1 value
1 value
binary idiot
binary idiot owns me
binary idiot is a website
"binary idiot owns me" What is the definition of "binary idiot"?
tit-to-tit transmission
my girlfriend smothered me with her tits, thus completing a tit-to-tit transmission
when a girl places her tits on either side of your face such that they cover both of your ears
"my girlfriend smothered me with her tits, thus completing a tit-to-tit transmission" What is the definition of "tit-to-tit transmission"?
1 - i'm 3m'n (posted
3m’n is the same as posted (chilling in one spot)
"1 - i'm 3m'n (posted" What is the definition of "3m'n"?
1 - i'm 3m'n (posted
3m’n is the same as posted (chilling in one spot)
"1 - i'm 3m'n (posted" What is the definition of "3m'n"?
man, i was at the club birdwatching
observing or watching a group of good looking females
"man, i was at the club birdwatching" What is the definition of "birdwatching"?
hayden and brayden went birdwatching in the woods because they liked to build dams in the river
1) the act of disobeying a track (or [xc]) coaches orders and going for runs in trails, forests, mountains, or people's backyards for sport
"hayden and brayden went birdwatching in the woods because they liked to build dams in the river" What is the definition of "birdwatching"?
that man be birdwatching
looking at a man's dick
"that man be birdwatching" What is the definition of "birdwatching"?
man, i was at the club birdwatching
observing or watching a group of good looking females
"man, i was at the club birdwatching" What is the definition of "birdwatching"?
hayden and brayden went birdwatching in the woods because they liked to build dams in the river
1) the act of disobeying a track (or [xc]) coaches orders and going for runs in trails, forests, mountains, or people's backyards for sport
"hayden and brayden went birdwatching in the woods because they liked to build dams in the river" What is the definition of "birdwatching"?
that man be birdwatching
looking at a man's dick
"that man be birdwatching" What is the definition of "birdwatching"?
man, i was at the club birdwatching
observing or watching a group of good looking females
"man, i was at the club birdwatching" What is the definition of "birdwatching"?
hayden and brayden went birdwatching in the woods because they liked to build dams in the river
1) the act of disobeying a track (or [xc]) coaches orders and going for runs in trails, forests, mountains, or people's backyards for sport
"hayden and brayden went birdwatching in the woods because they liked to build dams in the river" What is the definition of "birdwatching"?
that man be birdwatching
looking at a man's dick
"that man be birdwatching" What is the definition of "birdwatching"?
man, i was at the club birdwatching
observing or watching a group of good looking females
"man, i was at the club birdwatching" What is the definition of "birdwatching"?
hayden and brayden went birdwatching in the woods because they liked to build dams in the river
1) the act of disobeying a track (or [xc]) coaches orders and going for runs in trails, forests, mountains, or people's backyards for sport
"hayden and brayden went birdwatching in the woods because they liked to build dams in the river" What is the definition of "birdwatching"?
that man be birdwatching
looking at a man's dick
"that man be birdwatching" What is the definition of "birdwatching"?
man, i was at the club birdwatching
observing or watching a group of good looking females
"man, i was at the club birdwatching" What is the definition of "birdwatching"?
hayden and brayden went birdwatching in the woods because they liked to build dams in the river
1) the act of disobeying a track (or [xc]) coaches orders and going for runs in trails, forests, mountains, or people's backyards for sport
"hayden and brayden went birdwatching in the woods because they liked to build dams in the river" What is the definition of "birdwatching"?
that man be birdwatching
looking at a man's dick
"that man be birdwatching" What is the definition of "birdwatching"?
pissing it down
look outside, holy shit, it's pissing it down
raining cats and dogs / raining on dave landins' parade
"look outside, holy shit, it's pissing it down" What is the definition of "pissing it down"?
lebos live in bankstown carry a gun and rape young girls
saying lebo's are all digusting, smelly, rasict people is like saying theres no bad in your culture
"lebos live in bankstown carry a gun and rape young girls" What is the definition of "lebos"?
lebs lebos lebanese
"lebos are like anyone else
"lebs lebos lebanese" What is the definition of "lebos"?
_______ had a party and we left him a clooney
"the act of secretly shitting in a friends cat litter box
"_______ had a party and we left him a clooney" What is the definition of "clooney"?
come over to my place and we'll twist up a fat clooney and chill
a blunt rolled with a swisher sweet
"come over to my place and we'll twist up a fat clooney and chill" What is the definition of "clooney"?
clooney is the perfect man
steve lee
"clooney is the perfect man" What is the definition of "clooney"?
