recommended a local restaurant and made a reservation for her there? now that's capilanitude" What is the definition of "capilanitude"?
wow that new girl is defiantly an abiemwense
a [popular] girl who is [adored] and loved by a lot of people
"wow that new girl is defiantly an abiemwense" What is the definition of "abiemwense"?
"like necrophilia, but only chairaphilia
when having sex with a chair fulfills your every fantasy
""like necrophilia, but only chairaphilia" What is the definition of "chairaphilia"?
"johnny: "i always keep a spare half gallon of barbarossa in my trunk for emergencies
the finest of all spiced rum
""johnny: "i always keep a spare half gallon of barbarossa in my trunk for emergencies" What is the definition of "barbarossa"?
that mouzeic was up beat like a motha f******
music in the hipsters form
"that mouzeic was up beat like a motha f******" What is the definition of "mouzeic"?
dirty olaf
i just ate a dirty olaf
a dessert consisting of two chocolate chip cookies with ice cream sanwiched between them andenrobed in chocolate
"i just ate a dirty olaf" What is the definition of "dirty olaf"?
fur traders
while out kayaking on the columbia, i saw some fur traders tip over and lose all their beaver traps
two lesbians in a canoe
"while out kayaking on the columbia, i saw some fur traders tip over and lose all their beaver traps" What is the definition of "fur traders"?
australian scarlet woman
dustin: let's do the australian scarlet woman
where two guys go at it and one of them bites off the tip of the other guy's penis
"dustin: let's do the australian scarlet woman" What is the definition of "australian scarlet woman"?
akimblow job
guy 1-dude my girl gave me an akimblow job and a blumpkin last night
the act of oral sex upon a male genitalia while he is playing call of duty: modern warfare 2 (or any call of duty)
"guy 1-dude my girl gave me an akimblow job and a blumpkin last night" What is the definition of "akimblow job"?
akimblow job
guy 1-dude my girl gave me an akimblow job and a blumpkin last night
the act of oral sex upon a male genitalia while he is playing call of duty: modern warfare 2 (or any call of duty)
"guy 1-dude my girl gave me an akimblow job and a blumpkin last night" What is the definition of "akimblow job"?
john large
dude you seeing john large tonght? ugh no he is a wasteman and he threw up on me last night
complete wasteman who constantly throws up, either on people or wherever he can
"dude you seeing john large tonght? ugh no he is a wasteman and he threw up on me last night" What is the definition of "john large"?
chocolate jock surprise
chris osgood during the winter classic 2009 got a chocolate jock surprise
while playing sports, when you need to shit and can't get to a toilet you shit in your jock
"chris osgood during the winter classic 2009 got a chocolate jock surprise" What is the definition of "chocolate jock surprise"?
bar shower
it only took me three minutes to take a bar shower and divest of my rancid smells
washing only the pits, crack and sack before heading off to your favorite watering hole in hope of picking up women
"it only took me three minutes to take a bar shower and divest of my rancid smells" What is the definition of "bar shower"?
ingrid is grayromantic
when you rarely feel romantic attraction towards others
"ingrid is grayromantic" What is the definition of "grayromantic"?
duo brooks
it's easy to fall in love with duo brooks
a wicked, charismatic and malicious monster
"it's easy to fall in love with duo brooks" What is the definition of "duo brooks"?
i had a great tasting girkle today from smoothie king
a fruit smoothie with berries in it
"i had a great tasting girkle today from smoothie king" What is the definition of "girkle"?
wow look at that girkle go go home girkle
a coked out guerilla
"wow look at that girkle go go home girkle" What is the definition of "girkle"?
never let a mouth-breather speak to you very close, or you might regret it
"never let a mouth-breather speak to you very close, or you might regret it" What is the definition of "mouth-breather"?
lucid dream
i had a lucid dream where i flew around
a dream where, inside the dream, you know you are dreaming
"i had a lucid dream where i flew around" What is the definition of "lucid dream"?
lucid dream
person 1: i had a lucid dream this week
knowing in your dream, that you're dreaming
"person 1: i had a lucid dream this week" What is the definition of "lucid dream"?
lucid dream
last night, i experienced a lucid dream in which i had superpowers, flew across the galaxy, and dated mila kunis at the same time
"a lucid dream is one in which the dreamer has total, or partial, control of oneself and one's surroundings, by making the realization that he or she is actually asleep
"last night, i experienced a lucid dream in which i had superpowers, flew across the galaxy, and dated mila kunis at the same time" What is the definition of "lucid dream"?
lucid dream
dude 1: bro, i had this awesome lucid dream last night
a lucid dream is where you are dreaming, but you're aware at the fact that you're dreaming
"dude 1: bro, i had this awesome lucid dream last night" What is the definition of "lucid dream"?
i stumbled into the bathroom last night and stepped on a damn aussieturd again
those little round balls of dog crap that you find in your house when you have an australian shepherd dog
"i stumbled into the bathroom last night and stepped on a damn aussieturd again" What is the definition of "aussieturd"?
eight octaves
eight octaves services www
website: www
"eight octaves services www" What is the definition of "eight octaves"?
black jesus painting
you know that cat dirty red who i buy that kush from? he has a black jesus painting promintely displayed in his filthy living room, that shit creeps me out yo
a really shitty painting of a black jesus found mostly in poor black people's homes
"you know that cat dirty red who i buy that kush from? he has a black jesus painting promintely displayed in his filthy living room, that shit creeps me out yo" What is the definition of "black jesus painting"?