_______ had a party and we left him a clooney
"the act of secretly shitting in a friends cat litter box
"_______ had a party and we left him a clooney" What is the definition of "clooney"?
come over to my place and we'll twist up a fat clooney and chill
a blunt rolled with a swisher sweet
"come over to my place and we'll twist up a fat clooney and chill" What is the definition of "clooney"?
clooney is the perfect man
steve lee
"clooney is the perfect man" What is the definition of "clooney"?
downlow brother
"hey, girl did you hear about shay? "yeah, i heard to beat the black off of her man when she found out he was a downlow brother
""hey, girl did you hear about shay? "yeah, i heard to beat the black off of her man when she found out he was a downlow brother" What is the definition of "downlow brother"?
downlow brother
"hey, girl did you hear about shay? "yeah, i heard to beat the black off of her man when she found out he was a downlow brother
""hey, girl did you hear about shay? "yeah, i heard to beat the black off of her man when she found out he was a downlow brother" What is the definition of "downlow brother"?
canadian air mass
i hear a rumbling in my tummy, i think i feel a canadian air mass coming on
"when you break wind and the sound comes out as "ehhhh""
"i hear a rumbling in my tummy, i think i feel a canadian air mass coming on" What is the definition of "canadian air mass"?
flail mix
you just cooked some black rock i've got some resin, so lets make some flail mix and get really stoned
a mixture of crack cocaine, [black rock], and resin
"you just cooked some black rock i've got some resin, so lets make some flail mix and get really stoned" What is the definition of "flail mix"?
get me a coluch in a dirty glass
an alcoholic beverage in a dirty glass
"get me a coluch in a dirty glass" What is the definition of "coluch"?
on the alouensa tip
used to describe a summary of anything
"on the alouensa tip" What is the definition of "alouensa"?
fooass - fooasz asscake - aszcake
see asscake also, a way of basterdizing words by adding a z sound to the end of ass employed by those who lack the creative talent themself
"fooass - fooasz asscake - aszcake" What is the definition of "aszcake"?
sundeep is founder of the aszcake society
aszcake is a word entirely different from 'asscake'
"sundeep is founder of the aszcake society" What is the definition of "aszcake"?
fooass - fooasz asscake - aszcake
see asscake also, a way of basterdizing words by adding a z sound to the end of ass employed by those who lack the creative talent themself
"fooass - fooasz asscake - aszcake" What is the definition of "aszcake"?
sundeep is founder of the aszcake society
aszcake is a word entirely different from 'asscake'
"sundeep is founder of the aszcake society" What is the definition of "aszcake"?
back down
back down b'fo i gots to blast you mutha fucka
a warning you give to a mo'fo thats been on your nerves for the longest time just before you blast thier ass wide open
"back down b'fo i gots to blast you mutha fucka" What is the definition of "back down"?
back down
back down b'fo i gots to blast you mutha fucka
a warning you give to a mo'fo thats been on your nerves for the longest time just before you blast thier ass wide open
"back down b'fo i gots to blast you mutha fucka" What is the definition of "back down"?
back down
back down b'fo i gots to blast you mutha fucka
a warning you give to a mo'fo thats been on your nerves for the longest time just before you blast thier ass wide open
"back down b'fo i gots to blast you mutha fucka" What is the definition of "back down"?
as i started to fall asleep, i felt my conciousness slip away, and felt as if i was in extremis
the space between life and death
"as i started to fall asleep, i felt my conciousness slip away, and felt as if i was in extremis" What is the definition of "extremis"?
bag lapper
feuntes quit being a bag lapper
a bag lapper is a person that loves lapping balls
"feuntes quit being a bag lapper" What is the definition of "bag lapper"?
bag lapper
feuntes quit being a bag lapper
a bag lapper is a person that loves lapping balls
"feuntes quit being a bag lapper" What is the definition of "bag lapper"?
nebraska sushi
"what did you have for dinner? "just some nebraska sushi after i gave her the reverse winston churchill""
the act of eating the corn out of ones fecal matter with chopsticks
""what did you have for dinner? "just some nebraska sushi after i gave her the reverse winston churchill""" What is the definition of "nebraska sushi"?
championship level
i'm still not sure how the hell i pulled missy, because she is championship level
the apex level of hot women
"i'm still not sure how the hell i pulled missy, because she is championship level" What is the definition of "championship level"?
did you see that crazy goal dennis scored? that was a serious buttershot
an amazing indoor soccer goal that makes everyone shake their head in disbelief
"did you see that crazy goal dennis scored? that was a serious buttershot" What is the definition of "buttershot"?
did you see that crazy goal dennis scored? that was a serious buttershot
an amazing indoor soccer goal that makes everyone shake their head in disbelief
"did you see that crazy goal dennis scored? that was a serious buttershot" What is the definition of "buttershot"?
bling satchel
omg, holl, love the new bling satchel
a cute/trendy bag or purse
"omg, holl, love the new bling satchel" What is the definition of "bling satchel"?
i wanna stick it in your bobbum
replacement word for butt
"i wanna stick it in your bobbum" What is the definition of "bobbum"?
i'm going to major in bullshitology when i get older what do you call the study of lies? what? bullshitology
the study of bullshitting the class where one studies [bullshit] a joke played on people who study lies
"i'm going to major in bullshitology when i get older what do you call the study of lies? what? bullshitology" What is the definition of "bullshitology"?
i'm going to major in bullshitology when i get older what do you call the study of lies? what? bullshitology
the study of bullshitting the class where one studies [bullshit] a joke played on people who study lies
"i'm going to major in bullshitology when i get older what do you call the study of lies? what? bullshitology" What is the definition of "bullshitology"?
that motherfucker ate a box of the cizzle and fucked a cat
coricidin or dxm, in reference to the high frequency sound of one's brain frying after ingesting such chemicals, heard only by dogs
"that motherfucker ate a box of the cizzle and fucked a cat" What is the definition of "cizzle"?
yo lets get some cizzle tonight so we can rail em and have a good time
"yo lets get some cizzle tonight so we can rail em and have a good time" What is the definition of "cizzle"?
cat lady
"lets go steal a cat from the cat lady and lynch it "mr
"an old woman who lives alone with multiple cats and smells of cat urine
""lets go steal a cat from the cat lady and lynch it "mr" What is the definition of "cat lady"?
cat lady
it's so annoying when that cat lady posts pictures of her cats all over facebook
a woman that finds too much happiness in her cats
"it's so annoying when that cat lady posts pictures of her cats all over facebook" What is the definition of "cat lady"?
cat lady
psychietrist: do you smoke cannabis patient: no, but my mum used to take me over to see the cat lady when i was a child
a spinster who has more cats than anyone would care to care for
"psychietrist: do you smoke cannabis patient: no, but my mum used to take me over to see the cat lady when i was a child" What is the definition of "cat lady"?
cat lady
damn, that cat lady is looking goooood
cat ladies are very smexy
"damn, that cat lady is looking goooood" What is the definition of "cat lady"?
cat lady
"lets go steal a cat from the cat lady and lynch it "mr
"an old woman who lives alone with multiple cats and smells of cat urine
""lets go steal a cat from the cat lady and lynch it "mr" What is the definition of "cat lady"?
cat lady
it's so annoying when that cat lady posts pictures of her cats all over facebook
a woman that finds too much happiness in her cats
"it's so annoying when that cat lady posts pictures of her cats all over facebook" What is the definition of "cat lady"?
cat lady
psychietrist: do you smoke cannabis patient: no, but my mum used to take me over to see the cat lady when i was a child
a spinster who has more cats than anyone would care to care for
"psychietrist: do you smoke cannabis patient: no, but my mum used to take me over to see the cat lady when i was a child" What is the definition of "cat lady"?
cat lady
damn, that cat lady is looking goooood
cat ladies are very smexy
"damn, that cat lady is looking goooood" What is the definition of "cat lady"?
cat lady
"lets go steal a cat from the cat lady and lynch it "mr
"an old woman who lives alone with multiple cats and smells of cat urine
""lets go steal a cat from the cat lady and lynch it "mr" What is the definition of "cat lady"?
cat lady
it's so annoying when that cat lady posts pictures of her cats all over facebook
a woman that finds too much happiness in her cats
"it's so annoying when that cat lady posts pictures of her cats all over facebook" What is the definition of "cat lady"?
cat lady
psychietrist: do you smoke cannabis patient: no, but my mum used to take me over to see the cat lady when i was a child
a spinster who has more cats than anyone would care to care for
"psychietrist: do you smoke cannabis patient: no, but my mum used to take me over to see the cat lady when i was a child" What is the definition of "cat lady"?
cat lady
damn, that cat lady is looking goooood
cat ladies are very smexy
"damn, that cat lady is looking goooood" What is the definition of "cat lady"?
carve a shark
those street tacos are tearing me up, i'm gonna go carve a shark
defecating, dropping a big turd, dropping the kids off at the pool
"those street tacos are tearing me up, i'm gonna go carve a shark" What is the definition of "carve a shark"?
fecal dart
man, i saw this kid walk by, and as a joke, i shot a fecal dart at his forehead
a peice of feces launched out of the anus, with the objective of hitting someone in the face, or just spashing in the toilet water
"man, i saw this kid walk by, and as a joke, i shot a fecal dart at his forehead" What is the definition of "fecal dart"?
fleshy fun bridge
i'm not sleeping with him until he shaves his fleshy fun bridge
the skin between the anus and the nut sack
"i'm not sleeping with him until he shaves his fleshy fun bridge" What is the definition of "fleshy fun bridge"?
fleshy fun bridge
he spent all night tickling my fleshy fun bridge
the are bettween the anus and genitals of a person, the term fleshy fun bridge is the literal translation of what the soiux tribe called this area
"he spent all night tickling my fleshy fun bridge" What is the definition of "fleshy fun bridge"?
fleshy fun bridge
"i busted my speamy hot man load all over her fleshy fun bridge
see also, taint
""i busted my speamy hot man load all over her fleshy fun bridge" What is the definition of "fleshy fun bridge"?
that cuntknuckles mother fucker sent my parents a letter saying i have a d in my government class and now i'm going to be slaughtered
a little facking pussy whore who fully enjoys shitting on people's sanity
"that cuntknuckles mother fucker sent my parents a letter saying i have a d in my government class and now i'm going to be slaughtered" What is the definition of "cuntknuckles"?
that cuntknuckles mother fucker sent my parents a letter saying i have a d in my government class and now i'm going to be slaughtered
a little facking pussy whore who fully enjoys shitting on people's sanity
"that cuntknuckles mother fucker sent my parents a letter saying i have a d in my government class and now i'm going to be slaughtered" What is the definition of "cuntknuckles"?
that cuntknuckles mother fucker sent my parents a letter saying i have a d in my government class and now i'm going to be slaughtered
a little facking pussy whore who fully enjoys shitting on people's sanity
"that cuntknuckles mother fucker sent my parents a letter saying i have a d in my government class and now i'm going to be slaughtered" What is the definition of "cuntknuckles"?
bowling it
average teen- you see that kid bowling it down the road? average teen 2- yeah, he looked a right idiot
walking with a slight limp on purpose
"average teen- you see that kid bowling it down the road? average teen 2- yeah, he looked a right idiot" What is the definition of "bowling it"?
bowling it
average teen- you see that kid bowling it down the road? average teen 2- yeah, he looked a right idiot
walking with a slight limp on purpose
"average teen- you see that kid bowling it down the road? average teen 2- yeah, he looked a right idiot" What is the definition of "bowling it"?
person 1:omg anujan is going out with grusan person 2:i know, he's such a pg
"stands for "popular group"
"person 1:omg anujan is going out with grusan person 2:i know, he's such a pg" What is the definition of "pg"?
g, pg and pg-13 movies sucks
parental guidance when it comes to movies
"g, pg and pg-13 movies sucks" What is the definition of "pg"?
you might be a bieblieber, but i am a beadlieber
a fan of youtube sensation/comedian christian beadles! christian is the best friend of justin bieber, caitlin beadles dated justin bieber
"you might be a bieblieber, but i am a beadlieber" What is the definition of "beadlieber"?
omfg, i'm so l44t it's scary
exactly eleven greater than l33t
"omfg, i'm so l44t it's scary" What is the definition of "l44t"?
"that bitch seriously needs to coac sometime soon
"an acronym for "choke on a cock"
""that bitch seriously needs to coac sometime soon" What is the definition of "coac"?
muzzle loading
that dude [passed out] after muzzle loading at sushi, but he made $75
the act of packing wasabi in one's urethra with a chopstick, often for money
"that dude [passed out] after muzzle loading at sushi, but he made $75" What is the definition of "muzzle loading"?
fuck your time
man whore: let's hook up but keep this between me and you girl: nah, fuck your time
"man whore: let's hook up but keep this between me and you girl: nah, fuck your time" What is the definition of "fuck your time"?
that's a great arancoril tree, albert
an obscure type of wood found only in the dense forests of balwyn
"that's a great arancoril tree, albert" What is the definition of "arancoril"?
spicy meat pipe
my girlfriend gave me a spicy meat pipe last night and it felt wonderful
the act of smothering your dick with sriracha sauce and getting it sucked
"my girlfriend gave me a spicy meat pipe last night and it felt wonderful" What is the definition of "spicy meat pipe"?
bob skeleton
bob skeleton and macabre de coiffure would get the job done, if they weren't so bloody miserable
"[noel fielding]'s goth detective alias, partner to russell "macabre de coiffure" brand
"bob skeleton and macabre de coiffure would get the job done, if they weren't so bloody miserable" What is the definition of "bob skeleton"?
battlefield 1942
[counterstrike] is a good game, but most people who play battlefield 1942 see it as mediocre, and afterwards find it less enjoyable then the said title
"one of the most groundbreaking games in [fps] history, allowing players to re-enact historical battles of [world war 2] in surprising (if not perfect) accuracy and realism
"[counterstrike] is a good game, but most people who play battlefield 1942 see it as mediocre, and afterwards find it less enjoyable then the said title" What is the definition of "battlefield 1942"?
battlefield 1942
battlefield 1942 is awesome, i'll be playing this all day
top 3 reasons why the 2002 is the best year: 1
"battlefield 1942 is awesome, i'll be playing this all day" What is the definition of "battlefield 1942"?
bend it bust it open
i want to see you bend it bust it open
shaking that ass really hard and a bounce song
"i want to see you bend it bust it open" What is the definition of "bend it bust it open"?
cyber piss
"dude i played counter-strike for 9 hours straight and when i eventually got up i had to take the biggest cyber piss of my life
cyber piss is when you get so into the video game that you are playing you forget about going to the bathroom
""dude i played counter-strike for 9 hours straight and when i eventually got up i had to take the biggest cyber piss of my life" What is the definition of "cyber piss"?
when i went to visit my grandma in jail we had a festeromous
a festering fun time
"when i went to visit my grandma in jail we had a festeromous" What is the definition of "festeromous"?
look at that little emo chick, she has hottential
jailbait - will be hot when you can legally say she is
"look at that little emo chick, she has hottential" What is the definition of "hottential"?
"hobo: "my penis is covered in femen after that dirty anal sex
a mixture of feces and semen
""hobo: "my penis is covered in femen after that dirty anal sex" What is the definition of "femen"?
i went to finger her, but she was already so hot with femen that i just went ahead and fucked her brains out
female sexual discharge
"i went to finger her, but she was already so hot with femen that i just went ahead and fucked her brains out" What is the definition of "femen"?
after a night of ass rogering, i filled the toilet with femen
the substance that is produced after man on man, or man on woman, anal sex-without a condom
"after a night of ass rogering, i filled the toilet with femen" What is the definition of "femen"?
"hobo: "my penis is covered in femen after that dirty anal sex
a mixture of feces and semen
""hobo: "my penis is covered in femen after that dirty anal sex" What is the definition of "femen"?
i went to finger her, but she was already so hot with femen that i just went ahead and fucked her brains out
female sexual discharge
"i went to finger her, but she was already so hot with femen that i just went ahead and fucked her brains out" What is the definition of "femen"?
after a night of ass rogering, i filled the toilet with femen
the substance that is produced after man on man, or man on woman, anal sex-without a condom
"after a night of ass rogering, i filled the toilet with femen" What is the definition of "femen"?
bro hole
man, i hate jerking off, time to call up that bro hole
when a girl has sex with group of friends back and forth within a period of time
"man, i hate jerking off, time to call up that bro hole" What is the definition of "bro hole"?
bro hole
i'm not gay, i was only using his bro hole
a hole which is to be used only by your best friend, in times of need
"i'm not gay, i was only using his bro hole" What is the definition of "bro hole"?